#The Duke of Vermeer Caper is ALSO very fun I LOVE ZACK !!!!
mismess · 1 year
Random question: whats your favourite carmen sandiego episode?
I love random questions!
hmmmmm well I only just got up to season 2 episode 4 on my rewatch and I don't remember the rest of the episodes from my first watch, but out of the ones I've just rewatched The Lucky Cat Caper came to mind first, tho that may just be because it has a lot of characters I like in it haha. French Connection Caper may actually be the fave rn :-) For Chase scenes, Carmen going way out of her way to save him, and the whole Shadowsan plot being put in motion cause I love him too <3
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rueitae · 2 years
Season 1, Episode 5: the Duke of Vermeer caper
This episode is perfect. The end.
Okay okay fine.
This is one of my favorite episodes. The entire beginning is a disaster for the team but they scramble it’s beautiful. And Chase also being a disaster. This entire episode is perfect in its comedic and climatic timing. Every little scene just. Hits perfect for me
Chief’s got Julia’s back! Very slick how she sees the situation and turns it on it’s head,
Player ducking first and then turning off video chat will never not make me laugh. It’s like an afterthought. And hilarious he doesn’t just turn it off first. It’s like he feels like he’s actually there with them. /feels
The ENTIRE sequence turning Zack into a Duke. It’s a bit of a rare thing to see the group actively planning/prepping for the caper. Aside from the geography brief this stuff is usually off screen. So fun to see the team interacting in a non life threatening situation. And Zack works so hard despite his complaints
Lol Carmen didn’t say anything about a blindfold.
Aww the girls were going to help Chase after he sank. They care.
Honestly tho, 60% of the time Ivy is out of her comfort zone but she’s REALLY out of it being the driver. She works under the dashboard not behind the wheel. She’s still trying her best though and it pays off when she listens to herself and doesn’t jump lol. I admire her so much.
“His idea of art is probably dogs playing poker.” Zack I love you. Honestly most of Zack’s cover lines are pretty good and funny. “Sticky fingers” is my fav one though.
Very clever to put the camera on the briefcase. It’s exactly where it needs to be. Player is just “thank you very much I’ll take that” the entire time.
The realIzATion of caviar.
Chase Devineaux. I. The staging of the scene, the dialogue. I can’t express how much I love that scene. He gets everything right but also oh so wrong.
I appreciate that Cleo was paranoid enough to install a trap and Carmen had masks ready. Carmen’s not kidding when she says she knows them.
And the first glimpse of big bad Ivy. The delivery of that line slaps every time.
And Carmen giving the sibs high praise for their roles. I’m feeling the family feels.
I love this episode so much haha.
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2, 8, 12 and 14 for the Carmen Sandiego asks!
*realises i haven’t seen the show in so long and have forgotten nearly everything* oh fuck
2. What’s your favourite episode in season 1 so far? -so far, probably the Duke Of Vermeer Caper - i really enjoyed seeing zack try his darndest to be as Posh as he could, and carmen and ivy working together is always fun ^^ not to mention ivy absolutely TEARING into devineaux when he catches her was so funny XD overall its a fun episode and i also love the aesthetics of it 
8. Headcanon for your favourite character  -oh god, uh... ok, i headcanon that zack and ivy’s parent’s are divorced and soon as they were both 18, the twins left home to travel the world and hope to survive away from their dysfunctional home, with nothing but each other, and ended up turning to crime to survive, where they eventually met carmen. also Ivy’s a giant lesbian and utterly hopeless around pretty women and no you can’t change my mind 
12. Which character do you relate to the most?  -probably Ivy? she’s sweet and fun and tries hard even if she gets scared of things - to me it’s really obvious that she’s daring and brave and wants to do all the things they do but she’s also fully aware of how things can go wrong, and how aware she is that she’s only one person, and not exactly a highly skilled person at that. Like carmen has all these skills and gadgets, she grew up in this world but the twins so very obviously didn’t and idk i just really like the way they’re portrayed and written - the characters in this show are fucking phenomenal honestly
14. What part of Carmen Sandiego makes you emotional?  -umm... i think the relationships and honest friendships portrayed is really nice? like even the ones we don’t see that much, like l topo and le chevre, they’re small but still wholesome and nice and also devineaux putting on a really brave face when he got captured, he’s kind of an ass but i admired that
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