#That one rusty fears contest winner
waddup-its-homegirl · 8 months
Very big fan of media that goes “wouldn’t it be romantic if we rotted here together” like yes, it is very romantic, correct.
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Hi, I've spent the past few days reading your headcannons and I'm in LOVE with them! I was wondering what were your headcannons for a weak MC wanting to arm wrestle with the RFA+V/Saeran? Hope it's not too much, Have a good day! (I really love your headcannons. Keep writing!)
You’re so sweet anonny, thank you so much for the kind words and support! Okay so I really liked this idea and ended up making these super long so my bad! But thank you for the request and I hope that you enjoy!! ^^
Yoosung came home from work one day very confused by the odd set-up of his apartment
You removed everything from the kitchen table and had motivational music playing, your eyes perked up when you saw your boyfriend
“Yoosung Kim, I challenge you to an arm wrestling competition! The loser has to wash dishes for the next two weeks!”
This boy had to try and not giggle because of how cute you looked but he suddenly felt nervous, you had terrible arm strength
Of course, Yoosung wasn’t the strongest guy around but he knew he could beat you in arm wrestling
So he made the mental decision to go easy in you and let you win because how could he crush you when you looked so cute and determined
Yoosung got into position and you counted down from three, using all of your strength to try and push his arm down
But you were so weak that it was almost impossible for you to win but Yoosung let his arm go slack and you slammed his hand to the table
“Haha I win! You gotta do dishes now, sorry Yoosungie. Maybe you should try and do some arm strengthen exercises to get on my level!”
Yoosung couldn’t help the giggle that escaped his lips, making you confused but he quickly gave you a kiss and headed to the kitchen to start his punishment
“You’re right, MC. Maybe you can give me some lessons and someday I can maybe beat you! But until then, stop playing that motivational music and help me clean up!”
Zen woke up one morning to hear you grunting, making him sit straight up in bed and run to you
He feared the worst but stood dumbfounded when he saw you stretching your arms
When you noticed Zen staring at you, you jumped but composed yourself and pointed at his chest, eyes lit with fiery determination
“I, MC, challenge you Zen to an arm wrestling match! Loser has to let the winner do whatever they want with the loser’s hair!”
Oh no, this wasn’t good for Zen at all
He knew that you were seriously lacking in arm strength and that he could easily beat you in a match but he didn’t want to destroy your confidence
On the other hand, his silky silver hair was precious to him and who knows what kind of things you would do to it, it was quite the predicament
But Zen went along with it because maybe you actually had attained some arm strength
When you and Zen were set up, you screamed start and he found out that your arm strength was just as bad as he remembered
He tried to make it seem like he was trying but in actuality he could probably crush your arm if he tried with his strong muscles
So he decided to let you win and when you hit his arm down on the table, you jumped for joy
“I can’t believe that I actual best you, Zen! Alright, now time to make your hair beautiful!”
Zen groaned and nervously brushed his fingers through his hair as thoughts of his perfect hair being ruined filled his mind
“Yeah yeah I know you won but please MC, be careful with my hair. If anything bad happens I’ll make sure to beat you the next time we arm wrestle!”
Jaehee is typically a no-nonsense kind of woman and doesn’t like jokes or pranks
But you’ve helped her lighten up more which she appreciates, except for when she came home one day
You had cleared the dinning room table and wore a sweatband around one of your wrists, you grabbed Jaehee’s arm and led her to the table
“It is time Jaehee Kang, time to have an arm wrestling competition! The loser must give the other a shoulder and neck massage to show for their defeat!”
This was quite the dilemma for Jaehee, that massage sounded heavenly to her since she’s been working her butt off at work all week
But she also knew that your arm strength was awful and she could snap your arm like a twig thanks to her superior arm skills thank to judo
The look of concentration on your face as enough to convince her to let you win
So once the battle commenced, Jaehee tried to act kind she was trying to push against you, even though she used no strength at all
When you smacked her arm down to the table, your eyes widened in excitement as you cheered for yourself
“Wow, I can’t believe that I actually won! Your judo skills must be getting rusty Jaehee, maybe you should practice some more to get muscles like mine.”
