#The Lost Digidestined Stories from the Southern Sector
fddarchive · 2 years
The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector - Episode 17: Legend of the Lost Digidestined  (17/17) [incomplete]
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The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector
Episode 17: Legend of the Lost Digidestined 
From  the Stories from the Southern Sector section of The Lost Digidestined page of  Blonde Ambition
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The Lost Digidestined
Episode 17: Legend of the Lost Digidestined
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Sforzie sat in front of the television, playing video games. It was a quiet Saturday afternoon...
"Hey! That's my pop-tart!"
"Nuh-uh, I found it first!"
"They're all my pop-tarts!!"
"Will you two be quiet, you're ruining my concentration!" Sforzie paused the game and watched Mizumon and Tokomon wrestle over the pop-tart. Kishoumon had devolved once coming to the real world. As Tokomon, she had healed quickly. It had been almost two weeks since Kishoumon had been freed, but Shadsie and Sforzie still weren't sure when they were going to go back to face Melanomon.
"How hard can it be to run around and kill bad guys?" Tokomon squeaked, hopping up onto the arm of Sforzie's chair.
"Harder than you think," Sforzie said. Tokomon looked over the side of the chair at Mizumon.
"Aerial attack!" the little pink Digimon squeaked, jumping off the chair and onto Mizumon.
"Aaah! Hey! Get off!"
"Arizona is hot."
"It's not that bad."
"It is when you're wearing a fur coat!" Toramon sighed. Shadsie laughed. "Doesn't it ever cool off here?"
"Not during the day..." Shadsie fanned the little orange Digimon with her drawing pad. "Maybe I could find a pool to throw you in."
"I'm not that hot!" Toramon squeaked, wiggling her little black tail. "Just keep fanning me."
"I could put you in the fridge, but I'd have a hard time explaining to my mom why I'm putting stuffed animals in household appliances again." Shadsie smirked. "Or why I'm still playing with weird looking stuffed animals."
"I'm not weird looking!" Toramon squeaked indignantly. "Now shut up and fan!"
"Yes, your highness," Shadsie chuckled. "You sure are demanding."
"After I repeatedly save your butt, it's the least you can do," Toramon said.
Shadsie continued to fan Toramon with the drawing pad. The Digimon looked up curiously when Shadsie stopped and picked up her D-terminal.
"Why'd you stop?"
"Email beep," Shadsie said, opening the screen.
"What does Sforzie want?" Toramon yawned.
"It isn't from Sforzie." Toramon looked up in surprise.
"Then who's it from? Another Digidestined?" Her little black ears perked.
"I'm not sure... it's from someone named 'Gennai'," Shadsie said.
"What's he want?"
"The email says: 'Ladies, please return to the Digital World. I need to discuss some matters of importance with you. Sorry about the delay. Please return soon, Gennai.'"
"Maybe it's a trap from Melanomon," Toramon said.
"Does he have email?"
Toramon squinted her blue eyes thoughtfully. "No... not that I know of. He'd be sending us email viruses by now if he did."
"Very funny. What do you think we should do?"
"See if Sforzie got the email too," Toramon suggested.
"Quit bitin' my ears!"
"Quit biting my tail!"
Sforzie sighed as the Digimon continued to squabble over whatever food they could find in her room. She paused her game again as she heard her D-terminal beep.
"Email!" Tokomon squeaked. Both Digimon hopped up into the chair.
"What's Shadsie saying?"
"It's not from Shadsie, it's from someone named Gennai," Sforzie said. She read them the email.
There was another beep. "Now an email from Shadsie. She wants to know if we got an email from Gennai too."
"Ask her what she thinks it means," Mizumon said. Tokomon nodded in agreement. Sforzie sent the message, recieving a reply a few minutes later.
"She isn't sure, but she and Toramon think that we all should go and investigate," Sforzie said.
"Are we gonna reply to that guy's email and let him know we're coming?" Mizumon wondered.
"There's no return address," Sforzie noted.
"Very strange," Tokomon squeaked.
"When is anything involving the Digiworld normal?"
"Good point." Tokomon and Mizumon hopped down from the chair. "Let's get going!"
"Aaah, the Southern Sector," Shadsie said, looking around the beach. "Two weeks and it looks... the same."
"I think it's colder," Sforzie said.
Kishoumon squinted up at the humans. "Ya'll are just being dramatic."
Sforzie smiled at the southernly accented comment. "Perhaps."
"Well, we're here. How are we supposed to find this 'Gennai' person?"
"You could try turning around," a voice behind them said. The ladies turned quickly. A man stood behind them. He was tall with dark features, and wearing a long brown robe and sandals.
"You're Gennai?" Shadsie said uncertainly. The man smiled and nodded.
"I'm sorry to have kept you all waiting for so long," he said. Noting Kishoumon he smiled again. "Ah, good to see you've joined the group, Kishoumon."
"Huh?" the little pink Digimon stood behind Sforzie's feet and looked at Gennai suspicously.
"So...who are you, and what's all this about waiting and important matters?" Shadsie wondered.
"Yeah, and how are you here if you don't have a Digimon?" Tigramon asked.
"Or a D-3?" Driamon added.
"I don't need them, that's why," Gennai said simply.
"Well, who are you?" Shadsie asked again.
"Who I am isn't important. Who you two are is."
"I'm Shadsie, and this is Sforzie."
"Yeah," Sforzie nodded.
"Oh, I know who you all are. What I meant was..." Gennai looked around in distraction. "Why don't we go someplace that isn't quite so out in the open? I'm not exactly fond of the wildlife in this sector."
"You mean Melanomon," Driamon said sourly.
"Among other things." He looked around again. "Follow me."
Unsure what else to do, they followed Gennai into the woods. There they found a small cabin. It was relatively plain, and the only furnishings on the inside were a table with five chairs.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting you to be with them, Kishoumon," Gennai said as he noted the lack of an extra chair.
"That's okay, I'll just sit on the table!" Kishoumon laughed as she hopped up onto the tabletop.
"Wonderful manners," Gennai said. The others sat down.
"So why did you bring us here?"
Gennai studied the group thoughtfully for a moment. "There are many children around the world like you. They live in the real world, but have Digimon partners. Many of them are also able to travel to the Digital world. And many of them, like you, were chosen at random, based on various personality attributes."
"Digidestined," Shadsie said.
"Yes, the 'Chosen Children', as it were," Gennai said. "But..." He tilted his head and chuckled. "You two are not exactly children anymore. You're practically adults."
"Funny, that's what my parents keep saying," Shadsie said wryly.
"But if we're not children, why were we called?" Sforzie wondered.
"That's part of my reason for needing to talk to you," Gennai said. "You see, your group was supposed to have been called to the Digital World ten years ago, when you would've been 11 and 9. You would've been children then."
"I remember you saying you sent me an email a long time ago, when we first met, Driamon," Sforzie said as she pulled out her D-terminal. Driamon nodded in agreement.
"That reminds me, I've had some information uploaded into your terminals," Gennai said. Shadsie pulled hers out as well. He pointed to their D-terminals. "Go ahead, take a look."
Upon opening them, they were surprised to find eight names listed on a subscreen. Two were easily recognized, but the other six were a mystery.
"Each group of Digidestined consists of eight children. Your group had four girls and four boys."
"Nice and even," Shadsie said drily. Gennai smiled.
"Yes. Shadsie was to be the leader of the girl's side of the group. The leader of the male side was a boy named Patrick..." Gennai sighed and shook his head.
"What happened to him?"
"Well, Patrick was the reason for your not being called on time."
"What do you mean?" Sforzie and Shadsie exchanged a curious glance. Shadsie shrugged.
"Your group was going to be called when the evil arrived in this sector. However... Patrick died about three months before you were to be called."
"He.. died?"
Gennai nodded. "After that, Melanomon appeared. But without the full group we couldn't call you."
"But why did we get called now? And what happened to the others in our group?"
"So many questions," Gennai smiled thinly. "Well, the youngest of your group was moved to the next group. A young lad named Joe. He lives in Japan."
"Three of the others chose not to come, when you were all called recently," Gennai continued. "Their digivices were destroyed, but their Digimon are still in the Digiworld, scattered and waiting." He looked at Kishoumon. "Kishoumon is one of the lost Digidestined Digimon."
"I am?" Kishoumon perked up at this. "But my partner chose not to come."
"That's right," Gennai said. "The last of your group is a young lady from England, but she's missing."
"Mm-hmm. She responded to the call, but disappeared after entering the Digiworld. Her Digimon is missing too."
"Did Melanomon get them?"
"I don't think so. I don't think the answer for their being missing is quite that easy..." Gennai shook his head after a moment.
"We'll have to find them," Sforzie said.
"In time. The reason your group was called now was to deal with the evil surrounding Melanomon," Gennai said.
"We figured out that much," Shadsie sighed.
"Yes, I'm sure you have. It will not be easy to defeat him with just the two of you, but... nothing is impossible."
"Just kinda ranks up in the 'not highly likely' category?" Tigramon suggested.
"Something like that. If you two have faith in your Digimon partners, then you should be able to find a way to defeat Melanomon," Gennai said. "You have powerful crests. You should believe in them."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"The crests of Creation and Sustenance," Gennai said. "Two important factors in life. There are six others in your group. Love, Courage, Friendship, Reliability, Knowledge, and Sincerity." He nodded at Kishoumon. "Kishoumon's partner had the crest of Sincerity."
"But what about ours? Why are they so powerful?" Shadsie asked.
"Inside you burns an endless urge to create," Gennai said. "In your artistic creativity. Inside Sforzie dwells a powerful urge to live."
"To be sustained," Sforzie said. Gennai nodded.
"Life must be created and it must be sustained," he said. "Without those two powers, the other six crests are useless."
"So how are we supposed to use that to defeat Melanomon?" Driamon wondered.
"You will find a way," Gennai said simply. There was a beep from under his robe, and his lifted his wrist. "Ah, time for my yoga class. I'm afraid I'll have to be leaving you all now."
"Good luck, ladies..."
There was a flash, and they found themselves back on the beach.
"What do you think that all was?" Sforzie wondered.
"That was weird, is what it was!" Tigramon said.
"Do you think we can believe him?" Shadsie said.
"Do we have much of a choice? Besides, it all sounded pretty believeable to me," Driamon said.
Kishoumon looked at the others thoughtfully. "So I'm one of you guys..." she said softly.
"Maybe that's why Melanomon wanted to keep a hold on you," Tigramon suggested. "He knew you were one of the good guys!"
"Do you really think he knows?" Kishoumon wondered, her tail twitching.
"Well... all I can say is 'maybe'," Tigramon said.
"But if you're one of the lost Digidestined Digimon, why didn't you remember that you were?" Driamon wondered. "Me and Tigramon both knew that we were waiting for someone..."
Kishoumon sat in the sand. She looked out across the ocean at the dark shadowy smear of Sunstone Island. "I managed to avoid Melanomon for a long time, up until just a few months ago. I left Egg Village, and came to the mainland when I was still a Tokomon. I remember, when I was leaving... I was looking for someone. But after a few years I guess I just gave up. After I stopped looking, I just eventually forgot who I was looking for, or why." She looked down at the sand. "Maybe I already knew she wasn't coming."
"That might be it. It was a long time to wait, after all," Tigramon said.
"I guess I'm just not as strong as you two," Kishoumon sighed.
"Don't say that, Kishoumon," Driamon said. "You just haven't had the right opportunities to Digivolve yet."
"But I can't digivolve, not without my partner," Kishoumon said.
"You don't know that for sure."
"And besides, you did digivolve without your partner," Driamon said. "You had to Digivolve from Tokomon to Kishoumon on your own. And you did it again today when we came back to the Digiworld."
Kishoumon considered this. "Maybe... but what if I can't digivolve any further?"
"We won't hold it against you, Kishoumon," Sforzie said. Shadsie nodded in agreement.
"Well... okay. I'm sorry that I won't be much help against Melanomon, but I'll do my best."
Sforzie smiled. "That's all we can do."
Shadsie looked at Sunstone Island. "We will have to go back eventually, won't we..."
"Soon, I think," Sforzie said. "We can't put it off forever."
"Do you guys think you'll be able to handle Melanomon?" Shadsie looked at their Digimon.
"Of course!" Driamon nodded.
"Yeah, he won't know what hit him!"
"I'll... I'll bite his foot if I have to!" Kishoumon said resolutely.
"Yeah!" The Digimon clamoured eagerly. "We're gonna kick some butt!"
Sforzie crossed her arms as she looked at the distant island. "Then we'll go back..."
What dangers await the Lost Digidestined as they return to Sunstone Island? Find out in episode 18!
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fddarchive · 2 years
The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector - Episode 16: Melanomon Appears (16/17) [incomplete]
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The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector
Episode 16: Melanomon Appears
From  the Stories from the Southern Sector section of The Lost Digidestined page of  Blonde Ambition
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The Lost Digidestined
Episode 16: Melanomon Appears
"Digi-armor, energize!"
"Tigramon, armor-digivolve to... SabreTigramon, the Fires of Creation!"
"Driamon, armor-digivolve to... AquaAngewomon, the Angel of Sustenance!"
The two blue-clad Digimon looked down at Kishoumon, who looked at SabreTigramon in alarm.
"Wait a minute, I thought you said you weren't going to hurt me!"
"I'm just here to make sure you don't change your mind," SabreTigramon said, her tail swishing.
"And I'm going to do the healing," AquaAngewomon said.
"All right..." Kishoumon said relunctantly. "You had better hurry, Melanomon will kill us all if he finds out about this."
"He's gonna find out sooner or later," SabreTigramon pointed out. Kishoumon nodded, looking up at AquaAngewomon.
"Do your thing," she said softly. AquaAngewomon smiled, looking at the humans, who nodded.
AquaAngewomon brought her hands together, and her wings began to glow. She held back the attack longer then usual.
"Hopefully this will only take one hit," she said, her voice a bit strained. Kishoumon closed her eyes.
After another moment, AquaAngewomon nodded sharply.
"Wave of Renewal!"
The blast of blue energy struck Kishoumon hard in the forehead. If she hadn't already been flat on the ground, she would've been knocked back into the bushes where she'd been hiding.
After a moment, the light faded.
"Did...did it work?" AquaAngewomon wondered, wiping a bit of sweat from her jaw.
SabreTigramon knelt next to Kishoumon.
"The paint is gone," she said softly. SabreTigramon gently touched a claw to Kishoumon's forehead. "Kishoumon?"
"Unh...." the little Digimon stirred at the touch. "Wha... I?" She opened her eyes, looking up at them. The red had faded, leaving behind a minty green color.
"It worked!" Shadsie smiled.
"I...I'm sorry," Kishoumon whispered.
"There's no need to be sorry, Kishoumon," Sforzie said. She walked over and picked up the pink Digimon. "Are you with us now?"
"I..." Kishoumon's eyes watered. "I'm sorry. I still have to help Melanomon."
Sforzie and Shadsie exchanged a glance.
"How do you plan on helping him?" Shadsie wondered.
"I don't know," Kishoumon whispered.
"Kishoumon, can we trust you?" AquaAngewomon asked. Kishoumon's ears twitched.
"Yes. I don't mean to help him continue his bad ways. I have to help him... I can't really explain it." She looked up at Sforzie. "My head's a bit fuzzy. I'm sorry."
