#The Scorpio Races Festival
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Now in its ninth year, The Scorpio Races Festival gives us fans a chance to celebrate the Scorpio Races season together! Reread. Retell. Recreate. Relive the Races!
Earn entries for the giveaway through:
1. RIDER CHALLENGES Create a character! Bring a character to life as you complete tasks and prompts that immerse you in The Scorpio Races! Your story can be set in any time period, be it ancient, canon era, or present day.
2. CREATIVE CHALLENGES These challenges give you a chance to express your love for Thisby and include opportunities for fine arts, digital, crafts, cooking, music, and more.
3. READ-ALONG Go at your own pace or follow along with the suggested weekly chapters.
To get started, please follow The Scorpio Races Festival and look out for more announcements in the coming days!
The Festival begins October 1st. Prepare your capaill!
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Training Challenge #3
“Based on my experience on the beach the day before, I form a new plan.”
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His parents hadn’t taken the news well. This was no surprise, considering he’d only managed to convince them he was keeping the ebony capall, that currently chuffed beseechingly at him for her breakfast, this long so as to sell her for more during the first week of October, when tourists and townsfolk alike would pay more than was reasonable for any horse, let alone one that looked at you more as dinner than a friend. Yet his name was now scrawled onto the Gratton’s chalkboard and beside it Saoirse, so despite their upset, there was nothing they could do now. They were racing.
            He’d risen early this morning, early enough that the sun had yet to paint the sparse fields with morning light, and his father, a farmer all his life (with the schedule of one too) still snored soundly in the bedroom down the hall. Stealthily, Jaxom had stolen from the house to feed the dark predator that resided in their barn, and he watched her now as she swallowed, black muzzle stained crimson by the blood in her meal. It should have perturbed him, watching the capall as she ate, looking less and less like a horse with each passing day as the autumn ocean called to her, yet the man felt nothing but love blooming in his chest for the creature before him. She had crawled out of the sea for him, that much he was certain of.
            As Saoirse finished her breakfast, he busied himself with preparing her tack, pulling out the bridle hung with red tassels and the sheepskin he used in place of a saddle from the small room at the side of the single stall barn. Technically, he wasn’t supposed to know how to ride – his parents had forbidden it, in the hopes of preventing him from association with the deadly capaill and the Races. However, his Aunt Gwennie, lover of island ponies and flouter of rules, had taught Jaxom when he was still a boy upon her own steady steed, encouraging and enabling until he’d become a passable rider. He’d never be one of the people who looked like they were born to ride, a seamless blend between horse and man – he lacked the physical awareness for it. He’d always been a little not at home in his body – while his peers had kicked balls and run around at school, Jaxom was lucky if he made it to the classroom door without tripping. Yet with Saorise, everything was different – when he was astride her, he felt right. Her legs felt like his own, and together he knew they could take on anything.
            Yesterday Jaxom and Saoirse had merely observed the fray on the beach from the cliffs, his precocious mare squealing and pinning her slender ears in displeasure if any of the capaill down below had the audacity to look her way. That was why they made their way down so early today, attempting to avoid the crowds that would irritate the capall that now jigged beside him, the bells on her bridle jingling softly as she moved, anxious and excitable this close to the water. He shed his boots and the sheepskin on a boulder where they did not risk getting wet, and then barefooted he brought Saoirse down towards the beach.
            Her curved ears pricked, attention turning toward the ocean, tension visible in the triangle of her eye and sharpness of her shoulder as she took a step towards the surf.
“Easy now beloved.” Jaxom soothed, using his free hand to trace gentle circles on her shoulder, the other holding the reins as if he didn’t believe she would pull away. Saoirse snorted and gave her head a toss as if shaking away the enchantment of the Scorpio Seas, turning her blue eyes back to the human before her. He smiled in return, bending down to cup a handful of sea water, sprinkling the salty wet across her dark hide. Playfully, the mare pawed at the sandy ground, spraying salt water and wet sand across both their legs. Laughing, Jaxom splashed at her in return, tossing his own head and snorting back at her. The mare straightened up, as if offended, then pranced a few more paces into the surf, forcing Jaxom to release his grip on her reins or get wet. He allowed her to drag him a few paces, until the freezing water lapped around his calves. “Okay my love, that’s enough now.” He warned, turning her so she faced cliffside, away from the allure of the open ocean.
The ebony capall made a soft, sorrowful sound in return, peering at him beseechingly, the yearning in her heart present in every muscle. She wanted him to follow her into her own world, where the song of the ocean invigorated her every step. When he insisted, she reluctantly followed, thin black mane disappearing against her arched neck as the spray wetted it down.
He brought her back up to the boulder, where he redonned his boots and threw the sheepskin across her back, using the elevated stone surface to mount. She was slick and sinuous beneath him, one ear flicked to him but the other never leaving the ocean.  The sun was starting to rise now, staining the beach and waters around them scarlet, a promise of carnage to come. Jaxom exhaled, Saoirse’s excitement filling his own body. Much to her chagrin he held her back, trotting and circling as the sun continued to rise, ensuring her body was soft and supple beneath him. Finally, as the red light of sunrise melted into the softer glow of daylight he let her loose, and together they ran.
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vintervittrannerd · 11 months
Freya and Corax Masterlist
All my enteries for the Scorpio Races festival 2023, with rider Freya Thorne and her capall uisce stallion Corax. All entries is also on ao3 in the Scorpio races festival 2023 collection, link here.
