#Thank you all for waiting and participating. It has been one hell of a ride.
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hxly-fxther · 2 months ago
The desolate fields of what was once Eden, a tree fallen, apples scattered everywhere, all never knowing their own Cycle as a feeling strikes the Wrathful One. Among the now horrifically lonely and abandoned Eden, the very first Eden where they had all fought, an impossibility took place.
In the forever stillness of the atmosphere... A light breeze washed over the pale features of the Creator. Soon after, a powerful domino effect of what he never expected to see began to ripple across this battlefield. It started with the leaves, rustling through the new breeze that had kicked up and with that breeze came color. All forms of beauty once again coming back to his paradise and soon the chirping of birds, running water and... A fawn, walking in the distance, a mother duck leading a trail of its children.
As the man who causes miracles, never before had he been in the middle of one. It was beyond description and caused his chest to burn and his eyes to water and spill tears. The Creator knew why, he knew how and it was only one conclusion.
Cycle Four-Trillion Six-Hundred Fifty Four-Million Three-Hundred Twenty Two-Thousand Nine-Hundred Forty Four... Defeated Mother.
It was then that he looked up, the fated battle of Lucifer and Michael from the very first Cycle, the one that acted as a timer for the heroic Harbinger's to beat the God. The sounds of bloodshed, yelling and grieving had stopped, replaced with the sight Father had forgotten about. The final moments of this Cycle before the reset, an act he once took as defiance from the brothers, now replaced with a new understanding as it took falling from his own grace to understand.
There, in the air, through tears, blood and a final goodbye was the last desperate hug between doomed brothers. It was unfortunate that only one would move on to see more creations while the other perished here.
A bright flash of light that consumes everything and everyone blinds the Creator and soon he stands in a white void all alone. That was until-
"Had your fun?" The top hat wearing creator forms next to the Wrathful One.
"Fun. This was not fun. But you knew that already." He shifts uncomfortably, moving to face himself. "Congratulations, I suppose a celebration is in order?"
Big G tilts his head forward slightly as if to bow. "Yes. But not a celebration for us. It's been... An experience. Now we can finally rest and allow them to take it from here. Any last words before you depart?"
The Wrathful One stands tall, his height being far larger than his counterpart and where he looks isn't to Big G to speak his words, it is off somewhere else, staring into eyes that couldn't exist, that have been here the whole time, that had been following along and growing in so many ways.
"...You have done incredible. Congratulations and... Farewell."
The form of the Wrathful One begins to blow away slowly and before the being is gone from sight, four words leave what's left of him. "We will meet again."
With the dissipation of his other part leaving Big G alone, his first instinct is to go and see them. The victors, the winners, sinners, Angels and Demons however, he stops and stands still. His cane holding firmly in one hand and a firm, finale smile growing. They had won, there was no reason for him to go back. Life will move forward without him intervening anymore. So there was only one last thing to really do...
Father, God, Big G, takes off his hat and looks at it one final time. It's forever pristine condition doing well to reflect his own forever existence which... Is the reason why he had to depart with it. The hat will forever be a reminder to all of what they had fought and fought for.
The final snap, something so powerful, heard by no one and nothing, used to send that hat away. It would arrive at a new home, a new destination where he was sure would be put in a safe space. The arrival of the hat would signify both a victory and a goodbye. In a mere moment, it was gone, landing only at the top of the new High Seraphim's desk in Heaven along with God's last words.
"You all have done what has never been accomplished in all of existence. You have beaten God. Do well with this life you have fought for. For the final time. Farewell."
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saey707 · 1 year ago
I SEE YOU HAVE ALREADY SEEN "HEARTSTEEL" I LOVE THEIR INTERACTIONS ON TWITTER AND EVERYTHING (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) It's cool, just cool :') Well, the point is... could you do a Yone x fangirl!reader? (I've been thinking about an anonymous online friendship and then a BIG surprise when they just meet face to face) Anyway, have a good day <3 -🍄
✿ Prompt: You have a chance encounter with Yone ✿
♡ champion focus: yone ♡ tw: none! ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author’s Note: YES HELLOOO! à«źâ‚ÂŽïœĄá”” ꈊ á””ïœĄ`₎ა Thanks so much for requesting! I tried my best to get the premise of your idea in, but I did make some changes to improve the flow of the short and make it more authentic! Hope you enjoy! à«źâ‚Ë¶ ‱. ‱ ⑅₎ა ♡
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You and Yone met through an online board long before he went off the grid- hell, you met long before Yone even became legendary!
While it wasn't the conventional way to meet someone, you couldn't help but become fascinated by him and all the discussions he participated in. It's not every day you meet a (kind) man so invested in the history of Japanese warriors, DJ'ing, cold brew, and meditating!
You've never met Yone in person, but you figured from his messages alone he was either an old man or a kind soul... Even both. Every email Yone sent you was well punctuated and wise. He always knew exactly what to say, to an extent where you didn't know if he was just researching everything he was telling you or was telling you something based on his life experiences!
The day Yone sent a photo to you was the day you were convinced he was an old man now. It was clear that the photo was printed when he took a picture of it. His long, black hair was neatly kept, and he stood tall and sharp in a suit... Not to mention, there were orbs on the edge of the photo, and his eyes were as red as a demon!
You knew, eventually, your anonymous pen pal would stop replying one day, but it still hurt all the same. For years, you wondered if Yone was okay. You wondered where he was now, what amazing things he was doing. You wondered if one day he would ever email you back again... You wondered if he was dead.
"Hey, Warrior! I know it's been a few years since we last spoke. I know you won't respond, and I don't carry any grudges against you for it. I just can't help but wonder: How have you been? Were you ever able to get that red motorcycle you wanted? Are you still DJ'ing?"
That was the first email in years you sent to him... And you couldn't help but find some comfort in having a one-sided conversation. In a way, it felt like it healed the past few years you were left wondering and waiting.
"Hi, Warrior! You won't believe what happened yesterday: I finally got myself to meditate for 30 minutes straight! I'm still not sure how you can do it for an hour, but maybe someday I can get just as good as you. Hope you respond soon. I miss you!"
It became a regular habit for you to email him, even knowing you would never get a response. But maybe someday he'll be able to see what's going on in your life. Maybe someday, he'll open up his emails and respond to you... It's just wishful thinking.
"Have you seen the new band going viral? They're called Heartsteel! Their producer has the same name as you and even rides a red motorcycle in the music video! Isn't that cool? I know it isn't you, but at the very least I can imagine that it is you. I can imagine it's you out there doing great things with great people. And maybe it makes sense to me now why you won't respond. But just know I'm proud of you. No matter what you're doing out there. I'll email you again in a few days. Bye, Yone."
You sent the email, shutting your laptop now.
Waiting in line for a cold brew, it came as a surprise to you when you saw a man in front of you looking down at his phone, not even realizing that the line had already cut down to his turn to order.
You waited a few seconds... Then another. Then another.
Soon enough, you were annoyed. "Uhh, hey?! It's your turn to order..!" You tapped the man's shoulder, watching as he turned his head to you, confused as he shook himself from the alternate dimension his head was just in.
Your eyes widened as you stared at him for a moment, taking in the intricate details of his face. You recognized the sharp look in his eyes. You were familiar with the shape of his jawline. From the moment you got a good look at him, you knew it was him.
And while it seemed as if he didn't recognize you, the moment you spoke, his eyes lit up. It was you.
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songofwizardry · 1 month ago
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and that’s a wrap on campaign 3! emotions post incoming. yes, I did get a drink just to toast the end of it, and yes, that is a little crocheted Beau (I did not make her!) who kept me company through watching m9, and who I got out for the bell’s hells finale too.
like lots of folks, I’ve had my complaints about c3, and particularly in the last year, life’s been Difficult and I struggled to keep up the whole time, but—god, I love these characters (all of them), I love this stupid game, and even though I’ve not been watching from the very beginning, it’s still been a Journey.
I started watching critical role with m9 in 2019, which doesn’t feel like that long ago but was (apparently!) six years ago, in a terrible room in a pretty shitty living situation. I’d just moved away from all my friends, was getting my teaching qualification, and was tired and broke and lonely. in the intervening years, a tonne has happened: I’ve moved house a few times and now have a (much much nicer!) flat with my partner where I can regularly host people I love, I’ve gotten married, I’ve qualified and been teaching for five years, I’ve gotten a lot better at dealing with some bits of my brain and body and inevitably had more things come up, but that’s okay, I’ve come out-out (if you know what I mean). and I’ve met so many wonderful people both in and outside fandom, and gone to cons, and written fanfic, and participated in exchanges, and connected with critters in this community, and even attended the m9 London live show, which was incredible in so many ways. watching critical role in the stressful, lonely, busy year that was 2019 was what gave me the courage to start DMing, and I’ve been DMing for some of my best friends for the last five years. and that, in itself, is a wonderful thing to have, and I’m so grateful to all of it.
I’ve always been a fucking nerd, and I’ve been in fandoms for most of my life. but critical role has been a special one for me. I’ve found so much fan connection, so much inspiration and joy to create, so much comfort in this show over the last six years. it’s been there with me for so many hours over lockdowns and commutes and friday-evening-post-work watching and while I’m crying and while I’m happy and while I’m reading fanfic on my phone at work and while I’m singing “your turn to roll” with 12k people at wembley.
so yeah. it may not have been ten years for me, but god. it’s been such a wonderful journey. and watching the finale last night/today and getting to see those threads come together and to watch the cast tell ends to stories that have been in the making for ten years or more—it has been lovely, and very emotional. and again, for all my issues with c3—I have had a wonderful time, and it was a really enjoyable finale.
I don’t know what comes next for exandria and for longform critical role campaigns, but this *did* feel like a bit of an ending, and yknow what? no matter what comes next, I’m not mad about that. it’s been such a good ride, critters. I’m very grateful I got to be part of it along with you all. I cannot fucking wait for divergence.
or in other words: thanks for the good story, Matt (and everyone else!). let’s do it again?
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lisutarid-a · 9 months ago
[Gakuen K] Munakata Reisi Route Translation
The Cavalry Battle Horse
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: (The next The Cavalry Battle is the final event of the sport festival
It's a special club competition, so it's going to be an intense battle)
Saya: It's frustrating that the girls can't participate in the cavalry battle
Good luck!
Fushimi: Well, we'll just play the game the appropriate way.
Saya: (Eh
 Munakata-senpai is not here. Where did he go?)
Kukuri: The main events of the Sports Festival, as well as the special club inter-competition, has finally reached its final event, the cavalry battle!
Kukuri: At the moment the leaders are the Blue and Red clubs, but after a seesaw battle, the score is tied 200 to 200!
Kukuri: In substance, it is a summit showdown between the Blue and Red clubs. We expect a he-eated battle between the Heads of the Blue and Red clubs!
Kukuri: Now, the representative of the Silver Club who left the game early, Neko-chan and Shiro-kun as commentators, who do you think will win this game?
Neko: Wagahai is hungry

Shiro: No-no, you just had a meal a while ago.
Neko: Then, if you're hungry, you win first prize. So Wagahai wins!
Shiro: In other words, I think the one who works hard enough to get hungry will win!
Kukuri: Thanks for your comments! Okay, so the remarkable competition is starting
Kukuri: O-Oh, here comes the horseman who breaks the rules!
Saya: E
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Munakata: Thank you for waiting. Well then, let's get started, shall we?
Yata: What the hell is that!? Why are you entering on a horse!?
Yata: T-This is so
cool, isn't it!!!!?
Kamamoto: Yata-san! Isn't that a foul play!? Right!?
Totsuka: Eh, I lo-ove it~! I want to ride a horse too!
Kamamoto: Hey! Even Totsuka-san! That's a foul! Come on, Yata-san, please come to your senses!
Yata: Ha! That's bad, I shouldn't have been so careless, I almost let the guys from the Blue club get the better of me!
Kamamoto: The Blue club didn't do anything to get the better on you, though

Yata: You blues are going to lose by foul play for bringing that horse!! What a pity!
Fushimi: Tsk
I'm told it's a foul thing to do.
Munakata: The rule is to take the opponent's bowl while riding a horse, that's all. I don't see any problem.
You heard that. Do you feel pity now, Misaki?
Yata: Damn Saru
Ha, looks interesting, doesn't it?
Yata: E-Eeeh!? What are you saying, Mikoto-san?!
Totsuka: Ah, it looks like somebody's got turned on. I guess it's okay to start.
Munakata: Well then, here we go!
Come on! Munakata!!
Munakata: Suoh! I'm coming!
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Kukuri: Thanks for your hard work today. It ended up being a draw, but it was very exciting.
Saya: That's right. It was really fun.
Kukuri: I was not able to follow the program and was so thrilled.
Kukuri: Kukuri-chan's live commentary was really cool. It was like watching TV!
Kukuri: Hehehe, thanks! I don't know why I was chosen to be an assistant. But I had a lot of fun myself.
Saya: Ah, I got a call. See you later!
Kukuri: Uhm, see you later~!
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Saya: (I guess I'm done cleaning up here
Munakata: Konohana-kun, thank you for your hard work.
Saya: Senpai! Thanks for your hard work. The cavalry battle was really awesome!
Saya: I didn't expect to see you coming out on a real horse. I think everyone was surprised!
Munakata: Fufu, thank you very much. The preparation was worth it.
Saya: You look like you're pretty good with horses, are senpai good at horse riding?
Munakata: I don't know if I can say I'm good at it, but I like to ride it from time to time.
Saya: (Ehh
! I didn't know they ride horses sometimes, that's so elegant and cool)
Munakata: Well, have you finished cleaning up?
Saya: Yeah. I'm done here.
Munakata: Well, would you mind helping me over there?
Saya: Got it! I'm going.
Munakata: Fufu, that's a good reply. I'm looking forward to working with you.
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komero-otus · 4 months ago
Get To Know Me Tag Game
aaaaa I was tagged by @t00obsessed !!! thank you!!!<3
Last song: Disease by Lady Gaga (it's a banger!!!!)
Favorite color: yellow and purple! idk why, it's just been like this since forever
(ok I lied I DO KNOW why yellow, because it was the colour of my favourite plushie when I was a baby kiddo. As a toddler I just decided that yellow is my fave colour for forever I guess. purple developed into a second favourite a bit later, but I do not have an origin story for that one. that colour just tickles my brain.)
Last book I finished: Hell Followed with Us by Andrew Joseph White! it was really cool and I enjoyed the horror aspects and the vibes. (Also I can't even begin to put into words how much it matters to me that I can finally nowadays read MULTIPLE different books with transmasc MAIN CHARACTERS. truly blows my mind. happy to see it.)
It was a nice breather while I had a break from reading Dracula by Bram Stoker but uhh... then I never got back to dracula after and just started reading Somewhere Beyond the Sea by TJ Klune. :')) to be fair I've been waiting for this one a while now. (though my reading has been on a break for a while. idk my brain just doesn't let me read currently but I'll get back to it at some point again! I probably won't be able to finish the books I'm currently in the middle of before the year ends but that's alright!)
Last TV show I watched: uh... Beast Wars: Transformers... (me n my friend have been on a transformers kick. their old hyperfixation is stirring once more and I am so glad to be along for the ride :3 )
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: I??? don't know??? I like sweet things?? but savoury is delish too??
Last thing I googled: Pancake recipe (I wana make a pancake to keep me and my brain busy and get a sweet treat while I'm at it)
Current obsession(s): UHHHH the strongest currently is probably Great God Grove since it FINALLY came out and I love love love that game so much it was definitely worth the wait!!! <3<3<3<3<3 also obviously Batman since it's the latest long lasting hyperfixation I've had in a WHILE. and the best thing is that there's.. A LOT of batman media I still haven't taken a look at or read or played etc. so never stop the madness or however that one meme goes.
(I also reblog a lot of stuff of all my other interests since like.. my adhd brain, yes gets hyperfixated on one specific thing for periods of time, but once the fixation period chills out the enjoyment doesn't fade. so like... Psychonauts, Pacific Rim, Mp100, Lupin the third, tf2, and SO MANY OTHER THINGS my beloveds. my blog is a mess of stuff I enjoy, but I try to tag everything so if someone gets sick of seeing a specific thing they can blacklist it!)
Looking forward to: I think winter get together/ christmas actually??? cant wait to spend a chill and calm and not stressful xmas with my friends,, not everyone in the group celebrates christmas so idk what I should call it but. its our little winter celebration thing. and the people there are very dear to me. I can't wait! <3
I'll tag uhhhhhhh @julletin , @mossitism , @radiant-sunlight-blueberry , @miduana , @enwie , @sateenkaaripieru , and I'll add more ppl if I have time! and if any friend or mutual wants to do this and I forgor, just poke me and I'll tag u!! <3
BUT LIKE NO PRESSURE TO PARTICIPATE IF YALL DON'T WISH TO!!! this is just for funsies!!! take care <3
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royaleofury · 1 year ago
Hi love 💗 I'd love to participate in your game
My moon sign is Aquarius and my initials are C.K.
I've been going through a hard time lately, and i feel really stressed out. I think I have this fear that the situation im in won't ever get better or end. I had a reading before that said the situation im in is meant to teach me a lesson. but since i haven't learned the reason behind it, it just keeps happening again and again. tbh when i heard that, i felt like i was doomed like i could do nothing to make it any better. I feel like regardless of how hard I try it'll never change. Can i ask why this situation keeps happening? What exactly is the path i need to take for it to stop happening?
You have my permission to read for me
Tysm in advance!!
Hey, thank you for participating! I hope the stressful situation passes as soon as possible!
Cards I got: The fool, 2 of swords, and 9 of wands
With the fool coming into the scene, I feel it's telling you to stop trying to control everything that's happening around you. Sometimes, you just gotta let it happen without thinking about how it's going to impact your future. There are some things in our life that are better left unanswered. Your situation falls in that category. You don't need to find the answers as to "why this keeps happening"or" why do I keep doing this "or "how do I solve this ". As time comes, the answers will already be in front of you, but it's not now. You have to wait and let things go as they are. Soon, you will realise as to why certain things happened. Just don't push yourself too much in finding their answers right now. You will just stress yourself if you do so.