"You can quit apologizing," Sforzie said. "It's okay. We trust you, Kishoumon."
"Good," she smiled weakly, her tail drooping.
"Why don't we take you back to the Egg Village?" Shadsie suggested. "I'm sure the Demiveemon would be glad to help you get better."
"Sounds like a good idea to me," Sforzie nodded.
They went back through the woods, but after awhile SabreTigramon sighed in annoyance.
"These woods are terrible, can't we just cut back through the beach?"
"Yeah, the woods are only fun when you're being carried," AquaAngewomon said.
"The beach shouldn't been too far from here," Shadsie said. "We could cut back and go along the normal path."
They adjusted their path, but after a few minutes the Digimon stopped.
"Get down!" SabreTigramon cried out in alarm, turning back toward Shadsie and pulling at her arm.
"Now!" AquaAngewomon turned as well.
The humans ducked just in time to avoid being struck by a large blast of red and black energy.
"Wha-what was that?!" Shadsie said in alarm.
"That was Melanomon," Kishoumon said. "His attack... Dark Lightning Fire."
"Melanomon?" Sforzie swallowed, looking up as a shadow passed over the group. The ground shook slightly.
"He's here," Kishoumon whispered, pressing her face into Sforzie's arm. "He's come for me..."
"Well, we won't let him--" Sforzie's reply was cut off as AquaAngewomon tugged her into movement.
"Dark Lightning Fire!"
The trees vaporized in front of them, and the massive form of Melanomon was revealed. He snarled.
"So, if it isn't the Digidestined," Melanomon said. "We finally meet."
"And we'd been trying so hard to avoid you," SabreTigramon said sourly. Melanomon growled, a swift flick of his tail knocking SabreTigramon off her feet. AquaAngewomon helped her up.
"He didn't seem that big before," AquaAngewomon whispered.
"Fools," Melanomon said sharply. "You four have been a thorn in my side for long enough. It's time I finally do what none of my lackeys seemed capable of." He raised a gloved paw, black energy swirling at its center.
"Melanomon...stop..." Kishoumon said weakly. He paused, the energy fading from his paw.
"Kishoumon, you fool!" Melanomon growled. "I can't believe you were so easily decieved by these troublemakers."
"You're the troublemaker, Melanomon," Kishoumon tilted her head and glared at him.
"You're just a brainless henchmon," Melanomon snapped. "Nevertheless... you were very good at your job." His paw shot forward with surprising speed, striking Sforzie in the face and knocking her down. He caught Kishoumon by the neck and lifted her up.
"Sforzie!" AquaAngewomon rushed to her friend's side. The human groaned indirectly as she got back to her feet, her hand pressed against her face.
"Now..." Melanomon lifted Kishoumon level with his face. She squirmed.
"Let me go!"
"Oh, putting up a fight, just like the first time I caught you," Melanomon smirked, his teeth showing. Kishoumon continued to struggle in his grasp, her green eyes watering with tears.
"Put me down, Melanomon!" Kishoumon lashed out ineffectively with her claws.
"Melanomon, let her go, now!" AquaAngewomon turned back to face the evil Digimon. He stared down at her, sneering. Easily fifteen feet taller than her, the mega Digimon was apparently not impressed by the armored one.
"Well, at least you were effective in getting them to let their guard down," Melanomon said to Kishoumon. She let out a cry, tears staining the fur on her cheeks. One of her claws connected with the tip of his snout, and his head jerked back in surprise.
"You little pink pest!" He touched the small scratch with his free paw.
"You don't listen when you're told to put a lady down!" SabreTigramon shouted. She jumped up and tackled him in the midsection. Melanomon snarled, dropping Kishoumon as he swatted SabreTigramon away. She struck a tree and lost hold of her armor.
"Ungh," Tigramon darted back over to Shadsie. Sforzie picked up Kishoumon, ignoring the bloody nose she'd recieved from Melanomon.
"Let's get out of here," Shadsie said, picking up Tigramon.
Melanomon growled. "Dark Lightning Fire!" The attack barely missed them.
"Now would be a good time!"
The group fled. Melanomon was not far behind.
"Get ready to change forms when we get to the beach!" Sforzie shouted to AquaAngewomon, who was several paces ahead of the humans.
"We're leaving!" Shadsie shouted. AquaAngewomon nodded her understanding.
The wind on the beach was howling as they arrived. The trees behind them trembled as Melanomon made idle chase.
Sforzie recalled AquaAngewomon's armor as she stood where the waves were breaking.
"Digi-armor, energize!"
"Driamon, armor-digivolve to... Serphamon! The waters of Creation!"
Kishoumon looked at Serphamon in amazement as Sforzie and Shadsie hopped onto the Digimon's back.
"You have more than one form?" Kishoumon said. Serphamon looked back over her shoulder and nodded.
"Let's go, Serphamon!" Sforzie said.
"Hold on tight!"
The sand exploded behind them as Serphamon shoved off into the waves. Fortunately for them, Serphamon was fast. The beach quickly faded, along with the form of Melanomon.
"Why isn't he following us?" Shadsie wondered.
"You really want him to?" Sforzie said. Shadsie shook her head.
"Where are we going?" Serphamon called.
"Back to the mainland for now," Sforzie sighed, touching her nose with a grimace. "We need to regroup and figure out how we're gonna stop him." Shadsie nodded in agreement.
"We're never gonna beat him if we keep running away, but..." Shadsie sighed.
"I wish I could help," Kishoumon whispered.
"Don't worry, you just take care of yourself for now," Sforzie said.
Shadsie looked back at Sunstone Island and frowned. "It's getting darker..."
Sforzie was looking in the opposite direction, at the quickly advancing shoreline. She laughed softly.
"Wow, you make Karamon look like a dinghy, Serphamon," she said.
Serphamon snorted, "Who you callin' a dinghy?"
"Whatever floats your boat, Serphamon."
"I'm not a boat, I'm a liferaft," Serphamon tilted her head. Sforzie and Shadsie laughed.
Serphamon landed on the beach, not far from where Sforzie had originally found her Digi-egg.
"Hey, this place looks familiar," Sforzie smiled.
"Looks like a good place for a nap," Driamon said, covering herself in sand.
"Yeah... there should be a tv-gate nearby," Shadsie said, looking at the screen of her D-terminal.
"Is Kishoumon going to the real world with us?" Driamon wondered, watching Sforzie as she inspected the little Digimon.
"I guess she can," Sforzie said.
"I've never been to the real world before," Kishoumon said uncertainly.
"Don't worry, it's not much worse than being here!" Tigramon laughed. Kishoumon smiled and nodded.
"Okay, at least Melanomon's not there!"
Driamon wiggled her tail in the sand. "That's the spirit!"
"We'll have to wait a while for you to get better before we try anything else with Melanomon," Sforzie said to Kishoumon. The little Digimon nodded.
"I want to help, if I can."
"I know. We'll find a way..."
Will the Lost Digidestined ever be able to defeat Melanomon? Find out as the story continues in episode 17!
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fddarchive · 2 years
The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector - Episode 15: Behind the Paint (15/17) [incomplete]
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The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector
Episode 15: Behind the Paint
From  the Stories from the Southern Sector section of The Lost Digidestined page of  Blonde Ambition
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The Lost Digidestined
Episode 15: Behind the Paint
Kishoumon ran through the forest undergrowth, limping hard on her front legs.
"Melanomon is not going to be happy about this," Kishoumon panted. "Those cursed Digidestined--"
Kishoumon came to a sudden stop as she ran into a large white foot. "Gah!" She got a far-too-up-close view of the blue claws before rolling away and to her feet.
"M-Melanomon!" Kishoumon bowed respectly, barely able to push herself back up. "What brings you out here?"
"Looking for little half-wits," Melanomon sneered. He bent down and scooped the little pink Digimon up in his clawed gloves. "And it seems like I found one."
"I-I-I'm sorry, Melanomon, really!" Kishoumon stammered, looking up at the mottled grey face.
"Silence!" he snapped, and Kishoumon slunk down between his paws. "What good are you? I sent you to do a very simple task, one that I thought at least you could do since Devidramon couldn't, and you failed!"
"They're a lot bigger than me, sir," Kishoumon said softly. "If I could Digivolve, I--"
"You will do no such thing," Melanomon growled loudly. Kishoumon's ear-wings drooped further against her head.
"Forgive my trangression, sir," she whispered.
"It will only be forgiven once you've destroyed those Digidestined," Melanomon said.
"Since I'm already on your bad side today, sir, may I ask why you don't just destroy them yourself?"
Melanomon's snout curled into a sneering smirk. "That would be too easy. Besides, I have to give you half-wits something to do."
"Yes, sir," Kishoumon said weakly.
"Now--" Melanomon stopped, lifting a paw and nearly dropping Kishoumon. The red claws rested on Kishoumon's forehead, and she twitched nervously. "It seems there's been some damage done to you, my little pink pet."
"The Digidestined's Digimon use healing attacks," Kishoumon murmured.
"Yes... they freed Chapmon," Melanomon sneered. "And they tried to free you now, it seems. No wonder you're so skittish today! They've nearly removed half of your black paint."
"I'm sorry, I tried to stop them," Kishoumon trembled as Melanomon ran a claw across her forehead.
"You need to try harder," Melanomon said. She stopped trembling as a black line oozed up where his claw had been. The black paint reclaimed its slave.
"Yes, sir," Kishoumon nodded. "I will destroy the Digidestined, or be destroyed myself."
"Good," Melanomon smirked, dropping her to the ground. "I'm returning to base. You may return once you've completed your mission. Don't mess up again!"
"I won't fail you, sir!" Kishoumon bowed again.
Melanomon watched with a smirk as the pink Digimon stumbled off into the forest.
"I hate this forest more every time we go through it," Tigramon said loudly.
"Will you keep it down? How are we supposed to find Kishoumon if she knows where we are?" Shadsie looked at the orange Digimon on her shoulder.
"Well, maybe she'll find us," Tigramon said lightly.
"A surprise attack before you can digivolve, that sounds like a great idea," Shadsie said.
"Where do you think Kishoumon went?" Driamon wondered from Sforzie's arms.
"The island isn't too big, but then neither is Kishoumon," Sforzie said. "She could be hiding almost anywhere."
"Do you think she went back to Melanomon's hideout?" Tigramon wondered. Driamon shook her head.
"Naw, I don't think Melanomon would be too happy if she returned without destroying us."
"That would just add to the list of Digimon we've made him be unhappy at," Tigramon snickered.
They were passing through a small clearing when Driamon motioned for them to stop.
"Look down there," she said, pointing a paw at the ground. A few large footprints were visible, imprinted in the mucky ground.
"Big footprints," Sforzie said. "Who do you think they belong to?"
"Melanomon, I'd bet," Tigramon said. "They're about the right size."
"What was he doing way out here?" Sforzie wondered. "I thought he didn't go to this part of the island."
"Melanomon can go wherever he wants," Driamon said. "Maybe he was looking for Kishoumon too?"
"Maybe," Shadsie said with some uncertainty.
"We'll just have to keep an eye out for him too, I guess," Sforzie sighed. They continued on for several minutes. This time is was Tigramon who motioned for the stop.
"What is it?" Shadsie said softly. Tigramon jumped down from Shadsie's shoulder.
"Kishoumon's hiding in those bushes over there," Tigramon whispered.
"How can you tell?"
"I just can," Tigramon padded slowly in the direction she had indicated.
"Be careful," Driamon warned.
"I am..."
Tigramon pushed aside a bit of foliage, revealing a hidden form within. The pink body was covered in blood and dirt, but the sprawl of black paint across the forehead was unmistakenable. Kishoumon glared at Tigramon with angry eyes.
"Leave me be," Kishoumon growled.
"What's with you?" Tigramon backed up a few steps. Kishoumon's whiskers twitched, but she didn't move.
"I said leave me be!" she snapped angrily. "Or do you want me to destroy you right now?"
"You don't look like you're in the condition to destroy anything," Sforzie said.
"Shows what you know," Kishoumon growled.
"Melanomon was looking for you, wasn't he?" Shadsie said pointedly.
"He found me," Kishoumon snapped.
"And none of your business!!" Kishoumon shouted. "You're just lucky I don't feel like finishing you off right now."
"You're the one who looks like you need to be finished off!" Tigramon snapped. "Why won't you let us help you?"
"I am a servant of Melanomon," the pink Digimon growled. "I must do what he commands."
"You wouldn't have to if we got rid of that black paint," Driamon said.
"You will leave me and my paint alone, unless you want to be painted as well!"
"Touchy," Tigramon retreated back to Shadsie's feet. "And stubborn."
"How did you wind up like this, Kishoumon?" Shadsie wondered. "You don't look like the evil type."
Kishoumon's expression turned thoughtful, but she remained silent.
"If we don't help you, you might die, Kishoumon," Shadsie said.
"I would rather die faithful to my master, then betray him!" Kishoumon snapped weakly. She looked down at her paws.
"Why are you so bent on being faithful to Melanomon?" Tigramon wondered.
"Because that is all I can be," Kishoumon said evenly.
"Even though he clearly doesn't care whether you live or die," Driamon snorted. "We can free you from Melanomon's control, Kishoumon."
"I do not want to be freed from him!" Kishoumon drawled angrily. She pushed herself up onto her front paws, but they quickly gave way and she fell back down.
"Well, what if we free you without your permission?" Sforzie suggested.
"If you do that, you'll be no better than Melanomon," the pink Digimon grumbled.
"She has a point," Sforzie said quietly. Shadsie pulled out her D-3.
"Well, we can't let her get away again," Shadsie said. "I won't continue to let Melanomon control innocent Digimon, whether they like it or not."
"Yeah, it's for your own good, Kishoumon," Tigramon said. Kishoumon looked up suddenly.
"What?" They looked at her. Kishoumon struggled to her feet, giving them a warning glance.
"I...you..." She stopped, apparently trying to gather her thoughts. "You... you won't hurt me when you heal me?"
"No, we just want to get the black paint off of you," Shadsie said.
"I..." Kishoumon looked at her paws again. "I want to help Melanomon."
"Help him?" Sforzie said doubtfully.
"Yes," Kishoumon nodded sharply. "I... I can't really explain it." She looked at them with distrust evident in her red eyes. "But I will not betray him."
"I'm not sure we following your line of reasoning," Sforzie said.
"But if it means you're willing to be healed, then it'll have to do," Shadsie looked at Sforzie, who nodded in agreement.
Sforzie pulled out her D-3 and set Driamon on the ground in front of her. Kishoumon took a few halting steps forward, before collapsing on the ground.
"And... and you have to help me," Kishoumon said weakly. "If you're fool enough to heal my soul...you have to heal my body as well."
"Don't worry, we'll take care of you, Kishoumon," Shadsie said.
"That's what Melanomon said," Kishuomon murmured softly.
"Nothing," Kishoumon shook her head. "Now... can we get this over with?"
"Yeah!" Driamon and Tigramon moved in front of their partners.
"Right," Shadsie nodded, holding out her D-3.
"Digi-armor, energize!"
What will happen once Kishoumon is freed? Find out in episode 16!
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fddarchive · 2 years
The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector - Episode 14: Is the Enemy Pink? (14/17) [incomplete]
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The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector
Episode 14: Is the Enemy Pink?
From the Stories from the Southern Sector section of The Lost Digidestined page of  Blonde Ambition
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The Lost Digidestined
Episode 14: Is the Enemy Pink?
