#The Shadow Crosser
thestormrunner3 · 4 months
Louie is like the most nicest person on the plant. Alana really should have accepted the chocolate from him
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shadowredfeline · 4 months
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Here's an Art Trade for @rafacaz4lisam2k4
He asked me to draw Sammir in his Kingdom Smash Attire, and i wanted to make his outfit look similar to Roxas. I also wanted to include Sammir where he's going to join in with Shadow's Party and Miya decided to join too. I bet the three would be perfect to help out even if they want to find Spot and Riya in the game world. And for Sammir, i decided to make him a Swordfighter like Shadow and the others. Shadow explained Sammir when he encounters enemies like the Animal Crossers and the Smash enemies too. And Sammir manage to get his own deck of cards like Shadow and Miya. Now the three are ready to go on the adventure and find some of their family members and friends.
People i tagged @bryan360 and @murumokirby360
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Gaia spots possible moons around hundreds of asteroids
ESA's star-surveying Gaia mission has again proven to be a formidable asteroid explorer, spotting potential moons around more than 350 asteroids not known to have a companion.
Previously, Gaia had explored asteroids known to have moons—so-called "binary asteroids"—and confirmed that the telltale signs of these tiny moons show up in the telescope's ultra-accurate astrometric data. But this new finding proves that Gaia can conduct "blind" searches to discover completely new candidates, too.
"Binary asteroids are difficult to find as they are mostly so small and far away from us," says Luana Liberato of Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, France, lead author of the new study published in Astronomy & Astrophysics.
"Despite us expecting just under one-sixth of asteroids to have a companion, so far we have only found 500 of the 1 billion known asteroids to be in binary systems. But this discovery shows that there are many asteroid moons out there just waiting to be found."
If confirmed, this new finding adds 352 more binary candidates to the tally, nearly doubling the known number of asteroids with moons.
An outstanding asteroid explorer
Asteroids are fascinating objects, and hold unique insights into the formation and evolution of the solar system. Binaries are even more exciting, enabling us to study how different bodies form, collide and interact in space.
Thanks to its unique all-sky scanning capabilities, Gaia has made a number of important asteroid discoveries since its launch in 2013.
In its data release 3, Gaia precisely pinpointed the positions and motions of 150 000+ asteroids—so precisely that scientists could dig deeper and hunt for asteroids displaying the characteristic "wobble" caused by the tug of an orbiting companion (the same mechanism as displayed here for a binary star). Gaia also gathered data on asteroid chemistry, compiling the largest ever collection of asteroid "reflectance spectra" (light curves that reveal an object's color and composition).
The 150,000+ orbits determined in Gaia's data release 3 were refined and made 20 times more precise as part of the mission's Focused Product Release last year. Even more asteroid orbits are anticipated as part of Gaia's forthcoming data release 4 (expected not before mid-2026).
"Gaia has proven to be an outstanding asteroid explorer, and is hard at work revealing the secrets of the cosmos both within and beyond the solar system," says Timo Prusti, Project Scientist for Gaia at ESA. "This finding highlights how each Gaia data release is a major step up in data quality, and demonstrates the amazing new science made possible by the mission."
Rendezvous with a binary asteroid system
ESA will further explore binary asteroids via the forthcoming Hera mission, due to launch later this year. Hera will follow up on NASA's DART mission—which collided with Dimorphos, a moonlet orbiting the asteroid Didymos, in 2022 as an asteroid deflection test—to produce a post-impact survey of Dimorphos. It will be the first probe to rendezvous with a binary asteroid system.
Gaia helped astronomers view the shadow cast by Didymos as it passed in front of more distant stars in 2022, an observing technique known as stellar occultation. The feasibility of this technique has been drastically improved by Gaia's asteroid orbits and ultra-precise star maps in recent years, proving the mission's immense value for solar system exploration.
