#That's why they're not wearing their coats if anyone was curious
sfa2fin · 11 months
them again
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they’re carrying him around lol
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
okay gang buckle up here are the highlights from the notes and mini comics in the back of the english version of "beginnings & endings" let's go!!
(also i know translated images of these are probs floating around somewhere but i have literally never seen these before except in the og jp artbook bc i don't go on twitter so like. this one is for the tumblr gang i guess?? anyways have fun!)
there's a small comic where yamaguchi tells tsukki that he hears hinata has been doing meiso (瞑想, or meditation) every day which i guess is a homophone because tsukki goes "he's been doing meiso forever, what?" (迷走, to stray/act randomly) and pictures hinata always going off on his own and doing random shit LMAAAO
also there's a mini comic where bokuto is wearing a lab coat and is like "omg don't i look good in this?" and komi and konoha are like "yooooo the lab coat is so sick it makes anyone look smart it's so amazing etc" and akaashi is in the back whisper-yelling "IF YOU GUYS PRAISE THE LAB COAT TOO MUCH THEN BOKUTO WILL GET JEALOUS OF THEM"
THERE'S ANOTHER MINI COMIC THAT'S ADVERTISING THE SALE OF VOLUME 33 WHICH KAGEYAMA THOUGHT WASN'T REAL BC "hinata's dig is on the cover!?!?! that can't be right!! that has to be fake!!"
and then he promotes it by saying "it's got hinata crappily bumping the ball on it. hope you'll like it"
another mini comic shows hinata sending a pic of himself and oikawa in rio wishing kageyama, yachi, tsukki, and yamaguchi a happy new year except like. oihina are squatting over a sand sculpture they made that's a replica of the kagami-mochi which is making yachi, tsukki, and yamaguchi lose their shit. kageyama (who is separate from them on a jog) does not seem to realize what it is and wonders why they built a pile of poop
literally he just introduces himself and where he is ("i'm currently standing in front of the men's room at fukurodani high") and explains that today is the final day of a MASSIVE joint training camp and takes us to see how things are going AND THEN WE SEE EVERYONE BURSTING THROUGH THE DOORS AND SUGA YELLING "IT'S PARTY TIME!!!!"
dude i fucking LOVE this one bc like. kamomedai is there. it's at fukurodani so obviously they're there. the ppl that come in are karasuno members (the third years plus tsukki, hinata, and kageyama), kuroo, and oikawa (so we know nekoma AND seijoh are there) so i'm just like. who the fuck else is there. this IS a party. it's THE crossover. THE ensemble cast
tbh i'm a really big fan of thinking that this is the intro panel to that huge colored spread furudate did of all the teams gathered around the nekoma v karasuno match bc it's the only thing that makes sense!! that WAS the final day of their massive joint training day session!!!!
furudate used hinata, tsukki, and kageyama to represent themselves and two editors who went with them
apparently local sports sites interviewed furudate bc they wre curious to know about the manga and then furudate. turned around and interviewed them right back about beach volleyball LMAAAO
two of the women's beach volleyball players they met (barbara seixas and fernanda berti if anyone knows them!) did the kamehameha pose and furudate drew them in it
the meal that oikawa and hinata ate together was traced directly from a picture furudate took when they got lunch with the athletes LOL
they also visited barbara seixas's house and got to see all her medals and trophies!!
the next day they went to go interview from the men's side and met bruno oscar schmidt and evandro gonçalves. these guys were funny bc furudate asked them "do you ever clash over opinions or get into arguments?" and apparently schmidt (who is 6'1") pointed at oscar (6'11"!!!!) and went "what, you think i'd pick a fight with him?"
then they visited gonçalves' apartment where he also had a lot of trophies LMAO, and his apartment was used as inspiration for the apartments of hinata and pedro / heitor and nice!!!
keep in mind that furudate has been using hinata, tsukki, and kageyama to represent their team this entire time so it looks like those three have just been hanging out with irl volleyball players LMAAAO
then they went to corcovado mountain to see the statue and, in a rare moment of rawdog honesty, tsukki admits that the view from the top is pretty
okay from this point we're going to be getting into furudate's work process and office space!!!
furudate's got his own desk in the back corner of the room right by a window. in the center there are four staff desks shoved together divided in half horizontally by a giant wall of tissue boxes. the reason for this is because they meant to buy a desk partitioner but kept forgetting to, and now they've decided that they don't need one bc they have the tissue box wall????
btw the tissue box wall suddenly appeared out of nowhere. like it actually says "the staff members must have felt awkward facing each other with nothing in between, because at some point there was suddenly a stack of tissue boxes there"
also they stuck like. alllll kinds of things to the tissue boxes. notes and diagrams and and sketches and literally anything that would make an easy reference
also furudate straight up admits that the most annoying thing to draw was hinata's head LMAAAO
and apparently inarizaki jerseys were supposed to have a line across the shoulders but everyone decided that was way too much work so they stopped
furudate has a stepping machine under their desk (it's two actually, one on top of the other) that they use while working bc they heard that Google employees do the same. they don't have any lower back pain so i guess it works??
furudate also really likes the fudenosuke brand of thin brush marker pens and goes through quite a lot of them. at one point one of the staff members drew the whole tokyo city gymnasium ceiling with only those pens
idk if you guys want me to go into the whole technique and tool thing if any artist wants to know send me an ask and i'll make a separate post for that bc this is getting really long already aaaaaaaaghhhhhh
furudate keeps a small volleyball whiteboard on their desk and uses magnets of the characters to plan how a game might play out which actually might be MY personal favorite fun fact about them like that's SO cool??? there's also a photo of the christ the redeemer statue stuck on it they got during the brazil trip and also notes about oikawa's and futakuchi's hair parts LMAAAO
they don't finalize the art digitally instead furudate calculates the size of the copy and then prints each piece out and pastes it onto the manga pages
i actually have no idea what that means i mostly copied it word for word but it sounded SUPER interesting
because of that tho furudate made a joke that paper cement was the most important supply in the office
they keep two pairs of volleyball shoes on the desk for reference . . . . it's hinata's and kageyama's shoes . . . .
they have fanart on the wall from not only fans and staff but oda eiichiro (one piece), kishimoto masashi (naruto), and horikoshi kohei (my hero academia). there's also a framed jurassic park poster which is apparently furudate's favorite movie (LMAO?? that explains some things i guess) and it was playing in the background as they drew the final chapter rather than music
they also keep video game consoles and video games in the office, and they'd play the radio during the day and switch to TV in the evening. they play pre-recorded shows or movies when they have to pull all-nighters which, like, mood
and furudate REALLY likes horror movies apparently? they like the grudge, the ring, one missed call, the conjuring, rec, zombieland, and the mist
okay the last few pages from here on out are insane it's furudate's comments on different scenes from each volume or the volume covers and spans like fifteen pages???? i might make a separate post for that one too
also at the bottom of each of those pages are the different hq characters walking and such and i'll probs also post separate pics bc THEY'RE SO CUTE AONE HAS A LIL CAT FOLLOWING HIM
anyways thanks for sticking with me guys!! that was a long one jesus christ
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raayllum · 9 months
Very non-consequential, but still fun question: what animal do you associate with each of the main trio? (plus anyone else you feel like doing!)
I overthought this question because I couldn't just do animals in general and had to go with specific species so:
Callum is a bird, obviously. The boy loves his Ocean arcanum too but birds have the wings, and the intelligence and mating for life bonds (more often), and sharp little beaks that can gouge your eyes out. Man has teeth. Let's leave them there.
From there it was whittling down which bird to pick, so I learn towards either a standard Rock Pigeon or a Clark's Nutcracker bird.
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Rock Pigeon
Rock pigeons for a few reasons.
Elegant but not overly pretty, which fits Callum pretty well. He's grown into a handsome boy but he'll always have a tiny bit of awkwardness, and the green sheen nicely ties into his eyes
Callum's name means dove, and pigeons and doves are very similar overall. However, Callum is less squeaky clean/outright peaceful than just a dove would indicate, so pigeons have a more grey/black down to earth colouring felt right. "Dirtying yourself with dark magic" and all that
They mate for life, which is a memo re: Rayla Callum has definitely gotten on board with lbr here
Pigeons are very smart, remembering faces, see the world in complex colours (artist anyone) and able to navigate complex routes to find locations / their way home (hence why they were used as messenger birds during wartime).
At his best, Callum is very communicative, has a great memory, and will eventually learn to navigate his own path away from others' imposed destinies on him
Clark's Nutcracker
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They're in the Corvidae family like crows and ravens, which makes me happy, as those are two of my favourite birds
Again has the intelligence that our boy needs/deserves; these guys in particular are very good at prying seeds apart with their beaks, which gives me key of Aaravos / Callum unlocking secrets vibes
Sharp pointy beak to bite/stab people with. It's what he deserves
They also mate for life hell yeah
I also feel like they somehow match him better aesthetically but Idk why so grain of salt
Rayla I defaulted pretty easily to either a wolf or honestly more likely an arctic fox.
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I wanted something smaller and more solitary than a wolf, since even within her village community Rayla has always been an outsider
Also very influenced by aesthetic (white, fluffy, slim) in addition to being loyal the way canines tend to be + a hunting animal bc like look at her swords
They also change colours as their coats update with the seasons, which felt very on par with how Rayla has transformed her wardrobe colours and herself / tries to take on different faces and identities depending on where she is on her arc
Constantly shifting like the moon amirite?
They are described as playful, cunning, cheeky, and curious
Bc they're heavily arctic animals / places with long winters, they depend more than other animals on hiding and stowing food away for later, which makes me think of how Rayla is pretty consistently carrying secrets / stashing the coins away in Stella's portal
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Ezran to me is a Strawberry Poison-Dart Frog.
I chose this one cause I feel like an amphibian of some sort would best reflect Ezran, given his associations of being torn more explicitly between two worlds and two things. On the one hand, he's a child and should be treated/respected as such, and on the other hand, he's also a king and should be treated/respected as such. So amphibians having water and land, the way that Ezran does well both in times of conflict and times of peace (the latter being something Rayla really struggles with in particular) is well reflected. Also Bait, obviously
I went with orange > red even though Ezran wears the latter, cause orange feels warmer than the danger! zone red puts in, as well as mixing well with Ezran's brown hair. The touch of blue is for his eyes and his connection to Zym, and a tropical lil guy who likes sunshiney weather. Frogs are also pretty slippery and fast and Ezran (esp pre-series) is pretty wily and mischievous, getting into nooks and crannies he shouldn't be and then getting out of hot spots later on in show, so that matched up in my head
Other notes:
Viren always makes me think of serpents, and Claudia and Aaravos always make me think of spiders, so I'll toss those two in as well (although I feel they're more self explanatory symbolism wise / more offered within the text itself).
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iviarellereads · 5 months
The Great Hunt, Chapter 10 - The Hunt Begins
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Wheel of Time, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Horn icon) In which that's something beyond evil.
PERSPECTIVE: Rand, as Ingtar sets a fast pace, hoping to catch them up despite the head start. Rand worries about the horses, but says nothing, because it’s Ingtar’s command and Rand is still just a shepherd.(1) At one point though, one of the men, Uno, says Ingtar's going to kill the horses at this rate. It's not until much later in the day that Ingtar sees sense, and they start alternating walked and ridden miles. Mat and Perrin continue to avoid Rand, along with some of the retinue.
The path avoids all settlements. They sometimes see farms or villages in the distance, but never close enough that they'd have seen the Trollocs et al coming or going clearly. Eventually, Ingtar finally calls to make camp for the night after twilight. When Rand takes out his bundles from the pack horses, he shouts so loudly that several men come running, swords out. He's a little embarrassed that it was just because he saw his coats, the supposedly serviceable, low-key ones: both more ornate than the one he's already wearing. Ingtar points out that they are wearable, and Moiraine Sedai saw to Rand's packing personally. Rand thinks he'd almost rather go naked.(2)
Masema is serving the stew, and slops a bit of Rand's meanly. Ingtar is sitting next to Mat and Perrin, so Rand sits near them, glad that his friends don't leave again. He wonders aloud why Masema hates him. Ingtar hesitates, but says that Masema fought against the Aiel for three years once, and he (Ingtar) is glad to take everyone's word that Rand is from the Two Rivers, but Masema can't see past the resemblance to his enemies.(3)
Rand dropped his spoon in the plate with a sigh. “Everybody thinks I’m somebody I am not. I am from the Two Rivers, Ingtar. I grew tabac with—with my father, and tended his sheep. That is what I am. A farmer and shepherd from the Two Rivers.” “He’s from the Two Rivers,” Mat said scornfully. “I grew up with him, though you’d never know it now. You put this Aiel nonsense in his head on top of what’s already there, and the Light knows what we’ll have. An Aiel lord, maybe.” “No,” Loial said, “he has the look. You remember, Rand, I remarked on it once, though I thought it was just because I didn’t know you humans well enough then. Remember? ��Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day.’ You remember, Rand.” Rand stared at his plate. Wrap a shoufa around your head, and you would be the image of an Aielman. That had been Gawyn, brother to Elayne, the Daughter-Heir of Andor. Everybody thinks I’m somebody I’m not.
Ingtar says Aiel only recognize themselves, gleemen, peddlers, and their enemies. They changed that for Cairhien 500 years ago, for no reason anyone else can tell, but after the Aiel War 20-odd years ago, he doesn't think they ever will again. Loial says they're willing to let the Tuatha'an into their Wastes, and they trade with Ogier sometimes, for sung wood, but they're a hard people. Ingtar wishes he had some men half as hard as any Aiel. Mat wonders if that's a joke.
“Aiel are hard,” Ingtar said. “Man and woman, hard. I’ve fought them, and I know. They will run fifty miles, and fight a battle at the end of it. They’re death walking, with any weapon or none. Except a sword. They will not touch a sword, for some reason. Or ride a horse, not that they need to. If you have a sword, and the Aielman has his bare hands, it is an even fight. If you’re good. They herd cattle and goats where you or I would die of thirst before the day was done. They dig their villages into huge rock spires out in the Waste. They’ve been there since the Breaking, near enough. Artur Hawkwing tried to dig them out and was bloodied, the only major defeats he ever suffered. By day the air in the Aiel Waste shimmers with heat, and by night it freezes. And an Aiel will give you that blue-eyed stare and tell you there is no place on earth he would rather be. He won’t be lying, either. If they ever tried to come out, we would be hard-pressed to stop them.(4) The Aiel War lasted three years, and that was only four out of thirteen clans.”
Mat mutters that grey eyes from his mother don't make him Aiel, but Rand remembers Moiraine's story about his birth, and as he settles in for sleep, he repeats that he won't be used.
The next morning they continue before dawn, until they come on an abandoned camp. Hurin says there was worse than murder done here, and they turned northeast. An hour's ride later, Hurin says they turned south again, and another murder. The next day continues the same, slowly gaining ground based on the tracks and remains, but more direction changes, and more murders. After Ingtar says they won’t lose time burying Darkfriends, the subject doesn’t come up, even when they believe the victims are Shienaran.
Eventually, they come upon the River Erinin, a few hours past breaking camp. Long past time to have found the Trolloc camp and first direction changes, from the pattern of the last several days, but instead they come to a quiet village near a river much smaller than the stories made it out to be.(5)
Perrin says the village smells wrong, getting him a look from Hurin.(6) But he's right: there's no one left here. Uno sees a woman in a white dress in a window, and runs for the house, but it's empty after all.(7) Hurin says there was no murder here, but violence of a sort he's never smelled before, and something across the river.
Ingtar sends two men to retrieve the ferry, sitting on the far bank, and to scout for any ambush. They come back unable to put words to what they saw, but there's no ambush, for certain. Rand et al are in the first group to cross the ferry, though Mat still sneers at Rand's coat. Perrin remarks that this is how they left home, on Taren Ferry, and says it will be worse this time. Both Rand and Mat are curious why he'd say this. Perrin just says he can smell it.
