#The marvelous askventure
princeofvelvet · 10 months
Fandom ask 1, 13, 19, 20
aww thank you for the ask!!
from love your fandom ask game
1. list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
so much ship potential like SO much ship potential!! between the three novels there's enough characters to satisfy almost any craving, especially once you get into rareships and crossover ships between the novels. It's so amazing jflsnfjfh. Another thing i love about it is the opportunity to learn about chinese culture from people who are just as excited about sharing knowledge as i am about learning ❤️ and one last thing, i love sharing fandom with my partner and getting to talk about scenarios with them or just discuss the characters and novels ❤️❤️
13. Your favorite type of fandom event.
secret santas ❤️❤️ i love writing stuff for people!! i havent participated in many but the ones i did were so fuunnn.. Also not exactly an event but i really like getting prompts in general winkwink nudgenudge..
19. your current fandom(s)
im in deep in MXTX fandom, all three of the novels, scum villain's self saving system, mo dao zu shi, and tian guan ci fu ❤️
20 has been answered ❤️
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thearcana-nsfw · 6 years
I just found this blog and oH MY GOD I LOVE IT, THAT ASRIAN THING WAS 👌👌👌👌👌
THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️ ur message made me v happy !!
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choicestweek · 7 years
am i still able to enter the choicest week?
Sadly this year's choicest week is over, but that doesn't mean the content should stop!! You're free to find inspiration in any of our prompts whenever you want, and there's always next year!
Don't wanna wait a full year? Well there might be other choicest events coming your way soon..... not gonna give anything away until Luna returns but we hope you'll be as excited as we are ^^
-Mod Zam
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osomatsu-san-texts · 8 years
I love this blog, is hilarious
(〃⌂〃) and I love you anon
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poly-dmmd · 9 years
*throws open the door* IMAGINE NOIZ TEACHING THEM ALL HOW TO PLAY SOCCER AND PROCEEDING TO ARRANGE A MATCH. (this idea originally came from an au my fiancee and i had but i want more people to play with this idea)
Please send this person headcanons omg ❤️❤️
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princeofvelvet · 10 months
for the fandom ask game: 20, 9, and 3 please!
Thank you muse!! ❤️
from love your fandom ask game
20. your very first fandom!
ohhhh hmm it was probably Gorillaz? I was writing self insert fanfic and hanging out in forums for them back in 2011~
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
oh where to even begin!! if i can only choose one, maybe liu mingyan and sha hualing? BingQiu takes up so much of my brainspace but MingLing is so good ❤️💜 maybe one day I'll write the lil modern au bouncing around in my brain..
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
probably jin guangyao, i remember not liking him much when i first finished the novel, but over time grew to love him, he's one of my faves now 😭💘
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princeofvelvet · 2 years
For the 2022 in review, 5, 17 & 19!
Thank you for the ask!! Thought i'd answer once the year was properly over~
What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing?
I only finished one fic this year! And it's the longest work ive posted in one go which is very satisfying 😊
If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
Ooh! this might be weird bc it's not about My writing but bouncing ideas with my partner and working through roadblocks brought me immense joy throughout the year 💖
How did you recharge between fics?
I spent a lot of time not writing this year so there was no between fics for me, but i bounce around poking at different things here and there!
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princeofvelvet · 2 years
Hiii :D
For the writing thing, I'm curious about 3 and 8 👀
Hiii thank you for the ask!!
3. what fic are you emotionally attached to?
My second shicest fic The one i wanna go through time with. It's one of my least popular fics yet it was so healing for me to write the shicest fix it of my dreams ❤️
8. does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not, would you tell anyone?
My friends do! and my brother too! :D
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princeofvelvet · 1 year
Hi.....Do you mind if I ask you some random thing? I used to love shounen and shoujo manga equally....But ever since I found BL manga 3 years ago, my interest in shoujosei (especially het romance) decrese a lot, and what I search for is just the dynamic between mc (male) and male lead...I don't want to read mc (female) and male lead or mc (male) and female lead...And what I want to read mostly are just mlm or wlw stories....
What do you think is happening to me? Is it really weird?
Hi! I don't mind random asks at all! First I wanna say it's not weird, and you're certainly not alone! I cant know for sure the reason, but I can tell you how it was for me.
m/f oversaturates mainstream art. It's easy to become tired of it. I know at a very young age i was already bored with the age old tale of boy meets girl. Once i learned about the gender/sexual diversity in the real world, my interest in the romance between boy and girl took a nosedive because it was just so.. expected? boring? (and frankly a lot of the time not done in a way that gets me invested in the relationship), while my interest in m/m especially grew. There can be great joy in seeing something you dont normally see in mainstream media, especially if it resonates somehow with your identity, although this is not necessary in order to find joy in queer media.
BL and GL tropes are sometimes a lot different from m/f media, and a lot of the times that too can influence why we like it. If you like the "but im not gay!.. or am i?" that's one that you wont find in m/f easily lol. same with like, say "we're in an all-girls' school and kiss 😳" those are interesting and unique and rarely explored!!
