#The fact that people introduce each other to me will never cease to be unreal to me. Hope your friend enjoys!
I had recently introduced a friend of mine to otgw and she only recently started reading your fics but she had an insanely interesting headconon for Enoch’s and beast relationship. The idea that sense Enoch is the god of peaceful dead, so he views death as peaceful and so similarly, he views himself as good and that by him holding the dead, he’s doing something merciful. He wants people to die whether they want to or not so they can join him and so he can give them ‘peace’, this gives the interesting idea of Enoch wanting to keep the beast. He loves/deeply cares to him and he knows how the beast suffers/starves so why wouldn’t he try to help, the only way he knows how, just like how he helps mortals. Enoch with a savior complex. It’s terribly toxic but when she brought it up I thought it was fascinating.
I know this isn’t your headconon for them but it’s a fun idea regardless, it kinda reminds me of the lotus Au and the one fic where Enoch gets lost in a day dream and his and catches the beast in order to try and fill his soul.
What do you think?
(Sorry for the long ask, I just wanted to pick your brain)
I am constantly shifting around the pieces and perspectives and motivations that make up the dumb gay eldritch psychopomps relationship, but one could very reasonably argue that Enoch trying to fulfil the Beast's needs has been my M.O. since the very start.
This lens is one of the more interesting ones to look at Enoch through, because what does death mean to someone who considers life suffering and death a benevolent gift, and it begins to very obviously color his relationship with the Beast in a much stranger light, and one gets the impression that the only reason he has not "naturalized" the Beast is because he either cannot, or does not believe it would take.
It's facinating! It's fun! Your friend will probably enjoy both Jack of the Lantern & Croatoan! I consider Enoch's musings about a church for the Beast in both of these to be the perfect rumblings of just this idea.
I think the biggest thing between me and playing this idea perfectly straight, despite how much I like it, is that, I have always, always, found Enoch's benevolence overrated. For all the generosity and paternal goodness he pays his Pottsfielders, I think he finds them amusing, and loves them, but in much the same way one might love hens. You feed them and you house them and you make their lives comfortable and long, but you also control and cull them. I think Enoch's motivations are most interesting when one lets him be a cat. He keeps the mice out of the coop but he also torments the hens, if he has some sort of savior complex it is not only out of some sort of truly pure or noble corner of his heart, it is streaked in selfishness, he protects his town not necessarily because it needs protecting but because it is his.
Enoch is manipulative, he is stubborn, he is constantly bending the world to his whim, and while it could look identical to him having the world's best interests at heart, while there may even be a component of that in his actions, he's also deeply selfish. But most importantly, he's honest about it. And the honesty is what makes it so interesting.
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woo-svt · 6 years
Figure It Out - [ONE]
You really don’t understand how you’re supposed to find your soulmate.    
*:・゚ Jaebum x Reader 
! : angst, smut, fluff, the whole lot - but nothing in this chapter
*:・゚ GIF!
☞  2.536 wc
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You never quite understood the soulmate process.
Though the system for finding one’s soulmate had been around for most of the world’s modern history, the steps it took to find one’s soulmate were not as simple as they probably could be.   
Other than the stories your parents had told you as a child, the first time soulmates were brought to your full attention was during a mandatory course in your high school. Seeing as it was around the age at which people would begin to be called in to find their soulmate, the schools took it upon themselves to teach the students all they needed to know about their true love. 
Well, supposedly. 
The class was rather boring, a couple of hours listening to the plump older women explain the process that most everyone had waited their whole lives for. Sitting in the second row, sandwiched between your two closest friends, you diligently took notes. You felt as if the whole fate of your future love life depended on the moment and you desperately listened to everything the teacher had to offer. To your right, your friend Do Min chuckled at how serious you were taking the course.          
She was a small girl with a loud personality, having already claimed to found her soulmate despite having yet to go through the actual process herself. She met Jinyoung very soon after first starting high school, and the pair shocked everyone by claiming they were dating. Most everyone refrained from ever dating anyone before finding their soulmate, it was sort of taboo- committing to someone who you weren’t sure would be yours forever. People instead tended to...experiment, per say, with others until their time for commitment came. Though Jinyoung and Do Min paid no mind to the others who frowned upon them, they were not worried at all, they were already quite positive they were soulmates. You would never tell the girl, but you were just as positive they weren’t meant to be, you simply could not understand how the couple so opposite of each other could be together for the rest of their lives.
