#The Lane sisters are agents of chaos
deadbiwrites · 5 years
New chapter of Maggie Sawyer's Guide posted!!
This is my current fic (Sanvers, with hints at future Supercorp for flavor) Give it a try, maybe!
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mkstrigidae · 4 years
A selection of tabs I have open right now:
- ‘Hormones of the anterior pituitary gland’ part I
- multiple gossip site articles about this season of the bachelorette
- ‘Ontogenetic functional diversity: Size structure of a keystone predator drives functioning of a complex ecosystem’
- 'Supernatural Finale recap’ (I’m not watching through fifteen seasons of shit to satisfy my curiosity)
- ‘How to make cephalopod research more humane:’ anesthetizing an octopus via submersion in ethanol
- Gmail
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seas-storyarchive · 3 years
Fuck it. Due to hyperfixation, YJ!Zatara Aus
Fate of the Scarred: You know how in "Og Htrof Dna Reuqnoc!" when Fate got knocked out, and the helmet had a scar going up along the right side? What if Zatara, who was the host at the time, had that same scar? He can still use his eye, he just has the scar that is faded on his face similar to Vandal Savage, a permanent physical tie to his time as Fate? And it also ties him to the Lords of Order? He can hear their whispers in his right ear, and he'll look to respond to them- often in anger or with a general outburst- but that's the extent? And he becomes somewhat jaded? Like he's still a hero, but he starts to drift to the grey end of the hero spectrum as time goes on.
Balancing Scale: Klarion isn't Earth's only Chaos Lord. Giovanni hasn't always followed the Path of Justice. His original look is the "beta" to Klarion, but with suspenders instead of a suit jacket and a cane, the first one sent down. He's a sleeper agent, once Klarion is "born", his power being confined to his cane and his body aging into a man (he's mentally over 1 thousand years old at that point, just now having a body to match). He keeps moving, so one notices he doesn't quite age with them, until Sindella. He falls for the descent of Order, starts a family, becomes a hero, meets Kent Nelson (with his soft words of encouragement and gentle wisdom) - until Sindella's death. That's when he isn't sleeping anymore. That's when Chaos becomes him, reverting back to his original form.
Super Natural: (gen swap AU) "Mommommom! Superman! It's Superman! Hi Mr. Superman!" "Calm down, Giovanni." "But why? He's WAY cooler than Uncle Smallville!" Giovanni is Zatanna's preteen son, his father bailed on them (I don't care who it is, make up whatever, but he's not around) who is twin sisters with Lois Lane but she has magic thanks to the occult - Giovanni doesn't have magic but knows his morher is in the League. Lois is dating Clark, who is secretly Superman, Giovanni's idol.
Why so Blue (Falcon)?: old AU where Giovanni is the Blue Falcon. A non magic, grass roots superhero single dad that is a mechanic and he owns the shop he works at who fights crime in New York with his homemade suit and his doberman pincher Dynomtt AKA Victor (that may or may not be a robot built by TO Morrow to destroy stuff, but malfunctioned due to being caught in electrical powerlines, messing with his programming like his summoning functions for his weapons, speech patterns, memory and calling Giovanni "BF"). He's not a member of the Justice League, but is reconsidering when his daughter is caught up in League bull$#!% when he looks away from her for two seconds to stop a bank robbery.
Time Freeze: Giovanni's past has always been a mystery to him. His parents say they adopted him after they found him in a waterfilled basket at the edge of a canal in a leaking boat. The League notices similarities between Diana and Giovanni, they act a lot alike.. no, it's probably cultural similarities. It doesn't mean- "what do mean its a match!?" "Look at the results! We used a single hair from each of you!" "Oh my-" "If you are my mother, I don't want to know who my father is.. I just want to know.. if you could have kept me, would you?" The silence that followed, it was all Giovanni needed.
Flying By: Giovanni never finds the book of his family. He never gains his magic. He's just a normal man, a firefighter, age 26, trying to take care of his family. Everything changes when, at a festival in New York to celebrate the Justice League, Giovanni rushes to the side of Superman who is cut up pretty bad. He refuses to move between him and this robot with a destructive Krytonite ray gun, shielding Superman from the blow. He wakes up one day, a week later, to find that he has powers like Superman! He and Sindella are shocked and happy, Giovanni is still gentle as ever, and more effective at his firefighting. It all takes a turn when he uses his abilities to stop a bus from falling off a bridge and hightales it out of there. He's later visited by the Man of Steel himself. Asking to join the Justice League.
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weclassybouquetfun · 3 years
HBO has released character posters for the third season of SUCCESSION which begins airing on October 17th.  It looks like useless Connor Roy (Alan Ruck) who has chucked his political aspirations and tanked his money in girlfriend Willa’s (Justine Lupe) play is now entering the fray.
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- A series that deals with the wipeout of anyone/anything with a Y chromosome isn’t as fraught with drama as SUCCESSION, but Hulu/FX’s Y: THE LAST MAN. 
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Based on DC Comics’ imprint Vertigo graphic novel by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra, Y: THE LAST MAN is a post apocalyptic tale in which every living being with a Y chromosome dies - with the exception of our titular Y; Yorick Brown (Ben Schnetzer) and his pet monkey Ampersand. 
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Slightly retooled for TV, at the center of the chaos is Yorick’s mother Jennifer Brown (Diane Lane) who is the newly installed President of the United States after the line of succession is all but obliterated due to all the deaths.  With the knowledge that her son - the last known bearer of a Y chromosome- is alive, she tasks the mysterious Agent 355 (Ashley Romans) with secreting Yorick off to safety as he is their only hope to find out why this disaster has taken place. 
The show rebounded after having its pilot - shot in 2018 - completely retooled with leads Barry Keoghan (Yorick), Lashana Lynch (Agent 355) and Imogen Poots (Yorick’s sister Hero) all being replaced for varying reasons.   
Luckily the show does just fine with its three replacements. And despite how ANNOYING Yorick can be, no one can say that Schnetzer- an American born to two soap opera actors who has worked and resided in the UK since drama school - isn’t fantastic in this role. A standout in 2014′s PRIDE
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is charmingly exasperating while I think Keoghan’s Yorick would just be exasperating and creepy.
Guerra has created character posters for the series’ characters including Amber Tambelyn’s Meghan McCain-esque Kimberly, Diana Bang’s Dr. Allison Mann, Thirlby’s Hero and Elliot Fletcher’s Sam, friend of Hero’s.
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queercapwriting · 5 years
To be honest I have a headcanon where Lena is like the baby gay and is trying so hard to flirt with Kara aka the oblivious bi mess we all know and love. Then like Lucy and Vasquez in the background and ending up helping the lil' luthor because while it's entertaining it's also mortifying to watch; with a heavy dose of good natured teasing from them towards both Lena and Kara.
“This is getting excruciating,” Vasquez muttered to Lucy, because really, it was.
Lena had been vouched for by a very protective Kara and a very defensive Supergirl and had been screened by a protective (of Kara) J’onn and given the all clear - so she’d been in the DEO about as much as Maggie had been of late.
But at least the older Danvers girl had finally figured out that those butterfly feelings were because she wanted to date Maggie, and when Maggie kissed her back, at least she finally understood that Maggie wanted to date her.
And so, they were dating.
But Kara and Lena?
Good Lord.
Lena was trying her damnedest. Wearing her hair in a high ponytail that made Kara gulp and splutter and go to adjust her glasses even when she wasn’t wearing them as Supergirl.
Leaning over Kara in the lab, Lucy and Vasquez not needing superhearing to know exactly how hard Lena’s heart was pounding as she tried to inch closer to Kara, tried to radiate to Kara that it was okay if Kara leaned in, too, that it was more than okay if Kara leaned in, too.
She was radiating it to everyone. Poor J’onn constantly looked like he had a headache. 
Lena was radiating it to everyone, it seemed, but Kara.
Kara, who kept gaping when Lena walked by and then snapping her head into a sharp shake, clearly telling herself that Lena wasn’t into her, that Lena wasn’t even into women, and Kara should just stop being such a bad friend already.
“I dunno, Vasquez,” Lucy shrugged, leaning back and putting her feet up on Winn’s desk, utterly unconcerned that he was trying to use his computer. “It’s kind of… amusing? Does that make me a terrible person?”
“Your utter disregard for my very advanced technology is what makes you a terrible person, Lane,” Winn muttered. Lucy ruffled his hair and begrudgingly took her feet down from his desk. She put them on his lap instead.
“Now you can use your very advanced technology,” she grinned. Winn glared for a moment before shrugging and continuing to program some complicated tech detector that Lucy only vaguely understood but deeply appreciated.
“And it is, by the way,” Winn added, not even needing to look up from his work to hear Lena’s extra breathy laugh at something utterly less than funny Kara had said. “Both excruciating and hilarious. We should do something to help, though. Because poor Lena. I’ve been there. Kara’s not gonna get it until Lena tattoos it onto her forehead.” He furrowed his brow. “You know what. Maybe not even then.”
He turned and sighed, shaking his head affectionately at Kara. “Seriously. You guys need to save Lena from… this. And J’onn. The man looks like he is suffering.”
“I am suffering, Mr. Schott,” J’onn murmured as he walked by behind them. “Don’t you all have things you need to be doing?”
“Like curing your headache? Sir?” Vasquez asked. J’onn covered his face with his hand, knowing when his children had defeated him. 
“Sure, Agent Vasquez. By all means, assist Ms. Luthor. Just… just don’t think so loudly about it.”
Lucy kicked her feet off Winn’s lap and snapped to attention with a grin. “Thank you, sir.”
“Good God,” J’onn just muttered as he walked away.
“Anything I can do, Papa Bear?” Winn asked.
“You can never call me that again,” J’onn said, but the smile in his eyes was obvious, and Winn didn’t stop grinning for the rest of the day.
“Um, excuse me, Ms. Luthor. Ma’am. Can I borrow you?”
Lena turned away from Kara with raised eyebrows, raw and hopeless want still frozen in her eyes. “It’s Lena, really. Just Lena. I’d prefer it, truly.”
“Ms. Lena. Ma’am.”
Lena sighed and laughed, putting her hand on Kara’s arm. Lucy and Vasquez watched Kara’s heart beat out of her chest at the contact, and it was all either of them could do to not groan aloud.
“I’ll be back,” Lena told Kara, who looked like she was still trying to remember Earth languages. “Lead the way,” she told Vasquez gamely.
But she and Lucy didn’t lead Lena to the lab. They led her to the armory.
“Does J’onn think I need to learn how to defend myself better?” Lena asked, concern in her voice.
“No, actually, he knows exactly how well you can kick ass,” Lucy smirked, hopping up to sit casually on one of the old targets Winn was reprogramming to move in and out of the visible spectrum. 
Vasquez closed the door behind them. “We just needed someplace quiet to talk.’
Lena visibly stiffened. “Have I done something wrong?” Her voice lost all the softness it had been acquiring of late, leaning more toward the stern CEO her mother had trained her to be.
Defense after defense after defense.
Lucy softened and put her hands out to Lena. “No, God, sorry. Listen, I’m a military brat and Vasquez has been a secret agent since birth, I guess we don’t know how to do anything without being…”
“Extra terrifying?”
“I was going to say suspiciously secretive.”
Lena huffed, but her shoulders relaxed just slightly even as she hugged herself. “Well? What is it, then?”
Lucy Lane was straight - well, not straight, but it was just an expression, after all - out of the JAG Corps, so she didn’t really see much point in indirectness.
“You’re in love with Supergirl. Kara. Everyone knows she’s the same person, it’s not like the glasses exactly do much and it’s not like Alex doesn’t constantly call Supergirl her sister and it’s not like you’re exactly stupid.”
Lena was blinking like her contacts were acting up, and her shoulders were back to being tense.
“I… think she’s still hung up on that first part you said, Luce. The in love part.”
“Yes, I am,” Lena said, barely at a whisper. “I am… I’m not even ou… how did you -”
“Military training.”
“Spy stuff.”
“Also, we have eyes.”
“And ears.”
“And we’ve seen -”
“And heard -”
“You two interact once or twice.”
Lena blinked again. “Do you two ever -”
“Not finish each other’s sentences? Occasionally.” 
“Yeah, but you should see my friends Fitz-Simmons, we’re not nearly as bad as they are,” Vasquez shrugged. “But you’re changing the subject, Ms. Luthor. Ms. - Lena. Crap, okay. Lena. You’re changing the subject.”
“I… okay. Well.” Lena’s shoulders were tense again. Very much so. But there was also something that might have been hope with a dash of excitement in her eyes. Like she finally had people to talk to about… all this.
“Well, what if I were?” She lowered her voice. “In love with Kara?”
“Well then,” Lucy smiled from ear to ear, “we’re going to help you, because honey, Kara is not going to pick up on subtle cues.”