"Yes," the Kishoumon hissed. "And now I'm here to do my job!"
"Your job?" FlameAngewomon called doubtfully as she and AquaAngewomon moved in front of Shadsie and Sforzie. "And what might that be?"
"To destroy you fools!" Kishoumon growled.
"Kishoumon is only a rookie level Digimon, how can she hurt us?" AquaAngewomon asked FlameAngewomon.
"You're right," FlameAngewomon curled a hand into a fist. "But if she's looking for a fight, we're more than prepared to give her one!"
AquaAngewomon nodded, looking back at the small pink Digimon.
"Don't think that just because I'm cute I'm going to go easy on you," Kishoumon said with another growl.
"That black paint really makes Digimon nasty," Shadsie said softly.
"I think that was the general idea behind it," Sforzie agreed. Kishoumon jumped a few feet toward the group. The long narrow wings behind her ears twitched.
"Kishoumon is under the control of the black paint," AquaAngewomon said. "We have to heal her."
"Right," FlameAngewomon nodded. "Then we'll be able to deal with her properly."
"Your bantering really is just cute, but I'm afraid I've been ordered to destroy all of you," Kishoumon padded closer, her tail twitching eagerly.
FlameAngewomon looked down at the pink Digimon. She brought her hands together, the vents on the gloves flashing brightly.
"Flames of Restoration!" a blast of firey energy shot from the vents at Kishoumon, who swiftly dodged the attack.
"Wave of Renewal!"
Kishoumon dodged the second attack as well.
"She's fast!" AquaAngewomon said in alarm.
"Must be the paint..."
"Pink blaster!!" Kishoumon shot a large blast of pink energy at FlameAngewomon, who narrowly managed to avoid being hit.
"Be careful!" Shadsie shouted.
"We are!" FlameAngewomon shouted back as Kishoumon attacked again.
"Quick claws!" Kishoumon leapt at AquaAngewomon, managing to score a hit across the other Digimon's shoulders. AquaAngewomon cried out in surprise, knocking Kishoumon down to the ground. Kishoumon rolled back onto her feet and leapt forward again, slashing at FlameAngewomon's legs.
"Ow!" FlameAngewomon stepped back. Her wings glowed with golden light. "Burning Sky!"
The flaming attack connected with Kishoumon, knocking her hard into the dirt. Kishoumon grunted as she pushed herself back up.
"Pink Blaster!" This time the attack connected squarely with FlameAngewomon's midsection, knocking her down. The angel Digimon rolled onto her side as the other moved to attack.
"Celestial.... Tsunami!" The watery arrow sliced past Kishuomon's tail, doing little damage. FlameAngewomon got to her feet. Kishoumon bounced forward again, leaving long gashes on AquaAngewomon's left arm.
"That black paint is making her awfully strong for a rookie," AquaAngewomon said, holding her arm.
"So I noticed," FlameAngewomon was gritting her teeth in pain. "We need to attack her together."
AquaAngewomon nodded in agreement.
"Ooh, did I hurt you two?" Kishoumon crooned sarcastically. "I'm so sorry... I'll have to try harder."
"Let's get her!" AquaAngewomon shouted. Both Digimon put their hands together. The vents on FlameAngewomon's gloves began to glow, as did AquaAngewomon's wings.
"Flames of Restoration!"
"Wave of Renewal!"
Both attacks hit the pink Digimon head on, knocking her into a tree.
"Got her!" Shadsie whispered.
After a moment, Kishoumon got to her feet. She growled softly, and the group was dismayed to see that the black paint remained firmly attached to Kishoumon's forehead.
"It didn't work?" FlameAngewomon said in surprise.
"Do you think your pathetic attacks will work against me?" Kishoumon laughed, leaning slightly. She was badly hurt, despite the fact that the angel Digimon had been unable to heal her. "You...you fools..."
"Why don't you just give up?" AquaAngewomon snapped at Kishoumon.
Kishoumon laughed shortly. "I cannot give up. I must do my job."
"And what is your job?"
"To make sure you pesky Digidestined don't mess up Melanomon's plans," Kishoumon snarled.
"His plans?"
"Don't bother asking me what they are, because I don't know them." Kishoumon backed up a few steps. "But I will warn you... if I don't destroy you, Melanomon will."
"Idle threats," FlameAngewomon snorted.
"They are far from idle!" Kishoumon's southern accent curled around the words angrily. She fell on her front legs, but recovered quickly. A few tiny white feathers dislodged from Kishoumon's wings, flutting down like snow. Kishoumon stepped on the feathers, crushing them under her paw. "You will be like those feathers! I will destroy you..."
"You won't be destroying anyone," FlameAngewomon said. Her wings glowed. "We'll make sure of that!"
"Ha! You don't scare me... just because you're taller..." the words came weakly as Kishoumon continued to creep backwards.
"Burning Sky!"
Kishoumon's tail feathers were singed as she dodged the attack.
"Don't think you've won!" Kishoumon growled as she turn and darted into the forest.
"Wait, Kishoumon! We want to heal you!" Sforzie called. Shadsie sighed and shook her head.
"She may be beyond healing," Shadsie frowned. Sforzie shook her head.
"No, we healed Chapmon, we can heal her too."
"What should we do?" AquaAngewomon wondered.
"Nothing for now," FlameAngewomon sighed and flashed red to blue. AquaAngewomon devolved as well.
"I don't see why we couldn't beat her," Driamon said, looking at the marks that remained on her forelegs. "She was only a rookie!"
"It must've been the paint," Tigramon said. "Maybe Melanomon gave her a stronger version of the paint.
"Or maybe it just has a better hold on her than it did on Chapmon," Shadsie said.
"I don't know, Chapmon was pretty nasty," Sforzie looked down at the Digimon. Driamon looked up.
"So what are we going to do now?"
"I'm not sure," Sforzie looked at Shadsie. "I think we should go and look for Kishoumon."
"And what to we do once we've found her?" Shadsie wondered.
"Heal her, of course!"
"What if we can't heal her?" Shadsie crossed her arms.
"Then... then we might have to destroy her," Sforzie frowned.
Tigramon padded over to where Kishoumon had stood, looking at the crushed feathers.
"We have to do something," Tigramon said. Driamon nodded in agreement.
"Well, maybe we should wait a little while," Shadsie suggested. "After all, you two took quite a beating. You should rest."
"I guess so," Driamon said softly. "We can look for her tomorrow."
"Right," Tigramon nodded in agreement. "Tomorrow we'll find Kishoumon and heal her. And then we'll find Melanomon and put a stop to him once and for all!"
"Yeah, we might become angels, but we're no pushovers!"
"Losing makes you guys fiesty," Sforzie laughed as she picked up Driamon.
"We didn't lose, it was a draw," Tigramon said pointedly.
"Yeah, we'll get her next time..."
Will Tigramon and Driamon be able to beat Kishoumon the second time aroud? Find out in episode 15!
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fddarchive · 2 years
The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector - Episode 13: Trading Places (13/17) [incomplete]
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The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector
Episode 13: Trading Places
From the Stories from the Southern Sector section of The Lost Digidestined page of  Blonde Ambition
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The Lost Digidestined
Episode 13: Trading Places
"You know, I was thinking," Sforzie typed into the email screen on her D-terminal. "What if we used each other's Digi-eggs on our Digimon?"
The reply came a few minutes later. "You mean like trade? Would that work?"
Sforzie sent a reply. "It might. How do we know that a Digi-egg is specific to a single person?"
"It does have our crests on it. But, I guess it couldn't hurt to try...."
The next afternoon Sforzie and Shadsie met in the Digiworld. The Demiveemon were nowhere to be found in the Egg Village, but Shadsie eventually found a note on the fridge stating that they had went to find more firewood.
"So, how do you purpose we trade these eggs?" Shadsie wondered. "They're stuck in our D-terminals, aren't they?"
"Well, aren't they technically just data?" Sforzie opened the screen on her D-terminal. "There must be some way to copy the egg."
"How about the 'Copy' button?" Tigramon suggested, looking over Shadsie's hand at the screen of her terminal.
"It's not like the paint program, Tigramon!" Shadsie laughed. Sforzie hit a few buttons on her D-terminal and smiled.
"Maybe it is that easy," she said. Sforzie showed Shadsie her screen. "Look, just go under that menu... what's that little button shaped like a copy machine for?"
Shadsie laughed again. "They would make it that easy."
"Should we try it?"
Shadsie shrugged. "Might as well. I think there's a port on the back where we can connect the terminals."
So they combined forces, and a few minutes later got the same result on both screens.
"Cannot store duplicate egg," Shadsie read. "What's that mean?"
"I think that means we'll have to trade or lose the copies."
Shadsie nodded. "Right."
So they executed the trade command via the D-terminals' email program. After a minute, there was a beep.
"Did it work?" Sforzie wondered. Shadsie switched her terminal back to the egg display screen.
Two eggs glowed there, one red and one blue. She nodded. "It worked!"
"Cool!" Tigramon peered at the new egg. Sforzie checked her screen and found two eggs there, although reversed in order.
"Should we try them out?" Shadsie asked.
"Yeah! I wanna see what we turn into with different eggs!" Driamon nodded vigorously.
"Well, if the trade worked, than the eggs should work too," Sforzie said. Shadsie nodded.
"We'll go back to where we went last week."
Back at the beach, Driamon and Tigramon hopped about excitedly.
"I hope I turn into something cool!" Tigramon said.
"Me too!"
"All right, calm down you two," Shadsie laughed.
"Let's get started," Sforzie said. Shadsie nodded and pulled out her D-3. She hit a key on the D-terminal.
"Digi-armor, energize!"
Sforzie copied the motions, pointing her D-3 at Driamon. "Digi-armor, energize!"
Tigramon was bathed in blue light, which quickly turned a bright red. "Tigramon, armor Digivolve to..."
Driamon was covered in red light, which also switched back to a blue color. "Driamon, armor Digivolve to..."
Tigramon grew taller and took a form similar to AquaAngewomon, only in flaming shades of red and gold. Golden wings sprouted from her back. "FlameAngewomon! The angel of Sustenance!"
Driamon took a form similar to her own Champion form, although larger and covered in armor. "Serphamon, the waters of Creation!"
The light faded, and the new Digimon looked at themselves.
"Hey, cool, I turned into an angel like you do!" FlameAngewomon said, inspecting her gloves.
"Hey, I thought I turned into the Angel of Sustenance!" Serphamon cried in alarm.
"I guess we both do," FlameAngewomon said.
"You look like a mecha-Karamon," Sforzie smiled at Serphamon.
"Yes, that's true," Serphamon tilted her head back to look at her tail. "I even appear to have jet packs..."
"Hey, who has the wings now?" FlameAngewomon laughed.
"Must be something specific to that Digi-egg," Shadsie said.
Serphamon swished her tail. "Unfortunately, I suffer from the same problem as Karamon."
"What's that?"
"Poor land mobility," the armored Digimon said wryly. "Can I switch to AquaAngewomon?"
"Sure," Sforzie held up her D-3 and recalled the armor. She switched eggs on the D-terminal screen. "Digi-armor, energize!"
"Driamon, armor Digi-volve to... AquaAngewomon!"
The angel Digimon peered at each other curiously.
"I'm taller," FlameAngewomon said after a moment. AquaAngewomon sighed.
"I just can't win."
"Oh, I'm sure you can," Sforzie laughed. "You're taller as Serphamon."
AquaAngewomon smirked. "That's true. SabreTigramon's a shortie."
"You two are just looking for a fight," Shadsie sighed.
"Well, if you were decked out in fancy armor like this, you'd be looking for a fight too," FlameAngewomon said.
"You're just a hothead," AquaAngewomon said.
"At least my brain isn't waterlogged," FlameAngewomon returned with a smirk.
"You can tell this isn't the Digi-egg of Creativity," Shadsie sighed.
"Why's that?"
"Their insults suck."
Sforzie laughed. "The old insults must be sustained!"
The Digi-angels sighed.
"Now they think we're stupid," AquaAngewomon said.
"I didn't start it," FlameAngewomon crossed her arms.
"Will you two stop quibbling already?" Sforzie rubbed her forehead.
"All right..." AquaAngewomon toed the ground with a boot.
A soft chuckle came from up the beach. The group froze, looking around.
"Oh look, two little angel Digimon just waiting for me to pluck their wings!" A heavily accented voice called from behind them. The group turned, finding a small pink Digimon standing at the edge of the woods. It was a cute creature, except for the ugly smear of black paint that had worked its way between the Digimon's green eyes.
"What's that?!" Shadsie stepped back alarm.
"It must be one of Melanomon's henchmon," Sforzie said.
"It's a Kishoumon," FlameAngewomon said.
"Yes," the Kishoumon hissed. "And now I'm here to do my job!"
What trouble does this new Digimon have in store for our heroines? Find out in episode 14!
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fddarchive · 2 years
The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector - Episode 12: SabreTigramon's Fire Claw (12/17) [incomplete]
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The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector
Episode 12: SabreTigramon's Fire Claw
From  the Stories from the Southern Sector section of The Lost Digidestined page of  Blonde Ambition
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The Lost Digidestined
Episode 12: SaberTigramon's Fire Claw
Three days later, Shadsie and Sforzie met up on Sunstone Island. Sforzie had agreed to show Shadsie how to use the Digi-egg to make her Digimon armor Digivolve, but that it would be best to let their Digimon regain strength after their last battles. Both Digimon were at full power now.
For Driamon, it had taken three boxes of pop-tarts, but she was back to strength.
"Aw, you two are so cute!" Shadsie giggled as she looked at the Demiveemon.
"Thank you!" they giggled in return.
"When are Sforzie and Driamon gonna get here?" Tigramon purred. "They said they'd be here at 1pm!"
"That's 1pm my time, Tigramon."
"Oh." Tigramon swished her tail. "You live in another world?"
Shadsie sweatdropped. "Technically, I suppose so."
"Why couldn't we have come sooner?" Tigramon wondered. "All we've done this morning is fingerpaint!"
"Sforzie had class."
"What's fingerpainting?" the male Demiveemon wondered.
"Painting with your fingers. Or your paws."
The Demiveemon looked at their paws. "I wish we had fingers. Fingerpainting sounds like fun."
"It is. It's messy," Tigramon purred.
"Very messy, when Tigramon's involved." The cat Digimon giggled.
"Hey, I know! Maybe Shadsie can draw you two," Tigramon suggested.
"Yeah, could you?"
"I guess so," Shadsie shrugged. "I brought my sketchpad."
"But I thought we were here to do some armor digivolving," Sforzie's voice came from the direction of the tv gate.
"Sforzie! Driamon!" Tigramon ran over to the arrivals. "Shadsie was going to draw the Demiveemon."
"Can she?" the female latched herself onto Sforzie's leg. "Pleeeeease?"
"We can put the picture on our refridgerator!"
Sforzie looked down at the Digimon attached to her leg. "You have a fridge?"
"Sure! Melanomon hasn't stolen it yet."
"Well... I guess so. I'm not in a hurry."
"Yeah!" The Demiveemon bounced back over to Shadsie, who had gotten out her sketchpad.
"Those Demiveemon are cute," Shadsie said as they walked toward the beach.
"Even cuter than me?" Tigramon wondered.
"Much cuter."
"Cuter than Driamon too."
"Hmph!" the Digimon stuck their tongues out. "We're cute too!"
