#The foundation
meezimoo · 4 months
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icons based off my headcanons that i made for pride month! (a little late to posting on here- sorry bout that, LOL).
These are free to use!! I made a google drive folder with the originals and a transparent version for each, just in case anybody wants to add their own flags! No credit required- just don't remove my watermark!
Happy pride month, and shoutout to all lgbt people out there!!!
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metalfcker · 2 months
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uuhh yea, something possessed me a time ago and i drew these, i like him , his design it's pretty cool
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stari-hun · 1 month
The Foundation vs Manus Vindictae
This idea was inspired by @ihaveforgortoomany ‘s post here!
It’s so fun that the story makes sure we know and see that the difference between The Foundation and Manus is the head start the Foundation has on being an established organization, and whether they pretend to be good. This is also like you said, a big part of why the Foundation wants to restore time. They had a massive advantage in being a long time establish organization. In Regulus’ time, it was implied from her reaction the Foundation had full authority to approach Arcanists and register them, or at least strongly convince them to join. Manus tries to have a persona of salvation over pure goodness but this is maintained moreso because they can’t actively gaslight people.
If you look into The Three Doors and see how people were affected by the incomplete version of the Artificial Somnambulism. They were going insane because it was never a good machine with good intent. It was made to use frequencies to manipulate the mind of an arcanist. While Laplace employees use the machine in order soothe injured arcanists or panicking ones, that doesn’t mean they’re not brainwashing members. They bend reality for these people to comfort them but that comfort is built on dependence and complete trust of the Foundation. Which is why on of my theories is that the AS is a reason Arcanists have mental breaks so frequently in the Foundation, the Manus has breakdowns within their ranks however that’s from exposure to the Manus Masks carrying The Storm chemical within them. Name Day in Getian’s character story event even has a mention that the AS is very dangerous for the way it gets into someone’s head, and Getian breaks into it because he had experienced something similar. He’s then able to have them see what he wishes. Taking what Jessica saw in [The Old One Flew Over the House], the AS is also used as a training tool for arcanists and a way to get true test answers out of them. Why would she need to take her exam in the AS when she could simply answer Foundation staff 1-1?? There’s no point of it besides getting into Arcanist’s subconscious. The reason this doesn’t work on Vertin anymore is because she holds zero trust for The Foundation anymore.
I think Arcanists in general tend to take a lot more mental stress from contradictions in their heads, for instance people create false memories if they have a gap in their memory because the brain doesn’t like having gaps there. We’d rather lie to ourselves or create a false reality than deal with pure unknown, but with The Storm no one knows what anything will be next.
After the events of Book 3, Vertin no longer places her trust in the Foundation because she knows what Constantine did. Madam Z wasn’t able to find out in time to save them, so Vertin watched her classmates disappear in front of her because Constantine wanted to unlock the potential in her. She then went on her own journey to record the eras directly, without being able to save anyone. Vertin won’t ever leave The Foundation because their goals align, but she might one day near the end of the story work with Madam Z to overturn the current system. Sonetto on the other hand has an imminent fate of her loyalty breaking towards the Foundation. She already suspects them of being morally corrupt at least to her standards, and she’s torn between choosing them and Vertin. From how we see her trust Vertin in [A Nightmare at Greenlake] + how she doesn’t make any comment on following the rules when Horropedia is blatantly breaking them, I think her loyalty switches to Vertin at some point.
Also a big theme is that Manus and Foundation both very much consider people expendable. The Manus treats weaker arcanists and humans blatantly as canon fodder, but Constantine sacrificed a group of children because they were defectors (Horropedia makes a note about how their actions had the entire school talking to the point they ran out of space to discipline them) and it might push Vertin to want to go out into The Storm to find a cure in the Name of Peace.