Jaehee playfully rolled her eyes as she stood behind you to rub your shoulders, if only you knew the truth but she didn’t mind playing along
“You’re right MC, my skills must be weakening. You’ve proven your strength today with an exciting arm wrestling match, congratulations.”
Jumin had always found commoner things and ideas interesting
You would show him a new food or a new store but he was not expecting a new game like the one you’d show him today
He was surprised when he came home to find you lifting weights and doing arm stretches but he just told himself to go along with it
When you noticed him enter, you set down your weights and rushed over to him, dramatically pointing to him
“It’s about time you came home but Jumin Han, I challenge you to an arm wrestling contest! The loser has to bathe Elizabeth the third!”
Jumin cringed at the thought of his precious cat taking a bath, it was never an easy task so he didn’t want to lose
But he also knew how weak your arm strength was so he didn’t want to crush your spirits
He contemplated his options for a moment, you were lifting weights so maybe you were getting stronger
Either way, Jumin didn’t want to lose as he awkwardly set his arm in position and when you said start, he realized that you were just as weak as re remembered
He glanced and saw that your weights were only 2 pounds heavy, that explained to him why you were just as weak as he decided to let you win this silly match
When you hit his arm to the table, you cheered for yourself, you couldn’t believe that you beat Jumin
“I did it, I beat you Jumin! I can always lend you my weights if you need them. Have fun trying to give Elizabeth the third a bath!”
Jumin couldn’t help but smile at your enthusiasm, but he wasn’t looking forward to giving his fussy cat a bath
“That was a fun commoner game, MC. Although I believe that I will make the loser’s punishment since I do not expect myself to lose next time.”
Seven was always the one to surprise with all kinds of random things but now, it was your turn
One day he was snapped out of his work trance when he heard loud music playing
He walked into the living room to find you decked out from head to toe in sports attire complete with a sweatband with your initials
When you saw Seven, you handed him his own sweatband with his initials as you struck a dramatic pose then pointed to him
“You, Saeyoung Choi, have been challenged by me to an arm wrestling competition. The loser must do whatever the winner demands. No matter what it is.”
Seven was never one to say no to a challenge, especially seeing how much work you put into this
But he also knew that you were the weakest person he knew and he didn’t want to crush your spirits
So he put his sweatband on his head and determinedly prepared himself for the arm wrestling competition of his life
You battled valiantly but your strength was pitiful compared to Seven who’s had agency training
Seven thought that he should let you win just this once and let his arm go slack, making you slam his arm to the table, cheering with boastful pride
“I can’t believe that I won! I, MC, have defeated the great God Seven!”
He smiled at your cute victory chant but dreaded what you were going to make him do, he’s done some pretty awful pranks to you so he prepared himself for the worst
But when you announced that you wanted him to take the day off to rest, Seven happily complied and snuggled with you on the couch  
“This is the best punishment I’ve ever had and I’m happy that I was defeated. I should let you win more often, MC!”
V would do absolutely anything to make you happy, although today you were acting a bit off
The second he came home from a photo shoot, you grabbed V and dragged him to the kitchen table
He was very confused, but he went along with it because he knows that you can do some crazy things sometimes
You made him sit down, he tried to hold back his giggles because of how cute you looked when you were determined as you declared your decree
“It’s time that we have a challenge so V, I declare that we have an arm wrestling contest! The loser has to do laundry for the next month!”
V was now at a lose on what to do, both you and himself were never fans of doing laundry so he did want to win
But this boy also knows how weak your arm strength is and he didn’t want you to feel bad
So being the precious angel he is, V made a silent resolve to let you win the match
You were so bad at arm wrestling that V didn’t think his acting would be convincing but it somehow fooled you
V smiled to himself as you smacked his arm to the table, your eyes widened in disbelief at your victory
“Did you see that V?! I actually won! We need to work up your muscles if you ever want to beat me someday!”
Even though he had to do laundry, seeing you so happy made V happy himself
Although V did have some problems with doing the laundry, he accidentally overfilled the washer with fabric soap
“While I am happy that you won MC, I won’t lose in our next arm wrestling match. But it was actually a lot of fun, let’s do it again soon.”
