#The Wide Game kindle free
spockandawe · 1 year
You know what, I'm not happy about this either :T
Unless I'm t-boned by another reblog from someone huge, this likely won't reach as wide of an audience. And I regret that! Because either I presented myself badly or people are taking the wrong thing away from my words.
So, I strongly, STRONGLY believe in supporting writers. I also strongly believe in archival work and preservation of online media. I mentioned my own binding of the raksura patreon short stories earlier this year, hoping to manifest an official printing to buy, which.... folks, the implicit logical endpoint is that I went and expanded them all and saved them locally too.
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It wasn't scraping, since I've seen that description being tossed around in the notes. My copy was manual copy and paste, because I don't respect my own time, and so was the other recent version. If you're going to rail against that, I guess you've successfully transported nft rage about right click + save as to a new medium.
Frankly, the patreon interface is a pain for this. Infinite scroll is part of the enshittification of the internet, this is a lot of text and posts, patreon isn't a powerful archival site, and it started choking horribly by the time I was halfway through. Now that I know people can still sign up (which i didn't, for years, that closed label is misleading), I still emphatically encourage them to do so and fight through the lag to read the stories.
I also quoted the thing where I said I owned all the books in three formats - physical, ebook, audiobook. Guess what copy I use for most rereads - that's right, none of them, because I was a dumb youth who didn't understand how awful kindle drm is and I can't word search in a paper book, so the secret fourth format is pirated ebooks, which I know amazon will never be able to yoink out of my grip. If I ever git gud at illumination and make a hand-illustrated compendium of the series, that's going to be my starting base, because there arent digital rights to lock me down to owning ACCESS to a copy of the book and not the copy of the book itself.
Now, the existence of pirated ebooks isn't all sunshine and roses. I've seen the talks about how new books IMMEDIATELY get pirated and shared and start cutting into an author's livelihood and future publishing prospects. I think it's incredibly important to support authors directly and in ways corporate marketing teams are able to observe. But especially in light of the Hollywood strikes, I'm sure many of us have seen posts about corporate entities playing shitty games with what they'll make available and withhold, and what they'll CHARGE versus what the customer has PURCHASED.
The only thing in the original post I take issue with is the reposting of something that was still available directly through the author. That has already been addressed. The originator is remorseful. I still understand if the patreon vanishes, to be clear. But i quietly made my own copy years ago BECAUSE i understand how easy it is for something like that to vanish, for much more arbitrary reasons. It could have been vanished because of site policy, patreon abruptly archiving all posts more than X years old. Online media is dangerously ephemeral.
I bind a lot of cnovel fan translations. So many amazing stories are getting licensed for translation - great! But it's also a massive extinction event for all the backbreaking translation work other fans have been sharing for years for free. And from that perspective it's a fucking TRAGEDY. I have... a Lot of files that I'm not sharing publicly. My goal is never to preempt or undermine the translators who did the actual work. But that hoard of files is still precious to me, because it takes about five seconds to delete a gdoc of translation, and there's not always warning to save a copy first.
Again, emphasis, my only issue here was the reposting. I'm not happy that it happened. I'm glad the files were quickly taken down, whether or not the patreon itself goes away. I'm glad op is remorseful for overstepping, and I can... mostly see how they didn't realize the problem, and mainly wanted to help more people experience a story they loved.
So it's also worth saying that I'm also not too stoked about the direction tags on that post were starting to go. 'Piracy is inexcusable, piracy is the death of--' STOP. I recognize that begging for nuance while tossing thoughts out onto social media is a losing game. But actually, I'm out of patience for black and white thinking happening on my post. Piracy is a valuable tool for archivists and a hazard to creators, which is why it should be practiced quietly and with deliberate care. It should be practiced in a way that attempts not to damage the creator's livelihood or take away control of their creations. That's where the misstep was here. OP understood they had misstepped and they were expressing remorse even before I got on my high horse, and it sure doesn't seem like the notes care about that, so! I'm done letting the outrage machine feed on it.
That's probably enough. I'm not saying anything I haven't said on here before. If you've ever grieved for a beloved fic missing from your ao3 bookmarks because it was deleted, you understand the basic archival urge. If you lost access to a favorite artist's extensive archives because the images were flagged in the 2018 boob ban, you should be able to understand. I manually saved 36,000 pictures in that brief grace period before I completely burned out. The fundamental impulse shouldn't be that hard to grasp. The rest is just responsible practices, and people fuck up sometimes. It sucks, but sometimes you don't recognize a boundary is there before you blunder right over it with the best of intentions. I think a lot of us have been there too.
Anyways, this is too much text, how boring to look at. Here's my remaining pictures of my own little anthology copy. Still manifesting an official release someday, or any books of the raksura material at all. Money will literally fly from my pocket to purchase it in every available format.
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christiansorrell · 9 months
Play-By-Blog #12: The Isle by Luke Gearing
Welcome to my ongoing play-by-blog of The Isle by Luke Gearing! We are playing this adventure with its original system, The Vanilla Game (adjusted somewhat to fit the format). You can check out the Play-By-Blog Repository to get all caught up if you wish.
How Play-By-Blog works:
I write up the situation, NPCs, and more, just like a DM.
You vote in the poll to help decide the character's course of action.
I roll the dice, resolve actions, and write them up next week.
So on and so forth for the rest of the adventure!
[Text in brackets is out-of-character/GM text!] "Non-italicized quotes denote text from the original adventure!" "Italicized quotations denotes NPC dialogue."
Our character: Medon Girou - Magic Cutpurse
Our maps: The Isle, The Dungeon (so far)
[You can use the links above to find Medon's Character Sheet and map of the Isle and the so far uncovered portions below the surface. On the Dungeon map, you are currently in Floor 2, Room 20.]
Now, back to the adventure!
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[Another landslide poll! Y'all are focused in your desire to help this horrific, lich-like royal (and I'm excited about it too).]
You look through the dark doorways across the room. You'll need every advantage you can get if you are going to get anything out of this place and leave to tell the tale. It never hurts to have an ally, even if just for now. Who knows if you'll even find his brother down here? You just need to get out of this room.
You agree. If you discover Dainéal during your time here, you will work to kill him.
Fionn's chorus of leeches squeal-speak pleasantly.
"Aw, excellent. I knew there was ambition in your heart. I am a good judge of these things, you see.
"Go then. Find him and end him. When you are done, return to me. I shall have a gift for you, knighthood of a sort. For now, I shall remain here and you are free to rest here." You know you'll need a light down here to do anything safely, especially with the walking dead patrolling the halls. You ask him for aid, just one thing: a way to light the path.
"Well, well" He laughs, squirming squeals from a hundred leeches. "So soon and already you are asking for aid. I will admit you do not look prepared fully for a place like this."
His skeletal hand reaches over into the chest cavity of a nearby bone warrior and pulls a small necklace from out of the center of the writhing mass of leeches. As his fingers unfold, soft beams of light pour out to partially illuminate. The necklace is a fine silver chain holding a small, glowing moonstone amulet. [Mechanically, this amulet grants low light near the wearer (typically, room-wide). You guess it is likely worth around 1,500 hacksilver.] "Take this, but know that in doing so, you are barred from returning to the surface until your quest is complete. That way," he gestures towards the chimney, "is barred to you know, until Dainéal is dead. All who have stolen from me have died. Do not test me."
