#The flowers in the back are from my grandma’s wedding
poisoned-pearls · 11 months
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The furby council will decide your fate (I’m rearranging my room and I have to move them from their shelf for a moment or two)
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ghostieyanyan · 7 months
♡~Yandere Valentine in Twisted Wonderland~♡
Yan!Twisted wonderland x mc (separated)
sorry this is a bit late but here's some of my short takes on valentines day in twisted wonderland!
Warnings: yandere, lack of proof reading (sorry), collars, pet-play, drugs, manipulation, hinting nsfw, beating someone up, dead animal, wedding, hidden camera, (if theres anything missing please do tell me)
Riddle has been planning something for you before February even started, probably before new year too. He understand that he doesn't really have a nurturing touch, thanks to his mom, like the others do. But that wouldn't stop him from trying his best to make you feel special.
He'll ask you to have tea with him and if you happen to be distracted by "other matters." he doesn't mind using his unique spell and pull you around by the collar, like a dog.
"its very rude to not pay attention to the person that invited you out.."
As a vice house warden, he understands that you'll be busy. not just Crowley giving you either impossible or pointless work, or the fact that every boy from each and every dorm are falling to their feet just for you on valentines day, hoping you'll notice them.
Trey knows he's not like some flash students here but he knows what he's good at and doesn't need to try too hard like some other desperate students.
"Hey, perfect! i made you something, your favorite, with a little personal Trey touch~ you should probably eat it all now. Before Grim does."
Cater is pretty good at getting your attentions. Magicless other worlder, he just has to invite you to something outside of NRC and then watch as your eyes sparkles. Kind of reminds him of a little kid that just need extra attention which he's happy to do.
He'll show you cool different places, shops and cafes. All these cool places are picture perfect and he just loves dressing up with you. from an outside eye, it almost looks like you 2 are dating~
"Perfect! Look at this! we should totally take a picture here with our treats! Say "Happy Valentines Day~!"
You were very confused on why Ace has been grumpy all day. you tried everything to make him feel better but nothing. You bought him food, drinks, candy from Sam's. nothing.
After the day was over, you made it back to the dorm and Ace decided to follow you back? you tried to ask him what's wrong buy he swiftly grabbed you and rush to your room!
"All day has been a pain.. everyone gawking at you. All the meaningless gifts. All of it! Tonight, you're gonna make it up to me by letting me sleep with you!"
Deuce wants to turn a new leaf and doesn't want to look back at his delinquent side every again. he's a new deuce now, a student that's just trying to get good grades and trying to be well respected. but old habits die hard.
Any and every time some one even looks in your way, he's sending daggers at them. and if they don't get the hide, he'll tell you that he needs to use the restroom and for you to stay where you are until he's back. he'll be quick...
"sorry it took me a while, there was.. a long line... wanna get lunch now?"
Leona, normally, doesn't care for this holiday. his brother always ask him if he's "stolen any hearts" this year? its always the same answer. but this year was different.
For once, he gotten some valentines gift. he remembered, not because he was eavesdropping, he just sleeping and you and your friends were talking about valentines gifts. how you had too many and how you might have to do several trips to bring them back to your dorm...
when you looked at your pile of valentines, instead of valentines, you saw sand.. and a plush lion with a card, flowers, and chocolate..
Ruggie cant really communicate with his grandma that much, cause they're not in a position to have phones but he does send letters now and then.
Each letter has there, 'how are you?'s to their 'are you taking care of yourself?'s. Now his letters to his grandma had this mysterious person, and how 'he's feels his heart flutter whenever they're near.' there also might be some 'I'm worried that I'm not good enough' he was very happy to get this letter back
"don't worry, sweetheart~ you should bring them over and ill give them a good talking to."
Jack tried everything to stay away from you all day. You're smell was just too intoxicating for him. Jack didn't want to risk spending time with you and his instinct...
he could tell, the other beastmen felt the same way. So all day, he kept his distance while also putting other beastmen in their place when they get a little too handy with you. luckily you didn't notice a thing.
But when you approached him, he couldn't just push you away. you mean too much to him. he doesn't want you to see him like.. a monster.
"Hi, prefect. how's you're day..?"
Azul tried to just charm you with his charisma alone, no shady actions, no "read the fine print." it seem like he was on his best behavior all day. it made you feel uncomfortable for a hot while.. but after a few hours you gotten use to it.
It was all in Azul's plan. instead of flatly telling you or tricking you to form a contact with him. he was gonna show you that you could rely on him, to trust him. so when you do sign a contact with him, you're guard will be so low, you wouldn't ever dare look at the fine print
"Prefect? Would you like to stop by Mosta lounge for lunch? there's a special i know you'll love. oh! its on the house."
before valentines day, Jade asked you to go out with him on a hilling trip. you'll find great mushrooms and if you find any 'shiny treasure' you could keep it as payment. you felt bored at the time and went with it. it was pretty fun. Jade taught you about wildlife and camping and you just enjoyed being out and about, anywhere than Grim's messes was a fresh air.
But on one of the day's out, Jade fell and hurt himself! it'll take a while for you guys to head back so you both decided to just wait until it heals, or when jade is "strong enough" to head back.
"aww.. prefect, you're too sweet for taking care of me~"
Floyd has been a pin to your side all day. every time you were just talking to your friends or in line for lunch or whatever, Floyd comes out of nowhere, picks you up and runs away from your friends. it doesn't help that his long legs gives him a big advantage. the fact you cant struggle that much and the fact that you're friends cant keep up with Floyd...
When he finally gets alone time with you he just wants to play or just stare at you... its a mix really. sometimes he'll tell you he wants to show you a trick he learned from the basketball club. sometimes he just wants to walk around with you on his shoulders. but one things for sure, everyone is staying far away from both of you...
"Shrimpy! look at this! it kind of reminds me of you.. cause you're smol~"
Lets admit it, when Kalim falls in love, he falls HARD. Like he would spoil his love rotten if he could. But he knows that you wouldn't allow him to do so, cause you're just too sweet.
Kalim loves to watch you work sometimes, you're so hard working even though you're in a situation that he couldn't imagine. Far from home with no contacted to your families, that's terrible. but he'll show you that he could help solve all your problems. But he doesn't want to overwhelm you so he'll start small.
"HEY PREFECT!!! Look what i got you! Golden bangles! they have our initials on them too! Come on, try them on! I'll help."
Jamil could easily used his unique spell on you but with it being Valentines day plus every student's having their eyes on you, he cant do it without getting caught. So, he'll have have to charm you with the next best thing, food.
He understand the for some people, food is their love language. He wasn't sure if that's you but he does know that you love his food. so a win is a win.
He'll make you not only your favorite foods but his own too. As a "get to know me" dish. Watching you enjoy his hard work, was like breathing fresh air. he loves your presence.
"here prefect, you can have more. i made it for you after all. hmm..? oh repayment? just repay me by spending the day with me.. just me."
Without warning, on a weekend, Vil grabs you and tells you get to dress. he's taking you out. You couldn't really say no to him so off you went.
He took you to store to store to store. Each store had either something he liked or something he didn't. did you have a say in anything? no.
It felt weird a bit but overtime that feeling went away and you were left with giving Vil a mini show fashion show... with just you and him...
Saying Rook loved you was an understatement. he loved your hair, your eyes, your walk, your demeaner, everything. On one of his strolls by your dorm, he noticed that you were taking care of a stray animal in your backyard.
You left food for it, you made a spot it could rest, you had a whole set up. even though you don't have a lot of money, you're golden heart shined through. He felt like cupid just struck him through the heart. He would like to do the same to you...
so on Valentines day, you found a box at your door step. inside the box... was your stray friend's lifeless body...
Epel's family loves to send him letters, he at least gets one every week. they're all mostly asking if he needs anything or family updates, etc. But now talks about you his letter. last time he visited his family, they kept asking about you.
Epel feeling the pressure of his family, told them that you and him were together and how you had "other things to take care of" and that's why you're not with him. they seem to calm down and jumped to another family topic. Now Epel has to convince you to "pretend" hopefully don't for long, that he was your boyfriend for his family.
"umm... hey prefect? i have a favor to ask you..?"
Idia normally doesn't care of any holidays, in general. he mainly does them for his brother or whenever a game was having a seasonal event. but he couldn't say he had someone special to "sit by the fireplace with him with hot chocolate" or "having a picnic out in spring" or even "being or having a valentine"... He didn't mind it...
which what he'll normally say, until he saw you with your pile of valentines day gifts! augh.. why do you have to be so popular?!
With a lot of pushing from ortho, he finally gave you your gift. it was a blue teddy that looked like hades. You didn't have to know about the hidden camera and mic in it. you could just thank him by sleeping with it~
Malleus couldn't really celebrate valentine's day.. he's a prince of Briar Valley, after all. Having him give a valentines day gift can be interpreted as a marriage proposal. that will look every bad for Briar Valley. But the heart wants what it cant have~
His heart belonged to you and he would gladly throw away his position as a prince for you. or... he could just ask you to marry him?
He didn't want anything to come to harm you because of him, so in secret, he made you a wedding dress/suit. Until his graduation, he'll ask you to marry him and then he'll pick you up and off to Briar Valley, ruling together~
Lilia loves a good trip. So many places to see, so many things to do. He wants to take you to see it all. why stay at NRC and just reading about other places when you could go out with him. he may be older but he could still protect you with all he has and he'll still be able to show you a fun time. Oh maybe he should show you how to fight?
He's had his eyes on you since you came to the school, you were so strange but you are never boring. something always happened with you around but you all ways find a way out of it. you're, well..... perfect.
"Prefect! guess who got 2 tickets to Shaftland! why just two? for me and you silly. come on, get your things. I'm gonna show you so much more of this twisted wonderland"
You understand that Silver is just a tried guy. so you do everything in your power to make sure he's okay and not gonna get hurt. After a while of this, you've noticed that Silver's holds on you, when ever you go and move him to a safer place, is more forceful than normal? You just told yourself that it was just sleepy silver but it doesn't seem like silver noticed and you didn't mind.
Whenever Silver was awake, you noticed that he's always just a call away. he wasn't over your shoulder or anything but you did see him more often than you usual did... were you thinking too much on this..?
"hey prefect? i got you some treats from Sam's... happy valentines day~"
Sebek is loud. that is not an understatement. bet Sebek probably knows that too. he often uses it to tell other to "respected Malleus." but today he was oddly quiet? you tried to ask him if everything was okay, he said he's fine. Also whenever the other first years asked, he'll snap but not at his normal loud tone?
Without you realizing, Sebek was actually fighting an inner demon of his. Humans, like yourself, were so small and weak. yes, Silver is human too but he's a trained human, you weren't.
He sometimes wonders... how easy would it be to over-power yo-
When Che'nya first appear in front of you with just his head, you, ace, and deuce all screamed. he loved it~ but your little squeak whenever you get scared, gets his blood pumping. like the rush you get when you catch you first mouse~
He started to visit more often then before, but not just to say hi to trey and riddle. but to spook their little perfect. a pick to the side here. a blowing into your ear there.
He just cant keep his hands off you! the best part, he doesn't have plans on even telling you it was him.
but to Vil's dismay, Neige kept bugging him about you! the mysterious manager~ Vil got so tired on it that he just pointed him to your dorm. Which Neige was happy to run to see you.
When he saw you place, he's heart broke a little. how could someone so lovely as you, live in a dump like this? He found you out in the back yard cleaning. it kind of reminded him of himself, run down building taking care of others. you were perfect for him!
"Heya! perfect, right? i was wondering, would you like to go on a date with me?"
Rollo will not caught walking into THAT school. but that wont stop him from appreciating you. Whether it takes a few days to a few years, Rollo swears to himself that he will save you from the hell hole your in.
but in the mean time he'll send you some flowers and a gift basket filled with Fleur City treats and fun toys that you liked when you last visit. if only you were in that school and you were in his, he'll show you so much and treat you much better than those.. "monsters."
"If though I'm not there, i hope you enjoy my gift. maybe next time you could visit again and I'll give you a personal tour."
you can see this as platonic or romantic
Crowley is a very strange bird man? says he cares for you then runs away with his feather tail in between his legs. Or when he just hands you work when he could easily do them himself. He's a very strange man so when he was insisting on you to stay by his side all day? it confused you.
like he'll have you in his office and when you tell him you needed to go. he'll "get sad" and say "awww.. i guess ill just power through all this paper work"
you thought he just wanted you to do the paper work (that you could do) so you did. you didn't figure out that maybe he just wanted you by his side so no one could see/ give you anything for valentines day.
Crewel is a very classic man. so when he asked you to help him with some of his designs, you were quite confused. why not ask Vil or anyone from pomefiore? nonetheless, you helped as best as you can. giving your input on designs, telling him what you thought looked nice, getting materials for him, etc.
After you helped him make a set, he asked you to model them for him. he "wanted it on an actual person than a motionless mannequin."
You didnt know that he was doing this so you wouldnt be laying down with dogs with fleas today. Crewel thinks all the boys in this school are just crazy the fact its valentines day. so having you help him was just killing 2 bird with one stone.
Trein's cat, Lucius, seemed fine to you. but you couldn't say much when Trein asked you to help him look after his beloved pet. plus a cat that doesn't call you Hedgeman felt nice. a cat that was just a normal cat, that can understand you and talk but you don't understand it...
On Valentines Day, Trein tells you about his wife and what they do together on this day. It was really sweet to hear an old man talk about his love, plus his life too.
It felt nice and you enjoyed the time you spend together. you still couldnt tell if Lucius was actually sick or if he was just winning about food...
You had no idea what came over Vargas. But when it was gym time and there was any partner exercises, it seems like he'll give the poor guys, that asked you to be partners, more hard exercises.
it could be in your head but after you're done, you see the poor student crying for squats or something? Will he be okay?
"oh, don't worry about him. he's been slacking off recently so its just catching up with him. HAHA!"
Sam is quite busy on Valentines day. a lot of students ask for valentines day cards, bears, to flowers. some even get the custom order. with those custom orders, he realized a lot of them were for you... he might not be able to do anything.. but his friends might help.
when same gives the students the valentines day gifts, he has a shadow follow them and when they're not looking. the shadow destroys the gift and runs away.
it kills two bird with one stone. they cant give the perfect gifts and Sam still gets the money. oohh he loves what he does~
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munsonburn3r · 2 months
Oh, Camellia, won't you take me away? - A Hanahaki!Eddie Munson story (sneak peek!)
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eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: eddie munson had been a constant during your short time in hawkins, indiana, which made it that much harder when you had to leave. four years and a clinical trial later, you'd thought you'd conquered an otherwise fatal disease. what you weren't expecting, though, was the man that nearly killed you to walk back into your life, threatening to undo all of the progress you'd made towards healing - both physically and emotionally.
cw: hanahaki!au, angst, descriptions of light gore, childhood trauma, sexual themes and content
a/n: here is a snippet from the hanahaki eddie fic that has been bouncing around in my brain over the past week. feedback welcomed!
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Water flowed out across the floor in a surge that mimicked crashing ocean waves. You cursed as you scrambled to right the plastic Procona and liquid sloshed awkwardly, lapping at your fingertips. It was a surprising amount from a relatively small bucket. 
“Everything alright out there?” called a gruff voice from the back office. 
You sighed. “Just fine, Bill! Minor spill. Nothing major.”
A muffled grumble could be heard from the owner’s space behind you, but you paid it no mind. It only took a few steps for you to grab the mop and start cleaning up the water all over the workspace floor, and to your relief, it really wasn’t as much as it seemed. 
The nearly four years you’d spent at Indiana Floral Company had seemed to fly by in a blink of an eye. You weren’t expecting an on the spot interview when you’d first stopped into the shop, but the owner Bill had been impressed at your willingness to learn and your natural eye for design and hired you immediately. Probationary, of course. 
So under Bill’s tutelage, your floral design skills blossomed. The basic knowledge of plants you’d brought from years of spending time gardening with your Grandma grew. You went from simply identifying lilies to knowing the difference between Asiatic and Oriental and their best growing seasons. You could identify roses based on subtle color differences and had learned how to take the most tightly closed bud and blow it open with a little humidity, a plastic bag, and very careful preening. And though you didn’t like to brag, you could match corsage ribbon to prom dresses better than anyone in town. 
As time wore on, Bill had shared that years of design had wrecked his body and that it was time to begin passing the torch. Since Indiana Floral Company was one of the top floral design studios in town, the responsibility embedded in passing said torch was sobering. But after a year and a half of earning your stripes, you landed a head designer role and began training to take over the small family business.
Humming a nondescript tune, you refilled the earlier bucket with water and flower food before chopping the ends off of a bunch of de-thorned roses with the guillotine-like stem cutter. A clunk thrummed out when you dropped the two dozen stems into the water. Each blossom peered at you with a center like a curled eye — delicate sandy cream — perfect for the event you were designing later this weekend. 
A ring of the bells on the front door broke your focus. You wiped your hands on the rag shoved haphazardly into your apron and turned at the sudden sound of Bill’s voice. 
“The 1:30 initial wedding consult must be early. You mind taking this one, kid?” His head peeked around the office door. “I started the file – it’s on the cash wrap.” He looked tired; the man should have retired two years ago. 
With a slight smile, you nodded. “Got it.”
It was impossible to see who had entered due to the amount of plants, gift items, and displays you’d designed around the small space (“customers shop with their eyes first, kid; you gotta draw them in before you let them see the price tag” Bill had said). But as soon as you rounded the front display, your stomach dropped clear out of your body and onto the floor. 
Maybe it was the habitual need to weave around the labyrinth of flora and gifts that had lowered your defenses. Or perhaps it was the fact that this was a typical boring Wednesday afternoon in April. Hell, it could have been the questionable sandwich you had for lunch that you found at the back of the minifridge. 
But one thing was clear: you hadn’t expected to see Eddie Munson and Chrissy Cunningham hand in hand looking around at the array of merchandise you’d set out in preparation for Mother’s Day. 
“Hi!” A saccharine voice matched the sickeningly sweet smile on the strawberry blonde in front of you. “We’re here for a wedding consultation at 1:30. Sorry we’re a bit early — we didn’t want to be late!”
Time stood still. Or maybe that was just you — frozen as you stared the couple down with a look of surprise plastered across your features. You didn’t think you could move (or even speak, for that matter).
However, for the first time in almost four years, you felt your chest tighten and a sharp prickling sensation snake up your windpipe. You licked your dry lips (hadn’t you just put on chapstick?) and attempted to swallow with no success. Instead, your throat constricted, and there it was: an involuntary, yet ever so familiar metallic cough.
