#That scene where Varian is like “I’m sensing someone with an A name like Alice or Anita or Asshole” and the camera cuts to Eugene and Lance
antiquepearlss · 2 months
Can you guys help me find an episode of Tangled? I think it may have been taken down after it aired and I can’t find it anywhere.
It was somewhere in season 3 and started off with Varian, Rapunzel, Lance, the girls, and Eugene walking downtown. They met a charlatan who was pretending to be able to talk to ghosts, so Eugene and Varian fucked with them a little bit. I vaguely remember Varian asking them to speak with his Aunt Lily and after spewing some nonsense Varian fake cried and then was like “that’s so weird considering I don’t have an Aunt Lily” and after fist-bumping Eugene, Rapunzel had to steer the group away before someone’s feelings got hurt.
The rest of the episode I don’t remember as well but I think Kiera, Catalina, and Varian realized they could make a ton of money pretending to talk to ghosts and essentially started becoming the Long Island Mediums of Corona. They were purposefully saying stupid stuff but people were buying into it. They were getting huge just by essentially shitposting and profiting off of peoples grief and idiocy. And also I think they hired Shorty to make ghost noises but I genuinely don’t remember. I think the conflict of the episode was about Eugene and Lance being really proud and amused by their antics but Rapunzel being upset that they were scamming people.
It was a really funny episode and I loved the sibling vibes between Varian and the girls and Eugene and Lance were being awesome and ofc Rapunzel was kinda girlbossing too. I really loved the episode. It was really funny and Varian was peak shitty, but it was also super heartwarming. The scene where Rapunzel Freudian slipped up and called Varian her baby brother admittedly, made me tear up.
Anyway if you guys could find this episode for me that’d be great. I’m pretty sure Disney tried to hide it since for some reason Jeremy Jordan was allowed to drop numerous f-bombs. I’m assuming there was some complaint after it aired and so now they’re trying to pretend it never happened. That’s Disney for you 🤷🏻‍♀️
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