#That will not stop the Melusines from being silly however
toasteaa · 3 months
Sometimes I think I talk too much about Eclair, but then I get hit with another idea and the soap opera continues
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jade-parcels · 9 months
Fatherly Instincts 2
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Back by popular demand, one year later, we’ll once again look into how genshin men would be as dads! Since classes and projects are taking up a majority of my time, I haven’t been very active…but this was so fun to write in the time I have during break! Thank you for your patience! 🐦
Fatherly Instincts <3 With: Albedo, Tighnari, Neuvillette, and Itto <3
Albedo isn’t the best at showing emotion in his facial expressions. He keeps a blank face most of the time but for his child, he’ll smile more frequently- though this ‘smile’ is just the slightest upturn of his lips. Your kiddo quickly took a liking to your special kamera from Fontaine and has loved posing for pictures! Bedo has become a victim to the camera phase himself because his sweet little baby has learned ‘cheese’. He hears “Pa! Cheese!” about ten times a day and every time, he’ll smile for his kid. Does he like smiling with his teeth? Not really. Does he think he looks silly in the photos? For sure. However, he knows that imaginative play and loving, parental interaction is integral for his child’s development. So if that means he has to smile, he will smile. And when he finds his kiddo’s stash of photos of you and him… he can’t help but get sentimental. He sees himself from his kid’s perspective :’)
“See? I told you not to run ahead. This is what happens when you don’t look where you’re going” Tighnari shakes his head, kneeling down in the dirt with his bawling toddler. His ears twitch with the loud screeches but he isn’t bothered. Before he gets to work dressing the wound (it’s hardly a scratch at all) he holds his kiddo close until they stop crying. Tighnari’s dad senses kicked in when he started caring for Collei and he uses that prior experience now. He’s a natural at healing wounds and caring for those in need. Before his kiddo was able to SPRINT ahead of him in the woods, he was able to prevent accidents by baby proofing your shared home. All corners are covered with foam, all dangerous objects locked away, all hunting gear kept on high shelves. His quick, fox reflexes helped him catch his baby when they first where learning to walk! But now that they’re extremely mobile, he has to kiss a lot of scraped knees and make a lot of ‘healing pudding’ aka, a simple sweet treat to help them forget about their boo-boo :) oldest trick in the book.
Though he has dozens of daughters already, he still finds parenthood difficult at times. Neuvillette felt out of his depth when he held your baby for the first time. Melusines are not born this small, this fragile… This…. Fussy. The two of you quickly found out that this baby simply does not want to sleep at night. Neuvillette, the gentleman that he is, insists that you stay in bed while he tends to the baby during these late nights. One night, He felt a sense of sadness, it flowed slowly into his chest like a rising tide. Perhaps he felt bad for you, felt inadequate as a father, he couldn’t really place the emotion. In his own restlessness, it began to rain. While any other time he would worry about creating a storm, it seems that this one was a blessing in disguise. After hours of fussing and crying, the baby stopped. The low rumble of thunder, soft patter of rain on the windows… it soothes his child. Since that day, he will bring forth light rain during the night to ensure a peaceful rest for his family. And when the newspapers start to report on this strange weather phenomenon? He pretends he doesn’t know a thing about it. One day they will grow out of needing the rain but for now, he enjoys being able to provide for the child he loves so dearly.
Itto is known for his loud laughter and goofy personality. He can be forgetful at times or too-over the-top but he knows when to be calm. His poor children, half oni as they are, start to grow their horns at a young age. Their horns start out as bumps on their foreheads and as they get older, the horns break through the skin much like teeth do when they grow in for the first time. You don’t have any experience in this field, all you can do is ice their heads and offer warm hugs. During days where their horns hurt, Itto steps in to cheer them up. With ice packs in hand, he wraps their heads with colorful ribbons and bandages, making a crown of sorts. He compliments their new headgear, telling them how royal they look! Soon enough, the horn pain is forgotten and the kiddos toddle off to play once again as their headaches dissipate. You don’t miss the look of fondness in your oni husband’s eyes. He hesitates before wrapping the remaining ribbon around your head “Well… Gotta deck you out in some sick headgear too right babe?” what a dork oh jeeeez.
🐦You can find part one here <3
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