IMAGE: This image shows the orbits of the more than 150,000 asteroids in Gaia’s data release 3, from the inner parts of the solar system to the Trojan asteroids at the distance of Jupiter, with different colour codes. The yellow circle at the centre represents the sun. Blue represents the inner part of the solar system, where the near earth asteroids, Mars crossers, and terrestrial planets are. The Main Belt, between Mars and Jupter, is green. Jupiter trojans are red. Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC; CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
Okay that last post has me thinking about ASC au but it follows Fringewhisker, Frostpaw, and Finchlight. Like image how much better that would be already.
(A few asc spoilers ofc if you don’t want them then don’t read!!!)
Fringewhisker is so for the code change and in a scary situation as a ton of cats just hate her, she’s also beefing with her mother in law. This change also makes the first book being called Sky work more, maybe draw out her leaving to go to Shadow more. She’s in between leaving her family and going to her mate Spireclaw but then sickness strikes Sky and she feels bad. She doesn’t want to leave them in such a bad place. Finally at last she cracks and goes to Shadow, and then a few Shadow cats get sick. She feels like it’s her fault and sets up good reason the next book would be called Shadow. From what we’ve seen she tries really hard even to her own detriment to be worthy of others, is sweet, and sort of quiet. Over the arc she’d grow to be more loud about her place with her mate, maybe beat up Berryheart, and squash the rumors about her.
Frostpaw is just a baby and going through it. She became a healer apprentice maybe a moon before Willowshine died so by ASC start she’s a little into training. She’s grieving Willow already and growing a bond with Mothwing (aunt like bond I think it’s cute). Close with her siblings, her mom a bit overbearing but definitely caring for her. Then she has a vision of Reedclaw walking out of camp, he’s found dead. The second death she’s predicted after her dad. Mistystar dies, Curlfeather takes the lead then dies. She’s hella traumatized and a ball of overwhelming anxiety all the time. I’d want Mothwing to help her through it but she’s also not doing well with literally everyone dying. Instead of Splashclaw being there it’ll be her brother Graypaw (setting up a sort of Hawkfrost and Mothwing relationship but for them two instead).
Finchlight. She becomes a warrior like halfway thru the first book and is a lot more traditional in beliefs. She has the legacy of Firestar hanging over her head, her mother’s depression she’s trying to help, and her brother’s problems as well. She’s pretty much pulled every way and forgetting about herself. Flamepaw still has his name changed but chooses Raven instead, becoming Ravenflame. Trained under Thornclaw she carries a lot of his beliefs and can’t take in the code changes. She pushes them away and becomes a bit of a prick to outsiders but thru the arc she’d learn that that’s not right and that other cats aren’t her enemies. Somewhere in the second or third book Raven says he want to leave abandoning her entirely and completely blindsiding her, this pushes her more angry traditional beliefs even more. I think she’d join the cats against it but meets Fringewhisker and finds she’s actually so different from what Berryheart said. The sweet cat isn’t a sneaky manipulative clan crosser but a loyal determined cat who wanted to be with her mate. She starts changing and has a bit of a crisis of faith until steadily forwarding change alongside the other protagonists. Kinda like her having a girlfriend as well idk it’s cute maybe a Shadow cat (Finch and Gull???)
Side note with Ravenflame, while he does change his name and is still the annoying cat he is I think he’d actually be more flawed. Cats aren’t bullying him but he says they are, he blames other cats and is overly horrible to his mother. He also snaps at Finchlight when she tried to ask him why he didn’t tell her about his name change before he did it in front of everyone. I actually think he would leave but instead of going to Shadowclan he goes to Windclan, it takes awhile and absolutely tears the family apart. Finch resents her brother for leaving her to deal with everything by herself and grows even more angry when she hears him tell her that she was such a horrible sister and never cared for him. Eventually they would come back together and Ravenflame realizes that it wasn’t his clan that was the problem it was his own attitude, coming back to Thunderclan later.
(Also I chose Ravenflame bc Raven connects him to Larksong and Finchlight while flame still ties him to his lineage, mother, and previous name. A straight rug pull from Bramblestar lol, he allows him to change his name but also completely makes it null by putting flame as his suffix.
