#The adventures of QuokkaRi
im-tops-bottom · 1 year
Minho: where's Felix?
Han: ...
Minho: ...
Han: uh oh
Felix: *swimming happily in the pond with all the ducks in his Bbokari form* I can see myself living here for the rest of My life
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im-tops-bottom · 1 year
Hyunjin: *gasps as he could hear the yelling coming out of Minho's phone* holy shit
Changbin: *who gasped as well* they did it
Hyunjin: they really fucking did it
Minho: *on the phone sitting between Hyunjin and Changbin on their way to the vet* I'll soon be finding out Hyung. I'm with Hyunjin and Changbin just a few streets away
Chan: okay keep me updated. I'm grabbing Seungmin and Jeongin. We'll meet you there
Minho: okay. See you soon hyung
Chan: bye *disconnects call*
Minho: *sighs* I can't believe those two idiots attempted something so stupid
Hyunjin: *eyes start to well up as he tries his hardest to not laugh*
Changbin: *clears his throat a couple of times*
Minho; *sighs once again* you two might as well let it all out
Hyunjin and Changbin: *burst out into laughter for the rest of the journey to the vet*
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im-tops-bottom · 1 year
Han: you remember that time I made Felix extra tiny?
Chan: oh god what have you done now
*building shakes*
Chan: what's that?
Han: I think you know
*A giant Bbokari walks pass JYP building*
Chan: *stares out the window*
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im-tops-bottom · 1 year
The adventures of QuokkaRi
Felix: I can't believe you guys had a SKZOO royal rumble to see who gets to take me out on a date tonight
Han: *proud that he won* I'm surprised that I won
Felix: you cheated
Han: I did whatever it took to win the Namsan Tower date now come along baby. I need to take more photos to post into the group chat
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im-tops-bottom · 1 year
D-Day of 21'
"Hyung why can't we talk about D-day of 21?" I just wanna know what it is.
"Yeah how come we're the only ones who doesn't know?"
"I would rather be in your place right now"
"I'm jealous of you"
"okay kids gather around, it's story time"
"ugh does the old man really have to do this?"
"yes otherwise those two will be on our cases til they wear us down"
"airfryer 180° for 20 minutes each"
"we are not going to cook them and please don't bring your Hyunjin sized air fryer into the dorms"
"boooo boring"
"Hyung do we really have to sit through this"
"if we just relive it one more time then we can put it behind us"
"or you can just tell Hyunjin and Changbin the story without us"
"yeah but where would the fun in that be?"
"you're a cruel leader. We need to expose you. This goes against the Geneva convention"
"sit down before I make"
"ugh fine"
"Good now let me tell you the story of how a Quokka and Chick came out of the forest completely naked after being saved by their nice lovely leader"
Everyone but Chan, Hyunjin and Changbin groan loudly. Hyunjin and Changbin are excited to hear the story. Chan is just excited to share it.
Chan groans as he's been woken up by a body jumping on him.
Chan rolls on to his back noting in his head to ask Felix to give it a massage later.
"Happy birthday Quokka. Where's your birthday twin? He's usually here helping you wake me up"
"first of all it's not helping if I have to wake him up to help me only for him to come crawling into your bed and cuddling you back to sleep. Then when you finally do wake up, he's gotta be rewoken up"
"okay that is true. But where is he?"
"I told everyone I wanted to start my day with a game of hide n seek so he said he needed to prepare by doing yoga for his back"
"fair enough. Give me a moment to wake up properly and shower. Then I'll get ready"
"Thanks Channie. Oh and by the way breakfast is gonna be ready soon"
"Thank you baby"
After getting ready and eating breakfast, Chan washes the dishes, puts his shoes on, gathers everyone around, counting them to make sure they are all there and then laying down some rules. Some much needed rules after the whole Street Fair debacle.
"Okay everyone, grab your partner, stick with them at all times and keep your phones on"
"Hyung why are we pairing Hannie and Lixie hyungs up? They're just as terrible as each other"
Before Chan can say anything Minho steps in.
"Chan if you wanna keep an eye on those then I'll go with Jinnie and Binnie, someone's gotta keep Binnies lips warm"
"YAH! You're a menace to society and you should go with the maknaes because maknaes"
"no thank you. We actually keep an eye on our surroundings and know all the best hiding spots. We don't want anyone ruining them."
