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shwoo · 1 year ago
22/12/2023 Non-exhaustive status update on the new Bugsnax Wiki! (Created by Betterdonutgalaxy; I've just been contributing and wanted to share)
Days Public: 42 Total Pages (Including Files, Categories, Templates, and Similar): 1,406 Total Content Pages: 211 Stub Pages (Content pages with large pieces still to be added): 169 Images Uploaded: 641 Sound Files Uploaded: 321 Bugsnak Pages: 75/112 Main Character (characters with dialogue) Pages: 16/16 Other Character Pages: 4 I Don't Know If The Snaxsquatch Is A Character Or A Bugsnak: 1/1 Area pages: 9/12 Quest Pages: 23/173 Tool and Sauce Pages: 12/19 Clue Pages: 1/12 Lists: 19 Edits Made: 2,966 Users With At Least One Edit: 12 Fancy templates: Several
So there's still a lot to do, and a lot of stubs to fill out, but a lot's been done, too!
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lookninjas · 5 years ago
So this is the piece I wrote for the last issue of FUCKIT, and I’m posting it here for a couple of reasons.  A -- I always kind of wanted to and it’s mine, so I’ll do what I want.  B -- As a word count case study, this is 1309 words or so, and it’s about four pages long.  Which seems bad, but it also depends on how I format, what font I choose, and honestly this last issue was 32 pages and still pretty slender, so my point is don’t stress the length too much unless you’re at, like, 5,000+, in which case we’ll have to have a discussion about giving you your own little thing. 
And then, C -- if anyone out there feels like what they wrote is too off-the-cuff or messy or goes into too many tangents or just isn’t formal enough or whatever:
This is what I deliberately chose to write, as the person making the zine.  This is what I felt best encapsulated the feeling of FUCKIT.  And honestly, even though I almost kind of cringe at some of it, I still feel that way.  We are saying FUCKIT.  This is the point.
The problem is wanting to write the perfect thing. 
The problem is wanting to write the perfect thing when your subject inherently is imperfection.  The glorious messiness of life in all its bitterness, all its frustrated lashing out and bad decisions, too much and then again not enough and then too much again, petty jealous miserable misanthropic messy messy messy because at the same time I still want to somehow get it right.  To be understood.  To make some kind of a damn sense. 
It's hard.
Of course it's hard.  Every damn thing is hard.
That's not the point.
Anyway.  This is a tribute to Robert Smith.
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It isn't just that Trent Reznor probably said it all first, and arguably said it better.  It's the problem of saying any of it without it coming off worse than it should.  It is 2019 and at no point are any of us to aspire to be any less than our best selves.  To live our best lives.  Instagrammable soups in designer bowls we got for cheap on Amazon with free next-day delivery and I swear to God I will get to the point here soon I'm just trying to establish some context. 
For context: I am a forty year-old woman aging awkwardly in a world I understand less with every passing day.  And I don't mean antifa, and I don't mean memes, and I don't mean this modern music or the clothes or the slang or the tattoos or the funny hair colors.  I mean, mostly, contouring.  Contouring and everyone's weirdly identical eyebrows.  The fetishization of names like Apple.  And Tesla.  Mindfulness.  Fucking mindfulness.  And manifesting.  What the fuck is manifesting and why the fuck does Alyssa Milano think that's the way for us to get the game show host out of office and for the fucking record how the fuck did the game show host wind up in office and what the fuck made the United Kingdom go "Oh, we've got one of those!  Let's elect him Prime Minister!" and why the fuck does Alyssa Milano (Alyssa Milano!) think we should instead be manifesting into office a goddamn faith healer with a Course In Fucking Miracles and why the fuck am I supposed to care what Alyssa Milano (Alyssa fucking Milano!) thinks to begin with and how much of this can I blame on John Mayer because I'm fucking blaming some of it on him at least fuck you and your Waiting for the World to Change, Johnny-boy, fuck you straight to Hell --
But Robert Smith still exists, and I guess that means there's hope for us yet. A specific kind of hope. 
Black-clad.  Hair a graying bird's nest of tangles.  Eyeliner unfashionably heavy, lipstick smeared, guitar festooned with stickers like the hatchback of my niece's hand-me-down Subaru.  Bursting into tears at the end of a concert, bursting into tears in the middle of "Disintegration," bursting into tears because boys might not cry but Robert Smith goddamn does and I guess if he does, then maybe it's okay if I do too.  Maybe I can go back to dying my hair black if I want to, maybe I can wear eyeliner if that's the mood of the day, maybe I can pile on jewelry or maybe not, maybe I can do what the fuck I want to because Robert Smith goddamn does and he is perfectly fine.  Better than fine.  Robert Smith got inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame by Trent fucking Reznor, and I get that that's never going to be my life story (I'd have to take up an instrument other than euphonium, for starters), but still. 
Maybe I don't have to think about the right way to age, the right way to eat, the right way to shower or take a nap or tie my shoes.  Maybe I don't have to compete against my weird imaginary Best Self living her Best Life in total wellness and inner peace, this race I can never win, this high score I can never catch up to.  Maybe I can just, you know, be a fucking person.  Human and strange and spiky and flawed.  And it's okay.  I'm okay.  So are you, while we're at it.  We're not okay, but you know, we still are.
Maybe this still isn't the best way to explain it.
Maybe it's the only way there is.
It's hard.  All of it is hard. 
That's not the point, but then again it is, too.
Look at your imaginary Best Self, living their imaginary Best Life.  Looks pretty easy, doesn't it?  Looks like it all just kind of happens without trying.  Without smudging the makeup, without rumpling the clothes or messing up the hair. No unflattering wrinkles, no bulges distorting the line of the dress.  Simple and clean.
Now look at Robert Smith.  Rumpled, messy hair, smeared lipstick, thick black eyeliner.  Living his life, his only fucking life, and tell me it's not a hell of a life?  It sure as fuck is.  Married to the girl he fell for as a teenager, still in a band with his best friend, still in the Cure after over 40 years of it, playing festivals, recording music, maybe even releasing it someday (we kid because we love, Robert).  No one could accuse him of making it look easy; looking back, it sometimes seems a hell of a lot harder than it should've been.  But you know, he fucking got there.  On his own terms, in his own inimitable style, he got there.
Doesn't it all kind of make the whole Perfection Quest seem kind of pointless?  A distraction at best, a modern-day Soma at worst?  I'm not saying don't do what makes you happy, just -- do what makes you happy, not what you think will make you happy at some point in some future where you've finally got your shit together.  Where you've completed every quest, beaten every boss, finished every level.  Because we don't.  Or I don't think we do.  I don't think we get our shit together.  I don't think we ever feel adult, or mature, or ready. I don't think it ever gets easy.
I don't think you ever say it the way you mean to.
I don't think that's the point.
The point is that, sometime over the summer, YouTube suggested I watch a video of the Cure performing at Glastonbury, and I did, and it hasn't been the same since then.  Or rather, it's been more the same than it ever has.  Or both at once.  Or neither.  It's hard to say.  A lot of things are.
The point is that it helped. 
The point is that it's still hard, and it's always going to be hard, and that doesn't really matter and then at the same time it absolutely does.
The point is, go listen to "Fight" if you need to.  Go listen to "Faith" if you need to.  Go listen to "Friday I'm in Love" if you need to.
Wear black or don't.  Smear your lipstick or fill it in perfect with a brush or don't wear any.  Listen to the Cure.  Listen to Lizzo.  Listen to the birds or the river or the wind howling against the windows or top fucking 40 radio.  Be as clean as you want, be as messy as you need to, be the you that is you right now and not any other imaginary you because that you doesn't exist and it never will.  Live the life that you are living right now because that's the only life you get and it might be the worst sometimes but at the same time it is still the best.  It is the only.
Write something, even if it's not as perfect as it ought to be.
And fuck the point, anyway.  
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comicteaparty · 5 years ago
March 16th-March 22nd, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from March 16th, 2020 to March 22nd, 2020.  The chat focused on The Phoenix by Bri de Danann.
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on The Phoenix by Bri de Danann~! (https://www.bridedanann.com/thephoenix)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until March 22nd, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic!
Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I'm really loving Cassidy so far - her confidence is infectious! One thing I'm interested in learning more about - the worldbuilding exposition we're given during the intermission. Like, it paints the Alliance in a REALLY positive light... which makes sense, because contextually this is an Alliance-produced ad/propaganda piece. So, I'm curious to find out what the actual story of Marketplace is.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Just started reading from the beginning..."You need a blue cat in every scifi creation" is making me feel very called-out right now, heh.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Aaaand the cat-guy runs up stairs on all four feet, that's a good touch
I wish a lot of these pages were bigger, or at least had the action spread out a bit more! Like, on this page https://www.bridedanann.com/pg-13-chapter-1 the "And...associate" is a very funny beat, but there's not enough space to put the speech bubbles one-after-the-other, so they read out-of-order and you lose the rhythm of the joke
That overhead shot of the city streets, too -- it's great, cool evocative setting, neat glowy future architecture, solid anatomy and a good feeling of motion with the figure -- so I wish the whole thing had more room to breathe.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I will second that criticism about the bubble order
Also on the topic of criticism, I don't know if the author already knows this or not, but the formatting is a bit messed up on mobile and you have to scroll a lot to reach the page(edited)
Thanks for the layout critique! It's something I've noticed and have tried to fix in my writing and bubble placement in subsequent chapters! I am still learning but I'm glad you like the setting and action! Also, for the mobile viewing on the site I am aware that it is messed up. Squarespace is honestly trash at setting up for mobile viewing, I've tried to finagle it but it won't stack neatly... this is why I put it on tapas and Webtoon, they are set up for mobile and it makes it much easier. Sorry for that inconvenience! I am looking into getting a better site for the home of my comic
Something I like about the beginning of the comic was it just kind of defied my expectations. Like from the cover I was expecting something a bit more light-hearted, maybe even philosophical. And then nope, it's a space adventure. Yet at the same time I still get some of those beautiful more whimsical shots in the art, and it's an interesting combination. As for favorite scene, definitely https://www.bridedanann.com/pg-15-chapter-1 A very light comedic moment that takes the normal graceful leap of faith and turns it into what it would actually be like in real life for most people. Gotta love that subversion. Favorite character right now is Arerio. As the newcomer to the crew, I just connect with Arerio the most right now, plus I'm invested in Arerio's sort of bodyguard defense roll for the crew. Means Arerio is gonna get them spicy action scenes. So far, I've enjoyed seeing Cassidy and Arerio interact the most. I like that Cassidy is both frank with Arerio while also pushing Arerio to do crazy things like jump off random buildings. I kind of feel too that, again, as the newcomer, their lack of established relationship makes what will develop for it have higher stakes, vs. the people Cassidy has clearly known for a long time.
What I liked about the art most is the spacescapes. Beautiful color choices and blending, such as https://www.bridedanann.com/pg-1-chp-2 And like, if you're gonna have a space adventure, having great spacescapes like this is fantastic! Insofar, I like that the comic seems to be exploring authority and trust and what people do when they no longer trust the people in charge. While I don't have a favorite moment yet, I do feel this is a very important topic these days to talk about, as more and more young people are growing up unsure if they can trust authority figures. As for the story content, I've really enjoyed the world-building. Like that Intermission part was really right up my alley, and I enjoyed how expansive the world is yet balanced to not bring up the world at every turn in the main story. It makes for a good setting for space adventures. For the comic's strengths, I'm gonna say a combo of the world-building, the creativity in the world-building, and the effort put into the spacescapes. All together, these just make the space part of the space adventures seem more interesting, which surprisingly not every story nails in that regard.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
How much control does Squarespace give you over your CSS? If you can edit that, it would be really easy to do things like make the little spaceship-graphics disappear completely in mobile view, so readers don't have to scroll past them. (A host with a Wordpress installation would give you total control over the CSS. Switching would take some effort, the benefits might or might not be worth it for you, but it's probably worth looking into it and seeing what you think.)
Back to the comic itself -- just got through chapter 1, and, aha, this is an Oppressing AIs Who Want To Be Free kind of Space Empire? Plus, this narration about a planet being "discovered" and happily "added" to the Alliance -- even though it already had native residents, and the Alliance apparently decided to rename it without their input -- is...chirpily ominous.
Chapter 2 cover: oooh, is that a plant-person I see?
Comic Tea Party
9. Given the comic describes itself partially as a “found family” story, how do you think events in the comic will bond the characters into a family? What obstacles will the characters go through that challenges their relationships, and what is the overall message about family?
10. Why is The Phoenix’s AI being hunted by the Alliance? Further, why are Cassidy and crew seemingly risking themselves to protect the AI from the Alliance? Which side is right in this situation?
11. Why and/or how do you think Cassidy wound up on the Alliance’s bad side? What about Arerio – why doesn’t Arerio trust the Alliance either? Overall, do you think we as the audience should trust the Alliance?
12. What aspect of the world-building so far do you think will become relevant to the events of the story – especially in regards to Cassidy’s crew’s activities? How will the addition of Arerio change how the group operates from what has been revealed so far about their activities?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Well, the Alliance is definitely evil, and Cassidy said AI Rights. Remains to be seen whether it's a general "the AI wants to have free will and not be controlled by authoritarian programming" issue, or something specific like "the AI refused to carry out a specific mission." I thought it was the ship's AI, given that it's not described as an android/robot/etc -- but now we've seen it enter the scene in a humanoid body, so I wonder if the issue is "it experienced mechanical dysphoria while ship-shaped, and the oppressive space empire wouldn't allow it to switch to a new body."
From initial impressions, I get the feeling all the main cast are outcasts in some ways, at least as far as the Alliance goes. And I think that along is will what bond the characters, since regardless of events, it can always come back to "at least were outcasts together." As for obstacles though, I kind of feel like there's bound to be personality conflicts and while they might all agree the Alliance sucks, at the end I feel each choice Cassidy makes is gonna divide the crew in some way. As for overall message, though, I think it's that family can be anyone and you're not just stuck with the family or even birthplace you were given. Go to where the people who care about you is. As for why the AI is being hunted, not entire sure, but I'm sure a lot of it is just its an AI. People tend to be extremely fearful of the idea of AI or AI that isn't under control. I mean, there's a reason this is a common theme in sci-fi. So for all intents and purposes, I think a large part is just AI = danger to the Alliance. As for why Cassidy and crew are risking their lives, it's probably just they see the AI as a person, not some hardened criminal threat. As for whose side is right, probably neither in my personal opinion. XD They're two extremes that fail to consider the other point of view.
I get the feeling that Cassidy was probably a bit too free-spirited and rebellious for the Alliance's liking, so they outcasted her and snowballed the whole thing. In regards to Arerio, I feel like he witnessed something horrible and just noped outta the situation. I don't think we should trust the Alliance as an organization. Maybe individual people in it, but the whole organization is surely corrupt. I've talked a bit about the world-building I think, but I want to mention again I actually enjoy the Intermission the most. Really gave some context to the story. I kind of feel Arerio is gonna cause Cassidy to take more risks. Cause there is less of a need to be careful if you've got muscle. And while this may increase good deeds, it will inevitably put them in more dangerous as they become more infamous.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
The Intermission was hosted by an AI with some kind of official role, so it's definitely specific to AI that don't "follow the rules" in some way. Details to be revealed, I'm sure. And if one extreme is "I am definitely a person" while the other extreme is "You are definitely not a person", that's not a situation where you should try to consider each other's views and find a truth somewhere in the middle! You gotta stand up for the person, insist that they deserve the same human rights (...sapient rights?) as everyone else.
I don't really view this as an argument of definitely a person vs. not a person for this story personally. I mean I'm sure that's in there. But I think this is more about "AIs are safe" vs. "AIs are dangerous"
Calliope Ψ ^,^
AIs will absolutely be deserving of rights. Their danger notwithstanding, it would be unethical to withhold inalienable rights from a sentient being simply based on their being digital instead of electrochemical.
Just in case anyone thinks otherwise, I 100% think AIs are deserving of the same rights as people. However, I do think talking about safety is still important and to blanket say AIs are auto safe or auto dangerous are two extremes, neither of which is entirely correct. But obviously I'm basing this off my interpretation of the comic. It could shift to the people vs. not people debate, which would be a different matter to me.
Calliope Ψ ^,^
Humans are just as dangerous as AIs, that much is true, especially given how much we appropriate low-level proto-AIs to do our bidding. Though, I definitely understand where you're coming from ^^
Yeah. Like i mean humans are the exact same, which is why we take precautions and have laws and enforcement to stop dangerous people. AIs should be treated in a similar respected but cautionary fashion. Just enforcement for AIs will obviously have to be different cause you can't exactly throw an AI in jail and hope for the same results.
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Found a little time today. So quickly running through the prompts:
1. Liked the setup of meeting someone who doesn't know the plot to act as our window into things... with the twist that Cassidy and crew are actually known by reputation at least.
2. The cloaked ship angle was a good one, I didn't think of that (I was envisioning that moment in Back to the Future II when Marty steps off the roof) and wow leap of faith by Arerio.
I think that kinda shows how the Alliance is bad news. Arerio was practically willing to die instead of be captured (though presumably he figured there was an ace up a sleeve somewhere).
3. Honestly, I like Sequoia. Cassidy's a bit reckless for my tastes, Arerio didn't really ping for whatever reason, and the others we're still learning about... and here's a character who seemingly drinks water by holding hair in a cup. I gather s/he's a type of tree. Seems to hang back and observe. Liking that. Of course, I'm weird.
4. The Cassidy/Tiko felt a little annoying at first but the interaction on the bridge later helped me to realize this is just a thing they do, and I like that they can be so casual with each other. (When it's not some life and death thing!)
5. Each character's distinctly different, though maybe that's more about the background than the art. I also liked the trip up the stairs and the fall off the tower. The visuals conveyed the scale/scope to me.
6. I'm bad with themes. I suppose the idea of coming together (when faced with a problematic Alliance)?
7. The AI thing has set up a good mystery. And maybe I'm watching too much "Picard" lately, but there's different places they can go with that that others have pointed out too... seems to have been a bit of a topic so far.
(I'm fading, I'll hit a bit more tomorrow.)
(Oh, I like the little comments at the bottom of the panels. So maybe that's a strength too.)
What I'm most looking forward to seeing in the comic right now is just this first mission so we can get a feel as to what the characters are involved in. That will really set a lot of the tone for the rest of the story, so it'll definitely be a positive step forward. Overall, though, I really enjoy the effort put into the comic so far, and it'll be nice to see where it is in a few months~!
Just to hit the highlights of the last questions, continuing from last night... there's probably the idea that family is the people who stick by you more than the people you're related to. In fact it might be interesting to see who some of their parents are (assuming they're alive) and whether they approve versus got into similar trouble.
The AI is being hunted because it's mostly armless. Eh heh... I'm wondering if maybe it's obsolete and refused upgrades or something? But maybe Cassidy and team are able to prevent any viral takeovers, the Alliance simply isn't listening? (That got a bit random but I don't think it's been pitched already.) And "right" is probably somewhere in the middle.
Alliance, as others have said, is probably shady (not the least of which because of the art portrayal?). But I guess there's some reason they're still in charge. ("Firefly" comes to mind, not because I was ever one who watched it, but because I think they were in a similar situation? I could be way off base.)
I liked the thought (I think it was Rebel) of the crew getting riskier now that Arerio is there. Though they seem a bit free spirited anyway, so it might be more a case of not raising their guard as much as they have before.
Anyway, I'd be looking forward to a bit more of the secondary characters (like Sequoia) as the twist of their mission (isn't there always a twist?) becomes apparent. Best with it!
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about The Phoenix this week! Please also give a special thank you to Bri de Danann for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked The Phoenix, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://www.bridedanann.com/thephoenix
Bri’s Redbubble Shop: https://www.redbubble.com/people/bridanann/shop?asc=u
Bri’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/bridedanann
Bri’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/BriDanann
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finokoye · 5 years ago
Mozfest 2019 writeup: Using IoT to Measure Outdoor Air Quality in Africa
As part of Mozfest 2019, I attended a session in the Openness space called ‘Using IoT to Measure Outdoor Air Quality in Africa’. The session was going to be led by Warukira Theuri who wasn’t able to make it* (for reasons I learned later which I’ll add a note about below).
There were about a dozen of us gathered so in the spirit of Mozfest... we kind of put our own session together on the topic.
This post is to document what was discussed. I take no credit for the topic, and advise anyone interested to follow/contact Warukira who is clearly an amazingly talented and smart young woman.
The session was facilitated using techniques I’ve picked up through my design jam facilitation days. The basic steps are:
Check in - a quick round of introductions for people to say their name, who they are and what they hope to get out of the session
Ideation - individually, everyone has 10 minutes to write down their thoughts on the topic. These could be challenges, questions or general comments
Clustering - what themes arise from people’s notes?
Discussion - normally in a design jam we would want to format the themes into ‘how might we?’ statements to help frame the future prototyping and research.
Discussion part 2 - taking the role of the critic, what are the questions, new provocations, criticisms we can think of?
Ideation - based on the themes that have been identified, what could help address these issues?
Check out - we swap contacts/social media handles and say ‘til next time!’
What themes came up?
As a group we noticed our thoughts and questions could be divided into a couple of core themes:
What standards do we build IoT products to?
Should we look to EU standards?
Questions were raised around ipv6 and general security of devices
Are there lessons from environmental tech for protecting and monitoring endangered wildlife for privacy paradigms? e.g. rhino tracking
How can we ensure quality of data created by IoT devices?
Does it match with quality of other public data assets?
What is the right hardware?
How do we learn to make the hardware?
Are there IoT devices that can boost wireless strength (to help deal with issue of lack of connectivity in rural areas)
Are there any accessible courses to learn how to program for IoT?
A diagram of our ideas mapping can be found here: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1U_OVPPGElw0b3F4T0cLANYlDUDEyuFu68nQDxPtqrNA/edit?usp=sharing
Some provocations...
“OK, the air sucks - now what?”
This connected to question about how one turns data into action. Reporting that pollution levels have changed is one thing but is that enough to convince local councils? Is there a social/political organising aspect to support community tech?
Who else is doing this around the world - can we work in solidarity?
What are models of successful activism [informed by data obtained from open source IoT]
IoT will collect data for AI. Where does the responsibility lie?
Any good resources?
We ended the session by sharing potential resources that could help us all address these questions. The resources range from regulatory, to service design practice, to people working on similar projects facing similar obstacles (one thing that came up was that actually the dynamics of local politics and access are very similar whether in East Africa or Western Europe!).
Here is the list we put together:
Papers and research
Global information society watch 2018: Community networks
Community networks: the internet by the people, for the people
Designing Connected Products
Community centred tech
Luftdaten (Berlin)
Internet Society
Web Foundation
Women’s Rights online research
This is Service Design Doing
Decolonising Design
Global Design Jam community
Friends of the Earth, Scotland - FYI, there are global networks so find your nearest one!
European Environmental Agency
52 North wiki - specifically work on specific project called “sensor web”
At a later conversation, I learned that the reason Warukira wasn’t able to make it was due to the “usual” UK government hostile environment idiocy which messed up her visa application.
I intend to write about this in a bit more depth but as someone who has attended Mozfest before and tends to hang out a lot with the folks attending from Kenya, Tanzania and Nigeria, this isn’t unusual. However, what struck me was the attitude of ‘us’, us in a collective sense meaning the hosts, the volunteers etc etc.
To me, the spirit of Mozfest should also be about solidarity as much as it is about people having fun, ‘just getting involved’ and having a can-do DIY attitude. Maybe it would have put the organisers into too much trouble with the authorities, but honestly, I wish more of us attendees and fellow facilitators could also have known about all the amazing people who weren’t able to make it because of the UK governments despicable policies, so that at least we - as the Mozilla family - can show our support and solidarity.
Now as I said, this happens every year and honestly at this rate will keep on happening - it will probably even get worse, so long as the conference remains in Europe, which it will. In the meantime, what those of us with relative privilege can do is to call it out, let our governments and local councillors know that we know what’s going on and that this is NOT OK. As a community, we should be explicitly talking about the fact that our fellow civic technologists are being unfairly treated due to neo-colonial nonsense. At the very least, this repeated issue with visa applications is an important lesson for the younger generation of technologists and academics in countries like the UK, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, the US, Canada; in countries that are only at the top of the pile because of centuries of colonialism and occupation, to demonstrate why we cannot imagine technology is somehow in an ivory tower that will never be affected by politics.
I’ll stop there because I’m working on a proper article about it, especially now my initial fury has eased so I can talk a bit more thoughtfully about this.
In short, it would have been amazing to meet Warukira in person but I want to say a huge thank you to her for putting in a kick-ass session which provided an opportunity for us to discuss some really fascinating ideas and to learn from each other.
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kindabraveandlittlestupid · 6 years ago
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This isn't a point of nostalgia, I am only 32 and have only paid attention to so many debates over the years. Mostly the last three Presidents, so basically from 2000 to 2018 which you think would be a long time but in truth that's basically only 5 Presidential Campaigns. I cannot fathom a moment in my life where I was proud of how we conduct American debates. This is not a Right or Left issue, this is not a Media or Politicians issue... this is a failure on all fronts including that of us Citizens.
News channels capitulating to the demands of candidates who wish to establish the rules of the debate they are participating in. American citizens wanting a good show on stage over measuring the content of these men and women's character. Politicians being asked a question, ignoring said question and talking about whatever the fuck they want and no one stepping up saying “Hey Fuck Wit. We asked about Medicare and you just wasted your time talking on The Border. AGAIN!”
I am quite honestly ashamed that we allowed this to happen. The contestants of a game show don’t get to put forward the questions they have have the answers too. They don’t get to have a ‘correct’ answer when answering a different question that was never asked. Softball questions like “Who is your favorite musician?” to make them more likable is a hell of a lot less important than how they plan to conduct themselves diplomatically. The host should not be kissing the ass of the man or woman on stage they are supposed to be grilling for the sake of establishing a better democracy by allowing the American people to see who doesn't have a clue what they are doing and who actually has a plan/vision for the country.
As I said this is a failure across the board and the people who benefit from News Channels kowtowing and Publics complacency are the Shittiest Politicians who can say taglines like “Make America Great Again” without ever explaining how he plans to pay for his wall, what sort of statesmen he plans to conduct himself as or even how they even plan to MAGA. Which is how we got ourselves into this mess of someone who has increased the deficit by a trillion and has systematically weakened our relationships across the world. Am I taking a shot at Trump again? Fuck yeah, I am because the debates didn't take him to task and that perhaps would have put someone more qualified in the White House (Democrat or Conservative) in his place. Let’s face it, he is a fuck wit.
So we are at this point now where Politicians pick their voters (gerrymandering and a topic for another time), they pick their debater, the debate questions, they pick the answers they want to give regardless of the questions asked, and they get to lie about their intentions and beliefs with no adults holding them accountable to what they said before. This is why I am writing this article and calling it a “The Crucible” not to tie a stone to their feet to see if they sink or float but rather to live up to the definition of the word.
A situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new.
This should be the aim of American Politics to put the men and women in power in intense scrutiny be they liberal or conservative. I am not saying we do not conduct ourselves without empathy or forgiveness of the past mistakes that some men and women might have made in their early life but look at the values they hold as they step into Office. Values that define how they will vote and judge issues that come across their desk.
So here is a list of ideas that I think will improve debate in the US allowing us to separate the pretenders from the visionaries, the dunces from the intellectuals, the reality TV stars from the patriotic civil servants.
Cutting the Mic/Refocusing
On small thing we can add to debates is the ‘cut the mic’ option for the moderators. Far to often insults will be thrown between candidates, rants on none answers to an important question, and the domination of moderators is exploited on stage. If a candidate is asked about a subject he/she should answer said subject and if they try to switch topics the moderator should step in and cut their mic, repeat the question and reminding that individual to stay on topic. This might upset some individuals on stage but let's be honest they (the Politicians) serve the people and they don't get to change the narrative when we are asking them what their thoughts or beliefs are.
