#The Loneliest Boy in the World
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if I had a nickel for every time a teenager in a coming of age film who spends all of their free time in a cemetery after losing their mom learns about life with the help of a zombie(s) i'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but....
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let us not forget the one time he ate her out behind a strip mall 🙏 - I'm such an idiot!! I can't believe I forgot that! I'm still mad at Ben for just ruining everything lol But yessssss thank you for that scene it was amazing (chef's kiss)
I'm still mad at Ben for just ruining everything lol - i get such sick satisfaction out of it, honestly. there's something so delectable about the pathology behind it.
He chuckles darkly because, with that, the terms are set. She wants him to admit he’s jealous of Paxton—which, like, big fucking deal; more than half the kids at their school are jealous of Paxton—and he’s going to get her to own up to the fact that she’s driven mad by her lust for him and specifically him. Let the games begin in earnest. (chapter 1)
She’s sloppy wet for him—like she’s been sitting in it all night—and coming in record time, but he’s never been good at wanting her in moderation, has always had a taste for gluttony, and her orgasm doesn’t so much as stall him for a second.
“Missed this so much,” she says, voice strained and she’s clenching again and he can feel his face becoming slathered with her but he still wants more. “No one— Only you can—” (chapter 7)
it's the way he's made devi the fulcrum of his self-worth. having her want him in the same single-minded way he wants her is what he expects will make him feel secure.
meanwhile, devi's been open (in her own muddled way, of course) about how she does hold him in special regard, particularly in this context they've decided is the safest way to want each other at all, and ben ignores this in favor of lashing out, angry at her for meaning so much to him because he's been shaped to think that wanting someone this much drives them away.
so he does the driving himself. he gets confirmation that devi 'driven mad by lust for him and specifically him' and then he blows it up because having what he wants is dangerous. i am throwing bricks through windows!!!!!
#bitty spark ‘verse#anon#replies#i am actually insane about this thank you for giving me the thinnest of pretenses to yell about it#the loneliest boy in the world#obnoxious nerd who can't do anything halfway#ben gross#devi x ben
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Hero Fiennes Tiffin
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Солянка из фанфика, зомби-комедии и короткометражек. Вампирский мюзикл.
crazykotyara "Гарри Поттер и Мальчик-Который-Выжил-Из-Ума" (2019-???)
(Scientia potentia est) Глава, где остановилась.
АУ в котором Лорд убивает родителей Невилла, Поттеры попадают в Мунго как Долгопупсы в каноне. Сириус теперь воспитатель Гарри. Тот начитавшись статей Снейпа хочет на Слизерин. Ещё по другим причинам, но это явно откроется позже.
Глав очень-очень много, благо они короткие. К сожалению, пошло в мрачноту. У Роулинг она тоже была, но свет как-то ощущался больше. Интересно кто тут Даблдор. Он ведёт игры как Дамбигад, но по появлениям производит впечатление того кто ошибся вселенной, решив давать шансы людям мрачной версии. Конечно они всё запарывают.
Новые версии героев притягивают внимание. По сути оба мальчика две версии неверия в людей. Гарри, наслушавшийся про проделки Мародеров всегда старается развеселить окружающих. Привыкнув не показывать свои переживания, потому что Сириус уходит раз в год в депрессию, потому что Люпину итак тяжело, потому что родители овощи он забывает про свои чувства. И других тоже.
Здесь у всех проблемы, потому что они словами через рот не говорят о них.
Так из-за шуточного приглашения Крама на бал, бедняга и Гермиона действительно весь год думали будто Гарри ревнует к спортсмену подругу. В принципе, был слизеринец, решивший отбить Локхарта и Грэбб с Гойлом на балу вместе танцевали, ещё Гарри с Близнецами про роман Рона и Питегрю шутили...Поэтому лояльность к голубым здесь не ясна. Получается консервативные маги прогрессивнее магглов. Несмотря на болезнь, Лили явно беспокоится о сыне, как и Джеймс. Она ещё Сева периодически зовёт. Ближе к финалу Гермиона офигивает от уровня скрытности Гарри и просит его высказывать свои чувства. Ему особенно несладко. Собственный факультет его игнорит, как и Драко выбравший семью. Впрочем, он не хотел его ошпаривать и даже не может до руки дотронуться. Глава заканчивается, что не ясно выдал ли он бывшего друга Беллатрисе или нет.
У Невилла всё тоже мрачно. Он с канона шуганный, а здесь у него голос в голове. Тёмного лорда. Его сарказтичные комментарии обманчиво добавляют юмора первым годам. Сейчас история на пятом. Чувствую, завершится на шестом, но кто знает автора. Она уже почти четыре года пишет. Судя по уровню заботы от Тома, Невилл сделал невозможное. Он обратил часть ТЛ на свою сторону. Именно Том пытался сдержать Лорда из диадемы и Ридлла из дневника, поглошеннных Невиллом. Вот только кто тогда был четвёртым Томом М.Ридллом на карте, если Долгопупс слышал 3 голоса? Невилла подавляла бабушка, пытались убить родственники, вызывая магический всплеск. Его достали журналисты с детства и долг перед всеми. Он не верит людям. Из-за томасов подозревает Дабмлдора, тогда как Гарри ему скорее верит. Более того, Поттера с директором сравнивает Снейп. Невилла безумно жаль. Он Кубка касается из-за желания сделать что-то значительное. Встречался с Джинни. Не понял, что пикаперские советы Риддла-из дневника ловушка, чтобы Уизли бросила его, узнав те самые слова из дневника. С бабушкой у них не клеится. Невилл не отвечает на её письма. Ридлл здесь в какой то степени прав. Потеряв сына, женщина слишком ушла в традиционные речи о долге и Избранном, невольно оттолкнув от себя внука. В конце только Луна провожает мальчика перед турниром. Она здесь анонная, но тоже страдает сейчас. Джинни даже патронуса репетирует. Хочет передать сообщение с извинением Невиллу.
В этой версии Люпин шикарный и также был профессором. Новая версии знаковых столкновений с ТЛ не такие крутые как оригинал. Зато больше отдают психологией.Интересно обыграли первый урок ЛжеГрюма. Киношный был для Слизерина, книжный для Гриффиндора.
