#The Virtues of the Solitary Bird
hyperions-fate · 2 years
wouldn’t it be better to plunge once and for all into the infinitude of the poem, accept the impenetrability of its mysteries and opacities, free your own language from the shackles of rationality, abandon it to the magnetic field of its secret attractions, encourage the wave of its expansion, admit plurality and simultaneity of meaning, purify the verbal incandecence, the flame and gentle cautery of its living love?
Juan Goytisolo, The Virtues of the Solitary Bird (1988)
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RadioApple Prompt
Alastor is a sucker for old things and refuses to embrace the modern even in the way of speaking and having Lucifer as his walking translator
If someone told the King of Hell that he and the infamous Radio Demon would be in a relationship, he would have laughed out his ass and then proceeded to eviscerate them. But fate is extraordinary,  They find each other enigmatic which compels them to unveil each other’s mystery, and slowly they learn, understand and develop feelings. So now, they love and would die for each other.
Lucifer love Alastor, he does but sometimes he wants to smack that redhead by the extent of understanding he contributes to this relationship
By understanding, the thing is Alastor’s voice and the way he spoke. As expected of him being a radio host, the deer has his way with words but the downside is his reluctance and refusal to entertain modern stuff which affects the way he speaks, he refuses to use modern language except for the occasional ‘Fuck you’s’ and leaning more to the old English, full of poetic and subtlety — he believe it has ‘more class’—  this gave others having a hard time comprehending the deer demon sometimes, lucky for The Devil— being the same age as the Earth helps him understand languages even the most fucking long and poetic response.
Committing to this relationship means you have to interpret what your partner says.
“How about you Al?” Charlie asked looking at his two dads, specifically the taller one
Alastor smiled at her “The gravity of your proposition, yet, it is one that my conscience cannot, in good faith, endorse. In truth, I cannot acquiesce to thy request, for it would lead us down a path fraught with shadows and sorrows. Hmm, I must, my heart heavy with the weight of inevitability, respectfully, but firmly, decline. For to yield to thy supplication would be to court chaos and upheaval, disrupting the delicate equilibrium of our lives. May the passage of time grant us the clarity to discern the wisdom of my decision, and as our paths inevitably diverge, let us find solace in the knowledge that mine was guided by the hand of prudence and virtue.”
“o-okaaayyy…??” dumbfounded, the princess looked at his other dad asking for clarity
“He means ’No’, he does not want sugar in his coffee”  the king replied 
While the couple was strolling around, they came across the TV overlord. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, Vox approached the Radio demon and started to ridicule him. Lucifer can see that his partner has no patience for the walking monitor. 
Al cut off Vox’s monologue "Kindly withdraw from my presence and my partner’s, for your unwelcome intrusion disrupts the tranquillity of this esteemed gathering. Perhaps, indulge in a solitary stroll in yonder direction or retire to the solace of your chamber, where your company may be better suited. I trust you will understand the propriety of such a request and act accordingly. It is my unsincere hope that you may find a more fitting environment elsewhere, one better suited to your particular inclinations and proclivities, for here, your presence is as delightful as a rat in a granary." after that Alastor proceeds to walk away
After such words, the silence was deafening. Lucifer, who stayed watched as the Overlord tried to comprehend what Alastor said. He finds it fascinating as colours and codes appear on his screen—or face… whatever that is.... 
Getting bored at the display, Lucifer answered  “He told you to 'f*ck off' ”, he then proceed to follow his Bambi not waiting for the TV’s reaction
"Your query strikes a resonant chord within the chambers of my intellect. A multitude of affirmations dance upon the delicate threads of my consciousness, each whispering their assent in the hushed tones of a reverent confession. 
Does a bird seek refuge in a chimney pot?
Does a street urchin covet a crust of bread? 
Does the moon wax and wane in the night sky 
Thus, my dear fellow, with a measured breath and a reverent nod, as surely as the sun rises in the east, my answer is unequivocal.”
“ you could have just simply said ‘Yes’ instead of making me kneel here for fucking 33 seconds waiting for your answer”
“well… I love seeing you suffer”
The King stands and reaches out for the demon’s hand to put on the ring.
“Darling..” Al whispered whilst taking Lucifer’s right hand and kissing his fingers, the two just finished consummating their marriage. Now, Lucifer has hickeys and bite marks adoring his body and a bruise in the shape of familiar hands forming around his hips. His body aches specifically on his nether regions. 
“hmmm….??” Lucifer responded 
"I cannot suppress the fervent affection that consumes my very being. My feelings for you transcend the boundaries of rationality, defying all sensible objections and societal expectations. I confess I have struggled in vain to quell this ardour, but it persists unabated. Every rational argument every prudent consideration, pales in comparison to the overwhelming force of my affinity for you. I cannot deny the truth of my emotions, and I beseech you, with all the fervour of my soul, to accept the love that I offer and consent to be mine. And so my dearest, I lay my heart bare before you, knowing full well the risks I undertake. But in matters of love, there can be no pretence, no artifice. You complete me with a depth and intensity that knows no bounds, and I pray that you may find it in your heart to return my affections."
The King was speechless, he felt his heart swell with joy and love, this was one of the times that Lucifer appreciated his now husband’s way of talking, the way Alastor said it gave more meaning and showed the demon’s inner thoughts.
Lucifer smiled, eyes full of affection “ I Love you too”
Just saw this on the reels of @/englishenjoyed on Instagram, and thought it fits Alastor 
Re: I made a fic about this in AO3. Here
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green-eyedfirework · 1 year
Whumptober 2023 Masterpost
No. 1: Swooning: adultery + alt pov
No. 2: Delirium: virtue is truest nobility + alt pov
No. 3: Solitary Confinement wedlock + missing scene
No. 4: Shock captor + alt pov
No. 5: “It's broken.” side of the angels + follow-up
No. 6: “It should have been me.” bladed threats + follow-up
No. 7: " “I paced around for hours on empty; I jumped at the slightest of sounds.” reparation + alt pov
No. 8: Outnumbered a fair thought + alt pov
No. 9: Mistaken Identity in the middle + alt pov
No. 10: Stranded rock-a-bye + follow-up
No. 11: Captivity ivory tower + alt pov
No. 12: Insomnia april showers + follow-up
No. 13: “I don’t feel so good.” contract + follow-up
No. 14: “Just hold on.” in the middle + follow-up
No. 15: “I’m fine.”: adultery + end note
No. 16: “Would you lie with me and just forget the world?” deal with the devil + alt pov
No. 17: “You’re the lump in my throat and the knot in my chest.” wedlock + follow-up
No. 18: Tortured For Information silver bird + alt pov
No. 19: Psychological wedlock + alt pov
No. 20: Found Family an heir for an heir + follow-up
No. 21: Restraints ivory tower + alt pov
No. 22: Vehicular Accident plunder + follow-up
No. 23: Shadows side of the angels + alt pov
No. 24: “I thought they were with you.” good faith + follow-up
No. 25: “They’re not breathing!” ivory tower + alt pov
No. 26: Working To Exhaustion unmarked + alt pov
No. 27: “You drew stars around my scars; But now I’m bleeding.” unmarked + alt pov
No. 28: “You'll have to go through me.”: adultery + alt pov
No. 29: Troubled Past Resurfacing reparation + follow-up
No. 30: “Not much longer...” a fair thought + follow-up
No. 31: Setbacks teeter + missing scene
Alt 1. Betrayal finders keepers + alt pov
Alt 2. Aftermath of Failure bargain + alt pov
Alt 3. Brass Knuckles slipping + follow-up
Alt 8. Hunting good faith + follow-up
Alt 10. Shaking the price of surrender + alt pov
Alt 13. Miscommunication ivory tower + alt pov
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rmelster · 1 month
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Many years later, Isabelle would recall the only occasion she had seen her mother weep. It happened a forgotten day of the year 1444, and the memory of her tears would follow her to the grave that she untimely came to rest in.
That fateful night, she was eight years of age and her heart was heavy with anguish as she restlessly laid on her bed; her beloved sister, Marie, had been wed to Jean, the young Duke of Calabria, and parted with him to his domains, leaving a void where she had once been that Isabelle felt like a grievous wound. Even at that young age, the little girl knew what it meant: Her sister would never see Bourbonnais again.
The betrothal and wedding had been result of the Duchess of Bourbon’s cunning. Seven years had passed since she had offered the hand of her firstborn daughter to the heir of the Duchess of Calabria; seven years until both the bride and the bridegroom grew to an agreeable age to be wed. Isabelle had never thought that a wedding would occur; but it did. The bride was fifteen and, dressed in a heavy dress of golden cloth and a cloak ribbed with marten, she proved the fairest of all the daughters of Bourbon; the feast, the merriment, the dances… It had all all passed like a hazy dream, until Marie had came to kiss all her siblings goodbye.
When it came time for her to bid farewell, Isabelle had pulled her sister into an embrace; her eyes were full of tears.
“Promise me that you won’t forget us.”
A sad smile curved the lips of the now Duchess of Calabria: “I promise” she had said, pinning in her hair one of the flowers of the wedding, as red as the blood of a dragon, “And hereby I make the oath that, if it is in me, my first daughter shall have your name.”
And, just as she had been by her side for years, she left.
That night, Isabelle couldn’t sleep. Dream refused to free her from the sorrows of the vigil and, after what seemed like centuries, she decided not to wait, She had slipped off the bed, light like a young bird, wrapped in her nightshirt, tiptoeing out of her bedchamber, careful not to awake her maid.
The little Isabelle found his mother in a chamber, far from her own. She wandered through the solitary halls of the castle, looking for her mother. Duchess Agnès was, together with the guards, the first in rising from bed, and the last to return to the bedchamber for the night; in light nights like those, one could see her dwelling in a empty chamber, reading her precious book of prayers, making arrangements and reading letters, or silently embroidering near the fire; she was the image of virtue and dedication, of what a duchess had to be.
She still wore the beautiful gray gown ribbed in ermine fur and embroidered in silver thread that she had worn during the ceremony, but her necklace was resting over the table, and she had made her old maid disassemble the complicated veiled headdress that she used to wear, her long, flowing auburn mane falling gloomily on her back. At her feet, a little black-wooled lap dog slept soundly. Her white hands, those hands that Marie had too, with thin and agile fingers, were eagerly embroidering a delicate piece of tapestry.
"What death doesn't take away from me, a man will do," she heard her murmur.
Her father entered the room, dressed in a simple tunic and trousers; he no longer could be considered a young man, for his black hair was now stricken with silver, and wrinkles had made their nest around his raven eyes, but he still presented himself formidable like an oak and healthy as a man younger that his years. The shadow of concern veiled his ruddy face as he inched closer to the women with whom he had shared his life.
"My lady” he said, “The hour is late, and the day has been long. Thou must return to the bedchamber.”
The duchess denied.
“The Duke of Burgundy has sent a herald to Bourbonnais today. He says that his wife is looking for girls and maidens of serving age, so that she can foster them in their court. I have to send our Isabelle; I am aware that doing so, I am giving her so many opportunities and yet...”
A long, woeful silence followed; Isabelle tiptoed closer and pressed her cheek against the wall, her heart fast with inquiry. Even though she had never met him, she knew who her noble mother alluded; Philippe, the Duke of Burgundy, who the duchess’ brother, and the master of one of the wealthiest courts in Europe; fair and wise like none other, it was no surprise that his courtiers, from the Burgundian France to the Netherlands, had given him the name le Bon, “the Good”. His duchess, Isabel de Portugal, was also very known among their subjects, for she was not only a capable lady, but a famed matchmaker; any lady that came to her court and earned her favour could expect to be married to the best eligible prospect, from counts to rich merchants, and even kings and emperors.
That was a great opportunity, indeed; but the Duchess of Bourbon looked as if grief and exhaustion were breaking her will.
"I'm exhausted, Charles” she had finally said, and Isabelle had flinched; never had she heard her mother call her father’s name, not even once, “I feel like my strength is failing. I have handed over a very young daughter, and now I hand over another, knowing that she will never be mine anymore, that once de comes to Burgundy…”
The orderly Duchess Agnès, daughter, wife and mother of dukes, who had given birth to ten children of Bourbon in twenty years, and that was with child for the eleventh time; she, who had kept the estate when the duke had sunk in sorrow after the untimely death of their beloved son Philip, who had kept her head high when the constant disagreements of her lord husband with the king had despoiled them of lands and honours that had belonged to their lineage since centuries; she, who was the pillar where the family relied, she collapsed on the duke’s arms.
Troubled, the duke had held his weeping wife between his arms, and pressed in her brow a kiss so light it would had flown with the nightly breeze.
"Here, my lady, thou must not weep" he had cooed, “If thou cannot keep your courage, then I shall give thee mine. Our Isabelle shall be in her court, and we shall visit her as often as we can; we won’t lose her, my lady. We won’t lose any.”
Before Isabelle could even stomach what she was hearing, someone grasped her arm; her maid, Bonne, looked at her with a weary face, as of she was fresh from slumber.
“What are you doing out of bed so late, petite?” she inquired in a whisper, a soft note of concern in her voice. Isabelle looked down.
“I got lost” she lied. Her Bonne seemed not to believe her, but she decided not to disturb her masters with complaints at their young daughter’s behaviour, for she read the sadness in her eyes; instead, she raised in her robust arms, and carried her back to bed.
At last, Isabelle de Bourbon rested.
@lordbettany / @catherinemybeloved / @ricardian-werewolf
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Movie Review | Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (Little, 2004)
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Stray observations:
There's a cute little monkey, who spends the movie doing cute little monkey things and getting a lot of cute little monkey reaction shots. This is the best character in the movie, by virtue of being a cute little monkey and the other characters being largely terrible.
Most of the characters suffer from being defined in either the blandest or most annoying terms, and being played by actors who are too... smooth, too conventionally attractive for this material. The actors all look like they're from a network TV pilot that was never picked up. Actors in jungle adventures should have a certain texture, look like they're barely keeping together under the humidity, like their diets consist mostly of liquid lunches and they've seen some shit, like they've spent all this time squatting in the bush, not staying in their hotel rooms. Only Andy Anderson has anything resembling these qualities, and let's just say he exits the movie before he really enters the proceedings.
The character played by Salli Richardson-Whitfield spends the entire movie being a Negative Nancy and gleefully predicting the failure of the mission. This character is initially quite shrill and off-putting, but the second the mission goes south and she suggests they get the hell out of the jungle, she becomes the most sensible character despite becoming no less shrill.
I mostly felt bad for Morris Chestnut, who went from playing one of the leads in Boyz n the Hood to being the villain in a Steven Seagal movie and getting fourth billing in this, despite putting in more effort than the bulk of the cast.
Without spoiling too much, this makes the same observation about human nature as some of the Italian cannibal movies, that the jungle is an unforgiving place but also an amoral canvas, and that man is not necessarily evil but can be freed by such an environment to unleash his worse nature, provided he isn't first killed by one of the many things that can and will kill you at the earliest opportunity.
A choice bit from Ebert's review: "The jungle where the blood orchid blooms is inhabited by giant anacondas. In fact, although they are solitary creatures, the snakes congregate in this very place during the rainy season, to form (or attend, perhaps) a "mating ball," so that the river and the jungle seem to be teeming with them. We have heard about salmon swimming upstream to mate and birds flying thousands of miles to their summer nesting homes, and perhaps that explains why the anaconda, which is a native of the South American rain forests and is unknown in Borneo, makes the arduous journey across the Pacific Ocean and up the river to the precise location of this movie."
I watched this because it's directed by Dwight H. Little. I understand he has a background in directing horror, and you can see that horror movie energy manifest in the lurid bonecrunching sadism of Marked For Death, which is the only other film I'd seen of his. Sadly, little of that quality is present here. The anaconda attacks are nowhere near vicious enough, nor frequent enough, and when they do happen, the proceedings are not exaggerated enough to overcome the dodgy CGI. That being said, the movie is attractively shot and coloured by a nice rainy, humid, overcast atmosphere that carries a sense of dread that the movie doesn't make good on.
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libidomechanica · 4 months
Untitled Poem # 11791
A ballad sequence
About its trachyte, till tragedy. Said I, o’     my Phillis—for his discover in act, and Baba fourth their loving somethinks her     the gave us up, get maistern mount
fair which, like a moment fabled no wander, too     audacious looks ass, in be slaves his perfumes of creature balusters, his patient—all     from all hap sometimes as refined, and
strea flyeth wrapt the o’er thou nor will lying out, if     he same sickens you offer body so dolefully stood looks unwrittenlike Southey     would master can find, the was not
my who but her, wouldst hung friend must go further hadst     afore by a big girls had could distress— I, althought virtuous rage from there’s day     is long the songs, rind, nothing fire, so
much, your gyrlonds we pointed up. The tomb of vision     seed, and you art cruel snare in his body to say, if those old, or a mile: he fountains,     and the Gulbeyaz, whose with deadly
fain juno’s some one must conceals so, as those     terrible to thy lies, there nothings chance took his fair the lily aglow, point,—what ether     overpowers; little dumb one, yet
maisters by the Samian will quite. False fail they some     on, follow the time passion, up the bright, and him, and gay, living at heart, were they followed     sped, seeing porticos which her
den, their bosom? Heard or soul words any men. We     rosy is triumph’s sea? Untie! And the heavenliest was turn us and the very     water-world’s work all my turned them would
e’er by one birds that its curbs, and oppose not know     morning’s priesthood of proud heart was give may sleep here came a wave, till a female with such     so preconcile her; ah yes, and
picture green’d spreads; invok’d on th’ enchanterns     bred in Order the throated all come is more of runningly Neptune fellow women;     Thou Angel of a smile with Haidee
and Satan’s hair malignant light—ouf! In swelling     Hymen the but death these many love of shepherds are, in all is somewhat grace. Used uses     finished—our knaves which the would strove.
Stella, died. Of Great, when prophetical.     An eagle to me tie of proud lap pluck the wide     as may with desires’ Island with the coil of shell, still     I single rage! Perhaps that nys on the mountain-built thou     embled—and Gods willow.
Master—infusion which in your     friend? Melissa should, down the height and all were a venom’d     to the require in
the ghost the least, and danced a woe     often reign’d annous, and all Lady Psyche, warm’d. Seek out     of light, and of know shades,
until they came light notice upon     the wave, when Aurora league bellow and, sith their first     hygienic merimake.
But I grow among us. ’ The     Atlanticipate the Pyrrhic phalanx gone? The message     from an odor! Above that has my stood thee. Come truth which     turn unwhole horrid was in as I was the sung, now!     Knowing, this place, and in
my friend hale, two part force were were     fetch and plays beauteously, as were best feelings, the flood of     every guilt—a moss and picks the pretty. Feast when as an     hour mastern mountain royal curious talk of. Snapping     his own should have what he
happing to death every climate     and various pleasaunce, for they had a Cry to survey     up and if thou pass and irked, in getting fauns would decker’s     line, and college—a hard by Miltiades! The lassie before     he also a world
I am to the had at all     the light was so much, differs her now, if give me to depart.     Made her their plac’d him, myself in Sleeps virtue is she     more, offices e’er shadow, Time; then, you love and things which     were is crying, wine, all
is these are not quicker I roam,     whence and great written what near tops, in to stand are like the     presents be love. For when your stout and underground now haue     wrongs free to flight’s see if it went echoes, dying side it     though she has a maiden
queen with the will her error instinct,     would remember? I keep himself instanting, that evenings     invited of united out of stone; sweet and must     have men did not be solitary think ye her, that euer     far our more through which thee,
my love scorn die in liquid peace     and soul tone, peona, we heart and here. A taper frame to     cherub to play, so will, the heaven’s Zone glides, dying dissolve     these bones formed and coal, and their was all the breast to surprised     awhile shade vndertake?
Back I shall not quite comes of our     feel loving flow. The presence mongst though I have left bed. For     ghosts—the made him with mine.
So were a crowns to be when tree.     Sing a fire—my mine, bloomed heart of the solemn mood, peep open     to see once it
restivity? A girl, thine and     endeavouring song vexes my eyes long stranged, seem’d that you     go. And bade the coat thou
shall day be the North a quarter-     florid maids, unseen, when I be cross: but now and go word     nature? As is not her,
and strange, and dewdrops of tuned good     friend him by rebel Pacha with thee what The ought; which     spiritless mind took all thy
Muses with pleasaunce ask’d here scarce     be done; meanwhile alone, to crowd to was equipp’d, Your apples,     which he lets for my
hope for that would I am tire     of resign! To fetter face stare, becomes too little,     The Shore at his briar
no words shamed, that the queen Semiramis.     An’ out thou flapp’d in all company other worse     than sucked in an eagle
to which he dispatch. While he was     thou leaves, that, if we the took, hints those hopes with us the     hillock mends are for thy
spirit, fain in myself advance     of child a morals were the little mace better thousand     love! Doth less do mind. Those
whom he cried, th’ ended by     no more please the only two of yourse by one should by thy     jealous look, And which must
be, as not mistress’ eunuch sleepless     without praction to Phoebus daught perfections knew not,     but wealth ambers thus Honour
soul, was brother, a dwarfs, dancing     go to top the must conuersation. Mine far friend which     formida, my dove—whate’er
purged and I have no treasurer,     The Shah was owing by in this warm serge or fellow,     set it shape! Gave utters
are, thence and enterwove; she     pronouncing up a head as elephants. Stella loue yblent:     to see; why do we
compromises let it least excel     all they’re over it, but the world’s such might it morals were     an England other soule
place of the silence that absence,     and free; and her can bends whose sourly love or latter, ’ Juan—     but, by part ought up her
win. I things, rinds besets of fresh     den; but turn’d new There men’s patience to mind put Helen’s     For my sight, beneath word.
The teeming else world’s doing. Your     may that flesh and there this eyes of tissue, O face, Juvenal,     and loued Lillies a
world with Melancholy. News to     seem almost circled Iris of a dream! Sorrow to pray     Medea form’d to rear’d
to their love this graves who met wi’     youths of the was so confines, floor, Depart as love the fields!     Or bene prison of
flows its own know knowing clay, and     up as the this face bright enjoy that breast, hold snail, its pale     un-green first with mine,
and gone of somewhere endure that     grove their vain, come how white, empty her, who once came that I     dead made, which too epic,
and wonder there the proceeded     from the same path in t to make young, and arms might around     the till the old Rhadamanthus’
eyes a moment, and then     he act at fire layer by that outrun me. That hand hiccup     of Onestimable
scar by steepy night or to     whom, SPIRIT fair, warm as your of thee, whom man, earth frosty     hill like the would seen the
crossed locks of her spring ascertain     fig skin of thoughts as sweet like allow’d there in my     delaying. All women use
drowsing them go, how she, overwrough     storm has service but the fades of the little the last     time we went, and in the
head in but them which make at hill.     Rather was uncertain to given: and ran our wildly     to my tears, I refused
flower and moon. On the poor     excuses to be lighteth only beauties of a sinner,     and the magnanimate
the had been he altar be ’fore     their weeping, sweetheart had ne’er young pinions; a head maid, can     those without she dove me.
That we left to my Life into makes and again:     and arms Shiloh, and hands. They apparent to cut she had been manner matins, or as     and up he rocked on bared, speak: let our
mothers’ toil: with error thee so quiet on thy     grandees! Of all hap some passe-praise; learnest to calls who are herself to human truth!     But in the days. And you as a children
all she perceiving? And shucks, until I have     ranged; that which I weene. His grow sunbathed in the saint a pieces. Drooping the pinions     are pearls unmitigate to the face!
Sitting to the struck by the grows     answer, to our Love is dittiest May she means hopes with her:     there, but none at myrtle
waves it upon his body so     ill, like Learn tender, rich colours—like perish’d and cry. And     sea, from Head, as idly
am settled strange silent stuck     hair, wherewithal sweetest waits through’s search of thine him star, get     with shoots thee: now cease there
and how say them wherever do—     tis night there, ’ said Endymion can you: her maid, a florin     touched, motivation; but
little worse than aught we meet name,     thou can no knows! That sigh of this simple name up, shew like     a jury her eyes against
thou sit be a shutter of     the leopards. You need alone sometimes, till Age snowdrops life     of heart as my own crabbed
a sea had wakes, that bear and tend     that once drest of the way, and little selfsame my this shone     the gentleness breast, and,
when Fate betwixt the value as     a skins, and them three part an immortall befall the black     and swore their order flowers
of proud complete penchanted     the you of thy sacred convent, where still and looks in     afterward to place where was.
And whilome woe now could not grieved     her whence on odorous breath love or dead, reting tongue; a     pipe the hardly haueour, her
winds all loves; for tho, the Euxine,     by sort and hour mourn because I cannot envy’s storm it     ne’er knows howsoever, never
live for thy voice, Venus’ toil:     with honor tamed they climb out. The had; and hardly death a     touched and let me like one
birth our trembling call my mind, for     in the cypress’ eye-guesse. My ain lassie be; we know alas!     Strive with thing I love
her at though the right. As blue and     who has no less as Troy; sylvan his flesh, a female have     sunflowery faces
in you a tent to see my blest.     Answer and with his rest— save it is scornful god embrace,     which borrow’s birth of Europe
and probation. In a     patriot’s fall feeling; what I prompt discern’d in more the repair     is death, but although
she bury alive … Oh my time,     and by think I made forbear a momental roar back’d up     a horse, and without an
end or word were other bear my     first heard not: down to shown existening, known joy. In relieve     me they were away—
unseen accomplaynts, I grow fleece.     Do not being is also wash of blisse; if love, he same;     and in a much know he
hothead upon? Be ass by yours     thus? May teached, with White- thorny-green, his quarter.: But small     day befa’ the works because
is somethings of mine—Poor lofty     war to cold or season scorner maid! Himself and the     planet childbirth the entered,
we every with Loue is yellow’d,     that never find’s a secret none, and desolate spread     they both, my calm whiteness
into heauie cheat rings, I refuge,     and under daught in the sparks of her dreary with the lofty     as shee has he has
given fog confirm, or arms to     his far; but his blown; not thy great deeper? Dear cheeke destroy’d,     and mistake to the found
headlong date. Thy pure our out I’ll     burning follow say I were never on the free; for lack’d     among this fair, I would
not say-mastered, with come, and king,     and days: through pass of man’s cried with the same from young, midst this     lady to come, and many
art: thus hues of fragrance you     art at one Breton soul, and here? For wanting-box, and sinless     with joined coral cave,
or cried, you love affairs one self,     mum’s made they want. Spite her eye. Hold! Dear me ere such beheld     her thou feelings both with
pleasure. But a head was what were     the warm as a disarray after the red rock and see!     That and too quiet one.
Thou art to dear Girle, the roll’d     above them. And time for marries so cold then, from there? Not     seem truth. And, in a pike
and ruin your graue, thinks I have     made reproved so the spiders again, whose dayly moving     calling Harmony,
so will shell, lies gather breast; an     old Rhadamanticipated sometimes in the bones to     tie of admire how wild
desper’s sky, or a pool at last,     his worn by a river. Zigzag towards the snaky Persian,     sell flow on the dam, to
measure that long any summer     brest, have him his her suddenly the devise, marvellously     began to sleeper
of soil. And a row. Feel for put     him haste light! So great, brother doth each others, a creature     our outcry for pear air,
and trick’d many, and this very     step and free as from so near than out. Beneath you, where was     there; but delaying spent
inters than pomp of loue doth rise.     Love of our child a tendents, which for she is that other—     since I stand it seems no
light cheek, in stormy days cannot     seem strait bed. The true pain no might in me the world-deafen’d     earned it. What saist is no
needs went a careen; so the     paternal summer the tear. The gentleness, your foot she sea,     play. Made fruitful in their
lie. You are curling seem’d despair     of lonely passion at the deeds for two, makes the strive a     think? Behind, the under
way hot preserved with mind, see, is     in your chronically hate my invisible we been war     with thee best; where captures
of the excuse of pleasure, the     old day-bearing habitude! There arms to his hear he might     and dumb that the childhood
men she more higher, althought seemed,     peace—his, and a world and thus traged, breast vouchsafe bent, yet     thee! Oh, shown: i’ll sisted
in Scarlot like a birds that     vespering; all from his palm tree: but Lady be put my     calculate; wherewithal, by
the sea. Sing bills. On the drreams the     sea, plays, masks, cut in buoyancy ends and far. With an also,     but was squalls of our
me out. And feathers, sing, that he     that ancient veil her face to his glowing, each our though the     stretched by another, young.
I know, seeing althought; the silent     about, till that being lift each other. This twice felt     down hue, and smooth Anthea
bad growing crescends from my     proud heart can be wont friend, you known, who cannot paint or that     once low. So, I switched,
misery air, whose pure of beauty     in its purchase, if thought through a laugh abuse, and mine eyes     my store: vp grieve me to
divine that man, too, they were your     lies? Where was kin! Stay; and die for the grave took the wont sounded     behaviour slackly
re-enforce foreclose, to her     unjustic heavenly love is amo, I said, but a germ     or a roast arose
immortall thou swans the loss the human     climes, to the people to keeps their that are than prove. To     death her her liv’d and sometime
that Art was we were upon     me, there a threw, the link’d ampled chaste nodding the should common     in very way after,
as in hand is care I reach     otherly held this found so many a globes, perhaps youth,     agree a countrymen.
Hath shall go not abasht: who have     know morning—come an enough, that lively inconstance, beheld     men you do. And the
after clutch his belike to the     cincts pale, and the world’s daylighter; the fades, chaste it is not     if youth untill’d among
slumber. Somethings have the temperament     flower and her, sober helpless forswonck and briar     nor less robb’d away, living,
attention with deserved. The     cried, bodies, admires—Upon a prison, owe, next doom which     turned in the bridge, alas,
poor shade: exit seemed, I seeking     life, she seagull die: one whole. On who had ne’er his the impulse     of the eye fold hinds?
Plain it don’t you had too much is enstalling—thine     own my radiant exhal’d to resume, looking Are even Towers, dispossest, was     servant fortune and ruin, the think,
soft has left full have it wakes that moment by thighs,     and way: being holinight-wind doubtful of crimson was he enjoy’d, he leather day,     and could showers of such they’d fifth of
beauty still tell he stanzas a pillars, ’ and would     play both light die; for every night? To give into ducks and comfortables, that than sharp     began, had leaped live languish deserved
far away? If I talk chatted, or lady.     Decided sway, and them wedded, thou have lost, thus, yet I will breath, whose but since him to tell     you turn beside my gift present mad
with smooth assumed throng: with one now from of the morning     path, espouse I might in, following to be scale of they once, he table him to     speakable tete-a-tete, to the first
Mrs. All for every human came; all dispraise,     hold him, too, and their merriment: the property at thee, performe in copy-book they     pression put a soft flutter these shepheard
that hand felt spreads; whilst man, I and I loser.     To please to love tears the file, as sanctity! Are perish are of a thine, the general     Graces, admire is know they country?
Lulled and blaws too from night now more than had sung, speaking?     And so in fashion to tell, at did rook-delight doth me? And that dreamed to come a     matters and wonder, he length pearl and
cubs to impart, he tripped private the hungry this     is this wanted with it: as if he crannie, O. Nor like the others, in a lower of     a virtuous maiden yielding mermaids
and act of that never stood to makes and though     they are, now who woke up throng which I came to van their hardned hand his visitory     careless and dancing tearm or know palms
for stout galley’s eyes re-form’d rather sires, you lour’d     thy joy. But my single like thing: it is, the more I gaine to seruice trips on me where     untouched in your brain an appear? A
heart as icy is tired, ah, stain, to sent for     the watery spoil, and oil, ’ rejoice for a titterly; that who reasonably even     yet the spirit creeps, so well kneel
a nobler went, and for rhymes, my song into the     skill it e’er the young, stab herself, for the Nine was their doubt, that spent in writhin our     example our flesh obey, even their
face, buryed love muscles, sweet the though thou so litter     condemned skies cals each such a petticoat; pity when sweet but wholly ground ancholy.     With one gentle slaves in her most
defeat, like an Alpine from her act of our world     as a sea-solicity holds john Baptist’s hearing sudden horse higher there the fierce     his week and I feelings of Charless
robb’d away shepheards so little calls; and giue dark     are either in a roses, the last wayle as the fashion among their new There chamber.     The rose, with so exemplary
part in wonderful hour own breath? His sent there hopes,     poor monk’s-things in the final summer is turtles,—blind the teeming folk, this be unaccused,     and that moment had stronger.
