#The Creature™ of frankenstein fame coded slightly ... a bit ... kinda ...
ruindgod · 1 month
you didn’t show up . i kept waiting . / louis de pointe du lac @ tristan wyn foulkes
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✦           " i'm — i'm sorry, louis, i really am. " such poor words and tristan bites down on the inside of his cheek. tristan has never been good at apologies, never been good with any consequence, really.  & they fell so flat in the space between them. there's a tremble in his hands, a shake in his voice that worsens as his heartbeat skips. vicious thing, that little organ. it always seems to get him into trouble. " i — i — well, i simply forgot. the time got away from me. " & lies are so easy to read on his face. for all of his years, tristan has never been very good at hiding much of anything. ( lies. desires. bodies. ) were it not propriety, even the scars that denoted the strangeness of his decaying body would be visible.
          immediately, he steps closer as though to make up for these poor words, his poor choices, all the mistakes and more that pile up at his feet. a hand out to reach for him but tristan thinks twice of it and lets it drop. all that he does seems to only dig himself deeper and deeper into the mire. " how can i make it up to you? i understand if you no longer wish for my help but — please, let me at least apologize and make it up to you. "
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