Alternatively I think Ravenshade could also work as a name or Ravensong to tie him back to his dad)
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vocalyrics · 2 years
Fifth Pierrot - Translyrics
Free to use and modify with credit.
Merry christmas.
If only I hadn't been reborn...
In the city a shadow looms at two AM
Night cloaked in darkness, who will be the slaughtered lamb?
Giving out punishment for bad children,
That's the job that Pierrot was given.
Ms. Santa had been the one to teach him
That the world is filled with mistakes to the brim.
The Fifth Clown will keep dancing away
On this dark night again today.
The young boy who played the fool
With his pale face painted white
Took out a silver knife, his tool,
And stuck it into a
Fat pig, his smile cruel!
On this night the chaotic Pie-Pierrot
Without an audience will perform a circus show,
Dancing while on his flute he softly plays a tune,
And the black fades to red under the moon.
And on this day the madly dancing Pie-Pierrot
Has had his devilish cage unlocked and opened once more,
The deadly beast that had jumped through hoops of flame
Will wander around the town again today.
The mysterious woman with kind and gentle dark eyes,
Seventh Magician had given an invite;
The offer she made with her sweetness and grace,
To run away from this accursed place.
Ms. Santa was made aware of the offer,
He told her that there was a double-crosser.
And so, right after her little display,
The Magician disappeared by the next day.
Ms. Santa's hand stroking
Pierrot's head so gently,
That's right, this strange feeling,
What it reminds him of...
On this night too there's work for Pie-Pierrot
As he waits for his prey in a back alley's shadow,
All of a sudden he hears an explosive sound like a boom,
And the black fades to red under the moon.
His chest's in so much pain, poor Pie-Pierrot
He doesn't want to die. He doesn't want to go.
And in front of him the one who his tired eyes see
Is Eight Sniper standing silently.
On this night the chaotic Pie-Pierrot
Will very tiredly let those eyes of his close,
And inside his dream two people look at him so glad,
He will at last meet his real mom and dad.
There won't be any more dancing for Pie-Pierrot
“This is exactly why I told you to escape, you know.”
That's right, the one who muttered that so quietly,
Was Seventh Magician, laughing cruelly...
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spacelizzbian · 1 year
Shoutout to that one time in tcw when someone saw a shadow of a Tooka cat and thought it was Ahsoka approaching
Love that the one most concerned about not blowing up is the droid
Ahsoka be like: "Im already dead inside, just do it"
Hm, I am curious about these dark jedi though. Like the girl still has the padawan braid so they actually do follow some of the teachings beyond the lightsaber techniques I imagine. What better narrative foils to Ahsoka than jedi who have also renounced the order but actually turned to the dark. Can't wait for that parallel to get brought up
This whole sequence in Correlia with the shipyard officer feels so much like clone wars. Like idk what exact episode, but a scenario where the heroes are being toured by double crossers definitely happened
Hera just doesn't sound like Hera to me? I feel like Vanessa would deliver these lines differently. Like it's defenitely similar and I could see myself warming up to it, but my inner Hera voice is not lining up with this Hera
Suprisingly, not having that problem much with Ahsoka. I feel like Rosario Dawson is a good fit for adult Ahsoka though I miss Ahsoka's sassy energy. But that has been mostly lost since rebels which makes sense in that she is older and hardened now but it does make me a lil sad.
"These people dont care about politics, just who is paying them" now that is a sentiment I'd love to see explored more since that is not the impression I got from most civilians under the empire who weren't uber rich and powerful but I guess we have Andor for that
Oh Sabine is the one who is not ready eh? 🤔
The more they tell us about Sabine and Ahsoka's dynamic the more I'm vibing to it??
Yes please give me two disasters desperately trying to cope with the loss they've endured by being disasters together.