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image credit: pinterest dividers: @saradika-graphics
tagging some moots that might be interested: @chickpeadumpsterfire @voyeurmunson @joshlmbrt @mediocredreams @littlexdeaths @anamelessfool
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wileys-russo · 11 months
Could you maybe write something about Leah and r being engaged and Leah can’t help but mention it to literally everyone and keeps calling r ‘Mrs Williamson' x
mrs williamson II l.williamson
hearing your alarm blare on your phone beside you made you groan, forgetting you'd set it to repeat everyday despite it being a weekend. clicking it off you blinked, your body now unfortunately wide awake much earlier than you planned to be.
you heard leah shift beside you, exhaling heavily clearly also having been awoken by your alarm but refusing to accept so. "good morning baby." you murmured, shuffling closer and placing a few soft kisses on the back of her shoulder blades.
"what time is it?" leah breathed out tiredly, face still smooshed into her pillow as she stretched with a gentle groan. "nine." you mumbled into her neck, peppering her skin with butterfly kisses. "too early!" leah moaned, hardly appreciating this was how her day off had started.
"m'sorry i forgot about the alarm my love." you apologized softly, moving to straddle the back of her thighs, your fiance whining as the duvet was pushed further down the bed.
"we could go and get a coffee? get breakfast? go see your grandma or your mum?" you suggested, now you were wide awake you were determined not to waste the rare day off you both shared.
"or we could stay in bed? cuddle? sleep?" leah rebuked, voice muffled by the pillow as you shoved her lightly. "you're already awake!" you laughed quietly, laying down on top of her and squeezing her cheeks as her head rolled to the side and one eye cracked open tiredly.
"and whose fault is that?" "mm apple? for not just knowing i never want alarms on of a weekend." "nice save babe." "seems like you should just accept it and get up baby."
"leah!" you laughed as the taller girl suddenly rolled onto her back, sending your body crashing back down onto the mattress as she was quick to straddle your hips.
"in that case-" she grinned down at you, eyes still a little puffy with sleep as you smiled at her slightly flushed cheeks. "good morning mrs williamson!" leah sang out, ducking down and kissing all over your face.
once she was done with that she grabbed your hand, kissing all over the back of your palm as she stared adoringly at the utter rock on your finger. "not quite mrs williamson yet my love." you teased, her excitement at your recent engagement nothing but infectious.
"excuse me mrs williamson, none of that negative energy here please." leah tutted, face breaking back out into a grin as you tugged on her hoodie, pulling her down into a proper kiss.
"shall we go and get started on our day then, mrs williamson?" "i wholeheartedly agree that we should do just that mrs williamson." "coffee mrs williamson?" "only if its accompanied with a full english mrs williamson." "god you know just the way to my heart mrs williamson."
"mrs and mrs williamson have arrived!" leah sang out as she let herself into her mums place, fingers interlocked with yours as you shook your head with a smile. "hello lovebirds." amanda chuckled, greeting the pair of you with a warm hug.
"still on a high from the engagement then?" the older woman laughed, leah disappearing to the kitchen to make you all a cup of tea, bella racing eagerly after her at her call.
"i don't know if she understands i'm not legally mrs williamson until we actually get married." you teased making amanda smile. "wedding planning going well then?" she asked with a cocked eyebrow as now you laughed.
"please! she can hardly decide what takeaway she wants on her cheat days let alone what type of flowers we want, what colour scheme for the invitations, and don't even get me started on the guest list-" you sighed with a shake of your head.
"if leah had her way we'd be married by ourselves tomorrow at the court house and she'd just be in her arsenal shorts and a baggy old hoodie." you grinned, leah returning with two brews for yourself and amanda, kissing your cheek as she placed one down in front of you.
"you make me sound so unromantic darling." "am i wrong?" "no i can actually book us in for one in the afternoon tomorrow mrs williamson, i'll wear my very finest hoodie?" "in your dreams, mrs williamson."
"well well well, if it isn't mrs williamson!" katie teased as you leant against the barrier, awaiting leah to come and say hi once she'd finished her post game lap and clap.
"the one and only!" you flashed your ring, the irishwoman grabbing your hand with a whistle. "you know you could just pawn this fuckin rock and run away, one last chance at freedom before you're stuck with her forever." katie grinned, letting out a yell as leah snuck up behind her and smacked the back of her head.
"mrs williamson would never, she loves me far too much mccabe." leah grinned, helping you over the barrier and hugging you tightly from behind, chin resting on your shoulder. "has my name just permanently changed to mrs williamson now?" you smiled, craning your head back to look up at your fiance.
"yes, forever and ever my love."
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moshpitgamma · 9 months
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My Sunflower|| John Dory x Fiancé!Reader
(This is my first real fanfic so Plss don’t be TOO harsh)
“John! I’m home!” Said the exhausted troll walking through the door of their shared apartment. “Huh? Damn it’s 9pm.” Y/n said checking the time. “Hun, You here?” They screamed again wondering why their fiancé wasn’t answering. When they didn’t get a response they started to get anxious, but convinced themselves he went to either the studio or to hang out with his brothers.
The clock finally hits 11:03pm and still there isn’t a sign of JD. “Why isn’t he answering his phone?” You said with worry laced in your voice. His brothers also didn’t answer their phones for god knows what. Now you’re in full panic mode pacing back and forth in the dining room blowing UP his phone with messages and calls. After your many failed attempts of contacting him you finally decided to call the only person you KNEW that was gonna pick up. So you called his grandma.
Once she answered you tried to hide your anxiousness and your panicked voice, but she caught on to it quickly. “Hi Mrs. Rosie, do you know where John is? I haven’t spoke to him since this morning before I went to work.” You asked frantically hoping that she would cure the pulsating adrenaline going through your body. When you finished your nauseating questions the silence you both held was fueling it like you were going to burst. When the never ending silence finally came to an end a sigh was heard. "Hun Bun….JD left hours ago after their embarrassing show fail." she told you with reassurance and empathy. She then continued to tell you how and what happened between the brothers. The last thing you ever heard from her was “Sweetie just give it time.” So you waited…
And waited….
And waited….
Until 20 years have passed and still no sign of John. You were invited to the royal wedding of King Grisel and Bridget and was currently trying to find a dress. While rampaging you closet like a mad woman you come across and unfamiliar bagged dress. When you took it out you stared at it with tears welling up in your eyes. It was your dress he proposed to you in. It was admired in jewels and yellow sunflower like petals and soft like satin and silk. It was one of a kind. Your debating stopped instantly and you proceeded to put on the dress.
“We are gathered here today t-.” “STOP THE WEDDING!” A random voice yelled…
You felt like your heart was going to jump out your chest from all the adrenaline rushing. Trying to force your tears down you finally built enough courage to turn around and look to where everyone else was looking. When you finally saw who it was your tears finally escaped their haunted and sorrowful chamber. He was there……
Standing in front of Branch?
Trying to pick him up?
You didn’t wanna get noticed in this state so you turned to leave but you felt a hand grab your flushed smaller ones. It was Branch..”Are you ok?”he asked knowing you weren’t. “I’m ok.” You said quickly dismissing his attempts of comfort. Before you could leave you heard a nickname you never knew you would hear again. “My sunflower?” He must’ve felt the tension he created so he hurried to you and begged you too listen to his explanations and excuses. You couldn’t do nothing, BUT listen so you gave him 3 minutes. “The reason I left was because Brozone was turning into a disaster and I needed to just space myself away for a while!”
You didn’t know whether to be mad or sad or HELL even glad but you knew he was trying to get you to understand. “But did you have to go?” Tears welling up..
“Did you have to leave me alone without telling me ANYTHING?!!?”
“I-“ you didn’t let him finish before you started walking off letting the emotions and realization sink in. He knew he fucked up… He couldn’t let you leave…. He needed his flower…He ran up to you and hugged you as hard as he could to prevent you from leaving and cried like hell was dragging him away from the heaven he created with you. “Sunflower PLEASE, I promise I’ll never leave you again!!” He repeated like his life depended on it. You slowly started to give in and soothed him. “Please Hun, I promise I’ll pro-“ He couldn’t even get done with his sentence before feeling the feeling he oh so missed….
Your lips…
“Please Don’t leave me again.” You said barely above a whisper and your teary E/C eyes looked at him.
He smiled warmly and responded with nothing but sincerity..”Of course not my sunflower.”
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kitashousewife · 1 year
you started dating kita shinsuke your second year of high school.
you met him at the beginning of the school year when you asked him for help with your math homework. he happily obliged, and by the end of it he had earned your phone number.
the next few weeks were filled with late nights texting each other, talking about nothing at all. you learned his favorite color, and you told him about your favorite songs. he asked you to be his girlfriend a month after.
that was eight years ago. red is still his favorite color, and he still has your favorite songs on his playlist.
the first two years of your relationship was filled with tests, study sessions under his grandma’s blossom tree, and many volleyball matches. you never missed a game, not even the far away ones. always in the crowd to cheer him on while he gave you a small smile, ears red and cheeks pink.
kita picked you up for your first date in a old farm truck. you heard him coming yards away as the engine hummed through the neighborhood. the paint chipped and exhaust sputtering as he parked in the driveway, palms a little sweaty as he fixed his hair in the rear view. he about jumped out of his skin when he saw that you were already at his door. he still drives that truck, using it for chores and deliveries, but you’ll never say no to a ride when he asks.
that same truck got the two of you into trouble. the sound alone made it almost impossible to stay out late, cutting sneaky last minute kisses on your front porch short. one particular night, you had begged your mom to let you stay out late, to which she agreed as long as you were home by midnight. at 11:59, in a fit of giggles, the two of you came racing into the driveway.
kita pulled you in for a kiss, only to be illuminated by the the kitchen light flicking on. you jumped out of the truck, running into the house with a dopey grin on your face while you made up an excuse to your mom, blaming non existent traffic for slowing you down.
kita wasn’t off the hook either that night. gran heard him coming from down the road, waiting for him in her rocker with raised eyebrows.
after graduation, the two of you spent every moment you could together. delivering kita snacks while he worked in the fields, having picnics under the stars, even joining his friends on trips to the lake.
when it was time to head to university, kita was the first to offer to help you pack. he calmed your nerves and dried your tears, promising to be there for you whenever you needed.
he called you every day while you were at university, even traveling to see you between holidays.
after you got your degree, gran so graciously offered to let you live with her. your family had moved away, and you couldn’t bear to be away from kita any longer. you spent your days at work, only to come home and enjoy dinner cooked by gran with the man who had your entire heart.
as if you had any more to give, kita asked for the rest of your heart at the end of harvest a couple years ago, proposing with a family ring that he had been saving. you could only nod as tears streamed down your face, being spun around under the evening sun. kita didn’t even change, still wearing the work pants and stained t shirt, dusty boots and sun hat that he donned earlier that morning. he couldn’t wait any longer.
your wedding was everything you could have imagined. full of friends and family, dancing and food. kita spent weeks with his friends fixing up the yard, making it fit for a queen and her king on their big day. lights hung from the trees, flowers from your garden littering the grass and tables, all while your friends laughed and sang along to soundtrack to your love.
three years later, you and kita sit in the back yard after dinner in an attempt to cool off after a long day preparing for harvest. the summer sun hung low in the air while you filled kita in on the phone call you had with your mother.
“she found a few boxes of my things,” you sighed. “stuff from school, photos and things. i told her to set them aside.”
“anything good?” kita’s back is on the grass, and his feet are flat on the ground. the knees of his pants are soiled brown from the fields.
“photo albums, note books, random odds and ends i think. i’ll grab them from her eventually,” you pick at the blades of grass at your feet. “i’m sure we could have a good laugh at some of them.”
your husbands mud stained hand comes to rest on your thigh.
“do ya remember when i first brought ya home to gran?”
you smile. it was an absolute disaster.
“i thought i would never be welcomed back,” you laugh, and kita snorts.
“she loves ya too much,” he closes his eyes as you play with his hands. “what did ya break again? a plate?”
“a drinking glass,” you nod. the memory is as vivid as ever. you had offered to help with dinner, but while you were turning to grab a hot pad you ended up knocking a drinking glass off of the counter. you apologized over and over, no matter how much gran waved you off and assured you that it wasn’t a big deal. i’ve got a cupboard full of them, she said.
“ya know what she told me after i dropped ya off that night?”
“bubble wrap her next time?”
“no,” he playfully flicks your leg. “she said how much she liked ya, how she thought ya had great manners. she loved how sweet ya were too,” he says. “gran told me that night that i would never be bored with ya,”
you grin. “and gave you been bored?”
“not recently,” he teases. “i have never been bored with you. i love sharin’ this life with ya, no matter what we’re doin’,” he sits up next to you and wraps his arm around you.
“even dishes?” you rest your head on his shoulder and he chuckles. as long as you’ve known him, that’s been his least favorite chore.
“even dishes,” he nods and takes a sip from his glass. “do ya wanna go for a drive?”
you eye his truck, still as faded and beat up as the first time you saw it. except of course for the scratch on the tailgate from when you tried to drive it for the first time.
“always, shin. where are we heading tonight?” you dust off your legs and his before you walk towards the driveway.
“i didn’t have anywhere in mind,” he opens the door for you, as always, shutting it before walking to the drivers side. “is that alright?”
“it’s perfect,” you look out towards the fields, now slightly golden from the sinking sun. the irrigation sprinklers would be going off soon. “maybe we can stop by gran. i have some things from the garden to give her,”
kita nods, placing his hand on your thigh. the middle seat between the two of you won’t be empty for long. usually after a few minutes, you slide over to sit right next to him.
the two of you pull out of the driveway and down the road, taking in the farm land around you. rows and rows of corn, grass, wheat, and rice. some fields of livestock, some empty for the season. kita drives with one hand, and you can’t help but smile when the light catches his sparkling wedding band as it shines against his tan fingers.
you don’t know how you got so incredibly lucky all of those years ago. you’ve never wanted anyone else. no matter what, no matter where, you’re always going to choose kita. the man who holds your bags for you, picks you a flower on his walk from the fields, the man who has a polaroid of you on the dash of his truck.
the man who has loved you fully from the start.
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silantryoo · 10 months
BONUS [ LIKEALOOK ] — it all falls down
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jang wonyoung and kim jiwon's dorm. 3:47 pm.
WARNINGS; blood, graphic depictions of physical violence, slut shaming, threats, trust issues, implied mental breakdown, effects of gaslighting, victim blaming (towards self) (4.8k)
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from an early age, naoi rei knew that love wasn't for her.
she saw the decorative hearts scattered all over her elementary school as her peers fawned over their crushes. the chocolates that hid behind heart-shaped boxes taunted the young naoi as she listened to her friends' relationship woes.
everywhere she turned, love seemed to consume all those who stood in its vicinity. her parents would mindlessly hum their wedding song under their breath. her music teacher's desk littered with all her students' drawings, except for a portrait of her husband.
love consumed everyone's time. everyone's effort.
it didn't consume rei, not directly.
rei knew her parents loved her. they would go out of their way to go to her recitals and take her shopping when she needed new clothes. they even funded all of rei's (very expensive) expenses when it came to art.
they were perfect on paper, and if rei was any other person, it would've been enough.
on her fifth birthday, they had spent one out of the twenty-four hours of the day with her. the one hour consisted of eating together, and a small, thirty-minute gift session where rei had opened about ten gifts or so.
later, they would leave to stay at a hotel on their one day off. they would drop the five-year-old at her grandma's flower shop, named after rei's mother.
on christmas when she was seven years old, rei woke up in a quiet house. the silence was deafening, and all the young naoi could remember that day was the pile of presents she opened by herself.
the seven-year-old would find out later that her parents had left her home to grab a christmas breakfast.
the day she had left to go to korea, rei had been asked one question during the entire car ride before her parents had rushed off. she then boarded the plane, first class, watching as her two check-in luggages were being brought onto the airplane.
she'd never tell them, but she wanted them to miss their reservation, just this once. just so they could hug her goodbye.
somehow, rei had become a side character in her own life, watching as everyone paid no attention to her. she knew that if she were to get erased from her own family, they wouldn't even notice. it hurt her that they wouldn't have cared.
(rei's family hadn't checked up on her since she landed.)
rei was bitter when it came to love.
she hated how she couldn't appreciate her parents' efforts because of it, and how she always questioned if she was alive out of coincidence and not want.
still, rei couldn't help but become fascinated with it.
she wondered why so many people would throw logic aside for someone who had the power to break them. she couldn't comprehend how love was able to blindside so many people.
love was an emotion. one that made her fade away.
her mind was made as soon as she stepped onto korean soil. she wouldn't bother with anything that came with the emotion, not even if her neighbor was clearly in love with one of her friends.
they weren't her friends anyway. why should she care?
"you're the girl my mom was talking about. the one that lives in the apartment across from us." rei could remember seeing the tall girl glare from behind her neighbor, almost trying to shoo her away. "i'm not sure if you saw me around before. i just staying here for the summer."
her hair was so long back then.
"my name's kim gaeul."
"i'm naoi rei."
rei had friends before.
they were all boy-crazy, hiding makeup in their drawers instead of pencils to impress their crush of the month. like her parents, they had never asked about her interests or hobbies, but rei knew almost everything about them. she could read them like the back of her hand.
she knew it was gonna be the same.
(it wasn't.)
"you like hawaiian pizza, right?" jang wonyoung, whom gaeul had introduced a month ago (alongside ahn yujin), scrolled through her phone as the other two were off somewhere in the kim residence. "i ordered some, but just so you know, yujin-unnie's gonna make fun of you."
rei had mentioned it once, offhandedly a week or two ago. she didn't know how wonyoung cared enough to remember. yujin, on the other hand, would've been too busy with gaeul to care. sometimes, rei wondered if yujin even noticed her presence.
it wouldn't have been the first time someone had forgotten about her.
"what the hell?" yujin said as she dug through the boxes. the aroma of freshly baked pizza wafted the entire house. "rei ordered these, didn't she?"
"leave her alone, yujin."
yujin laughed at the younger girl with an arm wrapped around gaeul. her cheeks were bright red, teasing the japanese for liking something so obscure (in her mind, at least). rei watched the three koreans closely, wonyoung and gaeul trying to defend her from the onslaught of yujin's comments.
each comment was directed at her. each smug grin, each teasing look. yujin had remembered, and so had gaeul, and so had wonyoung.
they could see her. they wanted to see her, despite the love that they held for someone else.
love was an emotion, not a blindfold.
for once, naoi rei didn't mind being the side character, and she would do everything in her power to make them happy, to make her family happy. she knew that one day, when the time came, they wouldn't forget her.
rei hated it, being forgotten (yet somehow, she hated the thought of ripping two people apart).
rei didn't understand love, but she knew that she wished her friends would find it.
