#The Red Giant Estellar AU
solunest · 1 year
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Script Review
Last header didn't last long bc it's long boi-ness messed it up. Tried out a new thing and the pixelage sorta tanked. Finally got my editing software to work again! Yippee!
What are they talking about in there, huh? About their favorite celestial jesters? Or...maybe celestial coworkers works better? Well, what do you call two giant mers, huh? Or if some of your celestial acquaintances are mafia? What then? Ah, well, at least it looks like they're enjoying themselves!
Isn't it lovely when you see a sliver of your audience curious about your lore? Ah! It warms my nonexistent heart~!
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Well, the reason why none of you know the fifth one is because unless you looked elsewhere in my house, you're not going to find them.
Also, books! I love how you call them books! Wonder why?
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solunest · 2 years
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a doodle for The Red Giant, Estellar that turned into a whole thing. But it also looks like fanart for Dealer’s Choice, so uh...yeah.
I’m trying to figure out what my style for Sun and Moon looks like. I have concepts of how I want their faceplates operate, so I can make em more expressive, since their original childish faces won’t work here.
I wanna draw...spice. But I dunno how well it can be received here. But man ain’t the potential thereeeee-
Anyways, new chapter’s coming Friday for those who are curious
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solunest · 2 years
How have I boiled down to so low that my concept of patience is like gone. So many good FNAF-SB DCA stories not updating fast enough for my greedy gremlin brain, so I’m kicking myself to make something up, myself, to appease the darkness.
So I made up a mafia!AU. With ghosts. And mysteries. Because why not and my hyperfixation is spiraling out of control.
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Man, my artistic skills can suck fat nards, but I tried my best.
You’re a bartender at the Balloon World Lounge and has the ‘they look dangerous and stuffs, but I bet they really aren’t and I’m too paranoid :D’ mindset. Mr. Afton, your boss, is a mafia boss, who also runs a robotics enterprise or something. Makes animatronics so he can make em do his dirty work and switch to normal work without question. Little to no problems bc robots don’t question stuffs. However, he had to make em kinda more human-compatible due to the nature of some things he’d want them to do. Like pry information from someone, lulling someone into a false sense of security, etc.
Michael was a friend you had in college who died due to hidden means and you’re trying really hard to forget about it, with not a lotta success. Hurts your sleep. Appears as a ghost one night of your dreams to help you stay asleep. The try to figure out how he died trope, I’m sorry.
And because I am thirsty, there’s probably gonna be a certain thingy in here somewhere. Much yes. I am so sorry. There’s plot, I swear.
And because this has inspiration from Dealer’s Choice (by @certified-handler​) and Sleuth Jesters (by @naffeclipse​), I am putting Eclipse and murder in here. 
y-yes, I am making this a fic somewhere. Dunno when or how, but I wanna doodle about it until it becomes concrete.
How much can one spoil about their own ideas until it’s too much-
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solunest · 2 years
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Not me wondering how much I can show without it be borderline too much.
I am not good at drawing the DCA+Eclipse, and Afton, so y’all get to see how bad they become with me.
Also, in the wise wisdom of @certified-handler, using Eclipse in here would be dreadfully unsatisfying. I am not as good as a writer as @naffeclipse, and Sleuth Jesters spoiled me. So, while there’s an ‘Eclipse’, it’s not...someone solid, if you understand me.
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solunest · 2 years
Happy Friday! Extra long chapter for missing last Friday (because, y'know, Police Chief!Eclipse). This is gonna get updated every other Friday now because the Fridays in between will be for 'The Heavenly Body' Case File in Question and when that's done it'll be every Friday once more.
You suffer, you smile
You're kidnapped, you're freed
You learn, you become confused
You gain friends
You lose one
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solunest · 2 years
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So I have three AUs bouncing around in my head rn (aside from one fanfan au). Will I ever get to em all, who knows?
The Red Giant, Estellar - You’re a bartender at the Balloon World Lounge in the big city, who was getting out of a slump after your best friend had died. Their ghost haunts you via bell ribbon and the circumstances of his death is somehow associated with your work? Shady stuff’s going down in your workplace and you slowly go on a mystery hunt to figure out what happened.
Death Dancing on a Wire - There’s a circus going around the area promoting the liberation of animatronics as a new age dawns upon all of sentient life. You had completely ruined all of your limbs and the factory you were slaving at throws you out. The doctor of the circus finds you and crafts you prosthetics and you finally find him again as the circus comes back to the area. You’re kicked out of your orphanage, disguised in an animatronic shell via doc, and joined the circus.
Golden Contract - You’re a happy-go-lucky researcher who loves the mysteries of the sea. Your facility had located and captured a school of sirens, two adults and five children. You got transferred to this branch and showed human decency to these sentient creatures and a giant fish in your dreams gifts you a boon to help get his people back into the ocean. You can turn into a siren by eating the boon; a Stardrop, which was apparently a myth in siren time.
The descriptions are very vague, but if you want me to expand on them, don’t hesitate to ask. They’ll be festering for awhile.