Huyang really said "yeah your force abilities suck but could be worth a shot eh?" 😂😭
Hera and Huyang seeing these two absolute disasters and trying to get them to reconnect so they hopefully become less of a disaster is so funny to me? They're the real homies
Protocol droids being clueless to nuances going on around them has to be one of my fav plot progression bunnies in star wars
Ahsoka who has bodied inquisitors brutally before: "oh no a double bladed saber oh nooo"
Them shooting at that inquisitor that Ahsoka follows step by step is so silly
If you didn't care that you hit your own dude, just shoot some more at them so you actually hit them or don't at all
Hot take, but I'm gonna miss Sabine's long hair. The reddish orange and purple looked real good
Wish I made a bingo for this show cause "rebels epilogue shot gets remade" would've def been on there lmao
"It's more me" 🥺
I just realised the real threat to Ahsoka in this show is not any force user or Thrawn or whatever.
It's that she's taken on the role of mentor, a dangerous profession to have in any media but especially star wars
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
kenta usui – What can one say about him?
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His destructive nature, the flicker of a shadow, the whisper in Fushimi’s ear, the cat with venomous touch, the snake that sheds its skin often, a double-crossers double-crosser.
His goal is to be useful, to live a healthy life, to continue seeing the world improve and fall in and out of chaos… But mostly, just to keep from thinking about his own life.
Kenta is a being of immortality, not a good thing, not a bad thing… just a memory of a forced elixir down his throat and his body no longer being his own. A burning from the inside that turned him numb to passing time but intensified in pain…
Say, how many times can a human drown until they are not human anymore?
Kenta holds no real life goal, no real outlook to claim for his own means to keep on going. Bloodshed was easy, killing from the inside of a family. Slaughtering thousands, millions - billions? Time was lost to his hands, he didn’t know what they looked like anymore without all its blood and blades held tight in each grip.
Sometimes he wonders when the smell of iron and rot will leave his lungs but other times he feels un-whole without it.
Travelling as his feet bled, stealing and eating when and as, wasn’t like he could die from starvation. Watching open fields become covered in shacks, then brick, then metal constructions until they reached for the skies. Witnessing the flows of rivers be dammed, nature become overrun then it fighting back, witnessing war - the more inhumane and most painful, though with clouded eyes of indifference.
Thousands died around him, he could only pose dead with them at times. Others spoke of him as a lost ghost, elders took pity on him. Broken and crazy some claimed, others tried to take him in. Watched him heal, but then nothing else. Cast out when the original daughter of 5 grew to 25 and he, remained the same as the day he was found.
a monster. a demon.
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an asset. a subject.
It was a wild time, a weird time but it was time passing by. Usui kind of gave up keeping track, resting in shrine grounds, eating offerings, sitting in trees and watching storms pass by.
Falling from cliff edges into the sea, feeling the pain of rocks upon his skull, then nothing… Though waking with water in his lungs, blacking out and waking all the same in moments. It wasn’t pleasant, but it was a rush.
A repetitive attempt, he wondered each time as he fell against the tide. In the rain, in the snow, in the summer breeze, in the springs heat.
How many times can a human die, until they are no longer human?
It’s wild, no? To think that one place, one time, one light, one car… Was the day time began to move forward once again. Taken by the hand of a sour faced man in a suit and smelt of smoke.
He was given tools, a new knife, a new home to protect, a new family. Years, he stood beside this man, he never remembered his first name, just the family :: kimon.
Then from their, Usui guesses… The rest is history. One he’ll allow to pass behind him, as he stands at the graves of twenty or so successors, each one he knew by their understanding, their fear of him, their respect for him… but he’d always put them lower on his list of favourites.
He’d always turn away when his name is called, to the teen to tall, too strong to be standard human… too angry to be called man either.
Kenta remained, watched him grow - slowly, like a bud refusing to bloom. For once, Kenta felt like he had a place alongside this being, and so — he stayed.
He watched and he listened, he killed and protected.
But most of all… He learnt the teen’s name.
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“… just thinking out loud.”
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portalwalker · 6 months
World Jumper -- Occupation
I've mentioned a couple of the skills that come with Maria being what she is, so I should probably mention what being a World Jumper means in terms of my OC.
Again, below the cut, cause it's gonna get long.