"Hey you found most of them because of me"
"Yes yes yes all hail the great Bbokari, Felix"
"thank you"
"great. Glad we got that settled. Now let's head down to the park by the forest."
Everyone cheered as they walked outside and made their way down to the park. They were contemplating on asking their manager to drive them but since they had a week off, they decided he needed a week off too.
As they got to the park they got into their buddy system and started the first round of hide n seek with HyungBin counting first. Vocalracha had reluctantly accepted Minho as Changbin begged them to take the hyung. In exchange for saving his lips and butt, he has to buy them food for the rest of the month. Thank god it's only the 14th.
Chan was dragged by Han and Felix into the forest since it'll be easier to hide there and the other 3 had gone to hide on the playground in their animal forms.
"hey I see a hole up in that tree. Maybe we can hide up there in it"
"That sounds like a great idea Hannie"
"that's good and all but I'm a wolf. A big wolf might I add. I'm definitely not gonna make it up there"
"oh hmmm we can hide some where else"
Not one to make the sad quokka even sadder Chan hatched up a plan.
"okay how about this, you two hide in tha thole up there and I'll climb that big tree over there. It's got plenty of branches and leaves so I can even hide up there in human form"
Chan smiles as he sees the excited smiles on their faces at the thought of what they're about to do.
"okay let's do this"
Han quickly changes into Quokka and climbs the tree immediately waiting by the hole in the tree trunk
Felix changes into his baby chick form and waddles to the tree. He tries to climb it but realizes several things. He has wings and a break. He can't fly. And he most certain cannot climb the tree in this form.
Chan swoons at his cuteness and puts his hand on the ground.
"Hey Lixie here, hope on my hand. I'll give you a boost up there"
Felix chirps as he does exactly that. He gets a ride on to Chans shoulder as Chan walks up to the tree.
"Hold on tight baby"
Felix is confused at first but yelps and scrambles to claw and bite into Chan's shirt as Chan climbs the tree.
'Sorry Hyung. That startled me'
"it's okay baby. I should have prepared you for it at first"
Chan climbs the few branches til he reaches the one that Han is waiting on. He helps Felix get on to the branch.
"okay you, remember ... I am 3 trees down. If anything happens you two either call out for me or run to me, got it?"
Han and Felix immediately nod. Chan quickly helps Felix who almost dropped off the branch because he nodded to fast.
"Lord help me. Love you two"
'Love you too' can be heard from the two small critters on the branch.
Chan drops down, grabs Han and Felix's clothes that drop when they changed forms and heads over to the big tree. Making sure to look back until he sees Han and Felix enter the hole.
He gets to the big tree and climbs til he's at the biggest brach and decides to transform into his wolf form and lay on it like a cat. It's covered in alot of leaves so he prays it'll help hide him.
After a quick snooze he hears sounds and whines. He looks around and can't see anything. Thinking that it's coming from his tree neighbors, he hops down from the branch, makes sure all their clothes are where he left them and makes his way towards the tree buddies.
He would transform back into a human but he wanted to be ready for any kind of threat.
He was prepared for just about anything. Anything that wasn't what he was witnessing right now.
In front of him a chick plops out of a hole at the bottom of the tree, covered in dirt and all sorts of stuff. After him a quokka plops out of the tree looking the same.
'Are you two alright'
The two jolt and quickly look up. They see their Hyung and immediately run.
Chan looks at them in confusion as they transform into their human forms and run buck naked screaming for their lives.
It's not until he hears sounds coming from the tree again that he turns his head back and sees a bunch of very angry squirrels who start throwing acorns and nuts at him.
'what the F-ouch!'
He gets pelted by them and runs after the other two screaming. Forgetting the clothes.
As he makes his way through the clearing and to the park, he sees a scared Han and Felix explaining to a shocked Minho, Seungming and Jeongin about what happened.
He sees them all turn their heads and he comes racing out of the forest.
All the group sees is an army of squirrels throwing nuts and acorns. They all start running and screaming in terror.
Everyone forgetting their clothes and something else they just couldn't put their minds to because they were beyong terrified at what's happening.
