#Thank you for the warm tumblr welcome! i was honestly a bit overwhelmed ;w;
dizzarye · 11 months
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cloudminhyun · 7 years
August Update
Hello everyone!
Once again I would just like to take this moment to welcome everyone new to cloud ☁ minhyun! This is a creative blog dedicated to Minhyun so I really hope you enjoy the posts and continue to keep supporting NU’EST. I also want to specially thank everyone for following this blog even though my posts are so irregular and sporadic. I go weeks without posting things sometimes due to my work shifts so I’m really grateful for anyone who chooses to click that ‘follow’ button. Truly. Thank you.
Last Month
July was a little bit of a fail on my part, for several personal reasons, hence my creativity was hindered substantially...
I did make one or two things but in terms of fanfic writing, I really failed. Honestly, I think I may stop writing fanfic after I’ve finished my current chaptered fics. Not many people seem to read fanfic anyway and there are other personal writing projects I’d like to pursue too, so it may be the best thing...
We had NU’EST W releasing ‘If You’ towards the end of last month and I wrote a music review of it which you can find >HERE<. I really enjoy reviewing NU’EST’s music as it really helps me appreciate the structure of their songs much more and I know it also helps others in the fandom too, so I’ll keep on writing those even after I stop fic writing.
This Month
It’s Minhyun’s birthday month and...well, there’s not many days until the big day so I really need to step up and get creative! But if I fail on the actual day, I’ll definitely post during the month as we’ll have plenty of updates and content from Wanna One promotions. I should hopefully be able to write a little more for the current fics but...we’ll see. I’ll make no promises.
Important Things to Address
There’s still a major divide in the fandom and it’s devastating to see. I’ve witnessed fans who’ve been there since the beginning fall away from the fandom because they can’t handle it anymore, driven out by the overwhelming change and dynamics in the NU’EST fandom. Honestly, I can’t blame them and have contemplated it myself. Things have been hard but none of us are alone, whether we’ve been here since the start or whether more recently; if you see a fan unhappy, please take the time to talk to them, to encourage them that their support and their voice matters because it does. 
I’m always happy to talk to other fans about anything at all so I hope we can overcome this barrier currently in the fandom and work together well to be there for our boys. After all, we’re all here because of them, because we love their music and appreciate them for the beautiful, sincere, kindhearted people they each are.
I may not post often here but I am always active on my Twitter account and therefore basically always online;;, so if anyone needs anything or even just wants to chat/make friends/rant/seek advice/support in regards to NU’EST or the fandom, whatever you need, feel free to drop a message to say ‘hi’. I always reply as promptly as I can! But also don’t be scared to drop a message in my Tumblr ask box because I will always see those messages and reply promptly too!
Once again a huge thank you to everyone following this blog and a very warm welcome to cloud ☁ minhyun !
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