#Thank you all for being part of this journey
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ninjawolf21 · 18 hours ago
I’ll be honest, the ShadowPeach Bio Parent AU single handily both kept the Lego Monkie Kid fandom alive and me alive.
I was first entranced by @kyri45’s artstyle, only to become completely immersed in the fun joyful story of all these characters’ growth.
I’d anticipate going on tumblr every other day excitedly yearning for an update. I’ve been in fandom spaces for a long time, and for the first time in a long while, I eagerly awaited more and more from an AU comic that seemed to pop out of nowhere. I felt like teenager again finding a fandom’s webcomic that I would latch onto and obsess over and think about all the time within the current fandom I was a part of.
It felt like the dark ages for the LMK fandom in its year’s await for season 6 of Lego Monkie Kid after the hype of season 5 wore off. Compared to a lot of mainstream media, the LMK fandom in my pov is actually quite small. Perhaps it is much larger in China, but as an american, the community for the fandom feels a lot like a bean sprout since advertising for the show outside of China has been quite limited and a tad underground. I could be wrong, but that’s the vibe I’ve gotten. Not enough people really know of the show in places like america because LMK isn’t marketed to its fullest extent here. (I could write a whole other post of why that is but that currently isn’t my focus of this post haha)
Only waiting one year for a hiatus ïżŒof a full season compares little to the long trek of patience of other fandoms who’ve rekindled their spark over a longer amount of time. Such as Arcane’s 3-4 year show hiatus, clutching onto their fandom like cradling an ember of a remaining flame-OR-Napoleon XIV’s 53 long years of awaiting an album they never anticipated, while holding a match and a matchbox after their flame had been long ago extinguished.
Regardless, fandoms can lose a lot of interest within a single year’s time.
We lost a lot of LMK fandom soldiers outside of China when the studios changed from Flying Bark to WildBrain. (WildBrain in my opinion did an amazing job for that entire season that had to be rushed, and I love them for that, but sadly we did lose a lot of people from abrupt animation change). The remaining people who stayed, in my interpretation, were the last remaining starving many who were stuck in the trenches with not many crumbs of LMK left to sate the imagination.
However..that’s when @kyri45 joined the chat. Single handedly,ïżŒ their comic created the renaissance and rekindling of the LMK fandom. It went from us being stuck in the mud, to the solidarity of arising columns, arches, and domes of sprouted fanart for their AU’s comic.
ShadowPeach Bio Parent AU grew its very own community through @kyri45, keeping the previous values of the LMK fandom quite intact and sturdy. Many were even influenced into making their own AUs.
I’m currently one of few who stayed and contributed my own work as a fanfic writer and drawer to keep the fandom alive. @kyri45 became a pillar for me to keep going and continue creating. They were a constant I could rely on and say “Hey! I’m not the only person left who continues to make stuff for this fandom, thank god” haha.
We all became enraptured by MK’s growth into his own person, Macaque and Wukong’s apologies/rekindling, silly romantic tension of all the ships, angst that made everyone’s heart twist, and overall just the fluffy fun lighthearted atmosphere @kyri45 provided for thier fandom’s AU webcomic.
Their are many other incredible and skilled artists who also kept the LMK fandom alive, but by far @kyri45’s comic was the one influence that caught most of my attention.
Thank you @kyri45. You saved LMK’s dying little empire. You struck an impactful invigorating spark. You not only kept the LMK fandom aflame with life, but also ‘Journey to the West’ Wu Cheng’en’s work, too.
For that, on behalf of the Lego Monkie Kid fandom, we are grateful <3
This Finale was more than 1 MONTH in the making! And I truly hope you all will enjoy it and cry as much as I did ahah.
This is my way to thank you for all the love I've received since starting comic. It wouldn't have become as big as it is without you all, so WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT YOU ARE NOW PART OF IT AS WELL!
We'll see what the future holds for our gay monkeys!
I don't want this to be the END of the life of this fandom, so! If you are working on your own LMK AU, feel free to advertise your own comic with a small summary in the comments/reblog!! Let's keep this fandom alive!
I'll be posting each part of the finale as a post here in the following days so stay tuned!!
Shadowpeach Bio Parents AU (PREV / FIRST
I'll be posting the first part of a slide version of the finale TODAY, AT 2PM ET
And I'll post the following part on MARCH 16TH 1PM ET
Bet you didn't see that coming. It had to end just as it started.
Thank you for the voices of the Post-Credit Scene!
@hyperwukong012 as Sun Wukong
Ender as Red Son
@sam-i-am-27 as Mei
@wee-dopey as MK and Macaque
This WONT be the last drawing I do for this comic by far. BUT! It's good to put an end to a whole story first. Anything that I will do after this, will be done much more lightly, without a precise schedule or a precuse number of panels. Maybe I'll take some suggestions, but I will ONLY do what I feel like if I got the time.
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irefy · 17 hours ago
My favorite parts of the Odyssey (and things I took note of while reading):
Telemachus not understanding Penelope’s grief over Odysseus
Telemachus being So Done with the Suitors
Athena calling Odysseus her “old friend” twice while in disguise.
Athena disguising herself exclusively as Odysseus’ friends when appearing to Telemachus.
Athena’s utter disdain for Calypso. (It’s really funny, actually. She does just seem to hate her.)
Nestor being asked for news of Odysseus and admitting he doesn’t know anything, then immediately going on a rant about his own journey home.
Nestor saying he’s never seen a god more openly fond of anyone than Athena is of Odysseus.
Menelaus going to Egypt and getting even more rich right after Troy, while Agamemnon was murdered in his own house.
Everyone bursting into tears over dinner when talking about Odysseus
Menelaus disguising himself as a seal.
The seal skins that they used for said disguise smelled so bad the goddess who was helping him put ambrosia under his nose
The old man of the sea saying he shouldn’t tell Menelaus who got home alright and then proceeding to tell him every little detail.
The first time we see Odysseus, he’s on Calypso’s island crying “as usual.”
The return of “What are you talking about?” Still laughing my ass off about this btw.
Nausica seeing a dirty, scruffy, naked man (he was wearing a branch but that doesn’t count) come out of a bush and getting annoyed at her maidens for being afraid.
Athena making Odysseus look young and hot to the maidens and Nausica. I don’t know why. She really didn’t have to.
Athena making Odysseus invisible but not telling him, so when he goes up to the phaeacian queen and Athena makes him visible again everyone is confused about where this random, scruffy, homeless looking man came from.
Seriously. They were eating dinner and then suddenly a guy was just there.
King Alcinous wonders if Odysseus is a god, and Odysseus is very confused about why he would think this.
One guess why he would think this.
Alcinous, after knowing Odysseus for like. A few hours. Asks him to stay and marry his daughter. He doesn’t even know his name.
Hermes telling Odysseus that he has to be careful or Circe will “unman” him
The men transforming back from pigs and being younger and hotter than before. Again. Why.
Them getting really emotional and crying with thanks for Odysseus saving them (seriously everyone is crying all the time. They all cried earlier too)
The sight is so pathetic that Circe, the notorious man hating goddess, takes pity and invites the whole crew to her palace.