They managed to make their way towards their dorm and hide out.
After checking and rechecking the perimeters, they finally manage to calm down. Not a single squirrel in sight.
They sit in the living room asking Han and Felix what had happened.
"Well after we went into the hole, we realized it was a home and that there were nuts stored there. I got a bit hungry and ate it all."
"When he had finished eating, we were joking about how we can move into the tree outside the dorms and start our own little family"
"but it caused us to think how would a quokka and chicken make a baby so we scrapped the idea."
"we got bored of waiting and was about to head out to look for Channie hyung til we heard sounds"
"we looked up to the entry of the hole and saw a bunch of squirrels so I decided to talk to them"
"turns out we slept in their home and ate the food they stored"
"they got angry at that and chased us out. They started throwing nuts at us and Felix tried to fight them"
"They didn't teach us how to fight in a chick form against squirrels in black belt training"
"I had to grab him and push him down towards the hole we found when we got in there."
"and that's when we saw Chan and fled the crime scene"
"Oh shit"
"Guy's I just realized we're all naked"
Everyone turns to each other and looks at each other shocked.
Chan's phone starts ringing and he gulps as he sees JYP's name pop up on his screen.
"Guys we forgot our clothes"
Chan answers the phone and winces as he hears JYP yelling.
Chan gasps and looks horrified
"Guys we forgot about Hyunjin and Changbin"
Chan winces once again.
"Sorry sir. We'll grab Hyunjin and Changbin, tell them we have a meeting and they can go do whatever they want."
"See you boys soon"
The call ends and a flustered Chan stares at a wall to mentally prepare himself for the rest of the day.
"What did he say Hyung?"
"All 6 of us have a meeting with him. I'll text our manager to come pick us up. Then I'll text Hyunjin and Changbin they can do whatever they want and I'll shout them and us lunch later on.
After messaging everyone, and making their way to the JYPe building, they spend the next hour getting scolded by everyone there and apologizing profusely about it. They ended up signing some papers, had SKZ's holiday extended until everything dies down and are banned from the building until their holiday is up. Thankfully it was only extended for an 2 weeks and then they'll have another meeting for updates on everything.
After apologizing a few more times and thanking the higher ups , they make their way towards the van to be driven home where they plan to meet up with Changbin and Hyunjin who went out to a museum.
"Hyung should we tell Jinnie and Binnie hyungs?"
"Hell no. They'll take the piss out of all of us for that."
"if they haven't heard the rumours now before the company makes sure no news outlets turned this into the next big thing then they can keep it that way"
"I wanna forget everything that happened"
"This is so embarrassing"
Felix who had been in tears since the incident occured and hadn't stopped crying til they got to the car, looks around at everyone.
"let's make a pact to never mention this ever again. We'll go home, try and see if Changbin and Hyunjin had heard anything, go about our day, have a nice lunch, and celebrate the rest of Hannies birthday. By tomorrow we forget everything that happened."
Everyone nods and brings their hands into the middle shaking on it.
"Good. Now let's go have some fun and take our minds of things"
"maybe we can go pick up our clothes from the park and forest as well"
After grabbing their clothes from the park and forest they make their way home.
Changbin and Hyunjin were there waiting for them to arrive.
"Hey how did the meeting go"
"why weren't we needed for the meeting?"
"oh there was something that required uhm"
Chan was having a hard time coming up with an explanation so Felix quickly shouted
Everyone cheered and Changbin along with Hyunjin forgot all about their curiosities. None the wiser.
A flushed Chan finishes recounting what he remembered from that day and sits back on the chair.
"I'm gonna need about 12 bottles of soju to drink away the memories"
"you ain't the only one Hyung"
There's a moment of silence before the room is filled with giggles and laughter. All of it coming from Changbin and Hyunjin. One is laughing as he wiggles on the couch, while the other laughed so hard he fell off the couch and is now on the floor laughing away with tears in his eyes.
After an hour of tears and calming down they start breathing normally again. They wipe their tears away with the tissues an annoyed Minho gives them. Neither of the two payed attention to his threatening glances as if he is willing to shove the tissues down their throats if they didn't stop.
"are you two done now?"
They both nod with a bit of a giggle but not enough to send them into another laughing fit.