2 of swords tells me that if you try finding the answers of the questions too much, you will end up finding the wrong ones because you are not able to see the big picture right now. With 9 of wands, you may feel drained, fatigue, etc. from all the things that are happening. You just want to stop them somehow or the other. You feel that things will never go back now they used to be. That you will never experience peace once again. And let me tell you, those situations are going to drain your energy a lot. I won't lie because that's what the cards are telling me. You will have to face them for a long time or again and again in between. You need to build the courage to face as there's no way you can avoid them. You will wounded and broken because nothing is going your way , but trust me, when this situation goes away, you will look back only to feel proud of yourself. The situation may seem too much for you to handle right now but hold tight, it's going to be hell of a ride before it starts to get better. 2 of swords are also telling me that you will have to face your deepest fears right now. It's just how universe has laid down the path for you.
Since I didn't get clear cards as to what you have to do to learn your lessons because you keep on doing something as you said. I will pull out some more cards.
I got: 6 of pentacles and 7 of pentacles
With the 6 of pentacles, i believe that it's time to do some charities or help people out in general, if not literal charity. Try to be nice and kind when someone asks you for something. Don't be straight up rude or tell them NO. You need to be fair and stop being biased towards someone or something, if you did something like this in the past.
7 of pentacles, if you doing a job or at school, then try helping out your colleagues or fellow mates. That would help you the most in getting out of tricky situation as soon as possible. Also feel the happiness in little things, as it will help you maintain your mental health.
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the-traveling-poet · 1 year ago
hello darling! Congratulations on hitting 100 followers! đŸ„ł I honestly thought you had at least 1000 cause your writing is really good! And so here I am to request a second fic
 could you do a Levi x lieutenant reader where the reader has lost someone close, maybe a sibling and even if she’s usually chatty and everything, now she seems distracted and absent and during a mission outside the walls, maybe to capture a titan or something she almost gets killed and wakes up near Levi in the hospital wing? Thank youuu 🧡🧡
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With the fifty Seventh expedition led by the Scouting Corps beyond the walls on the rise, Lieutenant Y/N finds herself on the verge of breakdown. Distracted by the grief surrounding her heart over her late friend’s death the previous expedition, Y/N lands herself in the infirmary wing next to a familiar face.
Pairings: Lexi x Grieving!Reader
Warnings: language, depression, injuries, lost loved ones, SFW, grief-to-fluff, s2
Taglist: @21aurora If you want on the tag list for drabbles, headcannons, and one-shots, just DM me~
A/N: Thank you so much my lovely Alex!! I’m thrilled to have even reached 100 lovely followers đŸ€Ž I’m sorry about the wait! I hope I did your vision justice! I always love your requests~ As always if anything wrote doesn’t meet your expectations, let me know and I’ll happily re-write!
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“Prepare yourselves! We ride out in five minuet’s time!”
Commander Erwin’s voice boomed out across the crowd of both citizens and soldiers alike, reaching the ears of everyone gathered. But for the first time in your enlisted life, the confidence in his tone did nothing to boost your morale.
You sat atop your steed near the middle of the crowd of soldiers, your head bowed as you stared down at your hands holding your horse’s reins.
Fifty seven expeditions the Survey Corps has undertaken, and somehow you still managed to draw breath after every single one of them that you’d been around to participate in.
Others hadn’t been so lucky as to survive the missions beyond the walls, and years ago you would mourn their deaths from afar. As a comrade, perhaps as an acquaintance of the fallen. But now
Now, everything was different.
Squeezing the leather straps of the reins, you forced your chin to raise up and locked your gaze somewhere far away from where you sat. Swallowing down the lump in your throat, you forced yourself to take deep breaths.
Just a few weeks prior, had been the fifty sixth expedition out into titan territory. You’d figured, back then, everything would go as it always had.
Ride for your life, fight like hell, cover the rear guard, and pray to whatever might be out there you didn’t get your ass ripped a new one by a titan’s sharp teeth.
But you had been sorely mistaken, on that fateful day.
Your duty as Lieutenant within the Special Operations Squad was simple; aid Corporal Levi in any way he demanded, and cover your squad’s rear. But that day, you had been selfish.
There had been a girl. A girl you spent a good portion of your teenage life with while training to become a Scout. She had been nothing short of your un-biological sister. Your best friend. She wasn’t apart of your specialized squad, and you grew weary from the lack of contact the entirety of the formation had had that day with the right wing.
Levi’s command had fallen on deaf ears that afternoon when you steered your horse in another direction. You’d called over your shoulder you would return quickly, but your promise was quickly broken.
By the time you had reached the right wing’s position, you’d been too late. The dismembered and mutilated bodies of her squad laid all about the field in mangled heaps, their blood soaking deep into the earth. Titans roamed about the scene, lazily shifting through the corpses to find anyone alive to eat. Unable to take them all out on your own, and without any aid, you choked back your anguished cry and raised a flair gun over your head. Your vision had been blurred by unshed tears when you squeezed the trigger and rode off.
One last glance over your shoulder showed you what was left of your best friend; her body bitten into half and a silent scream frozen on her white face.
You’d never been the same since, and you didn’t figure you would ever be.
And you certainly knew you’d never forgive yourself for leaving her body out there. For leaving her in the first place, despite duty pulling you two apart.
Now, as you sat as still as a statue upon your horse, you forced your mind to wander elsewhere in your memories. Subtly you used your jacket’s sleeve to wipe at the corners of your eyes and focused your attention on the back of your Captain. He sat further up ahead of you all, nearer to Commander Erwin.
As if physically feeling your gaze on him, he turned to look over his shoulder and met your eye. You held his gaze, but showed no emotion on your face, which ironically matched his expression.
He raised a brow towards you, to which you merely gave a solemn nod. Taking that as all the confirmation he needed, he reluctantly drug his gaze away from you and faced the front.
As the gates began to slowly crank open on their rusted metal gears, you made a promise to yourself.
I won’t stop until you’re avenged, even if it costs me my last breath.
Though you were tasked with the rest of your squad to watch over the newest recruit, Eren Jeager, from the center of the formation, you kept your guard up and eyes peeled for any opportunity to seek your revenge against those man eating bastards.
Every titan that was spotted by your group once the formation had split up had been taken care of by you. You’d break away from the squad at every given opportunity to thin out the titan’s numbers, despite Levi’s constant reprimanding.
“Lieutenant L/N! Back in formation, now. We are not to engage unless necessary, you know this.”
“Sorry sir,” you’d mumble in response once you were back in place behind him, but you weren’t really paying attention to his words. With every kill you racked up, the less you could think straight. In order to keep the tears at bay, you just kept swinging.
A little over an hour later, the Forrest of Big Ass Trees (As Levi had dubbed it) loomed high up into the sky just a mile ahead. Hastening your pace, you followed your Captian inside and gripped your reins tighter.
You’d been briefly informed of the situation at hand the night before this expedition; so now you knew to just keep riding, and wait.
You knew you’d take your revenge soon enough

By the time she appeared, your hands were off your reins and gripping the handles of your blades. Levi shot you a warning look over his shoulder, but said nothing. You both knew you wouldn’t jeopardize the whole purpose of this mission, emotional or not.
When the trap was sprung by your Commander, the last thread of your patience snapped. Springing into action, you shot away from the group to where you knew your Commander would be stationed, and took a deep breath.
Soon. Soon I’ll give your death reason.
To your surprise, Levi landed only a breath away from where you hung latched onto the tree and scoffed. Shifting slightly from how close he was to you, you held your breath.
“The hell was that, brat? You were supposed to supervise the squad after the bitch was captured.”
“Sorry, sir,” you mumbled again, averting your gaze. “But this is personal.”
He gave you a strange look, somewhere between understanding and surprise. But again, he chose not to ask. He trusted you, after all. Even if he didn’t know what was on your mind at the moment.
So when the Female Titan began to scream, and the ground began to rumble and quake with the thuds of charging titans, Levi hadn’t expected for you to bolt forward into the masses.
His warning fell on deaf ears as Erwin commanded his soldiers to advance and take out as many titans as possible before they reached the Female. As you fought your way through tangled limbs and gnashing teeth, time seemed to slow down and speed up simultaneously. But only one thing stuck in your mind.
You were doing this for her.
But in your rage, you failed to hear Erwin’s command for retreat. Suddenly finding yourself alone in a hoard of titans broke you out of your haze, and panic took over. Large arms batted you this way and that as you did your best to swivel through the frenzy. Bones crunched under the pressure of harsh blows, cuts formed from poorly aimed swipes of your blades, human and titan blood alike blinding your vision and loosening your grip.
And suddenly, the world around you faded into a blur and went dark.
Startled yells and fearful screams snapped you back into consciousness. You jolted up, only to gasp as a sharp pain ran through your left leg and arm. Holding your injured arm close to your chest, you saw a makeshift sling tied around your limb. Groaning in both pain and annoyance, you lifted your gaze to view your surroundings.
You were holed up in a wagon with several other injured soldiers, some still unconscious. The world around you was moving fast as the Scouts made their retreat from the botched expedition.
Looking over the side of the fast moving cart, you saw Levi riding close by on his own horse. Your movement caused him to snap his gaze towards you, relief flooding his eyes before they turned sharp once more.
“Not a word, L/N. Just be thankful you’re alive.”
His words caught you off guard, causing you to furrow your brow in confusion.
“Captain, what do you me-“
“I said; Not. A. Word, L/N.” He shot back, keeping his eyes trained ahead. His jaw was clenched and his brows drawn close together in a scowl. He was stiff in his saddle, causing you to worry. But per his request, you managed not to voice your concerns just yet. You’d wait until you were all back safely within HQ. For now, you’d try to rest

Stifling a yawn, you cracked your eyes open once more. Only, this time, you were back inside the walls. The infirmary within HQ, to be precise.
You heaved a sigh, feeling defeated and frustrated. Your body felt weak, shaky even as you lifted a bandaged hand up towards your face. The movement stung, but you did your best to ignore it.
Hearing a shuffle from the other side of the room, you slowly brought yourself up into a sitting position on the cot.
Across from your bed against the far wall stood Levi. His presence here confused you, until you saw the dust rag in his hand.
Thinking not much of it after this, you cleared your throat to speak. “Evening, Captain.”
His shoulders tensed as he glanced over his shoulder, silently evaluating your state. He was still in uniform, dressed and dirtied as though he hadn’t returned from the walls. It unnerved you, seeing the usually pristine man looking so ruffed up off duty.
He set down the cloth and turned to face you, slightly favoring his right ankle. This didn’t go unnoticed by you, but before you could ask he spoke.
“Finally awake? Took you long enough; we’ve been in this damn room for an hour.”
“An hour? We?” You questioned slowly. “You mean, you’re-“
“Fine. I’m fine.” He insisted gruffly, now looking off to the side. “Eyebrows threw a fit that I should have my ankle evaluated, so I’ve been here since you have.”
Glancing over the bed and down at his ankle, you saw he wasn’t applying any pressure to the joint; merely hovering his heel above the ground.
“Doesn’t look fine,” you mumbled. “Broken?”
“Broken,” he affirmed with a scoff.
” you whispered, unable to hide your surprise. “Never thought I’d see the day.”
“Like you can speak. Doctors said you’ve got three broken bones. Arm, hand, and ankle. All left.” he snorted, doing his best to (discreetly) hobble closer to your cot and take a seat.
“I figured as much. But why are you standing? You should be sitting, or laying. You know, to support your ankle while it sets.” You rolled your eyes and changed the topic, worried about his injury.
“Tch, couldn’t just sit here all day. Not in a room this dusty.” He wrinkled in distance, glancing back over at where he’d left the dust cloth on the windowsill.
You sighed, but cracked a smile. “Of course not. We can’t have that. But
” you swung your legs over the side of the bed with a wince. “I can’t have you hobbling around doing it alone. You might get hurt.”
He watched you incredulously as you stood, gathering your balance before shuffling on your leg’s cast and inched towards the window. Levi limped after you, feinting annoyance.
“Again, like you can speak.”
Chuckling, you grabbed a second cloth and attempted to help him. You were his right, and he was your left.
“So, the others come to visit yet?” You asked absentmindedly, wondering where the rest of your squad was. Levi stiffened, his hand stopping in place on the windowsill. His silence started to eat at you as it drug on, leaving fear to cloud your mind.
They didn’t make it,” he whispered, his gaze distant as it stared down at his hand.
By the time he had finished his recount of the events leading up to his injury, your hands shook and eyes watered with unshed tears.
“I failed them, too
” You whispered hoarsely.
“Too?” Levi asked softly, finally gazing over at you.
You just nodded, now unable to meet his eye.
“ ‘This is personal.’ Is this what you meant earlier? Why you were so fucking reckless?” He stated suddenly, his eyes narrowing. With a sigh, you gave in.
I’m sorry, but I had to avenge her. The friend I lost, on the fifty sixth expedition a few weeks back. My best friend
She died because I wasn’t there to help her. And now
the others
” You trailed off helplessly, tears finally falling freely down your face.
A sturdy hand found its way to your shoulder, squeezing it softly.
“L/N, don’t. You did your job as Lieutenant, and you fought well. Their deaths are not your fault.” Levi whispered, a strain in his tone.
Sniffling, you looked to him and saw the same grief that clouded your mind swimming there in his own eyes. You leaned your head against his shoulder, feeling exhausted from having held in your emotions for so long.
“It’s not your fault, either.” You whispered as you felt the hand on your shoulder slowly slide up and pet the top of your hair.
“I’m just glad you’re still here. You don’t have to go through this alone, and now neither will I.”
A watery smile formed unbidden on your face as tears dribbled down your chin and onto his shirt. You’d never seen your Captain so open and vulnerable, even though right now you knew you looked the same. It sparked a curious flicker in your heart, one you heard resonate in his chest as you pulled him in.
Your silent promise to stay with him at his side, and his silent acceptance of you into his life. Maybe even someday, his heart.
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runawayolives · 3 years ago
Guard dog
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"Hell the fuck no." Fez was leaning against the kitchen counter, facing her.
"Fez, you haven't even considered."
"Hell the fuck no."
Ash was sitting at the table, eating cereal while the TV was playing in front of him. A fight between his brother and his girlfriend was as rare as a blue moon. It wasn't even a big fight, just a small discussion with two hard-headed participants.
"Then tell me why not." Y/N was leaning against the fridge, both adults looking at each other, not fully aware of their audience.
"It isn't a good idea."
"Why?" They both turned around when they heard Fye leaving the bathroom, making sure she was okay.
"I don't need to explain myself to you, ma." Y/N pushed her shoulders forward, a small scoff leaving her lips.
"You kinda do." Both Faye and Ash were silently watching, like a tennis match full of tension. Fez turned around, grabbing a cup from the drying rack and filling it with water with the faucet behind him.
"It's going to give us more work than help." Fez didn't stop making eye contact with Y/N.
"How is protection less than just a food and water bowl?" Faye loudly gasped, making Ash roll his eyes.
"Shut the fuck up. You're getting a puppy?" Y/N turned around to look at her, managing to use a gentler tone, considering Faye didn't deserve the brunt of her disappearing patience.
"I think it would be wise to get a guar dog, considering all of the stuff that has been going on lately."
"We've managed just fine, ma. We don't need a dog." Fez took a sip from his glass, taking a step forward to circle his arm around her waist. "Don't use protection as an excuse to get a pet." Y/N rolled her eyes, getting closer to Fez. Physical tough was one of their main ways to show affection. Not always sexual, the majority of the time just gentle touches.
"Think about it. Picture it. Can you consider it, please?" She kissed him on his cheek, then pulled away and grabbed some juice from the fridge.
"Getting a dog would be interesting, Fez." The three adults turned around to look at Ash, who had just been an observer during the conversation.
"Ash, man, not the time to get a dog. It's only gonna be more work, ya know what I mean?" Ash stood up from his chair and leaned on the table.
"I can train the dog so that it can help us if some dude doesn't wanna pay up or somethin'." Fez looked at Y/N with a raised eyebrow.
"You ganna dog to bite junkie's ass'?" She looked at Ash, who gave her a knowing look, telling her to follow his plan.
"For protection, yes. I mean, the Jacob's are after our asses. If we have a scary dog..."
"I'll think about it."
Thanks to Y/N convincing Fez mysteriously overnight. Her and Ash, by the afternoon of the next day, were at the dog pound, looking for their soon-to-be guard dog.
"We gonna name it killer."
"No." Ash looked up at the woman as if she had grown to heads.
"Why not? It's gonna be a scary dog." Y/N placed her arm around the preteen's shoulder.
"Don't you think it would be extra cool if we got a scary dog and named them something hyper-feminine?"
"We can call it Killer for a middle name."
Thirty minutes later, Y/N and Ash were inside the house with their new pet, Lady Killer. They had bought the food bowls, bed, and a few leashes.
Lady Killer O'Neill L/N was a gorgeous german shepherd. She was only a year old and a pretty calm pup. She had spent the whole car ride smelling Ash and Y/N, sometimes licking where she could reach. She had let Ash choose the german shepherd for two specific reasons.
Ash thought it would be the easiest dog to train.
Y/N knew Ash wouldn't teach her for longer than a week and then would get a couch buddy.
The house was empty. Fez and Faye had left to work at the store, leaving enough time for the couple to settle Lady Killer in her new home. The moment Lady saw the fluffy bed waiting for her beside the couch, she happily went in and started taking a nap. Ash was too busy setting the food bowls to notice or realize that their new pet would spend all of their time sleeping, eating, and playing. Becoming a ruthless killer wasn't going to be on the agenda for a while.
One Ash noticed that Lady was sleeping, he joined Y/N on the couch to watch some comedy show, until Fez and Faye came back and it was time to make dinner.
The door opened, making Lady lift her head from the soft bed. Fezco and Faye walked in, the girl squealing when she saw the puppy.
"She's so cute!" LAdy ran to meet the newcomers, smelling and licking Faye's hands.
"This is not a guard dog." Y/N and Ash shared a look, getting ready to present their case.
"Lady will be a guard dow in no time."
"Lady Killer." Ash looked up at the woman he considered more than a sister and nodded in confirmation, specifying the dog's middle name.
