#The Truth of All that Is: The Angel book to Enlightenment and Personal Transformation online book
worldtopnews99 · 1 month
Divine Connection
Discover Clarity and Empowerment with Divine Connection: Your Premier Choice for Psychic and Clairvoyant Readings in NZ
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Are you seeking insight into life's mysteries, clarity in your personal journey, or guidance through challenging times? At Divine Connection, we offer a range of psychic and spiritual services designed to bring you the answers and healing you seek. Located in New Zealand, our spiritual organization is dedicated to providing authentic Psychic Readings, clairvoyant services, and more, all tailored to help you connect with your inner self and the divine.
Why Choose Divine Connection for Your Psychic Readings?
Divine Connection stands out as a leading provider of psychic readings in New Zealand, thanks to our team of highly skilled and trusted psychics and clairvoyants. Our commitment to offering genuine, insightful, and transformative services sets us apart. Here's why we are the best choice for your spiritual needs:
Authentic Psychic Readings: Our psychics are renowned for their accuracy and deep connection with the divine. Whether you're seeking guidance through psychic readings, clairvoyant readings, or medium readings, you can trust our team to provide you with honest and clear insights.
Comprehensive Services: We specialize in various forms of spiritual guidance, including online tarot card readings, angel readings, Reiki, and crystal healing. Our services are designed to cater to your individual needs and can be conducted remotely or via phone, ensuring that you receive support wherever you are in NZ.
Personalized Approach: Each reading at Divine Connection is tailored to meet your specific needs and questions. Our gifted practitioners work closely with you to understand your situation and provide the most relevant and helpful insights.
Experienced Practitioners: Led by the highly qualified Reiki master Angelene, our team is dedicated to holistic healing and spiritual growth. With extensive experience in tarot readings and medium readings, Angelene and the rest of our practitioners are equipped to offer profound guidance and support.
Safe and Comfortable Environment: We prioritize your comfort and privacy. Our readings are conducted in a secure and safe environment, ensuring that you feel relaxed and open during your session.
Explore Our Services
At Divine Connection, we offer a wide range of services to meet your spiritual and healing needs:
Psychic Readings: Gain insight into your life’s most pressing questions and find clarity with our expert psychic readings.
Clairvoyant Readings: Tap into the power of clairvoyance to uncover hidden truths and receive guidance on your life's path.
Tarot Readings: Explore the wisdom of tarot cards to gain understanding and direction in various aspects of your life.
Medium Readings: Connect with loved ones who have passed on and receive messages from the other side.
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Reiki: Experience the healing power of Reiki to restore balance and energy in your life.
Crystal Healing: Utilize the energy of crystals to support your healing and spiritual growth.
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Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment? Divine Connection is here to guide you every step of the way. Visit our website at Divine Connection to learn more about our services and book your session online.
Whether you’re seeking answers, healing, or a deeper connection with the divine, our dedicated team is here to support you. Trust Divine Connection for the most authentic and empowering psychic and Clairvoyant Readings in New Zealand.
Experience the clarity and transformation you deserve. Contact us today and start your journey with Divine Connection.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/january-2020-a-life-altering-month-of-authenticity-death-rebirth-major-shifts-of-power/
January 2020- A Life Altering Month of Authenticity, Death + Rebirth, Major Shifts of Power
January 2020- A Life Altering Month of Authenticity, Death + Rebirth, Major Shifts of Power
By Astromomma
Welcome to January 2020! We have now entered: a new month, a new year and a new decade! January 2020 promises to be one of the most life altering months of the year! This is mainly due to the fact that we are in the fated and destined Eclipse period. Eclipse energy is rich with surprises and changes. This month there is so much intensity and transformation that it might seem a bit overwhelming. Rest assured though, these shifts and realizations, are the beginning of a new life built on: authenticity, truth and the will to move forward.
On January 2nd, Mercury, the planet of: the mind, communication and contracts, in the sign of Capricorn, comes to greet Jupiter, the planet of: hope, inspiration and expansion, also in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn, the 10th zodiac sign, deals with: authority, obligation, responsibility and the patriarch. Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn, will create a sense of order and integrity to our business plans and projects. A tone of seriousness is often the result of this aspect. We will say what we mean and mean what we say with this transit. Big time deals could happen in and around this date. Structured conversations based on practicality and realism will be had by many folks. We will want to get “down to business” and our sense of patience and tenacity will be met with malleability and dexterity.
On January 10th, the Moon, which rules our: emotions, soul and inner core, becomes full at 20 degrees of Cancer. Cancer, the 4th zodiac sign, deals with: the mother, home, family, nurturing and comfort. We have now reached the 2nd lunar cycle inside of Eclipse season. This Lunar Eclipse and will signify massive shifts of fate that herald: major endings, completions and manifestations. It will be quite emotional and laden with complexities and perhaps even drama. This is even more evident due to the fact that the Moon is at home and rules the sign of Cancer.
The Lunar Eclipse at 20 degrees of Cancer will bring emotional issues to the forefront. We will feel ultra protective and quite the “mama bear” with this eclipse. Major shifts around: family dynamics, home and our roots will be highlighted by this eclipse. A feeling of wanting to come home to our heart will also be evident. The Lunar Eclipse in Cancer will oppose both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. There will be a tug of war between: our feelings vs. society, our intuition vs. reason and our family vs. our career life. Power struggles of all kinds will be at hand and we could feel rather conflicted and unsure of how to find balance. The Lunar Eclipse in Cancer opposing Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn will be a pressure cooker of relenting drive but also deep sensitivity. We will need to remember to breathe and take it one step at a time. The intense feelings that this Lunar Eclipse will produce will be both enlightening and perhaps at the same time quite frightening. Relaxing and going with the flow will be the keys to success with all these astrological fireworks. It won’t be easy but will be necessary and will help to temper the intensity and “full on” nature of this lunar event.
The next day, on January 12th, Saturn, the planet of: obligation, structure, authority and Pluto, the planet of: death/rebirth, transformation and regeneration, come to greet one another at 22 degrees of Capricorn. Capricorn, the 10th zodiac sign, deals with: the patriarch, big business, government, destiny and karma. Every 33-37 years, Saturn and Pluto come to greet one another and the last time was in 1982-1983. This particular aspect within the sign of Capricorn, hasn’t happened in over 500 years and it is sure to be quite a monumental event. Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn will create a massive and unforgettable shift within power structures and our foundation. There could be many breakdowns within society and shifts of power with this aspect. Many of these will have been brewing for quite some time and this aspect will be the pinnacle where karma is reaped and sowed. An air of authenticity and power will prevail for existing structures within our lives. Wherever 22 degrees of Capricorn is in your chart( give or take a degree or two) is where you will see these major re-alignments and shifts on a tangible level. Expect to hit the reset button and it could be very dramatic and come without much warning.
Moving on to the middle of the month, on January 20th, the Sun, which rules: our vitality, core and ego, shifts from the earth sign of Capricorn over to the air sign of Aquarius. Finally, a slight reprieve from all the heavy Capricorn energy arrives. Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac, deals with: invention, originality, genius and humanitarian efforts. We are now ready to take all of the structures and plans of the last month and create a masterpiece of re-invention and enterprise. No other sign likes their freedom like an Aquarius( I know as I am one). An air of detachment and creation is at hand and the universe wants us to connect and create from a space of giving and altruism. On January 24th, the moon, which rules our: emotions, intuition and inner core, becomes a new at 4 degrees of Aquarius. New moons herald: beginnings, imitations and fresh starts. The New Moon in Aquarius will bring a fresh air of possibilities that have to do with our connection to humanity and cater to the unique beat within our heart. This is a great lunar cycle to strike out with passion about a cause or charity that warms our heart. We will want to incorporate a new sense of freedom and genius into our plans. A sense of destiny is at play with this lunar cycle and our efforts will focus on the bigger picture for all involved.
January 2020 is a month unlike any I have personally ever seen. There is so much change and intensity to the month that we literally begin a new year and decade with quite a BANG. January 2020 wants to bring your attention to the strength and tenacity that each of us hold, especially among-st chaos and life altering changes. We are much stronger and resilient than we often give ourselves credit for. This month will ask you to dig deep into your core and become a pillar of authenticity and truth. You can’t f%ck around with these energies. You must face the fire straight on and be willing to deal with whatever upheavals occur with grace and dignity. It is a month that could change your life forever. January 2020 promises: incredible shifts of fate, authentic truths, and the willpower and drive to face the toughest of the tough and rise higher and stronger then ever!