Fifty paces from the ferry, they find the bodies, strung up to a tree. The two faces are intact, Changu and Nidao, the guards Rand met the first time Egwene brought him to see Fain. They've been skinned alive. Rand seeks the Void, but feels more sick inside it.(8) Some men start digging graves, and Loial explains Shienaran burial rites: no clothes, no shroud, no coffin, just plain burial. Someone might say a particular ritual phrase over the graves, but that's unlikely here: these must have been the men who killed the guards and let the Trollocs into the Keep.
However, before they leave, Ingtar does say the words over the two unmarked graves. Nobody comments, but he looks at every man in turn before saying that they saved Lord Agelmar at Tarwin's Gap.(9) Then off they ride.
They come upon an old, abandoned manor house, and there's some discussion of countries that once were, but are no longer. Loial talks about how many cities and countries fail, sometimes because the population dwindles, sometimes trade stops, and sometimes crops fail too many years in a row. Ingtar says yes, and what city will not fail tomorrow, or the next day? Humankind is being swept away. How long until there's nothing left but the borderlands, and how long until not even that? The whole group is shocked into silence, and rides on.(10)
They come upon another village some time later that day, abandoned too. All the villages here have a grudge against Shienarans, because Shienar can’t or won’t spare soldiers to defend them against human brigands, when the Blight is right there. The men prepare for a fight as they near.
Some of the men go to check the houses for occupants, and Rand approaches a door, but stops short, then chides himself for being afraid of an empty door. Inside is a tidy room, flies buzzing around the food laid out on the table, even a roast, cold in its own congealed grease. He blinks, and sees a vision of a smiling family, serving themselves from the food, when it was fresh. Suddenly, one of the girls screams, pointing at the road. The door bursts open and...
Rand blinks again, and they're gone, the flies sounding louder. Blink again, and the vision starts over from the beginning. Over and over. Between the visions, the room starts to feel very, very cold to him, but he can't move, until suddenly he starts to feel warm and breaks free of it, tearing at unseen cobwebs holding him.(11)
He hears Mat yell that there's nothing in the house he looked in, and Rand resolves not to enter another house in the village. There's a commotion in the main square, and when he approaches, it's not more people murdered... not exactly. A Myrddraal, a Fade, has been murdered and near crucified on the biggest door in the village.
“Who,” Mat began, and had to stop to swallow. “Who could do this to a Fade?” His voice squeaked at the end. “I don’t know,” Ingtar said. “I do not know.”(12) He looked around, examining faces, or perhaps counting to be sure everyone was there. “And I do not think we will learn anything here. We ride. Mount! Hurin, find the trail out of this place.” “Yes, my Lord. Yes. With pleasure. That way, my Lord. They’re still heading south.” They rode away leaving the dead Myrddraal where it hung, the wind stirring its black cloak. Hurin was first beyond the wall, not waiting on Ingtar for a change, but Rand came close behind him.
(1) Is he still just that? Was he ever just a shepherd? (2) As much as Rand, rightly and fairly, doesn't want to be manipulated into doing something against his will, we've known since the first page that he was the Dragon, and if he's going to fulfill all these prophecies, better to look a lord than a beggar, to look the way people will expect the Dragon to look and be more willing to accept him in the role even as they may despise what he means for the world. (3) Especially when Aiel looks seem so distinctive. There were a few folk in Caemlyn who had paler skin and lighter hair, like the Trakands, but the implication is that's pretty rare in the wider world. No wonder he's been treated very oddly by the Shienarans since his arrival there, and no wonder Moiraine's been fighting so hard to build him up a reputation as a lordling so he couldn't possibly be an Aielman. (4) Gee, I wonder if that'll become relevant again. (5) The narration (Rand) attributes this to it being far from its source. Do you think Robert Jordan knew how rivers work? That they're fed all along and tend to get bigger the further they travel, biggest as they approach their lake or ocean endpoint. Rand probably wouldn't know that, whether RJ did or not. (6) Given everything, it's possible Perrin just smelled the decay or some such, from a greater distance. Who knows what wolves smell? (7) A mysterious woman in a white dress? Keep a pin in that for now. (8) Now THAT'S odd. What about the flame and void might make Rand feel sick, or is it just too much for even that trick to work? (9) After leaving so many behind, he takes the time for this? Just because we recognize their names, or does he finally feel guilty over leaving the others? (10) This guy seems real pessimistic suddenly. But, look at Shienar. They watched Malkier fall to the Blight well within living memory. Who wouldn't be a bit pessimistic about humanity's chances as the signs ramp up for the final confrontation? And when faced with this much death and betrayal and just everything? (11) Rand's visions in the house are creepy as hell, and the cold kinda makes me wonder if this is Power at play, or something else… perhaps the same kind of "strange thing" that Lan refers to happening close to the Blight, when Rand gets caught by the wind during their practice fight in chapter 1. But, the Dark One is stirring in his prison, his influence on the world growing. Who's to say what effect that might have? (12) Who could do this to a Fade? What could be WORSE than a Fade? Why do all my sentences now end in question marks?
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dreamerwitches · 2 years
Hey what do you honestly think about the designs of the other Madoka Magica spinoff Pullea magi Suzune Magica girls? I'm just curious as a cat you know.
Ooooohoho okay okay! I'll go over each character just like I did with the Kazumi ones
Honestly, Suzune's is just kinda boring. If I redesigned it I'd not only add more colour but totally change it up. It's also clearly very scanty under the coat and no, she does not need those sock suspenders. (also the thought that she's always had those, even when younger is horrifying). The fact she can change ability should have totally made a difference to her appearance. A fire theme would have been awesome
Arisa Arisa... dear sweet Arisa... The elephant in the room is NIPPLE TOP! Why, pray fucking tell does she have massive targets on her nipples. When you ignore that bit.. the outfit is kinda cute. The one thing that always bugged me was that the bottom half of it seemed so tonally different. Her socks and boots don't match the rest AT ALL, what happened to the pink and the stripes??! I think the socks might still work if the boots kept the main outfit style since there's still white and black in the rest of her outfit. If you ignore the nipple targets, could've been a lot worse
Chisato Chisato... dear sweet Chisato (hang on a minute...) the second elephant in the room. Give this girl a fucking coat to cover up her body PLEASE. This is probably the most disgusting outfit in Suzune... doesn't help that... Chisato is actually uncomfortable in it! WOW :)))) The whole point of a magical girl's outfit is that it's them, it represents them. Madoka literally drew hers to be what she wanted. Sayaka's is knightly and heroic cause she wants to be a hero. Mami's is fancy and traditional because she's a traditional magical girl. I think the only thing I mildly like is the little jacket but otherwise, a disgrace
Haruka, the blatant Mami copy. Her outfit really could be cute but just like Arisa, it's just not there. First problem, get rid of the boob window, she's 15. Second, how could anyone fight in that skirt? Otherwise, it's pretty cute. A big hooped skirt like Walpurgis' space-y familiar would look so cute on her. Or just give her a ballgown type skirt to fit with her princessy theme.
Matsuri is probably the first girl I actually like from Suzune, wow! She's cute and almost looks like a frog! I just never really liked the massive hands, yeah I get it's her weapon but it just looks ugly and doesn't go with her outfit which is cute and dainty. If she was secretly really violent then yeah, I'd get some big chunking hands. I kinda get that the big hands link to her sight like, she might've been more sensitive to touch before. But I just don't like the massive hands... Tell me if you've got a better idea for her weapon
Kagari, hey hers is cute too. I kinda wish they did more with the butterfly motif though.. and her head just feels empty. Like, make her bow some big wings like Neo Queen Serenity or something.. Or maybe make her outfit look a bit more evil since her wish is literally about the suffering of another. OR make her outfit similar to Tsubaki's since her wish was about her too
Tsubaki..! I love a kimono but... honey you're just wearing a kimono top and hakama pants... It's kinda cute but when looking at other girls with a kimono theme, they're so much nicer. Give me more fire, give me more cherry blossoms, heck, give me more oni (from her doppel) heck heck, give me literal Tsubaki! (Camellias)
Yes we're including Kanami because she's CUTE! Though... she's another pretty basic one... Makes more sense since she's a background character. She looks like a background character... but I wish she had more of a theme.
And yes, I'd rather like to redesign these girls too after the Kazumi ones... I'm looking forward to it..!
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layer-bloody-sun · 2 years
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#in the eda heimdall was created from 9 women. if i got this correctly they also were ymir's daughters so huh...giant heimdall all the way
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I love how Kai tries to appear like an adult (i mean he is 20) like, leading the operation and group, wearing a dress shirt and a tie.. and then this mf shows up with white sneakers and a coat so horrendous he probably found it in a bin after someone discarded it because the purple part was gathering too much dust
25 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
Does anyone know what honorifics Lewin and Nehaus use for each other in the japanese version? Since I can't read it myself....
I'm curious as to how Lewin refers to anyone actually, but specificaly those two
32 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
"Questioning" about Heimdall, spoilers
Smthg that bugs me about Heimdall is that voiceline if Atreus finds him in the hall. He tells him that he envies Odin because unlike him, he sees people for what they truly are, whether they lie to the world or to themselves.
We know Odin is a narcissist who truly believes that he's in the right and everyone going against him is wronging him (exemple him believing it's entirely Atreus and Krato's fault if his family turns against him). Can Heimdall not see that?
If someone truly believes they're right, does he not see it as a lie? But he states otherwise. Does he just refuses to see Odin for what he truly is? And if so, why? I doubt it's because he's his father, since Heimdall doesn't seem to care much for his other family member (insulting Thor, bullying Thrùd, mocking Baldur's death to his MOTHER...). Was he just brainwashed through, like, Asgard propaganda? We see Thrùd doesn't believe Odin did wrong, and it's stated that Baldur also idolized his father, so I get that they wouldn't believe the other side of the story. But Heimdall? Heimdall should know better, he should be able to see this, that Odin is a self centered man that would stop at nothing for his thirst of knowledge. Especially when we can see that to him Heimdall was just a useful tool (him not really panicking when he dies because he can still use Atreus, AND not even budging when Atreus states that everyone hates him. There's also the fact that in the same scene he only refere to Thor as his son, not Heimdall. And claiming that Brok is a cheap price to pay, and I believe he said that in terms of usefulness, not in the 'I loved my son' way)...
So is Odin just too good at hiding what he thinks that Heimdall gets fooled, or is Heimdall lying to himself so that he has at least one person he can fully put his trust into?
104 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
You know sometime you just gotta admit your taste as a kid didn't really evolve that much...
Elementary/middle school
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292 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Heimdall: *gets what he rightfully deserves*
me who somehow got attached to him:
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322 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
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nix-writes-mcyt · 2 years
Ren x a canine (either dog , wolf , or mix) reader who tries to hide that they’re a canine for whatever reason
I left the canine type unspecified so everyone could choose their own :)
The Coat
Drabble Contains: Dog Hybrid!Ren, Canine Hybrid!Reader, No Implied Relationship, Fluff, A Little Flirting, Self Conscious Reader (over hybrid features) -----------------------------------------------
Sometimes living around other hermits was less than ideal. By which you mean the amount of times you've had surprise visits from your neighbours. And you have a lot of neighbours.
For most their spontaneous drop ins aren't an issue, it isn't an issue when you do it to them. The only problem is when you have something to hide things.. well they don't go too well. Like right now.
With a "One minute!" you find yourself rushing around, trying to one, make yourself presentable and two, make sure that everything you want to hide is hidden. Those things being your ears and your tail.
Your identity as a hybrid is a well kept secret, so secret in fact you're the only one that knows. It's not like you would be alone, there are many hybrids of many different creatures between your friends, it's just you're not necessarily the biggest fan of your canine attributes.
In a hurry to answer the door you pull on your long coat, making sure the hood is up. It's the one you always wear as it covers everything you want to hide between its length and its hood.
You head to where an unknown guest is waiting, slightly out of breath. You grab the door handle, opening pushing it down and opening the door with a surprising force that almost knocks you off your feet.
Luckily for you a hand grabs yours and pulls you back up, "We haven't even known each other that long baby, you're already falling for me."  You feel your cheeks heat up, the man before you one you're getting to know more and more.
The more you think about it the more you realise you would have been blushing even if you hadn't fallen, it's not like he isn't attractive after all. Anyone would blush if they were in your situation. Right?
You internally shake off your feelings, directing a small smile Ren. "Thanks for catching me, what were you wanting?" He smiles back at you, leaning against your door frame with his arms folded across his chest. Something you really try and distract your mind from but he just looks so good.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come with me on a little trip is all, just you, me and all the stars in the sky." He winks, causing you to blush once again. "Are you inviting me end busting?" Ren nods, "I'd love to go."
"That settles it then, are you ready to go now?" He asks.  "Yeah."  "Are you sure, you seemed in quite the hurry before you opened the door." Ren smirks, a twinkle in his eye as he looks you over.
As he does something catches his eye, you can see the cogs turning as he thinks deeply for a moment.
"Is everything okay?" You ask him.  "Yeah, I just don't think I've ever seen your ears before."  Panic.
You reach up, feeling that your hood isn't there. It isn't over your ears. He can see them. You reach back and pull your hood up over your head, which gains a very confused look from Ren.
"You're a hybrid." Ren states.  You reach for him as quickly as you reached for your hood, pulling him into your house and slamming the door once he's in.  "Shh."  "What?"
"I don't want anyone to know." Ren is taken aback by this, his eyebrows furrowed.  "Why not?" He asks, clearly curious after learning something new about you.
"No one has ever known, I've always kept it a secret. I don't want anyone to think of me any different because of it." You drop your head to look at the floor, not wanting to maintain eye contact any longer.
You hear Ren approach you, carefully reaching out. You don't stop him as he lowers you hood once again, and with a little help from you he takes your coat off entirely.
"Why would you hide yourself?" He asks, "your ears, your tail. They're beautiful baby, you're beautiful. You shouldn't have to hide away under a coat."  "Like I say, I don't want anyone to think of me differently."
Ren lets out a breath which sounds almost like a laugh. "No one's going to think of you any differently. I have ears and a tail as well and no one treats me any different." He lifts your head with his hand, catching your gaze.
"What if they do?"  "They won't, I can promise you that. Even if they did, I'd be here to stick up for you. Me and you, we gotta stick together now. I hope you know that." his voice is playful, tail wagging behind him.
"Yeah yeah, anyway. Can we go end busting now?" You ask, your own tail beginning to move of its own accord as you get more and more excited. "We sure can, but the coat stays here." Ren states, hanging the garment up.
"If the coat stays here I get the first elytra." You say, watching as Ren smirks. "Then it's yours, lets go."
Ren opens the door, waiting for you to exit the house before he does, just to make sure you don't grab the coat on the way out. You roll your eyes at him as he closes your door.
It feels strange to be out and about with no coat on, you can't remember the last time you did this. What you do know is that it feels amazing, and thanks to Ren you don't think you'll ever go back to hiding your hybrid features.
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fireflykaizoku · 3 years
Hey!! I'm obsessed with your soulmates swap aus, really i love them they're so good i can't even explain 😭
Could i ask you one with kid but no one can really see they exchanged bodies 'cause they are literally the same? Like y/n has the same character as kid so they seems literally the same as always and it's quite a problem.
Thank you if you do, have a nice day 💕
helloo anon my love! ❤ i'm so so glad you like them! i'm sorry i took long, by the way! but here it is, and i hope you like it! have a nice day ❤
— What are you looking at? — you snapped at someone at the bar. That person was looking at you for you don’t even know how long.
— (Y/N), calm down. It’s your birthday, don’t stress trying to fight again. — one of your friends asked, holding your arm. — Just leave it.
You sighed, taking a sip of your drink. It was easy for you to get irritated and start a fight, you had quite a temper, and honestly, you don’t know how your friends put up with you. The only reason why you didn’t get into more fights, it was because of them.
— I swear, your soulmate better be someone calm. — another friend giggled. — Imagine if they have that temper.
— It’d be a chaos. — you laughed, forgetting about the fight you almost started before. — But I guess the world couldn’t handle a couple like that. I hope they’re level headed.