(but somehow, it also found her.)
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"who's trying to break down the door?"
wonyoung looked at the shaking door, partially terrified that whoever (read: rei) would somehow knock it wide open with just her fist.
as much as she loved rei, wonyoung refused to let the japanese girl anywhere near or inside her dorm when jiwon was around. rei had yet to give the true happenings of what went down that night with jiwon, but she could tell it was bad.
finding the young kim crying in her bed was a weird role reverse at first, but wonyoung knew how it felt like. she knew how painful it was to love someone but not have them.
"it's no one."
the banging continued, somehow getting harsher and louder with every passing second.
if there was one thing that naoi rei was good at, it was persistence.
"maybe it's yuri-unnie." jiwon muttered, rubbing her now scabbed knuckles. "she did text me this morning asking if i was okay... i think she wanted me to help her jump minjeong-unnie."
jiwon had gotten a phone call earlier that morning. from what she could tell, the sun was just starting to rise, and from the way yuri's voice had sounded, the older girl had stayed up all night.
("we don't have to tell minju. i'm sure she wouldn't mind anyways.")
jiwon could only hope that yuri hadn't gone through with her ten-step plan.
"why would yuri-unnie want to jump minjeong-sunbaenim?"
the two stared at each other, blank faces as gears turned in their heads.
"i'm gonna open the door now." jiwon stated, moving towards the entrance. she needed any way out of the conversation, even if she ended up trying to talk someone out of a potential assault charge.
the door continued to rattle under rei's fist, and she prayed that whatever happened to jiwon was minor. she hoped that the girl she hurt wasn't in pain.
the door swung open, a sense of relief washing over the japanese girl as the kim stood in front of her.
love wasn't for rei.
she was the side character, the girl who set up her friends with their exes, the mastermind behind everything. she was the girl everyone ran to, and everyone forgot when the time came. she was a plot device.
naoi rei didn't want to be a plot device anymore. she wanted love to want her, just like she wanted her parents to love her.
the japanese girl looked at jiwon in front of her, the latter cradling her hand. her knuckles were a blush red, forming uneven marks around the peaks. rei could see the small scabs starting to form at the tips of her first two knuckles, and the swollen bump on the back of jiwon's hand.
it looked like it hurt, and somehow, in some way, it upset rei.
rei ushered the taller girl onto her bed, ignoring the questioning stares that came from the others. she'd deal with them later. jiwon was hurt, and that was rei's priority.
wonyoung stood at the doorway, eyeing the two.
"you'd think she's the one with the wrist brace and first aid kit," yujin snickered.
she wondered if rei knew what she was doing, what she was feeling. she should've by now. the glint in her eye was enough for anyone to know.
gaeul rolled her eyes at her girlfriend. "i think it's nice that she's worried."
she just hoped rei could deal with the heartbreak that came with it.
sighing, wonyoung gestured for the two older girls to come inside. she pushed aside a foreboding feeling in her chest, disregarding all the signs that something was wrong. it was just the thermostat, anyway. jiwon always liked to turn it up when she felt overwhelmed.
as the volleyball player began to shut the door, her eyes focused on the sliver of light that peaked into the hallway.
a gray sweater. y/n's gray sweater.
wonyoung swung the door open almost immediately.
with a small nod, y/n smiled.
something was wrong.
y/n's eyes were bloodshot red, the thin red veins popping against the whites of her eyes. her cheeks were red from crying, wonyoung deducted. if she looked any harder, wonyoung was sure to see the dried streaks of tears on the older girl's cheeks. it was a normal site of a sad y/n, at least from what wonyoung could remember.
but there was something in her eyes. something that unsettled wonyoung.
why did it seem so familiar?
"is jiwon okay?" y/n's voice cracked out, clearing her throat in embarrassment.
wonyoung nodded lightly, stepping aside for the actress to enter. with light, but sluggish steps, the taller girl watched y/n walk passed her. it was heavy with the burden of something.
wonyoung closed the door behind her. she watched the love of her life almost morph into someone that wasn't there before, a soft smile appearing on her face as she stared at jiwon.
it was her y/n (but who was the y/n before?).
"gaeul-sunbae," y/n spoke, her voice shaking slightly. she could feel jiwon's worried gaze. "can you check her hand?"
gaeul nodded, sitting beside jiwon.
y/n could feel the guilt wracking inside her body as she stared at jiwon's injured hand. every wince that the younger girl made seemed to cut her deeply, and all y/n could do was blame herself.
it was her fault for not seeing the signs, and her fault for not wanting to. all she wanted was a friend, but never at the cost of another.
"do you want to sit down?" wonyoung's voice sounded like a melody, pulling her out of her trance.
y/n stared at the taller girl. she couldn't help but wonder if the volleyball player had ever held some type of grudge against her, a vendetta to ruin her life. maybe it was something more simple, like a hatred fueled from putting her through everything that was yoo jimin.
y/n took a breath. her wonyoung wouldn't do that.
but then again, her minjeong did.
"it's okay."
y/n didn't know what was what anymore. for all she knew, she could've been letters on a screen, strung together from the most painful parts of human life.
all y/n knew was that jiwon, minju, yuri (and yena), and her parents were real. they had to be. they needed to be.
if they were, then she'd be okay. she knew she'd be okay.
wonyoung grabbed her hand gently, the pad of her thumb tugging her back to reality. back to wonyoung.
y/n was back to wonyoung, her wonyoung. the one with big, doe eyes that cried at the movie 'UP' and hid a box of random pieces of lego in her closet back when they were dating. her wonyoung who was hyunseo's older sister, who carried the jang name with a burden that only showed in the darkest of nights.
she wanted to be wonyoung's y/n again. not minjeong's, not jimin's. wonyoung's.
y/n hoped that wonyoung was real. she hoped that this was all real.
quietly, y/n sat down, interlacing her hand with the taller girl's. she watched as wonyoung followed, a small blush on her face as she stared at her with love.
love was consuming y/n.
"what happened anyway?" yujin hummed, not noticing the tension forming in the air.
gaeul could only sigh. her girlfriend was as dense as she was pretty, and at times like these, it was unfortunate that yujin was insanely beautiful.
"did jiwon go ballistic?" yujin's eyes sparkled at the thought of wonyoung's roommate beating someone up. "minju-sunbaenim always gave me crazy vibes, especially when you and wonyoung broke up. i guess the apple doesn't fall far from the - ow!"
gaeul smiled at wonyoung, sitting innocently as if she didn't kick yujin at full force. if rei hadn't been so worried, a snicker would've slipped passed her lips.
right now was jiwon. she'd deal with idiots later.
"don't listen to her." wonyoung smiled, and y/n could feel herself floating. "unnie's just like that sometimes."
wonyoung had never called y/n that. not before them, not during them, not after. she called gaeul unnie. same with yujin. she even called jimin unnie at one point.
y/n swallowed.
maybe she did something wrong. maybe wonyoung saw her as lesser than them. maybe this was a sign that her wonyoung had been someone else this entire time.
y/n looked at the taller girl, grinning at her with shiny eyes.
no. wonyoung wasn't jimin or minjeong.
(but what if she was?)
"jiwon-ssi..." gaeul looked at the extent of the bruises. "how hard did you punch them?"
y/n and jiwon looked at each other, both thinking of the deep cut that the younger kim had somehow administered to minjeong.
"not that hard..."
gaeul sighed. her wrist brace wasn't going to be much use against a boxer's fracture. "you need to go to the doctor for this. i'm ninety percent sure you broke it."
rei could feel her stomach drop. she had never felt more anxious in her life, and it wasn't even about her. at times like these, she wished she had her license, just to be there with the kim at the hospital. rei knew that minju wasn't gonna let her near her sister.
rei wished she was invisible, just this once.
jiwon nodded, looking at y/n who seemed deep in her thoughts once more. something was going on inside her head, jiwon just couldn't place it. all she knew was that minjeong was the cause.
a loud banging erupted throughout the room, y/n jumping back slightly. it was harder than last time, the knocking. it sounded as if someone was ramming the door open and if any of the girls listened closer, they would hear the doorknob shaking against the frame.
y/n wondered what would've happened if she didn't see minjeong last night. she understood why, but all at the cost of her friends well being. it might've not been her decision, but she had a say.
she always had a say.
y/n felt stupid.
wonyoung gave y/n's hand a light squeeze before letting go. she headed towards the door, the pounding never stopping. if she didn't open it soon, her ra would definitely get her in trouble, especially the one on duty.
as the volleyball player began to open the door, her eyes focused on the sliver of light that peaked into the hallway.
black. specifically jimin's black jacket.
wonyoung found herself stumbling backwards as the door rammed open. she closed her eyes, waiting for the fall but all she felt was the tightening of her collar, and the graze of someone's kuckles against her collarbone.
her eyes opened, and all she saw were jimin's dark irises.
jimin was angry. she was livid. everything she did ended up back to wonyoung. if it was volleyball, wonyoung was there. if it was school, wonyoung's 'fans' were in the vicinity. even when she ate, wonyoung's face would be plastered on her water bottle.
there were some upsides though.
"where's aeri?"
yujin tensed, nearly pouncing on jimin if not for gaeul's disapproving look. she wouldn't hold back, not with her friends.
gaeul knew that, and she prayed that somehow, the situation would get diffused before it escalated.
"what the-" wonyoung tried to pry jimin's grip off of her, only for it to tighten even more. "sunbaenim, are you insane?"
y/n had never felt rage consume her. she didn't know how it felt like, in all honesty. she was used to the sadness that jimin had provided her, but somehow, it tripled. it overwhelmed her, like the love that minjeong had confessed to her the day prior, or the pressure that weighed wonyoung down.
she was free from jimin, but not her effect.
"jimin." y/n stood up, her voice hoarse. "stop it."
it felt familiar to wonyoung, in a painful way.
"you're protecting her?" the veins on jimin's head popped, her face an angry red as she stared at y/n. "you're fucking kidding me. yizhuo was right?"
y/n sighed. she was getting tired of this. of everything.
"what are you talking about?"
"you're fucking wonyoung again." jimin would always be second to wonyoung, to everyone. it didn't matter how hard she loved or how much she tried. she was her father's daughter, and she was getting his punishment. "god, you just open your legs up for anyone."
y/n wanted to scream. she wanted to yell at jimin, at minjeong to leave her alone. she wanted them to get out of her mind, and to move some place else where she would never have to think about them ever again.
all y/n could feel was red.
"i could say the same for you, jimin."
wonyoung frowned. her y/n was never angry, at least not outwardly. even if she was, y/n never stooped as low as jimin.
something was wrong. something was broken.
(wonyoung hoped she was okay, whatever it was.)
jimin tightened her grip, her eyebrows furrowing. "what's that supposed to mean?"
"it means what you think it means." it was like lava, pooling out of her mouth like an unstoppable wave. "let. wonyoung. go."
the room fell silent, and wonyoung was sure that jimin loosened her grip for a split second. the ace scanned y/n's eyes, dark and angry before jimin balled up more of wonyoung's shirt.
she could feel jimin's knuckles pressing against her neck, and wonyoung fought back an urge to cough.
"is this about minjeong?" jimin rolled her eyes. she didn't understand why it was such a big deal, especially since she loved y/n, not minjeong. "is that why you're acting all bitchy all of a sudden?"
y/n flinched back, the overwhelming sadness suddenly rendering her speechless. anger helped her forget it, and although it seemed like a plus side, it felt gross.
y/n looked at wonyoung, and guilt love began to consume her once more.
"minjeong came onto me." y/n fought back tears. she was tired of trying to figure out who's side was real, and who was there for her and not her body. "everyone comes to me eventually."
yujin tensed once more. she was sick of jimin. her hot-headedness made the team walk eggshells around her, blaming everyone but herself for all her failures.
for once, she wanted to put jimin in her place.
"now..." jimin glared at wonyoung. "where's aeri, jang?"
wonyoung didn't know. she didn't even know about the whole minjeong-jimin thing until jimin had pounced on her, but if jimin didn't know where aeri was, that meant that she was safe.
wonyoung kept her mouth sealed shut, returning an angry glare.
"where the fuck is she?" wonyoung could feel jimin tightening her grip once more, her balled up fists pressing against her trachea. she had never wanted to punch someone in her life, but jimin was making it difficult.
"answer my question!" jimin's voice boomed, and wonyoung was sure everyone could hear it.
gaeul bit her tongue. she forgot how annoying yeji's jimin was.
quietly, gaeul spoke, not wanting to anger the ace any further. "she doesn't know."
"i wasn't talking to you, you slut." jimin snapped at gaeul. y/n could feel yujin tense from beside her, wonyoung shaking her head at her captain. jimin gripped wonyoung tighter, her knuckles turning white. "where is she, wonyoung? where's aeri?"
"i don't know."
"don't bullshit me." jimin grumbled, her voice low and her eyes angry. "i know you're useless, but you aren't this useless."
jimin was like wonyoung's mother in every sense. not only was she conventionally pretty, she was demanding and negligent to those around her. she used her words as a weapon, and her authority as leverage.
but wonyoung was a jang, and she knew how to get a rise out of someone.
"i said i don't know, jimin."
jimin didn't call her father dad anymore. not only had he failed as a husband, he had failed as a person. jimin didn't need to call someone that an honorific when they didn't deserve it.
but jimin wasn't her dad. she couldn't be.
"i'm your sunbae."
she was, in everyone's eyes but her own.
"then act like it."
jimin liked the pain of punching someone.
she liked the way her hand stung, akin to a spike. she liked her knuckles bright red, a physical sight that she was doing something right. jimin didn't like to think about the pain it inflicted on others, unless they deserved it.
jang wonyoung did, however. she deserved all the pain.
jimin winded her hand back, and wonyoung was ready to take the punch head on. she needed proof that jimin had hurt someone once more, a teammate. if getting rid of jimin for the rest of her school year meant a bruised cheek, then wonyoung would absolutely tank it.
wonyoung closed her eyes and a thud could be heard reverberating throughout the room.
she felt nothing.
the volleyball player opened her eyes, only to feel herself getting pulled back as she watched gaeul and rei scramble to stop yujin. she shook them off, ignoring jimin trying to push her head away.
ahn yujin, in all her glory, landed punch after punch on the ace. she was tired of all the pent up anger that she felt towards yeji jimin. she was tired of the older girl in every sense.
yujin wasn't gonna let another version of yeji hurt her friends.
the stinging of her hands got worse and worse as her anger rose. puffs of air released out of her mouth as each strike seemed stronger than the last. eventually, jimin was gonna let her guard down, and then yujin could strike the way she wanted to.
wonyoung needed to stop this, but she couldn't get physical. her father would kill her, and her mother would send her off to america if she got suspended.
she rushed back in, her eyes wide as she tried to pull yujin off. yujin was gonna get suspended, she knew it. the amount of damage she already left was enough to down a grown man.
anger was terrifying.
she saw specks of blood fly everywhere, the captain muttering curses under her breath before getting flipped over.
jimin's blooded face glistened against the light of wonyoung's room, swelling and full of cuts. her covered arms were filled with bruises, but she didn't care. right now, she wanted yujin to pay.
wrapping one hand around yujin's neck to steady her, jimin raised her fist, slamming it down onto the younger girl's face. she could feel something splatter against her skin, and it only fueled the ace further.
despite gaeul and rei's best efforts, jimin was stronger than yujin, and there was no way they could get her off, especially without wonyoung's help.
it didn't matter anymore. if wonyoung didn't do something, yujin might die.
frantically, wonyoung wrapped her arm around jimin's neck, choking her out as she pulled the older girl off yujin. she could feel jimin clawing against her arm, and wonyoung gritted her teeth, feeling blood seep out.
yujin sat up, the left side of her face tattered into shreds. gaeul rushed to her side, the captain watching as jimin struggled to get wonyoung off.
wonyoung looked at y/n, her eyes wide as the older girl kept jiwon behind her. she shook her head, signaling wonyoung to let go. the taller girl nodded, her arm dropping to her side as jimin fell forward, eyes red as she coughed.
she was definitely gonna get sent to america.
as the room fell quiet, jimin's coughing and yujin's heaving seemed to get louder. wonyoung could see the specks of blood littering the floor, and could feel the stinging of her arm.
a cough took their attention away from the bloodied volleyball players.
shit. the ra woke up.
"the cops are on their way." she shut her eyes tightly, looking at jimin. at least the girl got a good beating. too bad the others had to face a similar punishment. "don't try to talk your way out of this."
wonyoung nodded, her head hanging low.
"can we go...?" y/n asked, jiwon wincing behind her as her hand became more painful by the minute. "her hand-"
"if you two didn't get involved, then you can go."
y/n nodded, bowing slightly as jimin finally stopped coughing, a bruise on her neck.
y/n looked at the girl in front of her, red running down her arm.
worry encapsulated her entire being, eyebrows furrowing at the sight. wonyoung was hurt, just like jiwon. yujin was hurt, just like jiwon. somehow, y/n hurt two people in one sitting, two people who didn't deserve it.
she could've done something. she should've done something.
"we're okay."
wonyoung could always see right through her.
it terrified her.
carefully, y/n lifted the volleyball player's arm. she could see the marks deep, and an angry red.
she just wanted the pain to go away, hers and wonyoung.
"i'm okay." wonyoung whispered. y/n always got worried about things she didn't need to worry about. "i'll live."
"okay." her wonyoung was real. she was sincere, and familiar. her wonyoung wouldn't hurt her.
y/n loved jang wonyoung, bleeding or not.
"text me how it goes, okay?"
wonyoung's eyes hid the stinging with a smile, quietly admiring the girl in front of her as y/n took jiwon's hand. "i will."
y/n nodded. she trusted wonyoung, just like she trusted jimin and minjeong. it couldn't backfire, not again. not with her wonyoung.
wonyoung moved aside, ignoring jimin glaring at her (she wanted to mock the other girl, powerless against the ra of the building, but that would just cause more problems).
y/n came to a halt, turning to face wonyoung.
"oh, and," a kiss on the cheek. "for... for your arm."
wonyoung didn't care. it was worth it.
"oh!" she bit her tongue, yujin cackling in the corner as gaeul scolded her not to move too much. rei gave her a thumbs up, before giving jiwon a worried gaze. "yeah, of course."
y/n nodded awkwardly, tugging jiwon's free hand.