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atrayo · 5 years
Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month
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Hello All, This month's "Jewels of Truth" statements and favorite quotes of the month will include a trio of topics. Always I reiterate upfront so as to educate any new readers that happen to locate us by chance. I'm an Inspirational automatic writer of the angelic host having 24 years of experience to date in this calling. Doing this for about half of my lifespan now has transformed me into a young sage and mystic in my opinion. Besides opened up my other Gifts of God as I consider being a blessed Inspirational Muse. As showcased with over 200+ "Gems of Opportunity" conceptual designs of inventions, business models, charity models, and governmental policy models as channeled abstract materials. Via my claircognizant (a branch of clairvoyance of channeling knowledge beyond my lifetime) ability on this blog site of "Atrayo's Oracle" for over a decade now online. Today's "Jewels of Truth" topics will be on Call It Forth as a form of telepathic prayer without words relying on positive emotions with intent. The Language of God as recounted by the angels. Finally the generic Ratio of Guardian Angels we each have in life. Depending on our spiritual maturity upon the world beyond what religion or spiritual traditions we belong to or not. As always may these Inspirational statements heal, enlighten, restore with good cheer, and love each of you unconditionally. In the Infinite and Eternal sacred truth of righteous graces of the heavens within. Amen. Call It Forth: 2815) All whom beckons come closer in a beautiful solemn faith in God the Creator of Realities. We refuse no one this esteemed esoteric knowledge that to overcome the world is prestigious indeed. One need only claim their benediction as a divine sacred act of calling forth their good. Meaning akin all that is metaphysical in holy devotional practices of emotive prayers. Fully coupled with split-second imagery one can leap forward to hook the desired reality upon this world. For example, instead of saying by rote memorized verses of a religious prayer of whatever caliber. Say no words whatsoever nor think any words for that matter as well. This is vibrationally speaking as a projection of your mind. Instead, Feel an emotion of goodness as positive as authentically true to yourself as you would like to pronounce in spirit alone. Such an intention directed to the Heavenly Host in an association with your desired wish fulfillment. It begins to add substantially more spiritual power than the dense use of human language. For the intent coupled with emotion that is Life-Affirming is the language of the Angels of Heaven. The Intellect of language always unconditionally takes a back seat to the Holy Emotive Heart Within your divine being. To reiterate again may you use this form of angelic supplication without any words spoken audibly much less spoken mentally. This limits the scope of the Infinite spiritual faculties within technically placing the supplicant in park mode versus 1st gear. The bequest whatever it may be in earnest should last no more than 2 minutes of earth time. As a short and sweet projected pulse to your internalized godself angelically of your own divine form and metaphysically in faith. Then after a daily devotional practice what is in correlation to your Highest Best Good it will eventually appear with patience in due temporal time. However, never force this process and if what you desire is wrong for you sincerely. Expect through a refused sign as an omen of grace to indirectly display itself through some sort of observation by the needed information encountered in the world. Nearly always when you do pay attention to the message by coincidence will ring true to you as well. The power of positive emotions goes without much saying akin to the power of true love emboldens the heavens to act at every destined turn of events. As God is selfless Pure Perfected Supreme Love all such emotions are his/hers/its native dominion by grace everlasting! These blessed emotions as the living virtues work best in conjunction with your bequest guided with sincerity and never with false guile. So Be Powerful as an act of consecrated grace in action. Lived by faith always to honor the Glory of God(dess) upon each of your earthen realities. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Language of God: 2819) The Universal Language of the Holy Spirit of God is Infinite in scope. However, there are basic tenets one can encapsulate as a treatise of wonder beyond compare practically speaking. First, the language of the Holy Spirit is paradoxical as divine essence utilizing equal parts subjective and objective knowing. What is Impossible to humanity as fantasy is a reality to God foremost for an eternity. Second, the Holy language of the Ancient Soul of God is vertical as timeless forever and ever by default. It is a layered existence meaning by anointed meanings like a multi-layered skyscraper building with designated floors. The deeper you peer into such a superstructure the richer the associations are revealed. The human mind can only retain so much esoteric truth before the subjective mind must take over to draw comparisons figuratively speaking. This is why Intuition is King here led by divinatory practices that clears away the clutter and leaves the kernel truths which symbolically speak loudest to the spirit within. Third, and foremost the Language of the Angelic Lesser gods as the minor mythological deities is both mental and emotional simultaneously. Meaning it is a visualized conundrum with rich symbolism laden with Imagery. All of it coupled to every creation as lifeforms be it human or otherwise universal life. Emotions are the most primal to any organic creature superseding the rationale mind at every turn. This is why best to be well-disciplined with uplifting positive convictions versus debased diabolical motivations in the world. The Angels of Heaven prefer virtue in emotions versus lengthy diatribes of praises spoken or sung out loud to them and to God. Words are dense primitive obstructions as fragmented meanings weighing like boulders when the semantics and conjecture are disjointed in nature. They lose their effectiveness spatially speaking in person regardless of how they may be recorded in written forms. The Infinity of Here and There prevails the deepest telepathically versus by growlings you call as the spoken tongue. The use of prayers, affirmations, and magical divine commands work best when accessing your divine holy nature. As the Image and Likeness of God upon each of your loves/lives reborn in this your spirit bodies on Earth. Fourth, you are the said Angels of yore upon Meta-Creations Metaphysically speaking. You are the ancient co-authors of this esoteric speech of a celestial Immaculate God shared truly by the Glory of God himself. A Divine Legacy you each call your Inheritance of Paradise by the Supreme Will of God forever. What this denotes is each of you are divine majestic beings beyond your human flawed identities on Earth. Having a Holy mandate to speak and be heard by God(dess) natively as its own native holy essence. Now and later telepathically or otherwise by any primitive utterances, you may wish to use. So choose wisely and not recklessly which Dominion of God you give your utmost allegiance upon this reality likewise. (ie the Heavens, Limbo's, and Hell's) Fifth, all is well by allowing the Enlightenment of God to restore your angelic natural spirits to be transformed. For the greatest pleasure of God upon this world and any other reality thereafter. You are gods and goddesses in baby animalistic skins so behave with humility rightly so. Be clear with your Intentions when beseeching God and the populated souls of the Ancient Heavens. It matters truly for any doubts and recriminations unless insured by protected graces in advance. It can derail untold wonders when poorly communicated by faith in God alone. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ratio of Guardian Angels: 2816) All be told the maturity of a person correlates to how many angels as guardians they are designated in Spirit upon the world. This is a truth that fluctuates depending on if the Child of God in question makes overall progress all throughout a lifetime. Whether they maintain a spiritual tradition no matter if it is called religious or not. A person or any creature of whatever evolutionary tract with a genuine aim of Self-Improvement in a lifetime. Is assigned Angels as protectors, guides, and teachers metaphysically to shepherd their reincarnated spirit of such an Over Soul upon the world dearly so as the essence of God reborn. This reunion is a gift for the Angels associated with each of you as living bestowed honors from God himself unto them. Albeit the person be they a man. woman, child, and even a creature of whatever genus. Is often oblivious of all this ever happening in the sublime silence of God's Omnipresence on their behalf. This is the grace of the Biblical New Testament verse of how all the worldly creatures neither toil or fear that the earth will support them. So how much greater will God in Heaven and upon the world support each of you unconditionally. (Book of Matthew 6:25) It is with this pursuit that God has entrusted the purist of the Heavenly Host. To Supremely care for all macro lifeforms upon this or any other Creation in an Intelligent manner. Even an Atheist without awareness much less preparations of anything remotely spiritual in nature has an Angel to call upon. Albeit it is only one as a default designation to him or her in all eventualities based on need. The faithful regardless of religion or spiritual persuasion type. That has no dogmatic blinders on that can question even the sacred with the Awe of God in them. Has more assigned Angels even as a nonconformist than a worshipper that only accepts spoon-fed programming by a centralized authority Institutional figures. Hardly without curious empowerment accepting all the flawed politics of said religious orders without question akin to a dying blind faith. Such a foolish soul is an easily manipulated lamb prepared for the slaughter by the will of mankind. Having few as a retinue of angelic guardians as a personal host to rely upon in the world. All be told one can have thousands of Angels as various specialized types of guardians in a lifetime. Each depending on how spiritually self-aware you strive in becoming through the Infinite godly divine nature of God(dess) alone. Amen.    ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Nothing gives you more joy than when your heart grows wider and wider and your sense of belonging to the universe grows deeper and deeper. ---Br. David Steindl-Rast. When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms. ---Ma Jaya Sati. Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere. ---Carl Sagan. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 24 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 14 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
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krisiunicornio · 5 years
Best-selling Ayurvedic author Sahara Rose Ketabi has made a life out of modernizing ancient wisdom.
Sahara Rose Ketabi
Sahara Rose Ketabi wants me to stop watching scary movies. We chat about this as we ride the elevator down from her sixth-floor apartment overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Los Angeles’ Pacific Palisades. She never watches horror films. Art plants seeds in our minds that can grow and become real, she tells me: “It changes your subconscious and creates possibilities of atrocities that you would never have thought of on your own. Then it’s in your subconscious, and it keeps leaking in. So then you’re manifesting more of—not that specific thing per se—but scenarios that go along with it.”
I tell her how I’m still trying to unsee 2019’s Midsommar, which is gruesome and harrowing in a way I wish my mind could forget. Ketabi nods, although she has not seen it. Manifesting is one of her super powers, and she’s not about to muck that up for a cheap thrill. Ask her about it, and she’ll tell you detailed accounts of how she’s attracted her life’s greatest successes: a foreword written by one of her heroes, Deepak Chopra, in her very first book, back when she was living in her grandparents’ apartment after college; her husband, whom she dubbed her “God Man” and says she communicated with through meditation before they ever met; and her latest endeavor, Rose Gold Goddesses, a worldwide collective of spiritual women seeking enlightenment and sisterhood.
