#The boys at the bar
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keitorin3 · 1 month ago
Short: What do you Want?
Barmaid: OK boys, what do you want? 🍺
Gwaine: Your Time~!😘
Percy: A stronger seat. *Wooden stool breaks* 🪑
Elyan: New friends? 😅
Lancelot: A Family and Wife. 💖
Leon: Retirement. 🥲
Merlin: Peace and a Vacation. 🕊️🧳
Arthur: World Domination. *Gazing at Merlin.* 🌍💕
Everyone: *Turns to Stare* 👀
Arthur: Peace, I meant World Peace. 😅
Barmaid: Boys, I meant what did you want to eat?
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justdavina · 5 months ago
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Two HOT gurls ready to hit the town and break some hearts!
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26ja · 1 month ago
I'm replaying the game and there's such a neat little detail I haven't noticed before - all three characters have a chance to look into mirror in their introductory chapters - prior deviancy.
Kara and Markus don't react.
Connor does.
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Vain little motherfucker (affectionate).
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duckysprouts · 2 months ago
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so you drew the first 2 seconds of a wwii illiad animatic set to jack stauber’s song starring odysseus going from a young soldier to a prison of war and talks about his guilt for tricking achilles into joining the army and dying? are you gonna finish it?
your mama’s crying, doo doo doo doo
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pa-pa-plasma · 10 months ago
love fics where Danny ends up in the DC universe & every alarm goes off at once & the magic users are like "yeah that's the most powerful being in the universe & also possibly super evil we are FUCKED fucked" & the Justice League is freaking tf out trying to find this thing that casually tore a hole in reality & it just cuts to Danny (Fenton) standing in the background blissfully unaware & like "man my life sucks but at least i have this candy bar—" *drops it in a puddle*
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prlssprfctn · 2 months ago
I've been brewing this post for far too long in my drafts, but I need more doomed!Bruce and Jason throughout universes. And it is not even always about the same Jaybin, dying in the warehouse scenarios!
Sometimes Jason is just a kid, who died in front of Batman, who maybe jumped in between Batman and the villain recklessly, to keep him safe, and whose blood stuck under Bruce's nails. His face haunts him in nightmares, still.
In other realities, Bruce meets Jason as a teen, and they never even get to become father and son officially - but they slowly get into each other's lives, until something awful happens, leaving a ghost of a smirking kid stroll behind Bruce's hunched figure for the rest of his life.
Or maybe it is one of these realities, where Jason crawls out of the Alley Crime himself, and manages to become famous in Gotham; the one, where he opens a charity fond, dedicated to people, who fight with the drug addiction. Bruce Wayne is sympathetic of a kid he meets during some of the events, and as they slowly start contacting each other more often, getting closer, he promises himself to protect him. Expect, Batman is late to save Jason Todd from the hands of yet another villain.
It could be the priest Jason Todd that meets bleeding out Batman on the stairs of the church, and who helps him out, for what he later pays with his life. Or they are not really vigilantes in any of these universes - just father and son.
And in some of these universes, they reconcile. In one of them, some of the medics connect the dots that a catatonic boy, who is covered in dirt, calling for his dad, for Bruce is Bruce's Wayne dead son, and try calling him. In another, LoA!Jason with his memory still being in a haze, crosses his path with Batman, before getting dipped in the Lazarus Pit.
But the point stands.
In all of them, Bruce Wayne is too late. In all of them, Bruce Wayne fails to save Jason Todd.
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twyllodrus · 11 months ago
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#like parent like child
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hinamie · 10 months ago
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off on an adventure ! this au turns 1 week old today
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
pose ref [x]
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shanellesandorald · 2 months ago
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morganbritton132 · 6 months ago
Even more add-ons for the Steve Has Older Siblings AU:
1. One time Jason asked out a girl at the park but she turned him down because she can’t date someone with a kid. Instead of explaining that Steve was his brother, he left a four year old alone at the park to go see a movie. Steve got bored and hungry so he walked to Tommy’s house because it was close by. Mrs. H called his dad’s office and they both got in trouble.
2. Steve went to work with his parents for Take Your Kid To Work Day when he was five and his dad pointed at a guy and said, “This is Matt McDonald. One day his job will be yours.” Matt was an unpaid intern and also his dad spent the entire day berating him so much that he looked like he was going to cry. Steve slipped out the room the moment he got the nerve up and sat under his mom’s desk for the rest of the day.
3. During Steve’s first year lifeguarding, Claire and Richie brought their kids to the pool and Jason, who doesn’t have kids, came too to hang out. No one asked if Steve wanted to come. None of them even talked to him while they were there even after they must’ve seen him working.
4. None of them met Nancy. Steve made real damn sure of that.
5. Its not the first argument between his parents to scare him but it’s memorable because it’s New Years Eve and they break the model car he got for Christmas. It’s also memorable because it’s the first time someone calls the cops. They stand on the front porch with Chief Hopper, and his mom is saying that she’s taking the kids to her mother’s, and Richard is saying that she can take her kid but not his. He gives in when Claire starts crying, and they sleep four in a row on his grandma’s pullout couch. The next morning, Richard shows up with flowers and breakfast, and they all go home. Everything forgiven.
6. Steve gets pulled aside by his dad later that day and given a lecture on when it’s appropriate to call the police and when something is a family matter. Steve tells him that he didn’t call 911 and gets his tv privileges revoked for lying even though he wasn’t. He asks about his model car and Richard says he’ll get him a new one. He never does.
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savsverson · 2 months ago
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justdavina · 5 months ago
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You want me to get into the elevator?
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bookwor-mmm · 1 month ago
if his pistol slap his thigh when he walk, I shall listen when he talk!
(sorry if the colors are a bit all over the place this is my first time trying to color this way….)
