#The Agere Channel Lamp AU
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logical-little-lies · 4 years ago
Under The Stars- Little Vlogs (Chapter Ten)
A/N: Again, sorry that I only update this every month or so. I like to think that the chapters tend to be higher quality when I just wait for inspiration to strike for this, that's what seems to work best for this story. Just so you know, there's no little sides in this one, it's romance-centric. I think the next chapter will be agere centric, maybe with little vee since we haven't gotten that in a while?
anyways, this is also kinda the start of the end? I see this being fifteen chapters-ish overall, since there's only two actual plot points I have planned before I wrap it up, and I will be stuffing fillers and fluff between that. Thanks for sticking around so long! I can't wait to see what you guys think of this chapter! It about 3300 words without the authors note+summary.
Chapter Summary: Logan takes the other three on a date that will change their lives forever. He asks a very important question that could wind up putting a label on their four-way unofficial thing. Everyone was quite relieved to hear his words, if they were honest.
They've been waiting for it forever.
"Hey, nerd. You should totally kiss me right now."
Logan glanced up from his computer with an amused smirk, looking over at the tanner man across the couch. Roman tapped away on the screen of his phone. "Should I really?" he questioned, challenging him.
"Mhm," Roman nodded, placing his elbow on his knee and his chin it his palm, leaning forward. "You totally should."
"Why should I, princey? Convince me." Logan looked back down to his laptop as if he was uninterested, offending the man clad in his red t-shirt.
"Because I'm hot and want a kiss?" he raised his eyebrow hopefully.
"Solid argument. You definitely made a few great points," Logan said teasingly, closing the computer and leaning forward to set it on the coffee table. He got up, placing himself next to Roman on the couch. He softly pulled his arm from under his chin, using his fingers to lift his chin up. Roman had to turn a bit to face him. Logan pulled him into a soft, but firm kiss. "Was that good?" Logan asked, tilting his head softly.
Roman nodded, humming. "Yep, definitely." Logan chuckled, getting up to grab his laptop before sitting back next to Roman.
"Y'know, you get like, really giggly when someone flirts with you?" Virgil asked, teasing Patton, who he had his arm wrapped around. "And blushy," Virgil paused, reaching over and cupping the side of his face. "And cute." he pulled him closer.
He kissed him softly, and as he pulled away, he muttered out a whisper. "And absolutely beautiful. Though you're always like that."
When did Virgil get so flirty? He had definitely spent way to much time about Roman and Logan.
Patton giggled, blushing and looking down. He bit at his lip. He spoke after a moment of silence. "Vee, we've been on a lot of dates and stuff..and you and Roman practically live here. When do you think we'll officially become 'boyfriends'?" he asked.
Virgil faltered, not quite knowing how to reply to his curiosity. "I-i'm sorry to be so straightforward or whatever...but Logan was talking about it the other day and I just couldn't stop thinking about it-" Patton stumbled over his words, regretting bringing up the topic.
"No,no, no. You're okay. It's a valid question," Virgil assured, giving him a soft look. "It'll happen eventually, I think. Roman and I like you guys to much to pass up on the opportunity. But I couldn't tell you exactly when." He admitted.
"Oh..." Patton trailed off. "Hopefully it'll be soon."
"I hope so too." Virgil agreed, letting Patton lean into him.
Maybe, it'd be a lot sooner then they thought.
"Is another surprise playdate to get us to regress?" Roman questioned, messing with his hair as Logan adjusted his shirt in the mirror.
"Nope. It's just a surprise date. You'll see where we're going when we get there." Logan spoke simply, picking up his phone off of the bathroom counter. Roman dramatically sighed.
Logan gave him a look for the attitude, which immediately shut him up. Then, Roman pouted. "Hey! Stop doing the caregiver thing when I'm not little!" he whined.
"I'm not doing any 'caregiver thing'!" Logan defended. Roman rolled his eyes before jumping into an explanation.
"You give looks and have a specific voice that you use on us when we're little, and that there was one of them!"
"I do not have a caregiver voice..." Logan seemed confused, following Roman out of the bathroom.
"You so do." Roman stated as Logan flicked off the bathroom light behind them.
"Okay, whatever. Go get in the car," he ordered. Roman left without another word.
Just like when Logan had taken the boys to the park, everyone bugged him about where they were going, trying to figure out what he could possibly have planned. They managed to get nothing out of him until they were literally pulling up.
"Surprise!" Logan said, putting the car in park.
The other three looked around, trying to see where they were. Virgil's eyes landed on the sign of the place they had arrived to.
Logan had taken them back to the skating rink. The same one where they had their first date.
"Yay! I love skating!" Virgil cheered, rushing to unbuckle himself.
Patton and Roman seemed to realize where they were from the front seat, their faces breaking out into smiles as well. Logan always had a way of planning pleasant surprises for them. Ones that reminded them that he paid attention, that he knew what they liked and what made them happy.
They reminded him that he cared.
"I thought you'd like it," Logan smiled, unbuckling himself as well. "You all ready?" he asked.
After three quick nods, he cracked open his door and stepped out.
This was the start of a very important night.
They all had lots of fun at the rink. Virgil and Logan were improving their skating skills, too! Though, they still had to hold someone else's hand to ensure that they wouldn't fall over. By the end of their session, they had only fallen a handful of times collectively.
"I beat you!" Patton bragged, holding up his prize of a few pieces of candy. He could only get so much with his tickets from the arcade, but he cared more about the victory then the prize. Virgil rolled his eyes.
"Whatever, Pat. No need to brag," Virgil walked next to him as they crossed the parking lot.
"Someone's just mad that he losttt," Roman jumped in on their conversation, joining in on the 'let's tease Virgil' game. Virgil crossed his arms, shooting an annoyed glare to the other two. Somehow, it was absolutely adorable.
"Boys, stop teasing Virgil. You're going to upset him," Logan told them, causing Roman and Patton to shut up quickly as they approached the car.
"We were only playing!" Patton assured, opening the door and climbing in.
"Yeah, only playing!" Roman agreed.
"Still, it's not nice," Logan repeated, shutting the driver's side door once he was in the car. Virgil had taken the passengers seat, still seemingly grumpy about the teasing.
"You're using your daddy voice," Roman said, distracting him from the previous topic.
"I don't have a 'Daddy voice'." Logan scoffed. Virgil immediately dropped his pouting to give Logan a look that read 'you're wrong'. Patton and Roman held matching looks of disagreement.
Logan gasped, "I don't!" he defended.
"Sureeee," Virgil spoke in a very sarcastic tone, bucking himself up and leaning back in the seat. Logan rolled his eyes, going silent as he started the car and headed towards their next destination. After a while, Patton realized they weren't heading home.
"Where are we going?"
"Somewhere." Logan replied, making a turn.
"Very helpful, Freckle Face." Roman looked out the window, trying to mentally locate where they were at and where they could possibly be headed. He only vaguely recognized where they were, and he had no idea where they were going.
"It's 9 o'clock, what's open?" Virgil asked, turning in his seat to look back at the other two. Patton shrugged.
"We're not going to a store or restaurant. We're going to a location." Logan corrected.
"Like an outside thing? Logan, it's so dark out," Roman whined. It seemed like he was always complaining, but Logan always found a way to shut him up.
"I know. It's kinda needed for what we we're doing." Logan said, making a turn into a small, empty parking lot. There was a large circle of grass, surrounded by trees in most directions. The parking lot felt out of place in this natural area.
There were a few large rocks that you could climb and sit on, some of them stacking against each other to create tall platforms. It was hard to tell whether they were there naturally, or if the rocks were put there specifically to climb and lay on. Either way, you could tell that they've been there for ages.
"We're stargazing!" Virgil said, his eyes widening as he looked around.
"There's blankets and snacks in the trunk. I say we set up on the big rock," Logan said, pointing to the largest one. It was flat on the top, and the side was diagonal and jagged, creating a set of natural steps to the top. It was wide and long, and it looked sturdy, so the four of them could easily lay up there and watch the stars.
Most of the rocks sat near the circular tree line, so there was still a huge open space in the middle. "Virgil and Patton, help me with the stuff. Roman, see if you can climb up there."
Everyone nodded, jumping out of the car and following his orders. Just like usual.
Virgil and Patton stood on either side of Logan, letting him open the trunk before they grabbed an item. They went to run off, but Logan grabbed one of each of their hands, pulling them back.
"Did you need me to carry somethin- Oh!" Virgil's talking was interrupted when Logan pulled him close, kissing him. "Hi," Virgil giggled when he pulled away, looking up at him with a light blush.
"Thank you for helping me."
Virgil nodded, smiling. "Anytime."
"Do I get a thank you kiss?" Patton asked, causing Logan to avert his attention from Virgil to Patton.
"Why of course," Logan assured, before looking back to Virgil. "Go join Roman on the rock, we'll be there in a second." Virgil nodded, walking off.
Patton stepped closer, standing on his toes to peck Logan's lips. The kiss got deeper really quickly, but Logan cut it off. "I wanted to ask you something..." Logan began. Patton hummed, tilting his head.
Logan took a breath, taking the blankets in Patton's arms away and setting it in the trunk, before taking Patton's hands in his. "You're my boyfriend...and I care about you so much," Logan started.
Patton chuckled awkwardly, "You aren't breaking up with me on a date, are you?" he joked. Logan quickly shook his head, smiling.
"No, of course not. That'd be stupid of me, I love you...but I did wanna ask, how would you feel if I asked Virgil and Roman to be my boyfriends too? I can care about all three of you," he squeezed his hands is. Patton smiled widely, getting rid of any doubt in Logan's mind that he wouldn't be open to it.
"Is that why you brought us here? To ask them to officially date you?"
Logan nodded softly, confirming his thoughts. "I'm completely okay with that. I've been wanting us all to officially date forever, but no one seemed to want to start the conversations. You can ask them to be your boyfriends if I can ask them to be mine."
Logan nodded again, now smiling too. "Let's do this then." Patton stepped away from him, holding out his hand. They intertwined fingers, and Patton used his empty arm to grab the blankets before Logan closed the trunk. They walked around the car, heading towards the rock they saw Virgil and Roman holding hands on, wishing for the best possible outcome.
Hopefully, by the time they headed home, they'd have each other and  the two handsome men sitting atop the rock.
"Oh, are you scared?"
Roman spoke to Virgil softly, sitting on the top of the rock with his legs hanging off the edge. There was a lot of room on the surface, and he was sitting on the edge, where he could fall. He looked down to his emo boyfriend, who stood at the bottom of the side with the "stairs".
"A little," Virgil admitted, looking up. It was a pretty high structure. Virgil bit his lip, glancing up nervously at Roman.
"Okay, can you see all the steps?" Roman asked. Virgil looked up the angled side of the rock, nodding a bit. "I want you to shoulder the snack bag, and then when I count to five, I want you to place you hands on two steps and place your feet on the lowest ones."
Virgil followed his instructions, stepping on the lowest two steps, one at a time, once Roman finished counting down. He steadied himself using two slightly higher ones. "Now, take a deep breath, and when I finish counting down, take another step up. Don't look down."
Roman continued to guide him trough like this, making him stop to take deep breaths, reminding him that he was okay. Once he was high enough, he held out his hand and helped him finish climbing up. Virgil sat next to him, hesitantly dangling his feet over the edge and intertwining his fingers with Roman's, holding his hand.
Just as Virgil got up there, Logan and Patton appeared from behind the trunk of the car. Virgil only thought to wonder for a moment what took them so long, before brushing it off.
Patton seemed to have no problem with the height, standing on the rock without an issue as he laid out the blankets side by side. Virgil had an impulse thought continuously telling him to 'stay low', as if standing up would make him fall over the edge.
"What snacks did you bring?" Patton questioned, as Logan started going through the bag.
"A drink for each of us, some candy for each of us, and then some chips." Logan replied, going through the bag. He set a bag of dark chocolates farthest to the left, on top of the blanket.
He was using the candies to mark their spots. That one was Roman's. He set a box of Nerds next to it. Then a bag of sour gummy worms. Then some normal gummy bears. That was Roman, Logan, Virgil, and Patton, left to right.
No one fought the spots he picked for them, moving to sit on the bankets in front of their snacks. "Can you distribute the drinks while I grab the pillows?" Logan asked.
"That's a huge responsibility," Roman joked. Logan waited for an actual answer, crossing his arms. Roman laughed, "I'll do it."
After snack distribution, every one got settled, eating their candy and talking away. It was pretty dark already, and you could already see some stars just by looking up at the night sky. But it wasn't about the star gazing. It was about the moment, and the time they spent together.
They sat side by side, their legs hanging over the edge, all holding the hand of the person next to them. Roman held Logan's, Logan held Roman and Virgil's, and so on. "How do you find places like this?" Roman asked, popping a chocolate in his mouth.
"Pretty places?" Logan questioned, raising his eyebrow and looking to the man next to him. Roman nodded a bit. Virgil and Patton just watched their interaction. Logan sighed, before speaking in a voice that signaled some form of nostalgia. "Back in high school, I did photography for fun. I used to run around and find cool places like this, and just sit in silence for a while  Then, I'd take some cool pictures, before moving onto the next spot." he explained.
"Is that why you're so good with a camera?" Patton pondered. Logan shrugged.
"I did videography too," he told them, only confirming Patton's thoughts. Patton and Virgil reached into each other's bags on sync, taking a piece of the others candy without asking. They really didn't need too, it wasn't like they'd say no. Of course, they didn't mean to sync up like they did, crossing arms with each other.