See also Deepak Chopra on What It Means to Discover Your True Potential
I first met Ketabi in August 2018 when I was interviewing yoga and meditation teacher Rosie Acosta for a cover story that ran in December of that year. Ketabi had just received the first advance copies of her contemporary Ayurvedic cookbook Eat Feel Fresh, and she’d brought a few over to Acosta’s Laurel Canyon home to promote its October release on Acosta’s wellness podcast, Radically Loved. I honestly hadn’t heard of Ketabi, but I should have. By then, her own podcast, Highest Self, had hit No. 1 in the spirituality category, and The Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda was already a bestseller in the Ayurveda space—thanks in part to the foreword and cover quote she managed to score from Chopra.
A Fated Meeting with Deepak Chopra
How did that happen? In May 2017, Ketabi spontaneously decided to attend a yoga and science conference while she was visiting New York City. She was bored, sitting in the very back of a jam-packed auditorium, plotting her escape. “I’m thinking, Right now, the only thing that could keep me here is if Deepak Chopra walks on stage,” she tells me, leaning back into the corner of her sectional as we eat sashimi in her living room. “And then they’re like, ‘OK, time for a lunch break. Now, a word from our sponsor, Deepak Chopra.’” In that moment, the alternative medicine megastar walked on stage, waved “Hello, everyone,” and casually walked off, signaling a break in the event.
Ketabi was a precocious child, growing up in the Newton suburb of Boston with parents who had both immigrated from Iran—her father to attend MIT, her mother to continue her own education after the 1979 Islamic Revolution resulted in the shuttering of universities. Ketabi recalls an elementary school assignment where she was asked to dress up as her favorite celebrity for a presentation. “She dressed up as Gandhi,” her brother, Amir, recalls from Boston, where he lives. “Literally, white robe.” Their father had showed them the 1983 Academy Award–winning film Gandhi as children. “We talked about violence and peace and meditation and the significance of it all,” says Amir. “It had an impact on both of us, but she really took it a step further.” As a preteen, Ketabi threw herself into learning about spiritual leaders and changemakers such as Mother Teresa and Ida B. Wells, using books as a roadmap for what her own path could look like. Eventually she picked up a book by Chopra. “He’s always been a major figure in my life,” she says. “My parents and I would get into fights, and I’d be like, ‘One day I’m going to be like Deepak Chopra!’”
See also How Deepak Chopra's Law of Pure Potentiality Can Transform Your Body, Mind, and Spirit
So there he was, at the foot of the stage, a thousand people between the two of them—an amorphous mob trying to exit the auditorium like cattle—and Ketabi started bum-rushing the stage. When she reached Chopra, he was mid-conversation. Eventually he turned to her.
Ketabi introduced herself and asked Chopra if she could send him a PDF of her forthcoming book; he agreed and gave her his email address.
“So I’m like, This is the pinnacle of my whole life,” Ketabi says excitedly. “I have Deepak Chopra’s email; now what am I going to do with it?” She meditated for eight hours that day, imagining Chopra writing an endorsement for the book. “I’m thinking, This is exactly what I need to get this book out into more people’s hands. If he writes a quote, more people will read it, and it will benefit more lives.”
Chopra did read her manuscript, and as we now know, he wrote the foreword to The Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda (and later, Eat Feel Fresh). He also invited Ketabi to be a faculty member on his wellness app Jiyo, which led to the two of them hosting a 31-day Ayurveda transformation challenge together and to Ketabi’s online Intro to Ayurveda course. Today they’re collaborating on an Ayurvedic certification program through Chopra Global. “It’s been a joy to watch Sahara grow and expand in the past few years,” Chopra told me in an email. “She is a true example of embodying her own dharma.”
Ketabi says what’s fueled her entire life is living in alignment with her dharma, which is the theme of her next book, Discover Your Dharma, coming next year. Early on, she decided that her purpose “in this lifetime” was to be of service to humanity. Because of this, she started volunteering with at-risk youth in Boston at 13 (after she’d started practicing yoga a year earlier). When she was 15, through a global justice program at her high school, she went to Costa Rica to work in a prison and care for orphans. That same year, she started her school’s chapter of Amnesty International. “I was very into reading about Howard Zinn and counterculture and how we can create change,” she says. “I was organizing protests all the time and bringing in speakers to talk about the Iraq war, genocide in the Congo, and forced rendition.” At 16, she helped build a preschool in Nicaragua—at 17, a community center in Thailand.
“She marches to her own beat,” says Amir. “As a 13-, 14-year-old girl, she was very aware of her privilege. Being first-generation Iranian, we were exposed to a lot of the truths of the world at an earlier age than most—we were having Israel-Palestine discussions in middle school. And Sahara was just adamant that she needed to go out there and try to make a difference and learn about the world.”
"The constant chattering in my mind diminished, and I could think more clearly"
The Journey to Ayurveda
Ketabi attended George Washington University in 2009 to study international affairs and development, intent on becoming an international human rights lawyer. But as she dove in beyond her coursework, interning at NGOs around DC, she grew depressed, depleted, out of touch with her dharma. Soliciting money via an endless revolving door of fundraisers didn’t feel in line with her greater purpose. “I wanted to help people,” she says. “In DC, everything is so political. I could see I was just losing myself in the politics and I wasn’t using my creativity.”
To make matters worse, Ketabi’s physical health was failing. She transferred to Boston University to be closer to her family and started a blog (the first iteration of Eat Feel Fresh) to share some of the recipes and positive psychology she was studying in her free time to try and combat undiagnosed digestive issues. It was through writing and sharing her journey directly with readers that she tapped back into her higher calling. Armed with a newfound hope, she enrolled to become a certified health coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
See also 7 Chakra-balancing Ayurvedic Soup Recipes
At 21 years old, Ketabi was 87 pounds with hypothalamic amenorrhea when, through her coursework, she discovered Ayurveda—the ancient system of medicine based on the idea that health is achieved through balancing bodily systems using diet, herbal treatments, and yogic breathwork. “All my health problems—but also my personality—were explained,” Ketabi says. Suddenly her body started to heal. “The first thing I noticed was that I could sleep at night,” she says. “The constant chattering in my mind diminished, and I could think more clearly. I felt more grounded and peaceful than ever before. And I could finally digest food without curling up on the couch in pain.”
Unsatisfied with the limited resources available to study Ayurveda in the US, Ketabi went to India to attend Ayurveda school outside of Delhi. As a Persian American who is 50 percent Indian, she had always felt a deep connection with India and its culture. For two years, she immersed herself in Ayurvedic philosophy and began thinking about how to update it for contemporaries: For instance, traditional Ayurveda doesn’t allow for the consumption of raw foods—which makes sense when you consider the contaminated soil and lack of refrigeration in Ancient India, she says. However, modern nutrition encourages us to eat fresh raw fruits and vegetables, so she’s reformed certain recipes accordingly.
See also Putting Ayurvedic Theory IRL Terms: What Your Dosha Really Says About You
Channeling the Goddess Archetypes for Connection and Transformation
It was while studying Ayurveda in India that Ketabi began leading goddess retreats (see Find Your Inner Goddess). She had grown up surrounded by imagery of Persian and Indian deities, but it was her yoga practice and her travels to India, she says, that brought her deeper into her study of Hindu and Vedic goddesses. As I write this, Ketabi is preparing for the LA launch party celebrating Rose Gold Goddesses, her online platform for spiritual women to connect, converse, plan meetups, and explore the goddess archetypes from cultures around the world. Members have access to a Monthly Goddess Guide full of yoga practices, rituals, meditations, music, mantras, mudras, and journaling prompts—all related to each month’s chosen goddess. She texts me a little video of herself “getting glammed up” for the event, her face painted in the likeness of the Hindu goddess Kali, destroyer of evil forces.
See also The Yogini's Guide to Starting Your Own Women’s Circle
When I asked her about criticisms regarding cultural appropriation, she was cool and confident and largely unfazed. “Am I allowed to talk about goddesses if I didn’t grow up in a polytheistic religion?” she asks me rhetorically. “Goddesses exist and have always existed in every religion and every culture—it’s a universal archetype that we can all step into.” We have just finished lunch and are getting into it in her living room like old friends might. “We’re human beings,” she says. “But some people are so focused on our differences instead of our similarities.”
I visit Ketabi again at home on a cloudless Friday in September when Rose Gold Goddesses has been live for almost a month. The goddess she has chosen to celebrate this month is Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, music, art, and nature. Ketabi has organized a little gathering of friends at her home for a goddess ceremony, a ritual to honor the divine feminine, creativity, and, of course, Saraswati.
We assemble in her living room, sunshine pouring in from all angles, and Ketabi opens by blessing each of us with a single rose: The flower signifies “beauty, elegance, strength, and wisdom,” she says. But also, “Roses are not to be trifled with. You can’t just get a rose and make it your own. She has thorns, she’ll fight back.” This represents all of us in the circle right now, she tells us, post #MeToo, in Trump’s America. “As women, we want to share our beauty and the full spectrum of who we are, but there’s this dark spot in society that makes us feel like we’re not safe.” And yet we are all here, supporting women in the community and thriving in our personal and professional lives. And why is that? She asks, then answers: “It’s because we’re the rose.”