"Not cute enough, I'm afraid," Sforzie said dryly.
"Maybe we can find a way to digivolve into something cuter," Tigramon said to Driamon.
"Yeah! Something that'll knock their socks off."
They were headed to the opposite side of Sunstone than usual. Sforzie was leery of another run-in with Devidramon so soon.
"He's too tough for us to beat if our Digimon aren't at full power," Sforzie was saying to Shadsie as they arrived at the western beach.
"I know," Shadsie pulled out a pair of sunglasses, but didn't put them on. "Do you think our Digimon will be able to beat him if they both armor Digivolve?"
"Maybe," Sforzie said. "They did a number on him last time."
"Yeah, but it took a lot out of them."
"We're gonna kick his butt one of these days!" Tigramon shouted from behind them.
"Yeah!" Driamon chimed in agreement.
Shadsie put the sunglasses away as they reached a flat spot on the beach.
"This looks like a good spot," Shadsie said. Sforzie nodded.
"All right, shall we get started?" Sforzie pulled out her D-3.
"Yeah! Yeah!" Tigramon hopped around Shadsie's feet.
"Okay, just do what I do," Sforzie said. She pointed her D-3 at Driamon. "Except you use the egg the first time."
"Digi-armor Energize!"
Driamon was surrounded by the now-familiar light. "Driamon, armor digivolve to... AquaAngewomon! The Angel of Sustenance!"
"Yeah! I wanna do that!" Tigramon hopped in front of Shadsie.
AquaAngewomon look down. "You want to armor-digivolve into AquaAngewomon?"
"No, I just wanna armor Digivolve!" Tigramon laughed. "Come on, Shadsie, crack that egg!"
"Right!" Shadsie held up the Digi-egg. "Digi-armor Energize!"
Tigramon was bathed in a red light. She grew taller, and her body was covered in shimmering blue armor.
"Tigramon, armor digivolve to... SabreTigramon! The Fires of Creation!"
"Ooh, impressive!" Shadsie nodded as the light faded. SabreTigramon looked at herself.
"I like it!"
"She looks like she can do some serious damage," Sforzie said.
SabreTigramon inspected her claws. "So, how do you feel about fighting now, Shadsie?"
"I think we can work something out," Shadsie grinned.
AquaAngewomon looked down at SabreTigramon. "Where are your wings?"
"Umm..." SabreTigramon looked over her shoulder. "They must be under my armor."
"It's okay if you don't have wings, I don't have a tail," AquaAngewomon said.
"I have wings! They're just hidden!" SabreTigramon's tail twitched in annoyance.
"Girls, girls, no fighting," Shadsie put an arm between the two Digimon.
"Oh, come on, just one little Fire Claw!"
"No!" Shadsie sighed. "Where's a bad Digimon when we need one?"
"Don't say that, I don't feel like getting attacked again," Sforzie laughed.
"Hmph, I bet I could beat Devidramon single-handedly."
"Maybe," AquaAngewomon smirked. "There's just a small problem."
"You don't have any hands," the angel Digimon wiggled her fingers at SabreTigramon.
"That's not funny!"
AquaAngewomon tapped her chin. "Funny, I thought it was..."
"Rrr... Fire Claw!" SabreTigramon launched herself at AquaAngewomon, who dodged the attack with a laugh.
"Hey, we said no fighting!" Sforzie shouted.
SabreTigramon pointed at AquaAngewomon. "She started it."
"Beside, I wouldn't really call that fighting," AquaAngewomon scoffed. SabreTigramon growled.
"All right, you two have had enough fun for one day," Sforzie said, holding up her D-3 and recalling the armor from her Digimon. Shadsie copied the motion, the egg information being formatted and sent to her own D-3.
"Aw, you take all the fun out of being able to walk," Driamon pouted.
"Don't worry, there's always next time," Sforzie said.
Shadsie looked up at the grey sky wearily. "Next time..."
Now that both of their Digimon can armor digivolve, will the Lost Digidestined be able to stand up to Melanomon and his minions? Find out as the story continues in episode 13!
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fddarchive · 2 years
The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector - Episode 11: The Crest of Creation (11/17) [incomplete]
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The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector
Episode 11: The Crest of Creation
From the Stories from the Southern Sector section of The Lost Digidestined page of  Blonde Ambition
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The Lost Digidestined
Episode 11: The Crest of Creation
"Oh, it's something all Digimon can do, I think," Driamon said. "Can't you Digivolve?"
"I don't know..."
"Tigramon digivolved from Toramon after we met," Shadsie said. "I thought that she might be able to do it again, but so far, no luck."
They sat in the sand, not particular caring that they were exposed.
"How long have you been coming to the Digiworld?" Sforzie asked.
Shadsie looked thoughtful. "Let's see... about... a little over a month."
"That's when we found that stone, Sforzie," Driamon said. Sforzie nodded, pulling the stone out of her bookbag.
"Shadsie, that's the crest that's on your Digi-egg!" Tigramon exclaimed. Sforzie handed Shadsie the stone.
"You have a Digi-egg?"
"Yeah, we found it last time I was here," Shadsie said. She set the stone down, and fished through the camouflage colored bag she was carrying. She pulled out the Digiegg. It was a bit smaller than the egg Sforzie had found. The top half was blue and tiger-striped. The bottom half were two big orange paws. Embedded in the top half was a golden version of the same strange crest that was on the stone Driamon had found.
"It's a Digi-egg, all right," Driamon nodded.
"If you'll excuse me a second..." Shadsie stood up, pulling off her combat boots and shaking the sand out of them.
"Why are you wearing combat boots?" Sforzie asked curiously.
"I was in the military. Boot camp, at least. Got them there." She sat back down and put her shoes back on. "I love the way they look, but they're killer on the feet."
"Shadsie dropped out of boot camp," Tigramon said keenly.
"I didn't like having to follow all their orders," Shadsie said.
"Shadsie doesn't like to fight," Tigramon said, a smirk making her whiskers twitch.
"Fighting is destructive," Shadsie sniffed. "I'm an artist. I create, not destroy."
"You destroyed the kitchen last night," Tigramon snickered.
"Maybe your not wanting to fight is keeping Tigramon from digivolving," Sforzie suggested. Shadise frowned slightly.
"Maybe. She's been able to handle any Digimon that has attacked us so far."
"Except for Chapmon," Tigramon added.
"Except for Chapmon."
"He's an Ultimate level Digimon," Driamon said.
"We've been hopping around the Southern Sector," Shadsie said. "Going to random tv gates. That's how we wound up here."
"There've been some strange Digimon on the mainland," Tigramon said. "They've had black paint on their foreheads. But we've been able to scare them away."
"Those are slaves of Melanomon," Driamon said. "We've run into our share of them."
"This island is where Melanomon is hiding out," Sforzie said.
"Then what are you two doing here?" Shadsie asked.
"We're gonna stop Melanomon," Driamon said. "Somehow."
"You're Digidestined, so hopefully you'll be able to help us," Sforzie said. Shadsie and Tigramon nodded.
"So how did you wind up here?" Shadsie asked.
Sforzie related her story, right up through their recent battles with Chapmon.
"Driamon's digivolved to three other forms," Tigramon sulked.
"Don't worry, I'm sure you have forms like that too," Driamon said.
"Hope so."
"What about you, Shadsie?" Sforzie asked. "How'd you come to the Digiworld?"
"Well..." Shadsie looked thoughtful. "It was a few weeks after I came back from boot camp. I was on the computer, looking up some information for an art project, when the Digivice and D-terminal came out of my computer. I figured out how to get into the Digiworld. After I arrived, I met Toramon. She digivolved to Tigramon to fight off some Floramon. We've just been exploring since then."
"The day Shadsie arrived, I saw a streak of red light go overhead where I was taking a nap," Tigramon said. "And then, a few hours later, Shadsie came trekking through in those combat boots of hers."
"When I picked up that stone, a red light came out of the lake. Maybe picking up the stone released your Digivice," Driamon suggested.
"But why would it be buried at the bottom of a lake?"
"Someone might not want us around to fight them," Shadsie said.
"Then why not just destroy the D-3?" Sforzie wondered.
"Maybe they weren't powerful enough," Shadsie said. "The D-3 is awfully durable. Tigramon sat on mine once, and it was fine."
"Very funny."
"Such dry humor," Sforzie deadpanned. "Must be from out west."
"Arizona, actually," Shadsie said, trying to remove Tigramon's claws from her boot. "You?"
"Interesting," Shadsie tilted her head. "I'm from the dry west, and have a fire Digimon. And you're from the swamp, and have a water Digimon."
"You're right, that is a bit weird."
Shadsie's stomach growled. "Do you have anything to eat?"
"Just some pop-tarts that Driamon makes me carry."
"Those'll do."
Sforzie pulled out the pop-tarts, and set them down.
"I can heat them up!" Tigramon said. "Feather Fire!"
She shot several feathers from her wings, which burst into flames once hitting the pop-tarts.
"Hey, you're burning them!" Driamon cried. "Super Soaker!" She doused the flames.
The quartet stared down at the partially burnt pile of mush that the pop-tarts had become. Shadsie's stomach growled again.
"We could go fishing," Shadsie suggested. "That's what me and Tigramon were going to do before Chapmon attacked us."
"Sounds like a good idea to me," Sforzie said.
A roar came from the forest behind them.
"That sounds like a Devidramon to me," Tigramon said softly.
"Rrrraaah!" Devidramon appeared over the dunes.
Shadsie picked up her Digiegg and slipped the stone into her pocket as they ran.
"Digidestined!" Devidramon roared, flying after them.
"Driamon, can't you digivolve?!" Sforzie shouted.
"I needed that poptart!" Driamon wailed.
The sand exploded behind them as Devidramon shot a blast of black energy at them.
"Tigramon, you have to Digivolve!" Shadsie shouted.
"I can't do it if you don't want me to fight!"
The air singed around them as another blast landed a few feet away.
"Tigramon, I really really want you to Digivolve this time!" Shadsie shouted.
"You mean it?"
"All right!" Tigramon stopped in her tracks as the others ran past. Shadsie's D-3 went off, and she pulled out the red and silver device. Tigramon was covered in a golden light.
"Tigramon digivolve to...." She grew much bigger, great golden wings sprouting in the place of her rookie fliers. "Phyramon!"
"Hunh?" Devidramon paused, switching his attack to Phyramon. She jumped up, using her wings to glide.
"Flaming Stripes!"
"Black Poison!"
Phyramon dodged the poison, slashing at Devidramon with her claws. He swung a long arm, knocking her down.
"You guys, Phyramon needs help!" Shadsie cried. Sforzie looked down at Driamon.
"Can you do it? All you need to do is get one good shot in."
"I'll do my best," Driamon nodded. Sforzie pulled out her D-3.
"Digi-armor, energize!"
"Driamon, armor-digivolve to... AquaAngewomon!"
Phyramon clawed at Devidramon again, only to be kicked in the side.
"Phyramon, stand back!" Shadsie shouted.
"I'd like to!" Phyramon called as she rolled away from Devidramon's claws.
"Celestial Tsunami!"
Devidramon was struck square in the eye by the water-bearing arrow. He roared, rearing back.
"I will destroy the Digidestined!"
Devidramon kicked AquaAngewomon in the stomach as he flew up. She lost her hold on the armor, and hit the ground as Mizumon.
"Need...pop-tart..." Mizumon gasped.
Phyramon caught the air again and chased after Devidramon.
"Flaming Stripes!"
Devidramon was struck in the back as he flew away. He winced.
"Melanomon isn't going to like this," he said, rubbing his sore eye. "Now there are two of them!"
Now that there are two Digidestined, will they be able to beat Melanomon? Find out as the story continues in episode 12!
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fddarchive · 2 years
The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector - Episode 10: Enter the Tigramon (10/17) [incomplete]
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The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector
Episode 10: Enter the Tigramon
From  the Stories from the Southern Sector section of The Lost Digidestined page of  Blonde Ambition
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The Lost DigiDestined
Episode 10: Enter the Tigramon
"Oh, it ain't gonna rain no more, no more, it ain't gonna rain no more..."
Mizumon stared out the window doubtfully. "How can you be so sure?"
"Because I said so," Sforzie smiled as she packed things into her bookbag.
"You said it wasn't going to rain yesterday, and it did."
"Hey, my major is geology, not meteorology. I don't always guess right."
"What do meteors have to do with the weather?" Mizumon bounced down from the windowsill.
Sforzie sweatdropped, then cleared her throat. "Haven't you ever heard of a meteor shower? That what makes it rain."
Mizumon blinked. "Oh."
"Besides, we don't get that much rain. It probably won't rain today."
"That's good." Mizumon bounced over to Sforzie's desk as her partner continued getting ready for class. "Hey, Sforzie?"
"Hmm?" Sforzie fished a sneaker out from Mizumon's nest. She brushed a few blue hairs off of it, but didn't say anything.
"The Digiport is activated."
"What? Why would it be open?"
"No, not open, just activated," Mizumon said. "I think someone's trying to contact you."
Sforzie walked to her desk, looking at the screen on her laptop. "You're right. Someone's trying to contact us."
"Looks like the gate at Egg Village."
"Number 119... yep. Must be the Demiveemon."
"You gonna open it?"
Sforzie hesitated. "I have a biology lecture."
"Digimon count as a more interesting form of biology," Mizumon said. She pointed at the screen with her tail. "Open it."
"Right, right..." Sforzie picked up Mizumon and sat in her chair. She hit a key on her computer, and the digiport opened. Sure enough, two blue and white faces peered back at them through the little subscreen.
"Sforzie?" came the cute voice of the Demiveemon. "You there?"
"I am now," Sforzie leaned toward the screen. "What's wrong?"
"Well, nothing's wrong, exactly," the male said slowly. The female nudged him.
"You found it, so you tell her!"
"Right, okay," the male nodded. He pushed himself closer to the tv-gate. "The other gate on this island has been activated!"
Sforzie blinked. "By who?"
"Not sure. I was out collecting firewood. Sicne I was nearby, I checked the other tv-gate. Someone went through it, and recently too!"
"It wasn't us?"
"Nope," the Demiveemon shook his head. "Wasn't your D-3 signature."
Sforzie looked down thoughtfully at Mizumon.
"Maybe it's another digidestined, Sforzie," Mizumon whispered.
"Might be."
"But you have a biology lecture to go to," Mizumon said coyly, her tail twitching. Sforzie pursed her lips.
"I never really can understand what she's saying in that class anyways. I don't think it would hurt to miss, just this once."
Sforzie studied the screen on her D-3 as she and Driamon emerged onto the now-familar beach of Sunstone Island. The Demiveemon had been right--the other tv-gate on the island had been activated some time in the last few hours.
"But by who..."
"Is your Digivice responding yet?" Driamon asked.
They scanned up and down the beach.
"See anything?"
"Maybe they left the island," Driamon said doubtfully.
"Maybe..." Sforzie shook her head. "Which way do you think we should go?"
"Um..." Driamon looked around the beach again. She pointed down the beach. "That way."
"Toward Melanomon?"
"Seems as good a way as any," Driamon said. Sforzie shrugged.
"Might as well."
They walked for several minutes, nearing a set of massive sand dunes that marked the halfway point on the island. As the dunes finally came into view, Driamon stopped.
"Do you hear that?" she whispered.