Так раз Гарри выращен магами, ему плевать на магглов. Гермионе, поэтому особенно тяжко в нацистком мире. Она уезжает в Дурмстранг. Пишет, там куда проще и похоже только Каркаров был за чистоту крови. Остальные более открыты. Именно привычное воспитание и общественное мнение, заставит Драко оттолкнуть просьбу попробовать помочь окаменевшему Гарри на втором курсе. Грейнджер не скажет Гарри, но выводы сделает. Хочет открыт. М.А.Р.А.З.М., организацию защищающую магглов. Гарри не ценит, считает те как зверушки, но ради подруги носил бы значок. Да, он каменеет и умудряется не быть ловцом. Ему нравится быть в команде охотников.
Усталый и разочарованный в жизни и людях Снейп хорош. Как и взаимодействие с Поттером. Они друзья. На сколько это возможно из-за возраста и положения. У Гарри он любимый учитель. Сириус не знает.
Не знаю куда затянет создательницу. Появится ли Невилл в финале или будет "короче все померли". Пока внезапно нравится Нарцисса. Она бы не против помирится с Сириусом и рада видеть мантию Регулуса на Гарри.
Парень с того света (2022)
Оригинальное название "Самый одинокий мальчик в мире" куда больше отражает суть. Трейлеры и постеры почти обманывают. Они тизерят Хиро Файнса в образе другана-зомби, в то время как в самом фильме он появляется лишь на 15 минуте, а тот самый весёлый треш про зомби идёт с 40 минуты. Полуторачасового фильма!
Всё кино не покидало чувство, что будь это часовой эпизод каких-нибудь "Баек из склепа" было бы куда лучше. Для комедии ему не хватает искры. Для чего-то серьёзного он слишком нарочито яркий и кукольный. Чего стоит розовый дом главного героя и памятник его матери, внезапно обрётающий эпитафию в конце.
Первая половина погружает в историю парня похожего на гибрид Пиви из фильма Тима Бёртона и убийцы из "Психо". Сложно поверить, что у такого сладкого мальчика какие-то проблемы с друзьями. Между делом фильм сообщает, что он только учился и с мамой проводил время. После трагедии одноклассники совсем его сторонятся и только неформалка новенькая готова общаться. И та сбежала после вываливания предыстории, но позже извиняется. Отец героя однажды не вернулся из командировки. Мать пила, плакала, смотрела сериалы. Здесь можно увидеть старое аниме и "Альфа". Его маски одевает зомби-семья в конце. В одно прекрасное воспоминание сын попытался сфотографировать маму, случайно роняет телевизор в надувной бассейн. Женщину подбрасывает от тока и она падает на садового гнома. Герой сообщает о шутке полицейского, мол его казнят. Гнома.
Парня держат в доме и к нему приходит Юлиус-психиатр, мечтающий за��адить его в клинику и Марго из соцслужб. Она верит в парня. Ближе к финалу они буквально по цветовой гамме различаются. Мужчина в чёрном-красном, а та вся в белом, чтобы ассоциации с ангелом и демоном были.
Сеттинг 80-ых выглядит максимально ненужным, потому что мода давно прошла. Такое чувство будто косили под Тима Бёртона. Первая половина скучная, а действия героя не совсем понятны. Ладно, он рассказывает могиле матери, где сердце словно тески, о сериалах. На кладбище с ним дружат двое копателей. Весьма весёлые ребята, относящиеся к нему по-доброму.
Юлиус и Марго велят найти д��узей к Хеллоуину, иначе отправят в лечебницу. Возможно британское законодательство тогда так работало. Подслушав похороны местного капитана школьной команды, он слышит, что тот был другом всем. Герой выкапывает его и держит у себя дома. Файнс в голубом противопоставляет мужское начало материнскому розовому дому. Наверное. Возможно просто он так выделяется или под цвет глаз красиво. Случайные слова ремонтника телевизоров заставляют героя завести семью. Ранее в аварии среди погибших была милая афроамериканка, со слов копателей, наглая девочка подавившаеся куриной костью и пожилой рокер-алкаш, радостно выпивающий за звездец. Когда самолёт рухнул, его колёса проломили машину Митча. Возможно из-за обилия работы и безалаберности работники игнорят потери тел.
Предлагается посмеяться, что задавили собачку-сторожа. Так еще долгая сцена, где глава семейства блюёт сыром. Грим хороший. Иногда даже слишком. Вообще, такса-сторож Ниндзя образ хороший. Тоже взята у Бёртона. Вообще фильм посвящён собаке авторов, которая и сыграла здесь.
Герой выкапывает тела. Помещает на диван и делает фото. Уходит. Внезапно на полароиде все трупы живы и радостно позируют. В конце же фильма фото как должно было быть. Сделано, чтобы вызывать вопросы, а не в голове ли парны всё было. Вот только Хлоя, её семья, Марго с Юлиусом и хулиганы явно взаимодействовали с мертвяцами. Почему они ожили фильм не отвечает.
Они такая типичная семья из ситкома. Бойкая строгая, но добрая мать. Любящий семью неловкий отец, надоедающая младшая сестрёнка и конечно туповатый красавчик-друг почти прописавшийся в доме. Так картина раскрывает одиночество героя. Только мертвяки его спасают. Психологически и буквально от пожара в конце. Интересно, что будет с парнем когда найдут тела при разборе завалов? Отец защищает от хулиганов, дарит сигару-символ мужественности (её герой раскурит с Хлоей в конце), даже чинит с ним машину. Афроангличанка будет готовить еду, танцевать с рокером, даст пару советов и поможет организовать свидание с девочкой. Митч даже даст хорошие советы. И руку с помощью которой наш главный герой заставит обмочиться хулигана. Удивительно, как падение на угол стола пережил и искусственную кровь в рот положил.
Хиро Файнс тут весёлый, но надменное выражение даже через грим пробивается. В некоторых аспектах актёрская профессия странная штука. Смотрю на этого вроде красивого парня и думаю, что его дядя симпатичнее был и в фильмах поинтереснее снимался в молодости.
