#The Blackblood Files
27 Today!
Heya, it's my birthday again. >w< I know I make a habit of doing a lore drop on my birthdays, but this year... Ah, darn it all, I just can't think of anything. So, um...
Actually... Remember when I mentioned all those new people that keep popping up around the treehouse? And all their documents and such?
Something's...changed around here. I can't really put my finger on it. We might have to be more careful. I should make a call...
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s-gf-4dart-4 · 4 months
Happy Birthday!!
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aska234 · 5 months
Thank you @enby-in-fandom for the challenge!!! Haha♡ this ones gonna be a LONG one o7
I am just also gonna quickly add that half of 'em are fics and the other half are drawings soooooo have fun figuring out which is which!!!
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
You don't choose your family
fic pic
Out of all fangirls you look least intimidating
Kiedy stajesz się nietykalny
coraline szkic full thing
Therapy gone south
fem vox
Prison Break
kinda git ;o;p
Nothing Good Comes From Secrets
Alien SBI - Sicfic
Fight scene AlastorvsCharlie
*Blank* (I literally have no title on this one hahha)
Ask away! :D
*me sweating, trying to find enough friends to tag* OH BOI- u know what? I'm doing random selection and i'm tagging unknown number of ppl from the art tag. It is nice to meet you, you're now my friend.
@rivsticks @chihuahuawashere @chucapybara @autism-kun @n1m3brok @prince-liest @xenahikart @irrlicht-ghostfront @ravenmoodle @blackblood-tonic @weaponizedmoth @sanitizarium @s0upjuice @dharmaart @nyanimisu
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femmephantasm · 5 months
Pigs React to your Infertility
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"Hrm well my dear how about we tuck into some truffles about it" [snorts and snirks]
Piggleton and Pigsby
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"well, y/n, you should kill yourself!"
"Yeah! kill yourself right here so we can munch and scrunch on your dead body!! I am hungry pig..."
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"well thats ok, you can always adopt."
Dr. John Hogg
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"well maybe take a special pills regimine and you will be feeling plump for birthing in no time, in the meanwhile... i am going to slosh some slop into my maw..."
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"Hoohoo! Oink! The only thing I hate to see barren is me sloppy trough!! Hoiheehoooink!!" [honks clown nose]
CEO of Pork and Ham Products J.H. Sausage:
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"Y/N, this is a serious threat to my business empire if you can't provide me with an heir. If you don't fix this now I'll have to file for divorce... or worse." [smacks wet lips and spools raw bacon into piggy mouth] "Maybe I will kill you and feed you to me because I am a mafia pig... that's right, I'm the don of the pig mafia, and like in the mafia, they feed dead bodies to pigs... it is very efficient, because I am a pig. That is what real business logic gets you in live... power." [spanks you]
Blood Skank the Thunder-Bringer
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"Yuor lucky I have my identical twin sex-slave y/n, or else i'd cut ya ear to ear for tricking me like that!!! now give me all your egg shells and carrot tops before I shoot you with my sawn off shotgun and bring youre corpse to the gas-lord of hamburg!!" [revs motor carraige which shoots flames everyewhere and hightails it out of there]
Couch Elemental
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"Houh... that's too bad... why don't ya take a lay off and sit on me, y/n?" [moans just loud enough for it to be sexual]
Monica and Sammy
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"Oh man i'm sorry to hear that, honestly me and Sammy can relate... we've talked about me going off hrt for a while to increase our chances but I think ultimately we can plan something when the time is right."
"Huh? What about pigs? I don't know what you're talking about, y/n."
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umbylievable · 1 year
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Finally made a little quick comparison sheet of demons vs. deristians. Some biology notes:
Demons average between 6'7" and 7'1". Deristians average between 7'0" and 7'6". Blackbloods, the product of a demon and deristian, fall anywhere within this range and often even shorter.
Demon skintones lean towards reds and blues, while deristians have more of a neutral undertone. Blackbloods have grey undertones.
Hair colors for demons tend towards the same tones as humans, though with more vibrant reds and bluer blacks. Deristians can have any hair color. Blackbloods tend to have exclusively dark hair, regardless of the hair color of their parents.
Demons may have eyes in any color, including black and white. Deristians are limited to blue, grey, green, and brown. Blackbloods may have any eye color, but white and grey are most common.
Demons have anywhere from 30 to 60 teeth, depending on ethnicity. All teeth are pointed with the exception of the molars. Some demons file their teeth flat to look more approachable to non-demons. Deristians on the other hand possess exactly 36 teeth, all flat save for the incisors and canines. The canines can be up to an inch in exposed length and are semi-retractable. Blackbloods, like demons, may have betweeb 30-60 teeth and they are usually all pointed.
Bone density and resilience of demons is greater than that of humans and deristians. They are capable of withstanding much greater force without breaking or fracturing.
Deristians and snake demons have flexible rib cages. Snake demons also have extremely flexible spines and are almost capable of curling into a perfect ball. Blackbloods tend to be much stiffer.
Deristian skin often has black, red, or white markings, which are particular to their bloodline. Demons can have stippling, spotting, striping, piebalding, dappling, masking, and banding, usually only a shade off from their primary skin color. Blackbloods often exhibit both types of markings at once.
Both demons and deristians have naturally long fingernails. In demons they tend to curl under, like claws, while in deristians they grow straight.
Demons are broader on average than humans or deristians. Deristians tend towards being slender, and have proportionately longer arms.
Blackbloods are prone to a blood disorder that causes bleeding from mucosal linings, such as those in the eyes and inside of the mouth. There is no known cure. Approximately 60% of blackbloods exhibit this disorder. Blackbloods also have a higher incidence of blindness (30% of the population).
There are exceptions to every rule! For instance, Briton is a very broad shouldered, sturdy deristian and Isze is a very slender demon; Umbre is short for a demon (6'3").
I'll make a more detailed ref sheet at a later date bc frankly I'm a tired bitch lol but this is enough for anyone to make their own demon or deristian.
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ancientroyals · 1 year
Torshan Story Segment Five
The Database
CW: Firearms, Implied Death
You stow those thoughts for now. There’s more to explore on the computer. The ANCAM application disappears into the taskbar as you exit the window, taking you back to the desktop. After re-examining your options, you decide the Xenoform Database is the next logical application to check out. Upon opening the database, you’re greeted by the All-points bulletin page. Front and center on your screen was what appeared to be a still image from a vehicle dash cam. There was a cloaked figure standing in front of the vehicle, illuminated only by the headlights, aiming what appeared to be an automatic rifle at the occupants. You can only imagine what happened moments after this image was taken. 
“This is what we’re up against.” Tomas grimaced, leaning forward to look at the picture as well. “It ambushed two peace officers; murdered them in cold blood. We barely know anything about it, except maybe its height. The full video didn’t tell us much either, just more questions…” he trailed off.
You scrolled down the screen, revealing more images of Xenos from various video stills. Most of them were wanted for various types of violent crime. Going down further transitioned to the BOLO, or Be On the LookOut, section of the page. The reasoning for the vast majority of the Xenos appearing here was delinquency on wellness checks.
“We try to keep tabs on every Xeno in the city. Just to make sure they’re not causing trouble. They’ll show up here on the BOLO page if we haven’t been able to make contact with them for more than a month.” Tomas explained.
On the left side of the screen was a fairly comprehensive search function. You could input nearly any aspect of a Xeno and return results that matched that characteristic. Name, height, scaled, feathered, skin tone, limb count, and… abilities? Tomas audibly sighed behind you.
