#The Paranormal Romance Guild
authorajalexander · 8 months
Please Vote For River Guardian And 'The Council of Twelve' Series!
The Paranormal Romance Guild nominated book 6, River Guardian and the entire ‘The Council of Twelve’ series for their ‘Reviewer’s Choice Award.’ Voting will begin on February 2, 2023. Voting will end on February 12th. Winners will be announced on Valentine’s Day. https://paranormalromanceguild.com/2023-paranormal-romance-guild-reviewers-choice-award-voting/ River Guardian & The Council of…
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soulisticreads · 5 months
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Currently Reading:
1. Angels’ Blood 2. Archangel’s Kiss 3. Archangel’s Consort 4. Archangel’s Blade 5. Archangel’s Storm
6. Archangel’s Legion 7. Archangel’s Shadows 8. Archangel’s Enigma 9. Archangel’s Heart 10. Archangel’s Viper 11. Archangel’s Prophecy 12. Archangel’s War 13. Archangel’s Sun 14. Archangel’s Light 15. Archangel’s Resurrection 16. Archangel’s Lineage
All the novellas were written to to stand alone, so you can pick them up at any stage. However, if you’d like to read the series in strict chronological order, check out the list on this page.
Collected Novellas All four Guild Hunter novellas to date now available in a single volume, Angels’ Flight.
Individual Novellas
1. Angels’ Pawn (this is available as an e-book on its own, and as part of Angels’ Flight) 2. “Angels’ Judgment” in Angels’ Flight (this was originally part of the Must Love Hellhounds anthology) 3. “Angel’s Wolf” in Angels’ Flight (this was originally part of the Angels of Darkness anthology) 4. “Angels’ Dance” in Angels’ Flight
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desdasiwrites · 2 years
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– Nalini Singh, Angels' Blood
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whatcha-reading-today · 5 months
Angels' Blood Nalini Singh
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I read this after reading the Crescent City books to scratch that paranormal itch. This is solid, it's well written, fairly short, and Elena isn't a total dummy. I've also come to find that there are a lot in this series (16 main as of this writing) so it'll keep me busy for a while.
Format: physical copy
Read in: March 2024
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thereadingcafe · 5 months
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ce-archerhelke · 1 year
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signourneybooks · 2 years
Archangel's Resurrection | Book 15 of Guild Hunters | Arc Review | Blog Tour
Archangel’s Resurrection | Book 15 of Guild Hunters | Arc Review | Blog Tour
Thank you to Penguin Random House/Berkly, Kristin Cipolia and Netgalley for the review copy in exchange for an honest review and participation in this blog tour. This does not change my opinion in anyway. Book: Archangel’s Resurrection (Guild Hunter 15) by Nalini SinghRelease Date: October 25th 2022Tags: Adult Fantasy | Paranormal Romance | Archangels | Angels | Ascension Trigger/Content…
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galedekarios · 4 months
the splendours of waterdeep
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Gale: I hail from Waterdeep, the City of Splendours.
we've all heard gale introduce himself and there's a certain pride that colours his voice. but what exactly are waterdeep's splendours?
1. general noteworthy things about waterdeep
i) waterdeep is one of the cleanest cities in the realms
this is not only achieved by having many of waterdeep's buildings and facilities connected to a sewer system, but also through waterdeep's dungsweeper's guild. the members of the guild make their rounds through the city, sweeping streets, collecting trash, litter and refuse.
this service is paid for by taxes.
ii) waterdeep's water system
waterdeep boasts an extensive water system that enables the city to have free access to clean water. this free access comes in many forms: fountains, wells and bath houses. some establishment even have their own access to fresh water in form of tap water "with the turn of a knob", as volo puts it in his chapbook about the city.
iii) waterdeep, city of light
waterdeep possesses many signs and street lamps that are lit with continual flame spells:
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hundreds of driftglobes also illuminate the city each night:
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A driftglobe was a small glass orb that magically floated in the air and emitted light.
in addition to these magical means, so called lamplighters keep the streets lit - with the exception of the field ward and more dangerous areas of the dock ward.
iv) waterdeep and literacy
waterdeep is one of the most literate cities in the realms.
the font of knowledge is a temple to oghma, god of the domain of knowledge, in waterdeep. priests of oghma "valued, preserved, shared, sought, created, or uncovered knowledge and learning. [x]" the priests there offer free instructions and lessons in reading to everyone. the temple has a library, known as "the great library".
the city has many publishing houses and printing presses. books and chapbooks (short books containing various topics from memoirs to romances, politics, etc.) are popular, as are small and large paper advertisements that dot the streets and alleys. broadsheets are popular too in the city:
A broadsheet, also known as a short scroll, was a short, printed document which usually contained tabloid-style news or political rants. They were common in Waterdeep, where they were sold by broadcriers on the main streets.
some of these broadsheets popular in waterdeep are [x]:
The Vigilant Citizen, which was one of the most reputable broadsheets in the city.