"This dog better be a guard dog in two weeks or somethin'. I'm not falling for this trap." Lady started jumping in front of Fez, trying to get his attention.
Two weeks later, Fez was inseparable from Lady. He would walk her to the store, and if there weren't any customers, he would go outside with her and play tug war with a piece of an old sweater. Whenever they had a movie night, Fez would place Lady on his lap and pet her during the film. Giving her scratches behind her ear.
He always found the perfect excuse to be the one to walk her, even though they had divided the chores evenly between the permanent members of the family.
Lady loved sleeping beside's Ash's bed, considering she wasn't allowed inside Y/N and Fezco's bedroom. They had a strict rule for Lady, she wasn't allowed on the beds, but during the month she had been with them, she and Ash had managed to break that rule a total of sixteen times.
Because Y/N spent her time working from home, Lady had become her cooking buddy. She had spent weeks on the internet looking up foods dogs could and couldn't eat and would sometimes give Lady Killer some of the food she was cooking for dinner or for future lunches.
They all loved Lady, but Y/N and Ash would never miss an occasion to tease Fez about his new best friend, considering he had been the least adamant to get their beloved "Guard dog".
AN: I havent written in ages, so I'm a bit rusty. I hope this little piece about Fez and a dog wasn't too bad, and if anyone wants to send in euphoria requests, feel free to do so.
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ywpd-translations · 2 years ago
Ride 722: Honda, howl!!
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Pag 1
1: Honda from Kamo High jumped ahead!!
2: And the two guys from Sohoku, last year's national champion, aren't moving!!
3: No!!
You're not composed anymore, Sohoku!!
4: Honda is so fast!!
He's accelerating so quickly!!
Don't tell me....
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Pag 2
1: That the one who will run in the Inter High as Chiba prefecture's representative, will be Kamo High.....
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Pag 3
1: Will it be Kamogawa High!?
2: He caught up to Naruko, who had ran ahead on his own!!
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Pag 4
1: He'll pass him!!
Naruko has been running in the lead by himself, so of course he'll be at the limit of his stamina
2: Dammit, I'm reaching my limit!!
3: My brothers' dream
The dream of going to participating in the Inter High, I'll make it come true!!
4: You'll see.....!!
You'll see!!
5: I'll win this race
6: and with everyone's blessings
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Pag 5
1: I'll magnificently face the Inter High – that's my vision of my future!!
3: He passed Naruko of the champion, Sohoku!!
Honda from the local Kamo High is jumping to the top!!
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Pag 6
1: Dammit, I'm goping to be left behind!!
2: Maybe, if you had enough water in your bottle.... huh?
5: Today was hotter than expected
I can see you're exhausted, you can't pull out as much power as before
6: But this is our hometown, so we are prepared for the weather to become so hot
8: I'm the third and smartest of the Honda siblings, Honda Ryouzou- remember it!!
Kamo High is accelerating!! He's leaving Naruko behind!!
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Pag 7
1: That's right....
I'm sure
2: Since the ranking in the Inter High is by right of the prefecture, we'll have the one-digit numbers
And I
3: will have the number 1 bib!!
5: Sohoku!!
Sohoku!! One streng cyclist jumped ahead!!
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Pag 8
1: Move!!
What are you doing!!
4: I came here to see Sohoku's overwhelming victory!!
6: What the hell!!
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Pag 9
1: Why aren't you moving
Aren't you going to move, Sohoku's Imaizumi!?
2: Kashiwahigashi's.... Nomura?
3: I'm not saying this because we're opponents, but you're acting weird today!!
4: Yeah, the heat is affecting our bodies, so we're waiting for our supplies
5: Waiting!?
The heat really made you weird- the supply place is ahead
7: So, go ahead!!
8: Don't worry, our supplies
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Pag 10
1: Are behind us
3: Behind? You mean someone is carrying them?
No way they can do that
4: Yeah, our unreliable first years
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Pag 11
1: First years!? You gave such an important role to first years!?
2: Is there a problem?
3: They're not used to high school's races, they're inexperienced, and they're behind carrying weights- how can they get here without troubles!?
4: It's not....
5: Maybe
I think maybe they're having a hard time, but
6: I think they'll come
7: I'm sure they understand how important this role is, so.....
After all, the two people who are coming now, even in the race in the club the other day....
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Pag 12
1: They worked really hard!!
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Pag 13
5: Two people are coming from behind
Those jerseys.... they're Sohoku's first years!!
6: I.....
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Pag 14
1: I see them, Rokudai!!
2: This time Imaizumi-san and Onoda-san are really here!!
3: They're.... they're here, really....!!
Did you anticipate all this....

. no
4: This heat was completely unexpected
And also....
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Pag 15
1: the fact that they look like the “helping hands*” (LOL)
You- you look cool, Rokudai-kun
*(NdT.: a comedy performance in which one person wears an haori on their shoulders, while another person behind them puts their hands through the sleeves of the haori and feeds the person in front)
2: But
3: It weirdly suits you
We caught up, senpai!!
4: You made it, Kinaka
Good job
Waaa- yessir!!
5: Thank you to you, too, Rokudai-kun
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Pag 16
1: Ah- this- don't worry about it
“Beast mode”
2: “Release”!!
3: Ah-teh- uhm- ah, Back-gate slope-sa..... senpai!!
Is this a stunt?
How are you next to me!? Teh!? Huh!?
4: Alright, we have no time to take it easy
5: He-here, senpai
Thank you
Waaa I'm being helpful! Teh!!
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Pag 17
1: We have to catch them
2: At full throttle!!
4: Ahead!!
5: Let's go, Sakamichi!!
6: Do your best!!
-your best, teh!!
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Pag 18
1: Sohoku is accelerating!!
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Pag 19
1: Follow us, first years!!


2: Uh... huh... what, we have to follow too!?
No-yes!? Huh!?
They finally made a move!
Sohoku jumped ahead!
3: Of course
Who will bring the supplies to Naruko?
4: Ah.... but....
We've been chasing hard since earlier so.... we....
Just barely...
5: Keep up as uch as possible, please
Ngh... ah.... but.... (quietly)
6: And also, please, look us from behind
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Pag 20
1: Look Sohoku's overwhelming victory
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leeha225 · 2 years ago
Falling for him was like fallin' from grace~ (1/2)
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-: ✧ :-ă‚œăƒ»ïŒŽ-: ✧ :-ă‚œăƒ»ïŒŽ-: ✧ :-ă‚œăƒ»ïŒŽ-: ✧ :-ă‚œăƒ»ïŒŽ
Lee Know×Fem reader
⚠genre⚠: childhood friends to lovers, sweet love, good girl gone bad, smut to finish off the thirsty minds. Playing rough, shackles and lots of love.
Synopsis: y/n meets her long-time no see neighbor/childhood friend. Sharing their deepest memories as both transcend to more.
(a/n: kind off based on true story but not completely. Have fun😉)
-: ✧ :-ă‚œăƒ»ïŒŽ-: ✧ :-ă‚œăƒ»ïŒŽ-: ✧ :-ă‚œăƒ»ïŒŽ-: ✧ :-ă‚œăƒ»ïŒŽ
"Yes grandma I know, I've packed everything that is needed" The phone next went to dad.
"If you want any help tell me, I can have someone to help you"
"Got it, it's just for two weeks, I'll be fine. Byeeee" Finally silence. Your university decided to select three people on a trip for a seminar to Australia and you were one of them. Learning the new techniques in science and research, who would let go of this opportunity?!!Setting everything right as the flight was scheduled at 9pm, now being just 4pm.
Reporting time was at 6 and only you and your teacher stood waiting for the rest to arrive.
"When I said 6pm they have to be here at 5pm, dear God. Y/n it's chilly out here, why don't you get inside the minivan" You gave a simple nod and took your seat, indeed it was cold outside that a slight drizzle made it worse. Rubbing your hands together laid back... Inhale... Exhale... The door opened as the other two arrived just in time. Greetings and goodbyes, all took off.
"What? We booked last week!" The teacher blasting at someone on the phone made everyone alert. "Fine... Guys bad news, this week you guys renting for rooms have not finalised. Since this is a last minute program. What do we do?"
"It's okay sir my relative live their and we two can go over for a week" The other two participants were from the same class tagging along leaving you alone.
"And you y/n?"
"Erm... I have someone I know over their too" You softly spoke, sniffly nose.
"Great now let's go"
Assembling at the airport it hit you, clearly you didn't want to ask your dad for help Or he'd make a huge fuss. That's when it struck you, one of your neighbor/childhood friend is working at Australia. It's been years since you last spoke over chat. Your dad helped him to get to study their, so he always felt indebted to help you. He'd give the best advice when you needed, but one time his reply seemed angry and that's it you both never spoke to one another. Life went on as you both were on either side of the world in your own lives, now finally crossed. It wasn't nice asking over chat, so y/n dialed for him.
"Hello?" His voice was deep and soft, maybe he was at work.
"Hi Minho, Sorry for disturbing. How are you?"
"Hey y/n, I'm good. How are you?"
"Good too. Um, it's just a small favor, I'm coming over for a seminar to Australia"
"That's amazing"
"Yeah, well just for a week we were instructed to get our own accommodation, due to some technical difficulties. So, I just wanted to know if you can help me"
"You want to stay over at my place?"
"I-If your okay with it, not that desperate"
"Will your family be fine with that?" The question struck you as he very well knew your family behavior towards their only precious daughter.
"Yeah just a week so it's fine" You lied probably but you needed somewhere to stay!!!
"Okay then, I'll pick you up, send me your flight details"
"Thank you so much, bye"
"Yeah bye" Woahhh such a relief, that wasn't so hard.
The plane ride was filled with clouding memories and thoughts. What should I tell him? What do i do? Never lived with a man alone. Is this the right decision? Just 3-4 years apart. He took up business as his major and continued is studies their. He was funny to talk to at first but as you both grew and matured, both became introverts. Minho always cooped up in front of computer playing games, watching anime. You on the other hand remained at home too. Very rarely both of you met and hell no you couldn't speak a word to him, whilst your dad did very happily. But no one knew that you had a secret crush on the guy. You would fake a fall while chasing him in game and poor guy genuinely comes over to check on you for injuries. Well you didn't feel like cheating because the ones that set the catchers were the worse keeping little ones to chase the big ones. Smiling to yourself as you slowly drifted off to sleep mode.
The morning sun shone through the window, waking you up. Squinting and blinking at the sea of clouds and the sun rested effortlessly on top bright and alive. Quickly pulling out your phone to take a few clicks as you loved looking up at the sky. Hello to a new day.
Getting off the plan, grabbing your belongings and baggage the team made it out of the airport, each finding their relative's to take them home.
"Y/n, who is coming over?" The teacher came over trailing his suitcase with him.
"M-My brother" You blurted out.
"I thought you were a only child"
"Cousin" Lie over lie.
"Fine then, I have to leave. Sorry couldn't wait but do keep me posted on when he arrives"
"Yes sure Sir" You felt a chill up her spine. Fondling with the strap you felt bad for not speaking the truth.
"Cousin? really?" A sudden voice made you jump.
"Wow! You scared me" Looking up at the... Now gorgeous man even though he wore a mask, you gulped. Right greetings, "How have you been?" You asked faking a smile.
"Great. Now let's get you something to eat"
"Ohh I ate one the plane. Have you eaten?" It was 10 in the morning and of course you ate.
"No so accompany me" Bossy you felt but yeah he was doing a huge favor. Getting inside his car, you felt your palm all sweaty. Softly rubbing them on your jeans you looked out the window as a distraction.
"So how is everyone at home?" Minho, Broke the silence.
"Their good. And your family?" Him driving with one hand drove you crazy. Look away!
"Good too" The atmosphere was back to silence, Minho drove to McD. Getting off you made your way through the doors to be greeted by the mild smell of fries and coffee. "Breakfast meal?"
"Me? No no I already ate" You kept opposing but he didn't seem to listen.
"Just give me company"
"Fine. Then small fries and black coffee. Wait let me pay" Taking out your wallet as you suddenly felt his hands on yours. Cheeks started to burn by the electrifying contact.
"Nope your my guest. Another time, maybe somewhere more expensive" You didn't want to drag this conversation and just left to wash your hands. Finding a seat by the window, you looked admiring the sky and the view. Minho came back removing his grey jacket to show his plain black shirt that hugged his bodice. Looking down at you phone nibbling on your lower lip, you completely forgot to call your dad.
"I need to make a call" You said and he just nodded. Walking outside, the warm wind blowing past much better than the sobber winter land you came from. "Hello?"
"Hey have you reached?"
"Yeah dad, just stopped by for breakfast"
"Eat well and all the best for the seminar"
"Thank you dad it's next week" You sounded tired of them treating you like a kid.
"O-Oh okay then I'll call you later" Short goodbyes you walked back in to find Minho scrolling through his phone while his food stared back at him.
"Why haven't you started yet?" Quickly scooting to your chair you also found that your black coffee was replaced by a smoothie.
"It's fine, just came"
"No black coffee?" You asked biting on your fries.
"What do you need that for, just rest for the day" His reply seemed stern, was he being annoyingly... Sweet.
"Thanks" Smoothie was a bit too sugary and you weren't a fan of sweet things much. Fries balanced the taste somehow, secret peeks to study more of his grown features. His silky dark hair hooding his gaze, veiny hands working it's way in tearing open the ketchup and perfect face fixed on the process so intently. You couldn't help but sigh at the heavenly sight. His tongue softly sweeping over his pink soft lips...
"So what are you here for?" Breaking out of your fantasies (glass shatter)
"This week we have a few conferences to attend then next week I have to do a presentation of my project work"
"Oh, that's great"
"How is your job?"
"Good place to work, not too much pressure but yeah I'm still learning"
Silence again*
Quick breakfast of awkwardness was over thank God. Minho's house wasn't far, just a 2min drive, he smoothly parked the car in place and got off to help you unload.
"Will this be enough?" He asked struggling with the suitcase, but swiftly got it to the ground.
"Joking or serious?" You couldn't help but laugh at the man.
"Well it depends on you answer" Taking out his entry card and swipping both in.
"I have my laptop, a few eatables, books and clothes" Walking towards the elevator he watched you with on raised eyebrow, clearly his face said 'really?'
"Joking it is" You slightly nudged his arm whining as you got in the elevator.
Minho shared his apartment with a friend but he wasn't in town so it was just him and you. Boys apartment is easy to identify with all the take away, instant food on the table. Unkept living space and...
"Ohh!" Suddenly a dark cat purred at your feet.
"Did he scare you?" He asked chuckling, wow he can laugh.
"A little... Hi their little fela" You crouched down to touch the little furry cat. It reminded you of your very own pet back at home. This felt nice.
"Me and my roomate got him, I remember you have the same color pet" You instantly shot up to look at him seated on the armrest of the couch.
"Yeah I do. What's his name?"
"His name is mew" You couldn't help but laugh at the effortless name. "What? I didn't name him" Throwing blames.
"Do freshen up and gets some rest, you'll be staying in my room, me at my roommates, if you need anything do tell" Minho quickly announced to show the way, surprisingly his room was neat, anime posters here and their but not too much. A simple desk with a picture of his family, a bed perfectly made, Cat aesthetics here and their but wow the room smelled nice. Inhaling deeply you felt comfortable.
"You like it?" Whipping your head to his direction, he's still here?!!! Leaning against the doorframe with a faint smile. You nodded with a smile back.
"Thank you"
Next few days you both barely met, Monday Minho had work till evening and your jetlag got you. Sleeping even before he'd arrive. The next day he made you eat more breakfast to compensate for missing last night dinner. Again he was off to work and you had to arrange your material for the presentation. On Wednesday you had to attend a conference, your teacher picked you guys personally out of guilt, for not being able book rooms properly. The conference was interesting at first but again jetlag made you droopy. Suddenly your phone chimed as he texted.
Hey, what time does the conference get over?
Around 6pm
Send me your location I'll pick you up
No it's fine, my teacher is dropping me off
We're eating out today, so I'll pick you up
It struck you, wow... Simple okay as your face felt hot. All the tire and jetlag instantly flew away.
Later after the conference finally came to an end, you walked out with a faint smile and childish joy in you just bubbling with sweet love.
Wooooshhhhh.... The rain poured heavily... Just perfect.
Pulling your coat close, you quickly rummaged through your bag for an umbrella which unfortunately you forgot to take from the suitcase. Brilliant.
Pacing back an forth just staring at the droplets forming tiny pools, everyone a side for shade in their own complicated world. Extending your arm out a bit so no one noticed to feel the cool water bounce of your skin. Suddenly a figure came running fast through the rain towards your direction.
"Minho?" The man almost colliding with you, came to a stop. Heavy breathes, hair dripping of droplets and his flannel effortlessly sticking to his skin.
"Sorry i forgot an umbrella. What do you want to have for dinner?" He asked brushing of the water from his clothes. Quickly you handed a mini towel you always carry for moments like these.
"Here, Nothing specific, anything would do. Not much hungry anyway" Watching his every move made you feel some kind of way. Quickly diverting your attention from him hair thrown back, exposed forehead of his god like face.
"Don't worry I'll make you... Hungry" Minho looked at you with intent eyes and pulled you quickly into the rain.
"Heyyy!!!" Both running and you complaining while he laughed as you both reached his car. Quickly getting in to see that you were now wet and by wet literally dripping drenched. Wow. "Your ruining your car"
"So how are you gonna repay for ruining my car" Everything about him felt different today.
"Are you okay? Or does rain change you?" Laughing hard you realised that the mini towel was worse than you. Taking off your jacket to put off the wet feel.
"I blame the rain then" Minho smirking visibly under the city lights as he drove silently. Both couldn't find a proper dinner and he got a call from work, so back home it is. Minho cursed softly and looked at you like u were an abandoned kitten.
"Im extremely sorry"
"No no it's fine. I'll just make is dinner and you can make your calls" You couldn't wait to change out of the sticky clothes anyway. A warm shower while the water boiled in the kitchen and it struck you. Forgot to do the laundry. Shoot. You only had very short shorts and A long white shirt. Snuggling into it and hiding ur feeling-exposive body you couldn't think straight. Simple hot noodle bowl that would go amazing with the weather. Setting the table you sat down going through your messages. Your teammate invited you to a dinner party on Saturday and for some reason you wanted to go for it. The cat purred at your feet meaning the little wanted attention and dinner. Knelt down to fill his bowl when...