“Yeah, one of the reasons we suffered so many casualties in our conflict with the Xenos was because they have these supernatural abilities. It’s easier to think of them as like superpowers, because that’s basically what they are. We just don’t call them that because superheroes have superpowers, not Xenos.” 
You poked around the database, messing around with the search functions to see what came up. One Xeno that appeared in the search results caught your eye. From the picture on their preview, it appeared to be some kind of insect? It had a shiny black carapace, a pair of long segmented antennae, sharp mandibles, and a pair of three clustered compound eyes on either side of its head. Clicking into the profile it had, you could see that it lived in an apartment in the city, worked at a bodega about a block away, didn’t have a name on file but went by the nickname “Gus”. There was also a section for possible gang affiliations, the only one being a mafia called “Blackbloods”. Clicking on that name opened up a new window showing all of the Xenos with that affiliation. There was a frightening amount of results.
“Blackbloods are probably one of the more powerful ‘gangs’ in the city. Based on how organized they seem to be, it’s more fitting to call them a mafia than a gang. There’s a lot of power consolidated in that one organization. We’ve been trying to break them up for a while but it’s harder than it seems. At least they help keep a check on the other gangs.” Tomas explained. 
There’s a lot to go through here. You could explore the Blackbloods more, or the other gangs in general. You can also ask more about the incident surrounding the assassination of the two police officers. You can search around the database more, look through a different application like the OXEN intranet, or you can move on from the computer whenever you’d like to.
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quasar1967 · 2 years
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2000 AD #399
5th Jan 1985
The Stainless Steel Rat - For President (part 7) 
Feature - ABC Warriors fact file: Mongrol 
Nemesis the Warlock - book four: The Gothic Empire (part 13) 
Feature - ABC Warriors fact file: Blackblood 
Judge Dredd - City of the Damned (part 6) 
Ace Trucking Co. - Strike! (part 12) 
The Helltrekkers (part 13) 
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Venture into the labyrinth of espionage and unmask the grim reality that lies shrouded in the shadows of power in "Death Behind Every Door: A Novel (The Blackbird Files Book 1)." A riveting tale that weaves a complex web of intrigue, this novel acts as a master key, unlocking the clandestine corridors traversed by the elite spies and covert operatives. Through the eyes of its protagonist, a seasoned operative with a haunted past, readers are plunged into an adrenaline-fueled narrative that juxtaposes the calculated coldness of intelligence work against the visceral nature of survival. As the first installment of The Blackbird Files, this book does more than just narrate a story; it crafts a world that is as meticulously dangerous as it is irresistibly engrossing. In this review, we peel back the layers of this high-stakes thriller to reveal not only its pulse-pounding excitement but also the subtle commentary it offers on the human condition when caught in the crosshairs of geopolitics. "Death Behind Every Door" deftly explores the psychological toll of living a life infiltrated by constant suspicion and the crippling knowledge that every choice could be a matter of life and death. The novel addresses the innate struggle to retain one's humanity amidst the dehumanizing demands of espionage, providing a nuanced examination of the sacrifices made and the resilience required to navigate a world where every door may conceal a deadly secret. Plot The narrative of "Death Behind Every Door: A Novel (The Blackbird Files Book 1)" revolves around the protagonist, a sharp and resourceful detective named Avery Blackbird, who is entangled in a complex murder investigation. The plot unfolds with Avery delving into a series of gruesome killings that not only challenge her investigative skills but also her mental fortitude. She must navigate through a labyrinth of deception, uncovering layers of secrets that lead her closer to the killer. The tension escalates with each chapter as Avery realizes that the killer is always one step ahead, employing cryptic clues and leaving a trail of riddles behind. The plot's mastery is in its unpredictability, with every chapter serving as a doorway to a new twist, turning the investigation into a high-stakes game of cat and mouse between Avery and the assassin. Throughout the novel, readers are kept on the edge of their seats with suspenseful cliffhangers that culminate in a climax that is both shocking and satisfying, affirming the book's standing as a compelling piece of crime fiction. Characters The characters in "Death Behind Every Door" are meticulously crafted, each with a depth that adds to the novel's rich tapestry. Avery Blackblood, the main character, is presented as a complex individual who battles with personal demons from her past while exhibiting an exceptional level of intelligence and dedication to her profession. Her backstory, which includes moments of trauma and revelation, shapes her into a relatable and flawed hero, driving the emotional undercurrent of the story. Supporting characters also play significant roles, with their interactions with Avery providing insights into her personality and the dynamics of the investigative team. The development of the antagonist is equally fascinating, as the author provides glimpses into the killer's psyche, creating a villain who is as multidimensional as they are chilling. The characters' dialogues and actions are pivotal in advancing the plot, and their relationships with one another are portrayed with compelling realism, adding another layer of intrigue to the book. Writing Style The writing style of "Death Behind Every Door" is immersive and engaging, characterized by its brisk pacing and sharp prose. The author employs a narrative structure that alternates perspectives between Avery and other key players, including the killer. This multiplicity of viewpoints allows the readers an all-encompassing look at the unfolding events from different angles, enhancing the mystery and depth of the story.
The language used is often precise and evocative, capturing both the gritty atmosphere of a crime scene and the visceral emotions of the characters. The author's choice of words and rhythm establishes a palpable sense of urgency, propelling the story forward and keeping the anticipation high. Additionally, the prose occasionally delves into the technical aspects of forensic science and investigative procedures, lending authenticity to the narrative without overwhelming the reader with too much jargon. Setting The setting of the novel is a character in itself, providing a backdrop that amplifies the dark and intense mood of the story. The author paints vivid pictures of the locales where the plot unfolds, from gritty urban streets to claustrophobic crime scenes, each setting enhancing the overall tone of menace and unpredictability. The atmospheric descriptions contribute significantly to the suspense, with the locations often reflecting the internal states of the characters, particularly Avery, as she traverses through the different scenes of the investigation. The setting not only grounds the story in a tangible world but also elevates the narrative tension, with the environment serving as a silent witness to the crimes and playing a subtle yet influential role in driving the story forward. Unique Aspects "Death Behind Every Door" sets itself apart with several unique elements that contribute to its standing within the genre. One of these is the intricate puzzle-like nature of the plot, where the killer's clues are interwoven with literary and artistic references, challenging both the protagonist and the reader to think critically. The novel also deftly explores themes of morality and justice, prompting a deeper reflection on the nature of good and evil. Another distinctive aspect is the psychological depth given to the characters, particularly the interplay between Avery's personal growth and her professional duties, which adds a layer of human interest to the crime-solving aspect of the novel. Moreover, the story engages with modern technology, including how it can be leveraged in investigations, as well as how it shapes the interactions between players in the modern world. These unique aspects facilitate a reading experience that is not only thrilling but also thought-provoking, solidifying the book's position as an impactful addition to the thriller genre. Similar to Death Behind Every Door: A Novel (The Blackbird Files Book 1) Book Review ```html Book Review Analysis table width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; table, th, td border: 1px solid black; th, td padding: 10px; text-align: left; .pros background-color: #e7f4e4; .cons background-color: #f8d7da; Pros Cons Engaging Plot: The suspenseful and intricate plot keeps readers engaged and turning the pages. Character Development: The characters are well-developed, allowing readers to form a bond and empathize with them. Writing Style: The author's writing style is descriptive and vivid, creating a cinematic experience for the reader. Pacing: The fast-paced nature of the story ensures that there is never a dull moment. Twists and Turns: Unexpected plot twists add to the excitement and captivate the audience. Complexity: Some readers may find the plot too complex or convoluted to follow easily. Character Number: The large number of characters can be overwhelming and make it difficult to keep track of everyone. Dark Themes: The novel contains dark themes, which may not be suitable for all audiences. Ending Satisfaction: Some readers might find the conclusion unsatisfying if their expectations are not met. Genre Specific: The book caters to a niche audience, potentially alienating readers who prefer other genres. ``` This HTML snippet presents a table with two columns, each styled with solid black borders. The left column lists the pros of "Death Behind Every Door: A Novel (The Blackbird Files Book 1)" under a green background to make them stand out, while the right column lists the cons under a pink background.