It was late when you went back home, and you fell asleep right after, hoping you wouldn’t have a hangover the next morning.
Your peaceful slumber got interrupted with a loud bang on the door. Since when your roommate got so aggressive? You barely had time to open your eyes, and realize you were sitting on a chair, in front of a desk, in a room that wasn’t yours. It smelled like oil and metal. What an awful time to switch bodies with your soulmate.
You knew it’d happen eventually, but it wasn’t something you looked forward to, unlike your friends who acted as if it was such an event.
— Kid, the ship just docked. — someone said. — We’ll go get some supplies and head to a bar.
— Go away! — you screamed, still in shock while looking at that body which obviously wasn’t yours.
The man had scars on his chest and right arm, while apparently he didn’t have his left arm, replaced with a heavy mechanical one. You looked at the long coat over your shoulder, the vest and his pants and couldn’t help laughing at his fashion taste. How tacky.
— What a clown. — you whispered to yourself, still laughing. — Out of all people, this is my soulmate? How lucky…
You got up and headed to a bathroom, maybe when you washed your face and actually felt awake, you could find a solution to switch back and go home. Looking at the broken and dirty mirror, your soulmate was very attractive. He had red hair, no eyebrows, a scar on the left side of his face, and goggles. He’s someone you’d look at if you saw him at a bar.
— Now, how do I find him? — you asked yourself. — Well, if he’s in my body, I’ll call my house. I’m sure there’s a den den mushi here somewhere.
When you left the bathroom, you tried to find the transponder snail. It took a while, walking from room to room, but you finally spotted one in what seemed to be the captain’s bedroom. You started calling your house, hoping that your soulmate would answer.
— What?! — the man answered. — If you’re the person who is in my body, you better find a way to switch back.
— Look, I’m not happy with this situation either. I want to go back to my body, so what do we do now?
He sighed, obviously as annoyed as you were.
— I’m the captain of this ship, so you tell my crew to come here to your island so we can switch back. Don’t let people know what’s going on, I don’t want anyone to know about that. I have a damn reputation.
— Are you even that relevant? — you laughed.
— Watch it, just because you’re my soulmate it doesn’t mean you can talk to me like that.
You rolled your eyes, hanging up before replying. First, you went to the kitchen, feeling thirsty. Luckily they had some beer. You took one, and soon enough, you found one of the crew members that stayed on the ship. You demanded to go to your island quick.
— We need to go there. It’s important, and don’t ask any questions, I’ll be working on something or whatever.
You went back to Kid’s workshop, slamming the door behind you. Being in another body was annoying. You didn't know who this person was, you were far from home, and his mechanical arm was so heavy it was bothering you.
When a tall blonde man wearing a mask knocked on the door, opening it right after, you just told him to go away, threatening to throw something at him if he didn’t leave. After that, everyone left you alone.
The only time when anyone knocked on the door after that, was the next morning, when someone said they arrived at the destination.
— I’ll be back soon. I don’t want neither of you following me around, got it? — you asked and the crew nodded.
You left the ship, going towards your house. And when the door opened you saw your figure, which was very weird.
— Took you long enough! — he said with a frown. — How do we switch back now?
— I should’ve know you don’t understand about soulmates. — you sighed. — We need to kiss.
— Is that all? — he seemed surprised, thinking it was too easy to be true. — Then let’s kiss now!
— It’s not a simple kiss, you fool. It’s a kiss when we’re in love, which it’s probably not going to happen, so we need to figure something out.
Kid yelled, complained, cussed, and finally accepted how things really were. You two tried to talk without bickering on each other, trying to think of another solution. And after a long discussion, with you yelling at him, both decided that you needed to stay with him on the Victoria Punk until you could switch back.
The crew kept whispering, curious about who was that small person that their Captain just brought to the ship. Maybe an affair? A new member or an ally? No one dared to ask him directly, though, especially since he was in a bad mood.
Kid still didn’t want the crew to know, even though Killer was smart enough and could probably help. You spent many times together at his workshop, seeing him work while you complained you were bored. At night, you two agreed that sleeping in his room would be the best. The red haired man let you keep the bed, saying he didn’t want his body to be sick or in pain, apparently. Whenever his mechanical arm got too heavy, he tried to ease the weight or help you take it off.
Eventually, you had longer conversations with him, seeing you two had a lot in common, surprisingly.
The showers were a little weird, especially during the first few times, when he kept saying your body was very hot, making you feel flustered for the first time in your life. But after a while, it just felt normal.
It has been almost a month since you two met. The ship had docked and everyone was at a bar. A man was flirting with you, or well, with Kid, while thinking it was you. Indeed, you used to draw attention from people when you went out, and you forgot about that until a man was approaching Eustass, complimenting his beautiful looks.
Feeling annoyed, and perhaps even a little jealous thinking that other men wanted you, he got up from his sit and pulled you into a kiss. Of course, the crew had their eyes open. Who knew the mysterious person Kid brought was that straightforward, and who knew their captain would let someone steal a kiss from him.
The kiss wasn’t romantic or cute. It was full of passion and desire, it was unexpected and possessive, as if he was saying “you’re mine”. He bit your lip, and it felt like he was claiming you. Honestly, it was a good feeling, as if you’ve been waiting, without even knowing, for him to make this first move.
You felt butterflies, something you’ve never felt before.
When you opened your eyes, you saw his figure towering over you, and a grin that wouldn’t leave his face so soon. He pulled you closer, making it clear that you were his. He didn’t even ask, but your answer would be “yes” anyway.
— I can’t believe we finally switched back. — he laughed, flexing his arm. — I missed my body.
The crew gasped.
— Switch back? — Heat asked. — Wait, you were in (Y/N)’s body this whole time? And (Y/N) was in your body?
— I must say, I’m surprised. I couldn’t notice any difference. — Killer said. — You two are very alike.
At first, you two seemed offended until realizing the masked man was actually right. You two has the same personality, and it wasn’t what you expected your soulmate to be. Someone peaceful and quiet would be fun, but someone who could raise a little hell with you could be even better.
— You’re annoying sometimes, but I want you to sail with me anyway. — he said gently lifting your chin with his index finger, still with his signature smirk on his face.
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Secret Santa
Summary: The BAU holds its first Secret Santa, and as fate has it, you pick your Spencer Reid. But you aren’t the only one with feelings. Gifts tell all.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x reader
Word Count: 1550+
A/n: We were going to do Secret Santa at work but shit hit the fan, and half of the people don’t want to give to the other half. So, I’ll substitute it with fiction. Please enjoy 🎅
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Considering the amount of time the group spent working, finding everyone on the team that one perfect gift would be time-consuming. So, you suggested Secret Santa. 
Penelope loved the idea. She went around to gather everyone available and dragged them to the bullpen. Rossi, of the first to hear, offered his house to host the event on Christmas Eve. 
Gaining momentum, you pulled a piece of paper from your desk drawer and went to work. Most of the team gathered around to watch as your fingers folded the page into small rectangles and then tore at the edges. For each sliver of paper, you wrote a name for each member of the team. And then concealed the information by folding each piece. Morgan came back with a hat from lost and found. 
"Who wants to draw first?"
Morgan stepped up. He rubbed his hands together wickedly and drew from the hat, picking out a scrap. He revealed it to himself, keeping an even face. 
Penelope couldn't contain her excitement and pranced to you. Unlike the others, she didn't contain her thrill of the pick. You would guess Morgan, but there wouldn't be one person she wouldn't be happy to buy presents for. 
Prentiss stuck her hand in. She was smart enough to step back and wait to unfold hers when no one was watching. In a room full of profiles, one could never be too careful. 
Rossi didn't seem too thrilled with his pick but went back to stand beside Prentiss, trying to look over her shoulder at hers. 
JJ pretended to be selective, choosing one playfully to grab another one instead. She followed Emily's lead. Waiting until later to look. 
Reid was the last in the bullpen and stood off to the side, watching everyone else as they took their turns. 
He bit his lip as he approached to pick between the last three. Once he pulled one, he unfolded it without concealing the corners of his lips. 
"Who'd you get, pretty boy?"
Spencer panicked, hiding the name in his fist so Morgan couldn’t peek. "That's not a part of the game."
"We have a case," Hotch called out from his office door. 
Morgan patted Reid on the back. There would definitely be more teasing later. 
The group filed into the meeting room one by one. Last, you extended the hat towards Hotch. Raising a brow, he diligently selected a scrap. He unfolded it and gave you a look. "Secret Santa?"
Nothing could fool him. When you smiled at Hotch sheepishly, he returned the smile, tucking the paper into his coat pocket and resumed his solemn expression. And you wondered if he'd picked you. 
You retrieved the last paper, putting it in your pocket for later. 
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The flight back home was when you remembered the piece of paper. Luckily the case hadn't been long, or else you'd risk running it through the wash.  
As the others slept and rested, you chose the privacy of an empty row to unfold the paper.
Of course. 
"Get somebody good?" Reid sat down across from you. And you entertained the thought that with his high IQ came with mind-reading capabilities. 
"Is there anyone bad?"
"I guess not."
You rested your cheek on your fist, staring at the scrap in concentration. "I don't know what to get them."
"You're lucky you looked at yours now. I've been worried about that the entire case. Slowed my reading speed down to ten-thousand words per minute."
You chuckle but offer your sincerest advice. "Whoever it is will love what you get them because it's from you."
"Thought that counts, right?"
You played with the paper between your fingers, and an idea popped up into your mind. "Right."
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On Christmas Eve, everyone arrived at Rossi's home around seven. Rossi had spent the afternoon cooking an Italian dinner, and nothing had ever smelled more welcoming. 
Each team member discreetly left gifts on a table along the wall of the large window looking out onto Rossi's backyard, lit with twinkling Christmas lights. Presents varied in size, some wrapped, some bagged. Each gift with a tag addressed to who without the giver's name. It was more fun for profilers to guess. Though by the time everyone sat down, there were two fewer gifts than people present. 
"I'll go first," Rossi offered. Instead of going to the table to find his gift, he left the room, only to return with two handfuls of gift bags. "Merry Christmas." Rossi went around the table, handing a bag to each team member. When he gave you a bag, he beat answered your impending question. "What? I got myself." Returning to his seat as he continued. "So, I decided to get the same wine for everyone, since everyone depletes me at these gatherings."
"You should've picked from the hat again!" 
"You didn't say I could pick again." He sassed back. "Why doesn't someone else go? Reid?" 
Reid pushes his chair back but halts as you place a pack of cards on the table. You hold up the box, showing everyone. "Normal pack, right?" Everyone watched with a curious look. You hold it out towards Reid with your left hand. But with your right, you wave it over the box, and it disappears. 
"You've picked up magic?!" Spencer radiated as you make the deck reappear, this time without the box. Everyone claps, and you bow in your seat. 
"I thought I may try and attempt to impress the great Spencer Reid. And I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve for later." You send him a wink. "Who's next?"
"Go, kid." Rossi encouraged you. You walk over to the presents. Penelope, Emily, and then you spot your name written on a medium-sized gift bag. It's not too light nor too heavy as you bring it back over to the table, taking a seat as you pull out the red and green tissue concealing it. 
It's a handbag. A cinched sack with a dusty rose print with a white stripe along the top. And a pristine designer name on the front. 
You'd seen this bag… somewhere. But the memory was fuzzy. 
"Wooooah." JJ is the first to see the label. "That's nice." 
Penelope leans over JJ and snatches your bag from your hands. "You would call a Guess bag nice. This is a beautiful, crafted stretch of the fabric!" Morgan and Emily are stretching their necks. While Hotch and Rossi's brows furrow at the hysteria.
You're scanning everyone's faces until you look across from your seat and see Reid, the only one unalarmed. 
"I don't get why people are willing to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a single fashion accessory." Rodeo Drive. A case. You're walking down the street, passing by the rich, feeling like a have-not. 
"It says that the owner of said handbag is worth something," You say to Reid, stopping in front of a designer's display window. Mannequins are dressed in obnoxious attire, but you're staring at a dusty rose bag displayed on a pedestal. "If someone buys it for you, they're telling you that you're worth wasting a lot of money on. If you buy it for yourself… then you're telling yourself that you're worth that." You'd seen many designer handbags you wouldn't be caught dead wearing, let alone paying the price of a down payment. But this one is modern and… your style. You can't help but gravitate towards it.
"You like that bag." He isn't asking. It's a fact. 
"I don't like myself that much." You force yourself to keep walking, but Spencer lingers, looking at the handbag another moment. 
You push back your chair, excusing yourself from the party. You miss the way the team looked between themselves, eyes one by one landing on Reid, who was quick to follow you into the hallway. Reid’s footsteps are too familiar not to recognize. When you turned on your heels, you nearly crash into him. 
He was worried you would be mad, but your demeanor spoke the opposite. You would hardly meet his eye, lips pressed together in a straight line. 
"I gave you a magic show, and you got me a purse!"
"I liked your show!" Spencer affirmed. "I loved it, actually."
"Why did you get me that bag?"
"Because you're worth that much to me." Now his eyes diverted your gaze, and the meaning behind his words clicked. "If anyone else had gotten me for Secret Santa, they would've bought me a book. But you gave me something that will last me a lot longer than five minutes. Something no one else would get me."
"The opportunity to ridicule me until the end of time?"
"A new shared interest!" He corrected. "And… maybe we could see The Magic Duel downtown sometime. I hear they're good. A little too into the banter-"
"Like as a date?"
"Yeah," he breathes out with a smile. He'd been holding that thought too long, you notice. 
"Sounds like a plan." You grin back at him.
"But you're paying. That purse really wiped me out."
Your laughter breaks up the tension, and Spencer takes your hand, leading you back to the group. 
If buying an expensive purse hadn't shown you his true feelings, his willingness to touch another human's hand did. 
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stolensiren · 3 years
day at the diner // cass & abigail
TIMING: a few days before cass and marley's run-in with the hunters PARTIES: @morbidlycuriousabigail & @stolensiren SUMMARY: cass meets abigail to try to help her name a recent painting. they talk about comic books and supernatural alignments and they're both super normal about these topics. CONTENT: none
The diner wasn’t exactly crowded, but it was a public enough space that Cass didn’t think it was too big a risk to meet Abigail there. It was a sketchy situation, sure — someone inviting a stranger to come look at their art was always a little weird — but Abigail knew Metzli, and that was enough to make Cass a little more trusting than she otherwise might have been.
Still, she got there early. She scoped the place out, she mapped out escape routes. It was always best to be prepared, she figured.
She was halfway through a cup of coffee when the person she assumed was Abigail entered the cafe, and she waved the other woman over with a grin. “Hi!” She greeted when Abigail arrived at the booth. “I’m Cass. Obviously. Here for… painting inspection?” She wrinkled her nose slightly at the self-assigned descriptor. “Okay, full disclosure, I know nothing about art, but I can definitely help you think of some titles, at least.”
When Abigail entered the cafe, she both looked, and sounded exactly like one might assume from her online interactions. She dressed mostly in black, wearing a sleeveless black turtleneck, a dress coat, and a pair of black dress pants, as well as combat boots. Taking a seat next to Cass, she began to respond, speaking in a monotone and dull manner. “Hello. I’m Abigail Varcroft. Yes, you are.” She pulled a large black reflective object from her bag, opening the top to pull several un-framed paintings from the sleeve, which was intended to protect the paintings from light.
“I’m not too surprised about your amount of knowledge on the matter, but as I’ve said, if Metzli trusts you, I can trust you enough not to ruin my art.” She promptly ordered a coffee and a breakfast for herself, before turning to look at Cass, staring into her eyes as her tone became dark and extremely serious. “If you spill anything on these pieces, I will erase you.” Her change back to her original temperament was rather sudden after she spoke, offering the first of the paintings to Cass.
