#That's just from the top of my head through. Perhaps in the future I'll give them a proper expansion
reksink · 4 days
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Strangely Cladded Wizards
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lyrefromthesea · 4 months
Male pillars x reader - bringing them their favourite food.
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author's note: due to a comment I've received on an earlier post, i'll not write for Muichiro anymore. i've stated before that i do not write sexual content for minors, nor do i engage in writing romantic relationships including them. everything i've written for him was seen as a platonic relationship between him and the reader. since my statement fell in deaf ears, i've decided to leave him out completely. i do not feel comfortable mentioning him in my posts anymore, my deepest apologies.
request: how would the pillars react to receiving their favourite food from you?
pairing: Tengen x reader, Obanai x reader, Rengoku x reader, Sanemi x reader, Giyuu x reader, Gyomei x reader
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you were standing in the kitchen, whistling to yourself. today had been good so you decided to make your husband a little treat.
the market had been rather full, but you walked through the crowd and bought the ingredients you needed for his favourite dish.
seaweed. rice. and already prepared fugu. it had taken quite some time to find it, but you did it nonetheless.
standing in the kitchen, you had already made a plate of fugu sushi. at least that's what you thought. when you turned around to place another piece on the plate, it looked like there was one missing. have you forgotten one?
placing your finished piece on the plate, you turned around to make more. finally, you would be finished-
and another one was gone.
"Tengen! stop stealing the fugu sushi!" you scolded, not surprised when you heard quiet footsteps behind you. he wasn't a shinobi for nothing.
"sorry, darling. you looked so flamboyant, i didn't want to interrupt you!" he answered, wrapping muscular arms around you. a laugh escaped you, feeling him place his chin on the top of your hair.
"have i ever told you that you're the best?" he teased, finally freeing you from his embrace.
"i already know, that's why we're married."
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you placed a bowl of tororo konbu right in front of him, telling him that you tried your best. naturally, he thanked you, but he didn't dive in like you would've expected him to do.
"what's wrong?" you asked, wondering if you had messed up the dish. it was your first time making it, perhaps you had missed a step or overcooked something.
"i.. could you maybe..?" Obanai asked, he appeared much more timid than usual. you tried understanding what was wrong.
seeing his finger brush against his mask, you understood, he still felt insecure about his face. you hadn't been in a relationship for long, he probably needed time to get used to this. "of course."
"just know that i would never judge you for what i see." you added, placing a kiss on his temple. truthfully, you were saddened about his request, but you wanted to give him the time he needed.
Obanai, on the other hand, was touched by your words. his meal long forgotten, he stood up, taking your hands in his.
"we should marry."
you looked at him, first shocked, and then you started laughing. perhaps he overreacted just a bit, but who could blame him?
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sweet potatoes. so many sweet potatoes.
when you've told Rengoku you could cook his favourite dish in the near future, he had been incredibely happy about it.
he came back with a load of sweet potatoes the next day, his whole head nearly dissapearing behind the amounts of the root vegetable he had bought.
now, another day later, you put miso soup and sweet potatoes for two on the table, smiling at your enthusiastic husband. he had offered to help you the whole time, which eventually led you to ban him from the kitchen.
he nearly devoured the dish as soon as you were sat on the opposite side of the table. it made you chuckle, seeing him swallow the huge bite he took down.
"you've outdone yourself, i'm glad i brought some sweet potatoes home!" he brightly smiled, earning another laugh from you. some sweet potatoes?
"Kyojuro, you brought a ton of them home." you countered, pointing at the rest of the potatoes you've put on the counter for now. "that will probably be enough for a month worth of miso soup with sweet potatoes!"
"sounds good, don't you think?"
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Sanemi plopped down on the engawa, letting out a heavy sigh. training had been rather hard, but he needed to stay fit. nevertheless, his muscles ached and he could really take a break.
he debated over going inside, he trained enough. a shower wouldn't hurt, he was sweating, dampened hair was sticking to his forehead. the man sighed, standing up to finally move inside.
however, when he saw you standing right behind him, he froze. you were looking up at him with wide eyes, as if you tried surpising him. he looked down at your hands - you were holding something - only now realizing that he had been right. you did try to surpise him.
he looked at the plate in your hands, it was filled with ohagi. his favourite food. his eyes moved back to your face, watching you tilt your head.
"it's for you." you told him, tilting your head to the side. "let's go inside, you've trained enough." you smiled, nodding towards the door. he nodded, following you into the kitchen. you placed the ohagi down on the counter, watching him slowly take one.
"you didn't have to." he said, already having bitten into the one in his hand. you chuckled at his words, he had nearly eaten the ohagi with one bite, yet he claimed he didn't need any.
"i needed a reason to get you away from training." you admitted, a sly smile on your face. but both of you knew he would've listened to you no matter what.
"i would've stopped anyways." he answered, placing the ohagi he had picked up to the side. he came closer, watching your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"what? why?" you asked, not questioning why he came closer. in a matter of seconds, you were in his arms, your eyes squeezing shut in disbelief.
"i wanted to shower." he smirked, basically squishing his sweaty body against yours. you let out a whine, trying to free yourself from his hug, but only managing to do so when he let go.
"great, now i can shower too!" you scolded, seeing him laugh to himself. he walked towards the bathroom, seemingly wanting to wash himself.
"let's eat the ohagi after you're finished."
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Giyuu didn't know what he had expected when he came home today, but he certainly didn't think it would be the smell of freshly cooked food.
no, scrap that. he was often greeted by the nice smell of a promising meal. this was different. it wasn't just any meal.
"welcome home, Giyuu." you greeted, watching him step into the kitchen. you looked content, already knowing that you would make him happy.
"are you hungry? i prepared something for you." you smiled, seeing him nod slowly. when you moved away from the table, his gaze wandered towards the bowls full of food.
your gaze was fixed on him, wanting to catch his reaction. he wasn't the type to voice his happiness, but you certainly caught the way he looked at the salmon daikon you made.
the lightest twitch of his eyebrows and the way his eyes narrowed showed his interest. he stared at the food for a moment, the quiet grumble of his stomach revealing how hungry he truly was.
but he didn't immediately start eating. instead he looked back at you, his gaze softening.
"i've got you this" he muttered, extending his hand towards you. you stared in awe, a small bag of your favourite sweets being placed in your hands.
"let's eat them for dessert, Giyuu."
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when you brought home the ingredients for takikomi gohan. you have wanted to surprise Gyomei with his favourite dish.
you stood in the kitchen, cutting the vegetables into small pieces, as you hummed to yourself. Gyomei should've been home in an hour, at least that's what you've thought.
"i'm home." you heard his deep voice call from the hallway. your head snapped up, looking at the ingredients and then towards the door. you wouldn't have enough time to put everything away. before you even had the chance to react, he already came through the door.
"..are those?" he stopped in the doorway, his head turning towards you. you knew he was blind, but his ability to detect your exact location surpised you ever so often.
the smell of his favourite food hung in the air, almost as if the world had wanted to ruin your surprise.
"i wanted to surprise you." you admitted, lowering your head. you knew he wouldn't be disappointed, but you've planned this since last week. he must've sensed your sadness, walking towards you and putting his hand over yours.
"i can help you, let's cook together." he offered, carefully taking the knife out of your hand. truthfully, you nearly objected, not wanting him to hurt himself, however, you nearly chuckled thinking of the large weapon he was wielding.
"let's call it a cooking date then." you smiled, opening the drawer to get a second knife.
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shalomniscient · 6 months
master document. always stc according to new lore updates.
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PAST: CHILDHOOD -> I meet Peruere and Clervie at the orphanage as the last one to join. Clervie is the one who opens up first, and where Clervie goes, Peruere naturally follows. We become a sort-of trio in the orphanage, mostly just following Clervie around since she's the more outspoken and outgoing one between the three of us. I do start to warm up more eventually, though not to Clervie's extent.
-> On a starlit night after a particularly brutal training session, Clervie assigns all of us nicknames, in a sense. Peruere is the moon, I am the sun, and she is a star. Then, she tells us both about the auroras of Snezhnaya, and we all promise to go see it one day. Together.
-> I rely mostly on Clervie and Peruere during the training sessions because I'm not the most physically capable. I am, however, an academic fucking weapon and destroy any of the academic tests that are set. So much so that by the time we turn 15, a scholarship comes in the mail from Snezhnaya for me, with the offer to study in one of the prestigious institutions in the Nation of Cryo.
-> I consider ignoring the offer, but Clervie rips into me for it. It's an opportunity to escape the Kingmaking, after all. I would be stupid not to take it, yet at the same time, I don't want to leave them. But Clervie assures me that they will both be fine--they have each other, after all. Peruere, on the other hand, makes no such promises (and perhaps, she was wise beyond her years to do so).
-> I head off to Snezhnaya in the coming week, and from then on, only communicate to Clervie and Peruere through letters. It's mostly Clervie writing, but Peruere writes the occasional paragraph or two. I treasure all the letters and keep them in a box beneath my bed at the institute. I get two final letters, one from Clervie and the other from Peruere. Clervie assures me that everything is fine, but Peruere's letter is more honest. The Kingmaking approaches, and nothing is certain. Though they both promise that when it's over, which ever way the chips fall, we'll go see the auroras together.
-> The letters stop the year I turn 17. It doesn’t take long for me to figure out why, since rumors buzz around Snezhnaya like wildfire; Crucabena, the Knave, assassinated by one of her orphans. I try and dig for more info, but everything is kept under tight wraps. I graduate at 18, and I officially won't be receiving any more letters, because I'll be dispatched as a sleeper agent to Liyue and functionally 'severing' any ties to the Fatui. The dream of seeing the auroras remains just that—a dream.
PAST: ADULTHOOD -> As a sleeper agent in Liyue, I work for the Qixing in administration. The Fatui gives all its sleepers a new identity, and as part of my own training at the institute, adopting it isn't difficult. I spend years as a member of the Qixing, and even get to watch Ningguang rise to power as Tianquan.
-> But orders arrive from Snezhnaya to work with a newly acquired 'asset' based in Liyue. That 'asset' ends up being the up-and-coming future Regrator. I become his insider in the Qixing, funneling information to him and functionally becoming his assistant. This goes on for about a year before Yelan comes into Ningguang's service, and the Qixing do a full top-down department purge of Fatui agents. Though by that point, we had already completed what we set out to achieve, so the retreat back to Snezhnaya was not one of disgrace.
-> As part of his 'team', I'm present at his inauguration as a Harbinger. But who then is also present, but as a Harbinger herself, other than Peruere? I don't take my eyes off her throughout the entire ceremony, and neither does she, but now is not the time nor the place for a reunion. Instead, she waits until a few days later, meeting me outside my temporary accommodation at the Zapolyarny Palace on a cloudless night.
-> We talk, and then with her permission, hug her tightly. She says that she looked for me, but it made sense that I couldn't be found since I was a sleeper. The aurora stretches far and wide above our heads, and I ask her where Clervie is, even though at this point, I could surmise the answer myself.
-> A few days after that, I receive a transfer order from the Knave, much to Pantalone's displeasure. I, of course, don't think twice about accepting it.
PRESENT -> I work for Peruere, now Arlecchino, as her adjutant and second-in-command.
FUTURE -> In honor of Clervie's nickname of 'star', our first child is given a name that embodies it; Estelle.
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1000punks · 10 months
bonding. ⁰²//hunting
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bonding. //masterlist
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pairing: spawn!Astarion x named!Tav (non-binary OC)
warnings: 18+. nsft. mdni. predator/prey, bondage.
word count: 4,188
summary: two gays remodel a house domestic fluff and some character background building, set in post-game baldur's gate. two people who are weird and traumatized work on their relationship and reclaim their sexuality through a shared kink. lots of gooey romantic smut while these two slowly figure out their future together.
named!Tav is my non-binary tiefling ranger, Festé. i was seeing far too few fics with tiefling!Tav and i thought it was crucial, nay, critical to include them in the headcanons. i hope you all enjoy! ♡
They had fallen asleep tangled together. Astarion's mouth was inches from Festé's neck, and the tiefling's wrist was still tied with one end of the rope, their other arm slung over the elf's back. Festé woke with a start, flinching as Astarion bit their neck affectionately.
"Good evening, my darling," he whispered over their skin, pressing his thigh between their own as he shifted on top of them, humming. "Mnn… you're so warm." Festé heard the smile in his voice, smoothing their hand through his curls and wrapping their arm tighter over his back.
"Mmf… just doing my job, Star." Festé mumbled sleepily, kissing the top of his head. Astarion lifted his cheek from their chest, his nose brushing against their own, his eyes a deep scarlet. "Oh, except for the fact that I'm starving you, love. I'm sorry." They moved their head to the side, smiling at him.
"My dear, as much as I would love to have you, right here, I don't want to ruin the sheets." He pushed up on one elbow, peeking down between their bodies with a chuckle. "Mm, and I think we should both get clean, shouldn't we?" He pressed his thigh more firmly between their legs, forcing a moan out of his imp before he got up, beckoning to them with one finger and sauntering off to the bathroom.
Festé laughed out loud, following soon after and found him already reclined in the tub with the taps on, looking up as the water lapped gently at his skin. He had a hungry look in his eye, making Festé pause in the doorway.
"What are you waiting for, dear?" he inquired softly, his eyes hooded as he fixed them on his imp, gesturing with his chin. "Get in with me, won't you?"
Festé searched his face for any signs of concern before stepping into the tub, letting Astarion guide them to sit in his lap as he sank down further into the water with a long, relaxed sigh. He pulled them to rest against his chest and started to rub their back slowly. The tiefling melted against him, enjoying the way his dexterous fingers seemed to seek all of the knots in their shoulders. Festé pressed their face into his neck, murmuring, "Are you playing with your food?"
"My darling, I'm appalled that you think me some blood-starved beast!" he chuckled, giving them a squeeze. "I simply mean to take care of you the same way you take care of me. Now relax, and let me. Then perhaps I'll take a little nibble, provided it's still on offer." He hummed, leaning to turn off the taps before drawing them close once more.
Festé chuckled with him, wrapping their arms over his shoulders gently. "Yes, master. Anything you wish." They relished the feeling of his cool skin on theirs, reaching up to pet through their hair slowly.
"I enjoy being close to you like this, my love. It's a relief to learn that my being naked doesn't always require sex."
"Never, unless you want it to." Festé murmured softly, a promise.
"You're so sweet to me." Astarion kept his hands moving on their back, his fingers finding another knot between their shoulderblades. Festé moaned out softly in appreciation as he softened it.
"Mmf, only when I'm not sulfury, my dear." Festé's tone was light, gently pulling their fingers through his hair. "In all seriousness, though… you have no idea what you mean to me, Star." They sat up, looking him in the eyes. "I love you so much, and I love being with you. I- " they stroked over his cheek, looking away with a blush and biting their lip. "I don't have a way with words like you do, but…" they smiled, resting their forehead to his, "I love you."
