#The hag
humming-fly · 3 months
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I've been really enjoying all the heart-wrenching and beautiful art episode 43 of malevolent has spawned, so to even things out here's even more monty python shitposts
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styrofoamdoor · 3 months
This was like an enormous therapy session but if your therapist was rooting for your anger issues
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cryinglittlepeople · 1 year
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Women’s RIGHTS and women’s WRONGS!!! After the survivors lineup, here’s the killers too! 
These were a completely different challenge to stylize, from the survivors. The killers have a very specific silhouette established by their entire look, while survivors are...well, a lot of jeans and shirts in there, so it’s more about stylizing the hair and face!
It was also more of a challenge to get them to lineup nicely because there’s much bigger differences in height! Especially Plague...girl was a struggle.
But we got there in the end!!
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ask-the-dweets · 7 months
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Hatch, please, I beg of you!
Twitter meme [source]
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theartingace · 2 months
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"I will destroy EVERYTHING you have come to love- just as you have taken it from me"
Lines and details under the cut!
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calistozom · 1 year
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Today I bring you a Baldur's Gate 3 strip. Tomorrow? Who knows
Absolute, Cambion, Hag... the number of entities watching the adventures of the party is growing, but no one single one of them has paid for the tickets to this show yet. XD
... and a lil addition. There is one line in Hag's dialogues, which made me tense a little, but in the end nothing happened. Either Ethel has good protection from wiretapping, or Raph was distracted and didn't hear, idk. Though it would be interesting to see how Raphael and the old lady would clash, and who would win.
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valc0 · 11 months
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megamyceted · 5 months
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THE HAG resident evil village, 2021
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jacey · 2 months
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new dbd meme just dropped
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4ndeka · 2 years
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commission for @cosmicrecluse of frank and michael myers makin tamales!!
needless to say, they were a slam dunk B)
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marimo-art · 1 month
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Here's some Malv doodles from the recent eps!
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I didn't died (yet)
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reikiwie-art · 2 years
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added my dead by daylight charms to my shop !!  ♡♡♡
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zxid · 2 years
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hag, spirit, artist
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gravysside · 1 month
Swapped Lisa
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envihellbender · 1 month
Dbd killers… as dogs
The Trapper:
Dogo Argentino / Argentinian Mastiff
They are large and muscular (weighing 90-100lbs) pack hunting dogs (often taking down wild boar and puma). They’re strong, loyal, athletic dogs. This connects to The Trapper’s build, his connection to bear traps, as well as how his father used him to kill the miners in the same way these dogs are used to kill animals.
The Trapper would belong to a very rich family who illegal shipped him in, and he’d be an extremely loyal dog to a terrifying point. He’d never hurt his owners, but with everyone else he had a fierce nature.
The Wraith:
Greyhounds primarily hunt through sight and speed (rather than physical strength which equates to the Wraith’s cloaking ability and watching from the shadows kill style), they are tall, thin dogs (matching the Wraith’s build), and are quiet due to not being territorial (equating to the Wraith’s cloaking ability.)
The Wraith is a rescue dog who was raised as a fighting and racing dog. He would be taken in by an old couple after being left in the shelter unwanted for so long. He is extremely loyal and protective of his owners, or saviours as he sees them.
The Hillbilly:
The boxer breed is generally medium to large (suiting Hillbilly’s stature of being heavy set but on the skinnier side.) Despite their appearance they are loving, family dogs (The Hillbilly was treated horrifically, and only turned to murder because of his abuse as strongly suggested by his tome.)
The Hillbilly was the runt of the litter and the only survivor, he was left out in the barn to die by the owners, expecting him to be eaten by the pigs. They were surprised when he lived and even more surprised when he killed and ate their chickens. They tried to catch him but he fled as soon as he saw the farmer leave his house with a gun. He was small for his breed and lack of nutrition meant he had developed a little funnily. He got picked up off the side of the road by a young couple, two men who ran a dog sanctuary. They expected him to be fierce or nervous but despite being treated so terribly he jumped into their car happily, happy to have friends at last.
The Nurse:
They vary greatly in size but a standard poodle tends to be tall and slim, similar to the Nurse’s build. Poodles are a hypoallergenic dog breed, perfect for the Nurse. Poodles are considered highly intelligent dogs - which fits the backstory as well as her abilities and difficulty of her gameplay.
The Nurse was originally bought as an emotional support dog for a psychiatric ward. She was at first fairly good at her job, and was greatly sought after. However, after an accident involving a local lumberjack in the gardens she was left shy and vicious. Often snapping at and biting any patients who tried to harm her. As such, she ended up retiring, and the doctor taking her in… occasionally bringing her to the more difficult patients.