They continued talking, swinging their legs over the sides of the rock. They shared stories, even personal ones. Nostalgia filled the air as they learned more and more about each other, talking for hours. Logan didn't know how he was gonna start the conversation. When he was gonna ask the big question.
Do you wanna be boyfriends?
At some point, they moved from the edge of the rock, to the blankets, all cuddling close as they looked up at the sky, having finished their snacks long ago. "I'm so glad I met you," Virgil told them. "All of you. I'm glad we ran into each other when I first started working at the mall," he started, lifting his head to look over at Roman.
"I'm glad that Patton led me to you," he smiled at Logan. "And I'm so glad I messed you on tumblr all those years ago. You all mean so much to me."
Virgil didn't just say stuff like that all the time. That was him openly displaying vulnerable emotions, and the others knew that that was sometimes difficult for him. "I'm glad I met you too, Vee. And you guys, too," Logan looked between the other three, smiling. All of them were pretty tired at this point, but also wide awake at the same time.
It was like they were sleepy, but the night felt to memorable to miss out on.
"I care about you guys a lot. And I was thinking..." he paused, taking a breath, looking up at the sky. Virgil squeezed his hand, not exactly knowing what was happening but figuring he needed the encouragement. It helped Logan a lot. "We've been sort of experimenting with the idea of 'us' for a while. All four of us together...and it feels amazing. Perfect, really, with you three. It just works, and I don't wanna miss out on that."
Logan never looked away from the stars above until he finished talking. "I want us to be official. Like, the four of us all together. What do you think?"
"As in, we're all boyfriends?" Roman asked, sitting up and pulling away from the cuddle pile. Logan nodded in affirmation.
"If you want," he replied, sitting up as well. He stretched, eyeing the other man with curiosity.
"I'm in if he is," Roman confirmed, looking over at Virgil, who held a loving look in his eyes. The purple-haired boy sat up, hugging Logan's side before speaking in a definite tone. A voice that assured that he was confident in what he was saying. You rarely heard that coming from Virgil.
"I've always been in. Like Logan said, we're too perfect together to pass on it."
The three looked to Patton, who quickly replied. "Are you expecting me to say no? Three hot boyfriends is too good of an offer to pass up."
His words caused everyone to laugh, the sounds of happiness mixing and flowing through the air, lifting the mood. "Who's the hottest out of us?" Roman pondered. "I vote Logan." he added, without hesitation.
"Logan, most definitely." Virgil agreed.
"I feel like as your original boyfriend I should be offended but...look at him," Roman motioned to the attractive nerd in question. "You're only stating the truth." he playfully sighed. Logan's cheeks were a bit red. It was fairly rare that they made Logan flustered. He always kept his cool, so making him blush was pretty hard.
"I have to agree," Patton shrugged. "Awe, your face is all red! If you're gonna have three boyfriends, you're gonna have to get used to compliments," Patton told him, speaking in a teasing voice.
"I may be the hottest, but who is the most adorable?" he settled on shifting the topic.
As a joke, Roman immediately exclaimed, "Me, obviously."
"Wrong, it's Virgil!" Patton said.
"Nope, it's you." Virgil replied.
The conversation dissolved into a playful fight about who was the cutest among them, full of compliments and flirty remarks to one another. It seemed like they all took a collective sigh of relief, because they had finally done it.
For a while, it was an uncertain waiting game to see who would be the first to bring up the idea of them all dating each other. But the waiting game was over.
They'd sort out the details later. Things that were okay, things that weren't. But for now, they just talked. They caught fireflies and cuddled in the moonlight. They shared kisses under the stars, and held hands in the loving moment.
It seemed so perfect for them to start their relationship like this. Through a beautifully planned date, amongst snacks and affection. It felt right.
When they were together, everything felt amazing. Because they loved each other. They wouldn't outright say it for a while, but it was true. It was from the moment they went on their first date, at the skating rink. Many would say that's where their love started.
But to them, they'd remember the day they made in official. Right here, surrounded by trees under the beautiful night sky.
They'd say that their love started under the stars.
Taglist: @stimmingsides @smollilsanderssides @novacloudcat @analogical-agere @fairyhuman2000 @aphandgflover@softastarlight @littlesapphygem @softflowerinmyheart @virgietheprincess @babeyalstar @b3an-spr0ut @babeyvoid @because-were-fam-ily @lonelysoul43-0 @lgbtqiaemo
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logical-little-lies · 5 years ago
The Secret Surprise Playdate- Little Vlogs (Chapter Seven)
A/N: Sorry I haven't updated this in almost a month! The chapters in this fic are longer compared to the ones in my agere au, and even my oneshots are usually shorter! I love this series and I like surprising you guys with 3000+ word chapters! Hope you enjoy it, please leave comments (wattpad)/send asks w/reactions to my inbox (tumblr)!!
Chapter Summary: The four go on another "date", this time it's a picnic at the park. It's quickly revealed that its a surprise playdate, set up by Logan. Let's see how this turns out.
Okay, Logan was willing to admit that he may have specifically picked this spot for their "date" so that the littles could regress if they wanted to. And maybe, just maybe, he packed a bag of new little stuff in the car just in case that did happen. Maybe he planned to softly push them into littlespace with said items.
And he may have possibly chosen a nice, but tucked away playground so that they all felt comfortable being vulnerable if they did just so happen to regress. . But of course, none of the others knew of this plan.
Roman and Virgil stayed at Patton's house the night prior, just like every other weekend.
"Where are you taking us? Like, why can't you tell us?" Roman complained, brushing his teeth in the hallway bathroom. Logan came by the bathroom, pausing in front of the door.
"It's a surprise, princey. I suggest you don't dress up a ton, though. Just wear something cute." Logan spoke from the doorway.
"Trick question, I'm cute in everything." Roman set his toothbrush in a cup with the rest of theirs, kissing Logan quickly.
"That wasn't a question, but yes, that statement is true." Logan chuckled.
"I'm gonna go pick something out though. Do you mind if I steal your clothes?" Roman didn't actually let Logan reply before he spoke again. "No? Thank you, you're the best." he kissed Logan's cheek and ran off before the freckle-faced man could get a word in.
Roman laughed as he shut Logan's bedroom door behind him. Logan rolled his eyes, leaving him to it and going into Patton's little room, checking if Patton was in there. He found Virgil and Patton, sitting on the bed and talking.
"Hi Lo! I was letting Virgil borrow some of my jewelry, and I keep most of it in here." he explained. Virgil was dressed in a loose black tank top, and some grayish high-waisted shorts. He also wore a black belt, accessorizing it with his own chains, and some of Patton's bracelets.
"How do you manage to stay emo, even in the heat?" Logan teased the boy, who blushed a bit. Virgil glanced down, smiling shyly. Virgil wasn't soft, ever. But when one of the other three in his house teased him, or was flirty in any way, suddenly there were a few exceptions to that rule.
Logan came over to him, lifting his face by his chin before kissing him. "You look cute, don't worry."
Virgil smiled wider. "Thank you,Mr. Freckles.  Can we know where you're taking us now?" he asked, shifting the subject.
"Nope, you simply can't." Logan gave a shrug, leaving Virgil to give a playful glare. He looked at Patton, who wore a pastel blue t-shirt, paired with black shorts similar to Virgil's. He had a colorful belt, and he wore some kandi bracelets. He also wore his round glasses instead of his usual ones.
"You look adorable too. The pastel shirt goes well with your hair," Logan complimented. Patton smiled immediately.
"Thank you!" Patton thanked him as he walked out of the room.
It was a little while after that that the four headed out in the car. "Okay so we are going on some sort of picnic, we know that much. But where?" Roman asked. It was Roman's turn to sit next to Logan in the passenger seat.  He had spotted Logan putting food into a picnic basket in the kitchen as they were getting ready to leave.
"You'll see where, darling. Just be patient," Logan instructed, making sure to focus on the road.
"But I wanna know nowww," Roman whined, crossing his arms.
"You sound suspiciously like a child right now. Do you want me to put you in timeout when we get there, Roman?" Logan came to a stop at a stop sign on a corner of a street. Logan looked at him, raising his eyebrow. Logan was mostly teasing, but he really had picked up on the childish undertone in Roman's voice.  Patton and Virgil watched from the backseat as if this was a teen drama show, Roman giving a slight pout.
"Um,no timeout please. Sorry," he went quiet, uncrossing his arms. Virgil was the only person to see Roman regress and he knew that's what was happening. He was a mixture of excited for what was planned, and also upset that Logan wouldn't tell him. It was two conflicting emotions, and mostly excitement was taking over. It was a positive trigger for his headspace and Logan had obviously been prepared for it.
"It's alright, Ro. You're aloud to be excited, but you don't need to whine when I don't ruin the surprise just because you want me too." Logan turned onto another street. Roman nodded a bit, looking out the window.
"I've never seen Roman little," Patton whispered to Virgil in the backseat.
"He doesn't regress a ton. He's almost completely involuntary when it comes to his headspace, he had negative and positive triggers. Being excited is a positive one," Virgil explained. Patton nodded.
"Logan is good at caring for me if I regress while we are out and about. If he know's it's a bad situation, or not the right place, he will guide me out of my headspace for the time being. It we are on a walk, or somewhere where I don't need to interact with other people, he  might baby me a bit and let me act discreetly little. I'm sure he can do the same for Roman," Patton assured. Virgil agreed, and they continued talking for a bit.
Eventually, Logan turned onto a car path that led into a forest. It was a community park, with lakes, different playgrounds, and even running paths.
"You've taken me here before!" Patton looked out the window, glancing around. "We go on runs together sometimes, you can see some really pretty plants on the paths here." he told Virgil.
Logan used signs to navigate, confusing everyone when he drove away from where everyone else was. "I'm going to an area farther out, no one really goes there but it's nice, I promise."
Patton's eyes widened when they finally parked, looking at the playground. It was completely empty, and there were some lunch-table benches scattered about. It was sunny, and there were some flowers in the grass. "This is the playground we found when we were looking for a quiet spot to eat! I completely forgot about it," Patton seemed shocked with himself, but also happy he recalled it in the first place.
"I've been planning to bring you back here at some point, but it's a little farther out and there's been a lot going on. Then we met Roman and Virgil and I thought it'd be the perfect place to spend the day." Logan unbuckled himself, smiling at the boy in the back seat.
"It is kinda cute..." Virgil seemed to be eyeing the swingset, shrugging before unbuckling himself and climbing out of the car. Logan opened Patton's door, moving to help him unbuckle.
"I can do that myself! I was just distracted!" Patton whined, trying to push his hands away.
"Oh shush, let me help you." Logan instructed, finishing the job before Patton could say no. Roman was out of the car by the time Patton shut the door behind him.
"You two go pick out a table for us to eat at," Logan instructed to Virgil and Patton, looking to Roman, "You help me get the stuff out of the car."
They did as they were told, splitting up. "Why are you being so quiet, Roman?" Logan questioned as he opened the trunk of the car. Logan felt a little bad for immediately threatening timeout the moment Roman started whining about something in the car, but he knew he probably wasn't actually gonna punish the boy no matter what.
"I feel like a kid and I don't wanna embarrass myself," he admitted, biting at his lip.
"You shouldn't repress your headspace if it's avoidable. I don't see anyone here, do you?" Logan asked,pulling the picnic basket out of the car and handing it to him. Roman shook his head.
"Just us."
"Which means..." Logan trailed off, looking at him. Roman tilted his head.
"You can regress if you want. There just so happens to be a playground right here for you to play in...." Logan gave him a look, and Roman smiled. "I'll even push you on the swings, if you'd like. And if you don't feel comfortable regressing in public, even when no one is around, I respect and understand that. We can always eat and play some question games if you'd rather do that."
"If it's okay, playing on the playground sounds kinda fun." Roman looked at Logan hopefully as he pulled a small cooler from the car.
"Of course it's okay, darling. Now, let's go take these to the picnic table, hmm?"
Logan had gone back to grab the super-secret bag on little gear, closing the trunk of the car after he was done. While we was doing that, the others dug into the food.
"So, I have a second surprise for all of you." Logan announced as he sat back down.
"You're just spoiling us today, aren't you?"Virgil chuckled, popping a blueberry in his mouth.
"You guys deserve it. You two work shifts at the mall on weekdays, and Patton is constantly filming and working to improve his channel. You guys work a lot, and I decided to give you guys some rewards for working so hard, that's all."
The three of them waited for him to begin. "Now,before I start, I wanna say that basically all this stuff is meant for when you're little."
Roman seemed even more excited to see said items now, taking a bite from a strawberry as he waited for Logan to keep going. "Roman, we will start with you, buddy. Okay?" He started pulling things out of the bag, and Roman nodded.
"Here's a few sticker sheets. Some of them are disney princesses, and just disney-themed in general. Others are hearts, and cute stuff like that." Roman seemed content, going through the different sheets.
"Virgil, you got mostly Halloween themed stickers. Bats, pumpkins, stuff like that." He hand ed Virgil the stack of sticker sheets.
"Thank you. You didn't have to get me anything, though." He commented.
"It'd be a bit unfair if I only got Roman and Patton stuff, though. Wouldn't it?" he raised his eyebrow, and Virgil shrugged.
"Yo! You got me a Nightmare Before Christmas pack!" He was immediately distracted and occupied while Logan got Patton's stickers out.