For more information on goddess archetypes, take Sahara's quiz and check out her oracle deck and guidebook, A Yogic Path.
0 notes
cedarrrun · 5 years
Best-selling Ayurvedic author Sahara Rose Ketabi has made a life out of modernizing ancient wisdom.
Sahara Rose Ketabi
Sahara Rose Ketabi wants me to stop watching scary movies. We chat about this as we ride the elevator down from her sixth-floor apartment overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Los Angeles’ Pacific Palisades. She never watches horror films. Art plants seeds in our minds that can grow and become real, she tells me: “It changes your subconscious and creates possibilities of atrocities that you would never have thought of on your own. Then it’s in your subconscious, and it keeps leaking in. So then you’re manifesting more of—not that specific thing per se—but scenarios that go along with it.”
I tell her how I’m still trying to unsee 2019’s Midsommar, which is gruesome and harrowing in a way I wish my mind could forget. Ketabi nods, although she has not seen it. Manifesting is one of her super powers, and she’s not about to muck that up for a cheap thrill. Ask her about it, and she’ll tell you detailed accounts of how she’s attracted her life’s greatest successes: a foreword written by one of her heroes, Deepak Chopra, in her very first book, back when she was living in her grandparents’ apartment after college; her husband, whom she dubbed her “God Man” and says she communicated with through meditation before they ever met; and her latest endeavor, Rose Gold Goddesses, a worldwide collective of spiritual women seeking enlightenment and sisterhood.
See also Deepak Chopra on What It Means to Discover Your True Potential
I first met Ketabi in August 2018 when I was interviewing yoga and meditation teacher Rosie Acosta for a cover story that ran in December of that year. Ketabi had just received the first advance copies of her contemporary Ayurvedic cookbook Eat Feel Fresh, and she’d brought a few over to Acosta’s Laurel Canyon home to promote its October release on Acosta’s wellness podcast, Radically Loved. I honestly hadn’t heard of Ketabi, but I should have. By then, her own podcast, Highest Self, had hit No. 1 in the spirituality category, and The Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda was already a bestseller in the Ayurveda space—thanks in part to the foreword and cover quote she managed to score from Chopra.
A Fated Meeting with Deepak Chopra
How did that happen? In May 2017, Ketabi spontaneously decided to attend a yoga and science conference while she was visiting New York City. She was bored, sitting in the very back of a jam-packed auditorium, plotting her escape. “I’m thinking, Right now, the only thing that could keep me here is if Deepak Chopra walks on stage,” she tells me, leaning back into the corner of her sectional as we eat sashimi in her living room. “And then they’re like, ‘OK, time for a lunch break. Now, a word from our sponsor, Deepak Chopra.’” In that moment, the alternative medicine megastar walked on stage, waved “Hello, everyone,” and casually walked off, signaling a break in the event.
Ketabi was a precocious child, growing up in the Newton suburb of Boston with parents who had both immigrated from Iran—her father to attend MIT, her mother to continue her own education after the 1979 Islamic Revolution resulted in the shuttering of universities. Ketabi recalls an elementary school assignment where she was asked to dress up as her favorite celebrity for a presentation. “She dressed up as Gandhi,” her brother, Amir, recalls from Boston, where he lives. “Literally, white robe.” Their father had showed them the 1983 Academy Award–winning film Gandhi as children. “We talked about violence and peace and meditation and the significance of it all,” says Amir. “It had an impact on both of us, but she really took it a step further.” As a preteen, Ketabi threw herself into learning about spiritual leaders and changemakers such as Mother Teresa and Ida B. Wells, using books as a roadmap for what her own path could look like. Eventually she picked up a book by Chopra. “He’s always been a major figure in my life,” she says. “My parents and I would get into fights, and I’d be like, ‘One day I’m going to be like Deepak Chopra!’”
See also How Deepak Chopra's Law of Pure Potentiality Can Transform Your Body, Mind, and Spirit
So there he was, at the foot of the stage, a thousand people between the two of them—an amorphous mob trying to exit the auditorium like cattle—and Ketabi started bum-rushing the stage. When she reached Chopra, he was mid-conversation. Eventually he turned to her.
Ketabi introduced herself and asked Chopra if she could send him a PDF of her forthcoming book; he agreed and gave her his email address.
“So I’m like, This is the pinnacle of my whole life,” Ketabi says excitedly. “I have Deepak Chopra’s email; now what am I going to do with it?” She meditated for eight hours that day, imagining Chopra writing an endorsement for the book. “I’m thinking, This is exactly what I need to get this book out into more people’s hands. If he writes a quote, more people will read it, and it will benefit more lives.”
Chopra did read her manuscript, and as we now know, he wrote the foreword to The Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda (and later, Eat Feel Fresh). He also invited Ketabi to be a faculty member on his wellness app Jiyo, which led to the two of them hosting a 31-day Ayurveda transformation challenge together and to Ketabi’s online Intro to Ayurveda course. Today they’re collaborating on an Ayurvedic certification program through Chopra Global. “It’s been a joy to watch Sahara grow and expand in the past few years,” Chopra told me in an email. “She is a true example of embodying her own dharma.”
Ketabi says what’s fueled her entire life is living in alignment with her dharma, which is the theme of her next book, Discover Your Dharma, coming next year. Early on, she decided that her purpose “in this lifetime” was to be of service to humanity. Because of this, she started volunteering with at-risk youth in Boston at 13 (after she’d started practicing yoga a year earlier). When she was 15, through a global justice program at her high school, she went to Costa Rica to work in a prison and care for orphans. That same year, she started her school’s chapter of Amnesty International. “I was very into reading about Howard Zinn and counterculture and how we can create change,” she says. “I was organizing protests all the time and bringing in speakers to talk about the Iraq war, genocide in the Congo, and forced rendition.” At 16, she helped build a preschool in Nicaragua—at 17, a community center in Thailand.
“She marches to her own beat,” says Amir. “As a 13-, 14-year-old girl, she was very aware of her privilege. Being first-generation Iranian, we were exposed to a lot of the truths of the world at an earlier age than most—we were having Israel-Palestine discussions in middle school. And Sahara was just adamant that she needed to go out there and try to make a difference and learn about the world.”
"The constant chattering in my mind diminished, and I could think more clearly"
The Journey to Ayurveda
Ketabi attended George Washington University in 2009 to study international affairs and development, intent on becoming an international human rights lawyer. But as she dove in beyond her coursework, interning at NGOs around DC, she grew depressed, depleted, out of touch with her dharma. Soliciting money via an endless revolving door of fundraisers didn’t feel in line with her greater purpose. “I wanted to help people,” she says. “In DC, everything is so political. I could see I was just losing myself in the politics and I wasn’t using my creativity.”
To make matters worse, Ketabi’s physical health was failing. She transferred to Boston University to be closer to her family and started a blog (the first iteration of Eat Feel Fresh) to share some of the recipes and positive psychology she was studying in her free time to try and combat undiagnosed digestive issues. It was through writing and sharing her journey directly with readers that she tapped back into her higher calling. Armed with a newfound hope, she enrolled to become a certified health coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
See also 7 Chakra-balancing Ayurvedic Soup Recipes
At 21 years old, Ketabi was 87 pounds with hypothalamic amenorrhea when, through her coursework, she discovered Ayurveda—the ancient system of medicine based on the idea that health is achieved through balancing bodily systems using diet, herbal treatments, and yogic breathwork. “All my health problems—but also my personality—were explained,” Ketabi says. Suddenly her body started to heal. “The first thing I noticed was that I could sleep at night,” she says. “The constant chattering in my mind diminished, and I could think more clearly. I felt more grounded and peaceful than ever before. And I could finally digest food without curling up on the couch in pain.”
Unsatisfied with the limited resources available to study Ayurveda in the US, Ketabi went to India to attend Ayurveda school outside of Delhi. As a Persian American who is 50 percent Indian, she had always felt a deep connection with India and its culture. For two years, she immersed herself in Ayurvedic philosophy and began thinking about how to update it for contemporaries: For instance, traditional Ayurveda doesn’t allow for the consumption of raw foods—which makes sense when you consider the contaminated soil and lack of refrigeration in Ancient India, she says. However, modern nutrition encourages us to eat fresh raw fruits and vegetables, so she’s reformed certain recipes accordingly.
See also Putting Ayurvedic Theory IRL Terms: What Your Dosha Really Says About You
Channeling the Goddess Archetypes for Connection and Transformation
It was while studying Ayurveda in India that Ketabi began leading goddess retreats (see Find Your Inner Goddess). She had grown up surrounded by imagery of Persian and Indian deities, but it was her yoga practice and her travels to India, she says, that brought her deeper into her study of Hindu and Vedic goddesses. As I write this, Ketabi is preparing for the LA launch party celebrating Rose Gold Goddesses, her online platform for spiritual women to connect, converse, plan meetups, and explore the goddess archetypes from cultures around the world. Members have access to a Monthly Goddess Guide full of yoga practices, rituals, meditations, music, mantras, mudras, and journaling prompts—all related to each month’s chosen goddess. She texts me a little video of herself “getting glammed up” for the event, her face painted in the likeness of the Hindu goddess Kali, destroyer of evil forces.
