#That&039;s how deep their greed
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That’s how deep their greed, hatred, racism and misconceived notion of racial supremacy goes….. After General Custer's "men" slaughtered a village they would be seen cutting open pregnant native women's stomach's extracting the fetus and scalping the unborn child.. With many thanks to: Idependent Worldwide News for the original posting
#After General Custer&039;s "men" slaughtered a village they would be seen cutting open pregnant native women&039;s stomach&039;#hatred#racism and misconceived notion of racial supremacy goes.....#That&039;s how deep their greed#With many thanks to: Idependent Worldwide News for the original posting
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《华严经》净行品 042
The Flower Adornment Sutra: Purification Practices
大小便时 当愿众生
Dàxiǎo biàn shí dāng yuàn zhòngshēng When going to the toilet, they should wish that all beings
弃贪瞋痴 蠲除罪法
Qì tān chēn chī juānchú zuì fǎ. Reject greed, anger, and ignorance and clean away sinful things.
音档:💐净行品 42 慢读 10遍
💐净行品 42 紧读 10遍
菩萨在家,Bodhisattvas at home
当愿众生:Should wish that all beings
知家性空,Realise the nature of “home” is emptiness
免其逼迫。And escape its pressures.
孝事父母,While serving their parents,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
善事于佛,Serve the Buddha well,
护养一切。Protecting and nourishing everyone.
妻子集会,While with their spouses and children,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
怨亲平等,Be impartial towards everyone
永离贪着。And forever give up attachment.
若得五欲,If inflicted with five desires,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
拔除欲箭,Pull out the arrow of lust
究竟安隐。And realise ultimate peace.
伎乐聚会,On festive occasions
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
以法自娱,Enjoy themselves with dharma
了伎非实。And realise amusement’s not real.
若在宫室,If in palace rooms,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
入于圣地,Enter the sanctified state,
永除秽欲。Forever rid of defiled craving.
着璎珞时,When putting on adornments,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
舍诸伪饰,Give up phony decoration
到真实处。And reach the abode of truth.
上升楼阁,When climbing up in balconies,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
升正法楼,Ascend the tower of truth
澈见一切。And see through everything.
若有所施,If they give something,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
一切能舍,Be able to relinquish all
心无爱着。With hearts free of clinging.
众会聚集,When in gatherings or crowds,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
舍众聚法,Let go of compounded things
成一切智。And attain to total knowledge.
若在厄难,If in danger and difficulty,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
随意自在,Be free at will,
所行无碍。Unhindered wherever they go.
舍居家时,When they give up secular life,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
出家无碍,Have no hindrance to be a renunciate,
心得解脱。And that their minds be liberated.
入僧伽蓝,Entering a sangha community,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
演说种种, Expound various principles
无乖诤法。Of noncontention.
诣大小师,Going to tutors and teachers,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
巧事师长,Skilfully serve their teachers
习行善法。And practice virtuous ways.
求请出家,Seeking ordination,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
得不退法, Reach the nonregressing state,
心无障碍。 Their minds without impediment
脱去俗服,Shedding lay clothing,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
勤修善根,Cultivate roots of virtues
舍诸罪轭。And abandon the yoke of transgressions.
剃除须发,When shaving off their hair,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
永离烦恼,Forever divorce all afflictions
究竟寂灭。And reach nirvana.
着袈裟衣,Putting on religious garb,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
心无所染,Be undefiled in mind
具大仙道。And fulfil the Way of the Great Sage.
正出家时,When they are formally ordained,
当愿众生: They should wish that all beings
同佛出家, Be renunciated with the Buddha
救护一切。And rescue one and all.
自归于佛,Taken refuge in the Buddha,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
绍隆佛种,Continue the lineage of Buddhas,
发无上意。Conceiving the unexcelled aspiration.
自归于法,Taken refuge in the Teachings,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
深入经藏,Engage profoundly in the scriptures
智能如海。And their wisdom be deep as the sea.
自归于僧,Taken refuge in the Community,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
统理大众,Gather and lead the masses,
一切无碍。All are free from obstruction.
受学戒时,When receiving and learning precepts,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
善学于戒,Learn ethnical discipline well
不作众恶。And not do any non-virtuous act.
受阇梨教,Receiving a master’s instruction,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
具足威仪,Bear themselves with dignity
所行真实。And that their actions be truthful.
受和尚教,Receiving an abbot’s guidance,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
入无生智,Enter the knowledge of birthlessness
到无依处。And reach the realm of nonreliance.
受具足戒,Receiving the full set of precepts,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
具诸方便,Fulfill all means of liberation
得最胜法。And master the supreme teaching.
