#The glitch is so confusing but it fun so I didnt wanna cure it
the-better-psychic · 8 months
OOC: I'mma ramble real quick
Okay so the whole glitching thing still make no sense but I decided it's kinda just a thing that'll happen when exposed to to much stress. Mobile will just start glitching and reacting weirdly. there's no cure it's kinda just always there in him. But when he's happy he dulls it down faster. So Mobile had a petty argument with Nox, but it made him happier since he wasn't very serious in it. That's why he didn't glitch during the argument. He can't fully fix it, but he can learn to mostly control it. Such as learning psychic techniques during calm things like meditation and shit. ..I dunno I just wanna put my thoughts down so here, take it.
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