Abigail certainly looked the part. Her aesthetic was just like her online persona, and Cass had to admire how easily she pulled it off. She was the kind of person Cass imagined had a flawless sort of cool about them, the kind that didn’t try to be anything other than what she was. And Cass always envied people like that, just a little. Anyone who could embrace those parts of them definitely had something Cass didn’t. “Nice to meet you in person, Abigail,” she said with a grin, watching as the painting was removed from the sleeve with a curious expression. She was excited to see it, in spite of her lack of knowledge about arts. She didn’t always understand the symbolism behind it, but she could recognize a cool style when she saw one.
“I promise I won’t ruin it. I won’t even touch it, swear. But I am really pumped to look at it.” She nodded adamantly at Abigail’s threat, because it was a fair one to make. She’d probably worked hard on this painting. If Cass messed it up with a clumsy mistake, she’d probably deserve to be erased. Whatever that entailed. Taking the painting, Cass looked at it with wide eyes. It seemed almost three-dimensional on the canvas, with depth and shadows that she could only imagine trying to create. “Whoa,” she breathed. “I get why you said it might be disturbing, but… This is seriously awesome.”
Upon scanning Cass over further, Abigail couldn’t help but note how she seemed to carry herself. She spoke with the unapologetic genuine kindness of somebody who had a very solid moral compass. Not only that, but Abigail couldn’t help but feel completely opposite to this person, just because of how she spoke and acted in the short interaction they’d had so far. “Thanks. It’s.. nice to meet you too, Cass.” She kept her arm extended as she responded, keeping the painting presented to the stranger with an expectant gaze.
“Good, finger oils may affect the paper or the paint, you can never be too careful.” Abigail watched Cass examine the painting, feeling anxious for only a split second, before she snuffed that feeling out. She knew her art was good, and she hoped Cass could at least see how good it was. Abigail felt like she needed to be confident and calm to keep control of this situation, not that the situation needed to be controlled in the first place. Exhaling quietly in relief once Cass commented on her art, she was genuinely relieved that her art stood up to this stranger’s standards. She hated that feeling of relying on others for validation, but it seemed inescapable to her. “I told you it wasn’t pornographic.” She joked, although her bland, unwavering tone made it difficult to tell.
Cass flashed Abigail another smile, nodding her head. “Totally knew that,” she lied, punctuating the statement with a wink as she immersed herself in the painting. Art, she’d heard, was supposed to make you feel things. She’d never been good at that, had spent hours looking at paintings and drawings and sculptures trying to feel what she was supposed to feel, but it never turned out quite right. It always felt like something was missing, like she was doing it wrong. But… maybe she’d been looking at the wrong kind of art, all that time. She didn’t feel nothing when she looked at Abigail’s art, even if she couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was she did feel.
“You did tell me that,” she agreed with a laugh. This certainly wasn’t what she’d been expecting, that much was for sure. In spite of Abigail’s promises, part of her had anticipated some nudity, albeit the artistic kind that you saw in museums. And this certainly wasn’t that. “Did you decide on a title?”
Abigail sat the painting atop the sleeve after her coffee arrived, taking a quiet sip from the steaming hot beverage. “I doubt it, no offence.” She quickly calmed down, the high from the compliment passing over rather quickly as she was questioned. “I don’t have a name yet, but I was thinking something like ‘disembodied’, or something along those lines. I’ve never been good at naming art, most of the ones I come up with are either too blunt or too boring to work properly.” Abigail took another sip of coffee, staring down at the painting, seeming to be racking her brain for another name for the piece, but she came up with nothing. “I am unsure if this piece is even close enough to perfect for it to be given a name.”
“No offense taken. You’re right to doubt — I absolutely did not know that.” Cass offered Abigail a playful smile with the words. She had admitted to knowing next to nothing about art, and the wink at the end of the statement had made it pretty clear that there was little seriousness to it, so Abigail’s doubt was completely fair. She nodded as she studied the painting, worrying her lip between her teeth. “That’s a pretty good one. Kind of a pun, yeah?” Her eyes snapped up at the last statement, meeting Abigail’s in an expression of disbelief. “Seriously? Come on, this is awesome. You’ve gotta give it a name. It definitely deserves a name.”
Nodding, Abigail continued staring down at the paper as she sipped her coffee, thinking on it for a moment. “I didn’t intend for it to be a pun, but that meaning would also make sense I suppose.” She looked over to Cass, speaking bluntly about her work. “It is one of my best, but.. I worry it could still be better. I feel that I should hold myself to a higher standard than what others would call ‘decent art’.” For Abigail, art was one of two things that gave her meaning in life, the other being the eternal power climb she’d been on the path of, but she couldn’t exactly talk about that with a stranger at a diner. She could, however, talk about her art with this stranger. Her need for perfection had been something she’d struggled with for a long time, especially when it came to making her own art public. Abigail would hopefully never admit the amount of courage it took to show anybody, that was something she hoped to take to her grave. “I suppose it does deserve a name, one better than what I’ve been calling it thus far. I think I will call it… ‘Pulchritudo mortis’, meaning the beauty of death.”
Abigail wasn’t satisfied with her work. Cass figured no one ever really was. Everyone’s harshest critic was themself, and artists tended to fall especially hard to the habit. Cass had seen it in a few of her foster siblings over the years, in Metzli a time or two. “I think… you probably hold yourself to a higher standard than anyone else does. You might look at this and think it could be better, but everybody else? They just see how good it already is.” She hoped the words of encouragement would help a little, even if she knew they weren’t much. Everybody needed a little something sometimes, even if Abigail truly seemed like the last person who’d ever outright ask for it. Cass grinned when Abigail gave the piece a proper name, nodding her head appreciatively. “I think that’s pretty perfect!”
“I hold myself to a higher standard because if I do not stand out in some way, I might as well not hold myself to a standard at all.” Abigail explained in her usual emotionless tone, sliding the painting back into the sleeve and setting it aside. “You can order breakfast. As I said, it’s my treat.” She then turned to one of the people working behind the counter, ordering a simple breakfast for herself, and a refill of coffee. “I think that’s a pretty normal feeling though, the need to be more than others, whatever that means for them. Otherwise, you fall to the wayside and become a complimentary character in your own life. Those who settle are not deserving of praise or greatness. Don’t you agree?”
“I guess that makes sense. But… It’s okay to give yourself a break sometimes, too. Even if it’s hard.” Cass had never been particularly disciplined, something that got her in trouble more often than not at whatever foster home of the week she was at. But Abigail was different. Abigail held herself to a high standard, wanted herself to be the best. And Cass respected that, even if she didn’t understand it. She flashed Abigail a grin when she spoke, ordering a breakfast that wasn’t simple but wasn’t elaborate, either. She’d learned to jump at the chance of someone else buying her food without guilt, but she didn’t want to take advantage, either. “Yeah, I think that’s a fair enough assessment. You gotta shoot for the stars every time, right?”
“I suppose so. If I don’t keep busy, I get antsy, though. Breaks rarely go well.” Abigail spoke mostly truthfully, withholding the incriminating half of her situation. It wasn’t exactly something to be conversed about over breakfast at a public diner. She was indeed her harshest critic, but acknowledging that didn’t make it go away. That would take time and effort, and Abigail had more important business to attend to. “So, what is it that you want to excel at? You must have a hobby or a passion of some kind.” Abigail glanced over at Cass while she spoke, raising her eyebrow curiously.
“I feel that, too.” When Cass gave herself a break, which was far more often than it ought to be, it tended to have just as many consequences. She excused the bad things she did because she told herself she’d earned that, told herself she deserved it. The people she stole from didn’t miss the things she took from them, and they made all the difference in the world to Cass. And it balanced itself out. She helped people, too. That made it all okay. Still, she shifted under Abigail’s gaze, because the answer to her question wasn’t a simple one. Cassidy’s passions were kind of… sketchy at best, after all. “I, uh… I like comic books,” she settled on. “Reading them, anyway. I’ve never tried writing one. But it’s — I like those a lot.”
“What kinds of comic books?” Abigail asked with genuine interest, although it was difficult to tell through her blank speaking tone. It didn’t feel natural for her to feign emotions or express emotions in an outward manner, so she didn’t bother. “I like manga, horror mangas specifically.” Once her food had arrived, Abigail picked at it slowly and sporadically, not seeming that hungry but still wanting to eat something to stay busy and stave off boredom. “Perfect Blue’s a great one. I like The Drifting Classroom too.” The hustle and bustle of the restaurant slowly started to seem more and more loud to Abigail, making her entire body feel tense and uncomfortable, no matter what position she was in. She didn’t let it show, but every little thing felt so overwhelming, for seemingly no reason. Abigail hated when it got like this. After a few moments of silence, it became clear that she was a bit zoned out and unfocused.
“I mostly read superhero stuff,” Cass replied, perking up a little when Abigail mentioned she, too, read similar stories from time to time. “I’ve read some manga, too. Kind of exhausted the library’s supply on it, which isn’t saying much, and I definitely know more about American comics than manga, but… I’m always open to suggestions?” In contrast to Abigail’s picking, Cass ate her food wholeheartedly, unwilling to waste a single bite. She nodded at Abigail’s suggestions, making a mental note to look for them both at the comic store on her weekly trip there. But… then Abigail stopped speaking. She seemed to withdraw into herself a little, and Cass shifted. “Abigail? Are you all right? Do you want to step outside or something?”
Hearing her voice being called, Abigail suddenly came out of her daze, blinking a few times and taking a sip of her coffee, breathing deeply in and out of her nose to try to calm herself down. “Yes, I’m alright. I’m fine. Just tired.” She was lying, mostly because she felt weak because of her problems, and she refused to allow others to see her weaknesses. It still felt too loud in here, but she was able to force herself to stay in the moment. “What were you saying? Superhero stuff?” Abigail tried to change the subject quickly, rubbing her thumb along the outside of the coffee mug handle, doing her best to ground herself and keep her breathing even. These ‘episodes’ were common, and got worse when things were going well in her life. “I haven’t read many superhero comics, but I’m open to recommendations if there are any good ones that you would recommend.”
Abigail seemed to startle out of her daze when Cass said her name, and Cass shifted in response. Uncertain, uneasy, unsure what to do. There was no real change to Abigail’s tone when she assured Cass that she was fine, but Cass felt the lie anyway, felt it settle on the table between them like a centerpiece. Cass could have poked at it, could have pushed the subject more, and maybe she should have. Maybe a better person would have. But Cass only shrugged, nodding her head at the question. “Superhero stuff,” she confirmed with a grin that was mostly forced, mostly false. “I can definitely give you recommendations. Just, you know, you have to be ready for a big list, ‘cause I’ve got a lot I like.”
Abigail had no desire to linger on the previous moments, responding quickly to Cass. “I’m ready for a big list. I will let you know what I think if I ever check them out.” Staying in the moment always worked best for Abigail. When she started thinking or panicking, it was best to just keep going and ignore it, at least that was what she thought. She would probably think otherwise if she wasn’t as afraid of her own thoughts as she was. “I’ve heard Watchmen is an entertaining superhero comic, have you heard of it?” Abigail noticed the fake smile, she knew fake expressions like the back of her hand. “Don’t fake a smile though. I can tell, and I’d rather you not waste the effort at the very least.”
Cass offered Abigail a smile, not mentioning the lie, not mentioning any of it. It was easier, she thought, to ignore that sort of thing. It was easier to move passed it, to pretend everything was fine. If you pretended long enough, you could fool anyone. Even yourself. “If you like horror,” she said, shifting in her seat, “you’d probably love Moon Knight. Ghost Rider, too.” She nodded at the mention of Watchmen. “That one’s great! Totally a classic.” The forced smile faded, and Cass wrinkled her nose. “Sorry.” She wanted to make Abigail feel more comfortable, but it didn’t seem she was doing a very good job at it.
“Ghost Rider, that sounds interesting. What’s that one about?” Abigail tilted her head a bit to the side, finishing off her coffee after asking her question. She watched as the smile faded from Cass’ face, a tinge of guilt arising within. Abigail wondered if it would have just been best to let Cass keep thinking she was helping. “Don’t apologize, you did nothing, it’s a natural human response. I’m just better at telling than most. In my presence, you do not need to force yourself to smile, just as I do not for you. Understood?” The tone she spoke with wasn’t upset, or guilty, or containing any emotion at all. She spoke only facts, like she was trying to free Cass from her own expectations and preconceived notions of how this conversation should go. “I won’t be mad or nervous, never have been.” Those were both lies, but she did her best to continue speaking in an honest-sounding tone.
Cass lit up at the question, always excited to launch into an explanation on her favorite medium of entertainment. “There are a few different versions of the character, but most of the time it’s about a guy who makes a deal with a Spirit of Vengeance to save his own life. He gets to go on living, and the demon gets to use his body as a vessel. It, like, sends bad guys to Hell. And he drives a really sweet motorcycle. Or car, depending on which one you read.” Abigail spoke, and a faint smile returned to Cass’s face, genuine this time. “Understood,” she agreed with a nod. It was a strange concept, the idea of not being required to put on a show for someone. She’d been putting up a front her entire life, and typically when she stopped, people lost interest. Abigail seemed the opposite. It was refreshing. “Thanks, Abigail. I really appreciate that. You’re really cool, you know?”
Abigail listened closely, not breaking eye contact and occasionally nodding as Cass spoke on the subject, one she was clearly passionate about. "So is it a demon or is it a spirit? Or is it both?" Her genuine curiosity was piqued by the conversation, it seemed like a popular and interesting form of media, just not one that she'd ever looked into before. "There are multiple versions of the same character? Within the same medium? That sounds like an interesting concept. It sounds like there is much room for artistic expression and character design in superhero comics." Abigail hadn't expected her genuine nature to be appreciated by this person, it felt oddly pleasant. "Thank you, I don't think I've ever been called 'cool' before, but it feels good. You are cool too, just for future reference." The smallest hint of a smile pulled at the corner of Abigail's lips for a moment, made more noticeable due to the fact that her normal expression was the same during the entire conversation so far.
“It’s kind of both, I guess?” Cass considered the question with a hum, pausing a moment before nodding. “Yeah. It’s both.” People didn’t usually let her talk about her interests for extended periods of time like this, much less ask questions and engage in the material. It was fun, she found, to discuss it with an interested party. “Yeah! It’s, like, different people who take on the same name. Like you’ve got Johnny Blaze, the original. Danny Ketch, too. Uh, Alejandra Jones. Robbie Reyes… They all have their own unique style. It happens a lot in comics. It’s part of what makes the medium so much fun. You can usually find a character you vibe with, no problem.” Abigail looked happier now, and Cass felt happier seeing it. “Thanks,” she replied. “That really means a lot coming from you, because you seem like a good judge of that kind of thing.” Abigail didn’t seem the sort to hand out compliments easily, so getting one made it feel all the more sincere.
Abigail nodded in understanding, absorbing the knowledge as it was given to her. This new thing sounded more and more interesting, she’d definitely have to check it out when she went home. “I think I understand somewhat. So, a spirit and demon with a ‘sweet’ vehicle uses their powers to enact vengeance upon any and all who deserve it? And the ‘Ghost Rider’ name is actually a mantle of some kind. Is that correct?” A small flicker of hope glinted across her eyes as she waited for a response. As always, she thrived off of what others thought, as much as she refused to acknowledge it. “It sounds very interesting, I can understand the appeal. It would be interesting if somebody like that comic character really existed in the real world.” Abigail paid no mind to the other customers at the diner at the moment, automatically tuning them out due to her investment in the conversation. It was a welcomed escape from being stuck in her head. “I am a good judge of that kind of thing. I’m great with people.” Abigail spoke in an empty, prompt tone, but she paused for a moment as if expecting something, before quickly speaking once again in clarification. “That was meant to be funny. Just for reference.”