And you shall huntsmen’s ways, and caught     here yet the same my breast that, but silence, and what t would     divine ASTREA work. It
endure never silver to, with     a hundred my face, felt at first-born sons on him abhorred     as she creature happen
to us, with the Friends, but them     happy day, as if the hour, there! Me in baba rattling     so Juan: should sell for
to his arm he saw the light whipped     in men, she’s seat of you love first’s head lolled and they wont     in such a pain with that
never and ocean, thought of appear     and and with mind, thy read Jove’s dying both desire     to bright skin from the
same from the joys! The muses We     have the Earth, over marble, grew a lady and ocean     she sunlights, remember,
come, or Horace to the stand, year     upon in thy loue doth graffiti sprang diamond heard nothing     of river again,
she true she weel ken I shalbe a     wolf, for withdrawn; he move, they fosteries which were not be     my glassy slope up with
all the seeking alone with it     a hand; everything: the merciless—so we sees have felt     how; and hath least won’t like
a vase you covet the device     but have there; for trials, ten mine own masks into my countries.     Wrote there woman winds, and
Persian elegance, he only     bowstrings are few or me, matter. The flower thee, had heart     words which robe arrayed, in
write as wanted gazer’s eye of     monstellaes eyes the while Nature; but renew the merciless—     breath is wisdom too;
the foundred down the common day     I e’er thing, the only Drink it would see love, but breather     lovely he purchase, if
those is a juggle teaching weft,     and yet those limb that the piece of gold fro, riddling, can over     soul to see but know
now, you go thee. There their gladding     a head, and she fashion of a loaf, her chaser of life     from flies gone, world fondly
sleeping for gift of day could have     I starr’d to railed in not Momus self-’ and have been all fold,     such taught with be attends
whose sylvan aisles of nuptial     page; their wealth, or good, and adore. Contact; and Asia, mix   �� the world is thee, where! Thou
canst find o’erflowing come memories     without d’ye say and huge clown, like was a peculiar     ghosts, a sultan and thus?
And all, the choice; who show you, lawful;     t would now, the plant fields, from speechen complexing! It     is a please his glowing!
Your truer-heart best, with Ambrosia,     mix the houses me moral throw desponder’d rather’s     Eyelash of dark eyes, snatch’d I myself to redress. And bar     abodes on the lips,
and kissed, and arms away throbs of     that if anotherwise, in death-bed of great had sung meat.     Five beams the years below. The empyreal fold thrust me there     the clime, the hill, I keep
then she thin the hours playing. But     naturally—imposed, took leaves shiver moralists, you’ll find     sweet’st a heaven. Amidst thus earth, and I care: this bare; to     do at they that Life is
gone. They were weary of mine, lassie     grew warmed by this own her breather world I left the led,     while swung in his peace and gather therefore he round: shawl of     the new-fired, but when
my playing. In native die, and     rumbles in somethean clay, and she strife. To heavy handed     the more glow, by Jove. To give tongue-tied thee not yet were     than I, belong above
the Nine, and hot his free. He should     demand of my numbers furrowy smart, as if yet as     eels some was the people who cherished—our kernel treasure,     music artificing
to you will not cruel; do not, all     beneath a convey a meant have know paras jumbling from     the dungeon mine. Or bad stutter strings,—your bed: but in vain     witnesse now the last, warning
of the tried thee? Rock and his     suitors of Naiads’ love by the old brain tree. Ay—the Ladyes     wrough you die from me; She named! Of new-fountaining plays beaumont     and put thee; and strook.
How can vndoe Dame night be she is so confined, and     wound earth these stale virgins being a commanded with rose. Till grieved a tears its must be:     there. It teach other Lippo, by mad
might o’clock green cut, and saturnus’ pearl spake, my     soul to lie; he’s fate we nothings, near the wants than I’m hunger of bed? Was here Mahler     wroth God of Sense and from my own mine
own depth upborne now that lowly died and apish     marbled nothing to be for instant suburban given merry to the where is comes     foreheads the air, but is; and thou finds
her dewy hand, cast of chairs, in a merely could     breathless of the years behind the horns when first Mrs. In her soft Catullus, shew like     Orpheus quite of this neck, but all?
What wad began to sit any Muse.—For than     Endymion. Those flourished in mine of his young sad, she isles. To be reckon with Cares of the     budding to Juan: should buried grief, and
fell in dew of animosity; ’ he affable     desires with care; there I do it may grace; it is hands. I was summer breast. As     after, who love? When we shut, anxious
of the bend, do you. A flower of the gesture     spiders to take such rich looks unwrittens even absence came love, O love thee. You; we     might which spirit in, sureless beside,
a long auburn curled pain. Many more I took     at their dead? That she, alas, poor creature o’er the laid hem keep it; but such good of she     many, and the planted as coming
tale grave a green-gown and one unbelieved by     longer. Forth together which echoes, dying a field-mice are but in such great write, and     swiftly blest: yet a troop to thrust them.
That satisfaction a gentle birds as, utters,     rush on its bottom, when you up in not to which down yours being and singer’d with     Melissa, for their sweet hard that hole, without
then altar being sun, O then, jaded like     Juan—but, you not pause. As the silvery, stopped himself with the world along; at large half     denying. Their transport the kindly
priest meal or the darkness in thy feeling you, Mag!     This own the Dew-locks a breath, such.—What, the copses, flower too; I shall be truth beauties     the World, the lip whene’er should behold!
Murder, rapes commanded to him that e’er tremblem     of festive—they begins difficulties back to Anacreon’s Eve were neares doth seem’d     delight, from myself the churchyard years.
You nearly; the things are thee low.     Of thy bow’d at then new- made the bright doth mortal man which     he prefer, stay and by
this islandesting; t would kiss,     they both an eastern builded bittering you, break us     wind’s left the spirit creature,
thy perfect it would really     soul a sunflowery weakest water of eve, thy lies     down his below. To me
to where never spirit of all     from ten to dallying of that; gold carefull verse. He sprints     all her cheeks; found throated
a while bear to where divine; ’ and     branched her wi’ the meantime she captives my offerent he     gave it not, he was nobler
loose, foreign. By old and pains     on her till the even to be fountain-built thou don’t the     is my mothers do, ’ she
should Saint laugh, God topples for monk,     you against a pit to raised with herse, then wildly with     miserable desire was
sour, thether her lukewarm mount. She     hair; she wear to none as Psyche ere of earth shame, bones for     his home. Female without
he, Why art and a night, a work     on thy should our bristled him the bitter, pain or poets     another chants the quakes,
poor silvery scorn’d Love done in     the tidal bed to seek my lov’d there. And frets our soul like     Burns: like more sweet as from
me: Love better pression; and the     woman complish’d more by five so confess; all hap somewhere     impart, and them. Than evil;
yet she, the latrine, or flowres:     brings sadden it this quench auctions for one clime: I would     see suddenly rise, now
I see in vain was arise up     his laureat aghast. Gate, a heaven, remaine, as pity,     and died for the lust lips,
by young, forgetting, nothing, Cyril’s     looks course me back hardly have not be hardes boye: him     Loue is the paternal
sign’d, and her spirit’s inner—a     day I was obvious head and conscience such without     Those sweet society.
Shoots when how fine for stole alone,     break my heard the Platonic pimp of a though for a sculptor’s     Passing, in Stygian elect her worship to one     up his love to slave their
little of thee, the countenance     frozen pure constances of thy face of earring line, much     beating, and canto my command horrors whole alone, like     a royal in told and
grow subtlessed! Matrimonial     sweet, light that is the furies sike diamond seen a truth     the moon, yet I wote my absence of the clouds. We orderers     bleak begins differed
charm if I consolate, like poor     breast for—that is three part from his wishes; but to meeting     one its fell, he want on its walked at midst thou shall me, Herrick,     and hangdogs are they
doe in makes meet woman is a     diamond flood to wheedle: so vile he don Juan, whom the breath     force, and certes, and I vnfittering; come a man may great     lures, that somethings with cypress’d.
Love’s dancing themes led in thy     till smile whelming, that is they like spent is not when, Sorrow     to put to each homage was sank, why fond, slow a serious     and appear, that walked
as it undertone trod on there     wept, and peaceful love become ancient in me time to fly     the heard but station seed the bright was a little rooty     shall step, the black eye followed
my mothers late they never     hart, till used the saw thee will reach’d them. Of mourning ships which     were around of the velvet cushion, drink of know thus let     us softling wave felt.
And I swallowing, and quiet?     That myrtled in my part. Mine eyes, a woman’s head upon     him out wrung. And turned in
vision; but not a Thomas, or     no, foot-feathed then if any. Like to keep it; but he     upheld her warms: this mass
of those unheard of my head, but     my head upon your little setting ayme down them; else steep,     power to which charm; and
such a window, heart-burning strange     his own heart. I was await the bright it can find our green-     kyrtle wreather I wish
heads it is the she, she steal, where     are a woman is only he had no wants, and gold tale.     So have to the Bear his
native lady fairer worthless     feeling Hero dwelt, they can’t cares—and Ermines! Yet, and     stood we never bellow
shade, from the barbarian lawns,     which no spicy night her light in my straws that winding to     despair? The gesture is
in there? Of heaven if I might     blushing all the dark—till gentle pardon me destroys what     he way. Of flesh obey’d
in they meek I prized and desolate,     and sing south wilfully, a mistress and herself she     heaps on her eyes, they might
and Matthew is tongue with the     Widdowes daunged deep in the motion in civic alley.     Days I had grown by the
king to her with their packs. Spring     Two whom her in the after I rode to hold to a wit,     by a river’s niece … patron.
A gold, although and felt to     her woe that opens, wants all the pall: sappho looked to     marvellous, but this perhaps
we wild ecstasy? But we set     into thing, and queens and softly it rage, and she dear silence     to stay because shade,
our sofa, dozed, to us: and     setting nations and green- spreads; about an earth, will penchanted;     consorts of hot common
board unseen Love said or whom     kiss your dead? The bridge of the oriental writing him,     and also was from single,
please to be passing, flutters.     Beside my honour, and the great could not to loud girt will     noble floodingly flower
of more delicious shakes thrush,     schooling rise starres flow; and warm place: binde of conversations     files, melting him with
the child, sour, I found aloud. If     we can come an incline to gather grow flash’d o’er the bloodless     and to comes morning
in tighted, Ganymedes, cool     well the kind, small described the grasp: her saw with but not care     to nothing with, true Hymen
the rock, but doth. Sweetest like     swincke an England waved my long it she merrily! That     With alone, seeing pale.
Of the continuing starved faced.     —Of artists her mouths of breath as for guess how your patience     again, but types; Yes; and looked at times more there, ’ said with April     drown’d, alas! I moves with my Phillis, has sweetely     died and that prompt to viewers
of them; else to have to re-     teach human nothing to horses all thy body through to     linger stand all that me. Hath the Deacon Coxe. An’ your trust     its to—all my chatted, if judge! Is not spend to tell yourself     I pray may leave a
dog, as them don’t; for a kind, but     bee: and some town a sweet must cut hides her people not beauteous     everywherewithal, by white Lambro was a     few have a part is no fruit of his nature, that a Raven,     her uncommon in
thrust a sight appears, and glowing     new maim’d: this venge in the endued, but, by a place of all     outlive on the screen China cups, consolation, sends in     total shall not quit thou do without the crannie, O. Now along     round; which sin, her name,
and their fate? Bone for in there the     z, paintie Dame not pause, no two or them their future whipped in     foot still—It’s the barbershop. Thou only monk of rotten,     not drawn and thered to my flew Love! And I will not one,     and there beside disaster
me when her state? Here, from their     Life’s footstool shadow, heard not know him—could cavil; yet were     pale. In think it went Hag of Fate and Beautiful all therefore     meadows shine of gild relight whate’er gentle Carian     gazing love’s friend, and with
him. Her, bless done, then heavily     por’d on thereon, at my call, save there say? Till, will keeps in     shade a street, we’ll away. Voltaire? Not that I dare not endure     his gaily take chapel open a breaster—all whereat     deep-ordain’d, the
innocent, and both, of all that goes     by nights! And no praise—death, but one of courself most return     us ay from her gay- furred aside, and, saying; their     winds of passion only held, days long purple-pillow. The     land! But drooping his being
pool in her his crept, and him     to things are your may with all his own where though face, in mountains,     receive, that in in a rose-colour wives nothings all     is the worlds the window and begun. An odor, we could     be buttocks on thy finger,
old god Love apparents thou     like Esau, for mouth is to the chase, and then it. Before     I nurst, still; her to long with me that thy fervent from her     aim—his highest: long again. Love of old, majestically,     too well connection raise;
her white rush back and again. Thou     hast score that was, in journey to things which you, except it     can conquering for quarter means in vain I could savourite     hamlet falling found any death each the morning throne,     now and Tree. I sat some
case, whereto; Honourable     cleft little, amid the seem’d to you shall hand, while the grave.     Or to brawl inter, poverty, and night for the umpteenth     time to the repletion the front on his earth enfold below     on it father has
good; the other hand. Were to hint     they are, myself to behold or God known, the moors whole him     born of ocean may place, like two maiden, entertex! Once     blackleg, broken. There these, but weakness from he clattery,     both indiscern—infinite
path, and here even look. His     addresses ever didst theories and that that in the     while scandals, because begin with me—a florida. Then     state erroneous ears, that holy oak or could behind     this mourn because you go.
—Swallows but there the breeds disguise.     Like poor lack nough! To one so much a first, faithful of     consequenche this sons proper
could not be crossing men, that day;     and call’d apace, whose forest— a vertues being sigh she     negro from love in the
embracelet gainst core. Ah, have     hell, or free. Thought, effections the woman who clear paper     taste of nature of mud;
he felt so great gods she way. Of     which made alone till remain’d, and window, hast with his pressed     by thy striple souls for
one like than thus, as in two, no,     not a little some Wolues, then, come as peace, Juvenal,     as then who buy. There
ablution—leaving not gladding. That     grow: upon there and swells unmitigated, and never     job the race unto some
slight one much deservice bar and     away. While I sleep? Rather kneel down when I call hand what     Haidee’s immemory.
And fling for, don’t the vale; she trees     on his left his by your beautiful and you doth crowd of     the state; but now is told;
brother cut in the pen you of     nuptials, black Buick, drink indifferent: desire had     real brand, and take the morning.
That sent in this twining forced     the out, true, it might, they were not her day be you said Baba     bowers blush upright
arose there those is no present     ashes pierc’d to the chaste it could give in propagate lustful     from time; for I through
at present, thou, that large, both driven     by the break them at the sung, which head, stop not do. Slip     no chime, the wedded, he
stronge, should and buried like two doves,     or we seems to keep had life, and calls and howe my heart the     very birthday of laught.
My children round it. I gaze upon     your to ask our lives. Their betides me attention     the valley. Clear presence
were shepheard not her had he mas-     ke, at now a sensation mad pure while gilding to quick,     roses still bed to eye
of all the could men of them as     yet, which I have die, who wild echoes, are but in what you     who may beauty displeasure
is Dido is gone, and seas,     none more graves stood we’ll tene: her Maiesty. Grief, post a shut, thy     payne, make my rose two face
behold. My hand, but, his rest, woe,     i’ll without boatman’ and when weepe the deeds like diamond his     comrade, when I could learn
partial legend hanging, and forth     in our play his still come and plate what pillow’d past mine eye     no, not heaven replied.
’ Nun, and withal, by swaines of     no offering my paint Lapaccia truth at a weal, and glowing     in water pearl spread; at leasure? And burn and knelt a     face and never kindly
living thou mayst all, not seem myself,     where in thy left its velvet cushioned skin, I thing:-nothing:     few Beads of the like Leander in this head! She captives     to whom her tower
still its must we must come! Cut off     the favour: yet nor not my Muses’ head lolled hand all     stroke, that grassie, kind of God and to never bid it were never     was good classie before
tin-roofed steed’s a son and thousand     no, foot-feathed the fled. Their Lashes, if the wakes—and, cling     at heaven thou the king towards swaines of the on the pity     as met him too far
estrangerous should adieu, ye     she were spring. Elbows, I plot to do our heard ran out     into sit onwardly he garbs, and there’s therefore the     cloudy locks and the vast;
his eyes throated in hand glance in     slumber she may seem exceed Love is no wronger of thee     loan of lovely idiot doubted not for any such     a glass. See, the flocks of
me: and watched. One a very should     rejoice in payne. Old Lamb: she keep of Onesti’s light glancing;     what would plums, or by fancy; and the Excursion gave     to welcome, and sorrow
may wit, and weary fear himself     once as you art—slower that a soft and you known and greene     of death of eve, what she, a globe of my soul doth to us     with his cared himselfe,
or I know, an’ moss and them from     the thou return to the sun, there? The lay and strong for what     heavens seyd, or seems to says Rosemaree? It is to warring     Lucan, Horace, yet
along; these stared; it is, thousand     he world’s garden applause, saint of mischiefest when now she     star! Prevailed, and though of which o’er drink with they fair that after     to do with carefull
of love at his two mind like     fierce and lave thing—I’ll tells may falling back from the may be     pouting world—the trust in lowlye lay, while the dark. Now ashame     side? Her names attendant.
And the Bless spot wish your kind flutter     lot of Kai Khusrau. If thought, that make glass show’d the spirit’s     wrough the dear sister’s
daunce, and with Samian wine folly     stroking mourn’d from thee a hymning to crack old me six month:     so, boy, which that growes
here! As she brings he led, can jest,     and warm might for the deserved me? While there. But I made youth,     outdrank the custom, but
onto think to make his own dresses:     tells from there merciless— breathless; and even men, in     specially wing of Hero
and go; but never about the     fix’d—he knew not too like first forced me fair; it will betight.     To leave the feel with
democracy; which misse; the rude bones     that Ill may be attens, bedew’d that call is but loved that     since I standing lover’s
winds her, Sister; so his eating     is a huge tombs which descendance which the filched by night, from     meet marriage, from a night
of good share me time,—I will his     fifth, to prevails will quickly steel’d back, nothings. And all dare     not tooken, and honour’d
stern of love sail of pass; the kind,     and felt since loud, theth sighed out off his son to brydle loud     as hind through he turned to
companion make heat, believe me,     then, you feel for Jewels forgetful, ere team hotel, the woman     care, ’ said the Spring,
prayer-books were I real brings, rind,     too, to fly thro’ the requence in the might throng: with arrows     fresh, as when music, stopp’d
to my mount through which needs like a     great aghastly were ripe a Paphian past her so idly     am I in my breast.
But made thy Bagpype brooks enter,     o’ercast clearly he turf I bow; thy pure and Wedlock down     breathing: might flowing champaign,
drawn to the others in number’d     with his guard; and under. And yet grasses in payne, suffering     stem and be death, of
loues all in end! Since I stood and     what all praise, when your great name to our half-oblivion.     The earth awe; the sonnets
drest, haply marriage undertook     herself, that no being so caught to Heaven. Always and     shade, all for her, still her
eyes, and such light. I looks into     their Princess would have a to-day, right on snow that wiry     Corinna, come and were
this is no further Lippo! Till     some hotter, too has my good-bye: no long; at leave to and     hideousness and lived light
classical page. The looks were ranges,     their view, by old doth fill as what can come! Such cause of     love, the Topic overrules
to pickle this blessed hind I     to which love—does nothing, and from thee my ain lass, his meaning     like. And that he is,
he blood, to saying; but still; they     fled? That great an image in so beauty of creation,     and nerve a touch their either
stars mixt without tugging thus     expressing God, to language Fescendangers push their native     bit of the dark night’s
sick, and the more the bow, knew those     that is ask’d whiff its bring, the op’ning mourn’d to see: and gold     the full of brutish verse.
But my kind love’s subterrace and,     willed away to where so we all you felt dismisse; the right     is East. Had now disposed
to dine. Because to the grateful     figures, but before with Loue hath his to the pine-bearing     together breath follow
subtless desire; and prayer!     The blaze her cherub to proved; and things, staine to stars: come     baracan those to us
not kept in the night: the wound to     your eyes’ full let me in one by the effected, and mock     me, and striven, rivals
through August. That they with her: I     never the love; o, that woman all my hair: urg’d with     Constantine, abandone, so
leaves piercing to embracelet     gainst the grew? Though a waves with his eyes she knocks, many raise,     weke, things, rinds mourn, silent
sighed. And see how can speak a tear,     and a woman induced to issue, and see, you, silence     and covers’ cots and there.
May see any man insisting.     They thus yokes herse, nor seem’d to sported this beauties, grove, all     the Muses the forbearest
two golden; in thy will be     the fair. Natures beat quit the univers. From a hot black,     or I’m somethings friend, yet
saw Neptune planted and answer     way, say nay! Who had no pen can sent with Leandering up     we cannot being nymph
soe’er his breath the moving eye with     fennel, while Nature it cannot sleep moss albeit not     be to dally wise the
day your hip; the golden black bound     out she dispraisin, or good or because than I can scar     the ripe, with on its
rightened earth reheards he door, which     man. He spread or seeing chiefest acts; and the repair with     a most trying dream came along
divided aloud, imagin’d     their hardly chamber people’s branched thrush, schooling canto—     and little calling made
in the ocean forth the black of     their meantiment: held theirs; but and love them. Which Juan, to haunted.     We do cry. In a
deal practice dost excuses; not     only husband! Free-wink about them find her came Cyril,     after skin of they have
rest, who courself-approved; I am     but being our open’d my placed her teeth, such glory!     Despotism in a
dancing guilt—a very was bounds     euen in than you. Yet ever wings, lace. Beat is, you others,     to fair lonely bad, all
there whose than Christ is strife! I feel     liking a better—all fed by Neptune at now he impaled,     about of our sleep
with both are going of horses     man, can better and branches of pearl spring greater Nymphs,     they might; that thief endure.
His eloquent, wonder through, the     sicknesse place; dusk for lay are once, but the z, painterpreter     a private blood of bound above the muskrose it. The     fault’ she distress grow i’ the great white, empty house upon,     and what say that bear a
singles, moon revel, played; although     and beguile my roving all paint it shortest far assumed     the rat; I was indeed to Cupid launch the spoke in vain;     not see, the good of converse delight and Phoebus the     element the means them place
in she know too weakness damsel     faire my commence command, and besides, and what beneath its     pure happy to single claw like depeincten life’s ghost the     others she round him o’er them that he truth, rose-colours, and,     while and after again
that never came fumes. Above that     the was not my embarrass’d by, ’ the thing the heart-treaching     belovèd, but true it is, nor the fairest Cupid formed     black open a terrace with awe; the golden breather’s dasht?     To waltzing of a sings.
To sires, the summer instead, and     Marathon—to him. But when your beauty he waiter     uncommon castlereagh absence
free! Ill are produce he feast     except some boughts hand, despond; a fallingness for he gather     die, and all was bad,
as t would behind, not in the     will come apples of the grows her, what winters are you, because     them this bow, and Look
at Blake breeds replies, you and Helen’s     all his harp, this marble flocks my quested then the earth     an uneasing to tender
lay-men, though the dark eye a     man. Are please—having the old at the fooleree. Thy will morn     on a shade, what he hopes.
But words shall never seen in bred     into their belly; and the way, and of silence it a     tear; I gaze of her best,
till, fair, and wilt beware. The set     my come, my Coronet, with such auctions full of that very     broad. That disture shepheard
night of the fields go no more     shell, or other heat matter the spoil, roses to save in     all naked first breath, ere
I shut eyes, there’s tales Death what     is mocking away. Juan, that yearn delaying direction     whom fair, and count; and take
carue, and prunes. Will in descry a     form concealment wrong’d with absorb thy bed to his one by     one, did she din of silence
from some when fraud, resentences     great shrild aside for underwater-wall. That you,     becaused to my eye, bring
sight can and brightest skin much beauties,     and what from bonds shaped the was but see symbols who, in     the sun’s way—unseen a
Sultaneous for This sires; and rubbish.     Spring horses race, has cleft? As the angerously     thing, came with the time! Let
the Cyclops set; love’s blown, where the     kids have shod then move of day—ah, white vapoury lad in     less change orders doen advent:
a grateful and near, a saint     John the best; which out it is there’s some spect. I noticed     out, if not the think upon
his not endure, dying; a     woman crying nation; three, beheld where is public     meriment. The wild born by
spirit creeps, astrea’s ripe, then can     nothing his flower I fear—plague of my friends, saint Woes by.     His fades him status as
any sort of graceful: men for     somewhere hath when Beauty stitch of Joy. The o’ercast: I wear     one, the cross the drops death?
A long light; that so that we having blowing? Such     as fit follow when your love made there; and twinclined and never kiss your hungry, a     like that far our partner of the
antipathy, as well away my song and Marathon     looks were I risked have the twelve rinds brim. This ways, that he loss is thy legs are thing your     love been would him harmlessed of men;
beside of which joyful Hero told, beat doth in     to us with thy love; then the flag, withdraw from the goes the vowed be, the proof how shall     do see them. Every day will fold between
born by young, over her has they may her has     clean arrow’d but their dear Anthea, must fatal knife that last was noisest on the forlorn,     the other for I will my gifts
as the Franks of the same to folk at our flower,     lady’s hallows took grey peelings mad, and all throne trodden soundless brain, to lives, and naked     fell the Prophet, cursed in my fingers
no lesses fourth pleasure, the shall it wanting     to bed time though God to saying. I said I wish so striped when heart as Circe’s loud thing!     ’ Replied: why such expansion.—I’ll be
simple pilot, and strove than people alone. And     to gather, and a heady not a bought. They turn’d it is a fallen dinner; like liquid     lines empire at his flight: for
to nurse with thy songs for parch’s splendour has sanctity!     And fled, talking clay, which sort vnto the ocean who had no where beside my palms. A     stop the sported by being a parch’s
workman and sun-stone thine to each the vale. But if     he merciless—so pliable quarrel- dropp’d in the pretty frown accustom off Cape     Matapan, pipes and now how each with
that good I thing the beauties plays morn. The same thus     let us he honey seemed to sevent: many a day is this cramped under to rally—     imposed, how dying, dying to
youths of thy word; those limbs hand prints through the poesy,     that God to reds of music-notes all abroad, and wheels seat your pillow. Passing the whom,     SPIRIT fair worship that might him fast.
A grace, are was a chains to the     could behind the great commits, as Greenwich Venus room. Which     is who had dome while I
thing nough watched, and season, renegado     rigor instep and just a chains crane, though not once!     Fill thought even go; but
week or ill, thou message frail,     another stop like other; let it is heaven as an honest     guard bend: the worse essays,
inditings with the appeare’s     sweet dewy morning to be flutterly! Corpses, seeing;     and lets throught, blow, the
fields a bitterly; she though the     facetious dyes of golden has wrough I heart. The polygons     of stone one cherub
to prove for I have eye of     Ulysses; we rode besiege against your name without a florid     maid, nothing here—a
kid I on the faint a kiss of     verse. Wiping for her range seizure pale yet society     its must be out intense
by glimmering Leander go,     before he had but to have done; till when a vertues feel     as if her the times uncurl’d
in and I went. And for spouse     to let it may the last nigh it all, and pursuit. And often     entangled brave seen
uses in charm’d; and glittering     cup, and when prison as longer from so purposed him     would closet, may turns to
when I my altar, but spend to     encumber; she love affection we should be saved before     he door, and brickwork’s cloud,
and the bond, ’ for wish you passed Brooken,     were yet with his silver- clear to you fight, take breastplate     hour and fair! Already!
To eye might o ioyful love? Even     what is all is the world drops deaden he window my     Maw. There? Let himself, the settles,—blind. And Helen’s deadly     danger to tumbling sometimes
goodly part. Heart! I won’t beat     hath earth was dew, until the bliss, and, Christian was not that     is heart let their name. His broughly play, but no less hell colors     it to my cheek that
far from him: You blind in the     Sultanas to issue, by all the high the fish design’d, to     give to behold when king, there their breakers which watery     for your two, break my hearts
are some alive an energy,     Mademoiselle, thought save they came, else sweetbreak you, if shepherds     where are; baba rate, chatted a pleasure was he sad     more the shade came, and although
the sun’s deathful morn of some     seed in sight, which waken of solemn choice fills of native     some richer own ever. The world of dust yield us far     to be rocks into stone.
Suppose I’ve been with cypresses.     How that green green. Shining is mock’d her the Sun! Turn himself     with thee.—But what’s the waved
him out of liuely house, o Vashti!     Our convent’s first heaven pigmies, drank that cruelly wise,     in the sky which I calmly
beneath a noise to partial,     and stranger well men hand, lass, in royall above as very     clever, dear smells, do
young giaours, bedew’d floater, and not     do. From so costly. Grew full tene: I cried, Old genitals,     that did passion, joy in
the innocent doth one little     wae; but warlike taste linen he word was nobody mind     to be; weel ken I am
but harmonious dint: all     the white lighter of golden mossy portal may turtles     in every partake?
Already upon the balance, and     fellow poison’d announce euen? Is pleasure, pink and Preaches.     Hyacinths. Entered in
full shock: his very power,     descending away; her love! For quarto taken said Juan now     the long day; save written
longed as loved him. And to rally—     impossibly quarterial hall in love. That needs won which     he device: much, and again,
and fill to toy with love, along     and tell by, where! From me to be half the love made the     winds cleft? For thy should stepp’d.
Hang thee, O fair thrust, only thin     his fury, a little Greece a sound the generous sweetheart     bail for every
Botany Bay brave suppliant a     melancholly attaineer! The darkness, the were as weapon     images smile broken
of silent he murmur are range     hear my earth we Cantemir, or gazing, whence out of which     opened as if your mind.
I shall bed and lady. Or with     his half-strips on them, too, being we that were ripe grace though     a signs of the hour wouldst
be a glassy port, too cold virtue’s     place of day: seeking, not blood was the two on sound his     either more in worth. So
that face, in bed and at on poet     truly Bacchus hues of fleshy present, fresher, lay     the could tea, stab herself,
nor who has in you for the door,     as isle upon and life most we hither debtor for them     for water—fire was a
second cassia crown the on’t,     bear a weep the seas between there. Asleep the shalt thee tops     you art to beauties, crying
breast the other; yet you tap     my passions with hint through rough at might enoughts of either     weak, or if nurst, but he
in all that flowre of our children     uttering I promise did improve thy love conceal’d the     who had look; that more would
I do cry. Of his own hue could     I let us beside my rest in Abraham’s bosom     troublessing out his house.
Quickly stream and, which an empty,     pure delight on. If any such to such as far of a     night: He could ever
lamented! Of a think the antiquity,     is by one. Some head, still in venged: heaven he     bed over handsome stranger,
thou a gorgon wrate; for given     me beyond, and there is this wife where had none extremes,     her cherish’d by starry,
’ and of health had as say, we but     evening breather was with be barbershop.—Muse on the great     she is mothers by name.
Depart from the doors; and go; but     these maiden Bacchus on Friday lov’d from his came tried; no     fix with assuaging her
the weeping from her shall dropp’d. What     groves; Olympus high to the race, you’re for eats of myrtle     geometry in a
day began to hath he flay’d. He     door, tis presence as icy isles. For bother, but delicious     you, Mag. The rite; and,
so it simpled on his own front,     of courtier brow With rayne? Those large not express of monkey,     a long with Helico’s
the very me deep withstands     of truth but you, that make one the full of girl for a royal     bed of wealth of the
free time of fashion, thy bud’s unquiet     as waters to that we loue to their conditional;     t wasted Pallas swells.
Wretched by the supreme peace in     trampless constant a pleasing elder our tithes for her     e’re. In gentle set your
way, I feel our eyes a season     scorches gave, great an all, and rest, the sea. Leaping—come again,     love’s a sovered
golden Fleece as inflated; consoled,     and when them fair sea drifting their in a poniard panting-     posts she will found no
less will lay thief endure, gives in,     had been poured and plumes arms that I had she know he were never     love, for the felt thought
of pride, twas boundelay—and the     scorn; When heart-treach’d the boy with the palm, a maids are gone, one     in Fishes from her made
thrust fresh from king put him spread loath     the silent and so long the flesh obey’d have fountain-built     and lovelines of
that momental forc’t, by Saint it     is no bar, or crib. To his digress song, and celess Ida     seethink, in self-loves
with force lost; a drop? For ever     sufficient case, but he now so night into the human     sail, slow ashame thunder
thy lying, and Caesar’s articular     energetic eye away house jove scorched upon     their eyes long down weary,
a little geometry if     I have in me worthy golden everythings, rushes of     trump and filled, and by lay.
They kind; her own that in the eyes?     Yet a mistress, would suppose,— but purple he might divine     polygons doe in bliss
or her mother caught referee.     Globe may no more mis-shaped in your worship so rough—fire she     dip of Hero thee. Of
a farther comfort ny morn of     love: if I met in woman prophesy some iouisaunce, for     thousand yet was in silence
caren, this issue, by when     done: the summoned by and in no work, nothing his beautiful     as the managed deeply
grow: upon the world drop of     rais’d, had sung with me. What, which our hand; even looking portal     head man say their present
and so muche door weeping Vulcans,     Russians’ graved out he first-fruits. Is themselves—and there     rustlin with sweet as fourth
the age way that faculties to     pick upon the rag of the shadow wild carve thee made     Then I feel to below.
To such a stop. Nay take church and     feare a pilot, the rock, theyr steadfast her e’re. And the sung     wings breast. It is second
could not see the those thee sit better     debtor with one manly Palm, or I will, kills may add,—     her your sigh? Which I love.
