#The priests were clothed (Ex. 29:5-6; Lev. 8:7-9)
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Consecration of the Priests (Part 1), Exodus 29:1-37; 30:22-33
Consecration of the Priests (Part 1), Exodus 29:1-37; 30:22-33
“It comes as a shock to some people to learn that Jesus did not die to make us happy; He died to make sinners holy. ‘Be holy, for I am holy’ was a frequent command to the Jews and it’s repeated in 1 Peter 1:15-16 for believers today. . . .” – Warren Wiersbe, Be Delivered
My last post explored the purpose of the priesthood and the High Priest. We learned that the priesthood with the sacrificial…
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#“all our righteous acts are like filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6)#Bible Study: Consecration of the Priests (Part 1) (Exodus 29:1-37; 30:22-33)#Christianity#God loves sinners and died to cleanse us from sin#God&039;s is holy and hates sin#Jesus became our final sacrifice on the cross (Hebrews 10) to offer forgiveness and eternal life#Jesus our great high priest#Jesus our Mediator#Joy: a by-product of living in God&039;s presence and not dependant upon circumstances#The first step toward happiness is holiness (Warren Wiersbe: Be Delivered)#The priests were clothed (Ex. 29:5-6; Lev. 8:7-9)#The priests were washed (Ex. 29:4; Lev. 8:6)#We can&039;t achieve righteousness by our own efforts#why did Jesus die on the cross?#why does God discipline those He loves? (Heb. 12:11)
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Old & New testaments Contradiction
. There were giants before the Flood. Gen.6:4.
All, except Noah and his family, were destroyed in the Flood. Gen.7:21-23; 2 Pet.2:5.
There were giants after the Flood. Num.13:33.
It is wrong to lend money with interest. Lev.25:36, 37; Ex.22:25; Deut.23:19, 20; Ezek.22:12; Neh.5:7,10.
It is wrong to lend money without interest. Mt.25:27; Lk.19:23-27.
24,000 died in the plague. Num.25:9.
23,000 died in the plague. 1 Cor.10:8.
God blesses the wine. Gen.27:27,28; Deut.7:13.
God gives wine to gladden the heart. Ps.104:14,15.
Jesus' first miracle was turning water into wine. Jn.2:1-11.
It is good to refrain from drinking wine. Rom.14:21.
The fathers of the twelve tribes are listed. Gen.49:2-28.
Twelve different fathers are listed. Rev.7:4-8.
An eye for an eye, etc. Ex.21:23-25; Lev.24:20; Deut.19:21.
Turn the other cheek. Mt.5:38-40; Lk.6:27-29.
Arphaxad was the father of Salah. Gen.11:12.
Arphaxad was the grandfather of Salah. Lk.3:35,36.
The circumcision covenant was forever. Gen.17:10-13.
The circumcision covenant was of no importance. Gal.6:15.
God made Solomon the wisest king that ever lived, stating there would never be another like him. 1 Ki.3:12.
Jesus said that he was greater than Solomon. Mt.12:42; Lk.11:31.
Ahimalech was the high priest when David ate the shewbread. 1 Sam.21:1-6.
Abiathar was the high priest when David ate the shewbread. Mk.2:26.
Lot committed incest with his two daughters. Gen.19:30-38.
Lot was a righteous man. 2 Pet.2:7,8.
God promises Abraham the land of Canaan. Gen.17:8.
Abraham died without gaining the promise. Acts 7:2-5; Heb.11:8,13.
God tempts. Gen.22:1.
Satan tempts. 1 Cor.7:5.
God allows temptation. Job 1:8-12; Job 2:3-7.
God tempts no one. Jms.1:13.
Everything happens by chance. Ecc.9:11,12.
Noah was righteous. Gen.7:1.
Job was righteous. Job 1:1,8; Job 2:3.
Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous. Lk.1:5,6.
Some men are righteous. Jms.5:16; 1 Jn.3:7.
No one is righteous. Rom.3:10,23; 1 Jn.1:8-10.
The law was given directly to Moses. Deut.10:1-5.
The law was given through angels. Gal.3:19.
Abraham had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. Gen.16:15; Gen.21:1,3,9; Gal.4:22.
Abraham had several other sons. Gen.25:1,2.
Abraham had only one son. Heb.11:17.
Jacob was buried in a cave at Machpelah bought from Ephron the Hittite. Gen.50:13.
Jacob was buried in a sepulchre at Sychem bought from the sons of Hamor. Acts 7:15,16.
God approves the making of vows. Num.30:1,2.
Jesus forbids the making of vows. Mt.5:33-37.
"God" and "Jesus" are one in the same. Jn.10:30.
Some castrates will receive special rewards. Is.56:4,5.
Men are encouraged to consider making themselves castrates. Mt.19:12.