“You don’t have stress so much you know.” She talked quietly beside you. You rolled your eyes at her, “I’m not stressed, I just simply want to remember everything so I know how to find my soulmate.” You talked just as quietly to reply to her. She merely scoffed at you, “Nothing they teach you will help you find them, you just know.” You shook your head at the girl, you hated that answer. All your life whenever your curiosity got the best of you, you would return to your parents, asking just how they knew they were soulmates. And every single time, they replied with the same answer, “You just know, sweetie.”    
And every time you asked Do Min and Jinyoung how they knew they were each others, you got the same response, “You just know!”          
You absolutely despised that answer and ended up giving up ever asking them again. Just to know you’re supposed to be with someone forever when you meet them and beyond what you could comprehend, so you were hoping that that class could further explain how you were supposed to know. What exactly were you supposed to know?      
To your left, Mark chimed in on the conversation, “Sorry some of us aren’t as lucky as you and sweet Jinyoung, Do Min. Us average people still have to learn about the soulmate process.” His facetiousness shone through his fake pout directed towards the girl to which she replied with an unimpressed glare. Like you, Mark was very eerie about the claims that Do Min and Jinyoung made, but unlike you, he was not afraid to voice his opinion. He often openly mocked the love-birds, claiming since he was close with both of them, it wasn’t a problem.
The three of you turned your attention back to the board when the lecturer politely, yet clearly annoyed, asked you to cease your conversations. You bring yourself back to look at your notes, getting ready to write again because now was the time she was finally getting into how the actual process would work.  
It was simple, she stated, there comes a time in everyone’s life where they get a letter calling them in. As if they’ve been drafted. This letter comes sooner for some than others, it all depended- on what? She didn’t say. Once, whenever in your life that may be, you receive a letter, you go to the facility on the date that is written. When you arrive, you are put in a room with a group of other people, the group can range from 4 to 10 people- again, all depending. Within that room, they give you all a couple of hours to get acquainted, getting to know each other. And at that point, you figure out who your soulmate is. Justing by talking to a group of people for a couple of hours you’re expected to figure out who you’re meant to spend eternity with. That’s it. That’s the process. 
You looked down at your notes in frustration, there is no way this could be the soulmate process. Staring coldly at your writing, you became more frustrated as the teacher finished the lecture, “That’s all there is to it really,” her voice was very cheery now, “You just go in and talk. And you once you talk to the one, you just know!”                
A defeated breath leaves your body as the rest of your peers start to leave the room around you. Unreal, you thought. Those three words came back once again to haunt you and at this point, you’ve given up hope. “Yah, stop frowning so hard. You’ll have permanent wrinkles on your forehead.” Do Min gently flicked your head in order to get your attention. Gathering your stuff, you follow her out of the classroom and down the hall. Mark stood silently walking next to you, but once you both reached the staircase he gently placed his arm around you, pulling you into his body. Looking down at you, he gave you a closed lip yet sincere smile, “Don’t worry, it’ll be okay.” And you believed him. 
Turns out, both you and Mark were wrong. 
It was only a few months after graduating that Jinyoung and Do Min got called into the soulmate process together. They really were soulmates, proving all those wrong who ever doubted them. Though it was what they always claimed, that still didn’t lessen the shock you still felt at the news. Do Min was keen on rubbing it in your face, but even more so, Mark’s.      
“I told you both for nearly four years now, but no,” she dragged on “You never believed me. And ha! Look at us now, suckers.” She confidently stared at the pair of you across the table, taking long sips of her milkshake. “She’s just really excited right now, ignore her.” Jinyoung chuckled from beside her, rubbing her back gently as if it would stop her from her verbal rampage. The four of you were sat at a small diner not far from the university you all attended, enjoying the late night milkshakes to celebrate (or have Do Min brag about) the fact that the couple was indeed meant to be after all.         
Though the couple left not long after, Jinyoung had an early lecture to attend and Do Min was seemingly tired of pointing out how wrong you were. Mark and you stayed for a while longer, you were taking your time spooning your now melted milkshake into your mouth. Though you knew it was silly, you couldn’t help to feel a slight ping of jealousy deep in your gut. 
“Who would’ve thought, huh?” He gave out a breathless laugh, swirling his straw around his empty glass. You merely nodded, a tight-lipped smile gracing your mouth. An awkward beat passes and you speak again, “Is it weird that I feel this way? Sort of, jealous?” You glance at him but he doesn’t look at you, another beat passes. “No.,” he says finally. You wait a little longer and he continues, “I mean I feel it too, I guess.” He leans back in his seat, crossing his arms but his gaze stays fixated on the booth where the couple had previously been seated. “I mean, of course, I’m happy for them, I love them.” He pauses a bit as if he is unsure how to word his thoughts, “But it must be nice, right? To be in their position?” You continued to take in the side of his face, unsure of what he was trying to get across to you, “To already get called in to find their soulmate?” You guessed at what he meant. 