There can also be a feeling of... either seeing yourself or freeing yourself from comparisons, depending on what you like? for example, a girl who reads m/m might feel more at ease without feeling like she has to measure up to something, because she's not part of the story! but she might also like to read f/f because she likes girls and wants to read stories where the girl gets the girl! Again, these arent always the case and the kind of dynamics you like in your media can be completely unrelated to your irl sexual/romantic interests, but they are options
Allow yourself to like what you like, gravitate towards the stuff that interests you and makes you happy without worrying about fitting your likes into boxes! Sometimes you end up liking an m/f couple over the f/f or m/m one and that's okay!
tl:dr your likes are normal, you are normal! love what you love
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princeofvelvet · 2 years
1, 2, 17, 18, 19? 👀✨✨
Thank you for the ask!! 🙈💖
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out? Would you do it again?
It was my first time completing a multichap before posting! I think i'd do it again bc it ensures i dont drop it after part of it has been posted lol
What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
Uhhh good question, i think i learned to slow down a bit. it still takes a lot of effort for me to be like "wait, maybe give the scene some time" but im learning!
Share your favorite piece of dialogue
this one was a bit more calm and collected but then I changed it to yelling because. xj and qr skjgdfh
As she talked, she leaned closer with that obsessive look on her face. The itching on his body increased with the proximity, the heat. He shoved her aside and yelled. “DO YOU WANT TO BE NEXT?” Her face scrunched up in disgust and she recoiled. “I DON’T WANT YOUR STINKY DICK ANYWHERE NEAR ME.” “THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON IT.”
Share an excerpt from your favorite scene
i had a lot of fun with this one ldsgfhf
“You know, if my cousin really cared, the Water Tyrant would still be alive.” The chatter stopped. “It’s not like he didn’t have the means to save him,” he continued, “look at the guy he’s sleeping with, do you think he couldn’t ask him—” Before he finished, the very distinct stomping of heeled boots on the wooden floor approached, along with an accusation that might have been “How fucking dare you” or “I’ll fucking kill you.”
What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story?
uhhhh great question djgdjhg probably learning that xj dissipated in canon when she's alive in my fic. it didnt change the story, i just chose to ignore it
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princeofvelvet · 2 years
hiii 🥰💗💖
Hiii 💖💕💗💖 Good to see you here 🥰🥰🥰
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princeofvelvet · 2 years
for the deep fic writer asks... 2) what's a fic that took you to an emotional/dark/hard place? 20) what’s the greatest gift you’ve gotten from your writing?
Thank you for the ask!! 💖
2) There's a shicest fic I haven't posted because I only poke at it when I'm feeling down and need catharsis. It isn't Dark per se but it deals with a lot of personal emotions
20) From my writing? hmmm honestly any gift I get related to my writing is such a great surprise 😱 possibly This fic (warnings for noncon and underage) my partner wrote based on ideas we came up and slightly inspired by one of my fics and written for an event I run with is just 🙈💖 such a blessing on so many levels
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princeofvelvet · 2 years
For the ask game, ranwan + soulmates!
Send me a ship + and AU for a three sentence fic!
Aahh thank you! I had so much fun with this! I hope it's clear what soulmate au this is :3
Why could he only see grey when he opened his eyes, as if color had been nothing but a dream? He’d thought switching places with Shi Mei would be enough to save him, had he really been given a second chance at life just to fail, again? As he was pondering, Shi Mei and Xue Meng walked through the door, traces of tears clear on their faces, and uttered six fateful words that brought with them a long-forgotten realization, understanding, and regret: “we don’t have a Shizun anymore.”
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princeofvelvet · 3 years
What do you think is the occupations of your fav MDZS and SVSSS characters in modern AU? Sorry for the random ask....
I love random asks!! and I love modern AUs 🙈 but I love dumping my faves into modern settings so much I can't pick which occupation I like most for them! So instead I decided to give you a few of my favorites that I've come up with :3c
Shen Yuan as a youtuber who does rants about famous movies, most if not all of them starring Luo Binghe, a young rising star in the entertainment world. What he doesnt know is that Luo Binghe is a huge fan of SY's videos :3c the general flavor of celebrity/really important person who's head over heels for their non-famous special someone is really tasty for them but I can also see them as teacher and student :3c
I can see WWX as an inventor... or private investigator. and i can see the Lan family being cops with LWJ eventually leaving them to be with the guy he loves. They went to school together and then went their separate ways. It's also good if WWX was in prison for a bit 👀Alternatively, WWX working a retail job and LWJ being a lawyer, from a family of lawyers, also very fun!!
jin guangyao: PR manager, hoping to inherit dad's company. i really like the hc that he's worked most of his life in retail tho
Also consider: human rights activist xxc and his bodyguard song lan
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princeofvelvet · 3 years
Hi...how are you? If you don't mind me asking, what are your top 5 favorite moments from SVSSS novel's extras? And why?