"I know, my dear. You show it well enough. I'm racking my brain, but I simply cannot think of anyone else who's remodeled a home for me. Or built me a bed. Or dug me a garden. Or built me a bookshelf." He laughed softly, leaning up to peck their cheek, reaching for the soap and grinding it into the sponge gently. He ran it down Festé's chest and stomach, and the hungry look in his eyes was back as he gently started to scrub their skin. "I did a number on you yesterday, didn't I? You poor thing."
"You seduced me, I admit it." Festé smirked, "Though I don't think it was very difficult, since somebody tied me up for you."
Astarion laughed out loud, pulling them close suddenly and murmuring into their ear, "I'd like that drink now, if I may?" He pressed the sponge to their back, moving it in slow circles. Festé nodded, tilting their head and resting their hands on his sides. They took a deep breath as he pressed his fangs into their neck, letting it out as a shaky sigh. The elf's arms encircled them, breathing evenly as he drank, being as gentle as possible. He pulled away after only a few moments, licking softly over his imp's neck and tracing his fingers over their back.
"Do you need more, love?" Festé whispered, a little concerned.
Astarion shook his head, lapping up the last few drops of blood that had collected at their collarbone. "Mn, no." He smiled up at them, reaching to tuck a few stray strands of hair behind their ear. "Yours is the sweetest blood I have ever tasted, but we have all the time in the world."
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
The season was meeting its end, that much was sure. Festé drew in a deep breath as they sat down on the porch, watching the horizon claim the last few beams of sunlight. The air had a chilly smell about it, and soon the nights would draw out longer. They looked around them at the modest few baskets of vegetables they had managed to grow in the garden. The tiefling sighed happily, congratulating their afternoon's efforts with a deep swig of ale, content as the sun slipped fully below the edge of the harbour. The tiefling's ears pricked as a loose pebble skated across the broken cobblestones behind them, forcing old instincts down as they turned to greet their pale elf.
"Good evening, darling. How did the grand harvest go?" He leaned down to kiss them softly, his palm landing on their cheek. "Mn, still warm from the sun and everything," he chuckled, standing up and looking around at the vegetables.
"I think it will be enough to keep me fed for the winter. And if I'm well-fed, you will be too. If all else fails, we can go hunting." Festé shrugged, looking up at him. Astarion had an odd expression on his face, something between apprehension and intrigue.
"Are… you sure you would like to see me hunt, my love?" he asked, barely stifling a chuckle. "I assure you, the only blood on the menu for me is yours." He bit his lip and added much more softly, "Forever, I hope."
Festé reached for his hand. "Well, I didn't mean I would set you loose in the city, love. But you did boast to me once about taking out a bear by yourself. I'm sure you could do it again, and make me a new coat while you're at it." They laughed and Astarion joined in, crouching to help them gather up the baskets.
As they stepped inside, Astarion hummed softly, looking sidelong at his little imp. "My darling, would you like to play a little game?" He set two baskets down on the kitchen counter, drumming his fingers on it as Festé did the same. The tiefling looked up at him with a confused grin.
"A game?" They pushed their baskets next to his on the counter. "Elaborate?"
"Yes, my dear. I'm curious who's the better hunter." His smile was all fangs, "I've seen you in action, I think you could give me a run for my money." His voice got quieter, slipping easily into that sultry tone of his as he leaned in, breathing against Festé's ear, "It could be fun, darling."
"You want me to hunt you?"
"Yes, precisely, but you have to catch me before I've hunted you." He traced his fingers over their cheek. "We'll keep it to the Lower City, first to take the other down with a kiss wins the right to choose what else we do tonight. Hmm?" Astarion smirked, noting the blush creeping up Festé's neck. He put both his hands on the counter now, trapping them in place with a soft chuckle and a peck on the lips.
"You really want me to hunt you?" Festé laughed softly against Astarion's lips, giving the bottom one a nibble. "Fine, I'm game. Wait- no invisibility scrolls." They held out their hand for the elf to shake, and he did.
"Darling, I wouldn't need them anyway," he quipped, rolling his eyes with a soft smile. "Go out there, I won't be far behind. The next time you see me, I'll have my lips on that beautiful neck of yours." Astarion held their chin, giving Festé a deep kiss before gently pushing them toward the back door. "I'll see you soon, my lovely little imp."
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Festé sat languidly atop the Central Wall, leg stretched over the side and swinging gently as they scanned the streets, barely blinking, keeping their breath even. The tiefling had no issue spotting the elf, who slipped into the alley and the shadows. Festé didn't move - they knew it was a ruse, he wouldn't be as sloppy as to be seen on purpose. Instead, they got to all fours slowly, keeping their eyes on him as they pushed back from the edge. He already knew where they were, they could tell by the way he avoided looking up. Scent and heartbeat only, Festé thought, risking movement as they climbed down the other side of the wall. They jumped the last eight feet or so, landing soundlessly on the balls of their feet. They looked around carefully, being sure to look up, and they saw him at the top of the wall with his eyes closed. Still listening. Festé moved away slowly, their feet sure on the cobblestones as they made their retreat into the park.
Astarion's eyes snapped open as he lost their scent, and he smiled to himself, climbing down the wall easily and gaining pursuit as he made his way into the park. He concentrated as he kept close to the hedges, picking through the mixture of floral notes to find the familiar smoky smell of his beloved imp. His eyes fluttered closed for a moment as he found the scent, before he opened them once more, letting his instincts take over fully. He started running full speed towards the center of the park, footsteps barely making a sound as he closed in on Festé. He stopped short when he found a small bundle in the grass, squinting at it before looking around in frustration.
Festé watched from a flower bush off to the side as he found their robe, chuckling as he suddenly met their eyes and smirked. Festé was already running in the opposite direction, but Astarion was faster, colliding with them. He curled his body protectively around theirs as they both landed in the grass, rolling over and both laughing wildly. Astarion straddled the tiefling's hips to pin them easily, leaning down to kiss up their neck, humming over their skin, "That… was a clever trick, my love. You very nearly had me. Mm, but I still win." He brushed his lips over theirs and kissed them deeply, moaning softly into their mouth before pulling away. "Come, darling, let's get home, and I'll show you what I had planned for us tonight." He got up slowly, holding out his hands to help them to their feet and gently draping their robe around their shoulders, his touch lingering.
Festé wrapped an arm around his hips as they began to leave, Astarion reciprocating the contact with a hand on the small of their back. Their eyes met his, smiling as they saw the hint of lust in them. The pair walked in near-silence, but as Festé reached the front door of their home, Astarion pressed them against it, growling against their neck as he kissed over the exposed skin. Festé shivered and whispered, "At leas let me get inside our house, Star." Their elf reached around them for the doorknob, turning it and pushing them gently inside.
"I can't help it, darling. I want to have a sensuous evening with my favourite imp, can you blame me?" His hands moved over their body deftly, discarding their robe on the floor as he murmured softly, "My plans involve your nudity, so be a dear and give me a little help, won't you?" His smirk was wide as he gently unlaced their shirt, pushing it down their shoulders when he moved closer to kiss their forehead. Festé tilted their head up, catching his lips with their own as his hands moved slowly over their chest. Astarion hummed, kissing over their cheek lightly, his lips cool to the touch. "I want to take you to our bed," his voice was soft, his lips hunting down the tiefling's neck, "And I want to tie you up, so that I may have my way with you, darling. I trust there are no…" he paused, teeth grazing their skin, "…objections?"
Festé sighed out with a smile. "None at all, my love. I suppose you would prefer a meek, obedient imp to have your way with, as well?"
"That's exactly right, of course. I want you hanging on my every command, darling." He stepped back, giving them that look of his through his eyelashes, all trace of a smile gone from his lips when he spoke again. "And, this is very important, my love, if you need me to stop anything that I'm doing, you only need to say so. Are we clear?"
"Yes, love. The same goes for you." They raised their eyebrows for emphasis.
"Agreed." Astarion bent to kiss them firmly, pushing them towards their bedroom, before grunting impatiently, picking the tiefling up and wrapping their legs around his waist, and carrying them to the bed himself. He moved expertly, laying them on the bed and moving over them without breaking the kiss, his hands framing their hips, pulling them to meet his own as he moved. Festé let a shaky sigh escape between their lips, their hands moving down to grip the sheets, letting Astarion move them as he pleased. They sat up, pulling their elbows in and pressing closer against his body, sucking softly at his lip. Astarion pushed them further up the bed, moving one hand to the back of their head. He weaved his fingers into their hair, biting gently at their lip in return, pressing his full weight on top of them with a low groan before pulling away.
"Darling… Gods, I love you so much," he pulled their hair gently, kissing their forehead before letting them rest back on the bed, reaching down to unlace their pants. He tugged them halfway off their hips and smirked, raking his fingers up and down their torso slowly. "Undress for me, little imp," he murmured, sitting back from them and moving to unlace his own shirt. He watched as they shimmied out of their pants, leaving their shirt loose around their arms. Festé spread their legs nonchalantly, with an innocent look on their face. Astarion shook his head with a smirk, reaching for the rope and tossing it into their lap. "Not so fast, my dear. We have to make sure you can't get away first."
Festé chuckled out loud, holding their wrists out in front of them. Astarion smiled and shook his head again, locking his hands around their wrists, giving them a soft peck as he pressed their hands behind their back. The tiefling held them there, feeling Astarion release his grip and the end of the rope snake down their back as he distracted them with another slow kiss. They closed their eyes, feeling him weave the rope expertly over their forearms and back over itself, and they gasped against his lips as he began to snake it over their shoulders, crossing it over their chest. He pulled back from their lips with a teasing bite, drawing blood this time and letting it run down Festé's chin, licking his lips as he looped the rope and cinched it up in the center of their chest. They he could hear their heart rate pick up at his touch, and shivered at the thought.
"Mn… there we are, darling. Tied up and dripping for me already."
"Technicality on the second one, my love. You'll need to bite me a few more times to get me dripping." Festé leaned close, licking their lips and grinning widely as they moved their legs underneath them, tilting their head to the side, "And I can still use these, can't I?" Festé climbed into their elf's lap with ease, straddling him and pressing their chest to his.
"Oh, oh, so eager, aren't we, my dear?" Astarion leaned back on his palms, throwing the tiefling off-balance. The two went tumbling down on the bed, Astarion laughing loudly as Festé landed on his chest. "You're the clumsiest prey ever, love. You're making this too easy." His laugh tapered to a sultry chuckle, sitting up and cradling them with one arm, pressing almost uncomfortably close to his imp and breathing in their scent, brushing the tip of his nose along their neck. He got a little lost in the moment, closing his eyes and sitting up fully, his free hand moving into their hair and pushing it aside gently, so he could take a deeper breath. Festé shivered, snapping him out of his reverie, and he pulled back, looking into their eyes. His pupils were blown wide, and he licked his lips unconsciously, breathing out shakily. Festé gently rolled their hips - a test - and Astarion returned the movement in kind, his fingers slipping under the rope on their chest as his hips rolled up to meet theirs. He kept his other hand in their hair and his eyes locked on theirs. They looked nearly black in the dim light of the bedroom, and Festé was as transfixed as Astarion seemed to be.
"Feels… good…" the tiefling barely breathed out, as the elf gripped the rope on their chest tighter, jerking them a little closer as the two moved together. They breathed out hotly against his lips, letting him pull them the last inch and kissing him passionately. Each let moans escape into the other's mouth, and Festé could feel what it was doing to Astarion's body beneath them. He pulled them up on their knees slowly, his hand falling gently from their hair and moving smoothly between their thighs. His eyes narrowed, a smile growing on his lips while he teased his fingers along either side of Festé's clit, sliding them down and pressing more firmly, starting to massage them slowly. Festé wasn't shy, letting soft moans slip from their mouth, never taking their eyes from Astarion's. Their hips twitched involuntarily.
The elf kept his movements slow but consistent, pushing his imp close to their edge but never over it. When he spoke again, his voice was soft but assertive. "I don't want you to let go yet. Hang on for me, my love. I want to feel you when you do." Festé nodded, starting to strain against their bindings all the same when he began circling their clit, taking his fingers away each time their thighs started to shake. The tiefling tensed each time, breathing out a sigh of relief at his cool touch. Finally, he sat up with a satisfied chuckle, letting Festé rest on the bed as he leaned down to kiss them, unlacing his own pants and freeing himself with a needy groan, shrugging out of his shirt soon after. He looked over Festé with a tilt of his head, his lips parting slightly as he pulled them into his lap again, sighing out with the contact.
Festé pressed their chest to his, breath hot with their soft pleas against his neck, wanting to savour it at the same time. Astarion held them tight, silently sharing the sentiment and burying his face in their neck once more, peppering their skin with kisses. "Gods, love, you ruin me," he whispered in their ear. Festé answered with a soft kiss on his own, nipping very gently as they heard his shaky breath out. Astarion gripped the rope on their chest once more, lifting them from his lap just enough to press into them, guiding them back down slowly as they both moaned in relief. The two stayed still for several moments, breathing in sync, the elf holding his tiefling as close as he could manage. He met their eyes, a warm smile reaching his lips as he tugged on the rope.
"I suppose… you want me to ride you, darling?" Festé breathed out shakily, rolling their hips slowly and leaning back, moaning out blissfully as they began to move on his length.
"Aah… Well, I promise not to let you fall again, love. Please just… keep doing that," he moved his free hand to their hips, meeting their movements with slow thrusts of his own. "Chase your pleasure, darling - I guarantee it's mine as well." He breathing hitched, eyelids fluttering as he watched them. Festé's movements were sure and steady, even with their arms bound. They leaned forward, pressing their forehead to his gently, their hips betraying their desperation as Astarion began to whisper encouragement into their ear. "Are you going to cum already, darling? Let me feel it, won't you?" he purred, grinding his hips up to meet theirs and gasping softly when he felt them start to twitch internally. "Do it… for me, darling… won't you?" Astarion's voice dropped to a throaty whisper, he was dangerously close himself.
Festé tensed, panting out and shaking with need, "Please, ahh -!" They collapsed against his chest, the elf welcoming them with open arms, reaching to rub over their hips firmly, gripping them and helping them ride it out. The aftershocks were making them twitch easily under his touch. He forced them to move slowly, to savour it, and when he knew they were satisfied, he reached up and gently began untying them, catching their lips in a slow kiss. Astarion rubbed down their arms and over their chest, everywhere the ropes had dug into their skin. He traced his fingers lightly down to their wrists, freeing them as well. The elf's hips stilled for a moment as he brought Festé's fingers to his lips, pecking over them softly.
Festé's breathing was just starting to even out when Astarion pushed them to their back with his whole body, pushing their hands above their head and kissing up their neck, murmuring, "I want to do that again, but slower, and together. How does that sound?" He pressed his hips to theirs, "I'm not far off, I'll admit…" Festé nodded enthusiastically, brushing their lips over his and hooking one leg over his hip. "Ah, ah… Use your words, darling." he breathed out on their collarbone, biting softly and sucking a deep bruise into their skin, dragging his nails down their arms before sliding his hands underneath their hips.