Eurylochus spreading doubt and immediately folding at the expression on Odysseus’ face
Circe getting annoyed with all the crying and basically telling Odysseus to tell them to shut up.
Elpenor. Need I say more?
Oh my god they’re all crying again.
Ajax being a sore loser
Elpenor got a funeral!!! Yay!!!
Odysseus falling asleep immediately after getting onto the Phaeacian ship. What a mood.
Odysseus condemning liars while actively lying to Eumaeus.
Odysseus condemning liars while actively lying to Eumaeus and immediately after making up a story in which he meets himself.
Odysseus pounding on his chest and yelling at his heart to stop beating so fast.
His heart listens.
Theoclymenus immediately getting Murder Vibes from Telemachus and Odysseus and deciding to nope out
Telemachus defending Penelope from the suitors by saying her praises. I thought it was actually really sweet, because a majority of the time he was kind of rude to her. Shows he really did care and didn’t want to force her into anything against her will, despite the way he sometimes talked to her.
Odysseus stringing his bow and shooting through the axes (iconic)
Odysseus IMMEDIATELY AFTER stripping. He shoots Antinous naked. Everything out there. Telemachus must have wished he didn’t have eyes.
Penelope and Telemachus’ arcs (swapping viewpoints on Odysseus’ possible return.)
Athena holding off dawn so that Odysseus and Penelope could have lots of sex.
Odysseus and Penelope’s entire reunion
Odysseus visiting his father and instead of telling him who he is immediately he decides to play a silly little game.
And by that I mean he makes up a random story on the spot when he doesn’t recognize him.
Laertes, used to the antics, doesn’t question this.
When Athena stops the fighting between the suitors families and Odysseus, and the suitor’s families begin to retreat, Odysseus chases them.
Zeus sends a lightning bolt to tell him to stop.
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yuurivoice · 2 days ago
I love love love how you made Al’s anger so much more potent in the directors cut. He didn’t pull any punches, especially with the bitch comment. The original was amazing too, but the new chapter one refresh felt very powerful. Thank you for being blatant and not pulling punches with realistic anger/healing. Don’t see a lot of that in audio creators.
I've got a lot of really nice comments like this and I'm very grateful! I don't think the boys could have been as nasty to each other originally back in the day with the way the audience was so worked up about WHAT IF HE LEAVES US and OMG IS HE MAD AT US at the time...they may have actually imploded.
But what really makes the difference is a lot of that trust and connection that's already there, and that in this package you're not waiting weeks at a time to figure out key emotional resolutions.
They say a key ingredient of a good relationship is to not go to sleep mad? Well, imagine having to go weeks without resolving that level of uncertainty. Lmfao So I get it.
As for the "bitch" thing, I'm glad folks get it and didn't balk at the harshness of it. For the boys specifically, in this particular story that tackles queer men, toxic masculinity, etc. it feels all too real for Alphonse to push that button. I think it's one of the cruelest things that he could have said, and in that moment, he dropped the nuke.
I don't like that word. I grew up around it being used towards women, and I cringe at it the way I'm sure much of the audience does as well. Alphonse knowing that Seth, the perceived masculine one of the pair, had indeed trusted him to be dominant with him in the past? Taking that intimate trust and throwing it in his face by using that word that carries all of that weight? Nasty.
But that's the nice part of being able to go back. I know these boys so much better than I did then. It's really the difference of a first and final draft, I've seen enough of the story and characters that now the early stuff feels much more real and appropriate.
As for the emotional maturity, healing, etc. I appreciate that too. I also want to acknowledge that the process and maturity is fastracked to a ridiculous degree. The boys are both pre and post therapy in a lot of ways. In another medium, that'd be part of the journey and they wouldn't necessarily come out of the box so neat and tidy, but that's okay! That's also a good way to earn trust from the audience that when shit does go wrong, I know how to get us back, the boys know roughly what's the best way to resolve things...but maybe in the future we'll have to work through some additional stuff and with all that trust i can wander a bit more freely!
Shoutout to all the foreshadowing Alphonse got to do. 😂
Anywho, thank you again for the kind words!
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infinitelibrary · 3 days ago
So I read this last night hoping for a nice little shot of bedtime reading. What I got was a chapter - yes, a SINGLE CHAPTER - that carried me through a whirlwind of emotions. Everything from awe 😼 to spice đŸ„” to angst and heartache 😱 to absolute LOVE (*gasp* the L word!!!)❀ and happy tears đŸ„č. And again, I repeat: all this in a SINGLE CHAPTER. I think that speaks volumes to your skills as a writer, so let's make that very clear. I read this no less than 3 times last night itself. And then at least twice more this morning, just so I could take notes and digest and be coherent when I came here to reblog and give you my thoughts. (as you can tell, that was pointless bc I'm still rambling.)
Also fair warning - this is LONG, and I don't feel like putting it under a cut but just know there are spoilers galore. Consider yourself warned.
First off...In the Soop Yoongi at the beginning. oh you can bet your ASS I noticed him! I will always notice him! 😍
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THANK YOU!! I know it's such a small detail but I am so grateful to you for indulging me and including him in there, down to the loose collared tee and the necklace (all the better to pull him in close for a kiss or two 😉)
The chapter progressed through the makeover montage. Something many of us can only dream of! Makeup, glitz, glam, outfits at our fingertips, getting dolled up and made pretty even if just for a night. A perfect Cinderella moment. And I'm theorizing based on the characterizations you've offered us so far...but I think as magical as it was, I think that was part of what led MC to have those doubts later on. She was dolled up and dressed up and it perhaps as much as it made her feel gorgeous, she also knew this wasn't who she really was...and so that 'imposter' feeling was perhaps brewing under the surface. Not saying it was or has to be...but just what I gleam from it in hindsight.
The car. The CAR. Dear GOD don't even get me started. Do you know how hard it was for me to get through my workday today? Thankfully today was a wfh day and most of my calls were camera off, but the one that was camera on? The whole time - the WHOLE time - the line "Grind. Make me hard before I fuck you right here right now" was running through my head and I had to constantly jolt myself back to reality. When I tell you I am here for slightly jealous possessive Yoongi who feels like he has to remind you who your ass belongs to...I mean I am abso-fucking-lutely HERE 👏FOR 👏IT👏. I swear I read that line last night and my brain glitched. I had to go back and re-read it like 5 times. That entire scene was SO FREAKING HOT. And then ordering her to 'keep it in'?? JFC...đŸ„”
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The party took us on another journey - this one with insecurities and angst. I felt my heart clench with Yijeong's "Still?" comment bc I *know* that feeling. You can feel stuck when others around you are moving up and away, meanwhile you're still in the same job. And it can be frustrating bc change is scary, there's security and comfort with staying with what's familiar. For some, it maybe that they love what they do and don't want to move, though I don't think this is the case with MC, as she mentioned she wished she could, but hadn't been able to. Perhaps she does want to move, but there's something holding her back. Or maybe she just hasn't had the opportunity. There could be any number of reasons. But to have someone unintentionally talk down to her for being in the same role especially at a gathering like this when everyone around her is recognized for their extraordinary achievements...of course it would make her feel insecure and inadequate. Yeah, in her everyday office she's just one among many. But here, she's the "everyday"normal" person in a crowd of celebs and again, it's easy for her to think "Yoongi could have his pick of any of these gorgeous women...why me?" And then add Mina to the mix and I just...sigh
The car ride home, the drop off at her apartment. When she turned him down, my heart was literally aching as she went in alone...then the late night (early morning) text. Him showing up at her doorstep with his confession. The simplicity of it, the urgency of it. I literally cried the first time I read it (happy tears for the both of them). Her reaction, and then reciprocation of his words of affection. Oh my GOD it was better than anything I could have imagined.