The Blue Unicorn, which reported paranormal events such as haunted mansions or undead hiding among the nobility.
The Daily Luck, a sheet aimed at gamblers.
Horkle's Gossip Cauldron, whose style of writing was said to be profane and blunt to the point of rudeness.
The Mocking Minstrel, one of the most read broadsheets in the city, known for its caustic and sarcastic tone.
The North Wind, which focused on nobility gossip and fashion.
The Merchant's Friend
Halivar's Broadsheet
restaurants and other establishments in waterdeep often have printed menus that are placed outside, as well as handed out to those who choose to eat there.
2. the griffon cavalry
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"Waterdeep doesn’t have the fabled flying ships of Halruaa, but it does deploy an aerial defense force. Brave warriors of the City Guard light out from the Peaktop Aerie atop Mount Waterdeep, riding fearsome griffons that have been bred and trained for that purpose. Each of the riders is equipped with a ring of feather falling — not merely to prevent death from mishap, but to allow them to perform stunning feats of aerial acrobatics. In both martial displays and in real battles against flying threats such as manticores, harpies, and outlaw wizards, the griffon riders actually leap off their mounts into the open air! For a breath-stealing moment, they fall like stones, closing in on their targets at incredible speed. Their opponents rarely see the griffon riders. When they are past the danger, the free-falling riders then suddenly halt in the air, drifting like feathers until their griffon companions swoop in and they regain their saddles. Working in concert with one another in this fashion, members of the Griffon Cavalry can rapidly eliminate any threat to the city — and even catch the body of the offender before it hits the rooftops below. Riders of the Griffon Cavalry are trained to stay above the rooftops, not because they fear crashing into towers and weather vanes, but because the smell of so much horseflesh in the streets below can sometimes drive their griffons into a frenzy."
[from: volo's waterdeep enchiridion]
3. the walking statues
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"Over a century ago, just one of these eight behemoth statues stood visible at the northern foot of Mount Waterdeep, on a bluff called Gull Leap. Ninety feet tall, it resembled a bald human staring out to sea. Later events (discussed below) caused it to be transformed into the statue known today as the Sahuagin Humbled. When the Spellplague gripped Waterdeep in 1385 DR, six more walking statues suddenly appeared in the city, wandering to wreak havoc even as the Sahuagin Humbled remained motionless. The authorities and citizens of Waterdeep succeeded in stopping three of these new statues, breaking the Swordmaiden and the Hawk Man, and sinking the God Catcher into the street up to its waist. Then all the statues mysteriously stopped their rampage just as quickly as they had begun it. Tsarra Chaadren, the Blackstaff at the time, couldn’t command them to return to their former hiding places on the Ethereal Plane. Consequently, the city repaired itself and built up around them. Much later, in 1479 DR, the eighth statue — the Griffon — merged from the Ethereal Plane to defend Ahghairon’s Tower against intrusion. It roosted there for a time before flying to its current position near Peaktop Aerie on Mount Waterdeep. Once more, this activity seemed to be outside the Blackstaff’s control. Thankfully, all the walking statues have been dormant for well over a decade now, serving only as beautiful, cyclopean reminders of Waterdeep’s might."