Each pro and con is provided in a list format to improve the organization and readability. This structured layout and the contrasting colors are used to enhance the user experience by clearly distinguishing the positive and negative aspects without extraneous content. Evaluating the Genre and Themes When considering the purchase of "Death Behind Every Door: A Novel" (The Blackbird Files Book 1), it's imperative to evaluate whether the genre and themes resonate with your interests. As a potential reader, you should look for aspects sucharacter development, suspense, and complexity of plot. Given that this novel likely falls within the thriller/mystery category, ask yourself if you enjoy a story that keeps you guessing and involves a significant amount of tension. Is the idea of unraveling a mystery appealing to you? The themes in the book might also delve into darker territories, so consider whether you're comfortable with and intrigued by the exploration of the dark facets of human nature that are often present in this genre. Analyzing Reviews and Ratings Reviews and ratings are an excellent source of information for potential readers. They provide insights into how others have received the book and can highlight its strengths and weaknesses. Look for patterns in reviews—consistent comments about strong characterization, a gripping plot, or a satisfying resolution will tell you what to expect. Conversely, repeated critiques may pinpoint areas where the book might not meet your expectations. Consider both professional critiques and reader feedback, but bear in thatr personal taste is subjective, and a balance between different perspectives is crucial for making an informed decision. Understanding the Author's Background Knowing the author's background can provide context to the writing style and subject matter of the book. Research the author's experience, previous works, and areas of expertise. Has the author written other books in the same genre, or is this a departure from their usual style? An understanding of the author's history can give you an idea of what to expect in terms of the writing quality, depth of research, and authorial voice. This can be particularly pertinent if the book is part of a series, as it will impact your investment in the continuation of the story. Consider the Format and Edition The book's format—whether hardcover, paperback, or ebook—can affect your reading experience as well as the price. Hardcover editions are usually more durable and aesthetically pleasing but come with a higher cost. Paperbacks are more affordable and portable, while ebooks offer convenience and accessibility for those who prefer digital reading devices. Additionally, if "Death Behind Every Door" is available in various editions or has been reprinted, you may want to consider the differences between them. Special editions may include additional content or illustrations, collector's covers, or forewords by noteworthy individuals in the literary field. Price Comparison and Value Comparing prices across different retailers is an important step in the buying process. Look for the best value by comparing the cost at various bookstores, online retailers, and second-hand shops. However, don't just consider the price alone. Think about the perceived value the book will offer you. If the novel provides you with hours of entertainment or the potential for re-reading, it may be worth investing a little more. Additionally, consider checking if there are any promotions or discounts available that could influence the overall cost. Looking at the Series Potential As "The Blackbird Files" suggests a series, consider the commitment to reading subsequent books. Are you looking to start a new series, and does this book seem like a promising beginning? It might be helpful to investigate how many books the series is expected to contain and whether the subsequent books are already available or if there is a long wait ahead. Starting a series can
be a commitment, so ensure that the premise is engaging enough to make you want to continue with the characters and the unfolding narrative over multiple volumes. FAQ for Death Behind Every Door: A Novel (The Blackbird Files Book 1) Book Review What genre is "Death Behind Every Door: A Novel"? Answer: "Death Behind Every Door: A Novel" is typically categorized as a mystery and thriller novel. It may also appeal to those interested in crime fiction and suspenseful storylines. Is "Death Behind Every Door" the first book in a series? Answer: Yes, "Death Behind Every Door" is the first book in The Blackbird Files series. Do I need to read "Death Behind Every Door" before other books in the series? Answer: It is recommended, as "Death Behind Every Door" establishes the characters and setting that will likely carry through the subsequent books in The Blackbird Files series. Reading in order can enhance understanding and enjoyment of the series arc. Can "Death Behind Every Door" be read as a standalone novel? Answer: While "Death Behind Every Door" is part of a series, it is written to also be enjoyed as a standalone novel. It contains a self-contained plot that concludes within the book. What is the reading level of "Death Behind Every Door"? Answer: "Death Behind Every Door" is typically suitable for adult readers due to its complex plot and mature themes. However, it may be accessible to mature young adult readers who enjoy thrillers. How graphic are the violence and crime scenes in the book? Answer: The book contains crime scenes and violence, as expected in the thriller genre, but the level of graphic detail varies. Reader discretion is advised for those sensitive to descriptions of violence and crime. Will there be more books in The Blackbird Files series? Answer: As "Death Behind Every Door" is the first in the series, it is likely that additional books will follow. Please check with the publisher or author's website for the latest information on upcoming releases. Where can I purchase "Death Behind Every Door"? Answer: "Death Behind Every Door" can typically be purchased wherever books are sold, including bookstores, online retailers, and in e-book format. Is there an audiobook version of "Death Behind Every Door" available? Answer: Availability of an audiobook version can vary. Check with popular audiobook retailers or your local library's digital services to see if "Death Behind Every Door" is offered in audio format. Who is the author of "Death Behind Every Door"? Answer: The authorship of "Death Behind Every Door" would be provided as part of the review, but for this response, please check the book's cover or the publisher's information for the author's name. Has "Death Behind Every Door" received any awards or accolades? Answer: Please check the latest updates from literary award bodies or the publisher's website to see if "Death Behind Every Door" has received any awards or recognition. Are there any published reader reviews of "Death Behind Every Door" available? Answer: Yes, reader reviews for "Death Behind Every Door" can typically be found on major book retail websites, literary review sites, and book community forums like Goodreads.
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viva-la-topknot · 3 years
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“Blackblood needs help with caring for her hooves. At some point after her girlfriend started doing it, Blackblood showed up to their weekly grooming appointment with clippers for Snowbright’s claws. Snowbright doesn’t /need/ help with her claws, but she does appreciate the time and love her girlfriend puts into it.”
“Acts of Service”
I don’t know about you, but my TikTok FYP makes me wonder about things it would never have occurred to me to be curious about if not for the app. It’s like a modern day curio cabinet.
Recently I had some videos of Farriers pop up on my FYP and it got me to thinking about Equis and Bovis and like, who cares for their hooves? Do they do it themselves? Do they have to like, do a figure four stretch and lean over to the side to get at the bottom of their own feet? Seriously, think about how challenging it would be for some people just go get a good view of the bottom of their own feet, let alone then get at it with a huge pair of nail clippers that needs two hands, and then a monster sized file.
I imagine a lot of the hoof pawed people in Nodd probably go and have their hooves cared for at what are basically nail salons, but traveling might make that a frustration for Blackblood, so why not have Snowbright learn how to do it? Snowbright loves doing things for her girlfriend. I mean, just look at that blep of concentration.
I’ll save the question of if the Furred bother with horseshoes for another time.
Knights of Nodd 💫 Snowbright 💫 Blackblood
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Hey, completely unrelated to anything at all, does anyone know where I can find a logo designer?
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The Blackblood Files--Subject 023887
The Blizzard
Awareness: 1C (Appears to move instinctively toward crowded areas; makes no attempt to disguise itself beyond its form.)
Receptivity: 4B (Submits to testing easily; has an aversion to being touched, with very few exceptions. Seems to understand speech, but makes little to no effort to communicate with staff.)