Challenge 1
Challenge 2
Challenge 3
Challenge 4
Challenge 5
Challenge 6
Challenge 7
Challenge 8
Challenge 10
Challange 11
Challange 12
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akepalsson · 2 years
WEEK 2 —Training Challenge: Describe your capall uisce
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Maris used to be my brother’s horse, he rode him on his last race, the one where he fatally died; and now I take care of him. Well, partially, because as a way to pay me less than my co-workers, Benjamin Malvern has promised to let Maris stay at Malvern Yard’s own stables, where I still have to look after him but mostly during work hours. Sometimes I stay later than that, I don’t trust most of the goons that work here to look after my horse.
My horse. It was my brother’s, but my brother is long gone so Maris is mine now. He could have gone to my dad, but my dad doesn’t have any interest in the races or the uisce horses, so to the youngest daughter he goes. At first, I didn’t think it was fair, what would a 14-year-old do with a depredator like that? I had to get a job so I could get Maris a place to stay, and I’ve been working at Malvern’s ever since. 
I click my tongue once I enter the stables I know Maris is in. His dark head pops out when he hears me coming closer and I can’t help but smile seeing him.
“Hey, boy!” I greet him, with the same tone a child would use with a puppy. Maris neighs and moves his head up, in an attempt to get close to where I’m standing. “How have they been treating you, my boy?”
I pet his head, brushing the hair on his mane with my fingers. Maris is beautiful, and I’m not only saying that because he’s my horse. He’s tall, just like every other capaill, but his strong, long legs make him look even bigger than the rest. His fur is as dark as the night, it technically is black but I could swear it looks midnight blue when I look at it. He neighs again, shaking his whole head and hitting me with his mane. 
“I know, I know. I should have been here sooner.” I wish I could have brought him something to eat, a treat for keeping him here, but I got distracted talking to Isadora when I could have used that time to go to the butcher instead. It’s not like he’s going to starve, but a treat would be nice. 
I keep petting him, making sure he’s clean and untangling his long mane. I keep my head close to his, which in another time of my life would have gotten me a scolding by any responsible adult (“What are you doing with your face that close to a capall uisce? Do you want to have part of your face missing?”) but it’s something I do in my regular life now. 
I wouldn’t be this close to any other horse, though. It’s only Maris that gets this attention from me. Sure, I’ve come to know some of the other horses that Malvern Yard’s has taken in through the years, but Maris is different. I’ve practically trained him, although one can never truly tame a capaill uisce; but Maris and I know each other. He won’t eat me and in exchange, I keep him comfortable and well-fed.
Plus, Josh Bremner, Isadora’s brother, taught me practically everything I know about capaill uisce. He’s a few years older than me, but when my brother died and I inherited a whole living horse, he was the one who stepped out to teach me how to properly take care of him and eventually, learn to ride him. Josh Bremner, who I always refer to by his full name as second nature, has participated in the races since he was about my age, so he knows how to ride a capall not only with care as to avoid getting eaten, but also he does it faster than anyone I’ve ever seen. I’m not as good as he is, hell, I don’t think I’m ready to participate in a race, but that isn’t stopping me. 
Maris moves around his box, agitated. His ears twitch, hearing something far from where we are. 
“What is it, boy?” I try to pet his neck, but he shakes his whole body, trying to get on his two back legs but the space isn’t big enough for him to do that, so he just moves nervously. I’ve seen him act like this before, sometime a year ago.
They are finally back, emerging slowly from the sea, but back nonetheless. The Scorpio sea calls each capall now, their true nature shows once the rest of them show up in time for the races, just live every other year.
And this time Maris and I will be ready.
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astairwaytobooks · 2 years
The Scorpio Races Festival 2022
Week Four: THE RACES
Reading Challenges: chapter 48 - chapter 66
We delve deeper into the traditions of Thisby through Tommy’s funeral. How does this diverge from the spiritual and religious beliefs that we’ve seen so far?
As I see it there are two sorts of religion on Thisby: a form of christianity and a more "pagan" religion we see expressed through Tommy's funeral, but also through the use of bells and holly leaves to harness the magic of the water horses. I imagine that like in many other places the "pagan" religion (sorry I don't know what else to call it, I don't think it is ever named in the book) was first and the christian religion was later imposed on them by outsiders. Hence Gabe calling the Falk's religion "old Thisby". The fact the scorpio races are still held however shows that christianity has not yet won over the island, as I think the races are very much old Thisby.
How do the goals of the characters shift as race day approaches? How does their relationship with the Scorpio Races change?
Puck realises the races are rooted in tradition, they are about the islanders and the capaill uisce and their connection to Thisby. She now better understands the opposition she is facing for partaking in the races, but her ultimate goal of having to win to get the money to pay for their house doesn't change in the last part of the book. I think it is mainly Sean's goal we see shift. Because even though he still very much wants to win and be able to get Corr, his main goal becomes making sure Puck and Dove survive the races. Puck at one point wishes the race money would be enough to help both herself and Sean, she quickly realises that it just isn't enough money and that thought doesn't really influence her decisions. Luckily sweet Finn placed that forty-five to one bet, he always knew that despite the odds his sister would come through.
Do you have any favorite scenes or quotes from this section?    
The last line: "He is slow, and the sea sings to us both, but he returns to me."