[from: volo's waterdeep enchiridion]
the walking statues are:
the god catcher
the griffon
the sahuagin humbled
the great drunkard
the lady dreaming
the honorable knight
the hawk man
the sword maiden
below you'll find more lore and backstory about these walking statues of waterdeep:
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[from: volo's waterdeep enchiridion]
edited to improve format and added text descriptions of the statues for easier reading:
the great drunkard
This walking statue stopped its rampage as it approached the Market, then fell backward and sat upon a building. When it settled, its arms fell limp at its sides and its head tilted forward onto its chest, giving the impression that it had fallen asleep. The statue’s huge stone battleaxe still stands nearby, its haft angled upright and its blade half buried in the cobbles. The rubble of the crushed building was long ago rebuilt into a broad stone stair (with railings and a ramp that drunkards are often rolled down) that ascends from the cobbles to the statue’s lap. That lap now holds a two-story tavern also built from the rubble, called Gralkyn’s Tankard. The unconscious pose of the statue and the tavern in its lap made the name of the Great Drunkard a natural fit.
the god catcher
This is perhaps the most famous walking statue in the city, thanks to its dramatic pose, its nearness to the Market, and the self-evident magic of its existence. The statue is of a well-muscled but impassive male human with its left leg sunk to the hip in the street, the result of a spell cast by the Blackstaff at the time of its rampage. Its left hand and right foot press against the ground as if it is trying to pull itself out. Its right arm is raised skyward, and above its open palm floats a sphere of stone. Its gaze looks up toward the sphere, and the pattern of bird droppings around its eyes gives it the appearance of weeping. All about the statue, climbing up its chest and on its knee and shoulders, is a tenement that carries the name “the God Catcher.” The tenement’s landlord is Aundra Blackcloak, an unsociable sorcerer who is rarely seen in the city except when she alights from the door carved in the floating sphere, which serves as her home. On the rare occasions when she wants to meet with city folk (typically to purchase odd substances for magical purposes), she appears unannounced on balconies or rooftops after dark. Her dealings are polite, though, and she pays fair coin. She never confides in anyone or talks about her own doings — and if anyone but she has ever seen the inside of her spherical home, they’ve said nothing publicly about it.
the griffon
The walking statue called the Griffon is shaped like the beast for which it is named. Though it stands on all four legs, its back is fully twenty feet off the ground, making it a mount fit for a storm giant. Although it has shown itself to be capable of flight, with the granite feathers of its wings spreading like a bird’s, the Griffon now merely stands in a regal pose near Peaktop Aerie atop Mount Waterdeep, looking to the southeast over the Dock Ward. Newcomers sometimes assume it to be a monument to Waterdeep’s Griffon Cavalry, but Waterdavians know better.
the sahuagin humbled
For years, the only visible walking statue of Waterdeep was known simply as “the walking statue.” It stood at the foot of Mount Waterdeep near the head of Julthoon Street. Then, after its critical role in defending the city against an invasion of sahuagin in 1370 DR, Khelben Blackstaff reshaped the statue into a sahuagin. It now bows low toward the House of Heroes on bended knee — a gesture of obeisance to the city, and an acknowledgment of the sacrifice of all who fought for the city in that war.
the lady dreaming
This fair lady caused much chaos when she was active. The statue has the appearance of a female elf, whose hair and clothing appeared to flow naturally as it walked through the city during the Spellplague. When the walking statues stopped, this one toppled onto its side, taking on the appearance of a titanic sculpture of a noble lady asleep in her garden.
the honorable knight
The Honorable Knight is a statue of a male warrior in plate armor with a shield and longsword. When the walking statues stopped, it bowed to those opposing it, straightened, sheathed its sword, and doffed its shield, setting it point down on the ground and upright by its side. It then ceased motion in this position, facing southwest toward the harbor, and looking for all the world like a castle guard standing at ease. The pose it assumed led to its naming, and it is viewed with respect by the citizens of the southerly wards.
the hawk man
This statue looks like a winged, hawk-headed being, and thus locals call it the Hawk Man. I can reveal that in fact it bears much resemblance to an aarakocra, one of the bird-people said to live in the Star Mounts in the High Forest. The statue’s wings are folded tightly against its back and have never unfurled, leaving its flight capability uncertain. It was brought low during its rampage across the city, and now it tilts decidedly toward the northeast due to a missing right foot — long ago broken up for building rubble, along with its right arm. Its left arm is extended out toward the north, palm forward as if in a gesture to say, “Stop.” The body has been hollowed out and turned into a tower shared by several wealthy tenants, which is officially known as Sparaunt Tower after its owner. The statue’s left hand extends over a courtyard to the north, wherein lies the entrance of a tunnel carved through the arm. Visitors and residents can ring a bell in the courtyard, whereupon a door guard acknowledges the ringer and lowers a rope ladder for tenants and expected guests (or a rope chair that is drawn up for guests who are infirm or laden with heavy items).
