#The Philosophy of Reconstruction and the Beatitudes
penhive · 1 year
Beatitudes and the Philosophy of Reconstruction
The philosophy of reconstruction has been germinated from the Philosophy of deconstruction, and unlike deconstruction which searches for presence and absence in texts, the philosophy of reconstruction is the celebration of presence and privilege and forgiveness of absence.
In this article, I am doing a reconstructive reading of the famous philosophy of Jesus Christ, the beatitudes or the Sermon on the Mount.
Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. A reconstructive approach to this beatitude would be God being the dominant entity and man being submissive and such an action would lead to the inheritance of the kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. Unlike the Philosopher Sartre’s angst which has no reprieve and the Heidegger’s concept of Dasein (being) and Kant’s nouemon (a transcendental perception), there for the human is the Shekinah (presence) of God as the comforter, who nourishes individual life with care, comfort and forgiveness.
Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth and in a reconstructive reading it connotes the presence of humility and gratitude and the promise of prosperity while living on earth.
Blessed are those who thirst for hunger and righteousness for they shall be filled. A reconstructive reading of it will be the presence of the Holy Spirit as an edification of presence and obedience to the law of what Christ emulated.
Blessed are the merciful for they shall be shown mercy. A reconstructive reading of it would be being in a state of camaraderie with fellow beings so that God makes a privilege of meaning to be a clemency for human life.
Blessed are the pure in Heart for they shall see God and here in this reconstructive reading it would mean keeping the body: God’s temple in a state of sanctity.
Blessed are the peacemakers and they shall be called the sons and daughters of God. A reconstructive reading if it would a given peace that transcends all understanding. The spirit of God is peace and its dwelling should become a presence of meaning in our relationship with others.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. A reconstructive reading would be the struggle made by various organizations for spreading the gospel. The reward of proselytizing the gospel is a reward of eternity in Heaven.
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, say all kinds of evil against you, because of me; rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in Heaven. This is a reminder that it is deemed for us the spread and proselytize people and suffer persecution and great will be our God given tithe for our souls in Heaven.
Again I would like to reiterate that the Philosophy of Reconstruction unlike Deconstruction which searches presence and absence in texts is a reading of texts as celebration of presence and forgiveness and privilege of absence.
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penhive · 1 year
April 21, 2023
A lot of things are cropping on my mind and one is examining the beatitudes of Jesus using the Philosophy of reconstruction.  The Philosophy of reconstruction unlike deconstruction which is presence and absence of meaning in a text is the celebration of presence and the privilege of forgiveness and it’s a part of Christian philosophy and culture. The other is an idea to lampoon Jiddu Krishnamurthy’s philosophy of absurd. Another one of my ideas is to make a pastiche of the Christian novel, Pilgrim’s progress. Two observations that I saw are a mashed remains of an animal lying in a mess and ravens pecking at it in ravenous greed.  Then I saw water overflowing from a bucket as pee. I always question what is the self? Literature for the philosopher Maurice Blanchot is death. For me literature is the life, the beauty of experience. Literature is beatitude of art and becomes the muse of experience for the soul. Literature is the art of making love to the soul. I began to see Van Gogh’s and Gauguin’s paintings online.  The vivid use of colors, the hazy adornment of motifs, the gala of visual poetry all continue to amaze me. My soul as a sensitive muse dances with joy. When I see Van Gogh’s sower, I think of it spiritually as the word that came as Christ the seed and the harvest made as repentance as forgiveness. The bright yellow of the field lulls my senses into a tranquil joy. The painters have given me more experience than writers. For me painting is a metaphoric allegory. I also invoke Gauguin’s painting where do we come from and where do we go. The painting is the set in the rustic background of Tahiti. It’s a painting from life to a becoming of life in eternity. When I see art, all my worries and depressions vanish away. My sex life is poetic and confessional. Sometimes I wonder why Nietzsche killed God. It’s an irony that his parents were Lutheran. I admire his doctrines: will to power: and the theory of art as the fusion of Apollonian and the Dionysian. Life is both the Apollonian as melody and harmony and Dionysian as rhythm and beat. I sometimes empathy with Greek God’s and Goddesses and they are so daring, courageous, bold and lacking all temperance. Yes I am part Greek and part Christian. The principles of Christ, love, peace, joy and forgiveness also satisfies me. I am embracing the Hellenic and the Judeo Christian influences in my life. I am fascinated by the Greek writer Kazansakis. I read his travelogue Aedo Greeco. Hellenic culture is rich in the beauty of experience. I wonder why Indian culture is so conforming. It does not have the potential to realize the true self. I wonder what truth is: and I define it as the presence of meaning. I have developed a new neologism called Poetitudes and it comes from the words: poetry and beatitudes and it means: conversations of the self: with biographical, philosophical and literary content. My body is a muse of content. My feeling is poetry of passion. I am always in a state of becoming.
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penhive · 1 year
Philosophy of Reconstruction
The philosophy of reconstruction is coined from Deconstruction a philosophy which searches presence and absence, privilege and absence in the text and it undoes the signification of meaning in texts.
Being inspired from Deconstruction, I have developed the Philosophy of reconstruction and this being done from the point of view of Christian apologetics.
The Philosophy of reconstruction is the celebration of presence and the forgiveness of absence. Meaning is the free will of choice, acceptance, negation or apostasy.
An Example of Reconstruction from Christianity
For an example I am taking a maxim from the Beatitudes
Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth. In this quote: life is a celebration of meaning for a subject who humbles himself before God. The earth and its riches are freely given to a person with faith and obedience.
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