He shook his head, disagreeing with you, “No, to have your soulmate be someone you’re already familiar with. They didn’t have to meet a stranger, they’ve been with each other this whole time. That must be nice.” he explained himself. Your gaze stayed fixed on the side of his face as he remained unmoved. You let yourself wonder for a moment what it would be like to be called into the same room as Mark, to find out you had been soulmates all along. You decided the thought wasn’t so bad. Maybe you both had actually been soulmates all this time. That would be nice, you concluded, then you didn’t have to wonder about the feeling finding your soulmate was supposed to feel like.               
You decided to quietly voice your thoughts, “That’s would be nice. If everyone was already friends with their soulmate.” 
He finally turned to look you in the eyes, his smile small and eyes sad, “Yeah.” he nodded and continued, “Maybe that is the case.”
You spend the next couple of years silently hoping that when the time comes, it’ll end up being Mark who was your soulmate. 
You find comfort in believing that your best friend was who you were meant to be with. It would be easier that way, there would be no mystery about who you would end up with, and you definitely wouldn’t have to worry when your time came to figure it out yourself.                  
Therefore, all your time pining over the boy with the made-up attraction you felt for him would explain the sick feeling in your stomach when he calls you, Jinyoung and Do Min to the usual diner to introduce you to his newfound soulmate. Though you were greatly disappointed, you knew deep down that you both weren’t meant for each other. So for the sake of your friend, you showed up to the restaurant and ordered your milkshake, acting attentive and excited to meet the girl he was actually made for.    
Her name was Ji Hyun. A soft-spoken girl with big innocent eyes. Though you were once again taken over with jealousy, you had no doubt that the girl was made for Mark. 
This time around, it was both pairs of couples that left after their milkshakes were gone, having last minute assignments or work early in the morning. You still stayed behind, but this time you had no one else there with you. Quietly stirring the melted ice cream, you think of your two friends. Then your mind wanders to their soulmates.       
You have a weird feeling in your chest that you can’t quite place. You finally decide the feeling is loneliness. It’s silly of you to feel this way, you think. You know for a fact your friends would never abandon you, but somehow not having a soulmate now seems like the loneliest feeling in the world.
You sat in the lobby, waiting to be called into your soulmate room, and you are most definitely going to throw up the Mexican food you had for lunch. 
It was about a year after you graduated college. You kept yourself busy with finishing school and somehow managing to find a well-enough paying job to support you once you graduated. About a week ago you received your soulmate letter in the mail, telling you a time and place to report in order for you to find your true love.      
It was a subject you had been putting off for a couple of years since Mark met Ji Hyun. You hadn’t let yourself think much or worry about the whole process, there was no use. So when you got your letter, you immediately invited Do Min and Mark over to your small apartment to express your worries.                            
Of course, Do Min, couldn’t contain her squealing and excited jumping, “This is it! This is it!” she exclaimed, “I’m so excited for you.” She was genuinely happy but her enthusiasm was doing little to reduce your anxiety. Mark seemed to sense your uneasiness, he pulled you into his side ruffling your hair in an attempt to calm you down, “Yah, I can’t wait to see who has to spend the rest of their life stuck with you. Poor thing.” He jokes with you and you roll your eyes as Do Min lets out a loud laugh. Looking down at you, he smiles and gives you a reassuring nod, “It’ll be okay.”
You try to remember Mark’s words now, but they seem like a huge lie as you sit there having to wipe the sweat off of your palms every couple of minutes. Your heartbeat pounds throughout your whole body and you’re left with a ringing in your ears once a middle-aged woman with a friendly smile calls your name and asks you to follow her. Robotically, you follow her keeping your eyes trained on your feet even as she opens the door to a medium sized room and motions for you to sit on a rather comfy couch. You could sense the other people in the room but your eyes remained unmoving, absolutely terrified of what you could find before you. 
Even with your eyes cast downward, you could sense three more people entering the room before the same women as before announces that your time was now beginning. Squeezing your eyes tightly shut, you begin to focus on your breathing hoping it would calm you down.               