"I want to do that again, slowly, and together… please, love." Festé shivered, nodding again and moving their hips firmly to his, eliciting a low moan from the elf against their chest. They pushed their fingers into his hair, pulling his head up gently and whispering, "I want to look into each other's eyes the whole time, too." Astarion tensed, then softened as he looked into his imp's eyes, starting to move again, pressing deeply with each roll of his hips. Festé smiled, easily moving in sync with their elf. He sat up, pushing his legs underneath him once more, lifting Festé halfway as he did so, but neither's movements faltered once. Astarion's thrusts began to roughen, and the tiefling matched him without difficulty, their mouth falling open with a hiss. Astarion only smirked, keeping his pace. They pulled his hair a little more firmly, and he laughed, pressing his nails into their hips as his own snapped forward. He gasped, Festé joining in with a moan, pulling his body down on top of theirs. "Together…?"
Astarion pressed close to them, framing their shoulders with his forearms, pausing his hips as they both shook, panting softly, "Yes, darling- together." Their movements together grew softer as they afterglow set in, warming the pair from the inside out. The elf wrapped protectively around his tiefling, and the tiefling held their elf close to their chest. He nuzzled their heated skin and whispered, "Forever."
Festé nodded, giving Astarion a squeeze and pulling their fingers gently through his hair. "Forever," they agreed.
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A/N: god i didn't realize this was so long! hey, all of the people who are reading this fic- you rock! you matter! thank you for the support! stay tuned for more! they're going to get even sappier and more disgustingly cute as time goes on!
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Hey! Kiss prompts. Helen and John and number 7. Please : )
Hi! Oh my gosh, you picked Helen and John? 😍 *squeals* Thank you!!
From this prompt list
number 7: a kiss to say what you can't say aloud
Okay, so I think this became almost 1k words, I hope you like it!
It felt like some sort of electric shock was going through John's system, making muscles twitch despite his efforts.
He couldn't sit still, he could barely think, he felt sick.
Helen, for all her observations and how well she knew him, did not seem to notice and John was still trying to figure out if that was a good or hurtful thing.
Perhaps she simply accepted those changes in him. Perhaps she did not notice. Perhaps he assumed there was some outward sign when there was not.
He couldn't ask her.
Helen walked over to him and climbed into his lap, straddling him gently, something that had once upon a time seemed scandalous, but now was familiar and comforting.
John wrapped his arms around her as she leaned forward and rested her head against his chest with a light sigh, that sigh speaking of burdens that he suddenly was not certain he was aware of.
"Helen?" he murmured roughly against the top of her head.
"Do you ever wonder, John?"
"Wonder what?" he asked, mouth suddenly dry.
"Where we would be if we had failed the experiment. Would we simply be Miss Magnus and Mister Druitt?"
"Helen, you could never 'simply be' anything."
She giggled lightly against his chest.
"I suppose you're right about that. I'll never be content to be simple."
"I wouldn't have you any other way."
Suddenly those words felt like a lie in John's mouth. Hard to force out, because he was suddenly certain he would have. He would have been content with Helen no less she was, but no more either. He would have been content with no Source Blood, an academic life shared between the two of them, perhaps tucked away from society.
A life where nothing lay hidden between them, where nights of back alleys and blood were never even thought of, let alone experienced.
Helen pulled away enough to look him in the eye and for a moment, John thought she may somehow be able to read all that in his eyes.
"Those words make me happy." she told him with a small smile. "But would a change be that bad?"
"What sort of change?"
There was no way that she was touching on what John couldn't bring himself to tell her. She was too relaxed and almost happy looking for that.
"We are to be married, John. I feel some change will--and should--come of that."
His stomach twisted painfully, to hear her talking of their future. The future that he did not think he was capable of giving her. The future he had promised, but the one he was going to take away from her.
Because if they continued, Helen would most likely end up like the women she and James were investigating.
The ones that John had killed.
But he couldn't say it. He couldn't push her off his lap, tell her it was over, and leave her.
He was too much of a coward to do so. Just as he was too much of a coward to stop playing the game with James.
"How so?" he asked in a tone he somehow managed to keep light and teasing.
John knew he was becoming better and better at slipping a mask on and using it whenever he saw fit.
"Children, for one."
Helen fiddled with the buttons of his shirt as he spoke.
John's stomach swooped, but he maintained his outward composure.
"You do want them, don't you?"
Helen's eyes held a small amount of concern, as if she thought he were going to immediately deny it.
John didn't know how to answer her.
Before, he would have immediately said yes, told her that they should get started on that without delay. While John was considered to be a bachelor in his prime, Helen was much older than many women were when bearing their first children, even if it seemed the Source Blood had given her more time.
"Do you?" he asked, deciding to stall instead. "Because I would never dream of asking something of you that you are not willing to give."
Helen smiled, but she looked troubled and John wondered how he had said the wrong thing.
His fingers twitched against her back and he wanted to run away, turn back time to where this all made sense again.
Turn back the clock to where he wasn't pushing himself to break her heart.
"I do. I truly do, John."
That confession stole his breath, made a surge of that newfound rage rise towards the surface even as he reigned it in.
Why did she have to tell him this now? Why did she have to want this? Why hadn't he been brave enough to end this before he broke even more of her dreams?
Helen pulled away more, expression changing.
John knew that he hadn't let the rage take over his features, but they must have hardened, because of the look on her face.
They had never spoken of children before, but somehow here they were and he wanted it, but he couldn't.
They stared at each other.
John kissed her instead of saying anything.
He held on to her and kissed her hard, bruisingly for a moment before he gentled it, wishing it explained everything he could not say.
That he loved her desperately. That he was so, so sorry.
Helen kissed him back and John released her when she tried to break away.
She looked confused. Worried.
Her fingers brushed her lips and her brows creased and she just stared at him.
She understood at least some of what he couldn't say and that suddenly terrified John so greatly he felt his throat and chest tighten.
His hands spasmed against her back and there was a sudden image in his mind of tightening his hands around her throat, something that had been plaguing him for a long time now.
But the urge had never been as strong as it was now.
John shook slightly, though whether it was with the desire to do so or fear of it, he didn't know.
So he kissed Helen again, more desperately than before.
He couldn't break her heart tonight, because he wasn't certain what he would do when he did.
But he would selfishly kiss her once more, because he never would again.
He loved her.
He was saying goodbye.
Once he broke away, John dropped his hands from her body.
Helen looked lightly distressed now, clearly not understanding, but knowing that something was wrong.
She had her hands pressed to her abdomen and her gaze held his.
John stood, shifting her into his seat.
"We'll speak tomorrow, Helen."
"I have something to tell you then."
"As do I."
They stared at each other for another moment, John resisting the urge to steal another kiss before he teleported away.
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keikaru · 8 months
Boundary Line - Honkai Star Rail (Bronya x Seele)
“Even if my memories of the Underground are faint, fingerprints of the past linger in my heart,” Bronya murmurs softly, her eyes roaming over the oil-black lampposts illuminating the brick-paved streets of Boulder Town below. Her eyes flicker to Seele when she resumes. “If I can build a better tomorrow for both the Underground and Overworld citizens, would you honor me with your strength to reclaim that future?”
“Fancy words for saying you need me, Bronya.” Seele grins at the future heir and shakes her head. “When you say it like that, it makes me want to protect that future with you. So yes, if you’ll have me, I want to help you build that future.”
From the staircase landing, the girls stand side-by-side with their arms nearly brushing against each other, as if the space between their worlds, the boundary between the Underground and Overworld, is thin. Boundaries exist to divide the land, but not the heart of the people. Bronya knows this, but the wind only enflames her face when she glances at Seele.
Our hearts beat for a single cause.
“Thank you, Seele. For your trust and faith in me.”
And yet, why am I not at peace until she looks at me?
Seele fixes her gaze to something far beyond Bronya’s eyes, and Bronya wants the latter to look at her, to give her her full attention. But Seele speaks to her in a light, teasing tone, unaware of Bronya's thoughts.
“You’re welcome, Bronya. I know you carry a heavy burden, but you don’t have to do it alone. So let me support you. After all, I’m not good at politics and diplomacy—so I’ll leave that part to you. I’ll resolve conflicts in a language I know well.”
“Oh?” the teasing lilt in Bronya's word makes Seele finally look at her. The corners of her mouth twitch into a knowing smile, one that conceals her true thoughts. “Perhaps I need lessons from a scholar well versed in brawls.”
“Well, you’re the one who said you needed my strength, didn’t you?” Seele rests her elbows on the railings, and she tips her head in Bronya’s direction with a pout. The warm, amber glow of the city gleams in her eyes, and for a moment, Bronya wants Seele to be closer to her. “I’ll come to your rescue if you ever need me.”
"Then I'll wait for you."
Her heart pounds in her ears when she utters those words, and the heir of the Supreme Guardian hesitates. She wants to reach out to Seele, to reassure her that her presence strengthens her resolve.
Seele smiles at her. And for a breath of a moment, she reaches out and places a hand on top of hers.
And just like that, the moment passes, and the girls sweep their gaze across the bustling square below.
Customers negotiate with shopkeepers for a lower price while errand runners haul newspapers to a street corner to sell. The ambience rippling across the marketplace is peaceful, and commerce continues despite hardships. Enduring through hardship, Broyna thinks, as she observes a young girl rifling through the bins for scraps to sell, is proof of resilience. However, we need to usher in changes and reforms to create equity for all. How can people find their forward if they don’t have the resources to make that happen?
Hardships follow the people no matter no matter where their home is. It is her duty to listen to the people and make changes across her home. It’ll be a difficult task, but with Seele by her side, it feels as if she can overcome anything.
“The boundary that separates us is but an invisible line,” Bronya speaks calmly. “The lifeline of this world are the hearts and will of the people. Let’s see to it that the future will be a kinder one.”
Update: read the rest on AO3!
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thedarkmistress16 · 1 year
Tell us about your fav show! What gets you hooked? What makes it special? - What are the good and bad points of the show? The plus and minus? Something that you like and don't like (if there's any). - And lastly, your first impressions and expectations (before watching the shows), and your thoughts as the show goes. Is it different than what you expect? Surprisingly good? Is it okay-ish or perhaps, worse? Is it actually way better?
one of my faves is def cyberchase! Despite knowing it's for kids in elementary/just learning math, I always come back to binge the whole thing every now and again... at least until around season 6 or 7, lol.
Initial Intrigue
I think what gets me hooked about it is the va work- it feels like everyone has a personality and is having fun in their over-dramatic roles, making me want to continue watching to see and hear more of them.
What makes it special to me are the lessons/problem-solving techniques each episode provides for education purposes, believe it or not. They live rent-free in my brain in the sense that I can easily depict in my mind which episode I'm thinking about or want to watch just from the main math adventure alone. It helps that i've binged the show more than five times as an adult, XD. Also, I think the accompanying For Real segments are special too, as the real-world examples help drive home the lesson in your head and are almost just as prominent when trying to remember the episode for me.
General Aspects
The good parts, I think, are the writing of the characters and the setting of cyberspace. The kids, while they sound annoyingly expository at times because educational kids show, each of the main three have a personality that is shown through the mistakes they make, how they speak to each other when emotions and stress are high, and how they usually approach problems. I'll always remember matt is a sports kid because of that one scene in Whale of a Tale in which he corrected Glowla's addition by referring to friendly numbers and making a ballpark estimate. And that's just one instance. And for cyberspace, the way the sites exist gives many possibilities for future cybersites for the utmost creativity.
Some of the bad parts is that the show can get hand-holdy in explaining the math, leading to becoming annoyed when the answer is obvious and ends up being stretched out to pad the runtime, on top of when the show's formula stays the same. Speaking of, the show is a mix of episodic and continuing previously established continuity, and can lead to inconsistencies with characters and plotlines (par for the course on many shows to be fair). Sometimes this resets them and other times it's just plain stupid given the context of the show on a back-to-back viewing.
Personal Aspects
Now what I personally like about cyberchase is what I have mentioned above, but more about the characters rather than the lessons. The show's pretty batshit crazy and interesting depending on what episode you're on, and I think the tone is balanced well for dangerous leaps of faith and Matt making fun of Jackie's overly-dramatic ass. It feels like I'm in the adventure with them despite not being a character myself, as in feel the energy of the scene, and I think that's neat.
The thing I personally don't like is how the voices of the characters change over time because of the change in vas, but I can understand that- it just sucks as it takes away my immersion a bit on every rewatch. Also, I didn't mention the elephant in the room but it's an objectively awful thing about the show- or at the very least, majorly disliked by fans including me. I didn't specifically mention it, but it popped into your head, didn't it?
Later Expectations
While I don't remember what baby-faced me thought of the show at the time of first watching it, I can tell you my thoughts on catching up on a few season 9 episodes for the first time. I was def making fun of it in the first half, ngl. And then I was starting to remember the episodes, and realized I had already seen them before but forgot them. I think around the Digit food pyramid episode was where I was enjoying the writing to the point of laughing at varied points because of things I hadn't noticed before (but also because I had a new appreciation for healthy foods a while back and totally wanted to eat that salad when I saw it again). So despite that season not being about math (will always be butthurt about that), it was better than I expected on rewatch. Doesn't mean it was good, because I'd still watch the earlier seasons any day, but I wouldn't be upset at the thought of watching them again.
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syngigeim · 2 years
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I posted 324 times in 2022
78 posts created (24%)
246 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 298 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#warrior of light - 46 posts
#syngigeim usynlonwyn - 37 posts
#alisaie leveilleur - 24 posts
#venat - 23 posts
#alphinaud leveilleur - 22 posts
#thancred waters - 21 posts
#urianger augurelt - 19 posts
#estinien wyrmblood - 18 posts
#g'raha tia - 16 posts
#hydaelyn - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#lovely spot and just hearing that region theme as i stepped out into stormblood proper is something i'll keep with me as a favorite memory
My Top Posts in 2022:
Day 1 - Cross
Syngigeim couldn’t help it. Tears began to trickle down her cheeks. She closed her eyes and tilted her head up, hoping to stem the flow just a little. She was alone. Everyone close to her giving themselves up to make a path for her. Or else an infinitesimal distance away back home.
She opened her eyes and glanced forward ahead at the lonely world, a fragment of one that Meteion found...and at the glimmering bridge ahead.
Her path was clear.
Shadows began to form around her. Were they the spirits of those lost? Or something more? It was along her way forward and so she strode towards it. She thought of this lost world. Where all life was gone without a trace. Meteion said she found nothing and yet-
If you need a push, I’ll be right there behind you.
Syngigeim stopped. And laughed. She smiled, pressing her hand up against her heart, where she could feel a warmth blossom. Of course it was him. She set forth again, her stride steady.
Do not despair. You are not without allies.