How does the ending sit with you? How have Sean and Puck’s arcs taken them from where they were at the beginning of the story to where they are when it ends?
They have found a new footing at the end of the book. During the book the foundation of their lives sort of falls out from under them. but together they find a new place. I do always so fiercely wish that Corr didn't have to get hurt. But I think in the end the bittersweetness of it all makes for a better story.
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The Scorpio Races Festival 2022!
[I’ll do the other challenges in other posts!)
Introduce yourself! Who are you, and what does The Scorpio Races mean to you
I always loved Maggie’s writing, but this didn’t appeal to me when it first came out--at that point in my life, I wasn’t really obsessed with horses, and the pitch on the novel didn’t make it sound like Kelpies. It sounded like some Girl-Power™ novel that would make me wince. More than that, it sounded like it was too romantic for my tastes, too light. And I didn’t realize how much the sea would play a role in it.
I ended up reading it at suggestion last year, I’ve read it twice this year already. I cried the entire last 20 pages, actually weeping, shaking, and I was so....what do you mean this isn’t REAL? What do you mean Thisby isn’t real? What do you mean there’s no sequel, no prequel, no paraquel, no movie, no music, no more? I wanted another hundred pages. I wanted nothing else. It’s perfect as it is and needs nothing, shouldn't have anything added to it, it would somehow cheapen it. It’s so near and dear to me now, I can’t believe I almost never read it, I can’t believe I almost never knew it.
Do you have any favorite scenes or quotes from this section?
The opening sentence! From the very get-go I knew this was wildly different from what my original impression of it was. This was going to be something dark.
What is your initial impression of the characters we’ve met so far?
They’re (and I don’t mean this negatively!) normal. They’re so relatable in the fact that aside from their personal tragedies and family backstories, there is very little unique about them. They’re young, they’re not fully realized yet, and while they aren’t sheltered, their scope is very closed minded (also not negative!) and close to the island. SO much YA fiction, so much fantasy fiction, is obsessed with making characters Unique and Different and it only serves to make them 2D and strikingly artificial. Puck and Sean are normal people, marked by their passions and goals, and defined by their choices rather than any Super Special Magic Awesomeness.
How do you think Sean and Puck’s relationship with Thisby influences the reader’s perception?
Sure, it could be said that their stubborn dedication the island could be a negative trait of theirs, that it could be negative that they have no desire stronger than to stay tied to Thisby despite the place. But this makes the island so much more real, that it’s a place they’re willing to live and die for. It’s home. You see their love for this place that appears so miserable but then you get the joy of seeing what they love in it.
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lucimiir · 1 year
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master post
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cozycottagetarot · 5 months
PAC: Your First Kiss With Your Person
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This PAC Contains: 
General Info On The Kiss
Setting The Scene
The Kiss
Extended Edition Covers:
You During The Kiss
Your Person During The Kiss
The Aftermath
✨ This reading is for entertainment purposes only. ✨ (General Disclaimer at the bottom)
Reading Masterlist | Patreon | Paid Readings -- Open 🥂
General Things
Could be very early in the relationship… during the ‘get to know you’ stages. There’s a lot of attraction and tension between you and this person. I think this could be someone you either meet through a career or online. It’s fast paced but intense, a quick back and forth. But it’s good because it’s an exchange where you both are on the same level or matching energies. It’s welcomed, but it feels very interrogative, like ‘does this person fit the bill of what I’m looking for 👀’ rather than a chill get to know you. It feels like a new environment too, as in both of you are out doing something new together for the first time. It doesn’t seem like there’s any anxiety around the questioning, just kind of throwing every and anything at the wall to see if it sticks. Scorpio or Gemini could be important placements for you or them.
Setting The Scene
When it comes to the location of the kiss it could be a festival of some kind, I’m get a fair, specifically a renaissance fair for someone, or something with that vibe for a few of you. It could also be an event around water and/or where there will be live entertainment. I think it’s definitely picked strategically by whoever plans this outing… I think maybe more so your person. I also feel like it could be their old stomping grounds as well or something being hosted by someone they know. There’s an opportunity to kind of learn from others during this event/setting also.
The Kiss In General
I think this kiss is going to be awakening or energizing. One that gives you a surge of energy. I also heard that you might be trying to best them at something too. It might be outside of one your comfort zones and there could be a lot of anxiety surrounding the kiss on someone’s part. If not anxiety, hearts racing. During a dance as well could be another likely scenario. One where it’s like "Okay, we’re dancing... I feel like a fool, Oh! you’re kissing me!"... Except the rest of the thoughts just fizzle out because you melt into it. People around you might cheer you guys on.
If you'd like to see the extended version of this reading which covers you & your person's feelings during the kiss as well as the 'aftermath' you can check it out on my Patreon here. Regardless, thank you for reading and take care! 💕
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General Things
The cards are giving me fairytale-esque vibes... a dream come true. This could happen when you’re traveling, finding home or experiencing something life changing. This could happen at a time where you’re on a journey to finding yourself/ finding your way and I’m getting that your person is intent on wanting to show you they can be a part of that world. I think this person is hard to ignore, and honestly it could be hard to ignore whatever is going on between you two. There could be something about their eyes… maybe you avoid eye contact because it’s so intense and feels like you’re intruding? I think your person lights up your world. However, they could kind of know themselves and have all their 'colours' while you’re now finding yours. There’s something intimidating here about them.... very much you trying to convince yourself you two can’t be together. I’m also hearing “You’re my North Star”.