"jiwon," y/n ignored her stare. "let's go."
the two exited the room, jiwon wincing with every swing of her arm. y/n would have to call minju once they got to the hospital.
god, minju was gonna kill everyone in that room and then her.
"did you just kiss her?"
y/n blushed as the elevator opened.
"on her cheek, ji." y/n shook her head. "you need to stop hanging out with yuri-unnie."
as jiwon entered the elevator, y/n followed her inside. the younger girl faced away from her, cradling her hand and trying to stabilize it.
for a moment, y/n relaxed. no one was looking at her. no one had to see the turmoil she had gone through. she sighed quietly, her face dropping, eyes a void of anger and frustration, of pain and hurt.
everything was consuming her.
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archangeldyke-all · 8 months
Sevika and reader’s daughter is getting ready to go prom and sevika gives her date a hard time
I absolutely love your work 💓💓💓💓💓
this is so fucking cute. UGH
men and minors dni
sevika cries the night before little fucker's prom. not in front of her, just in your arms that night, silently soaking your pajama shirt as she cries about your daughter growing up.
"she was a baby just yesterday!" she whines. you giggle and press a kiss to her head.
"she's growing up, honey." you say, tearing up too. sevika sniffles.
"oh god, what if she has sex tomorrow night?" she asks. you laugh.
"oh please, like you weren't juggling three girls by the time you were eighteen." you tease her. sevika groans.
"i know, i'm worried she's got my slutty tendencies!" you burst into laughter.
"she'll be fine. at least she can't get pregnant with her little girlfriend." you tease. sevika groans again.
"god, i don't trust that girl one bit." she mumbles. you laugh.
"sev, she's a sweet kid. she obviously adores our girl, you saw her promposal."
your daughter's date to the prom is a sweet, quiet girl, who 'promposed' to her with a big bouquet of her favorite flowers, a bag of her favorite fast food, and tickets to a movie she's been dying to see. she's got your stamp of approval. sevika's is gonna be a bit harder to earn.
sevika gasps in your arms suddenly.
"what?" you ask, panicked.
"fuck, babe, in five years we could be grandmas." she groans. you laugh.
"oh please, you'd love having another baby around."
"not yet!" she cries. "we're too young! she's too young!"
"she might not even want kids, sev."
sevika's silent for a minute, considering this. then, "she fucking better. if she doesn't have one soon, i'm getting you pregnant again. i want another baby." she says. you burst into laughter.
"i don't think that'll work babe, but you can try all you want." you offer, opening your legs around your wife. she grins, her tears gone, and she shoots up to kiss you.
the next day, sevika cries on and off from the moment she wakes up.
as you help little fucker do her makeup, sevika stands in the corner sobbing.
as she helps little fucker curl her hair, sevika's tears keep falling onto her head.
when she slips into her suit-- sevika breaks down.
"oh fuck!" she cries, wrapping her arms around your daughter. she groans.
"ma, get her off of me! she's gonna ruin my suit!" your girl wails as she tries to wiggle out of sevika's grip. sevika doesn't let go, not until you pull her away by her ear.
"just wait until your wedding day, kid." you tease your girl. she rolls her eyes, and sevika whimpers.
"why would you say that?" sevika wails, a fresh round of tears bubbling up in her eyes. you laugh and kiss her tears away, and beside you, your little girl gags.
when her date arrives, all of sevika's tears disappear, a glare taking over her features.
the girl pulls up in a car and walks to the door with a bouquet of flowers in her shaky hands.
your daughter is vibrating with excitement as she answers the door and lets her girlfriend in, and it makes you a little emotional. they're so fucking cute.
her girlfriend tries her best. sevika doesn't make it easy.
"i'm so excited to finally meet you mrs. and m--"
"save it." sevika grunts. you elbow her and sevika elbows you back.
your daughter facepalms. "mom--"
"what're your intentions with my daughter tonight?" sevika asks. you bite your lip to keep from laughing at the cringes on your daughter and her girl's face.
"i-- uh-- d-dancing?" she asks. "w-we've got reservations at an italian place after, and there's an afterparty at--"
"afterparty!?" sevika exclaims. you snort and elbow her again.
"i already told you mom!" your daughter whines. "at robby's house-- you know, nerdy robby? robotics club captain?"
sevika's glare lessens, but doesn't dissappear. "nerds can get into just as much trouble as any--"
"sev." you cut her off, shooting her a glance. quit embarrassing our poor kid. you telepathically tell her. she glares at you.
it's my job to embarrass her, it gives her character. sevika's glare responds. you roll your eyes.
"can i get a few pictures of you kids before you go? you look so cute in your matching suit and dress." you say, distracting the teenagers from your wife's glare. your daughter's new beau nods so hard you think her head might fall off her neck. you laugh and guide them outside to pose in front of the flowers in the front garden.
as you snap pictures, sevika hovers over your shoulder the entire time.
your daughter grabs her girlfriends hand, and you can physically feel the way sevika cringes. when her girlfriend rests her hands around your daughter's waist, sevika has to look away. and when they kiss, sevika groans.
"okay! fuck, save it until you're married." she says. you snort.
"when did you become such a prude?" your daughter asks, glaring at sevika. sevika glares back.
"i've always been a prude. i've never had sex in my life. and you shouldn't either." she says. you laugh.
"i heard you and ma going at it this morning in the shower!" your daughter exclaims. you watch in amusement as her date blushes red as a tomato.
"okay!" you interrupt before the poor girl has a heart attack. "you two should get going." you say, walking your daughter and her date toward her car on the street.
her date sprints to the driver's side, slamming the door behind her, sufficiently terrified of sevika, and trying to get away as fast as possible. it makes you laugh.
you and sevika wrap your little fucker up in a big, tight hug before she can slip in the passenger's seat, pressing kiss after kiss to her hair. she giggles between the two of you.
"you guys are horrible." she complains. you laugh.
"hey, that's all mom. i've been a perfectly normal parent all evening--" you try to defend yourself. you're met with twin glares from your wife and daughter.
"you wanted me to!" sevika accuses.
"you barely stopped her!" your daughter shouts.
you laugh. "both of those statements are false!"
your kid groans, and sevika kisses her forehead again.
"call us if you need a ride. i don't care what time it is or where you are-- we'll come get you. and your little girlfriend too." she says.
"i know, mom." little fucker groans.
"and don't drink anything you didn't make yourself!" you say. she rolls her eyes.
"there's not even gonna be alc--"
"here." sevika interrupts her, shoving a dental dam, mini bottle of lube, and a condom into her suit's breast pocket. your daughter scoffs.
"oh, so you're suddenly all 'sex positive' again." she says. sevika shrugs.
"i don't want you having any sex until i'm dead and buried, but if you're gonna do it while i'm still alive, make sure it's safe." she says. your kid groans.
"i know, i know." she grumbles.
"take this." you say, handing her a folded wad of cash. "pay for her dinner tonight-- as an apology for our behavior."
your kid grins. "thanks, ma."
you hug her again, pressing kiss after kiss to her head. you're so distracted by loving on your daughter, that neither of you notice when sevika disentangles herself from your group hug to walk around the car and tap on the driver's side window.
"y-yes miss?" your daughter's date asks wearily as she rolls the window down. sevika glares down at her.
"you take care of her." she says. your daughter looks up from where she'd buried her face against your shoulder to watch their interaction in horror.
"yes ma'am."
"drive the limit. if you drink, or smoke, or do anything-- don't you dare get behind the wheel, you hear me?" she asks. the poor girl nods again.
"take this." sevika says, handing the girl another dental dam, condom, and mini bottle of lube. you chuckle, your daughter groans, and her girlfriend's eyes nearly pop out of her head.
"this is so humiliating." your kid mumbles. you giggle.
"hey-- if she sticks around after this, then you know she's a keeper." you tease. your girl snorts.
"mom leave her alone!" she calls.
"you gotta pen?" sevika asks. you watch as the girl scrambles for a pen and paper, handing it to your wife. sevika scrawls something onto the paper, then hands it back. "my number. call if you need anything." she says. the girl gulps and nods.
"oh my god." your kid groans. "she's gonna dump me after this."
you laugh. "no she's not." you say. "when she wasn't cowering in fear 'cause of your mom, the only thing she was looking at this entire time was you. i think you've got her hooked, honey." you say. little fucker melts, a shy smile creeping up her face.
"yeah." she says dreamily. you press a solid kiss to her head, and hug her one more time.
"be safe. but have some fun, yeah?" you ask. she nods at you. "and tell your girl we're really sorry. mom won't always be like this-- it's just how she shows she cares."
"i know."
sevika comes back to wrap your girl in a hug, kissing her again.
"love you, kid." she says.
"love you too." she says, squished between the two of you.
when she finally worms her way out of your arms, she hops into the car and leans over the console to press a kiss to her girlfriend's cheek. you grin at the way the girl's look of horror quickly melts, a shy smile taking its place.
"bye!" you call as the car starts up, waving at the girls.
as soon as the car turns the corner, sevika's crying again.
"fuck! she's gonna be in college soon-- what are we gonna do without her annoying ass bothering us all the time?" she asks, crying into your shoulder. you laugh, pressing a kiss to her scalp.
"i've got a few ideas." you say, trailing your hands down to grab your wife's ass. her crying ceases, and she looks up from your shoulder with a cocky smirk.
"oh yeah?" she asks. you giggle and shrug.
"when's the last time we fucked on the couch? or the counter?" you ask. sevika grins, then ducks down to hoist you over her shoulder, running back into the house.
you squeal and laugh the entire way.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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bamtorin · 3 months
⋆˚࿔ 𝑻𝑿𝑻 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒘𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
𓍢ִ໋🀦 genre: headcanon, fluff, crack, comedic death
𓄃 wc: 800 approx
𓃶 note: new acc, im still unhinged.
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𝑌𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑗𝑢𝑛 /ᐠ ̥ ̣̮ ̥ ᐟ\ノ
"Do you think my tie looks too tight?"
"Do you think beige napkin goes well with our food?"
"Do you think it's the perfect tempature in our guest's bathroom?"
"Should we go for turquiose blue or ocean blue for the cushion?"
"Would it be too much if I french kissed you after the vows?" -yeonjun
Hyper concious about everything. Nothing goes without him double checking, sniffing and nagging how it could be more perfect if you guys did something else.
Stressing about you, your mom even your dead great great uncle if he could.
Fixing the bedsheets you two will be fucking on later. Anxious, fidgety. Writes the wedding script 78 times but still isn't satisfied. Treats the wedding like a diablo final boss.
Finally when the venue is all set, you walking down the aisle with your beloved father's hand in your hand, you find... Yeonjun's missing. He eloped with his guy friend he told you not to worry about (happy pride month yall)
𝑆𝑜𝑜𝑏𝑖𝑛 (=˘ϖ˘=)
You had to console him thrice on the video call not to panic so much and everything would go well. But that man is shivering. Had a nightmare about the day about a month ago. Can't shake that feeling off his chest. He saw that his dead grandma is dancing on a bar, repeatedly telling him he would have 30 years of misfortune if he married you.
"Soobin? Listen to me? It's gonna alright bby"
"Yeah.. I love you.." *cuts the video call*
Still nervous and shaky. His gaze lingers upon that one champagne his friends bought him for the wedding and decides one sip wouldnt hurt.
And another sip.. yet another sip. Till he gets completely wasted on the 7th sip.
*phone buzzes with 127 missed call and 35 texts*
Arrives half a day late to the wedding.
𝐵𝑒𝑜𝑚𝑔𝑦𝑢 ʕ º ᴥ ºʔ
Your relationship with beomgyu has always been makeshift. Not in a bad way. Everytime a trouble comes, you guys power through it by laughing. You broke your nose? He gets you nasal spray as a joke. He lost his apartment due to bankrupcy? You get him a minecraft house. You both got a F on the assignment? You two still have a competition of who got the lowest mark on math. It's great, you guys got each other's back all the time, even in joking the love is present.
The wedding was reflection of this as well when you saw 2 adult bulked up men with beards and black suit spreading flowers from their cute mini buckets at everyone in the spot of your flower girls. Beomgyu whispers "The flower girls cancelled the last moment, so I got my workout jjang friends to fill in.. I swear this was our only option" You laugh, so did everyone.
But another problem rose as you cut the cake. The color looked amazing for a lemon cake. Bright, yellow..wait yellow? Then you taste it and it's durian. You ordered the cake and they completely messed up the order. You become instantly sad, eyes brimming with water threatening to fall with the bitter exotic flavour going into your mouth but Beomgyu gets a brilliant idea. "$100 for anyone who eats the most cake!" He shouts. So boy does everyone jump that cake and it was soon finished in moments. The fastest any cake has been devoured. Your face changes to a bright smile and a big laugh when beomgyu takes up on the challenge himself, and the day gets memorable.
𝑇𝑎𝑒ℎ𝑦𝑢𝑛 ( ⓛ ﻌ ⓛ *)
The picture perfect wedding. Everybody clapping, you happily walking down the aisle. He looks up at you with the most breathtaking watery boba eyes. Flushed cheeks and sweet smile. The vows he wrote in his one hand. You stand in front of him, giggling that the dream has come true. The priest asks you to recite your vows,
"I love that you let me think I'm the funny one in the relationship. And I love that you always help me find my keys, my wallet or phone; anything after I misplaced it. I promise to grow alongside you and I vow to love and cherish not only who you are but who you will become" -you
He looks shocked for a moment and then he starts reciting his own with a giggle,
"I'll start by saying something obvious. Between the two of us, you're the funny one in our relationship" He looks up at you to see your reaction, how your vows matched even though no one had it planned from before. He starts again with a smile,
"I promise to always find your keys, your wallet or your sunglasses" mouthing after how it's exactly the same. "And I vow to always cherish you for who you are and stand right beside you"
After a long day of everything going well, you bid farewell to your parents and the guests. The moment you try to get in the car, a bus crashes right into Taehyun who was leading the way. Surprise! That's the canon.
𝐻𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑘𝑎𝑖 (๑ŏ⋖⋗ŏ)
You might wanna sit down for this one. Everything that can go wrong will go wrong.
First of all he messed up the venues for the wedding and went to southwest 34 instead southwest 35. Then didn't notice it because there was another wedding happening there at the same time. He arrives several hours late, again finding the right address. Much furious arguements and cries later, you two finally get down to business.
Finding he lost the wedding rings. It was right in his pocket, could've left in the car or something.
He goes back to the car, he grabs it and closes the door but right then a part of his tuxedo gets stucks in the car door and it rips trying to get it out.
Your patience runs really low seeing him in that state, making puppy eyes at you. You stare at your clock, anxiously thinking why the caterers and photographers aren't here yet.
Well, hueningkai the man he is, texted the wrong address to them as well... then there's an unexpected typhoon that's making them impossible to arrive at your place. Several hours later, it's almost 9pm when the cateres arrive. Food cold and half drenched. You are counting down the ways you could've said no when hueningkai first proposed to you.
All's well that ends well, you chant this golden mantra and try to girlboss it, wait.. you didn't notice this before. IS THAT HIS FUCKING EX WEARING WHITE TO YOUR WEDDING?
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taglist: @itgirlgyu @shutupheathersorryheatherr
(drop an ask if you want to be in the taglist bbies :>)
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Notes: 18+ Sex & miscarriage mentioned
All the love and praise to my favorite blonde babe of an editor @ab4eva who holds my hand through it all and @precious-little-scoundrel for her screams of support!
 Elvis Presley Quietly Marries At Home
The man with the famous pelvis is now a married man! Colonel Parker confirmed that Elvis married Paramount actress Leona Grace at his home in Memphis on the nineteenth of March. The wedding comes on the heels of rumors that the new Mr. and Mrs. Presley are due for a visit from the stork. The Colonel’s response? “Those are questions for a different day”. The hush hush, spur of the moment wedding did not follow an engagement announcement and no pictures of the happy couple seem to exist beyond set outtake photos. The event reportedly took place in the evening with just family and close friends in attendance totaling about 50 people. A red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting was served for dessert and sources say that Elvis's own music was played late into the night as friends danced in the backyard of Presley's Graceland mansion. 
Leona had once heard Joe remark that Graceland was full of ghosts. He had chuckled with a cigar hanging out of his mouth when he had said it, but Leona had believed him. Once in a while she'd get an eerie feeling at night when all the lights were out and the various friends and relatives who occupied the mansion were tucked away in bed. Clad in a white slip with her feet bare, she crept down to the kitchen for a glass of water and a little peace. The master bedroom was dark and cold, Elvis asleep under the black silk sheets. It had been a whirlwind few months and she was only ever able to reflect back on it all when she was alone, which was a rarity since becoming Mrs. Presley. She was still unsure as to where everything was in the kitchen, but glasses and silverware she was sure of. Leona thought she heard creeping footsteps behind her, and kept peering over her shoulder as the sink water ran. She settled on to one of the stools, her petite legs swinging as she sipped her water and tapped her freshly manicured nails on the table. She and Patsy had ventured out to the beauty salon earlier in the day, Elvis's cousin was a sweetheart but her non-stop chattering about the room down the hall that needed decorating seemed to be the only topic of conversation. 
Leona’s biggest worries used to be whether she was getting cast in the newest buzzed about picture. Now the big concern was whether to have yellow bunny wallpaper or a toile print with puppies. She was still getting used to the weight of the 6 carat diamond on her hand, soon enough there would be a tiny little hand gripping hers. She let out a sigh she didn't know she had been holding in. Escaping Florida and the kitchy circus-like routine at Mac’s Mermaid Cove in the Florida Keys, Leona had been sending money back home to her mother and Grandma Alice in Orlando and scheming to win her breakout role. She had wanted to be a leading lady, but could never quite make the mark. She had once heard a director refer to her as “Florida trash”. She wasn't one to give up easily though. That persistence and all of the nagging and pleading to the higher ups at Paramount, helped her land a cushy supporting role in one of the newest Elvis Presley films. Paramount had agreed to lend her out for a price, now sitting in the kitchen of Graceland she did feel a bit smug knowing she wouldn't have to pay that price anymore in life. 
The role wasn't Oscar worthy, but she felt like a winner the second Elvis had drawled hello to her and gently held her hand. There were flowers and gifts, despite the fact that the blonde leading actress also seemed to be receiving similar gifts from him? He had taken her out for milkshakes on a Friday night after being out with their co-star the night prior. With his buddies mingling about, the owner in awe and basically allowing Elvis to turn the burger joint into his personal hangout, the two had kissed and whispered in the backseat of his car. A little warm up for what was to come. Two days later he took her on the floor of his trailer and filled her full, twice. 