The way that you took us through each and every one of these stages was truly a work of art. I feel like I keep saying this about every new installment of your work that comes out, but this may just be one of my favorite chapters of any of your works, EVER. Just...WOW. Everything about it was just....
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(I know that's not a chef's kiss but it's the closest I could find to a Yoongi chef's kiss gif bc yes he is 'cooking' in this clip)
I'm excited to see what comes next!! They've made it official outside the office. What's going to happen *in* the office? What shenanigans will that conniving Danbi get up to? How are they going to have illicit office quickies now that their hiding spot is no longer hidden from the camera's view? And what will happen when Wonwoo shows up?
(you can bet I am staying tuned to find out 💜)
Terms & Conditions | Chapter Seven
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✎ ˎˊ˗ Pairing: Min Yoongi x female Reader
✎ ˎˊ˗ Summary: Managing Min Yoongi as one of your encoders during his alternative military service should’ve been simple. He is quiet, punctual—and can apparently type as fast as he can rap! Not to mention the fact that he is easy on the eyes and keeps wanting to help you. You’ve signed an iron-clad NDA, detailing the full terms and conditions of his temporary employment, so you’re supposed to keep things professional, but what happens if neither of you wants to?
✎ ˎˊ˗ Genre: Fluff, smut, co-workers to lovers, office romance, idol!au
✎ ˎˊ˗ Warnings: Purely speculative regarding Yoongi’s alternative military service and how this is really done in SK, some cursing, boss/employee relationship sorta but there's no power play involved, reader and Yoongi are within the same age range
✎ ˎˊ˗ Chapter Warnings: YOONGI IN THIS SUIT. Angst - themes of jealousy, insecurity, Mildly angry car sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), The L Word <3
✎ ˎˊ˗ Word count: 4.5k ✎ ˎˊ˗ Posting date: March 12, 2025
✎ ˎˊ˗ Notes: We’re back after a longish break! Thank you to @glossdebut for beta reading! Enjoy this chapter, my lovelies~ 💕
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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“Hi, baby! I’m back
?” Your voice trails off as you enter Yoongi’s apartment that afternoon and suddenly the living room has been transformed into what can only be described as the scene for the makeover montage in movies (or fanfics?). 
Clothing racks line one wall, laden with everything from elegant cocktail dresses to sleek jumpsuits. A makeup station with a massive lighted mirror has been set up near the window.
It’s chaos, but it’s also
 kind of amazing.
“What the—” you mutter to yourself, stepping further into the room.
Yoongi appears from the kitchen, a cup of iced coffee in hand, looking unfazed by the commotion. He’s dressed casually in black joggers and a white t-shirt, collarbones peaking deliciously from the loose neckline. Around his neck, a brown necklace draws your eyes to the smooth column of his throat. What gave him the right?
Anyway, he spots you immediately, face softening.
“Hi,” he says, strolling over to you, stuffing one hand inside his pocket casually. Not him acting all awkward again in front of other people.
You try not to roll your eyes before dragging him towards the nearest room and closing the door behind you.
His face is blank, causing you to whisper-shout, “What is all that?” gesturing wildly at the door that’s shielding the activity outside.
He sips his coffee, completely unbothered. “Told you I’d take care of everything.”
“Yah! You didn’t have to go this far!” you exclaim, but there’s a giddy smile tugging at your lips as you slap his chest.
Yoongi captures your wrist and pulls you closer. “Let me spoil you when I want to, mm?” Soft lips meet your forehead.
You roll your eyes, though your cheeks flush at his words. “Fine.”
“Fine,” he smiles sweetly, pressing a quick kiss on your lips this time.
You pull him back in with a loop of your finger around his necklace.
“Hmm, jagi,” he hums against your mouth, a soft reprimand. “Later, okay? They’re here for you.”
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Despite your initial skepticism, it’s hard not to get swept up in the excitement. The team from Bit & Boot is professional but warm, making small talk about your personal color analysis. You’re apparently a soft spring, or was it deep winter?
Someone lays out a few dresses, and your eyes immediately gravitate toward a beige cocktail dress with sleek lines and subtle embellishments along the neckline.
“You have a good eye,” one of the stylists says, removing the hanger. Maybe you did understand the color thingy they were talking about, because they looked pleased. Thank God, because you didn’t want to look like a chump.
Yoongi lingers nearby, keeping an eye on everything. When your makeup artist offers him a chair as if he doesn’t own the place, he smirks and says, “Nah, I’m just here to admire.”
You’re seated in front of the mirror as they work on you, foundation buffed onto your skin, hair teased and styled until it cascades in soft waves over your shoulders. Yoongi stays close, occasionally glancing at his phone but mostly watching you, a small, private smile playing on his lips.
When you finally step out in the dress, Yoongi’s reaction is everything you could have hoped for. 
“Wow,” he breathes, his voice low.
“Too much?” you ask, smoothing the dress nervously.
“Too much? No.” He steps closer, his hand finding your waist, pulling you just slightly toward him. “You’re perfect.”
His words send warmth blooming in your chest. 
The glam team packs up quickly, with small smiles that they try to hide. You bow as they go, leaving the two of you alone in the now-pristine living room.
As the door clicks shut behind them, Yoongi turns to you, his hands sliding down your hips as his lips brush your ear.
“Jagi, we don’t have to go,” he murmurs, voice deep and dangerous. “You’re so sexy. Let’s just stay here. I’ll just take care of you.”
You laugh softly, placing your hands on his chest. “Yoongi, we can’t skip your hyung’s party.”
“Hmm.” His lips curve into a smirk, and his fingers trace lazy patterns on your sides, giving it a light squeeze.
“Just let me kiss your lips for a bit
“Uh-uh,” you shake your head. “Lip gloss.”
“Not those lips
“Yoongi!” You shout, scandalized at the suggestion. But you’d be lying if you didn’t feel the flutter of something low in your belly as he dips his head to your shoulder, chuckling to himself. He’s such a shithead.
“Fine. But know that all I’ll be thinking about tonight is how soon I can get you back here.” He bites your shoulder for good measure.
“Well, you’d better behave then. Don’t make me regret saying yes to this party.”
He steals the faintest kiss on your lips. “I’ll be on my best behavior.”
He lied.
You’re just in the car and already he is not on his best behavior. 
Not when he almost tears your panties in half as he hooks it to the side and inserts his cock in your warmth without so much as a prep.
Backtracking—this was not supposed to happen. And yet somehow you also knew it would, if you’d be really honest.. See, you were just making light conversation as you entered his Palisade.
“So who’s coming to the party again?”
He unbuttons his blazer, leaning back on his seat. “Bunch of label people, my members. They know I’m bringing you.”