the sword maiden
This statue appears virtually identical to the Honorable Knight, except for its female form and open-faced helm. It was felled during the Spellplague after causing much chaos and slaughter. The residents of Waterdeep’s North Ward funneled much of their frustrated and dismayed reaction to its rampage into dismantling the statue, parts of which can now be found all over the North Ward, either incorporated into buildings or as bits of freestanding sculpture. The head of the Swordmaiden sits in a stand of tall trees in the center of the block of the North Ward bounded by Hassantyr’s Street, Tarsar’s Street, Whaelgond Way, and Ussilbran Street. The center of its jaw and mouth have been replaced by a door, which leads into the shop known as Thort’s Findings. Undevvur Thort is a wizened ex-adventurer who leans on a cane (which some locals insist is more than just a cane). He lives in the small shop, whose many levels, staircases, and landings fill the hollowed-out interior of the head, and which is crammed with oddments sold to Thort by adventurers and other travelers. These items bear little placards in Thort’s beautiful, flowing handwriting that identify them (or at least provide speculation as to their origin and purpose). Nobles and wealthy merchants who desire props for themed revels often rent some of Thort’s wares as decoration — and many sages, alchemists, and wizards visit him regularly in search of potentially useful items.
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astarab1aze · 8 days
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Taro's Wishlist
a thread exploring the intricacies of nightfolk circuses and nightmarkets, particularly where it pertains to what nightfolk personally view as 'freakish' or acrobatically talented
a plot in which two lovers work to save the world together, be they 'chosen ones' or just a pair who took it upon themselves to do the hard work because it's the right thing to do, or maybe they're selfish and have ulterior motives
spice thread where it's essentially 'i'm so glad you're safe and alive' sex. there's a certain vulnerability in the relief and terror of barely managing to survive a given set of circumstances, and when those walls come crashing down? chef kiss
magic school shenanigans, falling in love in class, doing classwork together, stopping an evil mage from ruining everything for everyone else unu friendly competition and skipping class to makeout in the neverending staircase--
the muzzling and taming of mr loux garo, or his imprisoning at the triangulary and summary magical draining to then being tossed into the flesh-warden Additional Body Parts pile. break the poor dear out of prison!
vayn getting his very own knight in shining armor, perhaps literally. the classic prince and his knight trope, really. vayn deserves a storybook romance
thread where someone witnesses furie being possessed by mausza at least once
cyberpunk sunjatta. that's it, that's the idea
a full and complete exploration of viostra as both a barren wasteland and a crumbling ruin riddled with the undead and hallmark scars of a war unending - perhaps with hydre, since he's the one who condemned viostra to its fate
royal ball type thread where faith, the poor boy from the cathouse in purrna, gets to wear a gorgeous gown and meet a handsome man (who happens to be a prince) at the ball hosted by the eternal duchess of aefre - cinderella au sksksk
any plot in which my muses die or are severely wounded, those are fun
magical cave diving with viresca
a day in the life of average kirati citizens thread, maybe there's a tour and a deep dive into kirati culture, good food, grisly hunting trophies, the noticable presence of spider witchers at one of the inns--
life at the zurine university in zuri
single dad au for kaede, in which he and his daughter saki move to the countryside to start a new life far and away from the shikabane - spirited away shenanigans ensue
mecha/airship/paranormal/zombie/cyberpunk horror au, maybe shared universe? super weird mashup, but i have big brain ideas
some kind of s.pace d.andy/redline-esque thread
a grand, dark high fantasy epic built ground-up on vagueries and bad old english, serious undertones, dark symbolism & subtext, maybe get a little grimdark with it in the f.ear & h.unger kind of way - how does one handle a meatgrinder? two heads are better than one, but will they survive?
no magic/powers au, just. people.
loux getting cursed and transformed into the shape of a rat or some other such small animal, helping whomsoever is willing to help him out navigate traps, puzzles, and the like, then rewarding their efforts with a tungskin potion and a salacious remark
dad loux. dad kaede. dad hydre. dad mharra, because he's the kind of guy that would just- soften, utterly, and that temper would never again flare.