“The consummate disaster bisexual.”
“So she is into girls?”
“Oh yeah.”
“Most definitely.”
Lena visibly relaxed - this conversation really seemed to be wreaking havoc on her nervous system - and bit her lip. 
“Am I really being that pathetic?”
“Not at all,” Vasquez shook her head. “No, you’re just flirting your ass off. And it’s not bad - your flirting or your ass… um. Respectfully. Ma’am.”
“It’s Lena. And thank you.”
“Lena. You’re not being pathetic. It’s just that Kara…”
“Kara is one of the smartest women I’ve ever met,” Lucy said. “She’s also just as a big of a disaster as her sister.”
“Which means?”
“Which means you need our help.”
Lena sighed, her eyes nothing but vulnerable. “But do you think it even would be worth it? Do you think she even feels… anything for me?”
“Oh, she does,” Lucy nodded, her eyes glistening as plan after plan formed behind them. “She definitely does.”
Two hours later, Lucy leaned back onto the desk Kara was standing at, looking over some surveillance footage with Winn. 
Lucy had, over course, fully briefed Winn over comms.
Alex also knew. As did Maggie.
As did J’onn, though much to his dismay, no one had to tell him with their words.
“Hey Kara,” Lucy said, her voice so deliberately casual that Alex rolled her eyes from all the way across the room. 
“Oh Rao, what could you possibly want?” Kara asked, because she might be oblivious when people liked her, but she certainly wasn’t stupid.
“Want? Me? I don’t want anything. World peace, maybe. Or, galactic peace, that would be nice.”
“I’m busy. The whole Supergirl thing?”
“Right,” Lucy said, and Winn looked over his shoulder to exchange an exasperated glance with Alex, who was pretending very badly to be looking over a situation report. “That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about. You’re so busy, all the time now, you know? Big promotion at CatCo, all the chaos here… Have you had any time, you know… for yourself?”
Kara frowned. “You know I do, Lucy. We have game nights once a week, and you know I have sisters’ nights with Alex -”
“I meant sex, Kara.”
“Oh my God.” Winn let his head bang down on his desk and Alex glared at Vasquez like this was all her fault. Lena, per their plan, was nowhere in ear shot.
“Are you making time for sex? Or, dating, if you don’t want to have sex, because that’s, you know, perfectly fine, if you’re not into that. Or either. That’s okay too, but I was just -”
“I am,” Kara grabbed at Lucy’s wrist and lowered it, like the gesture would also lower Lucy’s voice. “Into those things. Sometimes. With the right… person.”
“Okay, cool. And if I thought I found someone right for you… would you… be interested?”
“Are you setting me up, Lucy? Because for a military lawyer turned secret agent, you’re pretty un-subtle.”
Lucy waved her off. “I’m not going for subtly, Kara. You wouldn’t see subtly if it flirted with you right in the face. Which is exactly the problem.”
Kara went to adjust her glasses before realizing they weren’t on. “What are you talking about?”
“Lena,” Alex mouthed from across the room, and Vasquez hit her on the arm before springing to attention and mouthing an apology. Alex grinned, and Vasquez relaxed.
“It’s like when I liked you, Kara, remember?” Winn blurted. “It was years, you know, and you just really… couldn’t tell.”
“Oh, Winn, are you still - I’m so sorry, it -”
“No, no, James and I are doing great. I love you, Kara, but romantically you’re yesterday’s news -”
“And our incestuous dating pool keeps getting more and more mixed,” Lucy grinned, clapping Winn on the shoulder. “You have excellent taste, my friend.”
“As do you,” Winn gave a little bow from his seat.
“Where is this all going?” Kara asked, dropping her voice to Supergirl level, which was when Vasquez happened to be walking by.
“Supergirl. Ma’am. There’s a situation in the lab the requires your attention. Um. Urgently.”
“Smooth,” Alex whispered as Kara nodded efficiently and practically flew down to the lab.
“What’s the situation? Is everything - oh. Oh. This… doesn’t look like the lab.”
Because it really didn’t. Lucy and Vasquez - with more than a little help from Winn and Alex, while Maggie talked Lena through her excitement and terror in the adjacent room, and a bit of help from J’onn, who really just needed his children to stop thinking so loudly about all of this - had transformed the lab into a romantic dinner for two, complete with candles and a couple bottles of wine on ice (including a Kryptonian version for Kara) and a tablecloth Winn had handstitched for his first home date with James.
There were steaming potstickers and pancakes piled high on the table - because it was Kara Danvers, after all, and Lena had insisted on making sure she had her favorite things - and Lucy had insisted right back that Lena was one of them.
Lena had almost believed her when Alex vehemently agreed.
And then there was Lena. 
She wasn’t in a lab coat and - thank Rao - she wasn’t in any danger. Well, danger of passing out from excited nerves, maybe, but it wasn’t some type of emergency like Kara had thought.
“We had it redone. Just for the evening. Alex gave her consent, don’t worry.”
Kara didn’t look worried. No, that wasn’t the word.
Because Lena was in this red dress, subtle but tight and Rao, Kara had never… she wasn’t… words.
Words were failing her. Language was eluding her. Breath was completely escaping her.
“Lena, what…”
“I’ve been told that I’ve been too subtle in my attempts to flirt with you. So we decided - I decided - that it was time to just… tell you.” She straightened up, at once the woman her mother had trained her to be and every bit her own person. It was intoxicating. She was intoxicating.
“Tell me?”
“That I want you. Um. To date you. That you’re my best friend and you’re an enormous dork and your body is almost as beautiful as your heart and Maggie says we should kiss the girls we want to kiss and I -”
But Kara was already across the room, her hands were already on Lena’s waist, her forehead already pressed delicately against hers.
“You want me to kiss you?” Kara asked, in the most heady combination of her Supergirl and Kara voice she’d ever found.
“I do,” Lena whispered, so Kara… Kara did.
“Victory is mine!” Lucy made them both jump, until the combined force of Vasquez, Alex, and Winn dragged her away, leaving Kara and Lena to finally… admit some things to each other.
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sillyshortstories · 4 years
Summary: This short story is inspired by the original Rapunzel tale by Giambattista Basile. Serafina must embark on many side quests to obtain the witch's parsley, before her pregnant wife Satomi succumbs to scratching her eczema ridden skin!
Cultural context: Birthmarks and cravings. 
“I’m really craving parsley,” Satomi said, longingly staring out the window. 
Serafina immediately rose from her coffin, and stared at her wife in horror. “Which… which parsley?”
Satomi pressed herself against the window, and dragged a hand down it slowly. “The neighbour’s.” 
These words granted Serafina more alertness than 49 cups of coffee. Satomi turned her head, pouting out her lip like a small child. Serafina softly started, “Don’t-”
“Could you,” Satomi started to beg. “Get some for me?”
Serafina stumbled out of her coffin, shaking her head profusely. “Nope. No. Not gonna happen, sorry babe.” 
Satomi whined, “But Serafina-”
“I may be a 240 year old blood-thirsty-vampire, but she’s a 22 year old independent witch of this century. She’ll destroy me and you know it.” Serafina grabbed Satomi’s hands, and pulled her gently. “”Now let’s get away from the window and think of sorbet. You like sorbet! I can go to the corner store and pick you up some of that.” 
Like a switch, Satomi change her demeanor, and leaned into her wife. She slowly and seductively whispered, “I want that parsley.” She breathed into Serafina’s ear. “And my eczema is acting up.”
Serafina quickly pushed and held Satomi at a distance. “You’re lying?” she said softly. 
“You know I’m not.”
Sweat began to form on Serafina’s forehead. She shifted her attention from Satomi to the window, until she gulped down. “You uh,” her voice quivered. “You really want that parsley?” 
Satomi smiled, horns imagined on her head as she planted a kiss on Serafina’s pale lips. “Make sure to get a big bunch,” she requested, and sat back down on the windowsill. “Thanks babe.”
“It was nice knowing you, my love. I’ll die on this quest to get parsley for my beautiful wife,” Serafina performed, allowing a tear to fall from her eye. “Tell our baby that I love them.”
“Hon, you’re immortal.” 
“She’ll break my soul!” Serafina sniffled, then ended her dramatic scene. “Okay, I’m going.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Serafina tiptoed her way around the fence that divided the two properties, and somersaulted on the grass like a secret agent. She did it correctly, only her feet landed and crushed a lavender head. 
“Well, I already fucked up.”
Serafina stood up, dusted off her pants and cloak, and walked right up to the small patch of fresh parsley. She wrapped her hands around the stems of as many as she could, then ripped it out from the Earth. Soil spilled out from beneath it, pulling out multiple carrot-looking roots along with it.
Serafina heard a crack of a twig, fear shook her to the very core as a shadowy figure stepped into her view. The figure was her neighbour Nomi, who held onto the ends of her cloak above her head, giving the illusion of a larger stature in the dark night. However, she was approximately the average size of a pubescent child.  
Nomi squinted her eyes at the lavender patch, releasing her cloak, and croaked, “What did you do to my lavender?”
“It was an acci-”
“Those were to save the bees. What, you don’t like bees now?”
“No, I love those chubby fuckers! It was an accident, really.”
“And this bunch of parsley you ripped out from my garden? I’m guessing that was an accident too.”
“Well, uh, see-”
Nomi snatched the parsley from Serafina’s grasp. “Nice try, but it’ll cost you.”
“How much money do you want?”
“Not money…” Nomi stroked the parsley in her hands. “I’ll let you have the parsley if-” She smirked. “If you give me your first-”
“Not my first child!” Serafina screamed. 
“Goddess no, why would I want to be a mother in this economy? I just want your first murder victim. Their bones, to be precise.”
“I-I haven’t killed anyone. I’ve always lived off of period blood.”
Nomi blinked rapidly, shaking her head in disbelief. “Wow, um, okay? Then just get me Dildar from the graveyard down the street. Aaron’s been hoarding him since I was 7.”
“Are you sure you don’t just want mo-”
“Bones!” Nomi screeched, swinging her cloak over her face, and disappeared into the shadows again. 
The fog was thick in the graveyard, the whistling of the wind filling Serafina’s ears. She clutched her cloak and wrapped it around her body as she wandered deeper into the graveyard. Some fog passed through her body, and took the shape of a 10 foot cyclops. 
“I am the grave ghost! Fear me!”
“Hey Aaron.”
“Oh, hey Serafina.” The ghost relaxed and shrunk down to Serafina’s height, in a human form. “Has it been a year already?”
“No, I’m not here to visit my former husband. I’m here for, uh… Dildar, actually.”
Aaron squinted his illuminated eyes, and hovered around Serafina’s body. “Why?”
“Well, uh, see Aaron, I need something from Nomi and-”
“Tell that Gnome that she cannot have his bones.”
Tears welled in Serafina’s eyes. “Come on Aaron, it’s not like I’m asking for your husband’s bones.”
“Dildar was my first love and you know that.” Aaron descended slowly to sit on top of Dildar’s tombstone. He let out a sigh. “We met when I was 20.”
Aaron smiled softly, immersing himself in the soft memories.
Human Aaron was walking his dog when there was an explosion a few houses down. Thick smoke seeped out through the cracks in the window of the small stone house. A young man with singed eyebrows and a coarse beard stumbled out of the front door, and fell on the lawn.
“Are you okay?” Aaron asked, wafting away the smoke around him. 
“I’m fi-fi-fi-fine,” Dildar replied. 
Aaron offered a hand out towards Dildar. “You need some moisturizer, you are looking a little ashy.” 
Dildar burst out into laughter, then smudged some of the black soot from his cheek with the back of his hand.
“We became friends because of that,” ghost Aaron said recalling some more memories. “He sure was an experimental alchemist, and a talented witch.” 
Serafina spoke softly, “You know he would allow his bones to be used after his death.”
“I know that, Nomi just boils my blood.” Aaron floated up from the tombstone and circled around Serafina slowly. “Why are you helping the Gnome anyways?” 
“Satomi is craving parsley and-”
“Say no more,” Aaron interrupted. “I will make a deal with you. I will give you the bones of Dildar if,” he tapped his finger against each other, like he was hatching an evil plan. “You get me Rasmus’ lucky rabbit’s foot.”
“Oh, come on Aaron,” Serafina whined. 
“I cannot give you his bones, Serafina.”
“Fine, fine, I’ll get the rabbit’s foot for you.” Serafina turned and mumbled unpleasant commentary under her breath as she stormed out of the graveyard. 
Music was blaring through the open windows. Serafina’s knock was barely audible, but Rasmus swung the door open. 
“Serafina!” Rasmus shouted over the noise. “What’s up? Come in!”
Serafina immersed herself in the chaos, and without hesitation she tried to explain, “I’m going to be straight with you- well, not straight ‘cause i’m not.” She snorted. “But like, to the point, I need- Is that a dancing chicken?!”