"Dinner ready? -" Minho stood frozen for some time and continued walking to the table like he was controlled.
"Yeah just simple noodles"
"P-Perfect for the rain" Minho wore his usual sweat pant and loosely hung shirt. Lazy.
"Yeah" You came over and sat with him as your wet hair made things worse for him. The water dripping down your white shirt exposing your skin tone.
"Ahem...I-I have another call in A few minutes. So, I'll take my dinner to my room. Thank you by the way" Scooting away you sat stunned. Tasting the noodles you realized you forgot salt. Quickly rushing up with salt, blasting open his room to find him....
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 years ago
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warnings: MacMurphy, swearing, “break out”, boats, some jealousy
AN: I added macMurphy and then decided against it but now I’m a little stuck with him so we’re just going to skip around with him. We’re also going to rewrite what happens a little bit.
chapter 10
Billy and I sat on the bus, curled up together against the cold. Taber was behind us, trying to come up with an idea about where we were actually going.
“Wherever it is I just hope it’s inside.” I grumbled as I laid my head on Billy’s shoulder. A commotion at the front of the bus made us all snap to attention.
“Hello boys and germs. Today we’re going on a field trip of my choosing.” MacMurphy had clambered into the drivers seat and was smiling back at all of us. He closed the doors and took off. We took off out of the parking lot and billy turned so his back hit the window and I hit him.
“Wh-what the hell?” Billy muttered. I looked at him and shrugged.
“We just better not get into any trouble over this.” I muttered back. Taber nodded and we all braced ourselves for what happened. We pulled up in front of a trailer park and MacMurphy climbed out. “What’s he doing now? This can’t be our destination.”
“Everyone this is candy. Candy, this is everyone.” I raised an eyebrow at the lady that had been brought on.
“Hi.” Taber called out. Billy took one look at her and turned back to me, his nose scrunched up. Candy kept shooting glances at him but he wasn’t looking. Instead he kissed my head and pulled me tighter against him.
“Th-This is g-g-going to be hell.” I nodded against him. “D-do we c-call R-r-ratched?” I shrugged and watched the two would be captors.
“I have no idea. But wherever we’re going, I don’t think I’m going to participate.” I looked back at Taber and he shrugged. It wasn’t long before we pulled up at a dock. “Oh hell no.” I muttered as Mac started to rush us off the bus. I got off and leaned against the bus. Billy stood off to the side and taber trailed after Candy.
“Are y-you g-g-going?” I shook my head and watched the small expedition head towards a boat. “Wh-what are we g-g-going to do?”
“What do you want to do?” I cocked my head at him, finally looking over at him. He shrugged and smiled at me.
“I’m n-not sure.” Walking over he hugged me. We stayed like that for a bit as we watched the boat head out.
“Didn’t you want to get on the boat with candy?” I asked. Billy laughed and kissed my temple.
“N-no. Sh-sh-she’s not my t-type.” He assured me. “You have n-no reason to be jealous.” I closed my eyes as I leaned against him.
“Sorry. It’s just
” I sighed and pulled back to look up at him. “The way everyone was looking at her.” Billy chuckled and kissed me.
“I wasn’t l-looking at h-her.” He admitted. I tilted my head at him. “Why w-would I when I have y-you?” I blushed as he kissed me again.
“Stop it you.” I chuckled. Before long, we saw a car pull up with Nurse Ratched and some of the other members of the day staff. “Nurse Ratched?” She turned to look at me and billy when she got out of the car.
“Where did MacMurphy and the others go?” She walked over.
“On a b-b-boat.” Billy pointed out to the dock where we could see the boat returning.
“MacMurphy also has a girl with him ma’am.” I said as she started walking away. “I hate to tattle but
” she nodded and cut me off.
“Thank you mx. (Y/L/N).” She started walking away from the bus and billy started after her. I followed one of the day staff back to the car and got in. Billy joined me a few minutes after.
“N-nurse R-Ratched is riding back on th-the bus.” He said. We waited until the bus was loaded and off before following. Hell was going to break loose on the ward.
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serosluv2 · 3 years ago
This is something I wrote like AGES AGO !!! And I’ve been VERY MIA LATLEY so here’s some cringe asss writing I wrote at like 6am
cw/ ok this IS a bit suggestive but a little kiss is all that happens ( OMG SPOILERS RHEA! ). sero does allude to something more but he isn't serious and never names it, just insinuates ig ?. sero being a nervous little teenager. this is actually something that i did like a week ago at a sleep over 😋. #bring back nervous men
ok. ok. okk. oookkk. he repeats over and over in his head. omfg stop sweating. your hands are so sweaty stop sweating sero! he yells at himself but because the body doesn't respond to agression, his pleads led to no avail. he sits up straighter thinking he's slouching too much. women don't like men with bad posture, makes them look shorter and sloppy! he can hear his mothers voice now nagging at him. he doesn't know why he's so nervous, you have been participating in these weekly movie nights with the some of class 1A and 1B for months now. so why is it now that he suddenly can't breathe with you next to him? you shift a little bit and suddenly it all comes clear to him. oh, she's next to me. she's leaning on me, not mina or urakara. is she mad at one of them? no no, you wouldn't bother coming down here if you were. maybe you were trying to make one of his friends jealous? did you like someone in this room? hell who cares, you're leaving on him. not bakugou, not todoroki, not denki, him.
he can feel your skin against his due to your shirt riding up. you're probably cold right? if you're so cuddled up next to him. he goes to reach for a blanket but stops. wait no, if you pull a blanket on the both of you, she'll probably think you're trying something. something you are definitely not trying. i mean.. you wouldn't mind trying... NO GOD SERO NO BAD! you aren't mineta. you're in a room full of people !! and plus that's a douche move. "are you good ?" you ask with a light laugh and he realizes he's just sitting straight up, with a arm mid way reaching out for the blanket. "uhhh" "oh! are you getting a blanket? thank god i'm like freezing in here." before he can really move you reach over and pull the white fluffy blanket over both of you. both of you. both. of. you. sero relaxes a little, leaning back into the couch with his hands in his lap like he's in church. another 15 minutes go by and he doesn't move. enjoying the smell of you and your soft hair splattered across his collar bone and the couch cushion. 15 more minutes of nothing. no movement. no sweating. just stillness until, you move your arm across his body to prop yourself up facing him. oh my god. what is happening. did i miss something? is she going to yelll at me ? can she read my thoughts? brain going a mile a minute he completely disregards you leaning in close to him, whispering in his ear "are you sure you're ok sero, you seem a little... tense." he turns his head to look at you and you pull away a little looking into his eyes. you look so pretty. how can someone look so pretty like this? he thinks. hair messy from endless tossing during the movies, no makeup, chapped lips and your face illuminated by the blue light from the tv. "um no no im fine. im sorry i just. school. stressful hahah.. you know?" god he sounds like a train wreck right now. 'hahah.. you know' wtf is wrong with you. he thinks as you giggle a little. he looks around briefly noticing everyone is alseep. how the hell did they fall alseep it's only, he looks at his apple watch, 1:47am, oh. "ha ha... yeah i know." god now you're mocking him. he would think he completely ruined the convo if it weren't for your slight smile tugging at your lips. you back away from his face and he doesn't know if he's glad or hating it. you're still turned towards him, just sitting back now on the edge of the couch. "aw boo, looks like they all passed out." you say looking down and around at your friends who are all snoring away. "are you tired yet?" you ask. and god he thinks his heart stops when you tilt your head to look back at him. "ummuh no not really. i could sleep but i could also stay up a little longer." yeah that totally makes sense. you sit there for maybe 10 more seconds but it feels like 10 more hours to sero, just looking at him, smiling. should he smile back? or keep his scared little boy expression? he needs to relax he shouldn't be this tense over a classmate. granted the classmate is the definition of drop dead gorgeous, and they're so smart and funny, more smart than funny but god does he really like that about you. "can i kiss u sero?" holy shit. that came out of NO WHERE. well not really but STILL ! you WANT to kiss him. YOU want to kiss HIM? you want to KISS HIM? his mind is racing, thinking of the perfect thing to say back. something cool and smooth and "yeah" oh. that wasn't cool or smooth but it got the job done. you look at his lips then back at him as you lean in with your stupidly adorable smirk. you stop momentarily, centimeters before touching his lips, the he leans in to close the gap. your chapt lips meet his softer ones and you put your hands around his neck, fingers gliding into his almost mullet as you break away. licking your lips and smiling like a total goof you whisper, "i need to get to bed. goodnight sero." you get up and kiss his cheek once more before vanishing in the dark hallway. and he's left there. motionless and euphoric. best first kiss ever.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years ago
Rabbit Boy | JJK x Reader | 🔞
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Wordcount: 10.3k (Long)
Genre: Romance, Friends/strangers to lovers, Smut, BDSM because I'm making that a genre now
Tags/Warnings: BDSM themes (please I'm begging you stop reading my shit if it makes you uncumfortable), mentions of restrainment, light shibari, edging, orgasm denial (very mild), Subspace, Domspace because yes thats a thing, Dom/sub dynamics, Biting, Oral (m and f receiving), riding, and not the horseback kind if you know what I mean, protected sex yes, we love an organized household, there's just so much sweet filth istg
Summary: Jungkook is wild, untamed, and doesn't really commit to anyone for long. But maybe, you're his only exception in this world. Maybe, you're really that perfect partner he's been looking for.
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Jungkook likes to think of himself as an artist.
Sure, if people knew exactly what the young man does in his freetime (or as a side job, don't judge, we all want to make money out of our hobbies stop lying to yourself), they would surely look at him differently.
But he's an artist, nonetheless.
Technically, Jungkook also doesn't need to do what he does simply for the money. No, his main job pays very well- considering that he's one of the top elite in his genre of games. He doesn't just merely play and win a game; Jungkook, just like most things he touches, claims complete ownership of the match he's fighting. It's a well known fact that he's someone who likes things for himself. He loves control, craves to lead, and hates to be belittled.
Oh and yeah- financially, investing in an indie-game three years back had also done his bank account some good.
Now, at an age where he can be fully considered a man, and not a boy anymore, he craves control in different aspects of life- and love.
Jungkook has a problem however.
He's wild.
Not in the way one might think he is (although several people could argue that yes, that's also the case in bed..) but generally. He loves to control- but he hates to be tied down.
And a mindset like that doesn't work well with relationships.
He's had them before, don't get him wrong. He's had numerous in the past, but they all either broke apart because he would hold that particular desire back, making him antsy and moody, or he would welcome his partners into his world, and become uncomfortable with the way things would progress.
No, he doesn't want to experiment. He knows exactly what he wants, and if that means he's 'close-minded' and a bad person, then so be it for him.
He never liked the constant company in his apartment anyways.
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"Ah, I've seen her before. She's usually a regular for Yoongi though." Taehyung says, checking a name for Jungkook, who's doodling on a napkin while he waits for his new appointment to show up. "I see. I forgot that Yoongi took some days off recently- that's probably why she's now under your hand." He explains, and Jungkook huffs, his blonde hair tickling his cheek.
"So I'll have to adjust? I mean, Yoongi's style is pretty different from mine." The young man says, not looking up. He simply continues his little sketch of braided hair, while the lanky guy behind the counter clicks away on his laptop.
"Probably? I can't check the logs since they're private, but from what I know Yoongi only did the usual with her." he explains, shrugging as he looks at his friend and colleague. "I can re-schedule her to Hoseok if you want?" He asks, and Jungkook, after finishing his drawing, lets the pen fall and stretches.
"Yeah, that would probably be best. Wouldn't know what to do if she drops- rather not have him rip my head off, thanks." He says, before he gets up.
"Ah- you're still coming over tonight right? Y/N said she's gonna cook for us." He says, and Jungkooks body shivers a little.
Your name is nothing new to him, but the reaction to it most certainly was. You're a friend of Yoongi and Hoseok, having joined in on their gaming nights a few months ago after Yoongi had insisted you couldn't stay alone on a christmas day. Jungkook had never really asked why you were alone in the first place, but he had never really cared much for it either. Sure, you were an absolute gem to look at; technically absolutely his type, but he had early on decided not to pursue anything at all with you. He knew friendship wouldn't stay friendship with you, his own hunger way too large to simply be satiated by platonic gestures-
and he was also sure you wouldn't be able to handle him, truly. The conversation with Jimin, one of your best friends, had changed nothing about that. Because he didn't know you well enough to quite know if you were only bark and no bite- or if you were genuinely craving the same things he did.
But most recently, there had been a change in his opinion on you. Because he had seen you, come out of this place, out of Yoongis studio.
You knew about all of this- and you were still around.
Nothing had changed.
Now, of course he had instantly poked holes into the poor guy about if he had ever played with you before- and the answer he had gotten, had made him even more interested and antsy to get closer to you.
Because while you trusted Yoongi with everything you had, he had never done anything with you. You had simply been interested in watching a scene unfold- and had told him that you were definitely interested in participating. The reason Jungkook couldn't ask you directly was a clear one-
You were majorly intimidated by him, to the point of, he had never really had a proper conversation with you. Partially, he had to admit, because he himself didn't want to involve himself too much with you.
He’d always asked himself; wouldn’t you be even more distant and reserved with him if you knew this side of him? Sure, you always joked around that he probably tied his girls up and edged them until they cried- but did you know that he genuinely enjoyed these things?
Relationships for him were mere covers to call the arrangements he had with the girls that came and went in his life in a constant changing matter. Deep down, no one night stand could satisfy his most carnal desires, and he was very well aware of that. But he rather took what he could get and lived a fever dream for a few moments than stay on his own simply because his idea of pleasure and sex was not the norm.
No, he refused to deny himself that.
Maybe it was because he’d always lived a rather lavish life- with his parents well off and his own career skyrocketing he never really had any worries like you have had in the past. For some odd reason, while looking at the soft red rope in his hands, his thoughts suddenly went astray; he knew he could give you the stability you oh so craved, in every way shape and form. You were a diamond simply waiting to be perfected- you had so much potential, knowing that you were secretly wandering around the same paths as he did made him even more frustrated.
The hints were there, they were obvious; from the way you had sighed out in bliss when he’d teasingly pulled your hair just hours ago, to the sinful confessions he’d heard that night when he overheard you and jimin by accident. Of course he’d maybe wasted a thought or two of you underneath him to humor him once or twice- but now with the rope in his hands, his mind immediately began painting pictures of it against your skin. Would you enjoy it? And what if he took your sight, or only bound your hands? What if he denied you to cum, or if he took you from behind, grabbing your hair and pushing down your spine to make it arch so prettily- never with the intend to hurt, of course. He knew he’d have to tame you first, make you submit, but then again, he loved the challenge.
You made even the idea of touching fun.
He wouldn't even have to undress you to fully get himself worked up, he was sure of that. Only seeing you bow to his very command would be enough to satisfy him. Of course, over the course of time he would lead you deeper and deeper into his rabbit hole, but he would take it slow for you.
So, with a smile, and a wave of his hand, he walked past the girl he knew had been his appointment- grinning at Taehyung. "Of course I'll be there."
He wouldn't dare miss a night with you.
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You were stressing. A little.
Maybe a lot.
Everything would've been fine if they guys would've all come over. But due to the bad weather, and Taehyungs bad habit of never properly fixing his god-forsaken dumpster of a car, only one of them would be able to make it. And of course the one had to be Jeon Jungkook.
Just great.
Now, it wasn't like you didn't like the guy, no way. The problem was more, that he was on the exact opposite of that spectrum. You had a major crush on him, which felt like the plot to a really bad drama show you would watch drunk at night- and in a way, it really felt like one too. Because you were pretty sure, he didn't even know your name.
But oh well- apparently he knew more than that. More specifically, your phone number. And it had scared the shit out of you at first to receive a message from him because how the hell did he get your number, but then again you remembered that one of your connections was Kim Taehyung- and everyone knew what he knew.
It was the doorbell that ripped you out of your skin almost.
You didn't even change, deciding any effort would be too late anyways; and you were still heavily confused in the first place why the fuck he would come over alone, even though you two had never exchanged much more than a friendly hello and goodbye. But there he was, as you opened the door- soft, white hoodie and ripped jeans, a bit damp from the rain outside as you let him inside.
He didn't move.
"Uh-" You started, but he just looked at you, friendly as ever, although a teasing glint in his eye made you frown a bit.
He thought it was cute.
"You didn't tell me to come in." He said, and you blinked once, twice, before your brain had properly restarted.
"Oh uh- come in?" You said, again, moving a bit to the side so he could walk in- which he still didn't. "Jungkook come on now its fucking cold-!" You whined, and he laughed, finally stepping inside. Had he always been like that? Could very well be the case, after all, you had never truly paid much attention to his behavior before.
"Thanks for letting me come over." He said, and you watched him as he untied his boots. "I had nothing else to do- and also, I didn't want you to waste any food, considering Tae said you cooked for us." He explained, before he got up again from his half kneeling position, boots now standing next to your significantly smaller shoes.
"Ah, it would've been fine, you guys don't have to feel bad." You waved off, smiling. "I was about to stop cooking anyways when Jimin had texted me, but well, then you did and uhm.." You drifted off, noticing how you were suddenly waiting for him to lead the way.
In your own apartment.
What the hell?
If he noticed however, he didn't show it. He simply smiled, and moved his hands inside the front pocket of his hoodie. "Ah, thanks. I appreciate it, really." He said, and you smiled at him as well, walking towards the main area of your apartment. It was small, very small compared to his own, but he enjoyed the feeling of it. Everything around him reminded him of you, in a way; from the pictures taped to the walls, to the stickers on your fridge. It all held a piece of you in it. "Your apartment is really nice, by the way." He commented, and you turned around, before getting plates and cutlery to bring inside the living room.
"Ah, right, it's your first time here." You said. "Thanks- the living room is right around the corner there, you can just sit down and I'll bring everything there." You explained, and he smiled, nodding without arguing.
