#The consortium
the-consortium · 2 months
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Marine Meat Monday with the Chief Apothecary again.
I wanted to use the Chirurgeon for something, so it became sinister wings.
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tagedeszorns · 5 months
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The Consortium: Beach Episode!
Part one: Khorag and Paz'uz.
Blessed by Grandfather with a stunning dadbod, Khorag enjoys a nice, fruity/funghi drink on the beach while Paz'uz is on his way to the planet's core. Have fun, you two!
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sincwaite · 28 days
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Fabius and the consortium, except they are all women now.
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sound-under-the-sea · 2 years
The Invisible Strings
The episode String Theory lives up to its name, as on first glance it seems a good episode with a question about what you’re really fighting for, but the fact that it’s an episode to easily overlook on first glance is the first sign it lives up to its name.
We don’t know that Meechum worked on the Nanite Project; we don’t know that he knew Van Kleiss previously; and don’t know that he knew Rex’s parents. All of these interconnected strings are thinly veiled within the episode.
When Rex asks Knight about Meechum as a person, Knight brushes it off and told him he knew everything about him from the briefings. At first it acts as the though how the writers want us to perceive White—a cynical, pragmatic government official that believes a handful of lives are a worthy sacrifice to save the rest of humanity. Then it isn’t until season three do we realize that White knew more than what he was letting on. Which adds to the possibility of how much the Consortium told him after he became the Nanite free, but we didn’t question it because the writers were focused on making White come off as hate-able or moral grey as possible. Then it begs the question of whether or not he knew or found reports of Rex’s parents or did Consortium write that out after they deduced that they caused the Nanite Event? This episode on rewatch makes you ask these types of questions.
Now onto Meechum. At first, he comes off as victim/one off antagonist for the villain of the week episode. Again, we weren’t meant to question any further. He’s a man who was threatened by Van Kleiss because he was holding his daughter hostages. A stressed father who wants his daughter back it isn’t until season three episode Mind Game that it’s revealed that he was a part of the original team. Even by his personality and general appearance, you can definitely tell Meechum was a pushover when it came to what they should do with the Nanites. We know that Van Kleiss forced him to do the attack on Manhattan, so he had to know already that Meechum was a pushover. It also explains why Providence wasn’t after him or initially any of previous scientists unless they caused trouble—i.e. Dr. Rylander.
I find that interesting in the way Providence/the Consortium views the members of Nanite Project. Rylander? Outright named to be apart of the project in Dark Passage. The Salazars? They assumed they were dead and didn’t say anything, and didn’t know about the son or thought Rex was unimportant. Van Kleiss? They initially thought he may have died, but now he’s a leader of his country and they now only choose to keep an eye on him should he cause trouble. Which he did. Now Meechum? Meechum for all we know could have been given hush money and the promise of his daughter’s safety of never talking about the Nanite Project. Everything about him screams meek, nervous and “I’m a pushover” in his introduction episode, and it again establishes why he’s easy to look over compared to all the others.
He’s a man who believed that those stronger and authoritative were better than him, than to take control of his own life. All it took was one boy, that he may or may not recognize, that he is a person no matter what. So when we see him again in season three, he walks and talks with a different attitude…a more confident attitude because Rex gave him a paradigm shift. He openly questions the Consortium and doing the restart of the Nanite project, but he’s willing to cooperate if that’s what everyone else wants or if his daughter is in danger.
As for Rex saving his daughter, it adds an interesting layer of if Meechum knew Rex. Perhaps not as he didn’t seem close to the Salazars as Van Kleiss or Rylander were, but the irony of Rex saving his daughter—even in that point of the plot—he doesn’t remember his parents or brother but he was the one to save Meechum’s daughter is touching when you look back on it.
As for Van Kleiss and what he wanted from him, I am uncertain but it may possibly have to do with the Meta Nanite or maybe it doesn’t, and that Kleiss really wanted him to wreck havoc on the world. If it has something to do with the Meta Nanite, it could explain why he never told Six, Holiday or Rex because he was possibly afraid that the Consortium is listening. I find that it’s interesting that after a rewatch, it was Van Kleiss who found him of all people. What we assume is basic villain stuff becomes layered with questions of it is it more of basic villain stuff after doing rewatches. Consortium was not too thrilled to hear that two former Nanite scientists were working together with one leading an army of EVOs while another turns EVO. They were probably quick to agree to White’s idea of the safe house. Which would also set up for easy access later like White said.
String Theory lives up to it name of having thinly veiled lines connecting characters. This episode may be considered meh on first viewing, but it becomes the most important episode on rewatches.
I hope you enjoyed my blurb. Have a nice day/evening.
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susantbraithwaite · 1 month
Escape the City: Eva and Jack (Pt 5)
Welcome to the continuation of Eva and Jack’s story set in the world of The Deniable Unit series. Check out Part One or last week’s episode. The Valencian streets blurred around Eva as she and Jack hurried through the narrow alleys, moving as fast as they could without attracting unwanted attention. They’d been lucky to get out of the art gallery unscathed, but now Adrienne Corvasce—the…
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clankryze511 · 5 months
THE KNIGHT AND THE SLAYER: An Ultimate Spin Prequel
Black Knight’s Office
Unknown Location
1 Year After The Worldwide Curing
Black Knight: What’s the status on the intruder?