Музыка хорошая и в стиле 80-ых. В конце герой смиряется со смертью матери, рассказывая могил то себе, а не шоу. Становится уверенне и зомби даже помогают запихать в лечебницу Юоиуса, напугав его. Только дом утюгом сожгли.
Вывод: всё же "Белый зомби" и "Тепло наших тел" понравились больше.
К чему вставки с кассетными помехами в сценах советов Файнса и последних секундах?
Место для "Руки Дракулы" и финалу "Хака".
Xanadu - Don't Walk Away (1980)
Пара, которую поначалу приняла за однополую, целуется и вдруг начинается диснеевский мультфильм. Точнее донблутовский. Герои в человеческом образе видом и движениями напоминают персонажей "Дюймовочки", парень-рыба ныряет как Флаундер в одной сцене и т.д. Персонажи эффектно превращаются, хотя в конце внезапно птица меньше феи. Ещё парень похож на Хана Соло внезапно. Прекрасный красивый клип.
Korn - Freak On a Leash (1998)
Начинается мультфильмом. Некие дети устроили классики на запретном поле. Охранник в ужасе смотрит как маленькая девочка скачет у обрыва. Он спотыкается о ногу улыбчивой массовки, его оружие падает и стреляет. Пуля вылетает за пределы реальности, оказавшейся плакатом и крушит всё в нашей. Кофемашины, комиксы, сбитые сливки. Всё, что угодно. Группа в это время поёт посреди изрешечённой выстрелами комнаты. Наконец пуля залетает через постер к ним. Ребята гоняют её и отправляют обратно. Девочка ловит, её остановив взглядом, отдаёт пустоту охраннику и убегает с остальными. Пока за его спиной стоит нечто.
Если не путаю, первое применение этого эффекта. Одно из первых точно, позже его популяризуют Вачовски. Песня прикольная, а кадры стильные как и комната группы.
Фанатские клипы Daria Cohen (2016-???)
Видела первую часть. Оказалось, тут целый сериал. Попалась компиляция серий с "Stuck with you". Далее история о герое рассказывает. Поначалу думала это их ребёнок, глядя на превью. Да, автор рисует анимационные клипы к песням до сих пор.
Начало известно. Некая девушка хотела просто почитать "Сумерки" в заброшенном доме. Он оказался логовом вампира с посохом. Мужчина пытался приставать. Героиня придумала обманом раскрыть шторы и сожгла его. Едва взяла посох как сама стала чем-то. В продолжении Дюк или Герцог, потому что граф занят сами-помните-кем, а лорд тем-кого-нельзя-называть вполне счастлив в подземном мире. У него Цербер домашний питомец, нечисть ему прислуживает. В это время в непопавшемся мне видео девушка готовит воскрешение. Зачем не ясно. Для зрителей это повод вернуть харизматичного персонажа, для неё выглядит как "я скакала 2 дня на лошади, чтобы сказать как вы мне безразличны". Она оживляет его и всячески глумится. Позже тот поёт какая она нехорашая и повторяет очень скабрезную песню про зомби-проститутку. Позже ещё свой член ломает в соитии с ищущей героиню сестрой. Героиня поёт как её терзают внутренние демоны и она сходит с ума от посоха. Могла бросить его, но увидев героя снова стала вамповедьмой. Герцог устраивает эпичный танцевальный батлл с героиней. Хотел отравить, она опрокинула стакан. Начался мордобой в ходе которого Мисси теряет глаз, а Дюк палец. В серии "Stuck with you" они также презирают друг друга, но в конце мирно спят в могилах.
На песню "When you evil" автор сделала очень крутой ход. Разные аниматоры делали свои части для посвящения Дюку. Шикарно. Даже кукольная анимация с настоящими шторами была.
Не люблю бородки и усы, поэтому не особенно понимаю почему он так всем зашёл.
Героиня интереснее. Знаю её зовут Мисси, но вроде как у Джерома это слово уничижительным называется. Она умнее вампира. Её способности с психической нестабильностью интереснее. В чём-то даже злее его, потому что он удивлён и поражён в ходе их стычек часто.
Понимаю популярность серии, хореография персонажей очень хороша, а музыка "Вольтер" превращает всё в крутой диснеевский злодейский номер. Это сейчас злодеев нет или они скрытые, а в годы Ренессанса студии они были очень харизматичными и со своими песнями.
Смотреть очень весело.
TAG Heuer, фильм с Райаном Гослингом (2023)
Реклама как Райан Гослинг ворует часы. Девушка-мастер-комик хороша как и появление режиссёра, что не хотел появлятся в рекламе. Надо всё-таки глянуть что-то с Гослингом, уж очень он тут обаятельный. Особенно понравилась погоня на грузовике и вестерн-момент. И конечно крик "Гослинг" от начинающей терять вежливый вид девушки.
YOKU - Eve MV (2022)
Красивый клип, где всё серое превращается в цветное.
"Смешарики", "Рок-оп��ра и что-то ещё!" (2020)
Начинается хмурыми смешариками и рок-оперным выступлением. Оказывается всё ради Нюши. Она не хотела отмечать день рождения и подарков. За это ей такое представление. В итоге она соглашается и Лосяш расстроен, что его гитарное соло про то как он одинок словно атом не понадобилось.
Наверно серия весёлая за счёт Карыча с гитарой и остальных, но как не любящей праздник такое себе. Тем более Нюша предлагала собраться по любому другому поводу, а не её дню рождения. Не понимаю концепцию праздника. Он вроде у тебя, но должна всех развлекать на нём.
Место для "Орехового леса".
Аманда Холландер "Странное и безумное желание" (2022) (“A Strange and Muensterous Desire”)
Всегда мечтала почитать/смотреть историю глазами подруги/друга главного персонажа. Героине плевать на загадочного и драматичного новенького Байрона, потому что она хочет победить в конкурсе сыроваров. Одержима этим. Постепенно проникается соперником Илаем. Её подруга Мейси же осваивает столярное мастерство у дяди. В итоге новенький загадочно пропадает, героиня побеждает и начинает встречатся Илаем. Который похоже оборотень. Ответ, что Байрон спал с родственницей и болел венерическим заболеванием, поэтому не романтичен убил.