Basic Overview
A World Jumper (or Dimension Crosser, or Planet Hopper, or whatever synonyms you can think of) is someone who is tasked with traveling the multiverse, helping to solve problems that have gotten too big for the local heroes to handle. Usually this is "the dimension is going to collapse if nothing is done" sort of trouble, but it can be something smaller. For example, a villain may be gaining more power than they should, and their plans will disrupt the dimension in a way that they shouldn't.
Take note: this does NOT mean that if a World Jumper shows up in your dimension that there are problems that need resolving -- just because they're "on call" 24/7 does not mean that every dimension they spend time in has issues they are required to resolve.
(Basically -- Maria's World Jumper status is only going to rear its head IF I get involved in events and IF I am given permission by the event organizer in question. As far as RP is concerned the rest of the time, she's just an inter-dimensional traveler with a bad habit of stumbling into trouble.)
First vs Second Generation
The only differences between First and Second Generation World Jumpers are whether or not they get visions and the duration of service, so to speak. First Generation travelers only serve so long as they are physically capable. When they grow old enough that their lives in their home dimension start to become more demanding (ie, jobs, children, etc), they are no longer capable of traveling across dimensions.
Some Second Generation World Jumpers "age out" as well, but not all. After all, the more one travels, the more one is changed, and those changes can and have caused Second Generation World Jumpers to have much longer durations of service. Some to the point that they cut all ties with their dimension of origin and move their home base to other locations, because they have outlived others their age.
Second Generation World Jumpers learn a dimension is in trouble because they get flashes of bad futures, as well as a sense of the problem dimension's location. First Generation World Jumpers do not get this ability -- the portals that pull them through TVs and the like are already set to their required destination. They get to find out the problem as they go.
How they Get Involved
When a World Jumper is called to a dimension to solve problems, they can go about assisting the locals in different ways. Some take a very hands-on approach, introduce themselves to the local protagonist, and immediately set about offering active help in full view of the dimension's citizens. Others prefer to stick to the shadows and ofter more subtle help.
Maria is one of the former -- she isn't built for subterfuge and infiltration, and very much wants the local heroes to know that she is there to help, not to harm, and that she can't be their backup forever.
It is possible for World Jumpers to make repeat visits to worlds if they're especially volatile, but it's not always set in stone.
It's also not set in stone whether or not the World Jumper in question is aiding the heroes. Sometimes in order to keep a dimension intact, the antagonists require their aid. This means World Jumpers have to be prepared to end up in morally gray positions.
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occupyhades · 7 months
Backstabber Watch: The Abyss of Belial
Backstabber Watch focuses on the Children of Belial: Despicable Backstabbers & Dirty Double-Crossers.
Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will be cursed. Deuteronomy 28:19 (NLT)
There is no darkness or deep shadow where the workers of iniquity can hide. Job 34:22 (BSB)
‘Cursed is he who strikes down his neighbor in secret.’ And let all the people say, ‘Amen!’ Deuteronomy 27:24 (BSB) 
So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? Luke 16:11 (NIV)
For the LORD is God, and he created the heavens and earth and put everything in place. He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos. “I am the LORD,” he says, “and there is no other." Isaiah 45:18 (NLT) 
And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne. And there were open books, and one of them was the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their deeds, as recorded in the books. Apocalypse 20:12 (BSB)
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And if anyone was found whose name was not written in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. Apocalypse 20:15 (BSB)
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shadowredfeline · 1 month
Four in One Post
For my Response to my Filipino Friend.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Thank you, Spot. I always wanted to go to California since I always love the beach. And yes, my mom and I do like going to Taco Bell. Since I did get some for Dinner during my vacation. So let’s go to Taco Bell while we head to the beach. 😊🤗
Plus going to that Taco bell looks nice anytime we want to see the beach and the waves. 😊
And for Response to both my Filipino Friend and my A-Pal
You know what, since it looks nice with Maxwell in his ability to look like a fighter, but what would be nice, is i would love to see a remake, except but with Maxwell in his Kingdom Smash attire. And i hope it'll be like in one of those Action RPG styles when Maxwell tags along with either his siblings or with Shadow and Spot. As well as for Sam, Emme and Jo when doing these Online Co-op adventures. But those styles can be like they're exploring the level and dungeon, but when they encounter a battle, we'll have to start the RPG battle when facing the Animal Crossers and Smash Enemies from Smash Run and Subspace Emissary.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Okay, Maxwell. Get your attire ready and we're going together in the Kingdom Smash universe! We'll have our weapons and cards ready for the battle and have our friends tag along with us.