A castrate can not enter the assembly of God. Deut.23:1.
A man can divorce his wife for any reason and both can remarry. Deut.24:1,2.
Divorce is wrong and remarriage is adultery. Mk.10:11,12.
Adam sinned, therefore all men are condemned to death. Rom.5:12,19; 1 Cor.15:22.
Children are not to suffer for their parent's sins. Deut.24:16; 2 Ki.14:6; 2 Chr.25:4; Ezek.18:20.
God is vengeful. Gen.4:15; Deut.32:35; Ezek.25:14-17; Nah.1:2; Rom.12:19; Heb.10:30.
God is a warrior. Ex.15:3; Is.42:13; Ps.24:8.
God is a consuming fire. Deut.4:24; Deut.9:3; Heb.12:29.
God is jealous. Ex.20:5; Ex.34:14; Deut.4:24; Deut.5:9; Deut.6:15; Deut.29:20; Deut.32:21.
God murders and kills. Num.31:7,17; Deut.20:16,17; Josh.10:40; Jud.14:19; Ezek.9:5,6; Num.11:33.
God is angry. Num.32:14; Num.25:3,4; Deut.6:15; Deut.9:7,8; Deut.29:20; Deut.32:21; Ps.7:11; Ps.78:49; Jer.4:8; Jer.17:4; Jer.32:30,31; Zeph.2:2; 2 Sam.22:8,9; Ezek.6:12.
God is love and peace. 2 Cor.13:11,14; 1 Jn.4:8,16; Rom.15:33.
God's spirit inspires love, peace, etc. Gal.5:22,23.
God never changes. Mal.3:6.
Elijah went up to heaven. 2 Ki.2:11.
A man, known to Paul, went up to heaven. 2 Cor.12:2-4.
Enoch went "to heaven". Gen.5:24; Heb.11:5.
Only "Jesus" ever went up to heaven. Jn.3:13.
God does not change his mind. Numb.23:19; Is.40:8; Jms.1:17.
God does change his mind. Gen.6:6,7; Ex.32:14; Num.14:20; 1 Sam.15:35; 2 Sam.24:16.
Abraham saw God. Gen.12:7; Gen.17:1; Gen.26:2.
Isaac saw God. Ge. 26:1-3.
Jacob saw God. Gen.32:30.
Moses saw God. Ex.3:16; Ex.33:11.
Job saw God. Job 42:5.
Amos saw God. Amos 7: 7.
Many saw God. Ex.24:9-11.
No man can see God and live. Ex.33:20; Jn.1:18; 1 Jn.4:12.
The Israelites are instructed to mark their houses so that God will know to bypass them. Ex.12:13.
God knows all things at all times. Prov.15: 3; Jer.16:17; Jer.23:24; Heb.4:13.
God confused the language at Babel. Gen.11:9.
God is not the author of confusion. 1 Cor.14:33.
It was impossible for God and Judah together to defeat the enemy. Jud.1:19.
Nothing is impossible for God. Lk.1:37.
It is wrong to be able to tell good from evil. Gen.2:17.
Only a mature person is able to tell good from evil. Heb.5:13,14.
God prohibits killing. Ex.20:13; Deut.5:17; Mk.10:19; Lk.18:20; Rom.13:9; Jms.2:11.
God orders killing. Ex.32:27; Deut.7:2; Deut.13:9,15; Deut.20:17; Josh. 10:40; 2 Ki.19:35; Ezek. 9:4-6.
Sacrifices were to take away sin. Num.15:24-28.
"Jesus" sacrifice took away sins. Heb.10:12; Heb.9:26-28.
Sacrifices never take away sin. Heb.10:11.
God is sometimes angry. Deut.6:15; Deut.9:7,8; Deut.29:20; Deut.32:22.
Anger is a sin. Mt.5:22.
"God" destroys his enemies. Deut.7:9,10.
"Jesus" said to love your enemies. Mt.5:44,45.
God shows no mercy to some. Ex.4:21; Josh.11:20.
God is merciful to all. Deut.4:31; Lk.6:36; Jms.5:11.
God decides who will be deaf, dumb, and blind. Ex.4:11.
God is no respecter of persons. 2 Sam.14:14; 2 Chr.19:7; Acts 10:34; Rom.2:11.
Satan deceives. Rev.12:9.
God deceives. Ezek.14:9; 2 Thess.2:11.
God cannot lie and hates lying. Prov.12:22; Heb.6:18.
God condones lying. 1 Ki.22:22,23; 2 Chr.18:21,22.
The Spirit of God is truth. Jn.14:17; Jn.15:26; Jn.16:13; 1 Jn.4:6; 1 Jn.5:6.
The Spirit of God is a lying or evil spirit. 1 Sam.16:14-16,23; 1 Sam.18:10; 1 Sam.19:9; 1 Ki.22:22,23; 2 Chr.18:21,22.