Whereabouts: CONTAINED
Upon taking form, this Blackblood resembles a figure in a heavy hooded winter coat, along with layers including a thick scarf, hat, mittens, and heavy leather boots. [The scarf has a line of feathers made star shapes stitched along its center, resembling Hexalia’s Mark and implying that its neck is a weak spot it’s protecting; it is important to note that the host The Blizzard is controlling does not share a matching Mark, nor a Mark on their neck at all. Research is still being conducted to confirm or deny working theories.] It never makes an effort or shows desire to remove any of these accessories, and it grows agitated when it perceives any outside attempts to do so. The body underneath, if any, is impossible to see aside from occasionally glowing eyes.
The Blizzard exudes an aura of intense cold which it controls with apparently effortless skill. Even in artificial high-heat conditions, it is able to render its surroundings to near arctic conditions, as well as appearing comfortable despite temperature changes. As the epicenter of this aura, it keeps aggressors away by quite literally freezing them out. Observation and testing have shown that it is fully capable of manipulating the size and barometrics of its aura. This is to say, wherever it goes, The Blizzard is able to lower the temperature enough to cause localized snow flurries. There is debate among research groups on whether to classify this ability as true weather manipulation or simply a summon. [Addendum: Observation has shown that as trust is built with the Blizzard, it will allow certain others close enough to touch it. It seems particularly fond of being hugged. Reports made state that its touch is actually warm despite its cold aura being inches away.] 
Its method of hunting, if one can call it that, is…contrived, to say the least. Upon its initial rediscovery, we set it loose on a small city nearby. It seemed content to wander aimlessly, mostly avoiding interacting with others. But its aura was spreading the entire time, and within 72 hours, the entire city (and approximately 2 miles into surrounding areas) was blanketed by strange-colored clouds and covered in unseasonable snow. While most of said snow was normal water, researchers observed certain flurries that appeared in odd colors: a sort of mix of purple and green breezes within the fog of white. Observations and the few conversations with civilians has revealed that these flurries consist of some sort of ice magic--a crystalized potion, we believe--that blends into snow by resembling snowflakes. When these flakes come in contact with skin, the potion quickly melts and causes a ticklish sensation that only spreads based on how much exposure the victim has. We have observed instances of children and teenagers pushing each other into snowbanks and being rendered immobile with laughter as the snow melts into their coats. The Blizzard, apparently, does not necessarily need to be near victims when they’re laughing, so long as they remain within its aura. 
With painstaking effort, samples of snow were collected and specimens of these snowflakes were isolated. Researchers have nicknamed them “Feather Flakes” for ease of reference in files; they need to be kept at subzero temperatures when outside of the Blizzard’s aura to maintain crystalized structure, and, despite resembling snowflakes, each of them appear identical. From over 200 specimens inspected under magnification, only one shape has been identified: a sort of six-petaled flower, with each petal slightly resembling the feathers stitched into the Blizzard's scarf. [Addendum: Research and Development has managed to create a concentrated Feather Flake potion. DO NOT INGEST under any circumstance. Experiments are still being conducted at varying levels of dilution.] 
The Blizzard only begins to show active hostility after reaching a “starved” state. After two weeks of constant, isolated containment, the Blackblood showed signs of restlessness. When test prey was offered, it suddenly attacked by exhaling a focused blast of cold air apparently consisting mostly of its Feather Flakes. When its hunger was sated, its behavior became nervous, as if it were regretful of its actions. This was the first recorded instance of the Blizzard initiating physical contact; it hugged its prey close until its potion wore off and their laughter subsided. It is unknown if its embrace reduced the needed recovery time; further testing is planned. [Addendum: Due to recent discoveries, the Blizzard is no longer permitted to have close physical contact with certain staff members. Those newly assigned are advised not to indulge its requests for attention.] [Addendum 2: If she whispers, you are to ignore her pleas.]
NOTICE TO ALL ASSIGNED STAFF: Be advised that this file is slated to be locked and archived indefinitely. Please turn in any personally-kept notes and report final observations on this Blackblood before its relocation.
Final Conditions:
Awareness: 4A (Reportedly capable of speech. Openly expresses emotion and seeks fulfilment aside from hunting.) 
Receptivity: 3A (Still submits to commands and testing, but openly shows fear of certain staff members. Reports show failed attempts to conspire with its original handlers. Likely developing distrust and potentially attempting to deceive newer staff. Relocation is advised to be expedited.)
Amalgamate #7: The Whiteout
Components: The Blizzard // The Tagger
Awareness: 3B (Performs strategic hunting tactics without being instructed. Occasionally ignores commands in favor of instinct. Learns quickly.)
Receptivity: 3C (Standoffish with certain members of staff. Acknowledges commands of those that have built trust with it. Rarely hostile to staff. No current reports of active rebellion)
Status: Complacent // Restless // Healthy
This Amalgamate was created and implanted in The Tagger’s host in an attempt to mitigate his rebellious behavior with The Blizzard’s compliance. It was awoken from stasis with no detectable complications and sent for testing immediately. Receptivity and Recall testing showed satisfactory results. The Whiteout performed several levels of tasks on command and returned to its handlers when called, even while outside without restraints. Because of the Tagger’s Trueblood bond with its host, the Amalgamate’s form builds around his body instead of fully overshadowing him upon transformation. The Blizzard’s heavy coat has been replaced with a sort of trench coat tied tightly at the waist with The Blizzard’s scarf. The Tagger’s original hazmat-type suit can be seen underneath, and its mask, now bearing a large Feather Flake design, appears to have been fused with The Blizzard’s original hat. The Whiteout’s hands and feet are covered by thick gloves and boots respectively, both wrapped tightly at the cuffs of its sleeves and pant legs to seal out the cold.
The Whiteout’s magical abilities consist of both the Blizzard’s aura and the Tagger’s summoning capabilities, with the former having gained an exponential boost in range and power. After proper preparations, the Amalgamate was deployed into Settlement S-F-TS-4 (See: Crater). It seemed to actively avoid interactions with locals, only rarely approaching undercover staff members before avoiding them as well. Said staff members reported sightings of the Amalgamate spray painting symbols in secluded parts of the city, mostly along its borders; its paint appears white, purple, or green, but fades to visibly nothing after a few hours, as if it were snow melting to water. Supplied photos and recreations don’t match any of the Tagger’s original repertoire, but certain symbols incorporate the Blizzard’s Feather Flakes into their patterns. Researchers are assigned in groups of two to monitor the areas these symbols are placed in twice a day. As of Observation Day 4 , the Whiteout has not attempted direct attacks, and while temperatures throughout the city have been quickly declining, no active phenomena has occurred. 
Recent reports and observations have captured the Whiteout’s most basic hunting method. It tends to lure or follow prey to secluded areas at night, cornering them before using its spray cans to blast a colorful haze into their face. This gas attack is nearly identical to that of the Tagger, but the resulting reaction is much stronger, rendering victims hoarse with laughter from even small doses. [Addendum: The Whiteout was called into the local base for testing, and, through sample collection, it was confirmed that this gas is an aerosolized version of the substance Feather Flakes are made of. Based on staff testing, this version, despite being somewhat diluted, causes near full-body reactions by simply being inhaled.] The Amalgamate has been seen both abandoning its prey after subduing them and occasionally staying beside them, as if to console them before it flees. Staff has made sure to intercept any locals that recognize the Amalgamate after its attacks. Concurrent records show that the Amalgamate appears to be growing restless, wearing its mask more often and returning to areas where it has placed symbols.