Of course, she thought. She turned her thoughts towards those back home, awaiting her return. And there was still hope, was there not? By the matter that she still drew breath, that before her was that bridge, the breeze upon the wind, they weren’t fully gone. Not yet.
What we have sown in blood, we have reaped in suffering, and it can not go on.
Syngigeim’s smile faded but she kept her pace steady. She fought and struggled and in the process, hurt others. Taken lives. Bloodstained were her hands...but she still had to try.
Upon the souls of they who have sacrificed themselves to pave the way for peace, we will never abandon our cause.
She had to try. To struggle. To believe in that brighter future. For those who we’ve lost. For those we can yet save. For everyone else who was struggling at the very same moment.
While it is true that man succumbs all too often to anger and avarice, he may yet overcome his baser instincts through the forming of bonds with others.
It always felt a little silly when it was presented in stories such as these. For what can a person do on their own? Walk on, her mind countered. Walk on and keep moving. For their sake.
Such victories are rarely won without sacrifice. But the prize is worth the price.
Syngigeim took a breath. Sacrifice. She wanted to stop. Wanted to stop and break into tears anew. She focused instead on the next spirit ahead of her, of the bridge she was coming up upon.
And we for our part are glad indeed to be able to welcome friends both old and new…
New. New friends. As of this point, she could only envision a faceless mass in front of her, in shadow. What would they be like? What were they doing at this moment? She reached the bridge of light.
Save your tears for the morrow. You may be sure we will have ample cause to shed them, be they for joy or for despair.
She gave a short snort at that. It was a little late for that but perhaps when this was over when journey’s end came, she could finally allow herself to feel it in full. “That she may find happiness at journey’s end…” she whispered.
From tragedy and sacrifice, we rise to greet a new dawn.
This place was a place where worlds ended. But she suddenly thought of the fact that day and night still came over those planets. The universe was destined to have all light vanish one day...but what caused life in the first place then? Questions yet unsolved.
A future shaped by the choices we made, in ways we could have never forseen.
Who would have thought that a search for a friend would end up to all of this? Lost, struggling in the dephs of despair, her mind countered. He’s still fighting, she counter-thought. Still fighting. Move on.
Yet miracles do happen. So let us pray, and will our friends home.
She gazed ahead. She was near the end of the bridge. There was a way to do just that...at the risk of undoing all of the protection she had.
I won’t stop praying until I know they’re safe.
Still, she’d find some way shouldn’t she? For amidst all of this loss, she kept a kernal of hope in her heart. The warmth she kept alive in her chest.
Strong art thou, mortal.
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13 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
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13 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
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Friendly reminder that airships exist and can be way cheeper than teleporting. This is from a teleport from Limsa Lomina versus taking the airship from it.
17 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
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19 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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35 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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theoracleofgiana · 2 years
(Enchantress Home, Gena Kingdom)
"Yes, yes, I know. I'll bring some next time I come over," Micah raises an eyebrow at Soliel's voice wafting through the kitchen. Soliel had been home alone since Micah needed to go hunting, so who was the enchantress talking to? The dragon-born walks up to the kitchen door but doesn't go inside. If Soliel is hiding something, Micah had better luck eavesdropping than confronting the woman. "Mm, no. I need to head into town soon, though. I'm running out of newts, surprisingly," Micah feels uncomfortable at the cheerfulness in the other's voice. Micah always thought the tone was only for her. "Maybe, I don't want to ask her. Micah can get overprotective," Micah's nose flares. She wasn't that overprotective, right? Deciding enough is enough, Micah walks into the kitchen. Soliel turns around to the other with a smile. She places a hand on her bubble and waves the dragon over. Micah feels the anger slowly leave her as she walks closer. 
Soliel removes her hand, and Micah can see Prince Ecerardus working on some document. The prince looks over and gives Micah a soft smile. "Hello, Micah. Just the dragon I needed," Micah feels her mouth run dry and stares at the man. "Echo thinks you and Cale should meet," Soliel says, unaware of the other's predicament. "Who's Cale," Micah asks, finding her voice. She silently thanks Gaia that her voice doesn't crack. "The Oracle," Ecerardus happily supplies, if not slightly exasperated. "Sun refuses to call them by their name." 
Micah almost does a double-take at the nickname. Soliel scoffs, and Micah feels her chest heat with something. Micah knew that this wasn't anger or jealousy. There was something almost warm about this feeling. A sort of happiness the dragon got as the prince and Soliel joke with each other. Perhaps Micah had been wrong about the prince. "I'll meet them," Micah says, causing both the prince and Soliel to stare at her. "Are you sure? You don't have to," Soliel says as she discreetly tries to check Micah's temperature. Micah scowls at the woman and bats her hand away. "Yes, I'm sure," The dragon turns her gaze to the prince. "You can set it up, right Echo?" Ecerardus's eyes widen as Soliel gasps. The prince nods and quickly says goodbye. The bubble dissipates soon after. Micah chuckles as Soliel paces, clearly surprised. The dragon didn't know how the future would go, but she did know this was home. 
(A/n: Micah is very possessive of her enchantress. Within good reason of course. Micah tends to worry about Soliel getting hurt and doesn't want to lose them. It mostly stems from abandonment issues. Moving on from that, I have introduced one version of phones. There are three other types of phones, I believe. I don't remember off the top of my head lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and have a fantastical day!)
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kiridarling · 4 years
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d.kaminari and h.sero | f!reader + corruption + weed/shotguning + praise + threesome + more! minors dni!
— 3.6k words
"I knew I wanted you the second I saw you."
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Denki’s addicted to the pre-concert high.
His veins hum with a song that has yet to start, fingers drumming some mixed beat on the body of his electric guitar as he assumes his place on the dark stage. The theater’s dead silent, the room suspended in a titilating anticipation—and the steady rhythm Denki's heart dissapates into chaos when the faint crack of Eijirou's drumsticks bounce off the walls, and the click in his earpiece begins.
Eijirou hits the kick drum once. Twice. Then his hands fly across the set in a flurry, the rolling beat echoing into the packed arena and spurring the crowd to explode, fans flying to their feet to render their vocal cords for the night.
As the other instruments fill the blank space, Denki's hand grips the back of his guitar's neck, on hold for his solo, and by the time the electric blond steps up to the mic, pavlov's theory has already kicked in overdrive.
"Who’s ready to feel good tonight?”
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“Dude, I’m on fucking fire!” Denki vibrates, nearly glowing in comparison to his bandmates as they sift through a flurry of fans at a meet and greet. It always seems like Denki and Eijirou are the only ones with energy after a good show—but what can he say? Being on stage lights him up like a live wire.
"You said that last concert, buddy," Hanta snorts, before his a fan ran sacks his attention by shoving a tiara into his hairline.
"And? My point still stan—" Denki cuts himself off with a gasp as a bra slings across his face, followed by a burst of pain when the metal hits him in the cheek. He peels the lacy thing off with an eye on the audience and an eyebrow raised in question, unsure of what to do with the undergarment (other than put it on) until someone screams:
“Sign it!”
Denki shrugs and pops the Sharpie cap with his teeth to sign the crest of both cups before flinging it back into the audience—he can only pray it pinpoints its rightful owner before the meet and greet ends.
Katsuki clicks his tongue (because he hates these events) and as the next round of fans lineup in front of their table, Eijirou stretches like this is a sport, saying, “Guess it’s go-time.”
"Go-time is when we perform," Katsuki grumbles in the seat to Denki’s right. "Go-time is when we're in the studio makin' a goddamn album, not meeting crazy fuckin' fans—no, I’m not gonna marry you, you obsessed fuckin—“
“Oh, you're just salty you're not popular with the ladies~“ Denki gushes, wiggling his eyebrows, and a fan hands him a canvas the size of his upper body. “Un—oh wow, did you make this for me—Unlike me, of course.”
"Okay, pretty boy." Hanta rolls his eyes, before signing a phone case and returning it to an overzealous fan. With a hand covering his mouth, he whispers, “Can you believe this guy? So full of himself, I swear.”
The fan giggles and Hanta meets the blushing cheeks with a satisfied smirk. Denki huffs from the disrespect, crossing both arms over his chest. “Full of myself? It’s not my fault I’m sexy—*an autograph? Of course!"
Katsuki chuckles, scratching under his chin with ink blue fingertips, "Call yourself sexy one more fuckin’ time and I'm projectile vomiti—no, I'm not signing your tits, give me a goddamn paper or somethin—"
"What?” Denki scoffs, chest collapsing with the disbelief that one could make such a lie. “I'm literally the definition of I'm sexy and I kno—"
"Um, excuse me?"
His gesticulations freeze at the passive voice, arms stretched wide and to the sky, and Denki knows he has to look absolutely ridiculous as he blinks down at the next person in-line; who's stood with bambi eyes and such a sweet smile the electric blond thinks it might make him sick.
"I-I'm your biggest fan! Could you—um, please sign this for me?"
She comes alive, shoving a poster into his chest with pink cheeks and shifty irises. Out of all the bras, all the breasts he's been asked to sign today, and here you are, with your pocket-sized poster and your lamb countenance. Denki beams.
"Of course, Sweetness! What's your name?"
"[Y/N]!" you say, giggling, and it's so. Cute. Denki opens the Sharpie and struggles to focus on signing instead of your gorgeous fucking face.
"Anything specific you'd like me to say?"
And he knows there's a rule—there always are when it comes to these things, and it's simple: don't fuck the fans. As tempting as it is, don't invite them back to your hotel room because there are too many uncertainties, and if something leaks to the press that’s possibly career ending, that’s it. So, Denki holds his tongue. For the future of himself and the band.
"Uhm, just write what you want! I...I think I'd like it best if it was authentic and came straight from you, so."
Fuck. Of course she does.
And maybe Denki just can't help it when he leans down to speak, perhaps a little lower, "You want something more authentic, cutie?"
You light up like a kid on Christmas, gasping, "Yes please Mr. Kaminari!"
So eager, too.
"Awe, you can call me Denki if you'd like," he coos, and you nod so quickly he starts to worry about whiplash. "Meet me out back, in the alley behind the venue if you wanna get to know me better. Sound like a deal?”
"O-Okay!" You nod, and when he returns your sign you grip it tight between both hands. "I'll um, see you soon Mr. Kami—I mean, D-Denki!"
You flush from the mix up and bow in apology, and Denki knows he's made the right choice when you light up, indicating you have no idea what he meant at all.
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"Row row row your boat, gently down the stream," you hum, sniffling. You’re unsure if your nose is running, it's too frozen to tell, and it has you patting to confirm it’s presence. With your hands stuffed in your pockets and a jacket wrapped tight around your body, you'd think you'd be warm, but no.
The alley is dark. It's dank enough that you can smell it and you're positive what you're dancing in is vomit, but none the matter—today, you met your favorite band. Literally the people you'd die for.
"Merrily, merrily," kicking the loose rocks in the gravel every which way, you enjoy the sound of them scattering against the surrounding brick walls. "Merrily, merrily..."
"Life is but a dream," a voice finishes, a yelp rips from your throat and you jump twenty feet in alarm. But you’d know that voice anywhere; Denki chuckles at your reaction and it has you recoiling with timidity, unprepared for the surprised audience. "You have a lovely voice, Cutie. You should use it more often."
"I..." but you're not exactly sure what to say to that, knowing Denki's heard so many professional voices in his career to last a lifetime, and yet yours is lovely. "T-Thank you."
Denki watches your reaction with a hum and a smile, his visible breath escaping between the slit of his lips and into the cool air.
"Of course, Cutie."
Another voice sighs, shattering the friction that fills your gut when Denki gives you that look. You're not sure what to call it, but it makes you shiver, and that's enough to make you to run and hide.
"...Denki, who's this?"
"Um," the blond places his frozen hands in his pockets and swivels his head around to Hanta, guilty written all over his face. "A fan?"
Hanta sighs again, head tilting to the right in exhausperation, “Denki—"
"I know, I know," the electric blond sighs, waving him off. "But it's fine as long as we don't get caught, right?"
Hanta's black hair threatens to fall into his face so he combs through it, and you try not to drool at the sight of his bicep flexing. "Yeah, until we get caught."
A honk blares and it has you shrieking, to reveal a parked tour bus in the alley once the lights flicker on. Denki points the car keys at the vehicle and the doors swing open. "Awe c'mon, don't be a sour puss. It's a one-time thing, alright?"
Hanta's eyes narrow into slits.
"Seriously, dude! I'm a man of my word! On God."
The noirette's shoulders sag, but he waltzes around both of you to get on the bus. Over his shoulder, he warns, "Denki I swear to fucking god—"
"I'll be careful, I'll be careful~" he singsongs, hopping onto the stairs after the pianist. When Denki notices not you're not moving, he stills at the top step. "You coming, [Y/N]?"
"O-Oh, am I um, am I allowed?" You ask, biting your cheek at the thought of what Hanta just said as you peer around the electric blond’s body. Denki snorts, rolling his eyes.
"Yes, you're allowed," he exits the bus, only to tug you on via your collar. "Now c'mon! Let's have some fun, yeah?"
Denki steers you through the bus and into a space that looks a bit like a living room, with a couch, tv, and a makeshift kitchen in the corner. Following Denki to the kitchen, you look around.
"Where are Kirishima and Bakugou?"
"Out drinking," Denki tosses, flicking open a RedBull. You wonder if this is always the post-concert routine. Hanta fiddles in with something on the couch, but he still has yet to look you in the eyes tonight, even when you ask him:
"What are you doing?"
It seems he didn't realize you’ve relocated from the kitchen to the couch next to him from the noirette nearly jumps. The green stuff in his fingers crumbles, and you scrunch your nose at the smell.
"It stinks," you add. Denki snorts, jumping onto the cushion to your right. There isn’t a whole lot of room and his addition causes your shoulders to slush between the two of them, but it’s strangely comfortable.
"It's weed," he explains like it's obvious. "You smoke, Cutie?"
"Obviously not," you and Hanta say at the same time. You turn his way, and for the first time that night, Hanta looks you in the eyes—and it's a smile, with his eyes crinkling in the corners, but there's...something else. Something else hidden behind the thinnest veil that makes you cower, if ever so slightly.
Something feral.
Denki, unaware of the crushing grip your hand has around your thigh, huffs, and tosses the energy drink down his gullet, "It was a genuine question! Geez."
"What are you doing?" You ask again, and the electric blond whimpers from being ignored.
"Rolling a joint," he utters, lifting the paper to his lips to lick the length. You watch, semi-disgusted, as Hanta finally folds over the last bit of paper around the crest of the joint, gluing it together.
"Know what a joint is?" The noirette implores.
"Yeah," you breathe, shifting at the new closeness Denki provides when you feel his chest against your back. "My roommate smokes, so."
Hanta taps it on a tray, or what Denki describes as "packing it down," before twisting the tip and tossing it back onto the tray in conclusion. Denki cheers.
"Aha! The joint-rolling master has blessed us! Everyone say thank you, joint-rolling master."