"Yours is mostly pastel-colors. Hearts, and other cutesy things you like," Logan knew for a fact that pushing Patton into little space was one of the easiest things ever. He was pretty sure that by the time he got through the gifts, Patton would surely be referring to him as "Daddy" and asking him to play on the playground with him.
"Roman and Patton, you two got these." He gave them each those kiddy lipglosses, the ones that didn't do much but the containers were cute and kidish so littles tend to love them anyways. Virgil pouted a bit.
"Don't worry, baby. I got you something else I thought you'd like," Logan dug through the bag, pulling out some nail polishes. They were only a few, in shades of purple mostly. "We can combine those with the stuff we have at home, I figured we could have a nail-painting day. Doesn't that sound fun?"
Virgil nodded, setting them carefully back on the table. Logan continued to go through the bag,gifting them things. The stuff was small items that you could find easily in the toy section of any store, cheap items that he knew would appeal to each boy. He gave each of them bubbles, and boxes of crayons too.
"I didn't know how old you regressed to, so I got you a kid's water bottle and a sippy cup," He gave Roman two cups. Both of them were disney princess themed, and Roman immediately loved them.
"They're pink! Thank you Lo!" he cheered. He didn't quite know much about his regression yet either, so chances were,he'd try both and decide what he liked.
Logan gave Virgil a sippy cup with a skull on it, and Patton a carebears themed one. "One last thing for each of you, and then we are done with the gifts." All three of them waited in anticipation, already happy with what they got.
"Close your eyes and clear off a spot in front of you," he instructed. They did so, closing their eyes. A few seconds later, Logan spoke again. "Open!"
Patton immediately hugged the stuffed kitten in front of him. Roman looked at the little stuffed puppy in front of him, hugging it after a few seconds. It had dark brown fur, and it was the same size as Patton's black kitten. Virgil got a gray elephant stuffie, with really soft fur.
They all said their thank you's, hugging the stuffed animals. "None of them have names yet, we can come up with those later. Now, let's eat some food, and then we can go play."
At this point, they were all at least somewhat regressed, just on different levels. Logan put the majority of the stuff back in the bag, including the stuffed animals so that that didn't get dirty. The only thing he left out was the sippy cups.
He opened the cooler, taking Patton's cup and pouring apple juice into it. "Thank you, Daddy." he replied, swinging his legs under the table.
"Would you like me to put this in the sippy cup for you?" he spoke to Virgil softly, holding up a bottle of grape juice. "If you don't want to go into littlespace here, I understand that Vee."
"Wanna but m' scared," he mumbled, hugging himself because he didn't have the stuffed animal anymore.
"No one is here, it's just us. I won't force you, but if you're okay with it, I can take care of you?" he offered. Virgil sighed, biting his lip. He nodded, pushing the sippy cup across the table. Logan filled it up quickly, giving it back to him and looking to Roman.
Roman handed him the children's water bottle without another word, and Logan put orange juice in it. He knew Roman liked orange juice, he drank a glass almost every morning when he woke up at their house. He took the sippy cup and put it back in the back. All three of the boys were little, and they had a whole park to play on.
The rest of this day was gonna be really fun.
After the boys ate, the immediately wanted to go play on the playground. Logan had made them sandwiches, and let them each more of the fruit as they pleased. Once they all ate, he sent them to play while he packed up the food. They all drank up their sippy cups, so he threw them back in the bag, leaving the stuff neatly on the table.
Roman climbed every climbable contraption on the playground. The little rock wall, the metal dome, the rope webbed-bridge. He also liked the monkey bars. Patton went down the slides, and also talked to Virgil through the "telephones", giggling every two seconds.
Virgil stayed on the swings at first. "Baby boy, do you wanna go on the roundabout?" Logan asked as his swing slowed down. He pointed to the playground's simplified carousal, and Virgil hummed.
"Will you spin me on it?" he asked. Logan nodded. Virgil got off the swing, hesitantly moving offer to the spinny contraption. He climbed onto it.
"I'll spin you slow at first, okay?" Virgil nodded. Virgil was scared at first, but he realized that it was fun quickly. He didn't like being dizzy when he got off though.
"Daddy? Can I do the monkey bars?" Patton called out after going down a slide.
"Sure thing, go ahead." Logan nodded, helping Virgil off the roundabout. Patton went on the monkey bars, no problem. One thing about them not acutally being kids, is that there was no issue with them being to small physically to do things. They did look a bit big on the playground though.
They continued their games and shenanigans for a while before they got tired. They played hide and seek, tag, and they also went to the highest spot of the playground (that you could get to without climbing something that wasn't meant to be climbed.) It was the little tower that stood above everything else, with a yellow slide coming off of it.
Logan learned that Virgil gets nervous to do things a lot when little. He needs pushed to go down a slide, or even ask for help.
Roman likes to talk a lot, all about everything. He likes doing the "adventurous" things, while still finding a way to keep it kidish. Logan knew they weren't completely regressed because they were in a public space, but he did get to learn a bit about two littles he hoped he'd be allowed to call his own soon.
"You can go down the slides a few more times while I put the stuff in the car, okay babies?" he asked. Roman pouted a bit about leaving, but they all agreed. Logan smiled to himself a bit as he closed the trunk, happy with the outcome of today. They all had tons of fun.
He helped all three of them get buckled into the car. Virgil sat in the front seat this time.
They all seemed to slowly come out of their headspace as they drove home. "You evil genius, you planned a secret playdate, basically!" Roman huffed, figuring it out within a few moments of managing to pull himself out of his headspace.
"I wanted to give you guys the chance to regress around me for the first time in a fun, childish setting. I gave you all the option of not regressing if you didn't feel comfortable, but I'm glad you guys did, it was fun." Logan smiled.
"I've regressed around you before though," Virgil said.
"But that was when Patton was big, and he kinda took over. Today was the chance for me to learn more about Little Virgil, and Little Roman. And how you guys do when it comes to interacting with Little Patton." Logan explained.
"Today was fun, Logan. Thank you," Roman spoke from his place behind Virgil.
The other two thanked him as well, "You're welcome. We can go back to that park soon, okay?"
"yay! I can climb the metal dome again!" Roman cheered. Virgil rubbed at his eyes, yawning.
"Are you sleepy? You guys did play a lot." Virgil nodded a bit to Logan's statement.
"How does a movie night sound? You can take a nap, and do whatever you'd like while I make dinner, and then we can watch movies until we get tired again." Patton offered.
Once agreeing to this plan, their plan for the night was set. That day was an amazing one they'd all remember. The time Logan tricked them into turning what they thought was a date, into a littlespace playdate.
Logan did all that just to learn more about Roman and Virgil, and they appreciated it so much.
They could almost say they loved him for it.  
Taglist: @stimmingsides @smollilsanderssides @novacloudcat @analogical-agere @fairyhuman2000 @aphandgflover@softastarlight @littlesapphygem @softflowerinmyheart @virgietheprincess @babeyalstar @b3an-spr0ut @babeyvoid @because-were-fam-ily @lonelysoul43-0 @lgbtqiaemo
please let me know if you’d like to be added/I forgot to add you!
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logical-little-lies · 5 years ago
Challenges for The Cookies- Little Vlogs (Chapter Eight)
A/N: This is like, a fairly short chapter. I apologize for any typos or whatever, and the fact that I haven't updated this story in two weeks. I hope you guys like it though, it's my first time actually showing them recording a video for the channel, which is weird because Patton's channel is such a huge element/plot device in this book. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy!
Chapter Summary: Patton acquires his boyfriend and two crushes to participate in a video challenge for his channel. Many shenanigans and cute clips ensue.
"But-...Daddy said that I'd get to do it!" Patton pouted, looking at Virgil. Patton had started this video big, and was obviously regressed before they really got into the video plan. He knew that if needed, he could be big for a whole video. But the whole point of being open as a little online was that he didn't need to do that.
"And daddy is now saying to let Vee do it," Logan decided, taking the package from Patton and giving it to Virgil. Patton was pouting over opening a box, as if it really mattered that much. Virgil tried to take it from him because he was obviously in the mindset of a toddler, and he'd get frustrated if he couldn't open it quickly.
"Yay!" Patton cheered once the box was open, and Virgil handed it back to him.
"You never told us what we are supposed to be doing for this video," Roman spoke up, leaning so that he was looking at Patton from the other side of Logan.
"You didn't!" Virgil's eyes widened, "You just turned on the camera with no explanation. What the hell did we sign up for?"he narrowed his eyes, somewhat worried that the toddler-minded boy had pulled them into something crazy.
"No cursing around the little," Logan motioned to Patton, before looking at the boy, "But yes, what are we doing?"
"We're decorating pacis again, because you guys-" Patton pointed directly into the camera with a giggle, "said dat you guys liked it last time!"
"So is that what's in the box? Some plain pacis?" Logan didn't track whatever Patton ordered for videos, so he wouldn't know for sure. He trusted Patton not to spend money on stupid things.
"yes, yes, yes!" Patton bounced a bit in place, "But dis time, we are making them however the cookies want!" Patton absolutely loved referring to his fans as 'the cookies', he thought it was cute and creative, and they seemed to like it.
Patton started explaining the rules of the challenge, "okay, here's how dis is gonna work. Three of us are given very simple requests for decorative pacifiers, all from the cookies, and then the fourth will judge them when we are done! Oh, and it's on a scale from 1 to 10, and the highest scorer wins and gets to be the judge to the next round!" Patton spoke really fast, somehow not stumbling over his words whatsoever, and continuing to speak in his cute little voice.
They split up to grab the pacifier decorating supplies, setting up what they needed on the coffee table. "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high..." Patton sung softly, setting the Generation One pacifiers in a neat row across the coffee table. Logan, who stood behind the tripod, used the camera and zoomed in on Patton, who looked up.
"Hello, Daddy! And hi to all da cookies too!" he scrunched his nose,giggling a bit. He set down the pacifier in his hand before softly waving at the camera.
"You gonna finish your little song, Pat?" Virgil questioned, setting tubes of super glue on the table, next to the small organizers of plastic gems and letter beads. There were three of them, and they were divided into little squares, each square holding different colors of plastic gems, letter beads, or charms to go on the centerpieces.
"Oh! Um...up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star," Roman joined in and sang with him softly, Logan putting the camera on Virgil for a bit before zooming out to catch both of them.
"how I wonder what you are!"
Patton looked at the camera, thinking after a few moments. "Do nursery rhymes have copyright? I hope not..." he seemed confused, and more aware that there was a camera on him.
"I can confirm, nursery rhymes do have copyright, but most of them have passed into the public domain-" Logan started talking from behind the camera, getting interrupted by Roman, who was returning to the living room with smaller plastic gems.
"Shut up with your facts or whatever, we are gonna start the challenge!" Roman climbed onto the couch before lowering himself on the ground, between where Roman and Patton were sitting.
"Patton asked a question and I was just replying to it!" Logan defended, pointing the camera at Roman, who stuck his tongue out.
"Patton asked a question and blah blah blah. Can't you see we have a challenge that is much more important to begin?" he mocked Logan voice for a bit before quickly dividing up the smaller plastic gems between the three dividers. After a few seconds of silence, Roman looked up at the camera and laughed,
"Sorry Lo, I'm joking!" he apologized quickly, giving a soft pout as he waited for a response.
"You better be, little prince." Logan teased, Roman rolling his eyes and ignoring him.
Patton spoke up before any of them could say anything, "Okay! So the first paci request is...." he scrolled on his screen, his eyes glancing over a few words before he read them aloud, "From babykitten14 on twitter, 'how about a space theme?'"
The gears in Roman's head seemed to be turning, his eyes glancing between the different supplies in front of him quickly. "I can definitely work with a space theme." he assured, obviously excited to attempt to win this little challenge.
"Okay, let me set the timer!" Patton started tapping on his phone, Virgil's eyes widening.
"We're being timed?!" he seemed panicked, obviously thrown off.
"Yeah, I wasn't aware we had a time limit!" Roman dramatically exclaimed, both of the other boys obviously taking this more seriously now.
"Mhm! I thought that was obvious....have you never watched a youtube challenge, ever? If you don't set a time limit, the video will never end!" Patton set his phone in front of him on the table, speaking calmly as the other boys seemed a bit stressed now. It was a simple challenge, and they were probably exaggerating a bit for the camera, but they were being TIMED? This was absolutely outrageous.
...Okay, not really, but a bit shocking. "How long do we get, then?" Roman questioned, looking over at Patton. Logan stayed silent, just standing behind the camera and recording their interactions.
"Ten minutes!" Virgil and Roman's eyes widened, but before they got the chance to protest, or ask for more time, Patton started the timer and they immediately started grabbing different supplies. Throughout the video, they held four rounds of this challenge. Roman managed to win the first, with a simple dark purple pacifier with silver and white gems, the button being decorated with a black star charm. He spelled out, "Baby Star" on the handle.
Virgil ended up shyly asking if he could have the pacifier Roman made for the first round near the end of the video, and of course, Roman handed it right over. The next round had to do with a 'royal theme', and all three of the contestants made pacifiers related to princes. Roman declared Patton's baby pink pacifier, with dark red and gold gems, as the winner. On the button, was a little red crown sticker, and the handle read 'little prince'. Patton offered it to Roman, and he took it.
The third round simply was supposed to follow a "pastel theme". Patton probably would've won that one if he wasn't the judge. Logan won it though, and that pacifier went to Patton. The final round was supposed to follow a 'edgy baby' theme. As expected, Virgil won that round by a landslide.