The Huntress:
Caucasian Shepard dog
Caucasian Shepard dogs are large dogs - weighing between 45kg - 70kg, similar to the Huntress’s physique. They were originally used to defend livestock from wolves, and are used now as guard dogs and to hunt bears. The original connects to what the Huntress thinks she is doing, and the present is what she’s actually doing.
The Huntress is the guard dog to an old woman who lives in a cabin she built with her own hands in the forest. The Huntress is loyal to her, and will defend her from man or beast. The Huntress’s mother, her mother, her mother, and her mother had all belonged to this same seemingly ageless woman. Always ripping to pieces any mortal being or otherwise any one who meant their mistress harm.
The Hag:
Wire Fox terrier
The wire fox terrier is a short, sturdy breed with a rough coat, not dissimilar to the Hag’s appearance. This terrier has a low threshold for boredom, and requires a lot of enrichment, this matches the Hag’s play style. They are very alert which is needed for the traps the Hag’s lay. They are also capable of tactical manoeuvring which also matches the Hag’s play style
The Hag was a family dog who kept the rats and other vermin away from the home. She was very attached to the children especially the oldest teenage girl. When she was kidnapped, the Hag pined for her and ran away to find her. When the Hag was found she burying frantically into the ground, when they tried to take her home she simply returned and continue to bury. After a few days someone thought to see what she was trying to get, and it was quickly found that there was a bunker underground. Thanks to the Hag, they found the teenage girl, she was hungry, tortured, and beaten, but alive.
The Doctor
German Shepard
The German Shepard / Alsatian is a large (30 to 40 kilos) working dog - matching the Doctor’s huge stature and his dedication to his work. German shepards often work in disability assistance, search and rescue, police work, and warfare. Given the doctor’s history as a medical doctor who abused his position it’s fitting that he be connected to these lines of work.
The Doctor is a proud, particularly huge dog that belongs to the head of the hospital, whenever patients or medical staff entered the room he stared, bared his teeth and wagged his tail almost manically. The head of the hospital found this quirk amusing, the Doctor almost look like he was smiling. He slowly got bigger and bigger, his teeth sharper, and it wasn’t until his collar was changed to a metal one that had sparks coming out of it and his fur lessened being g replaced for muscle that it became public knowledge that the Doctor was being tested on by the head of the hospital.
The Clown
Basset hound
Basset hounds are extremely prone to obesity and produce copious amounts of drool. This matches the Clown’s size, and his dribbling saliva feels like a similarity to his bottles of poisonous liquids and gases. Its hanging skin especially on its face is similar to the Clown’s sagging cheeks. The markings on the basset hounds face are called its “mask”, similar to the Clown’s eye make-up.
When Kenneth Chase was caught, a mass of bodies were found in his garden. What was odd was that all the fingers were missing, and every single person who investigated the case got strange feelings from Chase’s dog - the Clown. A particularly fat basset hound, who sat in the corner of the living room, watching and farting making the house smell horrific. One thing people never could figure out is what happened to Chase’s victims’ fingers. That was until the person who The Clown was rehomed to woke up with the Clown pulling and tugging at his fingers as if he was trying to rip them off. He eventually succeeded and wolfed it down like a prime piece of beef.
The Spirit
An ancient Japanese breed, the kishu are known for being quiet, preferring to stalk their prey rather than bark. This matches the Spirit’s ability spirit walk. The breed is tough, agile, and friendly. This matches how the Spirit was originally friendly, and through her angry death she became a killer. They are also devoted and loyal to their family, a tragic comparison to The Spirit being betrayed by her father.
There is a legend about a pure white dog with light blue shine who stalks the grounds of an abandoned house. No one dares go near the old estate - the mass murder committed by the patriarch who used to live there sank into the ground poisoning it and the building. The legend says that the dog, named the Spirit appears to those who get to close, a guardian warning them. Some have reported that if they continue the Spirit screams and materialises in front of them, growing bigger and louder with every second.
The Legion
A mongrel of: a parson Russell terrier (Susie), Bull terrier (Frank), border terrier (Julie), Boston terrier (Joey)
The Legion is four different people - sometimes merged into one body - so it makes sense that they would be four different breeds. They are each terriers due to their stubborn nature and how they have a loud bravado next to their small stature.
Legion was abandoned by the side of the road when their mother had become unexpectedly pregnant from a mongrel down the street. Their mother a purebred border terrier’s litter would not sell for a dime. It was winter, but despite that, Legion survived, living off rodents and pests found in the warm of a ski lodge where it found its home. When the spring came and it ventured from the lodge into the forest, they became friends with a pack of street dogs, finally finding their home.