You take up the necklace and drape it over your neck, now seeing more clearly the disgusting mass of leeches and bones surrounding Fionn. The undead warriors stare blankly in your direction.
It is late in the day, you think. It is hard to tell underground but the light from the fireplace is darkening. Best to rest here as well as you can before heading off.
You start a small fire, sparking the kindling of old papers you dug up from the far corners of the room with the rough blade of the old sword you found in that woman's grave, and cook the dead monk's fish. The entire time, Fionn sits still, sometimes humming a tune you don't recognize. Occasionally, a shutter runs through all of the skeletons, like a shiver down your spine.
You sleep very little, but still, the rest does you well.
In the morning (you think), you gather your belongings and head off into the dark, nodding at Fionn as you go.
To the east, you hear shuffling.
To the south, you hear a strange grinding.
[An unlikely alliance and a light in the darkness. From here, the dungeoncrawl properly begins! Tread carefully, my friends - Christian]
PBB #13 is live now!
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wain-wright · 1 year
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the inbox of the last ten people who reblogged something from you, get to know your mutuals and your followers! ♡
5. myths and legends, survival games and very clever children, I like impossible odds and existential horror and the breaths that make your heart drop wildly in your chest. i like the long road, the hard road, the slow drop of suspense and the relieved optimism of all-that. it makes living life that much easier
4. the internet. never in history has there ever been such a quorum, such an influx of ideals and history and sharing, of emotion and unedited snapping and cherished contagious dedication, where people spark off each other like bundles of kindling, setting everything aflame. aren’t humans amazing? aren't we sometimes a bit dumb?
3. I stepped out, and saw the mountains
with light.
the corners backlit by the orange glow of sunfall, and violet clouds, streaming off in the barest edges of the crisp and fresh-cold wind, diffusing sunlight in flashes of blue ice. Being raised so high is heady, it’s wind and silence and the diminishing path of pine trees speckled with peeking bits of logs and woods and people. Seeing how the snow gets set like glass by the glitter of tiny crystals scattering the sun, long tracks of unbroken territories looking like a fight, the highest pine trees dark and weighed thick with snow spanning miles and diminishing.
Snapping goggles and blinding glare, it’s sweating when your cheeks are numb and burned with cold, it’s pushing forward a silent hiss of sliding into a fluffed up crust, it’s putting on layer by layer in zips and snaps to protect you from the fall. You feel an ice burn like coming out of water, prickle and feeling flood back as furnaces melt the numb and white parts bits of you back into your nervous system.
The palpitation in free fall as you lean into the cliffs straight down, for speed and precision and just going as far and fast as you can in the straightest line, to beat someone, to push yourself, to finding a new edge on the jerk of a precipitous drop. Carving a path or following one, it’s all absorbing shock, and it’s the smell of smoke in a lodge and hot stew, holding balance, it’s peeling off layers of bundling stuffed winter jackets off in order to sit down. It's going back out for more.
2. There’s an old place that lies flush with the ground and where there is a hole in the ceiling that at twilight lines up parallel to the setting sun. It’s full of the sound of water, and time, and when you see the way sunlight strikes through the blue in empty illumination, sitting underground underwater and watching white speckling particles move, the play of shadow and light under hole of sharp edged caves only seems soft and familiar. It’s the surfacing to black wet rocks, the overhang of a cavern and the smell of ivy and quiet plunks in sunlight and splashing, clean water with no salt. It’s ponderous, is what it is. What cathedrals aspire to, to reproduce in dry overture what is so alive and hidden here, where the light floods the water to glowing translucent and distinctly blue- where small silver fish dart over boulder podiums and you can sit below water in wide pillars of sunlight, timing oxygen, trailing into all the black little caves that lead to the sea. Around the curved edge above leaves glowing gold like a hidden, forested tomb, and the muted hum is the echo of plinking splashes off of cave walls. It’s crystalline with coolness and warmth, shifting white patterns on the walls curving up and around carved out stairs like a caldera; and you float on your back and think that you can’t feel anything at all.
1.   When I was younger I used to peer out the small window located in the upper corner of my uncle’s old room at my grandparents. The bed was under it, so I would stand on the covers, swipe the frost away in slow, watery streaks, fog it with my breath to test how it framed the snow. The closet behind me was full of old trophies and ribbons I hadn’t earned and my mom never talked about, and high heels covered in clothing bags and jewelry cabinets with creaky hinges and wood that even smelled old, and the rooms were always cold. It felt like a grand adventure, history, then, seeing the break of a forest like a shoreline separating the road from the conifer sea, stretching right into the twilight and boulder-strewn mountain trails. It was too dark to read- with no service to play games, next to national parks squirrels skittered from the birdfeeders and up into the through the clotheslines and back into the carpet of pines. But at any second, I could leave. I could go and slog through the mud wet carpet of leaves, catch a snake and leap over a rotting log bridge, and hide in the neighbor’s bush maze of a garden with the seasonally dead roses. There were so many trees, almost growing through the houses, under the window. I wonder if there was a fire, if I could break the hinges farther and just-
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haikuprajna · 1 year
Hello readers, the eBook for BATTLE Colosseum Part II: Unified Field Theory is now available!
Download or save it to be read later through the below links:
Amazon [Read with Kindle Unlimited] [ https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C3XL99YV/ ]
Goodreads [ https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/144500319-battle-colosseum-part-ii ]
Trailer [Featuring the poem from Pt. I] [ https://youtu.be/9HRbKedbM9E ]
Part I : Hiding One's Tracks [ https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/2023/03/20230328-hiding-ones-tracks-batt-le.html ]
Fearless, but alone // lost in darkness, yet doubtless // following the path.
#HAIKUPRAJNA - Unified Field Theory [BATTLE Colosseum Part II]
Read online [ https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/2023/04/20230429-unified-field-theory-battle.html ]
Thank you for reading,
Until next time!
Allen W. McLean
PS. April 23rd is the fourth annual HaikuPrajna Day, celebrating my haiku journey; submit to the #HaikuPrajnaChallenge to participate in the occasion! [ https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/2023/04/20230423-haikuprajna-challenge-001.html ]
For the rest of the month, rolling $0.99 sales on the Amazon US and UK stores! Check out my Author Profile on Amazon here [ https://www.amazon.com/Allen-W-McLean/e/B0867C5D24 ] and remember to come back every Monday and Friday to download a free Kindle ebook. I will be sharing links to the books on socials throughout the rest of the month of April.
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fatefought · 1 year
the flood of the seventieth hunger games  drowning, murder, blood, death mentions, flooding, & mental exhaustion tw.