It could happen during a place that represents transition, in the location you’re leaving or at one of your homes (most likely yours). It’s like they want to offer you home and you’re resisting. You’re denying yourself entrance into the castle they have to offer. I think your head and heart aren’t aligning and in all honesty your person is tired of it and just at a point where they are begging you to let yourself be happy.
Setting The Scene
I feel like this is a nice setting. More lavish for some than others . It could be in the evening or at night. It should be a date? I don’t think you want it to be but it is… I mean I think you know it is but you're at a point where you're beside yourself pushing this person away mentally and throwing up walls. You guys could go to a show or some kind of enchanting exhibit too.
The Kiss In General
This could definitely be at night. I think the setting really depends on your interest. So it could be a concert, something related to music… but somewhere someone has the chance to get rowdy. Even a wedding or something where it’s nice but someone can likely get plastered and no one would really be surprised.
Okay back to the general kiss. I feel like it's a battle in a way. It’s impulsive. Emotions are running high. It’s about potential and fighting for what’s 'right'... Trying to wake you up. A climatic battle of trying to get out of your head so you can see what’s in front of you and just not what you’re dreaming of... what you think the cards (?) are telling you. I think this may be if you're constantly consuming tarot or other forms of divination and living your life by it.
If you'd like to see the extended version of this reading which covers you & your person's feelings during the kiss as well as the 'aftermath' you can check it out on my Patreon here. Regardless, thank you for reading and take care! 💕
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General Things
You could be a little bit disinterested or distracted when you have your first kiss with your person. I think it might take you a minute or two before it registers in your head that you too kissed. It could be a kiss to calm you… like you’re brain is going a mile a minute and generally not being grounded.
I think you’re going to be in a comfortable situation when your person kisses you/you two share your first kiss. It could be in a situation where you’re both working on something together. Or they are helping you with something you’re working on. It’s someone who complements you beautifully. It could be a social gathering between close friends as well (but it still feels like a rather private moment, like everyone else is distracted as well and they sneak a quick kiss). If you’re a musician (or a music teacher, really anything related to that field) you could be composing or reviewing a piece and they kiss you. You could get pulled in many different directions mentally or come up with a lot of ideas but burn out on them quickly.
Setting The Scene Oh my gosh-- Are you hungry or do you like food because all I can think of is food 😩
It could be a casino, family/friends game night, holiday dinner. You’re focused intensely on something in front of you. Your mind is calculating, unfazed by things going on around you. I’m also getting the caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland... a 'smoky' or and environment that gives off psychedelic vibes.
The Kiss In General
I think the kiss is attention grabbing, not just for you but someone around you may kind of cheer or whoop but you might not pay them much mind. I think your person is like this is my time with y/n and I’m not letting their thoughts steal them away! I think they're accustomed to you being off in la la land. For some of you, you could be in the medical field or have a very scholarly profession that bleeds into your personal time. But the kiss always cuts through that. I’m hearing “ah ah ah” as well.
If you'd like to see the extended version of this reading which covers you & your person's feelings during the kiss as well as the 'aftermath' you can check it out on my Patreon here. Regardless, thank you for reading and take care! 💕
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Disclaimer: All readings and tarot/blog games are for fun and entertainment purposes only. It is in no way meant to act as or replace professional advice of any kind. You know yourself and what’s going on in your life best so I ask that you trust yourself above all else. Finally please take only what resonates from the reading which may be some of it, all of it, or none at all
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talonabraxas · 9 months
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Venus in Sagittarius Dec 29 – Jan 23
Dec 29, 2023 – Jan 23, 2024
Venus: goddess of art, romance, pleasure, and beauty. Venus speaks to the heart. In Sagittarius, the heart can finally breathe, soar, run wild. Everything unfolds quickly in Sagittarius. This archetype invites space, freedom, adventure, and spontaneity.
This is all very welcome after swimming with Venus in Scorpio. With Venus in Scorpio, we often scramble to remain in control when things start to feel less than perfect in our relationships. Inevitably we learn that we cannot force or manipulate the path. Instead Scorpio teaches agency and self-empowerment. I hope you’re feeling stronger and sexier. We are learning to strike a balance between power and vulnerability.
That ferocious need we feel, the need to love another, to have them as our own, that hotblooded passion? It’s an addiction and obsession, this delicious desire which keeps us awake at night. And ultimately it begets more pain and chaos because it is channeled into other rather than Self. Turn it to gold inside you, let it fuel the metamorphosis. It is worth asking: what would happen if I “lost control”? What would that really look like? We need to look at our patterns, truly, and then break the fuck out of them. Venus in Scorpio is ultimately about self-discovery rather than sex or lust. The passion (complication/chaos!) we seek in interpersonal relationships is really intended for self-love.
Let the healing begin! It’s time to ascend with Venus to sparkling Sagittarian skies. This transit will carry us blissfully into the new year 2024. With Venus in Sagittarius, the heart glows like a joyful bonfire. This is an exuberant, festive cycle. Sagittarius the Centaur is spirited and vibrant, helping us move forward and close the scorpion chapter. No need to dwell in pain or resentment anymore. We can embrace the winter holiday season with inner warmth and optimism.
There are a few challenges waiting for us here, too. It is wise to remember that Sagittarius belongs to the fire element and shares the same traits as Aries and Leo: impatience, restlessness, impulsiveness. When life feels like too much, Sagittarius quickly boils over – or looks the other way.