bear and bee thread, where muses get to spend the weekend at a meadery run by bears and bees complete with silly gimmicks and decor
faith getting take care of someone, anyone, in the fashions he knows how
asuka's friends visiting them in the hospital after their kidnapping
oblivion-esque mage's guild questline. i'm serious
fifth element au
corny, melodramatic rescue mission thread
hydre talking to x muse all the while subjecting the world to an icy death, pontificating pretentiously upon mortal morality and what is well and truly evil vs a consequence of natural processes
dates >:/ dates to the aquarium, midnight strolls, evenings out at the orchestra, vacations, dates at home where the muses cook together, watch movies, netflix and chill together, take baths and think about their lives, giggle over boxed wine or shots of moonshine
kaede getting to live his dream as a rock musician, classic guy meets guy
thread where everyone hits tethis with verbal low blows - he is not a good person
king keres, as the nightfather intended
muses getting srunk down to bug size and meeting the pygmy fey
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cevansbrat0007 · 6 months
You’re writing is so amazing, literally love everything you put out!! Do you have any romance book recommendations?!? Literally anything, I fully trust your judgement lol😌
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Omigosh! First, thank you so much for the compliment. Second, I got you.
*whips out Kindle*
I've broken it down into categories. Here we go:
Contemporary Line of Duty Series, Tessa Bailey - If I want something quick, down, and dirty I reach for her. I recommend starting with her Line of Duty Series, which features the most delicious rough and tumble cops finding love.
The Coppersmith Farmhouse, Devney Perry - I adore this small town, enemy-to-lovers romance featuring a single mother and the local sheriff. Sheriff Jess can be an ass, but he grovels well. The Game Maker Series, Kresley Cole - Centers around three Russian brothers who have ties to the mafia. While each man is different and beautifully broken in his own way, they all believe in taking what they want. And once one of the Sevastyan's have set their sights on you, they will not take no for an answer. They're also not opposed to kidnapping either. The Italian, T.L. Swan - What happens when a summer fling ends up being so much more than that? This romance tells the story of an Italian mafia boss and his forbidden love with an Australian tourist. There's sex, angst, danger and so much more.
Historical *Outlander Series, Diana Gabaldon - Claire and Jamie's love literally transcends both time and space. This series contains an amazing romance, well researched historical descriptions, elements of magic, and so much more.
Paranormal The Psy Changeling Series, Nalini Singh - If you love stories about shifters and people with psychic abilities then I totally recommend checking out this series. Slave to Sensation is the first book, and premise goes something like: the ruling Psy prefer to exist in a world devoid of feelings and emotions, but what happens when one of their own finds herself craving something only Lucas Hunter, the alpha of the Dark River Shifters, can provide? *The Guild Hunter Series, Nalini Singh - Think Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but with Angels. This series is amazing and the love story between Raphael (the Archangel of New York) and his precious mortal, Elena (who is a badass in her own right). The world building is fantastic, the romance is hot, and each book only gets better. And believe me when I say, these are not your grandmother's angels. I also love the fact that you get to watch their relationship grow and evolve across multiple books. *The Night Huntress Series, Jeaniene Frost - Also has a Buffy the Vampire Slayer vibe, except the heroine is actually half-vampire herself. Bones, her eventual love interest, reminds me of Spike. Just a little bit. And just like the previous series, their romance spans multiple books. Also the love scenes are fabulous. *The Fever Series, Karen Marie Moning - If you love reading about heroines trying to solve mysterious disappearances, the Seelie and Unseelie Fae, and a delicious Alpha Male that could just easily rip you apart as well as fuck you - I'm looking at you, Jericho Barrons - then check this out. This series requires a little commitment because the romance, while hinted at, doesn't start until you're a couple of books in. But it's so worth it because you're rewarded with a territorial, possessive, darkly handsome anti-hero. *The Highlander Series, Karen Marie Moning - If you're a sucker for men in kilts, ancient curses, time travel, and drop-dead-sexy highlanders who fall hard for their modern day mates then please read. Also, some of these heroes go on to appear in the Fever Series as well. Immortals After Dark Series, Kresley Cole - Another great one This one features characters from every corner of the lore. I'm talking vampires, witches, valkyries, berserkers, demons, werewolves, succubi, and more. The men are swoon worthy and the women are badass. But what I especially love is the creativity and humor she manages to weave throughout her stories. She uses the fated mates trope quite a bit, which I love. However, what makes it great is that a lot of times the men show up like: "You belong to me now. I'm ready to take you to home" and their brides-to-be are like "Fuck off. Come any closer and I will stab you/shoot you/light you on fire". And what's more...they absolutely follow-thru. Those heroes have to earn their women. Oh, and the sexy times are good and spicy.