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eight days and twelve cannons blaring later, annie would find herself splayed across a thick branch of a tree. turns out she was proficient at hiding. before the seventieth hunger games, she was unaware of the fact. the hours blur in the arena ; insomnia ravaged her after the gruesome death of percy leatworth. ( she scrubbed her skin raw after his own lifeblood splashed her like an afterthought. ) dehydration lingered just too shy of taking her. she wished its claws would just end her. 
apart from annie, only eleven tributes remained. her splintered mind is running a list : two from one, one from three, myself, one from        
in a moment’s slip, she’s airborne. gravity hurdles her fifteen, maybe twenty, feet onto shaking ground. the pain radiating from bones is momentarily forgotten as she attempts to dodge debris. it’s an earthquake ! it’s as sudden in its abrupt end. two cannons roar signifying only ten competitors left. 
birds are retreating from the west, and screams rumble from that direction too. the sound of cracking magnified follows eerily. it takes a second, but annie’s face hardens with the realization of the dam breaking. she’s jumping up on her feet quickly. ( time is of the essence. ) her body is sore and tender but higher ground is required. the same greenery that projected her minutes ago might be her solace once again. up and up and up she must go, a lot steeper than before. 
tawny eyes never leave the west. agatha cresta told her from a young age that you never turn your back to the waves. eyes grow wide. it’s as if the flooding defied nature. ( the technological savvy of the arena didn’t need to follow the possible.) water poured in ways she’d only overheard from drunken sailors recollecting old wives’ tales. so when it finally approaches, it’s a deep breath in before annie allows the wave to take her. 
the flood consists of freshwater, unlike the bodies in district four where saltwater felt like a blessing against sun-kissed skin. though it also lacks the frigidness ( which may have meant next to nothing to the tributes who rarely have access to the sea. ) people can endure it a bit longer. and as annie comes up for air, she can finally see others. they’re not close, but the now leveled horizon made it much easier to make out seven. 
another cannon goes off ! ( that leaves only one unaccounted for. ) even when the currents were strong, she felt a calmness in the water. cresta was never one to fear that. she grew up by the sea. it makes it easier to investigate the bubbles floating to surface meters away. it’s the expulsion of oxygen. unsurprisingly to her, it’s from the ninth opponent.
seaweed encases his lower body, appearing harmless. ( people assume that algae is until it’s too late. ) annie never learned his name, but she knew the scrawny sixteen year old was from district three. ( he’s just a child ! ) she’d seen him twice in the arena, most notably near the tree she shielded herself in. just yesterday, she threw a piece of kindling at him as a means of notifying the tribute of some careers drawing in. exchanging a nod, soon two perished in his trap with the others retreating. his state now was ironic. 
she gracefully swims closer. the reservoir is crystal, making it impossibly easy to keep her eyes open. his dagger shines and nimble fingers remove it from his belt. annie uses her free hand to steady the aquatic plant that dances underwater and begins to cut. it should be easy ! why isn’t it ? adrenaline is pulsing in his veins. he doesn’t have much time ! ( darling mags will inform her later that they’re genetically enhanced, and that there was nothing she could do. ) 
drowning is a terrible way to go, and the unluckiest will have their stomachs filled before the cruel loch goes for the lungs. annie can’t leave him like this. previously the blade felt weightless, now the heft makes her want to swim to the bottom of these waters. ( i’m sorry ! ) sound does not leave her lips but bubbles do. it’s no loss, she’ll be above water soon. the shiny weapon tears through his abdomen, going downward before she unsheathed it from skin. ichor flows along the current. the pressure of the water squeezing the poor vessel. eyes shut quickly. ( her own death count goes from zero to one. )
legs kick as she propels herself towards the sun. annie meets the air with a wail. ( he’s just a child ) repeating in her mind. it isn’t fair ! tears well and drip to the unsteady pool. there’s only four other faces now. did she miss the cannons ? are those missing alive but fatally submerged ? thoughts race without an end in sight. there’s no shore ! she can’t bring anyone to safety. and even if she could, they’d still have to fight to the death. 
so she continues swimming. the echoes of the others losing their bouts with water ring behind her, only accentuated by the clang that reveals another fallen tribute. ( it’s the sound of struggling that particularly chips away at her sanity. ) soon, it’s her and the final careers. they’d turned on one another. a distance away from the bloodbath, annie witnessed as the district one girl forced her body weight down on the boy. hands rung around his throat, in a twisted, senseless mix of strangulation and drowning. 
the blonde sneers at her, probably tasting a combination of blood and victory. the waves are picking up again, taking the serenity out of the water once more. she allows them to spur her as she treads away quickly. ( i’ll get you, there’s nowhere to go, and you can’t swim forever are just a few of the things that left the other tribute’s mouth like a mantra. ) the taunts hold weight. valora received the highest score during training ; annie had seen the terror she caused in the arena. 
as menacing as the other tribute was however, she was a subpar swimmer at best. it’s when annie looks back at her for the final time that her eyes fixate on the scene directly behind valora. and while she laughs and comments on how annie was acting like a sitting duck, soon the wave crashes over her. seconds later, annie is under too. you never turn your back to the waves. 
brief panic aside, soon she’s scoping the water for the district one girl. seaweed has acted like a spiderweb twice these games. while the first victim had the flight response, valora had the fight. teeth bared and screams are stifled by the liquid around her. a blade is in her fist. ( she’s unaware of her doomed fate. ) part of annie wants to give her the same merciful release she gave the boy, but it would’ve likely led to both of them bleeding out. 
cresta drifts up slowly. and once she reaches the surface, she begins to float on her back. ( for a fleeting moment, it feels like district four. ) the restlessness of the flood has subdued ; the sun gleams in the sky. her features scrunch until she can’t hold the tears back anymore. some cluelessly ask her in the months following if that was her relief at victorship. her consciousness is solely focused on percy ... valora ... the young district three boy ... the others who drowned. their deaths were ones where she just stood by, incapable of saving them ; she traded their lives for her own. 
how could anyone expect annie to celebrate after hearing the announcement ? “ ladies and gentlemen, i am pleased to present the victor of the seventieth hunger games, annie cresta of district four ! ” 
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appvnmodapkset · 2 years
How to Install Appvn Mod Apk For Android
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Appvn mod apk is an app store that provides users with a wide variety of games and apps. It also offers premium versions of paid apps at no cost to its customers. This app store, which is not available in the Google Play Store, is not only for Android users but it also has iOS versions. Besides, APPVN also offers a search bar, which helps in locating the right app. The app store is not limited to mobiles; it can also be installed on desktop PCs.
Appvn is a relatively new addition to the Android world, although it has already made a name for itself. For starters, it's an attractive interface with a number of features and a user-friendly interface. You can easily find the apps you're looking for, and it even has a function that allows you to pause and resume downloads.
In addition to its sleek and stylish interface, Appvn download is an excellent source for free, and paid, games and apps. However, it does come with its own set of drawbacks. One such drawback is that it doesn't have the same selection of apps as the Google Play Store. Another drawback is that some of the aforementioned apps aren't compatible with the alternate download routes.
While it's easy to see why an app store such as Appvn would be a winner, the competition is tough. Other stores offer a wide range of similar apps, and the competition is often intense. As such, it's important to find the best one for you.
Among the best features of APPVN is its ability to let you install a variety of modded apps. These mods will give you access to features like unlimited free game downloads, and more. But, you'll need to know where to look for them.
Moreover, APPVN's biggest draw is its ability to let you download premium content for free. While the official Android app store requires Gmail credentials to download free apps, Appvn lets you snag them without any hassle. Even better, you can download multiple apps on the go, all at the same time, in the background.