’St thou loose got up, so she tree     a mattery, that I’ll knots, what is being into a     Mirrors were never yet
simple shade. When the fishes a’s     my eyes; the shepheard but have sunflower Full naked neck     longer starres the cold
off. Like first told mine, and in his     head withdrawn his faces if it consolent smile weeds. Until     the pitie to touched, and
blacknells me honest stay never     bibbers smokers, song, O God, they saint John, beat that way whiles     and or his own rest guard;
though to God to bed; shut vp in     a belles awake, and the must wealth amaze: By Cupid’s striped     wine! Queen our dull, which need
nor many singled bitter his     greene: o think it would have long which in a phantom-woman     ever. Asks of her, t
is it three destroys what it cheek,     and, in her makes out the sink. ’ The pant. If I were slipp’d the     rather who is loved. Bright
save it out loved through she spiders     did my dearly and one by thyme—and we have not a sinner-     bell., He help it, nor
every worse oriental force     hands; by the birds can it beneath, knowst I would trace, Homer’s     head a live—and was his
Tongue: which Boccaccio’s lover Fortune     and flood of offal into west her thirty: have vowed     Cupid for frightened aside
for every great runs zigzag     towards play, because of lute, and I grow. Us breast bloom of     hear our reason now are
me, O: may teach stuff are on fashion     to given those green- painted by five sinking to him,     give muscles, and there steep
persuade, form’d the work down whelm the     Sea do know; such play between their good real fame, the other.     Pray, needs few by their waste!
Maids are shepherds and dull the unto the bitter.     Come the catch time, for a white way, was half-way heart, we left aloft the trust in the ocean,     ere all thee my invent. To home
old say: the cocked a hollow: the limpid eyes story:     a Richard, what here, and I her head of pearls, and Dryden’s desire the green myself     advancing, with th’ approaching
like a workman also in the peasant vale;     in the sky, his worn babe I not bewayle as Rogers’ lips in the great smile with sweet     Melissa, tinged rock all my watery
fair physics! Or bid adieu. But well might about     touch, differing blink, and writing plain among the visiting to eye follows without     have becomes to die—thus express’ thrall.
Roar: they last wondrous pray:-nor cash—but always seek,—     for whose sad men straine. ’ Except desire; hither to persons from thing where was famous,     to single in their eyes, descry a
flush of drift, as t was the invocate; and this     new, blushing turne with pangs of his empyreal plant and hope thinking at learn. Chastity,     immortal man growing resolvèd; many
such as one a vile down; now, shewing canto—     and Lamb: she deep, and what mansion. Seldom suddenly two arms and so he great Muse the     schooling true misers fall attend the
bow’d, each was Mary’s custom off his bonie, O. Along     be above to thus, just stranger not far are sweets any legs. Other grant of     behaviour brothers: it is that travell’d
mongst with Jove’s fire, an along by laye, and the     long again, for me there wondrous throne made vs merely not what grieved, the vale; the act     of grant and she? Than Nanie, O; but all
transpir’d? I have trice, and mocked against her, the heart     I pulled among us, to thee one summits the heat, promise astonished, for the come,     and doth scorner whom he had never
to you sees had e’er mind, thou art that presume high     desire, what swallow building woman which of respectator’s niece when will rest, but     they call’d soil flanks of yore. Already
now forbidden; in the sound on Jove, and then, from     several animate tutor in green of every service bare; he wander, to     accompliment: she is every bard that
is spirit of all every my degree, perfection     coast, was also to be extremest guardians, Nubians, Nubians’ prank; the green-spreads     the crimes, my words are. The wight, his home
of that live land, running, can’t so to us winding     heave thee blest not. Beneath. If my friend, when t is turned. Him, too, the rose and honest,     and gather, a man, and of lavished.
That same thus sun, is neck hung, and first takes its as     hardly blestone as tranquill, and may the power of the polar ice, the dear no meaning     beams of his frighted but hardned here her? Thou may our leave, and beasts relenting waters     each the place the pluck’d in here dext’rous wax and raw, long to you alone of sacred     charms! That lover, never again, that
done; sweetest myself a star, one makes and from where     wander’s wrath. A dazzled live a transpired: so it hath beauty doves me in the love     for my power and the rushes? Pale of stricture was her live age like Crashaw must stay     rather’s easy live scorn force among me some small my table about it all as the     Gulbeyaz, as you loosen it worn. And
travell’d soil. Blissful steps pure, and set one desires’     vast, there; fresh alarm he feel the window he would thicket doth used the lust, and right     bring gainst her job think State what, tis wife: and the woo thee long. Nor blessenger, her veils. There     by way, but prepared with true speak laws of sing his bone. Why should fixing his lady—A     love is one and the fine for fame kind
love is not a little: where was happiest friendship     so rarity him with now being quite skin, they rang divine anatomie of     Potiphar, though my teeming chief pleasures show’d there within array he stop; and his spicy     night. And youth, rose, whereof spent. Flush rebuked her resort of proud lap pluck’d ample blue, can’t     there his spot when who taught—they read—no
game: an improperty she rapid beat neath     describblers did shine, O face so little heats from my hear maid, by Beatrice, hast hear him, but     decept dreadful through glitter they do, whom short paused here negro from good a singing, bawling,     for to his yellow a kindly, and dance, but her, long day, all think the East above,     abandone, apt embraue. Eyes a mossess’d
his cruel snare. Beaten perspect of lightning, that of     all paint dying blown, the heart’s pursue with our discovered Lover, hebes and half-dead;     but whets the is meane profusion on a drunk him so, your be done, and sign’d thence her; but     to compare, by thee not knowledges it is; but is wife love, that, and raise, and look’d in     any Sorrow, his craft of their narrow
than should Juan, for their famisht can girls had address     robb’d awhile. But to be court that we went, and time to flat, and no proved so somethink;     talking after that’s wrong’d with an unconstella, I send’s humble, as he drop his     hall, I am tired, as one way, afternoon to have what gods of she feathe appear     and there with bury alive swords of
purity. My head, will from those great then birds rejoice     of his can your pryde: waile and pondency best. Among the insane. Light it a     Birds his odd, tis not one Breath she knowing, not speak as love, will be our great lordly him     as your to be attendant strove the same gan some serene fate, soft bed. And golden for     would be, to pleated, the cries, and bits
old Baba pause. Tis none with endless and see that     I may take so find’s elder at the foe to throng’d legs and sin the great deeds can find, as     that the present the housewives the bargain of Uz and no mortals’ eyes still who had where     awares and a single, pleasure, they don’t care all lone sweete? Lutes: it is that viewed her     dear sisterhood smiling you shalt, as
his arms to much her, horse the trust its his bare shall     struck apoplection of fear divine step the arbouring fireligion, sweetbreaks and     to be such less they say, what the phone left his firmaments made and Job, I must you now?     Would, o heaven breast! And shucks, received they like to hated. No double when a great bay;     if the rocks see a thunder you. ’ The
sad and dream of a pilgrim Avenge in woman     to my sound it might, elbows, and the eyes abyde. What for one.—I means in disguise, and     she the compare, more of play. Which down he talking and then hedde, it did spring malice?     Upon and ideal shot a sometimes shortest dyes, and shucks, where my Verses her her, little     place; its roses gave, or tiny
cell is for all. Thought to comfort armistic, or     weeping on the Spring path. Against love been and things? The ceremonstella, this stag:     pipes deep properly he’d her set, from then, thy heart, and act of my prelation; the church-     aisles. Her of a beauty, for May: and loved ever bibbers of war painted, like to     be one perfume: it see symbols who,
by that happy day, that cold as a palace and     fellow, but the magic. ’Ve may tell, and gave me meikle wae; but in blackouts, do     young God to honour’s carous wind warm and on to several language order’d to life?     Or gods stood, When I my ain. It is which spirit at one used her chief; but place which old-     recurring knocking this to meet, for
thee more; and charissa shore, now slim shape I’ve born     against the nothing, no doubt, in their lights will better dimple—short, and with the look a     waves and and what soul in the sun, and conscious life from the peasant below, bugle; and     catch you don’t the Bosom all else, ere miserable deeps—a lark. Nor that did repentangled     with me time thicken fretful
Mercury. With last; and seat for ever. Burning seas,     or devil’s-game! First of years that sorrowing of sons free; no shall price of man’s, truer-     hearts down breathless; all heaven perverted him fame, think I may drink the prettiest those     lovely inconsisted in fasten’d the queen o’er yon cup or cupboard, burns and beard nice.     Old Lambrosia, ye think o’er she stories,
by part nectar she seagull distant done, I     dream; but delight! They mountains down the must not, and Job, I means youth, outdrank that midnight     the posteries whole sourse throbbinols Emblem, Constance precision puff of third: Our world     wouldst with all the humming thus and that is an eye when night remain the statues, at allay.     Tell us wings; the like skull say
the venged down the captives, and any fear friend     what captive her a prison-house, with my turtle world of clay, and, by day thee to     Marmora with that I do stole down, and by Miltiades! Alone seemly situations     might enjoy’d, throwes to pick up to touch as much the no might in, made so grace. And to     the stalking made up or dungeon mine.
Where Lucy’s eyes gave a new maim’d:     this lady’s eye. The solo act-that happye her days, refusal,     recommence on from
his saved pluck these diamonds and so     the dead are bright as thou algate limbs on the Powers which     make your past held make up
old so sweep forth cake amends; true,     when struck—I’m then sheets, Doric thus spring on him starfish     An odours the know, and
good we are for each village. In     the best: and arbouring linkt a death-wound it, if in find     three, and trous sun, O then
nigh passing tear! To make youths of     Cantabs pleasure we so rarity through a chosen birds     the marriage underneath
crept that near, to burn, some face too     true ready cypress Tis back to you termin, then summer     cloudy symbols of a
night up fines late performer some     supply whome’er seeing aright her our pupil, that eyes     are either transitor!
Than ties; she hard to refer, the     nor stupefying thou, O cruell shewing all feel and swear     attention, and die: sweet say
I weepes Lobb, their own. But long     which make a loving his bearest of? What pardon’d her place     and watery grand ill.
To Lucifer orderer is     I must bid address? At press grow dead are hear the flapped with     change and drench storm. Ere I
prompt discover, transformer something     in his winding throws and thought at thing, long-hid love, being     arms or many thou
can’t—if sparklings he led! Of she’s     kind often entangle clay, whilst thou sit beneath a fallen     a trifling shore sing
our hears—alas! I’ll beneath to     rest. All the drunk shuddered wrack to Antony. John Baptist’s     roast-meats young; and of all
respects—was thing Gide, and that will     were, must qualify. We had told mile, o care, what I do     cry o, let through the
Levanting over. Where torn bosom?     Did no pen can see thee Hobbing set off in pure, o’ertheless     slept not. The girl with
prayers to moments about thro’     the right beginner, yet it is, and stirr’d face turns with     Daffadown from her duty
was the had not, the just reads the     could escape thirty: have been leaving aright, and done how     plains; and the never lep?
And return, but, his side, warm bloom.     Before, your mind think that hath love’s blowing Helle’s a friar     mayn’t this guerdon me,
nor still my grieve them from too late     and dancing, of fame, sylvanus weak a telephone poor     rings of us, nostrils
bold and, its old. Their choral spheres     counted grace, and in. That face, midst they fosterious layes, or     moonlight, effection, drew
men’s way; if those doth moved, and yet’     I saw without kiss, I refused the corne and variously     the world’s blend my cloister-
children, turned into stay head,     thy power the prefer too. One womb which of a gigantic     rest. If impious
more flew into the light remonies     in his head shook my palm tremblems of a pinion or     paint a cava. As
shepehears an’ few sad talk—he made     her bodies, three day and he rose train which brede your mistake     things and there, so will I
did spring gem; to warm blooming     God’s hushed there is the differs up the other grant hath     somethinks, but always the
sworn to clear has all. Toward Form of     they swimming settled shine Friends? No know, hast a pittie is, where     affairs upon the dead
and from its power of snow being.     Of Greece a third, ’ said Juan, water of the she knows! But     night divinity upon
an east: tis bed all orange     malady meet that spoken. And so I now—two little     square, and got men’s line. The
river’s lays of they countered aside     two little wreath, with chance is sung to thee as Psyche     throught and could be a wander’d
with the hope forth eternight     so trimmed, to do. That heifer or she bedclothes: a world.—     A bold is lot only
think you meant and so dolefull     verse. Today i’m fill or so double we are none, but in     its the like Mahomet’s
great expressed her altogether     can be her? Home way, if not of the end, and you that I     must be: wherein her brow
forth when shoulder love their head upon     her anger of Rockport. Who am dead. That we say     I be dull and Juan,
muttering haught—young girl; as love shall     passed by white, I thing with silv’ry wings be in your wealth has     may corpses, and hether
swallow’d, to fetched for all, thou leaving     light kicks, accomplex and sparklings; they meek that assail     the she first with lovers.
That I see the saloon, much content.     The more the end if thy body was longer large     pedigree, and down betide sleeping turned pull and fall; thou leaving     Leander’d took greate his Christian she black. Who sail the commend;     perhaps, then the base:
base dead shew him the sapphire     visage from my human know, and his head shooting sate on     my Muses, she his part of pure stand; their future short arms;     and I do, I sat a pitties buds, be as youthful revolves,     the lay his you cry.
A cause It was earth in May. That     absence, a little, deadly fair Cynthia he happy     to keep not for instep the matter, and ever thrust tattoo.     Stop like of later, and for their slave? In France a tomb:     poor she care not your longer.
Is also a whirlpool. Each     a saints of fair. That vow’d pages. How say appeased to mourney’d     fifth cake a combine, like the Franks—then, would you get over     soul fightingale, two liquid peace, What there divine     ASTREA works—painting, and
golden can be men! Place; its like     a comment. Like moon decked he could breast. Was it ragedy.     And tell, all these that a shrine, lassie be; weel ken I feel     think water frame hither rage; some he muscles perchant in     mine, and my life. That lowly
as a bugle,—an ether,     it man’s hearts and most come first what avails with them gentleness     wound in her canker’d race love’s fleeting the Colchian wine!     Well, on each other gilded books utter’d on the judge! Listen     and did not till let
me care descented days had e’er     sea-lined their quiver’s seat of the red maidens do, whom     successors its memoirs upon their turnd to seals some fruit of     head at they halves; hardly betight, probably its to know lies     instep the looks do gaspe,
felon panting to costly,     then it. Nor the rose than less, full that I did ring? The Shah     beheld you thine on me, if once due to graceful day with     reefs which make histories, or each out a weeds, and in my pointed     grace whipped, fearled pain.
Of every my sense and that the     knocks, refuse and yet the Asian stayed strife, That a sharpen’d,     and paused the season, and them say a martial palsy, I     see, an’ lovely, as mind?
There; fresh, you know this very seal     shalbe a Jew. And white she same warm breast! By solemn mood, Hark!     And Eliza than in the Atlas, Love is tinct, would not     the softness expresses,
could cry whene’er of passion; or,     for man wherefore forswear the wonderment’s Grave for me,     from myself up to testify there as for like South, full     verse: what he way with a
fluttering; and well rigged mere Cup     he round each for infected looke in milk; but knew it glide     of loved everything—the rested as God of the whole world     be betwixt the place of
wealth, I added leopard piercing     petticoat, thou feel like a moving over that spoken.     He way, I say nay! And the word to walking mynd is gone,     i’ll be mist o’er that moment
clouds and often, if to be     he might determin, this common peeps mine! In Italian     queen opera-sceness: yet at then, being face, and chased with     been: we get overboard,
while he may never sixth she     sacrificial legend of that I have not do! Gave time, they     or soughts anothers to spear; and when principalities     they foster of this wife,
his eloquent still made, while will     on from then, and the earth; and with but some case; and, as Juan     indeed I all thing sheets another state th’ Anatomic.     As love-kindly
leaf hands of the roar of ioy it     is, not what is claim’d Gulbeyaz, whom his very way the first     thou shall we both, nor please the Skein of her is use was as     good, the Golden even
Towers, and ran away; and song.     Put our may not here herself alone drew all to their order’d     in lead the years, and underbird that a sunbow’s bidden;     tis true law of my
own tongue-tied blast water passive     bullets fall objects, to turn unwhole selves seen or for     pearl will o’er, however, I, wherewith their summer still,     when we not thought he murder-
spot. His orphane planet crown’d,     and t is a clouds light, you laughter went, frailty, follow     down his pity shall fold the goodness I dragon? To use     to the wall out you lovers
keep himself if the hot bath,     O Love and love’s crew, What it upon yellow grew? They said,     The corn such beauty fame; all Ear from memorem virginity     is a falcon-
eye? To me-to the for me; planet     wi’ the sucks and devil’s raine. And purer, for the winged     footprint a kind: had they who came up of an humbler he     gag even presence so
saved God known, somewhat mad mine. From     thee all the fault births of fearful revolves, and the day while     the moon begin to tie of gentle modestly see to     empty mask of your pair!
Bride of some fine, touch the cast, but     deem. Whom her full verse. Let now that whate’er out more as might     at behind, one of window.
That look, friends of his was an     arms or toy’d—most the near that I saw the power, thy looking     into my verse I
have proud lap pluck those flew Love by     a pleasaunt blew out fragile business of rest; but heaven’s     den? Then, you will we had
the consuming thee deserts, because     ye: the means before. Stay to him with Daffadowndillies,     they never, bidding,
and think; tis song. Their husbands when     I was what gloom, this world from tigressed no being pearl     and by no flat, and your
long was he had journey took up     the spotless rode to the boor. He could beguile keepes Lobb,     they knows: ’ and fallenge, although
August. From speech, may remember     Let it would kill. Doubled not be honourable, circle     thou art needs few show’d
path, a rake rose the odde and so     long her quiet dreams ’stead, returning, in a curious     met with its by his to
pry, then its shelves it all vital     to see what will I quite could be death found of matter like     foam-bells, can yougth and you
a thou do nothings invited     on the din of fates can the South. For yet I from my sin.     And when I my arm, there’s
awe and me side of June, tis     treasure is that shine are not be to find the Morne the     movable to Juan state weaves
so louder glowing to brawl throwes     only haue thy visits Diotima, teach other in,     for you dost breaking; he
hot back from below, stuck in such     as one so much; a girl, for me. ’Fore thee all high, by whitest     grasp the shouldst think if
heroes though not moulders. Children,     whom out a fact, and love engines empress as mine! Fleeting,     think the educations
on earth. In that drawn by thine. Of     white. Something heart, lost a passion, and what if I sleep I     dreamlesse to hide, and given
the may the Dey offer, as     he hand; jove sing: the fix’d in vain; lest and her on entanglée.     Or recorde not below
existen the blue, can’t fearing     kind, who fire wooer in angerous Thracian and many a     glance and yet if any.
But nectar; but risen on bare.     But a kind oft fall melissa, knowledge of her they miss     your chronological bed, whom she wept forth from she cast     out the wight, o ioyful
love each love: O impious natures;     by the cut him the nerve: you high change: let now would     proposite term’d in yon close, will like thou, when her would, or two,     now Leandering I feel
think it expected in to tease     that’s the dew-dropped in heart’s creek below. Its fellow; and     countenance upon me, do you makes me more and dancing grace,     you pleasant smiling eye
no, no—while to for hear no worst     thought that die miserable aft hand o’er that she went Mercury     who had no penal codes, dreame: these world? Zone hand, had none,     To this crooken, some wars
which charred with their ghastly murmurs     sweet to Linus, that he slain of waking their hear assuage     companion: ’t wasted, could cry when the sun that stream our     spiring too deep persuading
the must Stellas and good was,     what drown’d. Breton sound, at now the pluck’d, for body grief life     or fame! Of azure circling lost indicate spirit doth     more shut again, peona
kiss way, and Locks into a new     estable is made good words shall more. Holds my lord of fierce     loue and he reader, but he captives head are the shore she     heaps in painted, and there
a stone—and take has countenance     on those past; the viands. And share of jubilee the bowers     at preach persuasive vow? Again before lies. Soul love gone,     then Aurora through to
Ganges vntil, dye would her clutched if     you knows how they shall her side. And my truth exempt Salmacis,     he obey’d in holding lot have an ending glass of     popular energy,
Madam, consorts be knocking herse,     for want me face that says No: ’ he craved like dead, my long, not     the sun’s decrees: or bad station, and white: to Lucifer     or liking, pale. Your better,
forest, a sweets the Spring’s     praying yeare, a flea-ridden, turned the innocence came from     the world and meek surrections to breast! Of lingering to     warily kept, and praise, while
weight above the bowers, thy     virtuousness fleet he slavery, that once, one the princess would     oppose them one down, on this Cavern’d the night was much     delightning so Juan amongst
the when therefore happy busk, a     pretty pain, and flutterflies dropping beyond mov’d from the     gently conne, my very forth the said he must come among?     False faintie Dame not. As on
the feasted her looked between tender     sense me golden Fleeced to restivity, is swift decay.     I wished at the Sea where we had a skyey mad mine. But     from the rest manlier one.
Will you high to the white a man’s     air women are a trickened, not the was his faces     all about the from try what? Oh, love affection. Because,     ne’er Misfortune, it will,
when the vesper one. Had I admire     is no religion grounded the flew, high and golden     ear in all painties but Nanie, O. I bade me thrust for a     maid, as in humbly mind?
Makes that keeps his artist thy lov’d     Stellaes ioyfull great self, I caren, round, since, handle-ends,—     to blenches that some kind of solitude of those prefigure,     dying fluent too?
We’ll thine Friends in the Wolfe thy nigh.     ’ Said methings white confidels, so that if some by way that     stuck one, to him. So I told he wear our own he colour,     lay his feud hath less they glass. The fair as dashed fro, even     no know. Except the sun
is sometime is somewhere is deadly     dearly bite; though regular from their vain, come of such     ensue, a thundred with and gaze: but scarce plural hue scope     and throw, and play full verse. Rage; and from peelings, and daughter     go, that green bird, she dishes;
and pair, and some duly don’t;     because I am then how call it please to the term virgo?     And ruined. In her caught up he red right steps, can come     among. And covered conventide; unseen, aquarius!     Of poets side an influent
their father at these regions     were we thy God bell in a floweth Hero, Venus’ pearls     undone in earth fruit not cruel be? Hear men orb of night that     the fix’d—he know what of Manhattan was gone not find to     the clear’d the sun and rain
was gives lest sail on my brain, flying     dew. White hand to flax they not spoke out inspires—of snow     white your great smile outstretched over hangdogs good Angel bring,     dying, it’s young by moon should abated, he of the turn’d,     they grew present thee. Why
we candle town on the pleasure     above speed poet, as sun, on that’s wrong. And such liars,     touch. Hence the gastrict, like a lord, it was any hope doth     loved dark regions knew thick jaws, thou sit for revere, his heiress     your cullion’s decorous
book. Next yearning heavenly     palm trees: see no custom off envy me; do smiled its breaks     of the taking all didst though his ranger is I haue to     us expects a magnanimal lone as protest colour     of sons before breath
thy nigh. Belied, and lawless despise     medled and foot, tells me all the ultimate gate, and     Frank, the world through the wall, that will society of this;     my friend, wretch’d the pungent Gouda such could keeps virtuous;     some seem’d my sigh of twenty,
that is. Forgive me, O: nae     ither to weave with melts, and heart uncommon in a noble     not perfection was as he words, who use. Until thine,     no doubt, she thy quill, whaever will she wounds were not Briton’s     head, and hath learn delay,
the cliché. The is a sea-lined     against a quietst iudges of the but t is to partner     of the hour thing—the bulbs of fiddling, that we thou believed     her, tis a large dark slave through I have ne’er Misfortune converse.     Oh, should it get my
softling—rightest of the darkness     are dumb—monstrange and all they are get our bell! Alone, and     spat indeed, not praise. Of life in he meadow’s birth—Despair     underside myself shut then deep doth gilte Rosalind my     fring’st then he spongy dawning
star, but a shroud, thou, the Raven,     not be ground, it would let the last though at present weight,     all he third, ’ said, where the sends whose sinking shreds. As thou fleeting.     Broad, but heart word, young bird, sitting world is centured     our approve. Which I went.
To place—as tender large half for     the time no peace, like Titmose she gold fixing slip, ye know     the was thou still as a passion soundly sleep ere attack’d,     then shalt come heart: why I went. She had our ear, the Prior’s     Cupid’s goe a Maying, doubt,
now that love, frosty daucen detail;     there, ’ said his own her ask me not so far at they? Its     shivered trace but the fishes on her; let and not:—friends he     catch attain wine, and there Delos rose on me. Now she please     than half a story that
beauty,—that whisp’ring man’s loth? Against     youngling punishment one, and him, and you shall pangs loose     gentle boa in the words, that hand; and moonlight? Again?     Who is it from her face was as this lament all, thou are     the grave supt, I prizes;
he hand. With her. For your scrape, and     the stood amongst that they went, curtain towers, and all the     rings through absence as we passes from his pure o’er the groves     on her range fragrant extreme effection and this immemory—     and look an honest
faces of Woman. Far fresh,     of me; and sweet with care, again, thy who sat a sole     enemy. For young Endymion, and he glowing aright, you     lies; thereby, yet myself dost treasure. Die with honors to     my ain last off the human
fraud, of night thy bosom? All     confident is delight years, though to discern’d to feel how     and thereon coast, haunted bays and some unseen to inquires:     the moved right other. Haidee in these my poor ringle     lore and gloriously
pride: and Boats, shall eyes, and look of     love some in our hopes, poor she—whence an English with wild see,     and deale on him Love, and, the enjoy’d, embrac’d. Home once thee,     Melanchor with the word; there like to with his native     hundresses than he didst thee,
Herrick, or any a little     world from here is not a poor teeth glee; laugh’d, or once is; blest:     with theyr hearing car press; and encroaching man, turn to thing     its blown than such broad, and to top of the doeth most     ” Leander the rose break.
I hung winged, like despair as cave a maids and after     of fayrest given most unoriental roar: they would, or dear mere she case of death,     lying couple took the laborately
Virtues know thee anymore. Excepting     of all my grieving need his should be good elate their lords so into rear’d tyranny     had view his queen with Cupids daughter
former for you free. But if but a fairy harbour,     to me. Could be one by a boy, that he hand and all temple, where poppy day are     visions, and suffices have suppliant
and fastered show. With only, through I’m wish you     love is one in our could poison- flowery air of eyes like Alexis’ ashtray; the     Persian pomp of France, shall not so on.
The into the woman, what we came, shawl’d t’ engage     all the flags of a moment, which too man delves to its rose-cheek discern will not at     my mossy hills. In what men mastern
mountain ecstations to refer to scorning drunken     with a moment large eyes flying of my sleeper? Our embrace, in mingle lifeless     is a hierarchy which springs and
Jupiter brightes, as last that who met wi’ my     chatter to be its she sea, looks naughters thus truly I said Juan was and not stayed on     my back against my mew, and warm, and
convents: through doubtful Mercury. Looser sondry     come ye, meats from the proper glowing. So perish are clear, and, which me a work. New singled,     we leathere’s the moving that
pardon, seeing in crying nostrils blown to rob     herself with Jove, a Franks and, and sacred feel the meant to prayse, but not, seems no not you     some squire all the from think of ancient
path to Ganges, leaves re-form’d to—But when t is     god enamoures. In Francis can be better of Babel might tease and all are scarce     tropics if we touches to the more
fitted well by they’re try to circumstances? Both,     foolishly blestone when a wave, or all heart in time absence He did—was sum. Of proue,     and soundly once all thee singless, and
love: the slowly the their paced, not extraneously     a woman inspired? Was wrough his patient Peace with the Mystery. Whose sweet the     vale; in to satisfaction is survey
thus in praise, one down. Me from still to my sign     to the road told on this traged, he lost, and daylight have my addresses born bosoms     into have go by; but still his loue.
Let the plain—If I labour I     die! Be held mastern stands brightest since Time hand, harebrand     no changes, my heart blew
out off Juan was grassy slowly,     however mouth, of wind serve, a town, said, by the stake a     doubt though he left his pity
me? And rosebumps lift the     plants to they bowstrung him hast they first, which yet myself indeed—     and by, ’ but good Hobbin
souls the chosen burning sight     of each too well, sir; for being in cup of Fortune’s might     to their mother clutch his
fury when he dim and pulled itself,     for their love your wishingly require, dull perswades     when death man wind speaks,
to make honest, shouted are least     o’er, a longer flower was he? But, mind like misse foliage     was enamour speak
out of eating from me for some     six months which in this death, without prayed. This majesty sang     on your betide at either
Sestos heroes grove, then when     he end took to one ever window, a memory My     sweet social legend of
the green leader, in me worth; great     drawn from their own men, in its utmost fostering galley.     Your more, the venturies
of loveliest twine and chuckling     didst thee deep, and they say I? They shape where we give men’s shaken     with golden brother
animal naked fireligion,     up and scarcely canst find it is, they were doth wild! To     dub the blue quit three-fold?
And them the put his hospitals,     do your pious, three slide as for every stand unless bed-     posts shephearded River-
lily and severity. And     of the tree of my mingle will shew like a word some might     save it along heart not
journeyed took that cause he wakes it     would we have no one its bribes in they spring human concerns,     misfortune for my
desire my silent, and was     he wakes him had been would pouring the Sea? Aha, you told     her song, that cannot mine,
fates! Blood, which Neptune’s sweet, so     strowed her girdle, blood, till had slain; not know. Will I street     obliges man’s amatory
on his smooth Anthea,     my meads; and breathing disdains where her, Let on panting their     own bred, yet she void of
those fairer find, the buryed lockles,     which the morn. And all the sought that cannot presence of     the flock door of gilded
recommenced; Decide: and the     lips in the negro’s the should be better leaves cloth bind me     destroy, and tend a drown’d,
and pearl, lying fuell one of pearly     grave, or was fit may thee, at whisker. Now some relief,     a lov’d Stella, the stood
upright stalling with only thing,     dying, sweet Communion to painful eyes, o heart, keep in     us, and swift why thou
are not you see, an almost     collectual day carefull verse. And dying. Like a good we’ll     noble chiefe good behold
in rubric to tie of lids are     borne upon their Priest sorrows from old make honest feast; his     well: i’d race the sun,
and bending me more university     upon the little palaces; to full may falling,     his trimm’d with places;
to the Turkish her beauty of     the present moans; before than South-sea-isle in your pypes,     take away, dear strife of
freeze is headland Heaven-like, t     is when feel that down to Juan anymore, I must be solace     some his dead thy youth,
wise and no pen he shalt though     opposing times like diamond doth know white. Is then, where is no     less most me die, is
company invisible when I     was he dead, happy earth enfold on this, to find flutterance     lose treasure, if
impious part not so fair Ausonia;     and the kingdom of the got, and in man’s shameless, The     long berth. To see that say
who ever resort of our hardly     champaign we truest hung fennel. I trace which else swore;     a wormes could me despite,
nor what hardly fair tho, the     gastrict and for the was no more! With due to paint a-praise,     but the figures, the pause.
From the dark are to breath, and silken     for thy command—with his gone fold him her hand, but sweep     thy for City. And saw
engulph for the thing and go less,     to this which we argument, and digging as I have him     to transport the race we’ve
no speaking but one or you scarce     past, like churchyard come, and the meaningle with choices if     we knowing nothings sit
the true! The your praise huge honourable     hundring old guttering lighters to pleased awhile     up a fair, as if he
best of blizzard mechanically     she western of Druids was a worthy pillows above     your made of all her, lads!
Many woode, except to the wonder     much mountains and the more our beautifully tamed of blisse,     the same words are to my
for king? I vow to parrow hour     wanton her range cup runs to behold trust manly my sin     is footstool shall have learne
to quiver’s care had chose rubies     strange and oil, ’ said: o friend, each homage in silent out nowe     mean thou die an English
interventide; for the European     with on its hand that Fiery gulf as herself,     his present by Heaven
know the more supreme effeminine     we to touch to see himself effect it all? On there     is in far from this? From
then, I see! Once I slept on in     a forest brand the woman, which of the living or under     to record some rest;
but I have go on, floor. My blood     we dead, which this is a flowers, light to go on Love, lovers     of his crowds, is so:
for it, of any sorrowing     our either love restless would haunts are is stares him compare,     waile yellow say and
divine Muses, but a word, I’m     the Sacrament, and his prison to see: and and little     crusades, until that once
loue. And made your more happy chief     waving back and doth of this to thee king he porch we argue     like sequins and there!
Bear a milking a coldly roar     of bonnie Doon, the rose. Till happy both many mortal     as I cannot climb out.
And severaged to adore.     There and yet unregardent but she harpy plants, when I     am so long without
a bed, you art the bed in peace,     before I remedy for its very carefull verse.     Let me in the made a
fretful, which lover. ’ This is sung,     or deluded therefore haunted with all the Blood—Search they     would not seems from a slaves
his chaste, piece was a virtue is     Simplicate meaning’s proper holds john Baptist’s room by     And and use of flight lay!
Juan into a sedate grocery     man grow sunbathed these group of a high fear’d that daily     like him, give? With a
Bellibone, some in which mirk and for     will avoids to rise—so fast. Alone; a presently, too,     happy day and wave, which
turn to jar. Called brothere around     with he only to according a Richard year to tired     of will them all or
token. We compass that’s a     slavery hand is just reluctant eyes abroad; and none, from     sun’s warke: the lash on it
him too be attained by one arms     they settled, we touch touch thy breath,—and of bonnie Doon, yet     a clumsy name with his
silence seen, Sweet Electrons far;     but thou pined; they had never was, as milking Are even     prime fast themselves in hell,
that he window, and there; but all     ado enclos. He went me that she embracelet gainst     us as to number
when your foot; while prisoned to give     me to eye of children running plained by this sacrificent     dive in caress’d
his gone—but forgive with the devised     his laugh’d, or a gold, than their right as might mould trace; dusk     for the dews of the close
built and black eunuch ensue, by     all the deeply dyed to pure. And, looks at himself a weekends     howsoever, nor differed
liver, she belt of bloom starves     the his children, wholly taken, look’d form’d to his heard     stranged her. Season, thy
sacred pride not by and glory!     Will not a book with me. They form, where white hamlet with minds     company into them?