“Are you sick?” Your eyes snap open and the surprise the voice next to you gave you restarted the racing of your heart. You slowly glance to left, taking in the dark haired boy who was placed next to you, seemingly who had been watching you quietly panicking. “Um,” you started unsure, unable to control the redness that spread its way to your cheeks. “I think I ate something bad for lunch.” You concluded with a lie, seeing as you were the only one in the room who was so uneasy, everyone else had already got up and began to socialize. A smirk graced the boy's plump lips as if he saw through your lies, “That’s too bad.” He chuckles at you. 
The two of you remain silent as away from the rest of the group and he keeps his gaze on your face, eventually giving you a small smile, he reaches out his hand in order to grasp yours. “I’m BamBam.”. 
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chrisbowler · 7 years
A Return to the Disciplines: Prayer
On the topics of depth and disconnecting from the world (online or off, see more below), a Christian is someone who follows Christ. And further, a Christian is someone who communes with Christ.
His first disciples did it, following him from town to town, breaking bread and serving with him. And when he commanded those early disciples to go and make more disciples, he promised that he would be with them until the end.
And prayer is our primary means to communicating with God.
Caveat: I am the least qualified person to talk about prayer. Study and meditation, the two disciplines we’ve discussed recently, have been something I’ve always enjoyed. Since I first started to read the Bible in earnest, they have come fairly easily to me. But not prayer.
This is something that I have always wanted to improve. Why? Because it’s so vital to a life of being a disciple of Christ. Richard Foster puts it this way in Celebration of Discipline:
Of all the Spiritual Disciplines prayer is the most central because it ushers us into perpetual communion with the Father. Meditation introduces us into the inner life, fasting is an accompanying means, study transforms our minds, but it is the Discipline of prayer that brings us into the deepest and highest work of the human spirit.
Or, as Martin Luther put it:
I have so much business that I cannot get on without spending 3 hours daily in prayer.
Pray Without Ceasing?
Paul lays it down for us in several places. He often uses phrases like, “make mention of you always in our prayers” or “have not ceased praying for you”. It sounds like he’s a man who spent 12 hours per day in prayer. And it’s enough to get you feeling down about yourself because who can hold to that standard?
It took a long time for me to gain a better understanding of what prayer can (and perhaps should) look like.
First, it’s important to note that Paul’s language may not be completely literal. “Always” can mean, “always in my daily prayer session in the morning before I get to making tents”. Continuing to pray for others could mean that each day he would spend time petitioning on behalf of others and would be consistent in who he would pray for. But it does not necessarily mean that he spent each moment of each day in prayer.
Of course, he likely did devote more of his time to prayer than you or I. But when comparing ourselves to the heroes of the faith, it’s important to be encouraged. Not the other way around.
One way to be in prayer continually through your day is to change how you think of God. He’s not far off, he’s right with you as you go through your day. And the second thing that has helped me has been to stop thinking of prayer as formal sessions of petition where I’m on my knees with folded hands. That is a good way to pray and we need to do that, but that’s not praying without ceasing.
Prayer continually, being in his presence continually, is simply to have ongoing dialogue with him as you go about performing the good works he has prepared for you. Being with your family. Doing your job. Chores around your home. Those are all moments where you can commune with your creator.
Why We Need Prayer
Off the top of my head, here are several reasons why we should spend time in prayer:
to change
to seek guidance
to confess and ask forgiveness
to make requests, for ourselves and for others
to center ourselves
to relinquish control and submit
to praise him and overflow with thanksgiving
All of the above are vital to walking with God. Am I missing anything? Let me know!
So how does one get better at prayer? Again, I'm not the expert. But here are a few things that come to my mind.
Be bold
Matt 21:22
And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.
Mark 11:22–24
So Jesus answered and said to them, “ Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
Word, that is a challenge. But look at examples in Scripture for “fervent, effective prayer”. Elijah praying for rain or no rain. Moses praying for mercy on hard hearted Israel. The apostles saying to people, “Walk”. There's a simplicity of faith implied in these descriptions.
I want to be more like a little child when I come to my father.
It takes time
Occasional joggers do not suddenly compete in a marathon. It’s the same with prayer; it takes practice.
Richard Foster:
To understand that the work of prayer involves a learning process saves us from arrogantly dismissing it as false or unreal. If we turn on the television and it does not work, we do not declare that there are no such things as electronic frequencies in the air the cable.
We can determine if we are praying correctly if the requests come to pass. If not, we look for the “block”; perhaps we are praying wrongly, perhaps there are new principles of prayer to be learned, perhaps patience and persistence are needed. We listen, make the necessary adjustments, and try again.