“Oh yeah, Ove and Ivalu found her wandering on our front lawn,” Rasmus replied. “She’s pretty talented, huh?”
The chicken was racking up points in Dance Dance Revolution until the very end. The tiny Ivalu, exhausted, toppled over in defeat once the song finished. 
“Y’ain’t shit Ivalu,” Ove shouted at his sister, as he pushed her battered body to the side. 
Like clockwork, Ove and the chicken agreed on a song, and began to dance. But this song, When I Grow Up by The Pussycat Dolls, sent the chicken down memory lane.
Freshly hatched from the egg, the chicken was introduced to music, and with that, the influence to move to the melody. Her mother thought it was cute, the way she would move her feet, and sway her plump behind, but she wanted to be more than cute. She wanted to be the best. She wanted to be famous. 
At the ripe age of 1, she set out on her own. She followed the music, made it to frat parties, and befriended lonely flute players in the woods. 
‘I’ll be famous one day’, she would think as she practiced daily. On her journey, the chicken stumbled upon Rasmus’ front lawn, and danced to the music that poured out of the windows. 
Eventually, she caught the attention of the two children, and as many others had done, they welcomed the talented chicken into their home. However, this time was different. 
Other people, other homes, were not equipped with a game to help her practice. This game offered her a wide selection of tunes and choreography. Upon discovering this game, the chicken silently decided she would stay a while, and practice to achieve her dreams. 
‘I’ll be famous one day,’ she repeated in her head. ‘It is my dance dance resolution.’
Serafina stared in awe as the chicken demolished Ove this round without even breaking a sweat. Not that she could sweat, she’s a chicken after all. 
“Uh.” Serafina cleared her throat, and looked to Rasmus. “Look, I’m really in a rush. My wife needs parsley, but Nomi wants bones, and Aaron wants your lucky rabbit’s foot. Can I give you something in exchange for the foot?”
“Why does Satomi need parsley?”
“You know, pregnant women crave thi-”
“She’s pregnant?!” Rasmus threw his hands in the air, and giggled like a schoolgirl. 
Serafina smiled at his excitement. “Yeah, for a few months now.”
“I had no idea! I assumed hormone replacement therapy would make you infertile.”
“Oh no, I’m not on hormones. It’s hard enough to get my supply of period blood all the way out here, forget estrogen.” Serafina tossed her long hair over her shoulder. “Anyways, Rasmus, I need the lucky rabbit’s foot. What do you want in exchange for it?”
Serafina silently prayed for his request to be money. 
Rasmus placed a finger to his chin and stared at the ceiling as he thought. He animated his thought process by throwing his thinking hand into the air. “Oh! I know! Tamecia has a handwritten cookbook.”
“You want a cookbook?”
“Hey, I’m a single dad living in the middle of the forest. I need to make due with a surplus of wild mushrooms and ramps.”
Serafina sighed. “Fair enough. I’ll be back with the cookbook,” and she went on her not-so-merry-way.
She was exactly where Serafina knew she’d be; stuck in a tree. The branches crackled beneath her, and in an instant, Tamecia fell to the ground. 
Tamecia had a white afro as big as her belly, that now housed several branches and withering leaves. 
“Hey,” Serafina dragged out the word in a forced upbeat tone. “Tamecia.” 
“Serafina! Hello darling. Help me up, won’t you?” Tamecia grunted, and stuck her arms out for Serafina to grab. 
Serafina’s veins popped, muscles rippled as she strained to lift Tamecia up, who was putting in no effort herself. 
“There you go. Not too difficult for you, I hope?” Tamecia chuckled to herself, and dusted off her silk nightgown. 
Serafina was still panting as she blurted out, “Can I buy your cookbook?”
A bellow of laughter erupted from Tamecia. “Why would you need a cookbook, dear?”
“I don’t, but Rasmus does, and I need something from him.”
“Ah, Rasmus. Good fellow. Did you see that dancing chicken he has?”
“I had the pleasure of meeting her today. Now how about that cookbook.” Serafina whipped out her wallet from her back pocket. “How much do you want for it?”
“Oh sweetheart, I don’t want money.”
Serafina’s face light up like Diwali. “You don’t? Then can I get it n-”
“Monifa does have an invention I’m interested in.” Serafina immediately deflated as Tamecia continued, “If you can get that for me, dear, then I’ll gladly give you the cookbook.”
Serafina looked like death. “What’s the invention?”
“It’s a potion that gives you stretchy limbs. It’d be very useful for me. You don’t know how often my Kitty gets stuck in trees.”
“No no, I can imagine how often your kite Kitty gets caught in trees. We do live in a forest after all.” Serafina let out a long sigh, and carried herself away from Tamecia, who had begun another attempt at retrieving her pet kite from the tree. 
“So, a stretchy formula,” Serafina mumbled, swaying her lifeless body in the direction of Monifa’s house. 
Monifa’s lawn was full of botanical life, but with a clean walkway to the front door. Serafina breathed in the calming lavender, attempting to enjoy nature instead of letting the bitterness brew in her chest. She couldn’t believe Nomi was the only person in the whole village to grow parsley. 
‘It’s okay.’ She took a deep breath. ‘I will get this parsley, as if my life depends on it.’
Just as Serafina put her fist to the door, it swung open. “Hey Serafina,” Monfia said. 
“That was… were you expecting someone or something?” Serafina looked behind her, and searched around for someone else. 
“No.” Monifa leaned against the doorframe. “You were just standing on my porch for a while. Seemed a little out of it. Are you okay?”
Serafina’s voice cracked, and her body fell, as she clutched onto Monifa’s lab coat. “I need parsley.”
“Oh, okay?” Monifa instinctively held onto Serafina, and attempted to pull her up. “How can I help?” 
“I need your limb-stretching formula or whatever it’s called.”
“Stretcher 4.0. I’m sorry, but how does… how does that help you get parsley?”
Serafina pulled herself up with the aid of Monifa, and explained to her they daily events that led to this moment. She pointed to the trees, and danced like the chicken to animate her predicament. 
Monifa attempted to contain her laughter. “Wait wait wait, you’re going through all of this because your wife is craving parsley?”
“My wife has eczema, I can’t just not! Our child will have parsley all over their skin!”
“Actually, that superstition has been disproven for centu-”
“PARSLEY! PARSLEY ON OUR BABY’S BODY!” Serafina threw her hands in the air frantically, then dragged her fingers through her hair, tugging it down. “Now, what do you want in exchange for the stretchy thingy?”
Monifa paused for a moment before pointing behind her. “Do you see a little girl eating brownies back there?”
Serafina peered in, noticing a tray of untouched, steaming brownies, but no sign of anyone else in the bungalow. “Uh, no?”
Monifa adjusted her glasses to sit higher up the bridge of her nose. “Okay, I figured I needed to switch up my meds.” Monfia reached into her pocket, and pulled out a thin vial with a thick iridescent fluid. “Here you go, the stretcher 4.0.”
Serafina took it in her hands, and stared at it bewildered. “That’s all?”
“Are.. you sure?”
“Yup, that’s all I needed. Oh! One more thing before you go; be sure to unplug your appliances after use, because it can burn out the device and it wastes electricity.”
Serafina switched her gaze from the vial to Monifa, with tears forming in her eyes. She sniffled, “Thank you.”
The house was flooded with the burnt orange of dawn light, and Serafina swam in the warmth of it. The parsley in her hands flopped around as she danced to jazz music from the 1920’s, playing softly on the record player.
Even with the missing component of garlic, the scent of tomato sauce transported Serafina to her childhood in Italy.  
She burst into the tiny kitchen to greet Satomi when the record scratched and stopped. 
A pot began to spit out sauce as Satomi stood frozen over the stove, with her eyes fixed on Serafina. Satomi’s hand was still on her neck, which was inflamed and cracked. Slowly, her hand moved down to her side. 
Serafina held the bouquet of parsley out and mumbled, “You’re not still craving this, are you?”
“I, uh,” Satomi stuttered, just as the pot of water began to boil over. 
Satomi hurriedly removed the lid from the pot, and slowly stirred in the pasta, occasionally stealing glances of Serafina. 
Finally, Serafina relaxed into a smile as she watched her wife. She imagined their child looking just like Satomi, with birthmarks in place of her eczema. 
Serafina planted a kiss on Satomi’s cheek. “Our child is going to be so beautiful.”
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random-dvf-posts · 6 years
Jay! (A goddess of the moon, but not known for that, infact it's a secret in her case. Often shipped with Sea Breeze, Gust, Cyber, or Iceflower. Only real canon ship is Anti.)
Rai (Half human, half pupper. Childhood friend of Tyy. Often shipped with Spark or Irene Wolf)
Tyy (Teen boy. His appearances range from 11 - 17 usually. Was trapped in a painful area where he meets people, make relationships with them, reset, then they forget him. Shima found him. Rainbow Hawk made him his own AU with nice fields, a portal to the ors, no resets, and a nice house. Often shipped with Lunars, Sizzle, or Mino)
Alternate Clock (Goddess of Dimensions. Origins are unknown, and she is still getting used to staying in one reality. Usually shipped with Cyber)
Rainbow Wishes (Goddess of Wishes. Usually seen as the leader of the gods. Often shipped with Lightning Lane)
Syle (Joyful Lesbian Kirin. Dating Mina. Found trapped in a dimension where it's just... A mountain area. Amnesia from before being there.)
Mina (Jay and Anti's ship kid. Dating Syle. Disobedient but fun)
Lyri (Jay and Anti's second ship kid. Obedient and joyful normally. Crush on Rai)
Iceflower Drop (Goddess of Nature. Dated/dating Icicle Zapp. Can control plants. Abnormal strength and pansexual. Often shipped with Jay, Icicle, Lightning, or Tyy)
Cyber Lane (God of The Afterlife. Often shipped with Alternate Clock or Jay. A spirit.)
Sunset Shy (Iceflower's little sister. Goddess of The Sun. Mute. Often shipped with Icicle.)
Lightning Lane (God of Electricity. Brother of Cyber and Spark. Often shipped with Iceflower or Rainbow Wishes. Cyborg. A bear with a large lung disorder- where about 2/7 of his lungs had exploded mid-roar -ripped out his eye, trying to give him a hug.)
Speed Demon (God of Speed and claims to be the God of Ships too. Crush on Icicle but Icicle hates him. High-pitched voice. Tried forcing love. Because of his voice, he's often assumed to be a girl. So he went along with it for a while. Often shipped with Dizzy)
Sea Breeze (Goddess of Water. Extremely depressed, due to every other God and goddess hating on her. Crush on Rai and Tyy. Often shipped with Rai, Jay, or Icicle.)
Ivan (God of building. Often seen as useless and isn't included in much. Built the treehouse.)
Timelight (Ship kid of Cyber Lane and Alternate Clock. Goddess of Time and Space. Crush on Gray Skies.)
Rainbow Hawk (Overpowered but takes it for granted. Above God level and depressed. Sometimes shipped with Gust.)
Gust Dash (God of Wind. Crush on Jay!, Elisse, and Iceflower. Often shipped with Elisse. Depressed due to other gods and goddesses hating on him.)
Shein (Innocent boi. Gives off the same vibes as Tyy. Almost as if They're related. Moon irises. Often shipped with Lunars)
Dizzy Chaos (Daughter of Chaos. Sister of Iceflower and Sunset Shy. Loves Chaos and uses it whenever she can. Hates gods and loves pulling cruel pranks on them and even at one point made them kill each other in a survival game, appearing as Rainbow Hawk to them, making her an enemy. Crush on Zyke and Sprinkle. Draconequus. High-pitched voice. If killed, Zyke will do anything to get revenge for her. He goes crazy. No longer any sanity. Dizzy is deadly but loves cuddles from Zyke. Best friend/boss of Zyke. Often shipped with Lilly, Zyke, or Speed)
Zyke (Changeling. Assistant/best friend of Dizzy Chaos. Crush on Dizzy Chaos. Shy boi, and frienemy of Gods. Although They're extremely close, Dizzy often uses him.)
Chase (Gay boi. Innocent and has a crush on Zyke, Aiden, and Stripes. Normally wears green and has blue hair.)
Sarah (dating Tom. Icewing. Side character )
Tom (Dating Sarah. Floofy boi. Nightwing. Side character )
Tim (SandWing. Tom and Sarah's friend. Side character )
Sizzle (Ship kid of Tom and Sarah. More important to the story. Crush on Tyy. Gay boi.)
Jerry (FUCK YOU JERRY!! Side Character. Hated by everyone because he fucking sucks. Ghost. He doesn't deserve anyone or anything except the ability to cry and have existential crisis'.)