“What did you say?”
“Told them to not act like idiots. And that they better behave.”
You hum, amused at the hint of green in his irises. Maybe it can be greener
“And, uh, Yijeong will be there, too?” 
Silence. Except for the soft whirr of the partition rolling up.
“Get over here.”
“You heard me,” he says, voice a touch darker. 
You shuffle to sit on his lap, the fabric of your dress gathering on your waist. His large warm hand strokes up your thigh towards the plush of your ass, roughly squeezing.
“Grind,” he instructs. “Make me hard before I fuck you right here right now.”
Before you can protest your body is already acting on instincts, rolling your hips as per his instructions. Your panties are getting more damp as you continue to rub yourself against the growing stiffness under his trousers.
You hear the sound of a metal buckle and a zip. He frees his cock (he is not wearing underwear–this fucker!) and before you can do anything else, he hooks your panties to the side.
A wave of bliss courses through you as he nestles his tip against your sticky folds, prodding your clit ever so slightly. 
“Can you take it?” 
He smirks. “Okay then, take it.”
A moan rips from your throat when he slips inside and pistons up into you. Hard, fast, and furious. There’s no build-up, not enough forewarning. But you love the stretch—the painful, delicious sting as he forces himself to fit inside you like he has many times before.
“Say my name,” he grits.
“Whose dick are you riding right now, huh?”
“Yours, Yoongi—mmph fuck.”
His grip tightens on your hips, the guitar-calloused pads of his fingers pressing into your skin as he fucks up into you deep. The wet, obscene sounds of your slick walls sucking him in fill the Palisade, drowned out only by your soft whimpers and the way Yoongi grunts against your shoulder.
“Fuck,” he breathes, lips dragging along the shell of your ear, against your piercing. “You always take me so well.”
You grasp the leather headrest, desperate for something to anchor you. But there’s no finding your balance when he’s feral—when his cock is hitting so goddamn deep it knocks the air from your lungs. Your head falls back, mouth parting with a moan as the pleasure crests higher. Every inch of skin on fire.
Yoongi doesn’t slow. If anything, the sight of you, the feel of you—fucked-out and soooo fuckin’ wet—only makes him wilder. His hands shift lower, gripping the meat of your ass, helping you bounce on his cock.
“You want me jealous, huh?” he growls. “Wan’ test me?”
“No, I—fuck—”
His teeth graze your jaw, a warning. “Liar.”
A particularly sharp thrust has you crying out, your nails clawing at his back. His chuckle is dark, pleased. “Don’t worry, jagi. I’ll fuck the thought of anyone else outta you.”
You’re close. You can feel it—the unbearable heat pooling in your belly, every nerve in your body coiling tight. Yoongi knows it too, the way your pussy starts fluttering around him.
“Shit, ‘m close
“Yeah, that’s it. I like it when you lose control
“Ahh. Please, Yoongi.”
“Lemme feel it, baby,” he coaxes, voice rough, strained. “Let me feel you cum for me.”
That’s all it takes. Your release crashes over you, sharp and white-hot, your body trembling as your orgasm rips through you. Yoongi groans, feeling you squeeze him tight tight tight, milking him for all he’s worth.
“Fuck, fuck—” His grip bruises as he slams into you one last time, burying himself to the hilt as he spills inside, filling you up with every last drop. 
For a moment, all you can hear is the ragged sound of your breaths, the faint hum of the engine beneath you, which you just now realize is already parked. 
Yoongi’s hands smooth over your thighs, as you both come down. Then, with a tired but no less shit-eating grin, he pulls out and pings your panties back into place, pressing his thumb at the seam, before he says: 
“Keep it in for me, jagi.”
You should be scandalized. You can feel his viscous load already dripping from you, but you clench. You hold it in as best as you can. Because you’ll agree to anything when he’s like this.
You shudder, pulse still racing as he presses a slow, open-mouthed kiss to your lips. It’s gentle—so at odds with what just happened.
“Yoongi,” you breathe, still floating.
He smirks, lazy and satisfied. “My pretty jagi.”
As you rest your forehead against his, still dazed, still blissed-out, he tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear and murmurs, “Now, let’s go to this fucking party before I change my mind.”
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The party is already buzzing when you arrive, and Yoongi’s hand finds the small of your back, grounding you as he guides you through the crowd. His friends are scattered across the room, a mix of banter and laughter filling the air. 
You’re honestly a little self-conscious after your little car tryst. Is your dress too wrinkled? Is your make-up a wreck? Do you smell like cum?
“Come on,” Yoongi murmurs, leaning in close enough for his breath to tickle your ear. “Let’s go say hi.”
Jimin is the first to turn to you with a playful grin, “So, you’re the one Yoongi-hyung’s been hiding from us, huh?” He raises an eyebrow, his expression equal parts curious and amused. 
Jungkook grins, leaning in for a casual hug. “Hello, Y/N.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes, but a small, almost shy smile tugs at the corner of his mouth as he introduces you to the rest of the members. Everybody seems friendly, acknowledging you for being Yoongi’s plus one. For the most part, it’s Jungkook who keeps close, chatting with you about Chae and how he’s bummed she couldn’t make it tonight. Cute.
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At some point in the night, Yoongi gets whisked away into a circle of conversation on the far side of the room. You hang back, still close but giving him enough space to enjoy his time outside of—let’s be real—babysitting you.
You slip toward the bar, ordering a drink, needing something to do with your hands while you surreptitiously take everything in.
Is that Hwasa? Oh my God, that’s Irene of Red Velvet.
The weight of where you are settles all at once. You knew you’d be surrounded by idols tonight, but knowing and experiencing are two very different things. These are people who command stages, who are revered and respected and admired by millions. And then
 there’s you. A glorified office worker who stumbled into this world by accident.
You inhale, shake it off, sip your drink.
But just as you think you’re in the clear, your full government name rings out over the music, a curious voice cutting through the din.
“I heard you were gonna be here.”
You turn, and there he is.
“Jang Yijeong. Long time no see.”
He leans against the bar, the corners of his lips curling in amusement. “Indeed.”
The weight of history sits between you. It’s not bad blood, not really, but there’s something about seeing someone from your past in a space that so obviously belongs to your present that feels a little jarring.
Especially because you suddenly meet said present’s eyes from across the room and the motherfucker mouths, keep it in
 and you squirm in your seat as a flush of fluid threatens to trickle down your thighs.
“So, Yoongi-yah, huh?” Yijeong tilts his head, studying you and maybe your odd facial expression right now. “Small world.”
“Yeah.” You shift, inhaling sharply. “So how have you been?”
“Really good. Worked on Yoongi’s last album and tour before his service. Now I’m going back and forth between here and the US, trying to do my own thing.”
“Wow.” You blink, forcing a smile. “I’m happy for you.”
His success doesn’t surprise you. He’s always been talented, always had that drive. But hearing it out loud, seeing how effortlessly he fits into this world—it stirs something unpleasant in your chest.
“How about you?” he asks.
You take another sip of your drink, stalling. “Just boring stuff. I work in the Yongsan municipal office.”
