#The other big secret that Breoch keeps is that he just really loves hugs
bardic-perdita · 1 month
Ask game question! Feel free to answer about anyone! I’m most curious about Breoch 😊
🔑 (key) - What’s something your character has never told anyone? Why have they kept it a secret? What, if anything, would make them reveal it?
Thank you for the ask, lovely! I'll answer for just Breoch as, once again, my answers are pretty long-winded!
Pre-tadpole and post-tadpole Breoch would have different secrets, though they are connected.
Pre-tadpole Breoch's secret would be the existence of his lover, the drow wizard Varna Kredenza. Breoch played a dangerous game in Menzoberranzan, but he was somewhat protected due to the Patron (rather than Matron) of his House being an ancient white dragon. Any lover of his would not have the same level of protection, so could be punished in his stead. Besides, he enjoyed the excitement that secrecy brought to the relationship.
Post-tadpole Breoch would keep the secret of how his last two relationships ended. He'd be reluctant to reveal how his secret relationship with Varna turned sour, and how he used promises of love and sincerity to manipulate the people around him. His second relationship with a minor drow noblewoman called Yen Ba'Tol allowed him to love openly and freely, and brought him genuine joy. Though it was short-lived as she was poisoned by somebody in the city. The true culprit never revealed themselves (assassinations are commonplace in Menzoberranzan after all) but Breoch blames himself for her death.
Once he trusts somebody enough or if it becomes a necessity for him to be honest, he would open up about his past. Vulnerability does not come easily to him, but it's only in the sharing of his secrets that he starts to believe he's capable of change and deserving of forgiveness.
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