Sagittarius enjoys being so light and carefree that dark or heavy things get overlooked on purpose. This is problematic when a situation calls for an assertive response or when something important needs to be finished. Sagittarius can be flighty and avoidant. He hates confrontation and discord. He just wants to dance in his rose-colored glasses all night long.
In our relationships we just need to slow down a little and inhale some fiery courage. Let’s dance in place for just a moment to see it all, acknowledge the whole. And then we can race off again into the rainbow disco star kingdom see you there! And happy new year!
Heads up: Mercury will still be retrograde for the first 4 days of this transit.
Jan 1: Last day of Mercury Retrograde + Venus square Saturn in Pisces. Though you might be feeling really amped to start the New Year 2024 off on the right foot, a square to Saturn makes us feel lazy and averse to routine. The key is to just go with it.
Jan 19: Venus square Neptune in Pisces + Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus. Exhaustion & physical discomfort. Not a good time to socialize or go out. This Neptunian square may also coincide with natural disasters like floods or heavy rains. The trine between Mercury and Jupiter should bring some levity, however.
Jan 20: 1st day of Aquarius Season + Pluto returns to Aquarius! Craaaaazy day, expect the unexpected.
This transit is an especially favorable time for natal Sagittarians, as well as Aries, Libra, Leo, and Aquarius. If you were born with Venus in Sagittarius, this is your Venus Return.
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ravening25 · 2 years
9th House: How do the Elemental groupings take interests of culture
Good day to you all! I wanted to write down how each elemental group takes interest in certain aspects of a culture. No sign, element or modality dictate what specific culture you lean towards nor dictates what certain aspects of culture you are drawn to exclusively. This means that you are more drawn to these aspects of a culture, which includes the influence of planets in the 9th house, aspects, and of course, your personal choice/will. I will constantly be using the word “a culture” and not “foreign culture” since the 9th House rule culture, not just foreign culture. Learning culture isn’t exclusive to traveling, especially now we have the internet to learn cultures though nothing beats being there yourself. That being said, here are the following groups that influence your affinity towards certain aspect of a culture in your 9th house (No planetary and aspects):
Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 9th House)
Interested in the brighter and optimistic side of a culture
Interested in a culture’s martial arts and its philosophy
Might enjoy a (healthy) competition with locals of that culture (Ex: Might want to horse race the locals who are renown for horse riding)
Enjoys learning about their religion/faith 
Interested in activities that are popular in a culture (Surfing in an island culture for example)
Loves to join cultural festivities and parties
More interested in traveling the countrysides of their preferred culture’s country (Ex: I have a Leo in the 9th house and I would love to ride a horse in the countryside of Japan)
Could be interested on individuals of that particular culture who are popular and helped the country/culture in their own way
Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 9th House)
Interested in the culture’s structure and how it operates day-to-day basis (This reminds me about  Paolo from Tokyo’s videos wherein the majority of his videos talks about how your average Japanese works in Japan, specifically Tokyo)
Interested in the culture’s traditions from traditional clothing and traditional celebrations
Likely prefers the old school aspects of a culture
Takes special interest in a culture’s food and beverages
Likes to know how a culture promotes physical health (Ex. Dietary culture, popular physical exercises)
Interested in the general work culture of the culture. Also interested in how businesses and economy works in a culture 
Loves to be in the countryside though probably less hyperactive than Fire on the 9th
Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius 9th House)
Interested in the culture’s language(s) and dialect(s)
May be interested in learning their sense of humor
Interested in how they communicate; how they conduct themselves socially/ knowing the social norms and mores 
Interested in knowing the culture’s trends and fads 
Interested in their education system
Interested in knowing what is progressing (Ex: technological advancement, values that are progressive for them)
Interested in what part of that culture is unique (Ex: Tipping in Japan is considered offensive in comparison to other countries. Japanese takes pride of doing great services and tipping indicates that they are not doing a great job while a country like the United States believes in the opposite)
Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces 9h House)
Interested in the dark and cynical aspects of a culture (Ex: history of violent wars, war crimes, how a culture oppress their minorities, you get the memo)
Interested in the taboo side of the culture
Interested in knowing how the family structure works and how dynamic it is
Interested in their spirituality, philosophy, and mental health
Interested in the lesser known/mysterious part of a culture
Could be interested in knowing how a culture operates emotionally
Might be attracted to the occult aspects of a culture. Might research about cults (defining “cult” depends on the culture’s definition in combination of your own terminology) 
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At the top it says JOCKEYS and then, to its right, CAPAILL. Someone has written meat in small letters next to JOCKEYS. And then, beneath all of that, there is a gap, and then the names begin.
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Reblog this post with your character’s full name, your capall’s name, and your url. Or fill out this Google Form.
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Training Challenge #2
“She’s moody and she’s slippery and she’s in love with the sea.”
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Sooner or later, he would have to tell his parents what he’d just done in Skarmouth, but for the moment Jaxom let his feet carry him towards the comfort of their small barn, the very same place where he’d first met Her.
It was a cold February night, and rain sluiced down in sheets, chilling the bare hands of the man who spent the last few hours helping a ewe struggling to lamb. He’d taken over lambing duty for his father two year prior, and this was not the first time he’d spent a night out amongst the sheep and straw. The ewe had managed to deliver two healthy lambs, although the process had taken longer than Jaxom felt comfortable with, and now he rushed to get them back outside with the flock. Perhaps, on another island, the single stall barn would have been suitable for the new mother to overnight, but on Thisby Jaxom’s concern about what the storm may dredge up from the depths was not unfounded.