Mino and Milo (Demons that follow Jay. Milo is a former spirit of a seven year old non binary who died in the late 18th century. They were framed for murder by the demon haunting them called Mino. Mino still follows Milo and tries to encourage them to do bad stuff. Mino is often shipped with Tyy)
Ribbon (Mine but not necessarily Jayverse!. Cross Sans x Blueberry Sans ship kid. Dating Limbo.)
Spark Lane (Sister of Cyber and Lightning. Obsessed With technology. Goddess of Electricity. High-pitched voice. Dating Rai)
Blare (Dating Blae. an artist. Often annoyed by Blae but still loves her. First introduced in Ripple's hometown village. He was, when they Ripple returned with Tyy, drawing. Blae was annoying him but he was managing. Like everyone else in Ripple's hometown, he and Blae acted normal. Like there was no magic or anything. But they were half Neko and half Wolf. Blare had wolf ears and a cat tail.)
Blae (Dating Blare. A simple hyper townie. Often annoys Blare but obviously loves him alot. First introduced in Ripple's hometown village. She was, when Ripple returned with Rai, annoying Blare about what he was drawing. Like everyone else in Ripple's hometown, she and Blare acted normal. Like there was no magic or anything. But they were half neko half wolf. Blae had cat ears and a wolf tail.)
Ripple (Half deer, half human. She showed up in the forests of Tyy's new dimension. Tyy, Rai, and Irene Wolf found her. They found out she came from a village on the other side of the forest. The village was called " Meresville ". The Townies lived normal lives. Without magic. It turns out she's slight royalty. Her father works for the FBI. Her mother is... A alcoholic.. After PJ and Tyy broke up, (THAT WAS CANON, YES.) her, having become great friends with PJ and Tyy, soon started dating Tyy.)
Ripple's mother (An alcoholic at the time of the story. Abusive and upset most the time. Eats cereal with vodka instead of milk. Messed up. Real name is Carolyn Silvers. Side character. Normal human from Meresville.)
Ripple's father (A FBI agent and a CEO of an international airport business. Almost always at work, and hates Ripple's mother. Screams "FBI OPEN UP!!" naturally before entering rooms. Kicks down every door this happens to. Has nearly put himself in debt from this. Real name is Clark Tap. Side character. Normal human from Meresville.)
Irene Wolf (The goddess of Animals. Currently dating Rai. Tyy found her where he used to be trapped. He brought her to the dimension RH made for her, and she 'met' a few people. Elisse remembered her, but nobody else. She claimed to be trapped there for around a week. Rainbow Hawk showed up to greet her because of the fact she had been missing for multiple years. Before this, Rainbow Hawk and Irene had never really met. She couldn't question much though. She was revealed to have been trapped in that dimension for 5 years. Dizzy showed up and was immediately requested to leave. She did, But that raised a question for Irene. Of course, that question was who was she. They talked about Dizzy for a bit and eventually started talking about the Survival Game. Rai got emotional and went into the forest. Irene went to talk with him. This brought them to a first kiss.. They were friends for over a week- This was later, after she met them)
Daniel (Used to be a Registered sex offender. He was always in heat... He mainly claimed Mark as his boyfriend (although Mark hated that) but tried starting relationships with anyone he could. Met PJ and was shown Underlust. Is now scared of what used to be and kinda has a crush on PJ. Also has a crush on both Rai and Irene Wolf. Currently enrolled in a highschool run by only Rainbow Hawk. One of the students, Allison, a witch who was new at the time, gave him bunny ears. He doesn't know how to get rid of them. Has become good friends with PJ and has a crush. Was shown AUs so is aware of alot. Human from Meresville.)
Mark (past main victim of Daniel. Was Annoyed by him, but... Kinda liked him tbh. Side character. Regular human from Meresville.)
Stripe (Spot's brother. Dating Chase. Side character.)
Spot (Stripe's brother. Side character.)
Graysie ( Former bully. Crush on Spot. Past Victim of Daniel. Side character)
Luck Spark (Goddess of Luck. She can't do much and isn't included with anything often. Never had a ship. Status has always been single.)
Ziko (... Story hasn't been figured out, but is like Shein.)
Valerie (Former slut. She's currently depressed about it and recovering from that horrifying phase. Side character.)
Fyre (Same species as Tyy, still in progress.)
Damien (Edgy bastard boi but actually soft boi. Was dating Shima. Works for Dizzy. Still in progress.)
Shima (Shapeshifter. Elisse claims she's a changeling, therefore wants her to die. Gets in fights with Elisse weekly/daily. After her home village burnt down, she was convinced she was the last of her kind. In Jayverse!, this is Babs' (MLP character) origin. She was scared of being judged for being a changeling. So when her home was burnt to ash and she felt she had to live with regular people, she turned into Babs. That's not what Shima is known for though.)
Dare (A teen boy. Very calm and relaxed usually. Human from Meresville. Slight crush on Allison. Goes to a Highschool run by only Rainbow Hawk.)
Addison (A young witch. Loves T or D, and Dare's best friend. Goes to a Highschool run by only Rainbow Hawk, with Dare sharing the dorm.)
Aiden (Gay. Crush on Chase, and side character.)
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sandythereadingcafe · 3 years
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ebook boxset deal ONLY 99¢
SAVAGE KINGS MC 1-6 by Lane Hart & DB West
US: https://amzn.to/3zKpKW8
CA: https://amzn.to/3mlA7Lt
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Are you ready to go for a ride with the Savage Kings MC? There's non-stop action in this six-book box set which includes Chase, Abe, Torin, War, Maddox and Dalton. BOOK ONE: CHASE Chase hasn't forgiven himself for hurting Sasha and causing her an unbelievable amount of pain. He still wears her name on his chest, a reminder of the night that he wrecked his bike and everything the two of them had together. With secrets, lies, bloodshed, and violence causing chaos in the club, Chase is determined to use his second chance with Sasha to keep her safe. BOOK TWO: ABE While Abram Cross is no longer a professional thief, he’s still living on the wrong side of the law as a member of the Savage Kings MC. He never claimed to be a good guy; but after he meets Mercy Daniels, he's starting to wish he was a better man. BOOK THREE: TORIN The only thing that has kept Torin going for the last few months is vengeance. He lives and breathe for the day he’ll finally get his revenge on the man who took his wife. Guilt eats away at him a little more with each day that passes until there’s nothing left of the man he used to be. Will Torin be able to recover from all that he lost, or is he too far gone to ever come back? BOOK FOUR: WAR There's a storm on the horizon in Emerald Isle; and as tempers flare, a natural disaster may destroy more than just the town the Savage Kings has built. But it'll take more than an act of God himself to take War's son away from him. And social worker Nova McQueen can't decide if she wants to continue to fight the biker's wrath or succumb to him. BOOK FIVE: MADDOX War is not only Maddox’s sponsor in the MC, he's been like a father to him since he first came to town. But if War finds out Maddox is falling for his sister, he'll kill him. Somehow, Maddox will have to figure out how to choose between following in his real father's footsteps with the MC or being with the one woman who makes him feel like he’s already a Savage King. BOOK SIX: DALTON Playboy Dalton has been tasked to finally use his good looks and charm to help out his club. All he has to do is seduce a beautiful blonde ATF agent just long enough to steal her briefcase. When she tracks him down a day later, and is ready to arrest him, Dalton will have to figure out a way to soften her up.
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spotifypremiumapks · 3 years
Who is Uk Thang? Wiki, Biography, Age, Shooter, Facts You Need to Know
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Uk Thang Wiki - Uk Thang Biography
Uk Thang was identified as the gunman who shot 15 people, one fatally, at a Kroger grocery store in Collierville. Tennessee. Collierville Police Chief Dale Lane confirmed at a press conference that the gunman shot 15 victims, some of them in serious condition. Thang was 29 years old and shot himself at the scene; They found him in the back of the store. The police refused to give his name at a press conference but later made it known to the media. according to the Daily Memphian. Authorities described the frantic fight for safety that unfolded at Kroger when the shooting broke out in the deli area of ​​the grocery store, not far from Memphis. "We got people out of freezers, cabinets, hiding on pallets," Lane said at a press conference Sept. 24. The gunman's name is also spelled UK Thang. "It breaks my heart to have to stand before you today," Lane said at an earlier press conference, calling the mass shooting "the most horrific event in Collierville's history." There were also scenes of heroism in the midst of the tragedy. Many mentioned the heroism of longtime Kroger employee Brignetta Dickerson, who helped guide others to safety. This is what we should be thinking about and celebrating in the wake of the terrible mass shooting in #collierville #TENNESSEE. I think her name was 'Miss Dickerson', she works for.@kroger for 32 years and led 3 employees and 3 customers to safety through the back doors. ❤️❤️ pic.twitter.com/CiqGCZBOLG - Florence, the wonderful cat (@ Florenc00526929) September 23, 2021 The chief confirmed that the woman who died was named Olivia King. KingA mother of three remembered for her religious devotion and sweet personality, she was the woman killed in the chaos. Ten victims were Kroger employees and five were customers. Several people remain in very serious condition, the chief said. At a press conference, she said: “I ask that you keep Olivia King's family in your prayers. The number of shots is now 15, but luckily our prayers were answered and they all went ahead overnight. I am not going to give his name in this forum and give him that notoriety ”.
Uk Thang, who first opened fire in the deli where he worked, worked at Kroger through a salesman, says Lane
Witnesses told the Daily Memphian that the shooting "began in the deli area and described the gunman as dark-haired and dark-eyed. Some reported that he was carrying a military-style rifle. " The audio of the initial police dispatch, available on Broadcastify, said there were "four gunshot victims" in the back of Kroger next to the dumpster, one person was "near the deli with a gunshot wound to the shoulder", and "another party he was out of Kroger, with a gunshot wound to his shoulder and back. " According to News 3, the suspect "may have been an outside vendor who worked in the deli section." A woman shopping near the delicatessen described the scene to News 3: “This person arrives dressed in black with maybe a shield over his face, I don't know for sure. And I heard 'pop, pop, pop'. And I was like, 'I can't believe it. It is real.' It was a fairly quick succession of at least 12 shots. " On Facebook, people claimed the suspect was a fired sushi chef, although authorities did not confirm that detail. Lane confirmed that the suspect worked for a third-party vendor. It did not confirm whether the suspect had been fired from his job. "My sister was working until 2" a woman wrote on facebook. “The sushi chef disagreed with another employee and the sushi chef left or fired him and came back. He heard the first sound of a popping, thought it was balloons, then heard more. I can't imagine the horror everyone felt. " The shooter died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, says the police chief. "The shooter has passed away," he confirmed. "We believe it will be from self-inflicted gunshot wounds." Jennifer Casey, City of Collierville Public Information Officer, confirmed to trade appeal that there was an active shooter on the Kroger. She told the newspaper that there are multiple injuries, but was not more specific. You can listen to the initial scan audio here. It comes in the last minutes of this audio file. https://heavy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/krodgerone.mp3 Memphis police confirmed there was a shooting at the Kroger. Memphis police officers are at the scene of a shooting at Kroger located at 240 New Byhalia Road in Collierville, TN to support the Collierville Police Department. MPD is helping to secure the perimeter and the scene, ”they wrote on Twitter. “On September 23, 2021, at approximately 1:30 pm, the Collierville Police Department received a call regarding an active shooter at Kroger located at 240 New Byhalia Road in Collierville. Information from callers that a male individual was armed with a gun shooting at others inside the store, ”the mayor wrote in a press release. “The first officers on the scene encountered several buyers and employees, some shot by the suspect. Agents located approximately 13 people who suffered injuries, including gunshot wounds. Emergency medical personnel from the Collierville Fire Department arrived to help provide medical assistance to those in need. All the victims have been transferred to hospitals in the area ”. The launch continued, “At this time, we believe that a single suspect is responsible for the attack. He was in the back of the store with what appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound and is dead. Another victim has also died. " “This is a horrible day in Collierville. Our hearts go out to the victims, families and friends involved in the senseless tragedy. Please keep our community in your thoughts and prayers, ”Chief Dale Lane said. "At this time, there are no known threats to the Collierville community and our department is working diligently to prevent further violence." The Collierville Police Department has joined the investigation by local, state and federal agencies. This is an ongoing investigation. We will release additional information as it becomes available.