"I can't believe you two discussed if a Quokka and a Chicken could have sex. Chickens lay eggs. And you guys call me the leader of paboracha"
"really. Of everything I said, THAT is the takeaway from all of this"
"oh I have blackmail now. I can use it to finally get my Innie and Bokkie kisses"
"That is just wrong. Morally wrong"
"I'm am but a mere dwaekki without morals. I know it seems unethical but really.... I can finally get what I want"
"speaking of you two...where the fuck were you guys?"
"oh we forgot all about the game because it was hard to find anyone in their skzoo forms. So we went out for ice cream"
Chan becomes so done with them.
"and we told you guys what happened"
"the lion"
"the witch"
"and the audacity of this bi- OW!"
"Felix no swearing. Do you want to put another 10000 won into the swear jar?"
"I mean you did mark it for your funeral old man, so let the baby swear"
"I don't get paid enough for this"
"Guys I just had a thought"
Everyone turns to stare at Hyunjin.
"Can any one of us get each other pregnant? Cuz I'd like to see a ferret chicken combo. Just one long yellow cheese stick really"
Everyone groans as they all get up and walk away to do their own thing.
"yup their goes our leader of paboracha"
"your thinking skills astounds me"
"he needs a brain in order to think in the first place. He's surviving off one braincell that paboracha shares and today isn't his day to use it"
"we're not that stupid"
"If anyone here is stupid then I think it would be Felix for thinking he could tae Kwon do an army of squirrels by himself in his chick form"
"I reckon I could take them on"
"sure sure Felix. Whatever you say"
"but I totally could"
Felix starts whining before an idea pops into his head.
"hey wait I have an idea"
"what's your idea Bok-ah?"
"Well since it's my birthday today why don't we all go to the park and finish off that hide n seek match we never really got to finish"
Everyone agrees, gets ready and sets off to the same big park with the big forest.
"I guess since we are here to finish it off, Binnie and I can recount"
Everyone agrees to this and go hide as HyunBin begin to count.
Everyone has changed into their animal forms and makes a dash towards different areas.
It's peaceful as Chan lays down in the ground behind a tree that feels awfully familiar. Before he can wonder why he hears screams.
He makes his way down towards another familiar tree and sees a naked Han and an equally naked Felix run from out behind the tree making their way towards the opening.
Chan hears some rustling and looks down to see some angry squirrels and it hits him why the area seemed familiar to him.
"oh for fu-"
A squirrel throws a nut at him stopping him from finishing his sentence.
He sets off screaming about killer squirrels out to get him as he makes his way towards the clearing.
This time he makes his way towards the park and Changbin and Hyunjin are there to witness it all.
They're all attacked by flying nuts and acorns as they all race out of the park and back towards their dorm.
Chan looks behind him and sees that the squirrels stopped at the edge of the park before it starts heading towards the side walk. They turn around and go back towards the forest. Chan sighs in relief and continues running alongside his members.
By the time they make their way back to the dorms, they're all panting and calming down from the run.
"it's safe. They didn't follow us back"
"oh thank god"
"who knew squirrels had great memories"
"they recognized us immediately"
Before anyone else could say something, Chan's phone rings. He feels a sense of de ja Vu as he answers the call.
"hey s-"
The call ends and Chan's wincing since he answered dies out. He groans as he looks around at everyone.
"oh god we did it again"
Everyone immediately clicks on as the sense of de ja vu all of them but HyunBin felt hits them like a freight train.
"oh god we're all naked again"
"is this how the first time felt?"
"welcome to the "your dead" gang. Can't believe that happened again"
"Hannie, Lixie, What the hell?"
"we found a tree that looked awfully familiar. We saw this hole close to the ground and went inside. Who knew it was the same tree as last time. The squirrels started yelling at us throwing a nut at Lixies head. I couldn't let that stand so I fought them."
"I had to stop the fight and got them to be civil with each other."
"they told us they remembered us from back then and they got angry. It probably didn't help that I ate their nut supply"
"well we just booked ourselves a free ticket to a meeting at JYPe building"
Everyone groans
"our manager is on his way so let's clean ourselves up, get ready and mentally prepare ourselves. At least Felix isn't crying"
"I'm doing well"
"great. Hold that in til we get to the meeting "
"We can pick up our clothes from the park on our way there"
"yeah I'll let the manager know when we comes by"
"wait... I just realized....what has this got to do with Han, rooming with Felix and kisses?"