See also The Yogini's Guide to Starting Your Own Women’s Circle
When I asked her about criticisms regarding cultural appropriation, she was cool and confident and largely unfazed. “Am I allowed to talk about goddesses if I didn’t grow up in a polytheistic religion?” she asks me rhetorically. “Goddesses exist and have always existed in every religion and every culture—it’s a universal archetype that we can all step into.” We have just finished lunch and are getting into it in her living room like old friends might. “We’re human beings,” she says. “But some people are so focused on our differences instead of our similarities.”
I visit Ketabi again at home on a cloudless Friday in September when Rose Gold Goddesses has been live for almost a month. The goddess she has chosen to celebrate this month is Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, music, art, and nature. Ketabi has organized a little gathering of friends at her home for a goddess ceremony, a ritual to honor the divine feminine, creativity, and, of course, Saraswati.
We assemble in her living room, sunshine pouring in from all angles, and Ketabi opens by blessing each of us with a single rose: The flower signifies “beauty, elegance, strength, and wisdom,” she says. But also, “Roses are not to be trifled with. You can’t just get a rose and make it your own. She has thorns, she’ll fight back.” This represents all of us in the circle right now, she tells us, post #MeToo, in Trump’s America. “As women, we want to share our beauty and the full spectrum of who we are, but there’s this dark spot in society that makes us feel like we’re not safe.” And yet we are all here, supporting women in the community and thriving in our personal and professional lives. And why is that? She asks, then answers: “It’s because we’re the rose.”
For more information on goddess archetypes, take Sahara's quiz and check out her oracle deck and guidebook, A Yogic Path.
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amyddaniels · 5 years
Meet Sahara Rose Ketabi, Contemporary Queen
Best-selling Ayurvedic author Sahara Rose Ketabi has made a life out of modernizing ancient wisdom.
Sahara Rose Ketabi
Sahara Rose Ketabi wants me to stop watching scary movies. We chat about this as we ride the elevator down from her sixth-floor apartment overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Los Angeles’ Pacific Palisades. She never watches horror films. Art plants seeds in our minds that can grow and become real, she tells me: “It changes your subconscious and creates possibilities of atrocities that you would never have thought of on your own. Then it’s in your subconscious, and it keeps leaking in. So then you’re manifesting more of—not that specific thing per se—but scenarios that go along with it.”
I tell her how I’m still trying to unsee 2019’s Midsommar, which is gruesome and harrowing in a way I wish my mind could forget. Ketabi nods, although she has not seen it. Manifesting is one of her super powers, and she’s not about to muck that up for a cheap thrill. Ask her about it, and she’ll tell you detailed accounts of how she’s attracted her life’s greatest successes: a foreword written by one of her heroes, Deepak Chopra, in her very first book, back when she was living in her grandparents’ apartment after college; her husband, whom she dubbed her “God Man” and says she communicated with through meditation before they ever met; and her latest endeavor, Rose Gold Goddesses, a worldwide collective of spiritual women seeking enlightenment and sisterhood.
See also Deepak Chopra on What It Means to Discover Your True Potential
I first met Ketabi in August 2018 when I was interviewing yoga and meditation teacher Rosie Acosta for a cover story that ran in December of that year. Ketabi had just received the first advance copies of her contemporary Ayurvedic cookbook Eat Feel Fresh, and she’d brought a few over to Acosta’s Laurel Canyon home to promote its October release on Acosta’s wellness podcast, Radically Loved. I honestly hadn’t heard of Ketabi, but I should have. By then, her own podcast, Highest Self, had hit No. 1 in the spirituality category, and The Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda was already a bestseller in the Ayurveda space—thanks in part to the foreword and cover quote she managed to score from Chopra.
A Fated Meeting with Deepak Chopra
How did that happen? In May 2017, Ketabi spontaneously decided to attend a yoga and science conference while she was visiting New York City. She was bored, sitting in the very back of a jam-packed auditorium, plotting her escape. “I’m thinking, Right now, the only thing that could keep me here is if Deepak Chopra walks on stage,” she tells me, leaning back into the corner of her sectional as we eat sashimi in her living room. “And then they’re like, ‘OK, time for a lunch break. Now, a word from our sponsor, Deepak Chopra.’” In that moment, the alternative medicine megastar walked on stage, waved “Hello, everyone,” and casually walked off, signaling a break in the event.
Ketabi was a precocious child, growing up in the Newton suburb of Boston with parents who had both immigrated from Iran—her father to attend MIT, her mother to continue her own education after the 1979 Islamic Revolution resulted in the shuttering of universities. Ketabi recalls an elementary school assignment where she was asked to dress up as her favorite celebrity for a presentation. “She dressed up as Gandhi,” her brother, Amir, recalls from Boston, where he lives. “Literally, white robe.” Their father had showed them the 1983 Academy Award–winning film Gandhi as children. “We talked about violence and peace and meditation and the significance of it all,” says Amir. “It had an impact on both of us, but she really took it a step further.” As a preteen, Ketabi threw herself into learning about spiritual leaders and changemakers such as Mother Teresa and Ida B. Wells, using books as a roadmap for what her own path could look like. Eventually she picked up a book by Chopra. “He’s always been a major figure in my life,” she says. “My parents and I would get into fights, and I’d be like, ‘One day I’m going to be like Deepak Chopra!’”
See also How Deepak Chopra's Law of Pure Potentiality Can Transform Your Body, Mind, and Spirit
So there he was, at the foot of the stage, a thousand people between the two of them—an amorphous mob trying to exit the auditorium like cattle—and Ketabi started bum-rushing the stage. When she reached Chopra, he was mid-conversation. Eventually he turned to her.
Ketabi introduced herself and asked Chopra if she could send him a PDF of her forthcoming book; he agreed and gave her his email address.
“So I’m like, This is the pinnacle of my whole life,” Ketabi says excitedly. “I have Deepak Chopra’s email; now what am I going to do with it?” She meditated for eight hours that day, imagining Chopra writing an endorsement for the book. “I’m thinking, This is exactly what I need to get this book out into more people’s hands. If he writes a quote, more people will read it, and it will benefit more lives.”
Chopra did read her manuscript, and as we now know, he wrote the foreword to The Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda (and later, Eat Feel Fresh). He also invited Ketabi to be a faculty member on his wellness app Jiyo, which led to the two of them hosting a 31-day Ayurveda transformation challenge together and to Ketabi’s online Intro to Ayurveda course. Today they’re collaborating on an Ayurvedic certification program through Chopra Global. “It’s been a joy to watch Sahara grow and expand in the past few years,” Chopra told me in an email. “She is a true example of embodying her own dharma.”
Ketabi says what’s fueled her entire life is living in alignment with her dharma, which is the theme of her next book, Discover Your Dharma, coming next year. Early on, she decided that her purpose “in this lifetime” was to be of service to humanity. Because of this, she started volunteering with at-risk youth in Boston at 13 (after she’d started practicing yoga a year earlier). When she was 15, through a global justice program at her high school, she went to Costa Rica to work in a prison and care for orphans. That same year, she started her school’s chapter of Amnesty International. “I was very into reading about Howard Zinn and counterculture and how we can create change,” she says. “I was organizing protests all the time and bringing in speakers to talk about the Iraq war, genocide in the Congo, and forced rendition.” At 16, she helped build a preschool in Nicaragua—at 17, a community center in Thailand.
“She marches to her own beat,” says Amir. “As a 13-, 14-year-old girl, she was very aware of her privilege. Being first-generation Iranian, we were exposed to a lot of the truths of the world at an earlier age than most—we were having Israel-Palestine discussions in middle school. And Sahara was just adamant that she needed to go out there and try to make a difference and learn about the world.”
"The constant chattering in my mind diminished, and I could think more clearly"
The Journey to Ayurveda
Ketabi attended George Washington University in 2009 to study international affairs and development, intent on becoming an international human rights lawyer. But as she dove in beyond her coursework, interning at NGOs around DC, she grew depressed, depleted, out of touch with her dharma. Soliciting money via an endless revolving door of fundraisers didn’t feel in line with her greater purpose. “I wanted to help people,” she says. “In DC, everything is so political. I could see I was just losing myself in the politics and I wasn’t using my creativity.”
To make matters worse, Ketabi’s physical health was failing. She transferred to Boston University to be closer to her family and started a blog (the first iteration of Eat Feel Fresh) to share some of the recipes and positive psychology she was studying in her free time to try and combat undiagnosed digestive issues. It was through writing and sharing her journey directly with readers that she tapped back into her higher calling. Armed with a newfound hope, she enrolled to become a certified health coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
See also 7 Chakra-balancing Ayurvedic Soup Recipes
At 21 years old, Ketabi was 87 pounds with hypothalamic amenorrhea when, through her coursework, she discovered Ayurveda—the ancient system of medicine based on the idea that health is achieved through balancing bodily systems using diet, herbal treatments, and yogic breathwork. “All my health problems—but also my personality—were explained,” Ketabi says. Suddenly her body started to heal. “The first thing I noticed was that I could sleep at night,” she says. “The constant chattering in my mind diminished, and I could think more clearly. I felt more grounded and peaceful than ever before. And I could finally digest food without curling up on the couch in pain.”