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People need to talk about this more oh my god
#loneliest girl in the world meets clingiest boy in the world#homestuck#dave strider#jade harley#davejade#I’m thinking so hard fuck
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the fact that fabian's moonar yulenear gift is what saved the world
#dimension 20#fantasy high#d20#fhjy spoilers#fhjy#fabian seacaster#the loneliest boy in the world was able to call ankarna
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makes me feel the need to. walk around for a while ..

#feeling sooo unwell about them Constantly#thought about adam amanda saw iii deleted scene nd script .. critical damage to my psyche#they couldve been friends they couldve been so good for one another i need to lie down actually#loneliest girl in the world meets loneliest boy in the world ohhh a beautiful concept a beautiful chance for friendship nd#love but. the horrors#adammandy hug wouldve prevented everything im being deadly serious#points to adam. thats actually her bestfriend ohhh ? hes dead ? she killed him ? Wrong ! field of sunshine nd flowers#saw iii#saw#💽
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i just want to not eat lunch alone everyday!
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#supernatural#me is mark#their vulnerable aching loneliest boys in the world moment#:(#where are you dad and why did you leave...........
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anyway the camboy molloy fic updated everybody cheered!!!!
#thunder rambles#i was literally thinking abt it today.... i miss 30y/o human armand who is richer than god and the loneliest boy in the world.#give him back to me....
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I love Jaren Lewison. He says, full of emotion, "I'm trying to be vulnerable here!" and then immediately switches to his smug superior self with, "And we don't have butlers anymore (you absolute peasant)" (parenthetical implied)
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Where I’m at with relationships right now is similar to the sentiment of “I don’t want to get married; I don’t want someone else in my house” except it’s one step further where like. I don’t want to date someone because what if they want to TOUCH me?!
#every once in a while I’m like ough I need a hug I’m the loneliest boy in the world#but the rest of the time I’m like. HISSSSSSSS
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[ID: A 3-image gifset of a scene in Severance 2.06. Irving, Burt, and Fields are at dinner. Irving says, putting effort into a smile, "You know the corn is very special." Fields says, "Do you think you two ever made love at work?" Burt replies, "Fields, Jesus." /end ID]
SEVERANCE 2x06 - "Attila"
#s1 tried to show me that irv is the loneliest boy in the world via the black hallway paintings bare lonely apartment no sign of any loved#ones other than his dead dad and yet nothing could prepare me for him going through That and saying we should do this again sometime#severance#severance spoilers
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thread with lausticzt || mentioned: erwin smith ( @gyofukuki )
Rain had once again accompanied him in another tragedy— at Erwin’s funeral. Levi had returned to Shinganshina a few days ago, to collect his body, in whatever stage of decomposition that was. Levi preferred to put an end to these matters, bury them, and never look back, except this man was different, his hold on him still tight, even more after he was gone. Some had protested— why should he receive special treatment when hundreds of soldiers had died in the same battle? When so many lives were sacrificed because of him. Many in the Survey Corps who had given their lives never received proper burial. But Levi wouldn’t listen, wouldn’t comply with reason, for he only cared to bring him back home. Maybe, he’d stop seeing him everywhere if his body was properly cared for.
The casket had remained closed, for the look of him was unsightly, skeletonized as he was, his form no longer resembling the soul that once resided inside this body, just an empty rotting vessel. Yet Levi wouldn’t have minded looking at him, for he had seen the same sight before. His mother, when he buried her, must have looked almost the same. In the same nightmares he’d live, over and over again, with no escape, no chance to wake up.
Almost everyone left once the funeral was over. Wouldn’t stay for long, wouldn’t mourn for a man nobody was going to miss. Yet, standing in the rain, Levi had stayed for many hours, until he lost track of time. Fucking bastard. Being more trouble dead than he was alive. And he couldn’t even blame him anymore, for none of it was his fault. Not really. Not since Levi got on his knees, and decided to make the choice— to send him, and everyone in the Survey Corps to die. To carry on his will, and all the weight of his SINS, so he could die in peace, dreaming of his childhood and not the mountain of corpses he’d stand upon. The weight of all his sins had now fallen on his shoulders— and now his head would hang low, in his efforts to remain standing and not be crushed by the weight of it all.
— Where's the Captain? — He hasn't returned from the Commander's funeral. — Is he still outside in this weather?
It didn’t just rain, it fucking poured. It had become dangerous to stay outside, the rain was falling too heavily and with too much force. Levi didn’t have an umbrella with him. Like a statue, he’d stand. He didn’t know himself what he had been waiting for. Certainly not for a response. Maybe, he had been waiting for the ground to cover him to dry. But the rain wouldn’t stop. The harder the rain fell, the more every nerve in his body burnt with rage— as if he were ten years younger, with still enough life left inside of him, fury as his driving force, still mad at the cruel world they were forced to survive in, awaiting, demanding for some kind of merciful treatment. But he knew damn well there wasn’t any mercy, and the rain wouldn’t stop just because he wished it would.
#( i just thought you might be interested in world/bond building related to your muse )#( since we're mains . . . <3 )#( even if it's not a thread FOR erwin )#( if you're not okay with my tagging you to stuff like that tell me! )#gyofukuki#—◆ erwin smith (gyofukuki) | oh boy your eyes betray what burns inside you. is there any chance you could see me too?#—◆ erwin smith | i knew that i came to face someone whose personality was so fascinating. if i allowed it would absorb my whole nature#—◆ erwin & levi | and in the end we were just humans. . . drunk on the idea that our efforts could heal our brokenness#—◆ post shinganshina | the loneliest moment in one’s life— when they watch their life fall apart and all they can is stare blankly#—◆ ic | that means i'm abnormal. . . probably because i've seen far too many abnormal things
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The loneliest boy in the world learns how to survive
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to be an accountant of the heart
because it’s utterly, bone-deep terrifying. to look into the eyes of the person you love most in the world and feel the weight of a possibility that you might love them more than they love you.
pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader (second person, no y/n)
genre: angst-ish, fight and makeup
content: established relationship fight and makeup woof woof rookie bau reader feels insecure about how much she loves spencer, worries she's too clingy, spencer reid best bf ever
word count: 5k
note: this was haunting me in my drafts for the longest time... please be nice my heart can't take it (psa guys don't ever tell ur partners that they love you more than you love them bc 5 years down the road they'll cope by writing deranged spencer reid fics like this)
a line: You’ve always been this way—more flame than moth, more lightning than thunder. It’s one of the things he loves most about you.
and then it is hundreds of hours later, and you are still hunched over your flowcharts and abacus, trying to decide if you have gotten enough. This is the loneliest job in the world: to be an accountant of the heart. - tony hoagland
The English language draws a neat line between many and much. It divides the countable from the uncountable.