"Ever since that day, Han had spent the whole 4 week holiday in quokka form trying to put a baby into poor baby Lix."
"thank god I was there to intercept every time."
"hey! At the time I thought it could be possible"
"first off lixie was a baby chick you idiot"
"second of all and let's let these two in on it....we took Han to a very special vet friend who gave him the whole sex talk and anatomy talk of a quokka and a chicken"
"hey I learned my lesson okay. I am a changed person"
"haven't changed enough since we got into this mess once again because of you"
"and by tomorrow I'll be a changed man again"
"at least this time he ain't trying a weird form of species intermixing"
Everyone goes about doing their thing to get ready for a long day ahead.
What a wonderful way to spend the 15th of September
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im-tops-bottom · 1 year
The adventures of QuokkaRi
Felix: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail
Han: No it’s my fault, I shouldn’t’ve used my one phone call to prank call the police
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im-tops-bottom · 1 year
The Adventures of QuokkaRi
I just need a series of Felix turning into baby chick bbokari and goes onto adventures in his tiny body and has to get rescued from his curious cat like state and accident prone self.
But it's okay because his boyfriend's are more than happy to rescue him. Even in their skzoo states.
Well everything was going okay until Felix talked Han into joining in on his curious mischievous escapeds.
And just tag me ~
My brain be too brrrrrr to make full fledged chapters.... I could come up with small ideas but ....
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im-tops-bottom · 1 year
The adventures of QuokkaRi
A squirrel randomly attacks Felix in his Bbokari form for the nut he was playing with
Felix: *cries*
Han: *in Quokka form* give it back
Felix: *continues to cry as much as a baby chick can*
Han: *wrestles the nut out of the squirrels claws, bites it, watches it scamper off before returning the nut to Felix:
Felix: 🥺🥹 thank you Hannie but you can have it
Han: but it's yours baby
Felix: I went searching for the best nut around this place because you were hungry and forgot to have breakfast
Han: awwe baby wanted to get it for me?
Felix: *nods*
Han: come here baby *turns into his human form*
Felix: *runs over to Han and jumps, turning into his human form before landing on Han and cuddles the life out of him*
Han: everything's gonna be okay baby. The hyungs are coming over to park anyway to bring food for lunch
Felix: *looks up at Han* they are?
Han: yeah baby but I appreciate what you did. I love you baby
Felix: I love you too Hyung *closes his eyes as he's exhausted and falls asleep*
Han: *spends the rest of the day in shock and happiness because tired little lixie called him Hyung even if it was because he was tired and his brain wasn't functioning properly*
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im-tops-bottom · 1 year
The adventures of Chickie Lixie
SKZ: *heads into the dressing rooms*
Changbin: who knew recreating every single music video and trailer we ever made but as real life SKZOO would be so hard
Jeongin: and so scary. You wouldn't believe how terrified I was of everyone almost stepping on Lixie hyung
Everyone but Felix: same
Felix: I had fun in the last week of doing all this. I'm sad it's over
Minho: *pats Felix on the head* I'm glad my little kitty had fun
Hyunjin: *groans as he falls back on to the couch* I'm glad at least someone had fun
Han: I wonder if there is a smell in the spoopy book that would make Lix even tinier. Imagine all the chaos
Everyone but Felix: NO!
Felix: *gets off the chair in excitement* ooh let's do it Sungie
Minho: sit your ass back down. That's not gonna happen
*a few hours later*
Chan: why does Felix like tinier than normal?
Han: *closes the spoopy magic book and sips his tea* I think you know why
Chan: *bangs his head onto the kitchen table and groans*
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im-tops-bottom · 1 year
The adventures of QuokkaRi
Minho: has anyone seen our boyfriend's?
Changbin: which ones?
Minho: the idiots
Changbin: which ones?
Minho: the accident prone ones
Hyunjin: once again ... Which ones
Minho: we really need to have a family meeting to talk about the endangerment of this group. QuokkaRi
Hyunjin: oh those two. Lixie talked Sungie into going on a little walk with him. He dubbed it "The adventures of QuokkaRi"
Minho: and how long have they been gone?