Equal Time for 3rd Parties/Alternative Candidates
I think we Americans are pigeon held by the two-party system. We forgo third parties because MOST Americans understand the Spoiler Effect and the consequences of splitting the vote between two like-minded candidates will ultimately elect the other party which is furthest from their values. Pretty much the reason while Republicans fall in line behind their nominee which sadly the Bernie fans didn't get the memo on.
Anyways the Equal Time for 3rd Parties/Alternative Candidates is essential for a healthy democracy and the exploration of ideas. In the 2016 election, there were 6 people running under the Democratic Primary. Can you name them? Do you know what they believed in? It’s not Jill Stein (Green Party) or Gary Johnson (Libertarian Party). Don’t feel bad I only remembered 1 of the other 4 candidates besides Bernie and Hillary. This is mostly because the media provided heavy coverage to Hillary and Bernie while ignoring other options. This was much the same for Stein and Johnson having no memorable debate moments.
When we conduct the debate we need to ensure that each candidate receives an equal amount of serious questions and time to answer them. If a candidate wants to use his/her whole five minutes to speak, great! If they decide to turn over their remaining time to another candidate or back to the moderator, that would also be acceptable.
Call Backs
Very often a politician will be asked to answer for something they said in the past and explain their intent/context of what they are saying. Some will say “I never said that. Go back and read what I said.” We all know who’s said that in the past but the beauty of modern technology is we can summon those video clips instantly on a computer and we can share it with an audience right then an there with very little effort. It’s a very simple idea of pulling up videos, images, and quotes behind the candidates but an effective one because it will either A) Make candidates honestly answer what their intent/position was on the past and encourage them to avoid the call back or B) Immediately turn off the valve when a Politician attempts to gaslight an audience. It’s instant karma for those who attempt to lie their way through the questioning.
No Fluff Questions
We all know what Fluff Questions are, little softballs placed on a T-Ball stand for Candidates to answer to make them more likable. What kind of soda do you drink, who is your favorite band, what's your favorite football team and so on. None of these fucking questions matter. I don't care about the music they like, I don't care about ketchup on steak, and I don't care about the fo faith that some politicians pretend they have said they regularly read the bible and blah blah blah.
If candidates want to share these falsehoods and image during the campaign trail, fine I am ok with that. Even better if they decide to post it on their website in a bio page so people can see what they are into. However, during a debate, these individuals should be answering hard questions on policy, their vision for the country, questioned about past votes and/or judicial decisions, and should be held accountable for the beliefs/views they bring with them.
In a debate like this, we need questions on policies, beliefs, values, vision, and a fucking plan if they have one. Fluff questions just make you feel closer to the individual making you think he is just like you before he or she cuts your healthcare and runs up the debt. We smarter then this and the moderators are just as much to blame for tossing these questions out instead of asking real questions to root out the shit candidates.
Questions By The People, For The People
On occasion, an individual might stand up and asked a very important question that puts a gravity to a topic that may have not had before. These questions are important but also very rare as most people might have trouble articulating the right question to ask. I admit I sometimes do when thinking of questions on the spot. I believe this is where the Media, Journalists, and the Citizens work together to share their concerns and questions with moderators who will be conducting the debate and let them sift through the questions and turn them razor sharp inquiries to ask the candidates. This isn't to say people can't/shouldn't ask their questions but the beauty of having the people share their questions with an experienced moderator is that follow questions can be crafted ahead of time by a news team that can dig further and deeper than the vast majority of citizens. 
Debates, Interviews, Confirmation Hearings, and even Town Halls all suffer from these issues of Politicians deciding what they will and will not talk about. I would prefer to have a candidate say “I don’t know.” “I haven't thought about that.” ‘I will get back to you later on that” then go off on a rant to try and stir up the rest of the room with rhetoric. We collectively as citizens need to raise the bar for these men and women because if they had their way they would keep it as low as they possibly could to slither over it.
The Moderators IE the Media need to stop having this love affair with the RNC and DNC trying to charm them into letting them be the moderators. I know this is hard to do because they will take their candidates to another channel but the News Organizations are providing a civil service of keeping the public informed. If the organizations can come together and decide on a proper debate format/rules together and leave them (the candidates) no other options but to appear on one of their channels then it will no longer be the Politicians deciding the rules of debate but the moderators and the people. Thanks for reading.
Regards, Michael California
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readcommendations · 7 years ago
Hi readers, bookworms, and robots!
This actually happened a few days back, but I’ve been so busy with space things I rudely forgot to update my page. Shame, shame, shame on me!
As you might recall, back in 2017 I was a part of the amazing PEW PEW anthology series. A set of amazing, hilarious space adventures that I couldn’t believe my little stories had the honor of being presented with. Out of the three novellas I submitted, two of them followed the adventures of Miss Planet Earth: awakened thousands of years in the future with her visa long since expired, our poor Katra has to find her way back to a home that no longer exists – with Space Pirates in tow.
When the rights reverted back to me this spring, I secretly started putting together pocket paperbacks of Katra’s adventures. And now, after weeks of waiting for the approval… they’re online! Well, Miss Planet Earth I is in paperback, Miss Planet Earth II (The Amulet of Beb-Sha-Na) is still just an ebook. But in any case, they’re now available for your viewing pleasure!
Miss Planet Earth is avilable here in ebook and pocket paperback, Miss Planet Earth and the Amulet of Beb-Sha-Na is available here in just ebook format (for now!)
Check out the very first chapter to see if it’s your cup of tea!
A pageant queen out of time. A secretive assassin in the wrong body. Space pirates and demented droids. It’s been a long day.
Katra Zorento won the title of Miss Universe only days before first contact was made. Armed with only her charm and her golden bikini, she was sent to compete on the real stage, against the rest of the Milky Way – only to overshoot the arrival by 13,000 years.
Now, with her visa expired and no one on her side, she must make the arduous trip back to the planet that once was Earth… That is, of course, if dashing space pirates don’t get in the way. And to make matters worse, her fiancé’s brain might be trapped inside her head. Katra’s only allies are a mysterious assassin trapped in a 9 year old’s body and a ‘service’ droid with memory issues. But if she survives this, she could win the most valuable crown in the universe…
Chapter 1: In which mistakes were made, and visas revoked
Katra Zorento woke up to find she had overslept the pageant by 13,000 years. Her fingers were still frosty as she sat at the desk, trying to warm them in the soft fabric of her leggings. To her left was the open casket she had been pried from: her cryogenic sleeping pod, packed with her makeup bag, her red ball gown and a bikini. There was also the large golden disk she had brought from Earth, a replica of the one from the Voyager probe, a gift for the Council of Twelve. Every member of which was now dead. The council itself abolished 4,812 years ago, after an incident with a gas cloud which proved once and for all that diplomatic missions and fire breathing dragons do not mix. At least not on a spaceship. All this Katra gleaned from the overstuffed office she found herself in. Posters covered the walls, telling the history of this weird planet through snippets of Public Service Announcements. The Council’s abolition was a stark reminder not to travel through nebulas in the first place. They tried the gas – and ended civilization. Don’t gas and drive. The entire floor space was taken up by her pod, two chairs, and a desk, so Katra had to tuck her legs under her seat since there was no room to put them down. Across from her sat what appeared to be a formless blob of gelatin, which wobbled back and forth on its hovering chair, as if waiting for her to speak. Every once and a while, a paper on its desk would ruffle, though how it was moving Katra had no idea. “You understand your visa has long since expired, yes?” the blob said. The voice was loud, and somehow directly in Katra’s mind, which made her spine tingle. She had never met a telepathic alien before, nor any kind of alien, so the entire experience was a little unnerving, to say the least. “Yes, but, what happened?” she asked, trying to keep her still thawing limbs from trembling. “I was supposed to meet Chancellor Forbin and…” “As I explained earlier,” said the blob’s voice, somehow conveying a sigh through its haughty mightier-than-thou airy voice. “Chancellor Forbin has been dead for over thirteen millennia.” “But the trip was only supposed to take fifty years,” Katra protested, “and where is Marcus?” “Marcus?” “Yes, my bodyguard, Marcus. We were put in cryo-sleep together.” “Ah, the male.” The blob mentally ruffled the pages on the desk. “I thought they explained after they woke you? And your visit to a dislocation officer didn’t make it clear to you?” “I’m not quite sure what a dislocation officer is, exactly.” Katra looked down at her lap and tried to avoid eye contact. Not that there were any eyes to latch onto, but gazing in the blob’s general direction made her mind swim uncomfortably. “You’ve been sent to see a dislocation officer – me – because your traveling companion’s mind was too damaged by the time spent in the cryo-sleep.” “Marcus is dead?” Katra couldn’t help but glare at the blob in complete shock. Marcus. Dead. He was – no, had been – more than just her bodyguard and constant companion. The two of them had been engaged to be married upon their triumphant return to Earth. And now he was dead. And was there even an Earth to return to? She wanted desperately to ask all those questions, and more. But she was face to face with a sentient slice of Jell-O and not quite sure how to proceed. Her heart shook with silent, terrified grief. “His body passed away not long after your departure from the planet formerly known as Earth,” said the blob, “though… how much do you know about dislocation?” “Absolutely nothing.” “Ah.” The blob seemed to hesitate. “Did the officer who put you in the chamber explain the process employed to preserve your body during the cryogenic session?” “Vaguely,” Katra replied. It might have been thousands of years ago in history, but for her it was less than an hour ago that the strange man with gray skin had hastily sputtered some space jargon before sealing her and Marcus into the pods. That in turn was only minutes before she woke up in a strange orange room, surrounded by giant lizard-men trying to spray her down with a hose. “So you know the consciousness is downloaded to a quantum cell, in case the physical mind is damaged in transit.” Katra’s heart leapt. “So Marcus’s mind is still alive?” “Yes, and no,” the blob almost seemed embarrassed at this. It was hard to tell, what with the lack of facial expressions. Or any face to speak of, for that matter. “Due to a malfunction that must have occurred during the incident that destroyed the male’s physical mind, his upload was compiled with yours. So when you awoke…” “Shut. Up!” Katra could almost shout with glee. “He’s alive? In my head?” “Yes,” the cloud said, perplexed, “you do not find this perturbing?” “We were to get married!” she sputtered, “this is even better! Two minds, one body. For as long as we both shall live, in sickness and in health. This is better than marriage!” The blob swiftly tossed a stack of papers into the trash. Katra’s excitement faded. She had probably just lost a massive bargaining chip with her outburst. Marcus? Are you in there? I need you. I’m making a mess. Nothing. “You sure he’s in here?” she asked. The news alone was enough to bring heat back to her chest, drawing out the ice forever. “Safe and sound?” “Yes, the download was definitely complete,” the blob said proudly, “your mate’s consciousness is safely in your head. But he may not present himself at first: he must carve a space in your gray matter. Humans have gray matter, correct?” Katra nodded, though not entirely sure. It was the future, after all; maybe modern humans had done away with the stuff entirely at this point. “Once the consciousness emerges, he may try to take control of his new host body. We apologize for any inconvenience this brings you.” “What is inconvenient is me being here in the first place,” said Katra, her spark finally returning. Maybe it was the news that Marcus was safe and hers alone; maybe it was the heat creeping back into her extremities. Either way, she was majorly pissed. She crossed her arms over her chest and propped her extremely long legs on the blob’s desk. The blob said nothing. Katra wondered how it even saw what she was doing. “How come I wasn’t woken up in time for the pageant?” she spat, “the engineers calculated everything perfectly. A fifty-year trip, not a minute longer. What happened?” “Well, this is closer to ancient history for us, now,” said the blob, “you understand, a year after your departure for Earth, faster than light travel was invented.” “So?” “The council decided they didn’t want to wait another forty-nine years for you to arrive at the pageant when they could have everyone show up the next day. So Earth sent someone else.” “Who?” Katra slammed her hands on the table, making the Jell-O wobble. Which was an odd sight to see. It wobbled to one side and then back, like someone had poked it with a stick. “Don’t tell me it was that bitch, Riley. Miss Australia? She had no place as my runner up.” “Then you’ll be happy to know that Miss Earth – formerly Miss Australia, according to my notes – was eaten and digested by Miss Ma’jarkeen. Which is why the pageant was canceled and hasn’t been held since.” “So our ship got there and you… what? Put us in a warehouse and forgot to revive us for thousands of years?” “I’m sorry, not my department,” said the mound of gelatin, “I’ve already outstepped by pulling up so much information from this case. To make things short: we’re sorry for the inconvenience, and we’re sending you home right away.” “To Earth?” “It used to be called Earth, yes.” “What is it now?” “Super-freaky funland dark-side death-zone powered by MnM.” “You call that my home?” Katra sputtered. She would have stood up, indignant, but there was no space for her to do so in the tiny office. “What the fudge is super-strange dark world death thingy?” “Super-freaky funland dark-side death-zone powered by MnM.” “That can’t be Earth!” “Well, I’m sorry, but things change, child,” said the blob. “Your home planet had to make ends meet somehow. Becoming an escape room theme park was the logical choice.” “An escape room… theme park?” Katra felt as if the ice around her heart had gone right back to being frozen, as cold as the popsicle she had been inside the pod. She wished her eyes could shoot literal daggers across the room, but even if they did, she doubted they would hit the gelatin or harm it in any way. “Yes, and quite a nice one,” said the blob. “I brought my hovel-mates there a few cycles ago. Such fun! Much better now than it ever was before.” The pageant queen was fuming now, but she forced herself through the breathing techniques her coach had instilled in her and stayed focused. There was no point lingering on the fact that her home was gone, or the fact that everyone she ever knew or loved was now dead. Except maybe Marcus, her one love, her rock, who was living quite silently in her head. “I want to go home,” she murmured, under her breath. “Do not worry, we’re sending you back, all expenses paid.” “It’s not my home anymore.” “Well, I’m sorry, but according to your passport, it is.” The cloud made the little green booklet drift up before Katra’s eyes. “And your visa expired quite some time ago. So we have to send you back. You understand, of course.” “Of course,” said Katra, keeping that pageant calmness. “Do I get some kind of compensation, at least?”
    Miss Planet Earth hits Amazon shelves! Hi readers, bookworms, and robots! This actually happened a few days back, but I've been so busy with space things I rudely forgot to update my page.
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siliconwebx · 6 years ago
Matt Mullenweg Addresses Controversies Surrounding Gutenberg at WordCamp Portland Q&A
Matt Mullenweg joined attendees at WordCamp Portland, OR, for a Q&A session last weekend and the recording is now available on WordPress.tv.
The first question came from a user who tried Gutenberg and turned it off because of a plugin conflict. She asked if users will have to use Gutenberg when 5.0 is released. Mullenweg said one of the reasons Gutenberg has been tested so early is to give plugin developers time to get their products compatible. He also said that it has been the fastest growing plugin in WordPress’ history, with more than 600,000 installations since it was first made available.
In response to her question he said users will have the option to use the Classic Editor and that the team is considering updating it to include per-user controls and the possibility to turn it on/off for different post types.
Subsequent questions went deeper into recent controversies surrounding Gutenberg, which Mullenweg addressed more in depth.
“The tough part of any open source project – there’s kind of a crucible of open source development which can sometimes be more adversarial and sometimes even acrimonious,” he said. “Working within the same company, you can kind of assume everyone is rowing in the same direction. In a wide open source ecosystem, some people might actually want the opposite of what you’re doing, because it might be in their own economic self-interest, or for any number of reasons.
“I liken it much more to being a mayor of a city than being a CEO of a company. I’ve done WordPress now for 15 years so I’m pretty used to it. It might seem kind of controversial if you’re just coming in, but this is not the most controversial thing we have ever brought into WordPress. The last time we had a big fork of WordPress was actually when we brought in WYSIWYG the first time. Maybe there’s something about messing with the editor that sets people off.”
Mullenweg commented on how polarizing Twitter can be as a medium and how that can impact conversations in negatives ways. He said people tend to read the worst into things that have been said and that has been a new challenge during this particular time in WordPress’ history. WordPress tweets are sprinkled into timelines along with politics and current events in a way that can cause people to react differently than if the discussion was held in a trac ticket, for example.
One attendee asked, “With Gutenberg there’s a lot of uncertainty. Where do you see the tipping point where you see people become more favorable to Gutenberg than the Classic Editor?”
“Part of getting these two plugins, Gutenberg and Classic Editor, out early, was that it could remove uncertainty for people,” Mullenweg said. “Months before they were released you could kind of choose your path. The hope is that the 5.0 release day is the most anti-climactic thing ever. Because we have over a million sites that have either chosen to not use Gutenberg, which is totally ok, or have already opted in and have been getting these sometimes weekly updates. We have hosts that have been actually been pre-installing, pre-activating Gutenberg with all of their sites.”
Mullenweg said hosts that have pre-installed Gutenberg have not reported a higher than normal support load and that it has basically been “a non-event.” It’s the users who are updating to 5.0 after many years of using WordPress who will have the most to learn.
“Gutenberg does by some measures five or ten measures more than what you could really accomplish in the classic editor,” Mullenweg said. “That also means there’s more buttons, there’s more blocks. That is part of the idea – to open up people’s flexibility and creativity to do things they would either need code or a crazy theme to do in the past. And now we’re going to open that up to do WordPress’ mission, which is to democratize publishing and make it accessible to everyone.”
Gutenberg’s current state of accessibility has been a hot topic lately and one attendee asked for his thoughts about the recent discussions. Mullenweg said there is room for improvement in how this aspect of the project was handled and that WordPress can work better across teams in the future:
Accessibility has been core to WordPress from the very beginning. It’s part of why we started – adoption of web standards and accessibility things. We’ve been a member of the web standards project for many many years. We did kind of have some project management fails in this process where we had a team of volunteers that felt like they were disconnected from the rapid development that was happening with Gutenberg. Definitely there were some things we could do better there. In the future I think that we need – I don’t know if it makes sense to have separate accessibility as a separate kind of process from the core development. It really needs to be integrated at every single stage. We did do a lot, as Matias did a big long post on it. We’ve done a ton of keyboard accessibility stuff, there’s ARIA elements on everything. One of their feedbacks was that we did it wrong, but we did it the best that we knew how to and it’s been in there for awhile. There’s been over 200 closed issues from really the very beginning. We also took the opportunity to fix some things that had been poorly accessible in WordPress from the beginning. It’s not that WordPress is perfectly accessible and all WCAG AA and it’s reverting. It’s actually that huge swaths of WP are inaccessible – they just might not be considered core paths from the current accessibility team but I consider them core.
In response to a question about the future of React in WordPress, Mullenweg went more in depth on the vision he had when he urged the WordPress community to learn JavaScript deeply in 2015. At that time he said “it is the future of the web.” He described how each block can be a launching point for something else – via a modal, such as updating settings, doing advanced things with an e-commerce store, zooming in and out of those screens from the editor. This was perhaps the most inspirational part of the Q&A where the potential of Gutenberg shines as bright as it did in the early demos.
“The other beautiful thing is that because Gutenberg essentially allows for translation into many different formats,” Mullenweg said. “It can publish to your web page, your RSS feed, AMP, blocks can be translated into email for newsletters, there’s so much that the structured nature of Gutenberg and the semantic HTML it creates and the grammar that’s used to parse it, can enable for other applications. It becomes a little bit like a lingua franca that perhaps even crosses CMS’s. There’s now these new cross-CMS Gutenberg blocks will be possible. It’s not just WordPress anymore. It may be a JavaScript block that was written for Drupal that you install on your WordPress site. I mean, hot diggity! How would that have ever happened before? That’s why we took two years off; it’s why we’ve had everyone in the world working on this thing.”
JavaScript is what makes this cross-platform collaboration possible and it’s already evident in the work the Drupal Gutenberg contributors are doing, as well as the platform-agnostic Gutenberg Cloud project. When Gutenberg is released in 5.0, it will enable more for WordPress and the web than we can predict right now.
“This is not the finish line,” Mullenweg said. “5.0 is almost like the starting point. Expect just as much time invested into Gutenberg after the 5.0 release as before – to get it to that place where we don’t think it’s just better than what we have today but it’s actually like a world-class web-defining experience, which is what we want to create and what you all deserve.”
😉SiliconWebX | 🌐WPTavern
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daynamartinez22 · 4 years ago
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 310
Click on the video above to watch Episode 310 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
There’s a search console because that’s my go to I don’t care what anything else says. And right when I’m looking at everything, I had a form submission come in. So I got it, I got it, I got the screen capture because I had to blur out some stuff. So I’m going to be sharing that as soon as we’re ready to go.
And we are live Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts, Episode 310. While Bradley’s doing some stuff in the background here, we’re gonna get going. I’m gonna say hi to the guys real quick. We got some quick announcements. And then I’m just scrolling through here. It looks like we’ve got a good number of questions. So with that said, Marco, I’m going to loop back to you, man, how you doing today? Like, by the way, like your shirt, you’re looking good.
I’m good, man. I’m sorry. I took it away from from my window. Should I have done that? I got I got I got a mess in the office right now. But you guys, you see? Nothing but like, Man, this is how I do to do I do. I can’t help it again. Come get some come get some guys. Just Just a quick word, stop relying on on third party vanity metrics for what’s going on on your website, according to Google. So you go to somebody else to see what’s going on in Google. I it for the life of me, I can’t figure that out. So in a minute, when we get to that question or five, whenever we get to it, I’m going to be sharing something on screen, just so you guys can see why you can’t go with third party vanity and domain authority then, whatever the hell it is you’re relying on. you’re relying on the wrong thing. And I’ll show you some and let’s see, I’ll get I thought it was muted. Sorry, Chris. How’s it going?
Doing good here? Good. They can complain and yeah, I think we got something pretty sweet coming. Oh, really? I made a video about something today, so, huh?
All right. Well, now I’m curious. I don’t even know what you’re talking about.
Well check Facebook.
Ah, all right. I will check it out. Bradley, you got the tech stuff done. Are you available?
Well, it’s the fucking video still not on know that on the page. Click Funnels bullshit. I’m tired of it. And I really am.
It’s still not even there we go. Yeah, it’s updated now.
Well, it’s not for me.
Gotcha. Well, we’ll circle back around. I’m going to type something in while I ask her not How you doing today, man?
Great, man. I’m in Miami. Having fun. Everything’s good.
Well, you got to talk for a little bit longer. I gotta, I gotta touch.
Okay. I’m in Miami. It’s raining. I’m having a lot of fun. This is awesome. And I’m waiting for Adam to stop typing so that he can keep on doing the intro. But did I mention that I mean, Miami? And
I’ve heard that you’re in Miami. Is that true?
No, I don’t know what you got that from? Yeah, man. How? how weak Are you really in the gym right now after all these months of no workouts? I’m a pussy. I’m doing like a D load quote-unquote, D load week right now. And I’m like, so sore. And I did like, two squats on Monday.
Those are right now, but we still had it. So.
Gotcha. All right. Well, I got a little note there. So if you’re watching us on YouTube, let us know. Also, if you’re somehow seeing this on the page, just shoot us a message let us know you can see it. But in the meantime, we’re gonna keep rolling and maybe figure something else out. But Bradley, how are you doing man? Besides page refreshes and caches?
Yeah, I’m just I’m tired of Click Funnels in their stupid fucking. There are always issues with Click Funnels, it seems to be getting worse. So anyway, maybe we can move the webinar on to a page on our site instead. I think we should probably do that. Because we won’t have to deal with this every week. It seems to be getting worse. So anyway, that said I, everybody.
Everything is fine. Yeah, that’s cool. Um, I’ve actually been testing out group funnels, maybe that’ll grab the lifetime account. And that came out, maybe we can just toss it on there and see if that works. Or just put it on the website, like you said, or do like a direct YouTube type of thing. love to see. But anyway, with that said, we have a couple of announcements. First of all, if you’re on the email list, that’s great. You’ve gotten the announcements about the POFU Live recordings, you got access to the little special offer we had to go in there. But if you’ve missed out on that, first of all, go to semantic mastery or go to Hump Day Hangouts. Just Google that and go to our page, enter your email address, so you can get notified about stuff like this. We do give special deals, special offers, and some bonuses to subscribers, but I’m also going to put it on the page here today. The recordings are available. Along with the recordings, you have the option to get executive summaries we’ve gone through and we’ve taken and distilled every single talk that we had into a quick basically reference guides. So you’ve got links, you’ve got the main points, so you can go back or have that open as you’re watching the talk. Super, super handy. So that will be on the page in just a minute. Oh, man, I am just losing my place like crazy today. I’ve got a couple more announcements. And while I hunt these down, did you guys have anything we need to also cover? Before we dive into things?
What about POFU?
About It was a great event.
Oh my god, what about it?
The live of the recordings are available, right?
Should be right.
Yes, that what I was just talking about or not my losing my mind about POFU.
I don’t know, but well I’m gonna keep running on because I don’t know where we’re going and this is gonna get pretty weird for people watching. So anyway, I do want to talk about one other thing, if you go to the SEOshield.com, the SEOshield.com that’s a great place. If you’re new to Semantic Mastery and MGYB You can find out how to shield your site and never worry about algorithm updates. Again, it’s a free training, just head over to the SEOshield.com and grab that if you’re more on the agency owner kind of consultant side and you want to get more clients to grow your revenue scale your team, head over to 2xyouragency.com. And last but not least, if you’re ready to grow your digital marketing business, your agency then you can join our experienced community. With the mastermind You can find out more about that at mastermind dot semantic mastery.com I like to go through these every time because we don’t know you know, we have new people watching every week. And those are some pretty typical questions we get from people, you know, hey, I’m just starting to watch you guys where the hell do I start? Right? Good question. So finding out about the SEO shield is great. Then we got people are saying hey, I either want to start or kind of grow my agency, I’m not sure what to do that’s to x your agency COMM And then we’ve got people, of course, are like, Hey, I’m in it, I want to grow, I want to be around other people like me who have got their agencies going who’ve got their businesses going. And that’s where the mastermind comes in. So those are the big ones. Of course, we mentioned MGYB, if you’re not familiar with that it’s mgyb.co, save time and money with done for you services. This is all stuff that we’ve used, and either converted into a done for you process or stuff that we had done for us. And now we’re offering it as well. So you can get it done for you and save time. So this is a great place to be like white labeling, things like press releases link building the SEO shield, for example. Lots more over there, too, and lots more coming. So with that said, guys, that’s it for the quick announcement. Anything else we want to cover before we dive into questions? I’m waiting around to say something No, just kidding. Wait, good. All right, let’s do it is that we got a bunch of questions already. So let me get the page pulled up here. And I’ll grab the screen.
This has got me all screwed up. Because the format has changed in the last couple of weeks. And after years of having one particular startup format. It’s hard to hard to transition.
All right,
you guys are seeing my screen now. Correct. Good to go. Yes.
Yep. All right.
What Is The Name Of The Upcoming Buffer Site S3 Creator?
Let me expand this a little bit. There we go. So the first question up says, Hi, you mentioned something about an upcoming buffer site s3 creator from ABS right? Yeah. Abbess. Rathje. As I think I’m saying his name correctly, I always feel like I’m mispronouncing that. Or he says, Can you please give us some URL or spell the product or the name as I can’t find anything? Yes, buffersites.com. It’s not available yet. But I believe it says coming soon. And I think he’s working on something because I recently got an email from him about kind of a technology that he created for that works with Amazon s3, hosted web pages, as well as some other type of web 2.0 sites and things like that. So I think buffersites.com is in the pipeline, but it’s not available yet. So that’s what it is buffersites.com and the developer’s name is Abbess Abbess. ABB BB as Rathje. And I think I always butcher his name when I try to say it. But he’s, he’s got many different types of software products out there that are fairly good. Some of them are but got a little bit of a learning curve, but he’s got like video marketing Blitz was one of them, it was a good product that we use for quite some time. So he’s got several different kinds of products out that you know, software programs that do things so that’s the one I was talking about.