Unsatisfied with the limited resources available to study Ayurveda in the US, Ketabi went to India to attend Ayurveda school outside of Delhi. As a Persian American who is 50 percent Indian, she had always felt a deep connection with India and its culture. For two years, she immersed herself in Ayurvedic philosophy and began thinking about how to update it for contemporaries: For instance, traditional Ayurveda doesn’t allow for the consumption of raw foods—which makes sense when you consider the contaminated soil and lack of refrigeration in Ancient India, she says. However, modern nutrition encourages us to eat fresh raw fruits and vegetables, so she’s reformed certain recipes accordingly.
See also Putting Ayurvedic Theory IRL Terms: What Your Dosha Really Says About You
Channeling the Goddess Archetypes for Connection and Transformation
It was while studying Ayurveda in India that Ketabi began leading goddess retreats (see Find Your Inner Goddess). She had grown up surrounded by imagery of Persian and Indian deities, but it was her yoga practice and her travels to India, she says, that brought her deeper into her study of Hindu and Vedic goddesses. As I write this, Ketabi is preparing for the LA launch party celebrating Rose Gold Goddesses, her online platform for spiritual women to connect, converse, plan meetups, and explore the goddess archetypes from cultures around the world. Members have access to a Monthly Goddess Guide full of yoga practices, rituals, meditations, music, mantras, mudras, and journaling prompts—all related to each month’s chosen goddess. She texts me a little video of herself “getting glammed up” for the event, her face painted in the likeness of the Hindu goddess Kali, destroyer of evil forces.
See also The Yogini's Guide to Starting Your Own Women’s Circle
When I asked her about criticisms regarding cultural appropriation, she was cool and confident and largely unfazed. “Am I allowed to talk about goddesses if I didn’t grow up in a polytheistic religion?” she asks me rhetorically. “Goddesses exist and have always existed in every religion and every culture—it’s a universal archetype that we can all step into.” We have just finished lunch and are getting into it in her living room like old friends might. “We’re human beings,” she says. “But some people are so focused on our differences instead of our similarities.”
I visit Ketabi again at home on a cloudless Friday in September when Rose Gold Goddesses has been live for almost a month. The goddess she has chosen to celebrate this month is Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, music, art, and nature. Ketabi has organized a little gathering of friends at her home for a goddess ceremony, a ritual to honor the divine feminine, creativity, and, of course, Saraswati.
We assemble in her living room, sunshine pouring in from all angles, and Ketabi opens by blessing each of us with a single rose: The flower signifies “beauty, elegance, strength, and wisdom,” she says. But also, “Roses are not to be trifled with. You can’t just get a rose and make it your own. She has thorns, she’ll fight back.” This represents all of us in the circle right now, she tells us, post #MeToo, in Trump’s America. “As women, we want to share our beauty and the full spectrum of who we are, but there’s this dark spot in society that makes us feel like we’re not safe.” And yet we are all here, supporting women in the community and thriving in our personal and professional lives. And why is that? She asks, then answers: “It’s because we’re the rose.”
For more information on goddess archetypes, take Sahara's quiz and check out her oracle deck and guidebook, A Yogic Path.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/angel-number-7/
Angel Number ~ 7
Angel Number ~ 7
By Archeia Faith of LoveHasWon, The First Contact Ground Crew Team
Angel Number 7
7 Heaven! A sign you are on the path to Higher Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, Heaven Consciousness. 7 is a number that symbolizes alchemical transformation, from the lower to the higher, from the illusionary separation based ego mind to Unified Collective Consciousness. The move into Unity Consciousness is why we are here on Earth, to remove separation and to return to One shared experience with Source.
We are All here as part of a spiritual mission, 7 is a highly Divine number. We have 7 chakras that are central to or existence, the Chakras determine All that enters and exists the vessel energetically. In order to reach Higher Consciousness, All 7 chakras must be 100% open and unblocked in order for the Higher Self to move down and into embodiment. 7 is a gateway and is a call to further your spiritual development so that your Higher Purpose can be realized, so you can embody your Higher Self!
Numerology of 7
7 is a powerful number, relating to Divine intelligence of the Crown Chakra and the light of your inner knowing and wisdom, 7 is a number calling you to trust your intuition and your innate guidance. Trying to figure something out, rationalize or logically apply the past will not assist you in these moments. You must trust you Heart, and trust that you have energetic perception that will guide you through to the highest.
7 is a very spiritual number, attaining spiritual awareness, undergoing spiritual awareness, achieving spiritual enlightenment and accepting your Highest Spiritual self. This last one may sound strange however, the hardest thing to do on the journey to Heaven is to fully accept your own light. We have been living in dysfunction and operating from lower thought and energy and truly we are addicted to the control dramas we keep repeating. Having the strength to depart entirely from the lower is the action of a Master.
Those who follow their Heart, who trust their innate truth and apply their intuition to the process with consistent Faith in Self and God will emerge a Master in Heaven Consciousness. If you are seeing this number this is either what you are already doing or what you urgently must begin to do. 7 is the number of Alchemy and so your transformation is being blessed by Master St Germain. Angel Number 7 is a call to begin or deepen your Spirital Discipline, thereby deepening unconditional love of self and God.
LoveHasWon.org is a Non Profit Charity, Heartfully Associated with the “World Blessing Church Trust” for the Benefit of Mother Earth
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Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:
Feel Blocked, Drained, Fatigued, Restless, Nausea, Achy, Ready to Give Up? We Can Help! We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension, and provide you with the tools and techniques to assist you Home Into The Light. The First Contact Ground Crew Team, Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway. New Spiritual Sessions have now been created for an Entire Family, including the Crystal Children; Group Family Healing & Therapy. We have just began these and they are incredible. Highly recommend for any families struggling together in these times of intense changes. Email: [email protected] for more information or to schedule an emergency spiritual session. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! Visit:  http://www.lovehaswon.org/awaken-to-5d/
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/intuitive-astrology-august-full-moon-2019/
Intuitive Astrology: August Full Moon 2019
Intuitive Astrology: August Full Moon 2019
By Tanaaz
The Full Moon on August 15th falls in the sign of Aquarius and is going be shedding a light on what we can do to serve each other.
Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian and is represented by a woman carrying a jug of water. The woman symbolizes the healer in us all and the water symbolizes the heavy emotions, the pain, and the suffering of the world.
As the water bearer, Aquarius has the natural gift and ability to take these heavy emotions and transform them into something lighter. She doesn’t absorb the water or take it on as a part of her, she is an air sign, and uses her higher mind, her search for the truth in order to transform and cleanse the water before returning it to the Earth.
All of us have Aquarian energy within us, and on this Full Moon, we are going to be guided to bring healing, lightness, and love to the world.
One of the biggest hurdles on the path to enlightenment or higher consciousness is the suffering of the world. 
How can we be truly happy and a beacon of love when there is so much pain and suffering in the world? How can we live in this bubble of love and light when there is war, terror, and famine happening every minute of every day? 
These are common questions and good ones too, as the reality is – When someone else suffers, so too do we. This is because we are all connected, we are all one.
However, just as we feel everyone’s suffering whether we realize it or not, we also feel everyone’s love too. When someone loves so too do we, and herein lies our power to change the world. 
You are only one person, so it is perhaps an impossible task to go out there and house all the homeless, feed all the hungry, and speak out to end every war. Of course, there are organizations you can support and volunteer positions you can take up, but right now, right from where you are sitting, you can become your very own water bearer, simply by choosing to love.
Try it – think about someone or a group of people you would like to send love to. You can choose to send love to – every grieving mother, every person affected by a recent natural disaster, or someone you know that is going through a hard time.
Close your eyes and quietly repeat to yourself three times- “I send love to…..”
Feel the words as you say them, feel yourself sending out the love, and know that you just created a ripple that will be felt all over the world. 
While sending love and praying for peace is powerful it is far more powerful to act with love and to be at peace.
This Aquarius Full Moon whispers the words of the humanitarian Gandhi- “be the change you wish to see in the world.”
This theory of starting with yourself is also something shared by many great humanitarians. Mother Theresa once said- “if you want to change the world go home and love your family.”
It was her belief that everyone can start making a difference in the world by starting with their own family.
The famous poet Rumi also shared- “yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world, today I am wise so I am changing myself.”
It all begins with the individual for when you take care of your own needs, when you start loving yourself, it creates a ripple and that ripple flowing from each and every one of us is what will change the world. All you have to do is be responsible for your own ripple.
It is also worth remembering, that one of the greatest gifts of the water bearer is her ability to carry the water without bearing the burden of it. She doesn’t allow herself to get absorbed by the dark emotions she carries, instead she uses her Air sign qualities to rise above it.
As an air sign, Aquarius is about using her mind, her intellect, and the power of her voice to make a difference. Aquarius is not concerned with what is popular, what is written in the media, or what her friends and family believe.
Aquarius wants to make up its own mind and is always on the search for a bigger truth. The absolute truth. The truth that goes beyond perspective and into a higher place.
Under the energy of this Aquarius Full Moon think about how you can bring these qualities into your life.
How can you send love and healing to create a positive effect on your life and the world? How can you hold your own truth without absorbing and getting stung by the voices of the media or those around you?