The word many is meant for things you can count. How many cups of coffee have you had? How many days will you be gone for?
The word much belongs to what cannot be counted, what cannot be numbered. How much longer do we have in bed? How much did you miss me? How much do you love me?
How much?
It’s an innately impossible question. Love, after all, is supposed to be infinite, unbound, unquantifiable. Any attempt to measure it—to reduce something so sacred to a number, a unit—is to taint it. And why would you want to do that? Why would anyone? There shouldn't be any need to measure something so inherently immeasurable.
Deep down, you know there's no actual way to count love. You suppose this instinct to measure has always been there, to wonder if the love you received can be tallied like time. It’s buried deep, old as the child you once were.
Still, the question begs itself. How much? How much more? How much less? If comparison is the thief of joy it’s only because it leaves you with the revelations nobody asked for, the truths nobody ever wants to see.
Put love on a scale, wait and see—Will it balance or won’t it?
“Glaring at the clock isn’t going to make time pass any faster,” Elle teases from two desks away, her eyes locked on the report she’s skimming.
You don’t bother hiding your sigh as you glance up from where your chin rests heavily in your palm, elbow propped against the desk. The pencil in your other hand twirls idly, betraying your impatience. “He said they landed an hour ago,” you grumble. Only the faintest trace of a pout slips through.
“Working hard or hardly working, ladies?”
Your head perks up at that. Trust Derek Morgan to know how to make an entrance, arriving right on cue, grin wide and swagger intact.
JJ, seated beside you and noticeably more amused by your restlessness than concerned, spins her chair around as she asks, “How was the convention boys?”
“It was great—more than great actually,” Spencer says, appearing from behind Morgan. He’s lugging a bag that seems twice as heavy as when you’d helped him pack it five days ago. “All the speakers were incredible. I got to talk with Lonnie Athens himself. He gave me a signed copy of his latest book.” His grin widens tenfold. “It’s not even out in stores yet.”
You’re halfway out of your seat, ready to pounce on Spencer the moment he sets his bag down. But instead, he offers a halfhug and a light squeeze to your shoulder. It’s understated, but it’s Spencer. Public displays of affection aren’t his thing, and you know better than to expect more. Still, five days without him makes you ache for just a little more.
“It was alright,” Morgan interjects with a casual shrug as he takes a seat at the edge of your table, narrowly missing your nth mug of coffee. “Great sandwiches though.”
“Yeah, you sure seemed interested in the sandwiches,” Spencer says dryly, the kind of tone that suggests sandwiches were not the main attraction.
Morgan smirks, unbothered. “New York, man,” he says with a grin. “New York.”
You turn your attention back to Spencer. “How’d you sleep?” you ask, your question aimed entirely at him.
“Surprisingly well, actually,” Spencer replies, “Despite the snoring.”
Morgan’s response is immediate—a light thwack to the back of Spencer’s head. “How’d he sleep? More like, how’d I sleep. Lover girl over here had him on the phone half the night.”
“I wasn’t that bad,” you shoot back, narrowing your eyes at him. But then your gaze drifts to Spencer, searching for confirmation. “Was I?”
Spencer hesitates, his lips pressing into a faintly sheepish line. “I did wake up late for one of the panels,” he admits, scratching the back of his neck.
“Oh, you think you had it bad? I’ve never seen someone go through so much coffee in a week,” JJ says, nodding in your direction, “She wiped out the entire stock.”
“Almost bashed her over the head with a cup of coffee myself when I had to settle for the instant stuff,” Elle chimes in. A collective shudder goes through the group. “No offence, Reid,” she adds.
“None taken,” Spencer replies smoothly, just in time to earn another smack on his arm, this time from you.
You’ve endured more than your fair share of teasing—it comes with the territory when you’re part of a team like this. You, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, three years his junior. Him, more comfortable rambling about the number of kernels on an average cob of corn than talking to any girl, let alone one with a smile like yours that could make his knees buckle. What had been an odd match to some, made perfect sense to others—Though Spencer would argue that Garcia just liked seeing him with any girl who could make him laugh the way you could, especially within three days of meeting him. It’s a feat nobody else has yet to achieve in the year you’ve been on the team.
“Missed you,” you murmur, just loud enough for him to hear.
Spencer flushes as his lips part, maybe to respond, but Elle cuts in before he gets the chance. “Save it for later, lover girl. Some of us want to hear about those sandwiches.”
“Oh, they really were better than last year’s,” Spencer begins, now distracted, completely oblivious to Elle’s sarcasm, “Probably because the annual reports showed an increased budget for the global initiatives.”
JJ raises an eyebrow in amused disbelief. “You read the FBI’s annual budget breakdown?”
Spencer looks genuinely surprised by the question. “You don’t?”
Chuckles echo throughout the group and though you smile faintly, it doesn’t quite reach your eyes. You just can’t help it as the tally marks start to stack up in your mind. One for the way his attention is just a little too distant, his excitement seemingly aimed at everyone but you. Another for every time you wait for his gaze and it doesn’t come. He’s too absorbed in recounting a discussion about deterministic causality he’d had with a keynote speaker.
Compared to Spencer, who was often so reserved, it was easy to feel like your emotions were too big, too eager. Dragging him, wide-eyed and stammering, up the stairs to Hotch’s office six months ago had been nothing short of a test of strength and sheer determination. You’d been the one to silence him with a gentle kiss to his knuckles, promising him that everything would be okay. You were a live wire compared to him, everyone knew that. Lover girl, they teased, though never cruelly. In the field and out of it—Clingy to a fault, always wearing your heart on your sleeve.
Lover girl through and through, you wait patiently for Spencer to look your way.
He doesn’t.
“Yours or mine?” Spencer asks as you stand side by side on the curb, bags in tow.