Sforzie tilted her head. "What?"
"On the other side of the dunes, it sounds like--"
From the dunes came a now very audible roar.
"Chapmon!" Sforzie whispered. "Come on!"
They walked closer to the dunes. They heard Chapmon roar again, and then a soft cry.
"Feather Fire!"
"Bull Whip!" came the angry reply.
A small orange and yellow Digimon appeared over the crest of the dunes, followed closely by Chapmon. The Digimon was struck again by Chapmon, and knocked back down.
"We've got to help that Digimon!" Driamon cried.
"Right! You ready?"
"Yeah!" Driamon nodded eagerly. Sforzie pulled out her D-3 and pointed it at Driamon.
"Digi-armor Energize!"
"Driamon, armor digivolve to...AquaAngewomon! The Angel of Sustenance!"
AquaAngewomon shot over the dunes, while Sforzie started to climb.
"Chapmon, leave that Digimon alone!" AquaAngewomon shouted.
"Huh? Now who is this?" Chapmon dropped the orange Digimon, whirling around to face AquaAngewomon.
"Don't you remember my Silver Wave?" AquaAngewomon shouted tauntingly.
"You again," Chapmon snarled. "Digidestined..."
"That's right! What do you think you're doing, attacking an innocent Digimon?"
"Just capturing another slave," Chapmon hissed. "Maybe I'll make it two."
"Don't count on it," AquaAngewomon said.
Sforzie skidded down the front of the dune. At the base of the dune, a few yards from the fallen orange Digimon was another crumpled form, half buried in the sand.
"They must have been ambushed," Sforzie whispered to herself, and started toward the other form.
"I may not have been able to get rid of you last time, but this time I will," Chapmon snarled.
"Funny, I was thinking the same thing," AquaAngewomon said. She put her hands together, the claws on the left glove elongating to form an impromptu bow. She pulled back her right hand, a black arrow mysteriously appearing.
"Celestial...." A curl of swirling blue energy coiled around the arrow as she held it back. "Tsunami!" The arrow was released, striking Chapmon in the chest. A moment later, the wave of blue energy struck Chapmon, knocking him into the sand.
"That...hurt!" Chapmon screeched, whipping his tail at AquaAngewomon. Jumping out of the way, AquaAngewomon frowned briefly.
"I'm going to free you from that black paint, once and for all," she said evenly. Chapmon snarled, flying toward her. Again she darted out of the way. Her wings started to glow blue.
"Wave of Renewal!"
Chapmon was struck in the head by the wave of energy released from her wings. He screamed in agony, but as he hit the sand the smear of black paint on his forehead melted away. AquaAngewomon hovered closer. Opening his eyes, Chapmon looked around in confusion.
"What? Where am I? Who are you?" Chapmon reared up, slithering toward the ocean. "Leave me alone!" Chapmon dove into the waves and swam away quickly. AquaAngewomon smiled, watching Chapmon flee the scene.
"I've been wanting to do that for awhile," she whispered to herself. She turned and flew back to the scene behind her.
As she neared it, Sforzie realized that the form in the sand was human.
"Hey, are you okay?" she called. There was a pause, and then a face lifted out of the sand. It was (another) blonde haired girl. She spat a bit of sand from her mouth.
"I'm fine. Is he gone?"
The girl sat up, feeling around for a moment before retrieving a pair of glasses from the sand. After checking them for scratches, she perched them on her nose.
"My name's Shadsie," the girl said. Looking at Sforzie, she started. "You're a Digidestined?"
"How did you know?"
Shadsie pointed over Sforzie's shoulder, and Sforzie looked to see that AquaAngewomon had landed behind her.
"Oh, yes. I am a Digidestined. My name's Sforzie, and this..." Sforzie caught Driamon in her arms as she regressed to the rookie level. "This is Driamon, my Digimon."
"Please to meetcha," Driamon smiled.
"Same here." Shadsie turned as the orange Digimon--who looked like a winged tiger cub on closer inspection--trotted up to her. "This is my Digimon, Tigramon."
"Hello," Tigramon said shyly.
"Are you okay, Tigramon?" Shadsie petted the yellow curl of hair between her ears.
"Yeah, Chapmon just knocked me around a bit," Tigramon said. She looked up at Driamon. "Thanks for saving me."
"Was my pleasure," Driamon smiled. She wiggled out of Sforzie's arms, landing in the sand.
"How'd you do that, anyway?" Tigramon asked. Driamon blinked.
"Land in the sand?"
Tigramon shook her head. "No, I meant Digivolving."
"Oh, it's something all Digimon can do, I think," Driamon said. "Can't you Digivolve?"
"I don't know..."
To be continued....
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fddarchive · 2 years
The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector - Episode 9: The Angel of Sustenance (9/17) [incomplete]
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The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector
Episode 9: The Angel of Sustenance
From the Stories from the Southern Sector section of The Lost Digidestined page of  Blonde Ambition
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The Lost DigiDestined
Episode 9: The Angel of Sustenance
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"So this is your Ultimate form?" Sforzie asked as she sat on the exposed neck of MetalDriamon. The Digimon in question was casually strolling in the direction of Egg Village after their battle with Chapmon.
"That it is," MetalDriamon nodded.
"You got really big that time," Sforzie said. "If you digivolve again, try not to get so big."
"I'll keep that in mind," MetalDriamon grinned. Sforzie looked behind her.
"You have the crest of your sides," she said.
"Do I? I didn't notice." MetalDriamon paused to look at the gold marking. "Yes. It is your crest, Sforzie."
"Just like on the digi-egg."
MetalDriamon continued walking. "Yup, just like on the digi-egg." At a thoughtful noise from Sforzie, MetalDriamon looked at her. "You think you figuring something out?"
"Maybe," Sforzie said. "But I'm not sure."
"Well, what are you thinking?"
Sforzie shifted a bit. "It seems that whenever you Digivolve, it's when I'm in trouble, right?"
"Sort of, yeah."
"Well, for some reason I keep thinking that maybe I can use this digi-egg to make you Digivolve."
"Into what?"
Sforzie shrugged. "I dunno."
The next afternoon Sforzie sat on her bed, looking at the mysterious Digi-egg. Mizumon was down below in her nest. Sforzie sighed, turning the egg over in her hands.
"Are you still looking at that egg?" Mizumon's voice came from under the bed.
There was a pause, then Mizumon's voice squeaked out again. "Maybe I'm supposed to eat it."
Sforzie scrunched her face up. "Mizumon!"
"Well, maybe I'll get some special power from eating the digi-egg."
"You're just upset because I didn't buy you the right flavor of pop-tarts."
"I'm not letting you eat the Digi-egg."
Mizumon bounced out from under the bed. "Well then, what do you plan on doing with it?"
"I'm going to use it on you."
Mizumon blinked. "Are you sure it wouldn't be easier to just let me eat it?"
Sforzie laughed. "No, I have an idea."
"What's that?"
"Maybe if I open the egg somehow, there's something inside to make you Digivolve."
"If there isn't, then can I eat it?"
"You're not eating the Digi-egg!"
Mizumon bounced up onto the bed. "You're no fun."
"Sure I am. I'm just not letting you eat the egg." Sforzie got up, putting the egg into her bookbag, along with her D-terminal. "Now get your horns in gear, we're going to the Digiworld!"
"Maybe there'll be something to eat there," Mizumon mumbled as she bounced after Sforzie. They stood in front of her laptop, and Sforzie held up her D-3.
"Digiport open!"
"Oh great, it's raining," Driamon said as they materialized in Egg Village.
"And I didn't even think to bring an umbrella," Sforzie tucked her D-3 into her pocket.
"We have an umbrella for you to use!" the voice of one of the village's Demiveemon squeaked behind them. It was the female. She held up the aforementioned umbrella.
"Thank you very much." Opening it, Sforzie noted that there were Demiveemon covering the surface of the umbrella. "Where'd you get this? It's cute."
"Ordered it online," the Demiveemon grinned.
Driamon looked around. "Where's your buddy?"
"He's off collecting firewood," Demiveemon said. "Winter's coming."
"It'll have to wait for the rain to stop," Driamon said.
Demiveemon rocked back and forth a few times. "Naw, it'll just snow."
"Is it really safe for him to be wandering around the island like that?" Sforzie asked.
"Nope," she said cheerily. "But he'll be fine."
"You sound so confident."
"I am." Demiveemon walked in front of them as they crossed the village. "So, what brings you to the Digiworld today?"
"We're trying to figure something out," Sforzie said. Holding the umbrella carefully, she pulled the digi-egg from her bookbag. "Do you know anything about this?"
"Hmm..." Demiveemon looked at the egg thoughfully. "Nope! Not a thing."
"Well, thanks for trying."
"Any time!" she said brightly.
"Do you mind if I borrow the umbrella?"
"Nope! It's too big for me to use anyway!"
"Thank you, Demiveemon."
"I hope you hope to accomplish something by tramping through the wet woods like this," Driamon complained. They were nearly to the beach.
"I do."
"And it somehow involves that egg and digivolving."
"Yes," Sforzie twirled the umbrella. "Just think about it, Driamon. Your ultimate form's armor and that egg both have the crest on it. It has to mean something."
"I think it means you're thinking about this too much," Driamon said.
"Maybe you're right." Sforzie stopped as the reached the treeline. Driamon bumped into her feet.
"Why'd you stop?"
Sforzie was staring out at the ocean. "All your forms have been related to water so far."
"I'm a water Digimon," Driamon pointed out.
"I know, but..." Sforzie looked up, and after a moment clicked the umbrella shut. Driamon watched her partner with a puzzled expression as she walked out onto the beach. Sforzie sat in the soggy sand, and Driamon ran up next to her.
"Sforzie, you're getting rained on."
"Rain is important, just like all water," Sforzie said. She took the digi-egg out and set it in the sand in front of them.
"Without it, life couldn't exist," Driamon said. "It sustains life."
"It sustains life..."
Suddenly, Sforzie stood. She held the Digi-egg in front of her. "That's it!"
"What's it?"
"MetalDriamon's armor... it is connected!"
"Please fill me in."
"Just stand right there." Sforzie stepped back, still holding the Digi-egg in hand.
"Digi-armor... energize!"
"Wha-?" Driamon's voice cut off as a beam of blue light shot down from the clouds overhead. The Digi-egg in Sforzie's hands glowed as well, then seemed to disappear. "Sforzie, what's happening?"
"Just go with it!"
"Driamon, armor-digivolve to..."
Before Sforzie's eyes, her friend took on a strangely humanoid form. The skull that had adorned the Digi-egg now covered the Digimon's face. Blue hair flowed down behind her shoulders, where four wings that resembled the egg's fin sprouted. Shining bright and blue, the new Digimon had a vaguely celestial appearance.
"...AquaAngewomon! The Angel of Sustenance!"
The light faded. AquaAngewomon stood in the sand in front of Sforzie, the rain barely touching her.
"The Angel of Sustenance?" Sforzie said curiously. AquaAngewomon smiled.
"Yes, yours is the crest of Sustenance, Sforzie," she said. "You were right! The digi-egg did allow me to Digivolve!"
"I had no idea you'd change so dramatically."
"Is there something wrong with that?" AquaAngewomon put her hands on her hips. Sforzie smiled.
"No, you look wonderful." Sforzie tilted her head. "So you're a water angel."
"Yes, I--" AquaAngewomon paused, a gloved hand going to her face. Her wings stirred.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm just low on energy, that's all...." A ball of blue light gathered at AquaAngewomon's middle, then shot to Sforzie's bookbag. Driamon reappeared in the sand as Sforzie pulled out her D-terminal.
"Look, there's the egg," she pointed to the screen, lowering it for Driamon to see.
"I'm sorry I couldn't hold the form longer," Driamon apologized. "I guess I didn't have a big enough lunch today."
Sforzie smiled. "Don't worry. I'm sure that you'll be able to properly use that form sometime."
"Maybe I can use it to kick some Melanomon-booty."
"That's the spirit."
"There's just one thing, Sforzie."
"What's that?"
"Can we get out of the rain now? I mean, I like water as much as the next Driamon, but there's something to be said about being dry."
Sforzie ran a hand through her hair. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
Driamon handed Sforzie the umbrella.
"When we get back to the real world, maybe you can look into buying your new Digimon some pop-tarts."
They've finally solved the mystery of the Digi-egg, but what new surprises lay in store for Sforzie and Driamon? Find out in episode 10!
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fddarchive · 2 years
The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector - Episode 8: MetalDriamon's Silver Wave (8/17) [incomplete]
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The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector
Episode 8: MetalDriamon's Silver Wave
From  the Stories from the Southern Sector section of The Lost Digidestined page of  Blonde Ambition
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The Lost DigiDestined
Episode 8: MetalDriamon's Silver Wave
"So, Michiru, are you going to dress up for Halloween this year?"
Sforzie glanced over at her roommate. "What did I dress up as last year?"
Halie blinked thoughtfully. "Nothing."
"Then why would I dress up this year?"
"You were taking that state exam on Halloween last year," Halie pointed out.
Sforzie stifled a sigh. "Maybe."
The phone rang, and Halie wandered out into the hall with it. Sforzie sighed and turned back to her laptop. Mizumon peered out from behind it.
"What's Halloween?"
Sforzie was looking at a map on the screen. "It's a holiday where kids dress up in costumes and go door to door asking for candy."
"Candy?" Mizumon's interest was piqued. "And people just give them candy?"
"Pretty much," Sforzie picked up her D-3 and tapped in a few commands on the laptop. The screen changed.
"Can we go on Halloween?"
"Ask for candy!" Mizumon bounced from behind the laptop and onto Sforzie's knee.
"You mean trick-or-treating. I don't think they usually give candy to college students."
Mizumon stuck her tongue out. "Darn." She peered up at the laptop. "What are you working on?"
"A map for my historical geology class."
"Do you get candy in that class?"
"We did after our first exam."
"And I didn't get any?"
Sforzie smiled. "If I remember correctly, you were power napping during that test."
"Oh." Mizumon bounced a few times. "Hey, that map looks like Sunstone island!"
"The teacher wasn't specific in what we were mapping."
Mizumon studied the map for a minute. "Can we go to the Digiworld?"
"As soon as I finish this map."
Mizumon waited for about thirty seconds before asking: "Are you done yet?"
Sforzie suppressed a laugh. "Yeah, I guess so."
"Then let's go!"
"Right, right." Sforzie stood up, picking up her D-terminal and holding her D-3 in the other hand.
"Digiport, open!"
It was sunny in the Digiworld. Except on Sunstone Island, where the sky remained an embittered mass of clouds. Sforzie and Driamon made their way up the beach, after checking the tv-gate for recent activity.
"Do you think there are just the two tv-gates on this island?" Driamon wondered.
"Maybe," Sforzie said. "It's not a big island."
"Maybe there are some on the other side of the island," Driamon suggested. "We could try walking on the other side."
"I guess it couldn't hurt." Sforzie stopped in mid-stride, looking doing. "Funny, the sand here is awfully sof-"
As she spoke, the sand around them exploded. The long, dark form of Chapmon burst to the surface, knocking the pair apart. Sforzie landed on her back. Driamon rolled several feet away.
"What the--" Sforzie looked up to see Chapmon looming over her. He was even uglier up close.
"Sssssso, I finally found you," Chapmon hissed. A snake-like tongue flitted from his bovine mouth.