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bl00dbite-reblogs · 7 months
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acesw · 9 months
Uniforms and Emblem Customs in the Foundation
The St. Pavlov Foundation & SPDM both have uniforms that are representing of the goals of the Foundation and tend to have different variations. Some officials would have customized uniforms while some do not. Every official in the Foundation, including late stage SPDM students, wear insignias that look akin to angels.
Now, this post will serve as a documentation of the uniform/uniform variations we have now, as well as exploring the possible symbolism behind them.
The Foundation uniform is notable for having an insignia that serves as a telltale sign that the person is from the Foundation. Every official is required to wear one and it has to be visible. However, there is no say on how it can be worn for certain people.
The insignia itself is a golden emblem, with its centerpiece being an angel with its arms held out. Variations of this insignia are found everywhere, including brooches, medals, buttons, and pins.
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In SPDM, once a student has reached Academic Year 6 (10-11), they will receive their own insignias, which are worn around the neck. Interestingly, they wear a cloth around the middle of the emblem. covering the head/torso area of the centerpiece. This can symbolize that the student is still training to serve for peace and humanity.
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It's only when they graduate that the cloth is abandoned, which then symbolizes that they're ready for the world that they're tasked to serve for.
Such a custom is also applied to students in the School of Discipline, I think. Since Jessica wears the insignia in her graduation uniform. But because she's in Vertin's team, this requisite is excused.
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(look at her, she's so <3)
Anyway, speaking of Vertin, she—alongside other arcanists in her team—are not required to wear the insignia. Why? This can be because of Vertin's status as the timekeeper. As the timekeeper, she's required to be outside a lot, and to only observe and document with no growing suspicion.
This can mean that she has to be undercover in some tasks, resulting in her not wearing the insignia on her uniform. And because the arcanists under her wing are not taking direct orders from the Foundation, they are not required to wear them as well. In a storytelling perspective, this might be for creating a distinction between Vertin's team and the Foundation; that Vertin and the suitcase arcanists are not completely on their side.
The only other exceptions to this rule is Tooth Fairy and Mesmer Jr. Tooth Fairy only works part-time as the school physician, while Mesmer currently works at Laplace, which does not make wearing the emblem a requirement.
Now that this is out of the way, I will go into the uniforms.
Main Elements
The main elements in the Foundation uniforms are that they follow a monotone color pattern (black, grey, white) while having a checkered diamond pattern. The standout colors are gold, purple/violet, blue, and occasionally the afflatus colors. (I'll show why later down)
There are also some occasional gold patterns found on the uniforms like the crowns on collars and stars on the grey sleeves.
The reason we find checkered patterns everywhere is because it symbolizes the duality of existence, balance of two sides (good and evil or light and dark). The Foundation prides itself of being the beacon of balance between humans and arcanists. Clearly, it's not like that and there is an imbalance at play.
Update: Upon further research, I found that the crossed laces are found to be also a symbol. Based on Ms. Moissan's "Foundation Heeled" boots, the crossed laces symbolize obedience.
Uniforms - SPDM
There are two variations of the SPDM Uniform that we see in game. One is where Vertin and Sonetto were around 8-9, and the next is seen throughout the rest of Chapter 3.
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Students are required to wear fully white uniforms, but they vary between the stages that they are in. In early stage, they wear a collared shirt or dress with a hint of gold underneath the collar. Meanwhile, for late stage/work immersion students, they wear a long-sleeved shirt under a tunic, alongside their covered insignias.  The boys are wearing shorts while the girls are wearing a skirt or a dress altogether.
When its winter, they wear black cloaks with the hood being in its checkered pattern inside. It's held together by the insignia as well.
The students have a bit of freedom when it comes to their hair as well as (in very restricted fashion) the accessories that they wear. Sonetto and Mesmer wear a headband (which was carried after graduation), The Ring wears a giant bangle around his head and a chain of rings on his belt, Isabella wears two brown clips on her hair as well as a checkered scrunchie around her wrist.
Otherwise, this is the standard uniform that's expected to be worn with modesty and cleanliness.