Aside from the aforementioned features, there are also a number of other features that AppVN offers. Among them are the ability to customize your icons, and the ability to display notifications in your notification center. Finally, there's the ability to play videos. Some of the features aren't particularly impressive, and it's not worth downloading the application if you only want to play video clips.
While the name isn't exactly clear, the company is said to be an unofficial version of the HappyMod Market. Unlike the former, the latter isn't a fake app store. And although it's not as big as the App store or the Amazon Kindle app store, it has a decent library of apps, including the ones you can't get from the Play Store.
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goombasa · 1 month
How Open is Too Open?
So, ever since the whole Kindle and Amazon Ebook gold rush, Amazon's Ebook store, and to a lesser extent their Audible shop, has been inundated with low-effort, low-quality, and poorly researched books.
This isn't news. It's basically been a problem since the day the doors were flung open for anyone to publish whatever they want, and Amazon has an impressively high tolerance for low-effort spam. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that fantasy romance porn is easy enough to find, but I could do without all the ‘mindfulness’ and crypto mining BS that gets shuffled out onto the store.
Amazon is far from the only place where this is a problem, of course, but it is probably the biggest example. Steam is another good example, as after paying the fee for a developer's account, you can go as far as just uploading a game with a missing executable and it will still be up on the storefront for a while until someone complains enough about it.
So my question, given this situation with platforms allowing anyone and everyone who can type out a username and password to upload something for sale on what is, ostensibly, a professional storefront, is are these platforms too open.
I like the fact that they're open. I like the fact that artists who otherwise wouldn't have been able to get their creations in front of a large audience now have that ability. We're living in a world where indie games are more prevalant than ever. Some would even say that indie games are thriving far more than the AAA space is at this moment in time. Independent authors like Chuck Tingle have managed to make a living writing the sort of stuff they want to write, that certainly would not have managed to land in a traditional publishing space, where a company is essentially taking a massive risk by publishing something, and wants a guaranteed return on their investment. It's inspiring to hear stories about a struggling artist finally getting their due, seeing the successful launch of a project they might have been years into.
But for every good and heartfelt story, there are plenty of talented folks who fall by the wayside, because their voice gets drowned out in a sea of spam and low-quality products meant to glut the market and brute force a profit. After all, if you publish 100 games on steam at fifty cents each using only free or store-bought assets, its only a matter of time before SOMEONE starts buying them, right?
I'm not really sure what sort of answer there is for this. It's an incredibly thin bridge to walk. Quality control on an open ecosystem is very difficult, especially on open ecosystems that are basically the only games in town. Yes, there are other self-publishing and self-printing companies out there, but even the ones that aren't strictly vanity presses are not going to reach as wide an audience as being on the amazon storefront. and Itchio is an excellent indie game site, both for video games and tabletop experiences, but again, it's not really a direct competitor for Steam. At the same time, a lack of quality control on these bigger sites mean that quality products are often drowned out before those large audiences get a chance to even see them.
Unless, of course, you have the scratch to pay for promotion, which is another service that these bigger marketplaces offer, and of course there are plenty of outside companies that want to help sell your stuff, for a price. Because of this, people who already have money to spare tend to be the ones who rise to the top of the constant, churning whirlpool of these markets, creating an extreme imbalance. You're always going to see what these markets want you to see.
I am glad for things like the Cozy Games directs and Guerrilla Collective showcase we get every year because I'm willing to bet that almost all of those games would slip through the cracks if there wasn't a means of getting them in front of a wider audience. But not everyone gets that chance. Space and time are limited, even if there aren't any restrictions on posting. Getting eyes on what you create is tough. Human curation is all but impossible, considering that said curation would inevitably err on the side of bias that would see the more quality experimental stories or games pushed to the side and would no doubt slow down the process of things making it to the storefront.
Now don't get me wrong, there ARE standards that have to be met, but most of them are mechanical in nature, basic stuff that anyone would probably already be doing; making sure that your book is properly formatted and in the right document type, making sure you game actually has its executable, making sure that your audiobook meets the proper compression requirements and mic quality. That last one in particular at least requires you to have a semi-decent microphone if you plan on actually narrating books, but the text can come from anywhere on the kindle store.
I'd like to know what you all think. Do you think that places like the kindle store and steam are too accepting with their open door policies and do you think there's a happy medium that they should be striving to hit? Because again, I love the fact that they're open, I love that anyone can push their art out into the world and potentially make at least a little bit back for the time spent creating it. But when something I'm publishing is swirling around in a slurry of spam, I wonder if it's even worth it.
Bottom line, everyone should make their own website to host their stuff again. Y'all should check out Neocities, it's really cool.
Okay, bye!
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najatevents · 3 months
Best birthday party ideas in Doha
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Doha’s Best Birthday Party Plans, Setting up a birthday party that the memory will certainly be a grand but hard adventure for your child. It’s a good thing that Doha has plenty of options for having a great time and your kids will always treasure these memories of their birthdays’ happy moments. Here are some of the unique children’s birthday party ideas in Doha that are bound to please parents and children alike.
A Magical Visit to the Amusement Park : Doha has a number of amusement parks that boast the best facilities to throw an adventurous and fun birthday party. From KidZania and Angry Birds World, kids of all age groups will like the wide range of rides and activities that they can take part in. These amusement parks promise a fun time with lots of exciting attractions like mini-car rides, arcade games, and active plays.
Beachside Fun at Katara Beach : You can celebrate with a beach-side party on the relaxed and scenic Katara Beach if you are in the mood. This site offers a nice place for many beach games, building sandcastles, and playing in the water. You can design a picnic area with vivid decortions and tasty noshes. If you want to have a different touch to the party, try a beach scavenger hunt. The wonderfulness of Katara Beach as well as activities filled with laughter will make it an unforgettable birthday memory.
Creative Workshops at The Art Centre: Do you have a child who is an artist? Well, The Art Centre is the best place for you to have a birthday party for him/her. The creativity of kids is expressed in the daily workshops of the kids’ art studio chain. The artists will engage in virtually everything, from painting and pottery to sewing and even making homemade crafts. Each child who dreams of becoming an artist will find something to throw himself into. The guest experience is like no other — creativity is in the air and the kids’ involvement is paramount. The Art Centre is also offering masses to all the kids, and parents just who supply all the important materials, and organize a hassle-free, creative celebration with their kids.
Interactive Science Parties at the Qatar National Library: For young science enthusiasts, the Qatar National Library conducts lively science-themed birthday parties. These celebrations that entail thrilling experiments, participatory educational activities, and distinguished illustrative presentations not only kindle the curiosity of the young but also bring about discovery and learning. The library’s well-equipped facilities and competent staff members guarantee that kids have the best time while gaining the necessary knowledge. Throwing a party at this fabulous venue is not only extremely enjoyable but is also a kind of meeting of the minds.