Patton had them sit down to close out the video. "Okay, so each of us won one round. That's pretty good, I think!" Patton said, looking at Logan beside him on the couch, who nodded. "I want to clarify that all the pacifiers made today, besides the ones we claimed for ourselves, will be going to some of my agere friends, so they aren't going to waste at all!"
"Who is gonna claim the messy pacifiers that we had ten minutes to make?" Roman questioned from the other side of Patton. Virgil smacked his arm, rolling his eyes.
"I'm sure someone will," Virgil assured. "Most of them aren't that bad."
"Yeah, says the 'pince' paci." Roman rolled his eyes, teasing Virgil for his mistake earlier. Virgil somehow managed to forgot the 'r' during the Royal Pacifier round, and Roman had been teasing him endlessly about it throughout the video. Patton laughed before finally saying his outro and moving to turn off the camera.
All of the boys could genuinely say that they enjoyed filming videos for the channel, and the fans could say that they liked watching the content. It was a win-win situation, and Patton got to keep doing what  he loved with the man...
with the men he loved.
Yeah, all three of them definitely had a special place in his heart, they all cared for him endlessly. He liked that they genuinely cared about each other, too.  And the fact that they were willing to give up time to take part in his little hobby, and that they'd do almost anything to make him happy?
He liked that even more.
A/N: aka, patton has fallen in love with an idiot prince and his emo internet best friend. anyways, the next chapter might be more agere based, continuing to follow the path of logan getting to know the others while little (ft. lots of cute fillers and logan being a good cg). then I will loop back to the romance part and maybe write in a few more dates before I make them “officially” begin dating and what not. okay i’m done spoiling the plot of future chapters, but I hope y’all liked this one! Feel free to sends asks to my inbox with reactions to this chapter and stuff, I’d appreciate it!
Taglist: @stimmingsides @smollilsanderssides @novacloudcat @analogical-agere @fairyhuman2000 @aphandgflover@softastarlight @littlesapphygem @softflowerinmyheart @virgietheprincess @babeyalstar @b3an-spr0ut @babeyvoid @because-were-fam-ily @lonelysoul43-0 @lgbtqiaemo
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logical-little-lies · 5 years ago
Uno, Annoyance, and A Skirt?- Little Vlogs (Chapter Six)
A/N: Me, releasing a oneshot, a chapter of the agere!sides au, and a new chapter of Little Vlogs? In one day? I hope y’all are liking this rare occurrence 
Chapter Summary: Patton enters littlespace for the first time with Roman and Virgil during one of their sleepovers. Adorableness, brattiness, and cuddles ensue.
It had been only a few weeks since their diner and roller skating date. Kissing each other became a thing they were more comfortable with. Virgil often snuck over to the bookstore during his lunch break, and it was common for them all to hang out at Patton's house. They've gone on two more official dates, to movies and another back to the skating rink.
They weren't officially boyfriends yet, but it wouldn't be long before they were. Now, the age regression thing. The main reason they all met. Patton was the only one that acted little-ish sometimes, but they all sort of openly spoke about it. But none of them had actually regressed long enough for them to take care of each other.
Until Logan babied an already hyper Patton just a little to much during a sleepover. They were all playing UNO, and Patton seemed to be losing. "I'm sorry, it's all I got," Roman looked at his cards, then back at the pile again, deciding to go for his original card.
Draw four. Patton pouted. "Why does he keep getting the draw four cards? Someone reverse it so I have the chance to get him back!"
"I got you, baby," Logan assured sliding four cards, face down, from the pile over to Patton. Roman looked offended, even more shocked when Logan actually did reverse it back to Patton.
"Haha, meanie!" Patton set a Draw 2, then another, then another, then another. The only reason he hadn't used them before is because he didn't want to use them against Logan unless he absolutely had to. Roman was the one who suggested they played the version with the stacking rule. Patton stuck his tongue out, and Roman looked shocked.
He didn't know how much playful, somehow adorable, anger could come out of the boy. He wasn't seriously mad, just annoyed. It was like seeing a fluffy kitten throw a fit. Full of fury, but absolutely adorable.
"Be nice, Kitten," Logan warned, Patton sinking back down to his seat. Okay, maybe it's possible that all the marshmallows and chocolates he ate might've been fueling his hyper behaviors and competitiveness, but he wasn't hurting anyone.
"Oh, sorry," he mumbled a little. He knew that he felt it, the urge to just cuddle up next to Logan and ask for a kiss on the forehead. He lived with his boyfriend, and he worked a flexible job, he was used to being able to regress whenever. And nothing was really stopping him, but he felt like it was a bad time.
"It's okay. V, it's your turn!" Roman moved on quickly. The game kept going on, Logan eventually winning. Roman got second, Virgil third. Patton pouted when he lost.
"B-but...-humph!" he huffed, crossing his arms in annoyance.
"Awe, poor baby," Logan teased, coming behind his chair and kissing the side of his head. Patton melted into the touch a bit, looking up at Logan with innocent eyes. Logan raised his eyebrow a bit. "How old are you, sweetie?" Logan asked. He already had the feeling that Patton was slipping a bit, but the innocent eyes and the cuddly behaviors confirmed it.
Virgil and Roman got it immediately. "How could you possible tell that he's little just from looking him in the eyes-" Roman was shut up by Patton's next words, in a cutesy little voice Patton had succeeded in hiding before.
"Baby!" Patton squealed, reaching up to Logan, who hugged him immediately.
"How long have you felt little? Why didn't you say anything?"
"Little bit. Scared, sorry," he apologized.
"It's alright, let's go get you in some of your little stuff, hmm?" Patton nodded, taking Logan's hand. Logan paused, letting Patton walk ahead towards the stairs, to talk to Virgil and Roman.
"I'm sorry that this interrupted all this, but when he regresses, I have to take care of him. You're free to leave if you please," Based off of Logan's tone, both of the other two men had a feeling that if they did leave, he'd hold a grudge.
"No, we can stay. We haven't seen Little Patton much. If were all gonna be together in a romantic sense, it's best if we get used to it." Roman said.
"I already know Little Patton well, I can help out." Virgil offered.
"Alright, you can start by finding his sippy cups in the kitchen and filling it with juice," he instructed. Virgil nodded, disappearing into the kitchen. Roman followed Virgil. Logan decided to go upstairs and help the little pick different clothes.
Patton sat on the bed in his little room, swinging his feet a little. He currently wore jeans and a polo shirt. "What do you wanna wear, Kitten?" Logan asked softly, going over to the dresser next to the bed.
Patton tilted his head, not responding. This was odd, because usually he knew exactly what he wanted to wear. He'd request a certain outfit and Logan would help him get all cutesy. Logan knew this was probably the result of him feeling a little bit smaller than usual.
"What about your baby blue onesie?" he held up the adult onesie, which snapped at the crotch and shoulders. Patton bounced in place a little, making grabby hands towards it.
"Alright, that works. Do you-...Are you to little for the potty or..." Logan trailed off, a bit awkward now as he waited for Patton's response. Patton gave a shrug.
"I think m' okay.." he responded.
"Okay, if you have to go potty, lemme know." Logan checked to make sure the door was shut before helping him get undressed. "Actually...just encase, can we do a pullup? I just want to be prepared, Little One." Logan was gonna let him go without protection, but he knew it'd be smarter not to do that.
Patton shook his head, refusing outright. "They see," he whined, shifting uncomfortably.
"You're afraid of Roman and Virgil seeing your pull up? I don't think they'd care," Logan tried to convince him, pulling a designed pull up from his drawer. Patton shook his head again.
"When did you become such a shy baby? You don't have to worry about them, I promise," Logan came towards him, lifting his face by his chin and kissing his forehead.
"I-i don't wanna..." he pouted, his face going red. Logan took a breath, willing himself to not roll his eyes. He needed to be patient with his Little, even if it was hard.
"Okay, how about you wear something with the onesie, so no one can see your pull up?"
"No, no! I wanna wear onesie, nuffin else. No pull up!" he spoke louder, defying Logan at all costs.
"Patton," Logan spoke more sternly, giving him a look that made him whimper. He kissed his forehead as a way to reassure him that he wasn't truly upset with him, but he did need to listen. "Be a good baby and listen to me, okay?"
Patton nodded in defeat at first,but his demeanor switched to annoyed in just a few seconds. He  snatched up the onesie and pullup and left the room. "Patton!" Logan called after him. Patton disappeared into their main bedroom, probably to use their personal bathroom. Logan went to open the door to the room, but Patton had locked it behind him.
"Patton Summers, I know you're upset, but you need to unlock this door." Logan kept his cool, shaking the doorknob. He didn't want to scare him, but he'd definitely be having a talk with him once he opened this door. Why was he acting out so much while Virgil and Roman were here?
Logan kept talking through the door, messing with the door knob. Patton didn't respond, but you could hear him moving around inside of the room,presumably getting dressed.
"Baby, please unlock the door for me," Logan said, speaking strictly, having been ignored for at least a few minutes. The door flew open, and Patton flew into Logan's arms. He hugged him tightly.
"I-i'm sorry! I was trying to find a cute skirt to go with dis n' putting on the onesie myself was hard!" he defended immediately. Logan examined him. Since Patton stayed at home a lot, he regularly wore feminine clothing. Logan thought he looked adorable in his skirts and dresses, but they didn't keep them in his little room. It explained why he disappeared into the main bedroom.
He wore the baby blue onesie with a black skirt, that successfully covered the pull up. You couldn't tell it was there unless Patton showed you. "You're okay. Just don't do that again. You don't lock me out of a room while you're little! I didn't know what was going on and you worried me," Logan helped him walk back to the little room.
"I got angey, n' I didn't knows what to do! don't get mad at you, evers..." he reduced his words to a mumble, following Logan back into the room they were originally in. He went straight to the vanity, pulling out bracelets and messing with his light purple hair. He pulled off his glasses, replacing them with metal-framed round ones.
"You got upset, so you went to another room to calm yourself down while you got ready. I understand, but you could've, at the very least, responded to me while I was talking to you," Logan commented, closing the door behind him and moving to help him add cute accessories to his outfit. He didn't dress up like this all the time, but if he wanted to, Logan let him. It was cute when he wanted to wear bracelets, or asked Logan to help him put on lipgloss.
"I got scared, didn't know what to say n'...." he trailed off, pausing was he was doing. "M' I in trouble?"
Logan sighed, shaking his head. "No, you apologized, and explained yourself. And you rarely ever break the rules, so we will just take that one as a lesson learned, right?"
Patton nodded, going quiet. He did feel a little bad about storming out of the room, and leaving his daddy to try to talk to him from outside of the door. He went to put a flower clip in his hair. Logan took over and did it for him. "You okay, baby?" Logan knew the other two were most likely questioning what was taking them so long.
"Mhm," Patton definitely wasn't feeling like he usually did while in littlespace. He felt guilty now, and he didn't know how to communicate that. He put on some pastel kandi bracelets, one of them saying 'kitten' on it. They were colorful, with all different types of letterbeads on them.
"You sure, honey? I'm not upset with you anymore, I promise," Logan assured, kissing the side of his face. Patton gave another silent nod, bouncing on the balls on his feet as he looked at himself in the mirror. He looked adorably childish, which is what he was going for.
"You feel guilty, don't you?" Logan spoke again. Patton didn't see the point in lying anymore, letting Logan hug him. "You don't need to worry, I promise. I'm very proud of you for finding a compromise, a way to listen and feel comfortable. A very cute one, at that." Logan was glad to hear him giggle. He spun around, letting the skirt move around him.
"Can I put on makeup? Just lil' bit, please?" he gave puppy dog eyes. Logan was glad he was feeling better now.
"Oh, there you guys are! What took you two so long?" Virgil commented immediately when Patton and Logan finally returned. Patton was hiding behind Logan at the moment..
"We had some issues with this one, but it's all sorted out." Logan moved so that Patton wasn't behind him. Patton was blushing a bit, trying to cover his face.
"You look so cute, Patton!" Roman complimented. Patton looked down shyly, mumbling a thank you.
"That skirt is so adorable, and the bracelets? The new glasses? You look amazing," Logan knew what Roman was doing. Roman could tell Patton was nervous about being more feminine around them, so he was going out of his way to compliment his outfit and make him feel comfortable. It was a really sweet thing to do.
"Is that lipgloss? It fits you so well! And the little flower clip! Who gave you permission to be so cute, huh?" Patton giggled at his antics.
"Daddy did!" he pointed at Logan, and all of them laughed.
"You're such a silly baby," Logan teased. Patton went over to the couch, climbing up to sit next to Virgil. Patton took the sippy cup Virgil handed him, swinging his feet a little as he took a sip.
For a little bit, Logan talked to Roman, while Patton conversed with Virgil. "I like the skirt, you look very cute," Virgil told him. Patton was overwhelmed by all the compliments, blushing a bit.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Patton got ff the couch, running up to Logan and pulling on his hand. Logan was distracted from his conversation, looking at Patton. He seemed really eager to say whatever it was.
"Yes, dear?" Logan spoke softly, in a caring way.
"Can we do a vlog, for my channel? I wan' do more little space vlogs!" he said, tilting his head. He was obviously excited for this. Logan thought for a moment.
"I don't see why not. Roman, could you help him pick out something kid friendly to watch? Virgil, you can come with me."
Logan got the camera, while Virgil got some toys for the boy. Logan recorded Patton, interacting with him and making him laugh. He got pictures and clips of Virgil and Roman playing with him.