For the Instructors, they're expected to wear a brown coat with the insignia. Meanwhile, for monitor assistants, they wear a grey uniform with hints of red. The insignia is worn as a badge with two red tags on it.
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Foundation Guards
Guards wear varying uniforms that would tend to go by functionality and tactical-ness, and the main colors tend to go with the usual color palette alongside the insignia and colors that match an afflatus. Some wear jackets, and some wear capes depending on rank. There are also patrol defenders, security guards (SPDM), and general officers who all wear additional headgear.
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In 4-21 (Good Weather), the Guard Leader boss is wearing an additional suit with equipment coming from Laplace. It continues to serve the point of the practicality needed for all situations.
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Investigators from the Foundation wear a grey and white uniform that covers most of their body, and wearing a headdress that obscures the entirety of their head. The headdress of female investigators would have an additional veil at the back of their heads, while the male investigators wear a cape. The insignia is also worn around the neck.
The only person that has a variation of this uniform is Sonetto. Since she is a squad leader and thus higher ranked, she has a bit of liberty in modifications to the uniform. So with it, she abandons the headdress and wears a cape that's adorned with her merit medals. She also wears a few accessories. Truly one of the best of the best.
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Foundation Staff
The Foundation staff in headquarters and the offices wear varying uniforms, especially the politicians. But we can start off with the normal staff.
The normal staff wear a standard office suit, with either a jacket or a coat to compliment it. They also wear headgear that is smaller in size compared to ones worn by investigators. The checkered pattern is more prominent, found in ties or garments worn over the dress shirt.
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(These two are investigators named Adolf and Angie, I'd see them having lunch together as friends :) )
Horropedia, also being higher ranked and coming from a different investigative unit, wears a variation of this uniform. The cuffs are checkered and he wears a light grey vest. Additionally, a green clip is donned on his tie. While semi-compliant, Horropedia stands out for his wits and his eccentric-ness with his love for horror. He prides himself on his knowledge and wants to show that now that he has a taste of the little freedom he has now.
Meanwhile, as the Timekeeper, Vertin wears a different outfit entirely. She wears a suit with a color palette of indigo, purple, cyan, and black; Complimented with a cravat with an indigo gem, and a purple top hat with a cyan ribbon. On the cuff of her right forearm, there is a nixie tube watch timer that helps her foretell the storm's countdown easier. Once again, this creates her distinction from the rest of the Foundation. Indigo amongst black and white. And Indigo conveys integrity and deep sincerity. - Empowered by Color (the text is linked!)
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(bonus vernetto crumbs for the gays)
Government Officials
Now, for the politicians in the Foundation. The politicians wear varying uniforms, but they are meant to be relatively the same as any other professional suit. Most of them wear coats and/or vests that are in the same monotone colors. Many wear the insignia on the left side of their chest, with the exception of Constantine and Madam Z, who wear it in the middle.
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The politicians can wear formal suits for debates just like with the one between Delegate Mark Hal and Committee Member Pedra Rosa. Mark had a green and orange color palette for his formal suit, which made him stand out quite a bit. Meanwhile, Pedra wore standard blues and greys.
Now, the people that stand out to me personally are Madam Z, Constantine, Pedra, and Bernard. The reason for this is how distinct Z and Constantine's uniforms are, while Pedra and Bernard have colors that stand out amongst the monotone colors.
Madam Z wears a collared dress with a style similar to the one that the female investigators wear. She has a grey and white coat and its sleeves are pushed up by black gloves. The insignia is found to be worn as a centerpiece for a tie. She looks like she could be an investigator herself, really. As if she were one with her colleagues of lower rankings for that matter.
Constantine wears a suit with ridiculously large collar and odd-looking sleeves. Donning a grey vest and wearing the insignia as some kind of necklace. There are also a garments worn under the suit, showing the checkered pattern once again, and the diamond accessories. This really makes the distinction of her being the Vice President, no?
