#The cursed Haru known as adievs may of had something to do with it
crossxskulled · 6 years
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Looks like the saying love comes and goes does ring true.
Even if it was for two briefly intertwined by the noodle of fate only for it to be clipped.
In a matter of hours their life had escalated from friends, lovers to soon be wed. Unholy connects were pulled and everyone had been invited for the grand event. Today man and food were supposed to march down the halls of matrimony in order to create a new future together.
Little did they know an axe had a different opinion on the matter. Ryuji’s vision had nearly been shattered along with the crude shards of glass and broth being splattered every which way. The assailant had been too quick for the human eye. Leaving those in disbelief (some were wondering how in the two hells someone got legal marriage documents with food anyways) and others in equally dimmed awe.
As the church bells rang it wouldn’t be in the name of a blooming relationship. Settled outside in his newly made suit would be Ryuji himself. Hair matted down, clothes soaked to the bone, rain and thunder formed a sorrowful orchestra in the skies all in the name for woman that suffered her untimely demise all in the name of a innocent hope. All that could race through the blond’s memories were all the good times the share. The passion they thrown themselves into, the trust made.
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Times he’d never forget.
It all started at Ogikubo’s and explosive accelerated into times he’d never forget. From the minute they held hands, to the times he cradled her in his arms as he carried her outside. Down to the one part of the day they’ve almost shared a kiss, lips to bowl edge at a local park. While it had been interrupted.. Ryuji planned for their first to be at the marriage altar, just as his dear Ramen wanted it to be. Wasn’t their life supposed to be more?! Weren’t they supposed to have a home in the hills?! Both of them cradling their precious little packs of instant ramen packs? They even had cup twins at one point!
Yet not it was all gone. Never to be realized.
“Ramen.. why man.. Why in the hell did it--!!” He choked up, falling down onto his knees, caring little if dirt and grime splashed at his outfit. High above the chaotic races of lightning bolts arc through the skies as the downpour intensified. It’s as if the planet itself is shedding it’s sadness alongside the brave Phantom Thief. It goes to show that villany knew no bounds when it came to getting what it wants. As the blond’s wails only grew louder, whoever the dastardly bastard that performed such sin was likely reveling in the victory.
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