What followed were nights of passion, a few tipsy heart to heart confessions where he talked of the loneliness since losing his mother and Leona told him of the loneliness she had been born feeling. She ignored the fact that he seemed to be wooing their co-star, or even the fans who traipsed into his trailer and left with dresses half buttoned or even on backwards. She liked what they had, she was allowed a moment of fun in life. Soon enough, things would wrap when the movie ended and this would be a story for her one day memoir. Her dalliance with the king. 
Except - things took a different turn. Three days before shooting wrapped for good, blame all that rain for dragging out production, Leona had collapsed from what everyone thought was “heat exhaustion”. Only she knew, it was a combination of heat exhaustion and a missed period. The studio doctor quietly confirmed with a serious tone that Leona was indeed pregnant. Rather than take the options the studio was pushing, Leona knew that men had the power. And Elvis? Well he had more power than even the president, it seemed. With shaking hands and a face powdered full of blush to hide her pale face, she waved down his car filled with friends. He jumped out and leaned against the driver's side door, flicking a toothpick between his lips as she told him he was to be a father. He took the news shockingly better than most. My baby? He had smirked. He wasn't questioning paternity, more like confirming the news to himself out loud. His smile was big and she had a feeling his eyes were gleaming under those sunglasses. He nodded and placed his giant hands on her shoulders. “Everything is gonna be alright honey, we'll make things right and do the right thing,” he had assured her, topping it off with a tender kiss to her forehead. He wagged a finger and ordered her back to her trailer to rest, he'd be by soon. Then he slid back into the car and she heard him chuckling and announcing something to his pals who in turn all whooped and hollered as the car left the lot. 
The water was cool and just what she needed to refresh her dry throat. She hadn't had much of an appetite at dinner despite proddings from Dodger. Everyone had told her she'd feel better as the days passed, she was officially 12 weeks and 2 days pregnant. She was crossing her fingers the better days were now upon her. She had been sick as a dog the day of the wedding. All hastily arranged and shrouded in secrecy as it was. She had settled for a dress the studio had gifted her, it still needed to be let out at the last second courtesy of one of Jerry's flings who was a costume designer. Once she had finished her drink, she placed the glass in the sink and crept back up the stairs. Down below, she heard muffled voices and a flirty female laugh. Probably Charlie and some blonde. They all tended to be blonde, the women who fluttered to the Mafia boys. The next best prize considering the King himself was taken. Leona wondered if he truly was though? They were virtual strangers when they married, but the deeply religious and old fashioned side of Elvis wouldn't take no for an answer. They had to marry, plain and simple.
 She cursed herself for not wearing socks, her toes were freezing. They were painted a shade of red that seemed to make Elvis's tongue wag. On their wedding night, the passion he had shown her in his set trailer and in the backseats of cars still seemed to be there. Albeit, he was softer and a bit more gentle given her delicate state. They hadn't been apart for more than a few hours since they said I do. She could say fairly confidently that there weren't other women in his life. He was due to shoot another film in a few months time, Leona was curious if that would still be the case when they were apart. She slowly took each step that led her closer and closer back to the bedroom where he slept with a shy little boy like smile on his face. She was fond of him, sure, and definitely attracted. Maybe love would bloom with time, like her growing body she mused. The door creaked open, the dim light from the hallway flooded the room and Elvis stirred. “Doll? You ok?” His drawl even more pronounced and gruff sounding. “I was just getting a drink, I didn't mean to wake you,” she hushed him. She closed the door, closing the world off and away from Mr. and Mrs. Presley. It was so rare they were truly alone, she realized. He was sitting up, his hair a bit of a mess. He ran a hand through it and then patted the bed beside him, “C’mere pretty baby, come talk to me till my eyes close”. She scurried back into bed and her feet brushed against his. He threw his head back and chuckled in that way that made her heart flutter. “Someone's got cold feet!” he crooned in her ear. Then he was pulling her into his arms and under the covers. Her feet continued to dance with his as she laid on her side, his lips teasing behind her ear. She let out a satisfied hum and burrowed deeper into his embrace. 
The dark, silent bedroom gave them more than just privacy. It was easier to joke, open up, and try and make some sense of this situation they found themselves in. He was pressing soft, open mouthed kisses to her neck and shoulders. His hands came to rest on her tits which she was sure had already gone up a cup size or two. He had seemed to notice as well. Her white cotton nightgown would probably be on the floor soon, but she wanted to talk some until that happened. She wasn't sure what to say, she really just wanted to hear him. Steady, calming, reassuring words. He had a knack for making troubles fade away. His raspy voice piped up as he rested his head against her. “Been thinkin’ bout doing a little recording again….not for the public though…wanna sing a couple songs for my baby, you can play em while I'm gone and stop em from fussing”. She felt that cheeky grin of his against her skin. “Oh? What are ya thinking? Adding a little rock n roll to Rock-A-Bye Baby?” Her laughter was met with a rash of kisses to anywhere he could reach. Then slowly, his hands left her breasts and trailed down to her lower belly where things were just beginning to form.  “You're doin a real good job darlin’,” she could hear the tell-tale sign of sleep in his voice as his thumbs continued to rub small circles on her womb. She wasn't sure what exactly she was doing a great job at. Being a failed former actress, pregnant and married off in a flash, now resigned to a life that while glitzy and glamorous could also be fairly isolating? Was Elvis himself even aware of the sort of life he lived and how vastly different it was from most people? The thoughts tumbled into her head reminding her of the way she watched the seaweed tumble in the ocean water as a child. She'd pick Memphis and the Presley's over Florida and her own family any day, that's for sure. 
She wasn't even sure of when exactly she fell asleep or for how long. That is, until she was awakened in a sweaty instant, she felt like her insides were being rung out like an old rag. She was hot and cold all at once, and her thighs felt soaked? She practically threw herself out of bed, that's when it all began to register. The squeezing, tugging feeling in her stomach seemed to be in sync with the sharp, stabbing in her lower back. Her hands went to her thighs, Had she? No. It was blood. The blood from her thighs stained her hands, it dripped down her feet, and when she spun around on uneasy, shaking legs she noticed it was all over the sheets as well. It was too much blood. Gasping and wailing, she leaned over the edge of the bed as the room began to spin. With all she had left in her, she shoved and begged for him until he shot up. “What's a matter?!” He barked in confusion. “Get me a doctor..get someone…help..” her breathing was coming in spurts as she felt a tingling sweep from her shoulders to her toes as she continued to grip the sheets, hoping this wasn't what she thought it was. She didn't hear his response, she couldn't. Everything went black. 
She drifted in and out of consciousness for what felt like days on end. She heard the sounds of the doctor's voice, smooth and sympathetic. Della and Patsy talking softly to her. Dodger pressing a hand to her forehead. Sometimes she'd blink open an eye and catch Vernon in the chair in the very corner of the room. He was always there though. Elvis with his mouth close to her ear, murmuring, praying. His big hands squeezed around hers when he wasn't brushing her chocolate curls out of her face. Slowly, she came to the realization of what had happened. There wasn't going to be a baby Presley arriving in the Fall any longer. 
The weeks that followed cemented a hysterical bond of sorts between Leona and Elvis. Every morning, when Mary brought Leona's breakfast up on a silver tray, Elvis would sit with her and make sure she drank her orange juice and take the horse pill looking vitamins the doc had recommended after all that blood loss. She had felt weak, physically and emotionally. With her father having run off when she was a child, and being raised by the overbearing tyrant duo that was her mother and grandmother, Leona had always hoped that her dreams of stardom would also blend well with a white picket fence. Dreams of coming home from movie sets to a shelf lined with little gold statues covered in sticky fingers, T-ball games, and a dog romping with a passel of kids in the sprinkler, an adoring husband by her side. Her hopes and dreams had perished alongside her baby. Elvis had leaped into his faith, reading to her, singing, telling her hope wasn't lost. She wasn't so sure though. They had married because of a baby, did she still have a marriage if she didn't have a baby?
Six weeks and one day after that horrible night, Leona had finally broached the subject. Was he going to cut her loose and they could annul the marriage? After all, they barely knew each other. Plus, Leona wanted her career, she couldn't rest without knowing if she was actually capable of cutting it as an actress. Elvis was aghast and furious. She watched his lips curl up and his face contort in anger in the same way it did when he fought with his father. “My wife ain't leaving my house,” he had snarled in her ear. Was he…hard? He was. This man was getting a hard on from ordering her around and telling her there wasn't going to be a divorce. And there definitely wasn't going to be a career for her like the one she had been used to. She raised her voice and spurred him on. He was hard for her and seemed to want to fight for her? Was Leona twisted for feeling a fluttering in her heart? She backed him into a corner and rambled on about the high possibility of him going on to screw other women in dark corners on movie sets or backstage. Was he really wanting to hang on to this marriage when there were so many pretty blondes desperate to taste him? His nostrils flared and she jammed a finger at him, conveniently landing it just above his cock. His eyes were dark with anger and lust. She gripped his shirt, wrinkling it, and finally pulled him to her mouth for a searing hot kiss. She saw no other way to end this dance at the moment. On the floor of their bedroom, he took with passion, panting into her ear and repeating, “You're my wife for my whole life, ya ain't going nowhere”. Bite marks littered her neck. He was inside her for the first time since it had happened. It made her emotional in more ways than one as he cradled her face and thrust into her desperately. Her orgasm ripped through her violently in perfect sync to his, he didn't withdraw. “This is your job now, being my wife and pleasin’ me,” his voice was smug and cocky as he tenderly tucked her into bed and pressed a soft lingering kiss to her cheek.
Since the dalliance on their bedroom floor, Leona had made it her mission to amp up the drama and theatrics. She had had some bit parts in a couple comedies, and was striving for a perfect sort of dark humor to get under Elvis's skin, convince him that she need be kept busy and not in a princess in a tower situation. Except - it was having the opposite effect it seemed. He found her antics amusing? She had started off strong, first making a trip downtown to Harris department store. She has bought a robins egg blue negligee, sent a sales employee scouring the back stockroom for the perfect pair of white kitten heel slippers with a little feather poof, and a white sheer scarf to tie up her hair. The cherry on top? A pair of cherry red, heart eyed sunglasses that she had once worn as an extra on set. Elvis was due for a lunch meeting with that vile reptile they all called Colonel Parker.  Elvis had pressed a kiss to her shoulder as she sat at her dressing table powdering her face. She was clad in just her panties and bra, he had yet to see her little ensemble. She felt goosebumps form as he slid the strap of her bra to the side and pressed a kiss to the bare skin that had been covered. 
“See ya in a bit, baby doll, gotta meet with the Colonel about some stuff,” his lips lingered on her skin while he eyed her in the mirror. Leona couldn't suppress the sour look that appeared on her face.
“What sort of stuff?” she questioned cooly. 
“Some movie stuff, ain't nothing for you to worry that pretty head about,” his tone was casual yet dismissive. Those were fighting words for Leona, who stomped her foot like a child and demanded to know just exactly why he was allowed to make movies while she had been regulated to pick flowers in the garden with the dogs, lounge in the pool, and shop herself silly with Patsy. She felt like a bird in a cage, albeit a gold-plated diamond-studded cage. 
“Oh, ya want me to start calling you my pretty little baby bird?” he teased, those long fingers, perfect for reaching all the right spots, were tickling at her ribs. Leona yanked away from his grasp and pouted. “Baby, you're a wife now, my wife, I'm gonna take care of things. No need for you to stress yourself and slave away to send money back home to your momma and granny, I had my daddy send a check two days ago,” Elvis explained, sliding on a pair of sunglasses that made him look utterly delectable as he shifted his weight from one leg to another in the doorway, seemingly unable to keep still. 
Too frustrated to formulate a response that would accurately convey her angst, she took a beat before swerving herself around to face him. With a grin that could only be perfected after years after trying to charm sweaty, fat producers in suits, Leona turned to her husband. Her voice was dripping with a faux sugary sweet tone, “I'll be here waiting for you to get back, baby”. She knew that's exactly what he wanted to hear. Elvis blew her a kiss before he disappeared down the stairs. She heard him below in the kitchen, chatting with Mary, probably grabbing a sweet treat. His pals downstairs playing pool, she knew that'd be his next stop. Rounding them all, lest he ever go anywhere alone. It was the perfect time for Leona to change into her newest purchase and head outside, to the driveway. She examined herself in the mirror, she knew if the sunlight hit just the right way that everyone would be getting a nice view of Mrs. Presley’s chest courtesy of her basically sheer nightie. Her fingers combed through her chocolate curls and then she added an extra coat of lipstick, spritzing herself with some of that perfume Elvis had brought back after a trip away with the guys. With the sunglasses hiding her green eyes, it was now or never. She scurried down the stairs as fast as her kitten heels would carry her, the front door was in her sights and Elvis's booming laughter could be heard on the floor below her. 
Suddenly a voice called her name, “Miss Leona where on earth are you headed in that get up? Looks like you belong up there in that bedroom the way you dressed!” Mary, Elvis's long-time housekeeper, was a peach with a spitfire sense of humor. She had been warm and motherly since the minute Leona had walked through the front door. A single finger came to rest on Leona's lips and she pointed to the floor, Mary caught on it seemed. She flung a dish towel over her shoulder and rolled her eyes good naturedly, “Don't you worry, I certainly won't be running and gabbing to Mr. Elvis tellin’ him his wife is half naked in the yard where folks and fancy photographer men might see…girl…you best do whatever it is you planning and fast”. Almost giddy with anticipation and curious to see just exactly how this scheme would land with her husband, Leona’s heels clicked on the driveway. She paused and did her best to look down towards the gates, shockingly, there was no one there. She wasn't sure if she was glad about that or not. Elvis's Cadillac was parked just a little past the front steps. If she was laying in the driveway, Joe wouldn't dare move an inch. Hell, they'd all be too busy averting their eyes and making small talk amongst themselves about what nice weather Memphis was having recently. What was her end game exactly? Leona wasn't completely sure. She just wanted Elvis to see her and hear her, truly. Her grandmother had told her growing up that marriage was a compromise, but if all else fails defer to your husband. When Leona had called home to tell her mother and grandmother she was marrying the Elvis Presley, her grandmother had said in not so many words to forget compromise and keep Elvis happy at all costs. Why should she stifle herself down for him though? Ok, maybe she didn't need to go back to Hollywood full-time. But she needed something, anything, to keep herself busy and fulfilled. If she had to spend the next fifty years praising him and his work, picking out curtains, and entertaining the Memphis Mafia and their various girls of the week she'd absolutely need a sanatorium. 
The black asphalt was warm on the backs of her legs as Leona lay like she was making a snow angel. She heard the door open, the rowdy laughter and loud conversation that signaled the arrival of Elvis and co. Then someone spoke up, Leona was a bit too far back to place exactly who, but she thought it might be Charlie. “Uh, EP, that your wife laying down there in front of the car?” his voice sounded nervous. Suddenly the only thing Leona could hear was the sound of the birds and heavy footsteps approaching. It was as if the sun had snuck behind the clouds, everything felt dark as Elvis's shadow engulfed her. She pulled her sunglasses down and batted her eyelashes up at him. “Headin’ out honey?” She purred, she could feel her nipples hard and a hazy sheen of sweat covered her basically naked body. “Was plannin on it…seems to be a little detour though” Elvis crowed. “What are you up to little girl?” He leaned down closer to her face. “Well wouldn't you like to know..” Leona laughed, picking at her cuticles as if this whole scenario playing out was perfectly logical and normal. She watched him shake his head still, still sporting that grin, and motion for the guys to wait in the backyard. Her eyes darted to the side when she realized Elvis was laying down on the pavement beside her, his arms stretched back cradling his head. “I've got time…tell me baby”. He had his sunglasses on and a big toothy smile. Leona didn't expect him to use this tactic.
She crossed her arms over her chest, blocking his view of her hard nipples. He snorted when she did that. Her bottom lip jetted out into a pout. “If I'm here - and I'm certainly not going anywhere, you made that perfectly clear - then you should be too. No movies for me means no movies for you.” She lifted her shades to look at him and see if she could gauge his reaction behind his own sunglasses. His lip twitched and then he nodded slowly. “I'm so utterly bored, if you try and leave you'll just have to run me down, I've got nothing to do. I can afford to lay here practically naked for all your buddies and fans to see if that's what you'd like…honey.” She turned on the charm for the last part. Cooing and dropping her voice into a sweet little starlet tone. “Well ain't you slick”. Suddenly he was sitting up and sliding the sunglasses off. He towered over her from above. “Listen - I know you and half the folks in the house would just love it if I ripped up old Colonel’s contracts but I ain't doing that…I can't. So if you wanna lay on the ground and be a little whiny baby wife, have at it. I might have to punish ya for it though,” his voice was raspy when he spoke that last sentence and it made Leona’s stomach flip flop in the best way. “Or….you can march that pretty little behind back to our bed and wait for me to get home. If you're a good girl maybe I'll bring ya something shiny huh?” He was rising to his feet and held a hand out to her. Leona gripped her fingers into her hair frustrated before cutting her eyes up at him. “Fine..” she scoffed, taking his hand and marching back up the driveway, into the house, and past the family in the living room. Elvis trailed behind her like he was making she she'd do just that. When she reached the bottom of the staircase she yelped when he suddenly slapped her ass. Her plan foiled, she was now back to reality and keenly aware she was half naked in the foyer. She ran up the stairs, she didn't have to look behind her to know he was ogling her barely dressed body. When she reached the top of the stairs she did something that made him chuckle loudly enough that his father asked him what was so funny. Leona turned and winked at him before disappearing to their bedroom. 
Just as her husband had suggested, Leona took to their bed. Mary had come up and changed the sheets and the evidence of how Elvis had licked her until she gushed last night was no longer present. Laying on her back like the starfish she remembered collecting as a child, she felt a tad foolish. She hadn't accomplished what she had hoped for and now she was destined to sit and wait for Elvis's return. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes and she flicked them away with her finger tips lest she ruin her makeup. Now what? She thought to herself. A melancholy mood washed over her and when Mary came knocking announcing dinner, Leona sent her away claiming she wasn't hungry. She heard the older woman return and leave a tray outside the door but Leona couldn't muster up the energy to rise and feign eating. She caught her reflection in the mirror above the bed, tussling her hair with her fingers and throwing it back. She allowed her thoughts to wander and imagine what life would be like had she not fallen into this marriage. She'd probably be hustling all over via orders from the studio, fittings here, screen tests there. She didn't miss that part. Being on set, delivering perfectly executed monologues in one take, becoming someone entirely different? That's what Leona missed. Proving herself, making a name on her own, those were all things that had once lit a fire under her. All of that jazz about making lemons into lemonade would suggest that Leona try and do some of that here in her married life. Should she be like some of the other wealthy kept women in Memphis and join the garden club? Something told Leona that despite whatever money Elvis threw their way, she wouldn't exactly be welcome. Curling onto her side, Leona came to the realization that if she wanted to act she'd have to consider Graceland her only sound stage. Was there room for two hot shots in this house? Elvis's words from earlier rung in her ears. He had called her a whiny baby wife. Him and his good natured teasing. Maybe that was it though, that could be her new role. She could embrace her new title as leading lady of Graceland and be this whiny baby wife character.....