You liked that.
Typically, there would've been this awkward 'oh no let me help you', but Jungkook didn't seem to dwell on it much, letting you do your thing instead of butting in and making things weird. He simply walked where you had directed him, sitting down on the couch as he went to place a blanket to the side. His fingers moved over the fabric for a moment, noticing how everything on the couch, including the pillows, were made of that same, soft material.
"Oh- you can just put that to the side, sorry I forgot to clean that up." You said, putting the food onto the table as he just smiles again. He waits for you to sit down as well before you turn up the TV volume a little, nerves finally setting in as you notice there's almost nothing you can talk to him about. "This is awkward." You comment, and he chuckles at that swallowing his bite as he looks at you.
"Doesn't have to be." He states, before he turns his body a bit more into your direction; a visible sign that he wants a conversation. "Tae has never mentioned what you do for a living." He states, an unasked question of his. He lets you decide if you want to take it as one or leave it as a statement- it makes you feel nice, in a way.
"Ah uh.. it's really boring, so I guess I never really talk about it either.." You say, and he tilts his head a little, a silent urging for you to continue. You feel insignificant next o him and his job however. He's superior to you in any way, and you don't want him to feel pity or laugh at you for your job. "I uh.. I'm a programmer for a.. pretty unknown game studio." You say, body almost shrinking in on itself as you wait for his reaction. Much to your surprise however, he makes a sound that's purely surprise, as he swallows his bite with a bit of urgency.
"Fuck really?! That's so cool though!" He argues, brows furrowed a bit as he playfully accuses you with his next words. "Indie or not, a programmer is the main force of any game. Did you work on any games I might know of?" He asks, eyes sparkling as he realizes he had finally found something to bond with you over.
"Uh.. 'Rabbit Boy' was our best hit until now.." You say, still a bit shy, but you're also a tad more confident now. His reaction is either well-staged, or he's genuinely interested in what you do.
"I played it I think. It was a bit short, but I loved the mechanics." He says, and before he can quite stop himself, his hand has already reached out to you, running over your hair as he praises you like second nature. "Wuah, so smart!" He says, before he gets a reaction he wouldn't have thought he'd get from shy-you.
Because you playfully shove him, your socked feet pushed against the side of his thigh as you giggle at him.
Interesting, again.
Now, Jimin has actually told him about this before. How you were anything but the shy girl when you were around people you knew and trusted. He had believed it- to an extend- because he had also thought that maybe you were like that to prove your spot between those guys. As the only girl, you easily got thrown under the bus, so you had to somehow own your spot in the midst of your circle of friends.
However, it seemed like you were truly just a brat, hiding behind that innocent facade of yours. A barking dog, with every intent to bite if needed.
And Jungkook knew, he'd love to tame you, show you your spot, and make you his prey.
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The trashy movie your watching bores you, in a way. Jungkook has noticed this already, having taken note of your feet wiggling around, your teeth nibbling on the inside of your cheek, as you rest your cheek on your hand, elbow resting on the side of the couch.
“I don’t know why she’s so hesitant.” You mutter, pouting as you slump into the couch- uncaring that the side of your body now leans against his own. He feels your warmth- and for some reason it brings him comfort to notice that you’re seemingly growing more at ease. “I mean, it’s what she’s into, right?” You say, brows furrowed as you watch the screen.
“It’s not that simple.” Jungkook explains, trying to not make it obvious that he’s not necessarily talking about the movie. “Some men like to you know.. fight for a partner. Impress them. Win them over.” He explains, and he can feel you shift a little- until your head raises a bit, watching him as he watches you; gazes locked, and you can’t look away. You’re shy, you’re growing restless, but his eyes are like magnets; there’s no way you can avert your gaze.
“And.. you?” You ask, voice not loud at all, as if you don’t even notice you’re saying it. He loves that- loves the fact that you’re slowly letting him closer- not only physically.
“I like to earn my spot in their lives.” He states, and your mind suddenly begins to spin. You’ve always seen him as someone who doesn’t care much about emotions or feelings, or relationships for that matter. And maybe he doesn’t- maybe he just says this because he knows your weak spots. But the way his words fall into your ears makes you believe him. “I like to see my partner thrive; I love to see them grow. And..” he says, boldly deciding to slowly reach out his hand that was placed on the back of the couch- his fingers running through your hair, only brushing through, never pulling (no matter how much you’re craving it secretly). “I love to see them let go.” He humms out, and there’s a sudden shiver down your back, one that he definitely notices.
This is it. This is where you’ll let him touch you, let him wreck you, let him ruin you. You lean in closer, and so does he, but just when your lips are about to touch, he smiles gently- a warm affectionate gesture that you’ve never seen from him. And with it being directed at you, it’s even more meaningful- but it’s all about his next move, the way his inked fingers trace your cheek, before he speaks.
“You’re not ready yet.”
And with that, he turns back to the TV.
You huff, and it's the first time you know exactly what you're doing. You knew from Yoongi what Jungkook did in his freetime- you knew that this stuff was his expertise. Defeated, you looked down towards your knees, as your thoughts start to grow more and more frustrated. He probably didn't even see you like that, having only visited you out of pity, and not because he wanted to see you.
You were probably already friendzoned, and he was too nice to outright say it into your face. It made your emotions turn sour as the situation grew more and more awkward for you.
"What're you thinking about?" He asks, and you don't answer. What was there to say anyways? You really didn't want to have this weird conversation where he would tell you that oh yeah you're a nice girl, but he's not the right guy, the usual stuff you've already heard time and time again. "Y/N." He says, his voice dropping a little, but you only chew on the inside of your cheek again, eyes moving towards the TV screen. You didn't want to talk- you just hoped he would now sigh and get up, leaving so you could forget about all of this. You could maybe fake being sick for the next week or so to avoid him, yeah, that would be enough time to gloss over this entire situation. But he only clicks his tongue, hands suddenly moving your legs as he moves your body to face him.
Looking at his face is your first mistake.
His eyes are dark and almost angry, irritated as he looks as you. His jaw is clenched, and his hands stay on your knees for a moment, before he's sure enough that he has your attention. Only then does he speak, his voice nowhere near as soft and light as it had been before. "I know what you're thinking, and I don't like it." He says, and that's when you make your second mistake.
"Can we not right now? You don't know shit." You say, and he stares you down for a moment, until his head tilts a slight bit, eyes growing predatory as the corners of his lips tilt upwards. It resembles a small smile, yes, but it's not meant to be one. No, the first thing you have to think about is a wolf snarling at you, ready to put his packmate into their place for acting out.
It makes your spine tingle.
"Hm, maybe, but we can be classy about it, no?" He asks, and you scoff, trying to move your legs away from him, as he scans you.
At this point, he can see clearly that you're testing him.
So he gets up promptly, moving you around so you're standing in front of him. His inked hand finds your hair, gripping without mercy as he pulls your head back, your gaze now forced to stay on his as he calmly speaks. "You think I'm not into you like that- and you're as wrong as you could ever get." He says, biting his tongue as to not let a petname slip. He'd love to use them, but he knows that it's not yet time. That would be foul play, in a way; he doesn't want to seduce you.
He wants to make you understand.
"Trust me when I say I'd love to just throw you over my legs to spank that attitude out of you right now." He explains, and you whine- not in pain, but simply as a reaction to his confession. "But you don't know what you're getting yourself into." He continues, and pulls a bit to interrupt your next words. You know that you can get free any second you want to- but for some reason, there's no urge to do so. "You think of this as some game to play, you think of yourself as someone who can take all of it at once, but you don't even get the simplest and most important things about this entire thing." You swallow, as you stay still, finally giving up your fight as he relaxes the grip he still has on you. "Even now, it's not me controlling this situation. Its you." He says, letting go of you as his hands rest on your cheeks, eyes searching for any clues of discomfort. Only when he finds none, does he continue. "I will only ever have as much control over you as you're willing to give to me." He smiles again, this time, warm and comforting. "If you're really willing to do this, we will do this right. You'll have to trust me first, and I'll have to get to know you fully first, before anything else happens. Understood?" He asks.
And you nod.
"Do you know what you just agreed to?" He chuckles, and, shyly, you shake your head.
"See?" He grins, breaking skincontact with you. "You're not ready yet."
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His brows furrow when he sees you sitting on the counter, Taehyung talking to you. "What're you doing here?" He asks, and you pout, as Taehyung moves away, not wanting to get involved into anything this time. "Stop that face. We talked about this last week, why're you here now?" He asks, and you tilt your head innocently.
"Maybe I'm here for Yoongi?" You say, and his eyes grow darker for a second, before he composes himself.
"Good try, but he's still off work." He states, and you deflate a bit.
"I just.. wanted to see, I guess." You say, and he smiles a bit impishly.
"Oh? I mean, I have a scene in twenty minutes.." He asks, and internally, you cringe. No, you don't want to see him screw or even touch another woman in the ways you secretly want him to touch you instead. No, you're technically here to maybe talk him into show you at least a little bit. But it doesn't seem like he'll cave in anytime soon, so you sigh out.
"Okay, okay, I'll see you around, I guess." You say, hopping down from the counter before you take a step towards the exit.
"Ah well, I'll drive you home then." He states, and you grow confused as he leans against the counter. "Seeing as my scheduled appointment wants to leave, I have time off." He states, and you skin tingles. "Come on now, before I change my mind." He states, as he walks you outside again, leading you towards his car.
"I didn't mean to turn up so.. I don't know. Sorry." You said, and he gets into the drivers seat, shaking his head.
"I can understand you, trust me." He says, as he starts the engine and drives off. "If you're okay with it, I'd like to get something from my apartment, and then drive to yours." He says, and you tilt your head.
"Why not to the studio, or your place?" You ask, and he nods.
"While those are places I feel comfortable, they're unfamiliar to you. It's best if we start in a place that's comforting and gives you a sense of security." He states, and you nod.
Jungkook, in your eyes, never really seemed as mature as he's acting in those moments. It's as if he switches every time you two change topics; any time this particular one comes up, his mood changing into a serious one. Now, you're not stupid, you know the risks- and of course you had somewhat done your research online about the damages that could occur during all of this. And there's also the not too little chance it really isn't something for you after all- and in a way, that scares you. Because you want jungkook, but what if you don't want.. this?
Instead of voicing that out, you simply keep quiet as he gets out the car, and inside again after fetching what looks like an overnight bag. "You're staying over?" You ask, and he simply throws it on to the backseat.
"Maybe. We'll see." He says, and you don't question him as he drives. "Let's get something to eat. What're you craving?" He asks, as he keeps his attention on the road. He notices how you seem to think, already able to practically see the gears turning inside your head. "Don't think about what I could want. I asked what you want." He says, calmly, and so soft, that you simply let your words out.
"Tae usually get's me food.." You start, and Jungkook nods, as if understanding. You watch him smile a little.
"Let's get some junk food and eat it in the car." He simply states, and you nod, happy that he seemingly really did get what you were trying to say. For you, things like these were almost like rituals- like you and tae getting random icecream just to hurry home every time to not have it melt.
Maybe this would become a memory only for you and Jungkook.
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"You're nervous." Jungkook says, speaking out what's obvious. You don't know what he'll do, you're confused whats in his bag- you're nervous, just like he said. "Why is that?" He asks, casually sitting on your bed with you. He had earlier told you not to panic-clean it; he was not there to be impressed. He was simply a visitor for now, nothing more, nothing less. You shrugged. There were a lot of reasons you were nervous. "If you want this to work, I need to have proper communication with you. Guessing will get me nowhere." He says, but his voice is not upset. He's simply informing you.
"I.. don't know what you'll do?" You say, and He smiles, sitting more comfortably, as he shows you his open hands.
"I'm not gonna do anything for the moment." He tells you, and you shrug.
"But wasn't that the plan?" You ask him.
"What would you want me to do then?" He asks instead, not answering your question. He's testing you, he want's to know if you really are aware of everything. He's also not only asking you about what you want him to do to you- but with you, as well. He was unsure if you wanted to romantically involve yourself with him, or simply explore something new at his side.
He's afraid he'd be okay with either, just because its you.
"Are you going to tie me up?" You ask, and Jungkook grins, before he laughs. You're growing shy, unsure, and he instantly makes sure you know he's simply laughing about what you said, not about you. His hand holds yours- and it's weirdly reassuring.
"No, although I can imagine you looking very pretty in that position." He says. "No, come here." He says, lays down on the bed, and you stay where you are, with reasonable distance between you two. "I want you to come as close to me as you feel comfortable. Don't force it- take your time. I'm not expecting anything, please remember that." He tells you calmly, not looking at you to give you mental distance from him as well. His eyes are actually closed, his body relaxed.
You don't move for a moment. You want to test how long he can really play this patient role- but after around five or ten minutes, he's still not moving. He's not even saying anything, and you're unsure if he's asleep or not.
There's only one way to find out.
You carefully lay down a little away from him, on your side, simply looking at him. It's weird to see him like that; you've always imagined him to be a very dominant and demanding person, from what you've heard and seen of him. But Jungkook doesn't feel like any of the guys you've been with; he also doesn't feel like Taehyung, or Yoongi, or Hoseok.. Jungkook, weirdly enough, feels comfortable. He's relaxed, and laid back, and still has that slight glint of power over you.
You move closer, your curiosity getting the best of you as scenes and pictures of him holding you fill your head. Is he even a cuddler? You can't imagine him being all soft and sweet for gestures like that, but then again, you didn't really think you'd ever be in a situation like this either. Maybe you were judging a book by its cover.
He smells nice- that's one of the first things you notice once you get closer. One of his arms is stretched out to the side- his tattooes visible, but partially hidden by his sweater sleeve. You want to look at them, so you test the waters- by touching his arm, just a small poke with your finger. You can see the corners of his lips twitch; he's definitely awake. You move his arm a little, inside facing you as you get a detailed look at his artworks. They're detailed, they fit him, the dark Ink a stark contrast to his skin.
His sweater seems soft.
You slowly lay down again, your head resting on his biceps as you simply lay for a moment.
This is nice.
You feel more and more bold with every minute that passes, not even minding the way he sometimes moves around. You're growing at ease, so much so, that you simply throw all hesitation out of the window, and cuddle up to him. one of your hands is on his chest, while your head rests ontop of the inside of his shoulder.
This is really nice.
"Are you falling asleep?" He asks, voice not loud at all, as his arm moves, palm resting on your forearm as he holds you. You don't mind it- you feel relaxed enough to really actually do fall asleep- so you nod. "That's good." He tells you.
"But didn't you bring stuff to try?" you ask, and Jungkook nods.
"We got time. A small nap is always a good idea." He tells you, and you simply nod- making him smile.
He's glad.
Because by falling asleep on him like that, you don't even know how much you've complimented him at all. You're relaxed enough around him, comfortable enough to let him close to you in a vulnerable state such as sleep. It makes him wonder how far you'd let him go- would you let anyone get so close so quickly? A sudden rush of protectiveness curses through his body, fills him up, as he swears he can't let you go now. No, what if someone else gets you like this? What if someone takes advantage of your open mind like that? He doesn't even want to imagine.
Jungkook really has it bad.
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You slowly wake up to a bit of weight on your face. "jungkook what're you doing?" you giggle, and he chuckles as well as he takes the hand away from over your eyes. He looks well rested, with his eyes still not fully open.
"Nothing." He says. "Just teasing." He says, but of course, nothing he does is just random teasing. Everything he does is calculated- it's to test you, to study you, to make sure he gets to know you. "Are you hungry?" He asks instead.
"Not for food."
He has to let that process for a moment, until he laughs. He's really got it with you, he thinks, as he suddenly moves, eyes dark, while he's now ontop of you, his hands holding your wrists. Expecting you to look surprised, he finds none of that however. It intrigues him, the way you don't seem to be nervous or fearful at all. It makes him wonder what you'd really do to him if he was to advance in ways he wanted to. "Careful, sweetheart." He says, and your eyes sparkle with a silent challenge.
"Or what?"
His grip gets a bit tighter at that, eyes a bit darker. "Someone's eager." He says lowly. "Don't you think you're biting off more than you can chew right now?" He asks, before he clicks his tongue, slowly falling into his own headspace. He knows however not to let himself slip. "Give me a random word." He asks, demands, and you say whatever finds your mind in that moment.
"Bunny." You say.
He raises his eyebrow for a second, but doesn't question it. "I want you to say that, loud and clear, as soon as you feel uncomfortable." He lectures you seriously. "It doesn't matter what it is. Physically, or mentally, or if you simply don't want me to continue because. I need you to tell me that you will say it." His gaze is intense, and you nod. "I promise you; I'll never get mad, or upset, or angry, or disappointed with you. My ego isn't worth your safety." He humms out at the end, and your eyes soften.
He notices it instantly, and it affects him more than he'd like to admit.
"I promise I'll say it if I need to." You tell him, and he grows comfortable again.
"Can I touch you?" He asks, softly, and you nod, before verbally answering him with a yes. "Remember; I'll only ever have as much power and control over you as you will give me." He mumbles, head now dipped down to ghost his lips over the skin of your neck. "But once you give it to me-" He says, his knee situating itself in between your legs to spread them in a silent command. "-I won't give it back." He growls, before he bites down, releasing the skin after hearing your delicate mewl, kissing the spot as if to apologize.
He's not sorry.
"Let me ask you.." He says, feeling you rut against his leg that's pressed against your center. "what do you really want from me?" He asks, and you open your eyes, movements slowly coming to a halt as you notice the way he looks at you.
He almost looks uncertain.
"I.." You want him. You know that- you want all of his bad habits and weird quirks. You want to get to know him and everything that comes with it. Hell, he was the main reason you even got into the entire scene in the first place. "You." You say, deciding its best to practice honesty.
"Me?" He asks, genuinely a little confused.
You nod. "Yeah. You." You say. It's a little weird, the whole situation, but you don't mind it. Your hands slowly slip out of his grasp, before they instead intertwine their fingers with his. He feels weirdly caught off guard by the gesture- his past encounters and relationships never having included things like these. So much so, that Jungkook genuinely believed those things to be simple movie-gestures. Overdone, and not realistic. "Like uhm.. if you want to. If you just want to, you know, I.. guess I'd be okay with that too-" You say, looking away, as Jungkook answers.
