#The Curse of . . . MeTM
oblivions-dawn · 2 years
I wish I could interrogate every reader and ask them EVERYTHING ABOUT CHARACTERS EVENTS FUNNIES EVERYTHIIIIIIING
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batrachois · 7 years
Hey, why do you change your blog title so often? Sorry if this is a weird ask, I'm just curious
oh shid man you caught methe reason is that i... dont’ have... my mind set on an actual blog title? and i don’t want it to be something specific or in any way relevant to anything but who i am? and I have lots of emotions and it changes weekly(?)
right now, as you can see, it’s “one man band” to underline how i do shit All By MyselfTMbefore it was “escremento mori” which was kind of a latin pun on the “memento mori” thing? like “remember you have to poop” or smth...before it was “Fight MeTM” because of my... sanguine natureit’s been lots of stuff, at the beginning it was just “Sara”, for a while it’s been “Art Cryptid” because I wasn’t here most of the times
lol idk i’m just... it means something each time, i don’t do meaningless stuff, it’s kinda my curse
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