Hope this helps! If you or anyone else decides to read a book from this list, please let me know what you think!
*Indicates Book Boyfriend
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authorajalexander · 2 years
Please Vote For Dream Walker And 'The Council of Twelve' Series!
The Paranormal Romance Guild nominated book 5, Dream Walker, and the entire ‘The Council of Twelve’ series for their ‘Reviewer’s Choice Award.’ Voting will begin on Sunday, January 29th. Voting will end on Sunday, February 12th. Winners will be announced on Valentine’s day. https://paranormalromanceguild.com/2022-paranormal-romance-guild-reviewers-choice-award-voting/ Dream Walker & The…
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fearthefluff · 2 years
Fantasy Romance Recommendations Pt.2
This is list number 2 and it will be focusing on Urban Fantasy and Contemporary romance with fantasy elements. For more traditional Fantasy recs, check list 1!  Maybe it will help someone somewhere. XD ***Some of the books listed here are not Romance novels officially but all have romance and have HFN or HEA endings Urban Fantasy Romance (Paranormal Romance) 
Hidden Legacy Series by Ilona Andrews 2 Trilogies Nevada Baylor is a Truthseeker; she is able to tell when people lie. When her family's detective agency is tasked with apprehending a powerful fire wielding psychopath, it puts them on the path of collision with the powerful magical elite who rules Houston. Guildcodex Series by Annette Marie 4 Series. Spellbound, Demonized, Unveiled and Wraped. When feisty redhead Tori landed a job at a sketchy pub, she had no idea she'd just joined a magic guild. And the three guys she drenched with a margarita during her first shift? Yeah, they were mages. She's about to get a crash course in the world of magic and mythics. Mercernary Librarians Trilogy by Kit Rocha Meet the Mercenary Librarians: a trio of information brokers who join forces with a squad of elite super-soldiers to use their knowledge to help the hopeless in a dystopian post-apocalyptic United States ruled by a corporate autocracy. Psy-Changeling Series by Nalini Singh A world shared by Changeling, a race of animal shifters , the Psy, a race of powerful psychic who live without emotions and Humans. Tension between the 3 races are rising. The Firebrand Series by Helen Harper Emma, an aspiring detective, is placed with the Supernatural Squad in London. Soon she is brutally murdered by an unknown assailant,  wakes up twelve hours later in the morgue – and is very much alive. Contemporary Romance with Fantasy Elements The Dead Romantic by Ashley Poston Florence Day is the ghostwriter for one of the most prolific romance authors in the industry, and she has a problem... she no longer believes in love. Then her new editor shows up at her front door as a ghost. Romance is most certainly dead... but so is her new editor, and his unfinished business will have her second-guessing everything she’s ever known about love stories. The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna A warm and uplifting novel about an isolated witch whose opportunity to embrace a quirky new family--and a new love--changes the course of her life. A Stitch in Time by Kelley Armstrong Thorne Manor has always been haunted...and it has always haunted Bronwyn Dale. As a young girl, Bronwyn could pass through a time slip in her great-aunt’s house, where she visited William Thorne, a boy her own age, born two centuries earlier.
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desdasiwrites · 2 years
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– Nalini Singh, Angels' Blood
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rayvnwolf17 · 3 months
ᖇOGᑌE TᖇEᗩᑕᕼEᖇY
ᖴEᗰᗰE ᖴᗩTᗩᒪE ᖴᖇEᗩKᔕᕼOᗯ
✨𝕡𝕠𝕝𝕪 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕗𝕗 & 𝕞𝕞
✨𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟 𝕙𝕪𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕕 𝕗𝕞𝕔
✨𝕞𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕚-𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕞
✨𝕕𝕦𝕕𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤
✨𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤
✨𝕠𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥
We are the Femme Fatale Freakshow.
The things that go bump in the night. The monster of your nightmares. The blade in the shadows. The bitter end you never saw coming.
And we are s3x personified.
Killing is what I was created to do.
Born from a spider deity and a vengeance-bound djinn, my parents sculpted me into the perfect assassin. However, once I’d finished their bidding, they no longer had use for me. At least I had the skills to survive in the world, if not the knowledge.