Once Patton cut this all together, the videos of him making a mess while eating, coloring with Roman, cuddling up next to Virgil, he would have completed the first of many Little Vlogs to come.  And to Patton's fans, the vlogs they put out were adorable. It was a win-win situation they were all happy with. Imagine how many cute vlogs they could make when they moved in together, and they aren't just sleeping over all the time.
They'll get there eventually.
Tag list: @stimmingsides @smollilsanderssides @novacloudcat @analogical-agere @fairyhuman2000 @aphandgflover@softastarlight @littlesapphygem @softflowerinmyheart @virgietheprincess @babeyalstar @b3an-spr0ut @babeyvoid @lgbtqiaemo @because-were-fam-ily @lonelysoul43-0
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logical-little-lies · 5 years ago
convince me
if y’all give me a few good reasons too, I’m holding a new chapter of Little Vlogs in my Wattpad drafts, almost ready to be posted. 
Convince me to post it. 
((I’ll post it anyways I just wanna see how y’all reply))
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logical-little-lies · 5 years ago
Soft Kisses in The Kitchen-Little Vlogs (chapter 3)
Tag list: @stimmingsides @smollilsanderssides @novacloudcat @analogical-agere @fairyhuman2000 @aphandgflover@softastarlight @littlesapphygem @softflowerinmyheart @virgietheprincess @babeyalstar @b3an-spr0ut @babeyvoid @lgbtqiaemo @because-were-fam-ily @lonelysoul43
chapter summary: After a few weeks on being friends, the four are comfortable with each other. After a stressful week at work, Roman and Virgil decide to spend their weekend off work at Patton's. Some romance plays out as a certain boy realizes all four of them were beginning to fall for one another.
Virgil walked out of the Hot Topic, looking around for his boyfriend and Logan. He found them conversing, walking his way from the bookshop. They fell into a routine, Logan picked them up and dropped them off, somedays Roman did. Either way, Virgil just ended up riding along with whatever car was getting him to and from work. Today though, Roman and Virgil had ridden with Logan, so he was also dropping them off.
"Roman!" Virgil threw himself into Roman's arms, hugging him tightly.
"Hey there, my emo disaster," he chuckled, kissing his forehead. Roman caught Logan glancing at Virgil, seemingly admiring him. "Don't you gotta boyfriend, you Flirty Dork?" he teased.
Logan blushed lightly in sync with Virgil, whose heart exploded at the idea of Logan looking at him in a romantic sense. At this point, their hangouts were full of Roman and Logan flirting, Virgil admiring Logan (and for some reason, he couldn't get Patton out of his head), and Patton cuddling everyone. Unknowingly, all the boys were developing feelings for each other.
"I'm poly," he muttered lightly. Virgil could practically feel Roman's want to break out into a victory dance, but Roman restrained himself from acting that dorky in front of his freckle-faced crush.
"Gay and poly..noted," Roman gave a wink to Logan, but it was so quick that the intelligent and professional man had no idea if it actually happened.
"Hey, gay disaster number 1 and 2, I want to get out of here before I literally die of boredom," Virgil snapped his fingers to get Logan and Roman to stop their very gay flirting. Logan looked towards Virgil, giving him an indecipherable look.
"Emo and sassy...noted," he hummed, and Virgil gasped, going quiet.
"So," Roman stepped off the sidewalk and began leading the other two through the parking lot. "Me and Logan were talking-"
The intelligent man in question corrected him, "Logan and I."
"Irrelevant. We were talking, and were thinking. If you're okay with it, why don't we spend this weekend at Patton's?" Roman rested his hand on Logan's car door handle, waiting for the 'beep' to let him know that it was unlocked.
"I don't have an issue with that. I have this weekend off, we got a new worker, some teenager whose barely old enough to apply for a job. So if it works out, I won't have to work on weekends," Virgil climbed into the back seat, Roman doing a dramatic 'whoop! whoop!'.
Logan and Roman got in, both of them buckling their seat belts. "Seat belt, baby," Roman reminded lightly, and Virgil was quick to listen to his instructions.
"So, we'll head over to your place to get whatever you guys need to sleepover, and then drive to my place," Logan decided. Logan and Roman organized this because Logan had this weekend off too, so for once, they were all free. But honestly, sleepovers even with work the next day were becoming semi-normal. It had been about a month since Virgil met Patton in person, and they had all been hanging out nonstop.
'papa..kinda feel small.'
Virgil was to shy to say it out loud, quietly messaging Patton as Logan drove towards their apartment complex.
'Make sure you let Roman know, grab your little stuff!! We've been irls for a month, and I still haven't seen little you in person!'
Virgil giggled lightly, "What'cha laughing at, Vee?" Roman asked. Virgil shook his head lightly,
"Nothing. M' fine," he tried to keep his voice level, making his absolute best effort to sound big. Roman nodded, but seemed suspicious.
'to shy, don't wanna. I'll stay big!'
Virgil listened to Logan and Roman converse about their job, throwing in some flirty comments here and there. He felt his phone buzz lightly in his lap a few minutes later. They were only a few streets away from their apartment now.
'Now, little one, that isn't a good idea! You haven't been small in a few weeks, and when you have it's only for a little bit. I know your worried you're gonna bother Roman, but I'm sure your dada won't mind!'
Virgil typed out a response, promising he'd tell Roman that he was regressing, but he still didn't say anything right away. "Okay, we'll be back," Virgil was snapped out of his thoughts when Roman opened his door. He realized that they were in the apartment parking lot.
He took Roman's hand, getting out and waving at Logan. Their apartment complex was set up simply, so locating and entering the building was easy. "Pack enough clothes for two nights, two days, and don't forget your hygienic stuff," Roman reminds, unlocking the door and letting Virgil in.  Virgil was quick to pack clothes, and the essentials. He purposely picked out his daytime clothes to be more childlike, hoping Roman would notice. His boyfriend, however, only glanced and ignored it.
Virgil sighed as Roman zipped up his bag, seemingly being able to pack his electronics, clothing, and everything else into one bookbag. "What's wrong, baby?" he looked at Virgil, shouldering his bag and coming closer. Virgil only whined in response, so Roman hugged him. "Don't think I didn't notice you were little, Vee. I was hoping you'd be able to say something and speak up for yourself, but you're anxious, I understand."
Virgil nodded, sniffling slightly. "None of that, there's no reason to cry," Roman assured wiping the tears of his face before reaching to Virgil's side of the bed, handing him his stuffed kitten. "Let's get some little stuff together, hmm?"
Virgil cheered up quickly, rummaging around the apartment and figuring out what little gear he'd need. One sippy cup, a stuffie, a pacifier, and a coloring book later, they had prepared for the sleepover. Virgil was speaking openly in his little voice before the exited the apartment, but when they got back in the car with Logan, he tried to talk big, hiding his face in his stuffie.
"Sorry we took so long, we had to grab little gear for the baby emo back there."
Virgil whined at his teasing, biting at his lip. His pacifier was in his bag, which Roman had set in his lap in the front. Logan played soft music through the aux cord into the radio as they drove, and it was only minutes before the little in the back seat fell asleep. "He takes naps very randomly when he regresses, sometimes in weird spots," Roman lightly chided.
Logan nodded, "Patton is so energetic, but it's adorable. He's never bratty, but when he is, it's because he's full of energy and forgets what rules even are," he chuckled to himself. "What are Virgil's rules?"
"Well, Patton and I have some random stuff. Like, bedtime by ten pm but that's always changing because of other things, listen to your carers, stuff like that. We've never, like, written them out though."
Logan made a turn, "You've never had a whole day where Virgil could be little, have you? He's never regressed long enough to break a rule, has he?"
Roman shook his head, "Virgil works all week. That's why I'm hoping this new worker stays and Virgil gets weekends off."
Logan and Roman continued talking, about work, about their littles, about the upcoming weekend. It wasn't long before they were in front of Patton's house, the the pastel-purple-haired boy in question was quick to run outside. Roman and Logan took the bags inside, while Patton woke Virgil.
"Hey, buddy, let's get up and go inside, hmm?" Patton lightly shook him, his eyes flying open. He felt around for his bear, which was nowhere in sight. "Hey, hey, don't panic. Roman took him inside for you," Virgil pouted in response to this. Patton chuckled, helping him out of the car, and taking his hand so that he didn't manage to hurt himself while going up the porch stairs.
Virgil ran to Roman, "Vani! Gimme Vani," he demanded in a toddler-like voice.
"Please, say please," Patton corrected, letting Logan lock the car before he shut the door and locked it behind him.
"Sorry papa! Please?" he tilted his head, and Roman chuckled, handing him the stuffed bear. Virgil found himself biting on the ear on the bear as he climbed onto the couch.
"ah-ah! No biting your stuffies," Logan jumped in, looking at Roman. "What bag has his little stuff?"
Roman zipped open one of Virgil's bags, pulling out the black adult pacifier. Virgil took it in his mouth quickly, pointing to his Nightmare Before Christmas sippy cup, whining lightly. "I know what you want, but I'm gonna need you to verbally ask, Vee." Roman knew he had trouble asking for something when he needed it, it was something he was trying to work with him on.
"Juice, please?"
"Of course, honey!" Patton took the sippy cup, "Grape, right?"
Virgil nodded with a light giggle, Patton disappearing into his kitchen. "So, Patton always films tons on the weekends, he plans all week and then films on the weekend. I don't know if he's still doing that or otherwise."
Logan began talking with Roman, but Virgil wanted Roman's attention. He made grabby-hands, grabbing the attention of his boyfriend and carer. "Cuddles! Cuddles!" he reached for Roman, who obliged and took his spot next to him on the couch.
Logan sat on the other side of Roman. "He's quite cute," Logan mumbled, blushing with wide eyes when he realized he said that out loud.
"It's okay," Roman assured, "Virgil and I are poly..so flirting is free grounds. I don't have an issue with it."
Logan nodded, still blushing lightly. Virgil had confirmed the fact he was poly with Roman, both of the boys admittedly crushed on Logan. And Roman thought Patton was cute in a 'you're-so-precious-I-wanna-protect-you' type of way, while Logan saw Virgil the same way. During all this, old feelings from high school were coming up for Patton, and Virgil was confused as to why he felt his heart speed up around Patton.
"Patton would kill me if he knew I told you, but he thinks you're cute. And he's had a crush on Virgil since forever, he's actually the main reason he realized he was poly. He had feeling for Virgil, but found himself able to like other people."
"They go well together, I will admit. But I don't know if Virgil likes him back or-"
"Look at this little Storm Cloud! He said that you two were talking grown up stuff, and he snuck into our kitchen," Patton came back into the living room, holding hands with the emo boy, who held his disney sippy cup.
"Sorry...Logan and I were talking and got distracted, I didn't even realize he left," Roman sighed, giving Logan a look that said 'this conversation isn't over'.
"I can let Virgil in my little room, he can play with any of my stuff, it'll keep him busy for a while," Patton offered, and Virgil nodded enthusiastically.
"That sounds good, we can make some snacks and then head up there, yeah?" Logan said. Patton nodded, giving him a look before leading Virgil up the stairs.
"So if I've thought about this correctly,then all of us are poly, right?" Logan asked, only a slight hesitancy in his voice as he got up and entered the kitchen. Roman followed him, feeling the weird nervousness in his stomach.
"Uh, yeah. Virgil didn't officially identify until recently when-" his eyes widened and he cut himself off. Logan smirked, opening a cabinet and grabbing a few plates.
"When both of you guys started crushing on me?" Logan gained a sudden burst of confidence, but he didn't face Roman to see his shocked face, he just continued preparing sandwiches and cookies for the two boys upstairs.
"I-uh..who said that?" Roman swallowed, his face quite red.
"The fact that both of you are extremely obvious and gay. Just so you know, you're cute too, Roman."
Roman was blushing, and there were a few moments of silence. "So..theoretically speaking, if all four of us were interested, would you be open to going out?"
"What do you mean?" Roman questioned.
Logan began spreading jelly on a slice of bread, "Like, a date. All four of us, we can go somewhere," he suggested. Roman was squealing inside of his head.
"If the other two are up for it, I'm definitely not against the idea. H-have you spoken to Patton about this?" Roman came close to Logan,leaning against the counter while he cut a sandwich into triangles, setting it on the dinosaur themed plate.
"Yeah, obviously. He likes you, and his old feeling for Virgil are coming back. They're best friends, but he's interested in something more. I think, we all should get to know each other, hmm?"
Roman nodded. "Is Virgil allowed to have chocolate chip cookies?" Logan asked, "I always make sure to give Patton a main thing, and then a cookie if he eats all of it."
Roman just nodded again, watching Logan set two cookies in between the sandwich slices, moving on to grab a bowl to make something for Patton. He settled on ouring a bag of chips for him and Roman, and prepared a similar plate to Virgil for Patton. "When Virgil's big, I'm sure Patton will offer the date-idea. I'm glad you're open to it," Logan smiled, making eye contact with Roman.
It wasn't uncomfortable though, both men smiled at each other. Roman felt something going off in his head, telling him this was wrong. That he was cheating on Vee somehow, but he had made sure to make it clear to Virgil that he was interested in Logan. They agreed that if there were any moves pulled, or they got the chance to do something, then they should go for it. Roman had full permission to do what he thought Logan was gonna do first.
"Patton's okay with this, right?" Roman mumbled, realizing their faces were closer now. When did they lean in?
Logan nodded, "Virgil, too?"
Roman nodded. And then they kissed. It was quick, sweet, and soft. It made both boys smile widely when they pulled away. Logan was the first to break eye contact, making a light coughing sound before handing Roman the bowl of chips. "We can do more of that on that date I mentioned," he said, causing Roman to blush lightly at the thought as he picked up the two plates.