Should You Make A Separate Page For Each Location When Siloing A Local Service Business Site?
Next question is Tommy says when creating location pages for a local service business, would you make a location page for the location the business is located in the business already has the primary location in the footer about, etc, and ranks on page two for keywords in the primary location on a general service page? Would it be overkill to create a location for it to and be duplicate content would appreciate your advice? Thanks. Now, if it’s a single location site, you don’t need to you don’t need a location page for it. The only time that I would recommend having location pages is if you have if it’s a multi-location business right? Because then you can, you’d have one location is typically going to be like a headquarters, right? Like the main location or, you know, the primary location, the first location, whatever you want to call it. And so that would be like what I would, you know, a lot of So for example, if I were to build a lead gen site that was optimized for one location, but then I decided, because let’s say it was really successful, and I decided to start expanding locations for that brand, then what I would do is I would make that, you know, the primary location would be the first location, and I would take that as kind of like the name, address and phone number for the primary location would be like the organization, you know, essentially, the main location for that multi-location business, and then I would create separate location pages for each individual, or additional location, I should say, that’s how I would do it. But yeah, I wouldn’t recommend creating a location page on a site that is optimized for one location. Because you’re it that that’s kind of, you know, Department of redundancy department, you know what I mean? So I would recommend that you don’t do that, you don’t need to do that. But what you can do is you can split out like suburbs, or, you know, I’m not, I’m not sure what how you’ve got your site structured, but you can create geo posts, that’s what I call it, but they’re locally optimized posts for localities within your service area, if it’s a service area business, I’m just assuming that it is. But it could be a storefront business, in which case, you wouldn’t even really need to do that either. But for service area businesses, like contractors, which is what I do, then what I would do is have the one location, you know, is probably the only location but then I would start optimizing content in what’s called geo posts, or what I call geo posts, which would be optimizing content for like the suburbs, the adjacent areas, that and then I would, you know, kind of optimize cut, my blogger does all this, but she’ll go out and pull in like points of interest, historical, you know, references, things like that, that are relevant to each individual, you know, suburb or municipality or whatever that I’m trying to expand into, and then show, you know, produce some content, you know, included about whatever products or services the company offers. And you can start to blog that way, so that you can start really kind of expanding your service area footprint, so to speak. But you don’t need to have a separate location page for the location. If it’s a one-location business, it just doesn’t make sense to do that, in my opinion. Any other input on that guy just said, there’s no such thing as a duplicate content.
And we see this all the time, no such thing as that happening. Now, as far as would it be overkill? to us that perfectly? The advice is that when looking at content is whether you’ve given the content, proper attribution. That’s all that matters. Because if you haven’t, then let’s say if your G site is really strong, it might outrank your money site. That’s the only problem you’re going to run into. But if you have proper attribution, if if Google understands where the master copy of the content resides, and there is no problem, there are only problems if you’re running like duplicate titles, duplicate descriptions, and things like that. But we’ve literally only changed location on content and run the same, like 15,000. More than that pages have the same content except for the location and it works. It’s working. Right now. I’m about to show you how it’s working right now. And when we get to that question, there is no such thing as duplicate content, you got the master copy. And then you have copies of that content. proper attribution takes care of any duplicate content issues, and so does canonical. If you canonicalize. correctly, you’re fine. You’re good to go.
There you go. Let me unpause the screen for a minute if I can find it. Okay.
What Do You Recommend For A Self-Hosted URL Shortener?
So the next question is from Jr. My guess, says, Hey, guys, do you have any well-recommended URL shortener? Excuse me? Do you have any good recommendations for a self-hosted URL shortener looking to set up one for a client to be public-facing so users can create short links easily from their website? Open to using a hosted solution if it exists? Thanks. Also, is there any SEO value for the target site if users create short links? So, Marco, you would be the one to answer that because we set that up for MGYB.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, there eventually will be SEO value once you power it up. However, how long is it going to take you to power up that URL shortener on that website that has no power to start with? Which is what you need, which is the reason why Well, the reason why just say use a shortener To make the URL easier to handle, right, when you’re sharing it, you don’t want this long 50 character URL, you want something short and memorable. That’s why Bitly for a while was so good. And then we started realizing the SEO value in Bitly, until they decided that they were going to 302. At well, then we went to the Google goog l URL shortener until they took it away. So we decided rather than rely on others, why not create our own power that up, give everybody the SEO value and the added benefit that you could go in, and I think it’s only for like five or six, I don’t know, seven bucks a month, I don’t even know. Use your own use of our shortener which is powered up. And then you could have your own URLs, right, you can have your own URL extensions, you could have your own. If you want to call them vanity, whatever you want to call them. They’re yours, but they reside in MGYB. And they continue to get powered up by dedhia. So I will be there’s the SEO benefit, the SEO benefit that you get is the power that’s behind that. But right from the start when you go and install that whether you do it on a subdomain on your client site, whether you use pretty links, whatever it is that you’re going to use is not going to have any SEO value until you power it up.
All right, there we go on the resume share again.
Because doing some background stuff. Alright.
Can You Make Multiple GStacks On One Google Account That Are Interconnected?
So the next question would be Hey, guys, the question on G stacks. Can I make multiple G stacks on one g account that are not interconnected? Uh, yeah, I suppose you could. Now I’m not sure why you would want to we separate them. But you know, Marco, now that we’re not using the script. There’s not a limitation on that, though. Is there?
Let me see, of course, there is.
Why would you want to go and break up the well, not a limitation? But why would you want to put two things that are unrelated in the same dry stack?
We go for G stacks under one account. So different g stacks, but yes,
no? No. Okay.
Oh, unless they’re totally relevant if I mean, if you can, if all right, same niche, yes, it makes sense. If you’re going to break up the niche, if it’s going to be totally unrelated, then No, they’re not because now you’re putting all your eggs. First of all, you’re putting all your eggs in one basket, right? Everything is in a Google takes that away, you’re gonna lose everything that’s in there. That’s why we turn over we create our own Gmail accounts. And we turn them over to you so that you can use it. And if you order 1000 from it, you’re gonna have 1000 Gmail accounts, but you can manage a whole lot of them from one account, which is what we recommend, you can are we send a letter, we send an email when we deliver the drive stack, and we tell you what to do with it, make your main account the manager of that account, so you never again have to go back into that account. But this way, you won’t take any chances in eliminating the public-facing dry stack and decide you’re not going to run any into any problems or getting locked up or anything like that. Right. And then we tell you to change the phone number, change the recovery, make sure that you can get in there eventually. But only if you have to only have you must, once we turn it over, there is absolutely no reason for you to go back in there. Unless you want to go in there and Tinker and then you’re on your own. So please understand what it is that we’re doing. And what it is that we recommend for you putting like 50 I don’t know you could you get 15 What is it 15 gigabytes in that drive stack, excuse me in Google Drive to play with. So there’s plenty of space in there for you to get multiples in. But you’re putting everything in one basket you’d be put you putting all your eggs in there, and you drop that fucking basket and all your eggs break, you better know how to make scrambled eggs.
Yeah, I agree with that limit, you know, mitigate your risk that way. And so you know, as Marco said, we deliver it with its own Gmail account. And that’s you know, the primary owner of the drive stack which you can always add you know, your main Gmail account or G Suite account, whatever as a manager or share it with that so you can still manage the stack from within your own account, but it’s owned by the other account that way you’re limiting your risk like Marco said, if that you had one account that had all of your G stacks in it and then something happened in it got suspended or terminated, then you’d be screwed. So I totally agree with what he says there.
Is It Better To Have An Old Google Account Better Than A Gsuite Account When Creating Drive Stacks?
Okay, the next question was which is better and old g account or a new G Suite account? Well, I’m always gonna say G Suite account because you’re paying Google that way and I use G Suite for freaking everything now. So if it’s a brand or a project that I know I’m going to be working on for any amount of time Other than just for testing purposes, I always set up G Suite accounts for everything. Now, that’s just my own personal preference. One thing you can do is if you have old Gmail accounts, you can set up a G Suite account through the old Gmail account. And that, I don’t know if that actually adds any additional benefit or not. But I can’t imagine it wouldn’t. You know, I can’t imagine that hurts anything. And so like, if you’ve got some old Jeep, like, for example, I have a Gmail account that I’d set up for Tree Service stuff way back in, I think, 2012, that I just recently decided to turn that into a brand and I created a G Suite account with that. Email is like the, you know, the, when you set up a G Suite account, you need to have an email account anyways, and all that, you know, to add to the system, so I use that one. And I think and again, I don’t know this without testing, but it makes sense that it would have some inherent authority built-in because it was an age, an old account, something that I had set up in 2012, that I just now turned into a G Suite account. Now again, I don’t know that that’s true. But it makes sense to do. So do you have any input on that as part of the entity validation, isn’t it? I wrote that when I wrote the black book, I mean, we’ve been recommending go G Suite, go pay Google, or pay Google for extra drive space, get that credit card, on file, get your stuff in the database. So now you’re a real thing on the web. Rather than someone trying to gain Google, you’re still trying to gain Google, but you’re going the extra step, which most people won’t do. And you go pay for ads, ads for branding, Brandy put out a great course, ads, I run ads, for branding purposes. So again, you’re going a step further validating your entity. This is all talked about how old is the black book about four years old? It’s all in there. I don’t know, you guys, it’s all available to you. I think we also send it with that email with that recommendation email. For us, excuse me, the user’s guide, done for your users’ guide is what we send out. And it’s all in there how to add validation to your entity pay Google, get your credit card, and Google, they’ll tell you that it doesn’t have any effect in rankings. And they the way that they’re saying it is right, I would say okay, that in and of itself doesn’t. But when you’re validating the entity, that part of it has a big, big play in what the end results are going to be.
Unknown Speaker 22:33 Absolutely. All right. So next is Oh, by the way, a couple of things I wanted to briefly mention I was distracted from the start-up for the webinar being rough again. But a couple of things. One, I want to talk about this, this great post in our free group Facebook group from Max Lucey fam bam, we had we did a webinar on Monday with Mike Martin for Lead Simplify if you guys haven’t seen it yet, I would highly recommend that you check it out. I know most of our audiences into local SEO, local client work or lead generation. And it’s a fantastic application. It’s very inexpensive, and it works really, really well. The lead simplifies the app, I use it in my own business. In fact, I started using it eight or 10 weeks ago, probably closer to 10 weeks ago now. And I reached out to the developer Mike Martin, specifically after I had set the app up and integrated it into my own lead gen business. Because I saw the value of it, I decided to reach out to Mike and the developer and asked him if we could promote it to our audience specifically, because, guys, you know, we don’t promote other people’s stuff ever. Unless we, ourselves, you know, or somebody in our, my partners or one of us in my company use something and can vouch for it. And so we rarely promote other people’s stuff. And in this case, I reached out specifically to try to ask if we could promote it because I think it is such a valuable app. And so the webinar was great. We had some technical difficulties at the beginning of that part of the reason why I was frustrated this today for Hump Day Hangouts, but I got that cleaned up. So now the replay is just the content. And it’s really good content about what he calls the hybrid lead generation model. It’s fantastic content, as well as the app itself, is very inexpensive and very useful. And I use it in my business now. So we also throw in a couple of bonuses that I use specifically for generating lead buyers. So basically prospecting for lead buyers. And it works really, really well. I’ve been bringing multiple new lead buyers into my business over the last several weeks because of this app, as well as the prospecting systems that I have built, which I share all of that in our bonuses, so I would highly recommend that you guys go check out the lead simplify webinar that we did with Mike on Monday, and check it out.
Also, I just wanted to give a shout out to max Lu See fam bam, for this great post that they posted about watching that webinar and becoming inspired, because of some, you know, basically having some issues with clients, client work can be very frustrating guys in I’ve said that over the years, there’s certainly ups and downs with client work. But I really have decided that you know, I don’t want to work with any more take on any new clients, I just want to work on building my lead gen business and for several of the reasons that were mentioned in this post here, as well. So just wanted to kind of point that out, give a shout out to Max, Max Luci for posting such a thoughtful and thorough posting here. And, you know, we’re excited to see you, we’re excited to see you excited, and I think you’re on the right track, build your own assets instead of others. Now don’t get me wrong, guys, if you got to do client work, to make money do it, you know, but at the same time, instead of always building other people’s businesses budget some time and some money to start building your own assets to so that you can be gain more control over your revenue, right and your future. Clients can fire you at any moment, right? They can stop paying you to go find the bargain basement $99 a month SEO from you know, India or wherever and fire you in a heartbeat. And what are you going to do? You know, one of the things in our mastermind is we’ve had people that have come in that have had, you know, perhaps one or two clients that provide 90% of their income. Like for example, like a 4000 or $5,000 a month retainer client, what happens if that client drops you and your, your, your 90% of your revenue is based upon that one client, does that make sense or just a couple of clients and then you lose one of them. And now you’ve cut your revenue in half or a third or whatever my point is, you know, start thinking of ways to generate your own assets so that you have more control over your, your revenue and your future. And, and so again, I’ve got clients now, and I’ve still got a handful, I just took a client on about seven, six or seven weeks ago now a new client, but I don’t think I want to take on any more clients unless they’re going to give me you know, a much higher retainer value than what I typically asked for, because I really just want to focus on building my own business. So I thought this was a really thoughtful post and I just wanted to give a shout out to there and also encourage you guys to go check out the replay.
How Do We Use of Text Transcripts From Videos For Traffic And Link Building Purposes?
Alright, any comments on that before I move on guys? Nah, perfect. Okay, Franklin says, Hey, guys, given the rise of video integration in SERPs, and Google taking snippets of sentences, and focusing more on YouTube and looking to get a syndication ring and look into backlinking for videos, is there anything we can do with text transcripts from our videos for traffic, and link building purposes. Um, you know, the only thing that I, I don’t, what I’ve done in the past that works fairly well, like with client work, especially is I’ve had, I’ve trained some of them. Like, for example, I’ve got an outdoor pest control company that does like mosquito control, take control, that kind of stuff. It’s a very seasonal business. But I trained their technicians to, like I told the company owners to tell their technicians to just when they go out on job sites, which are just people’s yards, essentially, to just take their phone out and grab, record a short video, like literally like, Hey, this is John, for a company name, I’m out in, you know, Fairfax, Virginia, providing mosquito control services. And, you know, if you want your yard to be tick free ticket, mosquito, free, contact us, and then drop a phone number, whatever. So very, very short little video clips that then they send to me, I upload them to YouTube, optimize them, and then have that transcribed, which is, you know, literally, it’s usually about a minute long the video or less, so cost a buck or a buck 50 to have it transcribed, and then embed that into a blog post with the transcription underneath. And that syndicates out to the branded network that’s attached to the, to the website, as well as the YouTube channel can be attached to that too. So both can be syndicated to it, that’s what I’ve done. And it just it that tends to work because it adds some text without having to have you know, it’s, it’s all done with just a video, right? a short video can be turned into a video plus a blog post with the text with the transcription, the call to action, everything that you need for additional content, you know, to multi-purpose the content. So that’s what I’ve done. Maybe somebody else here has some other suggestions for how to use text. But that’s pretty much the extent of what I’ve done. And that works quite well actually.
Anybody else? Yeah, I mean, what you could do lots with the transcript, right? You can add it to your page and it becomes part of the blog post when you embed the video on your website. The transcript can actually become the content on your pay. I mean, we recommend that this time and again right then you syndicate it, then when you do your embed, right With the video, you could do the page I mean, not just the video, you can do an embed run of that page. Right? Because then that it’s an iframe, and that’s perfectly fine. You want you’re not going to run into any duplicate content issues. But people are still going to say, Okay, yeah, there are problems there are. So that’s another thing that you could take the audio from that video and start going to the audio distribution, I’d SoundCloud would be one podcast, and then you can create a syndication network for that. And there are so many different things that you could do with that, to get tons of value, rather than just think, Okay, what I do with this transcript, you could also convert it into a PDF, a downloadable PDF on your website. Right? That content, so I framed the video. And rather than just put the text on there as content, you could put additional content on it, then a link to a PDF that people can download, then you go and submit that to all these PDF directories that you have all over the web. And, I mean, that’s, that’s another thing that you can do, really, you’re only limited by, by, you know, your imagination. And what you can come up with the limit is the things that you can think of to do with this content. Not that you have multiples, but you have video, you have audio, and you have text, and then that text can become a PDF, it can become any other kind of download, it can become an image, the text itself can become an image, you can do the question and answer images of each. I mean, it becomes what you could do becomes ridiculous. The thing is, is it necessary? And why are you needing to do all of this a lot of times, all of that just simply isn’t necessary because the process that we use, requires you to do as little work as you can for as much benefit as you can saving the bullets. In case you need more.
There you go. Always keep some, some in reserve, right.
How Do You Properly Optimize The GMB And Website Of An Old Business?
Okay. The next question is a basic GMB question. I have a client who bought his dental practice from another dentist. The old dentist GMB is ranking Okay, three in some map packs around the office. And second, organically what is the best approach try to merge in the GMB market is closed and rank the new one with the new business name for the web for a website, the old one as a pop up directing to the new site, should I take that site down or leave it up just worried about the possum, but I think I could rank them both, I would be fine with that both businesses have exact same address. Okay, I’m going to give you what I would do in that situation. And then I’d love to hear Marco’s opinion on this as well. But what I would do is I would merge those two GM B’s the one that was shut down, I would contact Google My Business support and explain exactly what you just did to us without the SEO terminology, because you want to act dumb, or even, you know, you can act on behalf of the business owner. But I’ve done that in the past something similar where you know, there’s two GM B’s because of a tree service company bought another tree service company, for example. And so since they ended up sharing the same address, but it was different names and everything else, I don’t want to cause any PII issues, right where you can ambiguous ate the data for a particular business. So what I do is I contact Google My Business support and tell them, hey, this company bought this company there now. And you know, it’s now this name, but it’s in the same location, I want to merge the two and Google support Google, my business support will help you with that. I’ve had I’ve done that on multiple occasions. So that’s personally what I would do as far as the website. What I would do with the website is do a redirect. Right? If it’s ranking second, organically, I think you said yeah, second, organically, the website is got some authority, obviously. So if you’ve got the new website for the new brand, what I would do is do a redirect, I wouldn’t leave both of them up because it could cause some excuse me some NAEP issues and possibly some entity ambiguation. So I would like I said I would merge the two GM B’s you might have to contact you will likely have to contact GMB support to do that so that it can be done properly. For example, you know if you have I had another client that had a GMB where they had to they moved all they did was move locations so when they moved locations, they set up a new GMB instead of changing the original, like the information in the original GMB, they just set up a new one. And so when they came to me as when I, you know, brought them on as a client, they had a bunch of reviews for their old location, but they had their new location that had you know, just a hand a couple of reviews but they wanted to merge the two and so once again, I contacted GMB support and I had them merge the two. So they basically called and removed the old GMB from the old location, but merged all of the reviews into the new one under the new location. And so you can do those kinds of things as long as it’s 100%. legit, if it’s spam stuff, don’t even attempt it. But if it’s 100%, legit, then I would absolutely contact GMB support have the two merged. And then again, for the organic site, I would have that redirected to the new site so that you can push that authority over to the new site. Now that’s my method. Would anybody have a different opinion? merge and properly three? Oh, and I totally agree, is a having tool and maybe creating. Now, this is where duplicate matters, right? And, and the entity comes into play, and you create ambiguity, and then Google doesn’t Okay, so which dentist is which? And how does this all work? Because it’s a bot and it’s stupid. And if you don’t give it the information is not going to know. And you want to try to relate them to one to the other, and why what’s changed and all that you’re going to get into a whole lot of issues that you don’t want. Bradley told you exactly how to solve it, merge the GMB’s call and act really stupid with the owner as a matter lead to let the dentist’s quiet Look, I bought those dentists out and now he’s got a GMB and I got I let them work it out. And then you could properly 301 the old site to the new and gain from all that power that the old one has. And as a matter of fact, if you properly three or one, you could hammer the old website for a while and get the benefit into the new website.
Or you go so the next question. I’m not sure if well, I guess there is a question in there. It says guys, I’m looking both at land solutions and alpha land realty not typing these names for a reason. I don’t care. I know. I honestly don’t care that I’ve never tried to hide my homeland realty business. They’re public. Yeah, they’re public. I’ve always mentioned that and he said, anyway, I’ll finish the question then I’m going to comment and I’m sure Marco has some comments as well says I don’t see any good rankings there. In fact, I see a huge decline. I see a huge decline in something that was not very impressive anyway. Well, that’s okay. Because that not very impressive, impressive Alfa land realty site makes me between three and $15,000 a month and fucking month and has for a year and a half. So that’s not very impressive. They’re not you know, I’m sorry, I don’t know how to impress you. It works just fine for me. He says I know you do local use GM B’s ads, etc. You said, you said and you said it many times. It’s about calls and leads I get it but it looks more narrowed towards local map listing rather than a national campaign or global campaign. Mine is not a national or global campaign Alfa land realty is a Virginia based real estate acquisition company. All I target is Virginia. That’s all I’ve ever targeted since I set it up. And I use Google ads, direct mail and SEO, and I get all the damn leads that I want or can handle from those three methods. So and most of my traffic comes from direct mail I’m not gonna lie I do get leads from Google ads and from organic SEO, but those leads aren’t really the leads that I want. Those are typically not as good leads because I like to target specific land types in certain areas. And so with direct mail, I can do that. And so again, I’ve always I’ve never tried to hide the fact that I’ve not done a whole ton of SEO for Alfa land realty because I haven’t needed to most of the traffic that I generate is through direct mail. However, I do get probably eight to 12 leads per month from Google ads and or organic SEO but those they tend I bought several properties from you know, leads that have come in from either Google ads or from organic SEO, but most of them that come through aren’t those good they’re not that good leads because they’re not as targeted as I want them to be like I can do with direct mail. So again, I’ve never tried to hide that guys there’s no reason for me to I’m always honest with what’s going on in my business and it’s all been about Virginia land by land acquisitions in Virginia so I’ve been able to accomplish my goals with the methods that I’m using that solutions go ahead.
On the other hand is national and as a matter of fact we got we had a lead once from Bali so it’s it’s global. We did lead from somebody was selling land in Bali wanted us to do one to see if we would buy it I and I’ve prepared some some stuff that I that I want to share my skis Mind if I grabbed the screen shirt. Let me go here. And I can’t you got to give me permission or stop sharing your stop sharing mine. How about that? And I was Okay, here we go. Let me make sure I share the right one. Get rid of the porn. All right. So I saw this question and I came a look. Because I love the use of the turn of the phrase, I see a huge decline of something that was not very impressive anyway, wasn’t meant to be impressive was meant to get results. I’m not to impress anyone. I’ve never, I’ve never been it, I don’t want to impress you. All I want is the person here. If you can see my screen, when they come on here to fill out the fucking form. That’s all I want. Not to impress. So here we go. Are we seeing that position? I took a look. I don’t know how many top 10s I have. I but if I can scroll down? I don’t know. I can keep scrolling. Scrolling. Scrolling. Right. So you can see yes, it’s very local. It’s heavily local. How else would you target local real estate? Please, what are we talking about? Can we please define what we’re talking about first, because yes, even though this is National in nature, I have to target it locally. Or else, the person that’s looking to sell their land, in bumfuck, whatever, would never find me to sell me the land. So of course, I don’t know what it is you’re using you said hrs, I don’t use hrs. I don’t use sem rush, I don’t use any action. I use go, this is what I use. This is what tells me what it is that I’m doing. And whether what I’m doing works. Not only this, but while I was doing this, what’s so funny is let me pull this up in my G but look at the time 1:37pm I haven’t even opened because I was going through this, to show this during have to have a web web form fill came through. This is what I’m after man. Now, not you, you why user specific or targeted or whatever. But this is what I’m after I’m not after you. And I’m not after a dress to impress a dress and whatever the fuck it is they decide to give because I could give a shit about a trust and majestic. And and whoever else, you name it, I don’t care. I get my information from analytics, I get my information from the Search Console. That’s what tells me what to target. So I can get this because as Bradley said, Now these, what I do is I’ve been turning them over to the alpha land Realty, that you created Bradley. Yeah, the group, I’m sure you see me posting in there. And this is what I’ll do with this form. Because I have enough with what I’m doing with what I’m targeting in the states that I’m targeting. Or I’m good where I don’t know, four or five sales.
I wouldn’t say that much, let’s say three to four sales per month, three to four k average, well, that’s an extra 10 k in my pocket that I’m not expecting to see. I mean, and this is after expensives after expenses, after cost lawyers and everything else, it’s in my pocket is what I put in my pocket. That feels really nice. I don’t know about you, it may not be impressive to you. And I understand that. Okay, you may you probably make way more than I do, from something that just a side hustle, and a website that we haven’t done really anything to other than you know, we set up the SEO shield, some schema, some q&a, but not really giving it the love that it should not giving it all of the attention that we need to. Because since this is my main source of income, since this is just a playground, whatever I get here is perfect. I mean, this is fine for me, if I get I don’t know, 10 of these is what we’re getting per month, and I turn them over to the guys and and they can close a few. And they give me the commission. I mean that that’s an extra source of income in my pocket. So in addition to whatever it is that I’m closing and that I’m making every month, now this, this last solution network will also produce webform fills, where the guys who took Bradley’s training can go and they can get after these people make the offer and try to make that close and sell and put a couple of grand in their pocket. And they really didn’t have to do the effort other than to contact and try to close it. Because this person is hot. This person is hot to sell. They don’t go and find you organically unless they’re hard to sell this we know. So I’m sorry that you’re not impressed. But yeah, I mean, the other part of this what you said is so like calls and leads, because that’s the only way that you gonna make money. And I could be number one in everything and not making a penny and I could be selling it hot. Look, look, I’m number one. Number one. Number one, I’m not making a penny. And yet you’re going to fall for it. Because you see number one everywhere and is not really doing anything. So I mean, hopefully, this is the example you should be focusing on. We put everything through Google through analytics, and through search console. That’s what that personally, this is what I focus on. I don’t care about anything else. And I don’t care what anybody says about analytics and search console, because they’re generally wrong and they don’t know how to use it. And so they can’t see how it works. that’s their problem, not mine. All right, my hand a second, let me just finish my mastermind, people, my heavy hitter club and my mini mastermind. They know how to use this shit, because I’ve shown them how to use it. And how it is that you’re supposed to take a look at analytics and search console so that you can get the most benefit from it. And I’m done. Go ahead, man.
Yeah, no, I was just mentioning that, again. You know, I, I spent last year I’ve been running my alpha land realty business for about a year and a half now. And it’s, it only requires about eight to 10 hours a week now, because I’ve got personnel in place, and automations and systems and everything that I built took me months to build all of it. But now it just requires very little of my attention. Like I said, between eight to 10 hours a week on average. And for a period of time, I did spend more time on SEO and a lot of time in Google ads. But I’ve refined the Google Ads campaigns. And I realized, after starting to receive leads from just SEO and from Google ads, that those aren’t the best quality leads, because they’re often in random areas of the state that I’m not interested in, which ends up taking more time to research those markets to get to know those markets. I know which markets, I can flip properties in very quickly. And so those are the markets that I target and I target them more specifically with direct mail, because it’s a higher quality lead, and it works better for my business model. So again, it’s not I’ve never tried to, you know, sell people on the fact that my alpha land realty site was super optimized and all that shit. And everyone, it’s a single page landing page on Click Funnels, but still ranks. So what difference does it make, it generates me a very nice income with very little effort now, because I’ve built the systems and everything else. So anyways, if anybody’s interested in learning more about that specifically, reach out to support at Semantic Mastery, we’ve had a couple of people reach out in the last month or so and say that they’re interested in possibly joining a paid training group where you where I’ll teach how to flip land, it’s a great business guys, you can do it virtually from a computer at home, like out of I think I flipped. I don’t know, 28, maybe between 20 and 32 properties in the last year and a half. And I’ve only been to three of them. And it was only for very specific reasons that I went to three of them, I’ve been able to buy and sell land and make, like I said, on average, on my low end, in fact, this month, I only make 2300. But on my on my low months, it’s still a four figure profit. And on my good months, I’ve made five never made more than 16,000 in a month. But you know, that’s a really good income now for three to or excuse me for eight to 10 hours a week of effort. And so again, if anybody’s interested in that business, just reach out and say you’re interested in land flipping business. And once we get enough interest, I’ll put together another group and do some training on that it will be a paid training though, guys, so just keep that in mind. All right, we’ve got about 12 more minutes. I’m gonna grab the question. Question, though.