And who are your top 5 favorite characters from SVSSS? And why? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....
Thank you for the ask, I hope you're doing well! thanks to this i went back and reread the wedding extra and cried
Unsurprisingly, the wedding extra. LBH is distracted thinking about marrying SQQ. SQQ mentions LBH has been more energetic during sex! I can just imagine him doing sqq while thinking marry me marry me marry me marry me, and my heart melts. And ofc the actual poposal is so precious, really shows how insecure LBH still is, overthinking asking his boyfriend of (presumably several) years to marry him, scared because he loves him so much and doesnt want to lose him!
Shen Qingqiu gives bunhe spiritual energy in the deep dream extra. This scene is so much. Cute bunhe getting a boner from getting held by his Shizun, Shen Qingqiu saying he'd just do this for Binghe and no one else! Obliviously going after him and chasing him into cold water... GOD
BingQiu's "first" time. It's a whole extra but i LOVE it. Shen Qingqiu being distracted by the hole in the roof, LBH being bent on their first time being then and there in qjp, trying to make LBH cum via handjob first but gripping too tight and hurting him, only managing to rile him up more, then SQQ flipping their positions and sitting on the sky pillar, starting to enjoy it and then!! hearing voices outside!! And LBH, so bold!!, clasping a hand over SQQ's mouth and continuing to fuck him!!, Got me right in the exhibitionism kink
good god im running out of numbers and still there are so many great scenes in the extras!!! That scene in Bingge vs BingMei where SQQ brushes and braids LBH's hair, it's just so sweet and domestic. You can see how much SQQ cares for LBH, **From an outside perspective**. LBG even says it that looking at them it's so obvious SQQ loves him!! God, and of course Bingge wanting that for himself, breaks my heart! Bonus from the same extra: Bingge groping SQQ
Shen Qngqiu carries a sleeping Binghe up the stairs of CQM in Return to Childhood! It's such a small scene but i think it says soo much about how SQQ shows affection and how BingQiu's relationship has evolved. These are two characters that have gone past the awkward dating phase, past the honeymoon phase, past the hardships, and into comfortable companionship. In their day to day, BingQiu is playful. LBH begs for affection and SQQ "reluctantly" agrees (though we know depite his refusal to admit it that SQQ likes it when LBH begs). But here we see another side of them! SQQ notices LBH is tired and he just picks him up and simply says "you can sleep"!! It's soft! It's quiet! such a small gesture that is so *so* full of love!! You can see that affection comes out of SQQ naturally! He sees LBH might be even mildly inconvenienced by something and goes "hey, let me help you"
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princeofvelvet · 3 years
Hi, I'm the anon that compare bingqiu to quan yizhen/yin yu.....Thanks for answering...So based on what you said, can I ask the comparison between hualian (tgcf) and bingqiu (svsss)? Honestly, I never read about their comparison before...Can't wait to read your opinions on them...What do you think? Also if you don't mind, can you compare bingqiu with wangxian (mdzs), too?
Thanks so much...😊
Thank you for your patience! I didn't plan to take this long to answer, but I sort of took a break from fandom. Anyway! I like this challenge, so thank you! 💖
HuaLian vs BingQiu
For me these two are practically polar opposites, though they start out pretty similar, with a beautiful cultivator saving the life of a kid who’s been abused and is now filled with resentment, then said kid vowing to do everything to serve, to love & to protect This person specifically. But i feel like while hualian goes the route of the fated partners style of soulmate, bingqiu goes deliberately against that, or perhaps more accurately it goes the route of “if soulmates are real, they are not found, they are made”, what with luo binghe being “fated” to end up with a harem and sqq “fated” to die, yet both of them overcoming their respective fates and choosing each other instead. Compared to SVSSS, TGCF was such smooth sailing with no angst in terms of relationship drama, which is sort of to be expected, BQ’s conflict is primarily internal while HL’s is external. I personally love the rocky road to a stable relationship BQ goes through a whole lot, wish there was more of it with HL, but HL’s relationship is very comfy.
WangXian vs BingQiu
Hmm okay this is one I haven’t thought about much but I think they might share more parallels than perhaps is obvious at first glance. Like with BingQiu, this is a pairing that had a rocky start and was full of misunderstandings. Despite the fact that both parties deeply cared about and respected each other, they went through a time when they weren’t on the same page, WWX thinking LWJ wanted to punish him for his demonic cultivation, SQQ thinking LBH wanted to kill him. And one aspect that imo is very important to both ships is the change of heart, going from “we’re like oil and water!” to ride or die “wherever you go i will follow”. Both of their getting-togethers involve one assuring the other that they want to be together, explicitly. And i love that for SQQ and LWJ, this means going against their sect’s wishes. LQR/LQG: “You dare to bring this [demonic cultivator/demon] into [the cloud recesses/cang qiong mountain sect]?? We might accept You, but not your husband!!”, Both SQQ and LWJ: Sorry, we’re a package deal.
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