God dwells in thick darkness. 1 Ki.8:12; 2 Chr.6:1; Ps.18:11.
God dwells in unapproachable light. 1 Ti.6:16.
The linage was: Joram, Ahaziah, Joash, Amaziah, Asariah, Jotham. 1 Chr.3:11,12.
The linage was: Joram, Ozias, Joatham, etc. Mt.1:8,9.
The righteous are "persecuted" while the wicked are "blessed". Job 2:3-6; Job 21:7-15; 2 Ti.3:12.
The righteous are "blessed" while the wicked are "destroyed". Ps.55:23; Ps.92:12-14; Prov.10:2,3,27-32; Prov.12:2,21.
God told David to build a "house" for him. 2 Sam.7:4-6.
God told David not to build a "house" for him. 1 Chr.22:8; 1 Chr.28:2,3.
God said the David's son should build a "house" for him. 1 Ki.8:19; 1 Chr.22:9,10; Acts 7:47.
God said that he does not dwell in places made with hands. Acts 7:48; Acts 17:24.
God's anger does not last forever. Ps.30:5; Jer.3:12; Mic.7:18.
God's anger does last forever. Jer.17:4; Mt.25:46.
The earth was established forever. Ps.78:69; Ecc.1:4.
The earth will someday perish. Ps.102:25,26; Mt.24:35; Mk.13:31; Lk.21:33; Heb.1:10,11; 2 Pet.3:10.
Wisdom makes a man happy. Prov.3:13.
Seek wisdom. Prov.4:7; Prov.19:8.
God gives wisdom. Jms.1:5.
Wisdom is foolishness. 1 Cor.1:19,20; 1 Cor.3:18-20.
The godly obtain favor from God. Prov.12:2; Rom.8:28.
The godly will be persecuted and scourged. 2 Tim.3:12; Heb.12:6.
It is wise to understand your future direction. Prov.14:8.
Take no thought for tomorrow. God will take care of you. Mt.6:25-34.
Do not answer a fool, otherwise you become foolish, too. Prov.26:4.
Answer a fool; otherwise, he will think himself wise. Prov.26:5.
God's word is true. Prov.30:5.
God deceives. Jer.20:7; Ezek.14:9; 2 Thess.2:11,12.
God made the wicked to be destroyed. Prov.16:4.
God deceives the wicked so they will be destroyed. 2 Thes.2:11,12.
God wants all to be saved. 1 Tim.2:3,4; 2 Pet.3:9.
The fear of God keeps men from evil. Prov.8:13; Prov.16:6.
Fear came on those baptized. Acts 2:41-43.
Cast out all fear because fear is torment. 1 Jn.4:18.
The simple believe everything, but a wise man looks carefully. Prov.14:15.
Believe as little children; otherwise, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Mt.18:3; Lk.18:17.
God alone created heaven and earth. Is.44:24.
He had help. Jn.1:1-4.
Some sow wheat but reap thorns. Jer.12:13.
Some will sow but never reap anything. Mic.6:15.
Some will never sow but will still reap. Mt.25:26; Lk.19:22.
The law was not good. Ezek.20:25.
The law was good. Rom.7:12; 1 Tim.1:8.
Two dead persons were raised by Jesus. Mt.9:18-25; Jn.11:38-44.
Dead children were raised before the time of Jesus. 1 Ki. 17:17-23; 2 Ki.4:32-37.
Jesus was the first to be raised from the dead. Acts 26:23.
The law distinguishes between clean and unclean foods. Lev.10 and 11; Deut.14.
Paul says that all foods are clean. 1 Tim.4: 1-4.
A "heavenly voice" told Peter the same thing. Acts 11: 6-9.
Jesus states that there is no such distinction. Mk.7:14,15.
Jesus also states the permanence of the law. Mt.5:17-19; Lk.16:17.
The chief priest rends his clothes at Jesus' trial. Mt.26:65; Mk.14:63.
The chief priest is not to rend his clothes. Lev.21:10.
Do not covet anything. Ex.20:17.
Seek another's wealth. 1 Cor.10:24.
David was a begotten son. Ps.2:7.
Jesus was the only begotten son. Jn.1:17,18.
Jesus was to be buried with others. Is. 53:9. (This is often quoted as referring to Jesus.)��
Jesus was buried alone. Mt.27:58-60; Mk.15:45,46; Lk.23:52,53; Jn.19:40-42.
Jesus lists "defraud not" as one of the commandments. Mk.10:19.
There is no such commandment. Ex.20:3-17.
God shows no injustice or partiality. 2 Chr.19:7; Acts 10:34; Rom.2:11.
God shows mercy or hardens whom he chooses. Ex. 33:19; Rom.9:15,18.
Source: http://www.skeptically.org/bible/id7.html
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