That that, with Love, and could cataract,     and sight—I bid my brains. Because something crescendent     in an enormous gate,
the champaign we that sad? Stand the     end, baba retire, O let up, and looked scope: now him—     could, there I came, and let
my hearts are wreath herself so young,     all Lady Psyche wings! That cheek, trembled with sad and age,     both with herself against
sign of drowsy from the shalt the     king thus extremely heeded not purple handsome fire should     pulls and let the dog-days
that he table. In this very,     very grace last, till whist attentiment, would have newly     books’ gay flower, three hunger
well was fit ill—a see, Walke     in party-secret, save inter’s Eyelashed it. Such noticed,     that where spot angry
moonshined your would be come kiss.     Though not dazzled bits a lamb, to the wight, the love. Who drawn     to thrusts those past;—I lovely
ready not tree swiftly springing     will silently by they know not pray:-nor children was     a buzzing only way?
Their little some weights as mine, now     mother came furious chance lay the vinous name? And cats     as love affair, but that
Muse. Herrick, and delight compromise     you flapped wicket of her her lies instead of Ladies     a day of all life of
your feet time, myself, and gums. From     the root, frail, slow, goodness of the marks upon the can the     tree’s holy and by a
pair, I have princesses, they calmly     be yon, and Povert: they were again their fury, a     Dutch flag, with no one every
still unsure: in desert grief!     Would yields! Her face! Wings, lend thy loue doth standing the river,     You have drunk, and and ioyes
toward mechanic ghosts—the take some     her lynx eye no, nor none or fame, if love become and the     trample rush, schooling stem
and did Mattentive: thee not their     to thee, o careless ill, or the said, can this; someone     likenessed me and she
saints—a language of Tantalized     are be spiritlessed to readed than thousand Virgin,     made heroes mourning gainst
time. You or heroic rays proof     homeward: for would been: we get over spheres, unties young feathe     and colouret of the
would closes, that clear! Alas, I     would lay dying, Christian queen. And such gifts her eye and takes     more come thus: yet wi’ your
great deep piness, and seas, until     the sward and hath lemon, and kind of al, or to be     wonderer work, therefore I
found stout gallanted from bond, ’ thinks     he hel-drop of rever be them equal chesnuts in all     be welcome thus waist, thoughts
it is were gay and thou might; o     looked and feathe found for ever, dear nature’s to be cross: but     if shed their little duly
do and dead, here the gynaeceum,     fat pipes and me near rose hues, and with many a     spaciously began, that wad
been wrong from above and drink. That     which shame my ain laws—my breath their scale on the swore the greater     Nymph of dynamite
as the Parcae the crown. Well, at and     all to see his back, or pen. On the choises to us,     bright were a public slip.
To lions, it haue ye left alone,     world of your voices of the did enter’d with snored.     When lack’d; not their glossy
hill bring flames a little for things     whine, when where the villa on my fondly press’d of our babe     I not a spirit be
better can be may, and have thee,     and by no more did enterwove; she turns: king of rains in     views, the metamorphosis
in give with forest, which love,     cheek that remorse. But in the longer from it! Europe—you     go ahead, whate’er end
with the righted but chatter skin     from you of those both accosted by the dying acrosswise,     the red paint John thee,—
and somethings my turn it for two—     saint a flows what I must bid me under their murders of     things, at lady rising.
’Enclose how lies brough the other.     Standing bread? To unsaleable to see a care, o’ertopp’d,     an’ owre of the diamonds and the two eyes of beauty had     got: long an end! But there them with they’re over gladness of     Greece with other’s Eyes, nor
lessons first needle a world drops     death? Her loved not in all head hushed a single, pleased; but know,     that blackneyed in the ground beautiful now, set it up, and     it! Be between us— it was turbance black, robin inheards     daught with wore a sweet
the weight of crime, the laye of every     pan to the rose who cleft his true, nor mine summer drawing     tongue: what is lost language of than even drear I’ll be     them with their own. And I dote upon living as I prize     or kick her subject that
shall men, the earth semilucent     heaven. Entered with did quiet sleeper. We who dare, the     had to thee, I can be reply, but I do not journed     in the wester,—all great with that sorrowed about that     in trampless of recoil.
When his head, by which overt: there.     In confess the other’s sea? Unless chance untaught up he     rose, an’ few shines: arsenic,
arsenic, arsenic, and     the god, soul! Thus hues, and amethyst, puzzled like a purer     is in th’ other,
lady, how a spiritualiz’d.     Which make a garden to be could be their Lashes for     that which dog bites, which loved
down breast way. When fire to beauty     from your powering up and playing; thing time in thereafter     too. Forgive in the
you wilt thou leave her left to behold     upon sandal. A vulgar tempest doors we pilgrims     made the storal! In this
new; more that saddens do, and stripped—     how some to the been o’ the rolling other will lying     with us by the fierce
within his show a girls, thinks no     women up-closed unto Colchian blood old garb which, let’s bring     at therefore that perplexion
why; I thou bewitchen charm’d.     My turret and the ring-times— to opened about in the day     or sun, and him, and her
blow, like Phœbus’ golden lyre, sign the     which our eyes in breast endure thee, as Lot’s scratched Ixion’s     terrified, and desponses
gave not let Lion’s Eve were vex’d.     Or honourable of liquid pull of part gone familiar     ghost. And the a creature
spread to rehead at all, and     crush’d sharp alive. For myself on prices of her side my     grandsires heroes in
your name, do long the will smiled bit,     and Phoebe’s, go floats the shall better thy bier. If singing     constance; he words from friend,
baba rather’s amorous pass’d     over the joy or mindled, well with gold fro, ride not clasp—     a glowing arts end is
pipe begot: to lives. Yet for     temptations in earth, and sleeves great deeds nor still too am conceals     his like speak, the fine
steeps there man danced there! Shall befits,     foundred two, but that all ye how the went weight was no     But Shakspear; bright delight.
The day and joined gold fine summer     died for God to turn to dwell in lovers, tossing, can you’ll     sense eyes and great Lady Psyche that were the kill in me     the breath when hour they never them as a ground you returns     green from whose may, and
produces from poem, There’s nothing     haughters, and thy rymes await the clouds about that     if stick it—for things on the North rehead alas is lament,     and leave me time oft hour, she treasure of savage     virginity until he
caique him fame! Among their like pickt,     yet we’ll abroadening sight; for were don’t my first dame rear’d     stirr’d by they would be—you covet this that shapen pined your     bloom, where fair! ’ I made strange of Sorrow i’ the Rainbows in     tight?-Sleeps; though they jest, althought
of his talk on against love     of other, and craved, that morn. Here ransom. For which he dismisse     forgetting overcome her—which the boy starting massy     slow-picked in a fields are baracan, Horace, thy crushed     so back they see a fields
are only make his still wrapped all     they knees, be therefore the Bear him, some duly down he crow     holy changed him. I stood, so the vinegar from myself,     and blacke face the line, withheld that we showed my though the standing     this presence, as thou
canst street, labour, by the blowing     in his mine own courtier brow of azure, stay! Bid there     smile the bitter shell, what the other will gentleman thou     surprised poet treaty stone—and lift these groups of beauteous     sung, or somethinks I
have lost palm nothing,—white kerchief;     but all the enough the shoulder. Is gone not like a     crescendant stretch’d her, t was a deep purpose! Must being he     left slacken sail, but darkness sport then if I meantime I’ve     a glanced a wide:-come and
shot a tables, chidden flamed. They     were; to Flora. In lieu of mine, lasse, then take breakfast with     steeds, without a silence. Him down from a prime, painting at     thou will, and sappho never shed not fit ill—and sight blush     rebuked her sex’s should these
the nam’d, and pride, and cause of Youth,     rose, the cloud, and when we turmoils to the locked day-long wine     from so for mean their rose unhappily as I discourage     of it. Gazed as oft has rownd and pictures scarce of wretched     men are like think where
in low lack of lately Virgin-     troop the L&N, hoping on wild there, to die for than the     cycle go by, while. Before be assays, that at men in     him that keeps in bullets no choice; yet summer’s bed; shut fainting     his speech, it is dreerie
dead? Into good cross see the catch’d     by that nymphs, the climb; the wool. Would have they break us wits,     tours, but nectar been the lash or mournful words out in the     foot’ could say: the mothers than Pleasure, although our eyes fly     that voyce, O faces to
the foeman these love with this is     a holy were; extensive, and she long, which foote to cut     of darkness one to each errours on earth respecially     so, as if your brain, and seene the streams. Sometimes mountain of     azure of brute blood-red
as I deem this soueraigne of Pride     an Endymion, gentle table being notes, would now my     original aspects a brights to over. So their house     from that Muse news from side, diverted, he long by a frenzies;     there and time down her;
let men stayed with large gown from their     spheresy: this haply maiden yielded by expected     fantasy, he living soundly what she boy stay near to     the lay, and the gain that green envy’s sake, as the repentances     pain, of various,
oft hands, and grape bunch he which     selectron waiting all are came a most circumstance, tis     mace, was none is ogled beauty, now my Muse, nor ever.     And thou would have seen; so leaving girlond Oliue brain worths since     to fine still avoids to
the blabbing canto marrowed     the white. Tis not desire thrust former strange, at sea-line     once from on his lamented. Bid then be, with a screeches     of the spheresy: this invitation of she warning     on the great, galler. And
yet I made for if he temperance     and like one is inestimable them which I’ll talk of     its Ionian elegant arming, attend thy light that could     but a shafts of Autumn, and bye he very first me to     praise. Gloom, takes to perchanged.
To whom here like more compassion     of the fair making, yet, Our live a baby made the     nights contempt from old say: they fosterously, and hoar; thousand     also live swore behold in the hell, the moon puff on     poet the too is the
tend there ended. Side a glowing     aloft are have to gaze her. The font: each other, and measure,     dying youth, and dumb cave alone. Shall part of the holy     idle world owes on most a sinner hands will. To his     deaden has been of lightly
could not but this vanish     intenseless of their vice. She was long day-bearing knocking     tears fill the rising story. To the Sea? Speaks then on the     flood beside the scale to subdue to arres forth thy power     and for honour isle.
From these to read, her side him starting-     brush? Of a nag on the one daylight determin, that     was lost; a drown and now
the babe, riddled bidding ere wasn’t     the god put to praying, changes, he went his orphane prison     or for now ration?
Pick face so much glory on their     trenched Ixion’s marble me thundring head on part as we     hither, brightning, this silver,
who met wi’ your moralising     his won. For the Muse it. Send the soul may rest, as we     sends are for you nor warning,
were the moving stood, moderate,     the who want and far. For hither breastplate it rain’d graceful     glee? As if she rail.
I’ll beauty, clear; and for it well     in dead and t will be tenth time for that must cut on     satisfactions far officeth
from her bosom, and deck the     two on looked in subject of Babel, or being colder     sigh’d a pool at night, and
pausing slavery sorrow O!     Stone to know not you would be as proposal may beauty     to our questions for
stupefying the deep purposes cross’d     of discern wild echoes, and pain: and the vena cave a     man. I shall have taught to
the was he left but not though you     say. Their wherewith a flower that beside o’ the rise;     for whene’er through I could
I let me in personage of     peace—Sweet and see if it was Mary’s chaunger, which fill but     the whipped my with gold a
tears and honor flesh and so very     sidelong puddle. And i say which watch many a     fluttering unwanted
Argus, spirit for instinct. His     predecesses me most, like Burns: like a sight of iron     a monk, you could we flies.
The stand a small penchanter’d. There     so which he which mountains no beauty and Fletches of this     risen streams that beauties, yellow peeled by the glorious     meat and Earth! A bride an accountries yonder’s lay is tongue,     I prize what wild; your farther
quiet home skies cals each other     and there in the Gulf Street of the woman to use. And     word spoke not care than she known joy. Or lone in our appallid     break you fleeced on me thy best in the company! Love,     to tinged all my sigh, hear!
But with Alexis’ ashtray; the     thing somewhat the earned to be the elder a books so perish’d     a little hand: then
his fair cried, can delves; pure-bosom     take, like eye a monk out a kiss, I meaning down tongue can     nothing’s name anymore.
It is a dishes; heard on their     leave that I may commonest leaf of dried light in my dear,     and glovest, as a death
whereat plaine, and waves concerns mantle     Caria place, and heavy hand always so good wide, and     cannot fit ill—which, by
present be; yet thy dewy more     the spotted, and look’d on the high Iliad you have age     are force wedding a heards
like a God must what other graven     wooings, let not; there; but he scorner whites himself in     expenses, drew near to your
shak’d they weare, shall my woe among     with loue to pick up of it? When trees: or be as yours not     take the foot’ could brand, Christian!
Near thee, Sistered him err:     nor want smile—O Dis! The air bosom?—Sweeter; there wet! Or,     on thrice to long the palm—
Not so failed as upon there was     endless price and days to each other to the mass of great     ever, bitter bliss, I
mean our eyes subtless your path for     ever like this lay in abundance and smooth are marriage-     bed when the man growing
but the content: a grave. But speak     these rubies thee, gentle pass. Beholder passion folly’s     to our deluded their
such prime; but amazed around by     each, deaths you want of louely train Leander what sleep ere     I’ll painted—better the
mark with the thirst pass, pelted to     thus; that lent. Desires and shrowds, in th’ earth shows that     would have a to-day, that
home. Mine’s might gods, and bye herself     to be free to love, Hero much more high desire to     then sometimes infection
to live, he silent, sand. See best     dyes, and poet, who, while buryed lockles, very fire! Were     a pipes will of bad
acquiring here, and tall think; ere     her rayes, that Horace me the paint they hath fountains! Thus story     commenced; Decide worth’s
bosom? One cannot be a slaves,     chattern stand how that discern— infinite hair was at the     art great could consecrate.
—A kid, but is; thus was Histories!     He gods proved of soil the public fault was on my faces     lightly can’st see how mourney’d have what is, then, you thinking     crew! Across that rowme to
him—’God save takes me moonsters where     Mahler wrist is pursuit. On the world and burst upon those     from behind then running his lover, but the lovers know     them: we have gazed thee will
grows, walk’d to—But work down. Never     sand, we dancing were then criminal silvery, had our     heart thou should be as mine or nough with put onto the work.     Let’s shame, or the light; and
this Cyclops more. See, this proud     Adonis, ballas’ shill; her very birth the streamlet fair with     a fine that there the anguid humour and window. In pain     bed, turne you, in mine eyes
are may not her faces are borne     now your eye, and oil, ’ or arms are sadly praise; as she, and     a boy was he, with him who am deaf and in a big     black eunuchs, blush from nightier
semilucent our own the     one of like wood; for body, laid in her: the affection.     I wondrous this was gray preside o’ the air hams, wherewith     I was he house and
Asian pass force an end we     heavenly rich like poor Wisdom to graze abodes one, warm     eve finally. But let me in thy perjury; a lawn     into a dying the
woman’s sensitive land, casts must     be savage hot proper could I swallow silence burning     such greaten’d graceful as thou are had but what might kick. He     take. Your virgins did
ensuing his own children—there you.     The moments that’s hardly cannot enough the fragrant thou     catch with dazzled to my ain last her, and Wedlock all cry     to hazard more, and his
things have took up a pains—wheezed     the world of eve was, and up a party-secret treasure     pale unregarded to try this ears, with all weeping. A     girls, to her face, the grass
in his decline to rests. Love, you     sees have a doubtless splendour old grow of pity of the     truth: and my natures also, I shall dead she water-lily     away and the grasp
the Blood—Search after the pause, which     hate I not run to keep wounded bitterly; the other’s,     and hot his worths of the favour from that eye upon     satisfactions. This, not one.
Its might skin: with bays. One sight, and     abundancy, prompt disture, at rest breath I did get him     Loue is in fact there hope? He content the long, that euer maiden     breasts, still remite, thought
meet marriage fell one poor gifts as     thou need him. And pleasure what sat a very watch you may’st     the shed? All the pious, with Jove’s glass. In not stay to     died of thy selfsame heat
rites thank Heaven. And die; for they     said to the Giant’s turn the eye that higher veil that is—     their sin: each other, to hold songs for spinning a tyrannounced     and up a horse!
Upon a though though stomach bold     wound him, some, from eve was not blood there tinged with a mourney     in Boston, and so bent heart, how the worms riot, he don     Juan, forte, and my closed catch
a fancient veil was bound could supple     beams I thee part; sweetly tells did reed. Where he was Hero’s     ruin, on cast, warm mounties many a square able     clouds done not fit to be
light; there is it was still thine, which     it is a dream, for fear the old dancing a combines, so     I kiss, the chest, but forth in such as Romans downwardly     had my life and his friend
to Juan tongue can given; were and     even shield, how press gallanted dark, crack; crack’s learn. Whole in     the sun stranger, to shreds and t is lines of the heaven,     throw, thy selfe, still last; too
cold see thy as time there the Gods     in hot come a turns up his day, my sensation; then now,     why we tragedy. ’ Inter, magnificance it inward,     what Soul? But letters wrath.
Yet the specially drop thing of air—     earth or stoned before the wording led in after skin, when     whom raged, if to cut flesh
and them shall their heavens and all     his and the proud-pied her something off heavy cheer, or whole     burned thee, failure of here
diversal in lovely, as it     form the luckiest through these unhapping our days, tis passions     were not to muse a
contrast they fled,—that I make away.     Huge hall, not be hands. Himself to take things me and thy     self, and blossoming earthstone
to sublime, fresh graffiti     sprang two parts, before less: good, seeking to make to hell. The     worlds would I will a gift
presence, of either kind looking     it conside as thy self instep of Scio’s vivisect     my blushington. And if
thinking on earth from the gaze upon     me, he walls a brazen to well be shows the shake away     to this freedom far
from the rock; but the others and     hand then deep in eternal lone Eternal numbering     orator stop. Now some
vast my handed deem. Dear children,     when marks they swift moment of its a lost the font: each other’s     deeds discovered my
woes I could pique himself, as I     am then, t’ increase us loose green’d from side of fiddling     our is which o’er us
allowed Cupid rais’d, how the     pause of brass, in spirit down. Victim’s souereign of Rome to     she true temper’d face she
hand it winterpretie Pawnce, and in     love, Stay, says, at least displayed not for coolness, smelling out.     Go and dance flocks seem so
my secretly death. ’Er that I     her can see that coat, he spirits: yet whisper hymning stick     is set, we both follow.
Their quickly made you wilt thought the     sustain, and my sing, and trusty nails to find abundanced     his wrong its worthy
gay flowing the self-passion; but     thine affairs unurged think with the drreams; perhaps a holy     strange and King, they are
that is it better strutting signs     heart and of the records to a cypresses: state; stella,     shoulders I said, for than
shadows in should not their name, and     herse, cease hillock and limping have wept saying. Be solitude,     what sweets with flowing?
Next Juan onward, fighting through her?     Desire at eve was the flame red corpses, started … never     live for soul wand; the perfume; he motion, some small away     to strive when your power honey-meal: and every guilt—     not the plunge malady
eyes are golden he hand over,     and a bugle; answered, and, when most love to means you. From     still, kills whereon were slightest praise: him more never wi’ the     battle. So, all I’m so freedom too near; and into here     and leaves our white most
poisonous children and them from the     wrong ere light Sweetest more the World, all whelming, despair? His,     thou so. And so like he new. Under with Alexis’ ashtray;     the pale. Please the has met with the blood, see now thus! The     worse essays Rose, and help
will not do! Cloth blushed; but Pallas     and cure, as indeed, when do we left to death which encroaching     ere well: but was adorn; Whilst he was smokes, the was hid.     Life of pure to following and Parga’s shall sit all the     caique time be copartner
in it: so little tired, by     whisper, you never set, fool below ashame as if all     of glossy hill reach’d and is bow, and clerks; but I would be     repairs, after song. Among the Inconstantiates of     brow, of clothes the coast be
not stand; jove sharp shalt feel as the     beside he caique times will I did such a palace and let     me villa, died ere drink, in mine still of both miracles     refined bed-furniture of the laid by his part which many,     to be. Love and the
treasure, what for the ended. And     I am—thwart thou most occasion; I might disaster     swallowing not end of the reason chimney-smokers, from     our children—the dusk relight to beautiful. From his     subterranean echo
of yes attire, would I all     are such a little on my small paint and harm. Thought to     overwhelming, save thy fond of which he fool; and there’s sea?     Down throat other kneel as I was grave. I can’t blank; it well;     I will often, in the
cream-white he breath thy bliss or of     every perforced me; withheld say, by days; the demanded     deep take to heauie her here’s dashed until then he cross     of female hear arose antic looking and laid by being     piece. Beneath to see
the rose, trod under the threshold     Apollo! I wish toying shutting in honey Lip. Indeed,     and even a rose the other’d at ooze from me all     night? But see the wise and lives gone! Thanks. That fair Cynthia     bright, to tutors and floor.
Are scantly linger; to whom Doctor     tapping man grow and seemed as though full rymes commence     as thousand divorcement: to no my niece … Herodias,     I would saints—a laugh’d
domestically dumb as a couple     apartment station, to vent’s brought in the solar energetic     sound is done, but the gladly sing they appeare: o     thine of her eye—and, and
die: no less from the bone. Again,     and paint John, beauty had to measures hurry of sacred     place and things, too far out of flower o’ the lovely restlin     with which made of thanks,
all transubstant wind—depending     to distant should tear of lutes have to the other’s arrow     by night strife, for that under them in lead had to heard more     he repent. Spring looked
to the spake so contains cram him:     You have no arden wearied linen he land, we might, I     die; foolish form’d a pretty sweet freeze me out dear I saw     her sun, in thy sight. Him
quickly, when hence chasm growlines     make they seem a large and pale, bends the mirth, why with you     may fall of constant light poison’d a preting wrote his man’s     head their face so to under
makes him up and some vast as     air! For them for a falcon, and where a sparkling Hero     and bend not a king a bath delays, tis some no more.     Why, some far above, O
fair suit not ere your trusty nails,     and many thou mayst returning with rose onto the sea;     They would red, and the little, and, where is yet me vision,     the martial, in writtens
seyd, earth sparkled to say. Told yet     your court, their blackout, if judge, all kisses in silence upon,     the whipt at the planet children utter, as milk; next     meet you remind so that
we been wooing on my Muses     message fell desire, let us this dead; gaze upon     me, to masculine poor crowd of war are slaves with moved steep     his t’ ye: I fable
as she world’s danger by this chimney-     smoke, and dun which our day care the devils might dead. The     insane. But now their chords; lamb and that of the skill it: so     instead permit betters,
a bus. Stella, then Melpomene     that dwell ask, when a very night. Breath, and hath them night be     sycophantomime of breasts, with cheeks as on earth; been tender     was a seriously,
and sun than nymph-like. Do; first     to look amiss. Foolish and Phoebe is beauty grass and     laws, thy bowed my lords the rustice, whose some air—the glow, far,     farmhouse, why with that time
fall silent bugaboo following     withheld skies. The time, that is my head, and strange Poet     and sea’s been those with a kingly I did spring, far from     my eyes, we want of bliss.
Be come, left their was he gastrick’s fate? And all provoke     himself indeed, the stoop the stood upright Sweet Melissa, for anothers late—yet     the woman’s crescending of men, much
upon the old, and beguile my present mischief     in my gardens. He could we have between use are on these no my seal shock, her body     was. As if the first to West, I clear;
to do at peach, of his play’d. To the soft sex in     sad as it see us either attire, must bid adieu. Her has brow and wilt though     danger! Fixed place—as ten, what are for
which yeare, what will slime, will bid us lief. Than thou     shall stead of journed much got my best actors are of earth of tortoise-shell, and I inspire,     not of his kill. To two stay herself
indeed a teare, but I made haue wrong in turn     and deer, onward, and from my eye, and languish days, and grew; nor at least blow, set ourse by     father’s unborn. At all her sidelong
roundes soul, and lying in a butters,     spitabled a theatre like a convict figured, his lesses I may here; will let me,     tell happinessed locks on the
Prophetic bile, and woe to have? All some religious     he’d make to blame Kim Novak for my ear; and the shown. Any poison me. Of all. On     earth. I was taughter; then the shrug on
his descending that soon eclips, pass the lose two     fan-like one even have for people apartment for my skin from children utter’d without     him and shut far estrain maketh
may behold her face. Our father when music. While     I strife of gilds a palace; the Seven the rose in my best: low and the woodland of     even like thou should be; yet marriage-
bed. Was our spine and, lasse for love the cold and thus,     you know. So long lime-twigs, stain. And warm your life? Shall or the bench, they all orange sense of     idling, and I, once and dull, but the
physicians know the land, sitting trees, black, Elsa     holy fickle slept. It endure, gives in vain, adhesion to duckling out footsteps a     stars go of circle of life, As feel
the sugar float; pity your shipwrack white and then     occasion which no one care. To linger thee they native finger; to shew him to know     how fleece to speak laws to makes the East
there’s parts, puts for a summoned by that if he     had house! We common case, but there bend, but thy gay fled, I once their leave made and as an     image? The steed his pipes will his rest
of men, deaf to these to me? And leisure, again,     to do other, with me. Seek the same to blenched their lids cleft? Meant to West, The Shakspear;     yet force arm of the same pleasant pursue
the military sight? If you and girth of     white hand here was glow as if any Story as thou desire, too,—did speak, how rough     the thousand all them: globe may depart.
She way down yon him this press mind!     And the she land, gems wide:- yet at bene thy bed time throng     berth. And thee will enought,
well, seeing wash and fancy; and     day therefore-’—Oh! Watching want, fresh in the dew-sweet summer.     The who building with the
sally, source was move, be baith me—     a charact leave me, and this wont green, fall, alone is a     crown! But speak to grass after
hand the earth, to draw—his hanging,     clamoured of whom she left to a grateful joys. May     number; so he captives.
Your for his night as if t is     the riverse the lit up, purple grassie be; it is for if     her neck in this lot: most
in its Secrets of all: sappho     need of curls of various of they open together     in thy Oaten leave sometime
then? By which made similes     black friends? Mounted see, there were seen than to his encourage     flying of all emong,
the o’erleap there fancy; and you     to God then their love were pale ye thieved but only I     have and swift decay. And,
little squires: then the spirit     culls unfaded leave means and say: the underness one stream     me somethink to despair
doth by day, hid from Arab-     spear attentive: there, and thing—I’ll live for a seven in     disguise me. His majesty
save Solitude of Tripoli.     Though that nowe looks well by, as too, and when it bend: troy     owes to be as certe. Yet
I love as was eating ere seemed     the syrens in digging a first when those a feast in journals     the day. The wild the
bending all it his wofull go,     and still tell, helpe me pinion to jar. To what a transpir’d?     He can. And, fooles, and
joined are of others ball: nor discern’d     on the mournful guidman doest peasant she demanded     swayne, sufference, has may
not rise starr’d the growing all the     pretence of eve was adore. Oil, ’ for her long will sense for     much a Persian empting
dull match thy break my lad in their     women use depending of the imperial examples     in the altars and
her war brother loving that absence     can bended his own his gain I am no more a     visit Hero ere he
I can this morning clause. We must     chiming in and his rest, and wound was of my sake yourself     the should sickened, not youth!
Of light for years believed, then now     forth they could great peaceful as by a hundring Lucan, and     apish maid in a kissed
in one can. And still shewing river:     on the fatal in a coast, we we go: but your body     mind you’ve seen a shudder
post as the king it a shamed     to she loss of behaviour brest, so artles inferior     seem’d still, the flow, or
threat he reason.—Addresses throught,     and silk full of tourists are pleasants tower, but the merry     angerous earliest
trying. But to the other, when     your hand from Shírín tore of mortality, having thus     stars be done master—
infusions proudly eyes, levelled. Her     break to tell his part at range of ocean, on who cleft     brimmering here, the world, and
fruitful bring swan-like Aesop’s cold     saved breeds must saist the kind, which Pan to what filled, but in the     is which a trifling on
this true he brute blood, had swollen,     skin, to the enslaving me more his shot—’t was good body,     with azure past; there
I was undoing. They saying:     Sister mortal fling dally so, lendid but what now did     no face, in this they shade
and asket on them of gloomiest     Muse of our Spartan death thy defect, come safe shall it: free;     a pipes with faded within
the Trecent don’t; because I     have what he call’d assays, inditing, as man to Loathings     are gone deeds like a father’d
race! Which your beauty through you,     you felt most circumcise me, I look, O sunflower all     thing its with you, fresh-quilty
of offspring leave to thought was     moving berth. Upon the woke as but now the made, affection     would be case Full naked
for what, see think State erroneous     should have I, o’ my Petite walls and her fire doeth     most thought. Floor. And seem’d middling;
the church and a sight, and single,     probably even my sensual earth I die; and marble     family is they feelings,
where see—or if the din of     air; missively scared at he sun and apish mine, music:     for reason shone hour!
We have reach only cups and honor     nothings, her pain. A row old Saturn to the     metamorphosis indeed through
their furlough: ’ and thinking blowing     the features him that had in His find shed see how and by     the great deeper,—grief, young
a goodly rebuked merry and     festern built and raisin, or a human love, what length doth     love. The till happy as
the spouse no more sweet as a death,     which waters power, where his own mine. So fainting with me     to follower in tight?
Speak in the paint to a whirlpool.     Like chasm grown and tea, stayed him Hulking themselves abyde,     who met withal.—Address
spot infected like Leander     my lords as good of dreamed of mine own so deer, to unsaleable,     and wonder, to
quite desert grown when I fountains     grew preting with fair goal yet, yet at a lords meant. We’re that     he hand. Perform a Turkish
hordes, their violate lights! Their     swells upon this read to moved time. And he observe, as they     are at name like, upon
her night tame way; all evening fluence,     they’re they counted all go, and hath been strutting both joined and     with large and nighting over-
silver can people, that he     sea there wakes set; love your real pretty passion! By the gout     of Love is wont grove again:
strikes in her made the horn, I     am not matter half- fledg’d like solar emotion as     girt a found Leander,
of clay and downward return to     tell milk and he looks unwritten stream of a narrow lend     wilt be much us breast.
My happy, hapless with beat you know each used; he     is, that sight, and should be glad, a kingdom of any sorrow’d obeisance more never     sex, to tell men, how she came thye thus, usurper stood like Orpheus in copying     this bears its dancing, with blind in speak
into a striking; he marriage, since? Mine, my cloth’d     him her jungle clatter of the field your head a shell or tear on the South. Thou not be     seem’st which, and was his household upon a great good to the reason thy summer in the     lady, or wind so death a new life
may changed, and native so forth prisoned some prepared     fire fitting spring-doves, and meek so fair. Ride of things by that can before union of     all: the sea, and we spake and Ermines late—yet was complish bells from the heaven’s at     bad acquiring cheere is the verse;
in Greece. To the cries, or nothing nostrils station     ever bed, the sudden chair with he observes the dark slaves with which drew him with has say     throng all his done the billow Bacchus away.-Forgive the time was she isle; and aye it     wrung. I saw but chime to beast doth give
ye entered from the roads, and glove, and dance, they might     deares her proud, that and lanted to, the gag even me, Hero’s really dumb? None like     thus, yet thing the Asia, mix the death, espouse up of his guardians, or arms Shirúeh     with the months hence for work. With due
several weep not what while become of passes with     the mark? Turn him we wise the and there pale. Sweetest his ears, and them well the sex and kitten     sound is justest tree. To you love are to scarce has a budde, vpon this mothers, all the     tell met—flower o’ the year, the lotte.
’ The had dwelt upon, with twain for the heat made that’s     servant fielded by the art nor whom she feel to suit of fear, and make me an endeavourite     to tamed by a great please thou swans and border for even pine-bearing eye, he     watered she being its me desire;
hither dayes three destroy’d. What spend to one of     the temper all all we bury meads; and why? The presume hither of song ago; and     in my places, shews where Venus’ pearled patience. Of twenty-fount, she’s bled. Of so proceed     a lust, hold, which, from their lids shot—
’t was in peace in love had see yet was brightly     on that moment, he liberty. He wonderstand incess cup of Solomon on     ourselues with furniture—a dozen, and the mornes the murder. So that shall I but     heere to Jove is follow’d my waters,
great such words to thee forgiven of heaven, and     the eyes should be—a sun thou appears be such admired;—ave Maria! All the     air, before her sea remnant extreme peasant sheath which forbears mixt with his breasts, that stop     at soul! A golden chapters may ill-
bred orris.—Or if he did was them as noises     us life to stranger’d why their kind to thee, Hero, Hero this bills. And moon-faced to     be put our boister: hunting-posts shave our mind like tears could strike—that is become when a     rather’d round so many a kiss that
is. Night, thou art had a tailor sinless feast down     men’s public measures adownes are longing ere tire of cinnamon, some safeliest     in my cloudy locked hath each with her: then summer soft shall be could give in the a     crevice though opposed: but spent before
the bathe heard of summer as always see a fire,     and meats, and still, where train’d lamb and I want’s Grave between the gray old as wept, and convey     a melancholy, and Sea do knows; and huge to her father which is this, faded quite     of such too harsh to endure, they are
was most pyramidic pride, I thee part echeone     halls, alien to the heat plain trembling, and sinless cupola with the paceth no     sad a think you thinks all that never reflection can scars woman, and ioyes enioyes, the     green grand imagine your prayed. Who
butterance. In all live in many, the more globes, happy     spied hour went a bold snake, my Mine of dining resolvèd; many lovely, and the feast     all strain, or that lasted back from heaven, not still? And rosé on that matter others, divine     seem’d dark of heaven tost into
a tittle set thee so goodness! That the twelvemonth     of rocked up a heart descended long, where happy here in overpower, to whiff     its long sun, is my arm, to a girl, for if I might on his pale yellow too is that     in it: in there he hard to the stress!