Sporty Celebrations at Aspire Zone: At Aspire Zone the sport festivities are both a splendid show and an amusement park all in one. Aspire Zone is unequivocally the best location for sporty kids who are very much into sports. This includes a vast complex which consists of a lot of sports facilities that are football fields, tennis courts, and a swimming pool. You can have a sports-themed birthday for your kid with fun competitions and games. Most of the time some of the sports centers of Aspire Zone supply party packages, which are inclusive of tutorials, equipment, and refreshments, so that everyone can be involved in such a sports event smoothly and enjoy themselves.
Enchanting Garden Party at Al Bidda Park: The Al Bidda Park of Doha is a stylish green place and a good place where you can have a trendy garden soiree. With a lot of open space for kids to play with as well, having a picnic is even more enjoyable there. In addition to fresh flowers and garlands, you can hang up some streamer paper and candles to create a more charming ambiance for everyone. Make this the opportunity to have a picnic with a twist, you can still prepare birthday cap and background music. Put old-fashioned prosaic such as sack races, tug-of-war, and musical chairs as party games for children that then it will be the best fun of them all.
Indoor Playgrounds and Entertainment Centers: There are multiple facilities in Doha that are equipped with indoor playgrounds and entertainment centers that are child-oriented. Such as Fun Ville, Circus Land, and Jump Qatar which attract children who are searching for a fun and safe environment for playing and exploration. These centers have different entertainment units, including trampolines, climbing walls, and soft play areas. Some of them even provide packages that are all-inclusive like food, decorations, and the host.
About Al Najat Events:
Al Najat Events, which is a prestigious event management company located in Doha, devises highly interesting birthday activities that make peoples’ celebrations memorable. Being more than the usual, we generate a lively atmosphere where joy, and satisfaction are paramount elements of every activity. Our team, composed of experienced experts, always uses the highest technology to design the best setups that ensure that every memorable moment is captured and packaged beautifully. Al Najat Events knows the reason for birthday celebration in a child’s life and that is why we are very careful when preparing it, this will guarantee that even the kids and the grown-ups can enjoy the day without any stress.
Visit najatevents.com
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passiveincomemoney · 4 months
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Types of Profitable Digital Products You Can Create
The digital landscape is teeming with opportunities for creative entrepreneurs to generate income. With the rise of online platforms and the increasing demand for virtual goods, the market for digital products has never been more vibrant. Here are some of the most profitable digital products you can create:
1. E-Books
E-Books are digital versions of books that can cover a wide range of topics, from self-help to technical guides to fiction. They are relatively easy to create and distribute through platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) or your website. E-Books can be a great way to share knowledge and expertise with a broad audience.
2. Online Courses
Online courses are highly profitable, especially if you have expertise in a specific area. They can include video lectures, written content, quizzes, and interactive activities. Platforms like Udemy, Teachable, and Thinkific make it easy to create, host, and sell your courses. This format allows you to teach anything from business and marketing to photography and cooking.
3. Digital Templates
Templates are pre-designed files that users can customize for their needs. These can include:
Presentation templates (PowerPoint, Google Slides)
Resume templates
Business plan templates
Social media graphics templates
Templates are popular on platforms like Canva and Creative Market, where creators can sell their designs directly to users.
4. Membership Sites
Membership sites provide exclusive access to content, communities, or services for a recurring fee. This model is excellent for generating steady, predictable income. Content can include video tutorials, articles, downloadable resources, or access to exclusive forums and webinars. Tools like Patreon and Memberful help manage memberships and content delivery.
5. Music and Audio
Musicians can create and sell royalty-free music, sound effects, or even full albums. Platforms like HookSounds and Bensound allow artists to license their music for use in videos, commercials, and other media. Additionally, creating and selling audiobooks or digital sheet music can be profitable for those with musical talents.
6. Software and Mobile Apps
If you have programming skills, developing software applications or mobile apps can be very profitable. These can range from productivity tools and educational apps to games and specialized business software. Monetization options include in-app purchases, subscriptions, or one-time fees. Platforms like the Apple App Store and Google Play make it easy to distribute your apps to a global audience.
7. Stock Photos and Digital Art
Photographers and artists can sell their work as stock photos or digital art. Websites like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, and Etsy allow creators to upload and sell their digital files. This is a great way to monetize your creative skills while maintaining control over your work.
8. Printables
Printables are digital files that customers can print themselves. These can include planners, colouring pages, educational worksheets, and home decor. Printables are easy to create and can be sold on platforms like Etsy. This product type has low production costs and can be highly profitable due to the ability to sell the same file repeatedly.
9. Plugins and Extensions
Developing plugins or browser extensions can be very lucrative. These small software add-ons enhance the functionality of existing platforms or browsers. For example, WordPress plugins and Chrome extensions that solve specific problems or add new features can attract a large user base. Regular updates and good customer support are essential to maintain user satisfaction and retention.
10. Digital Courses and Workshops
In addition to traditional online courses, live or recorded workshops can be a great way to engage with your audience and provide value. These can be sold as standalone products or as part of a membership package. Platforms like Zoom and Webinar Jam facilitate the creation and delivery of these interactive learning experiences.
By focusing on high-quality content, effective marketing strategies, and choosing the right platforms, you can create profitable digital products that generate passive income.
For more detailed information on each type, you can refer to sources such as Thinkific, Shopify, and Dollar Sprout.
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katzynia · 7 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern! (I'm going to use the first few sentences/the first paragraph as "line" is up to interpretation IMO )
(Thanks for the tag @bittercape)
Hold on (to this lullaby)
The kitchen lights up with a decisive click of the switch. Alfred blinks.
2. Kindle and char
“I object!” Slade shouted as he kicked the doors open. For a moment, the massive wood tried to resist, magic flashing on its surface, but, creaking, it bent under the greater force. The double doors slammed open with all the dramatic flair one could hope for. Slade let his smirk grow into an obnoxious grin and strode in, Rose flanking him a few paces back. Deathstroke danced at the back of his mind, alert but not alarmed, enjoying the promise of lovely little payback waiting for them.
3. Smell a cookie baking (what are we making)
”Help me,” Slade hisses on the phone, and Jason – a horrible, terrible little brat that he is – laughs.
4. Call me maybe
”Heyyyyy,” a vaguely familiar voice says in Slade’s ear, stretching the vowel frankly unacceptably, completely undeterred by Slade’s customarily terse greeting that does not invite such shenanigans. Especially since he is in the middle of a job. Granted, in the boring part that consists wholly of waiting, but it is the principle of the thing.
5. Straddling the line (in discord and rhyme)
Jason whirls around to look behind him, guns raised. A thin rat sprinting across the alley nearly gets another hole in its coat. Jason pulls his hands back closer to his body, but the feeling coiling in the bottom of his belly doesn’t abate. His hands twitch, fingers longing to hook around the triggers and start shooting. Unfortunately, all he’d get would be shadows.
6. strangers looking from afar (getting closer)
The second wave of thugs dropped in, and Slade was getting impatient.
7. Shifting in the wind
Well, Slade contemplated philosophically, now that his thoughts were no longer an amorphous soup, this was one way to solve the problem of what to do with his free week between jobs. He had vaguely thought about going to a cabin in the middle of the woods far away from people, but. Well.
8. Let it bleed
In the cover of darkness, Slade waits. Ambient sounds of the night, full of life here in the middle of nowhere, go on around him, fluttering by him, but nothing catches his interest. No yells, no alarms, no frantic movements. Nothing to interrupt the almost tranquil calm enveloping the castle.