"Thank you, joint-rolling master!" You giggle when Hanta's face turns a ruddy red. He reaches over to pop Denki upside the head. Denki gasps, before lunging to return the favor, and you squeal from being jostled between two men.
"Okay," when Denki returns to his seat he's panting and so is the noirette. He picks the joint off the tray and though there isn't much room, turns so he's facing you, your legs smushed against his body indian style. "You ready, Cutie?"
"As ready as I'll ever be," you huff, swinging your arms in preparation despite the lack of space. Just in case.
Hanta snorts, holding the joint to your lips, and Denki raises the lighter and raises it to the end until it's hot enough to burn on its own.
“Now suck."
You do, cheeks puffing, and you blow the smoke straight in Denki's face. It's...a lot.
"Not quite," Hanta chuckles, and flips you via the waist so you're facing him. Denki whines from the change but finds solace in hooking his chin over your shoulder. "Suck, and then inhale. Act like it's a big breath—you gotta hold it in your lungs for a sec."
"Okay," you assert with a nod, eyes burning with a new determination. When Hanta holds it to your lips, you suck and inhale, and start coughing your throat raw, in a flurry of smoke and tears, eyes watering and nose burning. You scramble for water, but by the time you get some, the only thing that's left to soothe is a sore throat.
"Here," Denki offers, grabbing the joint before flipping you his way again. "Take smaller hits, like this."
Denki's mouth wraps around the tip and smoke pours from his lips so smoothly you're determined to do the same. With a raised eyebrow, he passes it back to you, and though it takes a moment, you try again.
The back of your throat tingles but the glide is much smoother, and you find that it doesn't burn on your next exhale. So you do it again. And again. And agai—
"Okay," Hanta picks the joint from your fingers with a click of his tongue, before taking a hit himself. You frown, making grabby hands.
"Hey, wai—"
"Nu-uh," he tuts, pushing you down by your forehead. "You'll feel it soon enough, trust me."
You whine, crossing your arms over your chest. Hanta gives you nothing but a raised eyebrow as he takes another hit, and you're convinced it's to taunt you. "I'm not eve—"
But then the world blurs, a bit, and your legs hum in a way they haven't before; it's warm and it's nice, and it has you blinking down at your hands in bewilderment. Whoa.
"And there she goes," Denki announces, and somehow seized the joint from the noirette when you weren't looking. Your mouth drops to say something, but all you can produce is a light giggle before it melts into a guffaw that only comes straight from the gut, your hands trying to soothe your cramping belly. Tears come to your eyes fairly easily, and when Hanta asks if you're okay he sounds like he's underwater, and that's enough to send you flying through another fit of laughs.
"I—y-yeah, I'm just—just fine," you snort behind a hand, chest spasming as you finally gather yourself enough to calm down. "I'm good. Mhm."
"Yep. Totally fine," Hanta says, but something in his tone suggests he doesn't believe you at all.
You nod, biting your bottom lip to avoid another laugh attack with your hands bunching the bottom of your shirt for extra purchase. Hanta narrows his eyes while taking another hit, so you sock him in the shoulder with a huff. "Stop looking at me like that."
The noirette snorts, "Like what?"
"Like..." you start strong, but falter under his eyes. "Like you want to eat me."
Hanta hums at the comment but says nothing, and you're not sure if your mind fabricated the quick look he gives the electric blond sat behind you. Denki speaks first.
"Do you know what shotgunning is, [Y/N]?"
You frown, "Like a shotgun?"
"So no," Hanta answers for you.
"Here," Denki offers, turning you again. Plucking the nub of a joint from the noirette, he takes a big hit before picking your face up by the jaw and hovering your lips over yours. You're not sure what to do, but once your lips connect, smoke fills your lungs, and you don't exhale until Denki pulls away. You blink, a little dazed.
You just kissed Denki Kaminari.
"Feel good?" He asks, never leaving your personal space. You nod, and he grins. "Wanna do it again?"
Your hands fist his shirt, teeth tearing the inside of your cheek due to the amount of embarrassment this question encourages. "I wan—can we do it again but without the um...without the smoke?"
Denki's hands find your hips and it's hard for him to contain a sly smirk, biting his lips to move in on his prey.
"I knew I waned you the second I saw you."
Denki's lips feel much better when he puts a little weight into the kiss, pinning you between him and the noirette. You're not exactly sure what you're doing but he takes the lead, titling his head and kissing harder, rougher, so your lips are pink and swollen by the time he pulls away.
"A-Another," you whimper, tightening your grip around his tee.
Denki hums in contemplation, picking your head up by your chin. "Ask nicely, Cutie."
Flushing deeper, your eyes dart to the coffee table.
“Another, please."
"Good girl," Denki coos, and he's propping you up against Hanta's chest. You shiver at the comment, finding purchase on Hanta's thighs as Denki kisses you on the lips again. "Wanna feel even better?"
"Yes," you nod vehemently. "Yes please."
Denki hums at that, climbing down your body as his hands glide from your waist to the band of your pants. You frown, "What—What are you doing?"
"Eating you out, Cutie," the electric blond says, hands freezing once his thumbs dip under your waistband. "That okay?"
"Oh okay," you breathe, relaxing against Hanta's chest. "Y-Yeah, that's fine."
Denki rips your pants off at that, tossing them towards the corner of the room and ultimately, to a place you'll probably never find them. Pushing your panties to the side, he licks his lips at the sight of your pussy, and flicks your clit with a smirk. You jump.
"H-Hey, that's not—"
He flattens his tongue against your slit and chuckles when you shudder, and after tossing both of your legs over his shoulders. You're not sure what he does after that though, because Hanta picks your face up by the chin and presses his lips to yours.
Denki slides a finger inside and you squeal against Hanta's chapped lips. You hear the electric blond moan, readjusting himself between your thighs, before you finally peel your lips off the noirette's, chest having from lack of oxygen.
"Such a pretty pussy, Baby," Denki gushes before his warm lips fold around your clit and he sucks, humming in surprise when you buck against his mouth. Hanta hooks his chin around your shoulder with a second joint dangling between his lips—and where it came from is beyond you.
Once he exhales, the joint finds its way between your lips and he instructs you to inhale, and the head rush afterwards has you digging your head into his chest.
"You're so wet, holy shit," Denki pulls away, lips strawberry pink and glossed with slick as he trades his both for his thumb and inserting another finger. It crooks just right and that's enough to make your hips buck, nails carving crescents in Hanta's thighs.
“T-There,” you whimper, wiggling your hips again, and Denki grins, thumb pressing into your clit. Your thighs quiver with the strain it takes to hold them back and Hanta’s calloused hands skip to your waist after dropping the burning joint off in the tray.
“Pull his hair,” the noirette commands, but you hesitate, hands glued to his thighs. Hanta sighs, reaching over you to tug for himself.
“Mph—fuck!” Denki’s eyelids flutter as he moans into your pussy with a new passion, his hands wrapping around your thighs to hold you in place. You gasp at his reaction, fingers scrambling under Hanta’s own to thread through his electric blond hair.
“Move your hips—grind against his face, c’mon,” Hanta’s grip tightens around your waist as he offers the suggestion, and you whimper with a nod before your bucking into Denki’s mouth without abandon. As the noirette trails butterfly kisses up the column of your neck, the coil in your gut snaps, and you barely have time to squeak out a warning before you’re flooding Denki’s mouth.
“Good girl...ride it out—there you go,” Hanta coos, biting your ear. You shiver as Denki pulls away with a final (and obscene) slurp, grinning like he didn’t just shatter you to pieces with nothing but his tongue and fingers.
Denki’s lips are on yours in a blink—you moan, legs still buzzing from the afterglow as you weakly grope for the small hairs on the back of his neck.
“Taste good, don’t ya?” He says with a click of a tongue after pulling away.
“I guess so,” you flush, the humiliation from so shamelessly digging your heels into Denki’s back finally settling in. Hanta reaches under your arm for Denki’s chin.
“What? Want a taste too?” The electric blond giggles, wiggling his eyebrows. Hanta snorts.
“If you could be so kind.”
Denki hums at that, placing a hand on your inner thigh for balance as he slams his lips on the noirette’s for the first time that night. He dives straight for the kill, tongue and teeth and everything, and Denki moas when Hanta’s teeth sink into his bottom lip; you find that you like it a lot.
Though eventually you tired of watching, and press the heel of your hand on Hanta’s hard cock through the fabric of his jeans. The pianist hisses, and you grin—you’ve got their attention now.
“Whoa Sweetheart, what are y—“
“I...I want more,” you assert despite the tremor in your voice. Hanta raises an eyebrow in question which has you pressing harder in hopes he’ll cave just as easily as before. Just in case, you add, “Please.”
Denki redirects your attention by squishing your cheeks until you’re looking him in the eyes. With dark eyes, he says, “You sure you want more, Cutie?”
You nod despite the restriction, “Wanna...wanna get to know you better.”
You watch Denki’s pupils dialate at that, and he can’t even hold back a groan when he says:
“Gods, Baby. We’re going to ruin you.”
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unpopular opinion: bakugou's the bassist and kirishima's the drummer. fight me.
not me projecting 12yo sun's fantasy of getting railed in the tour bus by 5sos um—
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honeymelonpm · 2 years
Part 1
Characters: Anakin Skywalker x Jedi Reader
"I'm sorry, but it would be inappropriate of me to have you as my Padawan when I am already training Anakin. Perhaps when he is granted the position of Master?"
"But I've already asked Mace Windu, Yoda, everyone has turned me down."
Obi-Wan raised a brow, "Is that so, have you asked Ghrenah?"
Your eyes fell to your feet, your hands fiddling with the bottom of your sleeves, "I did actually."
"She still has it in for you?" He asked, a look of surprise on his face.
Your eyes ran circles in your head, "She's already started training someone."
His wide chest rose with a heavy breath, "I am sorry, but you will have to wait. Perhaps this will give you time to improve your relationship with the force."
"You know how limiting being a youngling can be." You sulked.
"Don't be so naive," Obi-Wan straightened his posture. "You know very well how ahead you are, many of your peers still have far to go before they can become a Padawan."
"But I'm ready now!"
"That's enough Y/N!" He said sternly, disapproving of your attitude.
"I'm sorry," You mumbled, eyes not meeting his.
Obi-Wan took long strides towards you, before gently placing a hand on your shoulder, "You're so young, go and explore, have fun, live, before your real duties begin."
The quiet claps of your shoes meeting the glossy stone floors resounded off the high walls. You thought about what Obi-Wan said, you pondered the idea of travelling, but your life was here. Your friends, family and future were all here, and you refused to sit and twiddle your thumbs until a Jedi Master was willing to take you in.
"Are you okay?" A soothing voice grew close to you.
Looking up from your reflection in the tiles, you saw Anakin resting against a nearby wall.
"Yeah." You stepped towards him, your bottom lip tucked under your top teeth, "How did it go with the council?"
Anakin showed you a soft smile, before slowly shaking his head.
"I don't understand, why?" Your brows knit together in question.
Reaching out his arms, he pulled you into a hug, "I don't know, Master Kenobi thinks my need to prove myself is what keeps me from advancing but, I feel some doubt."
He let you go, and followed by your side as you continued down the hall.
"It's just frustrating, everything else is going perfectly fine, but I guess I'm too passionate for my own good."
You listened as he spoke, mulling over every word before you stopped walking.
"What's wrong?" He asked, stopping a few steps ahead of you.
"Be my master." The words tumbled from your mouth so quickly you barely realised you said them at all.
"What?" Anakin was taken back by your sudden demand.
Scanning the area around you, you approached him, "You can train me, I can be your Padawan."
"You know I can't do that," Anakin said, shaking his head as he continued down the hall.
Rushing after him, you grasped his arm, forcing him to face you, "You said it yourself, you're almost completely trained, you can teach me."
"What if the council finds out?"
"They won't," Your eyes bore through him, "Even if they did, what's the worst that could happen?"
"I could think of a lot of things that could happen."
"Anakin, please, I know how much you want to be a master, and you know how much I want to be a Padawan, let's help each other."
Anakin's gaze washed over the surrounding space around you as he thought, your grip still tight on his arm.
After a few breaths he looked back down to you, watching your eyes search his for an answer.
"Okay, I'll do it."
You couldn't hide the gigantic smile that had stretched across your face as you leapt into his arms.
"But!" He started, freezing under your embrace, "You must do as I say, do you understand. We are good friends but now you must find a new respect for me as your master."
You stood back, glueing your hands to your side, "Yes Sir," You smirked.
Anakin tilted his head and raised a brow, "Yes Master," You corrected.
He returned your smile, "Come on doofus, let's get something to eat."
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lollypopsx · 3 years
Flatmate!Harry: I'll Make It Up To You - Part 2
Please like if it’s not too shabby, reblog for anyone who may enjoy this and follow if you want to see more! Any suggestions are happily taken for future writing! I love you all! be safe and be kind x
Warnings: Hints of depression and anxiety
Part 1 - Part 3
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Days had passed since the audition, and while you were sat on your laptop every hour searching for new jobs, new projects, more auditions and pure hope of some miracle, you couldn't help but starting to feel like you were failing slightly.
You liked to write happy songs and create stories using your music, but you were finding it harder to find the inspiration. Usually you and Harry would sit and talk ideas for hours, but since he made you miss your audition, you were distant from him, it was only the last day or two that you had been getting slowly back to normal.
Every day since the incident when Harry came home after working at the studio, he would open the curtains to make sure you had fresh air and daylight after cooping yourself up on the sofa all day, in the dimly lit living room. Not only that, he would check the cupboards, fridge and the sink to check that you were eating enough. He had seen you stressed and upset before. He had been there through some difficult moments in your life, and had always been your rock throughout the years, especially when your mental health was struggling during these times. But this time was worse. He couldn't help being concerned for someone he loved and cared for.
"Hey pumpkin..." He whispers softly, settling himself down beside you after completing his daily routine "Have you done much today?" he gently combs his fingers through your hair before dropping his arm round your shoulders.
You just sigh softly, looking ahead blankly at the quiet TV, simply shaking your head. If only he could see what was going on in that pretty mind of yours then maybe he could make everything better.
"I see you used the piano and the guitar today though..." he states, although it came out more like a question.
Minutes of silence filled the room until out of the blue, some words left your lips. "...Adam came to get the ring today" you whisper, feeling the tears brim your eyes once again, for what felt like the millionth time today.
"Oh darling" He frowns, pulling you into his chest tightly, just like he did the night you found out your (now ex-) boyfriend, Adam, was cheating on you. Unfortunately, you happened to find out minutes before he proposed to you, in front of all of your friends, including Harry. You didn't know what to do, so you took the ring, said you'd think about it and you left him standing alone. This all happened months ago, and you really thought that you was totally over it.
"Everything that's happened this week...I-I just...I feel like such a failure Haz. It just feels like I...I-I'm falling...falling apart and nothings going right! Why isn’t anything going right! I can’t even write one stupid song that makes sense" you let out hard sobs as your hands fisted his clean white t-shirt.