Expect failures or dryness … it’s a process.
Come to him regularly
We cannot expect to be able to hear God’s voice if we only seek Him occasionally. And if we’re not studying, meditating, and praying often, how can we expect to understand Him and His will?
Have compassion
Caring for others is another sure way to get us into prayer more regularly.
Matt 20:32–34
So Jesus stood still and called them, and said, “ What do you want Me to do for you?” They said to Him, “Lord, that our eyes may be opened.” So Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him.
Mark 5:18,19
And when He got into the boat, he who had been demon- possessed begged Him that he might be with Him. However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, “ Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.
Richard Foster sums it up well:
If we have God-given compassion and concern for others, our faith will grow and strengthen as we pray. In fact, if we genuinely love people, we desire for them far more than it is within our power to give, and that will cause us to pray.
That's a beautiful picture. And isn't it the same heart we see in the parables of the good Samaritan and the prodigal son? If it 
Keep it simple
Remember that you are a child and God is your Father.
Prayer is such a vast topic, it’s almost a shame to say so little about it. Methods, styles, who to pray for, when to pray … the variety is as vast as the people who make up God’s church. But if I think about it in this way, it becomes daunting. And so I try to keep it simple.
Jesus taught His disciples to pray with few words (Matt 6:5–15)
he also taught them to pray in private
follow His example
never hesitate to bring the simplest requests to God … Children ask for anything and everything with an expectation their needs will be met
be persistent (think of the widow and the judge)
For me, things have improved in recent years. I still go through times where I fail to regularly bring petitions and the needs of others to my father. But I have gotten a lot better at communing with him through my days. More conversational, less formal times of just … talking to my Lord. As Foster stated above, it’s a “perpetual communion”.
And I love how Dallas Willard puts it to Christians in The Great Omission:
But you might wish to think about what your life amounts to before you die, about what kind of person you are becoming, and about whether you really would be comfortable for eternity in the presence of One whose company you have not found especially desirable for the few hours and days of your earthly existence.
I want to want to spend time with my Lord.
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ACIM Principles of Miracles
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1. There is no order of difficulty in wonders. One is not "more difficult" or "larger" than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are topmost. 2. Wonders because of this do not matter. The only thing that matters is their Source, which is much beyond examination. 3. Wonders happen normally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that motivates them. In this feeling whatever that comes from love is a wonder. 4. All wonders imply life, and also God is the Provider of life. His Voice will route you very especially. You will be talked you need to understand. 5. Miracles are behaviors, and must be uncontrolled. They ought to not be under mindful control. Purposely selected miracles can be illinformed. 6. Miracles are natural. When they do not happen something has failed. 7. Wonders are every person's right, however purification is needed initially. 8. Miracles are healing due to the fact that they supply an absence; they are done by those who momentarily have extra for those who temporarily have much less. 9. Wonders are a type of exchange. Like all expressions of love, which are always amazing in real sense, the exchange turns around the physical laws. They bring even more love both to the giver and also the receiver. 10. Using miracles as spectacles to cause idea is a misunderstanding of their purpose. 11. Prayer is the medium of miracles. It is a means of interaction of the developed with the Designer. With petition love is gotten, and also via miracles love is expressed. 12. Miracles are ideas. Ideas could represent the reduced or bodily level of experience, or the greater or spiritual degree of experience. One makes the physical, as well as the various other creates the spiritual. 13. Miracles are both beginnings and closings, therefore they change the temporal order. They are constantly affirmations of renewal, which seem to go back but really move forward. They reverse the past in the here and now, and thus release the future. 14. Miracles bear witness to fact. They are encouraging due to the fact that they arise from sentence. Without sentence they weaken into magic, which is meaningless and also for that reason devastating; or rather, the uncreative use mind. 15. Each day must be committed to wonders. The purpose of time is to enable you to find out ways to use time constructively. It is hence a teaching device and also a means to an end. Time will cease when it is not valuable in promoting knowing. 16. Wonders are educating devices for demonstrating it is as blessed to offer regarding obtain. They all at once enhance the stamina of the provider and also supply strength to the receiver. 17. Miracles transcend the body. They are unexpected shifts right into invisibility, far from the bodily degree. That is why they recover. 