Black Pawn: We don’t know! This thing… it’s not a…
Gunfire, screams, and static came through the radio with the Pawn trying to explain whilst fighting for his life.
Black Knight pressed the button on her conference speaker.
Black Knight: It’s not a what? Damnit tell me!!
Black Pawn: IT’S NOT AN EVO!! Oh god. No don’t! Aaaauuuughhh!!!
The door was broken down as the Black Pawn she was talking to landed at the front of her desk, with an agape wound from his chest.  She saw the silhouette of the thing… no not a thing as she saw the insect like arms folded retracting into its back all the features of this creature faded and shifted into the silhouette of a human man. The person walked out of the shadows to reveal a man with a fine cut beard and mullet-like long hair with a suit she never seen before with a spider-like symbol engraving the chest area and some kind of touch pad on his left arm.
???: You should insist on better guards.
Black Knight pulled out her sword build and armor without her helmet.
Black Knight: And you should insist on better manners. Who are you?
???: Let’s just say I’m a certain individual who is taking an interest in you.
Black Knight: And what interests would that be?
???: We both want the same thing. To heal the world. To better it. To make it in our own image for a brighter and better tomorrow. 
Black Knight: How does your agenda align with ours? What does your plans have to do with the Consortium?
???: I wasn’t interested in the rest of your entourage. No you and only you knows what it’s like same as I to be brought down to lowest of levels. We both know what it’s like for others in power to turn their backs on us and what we would bring, to have the means to achieve it only to have it snatched away multiple times by meddlesome pests and traitors and fools! You still have a way. Many ways to take it back. I can give you the means to do so but to do it is to look elsewhere. Not out there in the wider world, or in space, but in other dimensions. Parallel Universes.
Black Knight: We already have the means to travel other dimensions. We have a second dimensional portal under construction. Why would we need you for it?
???: You’ve only scratched the surface. What I’m offering is something 10 times beyond your wildest dreams.
The man reaches into his pocket and reveals some type of flash stick.
???: May I?
Black Knight rolls her eyes.
Black Knight: Sure. By all means.
The man plugs in the drive into her computer showing things she has never seen or ever even dreamt of.
Black Knight: Incredible.
???: I’m offering more than just that. I will give you more powerful force that matches Providence  nearly almost in every way but without their flaws. More tech, more weaponry, everything you and your Consortium will ever need including to expand your research. But that’s not all.
The man pulls up on her computer a set of schematics and plans from his drive.
???: what we require to build this will be using my tech and yours and the brilliant minds to do so from both my universe and yours. For my part and to ensure Providence and our enemies don’t get in our way I know of a few individuals who could help us. Willingly or otherwise. 12 of these people you don’t know but there are 5 you do.
He opens file and brings up a list of people and names familiar and unfamiliar to her.
???: So, Black Knight…
He raises his hand out to offer her a handshake then her speaker chimed.
???: Do you accept my offer?
Black Pawn Captain (on radio): Black Knight, we’re in route to you now. Men, the intruder is to be shot on sight.
Black Knight pressed the button on the speaker.
Black Knight: Negative, Captain. Stand down. We will be attending a guest and a possible business partner.
She reaches out her right hand and both shake their hands in agreement.
Black Knight: It will be a pleasure doing business with you, Mr.
Alistair: Smythe. Dr. Alistair Smythe
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mindblowingscience · 1 month
Want to hunt for black holes, but lack access to a mountaintop observatory or deep-space telescope? There’s an app for that—and you can help out astronomers by using it. Developed by the Dutch Black Hole Consortium, an interdisciplinary research project based in the Netherlands, Black Hole Finder is a free program available both on smartphones and as a desktop website. After reviewing a quick tutorial, all you need to do is study images taken by BlackGEM, a telescope array in Northern Chile tasked with searching the skies for cosmic events called kilonovas. Although launched in March 2024, as Space.com noted on August 19, the project’s recently expanded from just English and Dutch to support Spanish, German, Chinese, Bengali, Polish, and Italian.
Continue Reading.
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disappearedbones · 26 days
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behold: which of the 5 colleges the bg3 companions attended
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xantchaslegacy · 1 month
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Boys, I just got a very exciting call about a new job for the Consortium!
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clonerightsagenda · 8 months
Let me introduce you to the guy who became the main character of my workplace today.
One of my colleagues came across the following book in our online book collection:
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She checked it out and quickly noticed that a lot of the text was odd or incoherent. And, surprise! It was published in 2023. She immediately suspected it was AI generated, and by the time I joined her and another coworker, they had been investigating the author's web presence, which involved. Well. Quite the Amazon listing.