"No...no, no, no don't say that...please don't ever say that." He frowns, pulling away from you, but still staying close. His warm hands press against your cheeks as he lifts your face gently "hey, hey look at me" he whispers, begging you to look at him.
Your sad wide eyes flickered up into his, gentle tears falling down your face. "I know...I know it's hard at the moment. But everything happens for a reason. And everything will get better...I know it will. Do you trust me?" He whispers, his eyes gazing deep into yours, almost like if he looked hard enough, he could read your mind.
You give a hesitant nod as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before wiping the tears dampening your cheeks. Being affectionate together wasn't anything unusual for the two of you, you really were the best of friends.
"I'll go make some dinner okay? Pasta sound good?" You just nod your head gently at him as he leaves your side. You let out a deep sigh and head over to the living room window, watching the sunrise beginning to set over the busy London town. "So...how's the studio going?" You ask him curiously, your gaze still at the window.
"I erm..." He clutters around in the kitchen. His job was a topic he had been avoiding for the last few days. He didn't want to rub it in that he was busy writing an album for millions of fans, who would be screaming his lyrics back to him all over the world in years to come. "It's...good. I mean, its tiring but I...yeah. It's good" He nods.
"H, you don't have to avoid it. I forgive you for what happened. I know you would never have done it out of spite...and you deserve your life style, you work hard!" You say as you head into the kitchen, re-filling the water in the vase on the table, your vibrant roses and lilies still looking as beautiful as the first day Harry bought them for you.
"You work hard too!" He frowns softly "Harry I don't think moping around on the sofa, drowning in my sorrows, is the definition of working hard" You let out a gentle chuckle.
"So...how's it really going?" You hop up onto the stool beside the kitchen counter.
"Well, we have 4 songs so far...and they are...different to the last album. I mean they reckon three of them will be on the pop charts...maybe even a number one slot there" He sighs softly.
"Oh wow, that does sound different to before...and you...don't want that?" You ask curiously, judging by the lack of excitement. "Well...it's not that. I just...it's hard to write another album when the last one did well, and you have to make sure it's better than the last one." He sighs softly as he cooks. "They want me to write some slower, more emotional songs. I just can't...well the words don't fit right. I'm just not feeling emotional about anything, so I don't know where to get the emotion from"
"Well you can't put a price on emotion Haz, you can't just go and buy it in Gucci. You have to really feel it. Even if you aren't thinking about something specific or direct to you. I used to find that sometimes when I was trying to write, I'd create these characters in my head, and I'd give them all these different stories and personalities. And I...I used that to really help me write music. It's not easy." You explain while getting two of the plates from the cupboard and pouring two drinks for the table.
"You used to? You mean you don't use that method anymore?" He asks curiously, while giving the pasta one final stir.
"I...I think I've decided that I'm not going to write music anymore" You shrug softly, your eyes unable to life to his. "I need a proper job. And things aren't going well with auditions lately and I make a total fool out of myself every time I go into a meeting. It's time I looked for a proper job. Besides, the price of bills in this house keeps going up and up."
"What?! Y/N you're so good at writing songs and music! You can't throw it all away now! That is your proper job. And I love hearing what you write, it inspires my own stuff!" He frowns, his brow furrowing, trying to understand you. "Think of all the songs no one will get to hear"
"No one hears them anyway...It's different now. The entertainment industry is changing more and more by the day. Maybe the stuff I write just isn't as trendy anymore." It was difficult for you to admit, but you knew you had to accept it.
"There's a fine line between us Styles, because the difference is, you're already there. You have the whole world in your hands Haz, you can go anywhere and do anything. You could sing a song to a fish and the whole world would be adored by you still! If I did something like that...I'd be laughed out of every interview, audition and meeting for the rest of my life. But we’ll be alright" You smile and shrug, your mood had certainly been hit and miss the last few days, but you knew you had to carry on with your life.
“Hey Y/N come here!” Harry calls from the living room. You were currently in your room, scrolling through your Instagram, while in a pasta coma after dinner. You rush over to the living room “What’s up?” You ask, seeing him sat at the gleaming white piano, which as always was sat under the window.
“What do you think?” He starts to play a few notes on the piano, looking between the scruffy paper notes cluttering the top of the piano and his hands. 
“Can’t put a price on emotion...it’s something that you just can’t buy...you...you’ve got my devotion...but....but” He sighs softly, playing around with the notes and the wording on his notes. 
You smile softly as you recognise his acknowledgment of your earlier conversation “...but man, I can hate you sometimes” you sing gently, testing to see how it could fit.
“Hey that’s mean! Why would you say that!” He fakes a pout up at you “I thought we- hey actually...you’re right! That really fits!” He chuckles, pulling you onto the stool beside him. “Can you try a G chord, B chord and....lets try a C...” You nod and smile as your fingers gloss over the keys effortlessly, while Harry fits the verse together and tries to find the right tempo.
“Wait...it doesn’t sound right. Maybe lets try a D instead of C?” You suggest as you re-try, playing those three chords over and over again.
“You...are...a genius!” He grins and wraps his arms around your waist. ”Keep going!” He smirks, pushing more lyrics in front of you. Sometimes having a fresh pair of eyes really helped...or perhaps he just wanted to prove that you had talent.
You peer down at the pages upon pages of words flooding your view. “...I don’t want to fight with you....and I...and I don’t like to sleep in the dark...we’ll get the drinks in...I...I can’t stop thinking of her...” 
Harrys fingers join yours at the piano “We’ll be a fine line....We’ll be a fine line...”He smiles softly as he taps on a few random keys. 
You pull your fingers away gently “It...your song sounds...really good H. It’s beautiful actually.”
 “You mean our song...” He whispers.
“Harry no, it’s your song, all the pieces, I just put your jigsaw together” You smile. “I know how it is writing songs and the first draft is never the same as the final version. You might decide to change it all completely” You whisper.
“Not with your lyrical genius ability and words of wisdom...your name will be all over this track” You felt a shock of electricity ripple through your veins as you felt his eyes burning into yours. His lips pressed gently against your forehead, lingering against your skin longer than usual. That sort of affection was normal from your best friend...so why did it just feel like something completely different? And what did he mean about my name being all over the track?
Tag List: @harryhoney-bee - @sunandherflores - @sad-capuccino
267 notes · View notes
helloalycia · 3 years
The Wrong Lifetime — Fourteen // Wanda Maximoff
chapter thirteen | story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad | epilogue
author’s note: the last chapter is finally here! i hope you like it 😊
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There were many times when I'd get distracted by thoughts of Wanda.
I could be going for a walk and remember that time she tripped over the flat pavement, almost bringing me down with her. I could be shopping for stationary and remember that time she almost bought the whole shop in one visit. I could be sitting by the water fountain and remember that time she tried to make a wish, only to drop her whole purse in it.
This time, I'd just woken up to the sun streaming through my curtains. I rolled over to an empty bed, hand brushing against the cold sheets as they expected more. For some reason, my subconscious decided to taunt me with a memory taking place just after we'd first made love in her room...
"I love you so much," Wanda told me with an enchanting smile.
I turned to face her, one arm comfortable under the pillow as the other rested outside the duvet, covering my bare chest. She raised her hand, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear before resting her hand there. I smiled at the contact and felt a warmth spreading all over me at the affectionate gaze she sent my way.
"I know, love, you only said it several times," I teased lightly, making her chuckle. "I love you, too, though, in case you didn't know."
She sighed contently, eyes closing. I admired how beautiful she looked with her hair sprawled over her bare shoulders, smile on her lips and freckles dusting her skin. Her touch still ghosted my body, taste still embedded between my lips, scent still wavering in my nose. She was permanent and I was certain she'd never leave.
"We should probably get up in case somebody comes to check on us," she said, interrupting my moment of admiration.
Her eyes flickered open slowly, blue with golden flecks glistening right back at me. Suddenly, anything that happened after this didn't matter to me. For once, I appreciated where we were, what we had and nothing more or less. No wedding, no future... just now.
"We should," I agreed regretfully, though her leg moved closer to mine and made me wish we could stay here longer. "I wish we didn't have to."
She smiled halfheartedly, hand moving down my cheek, caressing the skin, before they rested at my chin. She outlined my lips with her thumb before leaning forward and stealing a kiss.
"Can't we have a few more minutes?" she asked, lips brushing mine as she spoke.
She was making it very hard to deny her and judging from the playful smirk on her lips, she knew that.
"I guess we can," I agreed quietly, making her smile with satisfaction.
She rolled on top of me, capturing my lips in a kiss as her bare chest pressed to mine and my hand found her waist for support. As usual, the effect she had on me was indescribable and I couldn't imagine us ever leaving the bed. I knew for sure that I'd never been happier than I was in that moment.
It was such a perfect moment, but it haunted me. Nothing felt right without her. She'd overwhelmed all of my senses and remained, even when I didn't have her by me in person. The wedding was literally in a few weeks, but I hadn't managed to get over her.
How could I be her maid of honour when I could barely speak to her? Not without wanting to curl in a ball and cry afterwards. Every thing I did seemed to be filled with memories of her. She was inescapable.
A groan left my lips as I dragged my hand down my face with frustration. I couldn't let her get to me yet again. I had an interview with the local paper today. The last thing I needed was Wanda as a distraction.
So, with that lovely thought lingering in my mind, I dragged myself out of bed to get ready for the day ahead.
Press interviews weren't something I was used to.
Whenever Y/B/N had them with journalists for his books, I wasn't present. The only thing I heard was when he came back and told me how it went, then I proceeded to read about it in the paper the next day.
I was sat in Steve's office at Maximoff Publishing with Steve sat by my side, sending me a supportive smile. A journalist from the local paper sat before us, notebook and pen in hand as he watched on with curious eyes.
"So, Y/N," he began. "I'll start with the obvious, if you don't mind."
I glanced at Steve who nodded encouragingly. Clearing my throat, I looked to the journalist. "Sure thing."
He smiled and glanced at his notebook before asking, "How does it feel to be published? You're Pietro Maximoff's first female author."
"An author who happens to be female," I corrected, hoping I didn't come off as rude. "And that isn't something that should be new, in my opinion. It should be normalised."
He nodded, noting it down in his notebook. "Controversy... I like it."
Swallowing hard, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
"I think the readers would like to know how you managed to score a publisher," he began his next question. "How exactly did you get noticed amongst the many authors that look to be published?"
Okay, not so difficult, I could answer that.
"Well, it was actually my–" I paused, Wanda's face flashing to mind. Okay, maybe a little difficult.
"Your...?" the journalist prompted.
I blinked, attempting to find my words.
"Wanda," Steve answered, starting me off.
I looked to him with grateful eyes before looking back to the journalist. "Right. Yes. Wanda."
"Your brother's fiancé, right?" the journalist asked for clarification.
"Yes," I answered, with an accidental clipped tone. "She... she was the one who gave my work to her brother. Asked him to look at it. And the rest is history."
The journalist was making notes as I spoke, nodding and humming in response, before looking to me with raised brows.
"So, the wedding," he said, making me wince subtly. "Are you excited?"
Forcing a smile, I said, "Ecstatic."
"How does it feel to have your two families uniting?" he asked, and I chewed on my lips, unsure how to respond.
"I– er–"
"Are you afraid that Y/B/N marrying Wanda may put him in Pietro's good graces?" he interrupted eagerly, leaning forward in his seat.
I opened my mouth to answer, but I didn't know what to say that wouldn't land me in hot water or make me look like a jealous sibling. Glancing to Steve questioningly, he thankfully noticed my speechlessness and gave the journalist a warning stare.
"Can you stay on topic, please?" he asked the keen journalist. "Y/N is here to talk about her book and nothing more."
"Okay, okay," the journalist gave in, making me exhale slowly. "What's next in store for your readers, Y/N? A sequel, perhaps?"
"I'm not sure," I answered truthfully. "I'm still in awe at the reception from the first one."
He nodded, note taking as he listened. "How many books do you think you'll get out of your career before getting married like your brother?"
I raised my eyebrows with disbelief. But I didn't get to answer as he was already moving onto his next question.
"Are you not worried about getting married? You know, men don't like smart women."
Narrowing my eyes at him, I clenched my fists by my side and was very close to strangling him before we were interrupted. A servant whom I recognised from home knocked on the door and earned everyone's attention.
"Oh, tell him to go away," the journalist said dismissively, waving his hand.
Steve looked to me and I plastered a bitter smile on my lips as I glanced at the journalist.
"I'd let him in if I were you," I told Steve, and he seemed to understand that I was about to pummel the journalist if I wasn't distracted, because he nodded and motioned for the servant to enter.
The journalist sighed rudely and I clenched my jaw before looking to the servant with a quirked brow. He looked out of breath, panting for air and face flushed red.
"Did you run here?" I realised, cocking my head to the side with confusion.
He nodded, straightening up and attempting to catch his breath. "Yes, Miss Y/L/N. Very sorry to interrupt, but your mother insisted I hurry."
My eyes widened. "Oh, God, what happened? Is she okay?"
"Kind of," he answered, before clarifying, "The wedding between your brother and Miss Maximoff has been cancelled."
"What?!" everyone in the room asked at the same time.
What did he mean the wedding had been cancelled?! Wanda and Y/B/N weren't going to get married?
"I don't know the details," the servant got out quickly. "I just know that your mother sent me to fetch you as soon as possible. She's distraught and requires you home immediately."
I nodded instantly, already making a move to stand up, then I remembered where I was.
"You mustn't publish anything you just heard," I told the journalist with a stern finger, but he seemed over the moon at the news.
"Go, Y/N, your mother needs you," Steve said, resting a hand on my shoulder as he, too, stood up. He side-eyed the journalist as he added, "I'll take care of this tool."
At that, the journalist's eyes widened with fear and judging from the smirk on Steve's lips, I knew things would be okay.
"Thank you," I told him, hugging him quickly, before looking to the servant. "I'll go now. Thank you."
After giving the servant some money to grab a treat and calm him from his breathless state, I got a carriage home with my mind racing a million thoughts a minute.
Why was the wedding off? My mum was distraught, according to the servant, so that could only mean it hadn't been her choice. Was it Y/B/N? Had he broken it off? Or maybe it was Wanda? But no. She'd never do that. She wouldn't hurt her family like that.
I wasn't sure what it was, but I definitely didn't know how to feel. This could either be heavily in my favour or go against me in the worst way possible...
When I arrived home, I found my family in the dining room. My mum was sat down, upset and shaking her head in her hands, tear marks on her face. My dad was sat beside her, rubbing her back soothingly and whispering calming things to her as my brother stood to the side, looking apologetic and uncomfortable.
"It's okay, mum, it'll be okay," he was saying to her from across the table. "It's not a big deal. I can find somebody–"
"Hello...," I began awkwardly, standing in the doorway and hesitant to move forward. "I just got the news from our servant. What happened?"