18. A miracle is a service. It is the topmost service you could provide to another. It is a means of caring your next-door neighbor as yourself. You recognize your own and your neighbor's worth all at once. 19. Miracles make minds one in God. They rely on collaboration, due to the fact that the Sonship is the amount of all that God developed. Miracles consequently reflect the legislations of infinity, not of time. 20. Wonders rekindle the awareness that the spirit, not the body, is the altar of fact. This is the recognition that leads to the recovery power of the wonder. 21. Wonders are natural indicators of mercy. Via miracles you approve God's mercy by prolonging it to others. 22. Wonders are related to concern just because of the idea that darkness could conceal. You think that exactly what your physical eyes could not see does not exist. This results in a denial of spiritual view. 23. Miracles rearrange perception and location all levels in true point of view. This is healing because illness originates from perplexing the degrees. 24. Miracles allow you to heal the ill as well as raise the dead because you made health issues and also fatality on your own, as well as can for that reason abolish both. You are a miracle, capable of creating in the similarity of your Developer. Whatever else is your very own headache, as well as does not exist. Just the productions of light are genuine. 25. Wonders become part of an interlocking chain of mercy which, when completed, is the Atonement. Satisfaction functions at all times and in all the measurements of time. 26. Wonders stand for flexibility from concern. "Atoning" implies "undoing." The ruin of anxiety is an essential part of the atonement worth of miracles. 27. A miracle is an universal true blessing from God with me to all my bros. It is the privilege of the forgiven to forgive. 28. Miracles are a means of gaining launch from concern. Revelation induces a state where anxiety has actually already been abolished. Wonders are thus a method as well as discovery is an end. 29. Miracles praise God with you. They commend Him by honoring His developments, affirming their perfection. They recover because they reject body-identification and also verify spirit-identification. 30. By recognizing spirit, wonders readjust the levels of understanding as well as reveal them in correct placement. This positions spirit at the facility, where it could communicate straight. 31. Wonders ought to motivate gratitude, not awe. You should say course in miracles thanks to God for what you really are. The children of God are holy as well as the miracle honors their virtuousness, which could be concealed but never shed. 32. I motivate all miracles, which are really intercessions. They intercede for your virtuousness and make your perceptions holy. By positioning you beyond the physical laws they elevate you right into the round of celestial order. In this order you are best. 33. Miracles honor you since you are lovable. They eliminate impressions concerning on your own and view the light in you. They thus compensate your errors by releasing you from your headaches. By releasing your mind from the jail time of your illusions, they restore your peace of mind. 34. Wonders bring back the mind to its fullness. By atoning for lack they establish ideal protection. The spirit's strength leaves no space for invasions. 35. Wonders are expressions of love, however they may not constantly have visible effects. 36. Wonders are instances of best reasoning, straightening your assumptions with truth as God developed it. 37. A wonder is an adjustment introduced into incorrect thinking by me. It acts as a driver, separating erroneous assumption and also restructuring it properly. This positions you under the Atonement concept, where assumption is healed. Till this has happened, knowledge of the Divine Order is difficult. 38. The Holy Spirit is the mechanism of wonders. He recognizes both God's creations and also your illusions. He divides the true from the false by His capacity to regard entirely as opposed to selectively. 39. The miracle dissolves error because the Holy Spirit identifies error as false or unreal. This coincides as claiming that by viewing light, darkness immediately disappears. 40. The miracle recognizes everyone as your sibling and also mine. It is a way of regarding the universal mark of God. 41. Wholeness is the affective content of miracles. They thus proper, or atone for, the damaged assumption of lack. 42. A major contribution of miracles is their strength in releasing you from your incorrect sense of isolation, deprivation and lack. 43. Wonders occur from a miraculous mindset, or a state of miracle-readiness. 44. The wonder is an expression of an internal understanding of Christ and also acceptance of His Satisfaction. 45. A wonder is never shed. It could touch many people you have not also met, and generate undreamed of modifications in circumstances which you are not also mindful. 46. The Holy Spirit is the greatest communication tool. Wonders do not involve this sort of interaction, since they are short-lived communication devices. When you go back to your initial kind of interaction with God by direct discovery, the demand for miracles is over. 47. The miracle is an understanding gadget that reduces the requirement for time. It establishes an out-of-pattern time period not under the normal laws of time. In this sense it is classic. 48. The wonder is the only gadget at your instant disposal for managing time. Just revelation transcends it, having absolutely nothing to do with time whatsoever. 49. The wonder makes no distinction amongst degrees of misperception. It is a gadget for understanding adjustment, reliable quite apart from either the degree or the instructions of the error. This is its real indiscriminateness. 50. The miracle contrasts exactly what you have made with development, approving what is in accord with it as real, and also denying exactly what is out of accord as false.
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