Working with your higher mind, venturing into your own truth, and walking a path of love, will help you to learn the ways of the water bearer.
We have enough love to go around for everyone, so on this Aquarius Full Moon, which is bathed in light, in compassion, and in truth, start with yourself and then share some of that love around with your family, your friends, your community, your country, and with the world. 
For more guidance under this Full Moon, download my Aquarius Full Moon Reading.
LoveHasWon.org is a 501c3 Non Profit Charity, Heartfully Associated with the “World Blessing Church Trust” for the Benefit of Mother Earth
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Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:
Feel Blocked, Drained, Fatigued, Restless, Nausea, Achy, Ready to Give Up? We Can Help! We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension, and provide you with the tools and techniques to assist you Home Into The Light. The First Contact Ground Crew Team, Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway. New Spiritual Sessions have now been created for an Entire Family, including the Crystal Children; Group Family Healing & Therapy. We have just began these and they are incredible. Highly recommend for any families struggling together in these times of intense changes. Email: [email protected] for more information or to schedule an emergency spiritual session. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! Visit:  http://www.lovehaswon.org/awaken-to-5d/
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Archangel Gabriel's Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 20, 2020
Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 20, 2020
By Shelley Young
During this time of reevaluation and release it can be very helpful to examine what beliefs you have about yourself that are simply not aligned with the truth of who you are today.
Are you incredibly hard on yourself? Do you see yourself as worthy? Are you holding onto old stories that no longer apply? How are you in resistance to yourself or denying your own beauty in your beingness? Acceptance is an essential element to the creation of all you wish to be, experience, and contribute to the whole.
There is a pervasive belief that if you accept yourself as you are, you will somehow stunt your growth. This is simply not true. Just as you can love a child exactly as they are and continue to support their growth and expansion, your love and acceptance will create the perfect conditions for you to become your fullest expression of self.
Dear Ones, you simply cannot kick yourself up the stairway to enlightenment. Being hard on yourself only perpetuates separation and the pain of abandonment and rejection. Isn’t it time you release those old, ineffective habits and start to show up for yourselves with love, care, and consistently safe and gentle guidance?
Safe attachment within yourself will transform all of your relationships and shift you into receiving all that you know deep in your heart that you deserve but haven’t been able to find. As with all other things, it all begins within and creates ripples out from there. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
LoveHasWon.org is a Non Profit Charity, Heartfully Associated with the “World Blessing Church Trust” for the Benefit of Mother Earth
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Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:
Feel Blocked, Drained, Fatigued, Restless, Nausea, Achy, Ready to Give Up? We Can Help! We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension, and provide you with the tools and techniques to assist you Home Into The Light. The First Contact Ground Crew Team, Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway. New Spiritual Sessions have now been created for an Entire Family, including the Crystal Children; Group Family Healing & Therapy. We have just began these and they are incredible. Highly recommend for any families struggling together in these times of intense changes. Email: [email protected] for more information or to schedule an emergency spiritual session. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! Visit:  http://www.lovehaswon.org/awaken-to-5d/
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/super-full-moon-in-scorpio-goodbye-is-the-hardest-word-to-say-secrets-surface-the-intensity-of-letting-go-true-colors-emerging/
Super Full Moon in Scorpio- Goodbye Is the Hardest Word to Say, Secrets Surface, The Intensity of Letting Go + True Colors Emerging
Super Full Moon in Scorpio- Goodbye Is the Hardest Word to Say, Secrets Surface, The Intensity of Letting Go + True Colors Emerging
By Astromomma
Today, May 7th, the moon, which rules our: emotions, gut instincts and intuition, becomes full at 17 degrees of Scorpio. Full Moons are always a highly emotional time and represent: endings, completions and manifestations. Considering this is a Super Full Moon, and the last one of 2020, this full moon will be even more intense and full on. Scorpio, the 8th zodiac sign, deals with: power, shared resources, depth, secrets, transformation and the underworld.
The Super full moon in Scorpio will bring up skeletons from the deepest and darkest parts of our soul. There is nothing light and airy about the sign of Scorpio. It is one of the reasons why the sign is so feared and at the same time, so admired. Hidden truths and hidden motives could make themselves painfully known with La Luna in the darkest sign of the zodiac.
This Super Full Moon in Scorpio will ask you to dive deep and mourn a lost part of your life. Whether this be: a person, a job, or former way of life, there is an element of grieving that is coming up. No other sign can plunge to the depths of a matter and no other sign can release and transform themselves, like a Scorpio. We are all being called to let go and let god. This process can feel very emotional and dark. Perhaps we thought we could just go through the process of transformation unscathed? These illusions are just what this full moon will bring up. Acceptance and allowing will conjure true freedom from the chains of the past.
The Super Full Moon in Scorpio, however, is making a beautiful, harmonious, trine (120 degree aspect) to Neptune in Pisces. Neptune deals with: spiritual pursuits, imagination, healing and transcendence. The Full Moon in Scorpio in harmony with Neptune in Pisces, will bring a healing balm of divine intervention. Spirit is close by with this aspect. As these traumas and secrets emerge, we will be able to deal with them and release them. This aspect between the Moon and Neptune will be a spiritual awakening and test of our faith and strength. Unusual and prolific encounters with the “other side” could happen at this time. We so desperately want to heal and transcend this pain and sorrow. The Super full moon in harmony with Neptune will allow for divine healing to emerge, perhaps from unlikely sources and places. We are being asked to trust ourselves and this process of transformation. It might not be easy but it will be life altering. Divine has the wheel; all we need to do is to surrender to the ride.
The Super Full Moon in Scorpio is here to teach us how to be ok with a part of ourselves and our lives “dying”. It isn’t in fact “dying” but transforming into something that is more authentic and true in nature. If you understand the cycle of life, than this process will be a lot easier to deal with in the long run. If you resist these “deaths” then this process will be grueling and unkind. The choice is yours. This full moon in Scorpio will not mess around; it means business. The Super Full Moon in Scorpio is here to: have you face your darkness with love and compassion, reveal true intentions and motives, and spark the process of the phoenix rising up from the ashes; transformed and reborn!
For this transit of the Super Full Moon in Scorpio, I am doing an extended sign horoscope on my Astromomma Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/astromomma
These horoscopes, which are channeled from spirit, give you: practical, tangible and enlightening advice on how best to navigate this transit according to your individual sign.
Patreon, is a huge supporter of mine, and is a subscription based model of a $4 or $6 USD monthly contribution, that gives you access to all my special extended horoscopes and articles. In addition, you receive discounts on my astrology and tarot readings. Your support is always appreciated but even more so now with all that is going on. Thank you for your trust and love, be well my loves!
© Astromomma, 2020
LoveHasWon.org is a Non-Profit Charity, Heartfully Associated with the “World Blessing Church Trust” for the Benefit of Mother Earth
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Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:
Feel Blocked, Drained, Fatigued, Restless, Nausea, Achy, Ready to Give Up? We Can Help! We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension, and provide you with the tools and techniques to assist you Home Into The Light. The First Contact Ground Crew Team, Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway. New Spiritual Sessions have now been created for an Entire Family, including the Crystal Children; Group Family Healing & Therapy. We have just began these and they are incredible. Highly recommend for any families struggling together in these times of intense changes. Email: [email protected] for more information or to schedule an emergency spiritual session. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! Visit:  http://www.lovehaswon.org/awaken-to-5d/
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To read our Testimonials you can follow this link: http://www.lovehaswon.org/testimonials
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Cosmic Rays Continue to Heighten
Cosmic Rays Continue to Heighten
By A Gift From Gaia
Cosmic rays continue to heighten, we haven’t yet broken the back of the last record that happened between 2009/10 which would be expected for the awakening that took form during 2012. Well we are here again, deep Inna solar minimum expected to go deeper, and just days ago we were just a point off the record held, we have plenty of time to go before the next solar cycle and therefore we begin to see the pattern that the incoming decade and solar cycle holds and its going to be EYE opening to say the least.
This is deep soul work and I am sure many of you, are aware of this, which is what makes this super exciting, the more aware we are means the more conscious and the more we learn about these energies the more we release the blockages which means we become aligned to these Ascension energies, we surf them, we understand them and therefore there is no longer resistance, it’s used as intended and creates super fast streams of light to highlight the path ahead
Our realities are now moving at such crazy speeds, this is normal during a solar minimum, fast paced changes, literally quantum leaping from one reality to another, rags to riches, riches to rags as everything jumps around, to show up the polarity, the duality, the density and the light, and the louder these flips the more we are requested to learn why we are experiencing these flips, and therefore how to steady the movement, ride/surf the movement until you learn the ability to hold it, stable.
The solar minimum allows us to experience the core of the programming, whereas solar maximum allows us to see the effects of our choices of programs we hold. This is the time in which we can choose more easily, this is the time we are bombarded with DNA changing codes and if we operate from the core frequency, our truth, when we question everything and become the devil’s or rather angels advocate of our thoughts and beliefs we begin to see where there are jumbles of misaligned ways, beliefs, exceptions, contradictions and from here we create the cracks in our own lies, which allows the DNA to begin it’s process of transformation.