"I want you too." He answers, eyes searching yours for any glimmer of dishonesty. But he doesn't find it- there is none. There's just you. "I really want you too." He murmurs out, getting closer, before he lets himself loose, his lips finding yours.
He's never been a fan of kissing, but he can very much already imagine kissing you for hours.
Its not just you letting go in that moment, its him too.
Because unbeknownst to you, he's not just opening you a door to his world of unspoken fantasies-
He's also opening his heart as well.
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Your first time together is slow and comfortable.
It happens just a day after you had both decided to pursue an actual relationship with one another. He's gentle, careful, but not hesitant. He's exploring.
Inside of his head, he notes down every noise and every twitch of muscle. You sigh as he eats you out, the small ponytail of his unable to hold onto all of his hair as his eyes are partially hidden behind the blonde strands. He's watching you, his fingers having already stretched you out, but then he sits up. You whine, with him having stolen your release for a second time. "Let's play a little, yeah?" He says with an amused yet calm tone. You're already unable to do much about your position; your wrists bound to your bed over your head, carefully tied knots comfortable against your skin, as long as you don't pull. "Legs open." He calls out as you try and close them, and you whine again; testing his patience as you still go ahead and disobey his command. He watches, moves forward, before he pulls them apart again. "You want to cum, no?" He asks, and you nod, frustratedly so. "I wonder what made you think you've earned that reward from me." He tells you, eyes scanning your form as you pull on your restraints a little. He's not fully into his own headspace yet- he's still very much on high alert to notice any signs of discomfort coming from you.
He has to learn just as much as you do.
"You're lucky you're so sweet." He says, before he crawls closer again, his hand on your center, as he enters you with two fingers. Its not enough, but then his thumb draws circles on your clit- and you're approaching, quickly. "Hm? Won't you cum?" And then you say it.
"Can I?"
It's so desperate, so needy, so submissive, that it sends a chill down his spine. He moves closer, kisses your neck, as he can't help but let the rush of it get to him. He is, after all, just as desperate for release. No matter if its his, or yours.
"Such a good girl, of course you can." He tells you. "What a sweet one, such good manners.." He teases playfully, and you tug at your restraints as you come undone under his hands. He unties your wrists and you're holding onto him as soon as you're free, and he lets you hold onto him in your post orgasmic bliss.
Its after a moment that you realize it.
"Wait-" You say, sitting up to look at him. "You- I mean, you didn't get to-" You start, but Jungkook waves it off.
"Its fine, really." He tells you, and you know he's serious. "I'll just wait until it goes down, or take care of it in your bathroom if thats okay with you." He says, patting the side next to him to lay down on. "Come here." He asks, and you comply, before you speak again.
"You.." You start, not looking at him. "Could just take care of it here." You say. "Or I could.." you start, and he looks at you.
"Do you want that, or do you only feel like you have to?" He asks, and you shrug. You take some time, before you answer.
You've seen most of Jungkook until now. From his strong arms, his back, his inked skin, to his thighs and legs. You have seen all- but that. And you've never really considered giving anything back in that way to anyone because of one single embarrassing moment- but with Jungkook, for some reason, you wanted to try.
"I want to." You say, and he nods. "But I don't know how.." You say, and he smiles reassuringly.
"I'll guide you." He tells you, before he scans your face. He's never really felt that desired- at least not in the way he does in that moment with you. "You can take it out for starters." He says, and you nod, before you hesitate a little.
Jungkook is nice, when it comes to that. He's patient, always lets you do the pacing for now, until you trust him enough. This is only the start, after all. You stay cuddled up to his side, but your hand ventures towards his sweats, where you can see his prominent erection still waiting. Slowly, you push the fabric down, both his sweats and boxers underneath- his hips lifting a bit to make it easier for you, until he's freed from his clothes.
You've never really thought much about looks when it came to that department, but Jungkook was, in each and every way, highly attractive. Now you knew, that there was literally nothing about him you didn't desire.
Your first touches are a little hesitant, testing the waters, and Jungkook tries not to react too much to it to give you time. Its when you start to move your hand however, that he closes his eyes, head now completely resting on the pillows beneath as he just decides to enjoy what you might give him. His hips twitch upwards a little after you'd run your thumb over the head, precum glistening while your hand uses it as lubricant to move more smoothly.
He sighs out.
And you grow bold at that, moving to sit up and escape out of his embrace, before you dip down to feed your curiosity. As your tongue touches his skin, his muscles contract, the action not expected since he didn't look what you were doing. You've been told once before that you're not.. the best at this- but Jungkook made you want to try. If you would've looked, you would've spotted the intense stare that Jungkook had been sending your way; mesmerized by the way you tucked your hair behind your ear oh so sweetly, before you let a drop of saliva escape from between your lips, taking him in soon after it had dropped onto his awaiting length.
You really were something else.
He'd gotten head time and time before, and it was never something he didn't like- but he'd also rarely ever cared that much emotionally about the person giving it to him. It's weird, how an emotional connection can make you so much more sensitive to things- such as in that moment, as your tongue moved over his skin while inside your warm mouth, lips heavenly on his cock.
He couldn't imagine what it would be like to be inside you.
There's nothing he could teach you, nothing he could tell you to do, as you moved, sucked and licked. He was breathing heavily already, his hand finding yours as you hold onto it. He sits up, can't help it, has to somehow touch you while you're not letting go of your task. His palm escapes your hand, rests on your head instead, runs through your hair before it grips a little. You moan, vibrations making him throw his head back as he groans out, feeling his end coming closer. "If you don't want to swallow, let go." He grits out, but you suck harder instead, and its when your hand finds his balls that he lets himself fall back onto the mattress beneath, shooting his load into your mouth as you swallow it down.
He's on cloud nine.
You're thoughtful enough to pull his underwear and pants back up, laying on your stomach next to him, waiting, watching, with impish eyes. He looks so radiant, so relaxed, so at ease. It fills you with a weird sense of pride; since in a way, its your doing. "Why did you tell me you don't know how to do that." He comments, rather than asks, slowly calming his breathing back down. His eyes open, hand pushing some hair out of your face. "Thank you. That was amazing." He says, and you shrug.
"Thanks for the compliment." You say, looking at him.
"I have a request." He says, and you nod. "Not like that." He teases, making you blush. "No, but seriously." Jungkook knows that you've been with other people before. It scares him to know that some of your experiences might not have been good- he knows some absolute horror stories Taehyung had told him. "I want you to take all that you've experienced with your former partners.. all those moments, emotions, bad memories, all of it." He tells you, hand now resting on your cheek- a gesture in which you lean into. "And throw them away. Forget them." He tells you.
"This is a new start, for both of us."
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"How many clients have you been with?" You ask, casually sitting on the kitchen counter as Jungkook washes the dishes. Its your first night in his apartment, and you're more comfortable than you thought you'd be.
"None." He tells you, and you're ready to snort out a laugh, but he doesn't look at all like he's joking. Seeing your confusion, he continues while scrubbing a plate. "None of us actually have sex with our clients. Some only come to talk, really- others come to let go." He explains, and you nod. "I've never touched, nor been with someone intimately during a scene." He tells you.
"So you had scenes with your partners then?" You ask, and he shrugs.
"In the beginning, yeah." He admits, shrugging. "But I eventually gave up on it. It's not something a lot of people find very appealing. It all looks great in theory, but when practiced, most find its not for them." Draining the sink, he dries his hands on the dish towel, before putting it in its proper place.
"Could you.. imagine a relationship without it?" You ask, and he sighs, shaking his head.
"Not really." He looks at you after a moment. "Its who I am, and its how I love. I can't change that." He tells you, and you nod. Its understandable really, and you like that he has clear lines he likes to follow. It's weirdly comforting to know that he has his life so under control- its all you've ever wanted really.
It's something Jungkook might be able to give you.
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It was weird, the feeling of the rope against your skin. He’d been right about it earlier; it wasn’t rough or itchy at all. But maybe that was just because it was him doing it. Maybe he was simply fogging up your senses.
It would make sense.
“Okay?” He humms out, voice gentle and calm while he stops his hands for a moment, palm on your shoulder where it warms up your skin. You’re unsure what okay really means- okay like, he’s finished? Or is he asking if you’re okay? Or is he asking for permission? “Speak to me- don’t just think.” He says, eyes watching you in such a manner that made your slightly trembling body calm down.
“I’m not sure what- what you mean by, okay.” You say, and he smiles, eyes roaming over your body for a moment, but surprisingly not in a way that would make you feel exposed. You’re almost naked, after all- only your most private parts hidden from his sight. You can see the very evident tent in his pants; but he doesn’t seem like he’s frustrated or fazed about it.
“Good Job telling me.” He says first and foremost, and you start to feel warm inside. “I was asking if you were okay. Do you remember your colors?” He asks, and you nod, before verbally answering him with a ‘yes’. He nods again, a hand running over your head, fingers running through your hair affectionately. “Good. I’ll finish the last knots now- remember you can stop at any time. Don’t hesitate.” He says, and you nod.
He grabs the rope again; the tiny fact that he’d chosen one in your favorite color making you feel.. well, you didn’t know. You could feel your nose sting, before it shot into your eyes, making them water; something that Jungkook immediately noticed. “Color?” He asks, and you shake your head.
“Green, Green, I’m okay-“ you say, but you can’t stop the tears. He’s quick to sit down in front of you after tying the last knot- and it’s the first time you quietly look at them. They’re so delicate, so well done, but there’s no time to dwell on it as he lifts you chin gently.
“Talk to me.” He says, hands on your shoulders to give you some sense of stability. You’re safe, you don’t feel bad, but just..
“I don’t know. There’s so much-“ you begin, and he softly smiles, as if you’re not currently completely bound with no chance of proper movement. You take a deep breath, holding it before you release again, silently following the advices he’d given you prior. “Why do I feel so.. comfortable? I feel safe even though I’m in such a dangerous situation- I’m.. this is weird isn’t it, I should be.. I don’t know. Why’re you not doing anything? Wasn’t this supposed to be like, a sex session or something I don’t get it-“ you babble, and he lets you, before he speaks.
“You still don’t quite get it, do you?” He asks, and your glistening eyes stare up at him. “I don’t need something as simple as sex to feel satisfied.” He explains, and you nod, even though you don't quite understand. "I feel euphoric right now, even though you probably won't quite believe me." He says, his smile evident as his fingers trace the knots on your skin. It's there that you see it; the glimmer in his eyes, something you've never seen before with someone else. "The fact that you let me do this, it's all I need." He humms out. He looks at you, a silent question, and you take a deep breath.
You don't quite know what you're doing. Its weird- but seeing him like that makes you feel weightless. It happens slowly, you don't quite grasp what it is, but the feeling is nice. It's like letting go- like standing on the highest platform of the universe and just jumping down. And when you open your eyes, all you see is him.
He can't take his eyes off of you.
He's seen it often enough to spot it, knows what it looks like, but it still holds such a deep meaning to him to see you fall into your subspace for the very first time. You're so beautiful like that, so ethereal and enchanting as you lean forward to get closer to him. He's careful you dont accidentally hurt yourself with the big scissors on the bed close by- emergency equipment to release you asap if needed.
He knows escape is the furthest thing on your mind right now.
Able to do anything he'd want with you, he's not like that however. He's responsible enough to let you float for a moment, before he speaks to you again. "Baby?" He asks, and you nod, nuzzling his shoulder as he holds you close. "You're doing so good. Can you do something for me baby?" He questions again, and you nod, not parting from him however before he talks again. "Can you sit straight for a moment? Just like that, good girl." He praises as you instantly follow his command. "I got you, okay? I got you, you're safe." He repeats, as he slowly unties your body. It's careful reassuring and slow movements that make it possible to untie you- too quickly could make you drop; a state of sudden shift in mental state, that could send you straight into distress. Jungkook doesn't ever want to be the cause of that for you.
You're underneath him, and he's careful, as he undresses after placing the scissors onto the bedside table where it cant lead to any accidents. He also reaches inside the table, pulling out a condom from a box safely stored, before he gets himself ready.
Not even for a second is his attention not on you however.
"Hands up baby." He commands, and you do as he wants, already squirming as he advances towards you, fingers stretching you out as you grow huffy at the prospect of being edged again. He's quick to catch on though. "Hm, I'm not gonna be mean baby." He tells your fuzzy mind. "But I gotta get you ready, no?" Fingers steadily helping you relax, he waits until he deems you ready.
You struggle to keep your hands up as he enters you, but your mind is adamant on keeping his command. He groans out, kisses your neck, as he slowly begins to move lazily. It's enough for pleasure- but not enough to make you cum. "Good fucking girl. Look at you. My baby." He chants, and something inside you stirs at the last words.
His Baby.
You're his.
He wants you.
It makes you whine as he chuckles, nipping at your skin. "You can touch me baby, good job." He says, and your hands are instantly around his neck. You're mumbling something, but its not words. It's not coming out the way you think it does, and Jungkook doesn't mind, doesn't care. Its another one of those things fueling him up, urging him on.
You're his perfect puzzle piece.
He lets go.
"Turn around princess." He says breathless, and you follow his instructions eagerly. His hand rests on the back of your neck for a moment, leaves its place for a second to move your hair away from your face, before he gently pushes down. He's inside in a heartbeat, this time thrusting with more strength.
Something overcomes him that hasn't happened before.
Usually, this position is what he loves most- and yet, it's not what he wants. He wants you, he wants you close, he cant touch you enough. His arms snake around your torso, just underneath the bottom of your breasts, as he pulls you towards him. Your back arches so prettily, and he gasps out, breathing heavy as he continues his attack on your neck. "You're mine." He growls out, can't keep it inside anymore, his grip on you tightening. "Mine." His thrusts stutter, his hand reaches for your center, desperate fingers helping you find your release. It coats your thighs, stains the bed, and he pushes himself as deep as he can once he finishes himself.
He's breathing heavily, he's out of his mind, running on autopilot as his hands still hold you. He pulls out after a moment, a whine from you getting reassured by his own voice, before he leaves the bed, getting a warm damp washcloth ready for you. He's careful, gentle, seems to caress your skin more than clean it, places kisses every now and then and sends praises your way.
"How do you feel?" He asks, voice low and caring as he continues his aftercare.
"Like you love me a lot." You sleepily say, eyes still foggy, and he smiles.
"Good." He tells you, reaching out to kiss your lips, still high on his own afterglow. "That's how you're always supposed to feel like."
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"I've quit." He tells you one night on the couch, as you sit close to him. You'd asked him about his sidejob at Yoongi's- and this was his answer. Instantly, you sit up straight, fearing that he might've felt obligated because of you. "Before you start, yes, it was because of you." He says, and you already have the whine in your throat- but it doesn't make it out, as his fingers lazily trace your collarbone peaking out from his shirt you're wearing. "But it was also my decision. I just didn't enjoy it anymore- and you're more I could ever want really." He says, shrugging as you stare at him.
It was still new to you.
Although you knew that he was probably more than just a wild loverboy collecting partners and gaming all day, you never would've thought of him like this. He's a kid at heart still, teasing and playfighting every now and then- but he's mostly a strong shoulder to lean on for you. He really is the security and safety you'd always searched for. "What're you thinking about?" He asks, pulling you closer as he continues watching the TV show.
"You." You say, and he chuckles.
"Cute." He answers. He looks at you for a moment, TV long forgotten, before you crawl over his lap, shirt rising enough to give him free view of your thighs and panties. You've skipped the pants tonight- a habit of yours he enjoys a lot. His palms instantly find the soft skin, running along the outside of your thighs before they find your behind, squeezing, before he slaps it playfully. He grins as you squeal, admiring the way the very tips of your ears turn red. "You're really precious, you know that?" He tells you, and you shrug. "You are." He confirms, and you smile shyly.
"May I kiss you?" You ask, and he smiles warmly.
"We're not in a scene baby, do as you wish." He tells you, and you nod, leaning forward to capture his lips with yours. Its a feeling you can't quite get enough of, and it seems like he enjoys it equally as much. His inked hands find their way underneath your shirt, running over your back and spine as you shudder. He doesn't find what he seeks, your underwear long gone and left in the bedroom, and he loves it, instantly moves to your chest where he finds the soft flesh, his thumb running over one of your nipples teasingly. You're arching your back already, moving around as if you can't sit still. "My baby." He mumbles out, "If you can be so kind and get me a condom, you can ride me if you want to." He tells you, and you nod.
By now you easily know your way around his apartment.
So its no wonder you quickly return from your now shared bedroom, condom in hand as you approach him again, settling onto his lap. You're not shy with him nor his body anymore, eagerly taking the condom out of the package for him to roll it down onto his length. "You good?" He asks, and you nod, pulling your panties aside as you slowly sink down on him.
He lets his head rest back on the couch, and you lean into him, for a change returning the favor of kissing his neck. He's grinning, throughoutly enjoying things, and you love watching him. It's a visual reminder to yourself that this is your doing. You're making him feel that way, and no one else. It makes you confident, and it makes you feel cherished in ways you haven't felt before.
Once you start to move, Jungkooks hands help you along. Its slow and lazy, not at all hurried. There's no real goal; you probably wouldn't even mind not cumming at all. This was just being close- a way of feeling connected in the most intimate of ways. Connected like only lovers could be.
You love him.
And it slips out as a tiny 'I love you' in between your sighs and gasps, and he hears it so clearly, he can't help himself but speed up the pace.
"I love you too." He chants out, kissing the side of your head as you rest against his chest, head on his shoulder. "I love you so much." He says, almost inaudible, his arms holding you as close as he can.
Jeon Jungkook doesn't need sex to feel satisfied.
But he will most certainly need you for now and forever.
And he's totally fine with that.
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(c)Bonny-Kookoo. You know the drill. I know where you live. I don't. But still. Be scared. Boo.