It was a good question. And we’re weren’t attacking you for your vote on another way. No, no. And and it’s good. I love this when people call you out. And it’s okay, so well, because the proof of a profit is and whether the prophecy comes true. If it doesn’t, then the profit is useless, right? So what we say is the results are what matter we need to be able to show results so that people who are in a dress and doubting I understand the doubt man, I understand the doubt. What I’m saying is your focus is wrong. I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m saying the focus that you’re giving it is wrong, because we’re not interested in HS. And they can show whatever they want. And you could go ahead and share. It’s the land some land solutions network, you can share it, you can go look at it, reverse engineer it, because we did a lot of nasty stuff in there a lot of testing, and it’s still it’s ongoing. We’ll get back to it and give it some love man, because we can take over a lot of stuff with the way that it’s ranking right now. At any rate, yeah, it’s not anything done to you or set to you specifically. It’s just that when you when you focus on Ah, they’re going to show you what they want majestic what they want SEMrush what they want. I only care about Google. That’s all I care about.
Yeah, and just one other thing about that is what’s interesting is if you take a look at my site, somebody’s got positions here. Oh, look at that son of a bitch anyways. But you can see like sell land fast, Virginia. We buy land Virginia, there’s a few other keywords that work really well for ranking. But if you take a look at my site, guys, it’s a single page landing page on clickfunnels, which clickfunnels doesn’t even give you the ability to optimize the page much there. You can’t really optimize the elements and Click Funnels. It’s very difficult. But that’s it. I mean, it’s a very simple site on a wide Firefox has been so slow, but that’s it. It’s that I mean, there’s no content marketing going on there. I’ve had a syndication network built but I never I don’t I don’t blog. I don’t publish posts. I don’t have I’m not doing GMB posts or anything like that. I do a few a handful of press releases per year. And that’s it. And that’s all I’ve had to do because look, I’m ranking number one in Virginia for my primary keywords the keywords from because I’ve run Google ads for this for a year and a half, I know which keywords produce conversions generate leads, those are the only keywords I give a shit about all the other ones I could care less about. It’s not a it’s not a it’s not a you know, a test to see how how many rankings I can get. In this case, it’s producing like I said, on the low end, four figures and on the high end five figures per month consistently month in and month out. And it has been for a year and a half. So I’d say it’s a success. And I don’t spend a lot of time on it anymore. I did four months but it’s it’s where it is now to where it’s on. It’s almost on autopilot requires very little my attention. So
I’m not sure what why am why Oh, niches What does that mean? Do you know what y m y l means?
Marco? You’re You’re muted
by the way.
What is okay?
I’m sorry. Somebody want to answer that?
Now? I thought I thought it was something else. MF
Global campaign for y m y l niches? I’m not sure what that means. Okay. Um, are these methods suitable for current moments for something outside at the current moment? Excuse me for something outside local marketing? Yeah, of course. I mean, again, like if you I mean, Mark always talks about local is relative, right? Your local can be a neighborhood, a city, a county, a state, a country, or global, it really just depends you local is relative, you know, there, I’m just targeting on a statewide basis, because I found that it doesn’t make sense to target like, we buy land Culpepper, Virginia, we buy land, it doesn’t make sense to go through all of that additional effort for that particular project. Because again, like and here’s the other thing about that project. And tree services, people will go to Google because they got a tree that is overgrown or a dead tree that’s in danger of falling on their house or their car or something. So they need that service. So they go to Google, and they search tree service or tree removal, Tree Removal near me or tree removal and whatever their city is, right. But with the landowners and for again, for that business, it’s a lot of times these are people that own land that really doesn’t haven’t even considered selling it, they just pay taxes on it, you know, year in and year out. And so I all of a sudden send them a letter that says, hey, I’m interested in purchasing your vacant land parcel located at whatever, whatever. If you’re interested in receiving an all-cash offer, fill out this form at this website, or call this number, which goes to my call center. That’s it. And so again, you know, a lot of the times I’m targeting people that have land that doesn’t even know that they want to sell it, the ones that do think, well, I’ve got a piece of land I need to generate some money from there are the ones that go to Google and search for it. But I found again because those are in random areas throughout the state that I’m not specifically targeting and ends up requiring more research on my part. And then it’s a market that I’m unsure about whether I can flip it quickly and all that other kind of stuff. So it’s that uncertainty is the reason why I don’t like those leads as much Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still make offers on them. But I like the areas that I’m specifically targeting through direct mail those areas better So again, just to kind of explain.
it’s just a different model period. So why am while your money or your life. Okay? What is it your money or your life niche? Not sure what that means?
Is It Okay To Optimize Two YouTube Channels For One Money Site
Anyway, so we’re gonna move on fit says good agents, I have a client posting on two different YouTube channels, only one optimized, should they optimize both? And add the money to site to both thanks for all you do. Yeah, I guess you could, uh, I don’t see how that could hurt anything. As long as it’s the same brand. I mean, I guess it depends on what it is that you’re doing. What it is that they’re doing? If it’s the same brand, but like, perhaps two different topics, or for whatever reason, then then yeah, I don’t see why that would hurt anything. Um, that’s what I would do. I mean, obviously, I need some more details, Fitz, to be able to give you a better answer, then that but I mean, if it’s the same brand, I don’t see why you couldn’t, it wouldn’t cause any ambiguity as long as you’re not, you know, trying to create two different types of brands for the same company if that makes sense.
What’s The Drawback If A Google Drive Folder Is Shared To Anyone With The Link Vs Sharing It Publicly?
So Okay, the next question is a G Drive folder is shared to anyone with the link versus public on the web. What’s the drawback? Or is it completely useless to do it that way? Is it thoroughly tested? I’ve heard it’s still good for buffering if you share with anyone with the link, but don’t know about entity validation. What’s your take? Marco? That’s a question for you.
The link shared folder has no fucking use that has to be public on the web. Really? It has to be it won’t pass if you Uh, no. It has to be public on the web man. Hmm. Now, even if you try the iframe that anyone with the link, it has it if you don’t do it right, it has a frame breaker. So once you if it has a frame breaker then we were losing all the benefits from what we now know, as our ys Academy reloaded, right? Because that’s built upon the power of the iframes and how they work. Okay,
so you’re saying his shit has to be public on the web to provide the benefits public and if you can’t do it, don’t worry. Go to MGYB to order drive second t site from us because we can make it public.
What’s The Drawback If A Google Drive Folder Is Shared To Anyone With The Link?
There you go. Rob says thanks, guys. Baby’s up. What’s up, baby? I was wondering where the hell you are today. He says, Hey, guys, after I asked all the External links variations now it’s time for a new wave. So so we’re gonna go through several weeks Marco has some other topic but one topic.
Yeah. 1000 ways. Maybe I’m giving you shit, man, we appreciate you, man. There’s no there’s no question. He says, Does the organization schema have to be on each page or just the home page? What page or post should the organization schema on which should be an article scheme? Okay, that’s a great question. And I’ve recently because of POFU Live and some of the training I’ve received from there, I started digging into schema more and I only put organization schema as the only schema on the homepage now. But if you understand the connected schema, then you can, you’ll still can work organizations schema into like local business schema or into article schema because the organization can be the publisher, there’s it’s connected schema is like combining schema types, but it has to be done correctly, or else it will ambiguity of the page that multiple schemas are on. So in other words, you have to understand how to connect schema properly, it’s not something we’re going to cover here, you’d have to go to heavy hitter club, that’s you that’s the place to be if you want to learn how to do that stuff. I’ve been learning from Marco and Rob and also doing some research on my own. And I’ve just recently begun to understand the idea of the concept of connected schema. And so I was actually doing it wrong for a lot of my own local business sites for the last couple of years because I would put organization schema sitewide. And then on location pages, I would have local business schema also. But that actually ambiguous. It’s the main entity of that particular page unless you combine them into a connected schema. And then you designate the main entity of the page or you can ref local like for example, local business schema can be the primary schema for a location page, but it can reference the overall parent organization. The same thing for articles schema, Article schema is going the primary entity of the pages the article itself, right. But then you can reference the publisher as an organization, for example, or even the author could be an organization. And that can pull in all of your organization schema with your same as attributes and everything else. You have to learn how to put that together properly. And I didn’t know how to do that until after I went through POFU Live. And I got to watch some of our speakers, which by the way, you can buy POFU Live recordings right now. So if you want to get a really good bass training for what connected schema is, and how you can develop this kind of stuff out, go get the POFU Live recordings. And I just want to mention, as I said, I realized after the POFU Live event and hearing some of our guest speakers, that I really needed to step my schema game up. And so I’ve spent the last several weeks now actually really tightening up my schema on a lot of my lead gen properties. And I’m starting to see some significant results from that already. But as so organization schema can go on all the pages if it’s nested within the other schema properly. Otherwise, just put it on your homepage or your about page or both. It can be on both of those even. But for everything else that would have the main entity of the page have that only schema on that particular page only unless you’re using connected schemas. So essentially nested schema where it would reference organization schema, hopefully, that didn’t confuse a lot of people. Mark, do you want to comment on it before I move on?
parent, child-parent, you can have organization either on the homepage or on the about page don’t make both if you’re going to do that I prefer it on the own baby to that’s where the bot will generally come in and go through the rescue website. So that’s what I like. As far as everything else. I mean, no, yeah. Don’t ambiguity. You’re in big trouble, man. Yeah.
Yeah. And that’s the thing. Like if you have multiple schemas on a page, and they’re not, you can actually main entity of page that’s it. That’s an attribute that’s a type that you can designate so that you can specify which one it is but if you’re using connected schema, or like you said Parent-Child, nested schema is another term for it, then it should validate correctly. Anyway. But yeah, it’s an interesting man, I didn’t realize how much I was missing drugs and data world until we had the poker live event. Now, that was my main takeaway. And I’ve told that to everybody. I was like, my main takeaway was I need to step my schema game up. And so I spent and I’m still just scratching the surface, Robin, and Marco, and heavy hitter clubs where you want to go for all of that stuff. Guys, there’s no question. It’s what we’re teaching a heavy hitter, man.
Yep. All right.
Last thing, I’m just gonna answer the part two real quick. And then we’ve got to wrap it up. He says, What if the homepage is general info, the representation of the brand, sort of, and then there is long-form post, which is targeted for the main service, keyword example tree removal, how to place schemas there. Yeah. So again, that would be I would consider that article schema. And you can also nest within article schema services, right? You can mention service. You can even have like offer catalogs, all that kind of stuff. Again, it’s a, it can get very, very complex. So you have to understand what it is that you’re doing. But I would say like a main like service page where with an article that talks about services, you could create a service schema type, but I don’t think that’s as valuable. And I don’t know, maybe Marco can answer that. Or maybe this isn’t the proper place to answer that. But I’m testing right now with some of my Tree Service sites having the like Tree Removal page, for example, marked up as a service page. And then I’ve got others that are article pages with nested services in it. I think the article page with a nested service is the proper way to go but I don’t know and that’s why I’m kind of testing and comparing right now. Mark Oh, am I am I revealing too much or what?
Yeah. Because that’s stuff I mean, how we, how we create the relationships and and how we stack the schemas. What it’s what’s dealt with in the heavy hitter club.
There you go. So that was a tease, go go join heavy hitter club guys. It’s inexpensive, and it’s totally worth it if you want that kind of technical knowledge. So all right. Thanks, everybody for being here. We got to wrap it up. Everyone knows next week. Thanks, guys.
Source: Semantic Mastery Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 310 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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localwebmgmt · 4 years ago
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 310
Click on the video above to watch Episode 310 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
There’s a search console because that’s my go to I don’t care what anything else says. And right when I’m looking at everything, I had a form submission come in. So I got it, I got it, I got the screen capture because I had to blur out some stuff. So I’m going to be sharing that as soon as we’re ready to go.
And we are live Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts, Episode 310. While Bradley’s doing some stuff in the background here, we’re gonna get going. I’m gonna say hi to the guys real quick. We got some quick announcements. And then I’m just scrolling through here. It looks like we’ve got a good number of questions. So with that said, Marco, I’m going to loop back to you, man, how you doing today? Like, by the way, like your shirt, you’re looking good.
I’m good, man. I’m sorry. I took it away from from my window. Should I have done that? I got I got I got a mess in the office right now. But you guys, you see? Nothing but like, Man, this is how I do to do I do. I can’t help it again. Come get some come get some guys. Just Just a quick word, stop relying on on third party vanity metrics for what’s going on on your website, according to Google. So you go to somebody else to see what’s going on in Google. I it for the life of me, I can’t figure that out. So in a minute, when we get to that question or five, whenever we get to it, I’m going to be sharing something on screen, just so you guys can see why you can’t go with third party vanity and domain authority then, whatever the hell it is you’re relying on. you’re relying on the wrong thing. And I’ll show you some and let’s see, I’ll get I thought it was muted. Sorry, Chris. How’s it going?
Doing good here? Good. They can complain and yeah, I think we got something pretty sweet coming. Oh, really? I made a video about something today, so, huh?
All right. Well, now I’m curious. I don’t even know what you’re talking about.
Well check Facebook.
Ah, all right. I will check it out. Bradley, you got the tech stuff done. Are you available?
Well, it’s the fucking video still not on know that on the page. Click Funnels bullshit. I’m tired of it. And I really am.
It’s still not even there we go. Yeah, it’s updated now.
Well, it’s not for me.
Gotcha. Well, we’ll circle back around. I’m going to type something in while I ask her not How you doing today, man?
Great, man. I’m in Miami. Having fun. Everything’s good.
Well, you got to talk for a little bit longer. I gotta, I gotta touch.
Okay. I’m in Miami. It’s raining. I’m having a lot of fun. This is awesome. And I’m waiting for Adam to stop typing so that he can keep on doing the intro. But did I mention that I mean, Miami? And
I’ve heard that you’re in Miami. Is that true?
No, I don’t know what you got that from? Yeah, man. How? how weak Are you really in the gym right now after all these months of no workouts? I’m a pussy. I’m doing like a D load quote-unquote, D load week right now. And I’m like, so sore. And I did like, two squats on Monday.
Those are right now, but we still had it. So.
Gotcha. All right. Well, I got a little note there. So if you’re watching us on YouTube, let us know. Also, if you’re somehow seeing this on the page, just shoot us a message let us know you can see it. But in the meantime, we’re gonna keep rolling and maybe figure something else out. But Bradley, how are you doing man? Besides page refreshes and caches?
Yeah, I’m just I’m tired of Click Funnels in their stupid fucking. There are always issues with Click Funnels, it seems to be getting worse. So anyway, maybe we can move the webinar on to a page on our site instead. I think we should probably do that. Because we won’t have to deal with this every week. It seems to be getting worse. So anyway, that said I, everybody.
Everything is fine. Yeah, that’s cool. Um, I’ve actually been testing out group funnels, maybe that’ll grab the lifetime account. And that came out, maybe we can just toss it on there and see if that works. Or just put it on the website, like you said, or do like a direct YouTube type of thing. love to see. But anyway, with that said, we have a couple of announcements. First of all, if you’re on the email list, that’s great. You’ve gotten the announcements about the POFU Live recordings, you got access to the little special offer we had to go in there. But if you’ve missed out on that, first of all, go to semantic mastery or go to Hump Day Hangouts. Just Google that and go to our page, enter your email address, so you can get notified about stuff like this. We do give special deals, special offers, and some bonuses to subscribers, but I’m also going to put it on the page here today. The recordings are available. Along with the recordings, you have the option to get executive summaries we’ve gone through and we’ve taken and distilled every single talk that we had into a quick basically reference guides. So you’ve got links, you’ve got the main points, so you can go back or have that open as you’re watching the talk. Super, super handy. So that will be on the page in just a minute. Oh, man, I am just losing my place like crazy today. I’ve got a couple more announcements. And while I hunt these down, did you guys have anything we need to also cover? Before we dive into things?
What about POFU?
About It was a great event.
Oh my god, what about it?
The live of the recordings are available, right?
Should be right.
Yes, that what I was just talking about or not my losing my mind about POFU.
I don’t know, but well I’m gonna keep running on because I don’t know where we’re going and this is gonna get pretty weird for people watching. So anyway, I do want to talk about one other thing, if you go to the SEOshield.com, the SEOshield.com that’s a great place. If you’re new to Semantic Mastery and MGYB You can find out how to shield your site and never worry about algorithm updates. Again, it’s a free training, just head over to the SEOshield.com and grab that if you’re more on the agency owner kind of consultant side and you want to get more clients to grow your revenue scale your team, head over to 2xyouragency.com. And last but not least, if you’re ready to grow your digital marketing business, your agency then you can join our experienced community. With the mastermind You can find out more about that at mastermind dot semantic mastery.com I like to go through these every time because we don’t know you know, we have new people watching every week. And those are some pretty typical questions we get from people, you know, hey, I’m just starting to watch you guys where the hell do I start? Right? Good question. So finding out about the SEO shield is great. Then we got people are saying hey, I either want to start or kind of grow my agency, I’m not sure what to do that’s to x your agency COMM And then we’ve got people, of course, are like, Hey, I’m in it, I want to grow, I want to be around other people like me who have got their agencies going who’ve got their businesses going. And that’s where the mastermind comes in. So those are the big ones. Of course, we mentioned MGYB, if you’re not familiar with that it’s mgyb.co, save time and money with done for you services. This is all stuff that we’ve used, and either converted into a done for you process or stuff that we had done for us. And now we’re offering it as well. So you can get it done for you and save time. So this is a great place to be like white labeling, things like press releases link building the SEO shield, for example. Lots more over there, too, and lots more coming. So with that said, guys, that’s it for the quick announcement. Anything else we want to cover before we dive into questions? I’m waiting around to say something No, just kidding. Wait, good. All right, let’s do it is that we got a bunch of questions already. So let me get the page pulled up here. And I’ll grab the screen.
This has got me all screwed up. Because the format has changed in the last couple of weeks. And after years of having one particular startup format. It’s hard to hard to transition.
All right,
you guys are seeing my screen now. Correct. Good to go. Yes.
Yep. All right.
What Is The Name Of The Upcoming Buffer Site S3 Creator?
Let me expand this a little bit. There we go. So the first question up says, Hi, you mentioned something about an upcoming buffer site s3 creator from ABS right? Yeah. Abbess. Rathje. As I think I’m saying his name correctly, I always feel like I’m mispronouncing that. Or he says, Can you please give us some URL or spell the product or the name as I can’t find anything? Yes, buffersites.com. It’s not available yet. But I believe it says coming soon. And I think he’s working on something because I recently got an email from him about kind of a technology that he created for that works with Amazon s3, hosted web pages, as well as some other type of web 2.0 sites and things like that. So I think buffersites.com is in the pipeline, but it’s not available yet. So that’s what it is buffersites.com and the developer’s name is Abbess Abbess. ABB BB as Rathje. And I think I always butcher his name when I try to say it. But he’s, he’s got many different types of software products out there that are fairly good. Some of them are but got a little bit of a learning curve, but he’s got like video marketing Blitz was one of them, it was a good product that we use for quite some time. So he’s got several different kinds of products out that you know, software programs that do things so that’s the one I was talking about.
Should You Make A Separate Page For Each Location When Siloing A Local Service Business Site?
Next question is Tommy says when creating location pages for a local service business, would you make a location page for the location the business is located in the business already has the primary location in the footer about, etc, and ranks on page two for keywords in the primary location on a general service page? Would it be overkill to create a location for it to and be duplicate content would appreciate your advice? Thanks. Now, if it’s a single location site, you don’t need to you don’t need a location page for it. The only time that I would recommend having location pages is if you have if it’s a multi-location business right? Because then you can, you’d have one location is typically going to be like a headquarters, right? Like the main location or, you know, the primary location, the first location, whatever you want to call it. And so that would be like what I would, you know, a lot of So for example, if I were to build a lead gen site that was optimized for one location, but then I decided, because let’s say it was really successful, and I decided to start expanding locations for that brand, then what I would do is I would make that, you know, the primary location would be the first location, and I would take that as kind of like the name, address and phone number for the primary location would be like the organization, you know, essentially, the main location for that multi-location business, and then I would create separate location pages for each individual, or additional location, I should say, that’s how I would do it. But yeah, I wouldn’t recommend creating a location page on a site that is optimized for one location. Because you’re it that that’s kind of, you know, Department of redundancy department, you know what I mean? So I would recommend that you don’t do that, you don’t need to do that. But what you can do is you can split out like suburbs, or, you know, I’m not, I’m not sure what how you’ve got your site structured, but you can create geo posts, that’s what I call it, but they’re locally optimized posts for localities within your service area, if it’s a service area business, I’m just assuming that it is. But it could be a storefront business, in which case, you wouldn’t even really need to do that either. But for service area businesses, like contractors, which is what I do, then what I would do is have the one location, you know, is probably the only location but then I would start optimizing content in what’s called geo posts, or what I call geo posts, which would be optimizing content for like the suburbs, the adjacent areas, that and then I would, you know, kind of optimize cut, my blogger does all this, but she’ll go out and pull in like points of interest, historical, you know, references, things like that, that are relevant to each individual, you know, suburb or municipality or whatever that I’m trying to expand into, and then show, you know, produce some content, you know, included about whatever products or services the company offers. And you can start to blog that way, so that you can start really kind of expanding your service area footprint, so to speak. But you don’t need to have a separate location page for the location. If it’s a one-location business, it just doesn’t make sense to do that, in my opinion. Any other input on that guy just said, there’s no such thing as a duplicate content.
And we see this all the time, no such thing as that happening. Now, as far as would it be overkill? to us that perfectly? The advice is that when looking at content is whether you’ve given the content, proper attribution. That’s all that matters. Because if you haven’t, then let’s say if your G site is really strong, it might outrank your money site. That’s the only problem you’re going to run into. But if you have proper attribution, if if Google understands where the master copy of the content resides, and there is no problem, there are only problems if you’re running like duplicate titles, duplicate descriptions, and things like that. But we’ve literally only changed location on content and run the same, like 15,000. More than that pages have the same content except for the location and it works. It’s working. Right now. I’m about to show you how it’s working right now. And when we get to that question, there is no such thing as duplicate content, you got the master copy. And then you have copies of that content. proper attribution takes care of any duplicate content issues, and so does canonical. If you canonicalize. correctly, you’re fine. You’re good to go.
There you go. Let me unpause the screen for a minute if I can find it. Okay.
What Do You Recommend For A Self-Hosted URL Shortener?
So the next question is from Jr. My guess, says, Hey, guys, do you have any well-recommended URL shortener? Excuse me? Do you have any good recommendations for a self-hosted URL shortener looking to set up one for a client to be public-facing so users can create short links easily from their website? Open to using a hosted solution if it exists? Thanks. Also, is there any SEO value for the target site if users create short links? So, Marco, you would be the one to answer that because we set that up for MGYB.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, there eventually will be SEO value once you power it up. However, how long is it going to take you to power up that URL shortener on that website that has no power to start with? Which is what you need, which is the reason why Well, the reason why just say use a shortener To make the URL easier to handle, right, when you’re sharing it, you don’t want this long 50 character URL, you want something short and memorable. That’s why Bitly for a while was so good. And then we started realizing the SEO value in Bitly, until they decided that they were going to 302. At well, then we went to the Google goog l URL shortener until they took it away. So we decided rather than rely on others, why not create our own power that up, give everybody the SEO value and the added benefit that you could go in, and I think it’s only for like five or six, I don’t know, seven bucks a month, I don’t even know. Use your own use of our shortener which is powered up. And then you could have your own URLs, right, you can have your own URL extensions, you could have your own. If you want to call them vanity, whatever you want to call them. They’re yours, but they reside in MGYB. And they continue to get powered up by dedhia. So I will be there’s the SEO benefit, the SEO benefit that you get is the power that’s behind that. But right from the start when you go and install that whether you do it on a subdomain on your client site, whether you use pretty links, whatever it is that you’re going to use is not going to have any SEO value until you power it up.
All right, there we go on the resume share again.
Because doing some background stuff. Alright.
Can You Make Multiple GStacks On One Google Account That Are Interconnected?
So the next question would be Hey, guys, the question on G stacks. Can I make multiple G stacks on one g account that are not interconnected? Uh, yeah, I suppose you could. Now I’m not sure why you would want to we separate them. But you know, Marco, now that we’re not using the script. There’s not a limitation on that, though. Is there?
Let me see, of course, there is.
Why would you want to go and break up the well, not a limitation? But why would you want to put two things that are unrelated in the same dry stack?
We go for G stacks under one account. So different g stacks, but yes,
no? No. Okay.
Oh, unless they’re totally relevant if I mean, if you can, if all right, same niche, yes, it makes sense. If you’re going to break up the niche, if it’s going to be totally unrelated, then No, they’re not because now you’re putting all your eggs. First of all, you’re putting all your eggs in one basket, right? Everything is in a Google takes that away, you’re gonna lose everything that’s in there. That’s why we turn over we create our own Gmail accounts. And we turn them over to you so that you can use it. And if you order 1000 from it, you’re gonna have 1000 Gmail accounts, but you can manage a whole lot of them from one account, which is what we recommend, you can are we send a letter, we send an email when we deliver the drive stack, and we tell you what to do with it, make your main account the manager of that account, so you never again have to go back into that account. But this way, you won’t take any chances in eliminating the public-facing dry stack and decide you’re not going to run any into any problems or getting locked up or anything like that. Right. And then we tell you to change the phone number, change the recovery, make sure that you can get in there eventually. But only if you have to only have you must, once we turn it over, there is absolutely no reason for you to go back in there. Unless you want to go in there and Tinker and then you’re on your own. So please understand what it is that we’re doing. And what it is that we recommend for you putting like 50 I don’t know you could you get 15 What is it 15 gigabytes in that drive stack, excuse me in Google Drive to play with. So there’s plenty of space in there for you to get multiples in. But you’re putting everything in one basket you’d be put you putting all your eggs in there, and you drop that fucking basket and all your eggs break, you better know how to make scrambled eggs.
Yeah, I agree with that limit, you know, mitigate your risk that way. And so you know, as Marco said, we deliver it with its own Gmail account. And that’s you know, the primary owner of the drive stack which you can always add you know, your main Gmail account or G Suite account, whatever as a manager or share it with that so you can still manage the stack from within your own account, but it’s owned by the other account that way you’re limiting your risk like Marco said, if that you had one account that had all of your G stacks in it and then something happened in it got suspended or terminated, then you’d be screwed. So I totally agree with what he says there.
Is It Better To Have An Old Google Account Better Than A Gsuite Account When Creating Drive Stacks?