"You were looking for us? Why?" Driamon wondered.
"I must serve the master Melanomon," Chapmon said. "I was sent to destroy you, but somehow you managed to elude me for the past few days."
"It's not that hard to hide from a big, dumb, flying cow-snake," Driamon said. The whip-like end of Chapmon's tail snapped in front of her face.
"You may have been able to elude me, but I have you now." Chapmon growled. "Melanomon was most displeased that I wasn't able to dispose of you sooner. I shall not feel his wrath again!"
"We'll see about that!" Sforzie shouted. "Driamon!" She held up her D-3.
"Driamon digivolve to... Karamon!"
Chapmon reared back as Driamon digivolved. He snarled.
"You think getting bigger will help you?" Chapmon flared his wings open. "Think again."
"Typhoon Twister!"
Chapmon dodged Karamon's attack. He snorted. "You can barely move, you stupid Digimon!"
Sforzie got to her feet. "She doesn't have to move to beat you."
Chapmon's body coiled as he turned to look at Sforzie. "I don't have time for this."
"Sforzie, get someplace safe!" Karamon shouted. Chapmon snarled, his tail whipping in front of Sforzie. The hooked tip passed just in front of her face, leaving a thin spot of red on her nose. Sforzie stepped back, her hand going to her face.
"You aren't going anywhere," Chapmon said. "Bull whip!" His tail arched back to strike Sforzie, but stopped in mid-swing. "Huh?" He looked back. Karamon held his tail down with a paw.
"Leave her alone! It isn't fair to fight against something non-Digimon!"
"I don't have to play fair!" Chapmon shouted. "Black poison!" He spat a thick black slime into Karamon's face.
"Augh!" Karamon released Chapmon's tail as she twisted away from him. Wiping her snout with a paw, she snarled. "Black paint!" Karamon rubbed her face in the sand furiously.
Chapmon's tail wrapped around Sforzie, holding her tight.
"Karamon!" Sforzie shouted, struggling to break free.
"Keep squirming, I can crush the air right out of you," Chapmon hissed. His fangs were getting too close for Sforzie's comfort.
"Karamon!" she shouted again.
"Sforzie!" Karamon wiped the last of the black mess from her face. "Let her go!" Karamon threw herself at Chapmon, knocking him several feet. He didn't let go of Sforzie. She was dragged through the sand.
"I'm going to kill her, and then I'm going to finish you, you obnoxious blue sea slug!" Chapmon's tongue forked out again. He opened his mouth, exposing two long fangs. Sforzie continued to struggle, turning her face away from Chapmon's.
Beneath the coils of green flesh, something flash bright blue.
"What?!" Chapmon lurched back, nearly letting go of his prey.
"Karamon!" Sforzie gasped as her friend was enveloped in the light.
"I will stop you, Chapmon!" Karamon roared. She pushed herself up.
"Karamon...digivolve to..." The Digimon grew much bigger, sprouting hind legs. The front half of her body was covered in a silver armor. "MetalDriamon!"
"What is that?!" Chapmon dropped Sforzie in alarm. She wheezed, looking up at her Digimon.
"You digivolved again," she said needlessly, slumping back to the ground.
MetalDriamon glared at Chapmon. "Now what were you saying about not being able to move?"
"And like I said, getting bigger isn't going to help you," Chapmon snarled.
Unfortunately for Chapmon, MetalDriamon was a great deal bigger than Karamon. His tail struck her armored forelegs harmlessly.
"You can tell Melanomon that he can't destroy us that easily!" MetalDriamon shouted. She reared up onto her hind legs, her tail counterbalancing as she moved to attack. The metal around her feet began to glow. "Silver Wave!" She slammed into the ground, and the energy that had been gathering at her feet was released in a (well named) silver wave. Chapmon was knocked to the ground.
"Melanomon isn't going to like this," Chapmon hissed as he opened his wings and threw himself into the air. "Don't think that this is over!"
"It is for now," MetalDriamon growled as Chapmon flew away.
MetalDriamon walked over to Sforzie, who remained crumpled in the sand.
"Sforzie, are you okay?"
"Is he gone?" Sforzie asked softly.
"Yup," MetalDriamon nodded. "I scared him away."
"Good." She lifted her head. "I can't move."
MetalDriamon chuckled, dipping her head down next to Sforzie. "He gave you a good squeeze, didn't he?"
"I never hated snakes before this," Sforzie mumbled. "Or cows."
"I'll carry you, if you like," MetalDriamon said. Sforzie managed to sit up.
"I think I'll take you up on that offer."
to be continued...
What will Melanomon do now that MetalDriamon has arrived? Find out in future episodes!
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fddarchive · 2 years
The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector - Episode 7: Darkness on Sunstone (7/17) [incomplete]
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The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector
Episode 7: Darkness on Sunstone
From  the Stories from the Southern Sector section of The Lost Digidestined page of  Blonde Ambition
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The Lost DigiDestined
Episode 7: Darkness on Sunstone
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"Any activity?"
"Nope," Sforzie shook her head. Driamon sighed.
"We haven't been here in two weeks. You'd think that something would have happened!"
Sforzie turned away from the new tv gate that they had found on Sunstone island. "The Demiveemon at Egg Village said that Melanomon hasn't done anything unusual since the last time we were here."
"I just feel bad, not having been here for two weeks!"
"You know that I was too busy to come here," Sforzie closed the screen on her D-terminal.
"Well, now that we're here, we should be looking for Melanomon's headquarters," Driamon said. Sforzie nodded in agreement.
"We might be able to find a way to stop him without having to fight him."
"And Tokomon have wings."
"Try thinking positive, Driamon."
"I do try. It's just..."
Sforzie sat on a log next to Driamon. "Just what?"
"Well, we've been going between your world and the Digiworld for two months now, but we haven't accomplished anything!"
"You can digivolve now, I think that's an accomplishment," Sforzie said.
"That's not what I mean. We fight off the bad Digimon, but we can't even beat them really! We just scare them off usually."
"And you want to destroy them?"
"I want to free them from the black paint," Driamon said. "But I can't."
"Maybe when you Digivolve to a higher level, we'll be able to figure something out."
"So until then, I just have to keep scaring the baddies away?"
"Something like that." Sforzie stood back up. "Come on, if you want to find Melanomon's hideout we're going to have to get moving."
Far on the other side of the island, the sleek dark form of Melanomon was pacing. He snorted loudly at every turn. The tip of his tail twitched.
"Is something troubling you, sir?" A Devidramon stood to the side, watching Melanomon pace. Although they were similar in height, the commanding Digimon was much slighter in form. On the minion's forehead was a barely visible streak of black paint.
"I thought you said that the Digidestined was gone, Devidramon," Melanomon snarled as he came to a stop in front of Devidramon. The Digimon blinked its four red eyes in confusion.
"The Digidestined was gone, wasn't she? Gone from the island at least?" He shifted on his feet. "I've been flying the length of the island for two weeks, and there's been no sign--"
"She was gone," Melanomon snapped. "But she's back now."
"How do you know, sir?"
"I can sense it," he said, scowling. Melanomon glared at Devidramon, who flinched.
"Do you want me to dispose of them?" Devidramon asked softly.
Melanomon stood silent, thinking. He thought back to when the Digidestined and her Digimon had first appeared on his island. They'd went to the ruins of Egg Village almost immediately. Chapmon had been unable to track them. Neither had Devidramon.
But they were back now. The hairs on his neck stood up at the thought of it. They had hidden from his view for two weeks. No Digimon--not even the Demiveemon hiding at the ruins--was able to hide from he and his forces.
"They must be dealt with," Melanomon said.
The Devidramon hesistated. "Sir?"
"Track them," Melanomon said evenly. "If they're coming this way, I want fair warning."
Devidramon coughed. "Fair?"
Melanomon gave a mirthless chuckle. "Go."
"I spy, with my little eye...something sand colored."
"Wouldn't be sand, would it?"
Driamon giggled. "How'd you guess?"
"Oh, just a lucky guess." Sforzie scanned the length of the beach that they were walking.
"If we were in the woods I'd be spying something green."
Driamon giggled. "Hopefully not!" They continued for the far end of the island. "Your turn."
"I spy, with my little eye...something..black?" Sforzie stopped. Driamon paused after a moment, looking around curiously.
"Um... the clouds?"
"No, the clouds are grey," Sforzie frowned. Driamon looked in the direction Sforzie was staring.
"What's that?"
"If I told you, it'd ruin the game," Sforzie murmured. Driamon squinted.
"It's a Digimon, I think," she said after a moment.
"No," Driamon shook her head. "One of his henchmon--Devidramon!"
"Devidramon?" Sforzie echoed uncertainly.
"An evil Digimon!" Driamon slunk into the sand. "He's the one who captures Elecmon!"
"So you've seen him before," Sforzie said. She took a step back as the dark shape advanced in the sky.
"Uh huh." Driamon looked worried. "We should hide."
"Can't we fight?"
"I wouldn't advise it."
Sforzie looked toward the trees. "Where should we hide?"
Driamon scanned the beach quickly. After a moment, she pointed toward the trees. "There!"
They scurried toward a nearly invisible hole in the ground. Sforzie went down first, followed by Driamon. The Digimon pushed sand around to mask the hole.
"Uh, Driamon?"
"Why is there a tunnel here?"
"It's not a tunnel, it's one of Chapmon's burrows," Driamon whispered.
"Then what are we doing in here?!" Sforzie hissed in anxious reply.
"Don't worry, Chapmon's probably not anywhere near here."
"Probably." Sforzie didn't sound convinced.
Devidramon flew closer, and much to their surprise passed overhead without slowing.
"I don't think he saw us," Driamon said after a few minutes.
"You think it's safe now?"
"As safe as any other time."
"Good, now get off my head!"
They crawled out of the hole. Sforzie sat, brushing sand from her hair.
"What do you think the Devidramon was doing?" she asked. Driamon shook some sand off her tail.
"Looking for us, maybe," Driamon said. "I'm not really sure. Maybe he wasn't doing anything."
Melanomon was waiting when Devidramon returned.
Devidramon flinched at his master's tone. "They're here."
"On the east beach, about seven miles south of here."
Melanomon considered this. "How did they get here?"
"I'm not sure. They saw me coming and hid."
"You're sure it was them?"
Devidramon nodded.
"Send Chapmon to destroy them."
Devidramon nodded again, bowing slightly. "As you wish, sir."
Will Chapmon destroy Sforzie and Driamon? Find out in Episode 8!
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fddarchive · 2 years
The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector - Episode 6: The Terror of Sunstone Island (6/17) [incomplete]
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The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector
Episode 6: The Terror of Sunstone Island
From  the Stories from the Southern Sector section of The Lost Digidestined page of  Blonde Ambition
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The Lost DigiDestined
Episode 6: The Terror of Sunstone Island
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A wave splashed against Karamon's side as she swam through the ocean. Sforzie jerked her foot up to avoid the spray.
"Isn't that water cold?"
"No colder than the showers in your dorm," Karamon smiled. Sforzie laughed.
"Well, it's not much further anyways."
They neared Sunstone Island, which seemed to loom eerily on the horizon. Thunderclouds were gathered in the sky over the island. Lightning flashed a few times as they watched.
"That's probably the most dark, oppressive, warning sign that I've seen all day," Karamon noted quietly. They heard thunder growl.
"That's what it sounds like."
Karamon was frowning now as they neared the shore. "I don't remember it being this dark and dismal."
Sforzie squinted. "Really?"
"It wouldn't be called Sunstone Island if it was always dark."
"So what's the stone in the name about?"
Karamon tilted her head thoughtfully at the island. "As I told you before, Sunstone used to be home to Egg Village."
"Yes, that's right."
"Well, for as long as any 'mon can remember, Egg Village was on Sunstone Island. In the center of the village was a tall pillar made of a mysterious type of stone. The pillar was known as the Sun stone."
"The Sun stone gives off heat and light, sort of like the Sun does," Karamon said. "Even though this is the Southern Sector, winters are still cold. The Sun stone warmed Egg Village during the winter, so that the baby Digieggs would be able to stay warm."
"So they named the whole island after that pillar?"
Karamon nodded. "Yes. In addition to helping the baby Digimon hatch, the Sun stone serves as kind of a lighthouse."
"A lighthouse? For what?"
"For the souls of Digimon," Karamon whispered. "All Digimon in the Southern Sector know that when they die, if they wish to be reborn, they can seek out the warmth and light of the Sun stone. So the pillar acts like a lighthouse, guiding Digimon back to be reborn."
"Wow," Sforzie said in a hushed tone. "What happened to the pillar?"
"Oh, it's still in Egg Village," Karamon said. "When the caregivers moved all the eggs to the mainland, they brought the pillar with them. After all, they didn't want for Digieggs to appear where they wouldn't be cared for."
Lightning flickered again overhead. "The island retains the name of the Sun stone, simply because that's what it was for as long as any 'mon can remember."
Sforzie frowned as she looked up at the angry sky. "Will there ever be light on Sunstone again?"
"Perhaps," Karamon said. "Whenever the evil of Melanomon leaves... the caregivers might return Egg Village to its proper place. But until then, Digimon will continue to be reborn in an area their souls aren't used to being reborn in."
Sforzie smiled faintly. "You get used to being reborn?"
Karamon was silent for a moment. "In a way. You get used to the idea of it. And sometimes... sometimes Digimon are reborn, and they're almost exactly the same as they were before. Just... new."
"So was Melanomon evil in his last encarnation too?"
Karamon turned her head to look back at Sforzie. "He was never evil before."
"Then why now?"
Karamon's frown deepened. "I do not know."
The Digimon slowed as they neared where waves were beginning to break. Karamon studied the beach keenly.
"The dock should be nearby," she said, swimming parallel to the shore. "Unless it's been destroyed."
"Would Melanomon destroy it?"
"Maybe," Karamon said. "Maybe not."
After a few minutes more of swimming, they found a small inlet sheltered from the waves. As Karamon had hoped, the small dock still remained, and she was able to deposit Sforzie there without accidentally dumping her into the sea.
Karamon de-digivolved back to Driamon once onshore. Shaking herself dry, Driamon looked around.
"See anything you recognize?" Sforzie wondered. Driamon hestitated.
"Just the path that used to lead to Egg Village," she said.
"Why so nervous?" Sforzie watched her friend shift anxiously on the dock.
"Oh, there's just a creepy vibe around here, can't you feel it?" Driamon looked over her shoulder.
"The clouds do create a certain atmosphere, but nothing too bad."
"Melanomon's power is strong," Driamon shivered. Sforzie crouched next to the Digimon.
"Are you okay? We can leave if you don't want to stay?"
Driamon shook her head. "No. I'd been sensing something strange while we were on the water, but now that we're here... beating him is going to be tougher than I thought."
"Don't worry, we'll find a way," Sforzie consoled her friend, patting her between the horns. Driamon sighed.
"You're right." She swished her tail a few times. "We'll beat Melanomon!"
It thundered overhead.
"Oh, be quiet ominous sky!" Sforzie shouted. Driamon giggled.
"Say, why don't we go see what's left of Egg Village?"
"You really want to?" Sforzie said in surprise.
Driamon nodded. "Sure! Maybe we'll find something useful there."
"Or maybe we'll find a bunch of angry, black painted Digimon."
Driamon giggled again, flopping down the dock. "C'mon, you're supposed to be the optimistic one here!"