The video showed the massive response from law enforcement at the scene; the suspect had a minor criminal record
The video emerged from the scene. Jason Lusk, who recorded the videos above, wrote on Facebook: “He took about 12 shots when I got to my car. My phone was in the car and I managed to record one of the takes and the police arrived ”. One woman wrote in her comment thread: “My co-worker's brother was shot and the air rose. His sister-in-law was pastored. " Collierville is a community located in Shelby County which is a suburb of Memphis. The photos and videos showed a massive response from law enforcement agencies to the scene. Thank you to Ms. Dickerson, a Kroger employee for 32 years, for bringing her co-workers and clients to safety. - State Representative Antonio Parkinson (@TNRepParkinson) September 23, 2021 In the audio from the scanner, an officer said: "Contact all agencies for mutual assistance." An officer said at another time: "I need more ambulances." The Daily Memphian reported that a Kroger employee climbed onto the roof during security, but the shooting occurred inside the store. UK Thang had some "minor charges, misdemeanor arrests, but nothing for violence," Lane said. As for the motive, he said: "We all want to know why," but said the police were not ready to release that information. Thang has no criminal record in Shelby County.
Police found hidden employees and 'shot several people', says chief
Lane said the call broke out at 1:30 p.m. for an active shooter. The police arrived four minutes later. "When we entered the building, there were several people shot," Lane said, adding that police went from hall to hall, pulling out employees who were in hiding and helping victims who were injured. He said the alleged shooter's vehicle was in the parking lot and police were waiting for additional equipment to search the vehicle. Fox13 reported that its news crews witnessed "two medical helicopters landed on the outskirts of Kroger," and Collierville High School was briefly blocked. Brignetta Dickerson, Kroger employee, told WKRN that he heard gunshots while working at the cash register. She ran. “And here he comes right behind us and he started shooting. And he kept shooting, shooting, shooting. He shot one of my co-workers in the head and one of my clients in the stomach, ”he told the television channel. His co-worker, shot in the head, asked for his mother but survived. Glenda McDonald, who works at the Kroger, told The Commercial Appeal that she heard the shot and said, “I ran out the door. I left my bag, my keys, everything. "
People offered prayers for Collierville on social media
The people of Collierville wrote about the reports of the shooting on social media. “There is an active shooter at the Kroger across the street from my job. He was literally there, putting gas. " wrote a man on Twitter. “There is an active shooter at a Kroger grocery store in a neighboring town. Pray please, " a woman wrote on Twitter. A man wrote “Local friends, stay away from the Collierville Kroger. Active shooter situation there. Pray for our community, please ”. Read Also: Who was Michael K. Williams? Wiki, Biography, Age, Wife, Cause of Death Read the full article
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Films 10 Cloverfield Lane (aka. The Cellar) 12 Angry Men 22 July (500) Days of Summer 99 Homes A Clockwork Orange A Fantastic Woman A Monster Calls (selling and shooting scripts) A Most Violent Year A Quiet Place (Original and Rewrite) A Star is Born Alien Genesis All About Eve All Is True American Hustle American Sniper Amour An American Crime Animal Kingdom Annie Hall Annihilation Another Year Anthropoid The Apartment Arrival At the Mountains of Madness (unproduced, Guillermo Del Toro and Matthew Robbins) The Ballad of Buster Scruggs Battle of the Sexes Beautiful Boy Beauty and the Beast (2017) Before Midnight Before Sunrise Beginners The Beguiled The Big Short The Big Sick Birdman BlacKkKlansman Black Swan Blade Runner Blue Valentine Boy Erased The Boxtrolls Brad’s Status The Breakfast Club Breathe Bridge of Spies Bridget Jones’s Baby Brigsby Bear Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Cabaret Call Me By Your Name Capernaum (Chaos) Captain Fantastic Casablanca Celest and Jesse Forever Children of Men Chinatown Citizen Kane Coco Colette Collateral (aka. Vincent) The Conjuring Crazy Rich Asians Dallas Buyers Club The Danish Girl Danny Collins Darkest Hour Dazed and Confused Deadpool Dear White People The Decedents Denial Destroyer  Die Hard The Disaster Artist Disobedience Double Indemnity Dr. Strangelove Duel Eighth Grade Elizabeth Blue E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Ex Machina Eye in the Sky Eyes Wide Shut Fargo Fences Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool Finding Nemo First Man First Reformed The Florida Project The Front Runner Forrest Gump Foxcatcher Foxtrot Fruitville Station Full Metal Jacket Funny People The German Lieutenant (unproduced; Stanley Kubrick) Get Low Get Out The Girl on the Train The Godfather The Goonies Groundhog Day Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Hail Caesar! Happy End The Happy Prince Hell or High Water Hereditary Hidden Figures I Smile Back I, Tonya If Beale Street Could Talk I’ll See You in My Dreams The Incredibles Inherent Vice Inside Job Inside Out The Invisible Woman The Invitation It (2017) It Follows Kill Your Darlings The Killing of a Sacred Deer Kubo and the Two Strings La La Land Lady Bird The Last Boy Scout The Last Word Learning to Drive Leave No Trace Legend The Leisure Seeker The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou Life of Pi Lion Little Miss Sunshine Locke Logan Love is Strange Loving Low Self Esteem of Lizzie Gillespie (unproduced; Mindy Kaling and Brent Forrester) Made in Dagenham Magnolia The Maltese Falcon Man Up The Man Who Invented Christmas Mark Felt - The Man Who Brought Down The White House Mary Poppins Returns Mary Queen of Scots The Martian The Matrix Maudie Middle of Nowhere mother! Mother and Child Mudbound Mr. Turner My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 My Week with Marilyn Napoleon (unproduced; Stanley Kubrick) Network Never Look Away Nightcrawler No Country for Old Men Nocturnal Animals Norman - The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer Novitiate The Nun On the Basis of Sex On the Waterfront Once The Overlook Hotel (unproduced prequel to The Shining; Glen Mazzara) Pan’s Labyrinth (English) The Past Pawn Sacrifice The Place Beyond the Pines Please Give The Perks of Being a Wallflower Punch-Drunk Love Puzzle Ratatouille Requiem for a Dream The Rider Roma Room The Rosenthaler Suite aka My Best Friend (unproduced; Wes Anderson) Rosemary’s Baby Ruben Brandt, Collector Rust and Bone Sacred Cows Savage Tales The Secret Life of Pets The Secret Live of Walter Mitty The Shape of Water The Shawshank Redemption The Shining Short Term 12 The Silence of the Lambs Sing Singin’ in the Rain The Sisters Brothers Smashed The Social Network Some Like it Hot Sorry to Bother You Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Stan and Ollie Star Wars: A New Hope The Station Agent Straight Outta Compton Steve Jobs Still Alice Suffragette Sunset Boulevard The Theory of Everything Titanic Toy Story Toy Story 3 Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri Trumbo Tully Up Vertigo Vice Victor Frankenstein Victoria and Abdul Wadjda Wall-E War for the Planet of the Apes What They Had Whiplash The Wife Winter’s Bone The Wolf of Wall Street You Can Count on Me
TV shows 30 Rock The Americans The Alienist Archer Atlanta The Big Bang Theory Black-ish Black Mirror Bob’s Burgers Breaking Bad Broad City Brooklyn Nine-Nine Community Curb Your Enthusiasm Criminal Minds Doctor Who Fairly OddParents Family Guy Fargo Friends Girls The Good Place Grey’s Anatomy House It’s Always Sunny in Philidelphia Last Man on Earth Lost Mad Men Merlin The Mindy Project Modern Family Monk Mom New Girl Nowhere (original idea for Lost) The Office Orange is the New Black Party Down Psych Rick and Morty Scandal Seinfeld Silicon Valley The Simpsons The Sopranos South Park The Strain Stranger Things Supernatural True Detective Twin Peaks Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Veep The Walking Dead
216 notes · View notes
x-enter · 5 years
New Promo Spot for PENNY DREADFUL: CITY OF ANGELS - "In Darkness, Everything Comes to Light"
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We’ve got a new promo spot to share with you today for Showtime’s upcoming supernatural horror series Penny Dreadful: City of Angels. I’m excited about this series, mostly because I like the setting of the story, which is 1938 Los Angeles. It also looks like things are going to get pretty dark.
When a grisly murder shocks the city, Detective Tiago Vega and his partner Lewis Michener become embroiled in an epic journey that reflects the rich history of the city. This is going to be a different kind of show than the first Penny Dreadful, but I’m all for it!
Here’s the synopsis:
A spiritual descendant of the original Penny Dreadful story set in Victorian-era London, Penny Dreadful: City of Angels opens in 1938 Los Angeles, a time and place deeply infused with social and political tension. When a grisly murder shocks the city, Detective Tiago Vega (Daniel Zovatto) and his partner Lewis Michener (Nathan Lane) become embroiled in an epic story that reflects the rich history of Los Angeles: from the building of the city's first freeways and its deep traditions of Mexican-American folklore, to the dangerous espionage actions of the Third Reich and the rise of radio evangelism. Before long, Tiago and his family are grappling with powerful forces that threaten to tear them apart.
Natalie Dormer takes on the role of a demon named Magda, a “shape-shifting hell queen,” and the actress described the character as a “delicious, multi­dimensional thrill,” an “agent of chaos” who can “sow the seeds of disorder.”
Magda has a sister named Santa Muerte, who is played by Lorenza Izzo, who is an immortal ferrywoman who guides human souls to the afterlife, the Holy Angel of Death is “a force of benign common goodness.” She takes an opposing view on things and has “a very combative and complex relationship” with Magda.
The series was created by John Logan who said the show “is about the social and personal cost that goes into making a great modern metropolis and how the various forces at play in 1938 are the very forces that are playing now. One hundred years before our show, Los Angeles was Mexico. I wanted to tell a story about a Latino family under pressure because of all the forces at play—not only in freeway building but also in crime, law enforcement, and immigration policy.”
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels will premiere on Sunday, April 26th on Showtime.
source https://geektyrant.com/news/new-promo-spot-for-penny-dreadful-city-of-angels-in-darkness-everything-comes-to-light
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tuseriesdetv · 5 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Anuncios de repartazos y series nuevas
HBO ha renovado The Righteous Gemstones por una segunda temporada
OWN ha renovado Queen Sugar por una quinta temporada
Comedy Central ha renovado South Park por una vigesimocuarta, vigesimoquinta y vigesimosexta temporada
Noticias cortas
La serie de Awkwafina en Comedy Central se titulará Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens.
La comedia de Mindy Kaling para Netflix se titulará Never Have I Ever.
Incorporaciones y fichajes
Whoopi Goldberg (Sister Act, Ghost) y Alexander Skarsgård (Big Little Lies, True Blood) serán Mother Abigail y el malvado Randall Flagg en The Stand, la adaptación de la novela de Stephen King. Se unen también Jovan Adepo (When They See Us, The Leftovers), Owen Teague (It, Bloodline), Brad William Henke (Orange Is the New Black, Sneaky Pete) y Daniel Sunjata (Rescue Me, Graceland), que serán Larry Underwood, un joven músico; Harold Lauder, alguien que buscará supervivientes junto a Frannie (Odessa Young); Tom Cullen, un compañero de viaje de Nick (Henry Zaga) discapacitado tras un accidente cuando era niño: y Cobb, un militar que debe supervisar a Stu (James Marsden).
Liv Tyler (The Lord of the Rings, The Leftovers) protagonizará 9-1-1: Lone Star junto a Rob Lowe. Será Michelle Blake, jefa de paramédicos.
Amanda Peet (Brockmire, Studio 60) y Christian Slater (Mr. Robot, Heathers) protagonizarán la segunda temporada de la antología que comenzó con Dirty John. Esta vez en USA Network, nos traerán la historia de Betty Broderick, una mujer de California que en 1989 asesinó a su marido y a su amante. Escrita por Alexandra Cunningham (Dirty John, Desperate Housewives).
Jenna Coleman (Doctor Who, Victoria), Billy Howle (MotherFatherSon, Glue) y Ellie Bamber (Les Misérables, The Nutcracker and the Four Realms) protagonizarán The Serpent (BBC One) junto a Tahar Rahim. Serán Marie-Andrée Leclerc, cómplice de Sobhraj; y Herman y Angela Knippenberg.
Dermot Mulroney (Shameless, My Best Friend's Wedding), Anthony Welsh (Fleabag, Pure), Severine Howell-Meri, Cherelle Skeete (Ordinary Lies) y Gianna Kiehl se unen a la segunda temporada de Hanna.
Richard Dormer (Game of Thrones, Fortitude), Adam Hugill (1917), Jo Eaton-Kent (Don't Forget the Driver), Marama Corlette (Blood Drive), Lara Rossi (Crossing Lines) y Sam Adewunmi (The Last Tree) protagonizarán The Watch, adaptación de Discworld. Serán Sam Vimes, Constable Carrot, Constable Cheery, Corporal Angua, Lady Sybil Ramkin y Carcer Dun.
Richardo Chavira (Desperate Housewives) y Gabriel Chavarria (The Purge) serán el padre y el hermano de Selena en Selena: The Series.
Se le ha ofrecido a Hailee Steinfeld (Pitch Perfect, Ender's Game) protagonizar Hawkeye. Sería Kate Bishop, nueva Ojo de Halcón y miembro de los Young Avengers.