“Oh, you’re still there?” His brows lift, his voice light, but something about the phrasing makes your stomach twist.
Like you should have moved on by now. Like you’ve been standing in place while the rest of the world surged forward.
You force a small laugh, trying not to let it show. “Yeah, still there.”
Yijeong hums, nodding slowly. “Good thing you didn’t leave.” He gestures toward the other side of the room where Yoongi is now laughing at something someone said, looking so effortlessly cool. “Or else you wouldn’t have met Yoongi.”
And honestly, what do you say to that?
Because he’s right. If you had taken any of the other job offers, if you had made even the smallest change to your path, you wouldn’t be here.
But the way he says it makes it sound like Yoongi is the best thing that’s ever happened to you. Like meeting him was some stroke of dumb luck, the one extraordinary thing in an otherwise unimpressive life.
Like Yoongi is a prize you won rather than a person who chose you.
You swallow, looking down at your drink. The ice clinks against the glass, but it doesn’t drown out the thoughts forming in your head. Is that what people see when they look at you? A nobody who somehow landed Min Yoongi?
Your fingers tighten around the glass. And suddenly, the room doesn’t feel so warm anymore.
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As you make your way back toward Yoongi, a voice stops you.
“You must be the famous Y/N.”
You turn, surprised to see a woman smiling at you, her glossy lips curled into something amused but warm. She’s effortlessly chic, her black dress draped elegantly over her frame.
“Oh,” you say, blinking as recognition sets in. His Mina-noona. You’ve heard Yoongi mention her before—a longtime friend, someone he respects. 
“I’m Mina,” she says, offering her hand. You shake it, feeling slightly scrutinized under her gaze—but not in a malicious way. More like she’s curious, trying to piece together the puzzle that is you.
“Yoongi talks about you,” she adds, eyes twinkling.
Your brows lift slightly. “He does?”
Mina hums, taking a sip of her drink. “Not much, but enough. He’s
 different these days.”
“Different how?”
“I don’t know,” she muses. “Softer, maybe. More invested.”
Your stomach does a little flip, but before you can fully process it, Mina gives you a knowing look. “You do know what you’re getting into, right?”
The flip turns into a twist. “What do you mean?”
Mina chuckles, shaking her head. “Nothing bad,” she reassures you, waving a hand. “Just
 Yoongi’s always been a certain way. Keeps people at arm’s length. Not the type to—” She pauses, then shrugs. “Well. Not the type to bring someone to a party like this.”
You try to keep your expression neutral, but the words settle uncomfortably in your chest. Is she trying to insinuate that Yoongi tends to go for just casual, a typical fuckboi even?
“You must be special,” she adds, smiling. It’s meant to be kind, but it only stirs something uneasy inside you.
You force a small laugh. “I’d like to think so.”
Mina gives your arm a gentle squeeze before stepping back. “It was nice to finally meet you,” she says genuinely. “Enjoy tonight.”
She disappears into the crowd before you can respond, leaving you standing there, your mind spinning.
When you glance back, Yoongi is already making his way toward you, casually grabbing a quiche from a passing waiter and popping it into his mouth.
“You alright, jagi?” Yoongi’s voice is gentle, cutting through the noise of the party like a thread pulling you back to him. 
You nod, pasting on a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
But you’re not. Not really.
Because the moment Yijeong walked away, the thoughts started spiraling. And after that conversation with Mina, it’s like a dull ache has settled into your chest, impossible to shake.
You think back to the office girls months ago, how they teased you when Yoongi first started working in your department. The Blessed One, they had called you. The lucky girl who got to work closely with Min Yoongi. It was all in good fun, lighthearted banter at the time, but now, the words twist in your head.
Do you not deserve someone like him?
Do you not deserve him?
You shouldn’t care what anyone else thinks. You know that. Yoongi is here, with you, choosing you. That should be enough.
And yet, the doubt lingers, wrapping around your confidence like vines, tightening.
A squeeze on your waist brings you back. You blink, meeting Yoongi’s eyes. He’s studying you carefully, his gaze flickering over your face like he can see every thought running through your head.
“You sure?” he murmurs.
You force yourself to nod, offering another small smile as you swipe the crumbs on the corner of his mouth with your knuckle. “Yeah
 just a little overwhelmed.”
“Let’s get out of here soon, okay?”
You nod again, pressing into his side just slightly, grateful for the comfort he gives so effortlessly. But the thoughts don’t go away.
And you’re starting to wonder if they ever will.
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The drive home is quiet, but Yoongi’s hand wraps around yours, thumb brushing lightly across your knuckles. The silence feels heavy, as if he’s waiting for you to say something, but you’re still sifting through the evening’s interactions, trying to make sense of your emotions.
Finally, Yoongi speaks, his voice low. “Jagi-ya. I don’t know what happened, but you can talk to me,” he says, his tone soft but firm. His hand tightens around yours. “Was it something Yijeong or Mina said?”
You swallow, staring out the window as the streetlights blur past. “It’s not just them, Yoongi,” you murmur, forcing yourself to meet his gaze. “It’s
 I don’t know. Tonight, it just hit me how different our worlds are. I mean, maybe I don’t belong here, in all of this. You deserve someone who just
 fits better.”
Yoongi stares, confusion etched in his features.
“It’s just, people look at you, and it’s like they’re trying to see if I measure up. I can feel it, you know?”
He lets out a slow breath, his gaze steady and intent. “That’s
 don’t even worry about that, jagi. I’m here, because I want to be with you.” 
A rush of gratitude warms you, but doubt still clings, threading through your insecurities.
“Thanks, Yoongi,” you murmur, squeezing his hand. “Maybe I just need some time to rest.”
As the driver pulls up outside your apartment, he studies you, his brow knitting in concern. “Want me to come up?” His question is soft, unassuming, yet full of care. “I can make you the sriracha grilled cheese sandwich you really liked last time.”
You reach over, cupping his cheek. “Not tonight,” you say, brushing your thumb gently over that little freckle below his eye. “I think I just need a little time. Alone.”
He sighs, long and labored as he presses your hand against his face a little longer before letting it drop. “I don't love this.” He says, his face falling slightly, but he nods in understanding. “But alright,” he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead, his lips staying just long enough to make your heart ache.
“Not that. You don’t call me that anymore
Realization hits you. “Baby
He nods, eyes moist, and the little wobble of his lips almost makes you want to fold. “Good night, jagi.”
With a final, lingering look, you step out of the car, giving him a small wave as you close the door behind you. The weight of your decision is immediate, filling the quiet of your apartment with the complex feelings from the night. 
As you exhale, you realize you’re left to sort through this alone, the silence amplifying the doubts Yoongi’s reassurance can’t quite erase.
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It's 4:12 a.m.
You can’t sleep. How can you? 
You haven’t slept in this bed for days. The scent of jasmine is unfamiliar, when you’ve grown accustomed to sandalwood.
Your memory pillow already forgot the slope of your head.
You flip to your other side, staring at the faint glow of the streetlights filtering through your curtains. Just as you’re about to force your eyes shut, your phone vibrates against your nightstand, the screen lighting up the darkened room.
You check the notification and it's him. Of course it is.
Yoongi: you up?