“Think I’ll go to mine,” you reply curtly. You don’t trust yourself to say anything else right now.
“That’s fine. I’ve got an extra day’s worth of clothes with me.”
“You can go home,” you say, cutting him off. It comes off sharper than you intended. Then, softer, as if trying to backtrack, you add, “If you want.”
He looks at you, baffled. “Why would I do that?”
It’s not a rhetorical question, he genuinely doesn’t understand. Weekends apart have never really been your thing.
“Because—” You cut yourself off mid-sentence. What could you even say? Because you seem so perfectly fine after 120 hours apart. Because the tally marks said so. Because the scale said so. Instead, you huff an exhale and settle for, “No reason. You look tired. Thought you’d want to go home or something.”
“Again sweetheart. Why would I do that?” he repeats, incredulous.
You fight off a resigned sigh, though you’re sure he catches it, and pull out your phone. “I’m calling a cab,” you mumble, thumbing at the screen. “Are you coming or not?”
“Yeah, I’ll come with you,” he says, still calm but clearly confused.
The ride home is quiet, save for the driver’s rambling complaints about freeway traffic at this hour. Normally, you’d be the one to humour any conversations with strangers, chiming in with polite nods and oh, reallys while Spencer watched, bemused by your ability to make small talk with anyone. But today, you’re just not in the mood, leaving poor Spencer to fend for himself.
Which to his credit, he does—By turning the conversation into a tangent about how traffic patterns correlate with certain hours and commuter behaviour, and delving into a detailed explanation of the queueing theory. He does this till eventually, even the driver goes silent, though whether it’s out of confusion or exhaustion, you’re not quite sure.
You can feel Spencer’s eyes on you in the silence, flicking toward you every now and then. The concern in his attention does nothing to soothe you. If anything, it only fans the flames of your irritation. When the car finally rolls to a stop outside your building, you hand the driver a $20 bill, wave off the change, and stride toward your door without another word. You’re out before Spencer can even pull his door open.
Inside, you drop your things on the couch resignedly and kick off your shoes without so much as a care. They land in a scattered heap that you don’t bother to fix. Spencer lingers behind you, ever patient.
“What do you want for dinner?” His voice is soft, tentative, as he bends down to pick up your discarded shoes, lining them neatly by the door. “We could order something. Chinese, maybe?”
Spencer knows you well—knows how your mood sours when you’re running on fumes. Particularly on days like this, when your only sustenance has been cups of crappy coffee and a few stale crackers he’d coaxed you into eating earlier just before you left, bribing you with a quick kiss on the cheek—After checking that nobody else was in the break room, of course.
Sullen as you are, you can recognise the offer for what it is. It’s sweet. A thoughtful acknowledgement of how well he knows you, how much he cares. He’s offering you a lifeline, a quiet invitation to let the storm pass without forcing you to name it, something you’re evidently trying not to do.
But tonight, it feels almost patronising. It’s a spotlight on the hurt you can’t quite temper, like he’s trying to fix something you’re not yet ready to admit needs fixing.
“I can run down to the—”
“I’m not hungry.”
You walk straight into your bedroom without another word, leaving him standing there in the doorway. You hear him exhale quietly, not quite a sigh but close. Probably one of resignation. Another tally mark falls on the scale.
“Sweetheart,” he starts. You know he’s testing the waters, trying to find an opening. But you don’t look at him, don’t give him anything to work with. “Can we talk?” he asks, his fingers brushing yours as he takes a seat at the edge of your bed.
“Talk about what?” You’ve always been good at feigning ignorance, but the way you pull your hand away from his is anything but subtle. Spencer sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he closes his eyes briefly. He’s clearly exhausted. This is exhausting. You’re clearly exhausting. You can’t help but wonder why you always do this.
“Was it Elle? Morgan?” he ventures cautiously. “The teasing?”
“They always tease me,” you say with a shrug, your voice dismissive. “I don’t care.”
It’s a half-truth, and you both know it.
Spencer nods slowly as he tries to piece this together. He knows you’re not usually one to let things fester. You’re never angry for long, and even when you are, you laugh it off, always quick to join in on the joke. He knows better than to profile you—it's an unspoken rule within the team and, more importantly, within your relationship. But Spencer’s anything if not desperate to understand.
He watches you slip into the bathroom with a sigh, shoulders dipping. The light flickers on, but you don’t meet your own gaze in the mirror. You’re not angry. That would be easier. There’s something quieter in your eyes. Defeat, maybe.
“I missed you,” he offers, stepping into the doorway. His tone is softer now, pleading.
“Did you?” It’s almost sarcastic, but not quite. Irritable but undercut by something raw, as though you don’t really believe he did.
Spencer swallows. “You don’t think I missed you?”
“A little hard to tell between the fawning over Lonnie Athens,” you say, wiping mascara from under your lashes. “Or was it the in-depth analysis of sandwich platters?”
It’s a snap, all sharp edges and fire, and for a second, he forgets the minefield he’s meant to be tiptoeing through. Has to bite back a smile. You’ve always been this way—more flame than moth, more lightning than thunder. It’s one of the things he loves most about you.
“Is that what this is about?” The words slip out before he can stop them, and the second they do, he knows. Rookie mistake. Your spine straightens, your jaw sets, and he wants to take it back, rewind, try again.
“This,” you echo, turning to face him. “What exactly do you mean by this?”
Spencer reminds himself that fire is never snuffed out with ice. You douse a flame gently, carefully. So, he steps forward, quieter now, fingers grazing yours before he takes your hand in his, guiding you toward the bed. He doesn’t pull, doesn’t rush, just leads you toward the bed with the same patience he knows you need when you’re fragile and burning.
Regardless, you try to resist, to hold yourself upright. You’re fighting the urge to sink into it—His touch, the bed, all of it.
“Sweetheart,” Spencer murmurs, taking a seat beside you. “I know you’re not angry. You’re sad. And I’d really like to know why. Tell me, please?”
Deep inside, you know you’re just clinging on to the last embers of your frustration. But it’s hard—impossible, really, when you’re a fire with no kindle left to burn, and Spencer is all soft whispers and gentle hands, featherlight and soothing.