The Plague
Saluki’s were one of the original dog breeds from ancient Mesopotamia, which is fitting for the Babylonian priestess. Saluki’s are also related to the Pariah dog, which is a free-roaming, half wild, dog that lives near human settlements in Asia. They are deep chested and long legged, giving them a similar build to the Plague.
No one in the neighbouring village is entirely sure where The Plague came from, he appeared in the monastery that was abandoned save from an ancient monk who everyone also has little idea as to where he came from. Every gives the place a wide birth, as it’s said that even touching the stone or hearing the Plague’s bark is enough for the sickness to enter your body.
The Ghost Face
Dandie dinmont terrier
The Dandie Dinmont terrier is the only dog to be named after a fictional character, fitting for the Ghost Face who took the title from killers and urban legends of the past. The breed is long but short, matching the Ghost Face ace’s lanky body. Like most terriers they were used for hunting, which fits the Ghost Face’s killing style. It’s tough but friendly temperament matches the fact that whilst he’s a brutal killer, many of the players can be quite mischievous and silly with this character.
All great writers have dogs or cats, Jed Olsen said. Most animals disliked him on sight, except for crows and his one particular dog who he named the Ghost Face. He showed up on Jed’s doorstep one day, barking until he answered. He ran inside, ignore Jed’s calls and sat in the kitchen waggling his tail. Jed had some left over chicken for him which he wolfed down, and the Ghost Face curled up by the radiator to get warm. Jed didn’t try and check to see if the dog had a microchip, he didn’t care. He was his now. And he was such a good boy to have around, he’d run up to Jed and tilt his head whenever he sensed intruders. He’d run to different areas of the scene and bark to distract victims so Jed could sneak up on them. The Ghost Face - he was such a good loyal boy.
The Oni
The Akita is a large dog that hails from the mountains in Japan. It has a double coat and was bred to hunt down bears. They are territorial and vicious to strangers. This all fits with the Oni, a large, strong and brutal killer who hunts down survivors using their blood, and his background of hunting false Samurai.
There are many different types of Oni that stalk Japan, one is a gigantic canine that runs over mountains and glides over trees looking for its prey. It is a vicious, intelligent beast, and the stories go that this yokai is the result of an arrogant samurai filled with hubris that he could purify Japan. He was punished by the gods, putting him in the body of a dog, showing that he is nothing but a wild beast.
The Deathslinger
Irish wolfhound
The Irish Wolfhound is a sighthound (perfect for a speargun wielder), and the breed are used as a mascot for the Irish Guards, similar to how the Deathslinger was used by the prison guards to make tortured devices. The Irish wolfhound has wiry fur, hair, and beard - the latter two matching the Deathslinger’s appearance.
The Deathslinger was a guard dog for a prison, specifically for the head torturer. He was loyal to him specifically not the guards or residents. When the head torturer had his victims the Deathslinger would watch intently, occasionally the head torturer would deliberately let the prisoners think they can run away, and that was when the Deathslinger’s hunt and enrichment began.
The Blight
A particularly old, inbred British bulldog
The British Bulldog - through no fault of its own - is seen as a symbol of Britain in the U.K. this fits with the Blight’s background of being a British colonialist (he may be Scottish, but clearly a unionist.) The inbred nature of the said bulldog means it looks ill and finds it difficult to breath - this matches the Blight’s appearance.
Talbot Grimes had no qualms about experimenting on humans or animals, he didn’t even bat an eyelid at running tests and feeding different chemicals to his treasured dog who he nicknamed the Blight. It was a sickly beast, it drooled constantly and snorted as it walked, but its drool was … Different. A thick substance that was a glowing yellow, like fire was pouring out of the thing.
The Twins
A crossbreed of a chihuahua (Victor) and a ca de bou (Charlotte)
Due to the nature of the twins it makes sense for them to merge into being a mongrel of the smallest dog breed (Victor - chihuahua) and a tough
The runt of an accidental litter, the Twins absolutely should have absolutely not survived and were thrown to be drowned as a “mercy”. However, somehow, the dog was washed down the river and landed down on the coast. It was picked up by a pair of conjoined twins who kept a lighthouse, and given mercy it was raised to keep watch of the building and given plenty of scraps, meat, and fish to feast on.
The Trickster
Korean Jindo
The Korean Jindo is considered one of Korea’s national treasures, which I’m sure is what the Trickster considers himself. He is of the hudu body type, taller and thinner to match the Trickster’s stature. He has the “brindle” colouring which bares similarity to a tiger, matching his bold and bright sense of style.