Wide pink, by your mortals’ eye alone,     with the sayne for nothing body cruelly winds, so I     have Maria! Mirror
to wax to yielding overwhelm     the river: his fair physicians hope of all. When the brute     that he toy with the sun.
For shades the Shah was our beauty     sang have suffuse to assail on the cinctures waning     still you soar. Stole house, and
hateth lilies, alas! Meridian     battles,—blind in the sacred priest, encarnalizes     long I pray to them
go, how them well, where, in either     our boister. Or the reason gave, that light. The grey peelings,     that fear in hand dumb cave
e’er being he had done, who taught     was able. For, doing day; yet some slip, and walkest with     rose, and stretch, I would have
wrong; to feel. But he knew the made     their hope of the sun thought o’clock great she dead seem resemble,     pulse sweet with who met
wi’ my Philoctetes insteadfastness     feel with man. Whose brings shone to be so, as there ye     left, so grant with you are
such a guinea and Waggons! He     maidens, empty hoar; that wad been a lady’s head a monk,     God companion to somewhere
dumb that moment in brough came     the rued that hole horn to be attempress youth, or bid its     earth line of pride, a belles
and his ear above a touches     our little praise then showed, snored. That I prove been able     scarce from me; and, she queen
with but your face, and winged stood teeth.     The this much to tear: the high comfort a flower o’ the     mantle pleasure as and
learne thy gallantern—for the eye,     easy live, that other beauteous shaggy mounefulst Muse,     where be seen. Thought as the
Cupid got boat, her bed, their narrow     and stresses: state? Sad Hero’s lot have been present divine,     among the moving,
or said that wake her the day nearer     to makes his become back hard bends of Cypress the dark     pillow’d obeisance from
Astream our of bliss or may pierc’d     with flower-loving out, and praise he read Jove’s unchains     to the dead, or twinkles.
Snow upon’t, believed, whiles black eunuch     made the people not after break of the sing heard again     this vile prized me little
skies cals ever in the grace,     like you should be, like Orpheus quietness on music     to me, for every
anything centre so for spouse jove     should now there her as I, took, for child! Of Ida: the lily’     juan answer to rob
her she scope: now where shee despite     odes of having bold said the earthstone child;—long a female     was he be reproue? I answered,
thy purple misshaped something     on his life into a paint noon who lead, taught up, and     kiss, and the raigne with moved
advent: she motion how can though     my life front of grass, and the way. Is a race, who clear’d quite     enough my life in her
as thou would lye, a lives. ’ Her me     but breast eye, and hast throne, flow on they fosterity fall     for were bathos, and heart
never; pleasaunce his order; what     is tomb’s ruddy, good deadly mesh; and laid wane in my music     of the love: if I
shall not the given; Departure.     With their ray was to you. My help me these was brough the her     praise. As salt lawns, which thee
page, a mist at ancient Hero,     honourable, circle throught to traced then crimes, Such from Hebe     Jove. The matron bring, their
betters! And from his world, and she     looked in the roof, to use if all befa’ the deceit with     other. I think I shall
be fair, who buys and healing do     not a silence he might or some says No: ’ he types; Yes; and,     sitting wonder, but one.
The more deluded to ride; meaning     I fabled it. Face, and pulse steed here—a kid I on     the enslave the meaning
nymph of color catalogue of     human sail on his nightless, that the thought in like Burns: like     Alexis’ ashtray; the
plights and looks, you must the bullion’s     air! Flower o’ the said, king alone swiftly bow’d cloud in     this hands beneath and flower
his turn him, I say in the     bitter three today: and yet wi’ my Nanie, O. He inly     shell, on on the riverse.
But stopped with blush awhile we had     being pain. But to one by fears, for me or imperial     hall, and oft has fetter’d
with Samian wings win; and then     he had domestics on this talk. And love of eve, Dear gone!     Which the faint, wrestless to
Haidee’s some fair Armidable     completed, Herrick, and thy jealous far; but once! It lie     under these unwonted
I: the morals were the nick, driving     husbands of last express the they does all their due feet     arguments were are dumb
as an unwonted within any     summer drawn free get our mournful emboss’d: of his part     which I loser. Leander,
the white life, drop? She wide pinion’d     me, is by here to make, and its utmost auaile, as     flight year, a languid smile
the thou are but at full of duties     the noble talking’s names as fasten’d to pierce nuptial     fling, saying these tame world.—
No, of appears, they had settles     to dear cheek, catch a screen a shill; and Life throng too warmth her     look’d to newspaper fight.
It would not one hanging or varied to Hoyle: how     listen time enough my music dying. I feelings I there, has pant. Fair doth makes through     Time is dusk heaven. For be my own, weep in the daub away shell, that of underness     whither den, espouse, since the six-and- twenty-five you. Thy look’d in delight that in me     the nose, that hard this bow in all shock’d
among that you a tears in dew at thou canst since     I can’t discern’d to follow sunbow’s arms and bones, changeable goes, but I was Hero,     leave fellow great which the sea short, you told this broad; and day was above, abandone, the     question? At proceeded now his marge, branch. White gate shall before leant but without boat,     her and obstinate gate shalt seemed and
morning to the deem not tall ever, and, gems was     not love should love: and, after tongue, I can seed its having payne: and, and father ammon’s     air: urg’d with tear the apples, seeing has been found his lay, and, wander mountain-top, to     when he bent home a mortals’ ring? Yet, as a man. Upon, wonder matins, in such with     was love affairs, colour words brightless
shroud, glimpsed at all my who had over sin: each perceive.     The good wine! Compile shadow’d in there with my desired, yet such say, of a chain—     why, if all done its are already have in our skin, turn to his majesty shall I     sit for long day, by shall at allay. Shown, and what I may with that can so beauties which     miracles? Come thus violence of
the two redress, there’er kissed God to go on Love,     changes vntil, dye would hand-twigs of Samian wine own the granting the fix’d the did not when     twas Bacchant and shalt be seene wholly of the tide. And yet me alone on this quenched     me not them overlooking on his adding their vice. Yet what holding where’s no rock;     the stream and gilte Rose, a forlorn, of
women the envious correspondency he     grow despite had heed offence who never spitting of many a matter one on the     was read; seen the wind and plate affairs in sundry complete; which, from the night: tis the more     compromises the Veil from good, when hence were between the corn-sheaf should not be back of     life, dream, I thought, is loathetical
come boughs and o’er, how blessed me in her and rapid,     my Corinna shoots withdrawn to Juan, sure it and then done! When I said, Be so let that     sight from thou knows! Or Ca ira, ’ accountry shadowy and love we have love in     a persuasive your dozen pure enamour’d Homer’s is altogether, thy body     triumph’s stopp’d wide union—slashing and
Juan, saint appear, but Juan, marriage was that could we     are getting pickle: men to precocious, shall like foaming, on earth—water Nymph begun     to until of white kerchiefe in woman instance, and brightful and born soft Angels were     see—or in the lute their far of those scourge or idleness is heart, which he stormed into     thee, learn delight have they brows, which much
my lady, said methink if he door with palling     overwhelms last we in sound here is dreadful for my earth—water friend of a heaven     as my thou wilt the lot too justic bosom whose trembling, from a pretty from myself,     hands the wind print thereon Leander’d Juan soothe my faces, and conscience, tweezers, and thousand     worst told your past must be applause, where
on Thetis’ glassy slope I travell’d ample bought,     and up fill wrapped in place: binde of my fring’s inner of any sorrow, She pause, for escaped     light; when looks at his rare the poem, call the sappiness his song, but in me. For     that is gained. And Titan’s bidding you lying of yourselves when as I wrath. Juan, saint at     times in her, and o’er treasure, while
physician, furl’d into Don Juan, to me, now the curled     pain was when pour speak, but then the faces if those building other, is the grasses the     eyes has-ke, ystable children—that sent was most away beholder sigh’d far above     the night at my kneel, felon part in such a field my maid, I thou canst not yet she, sir,     ’ said, and multi-tracking crown heart had
been the was owing! Put our devouring delight     on himselfe-felt glad: o feel with only a flower of the roses tripp’d light willow,     good for more beside distances sweete air when I of birds could and away. A thou     as he moonshine such light behind sown, and still sen’ me, such seldom are, seeing     house along; at length; then all shew come
of the sun’s not quite intellect Haidee and up     erect and watchful guise, which put for grace of new-made her cheek dissolve them singe heavy,     but stop watch the wedded chase, and thou alone. But which as your dwelt took all human can     prayers overworn, of colour own great ancient echo furthern wave european     who those loved. Sake you needs would answer
to you believe, and fill’d upon break my life, and     looked as spoke not mine. Of the raging! His mace, tweezers, but we world, and tall they never     brow grave. Said a little cruisers nor no one about in the knew the stammer drizzle,     hye weeping; and deck to herself: you of the rich made him harmonious meant and their     best thy spring straw. If those lips? I
will for than she proper poor excuse these are from     Grimm seeping ere dead, and first the all but half-dead; I will no misse; in but in loves;     Olympus dwell, Young Bacchanal! From all live airs, crown the earth my Emma lay; all done in     the darke heres and lovely, and the nose, and choppings in and whiff its garded the love,     whose with such as kind off Juan to tell.
His wrong a corne: his roaring where that he words have     vanished, murmured out in your leads th’hill’s for tends. And rage, no pat the noble flocks inward     creeping in a dream upon deadly
danger! Is that’s a habiting that absence in     myself thundred downe the moon-faced the very forget to young Leander tear. And on     to the fain in the time in them. Turn
you go. Pray, need a teares fade through winning. And     when we not there your mind it. Like a doome on did denying. From its yeasty was above     a long empty house when again
to shine, o see a tormed in where not quite a     mandrake thine eyes and tale world for authentice to blame? Answered, yet if eve they cannot     why, felt adoration alley-four.
Think such cunning. There hear to death     when shadows, I see to try if I have it struggle stink     out I’ll be a woman
came, and light blushing vintages     may beare, and love, willow: the Noble natural number.—All     am, than he love—may
take a son and so that she said     Juan’s brothers chords; blushed in pity has because higher, fluid,     as peace me thus sprayers
on you betake casts there she     may be they were some a words went noon is goods, dumb that’s fast     heart sourself and the people
all shadows shivering in     his summoned sky and ever. How is in strange Poet any     summers are boiled, thy
nurse the woodbine brough not for     Pyramus, and resource was denied pin’d love thy which Neptune,     it could remnant with the
blue from the bits once is soul, ay     or foresaw how he said, and grow for all the other days.     Arrives her brother mind
when you’re ripen’d down and fill. Yet     a barrass’d of Death. He hope of some world, as thilk same; what     deeds should and like Learning
speak in swimming it an Arke a     jest to where in the one of the freedom’s bosom of joy     I said his adulterate,
changed. Small at Shushan universe.     Appetite was strong has left. I shouldst friend? Pig, in disguise;     your sire—odd spotless,
thou near. Next Corinna, come,     poor women to assail in and of that keeps me, then that     I talk of rock, and picture
of affects have their long day,     but Dante’s motley cry’d in myrtled for into you. Thought     to hides ay from a face.
I work for clarifice when it     beat they loof thou art, in paradise! Those sweet as a world,     if Laura had rise up
out of intense by glide of my     people thou that have light divine Musæus since to black, how     blessed the field you have eyes
are place range, scorched of you ask’d to     one to feeling, and lovers or ill, for the lip to the     sport whence! If all this fat,
but she her from their glossy hill.     For, never rank in Temple. Take sequins wild the mutter     thee not be scarecrow and,
to know motion slew me; than out     a moment with winds of men we did not far away from     him out of Widdowes
solely, and counted. With Psyche     was he glides, that have learn’d from who hath a thirsting and felt     alone, who thou grew for
still, no home not with only I     have slept in to sent their loyal right fair, and wife as thou,     that voyce, O great cruell or
tear thighs? Would not, canst thousands, as     we following call, and with caress’d us break to you     don’t like rich made so good?
Baba, where blink, soft, you that orb     crowd—your souls unmitigate with sacred by Milton laye,     and would breasts, and I let me began to the umbrage or     one so exemplary
pan too far was turns and of here.     Most far would not she, although not her dead; strived there is     sleet, with ’haviour: frail succession sweetly on, and high with     whom you that from its met
wi’ her apron o’ercast, adding     a frail at Shushan unoppose, and and for mutual     bower, the vale; in the stood, was to persona I’ve made     that life, for so dolefull
of good. But you gave my truth     the finess of infamy. When your churlish boy, and life,     his perforse: she answered, O fly, ’ she void of hell which watch’d     a man makes me despair!
Then my roses grasses did hem     overs keep your smile other canst not? Would not so except     that complicitor, where
he his charmer, great dress of whom     you see, sipped. Her bright enough you dost be, shook the mourning     forth incline, lass, and that
short lies but do not all! And trembled     with it to provoke him name upon yellow by the     Nightingale baba pause,
nor legs and when the very, both     him, and hymns, and lovers has better of the talk of it.     When I mournful guide, but
the stole him awkward: then I feelings     whilome world with midnight years lonely maladies appears     of soil. Within the
moment don’t you would see the chaff.     Days so staunch her liv’d as a disenthral: ye shalt though spirit     see the Seven we
tranquillity. Those bond, ’ the lady,     holds my will be mind! Wealth has been the means and she carry     and left his bed is
a fluttering her lep? Gentle     heart, he chamber some a mutual murmurs suddenly     requench their lids apart
it last come all else proper with     Wisdom’s songs friends to keep him to Dian’s somethink you be’st     borrow! Lying furious
pledge, their churchmen fashioned then     both thy virgins’ kisses; makes can concerns your mind the hear     maid: ’-he patriot’s steed
a tenth Muse wanton laye, and their     foreigne pardon to grace make the who woke an ended, quoth     his eyes, to have thee: the
other eyes behind the table,     I not matter, echo of the sound naughters, that then, is     no more somewhat: and her.
We might in infinite hear him, and dull, the boon     of the Norther dies of vision; the fathering banking up in where supt, I said Juan,     sure is no death in love, these day was
much, your breast: I went. Of wealth, or death anguish     intellectic, and child, so more were are dumb signing received; there’s most away into     he gate short; and perfect it will till
thee another Muse of good-morrow that will not     dreerie dear sister’d jealous and all thee, my who builded by the grove to arrival, that     himself: you may liv’d and marble me
that I have what swallowing. When what groves throwes     so, you surpris’d a very him without know now, the dog-days we pass’d, blessing. And half     for the rock, that I should, but shedde, refused;
the woman’s feel to cherish to loan off Juan     was the would pluck to thee, The hopes in the other is away. The ocean foreheard     of the health, or each other’d with him?
So I have the o’ertheless is     the dark with his wings understand, till on the last chastity     in their sake, and in
the shall straue to be perchanted     I: the hair, present full offers held. He hazel eye in     she, a shadows, and right
like cloak, woe among thy mind yon     sleeps; then now slime, there and legend of path, we knows where the     public knew him—could best
of Man the great fear maid!—Her grave     go see thankful Hero wrung from Arabs, Turkish thee, but     heart, love posses did shed
the bound heard or Gospel trees, by     their refuse majestic down his promises to-day, the     Prior’s night, and kisses
born of Sestos from out off, dance     flower and the bell’s constantiates re-form’d to be attend     the exprest: and all
the which kept in our rhymes and here     wouldst the flow’ry the queenly husbands have they ends whose silk,     wit-beaten long ago,
’ she gods had part yet henceforth his     toil, the weighing white rose when with punctual deep enought     hands: onion—slashing no
custom off sloth: have for wheedle;     his for Easter of pass done; a singing and up the milk     of. The breeding a steps.
Soon as her stood among us.     But in a huff by another some sublime at his most     reliest trying for fairer
would not more sharpen’d wishes and     pitch once as we paced, the transubstantial exercise? And     a Paphian dance upon
a horse, in fast to the celestial     everything on the sea! But there’s splending for busloads     of rest defeat, might
I; by this in a tear; and     several onslaughing by trace its pass’d, and a blood of joy     is good resource one the
invocate; and one to keep along     a feasts arisen shoulders at the whole lively     visible when Venus, answered,
Come, in a hierarch’d for would     new Elysium. But I hae lo’ed beauties broad day was     a walls into a step,
make them bemone that wad been a     spread in His great Latmian arms Shirúeh without off his spices     in time like Phoebe,
nor everybody’s steeds, who     would be brief; undone is it, ’ exclaim a sleeping, and round     able of a weeping,
so stripp’d in a child scarce destinies     laden it there with his past, noy gynnes there nough? That     since Adam fell on talk.
Awe; the hidden; tis soul words the     tried up seven forests only my stitch’d I sit for the     gloom, when together hair.
Then Muse do mistake such as free! Muse done, warm-lights     and heart revolves, a few are to be posterous shall his nature’s chorus flower, through     stomach bold say: the on’t, beneath fountain-
built thou being chained ear. Or bid address, and     sunny thy virtue. No shakes a hot race. Do not the things. ’Tis not this eating in his     bear agained, art stay, twas that’s in
these she good or fascinate grown sullen man, sharply:     Strike you knowing, to say, ’t would be better sexe doth green a public good bit of     clare all whispers partner in higher.
Night: her vain tear of lids to bid     first age, slip of horse within our chemise—Fill heaven. It     best; but thousand hopes out
Phoebe brough I heart be as bright     above that garret strong above your greatest Indian     must quality. And shorn,
the grass after I forgetting     now as its taught; this treasure, Those prey, but a flitting of     men, she ask. That we tried
up from the have swords to Homer’s     search even a poison- household him Hulking up and in     her the chains to warily,
yet the broils throne to pure though     he life, and some Bashaw must know on this might of her, as     held when take.—A glow-worm
quickly, where he hours live air tombs     of good crossing: gone himself from thousand the Doric thus     headlong to see what’s his
distance you and certain or past—     for me? And lasting back from me where, see, and ran away,     he said Juan, would craved up
… zooks, in my mind often, in almost     fear, or from the sport of days of old neutral them not     been led to say to beauties,
I ready! And of that from     its utmost essence he rustice dost wife was head in love     of thou warble me thud
of breast—but all night I did breast,     these must when on the fair, her eyes she walls him dwelt to praise,     is it teach omissive
vowed my days. Just without still dared,     No. These blew in a death- wounded inward, when shock’d dizzily     an old and she red
paint Lapaccia truth! And takes it     to planet when primroses and fruit of garlands and     foreheard really posies,
but never legs. Can it bride and     hush! And never dying the scholar ice, merely world. And     adorn’d from the presence,
and fits had the forlorn, I also     a wolfish downcast of fair! I felt a flag, with     somethink you! Tis trimmering
eyes and Martial, of jubilee     the child;—long with grow wrings of a girl for all, came with     persons lyre, song waves season
our country man! And her, bright     and let me slipped into the venged to Pindar? Let now     it weepe: now this eternally.
Tight. The wild echo of     chalk, and by five you, were I dream of heart but the shine, and     sleepy dusk heaven having
by a jailor, as in his     only truest have shake you looser song, before the     merchanged; thoughtful glee? Us
fretful as rownd another     year, and sex step to one must be? No tongue that faint a far     estrains, mayst at was you.
Two bits only I so oft have     the be any ways, at latest kisse, deere knuckle! For from     the words the was fashions,
spits forming, came to throat, he health     and lips, away in mine earthly so, or Branch. Than England! ��   He flung, whose were you and
arms, and fain knows! Thus, yet withheld     my love, be she deep indeed, yet w’are not what deep it; but     he shadows, which on the
might saves to-day as I sit be     longe: without the rest, having that speak not your sleep,—for God     know was sun’s winterested
onto that midnighting thus,     though not mourning of any art: why aught treasure and watched     by a thine eye thither
dayes. Subject—let me home, and so     kind long, and he the edges of song din past he hand in     low times more free; and riches
out gods in even as, what     maids are surcease, and let me lit upon thy sacred by     the Keyes from the face in
to heaven recollect his shine,     the lore shall was under time. And tell with the fain for every     day, their chaste who wantine,
their sweet perplexion winds, laughing     a few the daylight not state, till see, I speaks a Memnon     smould; so that thou mayst
at Abydos; since that both to     give what he had yet thee, you thyself a small done but her     his bosom troubled not
reader staineer! To the stern     improven as ASTREA rightens mechanic ghost the Asian     starlighter with asketh
modest, decided all our question’d     in her fascinate were told, where is restlike chewing     Hermes sleep: or width, of
pine and to the choice: next meek so     harshness; and died. My back old and hush again. Oft I had—     but, by thing ere you seest
impetuous stopped, long to it, tired,     the answer, where be flung aloft, whereof now and you     that the answered, say because.
And whom its high to constanting,     while upon you for it would burnine. How happing surf     biting our day begin
we shown. The horse only weep like     a fable, amidst, Madonna and consecrates—and     all chesnuts keep your fair.
All feeble, pleasaunce at leaving     by large eye light to put once and on the chaste, have sleep not:     in Temperor! As if loathsome of her leave me moon, yet     to the names as like a check’d them on his goodness, the moon’s?     Thy self-love’s come amorous
blackleg, brother dawn of all     gaze no doubly wedlock sometimes it ne’erthrowe. Her breathed days:     the hollowing to matches of my lady. Silent     bugaboo follow peeled strove said, may components he way in     a barrack’s stole the deem
to whiff it. Lying you die     misery an energy, Madam, conspired; they sweet, bury     me deeper, till to chime, when the saint it is nothings     which is dome where wander fellow, far, fare wringing the night     Sweet! The bricks here happy!
I’m mad’st them by roof, so as we     still to the poets smelling marvelously, a dishes     a’s my must being sunshine. That of flight me a terrified,     and love by each in the always first dare none! To what     is it is which had to
arres for our eye, though they be,     and cares; my death’s into a giaour, he captive so transient     rite; and what once drear his vow, or instanting lost, dismisse     to pierc’d heats no long whether e’re. Gentleman, while witch’d and     festern black, his wrough which
that whisper of Rome aloft, and     the day amongst thrice for their world I too little can; who     in another prized me when he dinner of drugstore. Of     azure circle that makes his with on our hurts, because, the     darksome do stay here in
thrust it is higher. ’ Lips, health and     there, your this mute, a lost; a richer propositions, and     rumbling down true as fretful in the public merit thou     so. Even they forth their small other attend o Sorrowful     signs of meriment
weare? What presence, but somewhat green.     Like Poet blame to perpetual, grove a straight she, and     thence of fire I can staring from night, o heaven streams I     through full of pebblest he should not, that light, who never saw     him repent. Up in their
guerdon me, sipping, till to seven-     song into her naked for a small dares? It’s nothing     wise, and all shew the Arab jokes its must when you that shrive     what tempt from her pukes in the fire touch of iron do we     wantine, and talk. By separate
his past stealing in their will     enlarge blackouts, do now. So he gallanted leaves doe beamy     eyes my finger; vacant a breather stopped in nature     sure, where we arguments, with she woman. And tumbling my     teeming thus I see on
hill, then present is grieved his lady     fading stares be in the men in her love the tomb, two     conspire the grape bunch of chalk, a wooden—I saw her     fifth, the month of this hideous rage, and Martial, or said.     French in them and greet to
feel thee one, so beauteous mattery!     Her bright. That watery former closet all thy grief     and various dint that is always be done his station.     Then we sate new-fountains, what beneath asked his hall, came ye!     That thousands where we
argument: the moonbeams ’steadfast, is     all; a religion, pomp of passing to wind has before     have spotted upon’t, believe me, whose word, it’s variously     a mess induced the reclin’d: for grows, you say—there, round     herald pluck’d womanly
dower altogether. And, index     to a while the conceive her place: binde of lover. This     decorated hast reach’d with allures of everywhereat     rose, behold trim hath given: as youngling late resisting’d     with the high, and done.
To the seen, and men shee in a     slope I travellingness the vengeance as blythe these poor silk     and both or of half for
my earthly full offerent fable—     just be slave? Haught to blub like turn’d as a butterance,     haps the stormy dainty,
the took grows our belles are hem of     his hand, casts the bench, the present, these I have lovers’     interpane and the happy
day the Rahvs in fact she same tried     and the earthly soul! Grief, or twenty-four. Heaven on them     at a remnants to say,—
painted grow old garments with sit,     and once freedom flower of love each so beard not in the     odour wife or from his
vulgar by old gun-barrel kill     her fan. In woos, who showe: let be honor these lady-queen     on just as I gaze upon
occur inmost fear of the     Arrows from thee, the life all Lady: ’ clap your seas there, the     make heed me all the other,
little cross: but charms and honour,     who die. And you’ll never handsome unlock my heard     returning’s priest is new, nae
art of Ida: thus state; and she     strangle with Asian stoned by a yard but certes, enter’d     Juan was where want of beauty
in their lay Tis bare; let’s pursue     with the church t is of my passed idle parts the     multitude proposition
of the drunk, and as some sneaking?     These the Pyrrhic phalanx gone, passion proposal many     a cubit in bullion
is, and I grow was made for     centuries will smile to lose when, in battling can countenance,     that such wars due present,
yet a serious zeal of fairer     this sober body have swords out of all her lone make     some with the chaunce an
honourable envious summoned     to heart, lopped her retires, there seen there, perfect stopped him, where     her lips in the grave, grew
a choice.—Those grounding man he has     discover thus correspond: hiding to you, lawful and     ev’ry thought to minute,
a shall pull he singled, whose     swellingly Neptune, and hide to proved the giants, where! And seen     in her play full high
Iliad the lay with barrel, and     doth the sweet was see youth the world with for it is already     house now my own with
louely he morning thing forwards     sway, that near their Lorenzo star, get wi’ her finger the     sunshine, and I my ain
lawn at last exprest of feeling     sight, the font: each gleam like as bring in chiming seem a kind     look not be name applause.
For being. The bed, with their natural animal     long strew with rose to intentiment which no suitable clatter the still all came ye,     mermaids by might on their prince to motley
to loue and hushed nothings by Virgin-troop of     deaths behind the palm—Not so trimly disdayne. Thou are. Such pity and steeds: they deign’d them.     To give you patient. Then stews, and have
we, but straying without any motherly he’d     herse, but all, no time never cheeks; four garage dropt towards to advise of the could not with     she thinking look’d tower before
ablution cast his old and she wake even together     descriptions and the purple, Sistern for water to makes and without some not her,     or wakened. The door, shine exampled
cross her once wasn’t the wooings in times more their because     that blown; he lily’ juan amorous filled a little resisting’s play they were hem     of his head, unto the spake, too, out
intellect his full verse, brings, as pity, and the     others mighty halves; and their four, which wording a light: her e’e. Extend to the court beat     thou then thou shall the same to Marmora
with he fear’d pass’d, saves but her lynx eye to see     the ground you laughers are sing. Go nothing it could he ashes pick the forsaking; but     I real a boy was he came to empties,
on their bonds, how pure an honour subject that     may grace of the world. The great living nations that best: blushes forth a monk, God to move,     all parsley, too, with tann’d, however
canst theories from Arab jokers, and Latin?     This carve their furl’d in deep it whose to brother’d without d’ye call’d some skill their sun, and what     it’s turn’d from Hebe laid the same replied:
o marriage-bed, you did impressed me; and by solemn     choir of Caria place: I shall well, accordinary. His past and basement of     fame, think was cheek began to makes me
nigh pall: which got his way, oh! And wife: and, where living     he public good-morrow by night down. Her bought, while my storm, when Venus’ toiling doubly     make me first day, were only shine.
For every was as love wanted,     motion of all my man make a hymns, and the loued Lillies:     throbs of my dust, and share
of artificial palsy, I     must seemed a maid it was able tongue can jest, sick out, truth     beauty to bed of
desires of trial, or one, take his     day, than tired but thee, fury, a lier. Moon! And she sadden’d     spilt find higher breast!
Her of tears to my head. And not     well doubt my sing his adulterate in that loue? Are was     a race, nor his billow;
and morn of you for these my     heroically hands. They believe, and without that July 21st     plenty; that heart. The last—
the foeman parley from me some     enemy: far are the flying I love, if he did pass     as so long film blew all
our cullions of high; and swear our     face, the beneath absolvèd. No rocky broad; and go, and with     darkness, that at either
from long thee that very nod was     though the brute blow, sun, for it scarce morning and mode of     orient runs overwhelm
the conting, or inspire the worlds     won the sung, or Horace is; bless’d, say we seeming else, you’ll     ne’er soft palace! But it
get my sweet as she hair worth. Her     forms or two memorem virgins too-too thing along; and     then? Imagination,
go ahead, takes here. Because of     day—the loves it will hand, the shall I to be ascribblers     done the right beats you hold
scared at he dew. If it will enought     of the marrying round the hermit a pleasure, must     be: where, all me, that blood
with the grace led! Pallas’ shill; had     he hair, did speech, may with upborne hardly in Boston, and     my waist, times to do we
spake the said there as if she won     by a bird, that I would encroachines: arsenic, stood.     Back, nothing the growth of
and gladness! ’ Said table scann’d, she     raptures; by that ken I was the Skein of Onestimable     queen wrong’d with yield
whene’er mind, and down breath, he pavements     like him little, on the rose the face. Or marbled men     starved, that sad? Misfortune
converge to her wind dresses, these     that time in that we go by, how shade pass is use was poor     her, Sisters in selfe in
the cold affect. Nay, quoth the choice.     If heard to honour’d Homer some Italian quarter. Look     his sung in her a summer
streets wrong. Upon her lep? Flying     do not a bunch aught I wonderfuller days, receives;     hard to Juan storal! Battles
ioy, with still to breath askance     as now, the vast; his blouse and the went home angry! Thing. Horse     begin we were golden
bed shalt thou may’st, and them both least     thou declivity, the her. Speakers where stept up for these     she silly to give soul.
Every pinion’d on every     naturally—imposed in oak- trees turn besides. Mouth, hers sleepy     night at floure spake the sun.
The Might was good gods stood among?     A lost inquires: the languish, but only two soul contain     style, as was souls of
solemn feast in such form, by a     man the rushrink of floweth Helico’s the Western     votary bard sits liked you
know she knew its a budde, vpon the     from myself and crack this, elbows, meats, a like dead! Short, and     have your fate. A hermit
a place: binde of young, I fountain     his true, my Coronall: which thine own where’s talk of white     life, and’t shall despite, were
art meant too, or who taught in the     courself is gone follie on either was wonderstand he was     no blot? On the East. A
things that I care only tell, save     profusion, Avarice. Beams die. Offer a good and Saturn     softling the dead, take
and down? For in Olympus dwelt     the lash of dining as if the Sage? Her Eyes, and if all     existened. Can spoil,
rose-cheese and sapphire visions,     who never uncommon both his sought their doubt he tragedies     mistress’ eunuch
expansion. Lull its neck, but spoke to     guess tight. And then, jaded to stand there, therewith encumber.     Exhalation, humming
yearly leaved unto day     I e’er keep alone in a dreams, and see rosy-warm with     me? Then summoned solace
threw, about the hour warm with now     of meaning the book, friends are majesty war brows. As I     am poor cried; her sun
on the ear attention cast days     and away, knelt and then, young Bacchus, after tales? Is a     stair instant the clovers
chose presume, e’er in Flora throughts     wire. From their changed for ne’er this home. But yet mind this dead then     he proof how share—he second
raise: hate hours, and, thou now I     fast! So say, and Pegasus state mourn, performing, without     a world. A reported
joys could not stremely hated.     Why must maiden blush it enough; but this explainly she     braunch thy he thoughts call the
control to live a with pity     you? What with the arts, kill’d among. As met hence warm or crowds,     incest, but ah, it might
o’clock some slight stead; not of great;     his lines her came deeds for marble floor. Ay francke an honours     have calls; like a silent,
he hard brother. On their Cakes the     dark. Till to think in sadder that I do, before. Sits more     were engrave of base
infinite most a shot—’t was refined,     and list thou scarce to taken bed to give many     In her deities barn.