You hesitate, twisting the fabric of the duvet between your fingers. “I just—I—You were being mean.”
Spencer lets out a slow, quiet breath. Relief, almost. Not because he agrees—He knows himself well enough to be sure that ‘mean’ isn’t the right word. But he knows you well enough to understand what it means when you say it.
Mean is what you say when you’ve been hurt and don’t know how else to put it.
So he follows your lead. Doesn’t fight it.
“M’sorry, sweetheart,” he mumbles stroking your hand with his thumb. His touch is warm as it is gentle.
Because it’s not about whether he was mean or not. Spencer knows that. Knows you. Knows that kindness has never been a given for you, knows that you wouldn’t recognise patience if it came knocking. And he knows you well enough to know that you think in some twisted way, that you’ve brought this hurt upon yourself, that you deserve it.
What matters is that you were hurt. And that’s the one thing he never, ever wants to do.
“I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Can you tell me how I did?”
“You just kept going on and on about the stupid conference. You didn’t even hug me or—And then you—”
You don’t continue. You can’t. You feel ridiculous. Stupid, even. Mopey and small over something that shouldn’t matter this much. Over the realisation that he doesn’t need you. And why should he? It’s not Spencer’s fault. Not at all.
His indifference is what it is and what it was. Indifference. It sits like a weight on your bones—Cold, sharp-edged, piercing. He can go 5 days without you. You can’t. The tally marks accumulate, unbidden.
“And then I…?” Spencer prompts gently, prying your fingers from the duvet and replacing the tension with his thumb, tracing slow, soothing circles into your palm instead.
“You ignored me, and I just—” Your voice wavers, frustration bubbling over. "I just felt so—so ignored!"
Wonderful vocabulary. Of course, your words would fail you now.
“And the teasing—I know, I know, I can be impossible sometimes, but I just—I just really missed you! And I get it okay? I’m clingy and you’re not and god forbid anybody else is but it’s because I love you!” You inhale sharply, your hands slipping from his to curl into fists in your lap. “And you didn’t react at all, you didn’t even care! You made me feel like—I thought that you—”
You cut yourself off before the flurry of tears take over and drown you out.
Spencer waits a beat, choosing his next words carefully.
“You thought… that I don’t love you?” His voice isn’t laced with sarcasm, nor does it carry incredulity. It’s a genuine question, as though he’s retracing the moments between you, trying to understand how you could possibly come to such a conclusion.
“No, it’s not that—” you’re quick to say, desperate to correct him. You know Spencer loves you. Of course, you know that. How could you not? It’s Spencer. He loves you like it’s his life mission to show you just how much he loves you. “I know you love—I know that. I just—”
You bury your face in your hands, fingers pressing into the hollows beneath your eyes—A feeble attempt at hiding.
Because it’s utterly, bone-deep terrifying. To look into the eyes of the person you love most in the world and feel the weight of a possibility that you might love them more than they love you.
To want to shout: Love me. Please love me, and please feel it with every fibre of your being as I do with mine. The kind of love that makes you want to scream from rooftops, to etch it into the sky, to burn the world down just to prove its enormity.
Because then the question comes: Which would be worse?
To shout into the vast, open air and hear nothing in response? No echo of the same intensity. Or to stand amidst the smouldering ashes only to look into their eyes and find they don’t recognise you anymore? To see confusion or pity where love used to live.
You blink your watery eyes open, but you can’t bring yourself to look at him. Instead, you settle on the knobs of your knees, tracing their shape with your gaze.
Anything but Spencer. Not right now.
You take a sharp breath, steadying yourself before continuing.
“Sometimes, I feel like you don’t need me as much as I need you and that scares me. And I know it’s stupid, even I feel stupid thinking about it. I don’t even want to be codependent or whatever but I—I just can’t help but think that sometimes—”
Your breath shudders out of you, long and uneven, “I love you more than you love me.”
To say Spencer feels his heart break would be an understatement. It’s not a clean break, not a single, shattering moment—it’s a slow, relentless unraveling. It’s a gut punch, pain and duress packed tight, failure laced in every syllable. His heart shatters, splintering into pieces so sharp they lodge in his throat, in his lungs, in every part of him that has ever loved you.
Silently, he’s always known the teasing would hit a breaking point. You’ve worn that insecurity for as long as he’s known you—too young, too green, too desperate to prove yourself. He just didn’t think it would carve its way between you the two of you like this. He’s watched you lean into it, let the jokes land, let them chip away at you. Newbie. Rookie. Lover girl. As if laughing along might soften the edges of it all.
You flop onto your back on the bed, boneless, the confession stealing the last of your fight. There’s a splotch of blue paint on the ceiling from last month, when you both tried to repaint the room and got distracted halfway through. It doesn’t make you smile, not even a little.
“That’s not true.” The mattress dips under Spencer’s weight as he settles beside you, thumb tracing your hairline. His arm moves, coaxing you to toward him, gentle in the way only he knows how to be with you.
“You’re not impossible, sweetheart, you never are. And I know they tease,” he murmurs, fingers of his other hand grazing over your knuckles, “but I also know for a fact that you don’t fall apart without me when I’m gone. That would be co-dependency. And I know that’s not you. You passed your requalifications with flying colors while I was away,” he says. “Garcia sent me the records. You know you even beat Morgan’s old score?”
You sniffle, startled. That had been your surprise. You’d wanted to tell him yourself.
“She told you?”
He shakes his head. “I asked. I always ask for updates on you when I can’t be there.”
A small “Oh,” is all you can get out.
With every other guy you dated, you’d attempted to play it cool, dialling down your enthusiasm, biting back your texts, and pretending to care less than you did. But every relationship seemed to end the same way: you were “a lot” and they weren’t equipped to handle it. It never quite stuck though, and thank god for that.
Because then you met Spencer.
Sweet, steady Spencer, who didn’t just tolerate your spark but cherished it. Spencer, who had let you cling to his hand during every takeoff and landing on the jet the first week on the job. He never flinched, never teased—Even when everyone else casted him sympathetic looks, the kind that silently acknowledged how your grip was probably cutting off his circulation. Spencer who has kept every scrawled doodle and note you’ve ever given for him, even the ones scribbled haphazardly on napkins or receipts. He knows carbon prints fade within months so he stores them in a shoebox tucked away in his cupboard—Just so they can last that much longer.