9. Connectivity issues (you seem to be having)
Slade should really stop accepting jobs in Gotham, no matter how tempting the pay for an easy job. It never stayed easy. “You gotta be shitting me!” A case in point.
10. Eyes (wide) shut
Len sighs. This job is already one of the most boring he’s ever been on, and that’s saying something. He thinks he’d rather take some infighting and muscle flexing than this tense silence and standing around. Nothing of note is going to happen tonight. He doesn’t even know why he’s here.
Ah, patterns. I like to think I do intrigue with slam openings. :D One-line starts are very typical for me (you know, for emphasis), and I always (okay there might be an exception somewhere) start in media res, mostly for intrigue reasons. I also like to establish POV character fast, cause I like to write very close/limited third person, hence it's very important to know whose head one is in.
Anyway, if you notice / have noticed patterns in my openings (or writings in general), I'd be super interested to hear about them
Tagging: @notherdeadrobin @nonbinaryjaybird @aziraphalalala
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selfmadebd · 9 months
Quantum AI Review | The Most Powerful A.I Powered crypto trading software
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Quantum AI-  The Most Powerful A.I Powered crypto trading software For 2024. 100% DONE FOR YOU. 100x More Insane Than The First Day Of Crypto And The Launch Of The App Store Combined. 
Introduction :Quantum AI Review
Welcome to our in-depth examination of Quantum AI. In the constantly changing realm of online marketing, keeping ahead of the game is key to triumph. Meet Quantum AI a revolutionary system that asserts itself as the pioneer A.I Powered Crypto trading software solution.
What is Quantum AI?
Quantum AI represents a crypto trading software that analyzes the market, identifies the best trading opportunities and executes trades on behalf of users. 
It stands as a part of various tools enabling automated trading, freeing users from constant market monitoring.
Quantum AI You Get Something 100x More Powerful Than Anything Else Out There First Of All You Gain Access To A Never Before Seen Way To Make Money. 
Quantum AI Is A BRAND NEW Category That Is A Bigger And A More Timely Opportunity Than The Early Days Of Crypto, The Apple App Store And The Amazon Kindle Store Combined.
Second, With Quantum AI You Get To Be Part Of Something INSANELY SPECIAL. You Get To Have AI Created For You, Specific To Any Niche In Seconds That Will Get YOU Income In Multiple Ways. We Can Not Hype This Enough.
Third, You Get The Power Of The Top Marketers And Business Books Downloaded To Your Brain.
💵💵💵>>Get Instant Access Now Quantum AI >>✅✅✅
Overview - Quantum AI Review
💹Creator: James Renouf
💹Product: Quantum AI
💹Launch Date: 08 December 2023
💹Launch Time: 10:00 EST
💹Front-End Price: $17
💹Product Type: Software (Online)
💹Support: Effective Response
💹Recommended: Highly Recommended
💹Bonus: Yes  Huge Bonuses
💹Operating System: Web App
💹Skill Level Needed: All Levels
💹Official Website: Click here
💵💵💵>>Get Instant Access Now Quantum AI >>✅✅✅
Key Features - Quantum AI Review
Quantum AI Not Only Do You Get Our Full Knowledge Breaking Down Exactly How To Profit In An Insane Amount Of Ways With This New Category.
You Also Get To Make Your Own AI In Seconds That Dominates ANY Niche  AND You Get The Coolest AI That Puts The Power Of All Of The Top Marketers, Business Information, And Strategy At Your Fingertips To Work For You 24/7.
A Hybrid Launch Like No Other.
This Is A Software, AI, And Info Product All In One. 
Your Gateway To Exceptional Growth.
Quantum AI Isn’t Just About What We’ve Achieved With This New Category, It's About What You Will Achieve. This Isn't Just A System; It's A Ladder To Your Success.
Those That Use This Will ALWAYS Beat Their Competition. The Ones That Don't Will ALWAYS Lose. PERIOD.
Are You Ready To Be A Part Of 
The Winning Future?
Quantum AI Is Not Just An Opportunity.
Automated Trading: Quantum AI promises to automate the trading process, eliminating the need for manual analysis and trade execution. Users can set parameters such as stop-loss and take-profit orders, allowing the bot to manage their investments autonomously.
Multiple Crypto Assets: Quantum AI supports trading of a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple. This provides users with greater flexibility and diversification options.
Backtesting and Demo Trading: The platform offers a backtesting feature that allows users to test their trading strategies on historical data. Additionally, a demo account is available to simulate live trading without risking real capital.
Mobile-Friendly: Quantum AI offers a mobile app for Android and iOS devices, enabling users to monitor their trades and manage their accounts on the go.
Who Created Quantum AI
The originators of Quantum AI remain unknown. The official website offers no details about them, and the company or team hasn't posted on social media platforms. While this absence of information might raise concerns, it's common for crypto trades to occur anonymously.
However, the limited transparency about the team on the Quantum AI site suggests a need for caution when engaging in crypto trading through the platform.
How Quantum AI Operates
Quantum AI functions akin to other crypto trading platforms, offering respite from manual trading.
Upon the user's initial deposit, the machine-learning tools within Quantum AI commence market scanning.
Price charts are generated, and optimal indicators are selected to make precise predictions regarding price movements.
The automated system identifies cryptocurrencies nearing or deemed to have reached their lowest points for purchase.
It actively seeks selling opportunities across the market.
Quantum AI concentrates on identifying price movements of cryptocurrencies reaching their peak, triggering the execution of sell orders.
This methodology isn't foolproof, as the volatility of the crypto market can take unexpected turns. Hence, it's advisable for investors to assess market conditions and associated risks before commencing trading.
💵💵💵>>Get Instant Access Now Quantum AI >>✅✅✅
Compatible Devices for Trading on Quantum AI
Our reviewers successfully tested Quantum AI on various platforms, experiencing seamless website visibility and functionality across:
iOS devices
Android devices
No navigation issues were encountered while exploring the homepage. However, access to actual features requires a minimum deposit of $250, limiting our assessment.
💵💵💵>>Get Instant Access Now Quantum AI >>✅✅✅
Frequently Asked Questions - Quantum AI Review
Q. What is Quantum AI?
And. Quantum AI presents itself as a crypto trading platform enabling users to engage in crypto trading without the need for manual trade execution. It holds popularity within online trading communities.
Q. Is Quantum AI legitimate?
And. Although the platform asserts a historical success rate of 90%, we were unable to locate real user experiences validating these claims. Investors are advised to explore the website personally to assess its credibility.
Q. Who owns Quantum AI?
And. Quantum AI hasn't disclosed any information regarding website ownership. Additionally, no details about its founders are available on social media platforms.
Q. Is Elon Musk endorsing Quantum AI?
And. Despite widespread claims of Elon Musk endorsing Quantum AI, there is no evidence supporting these assertions.
Q. How do I start trading on Quantum AI?
And. As per the official website, utilizing Quantum AI requires a minimum deposit of $250. Investors have the option to select their preferred method for depositing this amount.