"I am being optimistic!" Sforzie laughed as she followed Driamon toward the woods.
The path to Egg Village wasn't very overgrown, much to Driamon's surprise.
"It must still be in use," she said, sniffing the ground.
"Do you think it's safe?"
Driamon sneezed. "It should be. I'm not smelling anything weird on the path."
"Weirder than anything else, you mean."
"Something like that."
Twenty minutes, and they reached what was left of Egg Village.
"Oh..." Driamon looked surprised and worreid as she gazed around. "This wasn't what I expected."
"It's abandoned," Sforzie said. "That's not what you expected?"
"No..." Driamon looked at the neglected buildings. "It's not abandoned."
She turned her head cautiously. "Somemon's still here."
"Good or bad?"
"Can't really tell, although the whole evil feeling of the island seems less here." Driamon looked up. A bit of sunlight filtered down through the thunderheads.
"Whoever you are, go away!"
"Huh?" They turned toward the sound of a squeaky voice in the center of the village.
"Who's there?" Driamon called.
"Nobody, now leave us alone!"
"We're not working for Melanomon," Driamon said. "Please don't be afraid of us."
The tip of a blue ear peeked over the edge of a hole in the ground. "Then what are you doing here?"
"We were just looking around," she said, creeping a bit closer. "We're here to get rid of Melanomon."
There was a laugh from a second voice. It was similar to the first, but a bit more feminine.
"Well then they must not be working for Melanomon. None of his slaves have the presence of mind to want to destroy him."
"I guess you're right," the first voice said. "All right, we'll come out."
Two small blue and white faces peered over the edge of the hole. Their red eyes studied Sforzie and Driamon carefully.
"It's a Digidestined!" one of the Digimon exclaimed, hopping up out of the hole.
"Yeah!" the other followed.
"They're Demiveemon!" Driamon said in surprised. "But how did you guys get here?"
"When Egg Village moved, we stayed behind," the female said. "We're here to make sure Melanomon doesn't hurt anything."
"So far, we've been lucky," the other said. "For some reason he doesn't like this place. He usually stays away from here."
"Are you the only two here?" Driamon asked. The Demiveemon nodded.
"We're the only two foolish enough to stay!" the male laughed. "There's nothing here to guard, really. Like I said, this is the only relatively safe place on the island."
"Can't swim away, so we might as well stay!" the female said in a sing-song voice.
"Actually, there is one thing left in the village left to guard," the male Demiveemon said.
"What's that?"
"What, the village or the thing left to guard?"
Driamon sweatdropped. "The thing left to guard."
"Oh, right!" the male hopped toward one of the buildings. "Over here!"
They followed him inside.
"See?" the Demiveemon pointed to something embedded in the wall. "That's it."
"It's a tv-gate!" Sforzie said.
"Excellent! Now I won't have to swim here anymore!" Driamon nosed the gate to make sure it was functioning. The screen lit up.
"Are you leaving?" the Demiveemon asked, looking worried. "You said you were going to get rid of Melanomon."
"We are, but it's going to take time," Sforzie said. "Driamon isn't strong enough yet to fight him."
"We understand. We're not strong enough to fight anybody but each other!"
"And I usually win," the female said pointedly. The male blushed.
"She has a mean headbutt," he said. Sforzie laughed.
"Is it all right with you two if we use this gate?" she asked.
"Sure! Then our being here will be a bit more worthwhile."
"That's a good way to look at it," Driamon said.
"We're going to go explore the island some more, but we'll come back here in a little while," Sforzie said.
"You mean you're going to go look for Melanomon?"
Sforzie nodded. "We have to find out where he's at."
"You're crazy, but we're not going to stop you," the Demiveemon said. Sforzie smiled.
"That's for that rousing support."
"Any time!"
Driamon and Sforzie left the relative safety of Egg Village, and began to trek back through the woods.
"Say, Driamon?"
"How will we know which Digimon is Melanomon when we find him?"
"Well, from what I've heard... Melanomon is big, red and black, and has white feet."
Sforzie blinked. "White feet?"
Driamon nodded. "White feet."
"Weird fashion sense."
"You can check your D-terminal if you don't believe me," Driamon said defensively.
"I do believe you," Sforzie laughed.
They neared the edge of the forest--they could hear the crashing of the waves on the beach and the growl of thunder. Driamon stopped suddenly, motioning for Sforzie to do the same.
"Look," she whispered urgently, pointing toward the dock. Two Digimon stood there.
"Is that Melanomon?" Sforzie whispered in return. Driamon nodded faintly.
"The green one is a Chapmon," she said.
Melanomon was huge--much taller than Sforzie had imagined that he would be. She pointed this out to Driamon.
"Yes, he's very big," Driamon said. "He's a mega level Digimon."
"How on earth are we going to beat him?"
"I wouldn't worry about that right now," Driamon whispered. They watched as the serpent-like Chapmon slithered away down the beach. Melanomon looked around for a moment. He took a few steps toward the forest, but then stopped. Driamon and Sforzie watched breathlessly as Melanomon stared into the trees. After another minute, he unfurled his four wings and flew away, back down toward the other end of the island. They sighed.
"Do you think he saw us?" Sforzie said quietly.
"I'm not sure." Driamon gazed in the direction that the evil Digimon had departed. "We have to find out where he's staging his operations from."
"Is that safe?"
"Is anything?" Driamon looked at Sforzie. "You know we don't have a choice. If we're lucky, we might find another tv-gate along the way."
"Just not today."
"Hmm?" Driamon blinked. "Not today?"
"It's getting late," Sforzie pointed at her watch. "I need to get back to school."
Driamon sulked. "What's more important, studying or saving the Digiworld?"
"You know that saving the Digiworld is more important to me, but I do have my obligations in the real world."
"You have your obligations here, too," Driamon said softly. Sforzie sighed.
"I know. But it's not safe here at night anyway."
Driamon hesitated, but then nodded. "You're right. There's always tomorrow."
"That's the spirit."
So they turned around and started the walk back to Egg Village, hurrying so that they weren't caught in the forest at night...
What does Melanomon have in store for Sforzie and Driamon? Find out in episode 7!
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fddarchive · 2 years
The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector - Episode 5: The Crest of Sustenance (5/17) [incomplete]
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The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector
Episode 5: The Crest of Sustenance
From  the Stories from the Southern Sector section of The Lost Digidestined page of  Blonde Ambition
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The Lost DigiDestined
Episode 5: The Crest of Sustenance
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"Nope, nothing here either."
Sforzie studied the screen on her D-terminal. Driamon sighed.
"We're never going to find the others," she said.
"Don't feel so bad, Driamon," Sforzie closed the screen. They had been checking the tv gates for activity.
"But we've being going west for two weeks," Driamon said. "At this rate we'll be on Sunstone island before we find anything."
"Sunstone Island?"
"It's an island off the west coast of the Southern Sector," Driamon said as they continued in the direction that the mysterious red light had flashed weeks before. "It used to be where Egg Village was."
"Egg Village was?"
"Egg Village is a place where all the Southern Sector Digimon are reborn," Driamon said. "Digieggs hatch there and are taken care of until they're ready to live on their own."
"You hatched there?"
"On Sunstone Island? Yup. But when Melanomon took control, he took over Sunstone Island. The caregivers of Egg Village took all the Digieggs and rebuilt the village on the mainland."
"Melanomon sounds like a creep."
Driamon glowered. "He is. I don't think nice guys go around enslaving Digimon."
"Why does he do it?"
"He's evil," Driamon said. "Like...like a cancer. A cancer of the Digiworld."
"Melanomon..." Sforzie said thoughtfully.
"Don't worry about him right now," Driamon said. "He stays on Sunstone most of the time. He just sends his flunkies to the mainland to collect new slaves."
"What do his slaves do?"
"They...infect...they put the black paint on more Digimon. Just spreading the evil like a virus."
The pair walked quietly through the woods for a few more minutes, until they noticed that the forest had started to thin out.
"We're getting close to the beach!" Driamon said brightly. "Swim time!"
"Silly Digimon," Sforzie laughed.
"I hope saltwater doesn't make my fur shrink!"
They finally did reach the beach. The ocean stretched away to the horizon, where a small shadow blemished the skyline.
"That's Sunstone Island!" Driamon splashed into the waves. "But it's so far away..."
"How'd you get to the mainland from the island?"
"There used to be a boat that the Egg Village caregivers ran, taking in training Digimon to the mainland. But not anymore, since Egg Village is on the northern coast of the mainland now."
Sforzie sat in the sand, pulling out her D-terminal. "So how are we going to get there now?"
"Not sure," Driamon sighed, flopping down next to Sforzie.
"I thought you were going to swim."
"I'll get to it."
Sforzie studied the map on the D-terminal. "I wonder what this flashing thing is."
Driamon leaned to look. "What flashing thing?"
"Not sure. I never saw it before, until we got here."
"How far away is it?"
Sforzie pointed up the beach. "About a mile thattaway."
"Well, should we go check it out?"
She looked at the map again. "I...guess so. Although we don't know if it'll be safe or not."
"I've never known for a bad Digimon to show up on the map."
So they went up the beach, following the mysterious blip on Sforzie's D-terminal.
"Is it moving?" Driamon panted as she flopped alongside her partner.
"Nope," Sforzie shook her head. She looked over at Driamon. "You okay?"
"Oh yeah," Driamon said breathlessly. "I'm just not built for walking very fast."
Sforzie stopped, laughing. "You only have two legs, silly."
"Yeah, that's right."
"Why not swim?"
"I wouldn't want you to get lost."
"On the beach?"
Driamon smiled crookedly and nodded. "You blondes get lost easily, I've heard."
They continued walking.
"Where'd you hear that blondes got lost easily?"
"In your room," Driamon said. "Halie was talking on the phone with her boyfriend. She was telling blonde jokes."
"How nice," Sforzie said sourly. "Of course, she's a brunnette, and isn't exactly the brightest bulb in the room."
"How'd she do in classes last semester?"
"Better question--how didn't she?" Sforzie stopped again, looking at the D-terminal. "We should be right on top of it now."
Driamon fanned the sand around her. "I don't see anything."
"Maybe it's buried--aah!" As she moved a foot, Sforzie tripped over something hidden in the sand. She regained her composure, toeing the sand. Something blue and white glinted at her feet.
"What is it?" Driamon wondered, pushing sand away from the object. After the sand was cleared away, Sforzie picked it up. The object was blue on one side, shaped like a strange skull with a silver horn protuding from the forehead. The underside was white and rounded like an egg, embelished by a strange blue and white fin, and a mysterious silver design.
"It's warm," Sforzie noted.
"It's a digi-egg, but not like one I've ever seen," Driamon looked at the egg curiously as Sforzie lowered it for her to see. "It has a crest on it."
"Another crest?" Sforzie looked at the silver marking. "It's not like the one on the stone you found."
"Maybe it's for someone else."
"The egg or the stone?"
Driamon tilted her head. "The stone. Your D-terminal didn't notice the stone, but it did find this egg. It must be meant for you, Sforzie."
"Well..." Sforzie looked at the egg thoughtfully. "What do we do with it?"
"I'm not sure," Driamon admitted.
"Maybe we have to hatch it," Sforzie suggested.
"It doesn't really look like a hatching type egg," Driamon said. "More like..."
"Like what?"
"I'm not sure," Driamon shook her head. "I feel like I've seen it before, but I know I haven't."
"Odd. I guess we'll just carry it for now."
"Sounds good." Driamon reached up a paw and touched the egg. She jerked back in surprise. "Woah!"
"What? What is it?"
"There's so much energy in that thing!" Driamon exclaimed.
In her pocket, Sforzie's digivice began to beep loudly. She pulled it out.
"What's happening?" she said, although she had an inkling... "I think.." Sforzie pointed the D-3 at Driamon, who was engulfed in a bright blue light.
"Driamon digivolve to.... Karamon!"
A much larger version of Driamon appeared, and Sforzie stepped back in surprise.
"I forgot how much bigger you get when you Digivolve!"
Karamon rose her head, her nose coming a foot or so higher than Sforzie. She smiled. "I'm Karamon, the Champion form of Driamon."
"Champion form..." Sforzie blinked. "How many forms do you have, anyways?"
"Just another one, I think," Karamon tilted her head. "I'm not really sure. It varies by the Digimon."
Karamon stretched her big front arms for moment, and Sforzie smiled.
"You've got a fin on your back now," she said. Karamon looked over her shoulder.
"So I do." She bobbed her head. "I dunno, do you think yellow is my color?"
"Looks fine on you!" Sforzie laughed. Karamon chuckled.
"You know, Sforzie, we should be able to get to Sunstone Island now."
"We should?"
Karamon nodded. "You can ride on my back, and I'll swim over. After all, I didn't Digivolve just for nothing!"
"You're right, Karamon." Sforzie looked at the Digimon's back again. "So where do I sit?"
"Oh, on my back, silly," Karamon said. "Don't worry, it won't hurt my fin if you sit on it."
"You sure?"
"Sure I'm sure!" Karamon chuckled again, a strange sound considering the amount that her voice had deepened through the Digivolve. "There's just a slight problem."
"What's that?"
"I'm not very mobile on land," Karamon grinned. Sforzie laughed.
"Don't worry, you can just go back to being cute once we get to the island."
"You saying I'm not cute?"
"You're no rookie," Sforzie laughed, patting Karamon on the neck. "Now let's get moving. I don't want to get stuck on that island at night if there aren't any tv gates there."
"There will be, I hope," Karamon said as she pulled herself toward the water. "I don't want to be swimming through the ocean at night. There are many dangers to the sea..."
What awaits Sforzie and Karamon on Sunstone Island? Find out in episode 6!
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fddarchive · 2 years
The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector - Episode 3: Summer's End (3/17) [incomplete]
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The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector
Episode 3: Summer's End
From  the Stories from the Southern Sector section of The Lost Digidestined page of  Blonde Ambition
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The Lost DigiDestined
Episode 3: Summer's End
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Mid-August. Summer was over, for Sforzie at least. But as she drove back to school she wasn't alone. The end of summer had brought her a new friend, and a new destiny.
"Are we there yet?" Mizumon squeaked again. She bounced up and down in the passenger's seat, trying to get a better view out the window.
"No bouncing in a moving vehicle!" Sforzie laughed, holding her Digimon friend down with a hand. "And yes, we're almost there."
"Good! I'm bored!"
"You've been bored since we stopped in Savannah for lunch," Sforzie said wryly, turning into a parking lot. "Ah, Olive Hall. Home sweet home."
"Don't sound so sarcastic," Mizumon said from under Sforzie's hand. "Lemme go, I wanna look!" She resumed her bouncing as Sforzie found a parking space in the overcrowded parking lot.
"You stay here and behave while I go check in," Sforzie said as she got out of the car.
"Don't take too long," Mizumon squeaked. "I don't want to suffocate in here!"
"I won't be gone that long!"
The halls were even more crowded than the parking lot. Freshmen were moving in, as were transfers. Parents lugged in boxes, while the floor's hyperactive Resident Advisor mingled from room to room.
"Michiru! It's so great to see you back already!" Vera Haipuru appeared in front of Sforzie as she fumbled for her keys. Mizumon remained motionlessly tucked under Sforzie's arm. Vera tapped her clipboard. "Do you know when Halie will be back?"
"When I talked to her, she said tomorrow afternoon. So it'll probably be Tuesday."