As soon as the lambs had dried, stood, and nursed, the man ushered them out of the old stone barn to rejoin the flock in the corral outside, despite the downpour. As the sheep merged into one wet blur, Jaxom forged his way through the rain to the gate, swinging it open and watching as his flock rushed out and melted into the darkness. It was safer for them to have room to run, over the confinement of the corral. In the morning, he would locate them, and with any luck both new lambs would have made it. It was harsh, yes, but to survive out here you had to be. Exhaling slowly as the last white silhouette disappeared into the darkness, Jaxom turned back to the single stall barn to go clean up the bloody straw and afterbirth before anything lurking in the storm caught scent of it. An inhuman chuckle to his left alerted him he was too late, his body immobile as instinct took hold.
A quick assessment of his surroundings alerted him the sheep were out of sight, but it wouldn’t be much for the creature drawn by the scent of blood to follow them. On the other hand, if he made a sound now, it could be him on the menu. The young man didn’t give himself time to be afraid, he merely acted. Slinking down low to the ground, adrenaline pumping through his veins with every beat of his heart, he crept along the fence line, eyes scanning the area around him for the predator that he knew was out there. A grumbling groan from somewhere nearby cause him to freeze again, the sound of the rain drowned out by the sound of his thundering heart. As he got closer to the single stall barn the scent of the capall washed over him, salt, fish, and something that sent his heart into a frenzy. She was inside. Without thinking, Jaxom rushed forwards, slamming the dutch door and making sure both the top and bottom were fully latched. Inside, the beast began to keen and wail, the thrashing animal causing the entire building to shudder. She was caught.
Now, seven months later, in the very same stone barn and corral, she greeted him with a whicker as she galloped to the edge of the reinforced corral, tossing her head and rocking back on her hind legs for a moment before all four feet returned to the earth, pale eyes sharp upon the man as he entered her domain.
“Saoirse…” Jaxom breathed, reaching for the mare, running his hands down her muscular neck and pressing his cheek against hers and inhaling her warm, salty, fishy scent. Anyone who knew anything about the capricious capaill told him he was crazy, and he knew they were right. He trusted her with his own life far too much, but she’d given him no reason to doubt. Iron had no place in their relationship, and he liked to believe she loved him as dearly as he loved her.
“I’ve entered us in the Race beloved.” His voice was low as his hands worked rows of knots in threes and sevens into her thin mane. “It’s the only way I can convince them to let you stay here.” He explained, watching her as she stared at him with those intelligent eyes. He knew her well enough now to know as her attention turned, the magic of autumn ocean pulling her away from him. His heart clenched as his lithe black capall floated towards the furthest wall, her blue eyes fixed upon the horizon where he knew the ocean to be. She gave a low, mournful sound, turning to stare back at him intently.
Reaching into the pocket of his worn jacket, Jaxom pulled out a thin strip of raw mutton, tossing it to the mare. She snapped it out of the air, breathlessly fast. He smiled, moving to stand with a hand on her shoulder, following her gaze out over the horizon. “If we win…” he trailed off, not finishing the thought. “Don’t fret too much darling. The autumn will be over before you know it, and the sea won’t call so badly then.” Never turning his back on her, Jaxom retreated from her paddock, gazing at her fondly one last time before turning in the direction of his house, and the dismay he would face from his parents once they found out what he’d done.
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vintervittrannerd · 1 year
Welcome to Thisby!
Training Challenge #1
Introduce your rider. @thescorpioracesfestival
Freya Thorne loved Thisby. Where the tourists saw a cold, rocky island full of uninhabitable steep cliffs and scrubby vegetation, Freya saw the grandness of the landscape and the naked beauty of moors with heather abloom. Where her mother had seen muddy pastures and dirty, smelly herds of sheep, Freya saw the calm friendly animals she spent countless hours with as a child, curled up in the hay with their woolly bodies keeping her warm and their soft muzzles against her chin. Where her sister had seen a small place with nowhere to go, Freya saw the comfort of knowing her place in the world and the freedom of being herself.
Freya loved it all, the sea, the cliffs, the heather, the small houses, the little towns, the sheep…and the water horses. Horrible and deadly as they might be, she still loved them. She shouldn’t, she knew she shouldn’t, not when they were the reason she lost most of her family. Her father had been killed by the horses when she was 9. He had wandered down to the shore to collect oysters, and a capall uisce had emerged from the water to drag him into the sea. Freya still missed her father terribly, but she never hated the water horses, not like her mother did.
Even after her father’s death, they had stayed on Thisby. Her mother had moved back to her own parents’ farm with her daughters, Freya and Jenna. The next few years of Freya’s childhood had been a relatively happy one. She loved living on the farm and enjoyed accompanying her granddad when his work as a veterinarian took him all over their island. She was, overall, a happy child. Until, one October day shortly after Freya’s 17th birthday, she’d come home to the news that the boat her uncles had been out fishing with had been attacked by capaill uisce, killing both her uncles. After that, Freya’s mother hadn’t been able to stand the island, and before winter arrived she had packed all of her things and taken the 12 year old Jenna with her to the mainland. Freya had stayed behind. Not because her mother hadn’t begged her to join her, but because she couldn’t leave her grandparents all alone. And if truth be told, she couldn’t leave Thisby either. It was home.