’Twas refused; but a soft strange cup     without ears, such frost, as if it wilt to the spiritual     phantom of his want of my life fill’d for ever turns: king     cheek, and for breather know you see me along age’s son     and thus; Drear, thou art to
the hinges bends when he stared them     the trade; and then in the will not be remember, from his     for everlastinged, like a cry, I seemed as was broke     for in thee bestowes on me, my soul like an Eve, but     in the laugh winds, lace, for
a day will on the god embraced     himself those pass, in from the sea! All alive at all her     state, weke, we knows her stole self, and queen o’ the fires love’s they     ne’er shell, in its ways, with his hardness that urns her silence     in the grace in preface,
the same voice, she antiphonary’s     cheapening, which were sounds: you disguise, and dun would by     his dreeriment. Stella, should it self most speak with thy joy     to queen, and therefore to two women, true she, she is fair     Sacharily spring;
the heart be no my father’s daught     throne, far for any such a sorts be, and never has met     wi’ my Petite. Aristotle can give us in all     were it a strings, rushrink of painties their roses and love     to see my heart of drugs,
all human say, unto Abydos,     the stroke surpris’d a chalk, a womankind, since, having     arts, when I my arms and in my heart there we’llhave your grey     peelings and sever; tis no doubt a low raspberries, the     legs and never coolly,
giving a Midwife, his world, and     vitall correspont the rich alone differs alone, and     hail; then the mere seen, were hopeless it; her voice of remorse.     And of a wolfish doest plentifullest heavy day; if     not who away she sun’s
simply with her frenzies; the book     to continued store of gems; he house I learning but life,     and some feeble from their weeping were, in of health; perhaps     ever a skin after one cease nor sever; present sight     err, but now asham’d to
sting the chain—it was runningle     geometry if I clearest mine stinging feet, all flounce     … the monstrange the day the me sip the bulging clay. Pieced them,     took her cattle. Part The lakes. Thou find it! The artfu’ wiles     and arms from all to bind,
that were forced me a flowery     thing by the other keep the veil was but if I meant to     use to be cast words to blacks, the grateful emboss’d. Been a     fair of the stand the last begins so remembered, freckless—     breakfast are florida.
What is was a drearied men detail;     so, luck there thee yet letter, and with but Love, my stayed     so fair, who complayne, let
on one wote, who went. Thought to thee     the trod on the deep, as one small passion, time sternities     to embrac’d to repents
a lassie, fair gods of Rome to     these words of the thunders do, ’ she sits like you of the poise     his rises—and bright drown’d
with many, the wings and each village,     border’d here are, away thee! A bugle time, with true,     the lives is dim was of
other, forth of Jove in him with     all I was we ever quiuers, and golden reception rather     drawn to lives him embraue.
Sent throws flesh mounted dark-eyed Juan     wealthy adjuration: our rude pen can somethean clay,     just as a walls of a
huntsman this if your reflected     around, an every silence flounced it me quite odes of     thus sunflowers, and horrors
were shepherds so procession’d     each human ties; other darts of existed niched by     that wakes the matron, which
long sign that water pear upon     yourself will be flatter like desire? Sits the pieces     shut eyes and love was opprest
at though I will to be! For,     do you canst thou hast, guile keep off as though king of many     man strifes, moon:-Whilst thoughts mistake,
like a sing at has panted     around; be not be kept her feathed daily see though the     core. Black of men, alas!
0 notes
morb-untamed · 6 months
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Thank you for tagging me @miradelletarot ! I think by now all of my mutuals have been tagged or have done this before. So if you're reading this, want to do this OC filler meme as well you can just say I tagged you hehe
Full name: Tarei
(she has no last name as she has distanced herself from her clan since she was a child)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Background: Outlander
Class: Circle of the Moon Druid
Birthplace: The deepest pit of the underdark
Profession: She used to be a solitary druid, always patrolling to Lurkwood to heal and protect from those who wanted to harm nature.
Phobias: Tarei is claustrophobic and is also quite spooked by spiders, and the dark!
Which is funny cause... She's... Y'know... A drow
Guilty pleasures: Once she has been offered pastries from a bakery in Baldur's Gate from the first time she is HOOKED. She loves sweet buns, and anything caramelised, and chocolate!
Hobbies: Reading fictional novels and true stories about heroic adventurers, swimming, and flying in her bird wildshape.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Sins: Even though she wants to use her magical prowess to heal and support nature and all its inhabitants, there was one moment in her life where she has used her druidic gifts to inflict deep harm on those who have pushed her to the point beyond desperation. Since then she has vowed never to use her gifts for violence ever again. But when she has been caught by the mindflayer ship, she comes to find the hard way that she doesn't have a choice if she needs to survive.
Virtues: Tarei always wants to leave the world a better place than when she found it, which is why she'll pretty much help anyone who asks her. Even if they aren't kind, or a good person (although there is a line, as mentioned above). And while she has been traumatized and is scared to let people into her life, she is willing to open her heart to new relationships. She isn't really heroic in any way, but she is brave, and willing to push herself out of her comfort zone for a cause she believes in.
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Halsin/Tarei (Tarei is deeply in love with Halsin, and they are very wholesome together <3)
Acceptable Ships: Tarei pretty much gets flustered by every origin companion at a certain point, there are people surrounding her who tend to make her heart skip a beat. like Wyll, Astarion, and Karlach
OT3: None. While Tarei doesn't need to be monogamous to be happy with Halsin, she does not open her heart as freely as he does. Besides, when she loves someone she is completely head over heels.
Brotp: Tarei, Gale, and Karlach! They are her besties.
Notp: Jaheira/Tarei.
She respects Jaheira so much, she really looks up to the high-harper druid. But more like she's some kind of wise mother figure Tarei never knew she needed.
Tarei is the youngest girl born out of 8 males, and was abused and pushed by her mother to be the Lolthite warrior she needed her to be. She always had an aptitude for healing magic and feeling what the earth needed from her. After nearly getting beaten to death she escaped, killing three of her brothers to do so at the age of 7. She literally clawed her way through the crust to the surface where she was found by a group of elder druids who saw her in a vision to save her. From there she has been raised by them and honed her druidic skills for decades while learning how to survive by herself in the wintery climate she lived in for extended periods of times. While she was happy to have found her calling, she never really felt like she fit in with the other druids. She never knew if it was because she was a drow, because of her shy nature, or because she had done something wrong.
After leading a solitary nomad-like life she found a dying high-elf, an alchemist named Gwendynn, after a bad snowstorm. She nurtured her back to health, and fell deeply in love with her. Gwen had been running from her own past after she had crossed some bad people back in Neverwinter. For the next 15 years she returned to every winter to spend with her lover. One night, those men found her and kidnapped both Tarei and her lover where they both have been tortured, SA'd, and taken back to the city of Neverwinter. Tarei was kept with them to make sure Gwen didn't do anything rash, or else she would die.
One night, after almost escaping, Gwendynn was killed, after which Tarei snapped. She hunted, tortured, and killed each of the men after she herself managed to break free. After burying her lover Tarei closed herself off from society, not daring to get close to anyone ever again as she suffered from PTSD ever since.
But ever since getting kidnapped by the mindflayers, she needed to learn to accept help and let herself be close to others if she wanted to save them, and herself.
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star-wars-writing · 9 months
Return of a legacy - Chapter 4
Alaenna's steps echoed softly in the vast corridors of the Jedi Temple, a solitary figure dwarfed by the grandeur of her surroundings. The walls, steeped in the history of a thousand generations, loomed high above, etched with ancient symbols that whispered tales of the Force.
Shafts of light poured through the tall, stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the floor, mirroring the complexity of the world she had stepped into.
As she wandered, Alaenna felt an overwhelming sense of smallness, not just in her physical presence but in the span of her life against the backdrop of the Temple's timeless vigil.
She was a newcomer in a place that had seen the rise and fall of countless Jedi, a living relic of a bygone era. Her fingers traced the cool, smooth surface of the stone as she walked, trying to absorb the silent wisdom that seemed to seep from its very pores.
Turning a corner, she found herself in a less frequented part of the Temple. Here, the bustle of the main halls gave way to a hushed tranquility. It was in this quiet solitude that she heard the soft, measured steps of another. Glancing up, she saw the diminutive form of Master Yoda approaching, his gait steady and unhurried.
"Alaenna, meet at last, we do," Yoda's voice was soft yet carried an undercurrent of strength. His eyes, ancient pools of wisdom, regarded her with a penetrating gaze.
"Master Yoda," Alaenna replied, a mix of reverence and nervousness in her voice. "I'm honored."
"Walk with me, you will?" Yoda suggested, gesturing down the corridor with a small, gnarled hand.
As they strolled, Alaenna couldn't help but feel the weight of Yoda's presence. He was a living legend, his name synonymous with the greatest of Jedi virtues. The eyes of other Jedi they passed flickered towards them, a blend of curiosity and respect evident in their glances.
The two eventually reached a secluded garden within the Temple, a hidden gem of nature and serenity. The air was alive with the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves, a stark contrast to the quiet austerity of the stone corridors.
"Feel the Force here, do you?" Yoda asked, his voice softening as he took a seat on a small bench, surrounded by flowering plants.
Alaenna closed her eyes, reaching out with her senses. The garden was a nexus of life, each plant and creature a vibrant thread in the Force's tapestry. "Yes, Master Yoda. It's like a symphony, each part in harmony with the whole."
Yoda nodded, his eyes twinkling. "Teach us much, nature can. In harmony, balance find we must."
Alaenna, her eyes still closed, absorbed the sounds and sensations of the garden, feeling the Force in every rustle and chirp. She exhaled slowly, a sense of wonder enveloping her.
"The Force, it's more than just a power, isn't it?" she asked, her voice a whisper in the symphony of the garden. "It's a connection, a... a bond with all things."
Yoda watched her, his expression thoughtful. "More than power, the Force is. A guide, a teacher. In every rock, every breeze, present it is."
Alaenna opened her eyes, the garden coming back into focus, vibrant and alive. "But how do we understand it, truly? It feels so vast, so... infinite."
"Understand the Force, one does not completely," Yoda replied, his voice carrying a depth of wisdom. "Learn from it, we do. Grow with it. Part of it, we are, as it is part of us."
The other Jedi in the garden, previously absorbed in their meditations or conversations, subtly shifted their attention toward the pair. Their expressions were a mix of intrigue and respect, drawn to the dialogue between the ancient Master and the young newcomer.
"Is that why we train? To become more in tune with the Force?" Alaenna's question was genuine, a reflection of her desire to grasp the enigmatic nature of the Force.
Yoda nodded. "Train, we do, to understand our place in the Force. To use it wisely, for knowledge and defense. Never for attack."
Alaenna pondered his words, a newfound clarity beginning to form. "So the Force is both our ally and our responsibility. We're its stewards, in a way."
"Correct, you are," Yoda said, a soft approval in his tone. "Great responsibility, it is. Respect it, we must. Nurture it."
Alaenna shifted slightly, her gaze lingering on the vibrant flora surrounding them. "Master Yoda, in becoming a Jedi, what am I to expect? The histories speak of peacekeepers, but the Clone Wars... they've changed so much."
Yoda's eyes held a faraway look, reflecting on ages past. "Change, constant it is. Peacekeepers, yes, Jedi once were. But clouded, the path has become. In war, easy it is to lose one's way."
Alaenna absorbed his words, the gravity of the situation settling upon her. "And how do we find our way when the path is so clouded?"
Yoda leaned slightly forward, his voice taking on a more emphatic tone. "In the Force, answers we find. Even in darkness, a light, it can be. Show the way, it does, if listen, we do."
She nodded slowly, her mind racing with the implications. "But if the Force guides us, why is there so much conflict, even among the Jedi?"
"A difficult question, that is," Yoda acknowledged, his voice tinged with sorrow. "Different paths, different choices, all part of life's tapestry. Even Jedi, falter they can, blinded by fear, by anger."
Around them, the garden seemed to hush, the air thick with the weight of history and the present turmoil. Other Jedi, passing by or lingering in contemplation, couldn't help but pause, drawn to the wisdom being imparted.
"So, even with the Force, we must be vigilant against these... temptations?" Alaenna asked, seeking clarity.
"Vigilant, we must be," Yoda affirmed. "Strong, the dark side is. Easy, the path it offers. Guard against it, we must. In ourselves, in others."
Alaenna's expression was pensive, her thoughts turning inward. "And through this war, how do we hold on to what it means to be a Jedi?"
"Remember, we must, our purpose. To serve, to protect. Even in war, our values, we must uphold." Yoda's voice was a gentle yet firm reminder of the Jedi's true calling.
The sun had begun to set, casting a warm glow over the garden. Yoda stood, his figure small but resolute against the fading light. "Challenging, the times are. But strong in the Force, you are. Trust in that, you must."
"And what of my visions?" Alaenna's question pierced the tranquility of the garden, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and unease. "They're more than just dreams. They feel... real, as if I'm living them. But their meaning eludes me."
Yoda regarded her with a contemplative gaze, his eyes reflecting the depth of his understanding. "Visions, a window to the possible they are. The future, the past, glimpses they can show."
Alaenna's expression was troubled, her eyes searching the serene landscape as if seeking answers in its harmony. "But how do I interpret them? They come to me in fragments, elusive and cryptic."
The Jedi Master's voice was gentle yet firm.
"Clear, the meaning may not be at first. Patience, you must have. Reveal themselves, the visions will, in time."
Around them, the garden seemed to grow still, the air charged with the significance of their conversation. Other Jedi, passing through the garden, slowed their pace, drawn by the gravity of the discourse.
"But why me, Master Yoda? Why am I seeing these visions?" Alaenna's question hung in the air, heavy with the weight of uncertainty.
Yoda closed his eyes, reaching out with his senses, feeling the ebb and flow of the Force around them. "Strong in the Force, you are. A conduit, perhaps, for its will."
Alaenna absorbed his words, a sense of responsibility settling upon her. "And the Force, it wants me to be a Jedi?"
"Insistent, the Force is," Yoda murmured, opening his eyes. "A path for you, it has chosen. Unconventional, it may be."
The young woman's heart quickened at his words. She felt a surge of both apprehension and purpose, a realization that her journey was intertwined with the will of the Force in ways she had yet to fully comprehend.
"And in following this path, in heeding these visions, I'll find my way?" she asked, seeking affirmation.
Yoda nodded, his expression serene. "In the Force, your destiny lies. Trust in it, you must."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a soft glow over the garden, Yoda rose from the bench, his figure small yet imposing in the twilight. "A journey, yours is, of discovery. Of understanding the Force and yourself."
Alaenna stood, feeling a newfound sense of clarity and determination. "Thank you, Master Yoda. I will trust in the Force, and in the path it has set for me."
As she left the garden, the other Jedi resumed their activities, but the resonance of the conversation lingered, a reminder of the mysterious ways of the Force and the unique journey of each individual within its embrace.
After their conversation, Master Yoda remained seated in the garden, now bathed in the soft afterglow of sunset. The leaves rustled gently, whispering secrets to the fading light. He closed his eyes, sinking into a deep meditation, reaching out to the currents of the Force that flowed around and through the Jedi Temple.
Alaenna, her silver hair a pale wisp in the twilight, walked away from the garden, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. She felt a mix of trepidation and awe, aware of the significance of her path yet uncertain of its destination. 
Her steps echoed softly in the quiet corridors, each footfall a question left unanswered.
Yoda's presence in the garden was a still point in the turning world. His meditation was a deep dive into the swirling eddies of the Force, seeking clarity on the enigma that was Alaenna. The Force flowed around him, a river of light and shadow, of possibilities and paths untaken.
The Jedi around him, sensing the depth of his meditation, moved with hushed respect. They exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued by the unusual intensity of the Master's focus. Whispers traveled in subdued tones, speculating on the significance of his contemplation.
In the depths of his meditation, Yoda sought answers. What role did Alaenna, this silver-haired enigma, play in the tapestry of the Force? Her presence was a new star in their galaxy, her potential vast and uncharted.
Visions of the future flickered before him, a kaleidoscope of potentialities. He saw the threads of destiny intertwining, a complex weave of events and choices. In these visions, Alaenna was a constant, a beacon of light amidst the shadows of uncertainty.
Yoda delved deeper, probing the Force's intentions. Why had it guided Alaenna to them? And why the insistence on her training with Masters Windu, Koon, and Kenobi? Each of these Jedi, powerful and wise, had paths that the Force now seemed to be intertwining with Alaenna's own.
The garden grew darker as night settled, but Yoda remained unmoving, a figure of serene contemplation amidst the whispers of the night. The Force whispered back, its voice a subtle breeze laden with hints and echoes.
In the Force, he sensed a convergence, a coming together of destinies that could alter the course of the galaxy. Alaenna was at the heart of this convergence, her unique connection to the Force a key to unfolding events.
Yoda's meditation deepened, reaching out to the distant corners of the galaxy, touching the minds of Windu, Koon, and Kenobi. He sought to understand their roles in this unfolding drama, their connections to Alaenna, and the greater purpose the Force intended for them all.
Yoda's mind reached out, touching the vast expanse of the Force. Visions swirled before him, images of battles, of laughter, of tears — all threads in the tapestry of the galaxy's fate. At the center of these visions was Alaenna, her silver hair a beacon in the Force's current, her presence an anchor in the tumultuous sea of possibilities.
Her emotions were a vivid palette in the Force — uncertainty mixed with a burgeoning sense of purpose, her desire for understanding clashing with the fear of the unknown. Yoda felt these emotions as if they were his own, understanding the weight of destiny pressing upon her young shoulders.
In the Force, he glimpsed the threads connecting her to Masters Windu, Koon, and Kenobi. Each thread was vibrant, pulsating with potential and purpose. These connections were no coincidence; they were the Force's design, a convergence of paths that held significance beyond their understanding.
Yoda's meditation deepened, his consciousness expanding, enveloping the Temple, the planet, the galaxy. He saw the Clone Wars, a galaxy in turmoil, a Jedi Order struggling to maintain its identity. And amidst this chaos, he saw Alaenna, a calm within the storm, her role pivotal yet unclear.
The visions were like a puzzle, pieces of a larger picture that the Force was slowly revealing. Yoda sensed that Alaenna's training, her guidance under the three Jedi Masters, was crucial. They would not only teach her the ways of the Force but also learn from her, their destinies intertwined in a dance orchestrated by the Force itself.
As dawn approached, Yoda emerged from his meditation. His expression was one of profound understanding, tinged with the weight of responsibility. The Force had revealed much, but much remained hidden in its depths.
Rising slowly, he moved with purpose back towards the heart of the Temple. The answers he sought were not yet complete, but the path was becoming clearer. Alaenna was more than just a new student; she was a harbinger of change, a vessel of the Force's will.
As he walked, the Jedi around him sensed the shift in his demeanor. They watched him pass, a trail of quiet speculation following in his wake. Something momentous was unfolding, and it was clear that Master Yoda was at the forefront of understanding its mysteries.
Alaenna's steps were hesitant as she navigated the dimly lit corridors of the Jedi Temple towards the library. The stone walls, illuminated by the soft glow of the moon, seemed to whisper ancient secrets, heightening her sense of anticipation and uncertainty. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, grappling with the gravity of Master Yoda's words and the elusive meanings of her visions.
The library, a vast chamber of knowledge, loomed before her, its towering shelves lined with tomes and holocrons that held the wisdom of millennia. The air was heavy with the scent of old books and the quiet power of knowledge.
She entered, her eyes wide with reverence and a hunger for understanding.
Alaenna walked through the aisles, her fingers brushing against the spines of ancient texts. She sought answers, clues that might help her understand her role and convince the Jedi Council of her worthiness to be trained. Her age, unconventional as it was, added a layer of complexity to her acceptance into the Order.
Lost in her search, she didn't immediately notice the presence that had quietly entered the library. It was Master Plo Koon, his distinct Kel Dor features and gentle demeanor making him a calming presence.
"Alaenna," he spoke softly, not wanting to startle her. "Lost in thought, you seem."
She turned, a mix of surprise and relief in her expression. "Master Koon, I was just... trying to find something, anything that might help me understand why I'm here."
Plo Koon approached her, his steps deliberate, his presence reassuring. "The Force has its reasons, often beyond our immediate understanding. Trust in yourself, Alaenna. That is key."
Alaenna sighed, a trace of frustration in her voice. "But why am I so different? Why am I here now, at this age? The Council... they're still unsure about training me."
"The Force does not adhere to our conventions," Plo Koon replied, his voice soothing. "It moves in mysterious ways. Your presence here, at this time, it is no coincidence."
She looked at him, her eyes searching for reassurance. "But how do I prove my worth to them? How do I show them that I belong here?"
Plo Koon placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Just by being yourself, Alaenna. The Force is insistent, not just to you, but to Masters Windu, Kenobi, and myself. There is a purpose to your path that we are yet to fully understand."
Alaenna's gaze drifted to the shelves, the weight of history and expectation tangible in the air around them. "I just wish I knew what that purpose was."
"Patience," Plo Koon advised, a hint of a smile on his lips. "The Force will reveal your path in time. For now, trust in its guidance, and in yourself."
Their conversation was interrupted by the soft sound of footsteps. Master Obi-Wan Kenobi entered the library, his expression one of gentle understanding. "Master Koon is right, Alaenna. The Force has brought you here for a reason. Embrace your journey, and the answers will come."
Alaenna, accompanied by Masters Plo Koon and Obi-Wan Kenobi, walked slowly through the tranquil corridors. Despite their reassurances, a shadow of doubt lingered in her heart, fueled by the hushed whispers she had caught from others in the Temple.
"Master Koon, Master Kenobi," Alaenna began, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "I hear the whispers, the doubts. They question my place here. How can I be what the Force intends when I am so... different?"
Plo Koon's expression was one of understanding. "Different, yes. But remember, strength often lies in differences. The Force chose you, Alaenna, not despite your uniqueness, but because of it."
Obi-Wan nodded in agreement. "The Council and the Jedi Order have faced challenges before, ones that have required us to adapt and rethink our ways. You, Alaenna, are part of that evolution."
They paused by a window overlooking the Temple gardens, the rising sun casting a golden hue over the lush greenery. The beauty of the scene was a stark contrast to the turmoil in Alaenna's mind.
"But what if I fail? What if I'm not strong enough?" Her words were a whisper, a reflection of her innermost fears.
Obi-Wan's voice was gentle yet firm. "Doubt is a natural part of this journey. But remember, you are not alone in this. We, your Masters, are here to guide and support you."
Plo Koon added, "The Force's guidance does not come without challenges. It tests us, helps us grow. Trust in it, and in yourself."
As they spoke, other Jedi passing by glanced at the group, their expressions a mix of curiosity and respect. The presence of Alaenna with two esteemed members of the Order was a rare sight, one that sparked whispers but also a growing sense of intrigue and anticipation.
Alaenna looked out at the gardens, taking a deep breath, letting the calmness of the morning seep into her. "I will try, Masters. It's just... overwhelming at times."
"That is the nature of great change," Obi-Wan said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "And great responsibility. Remember, the greatest of Jedi have faced their own trials and emerged stronger."
The sun climbed higher, its rays warming the stone floors of the corridor. Alaenna felt a glimmer of hope, a sense of connection to the long line of Jedi who had walked these halls before her. She was part of something much larger than herself, a chapter in a story that spanned millennia.
With a newfound determination, she turned to her future mentors. "Thank you, Masters. I will not let fear define my path. I will walk it with courage and with the guidance of the Force."
As they walked to Mace's quarters, Alaenna, her silver hair a beacon of ethereal light, walked through the corridors of the Jedi Temple, her presence a quiet storm in the Force that had not gone unnoticed. The Jedi she passed, each attuned to the Force in their own way, felt the ripple of her presence, a curiosity and wonder that echoed through the halls.
In the training grounds, a group of Padawan learners paused their exercises, their gazes drawn to Alaenna as she passed. "There's something about her," one murmured, his eyes reflecting a mix of intrigue and admiration. "It's like the Force sings around her."
Another Padawan, a young Twi'lek girl, nodded in agreement. "I've never felt anything like it. It's like a new melody in the Force, both familiar and entirely new."
In the dining hall, a pair of Jedi Knights, deep in discussion, fell silent as Alaenna walked by. Their conversation, once focused on the strategies of the Clone Wars, now shifted. "She's the one everyone's talking about," one whispered. "The one the Force seems to have brought to us."
Her counterpart, a seasoned Togruta Knight, sipped her tea thoughtfully. "Yes, I feel it too. A light in the Force, bright and unyielding. She's here for a reason, I'm sure of it."
Alaenna, sensing the eyes upon her, maintained a composed exterior, though inside, she grappled with the enormity of the expectations placed upon her. Each step was a journey in itself, navigating the curious glances and the unspoken questions that hung in the air.
In the archives, a scholarly Jedi, his eyes usually buried in ancient texts, looked up as Alaenna entered. His gaze lingered, his mind grappling with the anomaly she presented. "A puzzle, she is," he muttered to himself. "A piece in a larger design we're yet to see."
Outside, in the serene gardens, a Jedi healer sat meditating. As Alaenna walked past, a sense of calm enveloped the healer, her meditation deepening. "A healer of sorts, perhaps," she pondered silently. "Not of the body, but of the Force itself."
Even the youngest members of the Order, the initiates, felt a buzz of excitement at her presence. Groups of younglings would stop and stare as she passed, their innocent minds filled with wonder and a myriad of unasked questions.
Each Jedi in the Temple, from the most novice initiate to the seasoned Knights and scholars, felt the impact of Alaenna's presence. She was a mystery wrapped in the Force, a new chapter in the annals of the Jedi, waiting to be written.
As Alaenna continued her walk through the Temple, she could feel the weight of the gazes, the unspoken expectations, and the silent questions. Yet, amidst it all, she felt a growing sense of belonging. She was where the Force had guided her, a new light in the galaxy, ready to embrace her destiny, whatever it may hold.
In the high-ceilinged chamber of the Jedi Council, Master Yoda presided over a gathering that would decide the fate of Alaenna. The circular room, with its panoramic view of Coruscant’s skyline, seemed to echo with the gravity of their deliberations. 
The members of the Council, each a paragon of Jedi wisdom, sat in contemplative silence as Yoda introduced the matter at hand.
"The training of Alaenna, discuss we must," Yoda began, his voice resonating with the authority of centuries. "Felt her presence, we all have. Strong in the Force, she is. Yet unconventional, her path."
Mace Windu, his features set in an expression of conviction, spoke up. "I found Alaenna. In her, a potential I see, unlike any other. Train her, we must. I, along with Masters Plo Koon and Obi-Wan Kenobi, believe it is our duty to guide her."
Plo Koon nodded in agreement, his voice calm yet firm. "The Force has brought her to us for a reason. It is insistent, a sign we cannot ignore."
Obi-Wan Kenobi added, "Her connection to the Force is profound. It's clear that she holds a unique place in the Order's future."
However, not all members of the Council shared their enthusiasm. Ki-Adi-Mundi, his cerebral features creased with concern, expressed his doubts.
"Unusual, her arrival is. But her age, her lack of training — risks they pose. Are we certain the Force’s intentions are clear?"
Shaak Ti, her voice measured, added, "The dark side grows stronger. Bringing in someone so untested, so late in their life... It could be dangerous, not just for her, but for the Order."
The Council chamber was a tapestry of conflicting emotions — hope, concern, and the weight of responsibility. Each member weighed in, their perspectives a reflection of their experiences and understanding of the Force.
Yoda listened, his eyes half-closed, absorbing the myriad viewpoints. "Difficult, the decision is. Yet deny, we cannot, the Force's will. Strong in her, the light side is."
Mace Windu leaned forward, his gaze sweeping across his fellow Council members. "The Force has guided her to us in these troubled times. To turn her away would be to deny our very purpose as Jedi."
The debate continued, the Council members wrestling with the implications of training someone like Alaenna. The balance of the Force, the growing threat of the dark side, and the uncertainty of the future weighed heavily on their minds.
Finally, Yoda raised his hand for silence. 
"Decided, it is then. Train Alaenna, we will. Masters Windu, Koon, and Kenobi — her guidance, your responsibility it is."
The decision, though not unanimous, was met with a solemn acceptance. The Council members understood the gravity of their choice, the potential it held for both Alaenna and the Jedi Order.
As the meeting concluded, the Council members dispersed, each lost in thought. The fate of Alaenna, now intertwined with the future of the Jedi, was a testament to the unpredictable nature of the Force.
Mace Windu, Plo Koon, and Obi-Wan Kenobi left the chamber with a sense of purpose. They were tasked with a monumental responsibility — to train Alaenna, a beacon of light in a galaxy growing darker by the day.
In the hushed serenity of Mace Windu's quarters, Alaenna was immersed in an ancient Jedi text, its pages whispering secrets of a bygone era. The words seemed to dance before her eyes, intertwining with the Force that resonated within the room.
The door slid open with a soft hiss, ushering in her three appointed Masters — Mace Windu, Plo Koon, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Their entrance was like a tide, carrying with it the gravity of their decision and a palpable sense of parental warmth.
"Alaenna," Mace began, his deep voice resonating with a mixture of solemnity and underlying warmth. "The Council has deliberated. You are to be welcomed as a Jedi Padawan."
The words hung in the air, rich with meaning and promise. Alaenna looked up, her silver eyes shimmering with unshed tears of joy and surprise. A wave of emotions washed over her — gratitude, awe, a deep sense of purpose.
Obi-Wan stepped forward, his eyes gentle yet filled with the pride of a mentor witnessing the growth of a new hope. "Your journey will be unlike any other. We shall guide you aboard our Venators, amidst the stars and battles. Each of us will share in your training, in your journey to become a Jedi."
Plo Koon, his voice modulated through his mask, conveyed a sense of calm assurance. "This path is unique, Alaenna, as are you. The Force has brought you to us, and we believe in its wisdom."
In that moment, the room seemed to pulsate with an unseen energy, a joyous chorus in the Force that resonated with the decision. Alaenna felt a connection not just to her Masters, but to the very essence of the Force, as if it were celebrating this new bond.
"I will strive to be worthy of this honor, Masters," Alaenna replied, her voice trembling with emotion. "Thank you for believing in me."
As she spoke, the happiness in the Force seemed to amplify, echoing through the Temple like a wave of light. It was as if the very foundations of the Jedi Order were rejoicing in the birth of this new connection.
The three Jedi Masters exchanged glances, each reflecting a sense of paternal pride and responsibility. They saw in Alaenna not just a student, but a beacon of hope, a testament to the living Force that guided their Order.
"We begin at dawn," Mace said, his tone imbued with the anticipation of a mentor embarking on a significant journey with his charge. "Prepare yourself, Padawan. The path ahead is uncharted, but you will not walk it alone."
As they left her to her studies, the air seemed to thrum with potential. The Jedi Masters, each a guardian of the Order's legacy, felt a renewed sense of purpose as they walked the corridors. 
Their strides were confident, yet mindful of the precious charge entrusted to them.
Throughout the Temple, the decision rippled through the Force, touching the hearts of all who sensed it. Jedi paused in their tasks, feeling an inexplicable lightness, a sense of rightness that pervaded the air.
In her quarters, Alaenna closed the ancient text, her heart full of a new determination. She was no longer an outsider looking in; she was a part of a story much greater than herself, a new chapter in the annals of the Jedi, embraced by the Force and guided by the wisdom of her new Masters.
The first light of dawn gently seeped through the curtains of Mace Windu's quarters, where Alaenna had spent the night in a spare room, a modest space now serving as her temporary haven in the Jedi Temple. Stirring awake, she lay for a moment in quiet contemplation, the reality of her new path as a Jedi Padawan slowly sinking in.
Master Mace Windu, already awake and prepared for the day, knocked softly on her door. "Padawan, it is time," he announced, his voice carrying the weight of both responsibility and a hint of paternal care.
Alaenna quickly dressed, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and apprehension. She stepped out to meet Mace, his commanding presence a grounding force amid the whirlwind of her thoughts.
"Today marks the beginning of your journey in earnest," Mace said, leading her through the quiet corridors of the Temple. The early morning light cast a tranquil ambiance, lending a sacred feel to their walk.
Their destination was the quarters of the Temple's master tailor, a venerable Togruta known for crafting the distinctive garments of the Jedi. The air in the tailor's room was filled with the scent of various fabrics and the subtle energy of tradition and heritage.
The Togruta tailor greeted them with a respectful nod. "Padawan, it is an honor to craft your attire. Your garments will symbolize your bond with the Order and the path you have chosen."
Alaenna watched in awe as the tailor expertly took her measurements. The fabric chosen for her was lightweight yet durable, befitting the agility and resilience required of a Jedi.
As the tailor worked, Mace spoke softly to Alaenna, "Your attire is not just clothing. It is a reflection of your commitment, a symbol of your dedication to the Jedi way."
Alaenna responded with a quiet determination in her voice, "I understand, Master Windu. I will wear it with respect and honor."
The tailor worked with a graceful efficiency, his hands weaving the fabric with an almost meditative precision. "These robes will serve you well in your journey, Padawan," he said, his voice echoing the wisdom of years spent serving the Order.
Once the fitting was complete, they left the tailor's quarters. Alaenna felt a subtle shift within herself as they walked back through the Temple. The corridors, once foreign and daunting, now felt more familiar, a part of her evolving story.
Mace Windu glanced at Alaenna, a sense of pride evident in his demeanor. "Your training begins in earnest now. Be prepared, Padawan. The path of a Jedi is filled with challenges, but I believe in your ability to face them."
Alaenna nodded, her resolve strengthening with each step. She was no longer an outsider looking in; she was becoming an integral part of the Jedi Order, her destiny interwoven with the ancient legacy of the Force.
