#The other isn't a cop because that's just blatantly a lie she was a prosecutor lawyers aren't cops last time I checked
yeetspace · 1 month
Something I said that was extremely poignant and quick way to shut someone who was trying to moralize voting third party was reminding them well two things from two separate comment sections
A point I've heard many a Time from many different people so I will not try and pretend like the opinion is mine, the people who think that voting third party and being revolutionaries will actually work are able-bodied people who have never felt the sting of systemic prejudice or just a single of the MANY deeply intersectional prejudices and So can only conceptualize themselves as the katniss, the main character from maze runner cuz I don't remember his name, that type of shit. They want to be the one that walks up on the bodies and is the one that finally is the one that does the thing. The problem is is they never once conceptualize who those bodies are. And we people who would be in that pile that they would be climbing on to finally "win the day", would really rather make the option that would allow us to work together instead of violent destructive coup that will leave no one left that was actually in the groupings that most of the previous choices were made to try and mitigate the dangers towards.
Cuz now we shift over to the other point, people are acting like the disabled, or queer, or POC or all of the above folk who are desperately not wanting people to choose the option that will actually just directly lead to their death and or removal of Rights are fear-mongering or being manipulative for daring to be mean or sound too upset about it. It's literally just fucking tone policing and it's wild that people are just pretending like it's not. When disabled queer folk tell you that this person that is actively trying to get us killed wants us killed and it said such themselves you should probably not choose the option that's going to make them have the absolute power to do whatever the fuck they want including and directly bleeding to the exact thing they have only said they will do with that power alongside also obfuscating any sort of information to its people and making things worse worse just everywhere that we have our fucking decrepit creepy ass American fingers in.
But that's also my third thing I completely forgot about this one Joe was voted in so that the able-bodied people capable of making changes and doing things could go and try and do things and then none of those things happened and less happened actually and things were taken away, And yet somehow people are trying to say that the people who are only voting this option because the last time the last option that was voted to do anything to help us just no one did anything the entire time and now we're the bad guys for the situation that happened cuz we wanted to vote in the guy that was supposed to just be there cuz he was inept enough to where the people could try and work with the communities that needed help and then none of that fucking happened and things just got worse and yet somehow the people that are actively suffering the most and we're only trying to get help because of the choices made by others are now the ones at fault for daring to want to make the choice that won't lead to their direct deaths. Like Jesus fucking Christ get over yourself vote blue.
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