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just--another--daydreamer · 4 years ago
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» Izuku Midoriya x male reader
» Angst with some fluff » Requested (by anon): I need a fix of desperate, angsty fluff with Izuku. Maybe his hero bf recklessly goes after a villain alone and gets captured, so Pro-hero Deku has to rush to his rescue, scared of what he might find. » Warnings: mentions of religion at the beginning; dissociation; anxiety; overthinking; smoking; emetophobia; descriptions of blood & gore; mentions of death » Words: ~3.5k
You can find a link to my Masterlist etc in my bio and pinned post
Midoriya had never been one to pray to any gods for a wish. To him, it often felt selfish – after all, there were people who needed help more desperately than he did and they should receive it first. Even during his darkest moments, he had never even thought about praying, he had always known that he could rely on his own strength as well as his friends.
However, this time, his hands trembled as he put them together in a manner meant for praying. With his eyes closed and head lowered, Midoriya tried to think of a way to phrase his prayer but no right wording would come to his mind – in the end, he only stared at the dark behind his closed eyelids, incomprehensible thoughts filling his mind.
“Izuku.” A firm grip on his shoulder pulled Midoriya from his thoughts. It caught him off-guard, and he almost prepared himself for an attack before he recognized the person who stood before the bench Midoriya sat on. “Oh Shouto, it’s you!” Midoriya sighed in relief at the sight of his friend. “I’m sorry if I scared you, but the meeting should start very soon, and I didn’t want to miss the chance to talk to you before the others are here.” They were still the only ones in the bright yet depressing hallway of the hero agency that Deku currently worked at, and after taking a quick look at his watch, Midoriya figured that it would still take the other heroes a few minutes to get there. “Sure, what is it?” The light smile that had adorned Todoroki’s lips from when he had just greeted Midoriya vanished again and was replaced by a deep, concerned frown.
“I don’t think you should be leading this mission, Izuku, but someone else should do it,” Todoroki’s voice sounded just as concerned as he looked. “To be frank I would not even want you to participate in this rescue at all, but I don’t think that I could ever stop you from that.” Midoriya took a moment to think about his fellow pro hero’s words. It had already taken him all the self-control he had to not immediately run after you to save you, so he had to be on this mission. Though, he had to admit that due to the personal feelings toward this mission, his judgement might be off, so having someone else lead it would probably put them at an advantage.
“When you’re saying, ‘someone else’, do you mean yourself?” he inquired, and Todoroki nodded in confirmation. Midoriya took a few seconds to consider the proposal. Down the hall, he could hear the rest of the team for the rescue mission approach them. “Alright, let’s do it!”
The small conference room was unusually quiet. There was no happy catching up with one another, no euphoric reunions after not seeing each other for a few months. A pressing silence filled the room like thick, heavy fog as the ex-class 1A students Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, Kirishima and Uraraka sat around the table, eyes fixed on their hands and the files in front of them. The only words that had been spoken were words of solidarity towards Midoriya, which he appreciated.
While Todoroki opened the meeting by greeting everyone and thanking them for coming, Midoriya stared down at his hands. The skin on his fingertips around the nails was reddened, a side effect of his anxious habit of biting his fingernails. Midoriya thought that he had gotten rid of said habit, but the current situation had changed many things. Before him on the table, his hands started to blur as his eyes filled with tears once again. He quickly wiped them away, hoping that nobody would notice.
Todoroki’s speech only barely reached him, only as a seemingly distant, faint mumbling as though he was speaking to Midoriya through a thick concrete wall. The whole room started feeling like a wide and open space with his former classmates miles and miles away. Mind numbing emptiness filled Midoriya’s heart and went through his veins until it was the only thing he felt in his whole body. As his breathing got faster, his heartrate picked up. Why was he there? Why was he not on his way to get you already? Even though he sat perfectly still, Midoriya felt dizzy, only from the way his mind spun – around and around and around like a carousel, Deku being the only passenger on this horrendous ride.
“You look really pale, Deku, are you alright?” Uraraka’s voice was as soft as ever. The soothing tone was able to momentarily stop Midoriya’s mind. For a second, he looked at her without an answer before simply nodding.
Only when Todoroki asked Midoriya to go over the situation once again, he was completely pulled back into reality. His legs trembled a little as Deku stood up. The eyes of his former classmates all followed his movements very carefully, trying to get clues about their friend’s mental state that the situation caused. Uraraka and Kirishima looked especially worried whereas Todoroki and Iida kept their expressions professional.
“Thank you everyone for coming on such short notice,” Midoriya started. He balled his hands to fists and squeezed as hard as he could to keep his mind from wandering too much that might cause him to break down again. “The villain organization that has been watched by several agencies for the past few months made a move about a week ago, as some of you may know. It was the first incident of that kind and several civilians got hurt in the process.” Deku clearly remembered the pictures of the scene on the news. Neither his nor the hero agency you worked for had been able to stop that despite being the ones watching the organization. “Y/N went after the villains alone and has not been seen since.” His voice got quieter with every word he spoke.
Your actions contradicted what you had learned at UA not so long ago. Staying calm and collected in crises, thinking rationally, and getting help was the priority. But guilt and anger had eaten you up. Midoriya could not blame you for that, even if he wanted to. He had experienced the same feelings in the past, put himself in danger, worried others, all because he wanted to play hero. Midoriya sat down again and let Todoroki take over once again.
“Since we know where the villains are hiding, it will be easy to retrieve the target.” ‘The target’. Midoriya flinched. The way the words came out of Todoroki’s mouth, the lack of emotion and his straight face were something admirable and scary at the same time. Reducing you to merely the word ‘target’ and the emotional disconnect that came with it would probably make this mission easier for Deku, but he just did not manage to think that way. With a sigh, he sank deeper into his chair and listened to Todoroki’s plan.
It was an easy one, starting with negotiations led by Iida. He was the best that that sort of thing, so Midoriya had no problem leaving that to him. However, he was not really fond of the idea of exchanging your life for something like money but since it was the easiest way to avoid direct confrontation, they had to try it. If that did not work, Iida would go in through the front door, and Todoroki, Deku, Kirishima and Uraraka through the back door in two teams to get ‘the target’ out by themselves. Combat was to be avoided. The top priority was getting you out, not arresting the bad guys, though the police would be waiting in front of the building to take them in.
The base of the small villain group was an abandoned warehouse – because of course it would be that. The alley behind it was narrow and dirty, littered with shards of glass and cigarette butts. Next to the dark water in the potholes, Midoriya could see dried as well as fresh blood shimmering on the asphalt. The sight made him sick, a feeling he had not experienced in a while.
The four heroes came to a halt at the place where they would go into the building through the back door. There were no guards, which came as a surprise, but even if there had been some it would not have been a problem for any of them. Midoriya and Todoroki stayed back and inspected the alley while Uraraka and Kirishima got ready at the heavy double-winged door
 Midoriya crouched down and inspected the blood stains. Todoroki’s eyes were fixed on him, he could almost physically feel it. With his gloved hand, Midoriya moved some reddened shards around, not entirely sure of what he was doing or why he was doing it in the first place, but it was a way to keep his hands and mind busy. Todoroki had his own ways of doing that. “I thought you quit,” Midoriya remarked. “I thought so too, but-” Todoroki did not care to finish his sentence and only a few seconds later, the smell of cigarette smoke reached Deku. He wrinkled his nose. “The situation is getting to me too, you know?” Todoroki’s pronunciation was a bit curious with the cig between his lips. “The same goes for the others. Kirishima, Uraraka, Iida, they’re all worried. Bakugou, too, even though he isn’t here today.” A short pause. Deku assumed that Todoroki was taking a deep drag. “It is really getting to me.” His voice was quieter this time and it had a tone to it that Deku barely knew from his friend. It was desperate, hopeless, pleading.
Midoriya had no words of affirmation that he could tell Todoroki. Hell, if he could think positively in this situation, everything would be a lot easier. He searched and searched for words, but none would come to his mind. And in the end, he did not need to say anything. Midoriya’s communication device made a static sound, before he heard Iida’s voice, loud and clear. »Negotiations failed. What will be the next step?« “We’re going in,” Todoroki told them without hesitation. “Understood!” Midoriya got back up and was at the door in less than a second. He looked at Uraraka and Kirishima, both had a determined look on their face.
Todoroki stepped to them and – given the lack of a bin – dropped his half-smoked cigarette to the ground. “That’s not very heroic of you, Todoroki,” Kirishima commented. Uraraka giggled and even Midoriya managed to crack a smile. “I’ll pick it up later,” the leader of their mission said and Deku was sure he saw his lips twitch into a fond expression as well, even if it was only for a split second. They all became serious again. “Deku, open the door for us.”
  The inside of the building was dark and empty, and Midoriya was not sure why he had expected anything else. His and Uraraka’s footsteps on the wet ground resounded through the empty hallway. It was quite dark, most of the lamps on the walls were either broken or very dim, so the major source of light were the occasional holes in the ceiling. It took Midoriya all the self-control he had not to activate One For All and charge forward – Uraraka and he were a team, and they should stay together since running around alone might be dangerous. The further they got into the building, the harder it got for Midoriya to keep it together. With every door they opened, with every room they inspected, anxiety and terror grew withing him. There was no sign of you.
It did not take long for some villains to show up, but at this point in time they were no match for Deku. Anyone who tried to get in his way right now was put down in mere seconds. Uraraka kept his back free and had an eye on him in case he got too reckless.
The last door he approached was a pain to open. Midoriya had to push it with his shoulder since the hinges were rusty and it took him a few tries until the door finally budged and creaked open. Behind the door, Midoriya was met with a pitch-black room. He reached over to the wall besides the entrance and searched for a light switch. A single light bulb hanging from the ceiling flickered on, only giving enough light for Midoriya to see the rough shapes of the room’s interior, but it slowly started glowing brighter. That was when his heart stopped.
For a split second, Midoriya thought that maybe he had come too late, that maybe you were already dead. The sight of you, tied to a chair with ropes so tight that they were cutting into the flesh on your wrists and ankles sent shivers up and down his spine. Blood dripping down from your chin had already formed a small pool on the already wet floor. He noticed the smell of blood, sweat and vomit still fresh and heavy in the air.
“Y/N?” His voice was merely a whisper. Maybe he was afraid that if he were loud enough for you to hear, you would not react. Midoriya forced himself to take a step. Lift his foot off the ground, move it onwards, put it down again. Now with his other foot. Lift, onwards, down. And again. With every step, a new wave of sensations and feelings washed over Midoriya. First it was disgust – he could not help that one but looking at your skin peeling off your flesh and exposing the bare muscle tissue and bone almost made him vomit. Then it was hysteria – Midoriya could both laugh and cry out loud until he lost his voice, kiss you on your dead cold bloody lips, dance and jump through this awful room – because he finally found you but what if it were too late? Then it was fear – and with this feeling numbing his mind once again, he reached you.
“Y/N?” He crouched down so his face was on one level with yours. The dull sound of Midoriya’s gloves falling to the ground echoed through the room, to him it was almost as loud as an explosion. As he held his breath, his now bare hand reached out for you almost all on its own, touched your neck, searched for a pulse. To Midoriya’s relief, your skin was not cold, but warm. Maybe even a bit too warm. His hand wandered up your neck and he cupped your cheek, wiped away some blood with his thumb. Under his touch, your muscles twitched. Midoriya pulled back and watched as your eyes fluttered open. Your gaze was empty and unfocused for a while, wandering from the dark walls of the room to the lightbulb over your head, until it stopped on Midoriya’s face.
He watched as your eyes widened. “Izuku?” Your voice was hoarse and filled with so much desperation that it made the hero’s heart drop. “Is it really you?” Midoriya nodded. He pressed his lips together and did not dare to answer, afraid that his voice would break if he said anything. “I’ve been waiting for you.” You made an attempt to reach out for him but the restraints around your wrists made that impossible. Midoriya swallowed the lump in his throat and forced himself to stay focused. “And I’ve been looking for you. I’ll get you out of here now.” Over the comms, he quickly informed his teammates over the mission’s success before he reached into his pocket for a knife. “I’m sorry that I’m so late,” he told you as he cut through the ropes. They were sticky, some even slippery from the blood. Deku tried not to pay too much attention to that but the sight of the crimson red shimmering on his hands made him gag. “The most important thing is that you’re here now.” You cracked a smile, but it did not look too convincing.
Once your hands were free, you swiftly wrapped your arms around Midoriya. It took him by surprise, but he hugged you back, careful not to use too much strength that might hurt you. You buried your face deep in Midoriya’s chest, fingers digging into his back, clinging to his suit. Just now he felt the way your body trembled, Midoriya did not know if it was exhaustion or fear. Maybe he was shaking as well. He wanted to stay like this forever, feel you in his arms, warm and alive, hold onto this thought and only this one while ignoring the horrible reality. Blood wet Midoriya’s clothes but he had nothing to take care of your wounds with. To be honest, he did not want to look at them. All he wanted was to keep holding on to you, forever.
Fighting noises reached his ears, not too far away. Men yelling. Your grip tightened a little and Midoriya thought that maybe you were shaking a little more now. “I want to leave, Izuku,” you whispered. Midoriya did not say anything. He listened carefully as the noises faded away. A few seconds of pressing silence passed awfully slow. »We’re all clear!« Todoroki’s voice was calm but Midoriya heard a hint of relief. However, he decided to stay put for a few more minutes to make sure that no other people were picking a fight anywhere else.
“Let’s go,” he said after a while. He could not spend another minute in this building, afraid that you might end up dying from your injuries.
As gently as he possibly could, Midoriya lifted you from the chair and carried you out of the building.
  Talking to the police and the press was a pain. Todoroki did most of it, given that he had been the leader of this mission, but Deku still had to talk to everyone as well. Press conferences with countless questions, some challenging their beliefs and morals as heroes, some too personal for Midoriya to answer – questions about you, your wellbeing, your relationship to the hero Deku. When he was not currently being interrogated by the public, Midoriya spent every free minute in the hospital, by your side. At first the doctors had not let him see you, but he had still stayed there the entire time. And when he was finally allowed in your room, Midoriya could not contain himself and his emotions any longer.
He sobbed and cried and swore and apologized all in one go without taking a breath while you tried to calm him down. He held your hand the entire time he was there, afraid that if he let go off you for one second, some villains might separate the two of you again.
“When are you getting released from the hospital?” Uraraka questioned while she put a small bouquet into a vase on the windowsill. The blossoms shone in the golden light of the evening sun and threw dancing shadows on your white blanket. “Next week, probably.” You gave her a tired smile. “Though I’ll have to be inactive for a while during my healing process.” Midoriya knew that having to neglect your hero duties like that was hard for you, so he squeezed your hand reassuringly. “We’re all wishing you well!” “Thanks Uraraka!” The two of you watched as the young woman left again. She was not the only one who had visited. The whole team had been there, Todoroki visited frequently, and even Bakugou had showed up once or twice.
“This sucks, I’m so bored!” You whined, getting a short chuckle from Midoriya. “I know, but you need some more rest.” He looked down at your intertwined fingers. Your wrists were still covered in bandages but some of your wounds had started to heal again. However, it would still take quite a while for you to fully recover. Midoriya ran his thumb over the fabric. “You’ll get better soon, and I’ll always be here to support you during this time. I miss you at home and being close to you.” “Thank you. And I miss that too.” A soft smile formed on your lips, so Midoriya leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on them. He lingered there for a moment before standing up and grabbing his jacket. “I should get going, it’s late and you need your rest.” “Alright!”
Midoriya slipped into his jacket but before he could leave, you sat up, grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pulled him down into another kiss. “Hey, you’re supposed to lay dow-” Midoriya started to complain but quickly quit to return the kiss. When you let him go and Midoriya walked towards the door he had a smile on his face. Everything was going to be fine. He turned around by the door and looked at the flowers and the curtain moving in the wind. “I’ll see you tomorrow!” “See you tomorrow, Izuku!”
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shirophantomvox · 4 years ago
Random date night with Illumi, Hisoka, and Chrollo
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Hello, anon! Ask and you shall receive! This prompt is very interesting and I will try to keep it in character as much as possible. To sum this up, Hisoka would take you to an ice cream shop, a carnival, or apple orchard while Illumi would rather go to an art or historical museum. Chrollo would persuade you to attend a book reading/author signing or go hiking. Depending on who you are and what your ideal date is, I’m sure you’d find them all fun. Going to a carnival or apple orchard is my go-to since I’ve barely been because they’re all in the suburbs. These headcanons are explained much more than the others. That is why Chrollo and Illumi seem to be short, but they’re not. Also, I can’t wait for Halloween because these headcanons are going to be amazing. I am extremely sorry if there are grammar errors! Taking classes on Zoom is frustrating and now my brain has to relearn everything that I lost in 3 months! Before we get started, I have a few announcements.
This post is more laid back than my other headcanons because I tried to keep it as canon as possible.
I want to thank you all for 65 followers! It means a lot! I’m happy to see that a lot of you enjoy my writing and like it enough to follow me! I have a challenge for you! When I reach 100 followers, I will host some type of writing event here...but I need ideas. I’ve seen some pages do specials where you can send an ask and pretend like you're talking to a character and I respond with what they’d say. SEND ME IDEAS! I WILL CREDIT YOU!
I will be stepping back a little more than before. I’ll still be logged in and re-blogging but as far as writing posts like this...it may only be once or twice a week. You see, I’m in college and I’m struggling financially and I have to work on scholarships. If you all send me an ask, be patient.
Voltron posts will only be created based on asks. I will not be writing posts about VLD if no one requests them. I do not receive any feedback from it anymore and no one seems to like them.
Now, let’s get into the post.
Let's start with Illumi first.
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Headcanon 1: Illumi has a secret admiration for different types of art but he specifically enjoys pop art and surrealism. He has commented on how surrealism makes his brain twist and his feelings swirl as he tries to figure out the piece and what inspires it.
He prefers not to participate in tours as he likes to digest the art at his own pace.
Headcanon 2: In his spare time, he paints on a canvas. His art style consists of both surrealism and abstract art. For a person with a dark personality, his compositions always contain bright colors and abstract techniques that leave you wondering about his TRUE personality. He is truly a good man with a bright personality but after being abused for so long, those behaviors/personalities have been shoved so far down his throat that they may not come back up.