Saeran never understood the strange, random games that you would want to play with him
He usually just ignored them and let you win on purpose until you elaborately set up the kitchen table
When you noticed him enter the room, dragged Saeran to the table and set him down as you excitedly explained to him what you were doing
“I have a fun challenge for you Saeran, an arm wrestling match! The loser has to let the winner give them as many kisses as they want!“
There were times when you would attack Saeran with a barrage of kisses which he didn’t usually mind but you always seemed to give them out when he was cranky
So he didn’t want to lose the match but he suddenly remembered how weak you were and reconsidered
When you started the match, Saeran couldn’t believe just how weak your arm strength was
Sighing, he purposely let you win, you couldn’t believe your eyes as you got up from your seat to cheer for yourself
"I did it Saeran, I really beat you! Now come here and let me give you lots of kisses!”
Saeran couldn’t help the laugh that escaped from his lips, your kisses always made him happy and ticklish
Seeing him happy made your heart soar as you kept on giving him kisses until he finally had to hold you back
“Mark my words MC, I don’t plan on losing another arm wrestling match again. Be prepared to get your butt kicked next time.”
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auburnfamilynews · 7 years
Fans outside the stadium, the official Jordan-Hare time is...
Here we go, getting down to the wire in the Countdown as we enter the Tommy Tuberville era. No matter the record, the regime under Tubs was never boring. Enjoy a look back at his first season, eighteen years ago, after a couple reviews of classic Auburn games.
2016 - Auburn 18, LSU 13
This one’s familiar. It’s probably still very fresh in your mind as it happened less than a year ago. Here are the quick notes on what happened: Auburn got six Daniel Carlson field goals and contained Leonard Fournette enough to limit LSU’s offense in the Hotseat Bowl.
The prevailing thought here was that whoever lost this game would not have a head coach the next morning. I didn’t think there was any way that Auburn would actually fire Gus Malzahn if he’d lost this one, but LSU apparently had its hand on the trigger for real.
In the final minute, LSU drove inside the Auburn red zone and had one play left to go for the win as the seconds ticked away. Check out this video from the sideline. The swing of emotion is incredible.
Danny Etling found DJ Chark in the corner for what appeared to be the walk-off touchdown, but there was something wrong. For one, LSU didn’t get the snap off in time, which the review would prove. In addition, multiple players were moving when the ball was snapped, and they hadn’t been set for the proper amount of time before snapping it either. Something had to give, and the clock was what the officiating crew chose to lean on. From the touchdown, to the review, to the reversal, to Auburn celebrating, this was one of the wilder endings in Jordan-Hare Stadium. It also started a six-game win streak for Auburn, and hope for this season as well.
1997 - Auburn 18, Alabama 17
We touched on this game a couple days ago, but Auburn entered the 1997 Iron Bowl with a chance to win its first ever West Division title and go to the SEC Championship.
Things looked bleak as the Tide jumped out to a 17-6 lead and Auburn looked hapless on its home field while everything stood on the line. They did pull within two at 17-15 thanks to a late Jarrett Holmes field goal, and then Alabama had one chance to ice the game with the ball and less than a minute remaining. Bama’s offensive coordinator Bruce Arians called a weird screen pass to the fullback Ed Scissum, and the rest is history.
18 Years Ago - 1999
After the 3-8 season in 1998, Auburn needed a new head coach. So, they looked westward and found their guy: Ole Miss head man Tommy Tuberville. Tubs had been courted by Auburn, but uttered the phrase “they’ll have to carry me out of here in a pine box” in regard to other teams calling for his services.
Well, there was no pine box necessary, as two days later Tubs was the new leader of Auburn football.
If you read Rob Pate’s book, he describes the change in attitude from Bowden to Tuberville. The introduction of Yoxercise chief among the differences, Auburn’s players became much better conditioned and stronger as well.
One controversy that reared its head immediately, however, and cast a bit of embarrassment on the program before the start of the season. In February of 1999, with the opener for that season set to be against Florida State in Tallahassee, Auburn bought out the game for half a million dollars. Obviously, the attraction was going to be the first ever Bowden Bowl, with Terry vs Bobby, but that couldn’t happen after Terry left the Plains.