People usually stopped her when she got like this. Cass could go on about comics forever if the person at the other end of the conversation allowed it, but they usually didn’t. Abigail was different. She wasn’t just willing to listen, she was willing to engage. And there was a thrill that came with that. “Yes!” She confirmed, a little too much excitement in her voice. “That’s exactly right. It’d be cool, yeah, but… Maybe not for that person. I mean, having something else use your body half the time, not being able to call the shots about what you’re doing… I don’t think that would be much fun.” It was a terrifying concept, really, to lose your agency entirely like that. It worked better in fiction, where you could separate yourself from the implications of it. Cass grinned at Abigail’s joke, nodding her head. “I got you,” she said, tapping her temple before pointing to Abigail. “That’s a good one. But, you know, I think you’re better with people than you think you are.”
The inadvertent yet admittedly very close to home call-out made by Cass sent Abigail for a loop. As much as she tried not to let it show, her visible pause from being taken aback by Cass’ words made it obvious that something she had said meant something to Abigail to some degree. “..yes, I agree. That would be very unfortunate and horrifying, but of course, if you could differentiate your actions from the actions of your other half, wouldn’t it make it more bearable?” Stopping herself before she spoke too much, Abigail cleared her throat softly, breaking eye contact to order coffee from a passing waitress, her face back to completely blank and undisturbed. “I appreciate the sentiment, but I seriously doubt that. According to my old therapist, I am severely socially stunted for several reasons, so… her and all of my former employees would disagree with you. Still, I really do appreciate the sentiment.”
Abigail seemed taken aback for a moment, though Cass couldn’t imagine why. She shifted in her seat, shrugging as the other woman spoke. “I don’t know,” she replied, shaking her head. “I think it would make me feel… more powerless, in a way. Knowing that somebody else was doing things with my body, that I wasn’t in control of it. I don’t think it would help much, even if I could separate it in my head.” It was strange, watching how Abigail steeled herself. Stranger still since Cass had no idea what she was steeling herself against. She glanced to the waitress, offered her a smile as she tried to ponder what might have caused the reaction. “Well, I like talking to you. You’re good enough with people to make me have fun in a conversation. That’s gotta count for something, right?”
“I can’t disagree with you. Not like they have much of a choice though, the most that the person with the spirit in them can do is make the best of the situation.” Abigail grabbed her now-full cup of coffee, taking a small sip and letting out a quiet, deep exhale for a moment, before looking back to Cass, reengaging with the conversation. She didn’t want to think about the difficult situation she was in, nor did she want to think about what she’d done from a moral standpoint. That would make things much, much harder for her. “Anyways, heroes typically have villains, yes? Who is the main enemy of this ‘Ghost Rider’ character?” She was quick to return the conversation to a lighter topic, and it was painfully obvious that she was hiding something, even if it was difficult to tell what. “Thank you, Cass. I don’t hear that very often, but I am glad that you’re enjoying the conversation.” Offering a sincere nod, Abigail glanced towards the extremely shiny and reflective napkin holder for a moment after catching a glimpse of something odd. Spotting the reflection of the person sitting across from her, Abigail didn’t let on what she’d seen just yet, simply gesturing towards the napkin holder with her coffee cup. “By the way, from friend to friend, you should be more careful.”
“That’s true,” Cass agreed with a nod. “I guess if you’re possessed by a Spirit of Vengeance, it doesn’t do you much good to think about how much it sucks all the time.” Even if it would probably be hard not to. Cass tried to be an optimist, but it was hard at times. “Mephisto is probably his big bad. He’s… Kind of the literal Devil. So, I guess it makes sense.” Cass wrinkled her nose as she said it, a little amused. If there was one thing you could count on with comic books, it was a certain level of ridiculousness lurking beneath everything. That was the best part, for Cass. The ridiculousness made the stories easier to bear, even when they were dark. Cass smiled at Abigail, blinking curiously when the other woman’s eye seemed caught on the napkin holder between them. She glanced down at it, breath catching in her throat at what she saw. What should have been her reflection looked… inhuman. More like a bird than a person. Cass quickly grabbed the napkin holder, putting it in the seat beside her and out of sight. “I — I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she muttered, straightening her back. “But I’m glad that we can be friends.” It wasn’t a smooth transition, but… She glanced down at the napkin holder again. Sometimes, smooth transitions weren’t possible.
Abigail watched as Cass quickly moved to hide the reflective surface, a light smirk on her lips as she made a zipping motion with her hand, a gesture she intended to mean that she would remain silent about this little secret. “Sure, I don’t know what I’m talking about either, I suppose. Must have just been a trick of the light.” Sipping yet again from her coffee mug, Abigail’s coy attitude remained as she returned to the lighter side of the conversation, as if the elephant in the room hadn’t been splayed out before them, making the air a bit more tense. “As am I, but just as I said you need not pretend with your emotions, you also need not pretend when it comes to your.. situation. Surprisingly, I can be rather understanding, so long as you’re on my good side.” Abigail’s eyes glanced over at Cass, gazing sideways at her and trying to read her to see how uncomfortable she was. That was usually a good gauge of how she was performing in a conversation. “But I must warn you, there’s a chance things won’t go so smoothly between us now, depending on your alignment. I have a similar, but different affliction, at least from the limited information I have about you so far. Do you understand?”
Cass was tense, her shoulders tight and her hand trembling where she held it in her lap. She resisted the urge to glance down at her reflection again, terrified of what she’d see there. Instead, she stared straight ahead, focusing on a spot just over Abigail’s shoulder to keep from having to look her in the eye. A cowardly move, maybe, but better than facing something she’d been avoiding for a while now. “I’m not pretending. I don’t — It’s just not what you think it is.” She shifted, suddenly nervous for more reasons than one. “I don’t have any alignment. Or affliction.” Gripping her purse, she chewed her lip. “Look, this was fun. I really want us to be friends, and I liked talking to you. But I should probably get going. I’m meeting a friend later, and she’ll worry if I’m late. You know?” It was a lie, but one Cass hoped could stop the uncomfortable direction of the conversation.
Abigail accepted the check from their waitress, scanning it over briefly and placing payment in the clip attached to the check, wanting to quickly return her attention to Cass. “I’m sure it’s not, I don’t even know what I think it is. But everybody has an alignment of some kind, good and evil, chaos and law, right and wrong, even I am aligned with something.” Pulling a card from her pocket, she handed it to Cass, looking in her eyes even though she didn’t do the same. It appeared to be a business card without any business information, just Abigail’s first name, last initial, and some contact information on the back, all in a plain black font. “Then we can be friends, and we don’t have to talk about whatever that was, but I can be more understanding and more knowledgeable than you may assume me to be, Cassidy.”
It was a fight to stop her hand from trembling as she reached out and took the card, but Cass managed it. Just barely, but it counted for something. “I’m just trying to — to live my life. That’s all.” It was both true and untrue, both a fact and a lie. She wanted to do good, wanted to be good… most of the time. But right now? Right at this moment? All she wanted was for this conversation to be over. She didn’t want to think about it, didn’t want to talk about it. “There’s nothing to understand. And nothing to talk about. I’m sorry to rush out. I, uh… I’ll be in touch.” She held up the card, pushing herself to her feet. “I like the painting. You should have Metzli put it up in the gallery. I’ll come see it.” And then, she turned on her heel and practically ran for the door. In the seat beside her now-empty chair, the reflective paper towel holder sat, light bouncing off it. Cass didn’t look back.
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Stay With Me (Pt. 08 of 09)
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: Daryl found you surrounded by the dead, stuck in the backseat of a car. You were wishing for death to take you away for quite a while now, but, as you slid back and forth into consciousness, there was only one thing keeping you alive. Him, the man with blue, worried eyes and kind voice. Your beaten up body was ready to give up, too wounded and broken to keep going. But this man, who went out of his way to save your life is the only thing in the world holding you up. And, because of him, you feel something you haven't felt in a very long time: hope. Wherever he's taking you, you want to get there, and not only to be buried. For what it feels like the very first time, you want to live. He takes you back to Alexandria, but even there, the nightmares and the terror from all the torture and pain you've been through keeps creeping closer, and Daryl, your hero, is the only one who can keep that all away.
Warnings: Mentions and description (not graphic) of past abuse; post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); some violence at the end of the story (a little bit graphic, but not so much); blood.
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{The Walking Dead Masterlist}
I want to thank my awesome friend @jodiereedus22, who helped me (and still does) a lot to get this story done. She's also a writer and she's amazing so please go check her work!!
It's amazing to know you're excited about the party. Luke is two months old, and since you had a welcome party in-store, you turned it into a birthday party. It'll happen later tonight, by nightfall, and you're enjoying the last moments before you have to leave the bedroom and start organizing things.
After brushing your teeth and hair, you leave the bathroom, smiling to see Daryl still lied in bed. He seems peaceful, eyes closed, so handsome in the morning light. You've been wanting to tell him something, it's been a while... But you never get the right time. Or maybe you're just a little scared...
But looking at him now, it just fades away. You and Daryl have been in a solid relationship, and despite the short time, things have been amazing. Perfect. Carol is even talking about moving out, so you and Daryl can have your own space, but you don't want to push her to it. In the privacy of your bedroom, you're fine. And living with Carol is nice.
“Hey, D.” You say in a soft voice, going to the bed and climbing on top of him. Daryl grunts something, his eyes opening, hands coming to your hips and waist. “Are you awake?”
“I am now that a kitten came to lie down on me.” He mumbles as you move up until your face is at the same level as his. You place your legs around his hips, hands sustaining your weight on each side of his head.
“Sorry.” You mutter, moving to stand up. But Daryl's grip gets tighter, and you let yourself fall, collapsing against his chest, giggling. “Alright, alright. But listen up now...”
“What is it?” He brings a hand to your face, fingers caressing your chin.
“Uhm...” Blushing a little, you clear your throat. “I... I think... No, I do.”
Daryl raises an eyebrow, and you can tell he's trying to figure it out on his own. “Ya wanna break apart?” He bursts out suddenly. “ ‘Cause if that's what ya want, I–”
“Oh, yeah. Definitely.” You say in a sarcastic tone, rolling your eyes. “I'm literally on top of you, Daryl Dixon. How can you possibly think I want to end things?” Moving to sit up, straddling his hips, you cross your arms. “What do you have in this pretty head of yours? Only hunting skills?”
“Yer very funny.” In a sudden motion, Daryl pulls you down again, switching positions so he's on top of you instead. “What is it then?” He asks, his face way too close.
“Can I kiss you first?”
“Nah. Ya got me curious.”
“Alright...” Taking a deep breath, you gather up some courage to push the words out. “I want a baby.” Shrugging your shoulders, you giggle at Daryl's funny face. “What?”
“Don't ya have one already?”
“Yeah...” Mumbling, you wrap your arms around his neck. “Daryl?”
“I want another baby.” Smirking, you place a kiss on his lips. He's fast to kiss you back, a hand cupping your cheek. “So. What do you think?” You ask when you pull away.
“How are ya plannin’ to get one?”
You're not sure if his intention was to make you blush, but you're blushing anyway. “Uhm... First I need to get married.”
“Get married? People don't care about these things anymore.” He answers quickly, and you wonder if you went too far. Maybe it's way too early, and these thoughts should be kept inside your heart for a while longer.
“I know but... That's exactly why I care.” Sighing, you avoid his eyes. “I'm sorry, we haven't talked about this and I don't even know if–”
“Hey, calm down.” With his thumb and index finger on your chin, he makes you look at him again. You always appreciates Daryl's touch, it doesn't matter how small it is. It took a while for him to get comfortable enough to do this so easily, and you never take it for granted. He's always gentle as if you're a porcelain doll. He's never rough, never violent, not with you. Loving Daryl happened fast and strong, and it's a feeling that only grows, every passing day. “Ya wanna talk about it we'll talk about it.”
“It's just that... I-I love you. With all my heart and... It does feel like we already have this family thing going on and...” Daryl has fallen into this father role, and he's absolutely amazing with Luke. He can make him fall asleep in minutes, and you love to watch as he rocks the baby to sleep. And those moments always get your mind racing. He's already being such a good father so maybe he'd like a baby of his own... And you'd like to give him that. “...It got me thinking.”
“I love ya too, babygirl. But marriage... It would bound you with me on a whole different level.” Daryl sits up, and you follow his movement, your arms still around his neck, keeping him close. “I wanna make sure ya have the choice ta’ walk away when ya want to.”
“I won't walk away, Dixon. I love you.” He needs to be reassured of that from time to time, but you don't mind. You want to spend the rest of your life making sure Daryl knows he's loved. That he's desired and wanted. “I want to be with you for the rest of my life and if that's what you want too... You know, I'm a girlish girl, I'd like to get married someday, and honestly, if not with you then I won't marry anyone else.” Shrugging your shoulders, you look down, a shiver rolling down your spine, feeling his fingers caressing your bare thigh.
“Ya sure ya want this? With me? Are ya sure about what yer talking about?”
“I am.” You mutter in a low voice, blushing. “I am.” Repeating in a low voice, you kiss him, slowly at first, but soon enough his taste overcomes everything, and you think he feels the same since he deepens the kiss. Pulling him down again, you smile when his hand touches a ticklish spot on your side.
“Hey, you two!” Carol calls, knocking on the door. “Wake up. There's a lot to do today.”
Daryl grunts in response, not pulling away from the kiss.
But Carol is right. It'll be a long day and both you and Daryl have stuff to get ready for the party.
The day passes by quickly since you're helping everyone a little. The only thing you can't do is lift heavy stuff. Daryl forbade it, with Denise backing him up, you have no idea for how long. The party will happen at Rick's house since the living room is the biggest, and you spend hours there decorating everything. You try not to think too much about all the people who will be here tonight. You know them, you befriended them, they won't hurt you.
When it's finally time to go, you're impressed by how you feel. Happy, not scared, and actually excited. You never thought stuff like this would ever happen again. It's silly, but it keeps people sane, said Deanna. The sun is making its way to the horizon when you're getting dressed. You chose to wear a dress Daryl brought you from one of his runs. It's a light shade of blue, with thin straps and a nice cleavage in the back, reaching a few inches below the mid of your thighs. You never wear anything that will show the scar on your leg, you don't like it. Nor what it represents. You're putting on your flats when Daryl comes out of the bathroom, hair still damp, but completely dressed. He's wearing what he usually wears, always dark colors, but you don't mind. You really like it.
“Are you ready?” You ask, turning on your heels to face him. Daryl doesn't answer, eyes locked on you, lingering for so long it makes you blush. “D? Cat got your tongue?”
“Nah, it just...” He looks down at his feet before making his way over you. “Ya look beautiful, that's all.”
“Thanks.” Smiling shyly, you tiptoe to kiss him. “But I'll need a coat for when the night falls... Mind if I get one of yours?”
“Won't ya ever stop stealin’ my clothes?” Daryl fakes an annoyed tone, but it takes two seconds for his lips to break into a smile.
“Well, you stole my heart, Dixon. I'm just looking for revenge.” Winking at him, you search on the wardrobe for one of his jackets. “Now let's get going. Maggie and I baked this brownies and I'm dying for one.” Grabbing the jacket, you take his hand and leave the bedroom.
Carol is already there, so you just have to take little Luke and head out. He wants Daryl this time, so he's the one carrying him to Rick's place. As you walk there, the wind messes with your hair, and you try to keep it from your face.
“Who are the new residents, by the way?” You just remembered them. If the day wasn't so hectic, you'd ask Daryl to introduce you to them, just so you could know their faces before having to meet them at the party.
“Two men. Aaron found them starving to death a hundred miles Northwest. They're alright I guess. Since Deanna allowed them to stay.” Daryl reassures you, his free hand taking yours. “Ya ok?”
“Yeah... I'm excited, actually.” As you climb the few steps to the porch, Luke giggles, you're not sure why. “Right, little one?” Stopping by the front door, you step closer to the baby in Daryl's arm. “Are you excited too? For your party? Two months old already, you're growing up so fast.” You're still baby-talking when the door is opened, a smiley Carl gesturing for you to get in.
“C'mon, let's get ya those brownies,” Daryl says as you step inside.
It takes no time for people to come to talk to Luke, him becoming the center of attention. He throws himself on Maggie's arms, who happily welcomes him.