Letting the false belief go, opening into a space of knowing nothing and allowing the heart to guide you into its truth, the highest frequency of all and by doing so teaching the physical to operate from that new space is the most freeing, liberating and healing, enlightening experience. The letting go relaxes a tightly coiled DNA strand, and opens up the ability to receive the new codes being sent on our cosmic rays.
No beliefs are replaced, just new behaviours, of the conscious kind. A field of peace is created simply because the mind stops trying to align to distorted beliefs, constant failure through chasing the unachievable, or the non existent story and through releasing this discord the physical body finally gets to heal and the energy field lightens and expands.
That is how important these times are, that is why it’s crucial to understand how this works and this is why more people are seeking those who have “figured” this out to learn the keys.
The light is increasing this means everything spins faster, or everything Frazzles because it’s unable to spin faster, our world is changing and we either choose the path of evolution or the choice to be the mirror, of what happens if we don’t, and whilst this may or may not be a rapid process I feel it’s fair to say we are all aware of the chaos that is rising out there.
As walkers of light we know these choices are exactly that, each human has access to data in these times, all Keyholders have made themselves accessible and those who have found resonance are now sharing the gems to shine out as lighthouses assisting all who are secretly awakening, just as we all did, it wasn’t something we shouted about, we doubted we were sane which is why we hold no fear of judgment of sharing our light, we came through.
We are here for this purpose, there is no shame to be had any longer, if you are worried what someone might think then the mirror is for you, there is no love in shame, there is no connection to the light if it doesn’t shine from you, you may see the light, but the truth is there is resistance to light, because once connected it SHINES and that is that.
Entering a new paradigm means we release, we let go of holding back, we go into service and now is the time for this to be fully realised, especially here in the A Gift from Gaia Field, let us unite, let us share the light, those awakening now do not need to awaken as we once did, it now all gets quicker because the information is now available, instead of figuring it all out as we once did, we can now share the gems, the markers, the pointers, we have created a map and that makes things somewhat easier for those moving into alignment now.
That’s evolution and that’s how light works, it expands and quickens.
And all of this would be right on schedule as Mercury leaves shadow phase, 29th degree Scorpio and moves into opposition with the Pleiades, we are called to the Seven Sisters to show our truth, our frequency, the vibration of creation, our true dialogue and if our core frequency matches that of the Sisters, we receive entry, we receive the new dialogue, the codes, the communication and if our frequency is not a match we are returned, with codes, of course they would never not gift something, but these codes are the materials to build the teaching required to raise that frequency so that on the next meeting there is an opportunity of progression, until it’s finally innerstood and become you.
The mirror is about to speak very loudly and it is either going to tell you that you are the fairest of them all…..or not…..
If you are not the fairest, then take the messages that the mirror delivers and begin to work through, down, into your self discovery and remove the core, this begins a systematic process of expansion, the mind clears, the body relaxes, the release of energy commences, everything begins to shift as does the reality and it becomes our responsibility to underpin the new ways, it takes time to retrain the physical so as we retrain we heal, over time we get super quick at the retraining so the healing is also super quick.
If the mirror says you are the fairest then the reality begins to sprout more light structures, it’s slow right now, don’t hurry a thing, it’s the goat energy, don’t forget that, slow and steady, one step at a time, you’ve got a long climb so don’t be the martyr goat and push yourself, that’s the old way, everything moves with ease once you are aligned and paying attention to everything, literally everything as your body and field are constantly showing symbols, speaking a language we had once forgotten. A slight bit of dis-ease pay attention immediately, make the shift and it’s instant flow again. Martyr goats will bounce down the mountain face….stay strong, stay precise, rest when the body says, eat super high altitude foods and drink the most pure mountain water you can choose.
Super changeable times, super changeable week with the full moon and Chiron turning direct
Also just to mention I’m currently rewriting and making some changes to the website that’s under construction, thank you all for being so patient (Saturn – we are all learning) so I will post the monthly report I had written for the website, it’s rather large and meant for the website but for those who follow the reports I am not going to wait for the website, it’s coming to you all later today.
LoveHasWon.org is a Non-Profit Charity, Heartfully Associated with the “World Blessing Church Trust” for the Benefit of Mother Earth
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Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:
Feel Blocked, Drained, Fatigued, Restless, Nausea, Achy, Ready to Give Up? We Can Help! We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension, and provide you with the tools and techniques to assist you Home Into The Light. The First Contact Ground Crew Team, Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway. New Spiritual Sessions have now been created for an Entire Family, including the Crystal Children; Group Family Healing & Therapy. We have just began these and they are incredible. Highly recommend for any families struggling together in these times of intense changes. Email: [email protected] for more information or to schedule an emergency spiritual session. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! Visit:  http://www.lovehaswon.org/awaken-to-5d/
Introducing our New LoveHasWon Twin Flame Spiritual Intuitive Ascension Session. Visit the link below:
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Experiencing DeAscension Symptoms, Energy Blockages, Disease and more? Book a Holistic Healing Session
To read our Testimonials you can follow this link: http://www.lovehaswon.org/testimonials
Connect with MotherGod~Mother of All Creation on Skype @ mothergoddess8
Request a copy of our Book: The Tree of Life ~ Light of The Immortals Book
Order a copy of Our LoveHasWon Ascension Guide: https://lovehaswon.org/lovehaswon-ascension-guide/
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/28th-october-20th-november-2019-new-moon-mercury-retrograde-in-scorpio-healing-revelations/
28th October – 20th November 2019: New Moon & Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio - Healing Revelations
28th October – 20th November 2019: New Moon & Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio – Healing Revelations
Sarah Varcas
Healing Revelations
The moon is new in the 5th degree of Scorpio at 3:40 a.m. UT on 28th October. This moon marks an opportunity to stop and take stock, turn within and ask some probing questions about what’s really going on in the places we most struggle in our lives. Excuses won’t cut it now. Pussy-footing around the point won’t work. Honest answers are necessary. We’ll know them by their energetic charge which floods our being when we articulate truth. We don’t even have to share it with others right now. It may indeed take some time to come to terms with it ourselves! But truth spoken in the privacy of our own hearts is still truth nonetheless. Doing so can be the first step to integrating its catalysing presence in our life. Even the most unpalatable truths can still set us free.
With the moon’s north node crossing the solar eclipse degree of 2nd July at the time of this new moon, feelings which arose back then – and the circumstances which triggered them – may find resolution now. Insights gained in July are coming into their own, paving the way for a manifest change of pace or direction. If it feels like slipping back into a state you thought you’d finished with, remember that life is a spiral not a roundabout! We do indeed revisit things many times, but always from a slightly different perspective or point of view. We are never the same person twice, no matter how much we may feel ourselves to be. The North Node facilitates the manifestation of our future not entrapment in the past. But we must do our part to make that happen, and if life is full of ‘déjà vu’ right now we may well be receiving a precious opportunity to revisit issues from earlier this year, to make different and better choices.
With Mercury turning retrograde in Scorpio on 31st October, this is no time for obfuscation to escape the pain of waking up. What we avoid at this moon may well come back to slap us in the face in November! It can hurt to be confronted with the fact and consequences of our denials, deceptions, avoidance and projections. But when we refuse to dramatise that pain into a crisis it can eventually subside, leaving the fresh air and space of a psyche cleansed of emotional debris. Uranus opposing this moon offers exactly this freedom. For many, recent times have been extremely intense and the future looks like more of the same. But this moon reminds us respite and relief exist right here, right now. In accepting that the path of wisdom leads us through scary terrain, we’re no longer beholden to the power of unbridled emotion or the imposing nature of our personal shadowlands. We can face what we must and still prevail. Then we are truly free.
Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio
On 31st October at 15:35 UT, Mercury turns retrograde in the 28th degree of Scorpio and remains so until 20th November 2019. In this sign Mercury engages with secrets and lies, investigations and exposés. It will dig as deeply as needed to reach the root of an issue. Polite chit-chat is not the domain of Mercury in Scorpio. Be prepared for some uncomfortable but enlightening conversations! Conjunct Venus as it about-turns, this retrograde phase is well placed to expose the deceptions in our relationships, illuminating where we subtly – or not so subtly – play with the truth to retain control and stay safe.
We may, of course, resist such revelation with all our might.  But no matter why we keep secrets or hide aspects of ourselves, this Mercury will root them out, sometimes in the guise of other people digging their nose in where it’s least welcome! However adept we may have been at maintaining a smoke-screen or pulling the wool over certain eyes, this Mercury retrograde could change all that. And if it does… don’t panic! Whatever’s revealed now is better out in the open than hidden in the shadows. It has less power that way. And its revelation may just transform it into a more wholesome force in our lives, no matter how mucky it appears on first exposure to the light of day.
True protection is found in a Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius at Mercury’s retrograde station, assuring us it’s okay – all this exposure, all these revelations. Look upon them as a release of stale breath held tight for years. It’s been poisoning us and we don’t need it anymore. This planetary alliance reminds us how resilient we really are and how the power of realistic positivity can bring us through what at first appears insurmountable. So whatever may be upper-most in your life during the month to come, remember the following will carry you through: hope in the potential for change, faith in your ability to rise and commitment to using even the sharpest challenges as fuel for the journey ahead.
Click here to understand the impact of transiting Mercury retrograde in your own natal chart
Sarah Varcas
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