"Oh, Y/N, you shouldn't have–" my father began regretfully, before my mum slammed her hand on the table and glared at my brother.
"Y/B/N broke off the engagement!" she shouted with frustration.
"There you go...," my dad mumbled before returning his attention to his wife.
"Mum, I–"
"You did what?!" I cut Y/B/N off with raised brows. "You broke off the engagement? You dumped Wanda?"
He looked to me with sad eyes. "Y/N–"
"You idiot!" I shouted, feeling angry as I imagined the effect this must have had on the Maximoff family. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Why would you–?!"
He grabbed my waving arm and dragged me out of the dining room, making me shove him off when we reached the hall.
"Why the hell did you break it off?!" I yelled at him with a glare. "Why would you–"
"I didn't!" he whisper-shouted back, looking down at me with a downcast expression. "She did!"
My anger faded as I realised he was telling the truth. He looked genuinely hurt, eyes glassy and a frown on his lips. Wanda was the one to break it off? What?
"She broke it off with me," he elaborated quietly, so our parents couldn't hear. "She told me this morning. She said she didn't love me and that she couldn't marry me."
I swallowed hard, looking away from him momentarily. "Why did you tell mum and dad that it was you who broke up with her?"
He pinched his forehead with agitation. "Because it looks a lot less foolish if I say it was me rather than her. She doesn't love me, Y/N. She never did."
I risked looking at him, seeing his disheartened expression. Part of me felt guilty because I knew it was my fault this had happened, but I couldn't exactly say that to him, so I stayed quiet. He shook his head once more before walking away, leaving me standing there with shock.
"Er, Miss Y/L/N?"
I spun around when one of our servants approached me.
"I know now isn't the best time," she began, "but a letter came for you earlier. I left it on your desk as you were at work."
Nodding, I offered the servant a halfhearted smile before watching her leave. There was so much to unpack right now...
I headed upstairs and to my room to see what letter was here for me. But I was finding it hard to focus since all that was on my mind was the broken engagement and Y/B/N and Wanda... I needed to see her. What the hell was I doing here?
Planning on going to see Wanda as soon as possible, I grabbed the letter from my desk with the intention of reading it on the way out, but then I recognised the handwriting on the front and paused at my desk.
It was Wanda's handwriting.
I hurried to tear open the envelope, wondering what she had to say. It was no doubt related to the broken engagement.
Dearest Y/N,
I hope that you manage to read this letter before you hear the news, but knowing our families, you'll read it afterwards. In which case, you will know that I have broken off the engagement with Y/B/N.
It was the right thing to do. I chose to do it and I'm sorry if it's caused tension between your brother and your family, but I knew that I couldn't go forward with it when I'm in love with you. I'm not expecting you to come back to me and run away together all dramatically – this isn't about that.
I did this for myself. I'm not in love with your brother and I never was. He should have known that. He had to. Because if not, I'm afraid I broke his heart. And that's the last thing I wanted.
I also did this for you. I need you to know that I'm not heartless or horrible and I didn't expect you to sacrifice anything for me. Cheating on your brother with you... I never meant for this to happen, nor did I mean to get in the way of you both. Falling in love with you was completely accidental, but I don't regret it.
I don't want to go on too much, but I just needed you to know the truth, from me, that I am truly sorry for causing you such pain. I'm still in love with you and I'll never forget what we had. In another lifetime, maybe we could have worked. I'm certain that you were always perfect for me, as was what we had. You are magic, Y/N. I just wasn't powerful enough to keep you.
When I finished reading, I flipped the page over, expecting to find more, but it was blank. She'd ended it there and I didn't know what to think. My heart was racing, mind adjusting too slowly for my liking. She'd broke it off with him for me. I knew she loved me, but I guess I'd never realised just how much.
After recovering from my shock, I put the letter away and left for Wanda's, not bothering to tell my family where I was going. My dad was attempting to console my disappointed mother as Y/B/N moped around somewhere else, so I took that as my chance to nip out without them noticing.
I was trying to plan what to say to her – I didn't even know what I wanted to say to her. She said she didn't expect me to get back with her, and even without Y/B/N and their engagement in the way, we still couldn't be together. Not like how we wanted to be. But I wanted to. I wanted her. All this time without her had been heartbreaking – I didn't want to leave her again. I didn't know the specifics of how we would work, but we could work. We had to.
When I reached her house, it was her mother who opened the door. And that's when I realised that I wasn't sure if she blamed Y/B/N or her daughter for the engagement breaking apart.
"Iryna, hi," I greeted with a nervous smile. "I'm sorry if this is a bad time–"
"Y/N, I'm glad you're here," she cut me off, immediately pulling me in for a hug. "Thank you for coming."
I nodded with mild confusion, returning the hug, before pulling away.
"I'm so sorry for the pain Wanda has caused to your family," she said regretfully. "I hope that your parents aren't as distraught as we are."
I eyed her strangely, still not sure what Wanda had told her. Either way, I didn't bother questioning it as my urgency to see Wanda was overpowering my curiosity.
"It's okay, Iryna, there's no need to apologise," I reassured her. "My family will be okay... I just thought I'd come and check in on Wanda. It's a lot, what happened."
She nodded sympathetically. "Thank you, sweetheart. You're such a good friend to her." She stood to the side to let me in. "Go on up. She's in her room. Hasn't come out since this morning."
I offered a small, awkward smile Iryna's way before letting myself in and going upstairs to Wanda's room. My palms were sweaty and my mouth was dry – stupidly juxtaposed – when I stopped before Wanda's door. On the way over here, I still hadn't decided what to say. I figured it would just come to me when I saw her. One could hope.
Knocking on the door, I heard her sweet, accented voice give me permission to enter. My stomach flipped at the sound and I did as she said. Closing the door behind me, I turned and saw Wanda sat at a stool before a canvas.
Noticing I didn't say anything, she glanced over her shoulder casually, probably expecting a family member. She widened her eyes when she realised it was me and immediately stood up, smoothing out her paint-covered smock in an attempt to look neater. The simple action warmed my heart – she was adorable and I couldn't help but smile.
"Hi," I said quietly.
She cleared her throat, eyes darting around nervously. "Hey. I didn't– what are– hi."
I let my eyes wander, admiring her messy ponytail and the strokes of paint on her face that she definitely wasn't aware of. She was stunning, even with her confused eyes and pursed lips. Better yet, her hand was ring-free and I was reminded of the fact that she wasn't engaged anymore.
"I assume you're here because you read the letter," she began apologetically, but I didn't let her finish because the longer I was in her presence, the more I realised I wanted to kiss her.
Approaching her, I found her eyes before pressing my lips to hers. My hands cupped her cheeks as I held her close, revelling in her taste and scent and touch. She was quick to react, her fingers curling around my waist and tugging me towards her, squeezing our bodies together. Breathing became a problem and we regretfully had to pull away, but remained close enough to exchange breaths and swim in each other's eyes. I'd never been more relieved to see the colour green.
"You're not mad," she realised, looking between my eyes as if trying to search for some anger.
"How can I be mad that you broke off your engagement for me, knowing we can never be together in the way that you deserve?" I asked with disbelief.
She smiled beautifully, making my heart flutter in my chest. "You still love me."
I stole another kiss from her lips. "I never stopped, Wanda. Of course I still love you."
She rested her forehead to mine and closed her eyes peacefully. "Thank you for coming back."
I laughed, feeling tears brim my eyes. "I'm not leaving again, love. We'll find a way to make this work. I promise you that."
Wanda Maximoff deserved the world. And I was going to give it to her in this lifetime and beyond.
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nonotnolan · 3 years
No Not Nolan's Year in Review
I thought about doing a top ten list, but... given that I average one story per month, I figure-- why not rank all of my stories from this year? And so, here we are.
13) Auld Lang Slime - 122 notes - December 2021 It's a little unfair to judge this one so early, since it hasn't even been out for a full week. Nevertheless, it's a great story about a New Year's Resolution, and a guy who just needs an otherworldly nudge.
12) Fiverr Warlock: Freed from Master - 140 notes - November 2021 It's the weakest entry in the Fiverr Warlock series, but it's one of my favorites for the amount of lore building that it establishes. The world does have other magic users, after all.
11) Swappiversary - 141 notes - January 2021 This story is one of my favorites; I love the thought of exploring what happens to people months or years after a body swap. A married couple celebrates 10 years of being together.
10) Fiverr Warlock: On the House - 183 notes - April 2021 The second entry in the Fiverr Warlock series, this story focuses on a client who wants to kick his bully down a notch or two.
9) Setting Boundaries - 194 notes - June 2021 Having roommates can be rough. When you're stuck with a roommate who steals your body without asking permission, you have to make a stand.
8) Post-Exam Karma - 195 notes - December 2021 The head man on campus learns a hard lesson in treating people kindly, especially people who you trust with valuable things. Or perhaps it's a lesson in making sure you have leverage over the other person. Or maybe he just doesn't learn a lesson at all.
7) Here's to the Future - 218 notes - February 2021 I wrote this story as a Valentine's Day gift exchange with my boyfriend, and it's one of the few merging stories that I've ever written. It is every bit as sappy as you would expect a Valentine's story to be.
6) Fiverr Warlock: Professional Courtesy - 230 notes - September 2021 The highest scoring Fiverr Warlock story on the list, this one features a novice magic user who doesn't quite understand how to avoid detection while casting possession spells.
5) Information Overload - 265 notes - August 2021 Doctor Parker has been trying to pioneer a method of implanting knowledge directly into someone's brain. His lab assistants have a different plan in mind.
4) Having the Money - 285 notes - January 2021 When you have money, you can get anything you want for the right price. Anyone who says you can't buy health just isn't willing to pay enough for it.
3) One Week - 294 notes - October 2021 I don't often write alien possession stories, but when the right idea strikes my fancy, I'll try almost anything once. This isn't an alien who's trying to learn Earth Culture-- this is an alien who just wants to stay hidden. Despite his crewmate's best efforts.
2) Could be Worse, Right? - 323 notes - March 2021 Greg and Caleb find themselves in each others' bodies. Naturally, Greg wants to reverse the swap as soon as possible. Caleb, however, is a lot more relaxed about the entire situation.
1) Final's Week - 430 notes - May 2021 This story is by far one of my favorites, so I'm glad other people have enjoyed it, too. In a world where people can easily switch bodies for short periods of time, teachers have it rough. Coach Phillips tries to make it through his day without losing his sanity.
Special Mentions:
Fiverr Warlock: Swap and Servitude - 215 notes - December 2020 So, it's not technically a 2021 story, but I wrote it on Dec 27th, and it's the only Fiverr Warlock story that doesn't appear on this list. It seems fair to give it a shout-out. Fun fact-- I didn't know it was going to be a series at the time, so the first post of this story didn't have the sub-title.
Cupid's Valentine - 226 notes - February 2021 by @mergeman I would be remiss if I did not mention the story that my wonderful boyfriend wrote for me during our Valentine's Day exchange. I'm not always the best at sharing emotions, but it would not be an exaggeration to say that our growing relationship has been the best part of 2021. I look forward to seeing it develop in the many years to come.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Lay beside me | Helmut Zemo
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Requested by @cherry-season
Collage made for me @real---remy Thank you so much!!!
Another lengthy one. Steamy situation ahead 😏
Sometimes you wanted to curse the way the universe worked. It's as if the universe took joy in your misery and you could nothing but deal with cards you were dealt.
The four of you: Sam, Bucky, Zemo and yourself, were stopping off at a hotel for the night. The place was pretty luxurious, but with Zemo in the group, you didn't expect anything less.
After finding out he's a Baron, nothing he does surprises you any more.
You were actually kind of impressed. You had never stayed anywhere so nice before. There was nice, and then there was nice. This place certainly fell under nice.
"Why do we have to be working? Why can't this be a vacation?" You sigh, looking around the beautiful lobby.
"Perhaps this is a reason to come back in the future," Zemo suggest, looking at you.
"As if I could afford to stay here on my own."
You all stroll up to the reception desk, letting Zemo take the lead. He requests four rooms, really not caring about the cost. He assumes everyone would be happier on their own, thought he wouldn't admit he wouldn't mind sharing a room with a certain someone.
He glanced at you. You were standing beside him, looking over at the seating area in the corner. He smiled at how interested you seemed in main entrance area alone. When the receptionist addressed him, he turned his attention there.
You wouldn't say this place was posh, but it was just so... classy. You really felt like you stood out in your gear.
"There's only two room available, with the festival in town, we are otherwise full."
All of you looked at the receptionist as if she had grown another head. That meant you would have to share with someone, unless....
"The three of you can share right?" You ask, looking at the three men.
"You mean I have to share a room with Bucky and Zemo? No, why don't we share?" Sam gestured between him and you.
"And leave Bucky alone with Zemo? Is that a good idea?"
"Well, I'm not sharing a room with Zemo."
"Then you have to share with Bucky."
"Which leaves you with Zemo." Sam couldn't see any good combination out of this. "I would rather Bucky than Zemo though."
You glance at Zemo who was looking at you with a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Fine. I'll share with Zemo, but I won't hesitate to stab him if he does something," you warn, looking right at the Baron.
"Hey, I'm not complaining." Sam puts his hands up.
Zemo grabs the key cards off the desk, hands one to Sam and keeps hold of the other. Bucky glares at Zemo as you all enter the elevator.
Oh, it's awkward.
Bucky is standing behind Zemo, glaring at the back of his head. Sam is trying not to say anything. Zemo is looking at you from the corner of his eye, and then there's you standing there trying to avoid looking at any of them.
The ride up feels like forever. When the doors open, you're quick to get out. Unfortunately, you can just rush off. Firstly, Zemo has the key. Secondly, you're not sure which way the room is.
For a short bit you all go in the same direction, but Sam and Bucky have to break off down another hall to their room. Sam gives Zemo another warning, before reassuring you they will come quickly if you need them. You nod and let them go.
Helmut leads the way, unlocking the door when you arrive. He holds the door open for you.
"You first, little bird," he smiles as he gestures into the room with his free hand.
You duck past him and go inside.
The room isn't massive, but there's enough room to move around. There's a bed plenty big enough for two, a chair in the corner, a small desk and a stool. A tiny TV was situated on the wall.
It would do.
To be fair, you shouldn't complain. This is the nicest room you've had to stay in for a while. You walk over and sit in the chair.
Zemo places the key on the desk and removes his coat, hanging it in the small open wardrobe by the door. He turns around to face you.
"I apologise for the turn out."
You look at him stoically.
"It's fine."
Zemo was honestly over the moon he was sharing a room with you. He had hoped this would happen, it was an opportunity to talk to you without your "bodyguards" hovering around. Helmut hadn't had much of chance to sit and talk with you since your paths crossed.
"So, sleeping arrangements." Zemo runs his hand together as he looks at the bed.
"You take it. I can sleep in the chair." You were used to it, as much as you would love to relax in the comfortable looking bed. It looked so warm and welcoming.
"I won't allow that. It looks like we'll have to share the bed, little bird." He has a sly grin on his lips as he looks at you.