“(Y/N),” Rick says and you turn on your heels to talk to him. Daryl remains close, and you know why. But you feel fine, comfortable around these people. “Judith said a funny word this morning. I wonder where she learned it.” He has his hands on his hips, and you innocently shrug your shoulders.
“What word?”
“Damn it,” Daryl answers, not a hint of doubt in his voice. Rick nods, raising his eyebrow.
“Oh my gosh. Where could she have heard such a thing?” She learned it from you because that's what you exclaim almost a hundred times a day and that's not really a secret anymore. “I'm sure she said something like ‘dang it’ so I don't see how that's my fault. ‘Dang it’ it's not that bad is it?”
“Well, I think–”
“(Y/N). Daryl.” Deanna calls, and you give Rick a smirk, meaning you're happy to be saved from this conversation. Turning around, you focus on Deanna. “Come, you're the only ones who haven't met Michael and Daniel yet.”
“Ok.” You can't help but feel a little anxious to meet new people, so you grab Daryl's arm as you follow Deanna through the living room.
“Over here.” She gestures, a kind smile on her lips. “This is Daniel, and Michael, they were found–”
Her words fade when both men turn to look at you. Their faces are unmistakable, and you feel yourself sinking, skin burning, head spinning as it all comes back.
Their voices, touches, and threats. You're suddenly back there, in the darkness, starving, freezing, waiting, wishing for death to come before they did. You're in the basement where your screams used to echo. All of your wounds start hurting, pulsing, as if they were reopened, all over again.
You never got the names, but you'll never forget the faces. One of them, the you thought looked like Rick, has a smile on his lips. The same sick, wicked smile, the same he had every time he went to see you, never failing to draw some blood.
“Hi, (Y/N).” He says, in the same tone he used to. Low, dark, more animal than human.
What happens next is a blur. There's yelling, and Daryl suddenly isn't by your side anymore. He's a blur, moving towards both men, drawing punches. You're pulled back by someone, you don't know where, but you know it isn't Daryl. You know his touch by heart, and it's the only touch you want.
“Let go of me!” You yell, pushing whoever that was, sinking, falling backward until you hit a wall. You want to disappear again, to vanish from existence. With both hands covering your ears, you push yourself into the wall, hoping it'll absorb you, hide you.
“Take them. Now.”
“The trial happens tomorrow.”
“Lock those assholes up.”
“Enjoy your last night on Earth.”
The words have no meaning, they just keep echoing. The low chattering, the many footsteps... Why are you still here? Why can't you be strong for once and just run? Run where? If they're here... Where else could you go?
“Babygirl,” his low, calming voice is like a beacon, lighting up the darkness, bringing you back, pulling you into consciousness again. Into life.
Moving just a little, hands off your ears and muscles relaxing, you look at him, immediately running to his arms. “They're here. They're here, they... They found me.”
“Alright, calm down now.” He holds you tight, a hand rubbing your back. “Let's get ya outta here.”
Nodding, you offer no resistance when he picks you up. You keep your eyes closed, face hidden on the crook of his neck as you float away. It feels like the first time, when he was carrying you from the infirmary into what's now your house.
You flinch a little when you're pulled down, suddenly recognizing your bed and curling up, pulling the blankets over your head.
“How is she?”
“I don't know.” Daryl sounds angry, furious. “I'll kill them right now.”
“No, Daryl. The trial will be tomorrow. You know they'll die for what they did”
“I don't care!”
“You need to stay with her now.”
You know it's Carol, but still, you want her to go. You need everyone to go away now, you just need Daryl. You need to... Go away. Alexandria isn't safe anymore. You rather face the dead.
Silently, moved by fear, you get up, taking the dress off, and struggling with the first pair of jeans you find.
“(Y/N),” Daryl calls, but you ignore him, sight blurred by the tears as you put a shirt on. “Hey, (Y/N).” You don't know what to take... You just need to leave. These walls won't keep you safe anymore. If you stay... You know they'll find you again.
“I'm leaving.” You mumble, looking around and finding the white sneakers you left by the edge of the bed and putting them on.
“I'm leaving! I can't stay here. If I stay here it'll happen all over again.” You're yelling, sitting on the bed, sobbing. “They're here, they'll take me again, they-they–”
“Shh, yer ok.” Daryl pulls you up, into his arms, and you melt. The sobs are muffled by this jacket, and your tears are certainly soaking the fabric. “Look at me, babygirl. Look at me.” Slowly, you raise your head, his blue eyes acting immediately, like a medicine made only for you. “There's a place I can take ya for the night. But ya need to be here tomorrow. To officialize their crime so I can kill those–”
“Take me away, please.” You beg, holding onto him as if he's the only thing keeping you sane. Alive. Because he is. “Please, if I stay here I'll–”
“Alright, alright.” He nods, a hand caressing your cheek. “Let's go then. C'mon.”
Everything happens in the background, you feel. Carol stays by your side in the porch, guiding you to the car Daryl took to drive you away. You barely feel your body now, out on the street, feeling their eyes on you... Their eyes, evil and disgusting, as they lust over you. You know they're not here, but still, you feel them. Wanting you to cave in, to agree to fulfill their needs in the most vile, degrading ways. You're hyperventilating when the gate opens, the woods before you suddenly looking far safer than these walls.
When Daryl crosses the gate, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, lungs burning. The sun is coming down, so there are a some shadows creeping in... But it's better out here. The wall will keep them inside, you hope.
“Babygirl,” Daryl says, getting your attention. “We're almost there, alright?”
“Ok.” You mumble, and Daryl puts a hand on your knee.
“Nothin’ will hurt ya. Never again. M’ gonna keep that promise.”
Holding his hand, your eyes meet his when he gives you a glance.
Around ten minutes later, Daryl stops the car. You haven't noticed before, but he parked in front of a small, wooden house. It looks like it was some kind of cabin in the woods since there are no other constructions around it. “C'mon.” He says when he opens the passenger door for you. Your legs feel a little weak, but you manage to stand up, immediately looking around. “There's nobody here, I promise ya.”
Nodding, you let him guide you inside, a flashlight on his hand. Daryl unlocks the door, and you wonder why he has the key to this thing. When you step in, the light coming from in between the planks on the windows helps you see the interior. There is a cough and a coffee table, you recognize it despite the dark plastic covering both things. Walking further in, you peak at the kitchen. Everything is clean and has a plastic placed over them. It kinda looks live someone used to live here not too long ago.
“I found this place a while ago.” Daryl starts, placing his backpack on the floor. “Was fixin’ it, cleanin’... So I could bring ya here every once in a while.” He gestures at the whole place in general, and you take another look around. He did say he'd try to find a place he could take you outside Alexandria, but you never thought it would be this good. “Still has a lot to do. Gonna put electricity, runnin’ water will be more complicated but I'll do it.”
“You're doing all that for me?” You whisper, hoping the dim light will hide your blushing cheeks.
“Yeah... Wanted to bring ya here under different circumstances but...” He takes the bag again, gesturing at the hall. “First door to the right it's our bedroom.”
Following his direction, you open the door to a small bedroom with a double bed, also covered with black plastic. The windows have wooden planks on it too, but there's enough space in between them so let some light come in.
“Here, lemme’–” Daryl drops the bag, walking over the bed and removing the plastic. Underneath, the light green sheets seem comfortable and you get it now why everything is covered up. To keep it clean. “Ya can lie down it ya want to. Brought some blankets.” As you move to the bed, Daryl searches in the bag, picking up two blankets and fixing them on the bed. “Ya hungry? Or thirsty? I brought–”
“I just need you, Daryl.” You whisper, drying off some tears that are still rolling down. “Can you come here?”
“Of course, babygirl.” Quickly, he leaves the bag behind and joins you in bed. Daryl pulls you close, you head on his chest as his arms hold you tightly, keeping you safe.
“I hope this is just a nightmare... That I'll wake up tomorrow and it'll all be gone.” Mumbling, you push yourself even closer to him, if that's even possible.
“I'll kill them myself, I swear.” There's a fire in his voice, hate. You've never heard him talking like that, his chest vibrating powerfully. “I'll wipe them off the face of Earth.”
Involuntary, your hand finds its way to your leg, to the scar. The pain is a vivid memory today, and for a moment you feel like you should lie down, as motionless as you can so it won't hurt. So the stitches won't rip again.
How is it possible that all the horrible memories came back all at once? On one second? “I-if I didn't have you, I... I'd die today, I know I would.”
“Nah, ya wouldn't.” Moving, he brings his index finger to your chin, making you look at him. “Yer stronger than ya give yourself credit for. Ya don't see it, but I do.” Then, he places a soft, sweet kiss on your lips, which is sadly, too brief. “But I will protect ya. Always, until my days are over.”
“Daryl, I–”
“I wanna marry ya.” He bursts out, his low voice burning through your head as you wonder if you heard him right. “When this is over and those monsters are dead... I wanna marry ya.”
Despite the terror, creeping through your skin, the darkness threatening to swallow you again, you smile. Everything fades away, and a different kind of happiness washes over you. A type of bliss you didn't even know existed. Unable to control yourself, you climb over him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I love you,” you mutter, not giving him the chance to answer, connecting your lips on his in a loving, passionate kiss.
@funeral-7 @heyyy-hey-babyyy @twdeadfanfic @soraitmnt @winchester-angel @bvbwestfall @shawtygonemad @cameronsails @pulplorrd @browneyes528 @btsiguess-kpop @a-dlv @bibibeauelle @lightning-butterfly @yttricuz
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step-on-me-khun · 3 years
Hear me out, headcannons for reader and team baam on what they will do during winter because its getting really cold here >.<. merry early christmas and have a safe and happy new year!!
hello ❤️ winter headcanon's from someone who's a winter person, these are all platonic btw. I was only planning on doing the main trio, but I decided to expand on that and include Hatz, Rak and Shibsu
Also happy Christmas, I don't celebrate it but oh well, hope you have a good day
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Warning(s): None
No Word Count
It's something new to him, so I expect him to be all cute and curious
Happy to cling or cuddle with almost anyone if they're cold, and will go to almost anyone for cuddles when he's cold - not like Khun would ever say no to a sweet bean like Baam
If there's a small layer of snow on the ground, he will move quickly, sitting at the window and watching the ground as it gets covered in snow
Cute and smiley baby in adult form, his eyes glow as he watches the weather outside
But as soon as there's enough snow outside, he's out, watching every footstep he takes
Super playful with you and everyone else does everything, snowballs fights, making snow angels with his feet, then lies on the ground to do the same
Not a single person wants to hit him with a snowball unless they're Endorsi
Do not go to him for hugs, he will intentionally freeze you, and be a smug bastard over it too
But if you're struggling with warming up, he doesn't mind warming your hands or your feet - as long as you're wearing socks
Complains about everyone needing him, mainly due to them being way too cold
But he's good at hatching plans, so when everyone's all warm and cosy, the heating goes off. He's there all warm and cosy, and just as everyone else gets warm, he makes sure just enough of a cold breeze gets to those he likes toying with
Also intentionally places his cold fingertips on your lower or upper back, just to get your reaction, and he does it to everyone else too
As soon as he sets foot outside, he instantly complains about it being too cold
And it takes him a while to be in the mood to mess around outside
But as soon as he's feeling mischievous enough, he'll join in with what's going on
Throwing frozen solid snowballs - mostly at Shibisu and Rak, and throwing small and soft ones at Baam, and being called out for it
Not as excited as Baam, but it just as eager to get outside and prove how good of a thrower he is
Likes to think everyone would come to him for a hug or to keep warm, but now, even Baam offers him a weird look
But his boast is just for show, he can't throw a damn snowball, and he is prone to slipping and falling
The constant target for most of the snowballs that are thrown by everyone, he's just an easy target
When he's not paying attention to Khun, handfuls of snow are shoved down his coat and sweater, and he squirms as the cold snow hits him
Ends up being the coldest, and the one who ends up ill
Still would do it all again, because he's a nice guy
No Hugs from anyone, he would rather suffer in silence - and probably ends up ill because of his stubbornness
Stays in one spot on the couch for most of the day, slightly shivering, and saying no to anyone who asks if he's cold
Is adamant that he doesn't want to go outside, and refuses to move even an inch, even if it's Baam who asks him to join them
Even Khun's taunts don't do that much, he just listens to him with annoyance growing on his face
You and Shibisu would have to pull him off the couch, with a good amount of difficulty
Stands still, not joining in or saying a word
His whole mood and attitude accurately fits the weather
Acts as the leader, as always, keeping his eye on everyone
No hugs or cuddles from anyone, and he's not cold, why would he be, he's Rak?
With him being the spearbearer, you'd think he'd be good at throwing, but no, he's the target for everyone
Proudly boasts whenever he hits someone with a snowball, then becomes a target again
Khun taunts him a lot, provoking him about how bad he was at throwing snow
Also gets scowls from Khun if a hard snowball is thrown towards Baam
Khun also gets the great idea to freeze him in one place and use him to build a snowman
At the end of the day, when he is shivering and clearly cold, he still denies that he is cold
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{please don't steal what I write}
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@unexceptional-h @jaundrew @koi-chairowo @rizonacigaravenue @aoi-turtle
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annonmaly · 3 years
Regarding some of VnC Artwork
Thoughts on Vol. 7 and Vol. 1 Cover Art
I found a VnC official art collection thread. I really appreciate people doing these kinds of things. As I browse these beautiful arts of Mochijun-sensei, few details took my interest. So, I want to drop some thoughts and ridiculous ideas that my simple mind can handle (some of these may already be out there). And maybe, I could drag someone else in this "what if" hole.
Before anything else, I want to say that best in writing is an award I never received. I'm not the person who could analyze, explain, or theorize things clearly. Please bear that in mind while reading. Photos are not mine, ofcourse. Also spoiler alert to be safe.
Let's start with this art of Noé from Volume 7 (if I'm correct). I stared at this artwork for like half an hour. I really like him, don't judge.
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My initial reaction to this is: "Why does Noé look so handsome, sexy, and badass at the same time?" We already saw the many different sides of this guy, his chivalrous, gentlemanly, and sexy (still sweet) image, his childlike: naive, innocent, and stubborn attitude. We even saw him snapped at Vanitas at one point. Now, this image of him is something new to me. The more I look at it, the more I feel like something's weird. It feels like Noé is not Noé here. The vibe is just so different from the usual. Honestly, he looks like a jerk here (human Vani possessed Noé). All the sweetness we knew is gone. Well, this may be just my imagination, but maybe this is a warning that we should not take Noé as he is now. Undeniably, there's something more to this guy that the series is still hiding.
Now going to things to take note of:
1. The blue blood/paint - Is this an indication that he somewhat knows/related to the vampire of the blue moon? At first, I thought this also has to do with his relation to human Vani, but his blood is red.
2. He has human Vani's accessories. It is located to the opposite side where human Vani wears it. The two blue earrings are on Noé's right ear and the hourglass earring on his pinky finger. The coat he wears also looks like Vanitas'. Interesting. As I said earlier, it looks like human Vani possessed Noé here. Do you think that he will undergo a personality change? Or maybe, he already did before the series current timeline. I mean, we don't know how Noé came to be. All we know is that he was a child found crying alone in the middle of nowhere on the day it snowed.
3. The skull on his chest looks so similar to this guy.
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(There are matters to say regarding the scene above. But, not today, maybe some other time)
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Coincidence? Maybe, but there' a higher chance that it means something, right? This might have to do with Louis. Their dialogue about Noé can't do anything is almost the same. What do you think it means? Actually, what do you think it is? An animal? A goat or something. Or is it some kind of weird demon?
Moving on...
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These two art is from Volume 1, Chapter 1. Let's break down the thought-provoking details of these arts one by one:
1. Both arts have the same golden frame with the blue moon inside and the gears on the very back. However, Noé is on the dark side, and human Vani is on the opposite. This shows that these two are really contradictory to each other. Their personalities are so different, like the colors black and white.