Melissa George (The Slap, The Good Wife) será recurrente en The Eddy, la serie de Damien Chazelle para Netflix, interpretando a Alison Jenkins, la sofisticada exmujer de Elliot (André Holland) y madre de Julie (Amandla Stenberg).
Jennifer Esposito (The Affair, Mistresses) será recurrente en Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens como una profesora de arte. Ming-Na Wen (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Street Fighter) participará como invitada interpretando a la bohemia y espiritual tía de Nora.
Jason Ritter (Parenthood, Another Period) participará en varios episodios de la segunda temporada de A Million Little Things interpretando a alguien relacionado con Patricia (Melora Hardin). 
Scoot McNairy (Halt and Catch Fire, True Detective), Zoe Chao (Strangers), Sasha Compere (Miracle Workers) y Peter Vack (The Bold Type, Mozart in the Jungle) se unen como regulares a la primera temporada de Love Life. Serán Bradley, dueño del museo para el que trabaja Darby (Anna Kendrick); Sara, mejor amiga de Darby; Mallory, compañera de habitación de Darby; y Jim, novio de Sara.
Hope Davis (Wayward Pines, American Crime) se une como regular a Your Honor. Será Gina, la esposa de Tommy (Michael Stuhlbarg). Lilli Kay (Chambers) será recurrente como Fia, la hija de Tommy y Gina.
Cicely Tyson (How to Get Away with Murder, The Help) será Miss Luma Lee Langston, una legendaria estrella del teatro y el cine, en Cherish the Day.
Ritu Arya (Humans, The Good Karma Hospital), Yusuf Gatewood (The Originals, Good Omens) y Marin Ireland (Sneaky Pete, Homeland) se unen a la segunda temporada de The Umbrella Academy. Serán Lila, un camaleón con un retorcido sentido del humor; Raymond, devoto marido y líder nato; y Sissy, una madre de Texas que se casó joven por las razones equivocadas.
Marsha Stephanie Blake (When They See Us) participará como invitada en la sexta y última temporada de How to Get Away with Murder. No se conocen detalles.
Rachel Naomi Wilson (Rise, The Good Wife) será Mia, amiga de Victor (Michael Cimino), en Love, Simon.
Craig T. Nelson (Parenthood, Coach) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Young Sheldon como Dale Ballard, entrenador de béisbol.
Uzo Aduba (Orange Is the New Black), Glynn Turman (House of Lies, The Wire), Corey Hendrix (The Chi) y Matthew Elam se unen a la cuarta temporada de Fargo.
Joe Holt (Scandal, The Punisher) será recurrente en la tercera serie del universo The Walking Dead como Leo Bennett, un hombre de familia sólido y profesor respetado con un corazón generoso y un firme optimismo por el futuro.
Keesha Sharp (Lethal Weapon, American Crime Story) será recurrente en la sexta y última temporada de Empire como Paula Wick, una doctora compasiva y sensata.
Ashley Park (Tales of the City, Nightcap) protagonizará Emily in Paris junto a Lily Collins. Será Mindy Chen, una au pair que trata de convencer a Emily (Collins) de que París es genial.
Daniel Henney (Criminal Minds), Madeleine Madden (Picnic at Hanging Rock, Tidelands), Marcus Rutherford (Obey), Barney Harris (Clique, The Hollow Crown), Zoë Robins (Power Rangers Ninja Steel) y Josha Stradowski (Instinct, Spangas) serán al'Lan Mandragoran, Egwene Al'Vere, Perrin Aybara, Mat Cauthon, Nynaeve y Rand Al'Thor en The Wheel of Time.
Cassandra Jean Amell será recurrente en la segunda temporada de Roswell, New Mexico como Louise, una alienígena que busca refugio en 1947.
Tiffany Lonsdale (Ascension, Hail, Caesar!) se une como regular a la tercera temporada de Siren. Será Tia, una sirena extremadamente inteligente con un conocimiento muy evolucionado de la condición humana.
Abby Quinn (Black Mirror, After the Wedding) será Mabel, la hija de Paul (Paul Reiser) y Jamie (Helen Hunt) en Mad About You.
John Thomson (Cold Feet) y Bill Paterson (Fleabag, Outlander) se unen a la segunda temporada de Brassic.
Beau Garrett (Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce, The Good Doctor) será Cloud, la madre de Tully en los años 70, en Firefly Lane. Ali Skovbye (Breakthrough) y Roan Curtis (The Magicians) interpretarán a las versiones jóvenes de Tully (Katherine Heigl) y Kate (Sarah Chalke).
Mitch Silpa (Bridesmaids, Nobodies) y Lindsey Gort (The Carrie Diaries, Impastor) serán recurrentes en All Rise como Clayton Baker, ayudante del fiscal del distrito; y Amy Quinn, una abogada defensora privada.
Matt Murray (Eyewitness, 9JKL) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de In The Dark como Gene, un policía novato que es erróneamente relacionado con Murphy (Perry Mattfeld) y Jess (Brooke Markham).
Yasha Jackson (Ray Donovan) y Garrett Wareing (The Perfectionists) serán recurrentes en la segunda temporada de Manifest como Suzanne Martin, decana de la Universidad de Astoria y exnovia de Ben (Josh Dallas); y TJ Morrison, pasajero del vuelo 828 que está solo en el mundo. 
Laura Bell Bundy (Anger Management, Hart of Dixie) será recurrente en Perfect Harmony como Kimmy, rival de Ginny (Anna Camp).
Bill Bellamy (Insecure) será Sweetness, un banquero que trata de hacerse amigo de Madam Walker (Octavia Spencer), en Madam CJ Walker.
Adam Pålsson (Bron/Broen) será el Young Wallander de Netflix. Le acompañarán Richard Dillane (The White Princess, Wolf Hall) y Leanne Best (Cold Feet, Carnival Row) interpretando al superintendente Hemberg y a Frida Rask.
El tenista John McEnroe narrará Never Have I Ever, la comedia de Mindy Kaling para Netflix.
                   Nuevas series
HBO prepara un piloto del universo Game of Thrones que contará la historia de los Targaryen.
Emily Watson (Chernobyl, Apple Tree Yard) protagonizará el thriller Too Close en ITV. Será una psiquiatra a la que le asignan trabajar con una mujer acusada de un crimen atroz que dice no recordar nada de lo sucedido. Escrita por la actriz Clara Salaman y adaptada de su propia novela (2018), escrita bajo el seudónimo Natalie Daniels.
David E. Kelley (Big Little Lies, Mr. Mercedes) y Jack Bender (Lost, Mr. Mercedes) adaptarán para la televisión The Institute, la novela de Stephen King (2019) en la que Luke Ellis, un chico con telequinesis, es forzado por una organización secreta que practica pruebas a jóvenes con dones sobrenaturales.
BBC One encargó A Suitable Boy, adaptación de la novela de Vikram Seth (1993) en la que Lata (Tanya Maniktala) estudia en la universidad en tiempos de cambio en la India (1951) y descubre el amor y a sí misma mientras su madre le busca un marido. Al mismo tiempo, el rebelde Maan (Ishaan Khattar; Beyond the Clouds, Dhadak) quiere disfrutar de la vida sin importar las consecuencias, aunque le pese a su padre político, y tal vez enamorarse de una cortesana (Tabu; Life of Pi, The Namesake) no sea la mejor idea. Escrita por Andrew Davies (Bridget Jones's Diary, House of Cards) y producida por Mira Nair (The Namesake). Seis episodios.
BBC Three y HBO Max encargaron seis episodios de Starstruck, comedia creada y protagonizada por Rose Matafeo que se centrará en una veinteañera de Londres con dos trabajos sin futuro que lidiará con las complicaciones de dormir accidentalmente con una estrella de cine.
Netflix adquiere Ginny & Georgia, drama sobre una quinceañera (Antonia Gentry) que se siente a veces más madura que su madre treintañera (Brianne Howey, The Passage, The Exorcist). Viven junto a su hermano Austin (Diesel La Torraca) en un pueblo de Nueva Inglaterra, donde Georgia quiere asentarse y dar a sus hijos una vida normal mientras su pasado no la encuentre. Con Jennifer Robertson (Schitt's Creek), Felix Mallard (Happy Together) y Sara Waisglass (Degrassi: Next Class) interpretando a los vecinos y Scott Porter (Friday Night Lights, Scorpion) y Raymond Ablack (Narcos, Shadowhunters) al alcalde y al dueño de un restaurante. Creada por Sarah Lampert y escrita por Debra J. Fisher (Being Mary Jane, Criminal Minds). Diez episodios.
HBO ha encargado seis episodios de Betty, comedia inspirada en la película Skate Kitchen (2018) que se centra en un grupo de chicas de Nueva York que practican skateboarding. Rachelle Vinberg, Nina Moran, Kabrina Adams, Dede Lovelace y Ajani Russell repetirán papeles. Creada, escrita y producida por Crystal Moselle (Skate Kitchen) y Lesley Arfin (Love). Dirigida por Moselle.
BBC Two ha adquirido Vienna Blood, drama criminal ambientado en Viena a principios del siglo XX y basado en las novelas de Frank Tallis. En él, un joven y brillante doctor (Matthew Beard; The Imitation Game, An Education), que estudia bajo la atención de Sigmund Freud, conoce a un detective austriaco (Jürgen Maurer, Parfum) y ofrece sus habilidades forenses para investigar un caso. Les acompañan Conleth Hill (Game of Thrones, Dublin Murders), Charlene McKenna (Ripper Street, Raw), Amelia Bullmore (Gentleman Jack, Scott & Bailey), Jessica De Gouw (Arrow, Underground) y Louise Von Finckh (Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten). Escrita por Steve Thompson (Sherlock). Tres episodios.
BBC One encarga Rogue Heroes, drama adaptación del libro de Ben Macintyre (2016) sobre la creación del Special Air Service, una nueva forma de combate en los desiertos del norte de África durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Creada por Steven Knight (Peaky Blinders). Seis episodios.
Channel 4 ha encargado seis episodios de Generation Z, comedia negra en la que un camión militar se estrella contra una residencia y una sustancia tóxica convierte a los ancianos en zombies a los que un grupo de adolescentes normales y corrientes deberá combatir. Creada por Ben Wheatley (The Wrong Door).
Netflix encarga Sex/Life, dramedia que explora qué ocurre cuando la vida y la libido colisionan. Escrita por Stacy Rukeyser (UnREAL, One Tree Hill) y basada en el libro '44 Chapters About 4 Men', de BB Easton (2016), se centra en un triángulo amoroso entre una mujer, su marido y su pasado, que le da un nuevo y excitante punto de vista al deseo y a la identidad femenina. Ocho episodios.
BBC Two encarga seis episodios de una comedia creada y protagonizada por la comediante Sara Pascoe, que no sabe por qué todo el mundo se empareja y tiene hijos y por eso comienza una misión para entenderlos. Ella trata de demostrar que el amor romántico no es más que química y condicionantes y no se merece nuestro respeto, y esto entra en conflicto con los preparativos de la boda de su hermana y con el embarazo de su mejor amiga.
Sky Atlantic encarga I Hate Suzie, drama en el que el teléfono de Suzie Pickles (Billie Piper; Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Penny Dreadful), una estrella en decadencia, es hackeado y todo el mundo ve una foto suya en una posición comprometedora y ahora sabe cómo es en realidad. Cada uno de los ocho episodios tratará una etapa -shock, negación, miedo, vergüenza, negociación, culpa, ira y aceptación- mientras su mánager y amiga Naomi trata de mantener en pie su vida, su carrera y su matrimonio. Creada por Piper y Lucy Prebble (Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Succession).
BBC One encarga cuatro episodios de Roadkill, thriller político en el que un carismático ministro conservador (Hugh Laurie; House M.D., The Night Manager) trata de conseguir sus  propios objetivos caminando sin vergüenza o arrepentimiento entre la gloria y la catástrofe mientras sus enemigos hacen que su vida pública y privada se desmorone. Escrita por David Hare (The Hours, Collateral).
BBC One encarga When It Happens To You, drama sobre el aborto en Irlanda del Norte y la experiencia de las familias y sus seres queridos. Escrita por Gwyneth Hughes (Vanity Fair, Dark Angel).