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 2 years
Yandere Vampire X f! reader pt. 1
The Woods PT. 2
Tw: noncon, dubcon,manipulation, mind control, isolation, sexual attraction to blood, blood.
A/N: This chapter is a slow burn kind. Mainly because the second chapter is just going to be smut due to certain circumstances which are revealed at the end of the story.
Kofi: Wanna buy me a coffee?
Your quiet gothic-themed village was never afraid of many things. Not even the bubonic plague scared the villagers. But, something that did scare them was the woods. They called it The Forest of Blood or El Bosque de Sangre. A long time ago, during the medieval ages, a family of wealthy nobles from Transylvania moved to your village. With their luggage were a human-sized coffin and a blanket with engravings of DC on them. They stayed in their castle surrounded by woods until the villager's livestock began to die. Cows and pigs as pale as ghosts with markings on their necks. The only clue was a trail of blood leading into the dark forest.
The villagers took their weapons and marched to the noble's castle, only to find the family in such a horrific condition, not even the graveyard thieves wanted them. Though, others say the family are beings of another name. Some called them Nosferatus, Draculas, Creatures of the Night, Demons, Bloodsuckers, anything but a human being. But that never worried you. What worries you were the girls going missing at the start of every winter, about a couple weeks before the first snowfall. No one knew who would be next, but no one dared to lock their daughters inside. For the last time they did, your village of Verano had mysteriously lost numerous amounts of harvest and livestock. And so here you are, walking to your grandmother's house to keep her company.
It didn't bother you that it's dark as you walk the dirt roads to your grandmother's house. You were used to the dark. It felt like home in a weird way. Even the predators that snatch livestock from the pens respect you as if you are one of their own. Although, it would lead to the villagers thinking you are a witch of some sort. But that didn't bother you either, for you always thought about flying high in the sky and doing witchy things with your friends, especially your friend, Nos, who you knew since that fateful day all those years ago.
"What are you doing behind that bush?"
The boy with pale skin and raven black hair looked at you with shock, fear, and surprise in his eyes.
"Come on, don't you want to play with the other children?"
The boy nodded and took your hand as you ran into the field to play with the village children. You put a flower crown on his head and held both his hands as you began to spin around.
"Nosferatu! Dracula! Demon and Creature of the Night! Everything you'll scream when they bite! Pure as snow! A virgin wearing a white wedding dress! Dye it red and rest in the forest! Be their bride in unholy matrimony!"
Your grandma walked up to you and said to say goodbye to the now-happy boy. You hugged him goodbye and skipped back to her cottage. When you got to her house, your grandma whispered in your ear.
"Nunca hables de los Nosferatus y sus novias. O de lo contrario desaparecerás en el bosque también."
"Bien, abuela."
That was fifteen years ago, and he's been your best friend ever since, even if you could never have adventures in the woods because you feared disappearing from the village.
"Nos, why do you insist on creeping behind me so much?" You ask, turning around to face a six foot three Nos.
"You shouldn't be walking out here so late at night. There are dangerous things in these woods," Nos says, putting his coat on your shoulders. "You should come back to my place and get warm."
"Sorry, grandma needs me to help with the pre-Christmas party," You reply, trying to move through the mud. "Did you hear about it supposedly snowing today?"
"Yes, I did, love. Are you going to start up about those girls going missing again?" Nos asks, walking side by side with you.
"How could I not?! It's supposed to be the first snowfall today, and not a single girl from the village has disappeared!" You exclaim, turning around to face Nos.
"Darling, those girls probably ran away from home. They found someone better in the world and left to explore it," Nos responds, taking you into his arms and dancing you around.
Snow begins to fall, and soon the roads become milky white. You made it to your grandma's house only to find she wasn't there. She had left on an emergency trip to Venice to help one of your cousins give birth. Your grandma had left a centuries-old family cookbook for you if you wished to cook something for dinner.
"It's snowing pretty heavy, darling. How about you stay at my place until it stops," Nos suggests, buttoning up the coat he put over you.
"That sounds fine, but what about you? Won't you be cold?" You ask, starting to shiver.
"I'll be fine. The cold doesn't affect me that much," Nos replies, taking the cookbook and carrying it in his bag. "Come, we can cook dinner and get warm by the fireplace."
You nod and follow his lead until he tries to enter the forest. The dark, snow-covered forest seemed to be staring back at you. Nothing made a sound, and nothing moved. You weren't sure if it was because of the snow absorbing the sound or because this forest was so terrifying that nobody dared enter it.
"It's ok. It's a shortcut to my manor. It's only a couple feet away, I promise," Nos promises, gently holding your hand. "If you feel safer, I'll hold you in my arms the whole time."
"Fine, but don't let me go," You whimper as Nos carries you like a princess.
Nos was known as a lady killer or a charming noble, depending on who you ask. Even though he only came into the village to meet you, he garnered attention from other girls. He got proposal after proposal but kept declining them. The girls eventually got over him, but the female elders couldn't help but notice how no boy or gentleman in the village would ask for your hand in marriage. Their husbands told them to pay no mind to it, but they stopped paying attention to you when predators acted like domesticated animals around them. Though others theorized you were the next Novia de Nosferatu.
"We're here! I'll get you some overnight clothes and make a fire. You can pick out a recipe if you want to," Nos says, handing you your family cookbook.
"I'll choose something yummy," You say, scurrying to the kitchen.
After fifteen minutes, Nos returned downstairs and saw you preparing to cook your family's calzone recipe. He wrapped his arms around your waist and asked if he could help.
"I'm fine, Nos. Why don't you get us something to drink?" You reply, putting the rolling pin away.
"Of course, darling. I'll be right back," Nos says, going to the cellar.
Dinner was ready, and Nos poured two glasses of wine. You brought the food to the table and began to eat with your friend.
"Sorry if the wine tastes bad. I know you're more accustomed to fruity alcoholic drinks," Nos comments, eating a piece of the calzone. "You're still not afraid of these woods, are you? My room has a pretty good view of the trees. It gets wonderful sun and moonlight as well."
"Don't you have a guest bedroom?" You ask, trying not to earn the title of village whore just for innocently sleeping with a guy.
"I'm afraid all the guest bedrooms are-oh fuck it. You've been the light of my life all the way into adulthood. Would you-would you please be mine?" Nos proposes, pulling out a box with a ring with a dark red gem.
The ring was silver with black markings going around it. It was something that only the richest of the rich could afford.
"Nos...of course I'll marry you!" You exclaim, kissing your now fiance.
"Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure? It's not the alcohol talking, right?" Nos questions, pouring you another glass of wine.
"It's not the alcohol talking. Besides, based on things are for me in the village, it seems you're the only guy who would willingly marry me," You respond, drinking the second glass of wine until it's half full. "What type of wine did you give me? It tastes so metallic."
Nos moves closer to you, eventually capturing you in an embrace. You can feel his muscles twitch, and he kisses the crook of your neck. Nos slips the ring onto the middle finger on your right hand.
"I'm glad you wanted this as much as I did, my unholy bride," Nos whispers, his voice becoming raspy and hissing towards the words of unholy bride.
You have no time to react before he bites you full force. Your ring extends a needle or blade into your skin and shoots something into you. You couldn't break out of his arms and felt nothing but pain. Your nerves felt like they were on fire, your body began to shiver, and your eyes felt like they were about to explode.
"Sh, sh, sh, it's ok. You'll get through the transformation soon. It’ll be nothing but pleasure from here on out, my love,” Nos comforts, gently stroking your head. “Once you drink my blood, the transformation will be complete, and we can be together forever.”
“Nos…Nosfer…Nosferatu!” You scream, rage and fear flowing through your blood.
“No! Call me Nos. I’m still your sweet, Nos. I’m your wonderful fiancé!” Panic is in his voice as he realizes he’s starting to lose you.
You yowl in pain, and with the newly formed claws, you swipe at Nos. He jumps away from you as you run toward the library. Everything was black and red. There was no other color present. You see a book on a desk and fiercely open it, only to find out some things are better left as secrets.
“The son of the chief of Verano made a deal with the blood devils. One maiden will be the sacrifice for us all and be the devil's future mother. A sacrifice made before the first snowfall, or else we will pay for it all,” You read the page making more anger surface. “This year’s Blood bride is Y/N. Please note that the heir has chosen to court her and then ask for her hand in marriage.”
“Darling, no! Don’t read that book! You’ll get confused!” Nos yells, grabbing your shoulder. “ Your body is tired from the transformation. You need to rest!"
"Don't touch me! I can't believe I was ever your friend! How long?! How long did you plan on doing this to me?!" You rage, tears falling down your cheeks.
"I only- thirteen. I knew you were my bride at thirteen and have courted you ever since. You wanted to stay friends, and I still wanted a relationship, so I abided by your wishes and drove suitors away from you. I didn't want you to find out who I was through force like the other brides of my family. I wanted it to be a nice experience for you." Nos holds you in his arms as your claws swipe at him drawing slow-moving blood. "We can still have a wedding with your family. I'll invite them, and they'll know you're ok."
"Do you know what you've done?! Everyone in the village thinks I'm cursed or a witch!" You scream, trying to get out of his arms. "I hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I FUCKING HATE YOU!"
"NO! You don't hate me! It's the vampire venom talking! You love me! You love me just like you did before!" He growls, slamming you onto the brick wall. "Clearly, we need a little couples therapy until that is gone from your system."
He bites your neck, and pleasure goes into your veins. Your legs wrap around his, and your hips unconsciously grind on his crotch. Nos is too strong from drinking your blood to try pushing him away. You can only try to keep your body still as he drinks from you. Your vision goes dark, and you let out a small moan.
When you wake up, your vision is dark, and your naked body feels cramped. You push open the padded ceiling, and something metal moves as light hits your face. Red liquid falls on you from above, making everything but your face smell metallic. You crawl out of the coffin, trying to head towards the backdoor facing the woods. Nos grabs you and licks your cheek, making you shiver.
"I think this will bring us closer together, don't you?" Nos asks, removing his red robes and putting his naked body against yours. "I won't take your virginity until the wedding night unless you want to lose your virginity before then."
"I will never marry you!" You scream, trying to break away but can't due to the wet blood.
"Oh, I love it that you're still stubborn. Let me treat and clean you up, my love," Nos kisses as his hands go straight to your crotch and breast.
He sticks his fingers in you and rubs your nipple as he makes out with you. Nos looks at you, and his brown eyes become bright red.
"Focus on the sensations. In and out," Nos whispers, kissing the previous bitemark he gave you.
You felt like you were losing your mind. You didn't want to follow his orders. Soon enough, you were begging for him to finish you off. He took out his fingers from inside you after you orgasmed. He sucked on his fingers covered in your juices and blood. Then, began to lick the blood on your body. You tried tugging at his pants from below, but he swatted your hands away. Nos licked and kissed his way down to your crotch, where he found that you were bleeding. His face lit up, and you were too euphoric and full of lust to care what would happen next.
"It seems your body has decided that we must have our wedding now," Nos says, taking you into his arms so he can put you in a bath. "We're going to have one bloody hell of a wedding, darling."
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epinebleue · 1 year
for the rest of our lives | jung jaehyun
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not every little girl dreams of being Queen one day.
pairing: prince!jung jaehyun x princess!reader (female)
genre: royalty!au, angst, fluff (but you’ll miss it if you blink).
warnings: heavy depiction of anxiety.
author’s note: for the rest of our lives was one of the fics that marked my beginning as a tumblr writer, so starting this new but familiar journey with it feels just right.
listen to: hush by everglow (you’ll see that i’ve introduced quotes (in pink) from the song in the story).
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The red roses are growing. 
Spring has arrived earlier this year. The garden is splashed with pink, peach, and orange flowers that can be observed from the terrace of your room. The air is chilly, but not cruel like that of winter. It’s refreshing, it smells like a new start. Maybe that’s the reason why your mother insisted on celebrating the wedding in April. 
Standing on the terrace, you follow your father’s figure. He’s walking down the pebble path; his crown, made of gold and rubies, shines under the sun. Even from the heights, you catch the smile hidden under his big, black beard. His eyes shine even more than his crown. He’s happy, how couldn’t he? His daughter, his only child, is finally getting married. One step closer to becoming Queen.
Behind him, your mother talks to one of the maids, pointing a graceful finger towards the garden. Two men carry a table, placing it exactly where your mum has asked. She nods, ordering them to go grab the chairs. Jae, your husband-to-be, wanted an outdoor banquet, and it's hard to tell him when he gives you that charming smile. 
Your heart starts to pound faster in your ribcage. Husband-to-be. That’s a serious title. You press your palm against your chest, feeling the silky texture of your nightgown under it. You close your eyes and take a big breath in. Your life doesn’t feel yours anymore, yet, somehow, you’re living it. It’s like a dream you aren’t able to wake up from.
A light knock on your door startles you, but every worry that clouds your mind disappears the moment you hear your favorite voice coming from outside. 
“It’s open, you can come in.” 
Jaehyun is holding a bouquet as if it were his newborn child. It consists of roses, tulips, and baby's breath: a mix of your favorite flowers. You accept it, even if you think you don’t deserve it. You force yourself to look into his eyes, ever so soft. They make you feel better. Jaehyun always makes you feel better. 
“Good morning.” 
“Good morning.” Your tone is playful and so is his smile. “Isn’t it too early for flowers?” 
“Any time is good to give my future wife flowers.” He leans forward to steal a kiss from you. You don’t fight it. “I’m going back home in a few minutes; I’ve got to pick up my grandma for tonight’s dinner.” 
“So, you’re abandoning me.” 
He doesn’t laugh, because you’re not joking. He has a younger brother who could bring Queen Haneul, but Jaehyun is the favorite grandchild, the one who will become King. You understand, in a way, but you wish he had said no for once. He knows how much you hate organizing big events. 
“Don’t be like that.” 
All in all, he knows you can’t stay angry at him, so his smile doesn’t disappear. Even his eyes are smiling, forming half-moons. Forget your father’s crown, Jaehyun’s smile is the shiniest thing you’ve seen today. “I'll be here in no time. You won’t even notice my absence.” 
“I take that as a promise.” 
You tiptoe to kiss him again. It’s not a little peck this time, but a proper kiss. Your lips capture his and you get lost in his arms, which hold your waist. Now, this is a dream you'd like to live in. You wish you could turn it into liquid and pour it into a bottle to take a sip whenever you need to. Here, in Jaehyun’s embrace, you feel safe, you feel happy, you feel free. Or, at least, the illusion of all of it. 
Someone clears their throat, making you break apart with a jump. Jaehyun turns around with a straight back to find your maid. She looks down, avoiding eye contact and trying to hide her rosy cheeks. 
“I’m sorry.”
“No, no, it’s fine.” You turn to Jaehyun. “I’ll see you tonight then.” 
Jaehyun says his goodbyes, pressing his lips to avoid a laugh coming out, and the maid bows to him when he passes by. 
“I’m sorry, princess, really sorry.” She repeats, getting in the room. 
“You’ve got nothing to apologize for, Lami. We should’ve closed the door.” 
Lami is still young, a bit inexperienced, and clumsy. But she’s also genuine and funny. It reminds you of when you were a child. 
Lami makes your bed while you have breakfast, then walks to your closet to choose a dress for you. 
“Would you like to wear yellow today, princess?”
You like yellow, so you agree. Leaving the flowers carefully on the couch, you get up and hop into the bathroom to brush your teeth and have a shower. The yellow dress makes you feel fresh, just like the flowers Jaehyun has gifted you. You sit in front of the dresser, noticing that a sleepless night has taken its toll: the bags under your eyes are huge. 
You grab your hairbrush from the drawer. It's a gift from your late grandfather, who bought it during one of his trips. It’s made of gold and your initials are engraved on it. It’s so old that it’s all scratched, and several sows have fallen. 
“Are you excited?” Lami asks, watching you brush your hair. It’s your favorite moment of the day. The sows against your scalp relax you, and God knows you need it today. “I can’t believe the wedding's tomorrow.” 
Something inside you screams, but you remain silent. The moment has finally come. 
You're getting married tomorrow.  
Everything ends tomorrow.
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“Should we move this table a bit to the left?” Your mother asks, authority disguised as a friendly request. The servants nod and move the table under your mother’s hawk gaze. “There, perfect. What do you think, sweetheart?” 
“I think it looks perfect, mother. Everything’s perfect.” 
You walk behind the Queen with arms crossed, pretending you care greatly about the position of the tables and the color of the tablecloths when, in fact, you couldn’t care less. You wish Jaehyun was here. Everything’s easier when he's by your side. 
“I can’t believe it.” Your mother claps. “It feels like yesterday when you met Jae for the first time, doesn't it?” 
The fond memory makes you smile. “I never imagined that I'd marry the boy who spilled his lemonade all over my dress, then tried to make the stain go away with water.” 
“Isn’t it crazy?” 
You can’t stand the proud look that your mother gives you. The fact that you'd be Queen one day was never a secret. A big grin appeared on your face anytime your parents brought up the subject, a grin that hid your true emotions. It was your destiny, and you had learned to accept the life that came with it. 
A life trapped inside an iridescent crystal cage, always able to look out but never allowed to leave.
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Jaehyun always keeps his promises.
He shows up earlier than you thought, so he’s the one in charge of welcoming the guests as you get ready. 
Jaehyun’s at the bottom of the stairs as you go down. He doesn’t notice you at first, looking away and bouncing his leg. When his eyes finally find you, the face he puts is priceless. The dress you’re wearing tonight is pale pink, a gift from Jae. You love how it fits you, but you love how Jaehyun looks at you when you wear it more: as if you were the most precious thing in his life, if not the only; as if he would fight wars for you. 
“You look beautiful tonight.” He mutters once you're by his side. 
“Just tonight?” 
Two guards stand in front of the door that leads to the garden, where everything’s ready for your grand entrance. 
Jaehyun offers you his arm, and you don’t hesitate to grab it. You’re so nervous that you think your legs will fail and you’ll fall in front of everyone. As if he read your mind, he whispers so that only you can hear him. 