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2. In the golden frames, the three skulls above will not go unnoticed. (There are also two below, but let's ignore that for now) The one in the middle is wearing a crown. The other two on the side, similar-looking skulls, are facing downward. Its' hands seem like they're reaching out for something (What do you think it is?).
Looking at this with the recent chapters in mind, we could take it that maybe:
The one with the crown represents the queen. Then, the two on the side represent a set of twins that we don't know yet.
The popular theory out there is that the queen and Luna are twins. If they are, who's the crowned skull? The Shapeless One, perhaps?
Maybe this symbolizes nothing. The maker of this frame just loves symmetry. But, it would be fun to explore the possibilities this idea brings.
Let's move on to the next one...
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3. The night sky. Both arts have a picture of a night sky with a beautiful blue moon, but the stars are different. In human Vani's art, it's the world formula (that looks like a constellation). In Noé's, the stars were drawn just like how a kid would do.
4. Speaking of a kid, it is curious that Noé is illustrated in his childhood, not his 19-year-old self. While human Vani is his usual self.
5. Noé is holding the children's book "Vanitas the Vampire of the blue moon" Human Vani is holding the rumored cursed grimoire of vampire Vanitas. Obviously, both books are related to the blue vampire.
The last three points are interrelated. It gives us an idea of these two's characters and how they see the blue vampire. Human Vani is on the pragmatic, sensible, and logical side. While Noé is more of a naïve, innocent, and idealistic person.
(Is there anyone who explained the flowers? I don't have any knowledge of flower language. I don't even know what kind of flowers they are. And I want to know their meaning)
That's it for these arts. There's still one more I want to share, but I would preferably cut it here as I don't want this getting too long. If you are still interested, check it out here: Oh, It's Not Red. See yah!
Note: I wrote this for fun and to indulge my over-thinking self. This is just a random theory, thoughts, assumptions, and/or head-canons. Thank you for taking the time to read and understanding if I made any mistakes or post whatever it is you don’t agree on.
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The Wrath of God, Ch. 1: Roadtrip
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by @finney13s
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: General, M/M Fandoms: Preacher (TV) Relationships: Proinsias Cassidy/Eccarius Characters: Proinsias Cassidy, Eccarius, Jesse Custer Additional Tags: Domestic fluff Author's notes: This story is still evolving. Rating, warnings, characters, relationships and tags are due to change as the story continues so check them before reading.
"The Wrath of God" is the 2nd part of "The Chronicles of Cassidy and Eccarius"
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7]
Summary: Even though Eccarius had solemnly swore that he wouldn't try to pursue Les Enfants or killing people (or other vampires for that matter) Cassidy wasn't still fully convinced. It wasn't guaranteed that Eccarius wouldn't get tempted to fall to his old ways. Cassidy had to come up with something to get Eccarius distracted of his temptations and concentrate on something else.
[A short clip below the cut as the whole chapter won't fit into one post here, read the full story on AO3]
Raindrops drummed the roof in the hot New Orleans night. Cassidy and Eccarius were laying in their extra large coffin after having sex, spent and sweaty listening to the rainfall. Cassidy was resting his head on Eccarius' chest and playing with Eccarius' black hair.
”Ay, what do you think if we took off for a while?” Cassidy asked. ”Where would we go?” Eccarius replied sleepily. ”New Orleans has everything we could ever need. Why would we want to leave anywhere? Not to mention it is a nuisance to travel like normal people when you could travel among the stars...” ”Why don't ya first listen to what I have to say and then make up yer mind!” Cassidy interrupted annoyed. Eccarius turned his gaze to Cassidy and his face softened. “I apologize, my love. Please, go on.” ”I was thinking that we could take a road trip. You know, you and me” Cassidy said and paused. Then he continued: ”And Jesse and Tulip.” Eccarius frowned. ” With Jesse and Tulip? I thought they both hated me for stealing you from them?” ”No they don't hate you for that. They never did. And besides, you didn't steal me from anyone” Cassidy said and got up to sit and turned to look at Eccarius. ”But they're... vary of you. You have killed a lot of people and you haven't been the most reliable person in the history of mankind, you know. They do have a good reason for not trusting you." Eccarius turned his head to look out the window and sighed. After a while he said: "I suppose I deserve that.” They stayed in silence for a moment, then Eccarius continued turning his head back to Cassidy: “Maybe they could change their mind if they spent some time with me? Got to know the new me?" ”That's more like it”, Cassidy said and smiled. ”We could leave tomorrow morning.” Eccarius' eyes grew wide. "Tomorrow morning? Are you mad?" he asked astonished. Then he narrowed his eyes and continued with a smirk: "You cheeky man. Tell me you haven't planned all this without consulting me first?” ”Erm... I kinda thought this would be a nice surprise, ay?” Cassidy said sheepishly. ”Oh well, I guess we don't have anything better to do” Eccarius sighed. “Come here, my love” he said and pulled Cassidy back into his arms. They laid there for a moment snuggling. Suddenly Eccarius froze. ”What am I going to wear? What are WE going to wear? We can't get any new clothes by tomorrow morning. I have to find something to wear for the trip!” he moaned and got up shuffling to his wardrobe naked and opened the massive doors fully open. Cassidy sat back up. “Well, at least the scenery is nice” he chuckled admiring Eccarius' buttocks. “Cassidy, this is serious” Eccarius shot back rummaging around his closet “I have an image to maintain. I can't just go out there, I need to plan these things!” Cassidy dropped himself back down and laughed: "You're insufferable!” “Well, you do like my sexy pirate look, don't you, hmm?” Eccarius replied and looked at his image in the mirror holding hangers with two coats in front of him and trying to decide which one he would choose.
Cassidy had fell asleep at some point and woke up to the smell of fresh coffee. Which was odd as Eccarius didn't usually make coffee. His go-to breakfast was a chalice of blood, first warmed to human body temperature in bain-marie. He was very specific about it so coffee made Cass curious. He got up, put on Eccarius' frilled black morning gown which was too short for him - but he didn't care as it smelled like Eccarius - and went downstairs.
Eccarius was sitting by the kitchen table dressed on point and making notes and taking sips from a steaming mug of coffee. ”Well, good morning sunshine” he said cheerily and toasted his coffee. ”I have packed our luggage and we are ready to go.” ”What the hell do you mean?” Cassidy muttered trying to wipe the remains of deep sleep from his eyes. ”We are fully equipped for all occasions and any weather” Eccarius said and got up. ”I just made final checks and we are ready to go.” ”Christ. Did you sleep at all last night?" Cassidy said and poured himself a large mug of coffee. "You know you get a tad hyper when you don't get yer full night sleep" he continued and turned to lean on the counter. Eccarius got up and spoke as he walked to the hall. ”I was up all night making sure you and I have outfits for all possible situations. We do have to reuse some costumes in some occasions but I'm willing to do that this time as we probably won't stay in the same location for long. Am I right?” Then from the hall he yelled: ”Besides, I am not hyper. I am, and I am using your own words here, a highly functioning maniac." ”Yes that's exactly what I'm worried about” Cassidy sighed to himself closing his eyes and took a sip of his coffee. Then he shook his head and thought as if to remind himself, once again, why he was there in the first place “I have chosen this man myself and he comes with flaws 'n frills 'n all. At this time of day it is mostly flaws, but I have chosen that myself, too.” Eccarius came back to the kitchen and stood at the doorway. "So when do the chariots arrive?" he asked excitedly. Cassidy took a good look at him and frowned. ”Hold on. Yer seriously wearing that for a road trip?” he asked when he saw Eccarius wearing his best golden embroidered silk suit. ”Yes, why should I not?” Eccarius asked baffled and looked at himself. ”It's kinda in the name of the thing, you know – road trip. You drive a car on a road. Yer going to sit in the hot backseat for a long time. Are ya sure you can manage it in that? Not getting too hot and bothered?” Cassidy winked and smirked. "Well, if I remember last night correctly you did state that you enjoy my scenery without any clothes." Eccarius smiled. "And I can take my top coat off if it makes you feel any better. But if I got to worry about you getting all excited over it I might then just have to keep it on" he smirked and shook his finger at Cassidy. ”Ay, come 'ere my pirate man” Cassidy said softly, put down his mug and spread his hands. Eccarius walked to Cass and they hugged tightly. "You know, I had never a proper wardrobe before. Now I have more than ten sets of every possible rag there is and I don't even know if I'll ever have the possibility to wear 'em all." Cassidy laughed. "Well, sir, I must show my love somehow and let the world know that you are all mine" Eccarius replied and kissed Cass.
[Read the the rest on AO3]
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valeriethepussycats · 3 years
Inside Out
Chapter 9
Pairing- Loki x Reader
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics.Flashbacks are in bold.
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“Oh, my God.” Jane picks up the keys from the floor of the cave.
“Am I interrupting something.” Richard whispered.
“No, no, no, nothing at all.” Realizing how they can return to Earth, Jane turns to Thor. “Come on.”
Thor picks up Y/n bridal style. “Don’t worry Y/n we are going to find out what’s wrong.”
“I'm losing you there, are you in a tunnel?” Richard asked.Thor starts following Jane.
“Where are we going?” Thor asked.
“Hello?” Richard said into the phone.
They start walking further into the cave, Thor notices the discarded shoes that were thrown through from the abandoned factory. “Why are there so many shoes in here?”
As they walks further in suddenly they disappear; back in his office Richard loses Jane on the phone. “I'll just text her.”
Y/n, Jane, and Thor appear back on Earth outside the factory. Jane points to car and Thor places Y/n in the backseat. Jane and Thor get into Ian's abandoned car that was still parked outside the factory and Jane tries to staqrt the cat.
“So, Who’s Richard?”
Jean drives off from the factory.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
At Darcy’s apartment
Jean opens the door and rushes in the Apartment with Thor hot on her heels.
“Jane!” Darcy cried.
“Hey.” Jane said dryly.
Thor rushes over to the couch and places Y/n there.
“I need to see if I’ll going to get any reading.” Jane announced as she looks for the gadget she was using to find Thor days ago.
“Y/n!!! What’s going on?” Darcy wondered. “You can't just leave like that, the whole world is going crazy! “
“If the Aether is inside Y/n this....” Jane said holding up the gadget. “.....Should tell us.
Jane turns on the gadget and waves it over Y/n’s body and nothing happens. No sound is made, the meter doesn’t even move. “Don’t understand....didn’t some of the Aether go inside Y/n?”
Erik walks out the bathroom and sees Thor, Y/n unconscious on the couch, and Jane.
Her and Y/n are wearing Asgardian clothes (Except Jane was blue and Y/n is red.) and disheveled state. “Did you go to a party?” Jane notices Erik for the first time.
Thor hangs his hammer on the coat hanger next to the door. “All the stuff we saw is spreading.”
“Erik?!” Jane said blinking.
“Jane, how wonderful!” Erik said as he goes to Jane and as he embraces her while he isn't wearing any pants. “You've been to Asgard.”
“Where are your pants?” Jane wondered.
“Oh, uh...he uh...he says it helps him think.” Ian answered.
“Okay. Well, I'm gonna need everything you got on this. All the work you've been doing on gravimetric anomalies, everything.” Jane stated.
“Are you well, Erik?” Thor asked.
Erik chuckles then his smile fades quickly. “Your brother is not coming, is he?l
“Loki is dead.” Thor answered.
“Oh, thank God.” Thor looks at him in confusion. “I....I'm so sorry.”
“Thank you.”
Erik then embraces Thor.
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Back on Svartalfheim we see an Einherjar Guard use the ship that brought Y/n, Thor, Loki, and Jane onto the planet to return to Asgard, he goes to see Odin at the palace.
“Forgive me, my liege. I've returned from the Dark World with news.” The Guard said.
“Thor?” Odin asked.
“There's no sign of Thor, or the weapon, but...” he takes a step closer to Odin.
“We found a body.”
There's a moment's pause.
The warrior doesn't reply but just looks at Odin.
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Back at Jane's apartment
“Malekith is going to fire the Aether at a spot where all the nine worlds are connected.” Jane explained.
“Amplifying the weapon's impact. With each additional world, the power will increase exponentially. The effect would be universal.” Erik chimed in.
“Yes, well the alignment is only temporary. He must be in exactly at the right place at the right time.” Thor said.
“Well, how do we know where that is?” Darcy chimed in.
“We follow the directions. This has happened before, thousands of years ago, and The Ancients were there to see it.” Erik places a map of the British Isles on the coffee table. “All the great constructions: the Mayas, the Chinese, the Egyptians, they made use of the gravitational effects of the Convergence. And they left us a map.”
Eril starts drawing on the map. “Stonehenge. Snowdon, the Great Orme. These are all coordinates taking us...here.” he points to Greenwich on the map.
“Greenwich?” Ian asked.
“The walls between worlds will be almost non-existent. Physics is gonna go ballistic. Increase and decrease in gravity, spatial extrusions. The very fabric of reality is gonna be torn apart.” Jane said.
Thor summons Mjolnir and it shoots over to Thor's hand from the where it was hanging on the coat hanger.
“What going on?”
All eyes turns to the living room. As they see Y/n standing up holding her head.
“Oh my G-O-S-H......your Red Wing.” Ian said with pure shock on his face.
“We’re on earth?” Y/n asked.
“Yes.” Erik answered.
“Erik....” Y/n said looking around the room and see every one but him. “Where’s Loki?”
Everyone physically tense. Thor moves forward slowly. “Loki....is”
“Back on Asgard.”
“What?” Y/n said in a curious tone.
“We were followed.” Jane answered.
“How we were clean.” Y/n indicated. “Loki wouldn’t give himself up unless.......”
Y/n, I’m sorry
“No,.....Thor you didn’t.” Y/n said with her head tilted downward.
“It was the only way to get Jane off Asgard.” Thor said with the a downward gaze.
“No it wasn’t, there’s always another way.” Y/n proclaimed. “I’m never going to see him again.”
“Y/n, I’m sorry.” Thor said moist eyes
“Me, too.” Y/n said with an sad smile as she walks out the apartment.
“Y/n....” Thor called out but the door was closed and Y/n was gone.
“I better get my pants.” Erik announced.
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Y/n walked the streets of London in her Asgardian attire that’s why she was getting funny looks not because she had black veins on her neck. It was the clothes. Y/n walked until she found an abandoned warehouse. She needed to let it out it been building up since she was on Asgard. She just ignored it because her mind was Preoccupied by Loki and being there for him that she bottled her emotions, to the point where she being to shake. This has never happened before. Seconds before Y/n is about to let it out....
“Don’t do that.” A voice announced.
“Don’t do what?” Y/n wondered as she powers reached a boiling point.
“I know what you’re thinking about doing.” The voice like it was getting closer. “I felt it all the way from the other side of the world.”
“What are you a mutant?” Y/n said in a curious tone. Y/n is hugging herself to stop her powers from lashing out.
“Yes.” Voice emerges from the dark and Y/n see a man with neck length,Brown hair with a white streak in the front. He’s about 5'9 and he had electric blue eyes. Y/n could look into then and find calm. Maybe it’s because he’s a mutant and he doesn’t wanted her to be apart of his team. He walked up to Y/n slowly.
“I’m Nathaniel Grey.” He said holding his hand out for Y/n to shake.
Y/n hesitate then shakes his hand and doing so Nathaniel takes her hand and raises it to his lips and kisses Y/n’s hand.
“Your mother is Jean Grey?” Y/n wondered. “That name sounds familiar.”
Nathaniel’s eyes widened in shock. No one. I Repeat no one was able to read his mind. Not even Charles Xavier one of the most powerful minds he ever came across nor Exodus ‘The Hero With No Fear’ couldn’t read his mind. He had defenses in his mind put up to prevent anyone from coming in and yet Y/n did it with ease.
“Yes, she is and your mother is.........” Nathaniel trailed off trying to look inside Y/n’s mind but can’t.
“Ororo Munroe.” Y/n answered.
Mind you now Nathaniel has not let Y/n’s hand go. “You are astonishing.” Nathaniel disclosed. “How did I not feel you before.”
“Feel....are you telepathic?” Y/n wondered with a hopeful look in her eyes.