Logan and Roman made a silent agreement to pretend the kiss didn't happen until Virgil was big and they could all talk about it.
But internally, both men were looking forward to the theoretical date. And not just for each other, Roman might've been originally attracted to Logan, but he found himself slowly crushing on Patton. Even when big, he was quite adorable, and Roman wanted to do nothing less than pull the precious boy into a hug and kiss him softly. And Logan? Logan wanted to hold Virgil close and whisper his worries away.
These idiots were all slowly falling for each other. Only time would tell how they would finally get together.
A/N: THE KISS WASN’T PLANNED OOPS, it just popped in my head and all I remember was ten minutes of keyboard clicking and suddenly I had written the gayest scene ever. I’m trying my best to not only focus on the agere aspect, but also the romance, these first chapters will continue to be romance-based until they all get together officially. after that, more agere stuff will ensue. Until then, enjoy they four disasters quickly falling for each other. also this is about 2500 words
Tag list: @stimmingsides @smollilsanderssides @novacloudcat @analogical-agere @fairyhuman2000 @aphandgflover@softastarlight @littlesapphygem @softflowerinmyheart @virgietheprincess @babeyalstar @b3an-spr0ut @babeyvoid @lgbtqiaemo @because-were-fam-ily @lonelysoul43
I’m still figuring out this taglist stuff, so if you want added then lmk (ask, messages). I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!
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logical-little-lies · 5 years ago
“It’s a Date, Emo.”- Little Vlogs (pt.4)
chapter summary: when Virgil wakes up big the following day, Patton brings up the date idea, and admits his personal feelings. Romance ensues, but like the other two, they save the good stuff for the official date.
"Patton," Virgil whined, rubbing at his eyes and looking around him. He must've fallen asleep in the bed with the others during their moving night. How did four grown men fit into one bed?
Cuddling. Very closely.
Last night, Logan did tell Patton about the kiss, and Patton was so excited for him. But, for the rest of the night, the three non-little men focused on entertaining Little Vee. They fell asleep together in Logan and Patton's normal bedroom. Logan and Roman must've already gotten up, but Patton was awake beside him, scrolling through his phone.
Patton was quick to shut it off. "Hey, Virgil. How'd you sleep?"
Virgil unclipped the pacifier from his shirt, detaching the pacifier from it and giving it to Patton. Patton had let him borrow it, because he kept dropping the pacifier. "Pretty good," he smiled, honestly. "It feels nice to receive affection from so many people at once."
"Cuddles are pretty great, huh?" Patton teased, scotting closer to him, pushing the blanket off of him to avoid getting overheated. Virgil nodded, still waking up somewhat.
"So, guess what?" Patton said hesitantly after a few moments of silence.
"Hmm?" Virgil asked, taking Patton's arm and wrapping it around his own shoulders. Patton chuckled, squeezing Virgil slightly.
"Logan told me that yesterday, while you were little, he kissed Roman!" Patton hoped that Virgil would be happy.
"That asshole," Virgil scoffed, and Patton falted.
"He kissed Logan first. How fucking rude-"
Patton chuckled, scolding him for language, "No cursing, Vee."
Virgil rolled his eyes, "That's great though. I'm happy those flirtatious disasters finally did it."
"Yeah," Patton nodded. "But, uh, also..."
"What is it, Patton?" Virgil tilted his head, taking Patton's other hand and squeezing it.
"Logan sort of had this idea, for us all to hang out. I know that you and Roman like Logan, and Logan wants to get to know you guys. And uh, I think Roman's really-"
"I know my boyfriend is attractive, what about me?" Virgil spoke playfully, cutting him off. Patton was internally a nervous disaster.
"You're cute too!" he blurted out, pulling his hand away from Virgil's and covering his mouth. His face went red. Virgil smiled.
"And so are you," Virgil assured.
"I uh..have actually liked you for a long time, I think. It's sort of why I realized that I'm poly," Virgil was shocked by the words, but he was happy.
"I didn't realize it until I met you in person..but I think I like you too. And if Logan wants us all to get to know each other on a romantic level, I'm okay with that," Virgil took his hand again, shirting on the bed so that he was facing Patton more.
"Logan wants us all to go somewhere together, are you good with that? Roman has already agreed to it, as long as you're comfortable," Patton looked at Virgil shyly, who has now leaned in closer.
"I'm good with that," he nods.
"It's a date, emo."
Patton mutters, somehow gaining the courage to be flirtatious even though he was also shy as hell. Virgil rolled his eyes, closing the gap swiftly, kissing his lips firmly. "Looking forward to it, babe," he playfully winked when he pulled away.
Roman absolutely loved how flirty Virgil could get when he was in the right mood. "So I'm assuming you said yes to the date?"
Both Virgil and Patton looked towards the doorway, somewhat startled by Roman's voice. "H-how long were you there?" Patton went back to being red faced and blushy, shyly avoiding looking into Logan's eyes.
Logan came to the bed, sitting next to Patton, "Long enough to see him kiss you," he teased.
Roman came to the other side, sitting next to Virgil. "You kissed him?" Roman raised his eyebrow, somewhat whispering to him. Virgil nodded,
"That's okay, right?" he tilted his head.
"It's only fair, if I can kiss Logan, you can kiss Patton. I just didn't know for sure if you were interested in him," Roman reassured, kissing the side of his head.
"I didn't realize myself, or accept it at least, until recently.." Virgil admitted.
"Hmm," Roman nodded, "Well, that's okay. That means that we all are interested each other, which works out. Because if possible, Logan and I were thinking we could go roller skating next week, and grab dinner at the mall diner for our date."
"I love that idea!" Patton squealed.
Logan nodded with a smile, "I figured you would. The skating rink isn't to far from the mall, there's an arcade in it, and a laser tag arena. I get paid next Thursday, so I figured we would have enough. And, the diner is open 24/7."
Virgil smiled, "That's a great date idea, to me at least. I'm sure it'll be fun," he agreed.
"Well, anyways, I need to film. Virgil, do you wanna DIY some pacis for a video?" Patton offered, Virgil nodded quickly.
"Can Logan and I help?" Roman asked.
"Sure!" Patton piped up, "I have tons of decorating stuff and plain gen 1 and gen 2 pacifiers, so you can do whatever you want. Logan, you can make a pacifier for me or Virgil, since you don't regress. And Roman, do you use pacifiers?" Patton asked.
Roman shrugged, "never tried it. I haven't actually regressed much," he admitted.
"Well, you can make one, so you can try it next time you're small," Patton assured, giving Roman a warm smile. "Alright, Virgil, you help me set up. Logan and Roman, snack duty," he ordered.
"Yes sir," Logan chuckled, giving a playful salute.
"Get to work!" Patton pretended to be bossy, pushing Logan off the bed. This caused Virgil to laugh, and Roman to rush and help him up off the ground.
"You don't treat your caregiver like that," Logan wiped off his glasses on his shirt, pushing them off of his nose.
"Oh, m' sorry!" Patton pouted guiltily, talking in his little voice now. Logan was really good at getting him to regress quickly, the stern voice made him feel tiny. Logan smiled, still rolling his eyes playfully.
"It's alright, I love you," he assured, kissing his forehead before leaving the room with Roman.
Virgil ruffled Patton's pastel purple hair. "Come on, lets go to your little room and get what we need."
Patton nodded, and they worked together to set up on the kitchen table, and they filmed a video for Patton's channel.
What they didn't know, was that eventually, filming silly little videos like this, would be something that would become normal. And their little skating rink date would only be the beginning of that journey.
A/N: So like I said, it's still gonna be romance based, with some agere stuff here and there. And also, I do plan to do a video showing them filming a video for Patton's channel. also, does anyone wanna make a new cover for this (for the wattpad one, for the tumblr readers who may be confused) bc the current one has my old tumblr url on it.
Tag list: @stimmingsides @smollilsanderssides @novacloudcat @analogical-agere @fairyhuman2000 @aphandgflover@softastarlight @littlesapphygem @softflowerinmyheart @virgietheprincess @babeyalstar @b3an-spr0ut @babeyvoid @lgbtqiaemo @because-were-fam-ily @lonelysoul43
ALSO, please send in questions about this au if you want to!
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logical-little-lies · 5 years ago
Your Boyfriend’s Cute- Little Vlogs (pt.2)
a/n: I love the fact that this is already receiving support on tumblr and here, and I posted the first chapter like less than twenty four hours ago! it's giving me lots n lots of motivation to brainstorm the plot to this story. just so yk, it's boutta move FAST (aka: lots of timeskips).
chapter summary: Virgil and Roman go to Patton's house for the first time, and Virgil starts to realize why Roman has a crush on Logan. Also, Patton and Virgil film a video for Patton's channel.
Virgil exited the Hot Topic with an extremely positive attitude. He had hit send on a list of things he wanted Roman to get for him, and he was ready to meet Patton. The mall was an outdoor mall, so he quickly scanned the 'workers only' parking spots for Logan. He spotted him, in a dark blue t-shirt that read 'Eldenridge Bookshop' with a little book logo on it. Virgil caught himself admiring Logan's body and face from afar, before snapping out of his (slightly gay) daze. He waved, catching his attention. Logan smiled warmly, and Virgil crossed the parking lot.
"Hello Virgil," Logan held his hand out, and Virgil shook it lightly.
"Very professional," he teased, smiling to show that he was just playing. Roman was right. This man was definitely cute. Logan chuckled.
"Yeah, that's what Patton said," Logan opened the door to the passenger seat on his car, motioning for him to get in. Virgil climbed into the vehicle, the door closing behind him.
Logan walked around the back of the car, getting in on the drivers side. "Buckle your seatbelt, honey," Logan instructed, following the directions himself before starting the car. Virgil did as he said without question, willing himself to stop blushing at the casual use of the word 'honey'.
"How far do you live?"  Virgil questioned after a few moments of silence. Logan had pulled out of the parking spot, making his way to the exit of the outdoor mall.
"About ten minutes. Roman wanted to be there when you met Patton, but no doubt, we'll beat him there. Patton's waiting at home,so I'll just record it, yeah?"
Virgil nodded at Logan's words. He had a very caregivery tone, in a stern, but soft way. He could understand why Patton liked him as a caregiver, and why Roman had a crush on him. "Sounds good to me," Virgil smiled.
"So, how was work?" Logan turned onto the main road, tapping his finger against the steering wheel.
"Good, just another day of selling twenty one pilots merch to twelve year old wanna-be emos," Virgil shrugged, causing Logan to laugh lightly.
"I'm guess you used to be one of those emo kids when you were younger?"
"Bitch, I still am. The only difference is that I'm technically an adult."
"Language!" he scolded lightly, speaking in a playful tone.
There was a few beats of silence, Virgil taking the opportunity to look out the window and admire the beautiful weather. "Patton's very excited to see you, he has so many ideas for stuff to do with you."
Logan and Virgil continued on the conversation, distracting Virgil from his excitement for the time being. Suddenly, Logan turned into a neighborhood, and onto a small side street. The two-floored yellow house Virgil saw in many videos was at the end. There were flowers in the front yard. Patton sat on the front porch, and he jumped up when Logan entered the driveway.
"You stay here until I motion you out, I want to make sure I catch this on video," Logan put the car in park, pulling his phone out of his pocket and getting out of the car. Patton awkwardly stood by the door of his house, Logan holding up his phone. Virgil unbuckled, excitedly jumping out of the car when Logan made the motion.
Virgil almost tackled Patton to the ground when he hugged him, jumping into his arms. Right then was when Roman pulled into the driveway behind Logan's car. "I can't believe this, you're actually...here, i-it's crazy."
"I know kiddo, I'm happy to see you too."
Patton held Virgil in a tight hug for at least a minute straight, running his fingers through his hair. Patton was slightly chubby,wearing a very soft light blue sweater. Therefore, he was very cuddleable. Roman and Logan made sure not to interrupt their moment, not speaking until they finally pulled away.
"I'm so happy right now, you have no idea," Virgil smiled, turning and approaching Roman, hugging him.
"Yeah, and this little emo here doesn't get this excited unless he regresses. He tries to keep up his angsty  exterior, but he's really just soft."
Virgil playfully glared at him, pretending to be mad at him for the silly teasing. "Come inside," Patton was quick to open his door, welcoming the couple into his home.
"Like I say whenever we video chat, your house is nice as hell," Virgil admired the home.
"Yep. There's so many rooms that we have a normal bedroom, the little bedroom that you see in most of my videos, and a set of extra rooms. Seriously, this place is perfect," Logan sat down on the couch as Patton spoke. Patton disappeared, going up the stairs.
"Where's he going?" Roman pondered, sitting on the couch near Logan.
"Probably to grab the vlogging camera from the little bedroom," Logan replied as Virgil sat down next to his boyfriend. Virgil could've sworn he caught Logan's eyes lingering on Roman before he spoke again.
"Uh, Roman, how are you?" he stumbled upon his words lightly.
"Good," Roman smiled. Virgil saw Patton stop at the bottom of the steps, holding a small camera.
"Logan, is it okay if me and Virgil hang out upstairs? You guys can do whatever you want down here..find some common interests or something."
Logan gave Patton a look Virgil didn't get the chance to decode, automatically fixing his face when Roman looked at him. "That sounds good to me. I get that you guys have known each other forever, and I understand if you wanna spend some time alone," Roman smiled at Patton softly.