“I’ve got you.” 
You know he does.
Jaehyun nods at the guards and they open the doors, the clapping of the guests deafening. Both of you wave your hands at them as you make your way towards the main table, where Jaehyun moves the chair for you to sit, and then occupies the seat beside you. 
The dinner goes smoothly. Jaehyun kisses your hand at every opportunity, but you don’t complain. It makes your heart flutter, it makes you forget.
Your father stands up before dessert comes, softly hitting a glass to announce he’s about to talk. He tells a joke that makes everyone laugh before giving a speech that makes your mother cry. You blow him a kiss from your seat, mouthing that you love him. He tells you that he loves you, too. You wonder, would he still love you if you ran away?
Jaehyun rises to his feet with a hand extended in your direction, which you accept. He leads you to the center of the garden, standing in front of you. There's a bow with his hand on his chest that makes you giggle, then you're placing your hand on Jaehyun’s shoulder, looking into his eyes. He grabs your waist, and the orchestra starts to play. The pair of you move around swiftly as if your movements were natural and not the result of months of training with the world's best dancer. 
“Tomorrow by this time we'll be married.”
Your jaw clenches, and your heart stops for a second. 
“I know.” You manage to answer. “It doesn't feel real.” 
“I can’t wait,” Jaehyun whispers. “I can’t wait to make you my wife and form a family. I’ll tell our kids magical stories, stories in which fairies will save princesses and monsters will become good things.” 
Only Jaehyun would make you feel like you deserve something as precious as a family with him. Does wanting to run away make you a bad person? Of course, it does. The only thing you love from this life is him, but it’s not like you can choose. It’s all or nothing, it has always been. Tears that you think he mistakes for those of happiness slide down your cheeks, ruining your makeup.
“You’re like the twinkle star I imagined every day since I was five." You press your face against his chest. He allows your tears to wet his shirt. “I love you, Jaehyun. I love you more than I love myself. You believe me, right?” 
“Of course I do. And I love you, too. I'll always love you, even when I'm grey and wrinkly.” He kisses the top of your head, then hides his face away to whisper in your ear. “No matter what you decide. I promise.”
Jaehyun always keeps his promises.
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Your aunt tries to console your weeping mother only to fail miserably because she can’t stop laughing at her crying face. They start bickering, and you’re grateful for not being the main focus. 
You’re standing on top of a big, white stool. Fluttering around you, the maids make sure that everything’s seamless, that nothing’s out of place. The wedding dress is the perfect size, yet you feel trapped in it. You inhale, then exhale. Once, twice, three times, but it doesn’t work. The pressure against your chest doesn’t disappear. 
There’s a mirror in front of you, but you can’t bring yourself to look at your reflection. You wouldn’t recognize the person there. 
“Princess?” Lami calls. She seems to be the only one in the room who sees you, who really sees you. “Are you okay?” 
You nod, forcing a smile. “I’m just nervous.” 
Someone comes in to inform that all the guests are in the church and that the prince has arrived, too. 
It’s time. 
Lami helps you get off the stool. You hold onto her hands as if they were a lifebuoy in the middle of the sea, and you, a shipwreck. Every step you take out of the house and towards the carriage is heavy and hesitant. You get in, glancing at Lami through the window. You press the palm of your hand against the glass, eyes slowly filling up with tears.  
This is a goodbye, but not to Lami. Not to any other than yourself.
The young maid presses her hand right where yours is and nods. 
“It’ll be okay.” 
That’s the last thing you hear before the carriage starts moving.
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The way to the church feels endless. The weight in your chest grows and grows, until you think you’ll stop breathing. 
You know you shouldn’t feel this way. You’re marrying the love of your life. That should be enough to ease you, shouldn’t it? The woods advance as the carriage moves. You fantasize about the idea of jumping out of the vehicle and diving into the forest, getting lost in its depths, forever. 
Your dad, dressed in uniform, helps you get out of the car when you arrive. A red carpet covers the way from the carriage to the church’s entrance. You stand at the beginning of it, holding onto your father’s arm with one hand, your white bouquet on the other. 
“You look beautiful.” He says, teary-eyed. “I’m proud of you.” 
The doors open all of a sudden. The wedding march starts to play, so you walk. Better said, your father drags you because there’s no way you feel in control of your body anymore.
The pews are full of family, friends, and strangers with their eyes fixed on you. Yours can only focus on Jaehyun. He’s wearing his uniform as well, and that smile you love so much. But there’s something wrong. Something in his face looks off. You reach the aisle, where your father hugs you and kisses your forehead. He’s crying. You rarely see your father cry. 
You stand next to Jaehyun. The priest talks but you don’t hear a thing. You can’t do this. You thought you could, but you can’t. Jaehyun holds your hand; the murmurs are instant. What a lovely bride, she’s so nervous. What a lovely groom, look how he’s comforting her. 
The memorized vows come out of your mouth easily. You glance at Jaehyun’s shaky hands before looking into his eyes, overflowing with fear. He isn’t scared of forgetting his vows, he’s scared of losing you. 
“Do you, Jaehyun, take this woman to be your wedded wife?” 
Jaehyun responds right away. “I do.” 
“Do you, Y/N, take this man to be your wedded husband?” 
The question feels like a death sentence. 
You love him, you love him so much that it breaks your heart. You want to beg him to run away with you, but he'd never do that. It would mean leaving his kingdom behind, and he loves his kingdom as much as he loves you. Forcing him to choose would be a selfish move.
But again, condemning yourself to a life that won’t make you happy would also be selfish. Leaving Jaehyun will break your heart, but you're not sure if you can die from a broken heart. Being Queen, however, will certainly kill you.
This isn’t the life you want. You’ve always known. Jaehyun has always known.
Adults want a quick answer, their voices wondering why you’re taking so much time to answer. You try to ignore them, but they’ve already made their way through your brain. You’ve already made up your mind, though, their words can’t change your mind. 
“I love you, Jae.” You grab his hands with tears in your eyes and kiss them. “Please, please, forgive me.” 
You turn around and run away. People get up, gasps ricocheting against the walls of this sacred place. There’s a scream that comes from your father's throat, and you swear he’s chasing you. Jaehyun begs him to stop. 
You look back once you reach the door, hesitating. Is this a good idea? A teary-eyed Jaehyun nods, handing you your confidence back. You open the door and make your way towards the woods. 
The dress hooks on the branches that you have to fight against to make your way through the forest, they scratch your skin. Taking off your heels and throwing them aside, you continue your race. 
You arrive at a clearing, deciding that it’s time to stop now. 
You let your hair loose and check your exposed skin, now red and bloody. 
If you are free then why are you crying? Running away is what you wanted, right? But at what price? Losing your family, losing Jaehyun, losing everything you have ever had. 
The clearing is covered in soft grass and sunlight. Birds chirp in the distance. There’s calm surrounding you but in the ocean that is your soul, you're fighting turmoil. Maybe you should’ve stayed to know how things would've worked out. Maybe Jaehyun would’ve been your rock through it all like he has been all these years.  
You can’t help but wonder. 
Now, with a small collection of wounds, is it too late to turn back?
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No reposting or translations allowed.
© epinebleue 2023
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heeverseblog · 2 years
this time- epilogue
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synopsis: a short glimpse of your marriage with the love of your life.
pairing: husband!jake x reader
genre: fluff, established relationship, married life, suggestive
warning: suggestive scene in the kitchen, implied smut
word count: 1381 words
note: read this time first to understand the story.
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after two years of getting married, you and jake finally settled where you first started—at daebom. it is a small and quiet town for you to settle with your family.
before finding a house of your own, your parents were willing to let you stay with them. they were happy that they’re finally having time with aera and your husband. oh how they loved your husband. they were happy that they finally had a son in the family. and jake was happy to be part of your family.
when you and jake finally afforded to get your own place, you settled in a small simple house that reminds you of a cottage.
you and jake found jobs at daebom high as teachers. you still do what you love: teaching kids art and inspire them to reach their dreams.
aside from you and jake saying “i do,” on your wedding day, aera calling jake “daddy” was just the beginning of your family. when aera got used to the fact that her uncle jake is now her dad, she’d always tell her classmates that her dad is the best math teacher in the world.
aera says that she is always excited when classes end so that the three of you can go home together. sometimes, you and jake would go around the town with aera to introduce where both of you grew up. aera would enjoy every second of spending time with the family she has ever dreamed of.
and you? you were just thankful that you had a wonderful husband you fall in love with everyday, without growing tired of him.
“for my lovely wife.”
jake gives you a pink carnation from your mother’s flower shop. he likes to spoil you with so much love and it was a good reason for you to give him neck kisses. and he knew that he’d get some if he did.
“mommy, dadddy, please get a room.”
aera says while covering her eyes with disgust.
“good morning to you, kiddo!” jake kneels and carries aera, giving her a kiss in her cheek.
“mommy, daddy, i want a sister.”
your eyes grew while jake was giving you a mischievous grin.
“aera, we’ve talked about that.”
“daddy keeps calling me ‘kiddo’ when i'm already nine.”
now, you and jake talked about having another kid when you got married. both of you had been married for two years now and aera was showing that she's capable of not being taken care of all the time. sometimes, she walks by herself going to your parents and in town to buy some groceries. it’d be a lie if you said you didn’t want to have an addition to your family.
“sweetie, why don’t you go to your grandma’s. she might need help in the flower shop.”
jake he became excited, knowing your plan while aera nods her head, oblivious to your plan, “okay, mommy!”
aera kisses jake’s cheek then she does the same to you before getting out of the house.
when it was just the two of you alone, you crossed your arms, “so.”
“so?” jake slowly walks to you, his grin never escaping each step.
“it’s just the two of us here.”
“mhm…” jake was already in front of you, “didn’t know you were this naughty.”
“oh that? that was just a warm up.”
you lean forward and jake leans in but you tease him by leaning back. however, jake pulls you by your back then catches your lips. you giggle at his eagerness before kissing him with the same fast pace. he hoists you up on your the counter then kisses you again, nipping your lower lip.
your hands go to his hair and you guide him down to your neck, letting out a soft moan when he bites it.
“j-jake…how am i going to hide that?”
“jay taught me a trick," he sucks harder, "using a comb.”
you let out a breathy laugh, “that’s…that’s great.”
you pull jake’s face and open your mouth before kissing him again. your neck and forehead were sweating. you pull jake closer with your legs and caged him. when you felt his bulge, you gripped the edge of the kitchen counter and rubbed yourself against him. both of you moan at the pleasurable feeling.
“oh baby…” jake says with a breath while gripping on your waist as you kiss his ear.
“baby…i want you.”
jake took that as a signal to carry you to your room, making your plan a success.
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you were in the middle of class, walking around the room, watching over your students. you stopped walking when you felt your head spin for a bit.
“mrs. sim, are you okay?” your student, sunoo, walks to you with worry in his eyes.
you held your head, still feeling your head spin.
“don’t worry, sunoo. i’m fine. but can i ask you to watch over the class while i go to the restroom.”
sunoo nods his head, “yes, mrs. sim.”
when you got to the bathroom, you realized that you’ve been having familiar symptoms.
the past few days, you’ve been vomiting every morning, thinking you were just lacking sleep. you also noticed that your sense of smell became more sensitive. and most importantly, you haven’t had your period.
“oh my god.”
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you told jake to meet you at the library after his class ends. when he texts you that he’s done, you told him to meet you by the physics section.
first, you got the “anne of green gables” book you read when you were eight years old. you flipped through the pages while waiting for jake to return. when he texts you back, you immediately walked to the physics section. when you saw him walking by your direction, you pretended to read the book.
jake walks to the physics section. he remembered the first day he went to daebom high. he was just reading a book of his favorite subject but he didn’t know that a certain someone has been looking at him ever since. and that someone is looking at him the same way today.
you sit at the chair in front of jake with the book covering your face.
jake uncovers the textbook and gives you a warm smile.
“so, you wanted to meet me to replay the first time you saw me?”
“yeah. and because i have good news.”
you ask jake to lean forward and he does. you use the book to cover you and jake’s face. leaning to his ear, you whisper.
“i’m pregnant.”
you prevented yourself from laughing when jake’s eyes grew wide and his jaw left open.
“y-you’re…aera is going to be a big sister?”
you nod, “aera is going to be a big sister.”
you stood up when jake walked over to you. jake gives you a hug then kisses your forehead before kissing your face.
“shhhh!” the school librarian interrupts your precious moment.
“sorry, mrs. do.”
mrs. do lets out a huff before walking away.
“she was always grumpy.”
“we’re really going to have another baby?”
jake was still surprised, you figured. you held jake’s hand and held it to your belly.
“what if this baby is bad at math?”
in daebom’s school library, you liked a boy who read a physics textbook. you thought that it was the beginning of your puppy love story but a turn of events happened, leaving your story unfinished.
“then they’ll have me to tutor them.”
you and jake place your foreheads on top of each other, whispering “i love you’s” as you envision your future together with your family.
years later in daebom’s school library, you meet that same boy who is now a man. he tutored your seven-year-old daughter and you watched him become a good father-figure and fell in love with him again. you let him in his life after seeing how he loves you and your daughter as his family. you realized he is the love of your life amd you say the words, "i do" in a heartbeat. now, both of you are going to have another member in your family.
this time, you were certain that this will be the beginning of a new chapter in yours and jake's love story.
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mahi-wayy · 24 days
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• General • Romantic [both sfw and nsfw]
A/n : if you had made a request for headcanon and I am not doing it, it's just bcz I need to visit that character again and not bcz I like ignoring you or something.
abhi kya bolun mein- see this man makes me turn to my roots by being as annoying as he is.
no seriously he is such a brat.
I love him but also SIT. DOWN. RAHUL. PLEASE.
he gives me a headache by generating constant chaos, which he doesn't mean to like 80% of the time.
he just has a weird kind of luck.
growing up without parents under the care of his growing older than his parents would've have grandparents made build a shell around him.
why? well because it was always a very clear thing to him that his grandparents will leave him and he as a young boy didn't appreciate the fact and that disapproval grew into aloofness and self absorbed behavior.
has chances of being neurodivergent to be honest.
has prescribed medication for his anxiety.
went to therapist once during his "age of wedding is gone he will die alone" phase.
actually he was all set in a arranged marriage when he was entering mid twenties, he was almost engaged too but his grandfather father fell ill and the girl's parents decided to say no to them instead of postponing the engagement a week.
started brushing off the matter of wedding from that.
isn't really found of sweets per say.
he eats less too.
fell sick after the "greeting" food meenamma's family fed him because they made him eat too much.
he has some issues saying no, especially to older ladies.
can be impulsive and tantrum throwing.
the goa trip was more of a getaway for him because he was scared he would get depressed. will never admit it though.
loves spending time in nature but will die before saying that out loud.
he has scar on his waistline, which he got when he was in his late teens, her grandma slipped and he ran into a shelf while rushing to her and had the nail coming out from the side scratch a cut of atleast like 3 inch long.
didn't even feel it until one of his friends pointed it out later in the day.
very protective of people he loves.
like to the levels of ignoring his pretty good self preservation skills.
he cannot cook anything other than sweets to save his life also DO NOT LEAVE HIM THE KITCHEN ALONE PLEASE.
he broke down properly about his grandfather's death post movie events when he went back to his grandmother and she was visibly worried about his injuries.
cried with his face in her lap for like 30 minutes before he narrated everything to the older lady and asked for forgiveness.
avoids making the first move because he thinks he is too old.
will buys flowers and makes sweets for his partner.
rants to them about anything and everything.
playful pillow fights in the morning.
lazy mornings.
dances with them in the kitchen to imaginary music.
sleeps with his face in their neck while they are chest to chest.
he is bratty switch.
makes a show out of being dom and stuff but is a soft dom or a whimpering sub.
listens very well once he settles in the dynamics.
degradation kink for sure.
but also a praise kink size of globe.
whimpers and screaming moans.
sensitive thighs and jawline.
tags : @mayakimayahai @warnermeadowsgirl @vijayasena @voidsteffy @jkdaddy01 @rambheem-is-real @allari-ammayi @mellaga-karagani @ulaganayagi @ahamasmiyodhah @ranisingnewyetagian @myvarya @toomanyfanficsbruh @harinishivaa @chaliyaaa @tumharisakhi @ramcharantitties
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Prompt suggestion I loved the grandmas! So Ava's grandmas squad at the wedding maybe? :D
you've been to many, many weddings in your life: your own, the most important; your siblings' and your children's and your grandchildren's, blessing after blessing. most have been fun, and, especially as you get older, you enjoy everyone happily bringing you copious amounts of champagne and an extra slice of cake, dancing with you on rotation.
you've been to so many weddings but, of them all, this might be the most beautiful.
part of it is probably because, as you had discovered, beatrice has more money than god. she's not flashy about spending it; whenever she comes to the country club to have lunch, she's in soft earth tones, but you have been wealthy long enough to notice the clean tailoring and how her hair, especially after she cuts it short — which ava had informed your group of breathlessly one day — is always neat and shiny, her rolex and ring understated but beautiful all the same. it feels, retrospectively, a little like you've gotten to watch them both grow up, and grow into themselves. also, amusingly, you hadn't quite realized how wealthy she was until you'd gone to their home for lunar new year, two years ago, and then you had fully comprehended, with a fair amount of humor, because ava had never mentioned anything and had always been excited and friendly and down to earth, more than happy to spend time with a group of old ladies.
this is also the most beautiful because it's on the beach, and because all of it is designed to be accessible for anyone with mobility aids, even though it's in the sand. everyone has taken their shoes off, and there are flowers everywhere and a small, wooden altar, ornate and subtle, that beatrice and ava stand in front of. there's stephanotis woven into ava's hair, and her dress is all gossamer and lace, small straps over her shoulders and the back dipping low. you've seen her scars almost every week since you'd met, but you've been alive a long time and you know that there's a measure of love that exists in her life — fought for by her; inevitably created by her, you think, too, with her steadfastness and her undeniable charm — that makes those scars just part of this night. part of this love.
beatrice, in a sharp navy suit and a t-shirt tucked in underneath, her slacks rolled up above her ankles, has been crying since she saw ava, sniffling and laughing intermittently, and ava had started to cry while she was saying her own vows. it's a simple ceremony, short and so heartfelt, and angela offers you an ornate embroidered hanky silently when beatrice quietly promises her life to ava; they've invited everyone they love and still she says it like they're the only two people in the world.
at the reception, eventually ava finds you on the dance floor, even though her eyes flit back to beatrice often.
ava smiles at the young man — named keiko, he'd said, one of beatrice's friends from the dojo — currently dancing with you and he kisses her cheek with a laugh when she asks to cut in.