As of Observation Day 10, Temperatures within the Settlement have reached the average of the Blizzard’s original aura, and its chill can reportedly be felt for miles beyond the walls. Locals have been fascinated by the falling snow, given the local climate, but rumors have been steadily increasing surrounding the Whiteout’s presence and the increase in disappearances. Several locals said to be missing are not within the custody of staff. The Amalgamate has been making itself more scarce: actively avoiding most of its handlers and other staff when they approach. Noted sightings over the past two days have included notes regarding its appearance; its clothing and accessories have all begun changing color to a stark, bright white, which has now become uniform across its entire body. For the first time since its awakening, it has painted a face on its mask: the same smile the Tagger used.
The following Audio Transmissions were received and recorded overnight between Observation Days 11 and 12. Consult the provided transcript as necessary. ===== (21:13) Handler 1: This is Handler 1! We’ve lost sight of the Amalgamate! It’s not responding to its signals, and this fog is blocking the cameras. [Clothes rustle in the background; a door opens, and screams can be faintly heard] We’re heading out to find it ourselves. Visibility is already low. Requesting precautionary backup. Rendezvous with us in town square. (22:00) [Footsteps can be heard running through snow, with scattered laughter somewhere in the distance. The radio falls into the snow as someone coughs and giggles softly.] It’s the fog… [The radio is pulled back; the voice is clear aside from their growing laughter.] Don’t breathe the--[Something roars in the distance; the radio falls as the voice is lost in loud laughter.] ///////////////// (00:28) Hello? T-This is [REDACTED], Researcher 7, of the Crater Division reporting from my Residential Acc--Look, um, listen, please. I’m in my house with my thermostat pushing 90 degrees, and it’s like nothing is changing. I’ve sent in today’s--or yesterday’s?--temperature reports already, but there’s been a sudden drop. I-It’s so cold, I can’t sleep. [She laughs wryly before pausing] Ah… Oh, that isn’t… Is the Observatory seeing this? How long--I have no messages about this. It’s a complete haze outside; visibility is next to nothing, m-maybe 20 feet. I can’t even see across the road; the closest lamppost is near covered in snow and… The snow is up to the truck tires. Okay, this isn’t anything like the expected conditions; please advise. (00:40) Researcher 7: This is Researcher 7. Block 4. All of the windows are frozen shut. I’ve woken the others, and they don’t have any notice about this either. [Someone calls her name; Her voice shakes as she walks to the source.] I’ve tried to make contact with the Handlers, but no one is picking up. How long has the weather been like this?  Researcher 5: [REDACTED], I can’t find anyone on the cameras. Half of them are all snowed to hell anyway. Security 14: I’ve been going back through the feeds. It’s not good. Researcher 7: …S-Sirs. Requesting Emergency Evacuation. We’re entering a Code 5. Alert all staff. //////////////// (03:27) …This… This is [REDACTED]. I’m Security Officer 22 in the Crater, and… How long were you going to wait to tell us? Did you know? I know you won’t respond, but I want to make sure that whoever finds this knows: They were right. They were always right.
As of Observation Day 20, the Whiteout’s storm has yet to subside. Surveillance equipment is only rarely picking up any sound or activity within the Crater. The Observatory’s main camera cannot pierce the layers of clouds and haze to provide data, and many of the cameras within the city have either frozen in place or become covered in snow. Video logs showed the Whiteout’s various symbols glowing brightly on the night of Day 11; many of them, those bearing the Feather Flake symbol, began emanating the fog that now fills the city streets while others apparently summoned constructs made of snow to assist the Amalgamate in hunting stragglers. Several unmanned drones have been deployed into the Crater in the days since, and, through sample testing, it’s been determined that this haze is highly diluted Feather Flake potion. All data since the storm fell was obtained remotely, as the drones were lost before they could make their way back. Of the total 30 drones sent into the Crater, none have returned. Recovered video data shows the Whiteout or its constructs descending on the drones within minutes of their arrival, regardless of their entry point, suggesting it is able to detect movement anywhere within its aura. Data also contained footage of a home with a light flickering SOS in the window.
Current orders are to maintain constant observation. Continue deploying drones into the Crater at regular intervals to collect data. Keep the Amalgamate’s attention focused until further notice.
We would like to remind all staff that we are grateful for all you do for the Prince’s cause. Your Presence, Your Loyalty, and Your Sacrifice.
Panda's Notes: Hey, it's me! >w< Thanx so much if you read the whole thing; and thanx even more if you enjoyed it! I wrote this for @squealing-santa's warm-up prompt involving "Feather Flakes". Clearly, I got kind of carried away. I'm really proud of this one though, even if it is a bit more monster than tickle. >w< I hope you guys are excited for Squealing Santa!
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The Blackblood Files--Subject 019754
The Doppelganger
Awareness: Unknown (Estimated anywhere from 3 to 5)
Receptivity: Unknown/Fluctuating
Upon first encounter, this Blackblood presents itself as an amorphous, mostly featureless, shadowlike shape. It tends to choose a silhouette depending on the company that surrounds it: when staff gathered for observations and non-physical tests, it shifted to a humanoid shape, though it remained without any defining features.
The first notable feature that will appear on it is its eyes. When the Doppelganger chooses a target, it will begin by staring at them incessantly. Observation and testing have confirmed that by doing this, it is able to perfectly replicate the physical form of any living being that it can maintain eye contact with for an extended period of time. [Addendum: Due to recent developments, it is now required to wear the provided eye covers while in the Doppelganger's chambers.] If eye contact is broken, it will slowly revert back to its "default" form. At no point has the Doppelganger shed this form or made request for sustenance of any kind; this has led researchers to believe it may be a rare instance of a Blackblood acting without a host. Caution is elevated for interactions going forward.
"Prey Testing" has revealed that the Doppelganger can become slightly forceful when presented with opportunity. A staff member restrained to a chair in its chambers was approached quickly by the Doppelganger as it copied their features; when they attempted to avoid eye contact (against instruction; they were subsequently reprimanded) the Blackblood took hold of their head and forced them to be still. Physically, the transformation takes about five minutes to appear complete. However, upon this stage of completion, the Doppelganger began tickling its prey, and staff observed as it used its prey's laughter and outbursts as sort of markers to make attempts at mimicking their voice. Testing was quickly halted afterward. [Addendum: Due to recent events, it is strongly advised not to speak aloud while in the Doppelganger's chambers]
When the staff member was rescued from the chamber--with heavy resistance from the Doppelganger--it once again reverted to its original form, despite seeming to have a perfect copy of its victim. Said staff member was insistent on reporting the sense of anxiety that overcomes one when the Doppelganger stares, calling it a sort of full-body itch that intensifies over the entire process; some might define it as ticklish.
Summary: Staff Member [REDACTED] appears to have been taken by the Blackblood known as The Doppelganger.
Records show that the aformentioned staff member entered The Doppelganger's chamber for scheduled testing. At the time, the Blackblood had built some semblance of trust with staff to the point where they believed tests could be conducted with a single observer and within range for physical touch. During testing, it can be observed that the Doppelganger stares constantly at [REDACTED], shifting constantly to maintain a line of sight between them. Suddenly, the Blackblood lunges, apparently using the weight of its copied victim against them.
Some video logs at the time of the incident are corrupted as a result of an unrelated incident (S-B/F-2/33). Audio records picked up [REDACTED]'s laughter and cries for help. When visual was restored, the Doppelganger was the only one seen in the chamber; however, it was disguised as the aforementioned staff member. It stared up at the camera, occasionally wandering to stare at the others, and it screamed for help in [REDACTED]'s voice. The staff member's body and the belongings on their person have yet to be found. Staff at large only realized The Doppelganger had not escaped when it could not leave its chamber, confirming that it is not in possession of the staff keycard that allowed [REDACTED] to enter in the first place.