The Feed se estrena en Virgin el 16 de septiembre
First Wives Club llega a BET+ el 19 de septiembre
La novena temporada de Doc Martin se estrena en ITV el 25 de septiembre
Frayed se estrena en Sky One el 26 de septiembre
The Oval se estrena en BET el 9 de octubre
Sistas se estrena en BET el 9 de octubre
La segunda temporada de Baby llega a Netflix el 18 de octubre
Daybreak llega a Netflix el 24 de octubre
See se estrena en Apple TV+ el 1 de noviembre
His Dark Materials se estrena en BBC One el 3 de noviembre
La segunda temporada de Britannia llega a Sky Atlantic el 7 de noviembre
El estreno de la 10ª temporada de Shameless en Showtime se retrasa del 3 al 10 de noviembre
Dublin Murders se estrena en Starz el 10 de noviembre
La segunda temporada de Alta mar llega a Netflix el 22 de noviembre
Party of Five se estrena en Freeform el 8 de enero
Tráilers y promos
El Camino
Shameless - Temporada 10
Castle Rock - Temporada 2
Dublin Murders
How to Get Away with Murder - Temporada 6 y última
The Walking Dead - Temporada 10
Looking for Alaska
Baby - Temporada 2
The Good Doctor - Temporada 3
Impulse - Temporada 2
Modern Love
Alta mar - Temporada 2
0 notes
marilynngmesalo · 5 years
’Hellboy’ review: Reboot crashes and burns
’Hellboy’ review: Reboot crashes and burns ’Hellboy’ review: Reboot crashes and burns https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
One stars out of four.
Hellboy is back and he’s got a dirty mouth and a man bun.
The third film in the comic adaptation franchise has a new director, a new writer and a new look — led by a swashbuckling hellion who uses expletives and wears one of the most ridiculed hair styles in decades.
“Hellboy ” is a reboot of artist and writer Mike Mignola’s fantasy world that rather rudely brushes aside the first two films as if they never existed. It’s like your new girlfriend blithely tossing out all the accumulated stuff in your medicine cabinet. It even ignores in its title that we’ve already had a “Hellboy.”
Out is director Guillermo del Toro, a monster maker of epic proportions. Out is the original Hellboy, Ron Perlman. Out is the PG-13 rating. Now we’ve got an edgier, R-rated brightly red hero in a film that can best be described as tedious.
This “Hellboy” stars the always likeable David Harbour of “Stranger Things” in a film even his charm can’t save. It’s really series of violent vignettes strung together, getting more and more outlandish and introducing characters at such a blistering pace that you just want it to stop already.
Casual fans or the uninitiated are in trouble right from the beginning. Andrew Cosby’s screenplay doesn’t unspool a coherent story so much as violently shoehorn in diverse elements from the comics, overstuffing every scene and only then trying to explain why it’s been included. Director Neil Marshall leaves anyone not familiar with this world grasping and gasping. Scenes seem to just end abruptly, as if Marshall was the one trapped in story panels. A fight sequence with three giants is really the only astonishingly realized bit in the whole film. (It looks like a different set of filmmakers made it).
What you need to know is that Hellboy is a devil who ends up working for the good guys, the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defence. (These civil servants aren’t too good at their job, by the way: They find out that one of their enemies is causing chaos on the streets outside — from watching Sky News.)
Hellboy is basically a monster who hunts monsters, rejecting his DNA by cutting off his horns and stalking around in a ratty raincoat with no shirt. He deals with sorcery and ancient curses, utters strip club jokes, hears standard comic book lines — “Revenge is the only sustenance I require” — and has a hand in gore, beheadings, eyes gouged out and deep ugliness.
The movie starts in 517 AD, then goes to modern-day Mexico, Colorado, London, the English countryside and Siberia. The soundtrack is a bro-fest that includes entries by Motley Crue, Alice Cooper and the songs seem like they were chosen by junior high kids being a little too on the nose, like “The Devil You Know” by X Ambassadors and “Beat the Devil’s Tattoo” by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club .
We meet the ancient Russian witch Baba Yaga, the evil, Liverpool-accented porcine monster Gruagach (Stephen Graham), Hellboy’s adoptive father (Ian McShane), the Queen of Blood (Milla Jovovich), the wizard Merlin and King Arthur (no, seriously), a young cool woman with powers named Alice (Sasha Lane), a cool older sorceress (Sophie Okonedo) and a fellow agent-monster played by Daniel Dae Kim with a pretty terrible British accent.
So underwhelming was this film that a recent screening in New York only sparked polite applause after it was finally over. And that was the red carpet premiere with all the cast in attendance. So even having Hellboy in the audience couldn’t whip up much enthusiasm for “Hellboy.”
Harbour himself is fine, channeling the blue-collar, resigned here-we-go-again ethos of Hellboy. But his lines seem to fall flat. “Let’s eat some barbecue!” he declares as he attacks the pig monster. It’s sort of funny but somehow in this muddle of a film, it doesn’t land. It’s a pity because underneath all the silliness, there’s a rich vein the film seems to try to mine — whether what you are born determines who you become.
//<![CDATA[ ( function() { pnLoadVideo( "videos", "xqXoP9KL-i4", "pn_video_473214", "", "", {"controls":1,"autoplay":0,"is_mobile":""} ); } )(); //]]>
“There has to be a world where monsters don’t have to hide in the shadows,” the Queen of Blood says to Hellboy, tempting him to join her side. This makes Hellboy pause, since he’s basically slaughtering his brothers and sisters. “You made me a goddamn weapon,” he screams at dad.
That discussion raises a question about the film itself: Maybe the reason it staggers so poorly is because its DNA is all wrong. If the first two films lacked a certain verve and the third is a violent muddle, maybe making “Hellboy” movies is as cursed as its hero.
“Hellboy,” a Lionsgate release, is rated R for “strong bloody violence and gore throughout, and language.” Running time: 120 minutes.
Click for update news Bangla news http://bit.ly/2uZX5ND world news
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torentialtribute · 6 years
SPORTS AGENDA: ITV in negotiations for £30m four-year racing contract
It is a big week for ITV Racing, negotiating a new £ 30 million, four-year TV contract after 2020 to go.
Another strong Cheltenham Festival
Behind the camera's, the flourishing relationship between ITV Racing presenters Francesca Cumani and Oli Bell seem to go strong and it will be interesting to see how much they share the screen on what will become their first Festival as a couple.
On the clothing front, all eyes will be on Liz Hurley on Tuesday afternoon while presenting the Unibet Champion Hurdle Challenge Trophy.
It remains to be seen if she will wear something like the outfit she wore for the Thanksgiving dinner of last year with the American ambassador, but a warning: it snowed on Sunday in Cheltenham and is predicted to be cold and wet.
Horse racing officials could have done it without the shame of a wrong result that was called Saturday in Sandown.
The British Horseracing Authority will also hope for a favorable outcome in Westminster this week, with a no-deal Brexit set to have a huge impact on the movement of horses – especially between Great Britain and Ireland.
Ticket sales for & # 39; An Evening with Peter Beardsley & # 39; at the Hilton Hotel in Gateshead it does not look good on Friday. Discount website Groupon offered £ 65 seats for £ 45.
Beardsley, who last week abandoned his role as coach of Newcastle's Under 23 after accusations of bullying, is also due to 150 punters at a Carlisle fundraising event on Friday.
But his point is that the & # 39; elite & # 39; from four-year-olds & bloody madness & # 39; was, state. Do you want to be told that you are not good enough at four?
Peaty sits in the dope while leading the dashboard for cash for the new £ 15.2 million International Swimming League, supported by millionaire energy magnate Konstantin Grigorishin, whose art collection alone reportedly worth more than £ 230 million
Peaty is one of the demanding swimmers, FINA, give more prize money to athletes, but is also attracted by Grigorishin's ban on swimmers who have imposed a doping ban.
Peaty signed his contract this week at the Four Seasons Hotel on Park Lane, where two butlers were present to provide a handful of journalists
SW19 play safely with the boss
New Wimbledon chairman Ian Hewitt turns 72 years when he takes over Philip Brook in December.
He was chosen before rival.
He was chosen before rival candidates Michael Gradon and Bruce Wetherill in what was reportedly a split voice in the main committee, which eventually chose Hewitt as a "safe pair of hands & # 39 ;.
He walks to what has become a feverish world of tennis politics. The ATP Tour for men is in a state of almost civil war after the deposition of his supreme Chris Kermode last week by a party led by Novak Djokovic.
Summing up the chaos is that one of the co-plotters of Djokovic, ATP board member and former American pro Justin Gimelstob, this week in Los Angeles is found guilty of mistreatment. It is claimed that Gimelstob touched a friend of his ex-wife more than 50 times before Halloween – while he was dressed as a Top Gun pilot.
Ryan Giggs' brother, Rhodri, is supposed to have paid only £ 35,000 to appear in the cringe-worthy bookmaker's ad that is fun for the former Manchester United's affair with his former sister-in-law. It's called: & loyalty is dead. & # 39; Well, delete.
The Premier League will follow
UEFA published this week the reasons why the Video Assistant Referee system Manchester United awarded the stoppage-time penalty that brought them through the Champions League quarterfinals at cost
The recording of Twenty20 cricket at the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham was supported by the ECB, ICC and now the World Cricket Committee of MCC.
Women's cricket in Edgbaston would be a wonderful addition to the Games, but the decision now lies with the Birmingham 2022 organizing committee, which will make its proposal to the Commonwealth Games Federation by the end of May
Costs are an important factor, while archery, shooting, para-table tennis and volleyball also fight for admission.
The double Olympic rower gold medalist started a Masters in Human Evolution and would be the oldest man to compete in the race, and surpassed Andy Probert, who was 38 when he coaxed Cambridge in 1992.
] It is said that many agents have the decision of the FA to ban intermediaries from youth international youth in England.
FA policy prohibits representatives from attending matches of under 15 years of age to under 18 unless they are competitive and open to the public.
Several agents have
Sports Agenda told However, there is still concern that some agents are sneaking into England youth games that occur as family members. It is clear that the FA has an impossible task to read through everyone present. Contribution by: Marcus Townend, Laura Lambert, Mike Dickson, Kieran Gill, Craig Hope and Adam Crafton
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bowmanx7-blog · 6 years
Scandal & Scoundrels - The Lost 1887 208 West 54th Street
By the time this shot was taken on March 19, 1916, the block had significantly changed.  from the collection of the New York Historical Society
In the spring of 1887 Samuel McMillan, a prolific developer in the 1880's and '90's, commissioned architect F. A. Minuth to design a flat building at No. 208 West 54th Street.  It was not the first time the two had worked together.  Minuth, as a matter of fact, had designed an apartment building on the same block just a year earlier.
Minuth filed plans for the 25-foot wide structure on March 25.  They were vague, calling only for a "five-story flat" with a tin roof to cost $26,000 (just over $691,000 today).  The results were much more exciting.
Minuth's design had all the bells and whistles of the Queen Anne movement.  The understated brownstone basement and first floor upheld four stories of red brick, ruddy terra cotta and stone.  The artistic stoop "floated" from the sidewalk to the entrance.
The entire plan was (typically Queen Anne) asymmetrical.  Instead of being executed in cast metal, as would be expected,the four-story angled bay was of brownstone.  It encompassed a riot of giddy decorations--polished granite columns at the second floor, carved pediments and panels, a make-believe roof, complete with carved shingles, above the fifth floor openings.  Not to be outdone, the single windows to the side grew progressively showier with each subsequent floor, until the topmost wore a terra cotta seashell.   The third, fourth and fifth floors openings sat above half-bowl Juliette balconies with swirling iron railings.
Topping it all off was a steep gable and ornate terra cotta rondel.  The elaborate pressed metal cornice upheld a tall parapet.
Somewhat unexpectedly, McMillan retained possession of the building for several years.  Apartment buildings, or flats, of this type were operated nearly as boarding houses, with a proprietor keeping close watch on things.  McMillan leased No. 208 to a proprietor, or manager.
Among the first tenants were actress Maude Granger and her husband, playwright Alfred Cecil Calmour.  Born as Anna E. Brainard on Christmas Day 1849, she was highly popular with theater audiences and would eventually appear in several silent films.
In addition to her beauty, Maude Granger was among the the top box office draws of her day.  photograph from the collection of the New York Public Library
Like most other women in the building, Maude a maid.  She was wealthy enough to own her own carriage, a team of horses, and to employ a full-time groom.  It may be that she was leaving New York on an extended tour in the fall of 1889 that prompted her to sell her horses.
On October 11 that year she instructed the groom, Edward R. Lloyd, to go to "Van Tassell & Kearney's...to sell a team of brougham horses," according to The New York Times a few days later.  Van Tassell & Kearney's was Manhattan's premier horse and carriage auction house.  Lloyd did what he was told, received a check for nearly $9,000 today, but then forged her name and disappeared.  Five days later he was tracked down by detectives and arrested in Ontario, Canada.
Living in the building about the same time was stock broker Charles T. Schlesinger.  The well-to-do bachelor was a man's man, or as The Sun described him, "a well-known athlete of the New York Athletic Club."  Schlesinger was a member of that club's water polo team and its football team.