It had been nearly 10 years now since Freya had decided to stay on Thisby. She missed her mother and sister terribly, just like she still missed father, but she’d never once regretted her decision. She’d only been to the mainland once in the 10 years, to celebrate Jenna’s 18th birthday, and although she enjoyed spending time with her mother and sister again, seeing her baby sister all grown up and changed into someone she didn’t really know had given her a lump in the throat and an intense longing to return home to Thisby.
No, Freya Thorne would never leave Thisby. The island was in her soul, in her blood. It was the island where she had been borne, and it was the island where she would die. And the dying part might not even be that far away, because this was the year when Freya Thorne would compete in the Scorpio Races.
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akepalsson · 2 years
WEEK 1 —Training Challenge: Introduce your rider.
A little late but I wanted to join the fun @thescorpioracesfestival
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The salty wind hits my face, but it doesn’t bother me. I’ve grown used to it, everyone who spends their time on this beach has. 
“What are you doing here?”
I turn around to see Isadora Levy, the woman who lives next door to us. Isadora and her husband are good family friends and when Mom went to the mainland they made sure my brother and I were well-fed.
“Waiting for them to come out.” is my unusually short reply, and my gaze returns to the ocean.
Isadora sighs, but she sits on the small cliff next to where I’ve been sitting for hours now. She's wearing her best clothes, which can only mean she's going to Skarmouth, to the church, or maybe the shops. When you don't have to worry about money, those are the kinds of activities you can do in your day-to-day life.
“Don't you have to go to work?” Isadora insists, moving her legs, which are dangling from the cliff. She can tell I’m focused, usually, our dynamic is reversed: I’m the one asking questions and bothering her, while Isadora is calm and collected. Maybe it’s too early for me to be talking a lot. 
“I start in an hour.” I shake my head and she seems to understand, for her face shows no concern. I keep explaining. “I've been coming to the beach early since the beginning of October, waiting.”
“What exactly do you plan to do?” Is her question, because she knows what I'm talking about. Everyone on the island knows it.
“I just want to be the first to see them.”
See them. Them, the capaill uisce. The famous killer horses, who emerge from the sea of ​​Scorpio once autumn begins. Those fearsome horses, gigantic in comparison to a normal animal, which only the strongest of men can tame into their mounts during the annual race, the Scorpio Races, Thisby's foremost event.
“Well, Amber,” Isadora says my name with her weird accent. She's not from Thisby but she's not from the mainland either, she comes from an island not far away that she doesn't like to talk about. “We’re only through the first week of October, I’m almost sure that there is still time for the first capall to emerge.”
I know, but I don't want to miss it. I feel the need to pout, but I don't. I'm practically an adult now, I shouldn't be pouting anymore, much less at someone like Isadora.
Before Isadora says something like ‘You don't want to lose your job either,’ I stand up from the cliff, moving away from where she was sitting. Isadora follows me and we both walk off together, me heading to Malvern’s Yard and Isadora to somewhere in Skarmouth.
“You’re not thinking of joining the races, are you?” Isadora questions me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I smile back at her, she just shakes her head in disappointment but she knew that already, there was no need to ask. “Amber, why are you putting your life at risk? Isn’t it already enough working with those demonic horses in your daily life? Must you also do this?”
“It’s going to be fine, Isadora.” I put my hair in a high ponytail as we walk, the loose blonde curls hanging on my face aren’t exactly comfortable for cleaning horse shit all day, so a ponytail is the best option. “Besides, the money would suit me well.”
“You’re doing this for the money? Oh, Amber. There are better ways to get it than this, the races are practically a suicide!”
“You have so little faith in me, Isa.” 
Isadora sighs, she’s not in the mood for this. “You better than anyone knows how dangerous the races are.”
She’s right, so I shut my mouth. Isadora is referring to my brother, who died in the races years ago. Since then I’ve been taking after his job and his capall, as me and my dad need the money he used to bring. I’m too fond of the horse to sell it and my brother loved the animal so I can’t just let it go like that. Besides, maybe he can help me with my plans of joining the race.
“Amber, if I can’t change your mind, the least I can do is pray for you.” Isadora keeps saying, holding her hands together. “May the ocean watch you, Amber Goode, we need you alive here.”
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astairwaytobooks · 2 years
The Scorpio Races Festival 2022
Week Three: THE SCORPIO FESTIVAL Reading Challenges: chapter 29 - chapter 47
The  first few chapters in this section cover the Scorpio Festival. What is your general impression about the festival? How does it progress the plot? How does it impact the dynamics between characters?
The chapters with the Scorpio Festival are made up of so much sensory information. There is the sound of the drums, the smell of the november cakes, raucous laughter, the jostling of the crowd, the light of the bonfires. I love how it makes you feel like you are really walking among Skarmouth’s streets during the festival.
I think this chapter doesn't actually really progress the plot a lot, aside from indicating a clear pivot point for the training for the races, after the festival training is more serious. I do think there are many huge character moments in these chapters, as well as vital moments for the relationships between characters. I think somehow the festival helps strip away all pretences.