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solunest · 2 years
oh, right i wanna show y’all this
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I’ve been listening to some choice music and it’s been BOPPIN. 
my simping cannot be stopped it only gets worse.
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it started with; Afton? Chair? Mafia? Lap sit? Leggies? Open??
that was my thought process.
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solunest · 2 years
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“...If you accidentally trigger those spring locks, two things will happen: First, all the locks will snap right into you, making deep cuts all over your body, and a split second later all the animatronic parts they've been holding back, all that sharp steel and hard plastic, will instantly be driven into your body. You will die, but it will be slow. You'll feel your organs punctured, the suit will grow wet with your blood, and you will know you're dying for long, long minutes. You'll try to scream, but you will be unable to. Your vocal cords will be severed, and your lungs will fill with your own blood until you drown in it...”
-William Afton, The Silver Eyes (pg. 159)
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solunest · 2 years
Doodles of concept stuff for The Red Giant, Estellar, and Vigilante from @naffeclipse 's Sleuth Jesters, and Cherub (i call 'em) from @certified-handler 's Dealer's Choice.
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Here's a close up of the comic-
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Vigilante; "Hey, can [I] get a brandy, neat?"
Estellar: (violently spits out drink)
Estellar: "YOU CAN'T JUST ASK FOR A BRANDY, NEAT!" ("geez, Vigil!")
Vigilante: ("sorry, sorry")
Cherub: "Guys, it's not that bad."
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solunest · 2 years
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listen, i’m not the best in the artistic department, but it’s coming along, I swear
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solunest · 2 years
how can one chapter turn into 7k words...
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solunest · 2 years
I didn’t think much of Charlie missing in chapter 5 of the red giant. I just assumed that she was probably at home or sm and would pop up again soon. That was until I remembered three things
1) Charlie is killed in the games
2) One of the tags for the fic is “has relations to the original plot but not entirely”
3) Its been made very clear that a lot of people are going to die in this fic
I’m suspicious and worried now. That’s nothing new with this fic tho lmao. Props to you for writing the tension and mystery so well. If Charlie is dead already then hot damn. I can’t imagine that will be a fun discovery for y/n if they are. Especially with them having to deal with the whole Micheal ghost thing already (T-T)
But what’s got my attention is that not even Sun knows what happened after the dinner incident. I’m keeping my eye out for any hints and clues now (I’ll probably miss them tho because I have the brain of a goldfish)
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Oooohhh, anon, worry not your gray head
I did not build up all that for Charlie for nothing
I love, love, looove hearing y'all's theories they fill me with so much serotonin for the day XDD
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solunest · 2 years
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I present to you, the first chapter of The Red Giant, Estellar! I plan to update every Friday and I’ll learn whether or not that is too ambiguous of a goal, but we’re about to find out. I’ve never done anything like this before, so if there’s something about it you can suggest, please do, you underestimate how stupid I can be ;v;.
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solunest · 2 years
Wonderful job with this latest chapter of Estellar! It was stellar- haha…sorry
Anywho! The wait was well worth it! No need to apologize for being late (I’ll have to check out this Heavenly bodies story you’re making when I get the time :D) You have this really interesting way of writing that just keeps me hooked. Not sure how to describe it but I just enjoy the way you word things and how you write y/n’s inner monologue. It's all very well done and entertaining. It’s like listening to a friend tell a crazy story which is why I guess I enjoy it so much. I have to say though, y/n is taking waking up in a random chest a lot better than I thought they would lol. But I suppose when you feel sick, are lacking in sleep, and are stressed out about a spooky ghost man and a lot of other things you can’t do much about winding up in a box. At least my man Freddy was there. He’s the man. The dude. Please don’t kill Freddy- it was mentioned a lot of people are gonna die and I’m trying not to get attached to anyone lmao but you make it so hard with characters like him and Helpy. But oooh! I didn’t expect so much to be revealed with this chapter :0 Now we know who ghost man is and got to see some things through Charlie’s eyes. I would share a couple of theories (my theories suck tbh, as they’re like half-baked muffins that don’t even have the chocolate chips in em) of mine but I am running out of time. So until next time I guess! A wonderful job like I said and I can’t wait for the next update. And sorry for not leaving a comment on ao3 and using anon instead, I’m just a nervous person lol
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No, pleeeeease tell me your theories, I would be so happy if you did! I am so so so soooo happy you enjoyed this so much, I don't get comments or let alone asks about my stuff and it makes me feel so happy!!
Much love to you, Anon! Thank you so very much!
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solunest · 2 years
Happy Friday! Almost forgot to do this, considering that not a lotta people pay attention to this (if any at all). So, the chapter fluctuated a litte at length, a page or so short, but I tried my best ;v;
You're in trouble (?)
You're not...in trouble
You go on a date (?)
You don't...go on a date
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solunest · 2 years
Happy Friday, y'all, time to unravel more lore because I am itching to do so.
You get haunted.
You talk to your best living friend.
You meet a dad.
Sun kills a man.
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