若入堂宇,When entering a hall,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
升无上堂,Ascend to the unexcelled sanctuary
安住不��。And rest there secure, unshakable.
若敷床座,When setting out a seat,
当愿众生: They should wish that all beings
开敷善法,Grow and groom virtuous acts
见真实相。And see their true character.
正身端坐,Sitting up straight,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
坐菩提座,Sit on the throne of enlightenment,
心无所着。Their minds without attachment.
结跏趺坐,Sitting cross-legged,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
善根坚固,Have firm and strong roots of virtues
得不动地。And attain the state of immovability.
修行于定,Cultivating concentration,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
以定伏心,Subdue their minds by concentration
究竟无余。Ultimately, with no remainder.
若修于观,If practicing insight,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
见如实理,Sec truth as it is
永无乖诤。And be forever free of opposition and contention.
舍跏趺坐,When uncrossing the legs,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
观诸行法,Observe that all acts and phenomena
悉归散灭。Return to dispersal and extinction.
下足住时,When lowering the feet and resting,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
心得解脱,Attain liberation of mind,
安住不动。Resting at peace, unstirred.
若举于足,When raising the legs,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
出生死海,Leave the sea of birth and death
具众善法。And fulfil all good qualities.
着下裙时,When putting on lower garments,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
服诸善根,Wear the foundations of goodness
具足惭愧。And have a sense of shame and conscience.
整衣束带,When putting on a belt,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
检束善根,Restrain themselves and observe virtues
不令散失。And not let them be lost.
若着上衣,When putting on an outer garment,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
获胜善根,Attain sublime virtues
至法彼岸。And reach the Other Shore of the Teachings.
着僧伽梨,Putting on monastic robes,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
入第一位,Enter the foremost rank
得不动法。And attain imperturbability.
手执杨枝,Taking a toothstick in hand,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
皆得妙法,Attain the wonderful teaching
究竟清净。And be ultimately pure and pristine.
嚼杨枝时,When chewing on the toothstick,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
其心调净, Be pacified and pure in mind,
噬诸烦恼。Biting through all afflictions.
大小便时,When going to the toilet,
当愿众生:They should wish that all beings
弃贪瞋痴,Reject greed, anger, and ignorance,
蠲除罪法。And clean away sinful things.
042 大小便时,当愿众生:弃贪瞋痴,蠲除罪法。
Credit to Source:
OTHER PAST RELATED PURIFICATION PRACTICES II LINKS: 其他相关净行品 [2]视频点击: https://omw2happiness.com/?s=PURIFYING+OUR+BODY%2C+SPEECH+AND+MIND+II+ 大方广佛华严经卷第十四《净行品第十一》偈颂 Avatamsaka Sūtra – Book Eleven Purifying Practices Verses Manjushri said to Bodhisattva Chief in Knowledge, “Excellent, 0h Child of Buddha! You have asked this out of a desire to benefit many, to bring peace to many, out of pity for the world, to profit and gladden celestial and human beings. Child of Buddha, if enlightening beings use their minds properly, they can attain all supreme qualities, can have a mind unhindered in regard to all enlightening teachings, can remain on the Path of the Buddhas of past, present, and future, never leaving it even while living in the midst of sentient beings, can comprehend the characteristics of all things, cut off all evil and fulfill all good. They will be physically most excellent, like Samantabhadra; all of their practical vows they will be able to fulfill, and will be free in all ways, and will be guides for all sentient beings. How can they use their minds so as to attain all supreme sublime qualities? 尔时文殊师利菩萨告智首菩萨言:善哉!佛子,汝今为欲多所饶益,多所安隐,哀愍世间,利乐天人,问如是义。佛子,若诸菩萨善用其心,则获一切胜妙功德。于诸佛法,心无所碍,住去、来、今诸佛之道,随众生住,恒不舍离。如诸法相,悉能通达,断一切恶,具足众善。当如普贤色像第一,一切行愿皆得具足,于一切法无不自在,而为众生第二导师。佛子,云何用心,能获一切胜妙功德?佛子:
Credit to Source:
https://tblim.ql.sg/avatamsaka-sutra-purifying-practices/ https://www.facebook.com/miaoyin.greatwisdom.buddhistinstitute/
PURIFYING OUR BODY, SPEECH AND MIND II #042 @BWMONASTERY 07.04.2020 《华严经》净行品 042 The Flower Adornment Sutra: Purification Practices 大小便时 当愿众生 Dàxiǎo biàn shí dāng yuàn zhòngshēng…
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