For Pedra and Bernard's case, they're the only people that we know so far that integrate the navy blue in their outfits. I can see it representing their power as humans, in a way. It evokes the conservative and authoritative traits that they have across the Foundation and the world by extension.
There's a lot to ponder about the Foundation and the uniforms. Even with its plain colors, the game manages to bring so much depth in the Foundation's uniforms and the people who wear it. There's so many characteristics that show through the modifications our Foundation characters have, and it makes them stand out amongst the sea of black, white, and gold. Hopefully there might be more modifications in the future now that we're back in the Foundation. For now, this is all I can find about the topic at hand. Thanks for reaching the bottom here and feel free to add/ask about this. :)
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thecottoncandylamb · 4 months
Secret Alliance AU
After over a month of just trying to edit this thing, the first chapter is FINALLY uploaded! It's not much but honestly I'm very proud of how the rest of the story is turning out! The whole premise is basically "What happens if Jones reaches out to the 7 earlier in the story?"
So, through anonymous messages, he feeds them information to help them thwart the IO! (and maybe makes some friends along the way!) This will be a long story(for me anyway. I'm using it as practice to get more comfortable finishing and lengthening some of my work!) (It was also an excuse to make backstories for the 7! and to make the Foundation say "The Legend", or "Legend" as many times as possible.)
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bl00dbite · 6 months
Agent strelnikov pls🥺🥺
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The Foundation | 06.01.2023 | Control Ultimate Edition
Captured on PS5.
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hremails-art · 10 months
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did that trend on twitta
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thekenobee · 8 months
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(The Foundation Version)🌙
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meezimoo · 4 months
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idk how people write witty captions, this shit is too hard
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fortnite-headcanons · 4 months
Foundation taught all of the Seven how to do the eyebrow raise.
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Fortnite Headcanon #460
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stari-hun · 1 month
St. Pavlov Foundation
By 1999, the Foundation has branches in more than 89 countries and regions. The St Pavlov Foundation is one of the biggest alongside what’s referred to as The Chicago Branch in Book 4.
I think the head of the St Pavlov Foundation might be a metahuman or a machine.
School of Discipline
The School of Discipline is best shown within Book 3, “Nouvelles et Textes Pour Rien”, as well as within [A Nightmare at Greenlake].
While Book 3 goes through Vertin’s experience as a child going through The School of Discipline, [The Old One Flew Over the House] is the player being able to go through the school as Jessica so that she can become a registered Arcanist albeit on the accelerated course.
Laplace Scientific Computing Center
Referred to as Laplace within the storyline.
There are multiple branches of The Laplace Scientific Computing Center itself but the one in the game is the only one affiliated with The Foundation through The St Pavlov location. (1.10)
Medicine Pocket is the leader of the Scientific Computing Center (however not involved with Institutum Lorentz), and X is their vice head (Source : I think I remember it). 
Medicine Pocket is studying biology and is in charge of biological testing in Laplace. The exact study of what and why is unconfirmed (check voice lines later).
I think Medicine Pocket’s study would be related to making Foundation Staff resistant to attacks from enemies or making enemies more susceptible to attacks from staff. (One of their skills is debuff which is a resistance control)
Between the Prologue “This is Tomorrow” and the first book “In Our Time”, Regulus is sent to the Foundation to be registered as an Arcanist. She implies she's been assigned to the Scientific Computing Center (Unclear whether Madam Z assigned her there or she was by the system). When they get there she’s scouted by X to join a secretive group of researchers within Laplace investigating the Storm separate from the Foundation, Institutum Lorentz. (1.10)
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bl00dbite-reblogs · 1 year
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" whatever happened to patient confidentiality? "
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sanctaignorantia · 5 months
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old-man-hell · 9 months
the cleons really are just spoiled little pedigreed cats meowing for their fancy feast. even got collars on them.
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