"You wish."
"There is no point in discomfort if the bed can fit two. I will not allow you to sleep on the floor or the chair. I already know your boys will come running if I step so much out of line. Are you really willing to sacrifice a warm bed for your own pride?"
You glare at him, but it's hardly threatening.
You stand up and walk over to the bed. You sit down on the other side, the mattress squashing down under you.
"Fine, but I meant it when I said I would stab you."
"I know," he chuckles.
The pair of you met up sigh the boys to have some dinner down in the food hall downstairs. Both boys checked in with you to make sure you were alright with the arrangements. You assured them it was fine, much to Zemo's delight.
Helmut assured you that you could order whatever you wanted, but you kept it pretty casual, not feeling good about leaching off him off him like this.
After the meal, you returned to your room.
You took off most of your gear and grabbed the remote for the TV. You decided to get comfortable in the bed and watch something.
Zemo disappeared into the bathroom to use the shower.
You really tried not to dwell on that too much. Yet, the idea of him in a steamy shower... no! No, you couldn't.
What is wrong with me?
You tried to focus on the TV, but you can't. You glance to the bathroom door. You can hear the shower running. He's in there, hot and wet... and naked.
Damn it brain!
You covered your face with your hands. You wanted to scream, but that would just bring him out to check on you.
You didn't hear the water turn off, or the door unlock moments later. You were far too occupied scolding yourself in your head, trying not to think about him.
"Is something the matter?"
You look up in shock, startled by his voice.
Now you're staring.
He was dressed in only a bathrobe, most of the top was open, his chest on display. There was a chain necklace hanging against the damp skin exposed to you.
You didn't realise the way your eyes soaked him in, or the way you licked your lips as you stared at him.
Zemo noticed.
"See something you like?"
You blink, shake your head, and turn away. He chuckles deeply as comes over to the bed. You feel the otherwise of the mattress dip down as he climbs in.
He smells so good.
Damn it!
You do everything in your power to avoid looking at him, but his presence is so prominent. You can feel him beside you.
Zemo is staring at you. He had been since he came back in. Your cheeks were flushed, you were very early trying to avoid him, and you were gripping the bed sheets like it was a life line.
He couldn't help grinning. He had no idea he could have this effect on you.
"Little bird~"
"Don't call me that."
"Liebling, then."
"What does that mean?"
"Nothing bad." He grins.
"I don't trust that."
Zemo shifts so he is resting on his side, one hand supporting his head and the other resting on the bed in front of him. He keeps his eyes on your face.
You take a glance.
His smile grows when you catch his gaze.
You sink down into the bed, still trying not to look at him. Your eyes on the TV, but you still have no idea what's going on. You can't get him out of your head.
"You must be tired."
"A bit."
"Sleep, I promise I won't do anything," he speaks softly.
"I know."
He chuckles softly. He watches as you try and get more comfortable. You let out a relieved sigh when you find the right spot. He just watches you.
"This must be nice for you," you say, looking up at the ceiling.
"What do you mean?"
"Staying in a lavish hotel, sleeping in a big bed... and the company."
"I suppose. Though you get used to being alone in a cell," he states.
You give in and roll over, racing him. You have to look up since he is propped up over you. He smiles softly down at you.
The scent of the hotel soap wafts past your nose. God, it makes you want to do things.
Brain, stop it.
Your eyes are drifting to his chest again.
"What's going through that head of yours?"
"I don't believe you."
"Well it's the truth."
"I don't think so," he whispers.
"What do you think then?"
"Judging by the way you keep looking at me, and not at my eyes I might add, I think you have plenty on your mind."
"Well," you try not to blush too much as you meet his beautiful brown eyes, "if you knew how to tie a robe properly, I wouldn't be staring."
"I don't mind you staring."
"I mind." You sit up and glare at him.
"Show me how to tie a robe then." Zemo sits up in the bed and untied the belt, allowing the robe to fall open. He sits there looking smugly at you.
You have no idea where to look.
"Oh my God!"
He laughs. The sound send shivers down your spine. It was the most genuine sound you had ever heard. He may laughing at you, but you would give anything to hear that sound again.
"Show me."
You shake out of your thoughts and look at the belt he has left laying on either side of him. You have to move closer to him to get a good angle. You sit up and face him, trying to avoid straddling him. You grab the robe and close it over him, trying so hard not to stare. Though, your eyes did wonder, you stopped yourself when you realised he is literally only wearing the robe.
One of his hands reach up and tuck under your chin, bringing your eyes to meet his. The smile on his face is subtle. His eyes take in your beauty.
"Don't be shy. You can look."
You shake your head softly and continue to close his robe, ignoring the obvious below his waist. Was he really turned on by this?
His hand had drifted from your chin to your cheek. His thumb brushed gently across your cheekbone as you tied the belt around him. This time there was far less on view.
"Done," you whisper.
His thumb moves to brush against your bottom lip. His touch is so gentle and ghost like. Your hands are resting over his covered chest. You can feel his heart beating under your hand.
Before you can think too much about it, his arms are looping around you and pulling you down into his chest. Your face falls inches away from his face. His eyes flicker over your face, taking in every little detail. Your leg drapes over his as he captures your lips with his. He's careful to roll you over so you're against the bed and he's over you. His kiss becomes more fierce when he realises you're not pushing him away. Your hands loop around his neck to hold him against you. He moves from your lips to your jaw, down your neck, pulling at the collar of your top to kiss as much skin as can access.
That's when you stop him. You place your hands on his shoulders and push him back.
"This is wrong..."
"You weren't giving that impression," he moves his face back to yours, an inch of space rests between you.
"Helmut, please."
"Helmut... I can't. It feels like I'm betraying their trust."
"They'll never have to know."
"But I'll carry that guilt with me."
Those stunning eyes of his turn almost sad. His tongue runs across his bottom lip as he moves from above you. Zemo settles on side next to you, laying as close as he can to you.
"Then allow me tonight to hold you. I may not get this chance again." He holds his arm open to you.
You admire his messy hair and soft gaze. He offers you a tiny smile. You roll over and settle into his chest, his arm drapes around you and he gathers you into his embrace. He plants a kiss to your head as you rest against his chest.
"Sleep. I want to hold you for a while."
You tilt your head up to kiss his jaw and settle into his arms, closing your eyes and listening to the way his heart races.
You wanted to tell yourself Zemo was just lonely, but as you lay there with him, you wondered of he held you in high regard. Perhaps there was more to this than you were thinking.
In the morning when you wake, you're still tangling in his arms. Your head was on his chest, his arms were still wrapped around you, though loosely. Your legs were tangled with his and his head nestled against yours.
You lay there in silence.
You're not sure how much time passed before he woke, but you had enjoyed every single second of it.
When he realised you were still resting against him, he tightened his hold on your and planted a kiss to your head, much like he had done before you fell asleep.
"Good morning."
"Good morning, Liebling."
"I still don't know what that means," you mutter, not wanting to disturb the peace that had settled over you.
"I'll tell you later," he grins.
"I haven't slept that well in ages."
"I can say the same," he opens his eyes and looks at you, giving you a dashing smile.
"I almost don't want to get up."
"Then don't."
"We'll have to at some point," you tell him.
He chuckles softly as he closes his eyes again, nestling his face next to yours.
"We'll worry about that later. For now, let me enjoy this moment."
You smile and get comfortable against him.
Sam and Bucky and would throw a fit if they could see you now, but even that wouldn't be enough to stop how happy this man had made you in one night.
You hoped that, perhaps, you would get a second chance to do this. Maybe then you'll give him what he wanted last night.
Maybe, just maybe, something irreversible had begun.
@ajeff855 @moonstuffsteve @sky-writes-stuff @lieutenantn
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jungshookz · 3 years
teeny tidbits: emma comes home past curfew & y/n's not happy about it
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➺ genre; kindergartenteacher!taehyungiverse!! honk honk humour!! sixteen year old emma reminds y/n of herself and she doesn't know if that's a bad thing or a good thing
➺ wordcount; 1.5k
➺ p.s. this takes place far faR off into the future!! i just thought it'd be nice to see emma as a spunky teenager :'))
(unfortunately i wasn’t able to track down the original maker of this gif but this is where i sourced it from! all credits go to the original creator of course :-))
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
the sound of the front door rattling at four in the morning would usually be something that would terrify pretty much anybody, but for you-
"oh, come on!"
it's really just another day in the life.
"em's home," taehyung reaches over slowly to pat your stomach and wake you up (as if you haven't been up waiting for the past four hours), his voice laced with sleep as he rolls to the side, "i'll go open the-"
"nope." you reach over to turn the lamp on before flicking the covers off and stepping out of bed, adjusting the strap of your tank top before pointing a finger at taehyung, "you're not opening anything."
"okay, well-" taehyung pauses before propping himself up a little to frown at you, "wait, what?"
"you know, i cannot believe her-" you snap, pulling your hair up into a bun as you hurry over to the window, "it's like she likes to be grounded! i told her she could go out with her friends as long as she came back before curfew, but no-"
"well, it's not that late, is it?" taehyung tosses the pillow he's hugging to his chest aside before turning to look at the clock sitting on his bedside table, "it's only- oh. it's 4:18."
you unlock the latch on the window before digging your fingers underneath it and pulling it up with a snap, watching as emma rushes out from the front porch at the sudden noise
"why, good morning, miss kim!" you call out, leaning down against the edge of the open window with a bright smile, "now i can rest well knowing you weren't murdered tonight."
"the door's broken or something!" emma strategically ignores your snarky comment, placing a hand on her hip before sticking her hand up in the air to flash you her keys with a jingle, "my keys aren't working!"
"oh, your keys are fine, sweetheart." you let out a sigh before scrunching your nose, "i triple-locked the doors. better to be safe than to be sorry, right?"
"okay, well-" emma pauses, scratching the back of her neck before gesturing towards the door, "are you gonna open the door for me or what? i really have to pee-"
"you could always take a squat and pee in the bushes." you point out, emma's jaw dropping slightly before she lets out a scoff
"are you serious? i'm not taking a piss in the bushes-"
"well, i guess you should've thought of that before coming home four hours past curfew!" your tone changes as soon as you get to the point and even from here you're able to make out the slight twitch of panic that runs through emma's body
"don't be ridiculous, i'm not four hours past curfew-" emma grumbles, turning to pull her phone out of her purse and glancing at it before pausing for a second and then looking back up at you, "i'm... four hours and twenty minutes past curfew. so take that!"
"you know, i was just being nice and i rounded down, but if you wanna say you were four hours and twenty minutes late, we can definitely say you were four hours and twenty minutes late-"
"mom!" emma whines, stomping her foot down on the ground as she shoves her phone back into her (your!!) purse hastily, "you can't just- are you seriously not going to let me into the house?! you're gonna make me sleep out on the front porch?! i can't- what if the coyotes get me?! if the coyotes get me, you're gonna regret this decision so bad-"
"the only thing that's going to attack you in this neighbourhood are the little girl scouts who won't leave you alone until you buy, like, ten boxes of cookies from them-"
"i'm sixteen, mother!" emma cuts you off with another whine and you can't help but roll your eyes at the sight of your daughter throwing a tantrum on the front lawn, "i'm grown! i should be allowed to go out with my friends and come home whenever i want!"
you thought you were 'grown' at sixteen too
(spoiler alert: that was not the case at all.)
obviously you love your daughter more than anything in the world but you hate that she inherited one of the traits that you're not fond too of: your stubbornness
and look, of course you know that she's getting older and that she should be allowed to go and have (safe) fun with her friends but this isn't the first time she's broken the rules and knowing her, it certainly won't be the last time
and it doesn't help that taehyung always gets to play good cop and you have to be the bad one!!!
like last time when the two of you caught emma climbing into the house through one of the windows and she ended up getting stuck - instead of reprimanding her for coming home late again, taehyung just laughed and immediately went over to help her out
sure, the sight of your daughter flailing around trapped in a small window was hilarious, but someone had to be the serious one in the situation (1) she lied to you about just having a chill night with her friends because you're pretty sure a chill night doesn't involve body glitter and the faint smell of vodka on her breath! 2) she climbed up the side of the house like a maniac and could've gotten seriously injured????) and of course the responsibility to do that fell onto your lap
taehyung's also just not very good at disciplining which is why you usually gently push him aside and take the lead and it looks like it's time for you to turn on your i'm not mad, i'm just very disappointed in you act once again
"you're going to wake your brother up if you keep screaming like that, and you know how fussy he gets when he doesn't get a good night's sleep-"
"he's the world's sleepiest baby, i could blow up fireworks in his room and he'd be fine- dad!" emma's eyes immediately light up when a sleepy taehyung suddenly pops up next to you and you raise a brow when he nudges you aside gently, "oh my god, thank god- mom's literally being insane right now, you have to let me in-"
"what time did you say you'd be home?" taehyung interrupts, "because i think we agreed on midnight when i dropped you off at hope's apartment..."
"i-" emma presses her lips together before letting out a little scoff and rolling her eyes, "okay, yes, we- i said i would be home by midnight, yes." she sighs before suddenly perking up again, "it's not my fault, though! no one goes home before midnight, it's so lame- hope's dad lets her stay out as long as she texts-"
"ah, texts! let's talk about that! didn't you say you'd text us to let us know where you were if you weren't home by midnight?" taehyung points out, crossing his arms over his chest before reaching up to stroke at his chin to feign deep thought, "because my phone hasn't gone off all night... has yours, darling?" he hums, turning to glance at you
"nope!" you chime in with a helpless little shrug and you nearly crack a smile when you see emma reach up to pinch the bridge of her nose in frustration, "my phone has been dead silent. no texts. not even an emoji!"
"you hear that, emma? not even an emoji." taehyung tsks, shaking his head in disappointment, "you know what this means, don't you?"
"i'm grounded for two weeks, i know-"
"two weeks?? oh, you're grounded for a month." taehyung pauses for a second before looking down at her again, "and! and you have to change all of your brother's diapers the whole time you're grounded. also, i just want to let you know that he had sweet potatoes for dinner and you know how gassy he gets after a helping of sweet potatoes-"
"a month?!" emma roars and your eye twitches at how high her voice goes, "you can't ground me for a month, lucas is throwing this huge party next weekend and i have to be there! are you kidding m-"
taehyung slides the window back down before emma gets to say anything else and he turns to face you with a grin before opening his arms slightly, "well?? what did you think??"
"i think... that was probably one of the sexiest things you've ever done for me." you laugh lightly, happily giving him a quick kiss when he leans in for one
"duly noted." taehyung beams before letting out a quick sigh and then turning on his heels to head to the door, "okay, i'm going to go let our daughter into the house now because i don't think my hydrangeas are going to survive being peed on-"
🎙️give emma some diaper changing tips (talk to my characters/send in a message!)
✨why don’t you explore the rest of the library while you’re here? (full fics!)
💫or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles! mini series!)
🌟or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits like this one!)
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