Patton came over, grabbing Virgil's hand and pulling him up. He didn't let go, leading him up the stairs. Neither of them said anything until they were in Patton's little room. "First of all," Patton closed the door behind him, moving to pull his tripod out of the corner of the room, "Your boyfriend is cute as hell. Like I knew that before but seeing him in person just confirmed it."
Virgil laughed, "We're all so gay, I swear to god. Your boyfriend is cute too, at least Roman thinks so."
"Roman's poly right? Logan and I are...kind of why I left Logan down there, he's lowkey been crushing on Roman since forever," Patton motioned Virgil over, patting a spot on the edge of the bed, facing the tripod he had set up. Virgil took his spot, watching Patton attach the camera to the setup.
"Yeah, Roman's polyamorous. And that's funny, because Roman has a crush on Logan too," Virgil revealed. The two of them looked at each other and did a fangirl-ish squeal that only best friends could successfully do in sync.
"So, what are we doing for the channel?" Virgil questioned, motioning towards the camera.
"I figured we could just talk about like, how we became friends and stuff. This how thing feels unreal, and I kinda want a video to look back on so I remember how I felt during all this."
Virgil quickly agreed, and without a word, Patton started the camera.
"Hey Kiddos, welcome to my channel: eat a second cookie! Today, I have my friend with me. I've talked about him on my channel before, but this is the first time I actually have him here in person. Please welcome, Virgil!" Patton spoke in an enthusiastic voice, motioning towards Virgil, who waved awkwardly. There was a beat of silence before Patton nudged him.
"Here's where you plug your tumblr and stuff," Patton instructed, breaking the silence.
"Oh," Virgil laughed at himself, "Uh, follow me at anxiousbabey on everything."
Just like that, the two filmed an unscripted video, talking about the first time they talked, telling quite a few stories. It all lead up to the end of the recording, where they talked about how they met.
"Now that we know we live so close, hopefully he'll be on my channel lots n lots. Right, Virge?"
Virgil giggled, nodding a bit. "I hope so! I'm really glad we realized this, I'm so happy y'all have absolutely no idea!"
"Well, I guess that's all for today kiddos! Bye princes, princesses, and enby royalty, please check out my tumblr and instagram, all under eat-a-second-cookie!" Patton held out the word 'cookie' so that his statement rhymed. He finished closing out the video, turning off the camera.
"Y'know, I've been waiting for the day we'd get to finally film a video together."
There was a second of silence before Virgil engulfed him into a hug. "I feel like my life was good before..and now it's perfect. I'm so glad this happened," Virgil mumbled.
"Let's go check on my nerd and your boyfriend," Patton caused Virgil to laugh, taking his hand softly and leading him down the stairs. Virgil didn't know why this act of affection made him blush, because he knew Patton was just generally affectionate, but his cheeks were definitely burning.
"Hey, Vee," Roman looked up from the laptop him and Logan were watching something on.
"Did you guys film anything?" Logan questioned softly, pressing the spacebar on the laptop and closing it.
"Yeah, just a video about like our friendship," Patton shrugged, taking his spot next to Logan. Logan automatically wrapped his arm around his shoulder.
"That's surely gonna be an adorable video," Logan praised, and Patton smiled lightly. "So, you guys are welcome to stay for dinner, or even spend the night if you want to."
Patton nodded in agreement and excitement with Logan's statement. "Ro!" Virgil tapped his shoulder lightly, tilting his head, "Stay pleasee?"
"Is that your little voice I hear?" Roman teased, causing Virgil to pout lightly, shaking his head.
"Awe! I think it is," Patton cooed, "But, can you guys stay, pleasee?"
"I don't know," Roman sighed, "Virgil has work tomorrow."
"Okay? And I can give him a ride in the morning, seriously, you're welcome to spend the night."
Virgil gave puppy dog eyes, pouting to convince his carer. "Stop with the pouty face, I was gonna say yes anyways," he sighed, causing Virgil and Patton to cheer.
That night was gonna be fun.
A/N: There's gonna be a timeskip, like a one-month type gap, where the four leave the awkward stage and they're all kind of close. I don't wanna write all that out and I WANNA GET TO THE GOOD PART.
Tag list: @stimmingsides @smollilsanderssides @novacloudcat @analogical-agere @fairyhuman2000 @aphandgflover @softastarlight @littlesapphygem @softflowerinmyheart 
please ask/reach out if you wanna be added to the tag list
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logical-little-lies · 5 years ago
Making Out, Flirting, and The Beginnings of A Four-Way Bond- Little Vlogs (Chapter Five)
a/n: after like a month of not updating I finally wrote another part to this. Yay!!! also I forgot who wanted to be added to the taglist so if you asked feel free to yell at me in my inbox later bc I didn’t add anyone new. sorry!
chapter summary: The four head out together for their first romantic outing, all four of them. How does it go? Romantic affection is spread between them, and they have a ton of fun. This date marks the start of them becoming a poly couple.
"Virgil, I promise, you look great," Roman assured his boyfriend, who kept retucking his short sleeved black and purple shirt.
"I don't even know how to skate!" Virgil groaned, adjusting the band of his high-waisted ripped jeans, fluffing his hair with his hand.
"I do, and so does Patton. I'm sure we can help you and Logan figure it out," Roman put the tiniest bit of lipgloss on his lips, holding out the tube to Virgil as an offering.
"Nah, no thanks. Not feeling like makeup today, but you look great," Virgil moved to kiss Roman's cheek.
"Thank you," Roman smirked, turning his head and pecking Virgil's lips softly. Virgil snaked his arms around Roman's neck, making the kiss deeper. Roman went with it for a moment before pulling away. "I have to redo my lipgloss!" he whined.
"But I got to makeout with you, it's a win-lose situation but I think we're both happy," he winked playfully, and Roman, in just as much of a playful manner, scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Whatever, you suck," he snatched the tube of makeup from the counter and reapplied it. Virgil gathered the makeup and hygienic products that were scattered and began to put them in their places.
"Of course I do," Virgil took the tube from Roman a few seconds later, putting it in the makeup tub. Virgil set the makeup tub on the counter, looking at his phone.
"Are they here?" Roman asked. Virgil looked at him.
"You're acting like a high school cheerleader who got a date with the school quarterback," Virgil scoffed, facing his phone screen away from him.
"Oh shut up, you're excited too. You know it," Roman teased,checking his pocket to make sure he had his phone.
Virgil didn't respond, ducking out of the bathroom and walking through the apartment. Roman made sure he had everything, taking a deep breath before exiting the bathroom and meeting Virgil at the door. "Ready?" Virgil held out his hand.
Roman intertwined their fingers, "As I'll ever be."
Patton and Logan looked all sorts of gorgeous. On two different ends of the spectrum. Patton was gorgeous in a you're-so-beautiful type way, with his sweater and mom-jeans. Logan was gorgeous in a how-are-you-so-fucking-hot way.
It was pretty dark, and there was a slight breeze.
Logan wore a loose plain black t-shirt, tucked into dark jeans. they all wore tucked in shirts and jeans, just different combinations. "Hey, Ro! And Virge!" Patton greeted Virgil with a hug first, looking shyly at Roman's slightly muscular arms.
Roman realize what he wanted, holding out his arms. "You're welcome to hug me." he clarified with a chuckle. Logan urged Patton forward. Virgil noticed how Patton melted into his embrace, but his focus quickly shifted into how Logan's freckles seemed to stand out even more under this dark lighting.
"Admiring me, Virgil?" Logan snapped him out of his daze, calling out his staring and causing Virgil to go red.
"Yeah, you were. Think I'm hot, or something?" Logan continued to joke, Virgil looked up at him as he got closer.
"Oh, surely not. I'm here for Patton and Patton exclusively," he raised his eyebrow, as if challenging him.
"I swear to god, if you two start marking out before the date even STARTS, I give up." Roman rolled his eyes with a groan.
"What would you do if we did? We could kiss right now, I'm up for that," Virgil looked up at Logan again, who seemed to be silently agreeing.
"I'd uh....kiss Patton!" Roman decided.
"Let's get in the car first," Patton opened the back door, sliding to sit behind the drivers seat. Logan laughed at the interaction between them, getting in the drivers seat.
"I call shotgun!" Roman spoke first, but Virgil stopped him from getting in the car.
"No, I want to!" he whined. They continued to argue before Logan honked his horn.
"You guys really like me that much? You're willing to go as far as fighting over who gets to sit next to me?" he looked at them in a mockingly stern way, as if disappointed. "Virgil, you sit in front. Only because you were the first one to try and be flirty tonight."
Virgil stuck out his tongue , Roman rolling his eyes and climbing into the back without another word. "You really wanted to sit next to Logan, does it really suck that much that you got stuck with me?" Patton seemed to be pouting a bit, talking in a quiet voice to Roman.
"No, no! I did want to sit next to Logan, but you're great too. Just as cute, and sweet," he smiled, reassuring him. Patton smiled, buckling his seat belt.
"Mkay," he mumbled, going silent. The car started up, and Virgil and Logan start their own conversation up front. Patton looked out the window.
Was Roman really going to do this? It seemed like it would be something sweet to do in this moment. It would be so cute!
Roman hesitated, but while Patton was facing away, he leaned over, and kissed his cheek softly. "Really, you're adorable." he assured, Patton giving a more genuine smile, which was now tainted by a blush.
They got to the diner in no time. Roman and Patton ordered almost identical meals, which was surprising because none of them had really talked about what they were getting before hand. Virgil sat next to Logan on their side of the booth, with Patton and Roman on the other. They held up a lighthearted, slightly flirty conversation throughout their meal.
Everyone was happy, this felt right. This felt more like fate then when the separate two couples got together. It was like the four of them were meant to be.
Roman was mentally gushing over how adorable Patton was, while Virgil was distracted by Logan's arm around his shoulder. "Logieee," Patton whined with a pout, "Can we please get milkshakes for dessert?"
Logan seemed to be thinking. "I suppose so." he gave a smirk, knowing that the next thing he'd hear would be Patton's cheer. Virgil seemed happy about this too. They ordered milkshakes when the waiter came by to collect their empty plates.
Virgil mindlessly leaned his head against Logan's shoulder, looking up at him when he realized what he did. "Well, hello there," Logan chuckled softly, signifying that this affectionate action was okay. Virgil smiled back up at him.
None of the four even knew how so much time had passed so quickly, but it felt like only a few minutes later, they were lacing up their skates and preparing to enter the skate floor. Patton was ready, holding out his hand to Virgil.
"You don't know how to skate, right? I don't want you to fall," he said innocently. Virgil intertwined their fingers.
"I don't know, Pat. Seems like you just wanna hold my hand," Virgil waited for Patton to step onto the skate floor.
"Okay, maybe I do?" he challenged, pulling the emo boy onto the skating rink before another word could be spoken.
"Hmm,so they're being all cutesy together," Roman joked, tying his skate laces into a bow.
"I expected such. The combination of those two are cuddly, cutesy, and adorable." Logan stood up, holding onto the booth seats as support.
"How would you describe the combination of us?" Roman got up too, making sure the man was stable.
"Um...confident, flirtatious, and hot?" he settled on those three words. Roman took his hand.
"Sounds accurate enough to me," he nodded, puling him towards the skating rink.
A two hour skating session was enough to hold all the following: Virgil and Logan falling about fifteen times combined during the first thirty minutes alone (aka, they're bad at skating), Roman beating Logan in the arcade games,and Virgil and Patton sharing a large pop from the food counter (which in turn, made Patton very energetic).
"Logan and Roman went to the bathroom together fifteen minutes ago, and I'm kinda concerned," Virgil looked at Patton with a suggestive look.
"Vee! I'm sure it's fine, they wouldn't do that...in a public restroom." Patton looked horrified at the thought.
"Are you sure about that?" Virgil raised his eyebrow, taking a sip of their shared pop before handing it to Patton.
Logan and Roman may not of been doing what Virgil implied, but a makeout session definitely took place. What could they say? No one used to bathroom and they had it to themselves. They're gay and overly romantic, something was bound to happen.
Logan and Roman returned their skates already, and Patton and Virgil were waiting for them in the backseats of the car. When the two men finally came out of the building, they were quick to cross the parking lot and climb into the car.
"Sorry for the hold up....uh, we were-" Roman tried to come up with an excuse as he sat in the passenger seat.
"Kissing? Fucking? Making out?" Virgil offered.
"First off, language," Logan gave him a stern look that made Virgil wanna pout and say sorry, "Second off, the last option one applies."
Patton's eyes widened, but then he gave a mock offended look. "So you two make out in the skating rink bathroom, and all I got was a measly kiss on the cheek from Roman? This is not fair." he huffed.
"Don't worry, I didn't get any kisses from none of y'all." Virgil matched Patton's pouty face. Roman and Logan listened to their pouting and complaining.
"Poor babies," Roman teased, looking back at the two of them, who gave semi-identical playful glares.
"Well, I guess we have to make it up to them somehow," Logan sighed dramatically, and Roman gave him a knowing look. They had discussed sleepover plans while leaving the skating rink.
"Mhm, you're right. Does a weekend-long sleepover work as an apology for not kissing you two?" Roman asked, the two boys in the back expressing excitement within seconds.
"Yes, but I still expect kisses from you guys," Patton accommodated.
"Maybe you'll get them?" Logan started the car. The four playfully argued until they reached Patton's house. Roman opened Patton's door, holding out a hand to help him out of his seat.