Okay, the next question was which is better and old g account or a new G Suite account? Well, I’m always gonna say G Suite account because you’re paying Google that way and I use G Suite for freaking everything now. So if it’s a brand or a project that I know I’m going to be working on for any amount of time Other than just for testing purposes, I always set up G Suite accounts for everything. Now, that’s just my own personal preference. One thing you can do is if you have old Gmail accounts, you can set up a G Suite account through the old Gmail account. And that, I don’t know if that actually adds any additional benefit or not. But I can’t imagine it wouldn’t. You know, I can’t imagine that hurts anything. And so like, if you’ve got some old Jeep, like, for example, I have a Gmail account that I’d set up for Tree Service stuff way back in, I think, 2012, that I just recently decided to turn that into a brand and I created a G Suite account with that. Email is like the, you know, the, when you set up a G Suite account, you need to have an email account anyways, and all that, you know, to add to the system, so I use that one. And I think and again, I don’t know this without testing, but it makes sense that it would have some inherent authority built-in because it was an age, an old account, something that I had set up in 2012, that I just now turned into a G Suite account. Now again, I don’t know that that’s true. But it makes sense to do. So do you have any input on that as part of the entity validation, isn’t it? I wrote that when I wrote the black book, I mean, we’ve been recommending go G Suite, go pay Google, or pay Google for extra drive space, get that credit card, on file, get your stuff in the database. So now you’re a real thing on the web. Rather than someone trying to gain Google, you’re still trying to gain Google, but you’re going the extra step, which most people won’t do. And you go pay for ads, ads for branding, Brandy put out a great course, ads, I run ads, for branding purposes. So again, you’re going a step further validating your entity. This is all talked about how old is the black book about four years old? It’s all in there. I don’t know, you guys, it’s all available to you. I think we also send it with that email with that recommendation email. For us, excuse me, the user’s guide, done for your users’ guide is what we send out. And it’s all in there how to add validation to your entity pay Google, get your credit card, and Google, they’ll tell you that it doesn’t have any effect in rankings. And they the way that they’re saying it is right, I would say okay, that in and of itself doesn’t. But when you’re validating the entity, that part of it has a big, big play in what the end results are going to be.
Unknown Speaker 22:33 Absolutely. All right. So next is Oh, by the way, a couple of things I wanted to briefly mention I was distracted from the start-up for the webinar being rough again. But a couple of things. One, I want to talk about this, this great post in our free group Facebook group from Max Lucey fam bam, we had we did a webinar on Monday with Mike Martin for Lead Simplify if you guys haven’t seen it yet, I would highly recommend that you check it out. I know most of our audiences into local SEO, local client work or lead generation. And it’s a fantastic application. It’s very inexpensive, and it works really, really well. The lead simplifies the app, I use it in my own business. In fact, I started using it eight or 10 weeks ago, probably closer to 10 weeks ago now. And I reached out to the developer Mike Martin, specifically after I had set the app up and integrated it into my own lead gen business. Because I saw the value of it, I decided to reach out to Mike and the developer and asked him if we could promote it to our audience specifically, because, guys, you know, we don’t promote other people’s stuff ever. Unless we, ourselves, you know, or somebody in our, my partners or one of us in my company use something and can vouch for it. And so we rarely promote other people’s stuff. And in this case, I reached out specifically to try to ask if we could promote it because I think it is such a valuable app. And so the webinar was great. We had some technical difficulties at the beginning of that part of the reason why I was frustrated this today for Hump Day Hangouts, but I got that cleaned up. So now the replay is just the content. And it’s really good content about what he calls the hybrid lead generation model. It’s fantastic content, as well as the app itself, is very inexpensive and very useful. And I use it in my business now. So we also throw in a couple of bonuses that I use specifically for generating lead buyers. So basically prospecting for lead buyers. And it works really, really well. I’ve been bringing multiple new lead buyers into my business over the last several weeks because of this app, as well as the prospecting systems that I have built, which I share all of that in our bonuses, so I would highly recommend that you guys go check out the lead simplify webinar that we did with Mike on Monday, and check it out.
Also, I just wanted to give a shout out to max Lu See fam bam, for this great post that they posted about watching that webinar and becoming inspired, because of some, you know, basically having some issues with clients, client work can be very frustrating guys in I’ve said that over the years, there’s certainly ups and downs with client work. But I really have decided that you know, I don’t want to work with any more take on any new clients, I just want to work on building my lead gen business and for several of the reasons that were mentioned in this post here, as well. So just wanted to kind of point that out, give a shout out to Max, Max Luci for posting such a thoughtful and thorough posting here. And, you know, we’re excited to see you, we’re excited to see you excited, and I think you’re on the right track, build your own assets instead of others. Now don’t get me wrong, guys, if you got to do client work, to make money do it, you know, but at the same time, instead of always building other people’s businesses budget some time and some money to start building your own assets to so that you can be gain more control over your revenue, right and your future. Clients can fire you at any moment, right? They can stop paying you to go find the bargain basement $99 a month SEO from you know, India or wherever and fire you in a heartbeat. And what are you going to do? You know, one of the things in our mastermind is we’ve had people that have come in that have had, you know, perhaps one or two clients that provide 90% of their income. Like for example, like a 4000 or $5,000 a month retainer client, what happens if that client drops you and your, your, your 90% of your revenue is based upon that one client, does that make sense or just a couple of clients and then you lose one of them. And now you’ve cut your revenue in half or a third or whatever my point is, you know, start thinking of ways to generate your own assets so that you have more control over your, your revenue and your future. And, and so again, I’ve got clients now, and I’ve still got a handful, I just took a client on about seven, six or seven weeks ago now a new client, but I don’t think I want to take on any more clients unless they’re going to give me you know, a much higher retainer value than what I typically asked for, because I really just want to focus on building my own business. So I thought this was a really thoughtful post and I just wanted to give a shout out to there and also encourage you guys to go check out the replay.
How Do We Use of Text Transcripts From Videos For Traffic And Link Building Purposes?
Alright, any comments on that before I move on guys? Nah, perfect. Okay, Franklin says, Hey, guys, given the rise of video integration in SERPs, and Google taking snippets of sentences, and focusing more on YouTube and looking to get a syndication ring and look into backlinking for videos, is there anything we can do with text transcripts from our videos for traffic, and link building purposes. Um, you know, the only thing that I, I don’t, what I’ve done in the past that works fairly well, like with client work, especially is I’ve had, I’ve trained some of them. Like, for example, I’ve got an outdoor pest control company that does like mosquito control, take control, that kind of stuff. It’s a very seasonal business. But I trained their technicians to, like I told the company owners to tell their technicians to just when they go out on job sites, which are just people’s yards, essentially, to just take their phone out and grab, record a short video, like literally like, Hey, this is John, for a company name, I’m out in, you know, Fairfax, Virginia, providing mosquito control services. And, you know, if you want your yard to be tick free ticket, mosquito, free, contact us, and then drop a phone number, whatever. So very, very short little video clips that then they send to me, I upload them to YouTube, optimize them, and then have that transcribed, which is, you know, literally, it’s usually about a minute long the video or less, so cost a buck or a buck 50 to have it transcribed, and then embed that into a blog post with the transcription underneath. And that syndicates out to the branded network that’s attached to the, to the website, as well as the YouTube channel can be attached to that too. So both can be syndicated to it, that’s what I’ve done. And it just it that tends to work because it adds some text without having to have you know, it’s, it’s all done with just a video, right? a short video can be turned into a video plus a blog post with the text with the transcription, the call to action, everything that you need for additional content, you know, to multi-purpose the content. So that’s what I’ve done. Maybe somebody else here has some other suggestions for how to use text. But that’s pretty much the extent of what I’ve done. And that works quite well actually.
Anybody else? Yeah, I mean, what you could do lots with the transcript, right? You can add it to your page and it becomes part of the blog post when you embed the video on your website. The transcript can actually become the content on your pay. I mean, we recommend that this time and again right then you syndicate it, then when you do your embed, right With the video, you could do the page I mean, not just the video, you can do an embed run of that page. Right? Because then that it’s an iframe, and that’s perfectly fine. You want you’re not going to run into any duplicate content issues. But people are still going to say, Okay, yeah, there are problems there are. So that’s another thing that you could take the audio from that video and start going to the audio distribution, I’d SoundCloud would be one podcast, and then you can create a syndication network for that. And there are so many different things that you could do with that, to get tons of value, rather than just think, Okay, what I do with this transcript, you could also convert it into a PDF, a downloadable PDF on your website. Right? That content, so I framed the video. And rather than just put the text on there as content, you could put additional content on it, then a link to a PDF that people can download, then you go and submit that to all these PDF directories that you have all over the web. And, I mean, that’s, that’s another thing that you can do, really, you’re only limited by, by, you know, your imagination. And what you can come up with the limit is the things that you can think of to do with this content. Not that you have multiples, but you have video, you have audio, and you have text, and then that text can become a PDF, it can become any other kind of download, it can become an image, the text itself can become an image, you can do the question and answer images of each. I mean, it becomes what you could do becomes ridiculous. The thing is, is it necessary? And why are you needing to do all of this a lot of times, all of that just simply isn’t necessary because the process that we use, requires you to do as little work as you can for as much benefit as you can saving the bullets. In case you need more.
There you go. Always keep some, some in reserve, right.
How Do You Properly Optimize The GMB And Website Of An Old Business?
Okay. The next question is a basic GMB question. I have a client who bought his dental practice from another dentist. The old dentist GMB is ranking Okay, three in some map packs around the office. And second, organically what is the best approach try to merge in the GMB market is closed and rank the new one with the new business name for the web for a website, the old one as a pop up directing to the new site, should I take that site down or leave it up just worried about the possum, but I think I could rank them both, I would be fine with that both businesses have exact same address. Okay, I’m going to give you what I would do in that situation. And then I’d love to hear Marco’s opinion on this as well. But what I would do is I would merge those two GM B’s the one that was shut down, I would contact Google My Business support and explain exactly what you just did to us without the SEO terminology, because you want to act dumb, or even, you know, you can act on behalf of the business owner. But I’ve done that in the past something similar where you know, there’s two GM B’s because of a tree service company bought another tree service company, for example. And so since they ended up sharing the same address, but it was different names and everything else, I don’t want to cause any PII issues, right where you can ambiguous ate the data for a particular business. So what I do is I contact Google My Business support and tell them, hey, this company bought this company there now. And you know, it’s now this name, but it’s in the same location, I want to merge the two and Google support Google, my business support will help you with that. I’ve had I’ve done that on multiple occasions. So that’s personally what I would do as far as the website. What I would do with the website is do a redirect. Right? If it’s ranking second, organically, I think you said yeah, second, organically, the website is got some authority, obviously. So if you’ve got the new website for the new brand, what I would do is do a redirect, I wouldn’t leave both of them up because it could cause some excuse me some NAEP issues and possibly some entity ambiguation. So I would like I said I would merge the two GM B’s you might have to contact you will likely have to contact GMB support to do that so that it can be done properly. For example, you know if you have I had another client that had a GMB where they had to they moved all they did was move locations so when they moved locations, they set up a new GMB instead of changing the original, like the information in the original GMB, they just set up a new one. And so when they came to me as when I, you know, brought them on as a client, they had a bunch of reviews for their old location, but they had their new location that had you know, just a hand a couple of reviews but they wanted to merge the two and so once again, I contacted GMB support and I had them merge the two. So they basically called and removed the old GMB from the old location, but merged all of the reviews into the new one under the new location. And so you can do those kinds of things as long as it’s 100%. legit, if it’s spam stuff, don’t even attempt it. But if it’s 100%, legit, then I would absolutely contact GMB support have the two merged. And then again, for the organic site, I would have that redirected to the new site so that you can push that authority over to the new site. Now that’s my method. Would anybody have a different opinion? merge and properly three? Oh, and I totally agree, is a having tool and maybe creating. Now, this is where duplicate matters, right? And, and the entity comes into play, and you create ambiguity, and then Google doesn’t Okay, so which dentist is which? And how does this all work? Because it’s a bot and it’s stupid. And if you don’t give it the information is not going to know. And you want to try to relate them to one to the other, and why what’s changed and all that you’re going to get into a whole lot of issues that you don’t want. Bradley told you exactly how to solve it, merge the GMB’s call and act really stupid with the owner as a matter lead to let the dentist’s quiet Look, I bought those dentists out and now he’s got a GMB and I got I let them work it out. And then you could properly 301 the old site to the new and gain from all that power that the old one has. And as a matter of fact, if you properly three or one, you could hammer the old website for a while and get the benefit into the new website.
Or you go so the next question. I’m not sure if well, I guess there is a question in there. It says guys, I’m looking both at land solutions and alpha land realty not typing these names for a reason. I don’t care. I know. I honestly don’t care that I’ve never tried to hide my homeland realty business. They’re public. Yeah, they’re public. I’ve always mentioned that and he said, anyway, I’ll finish the question then I’m going to comment and I’m sure Marco has some comments as well says I don’t see any good rankings there. In fact, I see a huge decline. I see a huge decline in something that was not very impressive anyway. Well, that’s okay. Because that not very impressive, impressive Alfa land realty site makes me between three and $15,000 a month and fucking month and has for a year and a half. So that’s not very impressive. They’re not you know, I’m sorry, I don’t know how to impress you. It works just fine for me. He says I know you do local use GM B’s ads, etc. You said, you said and you said it many times. It’s about calls and leads I get it but it looks more narrowed towards local map listing rather than a national campaign or global campaign. Mine is not a national or global campaign Alfa land realty is a Virginia based real estate acquisition company. All I target is Virginia. That’s all I’ve ever targeted since I set it up. And I use Google ads, direct mail and SEO, and I get all the damn leads that I want or can handle from those three methods. So and most of my traffic comes from direct mail I’m not gonna lie I do get leads from Google ads and from organic SEO, but those leads aren’t really the leads that I want. Those are typically not as good leads because I like to target specific land types in certain areas. And so with direct mail, I can do that. And so again, I’ve always I’ve never tried to hide the fact that I’ve not done a whole ton of SEO for Alfa land realty because I haven’t needed to most of the traffic that I generate is through direct mail. However, I do get probably eight to 12 leads per month from Google ads and or organic SEO but those they tend I bought several properties from you know, leads that have come in from either Google ads or from organic SEO, but most of them that come through aren’t those good they’re not that good leads because they’re not as targeted as I want them to be like I can do with direct mail. So again, I’ve never tried to hide that guys there’s no reason for me to I’m always honest with what’s going on in my business and it’s all been about Virginia land by land acquisitions in Virginia so I’ve been able to accomplish my goals with the methods that I’m using that solutions go ahead.
On the other hand is national and as a matter of fact we got we had a lead once from Bali so it’s it’s global. We did lead from somebody was selling land in Bali wanted us to do one to see if we would buy it I and I’ve prepared some some stuff that I that I want to share my skis Mind if I grabbed the screen shirt. Let me go here. And I can’t you got to give me permission or stop sharing your stop sharing mine. How about that? And I was Okay, here we go. Let me make sure I share the right one. Get rid of the porn. All right. So I saw this question and I came a look. Because I love the use of the turn of the phrase, I see a huge decline of something that was not very impressive anyway, wasn’t meant to be impressive was meant to get results. I’m not to impress anyone. I’ve never, I’ve never been it, I don’t want to impress you. All I want is the person here. If you can see my screen, when they come on here to fill out the fucking form. That’s all I want. Not to impress. So here we go. Are we seeing that position? I took a look. I don’t know how many top 10s I have. I but if I can scroll down? I don’t know. I can keep scrolling. Scrolling. Scrolling. Right. So you can see yes, it’s very local. It’s heavily local. How else would you target local real estate? Please, what are we talking about? Can we please define what we’re talking about first, because yes, even though this is National in nature, I have to target it locally. Or else, the person that’s looking to sell their land, in bumfuck, whatever, would never find me to sell me the land. So of course, I don’t know what it is you’re using you said hrs, I don’t use hrs. I don’t use sem rush, I don’t use any action. I use go, this is what I use. This is what tells me what it is that I’m doing. And whether what I’m doing works. Not only this, but while I was doing this, what’s so funny is let me pull this up in my G but look at the time 1:37pm I haven’t even opened because I was going through this, to show this during have to have a web web form fill came through. This is what I’m after man. Now, not you, you why user specific or targeted or whatever. But this is what I’m after I’m not after you. And I’m not after a dress to impress a dress and whatever the fuck it is they decide to give because I could give a shit about a trust and majestic. And and whoever else, you name it, I don’t care. I get my information from analytics, I get my information from the Search Console. That’s what tells me what to target. So I can get this because as Bradley said, Now these, what I do is I’ve been turning them over to the alpha land Realty, that you created Bradley. Yeah, the group, I’m sure you see me posting in there. And this is what I’ll do with this form. Because I have enough with what I’m doing with what I’m targeting in the states that I’m targeting. Or I’m good where I don’t know, four or five sales.
I wouldn’t say that much, let’s say three to four sales per month, three to four k average, well, that’s an extra 10 k in my pocket that I’m not expecting to see. I mean, and this is after expensives after expenses, after cost lawyers and everything else, it’s in my pocket is what I put in my pocket. That feels really nice. I don’t know about you, it may not be impressive to you. And I understand that. Okay, you may you probably make way more than I do, from something that just a side hustle, and a website that we haven’t done really anything to other than you know, we set up the SEO shield, some schema, some q&a, but not really giving it the love that it should not giving it all of the attention that we need to. Because since this is my main source of income, since this is just a playground, whatever I get here is perfect. I mean, this is fine for me, if I get I don’t know, 10 of these is what we’re getting per month, and I turn them over to the guys and and they can close a few. And they give me the commission. I mean that that’s an extra source of income in my pocket. So in addition to whatever it is that I’m closing and that I’m making every month, now this, this last solution network will also produce webform fills, where the guys who took Bradley’s training can go and they can get after these people make the offer and try to make that close and sell and put a couple of grand in their pocket. And they really didn’t have to do the effort other than to contact and try to close it. Because this person is hot. This person is hot to sell. They don’t go and find you organically unless they’re hard to sell this we know. So I’m sorry that you’re not impressed. But yeah, I mean, the other part of this what you said is so like calls and leads, because that’s the only way that you gonna make money. And I could be number one in everything and not making a penny and I could be selling it hot. Look, look, I’m number one. Number one. Number one, I’m not making a penny. And yet you’re going to fall for it. Because you see number one everywhere and is not really doing anything. So I mean, hopefully, this is the example you should be focusing on. We put everything through Google through analytics, and through search console. That’s what that personally, this is what I focus on. I don’t care about anything else. And I don’t care what anybody says about analytics and search console, because they’re generally wrong and they don’t know how to use it. And so they can’t see how it works. that’s their problem, not mine. All right, my hand a second, let me just finish my mastermind, people, my heavy hitter club and my mini mastermind. They know how to use this shit, because I’ve shown them how to use it. And how it is that you’re supposed to take a look at analytics and search console so that you can get the most benefit from it. And I’m done. Go ahead, man.
Yeah, no, I was just mentioning that, again. You know, I, I spent last year I’ve been running my alpha land realty business for about a year and a half now. And it’s, it only requires about eight to 10 hours a week now, because I’ve got personnel in place, and automations and systems and everything that I built took me months to build all of it. But now it just requires very little of my attention. Like I said, between eight to 10 hours a week on average. And for a period of time, I did spend more time on SEO and a lot of time in Google ads. But I’ve refined the Google Ads campaigns. And I realized, after starting to receive leads from just SEO and from Google ads, that those aren’t the best quality leads, because they’re often in random areas of the state that I’m not interested in, which ends up taking more time to research those markets to get to know those markets. I know which markets, I can flip properties in very quickly. And so those are the markets that I target and I target them more specifically with direct mail, because it’s a higher quality lead, and it works better for my business model. So again, it’s not I’ve never tried to, you know, sell people on the fact that my alpha land realty site was super optimized and all that shit. And everyone, it’s a single page landing page on Click Funnels, but still ranks. So what difference does it make, it generates me a very nice income with very little effort now, because I’ve built the systems and everything else. So anyways, if anybody’s interested in learning more about that specifically, reach out to support at Semantic Mastery, we’ve had a couple of people reach out in the last month or so and say that they’re interested in possibly joining a paid training group where you where I’ll teach how to flip land, it’s a great business guys, you can do it virtually from a computer at home, like out of I think I flipped. I don’t know, 28, maybe between 20 and 32 properties in the last year and a half. And I’ve only been to three of them. And it was only for very specific reasons that I went to three of them, I’ve been able to buy and sell land and make, like I said, on average, on my low end, in fact, this month, I only make 2300. But on my on my low months, it’s still a four figure profit. And on my good months, I’ve made five never made more than 16,000 in a month. But you know, that’s a really good income now for three to or excuse me for eight to 10 hours a week of effort. And so again, if anybody’s interested in that business, just reach out and say you’re interested in land flipping business. And once we get enough interest, I’ll put together another group and do some training on that it will be a paid training though, guys, so just keep that in mind. All right, we’ve got about 12 more minutes. I’m gonna grab the question. Question, though.
It was a good question. And we’re weren’t attacking you for your vote on another way. No, no. And and it’s good. I love this when people call you out. And it’s okay, so well, because the proof of a profit is and whether the prophecy comes true. If it doesn’t, then the profit is useless, right? So what we say is the results are what matter we need to be able to show results so that people who are in a dress and doubting I understand the doubt man, I understand the doubt. What I’m saying is your focus is wrong. I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m saying the focus that you’re giving it is wrong, because we’re not interested in HS. And they can show whatever they want. And you could go ahead and share. It’s the land some land solutions network, you can share it, you can go look at it, reverse engineer it, because we did a lot of nasty stuff in there a lot of testing, and it’s still it’s ongoing. We’ll get back to it and give it some love man, because we can take over a lot of stuff with the way that it’s ranking right now. At any rate, yeah, it’s not anything done to you or set to you specifically. It’s just that when you when you focus on Ah, they’re going to show you what they want majestic what they want SEMrush what they want. I only care about Google. That’s all I care about.
Yeah, and just one other thing about that is what’s interesting is if you take a look at my site, somebody’s got positions here. Oh, look at that son of a bitch anyways. But you can see like sell land fast, Virginia. We buy land Virginia, there’s a few other keywords that work really well for ranking. But if you take a look at my site, guys, it’s a single page landing page on clickfunnels, which clickfunnels doesn’t even give you the ability to optimize the page much there. You can’t really optimize the elements and Click Funnels. It’s very difficult. But that’s it. I mean, it’s a very simple site on a wide Firefox has been so slow, but that’s it. It’s that I mean, there’s no content marketing going on there. I’ve had a syndication network built but I never I don’t I don’t blog. I don’t publish posts. I don’t have I’m not doing GMB posts or anything like that. I do a few a handful of press releases per year. And that’s it. And that’s all I’ve had to do because look, I’m ranking number one in Virginia for my primary keywords the keywords from because I’ve run Google ads for this for a year and a half, I know which keywords produce conversions generate leads, those are the only keywords I give a shit about all the other ones I could care less about. It’s not a it’s not a it’s not a you know, a test to see how how many rankings I can get. In this case, it’s producing like I said, on the low end, four figures and on the high end five figures per month consistently month in and month out. And it has been for a year and a half. So I’d say it’s a success. And I don’t spend a lot of time on it anymore. I did four months but it’s it’s where it is now to where it’s on. It’s almost on autopilot requires very little my attention. So
I’m not sure what why am why Oh, niches What does that mean? Do you know what y m y l means?
Marco? You’re You’re muted
by the way.
What is okay?
I’m sorry. Somebody want to answer that?
Now? I thought I thought it was something else. MF
Global campaign for y m y l niches? I’m not sure what that means. Okay. Um, are these methods suitable for current moments for something outside at the current moment? Excuse me for something outside local marketing? Yeah, of course. I mean, again, like if you I mean, Mark always talks about local is relative, right? Your local can be a neighborhood, a city, a county, a state, a country, or global, it really just depends you local is relative, you know, there, I’m just targeting on a statewide basis, because I found that it doesn’t make sense to target like, we buy land Culpepper, Virginia, we buy land, it doesn’t make sense to go through all of that additional effort for that particular project. Because again, like and here’s the other thing about that project. And tree services, people will go to Google because they got a tree that is overgrown or a dead tree that’s in danger of falling on their house or their car or something. So they need that service. So they go to Google, and they search tree service or tree removal, Tree Removal near me or tree removal and whatever their city is, right. But with the landowners and for again, for that business, it’s a lot of times these are people that own land that really doesn’t haven’t even considered selling it, they just pay taxes on it, you know, year in and year out. And so I all of a sudden send them a letter that says, hey, I’m interested in purchasing your vacant land parcel located at whatever, whatever. If you’re interested in receiving an all-cash offer, fill out this form at this website, or call this number, which goes to my call center. That’s it. And so again, you know, a lot of the times I’m targeting people that have land that doesn’t even know that they want to sell it, the ones that do think, well, I’ve got a piece of land I need to generate some money from there are the ones that go to Google and search for it. But I found again because those are in random areas throughout the state that I’m not specifically targeting and ends up requiring more research on my part. And then it’s a market that I’m unsure about whether I can flip it quickly and all that other kind of stuff. So it’s that uncertainty is the reason why I don’t like those leads as much Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still make offers on them. But I like the areas that I’m specifically targeting through direct mail those areas better So again, just to kind of explain.
it’s just a different model period. So why am while your money or your life. Okay? What is it your money or your life niche? Not sure what that means?
Is It Okay To Optimize Two YouTube Channels For One Money Site
Anyway, so we’re gonna move on fit says good agents, I have a client posting on two different YouTube channels, only one optimized, should they optimize both? And add the money to site to both thanks for all you do. Yeah, I guess you could, uh, I don’t see how that could hurt anything. As long as it’s the same brand. I mean, I guess it depends on what it is that you’re doing. What it is that they’re doing? If it’s the same brand, but like, perhaps two different topics, or for whatever reason, then then yeah, I don’t see why that would hurt anything. Um, that’s what I would do. I mean, obviously, I need some more details, Fitz, to be able to give you a better answer, then that but I mean, if it’s the same brand, I don’t see why you couldn’t, it wouldn’t cause any ambiguity as long as you’re not, you know, trying to create two different types of brands for the same company if that makes sense.
What’s The Drawback If A Google Drive Folder Is Shared To Anyone With The Link Vs Sharing It Publicly?
So Okay, the next question is a G Drive folder is shared to anyone with the link versus public on the web. What’s the drawback? Or is it completely useless to do it that way? Is it thoroughly tested? I’ve heard it’s still good for buffering if you share with anyone with the link, but don’t know about entity validation. What’s your take? Marco? That’s a question for you.
The link shared folder has no fucking use that has to be public on the web. Really? It has to be it won’t pass if you Uh, no. It has to be public on the web man. Hmm. Now, even if you try the iframe that anyone with the link, it has it if you don’t do it right, it has a frame breaker. So once you if it has a frame breaker then we were losing all the benefits from what we now know, as our ys Academy reloaded, right? Because that’s built upon the power of the iframes and how they work. Okay,
so you’re saying his shit has to be public on the web to provide the benefits public and if you can’t do it, don’t worry. Go to MGYB to order drive second t site from us because we can make it public.
What’s The Drawback If A Google Drive Folder Is Shared To Anyone With The Link?
There you go. Rob says thanks, guys. Baby’s up. What’s up, baby? I was wondering where the hell you are today. He says, Hey, guys, after I asked all the External links variations now it’s time for a new wave. So so we’re gonna go through several weeks Marco has some other topic but one topic.