And for my Filipino Friend's On this day post
I’m sure Chowder and Panini can both read it together. And I bet it would be nice if you can try getting a printer and scanner to a Laptop. If necessary or if it works with it. Because I used to have a Printer and Scanner, but I no longer use it since it doesn’t work. And I was lucky I needed space on my desk for my PlayStation 5. And my Scanner and Printer was an Espon brand and now it doesn't work anymore with all the scanning and printing, So we took it out of and we'll have to use the Printer and Scanner over in the grinder which it was my grandmother's old office. But every time i would draw in traditional, i would take a photo on my cellphone or my IPad, even if i did it in either color or draw it in sketch or draw a sketch and then take a photo and continue drawing by doing the line art and fill in the color. Those are the only options i would do with traditional art. Which i know our A-Pal does that too.
And speaking of our A-Pal, let's talk about his on this day post.
His Backpack looks pretty decent, normally i carry a bag which i can carry all my electronics and my video game handheld systems. That's what i usually carry. But i use Backpacks a lot when i go to school. But for now, i have a bag i can use anytime i want to go somewhere during my travels. Which it's one of those travelling bags since a lot of people use them.
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My WIPs Listed By How Done They Are (+ A Synopsis!)
I thought I'd give you sort of an overgrown blurb for each story, as well as what stage it's in. Hopefully I can get these all finished and published, lol. 😆
Let me know which one is your favorite based on the blurb, or just AMA!
A Shard Of Memory (Newly Finished!!)
A little girl lost her home and childhood to an army of dark mages with the power to erase memories. That power works on nearly everyone but her. She’s all grown up now, and she’s ready to take them down to protect what she has left.
Twenty-year-old Shaellyn spends her time running the Land’s End tavern, visiting with friends, and keeping her younger brother Emrys out of trouble. Then everything changes when Shaellyn and Emrys’s old friend Twister arrives with news of an impending invasion.
These same invaders, the Qaret Mysterium, drove Shaellyn and Emrys out of their original home country as children, separating them from their parents. They barely survived long enough to make it to Raqut, the city where they’ve lived for the past ten years. Now Raqut is in danger too. But this time, Shaellyn is tired of running.
She and her friends hatch a plan to save their city, and after it goes wrong, they realize they might just end up making history along the way.
Storm Crosser (Draft 1)
A young monk named Aleii must pass through the Storm Wall forming the edge of the known world to find her long-lost parents and the source of her strange magic. The Wall has been there for thousands of years, supposedly to protect the people inside from the dangerous shadows that would otherwise invade. But when Aleii gets a glimpse of the outside world, she realizes that isn't the case: the people outside also view the Storm Wall as protection, a prison for the horrors inside it.
Outside the Storm Wall, the world is bigger, more dangerous, and way more confusing than she could have imagined. As Aleii digs further into her past, she discovers that she might be not just a mage, but a demigod. More importantly, she's the only one who can bring down the Storm Wall and reunite the two worlds without repeating the devastating war that split them in the first place. You know, no pressure, right?
The Changeling Trilogy (Draft 1)
Sixteen-year-old River Collins is pretty sure she’s average: No special talents, no siblings, two dads who love her to pieces but don’t always understand her, and a fairly ridiculous number of cats. She’s wrong, and not just because of the cats.
One day, she and her Dads are captured and separated by strange warriors riding giant moles, which is her first introduction to the Fae Kingdoms: the worldwide cave system where all faeries and magical beasts now live after literally going underground during the Middle Ages. While imprisoned there, River learns the truth: she's a changeling, an artificially created faery baby swapped out for a human one shortly after birth so the faeries could raise the human one as a pet.