💵💵💵>>Get Instant Access Now Quantum AI >>✅✅✅
Conclusion - Quantum AI Review
The significance of Quantum AI extends far beyond a simple Software it serves as a gateway to a comprehensive success package. 
Exclusive bonuses enrich your investment with proven methods, live events, rapid earning strategies, and a commercial license. 
Ready to level up your online journey? Secure one of the first 27 spots to explore this profitable secret loophole. Act now to seize this unparalleled opportunity your path to success has never been more compelling.
💵💵💵>>Get Instant Access Now Quantum AI >>✅✅✅
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radiatorchains · 10 months
Memory 1:
A scrawny, gangly boy with shaggy black hair and a wide, crooked smile ran barefoot along a swift moving creek, racing along a large stick with a few leaves on it to see if he could outrun it. It was wel into spring now, actually posing somewhat of a challenge for the barefoot boy as he stumbled and scrambled over felled logs and leaf litter to keep up. He usually stopped dead in his tracks just at the tree line near the road, knowing better than to head that far, but he was far too focused on his race to pay mind. He was sure to stop when he saw the Sheriff's car parked though, and the hard eyes that glared at him through mirrored lenses.
"Woodlock," the man called out.
"If you were smart you'd head right back where you came from, boy," the man added in a cold warning. Jain knew better than to backbite, dropping his little game to back himself back into the woods and farther away from the road that lead into town. He knew he didn't belong there. He knew they only somewhat tolerated his mama working in the town. He didn't want to cause her more trouble.
Memory 2:
"Jain!" His mother called out, not having to be too loud knowing her son wasn't too far with the weather as cold as it was. It was well past dark, and Jain had been out in the snow, clad in his usual over-mended jeans, a short sleeve shirt and oversized mens boots. Despite the snow he had left his jacket at home, shivering slightly as he picked up fallen sticks for kindling. He had dawdled most of the trip, watching birds and listening to the woods as he walked. He still heard his mama calling him though, turning on a heel and tripping over the large boots. He fell to the ground with a snap, breaking more than just the kindling in his arms and letting out a horrid, pained scream. He lay in the snow, in pain, for what felt like an eternity before his mama found him and drove him to the nearest free urgent care that would take them. A poorly set arm, a thick cast and a very expensive bill later and Jain was no longer allowed to get wood after dark.
Memory 3:
I will just link it here
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slumdogbrand · 11 months
Unleash Your Earnings Potential: Making Money Online in 2024!
Hey there, savvy readers! 🤑 In today's digital age, the possibilities of making money online are limitless. From side hustles to full-blown careers, the internet is a goldmine of opportunities just waiting for you to strike it rich. So grab your digital pickaxe and let's explore the exhilarating world of making money online!
1. Freelancing: Turn Your Skills into Cash
Are you a wizard with words, a design guru, or a coding genius? If so, freelancing might just be your ticket to financial freedom. Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer connect clients with talented individuals in need of services. Whether it's writing, graphic design, web development, or even voiceovers, your skills can be monetized.
2. Blogging: Share Your Passion and Make Bank
Blogging isn't just about sharing your thoughts; it's a fantastic way to make money. Write about what you love, and if you can engage your audience, the opportunities are endless. With advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and selling your own products, you can turn your blog into a cash cow.
3. Dropshipping: No Inventory, No Problem
In the world of e-commerce, dropshipping is a game-changer. You set up an online store, find products to sell, and when customers order, the supplier ships the products directly to them. You don't have to worry about inventory, making it a low-risk, high-reward venture.
4. Stock Trading: Invest in Your Financial Future
Stock trading is a classic way to make money online, but it does come with its fair share of risks. Research, practice, and diversify your investments. Platforms like E*TRADE and Robinhood make it easy to get started, even if you're a beginner.
5. Content Creation: YouTube and Beyond
The rise of content creators on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram is nothing short of astonishing. If you have a passion, knowledge, or a unique perspective, create engaging videos, and you could be making money through ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales.
6. Affiliate Marketing: Promote and Profit
Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for every sale generated through your referral. Sign up for affiliate programs, create content, and watch your bank balance grow as your audience clicks and buys.
7. Online Courses and Ebooks: Share Your Expertise
Are you an expert in a particular field or skill? Monetize your knowledge by creating online courses or ebooks. Platforms like Udemy, Teachable, and Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing provide opportunities to reach a wide audience.
8. Virtual Assistant: Organize, Assist, and Earn
If you're detail-oriented and organized, being a virtual assistant could be your calling. Help individuals or businesses with tasks like email management, scheduling, or research, and you'll be compensated for your services.
9. Online Surveys and Market Research: Easy Pocket Money
While you won't become a millionaire filling out surveys, websites like Swagbucks and Survey Junkie offer a convenient way to earn some extra cash in your free time.
10. E-commerce: Start Your Online Store
If you have a passion for crafting or a unique product to sell, consider opening your own e-commerce store. Platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce make it easy to set up your online business.
11. Remote Work: Explore the Gig Economy
Many companies offer remote work opportunities, from customer service and data entry to software development. Join platforms like Remote.co and FlexJobs to find your dream remote job.
Remember, making money online isn't a "get rich quick" scheme. It requires time, effort, and, in some cases, a learning curve. Be cautious of scams, and always do your research before diving in. Stay persistent, adapt to changes, and remember that success takes time.
In 2023, the digital world is yours for the taking. Whether you want to create a full-time online career or just make some extra cash on the side, the opportunities are endless. So, don't wait any longer; start exploring and carving out your piece of the online money-making pie today!
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anitabyars · 1 year
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Stay Wild by Kaylee Ryan is now live!
What happens when your wandering heart is captured by your friend with benefits?
Archer Kincaid is supposed to be all the fun and none of the strings, but the longer I stay in Willow River, the more I feel roots pulling me to settle down.
I plan to complete a one-year photography contract with Captured Moments, then move on to travel the world. Chasing my dreams, taking photos, and living life on my terms--shot by shot.
But I've been on my own since losing my adopted parents, and home isn't about a place as much as it is a feeling. And Archer's starting to feel like home, but loving him means trading one dream for another.
Scarlett Hatfield is the kind of girl who can't be tamed. Her adventurous spirit is contagious, but a blue-collar man like me doesn't chase dreams. I build them from the ground up. And my home is in Willow River.
I can see myself building a life with the gorgeous redhead who's turning my world upside down, but that means clipping her wings. And I could never do that, not when she's meant for more than my small-town life.
Even if it means destroying my heart, when the time comes, I'll have to say goodbye and let her stay wild.
Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!
Start the Kincaid Brothers series today!
Add the series to your TBR!
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Meet Kaylee Ryan
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New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Kaylee Ryan has been crowned the Queen of Swoon by her readers. With nearly fifty romance books under her belt, she's known for penning happily ever afters with heart. When she's not writing, you can find her with a book in her hand or hanging out with her family where she resides in her home state of Ohio.