Yeah. 1000 ways. Maybe I’m giving you shit, man, we appreciate you, man. There’s no there’s no question. He says, Does the organization schema have to be on each page or just the home page? What page or post should the organization schema on which should be an article scheme? Okay, that’s a great question. And I’ve recently because of POFU Live and some of the training I’ve received from there, I started digging into schema more and I only put organization schema as the only schema on the homepage now. But if you understand the connected schema, then you can, you’ll still can work organizations schema into like local business schema or into article schema because the organization can be the publisher, there’s it’s connected schema is like combining schema types, but it has to be done correctly, or else it will ambiguity of the page that multiple schemas are on. So in other words, you have to understand how to connect schema properly, it’s not something we’re going to cover here, you’d have to go to heavy hitter club, that’s you that’s the place to be if you want to learn how to do that stuff. I’ve been learning from Marco and Rob and also doing some research on my own. And I’ve just recently begun to understand the idea of the concept of connected schema. And so I was actually doing it wrong for a lot of my own local business sites for the last couple of years because I would put organization schema sitewide. And then on location pages, I would have local business schema also. But that actually ambiguous. It’s the main entity of that particular page unless you combine them into a connected schema. And then you designate the main entity of the page or you can ref local like for example, local business schema can be the primary schema for a location page, but it can reference the overall parent organization. The same thing for articles schema, Article schema is going the primary entity of the pages the article itself, right. But then you can reference the publisher as an organization, for example, or even the author could be an organization. And that can pull in all of your organization schema with your same as attributes and everything else. You have to learn how to put that together properly. And I didn’t know how to do that until after I went through POFU Live. And I got to watch some of our speakers, which by the way, you can buy POFU Live recordings right now. So if you want to get a really good bass training for what connected schema is, and how you can develop this kind of stuff out, go get the POFU Live recordings. And I just want to mention, as I said, I realized after the POFU Live event and hearing some of our guest speakers, that I really needed to step my schema game up. And so I’ve spent the last several weeks now actually really tightening up my schema on a lot of my lead gen properties. And I’m starting to see some significant results from that already. But as so organization schema can go on all the pages if it’s nested within the other schema properly. Otherwise, just put it on your homepage or your about page or both. It can be on both of those even. But for everything else that would have the main entity of the page have that only schema on that particular page only unless you’re using connected schemas. So essentially nested schema where it would reference organization schema, hopefully, that didn’t confuse a lot of people. Mark, do you want to comment on it before I move on?
parent, child-parent, you can have organization either on the homepage or on the about page don’t make both if you’re going to do that I prefer it on the own baby to that’s where the bot will generally come in and go through the rescue website. So that’s what I like. As far as everything else. I mean, no, yeah. Don’t ambiguity. You’re in big trouble, man. Yeah.
Yeah. And that’s the thing. Like if you have multiple schemas on a page, and they’re not, you can actually main entity of page that’s it. That’s an attribute that’s a type that you can designate so that you can specify which one it is but if you’re using connected schema, or like you said Parent-Child, nested schema is another term for it, then it should validate correctly. Anyway. But yeah, it’s an interesting man, I didn’t realize how much I was missing drugs and data world until we had the poker live event. Now, that was my main takeaway. And I’ve told that to everybody. I was like, my main takeaway was I need to step my schema game up. And so I spent and I’m still just scratching the surface, Robin, and Marco, and heavy hitter clubs where you want to go for all of that stuff. Guys, there’s no question. It’s what we’re teaching a heavy hitter, man.
Yep. All right.
Last thing, I’m just gonna answer the part two real quick. And then we’ve got to wrap it up. He says, What if the homepage is general info, the representation of the brand, sort of, and then there is long-form post, which is targeted for the main service, keyword example tree removal, how to place schemas there. Yeah. So again, that would be I would consider that article schema. And you can also nest within article schema services, right? You can mention service. You can even have like offer catalogs, all that kind of stuff. Again, it’s a, it can get very, very complex. So you have to understand what it is that you’re doing. But I would say like a main like service page where with an article that talks about services, you could create a service schema type, but I don’t think that’s as valuable. And I don’t know, maybe Marco can answer that. Or maybe this isn’t the proper place to answer that. But I’m testing right now with some of my Tree Service sites having the like Tree Removal page, for example, marked up as a service page. And then I’ve got others that are article pages with nested services in it. I think the article page with a nested service is the proper way to go but I don’t know and that’s why I’m kind of testing and comparing right now. Mark Oh, am I am I revealing too much or what?
Yeah. Because that’s stuff I mean, how we, how we create the relationships and and how we stack the schemas. What it’s what’s dealt with in the heavy hitter club.
There you go. So that was a tease, go go join heavy hitter club guys. It’s inexpensive, and it’s totally worth it if you want that kind of technical knowledge. So all right. Thanks, everybody for being here. We got to wrap it up. Everyone knows next week. Thanks, guys.
Source: Semantic Mastery Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 310 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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backstorywithdanalewis · 4 years ago
Presidential Debates Back Story with Dana Lewis podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1016881/5803924 @johndonvan #backstorywithdanalewis #debates2020
Speaker 1: (00:00) Well, Donald, I know you live in your own reality, but that is not the fats. Just go to her website. She tells you how to fight ISIS on a website. You are telling the enemy everything you want to do. No wonder you've been fighting. No wonder you've been fighting ISIS, your entire adult life. By the end of this evening, I'm going to be blamed for everything that's ever happened. Why not just join? Join the debate by saying more crazy things. Hi everyone. And welcome to another edition of backstory. I'm Dana Lewis. There have been some informative us presidential debates, some of them one on a good one, liner others on a relaxed look in 1960, Richard Nixon lost his first debate with John F. Kennedy because Nixon started sweating and look pale freedom, be maintained. Speaker 2: (00:53) I'm going to, to the attack, attack you to Devin own. I think it can be. And I think in the final analysis, it depends upon what we do here. I think it's time America started moving again. The things that Senator Kennedy has said, many of us can agree with. There is no question, but that we cannot discuss our internal affairs in the United States without recognizing that they have a tremendous bearing on our international position. Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (01:21) The defining moment from 1976, Jimmy Carter versus Gerald Ford occurred when then president Gerald Ford insisted there was no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, Speaker 2: (01:33) No Soviet domination of Eastern Europe. And there never will be under a port administration. I'm sorry. Could I just pause? Did I understand you to say sir, that the Russians are not using Eastern Europe as their own sphere of influence and occupying most of the countries there and, and making sure with their troops that it's a, that it's a communist zone, whereas on our side of the line, the Italians and the French are still flirting with, I don't believe, uh, mr. Franco that, uh, the Yugoslavians consider themselves dominated by the Soviet union. I don't believe that the Romanians consider themselves dominated by the Soviet union. I don't believe that the poles consider themselves dominated by the Soviet union. Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (02:22) Polls showed president Jimmy Carter lost a Ronald Reagan in 1980. Regan's calm, relaxed, demeanor during the debate was seen as key to his victory. Speaker 2: (02:32) What kind of elements of a national health insurance important to the American people? Governor Reagan, again, typically is against such a proposal. You have enough, you go again. When I opposed Medicare, there was another piece of legislation meeting the same problem before the Congress. You already are the oldest president in history and some of your staff. So you were tired after your most recent encounter with mr. Speaker 3: (03:00) Mr. Mondale. Um, I recall yet that president Kennedy had to go for days on end with very little sleep during the Cuban missile crisis. Is there any doubt in your mind that you would be able to function in such circumstances? Not at all mr. Troy and I, and I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience. And then there was this mess between president Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Speaker 4: (03:36) Oh, sure. You, in fact, let people know. He doesn't want to Senator, I'm not going to answer the question because the question, the question is justice rational left. Will you shut up missing? Who is on your list, Joe, this is on your gentleman's. I think this is so with you that, wait a minute, Speaker 3: (03:56) We got the final word in it. It's hard to get any word in with this clown. I sorry, Speaker 4: (04:00) With a billion dollars, if you, that, you know, when you're not doing it, Speaker 3: (04:06) True, gentlemen is on this backstory. Do we make these debates meaningful, controlled, dignified? Because that wasn't. So we introduce you to somebody who has studied and moderated debates and is an expert on how we should remake and remodel the format. Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (04:31) All right. I want to introduce you to John Donovan, a debate moderator in America, and that would be vastly understating, who John is because he's a former network news correspondent, a terrific correspondent. When he was with ABC news, he worked at the white house in John. First of all, welcome how many debates have you hosted now? John Donvan - Debate Host: (04:50) wUh, I think we're at about 180, 185, something like that since I started doing this in 2006 only. That's why you're terrific on this topic. First of all, could you have imagined an America like today, a few yesterdays ago when you covered the, uh, I could see the seeds of it. Um, I covered the white house during the Clinton administration, and I think that was the beginning of a turning point of a, of a kind of, um, a poisonous relationship between the parties, where things, um, after, you know, 40 years of some, some, some manner of civility and mutual respect, um, things began to get kind of ugly between the sides, you know, between, you know, going back now to, you know, 25 years, the, the, the sort of personal, uh, pettiness between bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich was already, um, also the, the media was beginning to get more into a more adversarial kind of personal relationship with presidents who were seen to be, which people might, people who are think fondly of bill Clinton might forget that bill Clinton lied, um, very, very, very publicly. John Donvan - Debate Host: (06:07) And, um, that there was the beginning of a, um, of an acceleration of, you know, Richard Nixon. Didn't like the press, of course at all, but there was the beginning of an acceleration of, um, uh, sort of a standoff between the press and the white house. So yeah, I guess I could have kind of imagined it. I don't think it started in 2016 or 2015. Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (06:28) All right. We've gone from, to use your words kind of ugly the turbo ugly now, I think. And, uh, you know, do you take Trump seriously when you hear things like, he's not gonna respect the peaceful transition of power and he should get another two terms, not the constitutional one term after the next election? John Donvan - Debate Host: (06:48) Uh, yeah, I take, I, I think we've learned to take everything he says seriously. Um, he, uh, his, his, his followers have always appreciated the fact that he says what he means and he means what he says, even though what he says may shift around a lot. Um, um, there's, there's kind of a grain of truth into, I think he wants to leave himself, uh, ultimate maneuvering room. I remember in the very first debate, um, back in 2015, when there were something like 11 candidates on the stage and the moderator, I don't know if it was the first question. Maybe it was the last question, but, but asked a sort of obvious question, if you are not the nominee, um, will you support the person who is the nominee, raise your hand if you will. And 10 hands went up and all by himself back in 2015, Donald Trump didn't raise his hand. Speaker 3: (07:42) Um, and it was kind of a kind of moment. And, um, and he, he just said, we'll see what happens. And we know when he says, we'll see what happens. It means he's keeping his positions open and his options open, and that he's really, really willing to considering and willing to, um, break the usual convention. So, you know, peaceful transition of power so far has been the conventional practice. Um, and it's clear that he has been laying the groundwork for a potential refusal of the vote by casting down on, on the integrity of the process. So, uh, yeah, I take him seriously that he would certainly consider it. Yeah. Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (08:28) First debate. How would you have changed it if you were hosting it? Could you have controlled it any better than Chris Wallace? John Donvan - Debate Host: (08:34) No, I couldn't. Um, Chris Wallace  has got a lot of, a lot of, uh, um, uh, criticism for, for what happened in that debate. And the problem with that debate, uh, was primarily the president's, um, insistence on, on breaking in and interrupting, even though I know the interruptions went in both directions. And even though I know, um, um, I read, I didn't go back and check this, but I read that the first person to interrupt was actually Joe Biden. I'm not sure whether that's the case or not. I just know that the dynamic and the flow of the thing was that, uh, when Chris Wallace, who is a, certainly not an anti Trump guy called out the president for being the, you know, he basically said most of the problem is you mr. President, that was just absolutely true. And if you have a, somebody who's not gonna abide by the rules, there's not much you can do unless you have some sort of enforcement power I would have, I would have, I would going forward insist on having some enforcement power. I think of the, of a debate moderator, uh, as, uh, you know, some people think of it as being a timekeeper. I think of it as being much more of a referee where your job is to have some power to enforce the rules, to keep, to make sure, you know, uh, as an example, not only keeping on time, but keeping on point, uh, avoiding personal attacks, if that's the rules. So the debates that I moderate, can I talk a bit, a little bit about what those are so I can, Speaker 1: (10:07) You've given us some insight into the debates you do and how you do them, because I think you've told me a long time ago that you did them alone, Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (10:14) Oxford style, uh, you know, debating framework, which you, you know, I'm happy to hear about that. John Donvan - Debate Host: (10:21) Yeah. The Oxford style comes out of the Oxford union at Oxford university for is time honored tradition in which, um, a statement is, is a sate asserted. And, you know, I'll just make it extreme. Um, hamburgers are good, you know, that would be the statement and, and one, one debater or team of debaters. And it's usually a team, usually a team of two would argue would, would be arguing for the resolution. They would be there to prove that you can't, you have to agree with them after you hear all the arguments that hamburgers are good and against them as a side, arguing against what the statement says, arguments, hamburgers are not good. They don't have to say anything else. That's better. They just have to say that they're not good. And usually, uh, there's, there's a time timed rules and there's time for rebuttal and there's a structure to it. So the structure is number one, it's about this thing. Number two, you have to prove it's true, or you have to prove it's false. And number three, you take terms and Speaker 1: (11:19) Your act with the does one Bay debating team interact with the other, can they, John Donvan - Debate Host: (11:23) Yeah. There's time for that. Stop that. So I'm okay with interruption. If I think that's a sort of robust thing, but the, normally what happens is, is that there's an opening statement, which is not interrupted by all four debaters. They take turns making the case. Um, we do that for about six minutes per person. So that takes about, uh, with the introductions. Our first half hour are these formal opening statements where each side makes their case. And then for 45 minutes, we interact and I ask questions, uh, of the debaters based on their opening statements. You know, I'll say, you know, Ms. Jones, you said, um, you know, uh, hamburgers are unhealthy. And your evidence that you cited was from, uh, from the federal government. Let me ask your opponent, do you trust that evidence? Should we be questioning it or not? You know, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll bring them together. But once that process is flowing, we do like to have to encourage a sort of robust back and forth, back and forth, uh, where, you know, there is such a thing as a, as a, as a justifiably motivated interruption by one person to have another it's. Uh, and so we're good with that. As long as it doesn't get out of hand by out of hand, I mean, you, you don't, you're not, you're interrupting just to stop the person from talking. You're not letting them have their say, Speaker 1: (12:35) Well, what if it's just outright name calling? Like it wasn't the presidential debate. I mean, Speaker 3: (12:41) I stopped, but we've had it happen. Um, Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (12:43) Stop that. Sorry. Now I'm interrupting. So you could turn my microphone off, except I have the control today. Speaker 3: (12:48) Yeah, you stop. But the way in which you're interrupting me is I think of you're you're not challenging. You're not trying to stop me from talking. It's not your goal. You're, you're motivated by a question came to your mind based on what I was saying. You were seeking clarification. I think that's perfectly good kind of interruption. So I just want to say that, um, and, uh, the way I stop it is I, um, I can tell you generally what I say is, uh, I did what I saw Susan Page do last night. I say, thank you the first time I say, I say, thank you, your time is up. If the person is running over time and the opening segments. And, um, if they keep going, I start to talk over them so that it becomes pointless for them to continue. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Um, mr. John Donvan - Debate Host: (13:33) Smith, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Your time is up. I'm sorry. Your time is up. That's it? I'm sorry. I don't sit. I don't say thank you. And then say nothing. Um, and, um, we had one debate though, where we really, really had intelligence squared. That's the name of the organization? Intelligence squared us, uh, try to, one of our goals is to, is to, is to demonstrate civility in argument and then the discourse. And so, uh, we're good with argument, but we're not good with incivility and incivility includes name-calling personal attacks, ad hominem arguments, and, and that comes up a fair amount. A lot of people are trained to prime to do that as an it's a cheap and easy, uh, way to, uh, to try to debate is to, uh, make fun of your opponent or criticize their character, which just drives me crazy because it's not an argument about the idea. It's, it's a, it's a cheap shot it's and so, so we rule them out when they happen. Um, I stopped the debate. Um, I did it, uh, last week at a debate. I stopped the debate and I, I say, um, um, w you know, that what you just made was a personal attack. And, uh, do you care to withdraw that? And we would appreciate it if you would almost always think every time the person has says, yes, I'm sorry, blah, blah, blah. And one reason I do that. Yeah, Speaker 1: (14:55) No, John, no way in a presidential setting, Speaker 3: (14:59) Do these w would be, you know, Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (15:02) Second term president and would be first term president. They're not going to allow you to interrupt very well. They're not going to withdraw. Trump is certainly not that kind of character, and he's not going to allow you to control. Speaker 3: (15:13) I would do it. The referee at that debate needs to be given power. Should you have electronic power to turn them off? You have the power to turn them off. Absolutely. And you shouldn't have the power to dismiss them from the stage. You should have the power to dock them time. So, uh, you know, Speaker 1: (15:30) It's going to be hard, sorry, jumping in again, because you know, it would be hard to Speaker 3: (15:36) Dismiss president Trump Speaker 1: (15:38) The stage, but I get docking time, I suppose this is very fast. Speaker 3: (15:43) Well, if you, if you, yeah, if you cut off the mic, I mean, it would be a very, very delicate thing. It would be very, very difficult to execute in a way that would not, uh, raise questions about whether the moderator is being fair or unfair, but I think it's doable. I do think it's doable. Um, and I do think that there are times when, you know, if, if Joe Biden were to, to make some claim about the president, that the president truly thinks is untrue. It's just bizarre. And, you know, I know that his, his instinct would be, I don't want to let that continue to be set. I want to stop that thing being said about me right now. I don't want it to get another 40 seconds. I understand that, but that's not what was happening with the president. The president was just trying to shut him down at every stage. John Donvan - Debate Host: (16:29) But what, what I would do with that as a referee with those powers is I would, I would shut off, especially if we gave a two minute timing, I would shut off the other candidates. Mike, during the primary, the speakers two minutes, the other guys, Mike would be cut off. There would be a visible clock, visible to them and visible to the audience showing how much time they had left. It was just tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. And when the time came, there would be a buzzer or a tone. So maybe not something not so obnoxious, but that would be it. And that thing would persist. And then I would say, you've had your two minutes, it's now mr. Bun, mr. Trump, it's now your time. And he would get the same thing. Sure, sure. Speaker 1: (17:13) And he wouldn't be heard on a, he wouldn't be heard on TV because as Mike would be, we'd be, we'd be turned off. So they've just announced, John, you know, and this is changing by the minute. So it may change again that the next, the presidential commission announced the next debate will be virtual. Speaker 3: (17:28) Um, so you can show it off. Biden has said yes. Yeah. Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (17:33) And Trump has said, no, that that's not the way you hold a debate over a computer. Andy said, interestingly enough, when he phoned into Fox, he said, um, th they can cut you off whenever they want. So he has real trouble with it. Speaker 3: (17:47) Yeah. Well, I think it would help. I mean, the bottom line is I think it would help. I don't think the parties would ever agree to it. Um, but, um, you know, I had a debate where I had two debaters. The way we're set up on stage is there there's two tables where the debaters sit and spend most of their time arguing. They stand for certain parts of it for, for the most part, they sit and I'm at a lectern in between them a little bit higher than them, which by the way, is another adjustment I would make. I would not make the moderator, this little tiny figure sitting down in the debaters or standing up. I would put everybody on the same level. It can not be because it's about the moderator. It's not about the moderator, but the moderator needs the ability to moderate. Speaker 3: (18:27) And so these, uh, I was between these two tables and the two guys on opposite sides, both at the inner seats, the right one on my right. And one of my left started arguing with each other and they got very angry at each other. And then they began doing kind of thing back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And I said, gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen, and they kept going, they kept going. They couldn't hear me. I don't even think they were ignoring the presidential debate. Yeah. So, and so I left my lectern and I went around to the front of the stage and I turned and faced them and I raised my arms and I said, just stop, just stop. And that stopped them. And then I, and then I returned to my lectern and I said, you know, that's just not the way we're going to do this. Speaker 3: (19:14) It's just not how it's going to be. And, you know, with the, and the audience applauded for the, for the gesture I make, which I think is where ultimately the, you know, the, the, the that's where my authority came from was the audience's support of what I was doing. You know, Chris Wallace doesn't have that, or these debaters don't have that. They, so, so you need to have some kind of moral suasion if you're not going to have actual power, but it stopped that moment. And, um, you know, I do know that there are some people who think that it's great to see people doing that. There are people who watched the Biden, Trump debate and found it very entertaining and, and, and sort of visceral dopamine level kind of exciting. And it was, it is, it is that it's, it's, it's like watching a wrestling match. And to be honest, I don't want to quash all of that too. There's something there's information in that and there's energy and it's it's appealing, but it just wasn't Speaker 1: (20:11) When it gets to the point that there's absolutely no policy being discussed. And it's it's name calling. And, uh, you know, and, and, and in fairness to Biden, I think that he had been criticized by a lot of people before the debate is as you know, sleepy Joe Biden, according to Donald Trump. And he felt he had to stand his ground no matter what, in that debate that he, he couldn't stand back and let Trump embarrass himself, but that he had to go toe to toe on every single exchange. So it, you know, they were kind of set up, uh, for that, uh, you know, brutal kind of machine gunning and forth, Speaker 3: (20:48) Uh, by, you know, a lot of the pre press on the debate and whether Biden could hold his ground. And, uh, you know, I mean, interestingly enough, you know, Trump has turned around and, and again said that Chris Wallace defended Joe Biden, which I don't, I don't think he did. I think Chris Wallace tried to just control it as best he could, but, and he felt a sense of failure at the end of it. Yeah. You mean a, that Chris Wallace felt a sense, Chris, I think Chris Wallace felt this debate and it wasn't, you know, I would too I've um, I, one time earlier in my career, I had that kind of a debate where I felt there was a sense of failure because one person came to, uh, to argue very substantively and had prepared that way. And the other person came with a series of one liners and zingers. Speaker 3: (21:34) And, um, and, and it, it kind of turned into a circle, you know, it was just cheap. It was cheesy. And, uh, and I, at that point was not experienced enough to, uh, to know how to try to a certain myself. I mean, every time I, I have to do this and I, I have to do it a lot, a fair amount. I never know if I'm ultimately gonna, you know, have a Chris Wallace experience, if the person just going to ignore me. But I think at a certain point I'm prepared to, uh, I'm prepared to dismiss a debater from the stage. I've never done it. I've never had to do it. It's never been discussed that I would do it, but, um, ultimately, um, it's, it's, we, we would need to make the point that the civil discourse has a place and needs to be defended and is useful without it being all, you know, policy is just such a policy is an important thing and a really boring sounding word. Speaker 3: (22:32) And, um, um, to me, the ideal debate is one in which the, the personalities of the debaters, their ideas for what is policy, it's what we would do, what we should do. I would want, I would want to express it in terms of the debaters, through their personalities and their convictions and their commitments share with us what they think we should do and what they would do. And that's how I would put it. I would, I would always want to walk around the word policy because it sounds like you have to do your homework. I, uh, interviewed somebody on the Eve of the 2016 Clinton Trump debate, and they said, cool, we'll get to see them under pressure. We'll get to see some flashes of personality, learning, how they would govern, um, in depth, probably not what their ideas are. What they're thinking really is. I think we probably won't learn much at all. And that guy was named John Donvan. And I think you were spot on, on that debate and even this one. Oh, wow. I had no idea, but, uh, you were going to argue with that guy, right? No, I was going to say, Hmm, I should debate that guy. What did you think of the Kamala Harris and Mike debate, different personalities, but, you know, clearly it was a lot more civilized. And I think people got a lot more, Speaker 5: (23:53) The American people have witnessed what is the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history of our country. And here are the facts 210,000 dead people in our country. And just the last several months, over 7 million people who have contracted this disease. But I want the American people to know Speaker 3: (24:15) Very first day, president Donald Trump has put the health of America first, Speaker 5: (24:21) Whatever the vice president is claiming the administration has done. Clearly it hasn't worked. And you know, the vice president is the head of the task force. So I have no, but Susan, this is important. And I want to ask mr. Vice president, I'm speaking, I'm speaking. So I want to ask the American people, how come were you when you were panicked about where are you going to get your next roll of toilet paper? How calm were you when your kids were sent home from school and you didn't know when they could go back? How confident are you when your children couldn't see your parents because you were afraid they could kill them. Speaker 3: (24:54) There's not a day gone by that. I haven't thought of every American family that's lost a loved one. You just nailed it. It was more civil. Was it as entertaining? Should it be entertaining? Um, uh, I think we got a very good dose of the difference of their personalities. The question is, does that matter? I suppose it matters if one of them becomes president someday, which is, there's a fair chance of, um, given, uh, given the ages of the tune of the incumbent and the challenger. So I think we got, uh, I got a stronger sense of Mike Pence, his personality than I'd had before. And I would say the same thing with Kamala Harris, a stronger sense of, of her personality. Um, uh, I was very frustrated by, uh, by the, by the, um, Mike Pence is again, not keeping time. Uh, you know, she would give him 15 seconds and he would take 45 seconds and I'm okay with, you know, take 15 seconds, by the way, it is hard to make a, to do a comeback in 15 seconds more realistically should, she'd probably say I can give you 30 seconds to respond on that. Speaker 3: (26:02) And I would understand because the debate did get personal, they did begin to challenge, uh, aspects of each other's past. And the problem with doing that is it's usually the accusation is usually way more complicated than the, than it sounds. And that means that the person who's attacked feels this compulsion to want to correct the record. And they ask for that opportunity. I, you know, you know, Susan Page, I'm sorry, I was just attacked and I need to respond to that. The problem with those attacks is then they go down a rabbit hole for the next two and a half minutes about, did this happen to that happened at some incident in the past. And that's why I would discourage, uh, personal attacks and, and why in our debates when it happens. Um, actually when it happens in our debates and somebody, we did a debate the other day in which, uh, one of the debaters, it was about economics and one of their debaters accused another debater of being stolen. Speaker 3: (26:58) Like, and it was, it was totally out of line. It was meant to be kind of cute and kind of edgy, but the person who was accused of being stolen, like took issue and said, excuse me, I need to go back. And, you know, and, and at that point I stepped in because they were going to go back and forth. And then for the few minutes about whether this one debate or at some point in his life had said something that was stolen, like, and, um, and would use valuable time doing that. So what I said is I said to the person who said it, I would appreciate it. If you would withdraw that remark, would you do that? And the person said, I wouldn't to the person who was attacked. I said, I would appreciate it if you will accept that and let's not talk about it anymore. Speaker 3: (27:40) So it took 30 seconds to resolve something that would have taken two, two and a half minutes. So I've done that before. I've the person who's offended, needs to be also needs to move on and, and to accept that there was a withdrawal. So, um, in the, in the Harrison and pants debate, that happened a fair amount. And, um, and so I found that annoying and, uh, what, what was interesting to me as I had a sense that Pence had more time talking because he ran over the, a lot of time limits many, many, many times, but, uh, according to a CNN, um, analysis, they had equal time within three seconds of each other. I think Penn said more, three seconds more than Kamala Harris. So that was, you know, I got to pay attention to that. That appearances can be deceptive. Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (28:26) It's going to be revealing too, because he talked over her a lot. And a lot of people think that that reveals his attitude towards women and whether that's true or not true, you know, by interrupting and talking over people in the end, you also create an impression that you leave with the audience, right? So Speaker 3: (28:42) Maybe, but I have a feeling he would have talked over an opponent who was a man and Tim, Tim Cain talked over him four years ago, incessantly talked over Pence. And, um, so I, I just think it was more of a, a personal style. And I, uh, I don't think he was trying to rattle her by doing that. I think he was trying, I think, you know, I think it's this thing that they're saying something that's really not true. I need to stop this from continuing to go on. And then, and then Harris, you know, towards the end began to, um, also run over time. She did so extensively on one question, I think about her prosecutorial record. I think that was the one where, where she said, I, you know, Susan, I was attacked Susan, the moderator, I was attacked. I want this time. And she went over probably by at least a minute, which is a chunk of time in a 90 minute debate trying to cover 10 topics. So it wasn't just Pence, but I felt that Pence is interruptions and frequent. Run-over sort of set the tone, something that was a little less sloppy than it should have been. And also frustrating there is that they were just in both of them are just ignoring the questions. All right. Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (29:49) Just to wrap this up. I mean, we talked about a lot of stuff that we kind of without getting specific about it, we covered it because we, you talked about time penalties, you talked about the ability to cut Mike's off. Um, do you think that, does America need another two debates? Um, is America gonna survive another two debates with these presidents? And what do you do when one is, will not agree Speaker 3: (30:12) To a format change, which Speaker 1: (30:14) Obviously a lot of people think is critical to making these debates Speaker 3: (30:17) Formative? Um, I don't have much, I hate to say it cause I really believe in any kind of public forum possible. And I, I know people on the presidential debate commission and, uh, or people who have served on it. And, um, you know, that's a whole another story that commission is controlled by the two parties, essentially it's nominally independent. But when I say it's controlled, it's it's members are nominated by the two parties and then Speaker 1: (30:48) It's a bridge for negotiation between the two. John Donvan - Debate Host: (30:51) Okay. That's great. That's a really good way to put it. Um, but the members of the commission, I think take the role very, very seriously and do, try to act independently. They do assert their independence, they claim independence and assert it. So I believe in their efforts to try to make it work. Uh, that said, um, I don't see any need to have a second version, a secondary or a rerun of the Trump Biden debate if it's going to be like that. Um, I'm, I don't think we're going to learn anything and it felt, uh, I don't know, to me it kind of left a, a blemish it's one more blemish on the political process in a, in a season of many blemishes on the political process. No argument, no Speaker 1: (31:32) Argument, John, thank you so much for all your time and perspective. If, and I think a lot of people would now, after hearing you talk about all of the debates, you've moderated, they'd like to go and watch some of them. Where do they see Speaker 3: (31:44) John intelligence squared us has a URL and an app. Um, but if you Google IQ to U s.org, that's IQ, the number two U s.org, um, all of our, so that would be through a web browser. All of our near 180, 185 debates are online. Interestingly, almost all of them. Uh, we've been doing them for a now 14 years, hold up still. And, um, and some, some of them are interesting for having happened 10 years ago. How forward-looking they turned out to be? And we also have an app, uh, IQ T U S debates on the app store and Google play store and the Apple store. So, um, join us. We're on YouTube also. That's great, John Donvan thank you so much. Pleasure. Speaker 1: (32:30) And that's our backstory on presidential and not so presidential debates, please subscribe to backstory. And if you don't mind share our link, your network, Speaker 6: (32:40) We're on every major podcasting platform we are growing and appreciate your support. Thanks for listening. I'm Dana Lewis and I'll talk to you again.