All changelings who haven't been sent to the human world to replace human children live in the Fae Kingdoms as slaves. But now, a rebellion is brewing. River escapes, and makes allies in her quest to find and rescue her Dads.
Even as she comes into her own as a rebel leader, the challenges she faces in freeing her people become harder and more dangerous than she could ever have imagined. To win the war she started, she's going to need every bit of strength she can muster and any alliances she can make, no matter how dangerous they might be.
God-Touched (Draft 1/Outlining)
The irreverent take on Christian mythology and heart-wrenching sibling devotion of Supernatural meets the gloriously queer chaos of She-Ra and Nimona in a setting something akin to Star Wars.
I can't explain it any better than that.
The Charter of Souls (Outlining)
When Hannah and her siblings snuck out one night to experiment with their magic, they weren’t expecting to end up on an epically dangerous roadtrip with an artificial dwarf and a snarky haunted skull. They REALLY weren’t expecting to meet their long-lost fourth sibling, who’s on the opposite side of a brewing magical war. They’re the only ones who can get her back, save the world, and hopefully not die in the process.
This is my main Middle-Grade project. Think if Percy Jackson had been written based on esoteric Golden Dawn lore instead of greek mythology. The protagonists are goofy bickering triplets and their mentor is a toddler-sized homunculus dude named Clam who’s based more than a little on Stan Pines.
The Lightbringer Chronicles (Brainstorming)
Brianna Buckman has been raised an atheist. So much so that she’s not familiar with anything but the very basics of Christian mythology. So when she starts having flashbacks from things that never happened and seeing true-form demons and angels everywhere – plus a fallen angel in the mirror every day – she doesn’t know what they are and thinks she’s going crazy. So, she tells her parents she needs therapy.
But when she learns from the archangel Michael (posing as her therapist) that it's all real and she's none other than Lucifer, Brianna is determined to redeem herself and get her memories back. Just one problem with that: God, the only one who can fully grant her memories back, is missing. In his absence power-hungry angels are fighting over Heaven.
Brianna, Michael, and their sister Gabi (Gabriel) have to find God, and quickly, if they're going to survive the coming war or have any hope of protecting the human world.
Expect lots of trauma, female rage and poetical metaphors
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RAVENCLAW: "Nevertheless, like all stories, this one must be recorded and preserved. By reading it, you are giving energy to the words on the page and feeding a much greater magic for storytellers everywhere. Thank you for doing your part. Truly, I am sorry for what you are about to experience. Yours in story, Itzamna." –J.C. Cervantes (The Shadow Crosser)
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avymiir · 3 years
ren trying to hype up ixtab for the twins so they’ll be excited for their parentage is the sweetest thing
it also reminds me of the few hours in the fire keeper when she wasn’t sure if ixtab was going to end up being her mom or not and the nervousness she felt then
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roseunspindle · 3 years
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teartra · 4 years
My thought on The Storm Runner series’ main characters since nobody really talks about them (contain mild spoilers for the series)
Zane : I actually like him. I used to shout at him every time he made stupid decisions in book 1 but he’s better now
Brooks : typical female main character but I’m still rooting for her
Hondo : one of my favs especially in book 1. I’ve always thankful for his existence in the series
Rosie : I’m not a dog person but she’s talented, brilliant, incredible, showstopping, spectacular
Ah Puch : I could’ve love him more if only A CERTAIN CHARACTER from OTHER SERIES didn’t give me trust issue (yeah, I’m talking bout that bird man)
Huracan : I cannot believe I have a crush on thousand years old deity
Ren : my sweet angel baby I knew I could count on you from the day you step into the page
Quinn : (´⌣`ʃƪ)(´∀`)♡
Jordan and Bird : “A most notable coward, an infinite and endless liar, an hourly promise breaker, the owner of no one good quality”
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as-the-clouds-part · 4 years
Brooks: *tucks in a piece of hair behind her ear*
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