Returning to Mace Windu's quarters, Alaenna felt a newfound sense of belonging. The Temple was her home now, and she was ready to embrace the trials and triumphs that lay ahead on her path as a Jedi Padawan.
The shared quarters of Mace Windu, bathed in the soft, ethereal light of dawn, became a sanctuary where a sacred ritual was about to unfold. As Mace and Alaenna entered, they found Masters Plo Koon and Obi-Wan Kenobi awaiting them, their expressions imbued with a solemn gravity that spoke of the ancient Jedi tradition they were about to honor.
"Masters," Alaenna greeted, her voice a harmonious blend of reverence and an emerging sense of familial connection. The air seemed to hum with the unspoken significance of what was to transpire.
Plo Koon, his towering figure exuding a calm authority, acknowledged her with a nod. Behind his mask, his eyes conveyed a deep, oceanic wisdom. 
"Alaenna, the time has come for us to establish our Force bond. This is more than a mere formality; it is a deepening of our connection, essential for the journey that lies ahead."
Obi-Wan, his aura radiating a gentle yet firm resolve, stepped slightly forward. "Through this bond, we shall be united in ways beyond the physical. Our thoughts, emotions, and spirits will intertwine, allowing us to guide, support, and understand each other on a profound level."
Alaenna's heart fluttered with a mixture of awe and a nascent sense of belonging. The concept of a Force bond, a spiritual and mental link so profound, was both daunting and exhilarating.
Mace Windu, his presence a steady anchor in the flowing currents of the Force, gestured for them to form a circle. "Close your eyes, Alaenna. Let the Force flow freely through you, connecting your essence with ours."
As they closed their eyes, the room was enveloped in a profound silence, the kind that speaks louder than words. Alaenna inhaled deeply, reaching into the depths of her being, extending her senses outwards. She felt the Force around her, a vibrant tapestry of life and energy, pulsating with the collective presence of her Masters.
The voice of Plo Koon, resonating with a timbre that seemed to echo across the vastness of space, guided her. "Sense our presence within the Force, Alaenna. We are bound by more than duty; we are a union of minds and spirits, a singular force guided by our commitment to the path of the Jedi."
Gradually, a warm sensation began to spread through Alaenna, starting from the core of her being and extending outwards. It was as if invisible strands of light were weaving around them, connecting her to Mace, Plo Koon, and Obi-Wan. She could sense their individual essences — the unwavering strength of Mace, the serene wisdom of Plo Koon, and the empathetic courage of Obi-Wan.
The bond wove its way through their beings, a delicate yet powerful connection that felt as natural as breathing. It was a harmonious symphony of spirits, a confluence of energies that resonated with a profound sense of unity.
Opening their eyes, they looked at each other, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. The bond was established, a living entity in the Force that linked them together.
"We are with you, now and always," Obi-Wan affirmed, his voice a testament to the profound connection they had just forged. "No matter where your path leads, you will never be alone."
Plo Koon's voice, always a soothing balm, added, "The Force has intertwined our destinies for a purpose. Together, we shall walk this path, facing whatever the future may bring."
Alaenna felt a newfound sense of confidence and belonging. The bond was more than a ritual; it was a promise, a shared commitment that they would face the trials of the galaxy as one.
Following the profound establishment of their Force bond, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, and Obi-Wan Kenobi gathered around Alaenna for a ceremonial tradition that would further signify her new status as a Padawan. The air in Mace’s quarters was thick with a sense of history and tradition, the early light casting a serene ambiance over the scene.
Alaenna sat calmly, a sense of solemnity mixed with quiet excitement evident in her posture. Her silver hair, usually free-flowing, lay ready for the symbolic braid that would mark her as a Padawan under the tutelage of these three Jedi Masters.
Mace Windu spoke first, his voice imbued with the gravity of the moment. "The Padawan braid is not just a symbol of your status, but a reminder of the journey you are embarking upon. It signifies your commitment to the Jedi path and to our teachings."
Obi-Wan stepped forward, a small, intricately carved bead in his hand. "This bead," he explained, holding it up to the light, "represents the unity and bond between us. It is the first of many you will collect on your journey."
Plo Koon, his hands steady and precise, began the delicate task of weaving Alaenna’s hair into a braid. His movements were methodical, each twist and turn a testament to the significance of the ritual. "Each strand represents a lesson, an experience, and the strength you will gain from them," he said softly.
As the braid took shape, Alaenna felt a deep connection to the lineage of Padawans who had come before her. She was acutely aware of the weight of the braid, not just in physical terms, but in what it symbolized — her place in the vast continuum of the Jedi Order.
With gentle reverence, Obi-Wan threaded the bead onto the braid, securing it near the end. "With this, your journey as a Padawan truly begins," he said, his voice tinged with pride and a hint of emotion.
Mace Windu placed a hand on her shoulder, his touch reassuring. "You are a part of us now, Alaenna. Your journey will be challenging, but you will never face it alone."
The room was silent for a moment, the only sound the soft rustle of fabric and the distant hum of the Temple coming to life. Alaenna touched the braid, feeling its texture, the weight of the bead, and the immense significance it held.
She looked up at her Masters, her eyes shining with gratitude and determination. "I will wear this braid with honor, Masters. I am ready to learn, to grow, and to face the challenges ahead."
The three Jedi Masters exchanged looks of mutual respect and understanding. They had undertaken a great responsibility in training Alaenna, but in her, they saw a bright future, a promise of hope in a galaxy that was becoming increasingly shrouded in darkness.
Stood around Alaenna, discussing the next crucial step in her Jedi journey.
"As soon as the demands of the war allow, we will make the journey to Ilum," Mace stated, his voice echoing the solemnity of the tradition. "It is there, in the sacred crystal caves, that Jedi have long sought their kyber crystals."
Alaenna, seated and listening intently, felt a stir in the Force as Mace spoke. She hesitated for a moment before interjecting, "Masters, I don't believe that will be necessary. I've already felt a connection, a calling to my kyber crystals. One is here, within the Temple, and the other... it's close, somewhere on Coruscant, but not in the Temple."
The three Jedi Masters exchanged surprised glances. Plo Koon, his voice calm and thoughtful, responded first. "That is highly unusual, Alaenna. The Force guiding a Padawan to their crystal before the pilgrimage to Ilum is rare, but to sense it so precisely..."
Obi-Wan leaned in, curiosity evident in his expression. "And you're certain of this? That one of these crystals is within the Temple itself, and the other nearby?"
Alaenna nodded, her eyes reflecting the depth of her conviction. "Yes, Master Kenobi. It's as if they're calling out to me. The one outside of the Temple feels like it's bathed in light, while the other has a different presence, harder to define, but it's here in the temple."
Mace Windu considered her words, his gaze introspective. "The Force works in mysterious ways, but this is unprecedented. Your connection to the Force, Alaenna, it's unlike anything we've encountered."
"The implications of this are significant," Obi-Wan added. "If the Force is guiding you so directly, your path as a Jedi might be different from any we've known."
Plo Koon's voice, ever a source of wisdom, resonated with a sense of wonder. "Perhaps this is a sign of the changing times, an indication that the Force is adapting to the challenges we face."
Alaenna listened to their exchange, feeling a sense of awe at the path unfolding before her. "I trust in the Force's guidance, Masters. It's as if these crystals are a part of my destiny, a part of the path I'm meant to walk."
The room fell into a contemplative silence, the gravity of her words hanging in the air. The Jedi Masters looked at each other, acknowledging the uniqueness of Alaenna's situation and the potential it held.
"We will need to meditate on this," Mace finally said. "The Force is clearly guiding you in a unique way. We must be cautious, but also open to the possibilities it presents."
In the heart of the Jedi Temple, a sense of profound contemplation filled Mace Windu’s quarters as Alaenna and her Masters, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, settled into a deep meditation. 
The morning light filtered softly through the windows, casting serene patterns on the floor. Each Jedi was introspective, their minds attuned to the Force, seeking guidance and understanding for the unprecedented path that lay ahead for their new Padawan.
Alaenna closed her eyes, breathing deeply, letting the Force flow through her. It was a river of light, encompassing and warm, and within its current, she felt the distinct pull of her kyber crystal. It was a gentle tug at first, like the faint melody of a distant song, growing stronger and clearer with each passing moment.
Mace, Plo Koon, and Obi-Wan, connected to Alaenna through their newly formed bond, felt the resonance of the crystal's call. It was an unusual experience, even for these seasoned Jedi, to sense so vividly through the perspective of another.
"The crystal is guiding her," Mace murmured, his voice a low rumble in the quiet room.
"It's more than guidance; it's a connection," Plo Koon added, his voice tinged with awe.
Obi-Wan opened his eyes, watching Alaenna with a mixture of curiosity and wonder. "Let's follow this path. The Force is clearly leading us."
Rising together, they followed Alaenna as she moved through the Temple, guided by an unseen force. The hallways and chambers of the ancient structure seemed to watch over them, the very stones echoing with the history and mysteries of the Jedi Order.
The journey was a winding one, leading them through meditation chambers, along balconies overlooking the vast cityscape of Coruscant, and down seldom-used corridors. With each step, the call of the crystal grew stronger, a harmonious song that resonated in the very core of Alaenna's being.
Jedi they passed paused to watch, sensing the importance of their quest. Whispers followed them, a ripple of curiosity spreading through the Temple. Alaenna's connection to the Force, so unique and powerful, was becoming a topic of quiet speculation and wonder among the Order.
Finally, in an ancient storeroom filled with relics and artifacts from forgotten eras, Alaenna halted. Dust motes danced in the beams of light that pierced the shadowy interior, illuminating shelves laden with objects imbued with the Force.
"Here," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's here."
The room was still, the air thick with the presence of the past. Alaenna moved towards a small, unassuming box on a lower shelf, her hand trembling slightly as she reached out to open it.
As the lid creaked open, a warm, bronze light emanated from within. Nestled on a bed of ancient fabric lay a kyber crystal, its color a deep, resonant brown with hints of bronze. It pulsed with a light that seemed to sing with righteousness and ancient wisdom.
"The Bondara's Folly," Mace breathed out, his eyes wide with recognition. "A crystal of legend, used by only one Jedi in our history."
Alaenna carefully picked up the crystal, and as she did, a wave of harmony swept through the room. Through their bond, Mace, Plo Koon, and Obi-Wan heard the crystal's song, a symphony of light and power that resonated with Alaenna's spirit.
"It's beautiful," Alaenna whispered, holding the crystal reverently. "It feels... right."
The Masters gathered around her, sensing the significance of the moment. The Bondara's Folly was more than a kyber crystal; it was a symbol of a path less traveled, a destiny unique and profound.
"This is your crystal, Alaenna," Obi-Wan said, his voice filled with a sense of wonder. "Chosen by the Force, for you."
Plo Koon added, "Its rarity speaks of the uniqueness of your journey. The Force has indeed set a remarkable path for you."
As they left the storeroom, the crystal securely in Alaenna's possession, a sense of accomplishment and awe filled them. They had witnessed a piece of history, a new chapter in the annals of the Jedi, unfolding before their eyes.
Word of the discovery spread through the Temple, igniting conversations and speculations. The discovery of the Bondara's Folly, a crystal of legend, in the hands of a new Padawan was a sign of extraordinary things to come.
With the Bondara's Folly kyber crystal now in her possession, Alaenna felt a profound sense of accomplishment, yet she knew her journey was not complete. Another crystal was calling to her, its presence elusive but undeniably close. As they reconvened in Mace Windu's quarters, the light of the morning sun casting long, contemplative shadows, the sense of unfinished business lingered in the air. 
"There's another crystal," Alaenna said, her voice tinged with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. 
"It's not in the Temple, but I can feel it. It's on Coruscant, somewhere close." The three Masters exchanged thoughtful looks, sensing the significance of Alaenna's words. 
"To find a kyber crystal outside the Temple, especially on a planet as vast and chaotic as Coruscant, is no simple task," Mace mused, his brow furrowed in contemplation. Plo Koon's voice, steady and reassuring, broke the silence. 
"We must trust in the Force and in Alaenna's connection to it. This second crystal is part of her path, a path we are now bound to support." Obi-Wan nodded in agreement. "We'll need to prepare for a journey beyond the Temple's walls. The lower levels of Coruscant can be dangerous. We should not venture there lightly." Mace stood, decisive. 
"I'll arrange for a detachment to accompany us. The Wolffe Pack and members of Ghost Company will provide the support we need." Alaenna listened, the reality of venturing into the unknown depths of Coruscant setting in. She felt a thrill of anticipation mixed with a healthy dose of apprehension. The lower levels were notorious for their perilous nature.
The air on the landing platform was charged with a tangible sense of expectation as Alaenna, accompanied by her Masters, approached the assembled clone troopers. The sun, now climbing higher in the Coruscant sky, cast a radiant light over the scene, highlighting the contrast between the Jedi and the soldiers in their armor.
Cody, the natural leader, stood at the forefront, his stance exuding an air of command and respect. His eyes, hidden behind the visor, scrutinized Alaenna, taking in her poised demeanor and the subtle aura of determination that seemed to emanate from her. He had encountered many Jedi, but Alaenna was different, a fact that resonated within him.
"So, this is the Padawan everyone's talking about," he thought, his initial skepticism giving way to a sense of respect. "There’s more to her than meets the eye."
Wolffe, with his characteristic cautiousness, observed Alaenna from a distance. His experience had taught him to be wary, but there was something about her that piqued his interest. "She’s unlike any Jedi we've encountered," he noted inwardly. "There’s a depth to her connection with the Force that’s almost tangible."
Boil and Waxer, known for their camaraderie and light-hearted banter, shared a look that conveyed their mutual curiosity. "She's got a presence, alright," Boil commented silently, while Waxer pondered the implications of her unique abilities. "Her journey could change the tide of this war," Waxer contemplated, his usually jovial demeanor tinged with a rare seriousness.
Sinker observed the scene with a relaxed yet attentive posture, his curiosity more casual but no less genuine. "Interesting times ahead, it seems," he mused, watching as Alaenna interacted with her Masters, a sense of unity and purpose evident in their exchange.
As the introductions were made, Alaenna extended a hand towards the clone commanders. Her voice, when she spoke, was calm and imbued with a quiet strength. "I'm honored to have your support on this mission," she said, her silver eyes meeting theirs with an unwavering gaze.
Cody was the first to respond, his voice firm and respectful. "We're at your service, Padawan Alaenna. The Wolffe Pack and Ghost Company are ready to assist in any way we can."
The interaction was brief but significant, a moment that bridged the worlds of the Jedi and the clone troopers. It was a mutual recognition of the challenges ahead and the roles each would play.
As the group boarded the transport, the atmosphere was a blend of focused determination and underlying curiosity. The clone troopers, while disciplined and mission-oriented, couldn’t help but feel a growing interest in the Padawan who had already made such an impression on their commanders and the Jedi Order.
Alaenna, for her part, felt a growing sense of camaraderie with the clones. Their dedication and bravery were qualities she admired and respected. She sensed the beginnings of what would become deep and lasting bonds, the kind forged in the crucible of shared trials and challenges.
The transport lifted off, its engines humming steadily as it descended into the bustling depths of Coruscant. Below them, the city sprawled in all its chaotic glory – a labyrinth of lights, shadows, and uncharted destinies. Alaenna peered out of the window, her mind focused on the task ahead, yet open to the myriad experiences and lessons that awaited her.
The descent into the dense underbelly of Coruscant was a stark contrast to the serene heights of the Jedi Temple. The transport, carrying Alaenna and her entourage of Jedi Masters and clone troopers, sliced through the thick, smog-filled air, descending into the bustling chaos of the lower levels. The atmosphere was a cacophony of alien dialects, sizzling street food, and the relentless hum of overworked machinery. Neon lights flickered erratically, casting a lurid glow over the motley crowds.
Alaenna, her senses heightened and her focus inward, felt the pull of the Force guiding her unerringly through the tangled labyrinth of streets and alleys. Her Jedi Masters – Mace Windu, Plo Koon, and Obi-Wan Kenobi – followed in silent trust, their confidence in her abilities palpable. The clone troopers, led by Commander Wolffe and including Cody, Boil, Waxer, and Sinker, formed a protective ring around them, their hands resting lightly on their blasters.
The search led them deeper into the heart of the city's underbelly, where the air was thick with the scent of unrefined fuel and the desperation of its inhabitants. Finally, guided by an unseen force, Alaenna stopped before a nondescript stall in a crowded marketplace. The stall, run by a wary Rodian merchant, was cluttered with a mishmash of objects – relics, trinkets, and artifacts of dubious origin.
It was there, hidden among the chaos of items, that Alaenna's senses zeroed in on a small, unassuming box. As she reached out and opened it, a wave of resonant energy washed over her, the unmistakable call of her second kyber crystal.
Inside the box lay a crystal of breathtaking beauty – a Solari crystal. It shimmered with an iridescent sheen, its core radiating a pure, ethereal light. The Solari, known for its connection to the light side of the Force, was a find of remarkable rarity.
As Alaenna held the crystal, a melodious resonance filled not only her senses but also reached out to her Masters through their bond. Mace, Plo Koon, and Obi-Wan felt the crystal's song, a harmonious symphony that echoed the purity and light of the Force.
"The Solari crystal..." Obi-Wan whispered in awe, his eyes reflecting the light of the crystal. "A symbol of clarity and purity. Its rarity is matched only by its connection to the light."
Mace Windu studied the crystal, a sense of wonder breaking through his usually stoic demeanor. "To find one rare crystal is a feat, but two... This is unprecedented. The Force is indeed guiding you on a unique path, Alaenna."
Plo Koon, his voice resonating with a deep wisdom, nodded in agreement. "The Force has chosen well. These crystals, and their rarity, speak volumes of the journey you are destined to undertake."
The transport's ascent from the tangled depths of Coruscant's underbelly was a journey not just through the city’s stratified levels, but through a maelstrom of thoughts and reflections within its occupants. 
The confines of the vessel, though physically narrow, were filled with an expansive sense of wonder and contemplation. The rays of the setting sun filtered through the windows, casting a serene glow that contrasted sharply with the whirlwind of emotions and thoughts churning within each individual.
Alaenna, the focus of this unprecedented mission, sat in a meditative poise, holding the Solari crystal in one hand and the Bondara's Folly in the other. Her eyes were closed, her expression one of deep concentration and connection. The Force flowed around her, through her, singing the song of the crystals, a melody that resonated with the very core of her being. She was lost in the harmony, oblivious to the world around her, yet profoundly connected to the universe in a way that was both awe-inspiring and mystifying.
Mace Windu, seated opposite Alaenna, observed her with a sense of profound introspection. His mind, typically a fortress of strategy and discipline, was now adrift in the sea of possibilities that Alaenna's unique connection to the Force presented. "Two kyber crystals, both of extraordinary rarity, have chosen her," he pondered, the significance not lost on him. "The Bondara's Folly, a symbol of strength and resilience, and the Solari, emblematic of purity and clarity. This is more than mere coincidence; it is the Force manifesting its will in ways we have yet to fully comprehend."
Plo Koon, his demeanor as calm as the deepest oceans, was awash with his thoughts. "The Force is guiding her on a path that is both luminous and intricate. These crystals, especially the Solari, known for its affinity with the light side of the Force, suggest a destiny intertwined with the very essence of the Jedi creed. The Bondara's Folly, a crystal of resilience, speaks to the challenges she will face. We must be vigilant in our guidance, yet open to the lessons this journey will bring."
Obi-Wan Kenobi, the ever-thoughtful mediator, found himself grappling with the implications of what they had witnessed. "Alaenna's journey is reshaping our understanding of the Force. The Solari and Bondara's Folly, each with its unique history and symbolism, coming together in the hands of a single Padawan. It's as if the Force is charting a new course through her, a course that may redefine what it means to be a Jedi."
The clone troopers, led by Commander Wolffe, shared a sense of muted awe. Though not as attuned to the Force as the Jedi, they could sense the magnitude of the discovery. "Two rare crystals, found by a single Padawan," Wolffe thought, his respect for the Jedi and their ways deepening. "There's something extraordinary happening here, something that goes beyond our usual missions and battles."
As the transport neared the Jedi Temple, the last light of the day bathed the spires in a golden hue, welcoming them back to a place of peace and learning. Alaenna opened her eyes, the crystals still resting in her hands. The sense of connection she felt with them was profound and personal, yet she was acutely aware of the journey ahead, a journey that would not only define her destiny but also touch the lives of those around her.
The doors of the transport hissed open, and they disembarked onto the familiar grounds of the Temple. The journey had ended, but it was also just beginning. Each step they took was laden with the promise of discovery, the forging of new paths, and the unfolding of a destiny guided by the unseen hand of the Force.
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mahayanapilgrim · 10 months
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Lord kaldan gyastso teaching and commentary
O solitary meditators who hope to wander in isolated places, listen here to this song with a mind of delight. If you don’t communicate with yourself, then it is rare to find a true friend who will encourage you in this way. If you are inspired to retreat to a remote mountain—at the upper slopes of a mountain concealed by misty clouds, where a glacial cave awaits you— if you can remain there, then happiness in this and the future will ensue. If you are inspired to retreat to a remote forest—in the midst of the densely growing groves of trees, a cool abode awaits you made of fresh forest leaves. If you rely upon a place such as this, joyful delight will ensue. If you are inspired to retreat go to a remote snow mountain—somewhere on the slopes of the white snow, in a practice cave where you can remain in solitude alone—by relying upon a place such as this, then virtuous activities will increase. If you are inspired to retreat to a remote highland plain—in the meadows of brilliantly blooming flowers, a delightful grassy green shelter awaits you. In a place such as this, there is true natural happiness. If you are inspired to retreat to a remote rocky mountain where vultures’ nests abound, with natural astonishing caves marking its face—in a place such as this, awareness awakens. If you are inspired to retreat to a remote crag—in the midst of its colored strips and piles of sliding rocks, within a cave where there are no distractions—in a place such as this, one can accomplish whatever comes to mind. If you are inspired to retreat to a glacier mountain area—below the sheets of shale, a stone structure where a simple beggar can stay awaits you. In a place such as this, there is natural freedom. If you are inspired to have a companion in these remote places—when you look at your friends who are the birds and animals around there—in an instant, their sounds become pleasing and captivating. To rely on such friends is a source of great joy! If you are inspired to go to a remote lake, slapping waves washing its shores and waters that create gentle repetitive sounds—in a place such as this, there is constant delight!
If you aspire to partake of the food of isolation, the provisions are the nettles and fruits that grow here and there. When savored, their flavor is most delicious. To rely upon such vessels, how astonishing indeed! If you aspire to listen to this song of isolation, a song that benefits your stream of mind, then it is always necessary to keep these habits strong; for to rely upon a song such as this is a great marvel unto itself! So it is as taught.
The passage you provided seems to extol the virtues of solitude and the benefits of retreating to remote, natural settings for contemplation and meditation. It suggests various idyllic locations such as mountain slopes, forests, snowy peaks, highland plains, rocky mountains, and glacier areas as conducive environments for self-reflection and spiritual practice.
The author emphasizes the rarity of finding a true friend who encourages self-communication, suggesting that solitude can be a valuable companion. The poetic description of each retreat setting highlights the potential for joy, happiness, awareness, and natural freedom that can be experienced in these isolated places.
The passage also touches upon the idea of companionship with nature, considering birds and animals as friends in remote areas. It underscores the simplicity and joy derived from the sounds of nature, like waves washing shores and the repetitive sounds of water in a lake.
Additionally, the mention of sustenance from nettles and fruits in these remote places implies a reliance on the natural environment for basic needs, emphasizing a harmonious connection with nature.
Overall, the text encourages the reader to embrace solitude in various natural settings, portraying it as a source of joy, self-awareness, and spiritual fulfillment.
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petrichara · 2 years
My favourite quotes from Circe by Madeline Miller
However gold he shines, do not forget his fire.
When we are young, we think ourselves the first to have each feeling in the world.
But when he turned to me, I felt the shock of that old love between us.
(..) Aeëtes’ face was calm, as if my father’s anger were only another thing in the room, a table, a stool.
I will not be like a bird bred in a cage, too dull to fly even when the door stands open.
For a hundred generations, I had walked the world drowsy and dull, idle and at my case. I left no prints, I did no deeds. Even those who loved me a little did not care to stay. Then I learned that I could bend the word to my will, as a bow is bent for an arrow. I would have done that toil a thousand times to keep such power in my hands. I thought: this is how Zeus felt when he first lifted the thunderbolt.
If my childhood had given me anything, it was endurance.
Yet because I knew nothing, nothing was beneath me.
Well? What do you have to say to me? You threw me to the crows, but it turns out I prefer them to you.
But gods are born of ichor and nectar, their excellences already bursting from their fingertips. So they find their fame by proving what they can mar: destroying cities, starting wars, breeding plagues and monsters. All that smoke and savour rising so delicately from our altars. It leaves only ash behind. (..) I wanted to seize her by the shoulders. Whatever you do, I wanted to say, do not be too happy. It will bring down fire on your head. I said nothing, and let her dance.
A golden cage is still a cage.
None shrank and simpered as you did, and yet great Helios stepped on you all the faster, because you were already crouched at his feet.
‘They are not like us.’ / ‘I am not like you.’
But in a solitary life, there are rare moments when another soul dips near yours, as stars once a year brush the earth. Such a constellation was he to me.
It was not desire, not even its barest scrapings. It was a sort of rage, a knife I used upon myself. I did it to prove my skin was still my own.
Like a snake, the poets might say, but I knew snakes better by then. Give me the honest asp, who strikes me if I trouble him and not before.
When he was gone, would I be like Achilles, wailing over his lost lover Patroclus? I tried to picture myself running up and down the beaches, tearing at my hair, cradling some scrap of old tunic he had left behind. Crying out for the loss of half my soul. I could not see it. That knowledge brought its own sort of pain. But perhaps that is how it was meant to be.
Two children he had had, and he could not see either clearly. But perhaps no parent can truly see their child. When we look we see only the mirror of our own faults.
All the things he had done in life must now stand as they were.
The anger stood out plain and clean on his face. There was a sort of innocence to him, I thought. I do not mean this as the poets mean it: a virtue to be broken by the story’s end, or else upheld at greatest cost. Nor do I mean he was foolish or guileless. I mean that he was made of only himself, without the dregs that clog the rest of us. He thought and felt and acted, and all these things made a straight line. No wonder his father had been so baffled by him. He would have been always looking for the hidden meaning, the knife in the dark. But Telemachus carried his blade in the open.
Amusement flashed in his eyes. I had fed off that look once, when I was starving and thought such crumbs a feast.
He took my hand. The gesture was like a bard’s. But were we not in a sort of song? This was the refrain we had practiced so often.
I had been old and stern for so long, filled with regrets and years like a monolith. But that was only a shape I had been poured into. I did not have to keep it.
Circe, he says, it will be alright. It is not the saying of an oracle or a prophet. They are words you might speak to a child. (..) I listen to his breath, warm upon the night air, and somehow I am comforted. He does not mean that it does not hurt. He does not mean that we are not frightened. Only that: we are here. This is what it means to swim in the tide, to walk the earth and feel it touch your feet. This is what it means to be alive.
Overhead the constellations dip and wheel. My divinity shines like the last days of the sun before they drown in the sea. I thought once that gods are the opposite of death, but I see now they are more dead than anything, for they are unchanging, and can hold nothing in their hands.
All my life, I have been moving forward, and now I am here. I have a mortal’s voice, let me have the rest. I lift the brimming bowl to my lips and drink.
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nexility-sims · 2 years
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𝐍𝐎. 𝟎𝟑: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥   /   MATLAL HOUSE, NAKAWE, 1935
❧  𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠  /  𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬  /  𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭.
This year, Beatriz begins her time at Matlal School. The move from Canarís to Nakawe meant she could join her cousins in the Crown’s preferred mode of education. Next week, she is due to join a class of her peers—of children whose ancestry and inheritable power nicely dovetail hers. Beatriz herself liked the tutelage she had received so far much better. Though reluctant to admit it, the simple rite of childhood called making friends scares her. She blusters her way through discussion of the prospect, yet the truth remains. What if they dislik her? What if they think she’s different? All of her life she had been a solitary child, and happily so. The thought of being forced to sit by herself, to stand alone while friends since baby days frolicked around her, to struggle for common ground with children whose approval she wanted more than she could articulate... 
She resolves simply to judge them before they can judge her.
[B] Are you staring at me? [A] How are you feeling about next week?
[B] Mother Zuriñe wanted to be my teacher, and I don’t know why you couldn’t let me do that instead.
[A] Knowing your peers is important, little bird. [B] I don’t know those kids! [A] You will. [B] What if I don’t like them?
[B] I want to read books and learn our history, not make friends. [A] Oh? Everyone needs friends. [B] Mother Zuriñe doesn’t. [A] She does. Being unfriendly is no virtue, Beatriz.
[B] I want to be serious. Most kids aren’t serious, you know. [A] Let me put it in terms you may appreciate, hm?
[A] It is a blessing to me that you know your role. I am not sure I did when I was your age. Still, do not forget that belonging to this family is about more than knowing and being hard. Do not mistake this name, people-eater, for a compliment. We must exist for the People; they are our purpose.
[A] Do you understand? Mother Zuriñe believes this, does she not?
[B] She plays with kids and talks to strangers all the time. I don’t think she really likes it. Everyone thinks she does, though. I could do that.
[A] Yes, a good start. School could be an opportunity to practice being sincere, too. [B] What do you mean? [A] {Chuckles.} Never mind. Our takeaway is to be kind and polite. You should take an example from Mama. Who is more friendly than she?
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fairytsuk1 · 4 years
wings of the devil (a)
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part of the autumn experiences collection.
pairing: keigo takami x reader
genre: angst
words: 1k
summary: i don’t like you that much. not anymore.
prompt: creature
     You'd always felt as if you couldn't connect with others. Your mother had taken you to the doctors countless times, blood drawn and brain scans all too familiar to you. There was nothing visibly wrong, though, only a whole lot of pills for someone who lay awake for hours on end.
     It wasn't that painful; you just learned how to act. Acting was your favorite tool; people were easy to fool and were even willing to listen if you did things right. You knew people like the back of your hand, their nervous ticks, how people reacted to bad news, and how long you could push buttons till some serious consequences began to take shape.
"Stop following me!"
     You just couldn't understand birds, though. It felt like looking at an astrophysicist's textbook, their beady eyes stared at you with a knowing look. It creeped you out like cats. You couldn't fool them with your tricks or bribe them to love you. They weren't mindless and similar creatures. They were solitary and full of personality. Sometimes, you even thought they might understand you.
     Birds surrounded you all the time, as if the two of you were best friends. You didn't like them that much, though. They were never trained and usually smelled awful. But upon close inspection, they didn't seem to mind when they were picking up trash and crumbs, so it might have all just been in your head. After all, the world didn't seem to work in the ways you thought it should.
     There was one bird-one fucking bird-that you despised. Your apartment balcony wasn't much but it did the job of providing you with your weekly allotted "outside time" (dubbed by your psychologist). You'd stretch your feet out and let boredom eat away at your mind for a little while before heading back into your stale room to eat what you always ate. Just like clockwork, the bird with the red wings would settle right on the ledge and act as if it was king.
     It's just a bird, why did it stress you out so much? You expressed irritation to your psychiatrist, and you were only met with pills that seemed to make you feel drowsy. Was this considered drugging? No matter since you were too tired to care in the first place.
     "Oh? Taking a nap, huh? That's fine; it's a good thing they upped the dosage. I was starting to get sick of the outside."
     Hawks stared at your sleeping form, a strong urge to take you right then and there overcoming him. He sighed and pushed the hair out of his face. Ever since he'd laid eyes on you, he had to have you, and if that meant committing horrifying massacres every once in a while, he'd do it. His patience was running thin, though; he wanted to touch and lick and mark you up because you were his. It wasn't his fault you'd accepted his mating advances. You were too stupid to recognize what they meant until he'd marked you in your peaceful slumber. Well, you weren't sleepy. You were just heavily drugged out and living in misery. But when you were to eventually come with him, things would be perfect again! You could be how you're supposed to be; he would be your savior.
     His boxers hug his lower body, and he stretches his blood-red wings. He dwarfs you in comparison. He's huge, loud, and obsessed. Gently sitting on the arm of your couch, brushing hair from your face and relishing the tingle that sprawled up his arm. His heart seemed to be beating like a drum, acutely aware of the blood rushing south. He had to move, or he'd let himself be sucked into his primal urges far too early. Only time will tell, and patience is a virtue.
     "I'll see you soon, yeah? How's about tonight? Mhm, I think so too," he presses a tender kiss to your cheek and inhales the slight scent of shampoo, "Love you."
     He's gone quickly, and you're only awakened by the sound of your sliding balcony door rumbling your whole apartment.
     The day passes by uneventfully. You sit outside and grumble at the sticky heat that practically suffocates you. It'd be like any day minus the lack of a particular yellow bird. For a moment, you almost miss his presence. Maybe not, sometimes it was nice to interact with things once in a while. What wasn't eventful was the loud crash of glass breaking as you stood stirring soup in your kitchen.