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jacket-less ver. + rant after the cut
i spent like 30 minutes lining his robo-muscles before remembering he has a jacket so i went with it and made two versions LMAO
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anyway I might just be crazy but i don’t think we talk about Hipswitch and his relation to dancing enough.. like… GUYS PLEASE HEAR ME OUT.
He can line dance, his favorite movie [Footloose] is ABOUT dancing (mostly.. basically), and his name (sometimes) means dancing SO hard that your hips switch places . TRUST HE IS A LEAN MEAN DANCING MACHINE
art of hipswitch/hipswitch + karmor getting jiggy with it coming soon /j../hj
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eltonjohndenver · 17 days ago
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Basically the idea is that Benedictine Monks and Gregorian chants were to the medieval era what the Beach Boys were to the 60s. And also that I think there should be a movie about monk drama set in the 14th century but the score is just the Beach Boys
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imfinereallyy · 2 years ago
“Steve, it’s an emergency. I need to kiss you. Actually, I need you to kiss me. But I can’t just do it without asking because what if you don’t want me to, and I practically attack you? So yes or no? I swear it’s for a good cause.” Eddie comes running up to Steve in the bar, panting so hard Steve can see the chest movements.
They have taken Robin to a bar out in Indy to get her laid finally. Or at least a tongue in her mouth. The girl is pent up. And it’s Steve’s job as best friend to make that happen (Robin has told him to stop saying that, ‘it is gross’). Eddie is the only other queer person they know and, luckily, has made quite a few trips to Indy to know which bars were the good ones. He tells Steve that, like Robin, he is desperate to get laid, so this is the perfect opportunity.
Steve does his best to try and ignore the burning jealousy he feels at that. Eddie doesn’t know about his feelings (hell about his sexuality), and Steve is pretty sure Eddie doesn’t see him that way.
“Huh?” Asks confused, his brain struggling to process.
“Okay, I see you’re stuck on how to answer, but Steve—“ Eddie grips Steve’s shoulder, and Steve tries not to swoon. “—my ex, the extra shitty one, is here, and if he sees me alone I’ll either a) go home with him tonight and—“
Steve cuts Eddie off with a searing kiss. The thought of Eddie going home with someone else was enough for Steve’s brain to catch up to speed. Steve presses Eddie against the bar. The loud bass of the music suddenly becomes a light thrum in the background. All that he feels is the delightful pressure of their lips together. Eddie’s hands slide up into Steve’s hair as he gets pressed harder into the bar. Steve’s hands' grip Eddie’s waist and give them a tight squeeze. The idea of bruises being left behind, a mark of what they are doing here, makes Steve deepen the kiss. His tongue used to massage Eddie’s, tasting the menthol and rum on his breath. Eddie moans loud and heavy, vibrating Steve’s entire body.
“Eddie?” A voice interrupts them. Steve feels his anger spark back slightly but wills it down because the interruption is probably needed. They are very close to getting kicked out for public indecency.
“Oh hey, Ryan.” Eddie looks the blonde man up and down. He’s cute, Steve notes, but he lacked personality in his appearance. He isn’t what Steve expects from an ex of Eddie’s. He isn’t naive enough to think Eddie dates exclusively metal heads, but he expects someone to match Eddie’s energy. This guy—Ryan apparently—looks like every other guy you’d find on a Sunday in Supermart. Boring and lacking imagination.
“Who’s this?” Ryan looks at Steve pissed.
“Steve?” Eddie wraps an arm around his waist, bringing Steve close up against him. “This is my boyfriend.”
“This dude’s your boyfriend?” Ryan snorts. “C'mon baby, I know you can do better.”
Steve feels his anger finally pop. “He is not your baby. Yea, he can do better than both of us combine, but I’m lucky enough to get him. Now, you interrupted our time together, and we both know you saw what we’re up to, so don’t act like it wasn’t on purpose.”
Ryan startles backwards, “I—“
“Sorry, maybe I wasn’t clear. I meant leave the fuck right now.” Steve grits out, some of his Upside Down protection mode popping out. Ryan scatters quickly.
“Jesus, Steve, that was amazing. I’m sorry I had to make you uncomfortable with that.” Eddie’s eyes find his and cuts Steve off before he can protest and explain no, he really did like that “—and you never even let me explain reason b, by the way! Reason b is b) he would probably humiliate me in the middle of the club.”
Steve nods at Eddie but has one track mind at this point. He grabs Eddie by the face this time before crashing their lips together once again. This time Steve moans into Eddie’s mouth as they both get lost in the kiss.
Steve pulls back ever so slightly and talks directly into Eddie’s mouth, “Sorry. I think he’s still staring. Needed to do more.”
Eddie, with swollen lips and a kissed-out face, looks around the bar to find nothing. “I don’t see him anywhere.”
Steve smirks and pulls Eddie by his belt loops so they are flushed together. Steve leans into Eddie’s ear and nibbles at his lobe. “Hmmm, you’re right. I think he’s actually in the bathroom. Maybe we should kiss in front of him there.” Steve whispers hotly.
Eddie’s brain, which has short-circuited much like Steve only minutes ago, finally catches up. Eddie groans, his face collapsing into Steve’s neck. He licks a stripe up Steve’s neck all the way to his mouth. “Fuck. Yea, baby, I think I saw him too. Think kissing, though, won’t be enough. We might need to up our game.”
Steve nips at Eddie’s lips, “I was hoping you would say that. Guess I just know how much you love your games, Eds.”
They meet each other for one last searing kiss before rushing to the bathrooms to share a very tight, very heated stall.
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i-am-a-fan · 10 months ago
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Things that help heal stress:
1. draw your favorite character as trans
2. draw them doing things you do.
3. Look at step 1.
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