To be fair, the epic beatdown that Florida State probably would’ve put on Auburn in Tuberville’s first game would’ve been awful. Bobby likely blamed Auburn for the situation with Terry, rightfully or not, and wouldn’t have called off the dogs at all. They would’ve had the ability to name the score with what turned out to be a national championship team and a Heisman winner under center as well.
Instead, Auburn found Appalachian State to come play on the Plains for Tubs’ first game. Afterward, a good many people thought that it was probably for the best that we didn’t see the Seminoles in that opener, since there were definite kinks to work out.
App State wasn’t a bad 1-AA team by any stretch, but they were still 1-AA. Auburn should’ve blown them out easily, but instead a 22-15 win was all we’d see. Tied 15-15 late in the game, Ben Leard would find Ronney Daniels for a long touchdown in the last minute to give Auburn the win. People didn’t see the Tuberville experiment working out, at least after one game.
Game two against Idaho didn’t really assuage the fears either. Auburn built a 23-0 lead, but had to hold on as the Vandals posted 23 of their own in the final quarter. A Rusty Williams run provided the difference and Auburn escaped 30-23, with their record 2-0 but very shaky.
Then came Baton Rouge. This game is important for several reasons. One, it’s the last time Auburn won in Tiger Stadium. Eight trips since have all resulted in losses. Two, it was the coming out party for Ronney Daniels. And three, it became the source of consternation between the two fanbases for years since.
Auburn pounded the ever-loving hell out of the Bayou Bengals on their home field in what might have been the final nail for Gerry Dinardo. Thanks to razzle-dazzle plays all over, Auburn opened up a 34-0 lead and won 41-7 over LSU to grab the notice of some people around the country.
Les Miles can try to claim that kicker toss, but Tubs did it first. Also, the long catch-fumble-recovery-touchdown from Daniels is one of the silliest plays you’ll ever see, and probably the reason why Dinardo was fired. LSU couldn’t get out of its own way at the end of his time there, and this play encompasses so many reasons why.
Either way, Auburn won 41-7 and afterward did something that’s miffed LSU fans ever since. It’s provided fodder for the rivalry and has since been known as the Cigar Game, just one of the many monikers that contests between the two have been named.
Perhaps Auburn got a little too full of itself after that, because Tuberville’s old team came into town the next week and beat the old head coach 24-17, then the Tigers went to Knoxville and surrendered a pick-six on their first play in falling at Tennessee 24-0.
An absolutely tough stretch of the schedule continued, as Mississippi State then nipped Auburn 18-16, and not-very-close losses to Florida and Arkansas ended a five-game losing streak. Suddenly Auburn sat at 3-5, victims of karma after a little too much high-fiving and merrymaking in Death Valley.
We needed a pick-me-up. After beating UCF, the Tigers headed to Athens town.
Auburn doesn’t beat the stuffing out of Georgia very often, so it was very sweet heading into Athens on a chilly November night. Just watch this whole video and enjoy the lobs from Ben Leard to Daniels as if he was a high-schooler playing against third-graders.
38-21 was the final score, but there were very few Georgia fans in attendance to see the Bulldogs’ points in the second half. Leard to Daniels emptied the stadium well before halftime.
So, Auburn was 5-5 with the Iron Bowl coming up, and for the first time in a few years, Alabama was actually pretty good. The Tide were in line to win the West, even though they had lost to Louisiana Tech again.
Just like in 1998, Auburn jumped on top early. The Tigers led 14-6 at halftime thanks to two touchdown tosses from Leard, and they still held a 14-8 advantage heading into the fourth quarter.
Then the floodgates opened and Shaun Alexander started running wild. Auburn couldn’t find any offense in the second half, while Alexander ran through a tired Tiger defense for three fourth quarter touchdowns. Bama took a 28-17 win and advanced to the SEC Championship Game while Auburn’s year ended at 5-6, but with a couple of promising performances late to hopefully send them into the offseason feeling alright.
They’d capitalize the next season as Tuberville began to find his footing.
Coming Next: Auburn Goes to Atlanta Again, Y2K Bugs Hit Bama’s Team
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