At noon on October 30, 1891, he left his apartment and walked down Broadway to meet his two sisters who were out shopping.   The women had previously mentioned to Schlesinger that a man had harassed them on the street.  He no sooner met them, than they told him the same man had been trying to "force himself on their attention."  They pointed out John F. Walker.  Schlesinger told his sisters to continue their walk and that he would follow discreetly.
Sure enough, Walker "again made himself obnoxious to the ladies," as described by The Sun.  Schlesinger caught up with them, told his sisters to keep walking, and demanded an explanation from the cad.  Walker delivered "an insulting response" which earned him a punch in the face from Schlesinger.  Walker retaliated with his heavy cane.
A well-known lacrosse player, Lionel Moses, was passing by and jumped in.  He advised Schlesinger to move along before things got out of hand while he detained Walker.  He rejoined his sisters and at 33rd Street they boarded a Sixth Avenue streetcar.  But Walker did the same.
When the car was about at 42nd Street, Walker sat down opposite Schlesinger and pulled out a "large self-cocking revolver" and said "I'll finish you right here."  The athletic broker balanced himself on the seat with his palms and thrust his feet into Walker's stomach.  "Then he sprang upon Walker and they fought for possession of the pistol."
Understandable chaos and panic ensued.  The Sun reported "The car stopped and conductor, driver, and all the passengers deserted it, leaving the two men struggling...A colored boy, who sat next to Schlesinger, holding in his arms an immense floral horseshoe, dropped the flowers like a hot potato, and jumped out the window, carrying the sash with him."
Policeman Farley jumped onto the stopped streetcar and tried to disarm Walker, "but had to use his club before Walker would drop the weapon."  At the police station, Walker said he was a graduate of West Point and former officer of an Ohio regiment.  Insisting he had acted in self-defense, he demanded that a letter be send on his behalf to Grover Cleveland.
The case took a surprising turn when it came to court on December 7.  As it turned out John Walker was indeed a former captain in the U.S. Army.  The New York Times reported "It was shown in the Court of General Sessions yesterday that he was subject to fits of insanity, and had often annoyed women."   Judge Cowing dismissed all charges providing that the United States Army would take charge of him.  Walker was taken to the Military Insane Asylum in Washington D.C.
Not long after McMillan sold the building to Mary G. Barrymore Valentin in January 1892, a shadier type of tenant began taking flats.  Falling into that category was former actress Lilyon Beardsley.  Minnie C. Warren's suit for absolute divorce from her husband, attorney Lyman E. Warren, landed in Superior Court on January 10, 1894.  In addressing the jury, Judge Dugro said that the only question they needed to decide upon was:
Did defendant at any time between Oct 30, 1890, and May 27, 1893, live in improper relations with Lilyon Beardsley, otherwise Lilyon Daniels, otherwise Donna Madixxa, otherwise Mrs. Smith, otherwise Mrs. Abbot?
The jury apparently decided that Lilyon and the attorney had, indeed, had improper relations.  Minnie was granted her divorce.
In 1905 Susan Merrill took over the operation of the building.  She had earlier run a boarding house where, in 1902, she had a terrifying roomer--Harry Kendall Thaw.  Susan later testified that repeatedly girls would call, thinking they were to audition for a stage play.  After Thaw took them to his rooms, the landlady would hear screams as Thaw took a whip to the bound girls.  She tried to evict him, but he threatened her, promising to kill her if she said anything about his behavior.
Susan was horrified when Thaw appeared at No. 208 West 54th Street and rented a three-room apartment.  She testified at his trial for murdering Stanford White, "In West Fifty-fourth street I heard the same screams and when I ran up to Thaw's three rooms I found him with two girls.   The back of one of the girls was all black and blue and her arms bleeding.  Thaw's face was red, as I have described.  She told me she was twenty-two years old."  Thaw was already married to Evelyn Nesbitt at the time.
In April 1916 the estate of Mary Valentin sold the property to Mary I. Smith.  She immediately made improvements, including a new bathroom.  But modern plumbing did not improve the respectability of the tenants.
Mrs. Margaret Hill lived here at the time.  Although born of a good family, according to newspapers, she had nefarious leanings.  It seems that she was expecting an influx of cash in the beginning of June 1916, when, according to The New York Times, she arranged "for an elaborate renovation of her apartment."
But two weeks later she was nowhere to be found.  Police descended on her apartment on June 22 to find only her maid, Frida Johnson, who said she did not know where Margaret had gone, and only that "before leaving had ordered her furniture to be put into storage."
Margaret, as it turned out, had gained the trust of the multi-millionaire spinster Gertrude Claypool, the niece of former Governor Bookwalter of Ohio.   Over a period of days she drugged the elderly woman, hoping that she would not notice the increased doses.  Then, when Gertrude was essentially incapable of reason, Margaret and her cohorts abducted her to a Newark hotel where they had her rewrite her will.  Included in Margaret's share would be $4,000 outright (around $120,000 today).
But the scheme fell apart when Gertrude later realized what had happened and notified police,  Now they were on the trail of all the participants.  Detectives carefully combed through Margaret's belongings, finding the same drugs that were used on the victim, photographs and other evidence.
Gertrude had named names and identified Margaret Hill as one of the main figures.  Assistant District Attorney Dooling, did not hold back, saying, according to the New-York Tribune, "this band of blackmailers, card swindlers, opium users and smugglers lies at the end of so many lanes of evidence that he is not sure yet just which of these crimes will form the basis of the indictments."
Louis Levy was a tenant in the 1920's.  His motives were, perhaps, well intended, but his means of resolving a problem were more than questionable.  On February 13, 1922 he and another man strode into the office of theatrical booking agent Walter B. Sheridan in the Gaiety Theater Building on Broadway and 46th Street.   According to Sheridan, they accused him of putting "scantily draped women on the stage" at a show he was arranging in the Bronx.  Sheridan assured them everything would be according to the law.
Both men reacted by pummeling Sheridan, breaking his nose.  With blood pouring from his face, Sheridan followed the fleeing duo down the stairs, hollering for help.  According to The New York Herald, "with the memory of the recent holdup in the office of the Morrison Pen Company fresh in their minds, occupants of the other offices began running into the corridors shouting for the police."
On the street things got chaotic.  As workers from the building shouted that robbers were at work, the crowd on Broadway stopped and jammed the street.  Traffic could no longer move and the tie-up lasted until police could finally restore order.
Levy had been seen running from the building and was arrested for felonious assault.  His alibi was not convincing.  "He said he had gone into the building with a friend whose name he could not recall and that he had run because he saw everyone else running," reported the article.
The building, now owned by Margaret Mills, was described as "furnished-room house."  Among her tenants in 1924 was 35-year-old divorcee Susie Nelson.  Susie was carrying on a sexual affair with 29-year-old married police officer James J. Sullivan.  The dead-end romance not only nearly ended her life, but landed Officer Sullivan in more than his share of hot water.
Sullivan worked nights and on December 8 at about 3:40 in the morning, he reported sick at the station house.  He then went to Susie's apartment at No. 208 West 54th Street.  Five hours later he went into the hallway to use the restroom and, while there, heard a gunshot.
Susie had taken his service revolver and shot herself in the chest.  The wound was not fatal and she told police at the West 68th Street Station that she was "discouraged with life."  James J. Sullivan was suspended from the force pending an inquiry, and had much explaining to do when he got home to Queens.
The old apartment building was convenient for Thomas Healey, who lived here in 1926.  Although he worked as a finance company collector, he was also part-owner of the nightclub next door at No. 210, the Club Biarritz.   During Prohibition, questionable activities went on in such places, and the Club Biarritz was no exception.
In December that year McKewn Whitcomb came into Manhattan from his home in South Orange, New Jersey for a night on the town.  According to his complaint later, he "bought three bottles of ginger ale and received a bill for $21, which he protested."  (The ginger ale was admittedly pricey, the three bottles equal more than $290 today.)
He went on to claim that the waiter directed him to Healey's partner, Frank Timpone, who "beat him."  Then both Healey and Timpone took Whitcomb "to a room on the floor below the club, which was on the third, and beat and robbed him of $42, all he had."
Before they released him, according to Whitcomb's testimony, "Timpone seized me by the throat and threatened to crush in my skull.  Healey told me he was a detective and threatened to him me on the head with a blackjack."  They put him in a taxicab and "Healey told me if I made a complaint it would go hard with me."  He made a complaint.  The men appeared in court on December 16.
Dr. Alvin Bakst owned the building in 1967 when it was eyed along with other surrounding properties as the site for a major structure.  Bakst sold and the following year the massive 42-floor 1700 Broadway was completed; ending a rather sordid history for the 25-foot wide slice of West 54th Street.
photo via www.rubenco.com
Source: http://daytoninmanhattan.blogspot.com/2018/10/scandal-scoundrels-lost-1887-208-west.html
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mysteryshelf · 7 years
BLOG TOUR - Cat Got Your Secrets
Cat Got Your Secrets: A Kitty Couture Mystery by Julie Chase
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Cat Got Your Secrets: A Kitty Couture Mystery Cozy Mystery 3rd in Series Crooked Lane Books (September 12, 2017) Hardcover: 320 pages ISBN-13: 978-1683312833 E-Book ASIN: B06XVWR8Q9
Lacy Marie Crocker has settled into a comfortable groove back home in New Orleans, and with Valentine’s Day right around the corner, she’s busier than ever running a thriving pet boutique, helping her mother organize the upcoming National Pet Pageant, and untangling her complicated love life. But when delivering a king-sized order of dreidel-shaped doggy biscuits for a Saint Berdoodle’s bark-mitzvah, Lacy stumbles into yet another murder scene—and the last person to see the victim alive was her own father.
It’s up to Lacy to clear her dad’s name from the suspect list before Detective Jack Oliver has to cage him for good. But just when she starts pawing at the truth, she receives a threatening letter from a mysterious blackmailer bent on silencing her with her own secrets. And Lacy’s not the only one with bones in her closet.
Interview With The Author
What initially got you interested in writing?
I read a book that gave me an escape when I needed one most. When I put that book down, I knew I wanted to do the same thing for someone else. I’ve been trying ever since.
  What genres do you write in?
I write cozy mystery as Julie Chase, and beginning in April 2018, my romantic suspense titles for Harlequin Intrigue will begin releasing. Those are written as Julie Anne Lindsey.
  What drew you to writing these specific genres?
I love suspense and mystery. I’m a total tension junkie, but I’m also a chicken, so writing these genres lets me explore all sorts of unsettling situations while knowing there will be a happy ending for my characters.
  How did you break into the field?
I answered a submission call from a now defunct press and was accepted. I worked with them on several projects while I looked for an agent. The editors at that press taught me about writing, exposed me to the industry and gave me the tools I needed to build a baby writing career. Currently, that career is somewhere beyond diapers but way before prom.
  What do you want readers to take away from reading your works?
I just want readers to have fun. I write to provide an escape for folks who need a little break from the chaos of life.
  What do you find most rewarding about writing?
I’m extremely shy, but I love people, and writing lets me reach people I never could have otherwise and give them a big smile.
  What do you find most challenging about writing?
Time. Currently, I have three very busy children, none of which have a driver’s license, so I’m not home as much as I need to be. Also, my oldest started a special high school 45 minutes away, which means I am in the car taking him back and forth to school for about 3 hours a day.
Right now, putting family first often means writing late into the night and getting up at 4:30 in the morning…. which is practically the same thing.
  What advice would you give to people wanting to enter the field?
Just keep going. It’s too easy to quit. But you can’t give up. It only takes one yes, and that yes could be the next thing you hear. If you quit, you’ll never know if your big break was one submission away, but you let it go.
  What type of books do you enjoy reading?
I read what I write, mostly, plus some YA. Cozies, romantic suspense, mystery and contemporary romance are my favorites.
  Is there anything else besides writing you think people would find interesting about you?
Not really. I’m just the mom next door, escaping into books for adventure, laughs and sanity. Sometimes those books are ones I’m writing.
  What are the best ways to connect with you, or find out more about your work?
You can find me online day or night, amped up on caffeine and wielding a book.
Website: http://juliechasebooks.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JulieChaseAuthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JulieALindsey
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14957369.Julie_Chase
About The Author
Julie Chase is a mystery-loving pet enthusiast who hopes to make readers smile. She lives in rural Ohio with her husband and three spunky children. Julie is a member of the International Thriller Writers, Romance Writers of America, and Sisters in Crime. She is represented by Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.Julie also writes as Julie Anne Lindsey. Learn more about Julie Anne Lindsey here.
Webpage: http://juliechasebooks.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JulieChaseAuthor/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14957369.Julie_Chase
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JulieALindsey
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BLOG TOUR – Cat Got Your Secrets was originally published on the Wordpress version of The Pulp and Mystery Shelf with Shannon Muir
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