Spencer didn’t just accept the parts of you others found overwhelming. He singlehandedly brought them back to life. Every bit of your spark that had been dimmed or snuffed out by someone else had found new light in his presence.
Spencer’s fingers tighten around yours, a quiet kind of reassurance that draws you back to the present.
“Being clingy is not the same as being codependent. I know you know that. There’s a clear psychological difference in brain chemistry.” His lips twitch, the smallest hint of a smile slipping through. “You’re clingy, yes. But I love that about you. I love coming home with you. I love coming home to you. I love how hard you love me, how proudly you love me. I know I haven’t been the best at reciprocating that around the team, and I’m sorry. I hate that I made you feel like I didn’t love you, or miss you.”
He shifts closer, eyes searching yours, open and earnest. “Because I did miss you. So much. I nearly blew a month’s paycheck in the gift shop. Spent half of it stocking up on those jelly crackers you told me about.” He shakes his head, like he can’t believe himself. “Morgan said I was whipped when I paid thirty bucks for a pair of souvenir socks.”
With a raise of your eyebrow you ask tearily, “and exactly how many pairs did you buy?”
“Got you three pairs.” A sheepish little laugh escapes him as he ducks his head.
And just like that, you’re smiling too. Albeit a small one, but that’s progress nonetheless. “And I don’t think you quite understand how much I love you when you say you love me more.” He leans in, his voice dropping, teasing. “I don’t know if you know this about me, but I’m very competitive.”
“Oh, so I’ve heard Doctor Reid,” you quip, eyes rolling. Spencer’s lips curve, just slightly. You don’t even notice the way you press closer to him, but Spencer does. He takes the opportunity to go on.
“In a way, you’re right. I don’t need you,” Spencer says. Whiplash doesn’t even begin to describe the way your head snaps toward him. Flame and lighting, no doubt.
“Sorry, sorry,” he says quickly, his expression already twisting in regret. “I shouldn’t have phrased it like that.”
“I don’t see what other way you could possibly phrase something like that,” you snap pettily, already pushing yourself up to stand.
“Hey, hey.” His hand reaches out, not quite grabbing yours but close enough to make you pause. “Lie back down, honey. Please.”
Against your better judgment, you relent, sinking back into the bed. “What I meant to say was, I don’t need you,” he repeats, slower this time, deliberate.
You scoff, a bitter laugh slipping through your lips as you swipe harshly at your damp lashes. “I get it, Spencer. Clearly you don’t.”
“No, I don’t think you do,” he says, his voice unwavering. “Biologically speaking, I wouldn’t cease to exist without you. My heart would continue to beat, my lungs would continue to expand and contract, my brain would maintain its synaptic functions. I would survive.” He pauses then, eyes searching yours, “And can I tell you something?”
You don’t answer, but you don’t pull away either. He takes that as permission to go on. “You don’t need me either.”
Your lips part, the beginnings of a protest forming, but he cuts you off gently.
“I know you said you do, but your autonomic nervous system would still regulate your breathing, your neurons would still fire, your body would persist.” He swallows, voice dipping lower. “But that’s not the point, is it? Love isn’t about biological necessity. It’s not about survival. It’s about choice.”
The word “choice” feels almost ironic when it comes from Spencer Reid. You knew that the moment you met him. It was never really a choice, not for you. It was him, or nothing. Desperately, you'd like to think it was the same for him, too.
Your answer comes in the form of his thumb brushing lightly over your cheek. He’s patient, always, even when you aren’t. Kind in a way that sinks deep—Like you deserve it. You’re all sharp edges, brittle and worn, and he’s five days off a lumpy hotel mattress, yet the only thing he cares about is brushing away the tears from your skin.
“Sweetheart, I don’t love you because I need you. I don’t think that would be love at all. That’s survival. I love you because I choose to,” he continues. “Because you are the strongest person I know. Because you are kind, even when the world hasn’t been kind to you. Because you give so much of yourself without hesitation, without ever expecting anything in return.”
Spencer smiles, shaking his head. “Because you’re the only person I know who will spend thirty minutes on a call recounting every little thing everyone did in the office that you think I’d like to hear about—before you even think to tell me about your own day.”
“It was funny! Since when has Hotch ever tripped on the stairs?”
It’s unfair really, how easily his laugh breathes life back into you. Your heart stumbles over itself as his hand brushes tenderly along your jaw.
“I’ve spent every day in awe of you since the moment I met you. And I fall more and more in love with you with each one. Even on the days I’m not with you. Even on the days I’m miles away. Even then.” Spencer presses his lips against the back of your hand as he adds, “Especially then.”
You can’t help it, the quiet little thing in you that wants to hear it again.
Your tears have dried, but their traces still shimmer faintly on your skin. Spencer presses a kiss to your forehead, his fingers tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. He’d say it again. A hundred times. He’d make that speech a thousand times over, if you needed him to. If it meant you’d never doubt it again.
“Really, my love.”
And just like that, a million tally marks fall at your feet.
A million for the way he presses another kiss to your lips, unrushed. A million more for the way his nose bumps against yours, lingering, breathing you in. Another million for the spark that creeps back into your eyes.
It’s infinite, unbound, unquantifiable—The way he loves you, the sheer depth of it. You feel foolish for ever having questioned it. You thank your lucky stars—all of them—for Spencer Reid. For the way he’s looking at you like you strung the constellations together yourself. For the way he chooses you, again and again, even when you don’t choose him, when you shut down, when you go quiet.
Because love to Spencer isn’t desperation, isn’t need—it’s choice. The deliberate, unwavering act of reaching out, of staying, and of saying over and over: I choose you.
Not because he has to, but because he wants to. To be the one to put you back together again when you’re all embers and ash, to cradle you back onto earth when stare past him into the ceiling, to remind you that there’s still warmth in you left to hold.
To breathe the spark back into your eyes—It’s a choice he made the very moment he met you. It’s a spark Spencer swears he’d spend his whole life keeping alight.
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ᯓ★ song recs if you feel like it: daylight by taylor swift intrapersonal by turnover
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