Any other night, you’d laugh at how much it sounds like a booty call. And maybe it would’ve been. But tonight, it’s different.
You: Cant sleep Yoongi: me too
You stare at your screen, thumbs hovering as you figure out what to say next. But another message is already coming through. 
Yoongi: im outside Yoongi: your apt
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Socked feet shuffle to the front door. Every step feels heavy, like your body is torn between running to him and running away.
You swing it open to find Yoongi, looking like a kicked puppy. Your heart cracks.
The sight of him like this—eyes tired, lips pressed into a tight line, hair tousled like he’d been running his fingers through it all night—has you clutching the edge of the doorframe just to keep yourself upright.
You let him inside.
“What are you doing here?” you finally ask, voice quieter than you intended.
Yoongi exhales sharply, his hands pushing through his hair before settling at his sides. 
“I’m here, because
” he starts, then stops, shaking his head like he doesn’t know how to finish the thought. His jaw clenches. His fingers twitch.
You can’t breathe.
And then he says, “I love you.”
The words land like a freefall. No hesitation. No takebacks. Just truth.
” your voice is barely above a whisper.
“I need you to hear it. Really hear it.” He takes a step closer, trembling hands cupping your cheeks. “I love you,” he repeats, softer this time, like he’s willing you to believe it. “I don’t care how complicated this gets. I don’t care what anyone else thinks. I told you before, I’m all-in.”
Your heart is pounding, a chaotic rhythm against your ribs.
Because deep down, you already knew.
You knew in the way he looked at you across the office when he thought no one else was watching. You knew in the way he pulled you closer in his sleep, in the way he whispered your name like a prayer.
But hearing him admit it to it like this—like he was physically incapable of handling a possibility where you didn’t feel the same way, where you would’ve given this up, it’s perhaps the most honest thing you’ve ever heard.
And now, the question isn’t whether he loves you.
It’s whether you’re ready to believe that you deserve to be loved like this. If you deserve to be loved by Min Yoongi

Yoongi barely has time to register it before your hands are in his hair, yanking him down, your lips crashing against his in a kiss that’s messy, desperate, everything.
He groans into your mouth, his hands flying to your waist, fingers digging into the thin fabric of your sleep shirt.
You press into him, chest to chest, feeling the heat radiating off his skin. His mouth moves against yours with urgency, his tongue sweeping past your lips, stealing whatever breath you had left.
You don’t stop kissing him. You can’t. Not even as he walks you backwards toward your bedroom. He kicks the door shut behind him, his body pressing you against it, trapping you between the cool wood and the solid heat of him.
His hands roam, slipping under your sleep shirt, fingers skimming over your tits, tracing the curve of your spine. Your head tilts back as he trails kisses down your jaw, your neck, teeth scraping just enough to make you shiver.
“Jagiya,” he mumbles, voice thick, rasping against your skin.
You don’t have any other words right now—not when he’s sucking a wet bruise into your collarbone, not when his fingers slide lower, dancing along the lace of your panties.
So you just say the only thing that matters. “I love you, too.”
A low curse falls from his lips, and then he’s moving you to the bed, dropping you onto the mattress before crawling over you, eyes dark, hungry.
“Say it again.”
His hands slip beneath your shirt, dragging it up. His lips follow, open-mouthed kisses searing a path up your stomach, taking a nipple between his teeth.
“I love you,” you whisper, voice shaky, hands tangling in his hair, pulling him back up to you.
“I love you, jagi,” Yoongi crashes his mouth to yours again, swallowing your whimpers as his hands slide down—hooking into your panties—slowly, teasingly, pulling them down. “Let me show you what I mean...”
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A/N: Whew! ARe wE GoOD??? The L bomb has been dropped and I am soooo happy because these two deserve the world.
Let me know what you think in the comments. Or do reblog if you are so inclined. <3
Thank you for reading, you lovely, beautiful human! xo
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Permanent Taglist Part 1: (The rest to follow in a reblog)
@wonh0oe @hyukaluve @glossdebut @kiki-zb @kookiewithluv
@agustblog @maryhopemei @perfectiondazesworld @kimsaerom @kam9404
@00-sleepdontweep-00 @tea4sykes @mggv97 @marnz1990
@whydoeyecare @pastelmin @tarahardcore @minjenna @chimmchimmm
@aaclariww @mar-lo-pap @tinytan-gerine @vesperbells @butterymin
@eve1633455 @baechugff @lilkittenjenjen @wobblewobble822 @coffeedepressionsoup
@futuristicenemychaos @jadestonedaeho7 @granataepfelchen @whoa-jo @annyeongbitch7
@chimmisbae @sexytholland @idkjustlovingbts @kpophosblog @tinyelfperson
@yoongicatagenda @codeinebelle @parapiop7 @diame93 @janeelizabeth1216
@withmuchluv-tannie @abadiimm @angellekookie
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do not copy, repost, modify, or translate my writing without my express permission to do so.
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enha-files · 20 hours ago
‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎𝐄𝐍𝐇𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐋𝓔𝐒 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒 ◞ ( 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒 & 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐒 )
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✶ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 đ“Č𝐭 𝐜𝐹𝐩𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐹 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐧𝐝 . our awards came to an end and we came here to announce the winners to those who didn’t participate with us on our discord server! check out below the winners, graphs, and the admins’ thank you notes ♡
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‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‱ 𝟱𝟏 ❜ the main awards
WRITER OF THE YEAR : @okwonyo FIC OF THE YEAR : 10 things i hate about you ( @yenqa ) SMAU OF THE YEAR : good graces ( @juyeoz ) BEST THEMES : @bywons BLOG OF THE YEAR : @okwonyo
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‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‱ 𝟱𝟐 ❜ the other awards
BEST NEW WRITER : @flwrstqr BEST DRABBLE : spoiled rotten ( @boyfhee ) BEST ONE-SHOT : emails i never meant to send ( @onlyjjong ) BEST FLUFF FIC : the art & science of parenting ( @jakesimfromstatefarm ) BEST ANGST FIC : maybe in another universe ( @leaderwon ) BEST ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE : spiderman!au — head over heels ( @star-sim ) BEST HCS : loser in a hot man’s body ( @fgumi ) & pulling them by their belt ( @boyfhee ) TIE! BEST PLOT : race for your heart ( @coqhee )
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‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‱ 𝟱𝟑 ❜ fan favourite awards
MOST LOVED BLOG : @okwonyo MOST LOVED FIC : no doubt ( @jakesimfromstatefarm ) BEST WRITING STYLE : @boyfhee
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‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‱ 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐘𝐎𝐔!
𝒂 𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 . . . rosie ♡ hi everyone !! first of all, i would like to thank all of you for taking your time to join our award show. we put a lot of our hard work into this and you guys being here means a lot! i'd also like to thank my lovely admins navy and red. although red couldn't be here, she helped just as much and i like to thank them both for supporting this award show! your hard work helped put all of this together! and next to my amazing mcs who did a wonderful job today! from their chemistry to their support, they did their part to the fullest! thank you for hosting our show. and lastly to my fantastic nominees! you guys were the reason we made this award show! thank you so much for being here, to the people who won and didn't, don't worry! you guys are all winners in my heart and you deserve just as much love with your outstanding talent! thank you all for joining!!