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xhostcom · 5 years ago
Page Redirects in WordPress or ClassicPress
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Page redirects in WordPress or ClassicPress are not the most straightforward topic if you are dealing with it for the first time. Many people have heard of page redirects before but aren’t always sure when you need to use them or how to implement them. These are sometimes needed when maintaining a Wordpress or Woocommerce site. In the following blog post, you will learn everything you need to know about page redirects (in WordPress and otherwise). This includes what they are and why they matter when to use what type of redirect, where to apply them, and different ways of correctly implementing page redirects on your WordPress site, so to start lets take a look at what they are.
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What Are Page Redirects and Why Do You Need Them?
Page redirects are basically like a send-on notice for the post office. When you move, you can get one of those and any mail that was sent to your old house will automatically be delivered to your new mailing address. Redirects are the same thing but for web pages only that, instead of letters and parcels, it sends visitors and search spiders to another web address. Implementing page redirects can be necessary for many reasons: A mistake in your title and URL that you want to correct Attempting to add/target a different keyword with your page The entire permalink structure of your site has changed Some external link is pointing to the wrong address and you want visitors to find the right page You want to change parts of your URL, like remove www or switch to HTTPS (or both) You have moved to an entirely new domain (or merged another site with yours) and want the traffic and SEO value of the old URL to land on the new one Why Do They Matter? From the above list, it’s probably already obvious why page redirects are a good idea. Of course, if your entire site moves, you don’t want to start from scratch but instead, benefit from the traffic and links you have already built. However, even if you only change one page, implementing a redirect makes sense. That’s because having non-existent pages on your site is both bad for visitors and search engine optimization. When someone tries to visit them, they will see a 404 error page. This is not a pleasant experience and usually very annoying (as entertaining as 404 pages can be). Because of that, search engines are also not a big fan of this kind of error and might punish you for it. Also, you want them to understand your site structure and index it correctly, don’t you? Therefore, it’s a good idea to leave a “this page no longer exists, please have a look over here ” message whenever necessary. Different Redirect Codes and What They Mean When talking about redirects, you need to know that there are several different types. These are categorized by the HTTP codes that they have been assigned to, similar to the aforementioned 404 error code for a missing page. However, for redirects, they are all in the 300 category: 301 — This is the most common kind. It means that a page has moved permanently and the new version can from now on be found at another location. This page redirect passes on 90-99 percent of SEO value. 302 — This means a page has moved temporarily. The original URL is currently not available but will come back and you can use the new domain in the meantime. It passes no link value. 303 — Only used for form submissions to stop users from re-submitting when someone uses the browser back button. This is probably not relevant to you unless you are a developer. 307 — The same as a 302 but for HTML 1.1. It means something has been temporarily moved. 308 — The permanent version of the 307.
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When to Use What? Of course, the biggest question is, when to use which type of page redirect? While there are several options, you usually only need two of them: 301 and 302. Out of those, probably more than 90 percent of the time, you will use a 301. That’s because for the rest (except 303), it’s not always clear how search engines handle them, so you basically stick to those two options. As for when to use which, much of it you can already understand from what the code tells the browser or search spider, however, here’s a detailed description: 301 — Use this when you are planning on deleting a page and want to point visitors to another relevant URL or when you want to change a page’s permalink (including the domain). 302 — Use this, for example, when making changes to a page that visitors are not supposed to see or when you redirect them to a temporary sales page that will soon turn back to the original. That way, search engines won’t de-index the existing page. Redirects and Page Speed While page redirects are great tools for webmasters and marketers, the downside of them is that they can have an effect on page speed. As you can imagine, they represent an extra step in the page loading process. While that’s not much, in a world where visitors expect page load times mere seconds, it matters. In addition, page redirects use up crawl budget from search engines, so you can potentially keep them from discovering your whole site by having too many of them. Therefore, here are some important rules for their usage: Avoid redirect chains — This means several hops from an old to a new page. This is especially important when you redirect http to https and www to non-www. These should all resolve to the same domain directly (https://domain.com), not ping pong from one to the next. Don’t redirect links that are in your control — This means, if there is a faulty link inside a menu, inline, or similar, change them manually. Don’t be lazy. Try to correct external links — If the fault is with an incoming link, consider reaching out to the originator and ask them to correct it on their end. In essence, keep page redirects to a minimum. To see if you have multiple redirects in place, you can use the Redirect Mapper.
How to Find Pages to Redirect and Prepare the Right URLs
So, besides when you do a site or page move, how do you find pages to redirect? A good place to start is the 404 errors/crawl errors in Google Search Console. You find them under Coverage. Note that Search Console now only shows 404 errors that threaten your pages from being indexed and not all of them. Therefore, to track down non-existent pages, you can also use a crawler like Screaming Frog. Some of the WordPress plugins below also help you with that, additionally you can take a look at SEMRush, and SEO management tool which is very popular, and used by many experts and beginners alike, you can get a free trial via the link above. Then, to prepare your page redirects: Get the correct to and from URL — This means to stay consistent in the format. For example, if you are using a trailing slash, do it for both URLs. Also, always redirect to the same website version, meaning your preferred domain including www/non-www, http/https, etc. Get the slug, not the URL — This means /your-page-slug instead of http://yoursite.com/your-page-slug. This way, you make your redirects immune to any changes to the top-level domain such as switching from www to non-ww or from http to https. Redirect to relevant pages — Meaning similar in topic and intent. Don’t just use the homepage or something else, try to anticipate search intent and how you can further serve it.
How to Correctly Implement Page Redirects in WordPress
You have different methods of implementing page redirects in WordPress. Basically, you can either use a plugin or do it (somewhat) manually via .htaccess. Both come with pros and cons: Plugin — Easy to use, nontechnical, however, potentially slower because many of them use wp_redirect, which can cause performance issues. .htaccess — This is a server file and very powerful. For example, you can include directives for using gzip compression in it. Using this is faster because page redirects are set up at the server level, not somewhere above it. However, making a mistake can mess up and/or disable your entire site. Let’s go over both options: 1. Using a Plugin You have different plugin options for redirects in WordPress. Among them are: Redirection — This is the most popular solution in the WordPress directory. It can redirect via Core, htaccess, and Nginx server redirects. Simple 301 Redirects — Easy to use, few options, does just what you need and nothing more. Safe Redirect Manager — With this plugin, you can choose which redirect code you want to use (remember what we talked about earlier!). It also only redirects to white-listed hosts for additional security. Easy Redirect Manager — Suitable for 301 and 302 redirects. The plugin is well designed and comes with many options. All of the plugins work in a very similar way. They provide you with an interface where you can enter a URL to redirect and where it should lead instead.
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Some of them, like the Redirection plugin, also have additional functionality. For example, this plugin also tracks whenever a visitor lands on a page that doesn’t exist so you can set up appropriate page redirects. 2. Using .htaccess .htaccess usually resides on your server inside your WordPress installation. You can access it by dialing up via FTP.
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Be aware though that it is hidden by default, so you might have to switch on the option to show hidden files in your FTP client of choice.
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The first thing you want to do is download and save it in a safe place so you have a copy of your old file in case something goes wrong. After that, you can edit the existing file (or another local copy) with any text or code editor. A simple redirect from one page on your site to another can be set up like this: RewriteEngine On Redirect 301 /old-blog-url/ /new-blog-url/ If the brackets already exist (as they should when you are using WordPress), all you need is this: Redirect 301 /old-blog-url/ /new-blog-url/ Just be sure to include it right before the closing bracket. You can also use wildcards in redirects. For example, the code below is used to redirect all visitors from the www to the non-www version of a website. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.mydomain.com$ RewriteRule (.*) http://mydomain.com/$1 To explore more options and if you don’t want to write them out manually, there is this useful tool that creates redirect directives for you. When you are done, save/re-upload and you should be good to go. Be sure to test thoroughly!
Page Redirects in WordPress can be very useful & page redirects have a very important function. They keep visitors and search engines from landing on non-existent pages and are, therefore, a matter of both usability and SEO. Above, you have learned all you need to know about their usage and how to implement them. You are now officially ready to start sending visitors and search spiders wherever you want. Note that these aren’t the only ways to implement page redirects. However, they are the most common and recommended. If you want to know less common ways, check this article on CSS Tricks. What do you use to implement page redirects in WordPress? Any more tools or tips? Share them in the comments section below & if you enjoyed this post, why not check out this article on WordPress Building Trends For 2020! Post by Xhostcom Wordpress & Digital Services, subscribe to newsletter for more! Read the full article
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the-innocent-papyrus · 8 years ago
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Gyftmas, Part 12
((Sleepy kid is sleepy. Leftovers are divided up and Spade convinces Undyne to make fish puns.))
Roan and Orion, from here
Dread and WD, from @the-dread-papyrus
Undyne, from @the-hcroine-appears
Zax, @holdusfast
CB and Slob, @coolskeletonsdontcry and @slobbyseconds
Ace, Spade, and Delta, @acetheskeleton, @spadetheskeleton, and @deltagaster
Lazy, @sans-nyan))
Zax 👽 [Returned to his half asleep state.]
🐽 even if we were kinda last minute an' late, heh.
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍯 "yeah, was a really nice little party here. fun, gave us somethin' to do. even if spade didn't do much."
He huffed, shooting a glance at Spade.
🍹 Spade was still stood in his spot by his drinks, having gone through quite a few bottles by now. He blinked at Ace and rolled his eyes, shrugging.
🍵 "I am. Also quite glad I was able to attend, as well! I really do appreciate It, um. You allowing me to come over, I mean. Thank you."
lazy 😺 "same. it's been neat actually meeting-- most of you, actually."
CB & s 🐽 yeah, nice meetin' you when i'm my normal self, hehheh.
lazy 😺 [LITTLE GRIN.] i've been pretty excited about meeting you when it's just you, so to speak. you and bones were sweet as bob.
CB & s 🐽  hehheh, bein' bob was pretty fun, not gonna lie. also not gonna lie about how it's kinda funny i still got, like, an inch or two on you, heh.(edited)
lazy 😺 well, to be fair, it's hard not to be taller than me.
CB & s 🐽 pff, i mean. i can say the same? i only know, like, three other sanses shorter 'an me.
🐝 [Meanwhile, CB knows zero Papyruses shorter than him. And only a couple that are the same height.]
Zax 👽 [Maybe someday I'll be taller than the skeleton that taught me the word fuck]
lazy 😺 true. i guess i only know-- one, i think? there's a sans i think i'm friends with who's four foot even. and i've heard rumours of a sans who is like... two feet tall? but i don't believe it. i don't want to believe it. 😺 WAIT. NO. THERE'S CARMEN. carmen's four foot five, i bought him heels so he'd be taller than me.
Zax 👽 [He's up. Shuffling over to Lazy. Looking up at him with those big eyes... He opens his arms. He's going to go to bed but, perhaps, a goodbye hug first?]
CB & s 🐽 oh damn? i didn't think he was shorter 'an me, too, heh. i'll have to pat 'im on the head, if i ever hang out with him.
lazy 😺 [oh cute... he bends down to hug zax.]
Zax 👽 [Purr. Little small nuzzling. Happy alien] 👽 [Shift back. Peering up at Slob with the same expression.... Will you also hug this alien?]
lazy 😺 i'm like, running off of some old info.  but i'm pretty sure he's a little shorter. ...i think he and i are dating, but-- i'm like, not totally sure. it's a weird limbo. but yknow.
CB & s 🐽 [Oh god he gets hugs, too? What the heck did he do to make this kid like him? Slob goes ahead and holds his arms out. Yes he'll hug this alien.]
Zax 👽 [Content alien purring. Yes, very good] "Good night.... Thanking you for come ta my mamas party."
CB & s 🐽 [Happy little squint.]
🐽 heh, sleep tight, kiddo.
Zax 👽 [Smile!!]
[Waves and heads over to Orion. Bedtime story and he's sleeping in your room tonight.]
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne ⭐️ [Orion wipes his face off and holds his arms out to the kid. Would he appreciate being carried upstairs?]
Zax 👽 [!!!]
[He latches on pretty much instantly. Being carried is the best.]
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne ⭐️ [Up he goes, and off to Orion's room they go for story and bedtime.]
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍯 Ace watches the kid get carried upstairs with a little chuckle, that's cute. He messed with his scarf and took out his phone to check the time, humming softly. Yeah, things were really starting to wind down. He should probably nab himself some sweets before he and Spade actually left, though. Definitely.
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne [There are still plenty of sweets left. They're going to be having cookies for dinner for days to come.]
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍯 Ace smiled a little and got up, stretching. Yeah, he'd probably go and do that real quick, maybe help Roan clean up some what too. Was the least he could do. He went off to the table and got a plate, piling it with what sweets and such that he could before going off and making Spade carry it. Not like he was doing anything else anyways.
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🌹 😬 [Roan and Dread start cleaning up as well, gathering up discarded wrappers and putting them in the trash.]
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍯 Ace gives them a smile as he starts to help out too, picking up whatever trash and such he can. As well as all of Spade's bottles, there are seven empty one's and he's drinking yet another beer. Geez.
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🐟 [Undyne glances over and realizes just how many beers Spade has gone through.]
🐟 "Geez, dude, you planning on finishing off that entire pack or something?"
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍹 Spade blinked at her and grinned, shrugging.
🍹 "was plannin' on it, but. took it slow tonight, what with it bein' a gyftmas party n' all."
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🐟 [Undyne laughs.]
🐟 "Geez, that's your definition of slow?? I'd hate to see how fast you usually go, then!"
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍹 Spade laughed a little at that, taking a drink.
🍹 "yeahhh, well. y'probably really wouldn't wanna see that. sides this is just beer, i've drank a heck of a lot more of all the stronger stuff. and y'know. a lot of pretty much all drinks in general."
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🐟 "Heh, what, you some kind of alcohol connoisseur or something?"
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍹 Another chuckle, then Spade just shook his head.
🍹 "nnnope, just an alcoholic. which, i guess could be considered some sorta fuckin' connoissure of alcohol, but. y'know. i drink ta drink, don't care if it tastes good. that's just a bonus."
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🐟 "Ha, fair enough! Though personally, if I'm gonna drink I'd rather it taste good, y'know? May as well make the actual experience of drinking halfway decent."
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍹 Another shrug, another drink.
🍹 "well, i do aim ta drink stuff that tastes decent. i mean. if it tastes like actual shit, that just ain't fun. depends on where i am i guess, how lazy m' feeling at the time. cause like. i can't be bothered to go to the bar every time i need drinks so i settle for what's around n' the house, an. ace brings weird tastin' drinks back home sometimes."
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🐟 "Well, guess you can only hope he brings back something that happens to fall on the palatable side of weird, huh?"
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍹 Spade shrugged with a nod.
🍹 "yeah and i mean, a majority of the drinks ain't bad, but as you can tell, i drink stuff fast. so sometimes y'just get left with the weird stuff and you ain't got no choice but ta drink it. so y'know, it's kinda somethin' that's inevitable, heh."
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🐟 "Ha! Yeah, I can see that. I'd make a joke about you drinking like a fish, if I weren't actually a fish and knew better, ha ha."
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍹 Spade laughed a little at that, shaking his head.
🍹 "oh c'mon, you're a fish! if anythin' you've got more of a right ta make that joke than i would, heh."
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🐟 "True, true! Though I think if I start in with the fish puns, our gracious host will murder me."
🐟 [Undyne laughs.]
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍹 Spade laughed a little more at that, taking another drink.
🍹 "heh, you should totally start up with fish puns. that would be actually great."
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🌹 DON'T.
🐟 "Ah c'mon, you don't reely mean that, Paps!"
🌹 [Roan lets out an exaggerated groan and rolls his eyes.]
🐟 "Okay, okay, I'll give you that one. I'm shore I can come up with betta ones, though."
CB & s 🐝 [There's a GROAN from over here, as well. He's been trying to help pick things up with the others.]
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍹 Spade actually snorted a little as he laughed more, covering his mouth with his hand a little.
🍹 "hehh, man this is great."
🍯 Ace was chuckling a little himself, but gave CB a sympathetic look. He shook his head and looked over to Roan.
🍯 "y'wanna start puttin' the food up in the fridge, or do you wanna leave it out a little longer?"
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🌹 [Roan taps his chin thoughtfully, pondering the question.]
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍯 Ace smiled with a nod, throwing away the trash he had in his hand.
🍯 "well, i'm gonna go grab myself some cookies from the fridge too before we do that. just give me a sec."
Then he's off to the kitchen for the meantime.
🌹 [A thought occurs to Roan and he turns to Dread.]
📖 [WD gives a thumbs up with one of his summoned hands.]
CB & s 🐽 could always take some of the other stuff off your hands, too, if there still a space issue, heh.
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍯 Ace hums as he returns with about five cookies and sets them on the plate that Spade is still holding. He's got one to much on for the time being though, looking over to Roan and Slob.
🍯 "y'can just tell me whatcha wanna take n' i'll leave it here."
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🌹 [As he speaks, Roan grabs a handful of cookies for himself. He hasn't really had much of an opportunity to partake, after all.]
CB & s 🐽 aw, but i'm supposed to be the lazy on- oh wait you're an orange, too. heh, shit, almost forgot.
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍯 Ace rolled his eyes and shrugged, chuckling.
🍯 "m'lazy when i wanna be, heh. so c'mon, whadda wanna take?"
CB & s 🐽 little bits of everythin'? heh...
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 🐟 🌹 [Undyne snickers, Roan rolls his eyes. Of course he takes the lazy way out.]
Ace/Spade/Delta 🍯 Ace blinked and rolled his eyes again, laughing a little more.
🍯 "well fine, heh, i'll getcha a little bit of everything. anyone else gonna wanna grab somethin' before it's all put up? might wanna do that now."
He grabs a plate and starts putting on some of everything on it and, yeah. He's probably gonna need more than one plate honestly.
🍹 Spade watched him and chuckled himself. Oh look at him, goin' out of his way like that for Slob and  Ace's 'not-boyfriend-quite-yet' CB. Nerd.
Roan/Orion/Dread/WD/Undyne 😬 📖 [Dread grabs a plate himself and starts shoveling stuff onto it for him and WD. The two of them somehow fall into a mostly signing conversation, mainly just discussing what they want to bring back and how much.]
🐽 aw, but then ace'd have no one else to pile a plate up for, hehheh.
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huffman80hickey-blog · 6 years ago
What You Should To Know About Tunes Downloads
Downloading audio is straightforward to find out and simple to do. But, your experience relies upon on what knowledge you do or do not have. This write-up details what you require to know to make certain that you can get the songs you are looking for rapidly and affordably. Often be wary of the web sites you decide on to obtain your audio from. You may possibly want to adhere to respected websites since you happen to be considerably much less probably to get malware or viruses from them. Maintain in thoughts that it really does pay to defend your info when using smaller, unidentified websites. Beware of employing unlawful implies to obtain your tunes. There are many peer to peer networks out there that'll give you access to plenty of songs. But this does open up you up to likely lawful problems and massive fines if caught. These totally free documents may possibly also have hidden malware. All round, it is a much better and safer choice to just obtain what you really like. Aside from the legalities of downloading totally free music, you also have anything else to be concerned about when selecting free audio documents from diverse internet sites. Hackers frequently offer you these documents, so consider 2 times just before you sign up for the bandwagon and down load free of charge songs. It really is much greater to legally get your tunes by paying out for it the appropriate way. For basic safety sake, down load songs only from websites you know and have confidence in. This will guarantee that the tune doesn't have some kind of virus in it which can go away your computer a mess or your non-public information open to criminals. Adhere to sites like Amazon or iTunes who scan the files they supply. Prior to downloading audio, make sure you are on a broadband connection. Music data files are not the identical mammoth dimensions as video clip data files, but when you obtain tons of them, the total down load dimensions can insert up fairly rapidly. If you're on a gradual link this can consume up a good deal of time. When deciding on a site to obtain your audio from, verify out reviews for their consumer interface. This is specifically critical if you are a newbie. organ tunggal have really complicated consumer interfaces that can be tough to navigate. Others are far more person pleasant, and they are a greater choice for a rookie. When downloading audio on the web, make positive that it is in a format that your music player or computer can handle. The most typical file format for tunes downloads is MP3, but there are many other varieties. No issue what structure you get, make certain that it does not need conversion before you can enjoy it. There are actually 1000's of websites which host songs files. Even even though several of these website are secure, there are nonetheless a wonderful amount that have some infected documents. Downloading just 1 of these infected information could potentially demolish your pc, so it is sensible to be careful. Just before downloading a file, constantly scan it initial with your anti-virus plan. Avoid the temptation of downloading common songs from new sites that promise you free music downloads. Owing to copyright reasons, most respectable songs downloads are available only with a price. Sites that advertise cost-free downloads of the most current music want to be scrutinized simply because there are typically strings hooked up to their provide which can make the download considerably far more complicated. If you are making use of a pay service for your audio downloads, you can normally trust any added information or programs that might be essential to down load. Nonetheless, if you have to shell out for a support you shouldn't get downloads that you never want. They can be frustrating, or full of viruses that lead to hurt to your personal computer. Examine out mainstream MP3 retailers and seem for their free songs part. Typically this is populated with tracks from up and coming artists which are worth checking out. For illustration, MP3.com has a total classification dedicated to totally free tracks. You can sample every single and then obtain people that sound great. With so numerous distinct types of tunes out there and coming out often, you want a services that is heading to give you the best availability. You don't want to find out about a music only to recognize that it is not accessible with your support. Search at on the web reviews, and make certain you choose an authoritative downloading provider inside the industry. Normally, you will locate yourself sad and switching back again and forth among providers with your songs break up up among them. If you want to subscribe to Google Enjoy, you will want to use a Spotify desktop app to accessibility the tunes. At the moment, this is the only way to be able to use Google Perform off of its web site. That explained, new applications are in the approach of being produced right now. If you're employing a key provider for your tunes downloads, keep an eye out for Singles of the Week. These are normally free downloads that you can enjoy. Who doesn't like the present of cost-free audio? Frequently the totally free obtain will also contain a price cut on the complete album, so you could help save some funds in this way. Check out out your tunes service's store on a weekly basis. There are typically all kinds of music download product sales likely on. A number of albums could be cut down on price - some even to 50 percent off. This is an exceptional way to fill out your library at a discounted price. Ahead of you obtain any music, make confident that you have present anti-virus safety on your pc. It truly is basic to inadvertently download a virus. Anti virus packages will scan these downloads for viruses and malware prolonged prior to it is ever saved to your personal computer. If your anti-virus software allows some slip via, it can re-scan the documents and eliminate malware and protect your personal computer from getting damaged. Preserve in head that whilst music downloads can be higher top quality, they will not have the identical sort of quality that you will get from a CD. Several tunes downloads seldom appear close to CD good quality even if they are ripped proper from the disc. This could not be the ideal option for some avid music lovers. These articles or blog posts will conserve you time and cash when downloading tunes. This helps you down load the tunes you want with out wasting time. The fact that you go through this article is great, so congratulations on exploring the topic.
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mrmichaelchadler · 7 years ago
TCA 2018: Netflix's Nailed It, Glow, One Day at a Time, Ozark and More
It becomes apparent from the moment I set foot in the International Ballroom at the Beverly Hilton that Netflix wants to put on a show. There are women in shiny leotards and big curly wigs. There are people with novelty t-shirts bearing the names of highly specific “taste communities” on the back. But the most obvious sign of all is the slow stream of people who walk up to my seat as I’m feverishly typing away to tell me, “hey, the special performance is about to start in the next room,” or, “hi, please join us for the brunch with our special guests next door.” So I put down my work (huge mistake) and head off to be entertained. It’s a gospel choir! They’re good, but man, it’s a lot.
“Good, but man, it’s a lot” neatly sums up much of the Netflix experience at the Television Critics Association summer press tour. Fresh off their first appearance at the top of the Emmy nominations heap, the streaming giant wants to share information about their new and returning shows, but also to keep us, the distractible masses, from getting sleepy and missing anything. As a result, the day looks like kind of a blur from this side of it, a haze of women in Sabrina the Teenage Witch wigs (lots of wigs, this fine day) and fake awards handed out to critics, gospel and snacks and the odd dodged question. But for you, dear Reader, I shall try to peer through the haze of advanced sleep deprivation into the surreal, often exciting day to recreate the shindig. Here are some highlights from Netflix Day—go ahead and hit the ‘skip credits’ button if you want. 
All hail Nicole Byer, entertainer of very tired people
Have you seen “Nailed It”? It’s a delight, a cooking show that Netflix calls “part reality contest, part hot mess.” It centers on home bakers with spotty skills going head to head in an attempt to bake elaborate culinary confections. It’s hosted by comedian Nicole Byer, who Netflix brought to the TCA tour as an energetic, irreverent, and slightly bewildered mistress of ceremonies. Byer could have been only a wee bit funny and her appearance would still have been welcome, if only because she broke up the day so ably. But Byer’s distinct voice and impeccable timing kept journalists interested and laughing. 
She was also a constant physical reminder of the foray Netflix is making into the world of food TV. A snack break late in the day allowed attendees the chance to try “nailing it” themselves by recreating a cat-spider cupcake created by the talent at the center of forthcoming series “The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell”; in the next room, stations offered snacks that reflected the principles of Samin Nosrat’s book Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat, which is also getting the Netflix treatment this fall—and it looks great. 