The Doppelganger has since reverted to its original form, though it occasionally shifts into [REDACTED]'s form or screams in their voice around others, seemingly to antagonize them.
Addendum: [REDACTED] was located just outside of The Doppelganger's chamber, alive and conscious, after several months of absence. The Blackblood was nowhere to be found. They had apparently used their key to escape the chamber after The Doppelganger released them, but they were too weak to prevent it from escaping on their own. Quarantine and Testing will need to be performed before they are allowed to return to work.
Addendum 3: TOO SLOW.
Addendum 4: GOODBYE
Current Status: UNRESOLVED
Summary: THE TIGER IS OUT Subect known as The Doppelganger has breached containment and fled the facility.
In the wake of a recent incident (#S-B/F-2/59), audio records picked up the voice of [REDACTED] (Regarding Incident #S-B/F-2/35) calling for help in the chamber-lock leading to the Doppelganger's containment area. When video records were restored, they revealed them stumbling through the area during the blackout. No trace of the subject could be seen on camera.
In the chaos of Incident 59, several staff members responded to these calls and freed them, making notes to register them for the proper tests and quarantine protocols after the current incident was resolved. Video records show [REDACTED] following staff and assisting with containing other Blackbloods and using facility equipment for several hours before breaking away when power was rerouted away from perimeter security. Footage shows them wandering out to the forest perimeter, tearing through the fence with their hands, and disappearing into the trees.
Only after Incident 59 was resolved was it known that [REDACTED] was missing. Security has scavenged all video files that were recovered and restored from the time of the incident and just before. The Doppelganger can be seen changing form to [REDACTED]'s body during the blackout, and [REDACTED] is never seen separated from it. The conclusion was drawn that the staff member who was released from the chamber was the Blackblood itself in disguise.
Those responsible will be taken care of. This report will be sent to surrounding facilities along with records of the Blackblood's and [REDACTED]'s appearance.
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Recovered Footage [1]
-The video begins on an empty stage platform set up in a gymnasium, with seemingly young students chattering in the background. Behind the stage is a large white curtain in place of a projection screen. Within a few seconds, a young-looking woman walks up onto the stage, shaking hands with the Sign Interpreter as she passed him. She’s dressed professionally, in a sweater and dress pants under a white lab coat with a pink-and-purple Relic Featherfly pin on her pocket. The cuffs of her pants are rolled up to her knees to accommodate wolf-like legs and paws, and she has a wolf’s tail flicking slightly under the folds of the coat. She adjusts a small microphone clipped on her sweater as she reaches the center of the stage. She lifts her hands, calling between them-
“Good morning, kids!”
-The chatter quickly ceases, though at least half of the students shout ‘Good morning’ back. She chuckles and rests her hands on her hips-
“And a good morning it is! My name is Juno Lystebrack; I’m a pediatrician, which means I’m a doctor that specializes in working with kids like you. I’ll be your speaker for today’s Fae Anatomy presentation. I want to start by thanking all of you who signed up for our little workshop; a lot of the stuff my colleagues and I cover over the next week is pretty important stuff relating to a lot of you and your cultures. And even if you’re completely human, and it never relates to you at all, we’re grateful to have you. A lot of this won’t be expected knowledge until you’re in middle school at least, but we’re firm believers in making sure it’s accessible to you as early as possible.”
-She pulls a remote out of her pocket, a projection appears on the curtain behind her, and the slide advances to a simple list. She paces slowly back and forth along the length of the stage as she speaks-
“Right, down to business. We’re going to start this presentation by talking about a group that could include any one of you: Hexalians. As some of you may already know, we get our power from our Goddess, Hexalia, through her ‘Gift’. It’s a unique set of magical skills along with a handful of biological changes.”
-She suddenly stops, resting her hand dramatically on her face. Her tone becomes a bit exaggerated-
“Actually, before we get too far: In order to fully understand Hexalian ‘Biology’, there’s another creature on this list we need to mention first. I just can’t think of it… Does anybody know what the first Hexalians started out as?”
-She grins as the kids shout excitedly, her tail wagging slightly. She stands a bit taller, pointing up beyond the camera-
“You don’t have to shout, hon; my ears are pretty good.”
-She leans with one hand around her ear. The camera’s microphone just barely picks up a child calling to her, and her tail wags-
“That’s right, kiddo; Vampires! Good on ya. It’s true; the very first Hexalian was a vampire. In fact, he was a kid, just like you guys. Actually, probably a little older than you guys. Now, there’s a very long story about how and why everything went down. And while I think it’s a pretty cool story, Fae History and Culture is someone else’s lecture.”
-She slips her hands into her pockets as she starts to pace again-
“What you need to know is: Basically, our Goddess took the vampire’s power, and she built off of it. As I’m sure we all know, vampires drink blood. Their bodies process it like any other food, with the added bonus of it boosting their magic exponentially. Hexalia took this ability and, well, adjusted it a little to make her Gift. Just like vampires use blood for power, Hexalians use laughter. We have the passive ability to absorb the ‘energy’ created when people laugh and convert that directly into magic. Pretty powerful magic too if I can say so myself.
Now, I’m sure you’ve noticed that I keep saying things like ‘We have this’ or ‘Our Goddess’. I’ll spare you too much mystery: I am, in fact, Hexalian, so I can tell you firsthand where we get most of our magic~!”
-There’s a noticeable purple glow in her eyes, and she moves her hand as if she’s going to snap her fingers. The camera picks up some nervous laughter and protests. She laughs brightly before putting both hands in her pockets-
“Ooh, a lot of you already know your stuff! You can relax, guys, I’m not gonna do it. I see some confused faces though, so I’ll be nice. For those of you that don’t know, you may have heard the little playground rumors that go around at your age. Well, one of them is very true: Hexalians are, basically, tickle monsters.”
-There’s a mix of murmuring that the camera can’t really interpret. She chuckles, and her tail wags again-
“You can laugh, but life is about efficiency. And having a little fun once in a while, of course. Now, some of you might think to mention: ‘Dr. Juno, you don’t seem like a vampire.’. Well, first, I might say ‘What makes you think that?’”
-She walks in a short circle, glancing at her own tail and paws as a few giggles are picked up by the camera-
“But yes, obviously, I’m a werewolf. That doesn't mean I couldn’t be Hexalian. I said at the beginning that any one of you could be. Some of you might not even know it. And the reason that could be is the same way you and your siblings can get your mom’s nose or your dad’s hair or your grandpa’s eyes; the same way you can be part vampire if one of your parents is or isn’t one; and the same way you can be really good at magic if you come from a line of mages. Hexalian magic passes through bloodlines.
Some might call the biological changes from the Gift ‘subtle’, but make no mistake, they can affect you in some major ways beyond your magic. We will still start with a subtle one though: Hexalia’s Mark.”
-She searches for a button on the remote, glancing up at the curtain as the slide changes. There’s a sketch of a few heart-shaped symbols with subtle wolf prints inside of them-
“Hexalia’s Mark appears on your body when you become Hexalian. If you’re born Hexalian, the mark is usually faint, but it becomes fully visible by the time you’re two or three. We don’t fully understand everything about the Mark, especially in babies and toddlers, but there’s a lot of evidence that it forms based on the magic in your body. It becomes a sort of self-sustaining battery, if that makes sense. That up there is actually a drawing of my Mark. You wouldn’t be able to see it anyway since it’s actually on the bottoms of my feet. Quick bit of bonus information, though: when werewolves shift, their mark becomes pretty much invisible unless they have a powerful surge of magic use. Obviously, it’s still there; its effects are always active. And some people with strong magic senses claim they can still see them.
