#Thats like watching an MCU movie and being mad when someone with super powers shows up
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kacchanbiased · 2 years ago
Every time I see people complain that MHA’s “biggest problems” are the “Endeavor-Todoroki” storyline and the “Bakugou-Midoriya” storyline it makes me feel really smart because what did these people think was going to happen in the story about reconciliation and atonement. Why are you reading the reconciliation and atonement story and being shocked when major plot lines surround reconciliation and atonement.
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the-kool-kyle · 6 years ago
Captain Marvel Review
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Disclaimer: This review will start off with a couple of spoilers to Avengers: Infinity War. So if you haven't watch that yet don't read any further....but come guys we all know you've watched it.
It's been almost a year now since the shocking ending to Avengers: Infinity War where the mad titan Thanos used The Infinity Gauntlet with all six Infinity Stones to kill %50 of the universe population and also killing off a couple of our favourite characters as well. Setting up what is definitely the darkest time in the MCU's history. However before he disintegrated into dust Nick Fury sent out a distress call to an old friend of his.....Captain Marvel. Who is probably the best, last and only hope to undo the Mad Titan's plan. Now we've been given a origin story that's also a prequel to introduce this new character and how she'll play a role in MCU's later films.
Plus since this takes place 12 years before Iron Man this movie has a lot of references and foreshadowing to the other MCU movies.
Captain Marvel is a fun, thrilling, well written, perfectly acted and visually mind blowing movie that despite feeling a little out of place in phase 3 still explodes onto screens feeling like a much more fresh and original approach than anything we've seen in the last 3 years. The character Captain Marvel has been passed to many people throughout the marvel comics over the years and has also been known as Captain Mar-Vel. But this film is focusing on the Carol Danvers Captain Marvel.
Carol Danvers was originally known from the comics as being the love interest for the original Captain Mar-Vel and a damsel in distress (which was a bio product of the time). She eventually gets her own powers to becomes Miss Marvel and a member of the Avengers. However the film takes a more different approach to the origin story and she is instead introduced as a solider for the alien civilisation known as the Cree who experiences nightmares and flashbacks to her past life. She eventually crashes to earth in the year 1995 and must face a race of evil shape shifting aliens known as The Skrulls.
Brie Larson as Carol Danvers Aka Captain Marvel was the perfect choice for this iconic Avenger who is also a great match between actor and role. She plays a super-heroine that has something of a no nonsense but playful attitude and is also a strong independent female lead that really shows women can be great superheros just as much as men can. She's one of those comic book characters thats warm and friendly to her friends but deadly and shows no mercy to her enemies as she shows throughout most of the films runtime. But best of all she explodes onto the screen with her badass looking suit with the mohawk helmet that I personally really dig and her awesome super powers that include strength, flight, energy absorption and the ability to fire photon blasts from her hands.
Sam L Jackson returns as Nick Fury who in this movie is a junior agent at Shield and has two eyes!Since this is a much younger and inexperienced Fury he acts less of the wise, mysterious mentor with the iconic eye patch and more like a fun loving, stubborn young man with a great sense of humour. He shares a classic buddy cop friendship with Marvel which feels like something straight out of a classic 90s Tv show that really fits the decade this movie takes place in. So while he isn't as intimidating or as badass as he was in the other movies he still stands out as the cool, smooth talking secret agent.
As you may have noticed from the posters and trailers is that there's a cat in this movie known as “Goose”(which is a Top Gun reference). He straight up steals the show like Korg from Thor Ragnarok thanks to his adorable appearance and many crazy things he does...that I can't in good conscience spoil for you guys.
The many set pieces and locations in this movie look amazing both in outer space and earth. Since this movie is set in 1995 it has a lot 90's styled references and easter eggs like Blockbuster video, gameboys and ripped jeans. Plus this film's killer soundtrack contains many classic vintage tunes that rival Guardians of the Galaxy and reminding us how awesome the 90's were.
Unfortunately like many of the other MCU movies...this one's villains fell flat. We've all had to deal with disposable, generic villains that only last one movie and Captain Marvel's “The Skrulls” are no different. The Skrulls are a race of aliens that can shape shift into any form of any species making them the perfect enemies to hide in the shadows and pull strings from behind the scenes. While they are cool in the comics in this movie they are a far cry away from many of the MCU's good villains like Loki, Hela, Ultron and Killmonger. So once again we have forgettable boring villains in a superhero movie. But I will say this their shapeshifting scenes are really well done and look really real.
The supporting cast ranged from fun and cool to just generic and boring. Jude Law plays as Cap's commanding officer Yon-Rogg who is actually not all that interesting. While Law is a great actor he just doesn't really belong in this kind of comic book movie as he just basically acts like himself in real life and not like a Star-force Commander who is driven by belief and who is meant to be inspirational. Clark Gregg returns as a young agent Coulson who we were really looking forward to see since we haven’t seen him since the first Avengers or Agents of Shield but unfortunately he's barley used in the movie and felt wasted which was a bit of a let down. However Lashana Lynch's character Maria Rambeau really felt like someone we know in our own lives. She plays as the badass best friend of Carol Danvers that you don't really need to help out cause she can hold her own against anything plus she is seen as an equal to many of the films more powerful and independent characters with playful competitiveness. I found her as a very well played and respected female character.
Now the one thing that really blew this movie out of the water was it's visuals, CGI, costumes and action! The action was both thrilling and engaging and felt like moments ripped straight from the comics as Captain Marvel battles enemies in epic space battles in the cosmic void of space and the many familiar set pieces of earth. It truly is some of the best action sequences in the MCU to date. The CGI and visual effects were really well design and animated especially well during the space battles and epic fight scenes between Cap and the Skrulls. The CGI blended very well with the practical effects making it look a lot more real instead of just relying solely on CGI especially on Cap's suit. Which brings me to the costumes. I gotta give a 10/10 for the costumes that were used for the Skrulls, the Cree and Captain Marvel herself. Captain Marvel's suit looked really awesome with it's red, blue and gold colour design and it looks especially awesome when she uses the mohawk helmet. It makes her look even more badass and I think it's awesome that they used her own hair as the mohawk because it just makes really cool and was never used in the original old Miss Marvel comics. CGI was also used on Nick Fury to make him look younger in this film and while this has been either a hit or miss in the past they really nailed it for Fury. He looks exactly like what he'd look like if he were 20 years younger.
One thing that I feel I should mention is that some people saying that this movie has a major flaw. Since this movie is an origin story it feels out of place at this point in the MCU because were nearing the end of phase 3 and origin story movies mainly took place in phase 1. I really don't see how this is a problem so just make up your own mind if you feel this movie belongs in phase 1.
Final Verdict: Captain Marvel is an awesome, thrilling, entertaining movie with a well told story, plot twists, easter eggs galore, excellent acting but most importantly must be seen immediately because it ties in heavily to Avengers: Endgame and must be seen if your a true MCU fan like me. Because....Endgame will soon be upon us.
Final Score: 9/10
P.S. I got a bit emotional at a point in this because it has a tribute to Stan Lee.
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