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𝒂 𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 . . . navy ♡ first of all, congratulations to all winners and nominees! you are all incredibly talented and it’s amazing to see how our community is so creative!
thank you so much to everyone who joined us along this one month journey for the awards! to all the people who took your precious time to fill the forms, vote and share the awards, you have my most sincere gratitude! ^_^
also, a huge thank you to our mcs, jiah and caelin. we really could not have done this without you. thank you to rosie for allowing me to be a part of this, and a special thank you to red, our third admin, who couldn’t join us today, but was still a part of the awards 💙
enha-files will still work normally as a server and on our tumblr. we hope that it becomes a place where all readers, writers and people in the community can send us asks about enhablr, works, and other concerns, and that it becomes a safe corner for you on tumblr. count on us for many amazing things!
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ᐱ..ᐱ this was our first event ! thank you for being a part of it ♡ join us in our discord server today or send us your first ask regarding anything enhablr related!
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hwastarxo · 2 days ago
Mingi comfort to chubby reader with eating issues
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mingi x GN reader
TW : mentions of disordered eating, body image issues, and su1cidal thoughts.
┊┊❁ÛȘÛȘàœŽàœ»â™Ą ͎. ïœĄËš   ° ┊┊❁ÛȘÛȘàœŽàœ»â™Ą ͎. ïœĄËš   ° ┊┊❁ÛȘÛȘàœŽàœ»â™Ą ͎. ïœĄËš   °
You got in a rut, the feeling of your body started to cause pain, a simple mirror could cause anguish. You got in your head after some diet culture videos came on your feed and you heard some comments on your body and the thoughts started to spiral, the feeling of not being good enough, beautiful enough, worthy of love started to deepen, that paired with your negative thoughts on your body spiraled into horrible habits.
You started to isolate yourself, ignoring the missed calls and unread texts from your boyfriend Mingi. You were focused on all the wrong things, reading all the labels intensely, logging it all down, doing workouts that gave you exhaustion.
The worse part is you thought no one cared, some of your family knew of these habits you had and didn’t worry at all, they even encouraged it, that made the thoughts you had on your body get even worse, believing no one would care until you reach your goal.
Until months pass of you living like this, drain you inside and out, you haven’t spoken to mingi at all, haven’t went out, you were expressionless only consumed on your looks and what you’re not allowed to eat.
This pain poured out every day, leaving you searching unthinkable things, looking for ways to escape living, you didn’t really want to die but living like this couldn’t go on anymore. It isn’t until you collect the pills and mark the date that you hear a knock on your door, “Y/N, are you home? please let me talk to you”.
You panic as you heard Mingis voice come through the closed door, hesitantly you walk up and turn the door knob.
Mingi looks aghast as he sees your face, the pain in it is clearly evident, “You haven’t responded to my messages in ages, are you okay?”.
He panics clearly worried about you, “I.. I’m okay” The lie being extremely evident, Mingi quickly pulls you into a hug, tighter than he ever before, as if to keep you from going anywhere. “Please tell me what’s going on, i wanna help you, I’m not mad”. He pleads with you, the desperation clear on his face.
You have a long talk with Mingi about everything that’s been going on, his face gets more and more worried as he listens intensely. He continues to hug you, now rubbing your back to offer support, “You need to get help, from a professional”.
He concerns, he notices the hesitant gaze in your eyes, he’s aware of your self doubt and lack of thinking you deserve help, he reassures you while now patting your back.
“I- Im not underweight, so.. It’s fine, help is for people who deserve it”. Your insecurities come through with ever word, paining Mingi further, “Your size has nothing to do with how much you deserve, you’re just as sick as someone else and need the help just as much, love”.
Mingi now practically begging you to work on it, reminding you he’ll be there to help you through it.
As he continues to praise you, give you hugs, give gentle reminders your worth is beyond your size.
You finally get the motivation to get the help you need, and Mingi is there to support you throughout the whole journey.
Some days when the thoughts get bad again, Mingi is there to help you through it, “You’re beautiful, my love” he repeats like a mantra, constantly praising you and your body. He gets your favorite foods for you then plays all the movies you like, helping you distract from the urges to go back into it, and always letting you borrow comforting items from him. Blankets and hoodies with his scent, so you always feel loved by him and remember how loved you are.
┊┊❁ÛȘÛȘàœŽàœ»â™Ą ͎. ïœĄËš   ° ┊┊❁ÛȘÛȘàœŽàœ»â™Ą ͎. ïœĄËš   ° ┊┊❁ÛȘÛȘàœŽàœ»â™Ą ͎. ïœĄËš   °
note : thank you for reading !! i wrote this based on my own experience and i hope it can provide comfort if you struggle with the same yourself. you deserve help at any size and there’s no such thing as “sick enough”. you’re already worthy of happiness and fuck diet culture đŸ”„đŸ€
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rosiecosy · 8 hours ago
hey everyone, just a quick note💌
after a lot of thought, i've decided to step away from tumblr. it's been such a fun (and sometimes chaotic) journey, but i think it’s time for me to move on. i'm so grateful for all the kind words, the friendships, and the little moments that made this space feel like home.
thank you to all 939 (thats crazy) of you who’s ever interacted with me—whether through likes, reblogs, messages, or just silently vibing with my posts. you've all been a part of something really special, and i appreciate you more than words can say. 💗
i'll be archiving my posts, meaning they'll be taken down and won’t be accessible anymore on this blog. however, you will still be able to read them through reblogs and such. i will still be active on my main blog, just to reblog stuff LMAO. not sure if i'll be back, but if this is truly goodbye, then i hope life treats you kindly, your favorite songs always hit just right, and that you find happiness in the little things.
take care, be kind, and keep being the amazing people you are. sending you all the softest hugs!
special thanks to all my moots — yall r the best fr ♡
xoxo ro🎀
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7-dreamers · 3 days ago
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[250310] 0.0_handong Instagram Update:
💌 To everyone who has consistently supported Dreamcatcher and shown us your interest
 Hello, this is Handong from Dreamcatcher. As mentioned in the official announcement, my contract with DCC has officially expired. After much consideration about renewing my contract and thorough discussions with the members, I have decided not to renew it. It is said that, eventually, everyone has to go through a parting. I still remember back when we first debuted, sharing the dreams we wanted to achieve together with the members. We started out with so much excitement and big hopes for the future. Even though now we each have our own thoughts about the future and decided not to renew our contracts, our feelings haven't changed. And now, in addition to expectations, we have gained even more gratitude and blessings! The people I’m most grateful for are the Insomnia who have been by our side from the beginning. Since our debut, we've received so much love from Insomnia, and we've created precious memories with lovely Insomnia all over the world. Because of Insomnia, I’ve learned what it truly feels like to be loved, and more than anything, I think I've learned how to love. I'm very thankful for you being with me through my 20s and making this time even more special. I also want to send my thanks to my six lovely sisters. I’ve spent nine warm years in Korea thanks to the members. Though I had to be apart from my family for a long time, thanks to the members, I shared a lot of family-like love. I’m also deeply grateful to all the staff at DCC, who have always done their best to protect and care for us, and have respected my choices for the future. The beautiful memories are still fresh in my mind. Whenever I listen to Dreamcatcher's songs or look at pictures, the memories of those moments flood my mind. The early mornings when we stayed up together for pre-recordings, our first win, the support and love from Insomnia on every birthday, the radio commutes, the excitement and nerves before every concert, and the beautiful scenes we saw on every tour, all of them are vivid in my mind. I will keep these memories in the warmest and deepest part of my heart, and they will be the most precious and powerful strength when I begin my journey into the future. Lastly, I’m grateful for the past days and bless the future ♡ I look forward to the day we meet again in an even brighter future!