'sorry,' she says, 'if you wanted to keep dancing with him. i will say that he has a very cute boyfriend anyway.'
you laugh. 'i would rather dance with you; it's kind of beatrice to spare you.'
'eh, i have her forever. i wanted to dance with the second most beautiful woman here.'
you laugh. 'she is very, very handsome.'
ava groans. 'i didn't know she was going to wear that jacket. her brother surprised her with it.'
it's gorgeous, maybe one of the most beautiful pieces you've ever seen; angela had gasped quietly when beatrice and ava had walked in, and it had made you laugh around a crostini. 'i've asked all my children and grandchildren this, at their weddings,' you say, and you don't miss the way ava's eyes water immediately, 'are you happy?'
of course, you already know the answer. you've never seen two people happier with each other, more comfortable in and out of each other's orbits together, like you have the two of them. ava reminds you of aaron, you often think, with a pang you've felt for the past seven years — joyful, the entire world a little in awe of them, the delight of knowing that you're the center of their universe overcoming everything else.
'this is the happiest day of my life. i am — it's beyond words.'
it makes you want to cry, but you already have and ava glances over your shoulder with a soft smile, meant for one person only. 'good,' you tell her. 'you will have all the happiness in this life, with the love you've found.'
'it feels like a miracle.' she looks at the ring on her finger, elegant; perfect for her and her constant motion, inlaid with diamonds.
'it is a miracle,' you say. 'a blessing, a love like yours.'
'ruth, i really can't cry again.' you laugh. 'but — yes. i've loved her before, many times, i think. in one way or the other.'
she says it like there's only truth to it; certainty. without doubt. faith. maybe you will be young again; maybe you will meet aaron in some other form and build another life, blessings greater than the stars. beatrice's hair falls into her eyes and she dances with her niece and nephew. 'i believe you have.'
ava smiles. 'thank you for coming, and for the dance.'
you hug her, hold her to you for a moment, one of your favorite people in the world. a slow song starts and you spin her by the hips. 'go dance with your wife.'
she melts a little, a grin on her face. 'yeah,' she says, 'my wife.'
the party goes late, the joy overflowing. beatrice looks asleep on her feet when you leave but you hug her too, with her beautiful jacket and eyes that are always only ever for ava.
'thank you for coming,' she says, hugging you tight, 'and for being so wonderful to ava, and to me.'
'congratulations, on an undoubtedly beautiful life. thank you for letting me be in it.'
she nods, her smile gentle. you find angela and head to her car; thank god she can still competently drive at night.
'burgers?' you ask, and she laughs.
'didn't we eat so much food?'
you shrug. 'milkshakes, at least?'
'you are a terrible influence,' she says, but she grins and drives toward in n out and she's your best friend. another blessing, in this life, another love.
'i'm glad we've lived long enough to see that wedding.'
'don't call us old.'
'what was your favorite part.'
angela smiles, gently, bathed in the streetlights while you wait at an intersection. 'their vows, of course.'
in this life, and the next and the next, you remember. 'they mean them.'
'yes,' angela says. 'more than anyone i've ever met.'
'our grandchildren.'
angela laughs. 'a good night.'
she caves and orders herself a cheeseburger too, and then drives to the beach. you can't sit on her trunk anymore but you roll the windows down and it counts, this life and the next, all the same.
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sam24 · 9 months
Bucky Barnes: Wedding Cop
Summary: It’s Bucky’s best friend’s wedding. Well too bad that this particular best friend was Steve Rogers, who seemed to be a nervous wreck, wanting everything to go off without a hitch. So what does he do? Force Bucky into patrolling duty. Lucky for him, one of Natasha’s gorgeous bridesmaids, who looked like she had been assigned to babysitting duty, makes his rounds around the garden estate a lot more interesting.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
no powers au | first meets
Bucky grumbled as he yanked at the tie that was pulling on his neck, courtesy of his best friend.
”All right Buck, I put my full faith in you. Everything better go perfectly from here on out,” Steve fumbled, trying to hide his worries with a casual fix of his best buddy’s tie. “ Remember, Tony is not allowed to dance on the tables again. And don’t let anyone else get too drunk and weird. Nothing is allowed to ruin Natasha’s big night.”
“It’s your big night too, Steve.” Bucky rolled his eyes. “Stop worrying and go find your wife.”
“C’mon, Buck,” Steve pleaded. “You already know that her parents don’t like me that much. If something goes wrong on their daughter’s wedding night, they’ll literally hate me forever.”
“I think they already hate you for not being Russian.”
“You’re not funny.” Steve furrowed his eyebrows.
“Look, Stevie,” Bucky pushed his friend’s hands away from his tie that was starting to choke him a tad. “You got married to Natasha, not to her parents. Her love for you is absolutely crazy, and nothing’s gonna change that, even if her parents aren’t that fond of you. Which by the way means that something is totally wrong with them.”
Steve cracked a smile.
“Stop worrying about them, punk,” Bucky continued. “You're wasting your time here stressing out when you could be dancing with Natasha, just enjoying your life. Your married, for fuck’s sake. At least act like you like it.”
“Jerk.” Steve shoved Bucky’s shoulder with a grin.
“So that means I’m off security duty?”
“You wish.”
Bucky’s cheeky grin dropped.
“What’re you waiting for?” Steve smirked. “I think you’re a bit too old for me to sign you off for some volunteer hours.”
Bucky lazily scanned the garden, watching people chat, laugh, and dance (and basically everything he wished he were doing other than playing cop).
The garden itself was beautifully landscaped, featuring carefully manicured flower beds bursting with a riot of colors. Roses, peonies, and daisies created a tapestry of blooms, their sweet fragrance filling the air and scent mingling with the soft, gentle breeze.
Bucky’s eyes caught Steve and Natasha talking quietly in each other’s ears in the corner, pure love evident on both their faces, hiding from the crowd to get a second to themselves.
A smile pulled on Bucky’s face, his heart melting at the sight. However, he was more than happy to point somebody’s grandma in the direction of the newlyweds after she had tugged on his sleeve and asked if he knew where they were, wanting to talk to the couple.
Bucky silently cursed at his best friend as he watched the old lady slowly make her way over to them. That’s what you get, you bastard.
He continued walking aimlessly around the garden, and as Bucky neared the large oak tree where he first started his lap, he saw a large group of young kids laughing hysterically and running in circles around someone.
Bucky peered past the children, trying to catch a glimpse of the poor person in the middle, wanting to get a quick laugh before he had to go back to his job.
He spotted you in the center of the game of Ring around the Rosie on crack, wearing a beautiful pastel pink bridesmaid dress, frantically trying to calm the kids down before they received even more attention from the guests.
He remembered seeing you earlier in the lineup of bridesmaids during the wedding, standing between Yelena and Wanda, but he didn’t get a good look through his teary eyes as he watched his best friend cry with joy throughout the ceremony.
He slowed his walk down to a halt, chuckling at the sight of you trying to bribe the kids with a pack of gum to get them to stop.
Before he could do anything else though, he accidentally made eye-contact with Sam, who was enjoying watching Bucky walk around in circles a little too much.
“Keep walking, bitch,” Sam mouthed at Bucky, making a circling motion with his finger. “Or else I’m telling Steve that you ain’t doing your job.”
Bucky flipped Sam off with a sneer, earning an obnoxious laugh from the latter.
However, wanting to satisfy his best friend’s wishes, Bucky continued his lap. He decided to walk as fast as he possibly could around the garden, trying to get back to you, sending a charming smile at a couple of guests that he accidentally bumped into in his rush.
Bucky drastically slowed down once he heard the group of kids again, cursing at himself for making it so obvious. This time, they were all chewing gum obnoxiously while you were shoving an empty packet of trident gum into a nearby trash can.
(So that’s exactly what Bucky planned to do on repeat: walk around the garden like his ass was on fire until he reached you, where he would slow down and stare like a creep.
Great plan, right?)
On the third round, you were laughing with a little boy who seemed to be unsuccessfully trying to blow bubbles with his gum.
On the fourth round, you were being pulled in opposite directions by two little girls who seemed to be fighting over you.
On the fifth round, all the girls were gently braiding white peonies from a nearby bush into your hair while you held a giant rock-paper-scissors tournament with the boys.
During the frenzy of the game, Bucky somehow managed to beckon Cass, Sam’s younger nephew, over.
“Hey, buddy.” Bucky knelt down on one knee to match the boy’s height. “Having fun?”
“Uncle Bucky, if you’re trying to get me to play matchmaker for you, I’ll have you know that I’m a little too busy right now to be playing cupid for a grown man.”
Bucky stared at the little boy. Why did he have to be so damn smart. “C’mon, Cass,” Bucky didn’t even try to create a cover story. “Just tell me her name.”
“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.” Cass stuck his tongue. “It’s sad that your love life needs help from a six year old.”
“Ouch.” Bucky watched Cass run back to the group, getting up back to his feet before looking over at you again.
You looked like a fucking goddess with the flowers weaved into your hair and the soft glow from the fairy lights that were strung around leaving an angelic gleam on your smiling face.
However, before Bucky could stare for too long, Sam was urging him to keep walking.
On the sixth round, you were playing a huge game of concentration with all the kids.
On the seventh round, it was just you and Morgan Stark left in the game, and Bucky watched as you purposefully hesitated to let the little girl win. You laughed as she danced around you, repeatedly chanting “I win, you lose, I win, you lose”.
Damn Starks and their egos.
In the middle of the eighth round, while Bucky was rushing to get back to your group, a familiar hand on his shoulder stopped him.
“Woah, Buck,” Steve laughed. “I’m glad that you’re so determined to make sure nothing goes wrong, but I just meant keep an eye on everyone. Like from wherever you were standing. Not walk around aggressively in circles.”
Bucky shrugged nervously. “Um, what can I say? It’s my duty to make sure everything’s perfect. Plus, I- uh, love walking.”
Steve looked suspicious. “Yeah, whatever. C’mon, let’s go to the dance floor. Becca’s looking for you.”
“Uh yeah, lemme just finish my final lap. There were a couple of tipsy looking men over there. Think they’re Alexei’s friends or something,” Bucky lied, gesturing in the general direction where he last saw you guys sitting. “I’ll just make sure they’re not too drunk and then I’ll join you guys.”
“You don’t have to, Buck,” Steve clapped his friend’s shoulder. “But thank you.”
Bucky nodded curtly, promptly speed-walking back to you and the kids. Once he finally made it to the familiar tree, he was stopped in his tracks. You weren’t there.
Bucky finally noticed that all the kids were back with their parents; some being forced to eat, some dancing around with their dads, and some sitting, exhausted, in their mom’s lap.
He looked around for your familiar pink dress and white flowers hanging on by the thread in your hair, but he couldn’t spot you anywhere.
However, before he could find Cass and bribe him into telling Bucky where you went, a finger tapped on his shoulder.
It was Yelena, looking weirdly amused.
“Can I help you?” Bucky was a bit annoyed by the interruption during his frantic search for you.
“Actually, I think I can help you.” Her smug voice was coated in a thick Russian accent.
Bucky furrowed his eyebrows at her.
“Come on, lover boy, you can’t hide anything from me. I saw the way you were looking at her.”
“No clue what you’re talking about.” Bucky tried to look as bored as possible, but his heart skipped a beat.
“Just admit it, Barnes. Or else I’ll tell your mother, and then she'll take matters into her own hands.”
Bucky’s head whipped towards Winnifred Barnes, who was across the garden, and was laughing at something Sam had said. Of course, Bucky loved his mother dearly, but Yelena probably would be a better matchmaker.
“Fine,” He mumbled. “You win.”
“Of course. I always do.” She pushed him, not so gently, in the direction of the bar. “Go get her, Casanova. She’s over there.”
“Couldn’t have done that any softer?” Bucky grumbled, steading himself from the shove.
“Nope.” She smiled sweetly.
Once Bucky was a couple yards out, she called out after him. “Don’t forget to use protection!”
“Fuck. You.” Bucky mouthed at her, earning a witch-like cackle from Yelena, but not before he checked to make sure not too many people were staring.
As Bucky approached the bar, he wiped his clammy hands onto his suit, surprised at his own nervousness.
Where the hell did all this sweat come from?
Bucky cleared his throat, taking a seat in the empty stool next to you, trying to figure out how to start the conversation.
C’mon, Bucky. You’ve done this plenty of times before. Stop worrying. You’re becoming Steve. Just go for it. Say something. Anything-
“You’re Steve’s best man, right?” A gentle voice interrupted his frantic train of thought. “I remember seeing you power-walk in circles from across the garden earlier. Kinda reminded me of my grandma.”
Bucky laughed, his nerves melting away as he shot a sweet grin at you. “I bet your grandma’s got nothing on me. You see how fast I was going?”
“I certainly did. But I’m still wondering why, though.”
“What if I said that I was training for the Olympics?”
You giggled, and Bucky almost melted into a puddle at the sound. “Well then I would say that you wouldn’t last a minute there. Have you ever seen professional race-walking? It’s intense, man.”
“You saying I’m not good enough to compete?” Bucky nudged your shoulder with his own, his usual wave of confidence rippling back through him. “I’d like to see you try to beat me.”
“Give me the date and time,” You nudged him back. “You’re on.”
“Okay, okay, I see how it is.” Bucky clicked his tongue. “But, personally, I prefer to know my opponent’s name before we race to the death.”
“Well, personally,” You mocked, giving Bucky a sly grin. “I don’t like giving out private information to the enemy.”
“Fine, be that way. But since I, for one, am a good sport, I’ll start.” He dramatically stuck his hand out. “Hey there, I’m Bucky.”
You took his hand with a smile. “Nice to meet you.”
Bucky arched an eyebrow at you. “Y’know, usually when someone introduces themselves to you, you’re supposed to introduce yourself back.”
“Oh really?” You slowly pulled your hand back, and he already missed the warmth of it. “Well thank you for the words of wisdom, Bucky. I’ll be sure to try it next time.” You stretched out his name with a smirk, and Bucky turned red.
Since when was the name ‘Bucky’ this erotic?
He chuckled and looked out to the dance floor, not wanting to give away the blush adorning his cheeks. He spotted Natasha and Steve, who were dancing slowly together in the middle, staring softly into each other’s eyes without a care in the world.
“They’re adorable, aren’t they?” You followed Bucky’s gaze to the couple, resting your chin in one hand and letting out a happy sigh.
Not as adorable as you, thou-
Bucky heard his name being called out, along with someone else’s he didn’t recognize.
Yelena squeezed in between you both, swinging an arm around each of you. She winked at Bucky. “I see you two have met.”
Bucky looked over at you with a smirk. "So that's your name, huh?" He repeated it with a long and dramatic stretch, just like you had with his. You hit his foot with your own.
“Whoa, no need to get violent,” Yelena jokingly slapped the back of your head before returning her arm onto your shoulder.
“Says you.” Bucky snorted.
“Yeah, Barnes. Says me.” Yelena slapped Bucky’s head next. “Anyways, everyone’s looking for you guys. Let’s go dance.”
Before either of you could protest, Yelena was already dragging you both by the hand up onto your feet and to the crowd in the middle of the estate. She shoved Bucky’s hands onto your waist and yours onto his shoulders before hurriedly walking away. “Have fun! I’m going to go find a dance partner.”
“Um, sorry about that.” You looked down at your feet, letting out a nervous laugh.
“Nothing to be sorry about, doll.” Bucky nudged your foot with his own. “So, you wanna dance?”
“If we didn’t, Yelena probably would kill us.” You leaned forward a bit as you laughed, and Bucky caught a whiff of the flowers in your hair. “But I’m definitely gonna step on your feet, so I apologize in advance.”
“Don’t you worry, doll. You’ll do great.” He started moving his feet to the music, urging you to sway along with him.
After a couple of laughs and bruises on Bucky’s toes, you had finally nailed it.
“See, you’re doing fabulous. I’m so proud of you.” Bucky smiled.
“Mhm, you can say that after I step on your foot again.”
“Oh c’mon, that’s not gonna happen. You’ve got this shit down.” Bucky winked at you. “That’s what happens when you get a great teacher like me.”
“Keep bragging and I’ll step on your foot on purpose this time.” You threatened. However, your mocking glare quickly turned into a sweet smile as spotted Morgan, who was dancing with her dad a few feet away.
Bucky watched as you two took turns sticking your tongues out at each other, the battle finally ending once Tony and Morgan danced away over to Pepper.
The crowd slowly dwindled down, leaving you and Bucky on the dance floor along with a few other couples.
Your dress twirled around you, the fabric flowing and whispering as you moved. Bucky’s hand rested on the small of your back, and the smooth wooden floor beneath them seemed to sway along in rhythm.
“You’re great with kids,” Bucky pointed out when you turned back to face him. “I saw you with 'em earlier too.”
“Oh, thank you.” You smiled at him, flashing your teeth. “I was convinced into babysitting for the night. Luckily the kids didn’t get too crazy. Probably shouldn't have given all of them gum though.”
Bucky laughed. “I feel you. I was forced into security duty by Steve.”
“Unpaid workers unite!” You stuck your hand up for a high-five, and Bucky gladly accepted with a hearty laugh. “So you’re pretty close to Steve, huh?”
“Yeah. We grew up together in Brooklyn. Been friends for as long as I can remember. He’s always been there for me.” Bucky looked over at his best friend, who was standing with Winnie and Sam, his arm draped across Natasha’s waist, pulling her close into him. “I’m really happy for him. He deserves all of this.”
You nodded, smiling up at Bucky with sparkling eyes. “You sound like an amazing friend,” You said softly, matching the gentle music playing in the background.
And in that moment, Bucky wanted to know everything about you- your hopes, your dreams, your fears, and the stories that danced behind your eyes. Time seemed to slow down as Bucky absorbed every detail of your presence- everything from your mischievous eyes down to your delicate lips that spoke volumes without uttering a single word.
The sheer sight of your twinkling smile stirred emotions deep in him, and he wanted nothing more than to see that smile over and over again for the rest of his life. His mind scrambled to find the right words to describe the mixture of delight and nervousness he felt in his veins that created some sort of magnetic force that tugged you closer to him.
You were just a few inches away. Bucky’s breath caught in his chest.
“Central park. Tomorrow at noon. I’ll pick you up,” He whispered.
“You taking me on a date tomorrow, Barnes?” Your eyes flickered to his lips.
“Nah, doll.” Bucky inched closer. “We’re gonna race.”
And then he closed the distance with a lingering kiss.
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