Connect with Kaylee
Website | https://www.kayleeryan.com
Goodreads | https://bit.ly/3R0GSjy
Amazon | https://amzn.to/3QMeEJm
Facebook | https://bit.ly/3PQXbOC
Instagram | https://bit.ly/3QRLmcy
TikTok | https://bit.ly/3PNoE3T
Twitter | https://bit.ly/3dPNxi2
Bookbub | https://bit.ly/3PNyfYg
Pinterest | https://bit.ly/3QOBT5H
Verve Romance | https://bit.ly/44hEaNm
Newsletter | https://bit.ly/3QUI4W0
Amazon Text Updates | KRAMAZON to 513-854-1147
WIDE Text Updates | KRWIDE to 513-854-1147
My Review
5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I shiver at the thought of these two! A really fantastic friend with benefits that will have your heart and soul overflowing with love and happiness. Scorching chemistry! Fun times! Big family get togethers! And plenty of steamy moments! I am loving this family and so happy for another great addition to the Kincaid Brothers series!
Archer Kincaid’s a good guy, who knows his way around a woman’s body. Open, honest, and doesn’t play head games. He’s also not afraid to talk about the hard stuff. A loyal brother and friend but a much better friend with benefits especially after he meets her.
“Scarlett Hatfield just changed me. I’m hers. And while she’s here, she’s mine. “
Scarlett Hatfield isn’t like anyone Archer has ever met. She’s a beautiful firecracker, with gorgeous red hair and a passion for photography. After losing her parents she has been floating from state to state, from city to city traveling the world. Who is in town for the next year, who has a wild streak inside her that doesn’t want to be tamed. But will she break his heart when she leaves? You will need to read to get all the amazing details!
“I feel like I should tell you that I can walk, but it’s sexy how you carry me around. It makes me feel… some kind of way.”
These two will consume you! Their chemistry is scorching hot! Archer’s body will have you drooling and his heart will have you swooning! Leaving you happy with a big smile on your face as this family continues to get bigger! Loved this!
I received an early copy and this is my honest review.
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brettsinger · 1 year
House of M and More
My guest this week is comedian Dave Columbo! Are comic books addictive? Do you like digital comics? How much is your collection worth? What's the difference between your childhood and your adult childhood? When did video games get too hard for Brett? Is there anything better than a stack of comics? Why is it fun to work in a comic book store? What part of it is not fun? What movie was spoiled for Brett by social media? Would it be nice to experience a movie or comic book and not know anything about it? What do movie critics do these days? What does the current generation of kids do that baffles Brett? Do you push your kids towards your nerdiness? What is We3 about? Are there comics that you have to have prior knowledge of other comics in order to enjoy them? What issues does Dave have with modern Star Trek? What happens in House of M? Why does Dave like Civil War? What's wrong with the big DC events? What are the differences between the line-wide DC events and the Marvel events? What is Dave's favorite comic of all time?
Reading list: Death of Superman Death of Captain America Ex Machina (free on Comixology Unlimited) Something is Killing the Children (free on Comixology Unlimited) We3 (free on Kindle Unlimited and Comixology Unlimited) I Kill Giants Kingdom Come Watchmen What's So Funny About Truth Justice and the American Way? (in Action Comics #775) Peter David's X-Factor, She-Hulk, Hulk (free on Comixology Unlimited) House of M Crisis on Infinite Earths Secret Invasion Daniel Way's Deadpool (free with Comixology Unlimited) Brian Posehn and Gerry Duggan's Deadpool (free with Comixology Unlimited) Batman: Court of Owls Tom King's Batman run (free with Kindle Unlimited) Civil War (free with Kindle Unlimited) Siege (free with Kindle Unlimited) Original Sin (free with Comixology Unlimited) Identity Crisis Silver Surfer: Requiem
Watch list: Batman TAS (free on Max) X-Men TAS (free on Disney Plus)
Check out Comics Who Love Comic Books!
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atreja1996 · 1 year
The Best Subscription Billing And Subscription Pricing Platforms
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Subscription platforms are digital services that offer access to various products, content, or services on a recurring payment basis. These platforms have gained significant popularity in recent years, providing convenience and flexibility to consumers. Here are some examples of subscription platforms across different industries:
Streaming Services:
Netflix: A popular subscription-based streaming platform offering a vast library of movies, TV shows, documentaries, and original content.
Amazon Prime Video: Part of the Amazon Prime subscription, it provides access to a wide range of movies, TV series, and exclusive content.
Disney+: A streaming platform featuring content from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic.
Music Streaming Services:
Spotify: A leading music streaming platform that offers a vast catalog of songs, personalized playlists, and podcasts.
Apple Music: Apple’s music streaming service that provides access to millions of songs, playlists, and exclusive content.
Xbox Game Pass: A subscription service by Microsoft that offers access to a library of games for Xbox consoles and PCs.
PlayStation Plus: Sony’s subscription service for PlayStation consoles, offering free monthly games, exclusive discounts, and online multiplayer features.
Reading and Audiobooks:
Kindle Unlimited: Amazon’s subscription service that provides access to a vast collection of ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines.
Audible: An audiobook platform offering a subscription-based model for accessing a wide range of audiobooks.
Fitness and Wellness:
Peloton: A fitness platform that offers subscription-based access to live and on-demand workout classes for various exercise equipment.
Headspace: A meditation and mindfulness app that provides subscription-based access to guided meditations and mental wellness content.
Software and Productivity:
Microsoft 365: A subscription service that includes access to Microsoft Office applications, cloud storage, and collaboration tools.
Adobe Creative Cloud: Adobe’s subscription offering for accessing its suite of creative software, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro.
There are several subscription billing platforms available in the market, and the best one for you would depend on your specific needs and requirements. However, here are some popular subscription billing platforms that are widely regarded as top choices:
Stripe Billing: Stripe is a comprehensive payment processing platform that offers subscription billing capabilities. It provides flexible billing models, subscription management, customizable pricing, and automated invoicing. Stripe is known for its developer-friendly APIs and extensive documentation.
Recurly: Recurly is a robust subscription management platform that supports a wide range of billing models, including recurring subscriptions, usage-based pricing, and one-time purchases. It offers features like dunning management, analytics, revenue recognition, and integrations with various payment gateways.
Chargify: Chargify is a flexible subscription billing platform that caters to businesses of all sizes. It offers a variety of billing models, including metered, flat-rate, and per-seat pricing. Chargify provides features like customizable invoicing, dunning management, analytics, and integrations with popular third-party services.
Zuora: Zuora is an enterprise-grade subscription billing platform that focuses on subscription businesses. It offers end-to-end subscription management capabilities, including pricing, packaging, billing, and revenue recognition. Zuora provides robust analytics, flexible pricing models, and integrations with other enterprise systems.
Braintree: Braintree, a PayPal service, provides subscription billing capabilities along with its payment processing services. It offers features like recurring billing, subscription management, customizable pricing, and global payment support. Braintree is known for its developer-friendly APIs and easy integration with other PayPal services.
Chargebee: Chargebee is a subscription management and billing platform that caters to both startups and larger businesses. It offers features like recurring billing, invoice automation, dunning management, analytics, and integrations with popular payment gateways. Chargebee supports various billing models and provides a user-friendly interface.
These are just a few examples, and there are many other subscription billing platforms available. It’s important to evaluate your specific requirements, scalability needs, pricing structure, and integration capabilities when choosing the best platform for your business.
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