He has a bad habit of asking you what you thought about every single piece of art you passed. The conversations were great but this is a date after all. The playful conversation slowly turns into a lecture about art. Although you loved your bf’s dictionary-like brain it also drained your energy.
One of his favorite artists is Vincent Van Gough. Although he favors surrealism, Van Gogh’s art style was mind-blowing to him. So amazed that he buys several Van Gogh t-shirts from the gift shop.
His favorite piece created by Van Gough is “Starry Night”.
He notices that you are becoming bored and decides that it is time for MORE excitement, one that you are certain to enjoy.
“Where are we going,” you ask, pretending to be interested.
“Down to the basement. We are going to have a bite to eat.”
Since Illumi rarely smiled, when he did smile it drove you wild. The anticipation of what his next move was going to be is what drove that wildness. Being a bounty hunter was thrilling already but dating a smart, badass assassin was totally out of your league but it worked out.
Headcanon 3: Illumi’s idea of being romantic is dramatically different from yours. He believes just spending time with you on the couch was enough. He is correct; but if you have the time and funds, your time together should be a little spontaneous. You insisted on dates outside of the house because his family will not stay out of your business.
“Illumi, I am too hungry for more trivia.”
He chuckles. “Don’t worry. So am I. That is why I’ve decided to take you to a wine and cheese party.”
Huh? Wine and Cheese at 3PM? That’s ok. When was there a time limit on when you can drink alcohol?
Illumi has indirectly attended parties as such when he was 15 years old. He never drank, but he watched as his mother’s friends (surprisingly) talked about business and their children. This time, you weren’t going to talk about business for once. Instead, you two were going to actually talk about what couples discuss.
Headcanon 4: When introduced to alcohol for the first time, Illumi immediately stated how he hated brown liquor. That includes Hennessy, Jack Daniels, etc. It makes him sick to his stomach. He prefers to drink Smirnoff mixed with fruity drinks like strawberry or pineapple.
He loves it when you make these drinks for him on a summer day.
Hence the title wine and cheese, you both go to a stand-up table, place your brochures down, and actually have a wonderful conversation not involving work or hunting.
Illumi smiled a few times, more than usual. Whenever he appears to be softer even around you, that is because he has mellowed out and doesn't have the overbearing weight of his family on his shoulders. You set him free.
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According to a one-shot that another manga artist created, they expressed that Hisoka was found on the side of the road, was taken in by someone that worked at a local circus, and learned Nen in a matter of days. Hisoka’s clown look and having the skills of a magician proves that this has to be canon in some way.
Headcanon 1: Given this potential backstory, going to a carnival is his go-to every summer. He wants to take you to a circus but saves that for you as an engagement gift.
Everyone with a heart knows that whether or not you’re in a relationship or not the carnival is fun as hell! Expensive fried food, elephant ears, funnel cake, ICEE’s, rides, and stuffed animals are to die for!
Being at a carnival relaxes him so his bloodlust isn’t activated unless someone bumps into him and causes a scene.
Headcanon 2: PDA is something that Hisoka does well; he doesn’t overdo it but does it enough where people get the impression that you are a couple and aren’t “best friends”.
While completing a mission depending on how rough it may be, he insists that you tag along to see how he handles the situation. You’ve already seen his ruthlessness from Hunter’s exam but he insists.
His sense of pride gets the best of him sometimes. Sometimes his head is so big that it reminds you of a large birthday balloon.
Headcanon 3: ANYWAY, given his nature, he is very adventurous, dangerous, and courageous. If he wants to go on the Demon Drop, he’ll do it and you DO not have a choice in the matter. He’ll tease or guilt trip you into doing something that you would not like to do.
“Well, you wouldn’t want me to cling on to someone else, would you?”
“No. Of course not,” you reply.
“Let’s go then, scaredy-cat.”
As a hunter, you’ve seen worse. Why are you so afraid to go on a ride?
Headcanon 4: At apple orchards, cornfield mazes are one of his favorites. You cannot for the life of you figure out how to get out but he can. He grabs a scarecrow and scares you from behind. That annoys you but is nothing compared to later on that night.
Oh. My. God. It’s haunted house time!
“Hisoka, I’m not going in!”
“Why not? I’ll protect you.”
“Because they’re monsters and I already have to deal with one.”
It took him a second to catch on that you were talking about him.
“That’s going to bite you in the butt, kitten.”
Headcanon 5: Like Killua, Hisoka has a sweet tooth. Don’t allow his buff appearance to fool you!
He LOVES caramel apples, elephant ears, funnel cake, freshly squeezed lemonade, fudge, and cotton candy. How can this man manage to stay in shape? The world may never know.
Headcanon 6: He isn’t one to play by other people’s rules but he sets his own rules with your relationship that you both must obey. One of those rules says that neither of you can be on your phones while together.
Headcanon 7: Hisoka insists that you both wear either matching pants or matching shirts to avoid unnecessary flirtation.
He isn’t jealous but on “us time”, he doesn’t want to lose a single second.
Headcanon 8: Hisoka only jumps in when necessary. Given that you’ve passed the hunter’s exam and work as a bodyguard, he knows you can handle your business. If the person can’t take a hint, then he steps in. They almost back up immediately considering Hisoka is towering over them.
When the moon shines, you both go to the car and off to sleep in your comfy king-sized bed.
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We all know that Chrollo loves to read! What does he specifically like to read? What Genre? Does he like to read alone or with other people?
Although Chrollo is a thief and must be hidden in the shadows, the authorities have called off the search for him for at least 3 years. Slowly but surely, he begins to find himself in the outside world again.
Chrollo once discussed a book with the Phantom Troupe when they were being transported to another place for a mission. He read “Tears of a Tiger” by Sharon M. Draper.
The reading sessions are opened with an affirmation and a reason to be thankful to be alive. He says he is thankful for the troupe, glances at you, and smiles. No one catches on to that sly face except for Phinks.
Headcanon 1: Chrollo is very silent and shy to an extent. He only associates with people he knows and trusts. You are the social butterfly at this moment.
Chrollo tags along behind you like a shy child, holding your hand while you stick out your free hand to greet everyone.
Today, the book club was going to read “Divergent”.
Headcanon 2: Although he loves to read, he hates it when others read out loud. Most people are drably read and it annoys him. After a while, he takes over. Chrollo was tense the first 30 minutes of the meeting because two cops were there but neither of them noticed it was him.
Headcanon 3: Chrollo often acts the part of the character that he is reading in the book. His tone, attitude, and emphasis on certain words keep the group engaged. He is complimented on his acting!
“Good Job, honey,” you whisper.
He responds by tightly squeezing your hand.
His tone was so impressive that the host insisted that he read for the entire night. He was ok with that because in between reads he was often distracted by a lovely pair of jeans and shoes you had on. You were into writing, so hearing others read and act out the characters helped.
Headcanon 4: In some settings, Chrollo is very braggadocious. He insisted that the group read one of your stories so you could be provided with feedback.
“We’d be delighted to view your story, y/n!”
“It will be fun!”
The book club wasn’t a stereotypical club that only consisted of soccer moms but instead consisted of men and women who were involved with a business, law enforcement, health, etc. This was an open space for everyone to relax and forget about their demanding jobs.
After the meeting, the group went to dinner at a nearby pizzeria. You all enjoyed large pizzas, beer, salads, and dessert. How could your stomach (or anyone’s stomach) hold that much?
Chrollo laughed so much that it made you question if he was your actual boyfriend or not. He even engaged in conversations with the two off-duty cops! For once, you helped Chrollo experience the greater things in life; true love, friendship, and happiness.
“Thank you,” he whispered and slyly placed a kiss on your hand. “For everything.”
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justaniche · 4 years ago
Hey! I’m dying for more Daxton. I seriously can’t wait for season 2. Can you write something about Nalini realizing Paxton is good for Devi? Like he takes care of her/protects her and helps her deal with her trauma
omg let me say first, anon, thank you for this ask. youre the first person to take me up on my offer to write stuff for you so thank you again.
A little bit about this writing piece before I actually show it to you, there was a point when I was writing it when I wasn’t sure if it was going to reach 1K words but there was a point where the words just start to flow and I can proudly say it is 2.1K and that is not a lot but based on what I thought it was going to end up being it has come along way. and this is one of my first-ish never have I ever work of writing. I think it’s the first I’ve written entirely off the top of my head. My other ones are either not posted or it’s my work inspired by the episodes and its just everything through Paxton‘s point of view so it’s a bit different.
this is getting sort of long so anyway, without further ado. here it is. I hope you enjoy it, please let me know what you think and if you like it please feel free to send me another!
Nalini had just about had it. The day’s raging dumpster fire began with traffic that resulted in her being late to work. If that wasn’t bad enough, a patient she saw a couple days ago came back complaining that her treatment caused a breakout. After a follow-up, she discovered the patient hadn’t changed any of their habits despite her advice! So was it really the treatment, or the fact that they don’t wash their face? All that suffices to say when Nalini got home she was already on a very short fuse. Kamala was out for school and let her family know she wouldn’t be home for dinner so it was known by both Devi and Nalini that they would be cooking without her today. Nalini gave Devi specific instructions so that, regardless of how late her day ran, they could have dinner at a reasonable time. Devi did not follow those instructions. Nalini came home to the door unlocked, closed but unlocked, the house a mess, and Devi’s part of dinner not made. No matter how many breaths she took, Nalini was mad. No, mad didn’t quite cover it. She silently walked up the stairs, hell-bent on seeing what caused this disaster, and if she didn’t like the reason she planned to riff for the rest of the night. But approaching Devi’s door she found it ajar. She peeked inside, and that's where she found them.
After winning his swim meet, Paxton was on top of the world. The school day had been what it tended to be, light. Filled with class and hanging with his friends in the hotpocket. But that was hours ago. It was early evening when he saw her, Devi Vishwakumar, they had sort of become friends over recent weeks but given the up and down nature of their relationship, Paxton was always very aware of her. Devi had a way of grabbing Paxton’s attention. He was always trying to figure her out. Of course she made a hell of a first impression, first couple of impressions actually. Devi was sorely different from anyone else in his circle and Paxton wasn’t yet sure how he felt about the sudden invasion. He pretended he didn’t but after unintentionally watching her Paxton began to notice Devi’s change in mood sometimes. Like right now, from where Paxton was he saw the set of her shoulders. The tension was apparent as Devi stalked across the school grounds. Confusion flooded Paxton’s mind and before another thought could register, he was jogging towards her.
“ Hey, Vishwakumar, wait up! ” He called towards her but she didn’t stop
Devi cast a look over her shoulder, her voice was muffled when she spoke, “Uh, Hi Paxton, I can’t talk.” her voice cracks, “I’m in a bit of a rush.”
Paxton slows down for a second as he takes in the situation, Devi speeds up.
“Are you okay?”
Devi breaks into a dead sprint and Paxton doesn’t think, he just follows.
Devi was doing okay. Today was harder than most for a reason she couldn’t name but Devi was making it through. That was until last period art class. The teacher gave a simple assignment, and that was to paint your happiest memory. Immediately when the words left his mouth, a memory came flooding into Devi's mind like a tidal wave.
Devi was 8 when her father convinced her mother that going to a Californian beach as a family would be an adventure. Devi barely remembers the build-up, it was a haze of packing sandwiches and equipment. Leaving the house, only to discover something had been forgotten. A car ride that seemed to stretch into forever. But the beach was magnificent. At least it was in Devi’s memory. It was a gloomy day, the threat of rain looming, so the beach’s visitors were far and few in between. Devi remembers that feeling of warm sand under her feet. She remembers those first fragile steps into the tide, only to rush back as the ocean crashed forward chasing her back to shore. She could see her mom, in the distance, setting up their makeshift camp for the day. She was more content watching her family than participating. The ocean was vast and blue and terrifying. Devi could not urge herself to take more than a few steps. Devi doesn’t know how her dad saw her distress but it was like he could read her mind. He grabbed her and lifted her high then settled Devi on his shoulders. He insisted that she was safe there, she was too high for the ocean to ever reach. He held her hand as he walked slowly but confidently further into the waves. He stopped just as the water kissed her mid-calf but it was enough. From way up here, with her father by her side, the ocean wasn’t anything to fear, it was something to marvel at.
Devi had a firm picture in her mind of her happiest memory and it was her family’s adventure at the beach. But Devi couldn’t make a move to make this image a reality. Sadness crept up on her and got a vice grip on her heart. Her vision blurred and she couldn’t breathe. How had she ever breathed before? Was it always this hard? The bell rang, signaling the end of the day but Devi was on autopilot. Eleanor and Fabiola felt miles away, whenever they’d focus in the daze of her mind, the grip on her heart tightened and dragged her back to darkness. Devi doesn’t know if she said goodbye to her best friends,
She blinked, band began
She inhaled, band was over
She stood, the sun was setting
She gazed, the stress stiffened her movements as she walked around campus. Where was she headed?
Devi was desperate for light, for clarity.
“ Hey, Vishwakumar, wait up! ” The sudden noise broke the muddle, if only for now, she was again aware of the devastation and loss weighing on her mind and on her heart.
She recognized that voice and it was getting closer, she glanced over her shoulder. Paxton, no no no, she didn’t want anyone to see this least of all her newest and most popular friend, “Uh, Hi Paxton, I can’t talk.” Why was her voice cracking? “I’m in a bit of a rush.”
Devi finally knew where she wanted to go as she increased her speed.
“Are you okay?” Paxton’s question was the final straw, she couldn’t stop her tears and they fell uncontrollably past her cheeks. Paxton was going to catch up, and Devi was crumbling by the second. So Devi did the only thing she could. She ran, ignoring the echo of the beating steps behind her.
Nalini could hardly comprehend the scene playing in front of her. Devi, her only child, her entire world, looked so small folded up on the floor in front of her bed. Devi was always so strong, with a personality larger than life. She always seemed bigger than her stature, always taking up more space. Nalini's anger from the day deflates, leaving no trace it was ever there to begin with. Nalini tears her eyes away from the form of her daughter to take in the room. It was dark but the other figure inhabiting the room was clear as day. Paxton sat before Devi, his body language soft. He had one hand on the arms Devi wrapped around herself as he spoke to her gently. Paxton’s volume was soft as a whisper, any louder would shatter the delicate atmosphere. Witnessing this scene felt like a secret and the longer Nalini stood there the guiltier she felt. Devi never expressed emotions this deeply to her. Everyday problems with her friends or tests or Ben Gross, yes. But Devi never shared this.
Nalini's mind was going a million miles an hour as he crept back down the steps and began cooking dinner. She knew Devi would refuse but she needed to have something ready, just in case. When everything was mostly done, she was quiet as she moved around the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on the meal. Nalini knew he was trying to walk silently but she still caught Paxton as he descended the steps. Nalini kept her back to him as she called, giving Paxton an out if he needed.
“Um...yes, Hi Mrs. Vishwakumar” at the acknowledgment, Nalini felt comfortable enough to turn around.
Paxton was standing in the doorway, shuffling in obvious discomfort. What he expected her to say she didn’t know. Gods, neither did Nalini. Questions flew through her mind faster than she could catch them. She didn’t want to ask him about what happened, Nalini wanted Devi to share when, if, she was ready. Nalini realized, amongst these questions, that she didn’t know Paxton. Here was this kid, late in the evening comforting her daughter. She couldn’t even be upset that they were home alone when she recalled how broken Devi looked. All Nalini had done thus far was judge Paxton, he looked like a jock so she thought him dumb. She made these assumptions about him, that he’d peak in high school or that he was shallow or that he was a walking STI, but they were just that. Assumptions. This kid stayed with her daughter for she didn’t even know how long, she’d been cooking for close to an hour so it was at least that.
All these guesses and judgments were useless when she stood in front of him. Paxton had a rigid set to his limbs, Nalini thought it was probably from sitting in one position for so long, and he was still dressed in gym clothes. Paxton looked new in Nalini’s eyes and she regretted never wanting to know him before now. Nalini didn’t know where to begin, she wondered if he’d eaten.
“Would you like something to eat?” Nalini's silent prayer must’ve been heard because he accepted. She was being given another chance. She quickly worked around the familiar space, grabbing one of the good containers and piling more food than necessary, successfully straining the unyielding plastic. She was handing the meal over when she paused, they both had a hand on the object between them but Nalini couldn’t let go, not yet.
“Thank you, Paxton, really, I don’t know what happened and I won’t ask but I saw what you did for Devi.” Paxton had the decency to look a little shocked. He hadn’t heard anything. Paxton was too absorbed before. His mind was a broken record repeating only, Devi.
The moment shatters when the front door opened, “I’m home!” Kamala’s voice fills the silent home. With the trance broken, Nalini’s hold on the container falters and she drops her hand allowing Paxton to leave. Words were failing him so all Paxton could give was a tightlipped smile in response.
“Thanks for the dinner.” Paxton’s smile was looser now and that gave Nalini courage.
Kamala was unloaded the day around her but Nalini was focused on making this right, “You’re welcome to come by Paxton, anytime.” She could only hope Paxton knew just how much she meant those words. His smile was burdened but bright, he nodded strongly and then he was out the door.
Kamala was fixing the table for a very late dinner when she called for Devi to join, Nalini hoped she would. “Who was that? And why was he here so late?” Pure curiosity laced Kamala’s voice.
“Paxton is one of Devi’s friends. He’s a good kid.”
Those details were all she could provide before Devi came bouncing down the steps. Nalini couldn’t be sure if it was the fact of what she saw or reality but Devi’s movements looked heavier than they normally were.
“What’s up guys?” Devi’s voice feigned casualness, “Dang mom, isn’t it late for a thousand-course meal?” She questioned as she took in the lack of clear surfaces on the dinner table.
Nalini just brushed it off, indicating for everyone to take a seat. “So how was everyone’s day?”
Nalini wasn’t looking for Devi to share but this was her family. She would always want to hear how they were, plus it was tradition. As they consumed insane amounts of food they were bound to regret eating this late at night, everything felt so normal and easy. But something had shifted in Nalini today and even though it was new and she was scared to death of this person entering Devi’s life with the propensity to hurt her. Nalini can’t say she minded too much because it was Paxton. He had proven himself worthy of a chance, and Nalini wouldn’t soon forget it.
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