The women of “GLOW” and the glow-up
Betty Gilpin is tall. She’s not the only striking figure on the “GLOW” stage — this is a cast of striking figures, prepared to strike other figures for entertainment—but after days of encountering very petite famous people, it’s pleasantly jarring to see someone crack 5’7’’. 
Still, maybe that has nothing to do with height. Among the many highlights of the “GLOW” panel, which included Alison Brie, Marc Maron, Sydelle Noel, Britney Young, Kia Stevens, Jackie Tohn, and Britt Baron, was a spirited discussion about the show-within-a-show aspects of the, ah, show, and how the GLOW wrestling characters affect the lives of the “GLOW” characters. Here’s Gilpin on Debbie, talking about the importance of feeling tall, in the episode “Mother of all Matches”:
“I really relate to Debbie in a lot of ways, as a woman and actress, and from watching my friends become mothers, I guess I see this part of them that you sort of connect to your Greek self. And maybe everyone feels this way, that there's this tiny part of you that thinks, ‘oh, maybe I could be powerful, and maybe I could be special, and loud, and a thousand feet tall, if someone gave me the opportunity to.’ Then Debbie feels that way, and then her job for the day is to paint her nails and put on a nice outfit. And this thousand-foot-tall feeling gets crammed into this very small posing package, and I think she's just done with it, and is ready to explode. I think wrestling has given her an opportunity to feel a thousand feet tall, if only for five minutes. But I think that a trait that a lot of the characters share is that, even though we're all very different, I think a lot of us are very lonely, and feel like our lives didn't go the way that we thought they would. And that ‘GLOW,’ the show within the show, is this sort of weird island where we get to pretend to be the warriors we thought we were gonna become when we were little girls. Then we're all going back to our houses, crying in our bathrooms [laughs]. But I think that that warrior-self that they're finding in the ring is slowly bleeding into their personal lives. I think Liberty Belle has made Debbie a stronger Debbie—at the grocery store, and at work as a producer.”
This is it, the “One Day at a Time” panel
In the moments leading up to the “One Day at a Time” portion of the proceedings, you could feel the air in the ballroom shift palpably. Was it the impending appearances of Rita Moreno and Normal Lear, both living legends? Was it the chance to ask about the show’s mastery of the multi-cam format, or about how it manages to pair so much light and warmth with the tendency to take long, unapologetic looks at the issues that Latinx people confront all the time? Was it just that we love the theme song so much? All of that, probably, and more, because “One Day at a Time” is, without a doubt, one of the best shows on television, and the affection for it in the room was obvious.
There’s a chance such a level of pleasant anticipation could backfire—what if the panel was just okay? But nah, man, this is “One Day at a Time” we’re talking about, and the conversation was delightful the whole way through. 
Some highlights: 
Marcel Ruiz, the youngest member of the cast, revealed that he’d only come over from Puerto Rico six years ago and spoke no English at the time, which prompted Moreno to say, “That is impressive, wow. He's also so fucking cute.” Then, as the crowd laughed, “Yes, I'm a dirty old lady just like Lydia, where do you think they got all that stuff?”
Asked by this writer about Gloria Estefan’s upcoming appearance on the series (she also sings the theme), Moreno said the episode is “hilarious, and she’s wonderful in it.” Showrunners Mike Royce and Gloria Calderon Kellett also they “haven’t not” talked about a musical number for Moreno.
But the standout moment came when The A.V. Club’s Danette Chavez asked about the second season’s episode centered on colorism. Kellett answered first:
“Yes, well, my life, right? My brother is very dark. He is this beautiful caramel color, and I was the blanquita. I'm very white-passing, so a lot of times people will say things about Latinos in my presence because they don't know that I am Latina. So I thought, this is a great opportunity… My brother... lives in San Diego, and he called, and he [said], "I was just at the beach with my kids and somebody told me to go back to Mexico."... And he was more like stunned 'cause we've lived there for so long and it's a very diverse city, it's actually half brown in San Diego. So we were both just in shock about it. And I thought … the cast of these two young people, we can talk about that.  And so it felt important and something that we could do.
Then Isabella Gomez, who plays the “white-passing” teenager Elena, added: “And it was such a moment to educate, because I always tell the story. Whenever Ariela Barer, who plays Carmen in the first season, and I would talk about the industry and like, ‘Have you faced racism?’ I'd be like, ‘No, I haven't.’ And then I read that script and I was like, oh, I'm white-passing! My entire life makes sense now. So it's just like a good teaching moment.”
Other highlights
There were a lot. Jason Bateman, Laura Linney, and Julia Garner talked about the evolution and crumbling ethical centers of their characters on “Ozark”; Bateman also said, to paraphrase, “we know we’re not 'Breaking Bad,' okay?” A panel on Matt Groening’s new series, “Disenchantment,” revealed Abbi Jacobson and Eric Andre’s obvious enthusiasm for the project and low-key awe at being involved in a Groening project. Chuck Lorre and Michael Douglas talked about working with some underused tools in their tool kits—single-camera dramedy, for Lorre; comedy, for Douglas. Netflix VP Cindy Holland said, again paraphrasing, “No, we don’t want 'Timeless'” and “Yes, we do want more 'Master of None.'” And the young people of “The Innocents” charmed a bunch of tired souls with their earnest discussions of shape-shifting.
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365footballorg-blog · 7 years ago
Armchair Analyst: Everything you need to know heading into MLS Week 5
March 30, 201812:50PM EDT
Let’s just jump directly into it, shall we?
Toronto FC vs. Real Salt Lake
8 pm ET | FULL PREVIEW | TV & streaming info
The Reds have played the regular season to this point in third gear at best. With the home leg against Club América looming on Tuesday, they might stay stuck in third for this one as well. Greg Vanney will have to weigh the need to go full-throttle for three MLS points vs. the desire to keep a few things back from los Aguilas scouts (who are myriad and sundry and will be on hand) and to keep his whole lineup fresh.
What we do know is that TFC will choose between a 3-5-2 and a 4-4-2 diamond.
As for RSL, I have a simple request: Please get your center forward some shots. Luis Silva and Alfredo Ortuño have combined for four shots in three games, which is miserable and speaks to the level of dislocation that’s plagued this team’s attack to start the season. No matter the personnel, RSL haven’t been able to establish any sort of consistent attacking rhythm through 270 minutes. They’ve got to at least attempt to do so at BMO.
Sam Stejskal wrote about how TFC & RBNY are balancing their CCL responsibilities against their MLS schedules. Worth a read.
Orlando City vs. New York Red Bulls
1 pm ET | FULL PREVIEW | TV & streaming info
It seems like this could be the week that the Purple Lions inch closer toward what we thought they’d be in terms of personnel. There are still a couple of worries – Jonathan Spector’s concussion being one, Uri Rosell’s overall fitness being another – but in general we should be past the “everybody’s hurt and we’re playing with a raft of backups” part of the season. It’s also their third home game in four, and since they’ve picked up just one of nine available points so far, central Florida will inch closer to panic mode if there’s not a mark in the W column soon.
Against the Red Bulls, though? Good luck. They’re hammering teams so far:
Armchair Analyst: How does BW freaking P, of all people, get loose on a set piece? Watch his starting point (and don’t fall for the step-over) #NYvMINpic.twitter.com/fTUxVtEjuj
— Matthew Doyle (@MattDoyle76) March 25, 2018
Like TFC, with CCL semis looming they’ll likely want to keep a few regulars back and might toy around with their tactics and formation in order to throw off the Chivas scouts. So far this season, doing that hasn’t mattered much – the backups have RBNY 2-1-0 in the league with seven goals scored and just one conceded.
Columbus Crew SC vs. Vancouver Whitecaps
3 pm ET | FULL PREVIEW | TV & streaming info
Columbus beat D.C. convincingly last week, winning 3-1. And veteran Ricardo Clark did a nice job of filling in for Wil Trapp, even picking up a goal along the way.
But as well as Clark played, the absence of Trapp was both noted and notable. It’s his distribution from deep that gives Columbus their form:
Wil Trapp’s passing map vs. MTL on March 10, 2018 | MLSsoccer.com
Notice how deep Trapp drops, and how he spreads the ball diagonally? As Thierry Henry once said, “Wil Trapp is the key of that team … bringing the ball out of the back, so [Federico] Higuain doesn’t have to drop and get the ball. He will get it in good positions because Wil Trapp does his job. He brings the ball out for them and it’s difficult to stop.”
Here is Clark’s passing map against United:
Ricardo Clark’s passing map vs. DC on March 24, 2018 | MLSsoccer.com
Not a bad game at all, but not dynamic in possession either. If you’re wondering why Columbus looked a little clunkier than usual last week (and yes, it says plenty about a team that they can win 3-1 and still be regarded as “clunky”) there you go.
The ‘Caps will know this, and it doesn’t matter because no matter who’s out there in Crew SC colors, Vancouver will sit deep and counter. It’s what they do – this year as much as/more than ever:
A lot of this is probably game state, but Vancouver is sitting back even further this season than 2017. Their opponents are completing ~85% of their passes from run of play pic.twitter.com/2cSeuVpylj
— Kevin Minkus (@kevinminkus) March 23, 2018
LA Galaxy vs. LAFC
3 pm ET | FULL PREVIEW | TV & streaming info
Zlatan is here for El Trafico, and the dude brought a freaking lion. I feel like that’s a statement of intent.
I also feel like any time the Galaxy turn the ball over, LAFC are going to unleash a five-pass counterattack right up the gut to punish the hosts. The Black & Gold have been well-drilled through two games, and ruthlessly opportunistic when there’s a pocket of space or a running lane.
Perry Kitchen will have to have a good day for the Galaxy. Defensively he’s been very good thus far, though probably a touch too prone to chase plays rather than protect. In this one he needs to protect the pocket of space directly in front of the backline for the express purpose of denying Carlos Vela meaningful possession.
I really recommend Paul Tenorio’s look at LAFC’s roster-building strategy.
Chicago Fire vs. Portland Timbers
6 pm ET | FULL PREVIEW | TV & streaming info
Through three games Diego Valeri has no goals, no assists and only four shots. He’s created chances at a decent enough rate – six from open play, including one big chance. That’s not what he’s posted throughout his MLS career but it’s still better than just OK. It should be enough for the Timbers to be more dangerous than they have been.
What’s missing? Right now my early theory is twofold: First, they miss Darlington Nagbe’s ability to eliminate defenders off the dribble and shuttle the ball forward. Without that, Valeri is getting his touches deeper and with more defenders in front of him, which is not a great combo.
Second, up until last weekend against Dallas, Portland were playing higher up the pitch and trying to become a front-foot team, which just isn’t them. Doing so left gaps for both the Galaxy and Red Bulls to exploit in the first two weeks, and demanded more, defensively, than what Valeri or Fanendo Adi are capable of giving. So last weekend’s adjustment into a low-block 4-3-2-1 made sense.
As for the Fire, I think it’s fair to say they’ve looked like the weakest defensive team in the league thus far. Their wingers have not tracked back to help, their central defense has been a mess and Richard Sanchez has struggled in goal. If they play like they did two weeks ago at Minnesota United, they will be staring at an 0-3-0 start.
Minnesota United vs. Atlanta United
8 pm ET | FULL PREVIEW | TV & streaming info
There will be focus on the “Rematch!” element of this game, and the elements element of this game, and pending arrivals for Minnesota and injury-list issues for Atlanta and so on and so forth.
But what it comes down to is this: MNUFC can not let Atlanta’s attackers receive the ball on the run. If you do that, you’re dead:
Armchair Analyst: Nobody loves running lanes the way Atlanta United loves running lanes. DC played themselves. pic.twitter.com/PkHhrnoi5d
— Matthew Doyle (@MattDoyle76) March 11, 2018
I suspect the game will be won or lost around that simple truth.
On the flip side, watch for MNUFC playmaker Miguel Ibarra to drift wide and create overloads with his wingers. If and when that happens, at least one Five Stripes center back will have to step way out into space off the backline of that 3-5-2 and try to make a play. Leandro Gonzalez Pirez is always happy to attempt that, but so far in 2018 his batting average is below what it was in 2017.
If I’m the Loons, I try to bait him out and then go at the space he vacates.
San Jose Earthquakes vs. NYCFC
8 pm ET | FULL PREVIEW | TV & streaming info
This is probably the game I’m most looking forward to this weekend just because we’ve seen so little of the Quakes, but what we have seen has been so entertaining and promising. They’re playing a 4-4-2 that’s really more of a 4-2-2-2, and are doing so without what I’d consider a true playmaker (though Magnus Eriksson really can pass the hell out of the ball), and have scored five goals in two outings. Pretty, pretty good!
They’ve also conceded five in two outings, which is obviously not great. The issue has been one of communication between their deep-central midfield pairing of Anibal Godoy and Florian Jungwirth (who’ve struggled) and their fullbacks. A lack of connection between the defensive midfielders and the central defense allowed Kevin Molino to bag a brace from between the lines in Week 1, and a lack of any discernible defensive plan allowed Sporting KC to go to town for three goals in Week 3.
If the Quakes give NYCFC the same kind of space in Week 5, the Pigeons will put up three of their own. They have arguably been the league’s best team so far even with David Villa hurt.
Houston Dynamo vs. New England Revolution
8:30 pm ET | FULL PREVIEW | TV & streaming info
This is how the Revs play:
Here’s the thing: Houston blitzed Atlanta United, the only high-pressing team they’ve faced this year, 4-0 way back in Week 1. But the Five Stripes are a different type of high-pressing team than the Revs, in that Atlanta really want possession and New England wanted/wants nothing to do with having the ball. Any time they forced a turnover out of NYCFC last week, they just went direct.
The Dynamo have to be prepared for exactly that. They’ll try to (and should) carry the game, and have the pieces – passers and attackers – to break down New England’s defense once the Revs are put on the back foot. But rocking them onto the back foot in the first place is going to be a legitimately difficult task, even at home and with a full roster of healthy players.
Sporting KC vs. D.C. United
8:30 pm ET | FULL PREVIEW | TV & streaming info
Friendly reminder that Sporting have the most wide-open, high-scoring attack in the league this season and also the most vulnerable, error-prone defense. Their 9 goals scored leads MLS, and their 9 conceded is worst in MLS along with … D.C. United. There should be lots of goals in this one (an assumption that usually acts as the kiss of death in this league, but whatever).
Bobby Warshaw went into some depth in breaking down SKC’s defensive issues thus far earlier this week. 
I still can’t put my finger on what, precisely, is wrong with SKC, but this rings true to me:
A better CF, whether as a holdup & setup player or a first option shooter, probably helps KC’s defense as much as anything. Ground coverage required for Zusi, Guiterrez, Russell, etc may be more compact so Ilie, Besler, Opara wouldn’t need to push as highest into gap left by CM’s
— Nathan Martin (@NMthenoise) March 26, 2018
They have seemed weirdly spread out at times, and teams are attacking those gaps.
Will D.C. be able to manage that? So far they’ve not had much possession to speak of, save for an encouraging last half hour against Houston in Week 3, and when they’ve attacked it’s almost always been via long balls over the top. SKC can be caught on that – they were last week against Colorado – but it’s still a low-probability attacking approach.
Colorado Rapids vs. Philadelphia Union
9 pm ET | FULL PREVIEW | TV & streaming info
The Rapids played 10 brilliant minutes last weekend, then fell on their faces for the subsequent 80. They simply stopped wanting to have the ball and in so doing allowed Sporting to get into a rhythm and start carving out chances. That rhythm and those chances eventually formed into a pair of second-half goals and a 2-2 draw that had to leave Anthony Hudson & Co. furious with themselves.
Colorado ended up conceding 3.55 expected goals on the day, the worst performance in the league last week. That is double-plus ungood from a team who spent so many of their resources on the backline this offseason.
Philly spent their resources on attackers. Neither David Accam nor Borek Dockal have broken through yet – though they’ve played two games and one game, respectively, so let’s give them some time. I will be particularly interested in seeing how directly Accam attacks the space between wingback Marlon Hairston and right center back Deklan Wynne, each of whom have had some struggles thus far in the young season.
I’m pretty sure that will be the key because you just know that CJ Sapong is going to do the dirty work of occupying Danny Wilson and Tommy Smyth, the other Colorado CBs.
Seattle Sounders vs. Montreal Impact
10 pm ET | FULL PREVIEW | TV & streaming info
Montreal played a weirdo 5-3-2 with the “2” both being fake forwards – neither Ignacio Piatti nor Jeisson Vargas is really a forward – the last time they took the field. It obviously worked:
More to the point: It really threw Toronto FC off. And given Seattle’s inability to adjust in meaningful, positive ways so far in 2018, that has to be a worry for Sounders fans heading into this one.
The other worry is obviously injuries and absences. Jordan Morris, Ozzie Alonso and Victor Rodriguez are all still out. Nico Lodeiro and Will Bruin are still questionable. Clint Dempsey is on time out. There is a good chance this is another patchwork lineup from the Rave Green.
It’ll still be a 4-2-3-1 – I mean, it’s always a 4-2-3-1 at this point – but anybody who tells you they know exactly who’s going to be out there is fibbing. There’s just been too much bad luck and too many questionable performances from this team so far to be at all confident about pretty much anything.
One more thing to ponder…
Happy weekending, folks. Enjoy the ride.
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MLSsoccer.com News
Armchair Analyst: Everything you need to know heading into MLS Week 5 was originally published on 365 Football
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doubledrivel-blog · 7 years ago
04. All-Star Team Changes - Daryl Morey of the Opera
Greg: Hello and welcome to a quickie episode of Double Drivel. Normally we are aweekly podcast offering a fan's perspective on the news and issues surrounding the NBA. Thank you for joining us. My name is Greg and I am joined as always by my co-host JT. You can find us on twitter @doubledrivelers or email us at [email protected]. JT what's going on, and what brought upon this special episode today?
JT: They screwed with our all-star game Greg. They're changing it up on us. We just couldn't not talk about it.
Greg: I felt itwas important to bring it up because it's something that we love. It's something that we grew up with. I know you have great memories of the dunk contest, and the three-point shootout. Do you not remember the good old days of us sitting around watching those? We were much younger. 
JT: I do. I remember I was always socurious to see what the jerseys looked like this year. It's actually kind of how I was introduced to different cities throughout the country because every year it's in a different City. It just gave you a good look at that part of a particular state. I have a lot of great memories. The East is just too shitty now to put up a legitimate team. All the good players are in the West. They changed it up. 
Greg:I think it's a little presumptuous to say that they don't have the players to support East versus West right now. If they could make that call next year after it was a horrible failure this year, that would have been the way to go, but people rise to the occasion. There's going to be new stars. There's gonna be people that play better than we expect, and some of them are gonna be in the East. I think it's a little presumptuous, and a little crappy to to go with this format this year. I don't know if I like the change at all.
JT: Greg do you ever like change?
Greg: I don't. I enjoy things as they are ,and if you're changing them for the better, maybe I'll pay attention. I'll come around, but in the mean time, you got to win me a little bit. This is just a big change, which I feel, more than anything, is for manufactured drama. These captains that they've set up, this whole scenario- Who are gonna be the captains JT? You telling me. It’s gonna be LeBron, who's gonna be in the way.
JT: if there's anything as sure as the sun rising, LeBron James will be the captain of the East. In the West I would think Steph Curry right? 
Greg: It could be Durant. Durant's the the second best player in the league. If that's arguable, maybe. LeBron will be representing what used to be the East. Let's not forget, because it’s not the East in the West anymore. It'll be Team LeBron and we'll just say Team Curry, and that's fine. Who's picking Kyrie Irving? I'll tell you right now, I would almost put money on the fact that, LeBron James, he is not picking Kyrie Irving if he has anything to do with picking his team. What do you think?
JT: I think this is a big ingredient as to why they chose to do it this way. There's A lot of sub plots to all this. A lot of former teammates will cross paths. What will happen for example, if two teammates who are all-stars, one doesn't choose the other one? I would think that LeBron would pick Kyrie late in the selection of his team. I'm so curious as to, do the captains of the team get to decide who plays when? Is that still the coach's responsibility? What if LeBron picks Kyrie and just benches him? Just doesn't even let him fucking play?
Greg: That would be amazing. That would be so great. There's always a chance he could not get picked out of the active five. I believe the players only pick five or six people and then the rest is selected by a coach or some other fashion. I don't think that they pick the whole team up and down. They'll pick the top five or whatever and the drama is there. That's one thing, you can mock me for not liking change, and I'll take that all day, but I don't like change especially for areas on like this. This is just manufactured drama. Don't forget that it's just last year the same situation that Kyrie andLeBron are in, it was Durant and Westbrook. They can rekindle that whole thing again. They could be either on the same team or on opposite teams. They love when they're playing against each other. There's just so much here for the NBA to work with for the on-air stuff, for the promos, and just all of it, We know why they're doing it, but I don't think it's gonna make the game any better. Do you? I think that's the important part.
JT: If these guys don't play defense it doesn't matter. None of this matters. All this shit we're talking about, if they don't play defense, it's still gonna be like a 200 point game to 195 point game like it was last year.
Greg: I don't mind the high score. If they played a little bit of defense and they still end up with that really high score I don't mind that. The Warriors get a really high score. The score is not what bothered me so much. 200 is just ridiculous, you shouldn't be anywhere near that, but if you got-
JT: 200 points Greg, is too many points.
Greg: If it got around 150, how would you be about that? Can I sellyou 150? How about that?
JT: If if they play defense the third and fourth quarter, and somehow mustered up 150 points-
Greg: They’re never playing it for two quarters. You maybe get the fourth quarter out of them. You maybe get half of the fourth quarter. You might get the full fourth quarter.
JT: There just has to be somesome some teeth to this thing, some grit. It's got to have some competitive edge. When the score is that high it just loses it. The higher the score goes, it gets a little thin. 
Greg: They could make it like a monetary thing where the guys get a good chunk of change if they win. That could make it worth it, but other than that I don't know what they could possibly do.
JT: Employees need to be incentivized, and I don't know how you incentivize these guys who are making upwards of 30, 40 million dollars a year already other than, what's another million or two. I don't think it moves the dial too much for them. 
Greg: What are your feelings about the other parts of the all-star weekend? They have the three-point shootout, which again we used to love when we were younger. The dunk contest of course. They have the the now-defunct skills competition they replaced that with some other thing last year. It's just always that they're searching for another thing for that night. There's a celebrity game that they do. Then there's the rookie game versus the second-year players. It's a whole big thing that everyone plays harder, and all the other events are better than the actual all-star game itself, which is sad. Like we've said, it just would take a little defense and that game would be great too. 
JT: The only thing that I really care about is the dunk competition. That shit has been pretty stale too lately. Zach LaVine, fucking amazing. Aaron Gordon's fucking amazing. But, there needs to be some new kind of dunks. You can't tell me in the past ten years we haven't seen a flip dunk or something just insane. Maybe that takes time. When are these guys supposed to develop those particular creative skills? I imagine your coach doesn't like to see you doing crazy dunks during team practices. 
Greg:The dunk contest could be a thing where it had it’s moment in time and it's over and it moved on. In the time it was coming on with sneakers and with you know guys-
JT: Fuck that. They're not moving on from the dunk contest, no way.
Greg: The dunk contest for a couple years didn't get good numbers either. That's just a thing that people are not tuning in for. The three-pointshootout I believe is still popular but the dunk contest is something that, if it doesn't change, I bet you it doesn't stick around. I'll almost guarantee it. They asked LeBron to do it last year because they need star power. They need something, and he didn't do it, They need star power, that's the only way that they can save that in any sort of way. Everyone avoids it and nobody wants to do it. It's a bunch of guys you never heard of doing dunks they missed most of and just very anticlimactic. 
JT: Joe Ingles will tear that shit up son!
Greg: There you go, Joe Ingles, What's Joe's nickname? 
JT: Some call him Slo-mo Joe. Some call him Sloppy Joe
Greg: There you go. Again, I will tell you that the Utah Jazz have the best nicknames in the league. I'll say it all day. Do you think they're gonna mess with our beloved play offs next? It's one thing to mess with your all-star game where it's an event that doesn't mean anything, but the playoffs mean a lot. When do you think they're gonna mess with that?
JT: I think they're thinking about it because the G League, which is the NBA's triple-a league, they're kind of like Developmental League, is beginning a new kind of policy this year with how they organize their playoffs. Rather than it being top top teams from each conference, they're doing, I believe, the winner of each division, which is like a smaller collection of teams. After the division winners it's just best record. I think they're trying it out, and if it is something that they feel yields positive results, they may give it a go in the NBA, which is something people have been talking about for a while. It's stupid Greg. It's shitty that teams that are obviously better in the West are not making the playoffs. You see teams in the East that are making the playoffs that you know would get smoked by these teams in the West who aren't.
Greg: With that contention everyone knew that the Warriors would pretty much smoke the Cavaliers last year and they still played the playoffs. They still played the entire season and it ended up being the Cavaliers and the Warriors. They got, not really smoked, but they beat them pretty handily. Basketball is pretty predictable at some points, and this is definitely one of the points where it is predictable. The Warriors are going to dominate. How does the league deal with everything else beyond that? I don't know if the answer is just making a generic 16 teams. I that devalues the East and a lot of ways. It'll come to the East at some point. Everything is circular, so it'll come around. It'll get them, and then they won't have teams in. It's just a short-term interest thing. If I could be a little selfish I like having my team just barely make the playoffs every year. I think it helps teams get free agents. I think if there's less teams from the East making the playoffs that's gonna hurt the East even more. They're not gonna be able to attract free agents because nobody wants to play in a losing team. It's gonna be hard if you repeatedly don't make the playoffs, to make the playoffs. It's hard with that right now. If your chances of being able to do that went down, that would be even worse. That's all I got. The Hornets are not winning any titles anytime soon, but it is nice to see them in the play offs. I'm not gonna endorse any sort of rule that's gonna take them out. Again, I don't like change, so it wiIl, I hope, stay as it is. 
Moving on, we had one last topic on the episode tonight. Just a quick one. It's Daryl Morey. He is making a musical now. Daryl Morey is the general manager for the Houston Rockets. I thought it was in The Onion when I saw it initially, but it was not. It was a real story. He's writing a musical. What do you think of this? 
JT: You want your general manager paying attention to basketball Greg right? You don't want them writing scores arranging the low brass section on an off-broadway show. At least, I would think, but I've never been a general manager.
 Greg: He's a guy who does a great job at his job. He's very intense. He's very thorough, and he's big into the analytics. I would just think that he would be devoting a lot of his time to that, which he seems to be. This is the kind of thing maybe I'd say, for after the career Darryl. People maybe take it a little seriously or a little more seriously if you're not an active general manager. It just leads to so many headlines and things. It just makes you look like a clown when maybe you're not. This could be a great musical. Everything good could be there, but it just doesn't come across. People just make a joke out of it because of who he is and the position he has. 
JT: I'm reaching here Greg, but as a general manager you're picking and choosing. You're arranging your team a certain way based on balance and perception of the thing as a whole. Someone plants a seed, “hey dude you should write a musical.” 
Greg: He's just feeling it. You think he's like twinkle toeing around the office? Just feeling the team he created like yeah, now I’m gonna make music to this.
JT: I can bring people together. A little this, a little that. It's a dance. It's all a dance and I can orchestrate it. 
Greg: Love it. Complete speculation. There's nothing I love more on Earth. 
JT: Not a shred of evidence or fact in that.
Greg: That's completely unnecessary. Good job JT 
JT: You too my friend.
Greg: We're gonna be back next week with another episode. In the mean time, follow us on twitter @doubledrivelers or you can email us at [email protected]. Subscribe to the show on iTunes, SoundCloud, or Google Play. Thanks for listening and until next week, see you on the Internet
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