Anyway, back to the point. What makes this thing more than a flashy birthmark? …I’ll give it to ya straight, kids, it’s really ticklish.”
-She chuckles, shaking her head as the students murmur curiously-
“I’m not kidding, you guys! The Mark is always sensitive to touch. When you’re born with it, your body can adapt before you even need to think about it. But to those of you that consider becoming Hexalian in the future: this thing marks your most ticklish spot. In fact, reports suggest that it gets worse after the mark appears. So, y’know, pros and cons. We’ll wrap up this section with some rapid-fire interactions that Hexalia’s Mark—or her gift, technically—has with certain species.
I’ll start with werewolves, naturally; my area of expertise. It might already be common knowledge for you by now, but we have a sort of weakness to silver and anything made from it. And while you, like me, might think that being pierced with a silver bullet or dagger would ruin anybody’s day, werewolves have most of their abilities weakened if not completely lost during contact with silver things. Hexalia’s Gift helps you…let’s say ‘resist’ that kind of weakness. Now, silver can still hurt me; it’ll still take longer for me to heal any injuries made by silver items, but…Ah, here: if I get a paper cut, that’ll actually heal up completely within a couple of hours. Barely even hurts for a minute. If I got a cut the same size with, say, an old letter opener or something that happened to be made of silver, that won’t heal for about a day. With Hexalia’s Gift, that gets lowered by half, on average. Werewolves report anywhere from fifteen hours to as low as eight.
Vampires. Everyone knows they drink blood. Vampires, actually, might get the strongest benefits; the Gift was made for them, after all. If you are a vampire and Hexalian, you do not have to drink blood. Like, not at all. You still can, obviously, but Hexalian magic is an exact fit to fuel your powers especially. Some vampires and mixed folks still carry the genes that make them sensitive to sunlight. The Gift clears that up too. You’ll probably still hate hot weather, but the burning, completely gone.
Humans, actually, have given mixed results. Several reports suggest that they don’t need to sleep for as long as they used to. Some claim that they find themselves feeling less hungry. The magic heals them all faster, protects them. In short, your mileage would definitely vary, but downsides are few.”
-She turns to advance the slide, but she seems to pause. She sighs, touching the edge of the pin as she looks back to her audience-
“Actually, there is one. I know I said I’d move on, but I think I’d be doing you a disservice if I didn’t tell you.
Now, I can tell that many of you are Nonhumans or at the very least Mixed-Blooded. Many Fae “Type” creatures have a store of magic within them. Actually, we all do, if we practice magic enough. Those of you that fall into this group have likely been told already what happens if you let your magic run too low. You start to feel sort of sick, or tired, or even like you’re in pain.
Hexalians have… Well, they call it the Burden. Many people believe that it’s been ‘bred’ out through the centuries. Some say it’s a legend and never existed at all; something to deter people from becoming Hexalian back in those days. But there are still rare reports. Since it’s so easy for us to gain magic, we hardly ever see it. But, according to those reports, the Burden is something inside you. Attached to your Mark. If your magic ever runs too low, the Mark will essentially try to start feeding off of you. Hexalians can regain power through our own laughter, after all, but less so. It’s like if you’re starving, your body will pull nutrients from wherever it can.”
-There’s a pregnant hush in the room. She cringes a bit nervously-
“I…I’m sorry, you guys; I don’t mean to scare you! It’s just that magic is very…temperamental. We want to make sure that all of you are at least prepared for what your own bodies are capable of.”
-She looks around the audience. A smile slowly returning to her face as her tail flicks-
“Okay, now, for real this time. Done with Hexalians. Let’s transition smoothly into Va—”
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Fugitive Notice #S-B/F-2/11
NOTICE TO ALL STAFF: Due to yesterday's incident (see Incident Report #S-F/F-4/12), a number of files on our local computers have been damaged or corrupted beyond automatic salvaging. We are requesting any and all staff with access to digital backups or physical copies of corresponding files to assist in manually restoring them.
Remember to check the very end of all files for potential notations left by fellow staff members.
Thank you.
☞︎◆︎♑︎♓︎⧫︎♓︎❖︎♏︎ ☠︎□︎⧫︎♓︎♍︎♏︎ ✁︎💧︎📫︎👌︎📭︎☞︎📫︎📄︎📭︎📂︎📂︎
Summary: Test Subject has escaped from Facility 2 in Sector B. CO☠︎💧︎✋︎👎︎☜︎RED 👎︎✌︎☠︎☝︎☜︎ROUS
Name: ☟︎♏︎♓︎♎︎♓︎ 💧︎⧫︎♋︎♓︎♑︎♋︎●︎●︎ (☼︎♏︎⬧︎◻︎□︎■︎♎︎⬧︎ ⧫︎□︎ She/Her)
Species: 💣︎♓︎⌧︎♏︎♎︎📫︎👌︎●︎□︎□︎♎︎ Human (approx. ≤ 1/16 ✞︎♋︎❍︎◻︎♓︎❒︎♏︎ DNA) [HEXALIAN]
Hexalia’s Mark: Pr□︎❍︎♓︎■︎♏︎■︎⧫︎ ☞︎●︎□︎❒︎♋︎●︎ Pattern with Clo❖︎♏︎■︎ Animal Tracks (Stomach)
Blackblood Status: Infected (H♏︎❒︎♏︎♎︎♓︎⧫︎♋︎ry)
Blackblood ID: Subject 📁︎🖰︎📁︎🗐︎🗐︎⌛︎ (Trueblood)
In the ⬥︎♋︎🙵♏︎ of a recent incident (see ✋︎■︎♍︎♓︎♎︎♏︎■︎⧫︎ Report #S-B/F-2/59), H♏︎♓︎♎︎♓︎ 💧︎⧫︎♋︎♓︎♑︎♋︎ll managed to escape in the chaos. Her height in “base form” is about 📂︎🖮︎📁︎ centimeters, with a strong, stocky build. When she originally arrived in her a⬧︎⬧︎♓︎♑︎■︎♏︎♎︎ ♐︎♋︎♍︎♓︎●︎♓︎⧫︎⍓︎📪︎ ⬧︎♒︎♏︎ ♒︎♋︎♎︎ ♌︎❒︎♓︎♑︎♒︎⧫︎📪︎ ♍︎□︎●︎□︎❒︎♐︎◆︎●︎ ♒︎♓︎♑︎♒︎●︎♓︎ghts in her hair. It is likely that she will ♎︎⍓︎♏︎ ♒︎♏︎❒︎ ♒︎♋︎♓︎❒︎ again, possibly a complete solid color, to di⬧︎♑︎◆︎♓︎⬧︎♏︎ ♒︎♏︎rself.
☟︎♏︎♓︎♎︎♓︎ was one of the many individuals brought into facilities from E❒︎⧫︎□︎■︎♐︎♓︎♏︎●︎d after the rise of Sub🙰♏︎♍︎⧫︎ 📁︎📂︎⌛︎🖰︎04-👍︎ [🏱︎♏︎⬧︎⧫︎♓︎●︎♏︎■︎♍︎♏︎]. While unlikely, given the amount of ⧫︎♓︎❍︎♏︎ ⧫︎♒︎♋︎⧫︎ ♒︎♋︎⬧︎ ◻︎♋︎⬧︎⬧︎♏︎♎︎, it is possible that she might return to her hometown. Staff Members in 💧︎♏︎♍︎⧫︎□︎❒︎ ☺︎ are advised to keep a tentative eye out for her now that ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ ♍︎♓︎⧫︎⍓︎ ♓︎⬧︎ ❒︎♏︎◻︎□︎◻︎◆︎●︎♋︎⧫︎♏︎♎︎.