Vera laughed loudly. "Right-o!" She looked behind Sforzie. "Sorry to run, I've got to welcome some more newbies! You know where to find me if you need me!"
Sforzie smiled, gritting her teeth and nodding as the RA continued down the hall.
"That was odd," Mizumon said softly.
"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," Sforzie said under her breath. She finally managed to get the door open, and they went inside.
"What a dump," Mizumon commented brightly. She dropped out of Sforzie's arm after the door was closed. A layer of dust covered the contents of the room, but it wasn't that messy... no messier than she'd left it three months previous, at least.
Sforzie laughed. "It's home."
An old blue recliner groaned as Mizumon bounced into it. "I think I liked your closet better." She looked around. "Which bed is mine?"
Sforzie made a face. "You can sleep on the floor."
"I can make a nest under the bed!" Mizumon giggled. At first Sforzie thought she was joking, but then the little Digimon disappeared under the dust ruffle. "There's enough room! You'd better buy some more towels!"
Sforzie smacked her forehead as Mizumon rustled around under the bed. "Can you behave while I unload my car? Or do I need to get a babysitter?"
"I'm not a baby!" Mizumon's voice came from under the bed. "I'm an In-Training! Besides, I already know how to sit."
"Right." Sforzie sweatdropped. "Just stay put."
"I'm going digital! Completely digital! Now I'm invincible! Let's all get digital!"
Mizumon hummed loudly with the radio as she and Sforzie ate pizza that night.
"You know, college isn't as scary as you said it would be," Mizumon said as she carefully nibbled her way through a slice of pizza.
"This was just the dorm. And the first day."
Mizumon's eyes widened. "Oh."
Sforzie laughed. "Besides, you haven't even seen all the campus yet."
"When can I?"
She shrugged lightly. "Tomorrow."
"I wanna go see now," Mizumon insisted.
"Tomorrow," Sforzie said again. Mizumon sighed in defeat, and resumed eating.
After a few minutes, Sforzie cleared her throat.
"Hey, Mizumon?"
"We won't have any problems getting into the Digital World from here, will we?"
"As long as you have your Digivice and terminal, you shouldn't have any problems."
Sforzie nodded thoughtfully. "I almost wish I could stay in the Digital World all the time. It'd be a lot more fun than being here and having to write papers and take tests."
Mizumon looked surprised. "Even with Melanomon?"
"Even with him. Once we beat him, the Digital World will be safe, won't it?"
"I think so," Mizumon said. "The Southern Sector at least. I'm not really sure about the rest of the Digi-world, since I've never been there."
"Oh." Sforzie uncrossed her legs, banging on her foot that had fallen asleep. "Do you think it'll take us a long time to beat Melanomon?"
"I'm not really sure. I get the feeling that we might not be able to do this on our own."
"What do you mean? There are other Digi-destined?"
Mizumon nodded. "There are many others. The current ones, actually. A few years ago they defeated an evil force than nearly destroyed the whole Digital World. But since then we haven't heard anything from the Main Sector. But there are other lost DigiDestined like you. Ones who weren't called at the right time."
"Why now, then?"
"Don't know. We'll have to explore the Southern Sector as best we can, and hopefully we might find more of the lost DigiDestined."
"Yes..." Sforzie picked up her Digivice off of her bed and looked at it thoughtfully. "We'll do whatever it takes. I just hope that there are more Lost DigiDestined out there to help us..."
Will Sforzie and Mizumon find the help that they need to defeat Melanomon? The story continues in Episode 4...
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fddarchive · 2 years
The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector - Episode 2: Mizumon's Bubble-Blow (2/17) [incomplete]
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The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector
Episode 2: Mizumon's Bubble-Blow
From  the Stories from the Southern Sector section of The Lost Digidestined page of  Blonde Ambition
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The Lost DigiDestined
Episode 2: Mizumon's Bubble-Blow
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"I don't know," Mizumon frowned. "I don't think I can fight off something that big!"
"Well, it can't hurt to try!"
"Right!" Mizumon bounced toward the Numemon. It growled.
"You will become of Melanomon's slaves," the Numemon said.
"Fat chance!" Mizumon squeaked. She puffed herself up and spit several large bubbles at the Numemon. "Bubble Blow!"
The bubbles didn't do any noticeable damage.
"Uh oh," Mizumon gulped. "Bubble Blow!" Another volley, still no effect. "Darn it! Headbutt time!" Mizumon bounced toward the Numemon, jabbing it in the side with both her horns. The Numemon yelped in surprise. "Bubble Blow!"
Another set of pokes from her horn, and Numemon scurried away. Mizumon flopped on her back, panting.
"Mizumon, are you okay?" Sforzie cried, picking the Digimon up.
"I'll be fine," Mizumon smiled. "We were lucky this time. There was only one of them."
"You were right about not being safe here," Sforzie said.
"Not in my little in-training form at least," Mizumon sighed.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, hopefully someday I'll be able to Digivolve. I'll get bigger, and will be able to fight better."
"Oh, that sounds neat!" Sforzie smiled. Mizumon giggled.
"It is. When I was a baby, I was a Piftimon. Eventually I was strong enough to Digivolve into this form. But without more energy, I'll never be able to become something great."
"Well, then we'll have to do something about that, won't we?"
"Yeah!" Mizumon wiggled her tail again.
They walked on, until they came to the tree with the built in television.
"This is the gate that I came through," Sforzie said. "Mizumon, can you leave the Digital World?"
"Sure!" Mizumon said brightly. "I'm as real as you! But don't you want to explore more?"
"Well, yeah," Sforzie nodded. "But I need to finish cleaning out my closet before my parents get home." She looked down at the blue creature in her arms. "You can help if you want."
"Yeah!" Mizumon blinked thoughtfully. "I've never cleaned a closet before. I've never had one to clean!" She giggled.
The trip back to the Real World wasn't as disturbing as it had been in the opposite direction. They landed in a heap on the bed. Mizumon looked around.
"Wow. So this is the Real World..." She blinked. "It's awfully small."
Sforzie laughed. "This is just my room."
"Oooh," Mizumon bounced off of Sforzie's head and down to the floor. "This is your room. Why all the boxes?"
"I'm getting ready to go back to college," Sforzie sighed. Mizumon blinked her big eyes, looking perplexed.
"It's probably scarier than facing your evil Melanomon," Sforzie said. Mizumon's tail drooped.
"Maybe I was better off in the Digital world," the little Digimon said. Sforzie laughed, picking her up.
"Don't worry, I'll be there to keep you safe," she said. "And as long as my roommate doesn't try to add you to her stuffed animal collection, you should be fine."
"At college, I have to share a bedroom with another person." Sforzie made a distasteful expression. Mizumon copied it, and they both giggled.
"Sforzie, wherever you go, I'll be there with you!" Mizumon declared, puffing herself up slightly. "I'll even face Melanomon for you, someday."
Sforzie smiled. "All right, I believe you. Come on, you can help me find my class schedule. I think it's in one of these boxes..."
Will college be scarier for Mizumon than Melanomon? Find out in the next episode!
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fddarchive · 2 years
The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector - Episode 1: The Southern Sector (1/17) [incomplete]
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The Lost Digidestined: Stories from the Southern Sector
Episode 1: The Southern Sector
From the Stories from the Southern Sector section of The Lost Digidestined page of  Blonde Ambition
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The Lost DigiDestined
Episode 1: The Southern Sector
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It was early August. A depressing time of year for any youngster.
"Augh, I can't believe I have to go back again!"
Including the youngsters in college.
Michiru Tomosono, called Sforzie by those who knew her, was getting ready to go back to college for her second year. As she went through her boxes, Sforzie was less than thrilled about having to move back into her dorm.
"What is all this stuff?" Sforzie sighed as she went through a box of school supplies. "I don't remember buying all this. Must be Mom's doing." Tossing a massive bundle of pencils aside, she noticed something at the bottom of the box. "What's this?"
It looked like one of those fancy graphic calculators the people in her Calculus class had liked to show off last semester. And hooked to its side was something that looked vaguely like a cel-phone. But they were both different somehow.
"Maybe this was Halie's," Sforzie said, referring to her roommate. "Must've gotten stuck in my box."
As she sat on her bed, considering the small computer, there was a chime from her laptop.
"Email?" Sforzie looked at the screen. "Wait a minute, I'm not on the internet."
A small screen had appeared on her laptop. There were several buttons, and a small viewscreen. One button glowed green; the other red. Between the buttons was a line of text.
Open Digiport?
"Open Digiport?" Sforzie said curiously. Her laptop beeped, and the text changed.
Unable to Open Digiport. D-3 Digivice and DigiTerminal not properly activated.
"These things, maybe?" she looked down at the objects. Sforzie pulled the smaller object free from the mini-computer. The smaller object was silver and blue. Sforzie ran her fingers over the array of black buttons, and the screen at the center came to life. Sforzie flipped the top of the computer up, and that screen also came to life.
Digital World contacted. Gate ready. You have 1 new message. Read?
Sforzie selected Yes and a fairly normal looking email appeared on the small screen. The contents were cryptic to her.
Sforzie, I've been waiting for you! If you're reading this, please come and find me.
"Who sent this email?" Sforzie said curiously. She looked back at her laptop. The text had changed again.
Signal detected. Digiport open.
Sforzie held the D-3 in one hand, and the other object in her other hand.
"This must be the Digivice then," she said, looking at the silver and blue object. A cursor flashed on its screen, and a word appeared. Open. "But what am I supposed to do? Where's a help menu when I need one?"
The Digivice's message persisted, as did the message on her laptop.
"Digiport open," Sforzie read the screen again. In her hands, the Digivice flashed brightly, and shot a beam of blue light at her laptop.
It didn't occur to Sforzie to scream as she was sucked into her laptop through the strange gateway.
The world swirled in a dozen shades of orange and pink, and she was clueless as to what was happening. One moment she was sitting in front of her laptop, the next she had landed on her backside in the middle of a strange place.
It was quiet, and cooler than home. Sforzie knew it sounded terribly cliche, but she said the first thing that came to mind.
"I don't think I'm in Georgia anymore," she said. That much was clear. The trees were different, the whole landscape felt different. Looking around, Sforzie noticed what looked like a television set embedded into a nearby tree. Looking into it, she was surprised to see her room.
"This must be where I came through," Sforzie said. "I'll have to remember that."
Uncertain as to what else she should to, Sforzie started to walk. She didn't have to go very far before noticing a group of strange creatures watching her from the trees. They looked like large red and purple rabbits, but were still even more unusual than any bunny Sforzie had ever seen.
"Go away!" A voice cried from somewhere unseen. Sforzie looked around.
"Hello?" she called uncertainly. Several of the creatures moved out of the shade of the trees. They were cute, Sforzie thought, even though they all were snarling softly.
"We said go away!" one of the creatures squeaked. Sforzie blinked in surprise.
"You talked?" she said.
"Of course we did!" another one of the creatures shouted. It shot a small bolt of electricity at Sforzie's feet. She yelped and stepped back quickly.
"You're one of Melanomon's henchmon! You've come to take us away like you did to the others!"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Sforzie said, shaking her head.
"That isn't a Digimon," another one of the creatures said in a soft voice. "It's a human."
"A human?" another one balked. "That's impossible. How did it get here?" The creatures stared at Sforzie.
"It has a Digivice!" They looked at each other in excitement. "It's one of them!"
"One of what?" Sforzie said uncertainly.
"A DigiDestined!" a new voice squeaked. A strange blue head appeared between two of the rabbits. It was followed by a tail. It looked like a large blue tadpole, with a spike on its head and tail. The creature bounced toward Sforzie, who looked at it in surprise.
"Oh, Sforzie, I've been waiting for you for so long!" the creature squeaked as it landed at her feet. "What took you so long? I thought you were never going to come! You must have finally gotten my email!" The creature nuzzled Sforzie's feet, barely able to contain its happiness.
"Your email?" Sforzie bent down and picked up the creature. "Is that how you know my name? Were you the one who sent me the message on my Digiterminal?"
"Yup!" it nodded. "But I sent that email ten years ago! I was afraid you'd never get it."
"Well, I'm sorry," Sforzie smiled. "You obviously know my name. What's yours?"
"I'm Mizumon!" it squeaked. "I'm a girl, by the way."
Sforzie laughed. "That's good to know. Pleased to meet you, Mizumon."
Mizumon pointed down with her tail. "These are the Elecmon. They're my friends. I've been living with them for a long time, while I waited for you."
"Mizumon, are you sure you can trust this human?" one of the Elecmon called.
"She has the Digivice, doesn't she?" Mizumon said. "That's all I need to see. In my heart, I know I've found the right person!"
"The right person? For what?" Sforzie blinked.
"To be my best friend for life!" Mizumon laughed. Sforzie blinked again, but then smiled and nodded in agreement.
The Elecmon said goodbye to Mizumon and disappeared into the forest. Sforzie walked, and Mizumon bounced cheerily alongside her, until they found a place to sit down.
"So, why have you been waiting for me?" Sforzie asked. Mizumon wiggled her tail.
"You mean you don't know? You are one of the DigiDestined, aren't you?" Mizumon peered up at Sforzie with curious red-orange eyes.
"Well, I'm not sure really," Sforzie admitted. "I think I ended up here by accident. I found the D-3 and DigiTerminal together in a box. But I don't remember ever getting them."
"They were placed there for you," Mizumon said. She looked thoughtful. "Something must have happened that you were never called to the Digital World."
"The Digital World? Why would I be called there? And what is a DigiDestined anyways?"
Mizumon sighed, but explained patiently. It struck Sforzie as odd that this little creature knew so much.
"The Digital World is...like another dimension, but not quite. It's adjacdent to your world, the Real World. The DigiDestined are humans from the Real World that come to the Digital World in order to help protect it from evil. The DigiDestined have partners, Digimon. Digital Monsters. You're one of the DigiDestined, Sforzie. When evil came to this part of the Digital World, the DigiDestined should have been brought here. But for some reason they never were. I've been waiting for you to come, because there is evil here."
"Where is here?"
"This is called the Southern Sector," Mizumon said. "It's a fairly remote part of the Digital World, but we still count! The evil here is as powerful as in the Main Sector. Because the DigiDestined were never called, the evil force has had time to build." Mizumon smiled. "But now that you're here, you can defeat Melanomon and help free my Elecmon friends!"
"He's the most evil Digimon in the Southern Sector," Mizumon said. "He's taken over the sector, and is turning Digimon into his slaves. He uses an evil Black paint to poison the spirits of Digimon and put them under his control. The Elecmon were afraid that you were one of his henchmon. A few days ago, some of Melanomon's henchmon came and took away lots of the Elecmon. We've been on guard since then."
"Is it okay for you to leave them?" Sforzie wondered.
"If we were attacked, I couldn't be of any help in this form," Mizumon said. "They can defend themselves a little. And I'm safer with you!"
They were still discussing things, when something came out of the nearby bushes. Mizumon hopped up onto Sforzie's knee as a strange green slug approached them. It was about twice a big as Mizumon.
"That's a Numemon!" Mizumon hissed. "See that black paint on its forehead? It's one of Melanomon's flunkies!"
"What are we going to do?" Sforzie whispered.
"I don't know," Mizumon frowned. "I don't think I can fight off something that big!"
Will Mizumon be able to fight off the Numemon? Find out in Episode 2!
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