The Trickster is very well known all over the internet. The owner’s instagram had millions of followers that show their beautiful dog’s antics. Many are devoted to him, citing his haunting eyes with such a piercing and knowing energy they can’t look away from him. His fur looks as if it would feel just like the most expensive silks, and his owner shows how they feed him on the most expensive meats and he is given the bed in their home whilst they sleep on the floor. However, in the latest posts it seems that’s the owner is getting weaker, their voice shaking whenever they speak. The Trickster doesn’t mind, plenty are commenting and wanting to take over this beautiful canine’s care.
The Artist
Peruvian Inca Orchid
Peruvian Inca Orchid’s are hairless dogs associated with the ancient Inca empire in Peru. Their long muzzles and dark skin with short hair bares resemblance to the Artists face and head shape which are deliberately birdlike. The colours can be different but they are usually the colour of corvids. They are also often used as test subjects to research dermatological conditions, similar to how the Artist was experimented on by the Entity.
It’s strange, but there have been an influx of crows in Columbia - they don’t live there, but they have attached themselves to a dog of a family. Not even the daughter Carmina, simply their dog. A Peruvian Inca orchid they dubbed the Artist due to how much he loved to sit and watch the children draw and even stamp paint onto canvas with his paws. He was a quiet, loyal dog who gave them no trouble until the birds came. They followed him, sat by him, and even brought him animal carcasses to feast on. They grew in number, more crows appearing every day, local scientists theorised they must have migrated from European and North American countries. Soon their entire village was swarmed by crows, and it didn’t take long for the changes they gave to the Artist to begin.
The Dredge
Crossbreed miscellaneous
A mongrel made of so many different types of dogs no one is entirely sure what type it is and he looks a little strange because of it. It almost seems like he is every single dog that has existed merged into one, or as if he picks up breeds and adds them to his collection every time he sees one. For his appearance seems to change regularly.
The Dredge is a local dog that everyone in its town has seen. It hangs around the park and wanders the streets at night. It’s tall - some adults find he reaches their shoulders or past their heads completely. His suspense similar to a greyhound, but he has thick fur like an Alsatian. His colouring and muzzle are similar to a husky, but then some say his fur is short and similar to a boxers. It seems everyone sees a little something different in him, more breeds than they can imagine. The only thing that remains is his height and elongated limbs. He enjoys hiding and watching, some say he’s a guardian, others say he’s dangerous - maybe a hunter and any missing person cases are often blamed on the Dredge.
The Knight
The Doberman is an intelligent, alert, fiercely loyal dog which are all perfect attributes for the Knight. It reflects his ability to maintain guard over survivors, attacking at the slightest movement. They are also large dogs, matching the Knight’s physique. They also hail from Central Europe.
To this day, important government buildings in Hungary have a portrait to this ancient Doberman nicknamed simply as the Knight. The stories say that this dog was kept by a Tarhos Kovács who used his favoured Knight for advice and to fight alongside him in battle. Everyone knew that the Knight in question was a Doberman, a proud noble one who had a sharp mind and such strength that many doubt he was simply a dog.
The Skull Merchant
Chilean Terrier
Chilean terrier’s are restless and bark regularly, they are tireless companions and fantastic watch dogs, similar to the Skull merchant’s drones which keep watch and are loud if triggered. Their main colour is white with black and brown markings, they have pointed faces and are short in stature, mimicking the appearance of the Skull Merchant.
The Skull Merchant began life as a pampered lap dog for a manga artist, but as she grew older she quickly became bored. She attempted to be his watch and guard dog but he didn’t appreciate her barking and growling at strangers who entered their territory. It didn’t take long for her to become vicious, biting her owner if he tried to interfere. He abandoned her, tying her up on the side of the road. As luck would have it whilst she looked particularly cold and hungry, an assistant for a CEO passed. He took her in as a kindness, but after he watched what a dutiful and fantastic watch dog she was… well, he brought his idea to the boss and a few years later the drone system not only inspired by The Skull Merchant but using an OS that mimicked how her brain worked was all the rage. It quickly made all over security systems obsolete.
The Unknown:
You feel sorry for it. The wet, shaggy dog curled up on the side of the road. Maybe you get out, intending to see if it had a collar and take it to the shelter. When you get close, it raises its black furred head. The fur around its muzzle is missing and its eyes are too big, the whites are scarlet and its teeth are poking through. As it stands it ends up on two legs. It’s growing, its furry limbs twisting and bending as it does. That is… Not a real dog.
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