Puck finally admits to herself (and Gabe confirms) that he is really going to the mainland. Some of the men who had been side-eying Puck from the start finally come forward and challenge her participation in the race directly. Puck stands her ground (which is actually maybe a more important character beat for Sean than for Puck, as he later uses Puck's example to stand his ground against Malvern with regards to buying Corr). The festival is also the moment Sean admits to himself what he really wants prompted by the Mare goddess and he gives up the pretence of caring what happens to Mutt. And I think it is the moment that both Puck and Sean start to admit to themselves that there is something more between them.  
Do you have any favorite scenes or quotes from this section?    
This is the hardest question every week, because I love this entire book so much. I think I'll go with Sean and Puck riding Corr together on the cliffs this time.
Sean tries to bargain with Malvern and loses Corr. Later, he bargains again. What changes between these two bargains?
Corr killed a man and Sean was the only one who could get Corr calm again. I think Malvern was slightly impressed by Sean's horsemanship and ashamed of Mutt's actions. I think the incident made Benjamin Malvern see himself in Sean (again) and he wanted to give Sean a similar chance as he had once been given. However Malvern doesn't believe in just being handed things, as evidenced from the story he tells about how he got his first job breaking a horse that no one else had managed to break. Hence him offering Sean a deal. No matter the result, Malvern walks away from this as the winner; if Sean does win the race Malvern can feel good about himself and tell a story how he helped make Sean who he is and how he was the one to give Sean the opportunity. If Sean doesn't win, he gets to keep Sean in his employ and benefit from his skills.  
This  section has a lot of shifts in character relationships. What are some of your favorite character relationships in The Scorpio Races?
My favourite relationship aside from the Sean-Puck dynamic is the sibling relationship between Finn and Puck, it reminds me of my own brother and me when we were growing up. Their interactions just have such pure sibling energy.
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indyflanery · 6 months
Bold what the signs remind me of
ARIES: The smell of burnt matches, whiskey burning your throat, running at night, fiery gazes, freckles, laughs that expose their teeth, winning an arcade game, the thundering sounds of a crowded bowling alley, hearing music blaring from someone else’s headphones, cherry stained lips.
TAURUS: Thick hair, septum piercings/nose rings, earthy eyeshadow palettes, red wine, blasting Adele, standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean, leather bound journals, wearing expensive lingerie underneath casual outfits, MAC nudes, splurging at your local bakery, brownstone buildings, suede skirts, online shopping.
GEMINI: Synth pop playlists, neon signs, blurry nightclub photos, high school cliques, collecting crystals, getting dressed up to go to concerts/festivals, fleeting but intense crushes, conversations composed of gibberish, sitting in diners late at night, body glitter, witty comebacks, complicated coffee orders.
CANCER: Small tattoos, tasting teardrops on your lips, bed hair, swimming at night, high school English classes, the importance of platonic relationships, herbal tea, random quotes on post it notes, combing a friends hair out of their face, hermit crabs, swallowing the lump in your throat when you’re about to cry.
LEO: Theatre/drama kids, loud drunks, enthusiastic bear hugs, gold jewellery, leading the pack, grins that are a mixture of mischievous and sinister, eye catching outfits, temporary tattoos, dancers/musicians/painters (artists in general), a flair for the dramatic, flirtatiously winking at strangers, sunflowers.
VIRGO: New car smell, aesthetic highlighted notes, wire frame glasses, succulents, light denim, eyeliner and sass so sharp, wandering through antique stores, lace bralettes, Fleetwood Mac, flowers blooming, typewriter keys clicking, minty breath, dated polaroids, skepticism, organised bookshelves.
LIBRA: Collecting teacups, bright coloured pool floats, orchids, soft lips, Valentine’s day memes, float like a butterfly sting like a bee, smearing cream blush onto cheeks, bubblegum, Marina’s Electra Heart era, classic romance novels, songs that reference Paris, hoop earrings, pink lemonade, fluffy blankets.
SCORPIO: Menthol cigarettes, jealousy, original ChapStick, deep glares, tongue/lip piercings, crushed ice, cold hands, picking at your nails, storm clouds rolling in, maroon lipstick, band tees, suppressed emotions, Lorde aesthetic, an air of mystery, standing your ground, monochromatic themes, kept secrets.
SAGITTARIUS: Roadtrips with the windows down, drunken debates, loose jeans, camping with friends, speeding tickets, kissing strangers, action flicks with surround sound, messy bedrooms, wind swept hair, sneaking out of windows, chasing sunsets, big sunglasses, Ride by Lana Del Rey, backroads, wildflowers.
CAPRICORN: Black coffee, silver stationary, Arctic Monkeys, pencil sketches, cast iron gates, calligraphy, sleep deprivation, black skinny jeans, well written essays, deadly ambition, unboxing new shoes, absinthe, garter belts, tracing fingers over hardcover books, planning outfits in advance, expensive perfume.
AQUARIUS: Street smarts, revolutions, racing cars at traffic lights, sci-fi aesthetic, pool parties, dyeing your hair bright colours, spontaneity, conspiracy theories, dream catcher collections, random pockets of knowledge, lava lamps, artistic graffiti, stoner movies, flashing carnival lights, seldom used emojis.
PISCES: Giggly drunks, heart eyes, making playlists, seeing the good in people, aquariums, daydreaming in class, volunteering at animal shelters, watery eyes, acoustic guitar, anime, childhood teddy bears, shoeboxes full of things, talking to pets, wishing wells, clear umbrellas, flying a kite, philosophy.
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