Prior to her capture, she was a somewhat well-known cr♏︎♋︎⧫︎♓︎❖︎e on certain so♍︎♓︎♋︎●︎ ❍︎♏︎♎︎♓︎♋︎ ◻︎●︎♋︎⧫︎♐︎orms. Originally, her final post had been an episode of her main ♍︎♒︎♋︎■︎■︎♏︎●︎’⬧︎ ⧫︎♋︎●︎🙵 ⬧︎♒︎□︎⬥︎, apparently scheduled to automatically upload the morning after ♒︎♏︎❒︎ ♓︎■︎♓︎⧫︎♓︎♋︎●︎ ♎︎♓︎⬧︎♋︎◻︎◻︎♏︎♋︎❒︎♋︎■︎♍︎♏︎📬︎ 👍︎◆︎❒︎❒︎♏︎■︎⧫︎●︎⍓︎📪︎ ⬥︎♏︎ ♒︎♋︎❖︎♏︎ ♐︎□︎und two new videos, the first being an apparent cry for h♏︎●︎◻︎ ■︎ot long after her esc♋︎◻︎♏︎ ♋︎■︎♎︎ ⧫︎he most recent only bearing the ☼︎♏︎♌︎♏︎●︎⬧︎’ ♓︎■︎⬧︎♓︎♑︎■︎♓︎♋︎ ♋︎■︎♎︎ ●︎□︎◆︎♎︎ ⬧︎⧫︎♋︎⧫︎♓︎♍︎.
B♏︎ ♋︎♎︎❖︎♓︎⬧︎♏︎d: Her Blackblood, ■︎♓︎♍︎🙵■︎♋︎❍︎♏︎♎︎ ❄︎♒︎♏︎ ☝︎♋︎❒︎♎︎♏︎■︎♏︎❒︎, is a versatile Hu■︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎ Class, able to summon lethal weapons and use them eff♏︎♍︎⧫︎♓︎❖︎♏︎●︎⍓︎ ⬥︎♒︎♏︎■︎ ⧫︎♒︎❒︎♏︎♋︎⧫︎♏︎■︎♏︎♎︎📪︎ ♋︎●︎□︎■︎♑︎⬧︎♓︎♎︎♏︎ ♒︎♏︎❒︎ ❒︎♏︎◻︎♏︎❒︎toire of magic summons. During her time in the Facility, she rea♍︎♒︎♏︎♎︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ ◻︎♏︎♋︎🙵 □︎♐︎ ♒︎er Blackblood, meaning she is ful●︎⍓︎ ♍︎□︎■︎⬧︎♍︎♓︎□︎◆︎⬧︎ ♋︎■︎♎︎ ♓︎■︎ ♍︎□︎■︎⧫︎rol of her ♋︎●︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎■︎♋︎⧫︎♏︎ form. Approach with Caution, ♋︎■︎♎︎ ♎︎□︎ ■︎□︎⧫︎ ♒︎□︎●︎♎︎ ♌︎♋︎♍︎🙵.
Report any and all sightings to staff in Sector B and remain vigilant to ☼︎♏︎♌︎♏︎●︎ ♋︎♍︎⧫︎♓︎❖︎♓︎⧫︎⍓︎.
-Panda's- Notes: Psst, hey! I found a bunch of these in that box I mentioned before too. Most of them aren't this messed up though. This could be bad...
Panda's Extra Notes: A lovely cookie is in store for anyone willing to look into this gal. >w&lt; My beta readers don't count. They're always allowed cookies.
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The Blackblood Files : The Cabinet
Psst, so, uh…Hey. Like I said before, I’ve been finding these old files up in the attic and in some boxes in the old rooms during remodeling. Most of these folders are still sealed, but some of them are torn open. I think there are some flash drives buried in here too. It’s weird, y’know? There’s a symbol stamped on the folders—and on most of the papers in them too, actually. It looks a lot like the symbol on those guys’ uniforms. Not exact, but really close. I…I don’t know if I should tell them about these or not.
Uh, here… Help me sort through these. Maybe we can figure out if they’re important.
The Band || The Blizzard || The Claw || The Conductor || The Cowboy
The Crooner || Vyc Shkbqi || The Doppelganger || The Fang || The Firefighter
The Gourd || The Heartless Angel || The Hedgehog || The Hive || The Homunculus
The Horsemen || The Ice Dancer || The Inferno || The Nanny || The Noise
The Piper || The Punk || The Scarecrow || The Silence || The Spider Keeper
The Spirit || The Sun Warrior || The Tagger || The Tiger || The Virus
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The Blackblood Files--Subject 047568
Panda’s Notes: It’s a day late, but I’ll do my annual birthday lore drop. I plan on making a lot of these; I hope you guys like them.
True Name: Abigail Ethel Clarkson
Base Species: Vampire (Half/Partial-Blood)
Condition: Hereditary
Blackblood: The Scarecrow
Blackblood Status: Puppet
Alliance: Voluntary
Whereabouts: CONTAINED
Ah, what to say about Ms. Abby… While obviously not one of the original Kingdom, her dedication to the New Rise is prolific. Research has revealed that she is of direct descent from at least one of the original subjects. The combination of her nonhuman lineage and her Blackblood has kept her young and spry despite being born over 150 years ago. Recent research has shown that while her Blackblood is powerful, she, as is common, is not aware or in control when it takes hold of her. Currently, her Blackblood is disobedient. While the Prince can easily subdue it, outside of his presence, its lunges and attacks are indiscriminatory between facility staff, handlers, and targets.
The Scarecrow:
Combat: Magic
Element: Plants
Awareness Level: 2B [Displays “Emotional” Reaction and/or Seeks Mental Satisfaction]
Receptivity: 3A [Prone to Mischief; Approach Warily]
The Scarecrow is quite a charming beast, when it behaves, of course. It resembles a typical scarecrow, dressed in a flannel shirt, overalls, thick boots, and a wide-brimmed sunhat. Records show that its clothes occasionally change when it takes form. Anywhere that would have exposed “skin” is replaced with long strands of dried grass resembling wheat or hay. It doesn’t let us close enough to test the fibers. These fibers can shift and flex into the hands it uses for its attacks. Despite its host’s somewhat short frame, this form towers over many when it assumes its full height by extending the hay in its “legs”.
Its main method of attack is magic-based. It will root its hands into soil and apparently deposit some forms of magic seeds, thus summoning whatever vines and plants it desires. While one would assume this wouldn’t work indoors or in urban areas, The Scarecrow is capable of forming its arms into a cannon shape that fires a magic pod. The pod sticks especially well to inorganic material, and the seed inside grows as explosively as it would have in optimal conditions. Using this cannon strategy appears to leave The Scarecrow vulnerable for an extended period of time, so we advise reserving it for more rural deployments. The seeds and plants it creates resemble those originally found during the Blackblood King’s reign, but they appear to be merely summons. If they are cut or damaged in any way, they disintegrate; as such, we cannot confirm their makeup.
Because of developments in The Scarecrow’s Awareness, we have placed an order of CONTAINMENT on it for the time being. It has begun testing boundaries with facility staff when it’s in control for tests and training, and observations have recorded potential escape attempts. Despite Abigail’s devotion to the cause, we need to continue practice and testing before The Scarecrow can resume field work. Pun intended, perhaps…
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