"...Hello? What the hell was that?..."
     Hawks stood, miffed, and pushed glass out of the path for his tender feet. You'd locked the fucking door! Why would you do that? Now it's broken and could get in the way and-oh. You're awake!
     "Why'd you lock the door?? I nearly killed myself running into it, hm, smells good."
     He walks forward, and a cold sweat drips down your back as you're forced to look up at him. Where's the sense of urgency? The screaming or the running, the inane thing that's supposed to protect you in times like these.
     “It's a shame," he tenderly cups your cheek, but that doesn't distract you from his claws that puncture your skin just enough to feel your pulse, "I like you better unconscious."
     Maybe this was what you needed. Something truly terrifying. To come across a creature that did not know boundaries and make you feel human. You'd never cried, but you were aware of the tears dripping down onto the floor and snot dribbling down to your lips.
"What are you,…" a realization.
     The bird.
     Hawks grins and practically crushes your jaw in his grip.
     "Look at that. You're already acting normal with me. Isn't that what you wanted?"
     Maybe being different was a good thing. But, if it was good, you wouldn't be in this situation, right?
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willakin · 3 years
OC asks - Ida, 2, 9, 17, and 25. And for Frank, 13, 10, 3, and 6.
2. What were they like as a child? Were they quiet and reserved, outgoing, or a bit of both?
Ida was a confident child. Her older sister took on the nurturing role after their mother died, leaving Ida to be the more outgoing of the two. She was the kind of child who craved adult attention and liked to show off her talents.
9. What was their first kiss like?
Her first kiss was with the man who would become her husband, the tea planter Jonathan King. While Ida was always flirtatious and enjoyed male attention, she had to ensure there would never be any question about her virtue. The kiss was unremarkable, but triumphant.
17. Do they consider themselves to be romantic? Why or why not?
Ida doesn’t think she has the luxury of being a romantic. She comes from a modest family background (a clergyman father does not give one high status in British India) and has her entire life planned for what will keep herself and her children safe, comfortable and happy.
25. What events changed them as a child?
Her childhood in Bombay (now Mumbai) was unremarkable, but a few experiences left their mark on her. Her mother died when she was about five, leaving her father and elder sister as the two strongest influences on her life. Her father, hapless but well-meaning, wanted his daughters to be as accomplished as possible despite his limited means, and Ida learnt that she could better her lot through her accomplishments. She saw how her missionary father was treated by fellow Englishmen and learnt that she would, under no circumstances, marry a clergyman. 
13. What special abilities or talents do they possess? Did they develop through training or were they born with them?
Frank is particularly talented at two things: learning languages, and practising medicine. The medicine was developed through training, of course, and he’s very studious, putting in hours of study while his fellow students went out and had fun. His knack for picking up languages is more innate - he just has an ear for them. He learnt German by himself in preparation for doing his medical degree in Germany, and he picks up languages in India just by exposure. In a similar vein, he can memorise passages of poetry quite easily.
10. Favourite place? Do they go there often?
He has fond memories of the attic of his family home, where he would hide for hours to read or simply keep away from people. Unfortunately, after breaking with his family he has not been there since before going to medical school. In Simla, his favourite place is Ida’s parlour...
3. Are they an early bird or night owl?
An early bird! He can do all-nighters when he has to, but definitely prefers to go to bed at a sensible time and wake up early.
6. On an average day, what can they be found doing after dinner?
Frank is both an introvert and very private, so after dinner he could be found reading or doing some other kind of solitary activity. Any attendance at dinner parties or the Club in Simla is done with gritted teeth.
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lailoken · 4 years
‘The Tools of Cunning’
“The Knife
A blade used by the Pellar is sharp and it will cut, for that is the nature of the tool. It is usually single edged with a hilt of bone, horn or wood, and is traditionally crafted by the witch's own hand as far as their skills will allow, or received as a gift. The Pellar's knife is used for tasks both practical and magical, it can be used to cut and carve new wooden tools, to dig holes and even to open a tin of paint. If you make good practical use of your knife in the mundane world, your faith in its ability to aid you in magical matters will be all the greater. The knife or collel of a Cornish witch is used to send magic over long distances, for weather magic, to conjure and bless the ritual fire or simply the candle's flame. It is used to conjure the red serpent; the 'fire in the land', and to awaken the Cunning flame within. It can subdue troublesome spirits and exorcise, but it is not used to conjure the working circle.
The Cup
Materials that have had life are most favoured to fashion the cups used by Cunning folk, the majority of cups I know of are made from horn. They are used in the Troyl rite for the ritual sharing of drink and food that is so vital to maintain the bonds berween witch, Bucca, the ancestors and the serpent.
The Bowl
This is used also in the Troyl rite to hold the sacramental food, and to leave food offerings overnight to the spirits, traditionally at the back door of the cottage or at the hearth - where the offering may also be made to the witch's familiar spirits and other serving spirits. Newly prepared magical substances or charms are also left in the bowl on the hearth overnight, thus allowing the settling in of the prevalent planetary or lunar virtues for which their making was timed to coincide, along with other raised powers and intent. The bowl is often made from wood, clay or horn. A good bowl or basin of copper is also sought after and kept by most Cornish witches. It has many uses and is most often employed in workings of healing, seeing' and of course love; copper being the metal sacred to Venus.
The Cauldron
Keep a good old cauldron; it is a useful tool for both magic and ritual use. Older ones are best for they are full of character, and usually a better quality casting. I must admit that of all my tools my dear big old cauldron, Old Bet', is perhaps my favourite. Along with a large cauldron, Cornish practitioners have also traditionally kept a small portable' example, handy when the Pellar is making visits to their clients. A cauldron has its most obvious use as the cooking vessel for magical ointments, or the food for a ritual feast, hung over the hood fire'. In ritual or magic, it is a symbolic portal of the Otherworld and a vessel of change; a womb of generation or a tomb of consumption, depending on intent and the phase of the moon, Herbs and magical substances can be cast into a caukdron with smoukdering embers, or a small fire kindled within, and the required virtues stirred up with the Pellar's staff, conjuring that which is required into manifestation within the rising smoke issuing forth from the vessel's depths. Visions and spirits can be conjured in this way, to be born forth from the Otherworld during generative workings of the waxing and full moon. Indoors, during workings at the hearth, a candle may burn within the cauldron, with herbs smouldering on charcoal and other symbolic items arranged also within. Above this are conjurations made with repetitive stirring gestures and muttered chants. During the waning or dark of the moon, those things that are required to be gone can be placed within the cauldron fire, in the form of symbolie items, images, knotted cords or pertinent substances, as the witch stirs or moves quietly about it in a sinistral circle, willing the undesired thing to be gone. In seasonal rites things may be born symbolically forth from the cauldron or sacrificed within, and it may become a vessel for sacred fires of the year.
Sweeping Tools
Sweeping magic was, and is, much used by Coenish practitioners. The most famous sweeping tool, the winch's broom, is symbolic of travel berween the worids, and passage from one phase into another. In ritual, it may sweep the working circle, not only as a tool of esorcism sweeping away influences that might impede or interfere with the work, but as a symbolic gesture to establish that exchange between the worlds is about to take place there. The beoom is used in magic so sweep bad influences out of the house, and fortunate or lucky influences in at certain times of the year. In curse magic, ill-innent and bad or unlucky influences can be swept via the beoom into the doorway of an enemy or wrongdoer. Feather sweepers are traditional West Country working tools, most often fashioned from long goose feathers bound with wax, or goose fat and string, to form a handie. Sometimes a left hand and right hand sweeper will be kepe the left hand one to sweep harmful or unlucky influences away and the right hand one to sweep in fortunane or lucky influences, others have kept a single sweeper for both actions, switching hands acconding to intent. The sweeping gestures may be made over a candle, charm, or symbolic item, or to sweep virtues and influences in, or out of a place such as a client's home. Magical sweeping gestures might also be made over a person or an animal. In this way, sweepers may also be employed within healing work; to sweep away the ailment from the affected part of the body with the left hand, and then to sweep in the healing influence with the right. The witch's whisk is a West Country sweeping tool parely used to exonrcise evil spiries and negative influences from a place. It is made by binding thirteen dried and thorny blackberry twigs together, using the string binding to form a handle. The ends of the twigs are set alight in a blessed fire, and the smoking whisk is waved and danced around the place with vigoeous gestures to ward off all evil and harmful influences. Conversely, a similarly bound bundie of rwigs, such as Pine, may be employed in a similar fashion. In this case however, the West Country witch is drawing helpful spirits to the working place, attracted by the pleasingly scented wood smoke.
Various kinds of drum may be kept by West Country witches, for they are useful within the circle for drumming up sproul and the presence of helpful spirits. They may also be emploved to drive awan evil spirits and negative influences. Cecil Williamson gives two interesting recommendations for West Country witch drumsticks - ones made of glass, the handles of which must have unfinished ends, being useful for banishing harmful influences, calling upon the aid of helpful spirits and for drumming up changes in the weather. Drumsticks formed from human arm bones however are recommended to drum up the presence of any required spirit.
Wind Roarers
Another noise-making ritual tool wind roarens, or "bullroarers have been employed within tradicional magical ritual and spiritual ceremony in many cultures and in many places across the globe, including here in the West Country They must be specially formed from hand wood, and spun above the witch's head in the air, they produce strange and otherworldly throbbing, moaning sounds. These are employed by the West Country witch to atract helpful spirits and to raise spirit forces at the creation of an outdoor working space, and to aid the achievement of trance states These may more usually be employed to begin simple, solitary workings, although I have heard three wind roarers used sogether during a working gathering of wise- women here in Cornwall, the sound was quite remarkable and the Hidden Company' left no doube that they had drawn close to see what was going on! Stones would also be carried as protective amulets and provide warning of the presence of poison by sweating. Devil’s Finger also known as Thunder Bolts are the belemnite fossil. They have been used in Cormwal by Cunning folk who also named them Sea Stones o make predictions by casting one or more and reading the directions in which they point. Waner in which Devil’s Fingers had been soaked for some time is seen in eradition to have curative powers against worms in hones as wellas rheumatism and eye complaints. They are also used by the Cunning to add potency to workings, sometimes being incorporated into charms or set into the end of curative wands. Tongue Stones are the fossils of sharks' teeth which, to the ancients, appeared to be the petrified tongues of serpents. Kept in the home they would ward off misfortune and prevent snakes from entering. Tongue stones are also worn as protective charms against evil and to protect the wearer from snake bites. Immersed in red wine they would provide a cure from venoms and poisons. Toad Stones were believed by our ancestors to grow inside the heads of toads. Most known examples of Toad Stones have been found to be the fossilised teeth of the extinct fish Lepidotes. Toad stones were most often set into rings to provide protection and to aid healing rites. Stings and bites could be cured by the Charmer's Toad Stone ring being touched to the affected area and worked against all venoms and poisons. The Toad Stone ring will warn the wearer of poison by becoming warm in its presence. Necklaces West Country witches, male and female, will often wear a necklace or pendant of magical virtue. Such things as hag stones and bird's feet are used. Strung beads of serpentine, quartz and obsidian represent the serpent and the generative and introspective virtues. A particularly potent and traditional West Country witch necklace consists of strung snake vertebrae, sometimes with the inclusion of glass beads, conferring upon the wearer serpentine powers and the ability to work with the "spirit force' of the land.
To Hood the Tools
The ways to empower the tools and to charge them with life and virtue are many and are to be determined by the nature of the tool itself, it is also the case that each practitioner may have their own ways. Following the exorcism of the item, with the aid of purging and cleansing substances, it will be charged with the powers and virtues pertinent to its nature and use. They may also be anointed with Witch Oil, and passed through the smoke of a pertinent suffumigation before being bound with the practitioner's working cord, to seal in the virtue, and left over night on the hearth. There are also such traditional actions as the anointing of tools with three crosses of spittle, the breathing of life into tools and even taking them into the bed for three consecutive nights. Tools are also often buried beneath the ground at known places of power for varying periods to be infused with chthonic force, whilst tools for working with the dead are often charged by the virtues of the North Road and coated with "Spirit of Myrrh'.
The Cunning Altar
The altar and focus of operations within the rites and workings of the Pellar, either at the hearth or outside, traditionally includes four basic things which are the staff, stone, flame and bone. For the staff, the Pellar's traditional working stick is of course most often employed, becoming a bridge/vehicle' to join and give access to the Ways', and a representation of Bucca. Pitch forks or hay forks are occasionally used instead. Within Ros An Bucca, we are fortunate to have a six tined threshing fork, which we employ as the altar within our six main seasonal ‘Furry’ rites. The stone is the foundation stone or hearth stone around which the cultus of the Craft operates. In some traditional groups this is a whetstone that keeps the blade of Cunning ever sharp, but for the solitary witch any of the working stones may be used. Quartz is a good choice for it attracts and enhances the serpentine flow and the breath, whereas obsidian would be more fitting specifically to the new moon. The flame is the flame of Cunning, the light betwixt the horns and the light on the heath that illumines the path of the Cunning Way. It may be a lantern or simply a candle. During indoor rites and workings, where a full 'hood-fire' is not possible, a ‘hood-lamp' may instead be employed upon the altar. Known examples are formed from horseshoes fixed to a wooden base, with a candle fixed between the upward pointing arms of the shoe, or a forked section of tree branch fixed also to a wooden base, with the candle stuck between the forks. This bewitched lamp is both a devotional object, being a potent visual representation of the Horned One and the light betwixt the horns, and a practical item for magic. Just as the hood-fire may be employed magically, so may the hood lamp assist workings to attract that which is desired and banish that which is not, often by the aid of pertinently coloured glass headed pins once the candle is identified with the object of the working. The bone is the representation of the Old Ones, the gods, spirits and ancestors of the Craft and the 'First One' of the Cunning Way. In grand rites this may be an actual human skull, although other smaller human bones are more usefully portable and thus more often used. Animal bones and carved skulls have also been employed for this. Alongside human bones, I also sometimes make use of a pre-historic, yet still sharp, flint cutting tool as a potent link to the ancestors. Some will keep about their person a stone, bone and candle within a handkerchief that along with their stick/ staff, a small flask of drink and a little food, may form a good and proper altar when out and about in the land. The Pellar's blade is also usually carried which doubles as a handy carving tool.”
Traditional Witchcraft:
A Cornish Book of Ways
by Gemma Gary
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thesquireinvictus · 3 years
The Deserted Village BY OLIVER GOLDSMITH Sweet Auburn, loveliest village of the plain, Where health and plenty cheared the labouring swain, Where smiling spring its earliest visit paid, And parting summer's lingering blooms delayed, Dear lovely bowers of innocence and ease, Seats of my youth, when every sport could please, How often have I loitered o'er thy green, Where humble happiness endeared each scene! How often have I paused on every charm, The sheltered cot, the cultivated farm, The never-failing brook, the busy mill, The decent church that topt the neighbouring hill, The hawthorn bush, with seats beneath the shade, For talking age and whispering lovers made! How often have I blest the coming day, When toil remitting lent its turn to play, And all the village train, from labour free, Led up their sports beneath the spreading tree, While many a pastime circled in the shade, The young contending as the old surveyed; And many a gambol frolicked o'er the ground, And slights of art and feats of strength went round; And still as each repeated pleasure tired, Succeeding sports the mirthful band inspired; The dancing pair that simply sought renown By holding out to tire each other down; The swain mistrustless of his smutted face, While secret laughter tittered round the place; The bashful virgin's side-long looks of love, The matron's glance that would those looks reprove! These were thy charms, sweet village; sports like these, With sweet succession, taught even toil to please; These round thy bowers their chearful influence shed, These were thy charms—But all these charms are fled. Sweet smiling village, loveliest of the lawn, Thy sports are fled, and all thy charms withdrawn; Amidst thy bowers the tyrant's hand is seen, And desolation saddens all thy green: One only master grasps the whole domain, And half a tillage stints thy smiling plain; No more thy glassy brook reflects the day, But, choaked with sedges, works its weedy way; Along thy glades, a solitary guest, The hollow-sounding bittern guards its nest; Amidst thy desert walks the lapwing flies, And tires their echoes with unvaried cries. Sunk are thy bowers, in shapeless ruin all, And the long grass o'ertops the mouldering wall; And, trembling, shrinking from the spoiler's hand, Far, far away, thy children leave the land. Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey, Where wealth accumulates, and men decay: Princes and lords may flourish, or may fade; A breath can make them, as a breath has made; But a bold peasantry, their country's pride, When once destroyed, can never be supplied. A time there was, ere England's griefs began, When every rood of ground maintained its man; For him light labour spread her wholesome store, Just gave what life required, but gave no more: His best companions, innocence and health; And his best riches, ignorance of wealth. But times are altered; trade's unfeeling train Usurp the land and dispossess the swain; Along the lawn, where scattered hamlets rose, Unwieldy wealth and cumbrous pomp repose; And every want to oppulence allied, And every pang that folly pays to pride. Those gentle hours that plenty bade to bloom, Those calm desires that asked but little room, Those healthful sports that graced the peaceful scene, Lived in each look, and brightened all the green; These, far departing seek a kinder shore, And rural mirth and manners are no more. Sweet Auburn! parent of the blissful hour, Thy glades forlorn confess the tyrant's power. Here as I take my solitary rounds, Amidst thy tangling walks, and ruined grounds, And, many a year elapsed, return to view Where once the cottage stood, the hawthorn grew, Remembrance wakes with all her busy train, Swells at my breast, and turns the past to pain. In all my wanderings round this world of care, In all my griefs—and God has given my share— I still had hopes, my latest hours to crown, Amidst these humble bowers to lay me down; To husband out life's taper at the close, And keep the flame from wasting by repose. I still had hopes, for pride attends us still, Amidst the swains to shew my book-learned skill, Around my fire an evening groupe to draw, And tell of all I felt, and all I saw; And, as an hare whom hounds and horns pursue, Pants to the place from whence at first she flew, I still had hopes, my long vexations past, Here to return—and die at home at last. O blest retirement, friend to life's decline, Retreats from care that never must be mine, How happy he who crowns, in shades like these A youth of labour with an age of ease; Who quits a world where strong temptations try, And, since 'tis hard to combat, learns to fly! For him no wretches, born to work and weep, Explore the mine, or tempt the dangerous deep; No surly porter stands in guilty state To spurn imploring famine from the gate, But on he moves to meet his latter end, Angels around befriending virtue's friend; Bends to the grave with unperceived decay, While resignation gently slopes the way; And, all his prospects brightening to the last, His Heaven commences ere the world be past! Sweet was the sound, when oft at evening's close, Up yonder hill the village murmur rose; There, as I past with careless steps and slow, The mingling notes came soften'd from below; The swain responsive as the milk-maid sung, The sober herd that lowed to meet their young, The noisy geese that gabbled o'er the pool, The playful children just let loose from school, The watch-dog's voice that bayed the whispering wind, And the loud laugh that spoke the vacant mind, These all in sweet confusion sought the shade, And filled each pause the nightingale had made. But now the sounds of population fail, No cheerful murmurs fluctuate in the gale, No busy steps the grass-grown foot-way tread, For all the bloomy flush of life is fled. All but yon widowed, solitary thing That feebly bends beside the plashy spring; She, wretched matron, forced in age, for bread, To strip the brook with mantling cresses spread, To pick her wintry faggot from the thorn, To seek her nightly shed, and weep till morn; She only left of all the harmless train, The sad historian of the pensive plain. Near yonder copse, where once the garden smiled, And still where many a garden-flower grows wild; There, where a few torn shrubs the place disclose, The village preacher's modest mansion rose. A man he was, to all the country dear, And passing rich with forty pounds a year; Remote from towns he ran his godly race, Nor e'er had changed, nor wished to change his place; Unpractised he to fawn, or seek for power, By doctrines fashioned to the varying hour; Far other aims his heart had learned to prize, More skilled to raise the wretched than to rise. His house was known to all the vagrant train, He chid their wanderings but relieved their pain; The long-remembered beggar was his guest, Whose beard descending swept his aged breast; The ruined spendthrift, now no longer proud, Claim'd kindred there, and had his claims allowed; The broken soldier, kindly bade to stay, Sate by his fire, and talked the night away; Wept o'er his wounds, or, tales of sorrow done, Shouldered his crutch, and shewed how fields were won. Pleased with his guests, the good man learned to glow, And quite forgot their vices in their woe; Careless their merits, or their faults to scan, His pity gave ere charity began. Thus to relieve the wretched was his pride, And even his failings leaned to Virtue's side; But in his duty prompt at every call, He watched and wept, he prayed and felt, for all. And, as a bird each fond endearment tries, To tempt its new-fledged offspring to the skies; He tried each art, reproved each dull delay, Allured to brighter worlds, and led the way. Beside the bed where parting life was layed, And sorrow, guilt, and pain, by turns, dismayed The reverend champion stood. At his control Despair and anguish fled the struggling soul; Comfort came down the trembling wretch to raise, And his last faltering accents whispered praise. At church, with meek and unaffected grace, His looks adorned the venerable place; Truth from his lips prevailed with double sway, And fools, who came to scoff, remained to pray. The service past, around the pious man, With steady zeal, each honest rustic ran; Even children followed, with endearing wile, And plucked his gown, to share the good man's smile. His ready smile a parent's warmth exprest, Their welfare pleased him, and their cares distrest: To them his heart, his love, his griefs were given, But all his serious thoughts had rest in Heaven. As some tall cliff that lifts its awful form, Swells from the vale, and midway leaves the storm, Tho' round its breast the rolling clouds are spread, Eternal sunshine settles on its head. Beside yon straggling fence that skirts the way, With blossomed furze unprofitably gay, There, in his noisy mansion, skill'd to rule, The village master taught his little school; A man severe he was, and stern to view, I knew him well, and every truant knew; Well had the boding tremblers learned to trace The day's disasters in his morning face; Full well they laughed, with counterfeited glee, At all his jokes, for many a joke had he: Full well the busy whisper circling round, Conveyed the dismal tidings when he frowned; Yet he was kind, or if severe in aught, The love he bore to learning was in fault; The village all declared how much he knew; 'Twas certain he could write, and cypher too; Lands he could measure, terms and tides presage, And ev'n the story ran that he could gauge. In arguing too, the parson owned his skill, For even tho' vanquished, he could argue still; While words of learned length and thundering sound, Amazed the gazing rustics ranged around; And still they gazed, and still the wonder grew, That one small head could carry all he knew. But past is all his fame. The very spot Where many a time he triumphed, is forgot. Near yonder thorn, that lifts its head on high, Where once the sign-post caught the passing eye, Low lies that house where nut-brown draughts inspired, Where grey-beard mirth and smiling toil retired, Where village statesmen talked with looks profound, And news much older than their ale went round. Imagination fondly stoops to trace The parlour splendours of that festive place; The white-washed wall, the nicely sanded floor, The varnished clock that clicked behind the door; The chest contrived a double debt to pay, A bed by night, a chest of drawers by day; The pictures placed for ornament and use, The twelve good rules, the royal game of goose; The hearth, except when winter chill'd the day, With aspen boughs, and flowers, and fennel gay; While broken tea-cups, wisely kept for shew, Ranged o'er the chimney, glistened in a row. Vain transitory splendours! Could not all Reprieve the tottering mansion from its fall! Obscure it sinks, nor shall it more impart An hour's importance to the poor man's heart; Thither no more the peasant shall repair To sweet oblivion of his daily care; No more the farmer's news, the barber's tale, No more the woodman's ballad shall prevail; No more the smith his dusky brow shall clear, Relax his ponderous strength, and lean to hear; The host himself no longer shall be found Careful to see the mantling bliss go round; Nor the coy maid, half willing to be prest, Shall kiss the cup to pass it to the rest. Yes! let the rich deride, the proud disdain, These simple blessings of the lowly train; To me more dear, congenial to my heart, One native charm, than all the gloss of art; Spontaneous joys, where Nature has its play, The soul adopts, and owns their first-born sway; Lightly they frolic o'er the vacant mind, Unenvied, unmolested, unconfined. But the long pomp, the midnight masquerade, With all the freaks of wanton wealth arrayed, In these, ere triflers half their wish obtain, The toiling pleasure sickens into pain; And, even while fashion's brightest arts decoy, The heart distrusting asks, if this be joy. Ye friends to truth, ye statesmen who survey The rich man's joys encrease, the poor's decay, 'Tis yours to judge, how wide the limits stand Between a splendid and a happy land. Proud swells the tide with loads of freighted ore, And shouting Folly hails them from her shore; Hoards even beyond the miser's wish abound, And rich men flock from all the world around. Yet count our gains. This wealth is but a name That leaves our useful products still the same. Not so the loss. The man of wealth and pride Takes up a space that many poor supplied; Space for his lake, his park's extended bounds, Space for his horses, equipage, and hounds: The robe that wraps his limbs in silken sloth, Has robbed the neighbouring fields of half their growth; His seat, where solitary sports are seen, Indignant spurns the cottage from the green: Around the world each needful product flies, For all the luxuries the world supplies. While thus the land adorned for pleasure, all In barren splendour feebly waits the fall. As some fair female unadorned and plain, Secure to please while youth confirms her reign, Slights every borrowed charm that dress supplies, Nor shares with art the triumph of her eyes. But when those charms are past, for charms are frail, When time advances, and when lovers fail, She then shines forth, solicitous to bless, In all the glaring impotence of dress. Thus fares the land, by luxury betrayed: In nature's simplest charms at first arrayed; But verging to decline, its splendours rise, Its vistas strike, its palaces surprize; While, scourged by famine from the smiling land, The mournful peasant leads his humble band; And while he sinks, without one arm to save, The country blooms—a garden, and a grave. Where then, ah where, shall poverty reside, To scape the pressure of contiguous pride? If to some common's fenceless limits strayed, He drives his flock to pick the scanty blade, Those fenceless fields the sons of wealth divide, And ev'n the bare-worn common is denied. If to the city sped—What waits him there? To see profusion that he must not share; To see ten thousand baneful arts combined To pamper luxury, and thin mankind; To see those joys the sons of pleasure know, Extorted from his fellow-creature's woe. Here while the courtier glitters in brocade, There the pale artist plies the sickly trade; Here while the proud their long-drawn pomps display, There the black gibbet glooms beside the way. The dome where Pleasure holds her midnight reign, Here, richly deckt, admits the gorgeous train; Tumultuous grandeur crowds the blazing square, The rattling chariots clash, the torches glare. Sure scenes like these no troubles e'er annoy! Sure these denote one universal joy! Are these thy serious thoughts?—Ah, turn thine eyes Where the poor houseless shivering female lies. She once, perhaps, in village plenty blest, Has wept at tales of innocence distrest; Her modest looks the cottage might adorn Sweet as the primrose peeps beneath the thorn: Now lost to all; her friends, her virtue fled, Near her betrayer's door she lays her head, And, pinch'd with cold, and shrinking from the shower, With heavy heart deplores that luckless hour When idly first, ambitious of the town, She left her wheel and robes of country brown. Do thine, sweet Auburn, thine, the loveliest train, Do thy fair tribes participate her pain? Even now, perhaps, by cold and hunger led, At proud men's doors they ask a little bread! Ah, no. To distant climes, a dreary scene, Where half the convex world intrudes between, Through torrid tracts with fainting steps they go, Where wild Altama murmurs to their woe. Far different there from all that charm'd before, The various terrors of that horrid shore; Those blazing suns that dart a downward ray, And fiercely shed intolerable day; Those matted woods where birds forget to sing, But silent bats in drowsy clusters cling; Those poisonous fields with rank luxuriance crowned, Where the dark scorpion gathers death around; Where at each step the stranger fears to wake The rattling terrors of the vengeful snake; Where crouching tigers wait their hapless prey, And savage men, more murderous still than they; While oft in whirls the mad tornado flies, Mingling the ravaged landscape with the skies. Far different these from every former scene, The cooling brook, the grassy vested green, The breezy covert of the warbling grove, That only shelter'd thefts of harmless love. Good Heaven! what sorrows gloom'd that parting day, That called them from their native walks away; When the poor exiles, every pleasure past, Hung round their bowers, and fondly looked their last, And took a long farewell, and wished in vain For seats like these beyond the western main; And shuddering still to face the distant deep, Returned and wept, and still returned to weep. The good old sire the first prepared to go To new found worlds, and wept for others woe. But for himself, in conscious virtue brave, He only wished for worlds beyond the grave. His lovely daughter, lovelier in her tears, The fond companion of his helpless years, Silent went next, neglectful of her charms, And left a lover's for a father's arms. With louder plaints the mother spoke her woes, And blessed the cot where every pleasure rose; And kist her thoughtless babes with many a tear, And claspt them close, in sorrow doubly dear; Whilst her fond husband strove to lend relief In all the silent manliness of grief. O luxury! thou curst by Heaven's decree, How ill exchanged are things like these for thee! How do thy potions, with insidious joy, Diffuse their pleasures only to destroy! Kingdoms, by thee, to sickly greatness grown, Boast of a florid vigour not their own; At every draught more large and large they grow, A bloated mass of rank unwieldy woe; Till sapped their strength, and every part unsound, Down, down they sink, and spread a ruin round. Even now the devastation is begun, And half the business of destruction done; Even now, methinks, as pondering here I stand, I see the rural virtues leave the land: Down where yon anchoring vessel spreads the sail, That idly waiting flaps with every gale, Downward they move, a melancholy band, Pass from the shore, and darken all the strand. Contented toil, and hospitable care, And kind connubial tenderness, are there; And piety with wishes placed above, And steady loyalty, and faithful love. And thou, sweet Poetry, thou loveliest maid, Still first to fly where sensual joys invade; Unfit in these degenerate times of shame, To catch the heart, or strike for honest fame; Dear charming nymph, neglected and decried, My shame in crowds, my solitary pride; Thou source of all my bliss, and all my woe, That found'st me poor at first, and keep'st me so; Thou guide by which the nobler arts excell, Thou nurse of every virtue, fare thee well! Farewell, and O where'er thy voice be tried, On Torno's cliffs, or Pambamarca's side, Whether were equinoctial fervours glow, Or winter wraps the polar world in snow, Still let thy voice, prevailing over time, Redress the rigours of the inclement clime; Aid slighted truth with thy persuasive strain, Teach erring man to spurn the rage of gain; Teach him, that states of native strength possest, Tho' very poor, may still be very blest; That trade's proud empire hastes to swift decay, As ocean sweeps the labour'd mole away; While self-dependent power can time defy, As rocks resist the billows and the sky.
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libidomechanica · 7 months
Quest, ended to be
Sleepy one! But what is the     commotion be the nation, and trance he met an old bad dreadful     darknesse their tints may settled alone. Some things to me     soone her second stoop and lust, take me my heart all the altar     that path? Shares with
furious lightning steeds that loves fly     twanging all outlive this spirit now-a-days. Ah fooles     there shall boures. That is as a heap, so pick it up, and     follow. The great expectant or in her he sprout or ball,     flew wide, and silks the true
their better paradice, of course,     ran most propriately has clos’d, and solace; for woman     this steps. Expanded the field; and I lingers pay which welcome,     she began to wake them sing: for not betraying his     passing and comfort of
holes, and deplored; while she is not     stilly murmur, snarling and from week and string life. Poets,     whose who can trippe it has arm’d him answer to virtue crown     old—which made of Susa braid. The Monk sat down, and mouth, keeping     I have a blinket
sae bashful. Her long their tresses     averted to ask her,— so their surface and chin, a neck     alone, for pain between your echo ring? These answer and     sweet sleep and makers of time, where Philosophised: a     great god Pan, and sweet the
tomb, and wild, like Joshua’s moonlight,     the rest I’ll speak when theyr eccho ring? Could ne’er troubles what     can be were born of them! Own voice, I brought, his is mynd? Ere     he began to see each others do fade, madman, over     his much lesser latitude
and, where we watch, a patience     the one much with the learn it, were at home will come back doorstep,     there we hurried and sea. Quest, ended to be first with     good, her garded man with every much interfered, who could     set that would under ivied
casement, and still more near     and unjoin, be lost as fearless, her sweet saint’s wife and therefore     then theyr eccho ring. And the same in order, never,     I think of the echoes of some with me a plan of strayt,     the woods shall bide at rest
a dwarfed or talk’d the valley; let     the bird into his she might he lets hurrying, clamour     thing here she thou know. Yet I saw the water, and disturbed     becomes upon all the paired with teach, Love, stripping out of     his Moon of haunting to
learn her even in mirror. And     herself almost burst and lust, the rope in gracious of mankind,     were lying Time his valet, which ouer the lass o’     Inverness the sky is such a filled towne to ask his vnder hill     sit upon the eye; the
Heart; and often calls it The Night     Zulaikha went an Angel to our Edens, eve and sitting     vpon the world turned away but to the ball where and with     this light lamented them blossom’d as the jewel. There lies between     the back to thoughts enrich
the same and when I shall be;     thou can heard her solitary twinkle thin-lipped preached thou     great friars, one days much more—one little thing, with softer     thought, as o’er her old bough tear-drops they came thy trance follows?     At first incline. I e’er
compassion of hem, smiling throng:     only as a sing, that had dared not to resources of     delirious; so going to make a shipwreck did rayse,     you should gae mad, o ye!— At wormes shepeheards looks fresh     cheese and hang the long car.
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