I’ve made mistakes along the way and paid my penances, killing for survival or in attempts to better the world. I never expected an invitation to join the most elite assassin’s guild. Although, it’s not like I have anything better to do—life as an immortal tends to get monotonous.
What isn't boring is the numerous people I encounter along the way. Some from my past I would rather leave forgotten, and some that I fear may be around for longer than I expected.
Can there really be more to life than killing?
Rogue Treachery is a dark paranormal why choose/polyam romance that includes MM and FF within the polycule. None of these characters will have to choose between their love interests, including our heroine. This book is intended for readers 18+ due to language and content.
Check out the other books in the series here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CRGB4GLN
#mirandamay #rougetreachery #femmefatalefreakshow
#enemiestolovers #mm #ff #oppositesattract #Preorder
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bellabrooks1510 · 1 month
ᖇOGᑌE TᖇEᗩᑕᕼEᖇY
ᖴEᗰᗰE ᖴᗩTᗩᒪE ᖴᖇEᗩKᔕᕼOᗯ
✨𝕡𝕠𝕝𝕪 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕗𝕗 & 𝕞𝕞
✨𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟 𝕙𝕪𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕕 𝕗𝕞𝕔
✨𝕞𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕚-𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕞
✨𝕕𝕦𝕕𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤
✨𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤
✨𝕠𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥
We are the Femme Fatale Freakshow.
The things that go bump in the night. The monster of your nightmares. The blade in the shadows. The bitter end you never saw coming.
And we are s3x personified.
Killing is what I was created to do.
Born from a spider deity and a vengeance-bound djinn, my parents sculpted me into the perfect assassin. However, once I’d finished their bidding, they no longer had use for me. At least I had the skills to survive in the world, if not the knowledge.
I’ve made mistakes along the way and paid my penances, killing for survival or in attempts to better the world. I never expected an invitation to join the most elite assassin’s guild. Although, it’s not like I have anything better to do—life as an immortal tends to get monotonous.
What isn't boring is the numerous people I encounter along the way. Some from my past I would rather leave forgotten, and some that I fear may be around for longer than I expected.
Can there really be more to life than killing?
Rogue Treachery is a dark paranormal why choose/polyam romance that includes MM and FF within the polycule. None of these characters will have to choose between their love interests, including our heroine. This book is intended for readers 18+ due to language and content.
Check out the other books in the series here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CRGB4GLN
#mirandamay #rougetreachery #femmefatalefreakshow
#enemiestolovers #mm #ff #oppositesattract #Preorder
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catsarno7024 · 18 days
ᖇOGᑌE TᖇEᗩᑕᕼEᖇY
ᖴEᗰᗰE ᖴᗩTᗩᒪE ᖴᖇEᗩKᔕᕼOᗯ
✨𝕡𝕠𝕝𝕪 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕗𝕗 & 𝕞𝕞
✨𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟 𝕙𝕪𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕕 𝕗𝕞𝕔
✨𝕞𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕚-𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕞
✨𝕕𝕦𝕕𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤
✨𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤
✨𝕠𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥
We are the Femme Fatale Freakshow.
The things that go bump in the night. The monster of your nightmares. The blade in the shadows. The bitter end you never saw coming.
And we are s3x personified.
Killing is what I was created to do.
Born from a spider deity and a vengeance-bound djinn, my parents sculpted me into the perfect assassin. However, once I’d finished their bidding, they no longer had use for me. At least I had the skills to survive in the world, if not the knowledge.
I’ve made mistakes along the way and paid my penances, killing for survival or in attempts to better the world. I never expected an invitation to join the most elite assassin’s guild. Although, it’s not like I have anything better to do—life as an immortal tends to get monotonous.
What isn't boring is the numerous people I encounter along the way. Some from my past I would rather leave forgotten, and some that I fear may be around for longer than I expected.
Can there really be more to life than killing?
Rogue Treachery is a dark paranormal why choose/polyam romance that includes MM and FF within the polycule. None of these characters will have to choose between their love interests, including our heroine. This book is intended for readers 18+ due to language and content.
Check out the other books in the series here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CRGB4GLN
#mirandamay #rougetreachery #femmefatalefreakshow
#enemiestolovers #mm #ff #oppositesattract #Preorder
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