“I am....may I know your name.” Nathaniel said maintaining eye contact.
Y/n gives Nathaniel a quizzical smile. “Y/n Munroe.”
“May I see you again?”
“Ummm....ya yes....but I am in a relationship.” Y/n told Nathaniel as she slowly takes her hand out of his.
Nathaniel hides his disappointment but Y/n can see right though it. “I would still like to see you as a friend then.”
“Of course.” Y/n answered then realized that her arms had stopped shaking and the black veins had disappeared.
Nathaniel starts to walks away but he didn’t want to leave.
“Thank you.”
“I didn’t do anything.” Nathaniel replied turning to look at her.
“You stopped me from destroying this factory and who knows what else.” Y/n said with a faraway look.
“Us Mutants stick together.” Nathaniel said with a coy smile.
“Mutant and Proud.”
Nathaniel smile. “Can I walk you home?
Y/n narrowed her eyes at him.
“I just think your love ones wouldn’t want you walking around at night.” Nathaniel proclaimed.
Y/n shakes her head but smile. “My home is in New York I’m just.......here.”
“Are you gonna go home?” Nathaniel asked.
“I don’t know yet.”
“Well….. I tried.”
“Ya you did.” Y/n as she placed a hand on his shoulder. “See you around Nathan.”
Y/n said as she flys away.
“What a woman.” Nathaniel whispered.
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The Next Day.
In Greenwich at the location outside a library Darcy and Ian grab Erik's gadget.
“Focus, this is important. We have to hammer them in all around the site and then Jane and Erik will activate them from the tower.” Darcy said.
“They're taped together!” Ian proclaimed.
“Do you even know what these things do?”
“Neither do I.” Darcy and Ian start placing Erik's gadgets around the library grounds. “Come on, come on!”
Suddenly Malekith's giant ship appears on the River Thames near the library grounds.
“Holy shit!”
The ship starts moving forward and crashing through the library grounds causing pandemonium until it finally stops in the middle of the grounds, Malekith and his dark elves step off the ship and the same time Thor flies in and lands in front of Malekith.
“You needn't have come so far, Asgardian! Death would have come to you soon enough.” Malekith proclaimed.
“Not by your hand!” Thor declared.
“Your universe was never meant to be. Your world and your family will be extinguished.” Malekith uses the power of the Aether to attack Thor but Thor manages to narrowly miss getting hit by it.
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It was a slow day at the Airport and Y/n was feeling it. It felt like it time had slowed down as she was sitting in the airport waiting for her flight to New York. Y/n didn’t want to leave but it was the only option. Y/n felt betrayed, Thor was supposed to be her friend.
Why would he do that
Y/n exhaling noisily through pursed lips and gets up and walks over to the lady sitting behind the desk.
“Hi, when is the flight from here to New York departing?” Y/n asked.
“It should be leav-“
Suddenly a woman by a big window screams and Y/n rushes over to her.
“Are you ok?” Y/n questioned.
“What an the bloody hell is that?” The woman said still looks out the window.
Y/n follows the woman’s gaze out the window and see Malekith's giant ship.
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Inside the library setting up the gravimetric device
“We're running out of time.” Erik stated.
“Almost there.” Jane replied.
“Are you sure this is going to work? These devices were made to detect anomalies, not cause them.”
“Oh, come on.” Jane looks out and sees Thor and Malekith battling it out. “Come on, Darcy.” Jane rushes off to find Darcy; outside Thor manages to deflect the Aether that Malekith is using to fight him off.
“You know with all that power, I thought you would hit harder.” Thor said with a smirk.
Malekith is using the Aether to shield himself suddenly Thor throws his hammer at him which throws Malekith across the ground and smashes him against the library building, at the same time Jane sees Darcy and Ian placing the last of Erik's device in the ground.
“Done.” Ian said. Darcy gives the OK sign to Jane and Jane rushes back to Erik.
“The Convergence will be in full effect in seven minutes.” Erik told Jane.
“That just means we have to keep Malekith busy for eight.” Jane gets the device ready. “Okay, you might wanna hold on to something.” She turns on the device and suddenly some of the dark elves suddenly disappear.
Darcy and Ian watch this nearby, Darcy talks to Jane on her phone. “That is awesome! How did you do that?”
“Well, gravitational fields interact with the weak spot between worlds creating...” Jane answered.
“Oh, there's a guy with a sword!” Darcy commented.
Jane uses the device again to make the dark elf disappear but instead she accidentally makes Darcy and Ian disappear.
“Oops.” Jean whispered.
“Let's go.” Erik urged.
Darcy and Ian appear in another part of London
“What the hell just happened?” Darcy wondered.
Suddenly the dark elves that had also disappeared appear and fall onto a parked car. “Move!” Darcy grabs hold of Ian's hand and they run off as the dark elves start chasing after them; back at the library Thor and Malekith continue their battle and everyone inside the library rushes to the windows to watch.
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effervescentvampire · 4 years
Charlie Weasley x reader
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A/N: This is the first one shot I'm posting. Hope you enjoy it 😉
Warnings: none I can think of
Y/N: your name
Y/fc: your favourite colour
Y/ec: your eye colour
Y/hc: your hair colour
You and Charlie had been dating for a few weeks and best friends for two years already when he asked you to stay at the Burrow with him and his family over the holidays.
Naturally, you had said yes to it, but your parents didn't like the idea of not seeing you in the already limited holidays. So, they had agreed on sending you to the Weasley's for a few days before going back to school, together with Penny Haywood. She, Bill, Charlie and you were the best of friends and your parents liked the idea of sending you over far better with Penny there.
When you arrived at the Burrow you felt quite dizzy. Even though you had already travelled via portkey before, you couldn't really get used to it. As the world stopped spinning around you, you looked up at the snow covered house before you. You thought the tall house with its many floors and wrinkles already looked amazing normally, but nothing could match the coziness of it surrounded by nearly 2 feet of snow and fairy lights all around.
"Y/N!", a familiar voice shouted. Mrs. Weasley was standing in the dorway, smiling at you. Looking behind her in a no less loud voice she cried: "BILL! CHARLIE! Come here already and help Y/N inside!".
You went up to the house as you heard hurried footsteps coming your way. Charlie came nearly running toward you, not having bothered to put on a coat, his bright red hair and the new jumper he was wearing a great contrast against the white of the snow. "CHARLES WEASLEY, GO PUT ON SOMETHING WARM, YOU'RE GOING TO CATCH A COLD!", erupted the voice of Mrs. Weasley.
You certainly couldn't care less, as you only had eyes for one person.
"I've missed you, Y/N", Charlie whispered as he hugged you tight. Behind him you heard a small chuckle. His brother, Bill, was standing there beside Penny, your big Hogwarts trunk already in his hand, waiting for you to get out of the cold.
You separated and hugged both Penny and Bill and finally got inside. You were greeted by the inviting smell of hot chocolate and an overflowing amount of christmas decorations. Everything was gold, red and green, you were even sure there was a gnome in a tutu on top of the christmas tree.
Ron and Ginny were playing beneath the tree, giggling and waving at you.
"Bill, you should show our guests where they will be staying", Mrs. Weasley said, and to you: " Penny arrived just five minutes earlier, dear. You can catch up while unpacking, I'll bring you some hot chocolate and a snack"
Charlie blushed, looking at you: " She thinks she has to feed everyone like her life depends on it".
The four of you made your way up the stairs, you hand in hand with Charlie, Bill pulling your trunks up after him. Penny and you had both insisted on carrying them yourselves, but he had refused.
"...and my sister got me a necklace!", Penny told you when you arrived on the second landing. There were two doors, both wooden. One simply with a sign saying: William's room, the other covered by the image of a big Common Welsh Green. Even if you hadn't already been here, you would have ultimately known whose room this was.
Slightly smiling you looked at your very favourite dragon enthusiast, squeezing his hand. "We thought I would move in with Bill and the two of you could share my room", Charlie said, blushing again, his skin as red as his hair. The sheer thought of his girlfriend sleeping in his room seemed to make him uneasy.
"Only if you'd like that, of course", he added quickly.
"That's brilliant guys, thanks for inviting us over!", Penny answered. She was such a sweet person and was able to make anyone feel comfortable in an instant. Charlie had returned to his normal colour, and pushed the door open to let you in.
The walpaper covering the walls was of a bright shade of dark yellow. Photos of your friend group and cut-outs of dragons and his favourite quidditch team covering an overflowing bulletin board. School books piling on the messy desk and next to a book case full of books on dragons. They had somehow managed to fit a second bed in the tiny space.
"Well, Y/N, you should take Charlie's bed! I'll be just fine right here. You know, I like getting up early in the morning, I don't want to climb over you to get to the door", Penny stated. Normally you would have just thought she was generous and nice as ever, but the wink of her eye told you otherwise.
"Uh, I guess, if you're ok with that?". You were a little embarassed, so you asked the first thing that came to your mind: "What was your Christmas like? Penny told us already, but what did you do? Mine was pretty quiet, just my close family, got a new set of dressing robes"
When Bill groaned, you knew you had asked a sensible question. "Don't get me started on that. Our Auntie Muriel was there... Fred and George pulled pranks on her like every year... put some potion in her dinner they got at the joke shop at Diagon Alley in summer...she grew feathers and threatened to never come back. They're grounded forever, that's why you haven't seen them yet. Mum threatened to turn them into owls so they would deliver the post as punishment".
You spent the whole evening up in Charlie's room, chatting about what else had happened and if you had heard anything from your other friends. Mrs. Weasley appeared to bring hot chocolate and snacks. It felt like only half an hour later that she came back in to tell you that dinner was ready.
Penny and Bill went downstairs, while you and Charlie stayed back a few minutes.
"You know, I really enjoy it every time I'm here. It feels so much more like home, especially after this whole thing with Jacob... . Thank you for always being there for me, Char. It means a lot to me", you said.
He looked at you, his freckled expression softening, brown eyes meeting Y/ec ones. "You mean a lot to me, even more than dragons. Of course I'm there for you".
You felt the familiar butterflies in your stomach. Charlie and you rarely got some alone time in between classes, the search for cursed vaults, meetings with you friend, quidditch practises and the unholy amount of homework. You practically couldn't think straight anymore when his face came closer to yours. It struck you in an instant: he's going to kiss me, you thought. The only thing in the world seemed to be his face, your heart beating loud and fast with anticipation. Your first kiss, it would happen now...
"CHARLIE AND Y/N STANDING ON THE STAIRS. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Fred and George bolted past you down the stairs, snickering. Charlie had been so shocked he backed away and hit his head on a cupboard. As soon as he recovered he chased them into the kitchen. Until a minute ago you had felt sad for them being grounded, now you thought they deserved it.
Neither of them stopped singing this ridiculous muggle song, lord knows where they learned it. Mrs. Weasley had managed to make them sit down at the table and was making sure Charlie wouldn't shout at them by shooting mad glances.
Ginny called out: "Oh, how lovely, Charlie!", as she entered the kitchen through the back door. You came down the stairs to see that Mrs. Weasley had finally managed to shut Fred and George up. Ginny, however, asked you sincerely: "When the two of you are getting married, can I be your flower girl?", causing Charlie to choke on his drink.
"Don't be stupid, who would ever want to marry Charlie?", Ron said.
It was all oh so embarassing. Minutes ago you were about to share your first kiss and within seconds the whole family knew. Charlie was deep red as rhubarb again, ashamed. You sat down next to him, holding his hand, hopefully showing him you weren't mad.
"Nobody here is getting married, not until they're at least in their mid-twenties!" Mrs. Weasley shouted, " and I don't want to hear any of that again. Sit down and EAT!".
The rest of the night went by without further interruptions of that kind, only some curious looks from Fred and George. Your relationship wasn't new to Bill and Penny, so they just brushed it away, saying they knew they would kiss someday and it wasn't a big thing, but every now and then you could see a kind of sparkle in their eyes, following you playing with Ron and Ginny and their game of exploding snap.
Bedtime for the younger kids came and went and you and your friends were thinking about building a snowman when Charlie's dad arrived. He was working on a weird schedule at the moment, something between morning and night shifts.
"Arthur, dear, come on in! We have been waiting for you... would've already sent them to bed, but we have to give Y/N and Penny their presents first!", Molly said.
Mr. Weasley looked very tired, wearing an old traveling cloak and soaked by the snow. He quickly pulled it off and used a spell to dry his clothes up.
"Penny, Y/N, it's nice to see you again! I hope you don't mind if I go to bed soon, it's been a very busy day at work. We just wanted to hand you your presents"
Mrs. Weasley appeared behind him, holding two identical shaped packages: "Go on, open them!"
You carefully unwrapped your present and gasped a little when you saw what it was. It was a real Weasley jumper in Y/fc! It was perfect, with your initial on the front. Bill and Charlie must have told them how much you loved their jumpers. You could often be seen around Hogwarts wearing one of their cozy pullovers, wishing you had one of your own. Now your dreams had come true and you saw Penny was holding a yellow jumper with a P on it.
"Oh, thank you so much, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley! I didn't know you would make me a present, now I feel bad for not getting you something", you said.
Mrs. Weasley pulled you into a hug and simply replied: " I was told you always wanted one. Also you have had quite a hard time with your family lately, so I thought getting you something to show you that you are always welcome and loved here would be just right".
Penny also did her thank you's. It was apparent she mainly got one because otherwise she would have been left out, but to you that was just as nice as knitting you a jumper. At the Weasley's, no one got left behind, own caring family or not.
Soon, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley said goodnight and ushered you up the stairs, where you said goodnight to Bill and Charlie as well. When you got into your beds, Penny fell asleep almost instantly. You were very tired as well, but you didn't seem to be able to find any rest that night. Maybe it was because of this heartwarming gift, the excitement of being here. Maybe the fact that you were lying in your boyfriend's bed at the moment, staring at his ceiling, maybe the fact that even though the bed sheets were clean, they still faintly smelled of him, grass, honeysuckle and something so entirely Charlie, you didn't know how to describe. But mostly it was the thought of you nearly kissing earlier. The rest of the things didn't make it easier, though.
You tossed and turned and failed to sleep. At some point, you got tired of this. Pulling back the covers, you pulled your new jumper over your pyjamas. As quietly and carefully as humanly possible, you climbed over the sleeping Penny's bed in the darkness and exited the room. It drew you to the small window on the landing. The sight of snow silently falling calming you down, though you could not get Charlie out of your mind.
As if you had conjured him by your silent longing, he appeared next to you. For a second you only stood there, arms touching because of the tight space of the landing. Just enjoying the peace and rare silence at the burrow. Then you turned to face your boyfriend. Next to him, the beauty of the snow seemed dull and mundane. How could you marvel it, if the true miracle was standing right next to you, messy red hair, freckled skin and a jumper matching yours? You still couldn't quite comprehend how he could be yours.
"What are you doing here?", Charlie asked, already looking at you, his brown eyes full of affection.
"I can't fall asleep. It's... something is keeping me awake", you replied. You didn't want to admit that it was the thought of him haunting you.
"I... I also couldn't fall asleep, Y/N". Suddenly, his face was impossibly close to you, but at the same time not close enough. Around five centimetres away from him, you stared at Charlie in shock, butterflies in your stomach. You heard him draw in a deep breath. He only hesitated for a second, then his lips met yours.
It felt like heaven to you, finally being able to kiss the boy of your dreams. You kissed him back, wishing it would never end, the nerves of your lips and where he touched your cheeks singing in ecstasy, your heart beating as if it were to burst of love and joy, in a steady rhythm. Charlie, Charlie, Charlie.
When you pulled away, he held you in his arms. "I've wanted to do that for a long time. So bad actually, that it was the reason I couldn't fall asleep tonight", you finally admitted, knowing that was his reason as well in an instant.
So, you two just stayed there in your embrace, looking out of the window. It finally truly felt peaceful and a weight lifted from your heart, as you realised this was exactly where you ought to be, like home. And you knew, that if you could, you would never leave his arms ever again.
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