Apparently Mr. Brandl has self-published 297 books, with many massive tomes getting released on the same day. A few of my personal favorites are
Conscientiology, Spirituality and Consciousness for Axillary and Upper Limb Lymph Nodes
Introduction to the UFO (just the one I guess)
Evacuation Plan in the Event of an Atomic Bomb Warning
Guerilla Techniques to Avoid Domestic Violence??? (imagining digging spike pits to capture your spouse now)
From a professional standpoint this is very upsetting because people continue to spew garbage into the information landscape making it harder and harder to find legitimate materials, and misinformation on some of these topics can genuinely hurt people. The average consumer is not particularly careful about what they're reading, which I know because I have students try to get scientific articles from the 1800s approved for their papers. But at least in this case it is kind of funny. Hold my hand. Let's read The Negative Role that the Collective Unconscious Can Have in the Planet’s Food Security together. Then after that this incredible renaissance man will teach us how to fight with two swords at once.
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theglamorousferal · 7 months
Saw this tag:
#The Casper Alumni YouTube consortium
And haven't been able to get it out of my mind.
All of them in the same city with a studio? Each of them in their own dorm rooms/apartments in the same building? Each in a different city except each little cluster of people has a mini-portal or a way-stone type thing that lets them visit each other or at least lets Danny appear by them when needed? (And sometimes just to be there)?
I want each of them to have their own channels but guest star on each other's so often that they decide to just make it a big company.
Give me prank wars between Danny, Tucker and Sam's let's play channel and Dash and Kwan's challenge channel. Give me Sam or Valerie coming on to Paulina's makeup channels to do cold case and makeup videos. Give me Star doing an ASMR sorting video of the gaming station. Give me Danny guesting on Wes' conspiracy channel talking about what's real or not about ghosts. Give me a series where Tucker and Mikey make all the basic science class projects. Give me Sam and Val destroying Dash and Kwan at the Navy physical exam.
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the-consortium · 7 days
Thank you so much in the diversity of dicks. Some are big, some are small, some spiky, some are non-existant, some are plain gorgeous, some are hairy and so on and on. Thank you so much ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
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Well, this may not be the right blog to praise dicks (except that most of the Consortium members are dicks. Seriously!), but I have drawn the Chief Apothecary and his circle of illustrous pupils sans textiles quite a few times, too.
They are just too pretty!
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tagedeszorns · 3 months
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Work in progress: Khorag and seven of his Death Guard brothers.
Progress is very slow, just did the bigger metal-parts and some bone colours this weekend. But they are so much fun to paint!
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Close-ups of some of the backpacks. I added Typhus Corrosion before paint, so I could use the grainy, rancid texture without the colour spoiling everything. Look how well it clogs everything up! Very Nurgle right here. Grandfather be praised.
More colours next week.
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sound-under-the-sea · 2 years
White proved that Consortium are a bunch of idiot capitalists. Hear me out—
In Black and White, it is revealed that a meta Nanite was hidden in his old office and could only be accessed by person who is a hundred percent Nanite free.
He must’ve done this at some point after he was Nanite free and Consortium interested this with him as a right of passage, but they forgot that their Nanite free poster boy hates Nanites. If there is one thing White hates more is in his hundred percent Nanite free being are Nanites. So I believe after he learned of this along with who was involved in the Nanite Project, he gives them their “yes, sirs” and nods before commissioning a hard to access lock.
So either White was playing them after they told him their secrets once he was Nanite free or the Consortium are freaking idiot capitalists who failed to realize that of course he’d have a ultra powerful Nanite hidden behind a lock that required a person who was a hundred percent Nanite free.
Rosewell: So you’re telling me our Nanite free poster boy hid the Meta Nanite do-hickey? Who’s fucking idea was that?!
Reddick: Last I checked, you agreed to it.
Rosewell: If I knew this would happened I would’ve retracted my vote!
Reddick: It’s a bit late for that, isn’t it?
Scott: Besides, he was good for the media in knowing it’s possible to be Nanite free.
Xanubuian: *Watches his compatriots argue like idiots.*
Black Knight: *Watching her superiors be idiots.*
Vostok: *Wondering why he’s surrounded by idiots.*
White Knight, everyone, the man who made a bunch of capitalists and crooks look like idiots.
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susantbraithwaite · 2 months
Hall of Mirrors: Eva and Jack (Pt 4)
Welcome to the continuation of Eva and Jack’s story set in the world of The Deniable Unit series. Check out Part One or last week’s episode. Nightfall brought some relief from the afternoon heat in Valencia. The streets were adorned with strings of tiny lamps lining the way. Jack flexed his grip around Eva’s hand as they headed up the stairs to the hotel she had chosen as their base. The whole…
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fallout-lou-begas · 10 months
they still made that ghoul too fucking smooth
i 100% agree (the tv series ghoul has ears, even! how dare they!) but i guess it's close enough to the fallout 4 ghouls; my worst expectation was basically just noseless make-up and a bad tan. i'd like to see it in different lighting before really making a call on it but i really wish they gave him nastier teeth though and those black eyes
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personally i like how wet the FO3/NV ghouls look but I figure that Frank Cotton-esque goop and decay was either out of the budget or too off-putting to feature too heavily
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