"Oh, thank you Roman!" Patton took his hand, somewhat shocked when Roman pulled him up into a firm, but soft kiss. "Now that makes up for it." he spoke softly when he pulled away. Virgil seemed jealous, climbing out of his side of the car. Roman and Patton walked toward the door, and Logan was the last to get out.
Logan took Virgil's hand in his silently, and they all entered the house. "You alright?" he asked Virgil, knowing exactly why he was upset. Patton led Roman up the stairs, leaving Virgil and Logan to take off their shoes by the door. Virgil let go of his hand and moved to take his shoes off, shrugging. Logan took his shoes off quickly.
Virgil knew he was being petty and jealous for no reason, and that if he really wanted it, he could just ask for affection from any of the three and they'd probably comply. Is it really terrible that he wanted someone else to make a move first? his thought were interrupted.
Suddenly, Logan's arm was snaked around Virgil's waist, and their faces were not that far apart. They locked eyes, and Virgil was eager to fill the gap, standing on his toes to do so.
"Better?" Logan questioned, causing Virgil to smile widely.
"Yep!" he piped, chuckling a bit. "Let's go upstairs and find something to do with the others, I'm kinda sleepy."
Logan hummed, leading Virgil up the stairs.
It wasn't until after a few more dates like this one that the four of them would officialize that they were all boyfriends now, but they would celebrate their anniversary on this day each year.
Patton ended up wrapped up in Roman's arms, and Virgil cuddled up next to Logan. They woke up in a cuddly mess the next morning, but at least they slept well.
The four of them would soon begin to adapt to their new relationship, a close, affectionate, and caring four-way bond that would never be broken. The journey of reaching that point in their relationship began with this night, the night of their first date.
A/N: kissing? flirting? adorableness all ‘round? ab-so-lute-ly! hope you enjoyed it!
Tag list: @stimmingsides @smollilsanderssides @novacloudcat @analogical-agere @fairyhuman2000 @aphandgflover@softastarlight @littlesapphygem @softflowerinmyheart @virgietheprincess @babeyalstar @b3an-spr0ut @babeyvoid @lgbtqiaemo @because-were-fam-ily @lonelysoul43
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logical-little-lies · 5 years ago
Meeting in Person
Background: Patton runs his agere channel (eat-a-second-cookie), and he's known for being pretty popular on the agere side of the internet. Virgil has been interacting with Patton online since forever, and he's his online cg. Virgil is dating Roman, who is just learning about the agere community, slowly becoming vee's second cg, and a little himself. Logan is dating Patton, and is becoming a cg for him. This is a human/young adult au
Summary: Virgil prepares to meet his dear friend in person for the first time.
Ships: Eventual LAMP/CALM
tag list: @novacloudcat @stimmingsides @smollilsanderssides (just some people who usually support my content)
They had it all worked out. Throughout the weekend, Patton and Virgil were talking more than ever, and Logan and Roman spoke as well. The four were starting to get to know each other, and the two boys were very excited. That Monday, both Roman and Logan had work, but Virgil didn't. So Patton and Virgil would get to meet, and hang out anywhere they wanted in the mall while their carers worked for the day.
Virgil had been waiting for the day he'd get to hug Patton. He was just a little chubby, with the softest sweaters, Virgil just thought he looked so cuddleable. Virgil was bouncing on his feet, texting Patton from the passenger seat of the car, biting at his lip.
"Remember, if both you and Patton slip into littlespace, then you have to go to either Logan's bookshop, or come to the arcade. I believe you guys can take care of each other if it's just one of you, but if both of you go into the headspace, I don't want you to get lost."
Virgil nodded, "You've told me this millions of times, Roman. I get it, I know the rules!" he chuckled, causing Roman to smile.
"This is like, actually happening! I can't believe it!" back when Virgil was just an anxious teenager, Patton was there for him. He was very happy he'd finally get to meet him. Roman smiled dearingly at his boyfriends excitement, pulling into a workers-only parking spot near the front of the Teens Arcade, with the bookstore a few shops down.
"The bookstore opens at the same time as the Arcade, so they should be here any-"
"ROMAN!! Look, it's them!" Virgil pointed down the parking lot, at a small car that Logan climbed out of. He walked around to the passenger side, opening the door, and Patton climbed out. Roman was quick to pull out his phone and start recording, and Virgil climbed out of the car before his carer could even say a word.
Patton spotted them quickly, and the two boys made eye contact . Logan was recording two, and the two boys closed the gap quickly, immediately hugging one another. "You're really here..this is so crazy!" Patton squealed, not pulling away from the hug for multiple minutes.
"After almost five years, I actually get to meet you!" Virgil spoke in a soft, but very energy-filled voice. They've known each other since sophomore year, when Patton first start his channel. Now, they were 21. And for three of those five years, Patton lived within half an hour away, and they didn't even know.
Virgil was short than Patton, but only slightly, but both of them were shorter than their boyfriends, with Roman and Logan at aout the same height. The four walked up to the Arcade.
"I'll text you guys when I have my lunch break, and we'll meet up somewhere to eat, yeah?" Roman proposed, and the other four nodded.
Virgil stood on his toes to kiss his boyfriend, and before anyone knew it, Roman was inside the Arcade.
"You've been dating him for six months, right?" Patton asked.
"Yeah, and we've lived together for four. And he's been my caregiver for about the same amount of time."
"Did you tell him about your regression before you are started dating?" Logan questioned.
Virgil blushed when talking about the start of him and Roman's relationship, "Mhm, he came to my apartment to watch movies..and he told me that he liked Disney and that's when I told him."
They walked towards the bookstore as they talked. Patton squealed, "I love that story, it's so cute!"
"He didn't take long to learn about all of it, and we talked about it. But it wasn't until we moved in together that he saw me little and really had to chance to take care of me. So four months in all, and about three since he started talking to Patton."
Logan nodded, "Patton and I have only been dating for two months in all, and I just moved in with him less than a month ago. But I knew about his littlespace the moment we got together, he's very open about it,"
Patton blushed, nodding. "I'm still getting to know little him, and all that. Adjusting to being a caregiver," Logan approached the door of the bookstore.
"Bye Logan!" Patton kissed his cheek, and the taller man left them with a warm smile.
"You boys text me if you need anything, alright?"
They both nodded. "This is so exciting, where do we even go?" the hyperness that came from his mix of positive emotions was wearing off, but he was still very, very happy.
"We can just walk, it's just a big circle. And stop anywhere we'd like," Patton decided. "Oh, and also, can I use the video Logan took for my channel, I kind of want you to be featured on my channel as more than just a name and a  'Go follow him on tumblr!'."
"Sure, go ahead. I wanted to post our video somewhere anyways," Virgil nodded. It was silent for a few moments before he spoke again, "Twenty minutes...only twenty minutes away!"
Patton giggled, "It really is crazy. But now that we figured it out, nows a good time to start a real life friendship, right? We both are in healthy relationships, and have stable homes, and don't have anything really bad happening in our lives. I think now is a better time than ever to finally meet you."
They talked, dipping into shops, topics ranging from their personal lives, all the way to things they didn't know about each other. They were currently walking in front of a craft shop.
"So, you remember how like a few months ago, I came out on my channel as poly?" Patton asked, biting at his lip. Virgil nodded.
"Well, I had come out to Logan before we even started dating, and just yesterday he came out to me as poly too!" Patton seemed excited about this.
"Did he just not know until recently or.." Virgil trailed off.
"Well, he told me a little while ago that he thought someone from work was cute, and he was figuring it out. And he figured it out, so now we've reached a point where we're willing to have someone join out relationship, we just want to find the right person."
"It's great that you guys are on the same page. I know you've wanted a little partner since before Logan came in, is that what he wants too?" Virgil knew that Patton's dream romance life involved a caregiver boyfriend, and a little boyfriend, all living in the with him. Patton had a large home, after high school he inherited it from some family member. That's why he moved after high school, the house was perfect for a family, and he didn't have to pay any sort of rent, the house was in his name. That's what allowed him to survive off of youtube money, he only needed to pay electricity and other bills.
"Yes, actually. Logan says that he wouldn't mind a four person relationship, like merging with another caregiver/little couple," Patton revealed. They were heading back towards the bookstore now, deciding they were gonna meet at the mall diner for lunch.
"You guys got your eye out for anyone?" Virgil asked.
"Okay, you can't tell Roman, but I know a secret."
Virgil seemed worried and confused, but he nodded slowly. "The only reason Logan knows he's poly is because he has a crush on Roman. So uh, why I brought it up was to ask if Roman was poly or anything."
Virgil thought, "I don't think he's against it. We've brought it up before, he doesn't identify as anything, but he knows that he can be attracted to multiple people. So yeah, technically, but he's never been in a poly relationship, like me."
Virgil felt off for the rest of the day. Yeah, Patton had brought that up because of Logan, but he was basically talking about the idea of their relationships merging, meaning that Virgil and Patton would be dating too, and Virgil hadn't thought about that since high school. He still had fun though, they entered the diner to see Logan and Roman talking in a booth. They motioned them over, and the two boys made their way over.
Patton slid into the seat to sit next to Logan, and Virgil sat next to Roman. When the four of them sat together, you saw how wildly different they all looked. Virgil was short, and skinny, with deep purple hair. Patton had light pastelish purple hair, Logan had freckles and deep brown hair. And Roman had light brown hair.
Patton and Virgil dyed their hair a year ago to match, and ended up loving the colors, so they maintained them and kept them. "Hey baby, are you guys having fun?" Logan greeted Patton.
"Oh my god! I just realized that you guys have matching glasses!" Roman interrupted whatever Patton was gonna say. Logan smiled warmly, wrapping his arm around Patton.
"Mhm, we realized that within a few seconds of meeting each other," Logan nodded.
As they waited to order, Patton began telling them all about the trinkets and items they had gotten, the stores they went to. Logan and Roman realized that they both loved marvel movies, and Patton and Roman realized they both liked makeup. They were finding similarities and common interests.
"So Roman, very recently, realized that he's a little too," Virgil was teasing Roman, who blushed lightly.
"Shut up!" he whined, burying his face in Virgil's shoulder.
"Look at how cute he is! Aweee," Virgil kept teasing him, knowing that he was pushing him on the edge of little space.
"What age do you regress to, Roman?" Patton asked. Roman shrugged.
"He hasn't regressed that many times, he's figuring it out. He says he prefers being a caregiver to me," Virgil elaborates for him, Roman nodding.
"What about you Virgil? I know Patton has been taking care of you for a long time, but how little do you get?" Logan asked, popping a french fry in his mouth.
"Baby ages all the way to like, fiveish."
"Wait, Logan. Are you also a regressor, or just a caregiver?" Roman questions.
"Just a caregiver," He responds. They kept talking about little stuff until it was time for Roman and Logan to go back to work.
Little did they know, the online friendship between Virgil and Patton, along with that day, would be the start of a four-way bond that would never be broken.
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logical-little-lies · 5 years ago
Quick Lil Announcement about the Agere Channel AU
so, now that I’ve decided that I’m gonna take this little lamp side au seriously, I’m gonna restart it so I can include all my new ideas. Before I was kinda throwing it together to test the waters to see if I’d like writing it. 
AND I LOVE WRITING IT. so, i’ma start again, and It’ll be even more wholesome. Also, when I write fan fictions I usually write a few different versions. I promise you guys will probably like the new one better.
It’ll be on wattpad under the name “Little Vlogs”, and I’ll be posting it chapter-by-chapter under the tag “The Agere Channel AU” 
Here’s the new description!!
Little Vlogs {Little CALM/LAMP AU}
Patton is known in the agere community for his pastel purple hair and his enthusiastic personality. But most of all, he's known for his youtube channel: eat-a-second-cookie. It's been up and running since his sophomore year, and at the age of 21, he now lives in a small town where he continues to run his semi-popular channel. Virgil  has been online friends with Patton since he first started his channel, Patton has been his go-to little friend and his online caregiver since forever. When the two of them get new boyfriends/caregivers, they make the connection that they don't live that far apart. When the online buddies finally meet in person, and their caregivers, Roman and Logan, realize how close they are, they all agree that they wanted to be good friends. The four seem to be drawn together as more than that though. It isn't long before Patton's agere channel becomes a family vlog channel, and the newly-formed poly couple are prepared to take on the world with their adorable antics and silly videos.
tag list: @stimmingsides @smollilsanderssides @novacloudcat @aphandgflover
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logical-little-lies · 5 years ago
so...how would y’all feel if I just dropped a new chapter of Little Vlogs after like a month of not updating it? 
-send reactions to inbox-
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logical-little-lies · 5 years ago
Send in Asks about The Agere Channel AU
Tag list: @stimmingsides @smollilsanderssides @novacloudcat @analogical-agere @fairyhuman2000 @aphandgflover @softastarlight @littlesapphygem @softflowerinmyheart 
I’m tagging the tag list so yall know you can send asks about the Little Vlogs au. Anyone can send stuff in: Stuff you wanna see happen in the au, questions for it, reactions to the latest chapter. I’m bored and wanna interact w/you guys
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logical-little-lies · 4 years ago
where is chapter 9 of the The Agere Channel Lamp AU
did I...did I forget to post it here? Give me a sec hold up hjsiaksja
I found it! Here you go!
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logical-little-lies · 5 years ago
Okay, so here's the thing- I only read the most recent little vlogger chapter, but I LOVED it, oh my goodness gracious-
glad you liked it!! you can easily find the rest on wattpad or by going through the ‘the agere channel lamp au’ tag on my blog!!
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