Hyunjin: about a week
Minho: oh okay
*moment of silence*
Hyunjin & Minho: *turn to each other* A WEEK!!!!?!
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im-tops-bottom · 1 year
Changbin: has anyone seen the chicken? The dirty little rascal
Chan: the who?
Changbin: the baby chick who goes by bbokari, Felix, yongbok and a plethora of other names...but right now will be referred to as the little shit
Chan: oh god what has he done now?
Changbin: he bit the vetinarian today who was doing his checkups because there were surprise injections
Chan: *groans* not again
Changbin: oh it gets worse. In retaliation he went into the corner of the nice lovely ladies room, peed and pooped in the corner and bit her through out the rest of the check up. Refused to change to his human form to clean his mess up so I had to go between cleaning it and making sure he didn't bite the lady
Chan: go on
Changbin: he refused to leave the office so after chasing him around the office, I managed to wrangle him up and put him in his time out cage, he then transformed back into his human form and broke the cage
Chan: oh god
Changbin: on our way home he refused to apologize and when I tried to grab onto him when we got home because I wanted to march his ass straight to the naughty corner, he bit me, transformed back into his chick form and did a runner. Out the open window and inside
Chan: I'll deal with it. I know exactly where he is.
Door slams open
Felix: uh oh
Felix: *quickly transforms and tries to do a runner*
Chan: *at the speed of light quickly grabs Felix and holds him up in mid air* you're in trouble mister
Felix: *chirps*
Chan: no don't give me that. You will be apologizing to both Changbin. I know that you hate injections and you were surprised about today's one and that's on us for not telling you. We will tell you from now on but we know how much you hate them
Felix: *tweets*
Chan: yeah yeah but still that does not give you a reason the bite her so we will be taking you down there tomorrow so you can apologize to her
Felix: *chirps*
Chan: yes you will be grounded. No QuokkaRi adventures for a month
Felix: *thrashes and tries to bite Chan's fingers*
Chan: make it two. Keep biting me and see what happens
Felix: *calms down*
Chan: now seeing as you are either on the brink of an accidental death with paboracha, never sleep or eat because you're too busy playing games when it comes the evil twins, you will only be spending alone time while you're grounded with Binnie and I
Felix: *acts up again*
Chan: we're the only ones who ground you and can handle your nipping. Just be glad we banned Lee Know from doing your punishments or do you want him to be brought into the groundingracha line?
Felix: *turns back* no please please don't. His spankings hurt the worst
Changbin: *from the kitchen* ON IT
Felix: *grumpy* I hate you
Chan: I love you to *holds Felix on his hip tight* now say bye to everyone. I got work at the studio to do
Felix: ugh bye Mongmong bye innie
Seungmin/Jeongin: bye baby
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im-tops-bottom · 1 year
JYP: *head in his hand* so what you're telling me is that Yongbok found a scary looking book, said a spell and all of stray kids can now turn into their skzoo's?
Chan: *rubbing his face* yup
JYP: *heavily sighs* you guys are on your own. I quit. Leaving the company, changing my name and moving to a country on the opposite side of the world
Chan: *groans* that is exactly how I feel
JYP: thank you for letting us know. You can go back to your members. I don't think there is anything we can do. You guys might as well just accept what has happened and learn to deal with it. We just gotta make sure that we don't lose Han and Felix
Chan: we already lost them 6 times yesterday
JYP: I do not feel sorry for you
Chan: they have dubbed it The Wild Adventures of QuokkaRi
JYP: that's cute
Chan: it really isn-
*phone rings*
Chan: *answers it* hello
Han: uhm Hyung
*screaming and yelling can be heard*
Chan: what have you guys done now?
Han: do we really need 8 members?
Chan: *frustrated noises* let me rephrase that. What has Felix done now?
Han: you remember Stuart little?
Chan: *ends call and gets up*
JYP: everything alright?
Chan: I gotta get going. I got a baby chick to rescue from the clutches of a kitchen sink pipe
JYP: have fun. Meeting whenever you guys can handle transforming or whatever it is that you do
Chan: cheers *leaves*
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