Transl: 7-Dreamers | Please do not take without credit
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foreignjaykay · 21 hours ago
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Love Reverbed
You weren't looking for love. Not anymore.
But between the neon lights of NYC Mix Fest, the hum of a city that never slows down, and the lingering echo of a fleeting airport encounter, something shifts. A familiar voice on stage. A glance that lasts too long. A feeling you thought you had outgrown.
Maybe love doesn’t disappear. Maybe it just reverbs—waiting for the right moment to be heard again.
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: r18+ (angst, fluff) minors do not interact!
word count: 13.1K words (IJBOL WHAT? i have never written these many words all together im cryin)
one shot warnings/misc: event planner!oc, musician!jk, he is in a band but not famous, event planner! jimin, mentions of the the members - musician!tae, musician!namjoon (cameoj!!), musician!yoongi, musician!hobi (side note JAY HOPE HAS BEEN WILDIN' ON DA TOUR), investment banker! mingyu, HEARTBREAK, BETRAYAL, CHEATING (you will find out!), FLUFF, TENSION, ANGST, FLIRTING LOL, failed situationships/talking stages, some cliches, yeah thats it.
notes: hello everyone, sorry for the delay BUT SHE IS HERE!! i hope you guys love this one shot. this is a lengthy one for me haha. edit - this is more of oc's journey and currently jk is just a part of it. extras might come soon!
let me know your thoughts here <3
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“Passport - check. Menus, coasters, floral vases - check, check” You saw all the collaterals around and once you spotted the vases in your luggage, smiled and said “Check!”
 “___ relax! You have everything you need to take there,” Your colleague, Jane, laughed and nudged your arm. “You’ve triple-checked everything, I swear. If the Don Julio bar isn’t perfect at the Mix Fest, it won’t be because of you.”
You sighed, the weight of the past weeks settling in your shoulders. “Just want it to go smoothly,” you muttered, zipping up your luggage - mentally checking everything the fourth time. “Especially after
” you trailed off, the unspoken words lingering in the air.
Jane’s expression softened. “He’s not worth another thought, you know that. Besides, New York! Girl, think of all the distractions.” She knew how badly you need that distraction.
You managed to give a weak smile. “Distractions are exactly what I need.”
It had been two weeks since your third situationship had ended. It wasn’t really even about the situationships anymore. They were just a way to, you know, distract yourself. Funny how you needed a distraction from the distraction. 
You shook your head, not wanting to think about these thoughts anymore. "Come on, we need to head to the airport," Jane called from the living room. While being your colleague, you were thankful Jane was also your roommate.
You always thought how were you doing life before you met her?
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“Is Jimin meeting us directly at the airport?” You asked Jane as you put the luggage on the trolley, biting your lip, while Jane paid for the cab. 
God, you loved airports. The air in the terminal crackled with the static of announcements, a constant hum punctuated by the clatter of rolling suitcases. You took a deep breath of the recycled terminal air, and smiled. Everything about it just soaked you in. You didn't look at the airport as goodbye or whatever cliche thoughts people had or rather what movies made it sell. Airports always were a pit point of adventures. You loved the journey more than the destination.
 “Uh..” she trailed off, looking around. Then, when she finally spotted Jimin, she smiled, pointing towards a figure with blonde hair, waving enthusiastically. “There he is,” she said.
“Hello girls! Ready for the best weekend of your life or what?” Even at 7am Jimin was enthusiastic. A trait you and Jane seemed to lack.
 Noticing your and Jane’s expressions, he deflated slightly. “Oh come on. It’s New York.” He said, like that was supposed to solve everything.
You suppressed a small, tired smile. If you were truly honest, a flicker of excitement was there, buried beneath the exhaustion and the lingering weight of
 well, everything.
Jimin, undeterred, threw an arm around your shoulder, a gesture that was more about his own excitement than any real comfort. “Imagine,” he said as his hands gestured wildly. “The guys! Oh, the guys! Picture this: chiseled jaws, smoldering eyes, every single one of them falling at our feet! Or, you know, the girls, if that's your thing. Glamorous, sophisticated, practically throwing themselves at us!”
You raised an eyebrow, a silent “really?”
Both him and Jane burst out laughing with Jimin giving your shoulder a quick, apologetic squeeze. “Okay, okay, I’m exaggerating a bit. But still! The energy, the food, the Mix Fest
 it’s going to be amazing.” 
Mid conversation, you felt your phone vibrate but you ignored it.
Jane, already shifting her weight impatiently, cut in. “Let’s just get through security. My caffeine levels are dangerously low, and I’m starting to see things.”
Inside the terminal, the air was that familiar mix of recycled chill and faint jet fuel. You dragged your luggage to a trolley, the wheels rattling unevenly. The line for security was a slow-moving river of sleep-deprived faces and overstuffed backpacks.
The security process was the usual dance – laptop out, liquids in a bag, shoes off. You walked through the scanner, then beep a dull, familiar sound. On the other side, you fumbled with your shoes, the laces feeling stiff and unfamiliar. You watched Jane and Jimin, their banter a low hum in the background, a comforting, if slightly annoying, constant. You were ready for this weekend, even if you weren't fully aware of it yet.
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The plane’s engines roared, a deep, guttural sound that vibrated through your seat. You were thankful you luckily had no one sitting next to you in the middle seat.
 You pressed your forehead against the cool, slightly scratched window, with your neck pillow, watching as Seoul’s sprawling cityscape receded, transforming into a miniature tapestry of lights. Window seat, always, you thought, a wry smile tugging at the corners of your lips. Your phone, its memory perpetually teetering on the brink of overload, was clutched in your hand, the camera app already open. Another travel video to add to the collection, you mused, knowing full well your storage was a lost cause. The click of the record button was automatic, a familiar ritual.
However after recording which looked like the 5th take, your hands instinctively went to the messages app and there it was. A text sitting from Mingyu.
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A wave of something, a mix of anger and exhaustion, washed over you. Seriously? you thought, the word a silent, incredulous question. He’s really doing this.
"Sorry baby." The pet name, once a source of warmth, now felt like a cold, slimy thing. It was like he was trying to push a button, and he knew exactly which one to push. Seven months. Seven months since you'd found out about the beach trip, the "business meeting," the her. And now, this. At 7 a.m., no less. How did he even know you were traveling? It wasn't a coincidence. Mingyu wasn't a coincidence kind of guy. He was calculated, always had been. That was how he had been able to cheat. To plan it, to execute it, to lie. That was the real problem, it wasn't a mistake, it was a plan.
You stared at the screen, your thumb hovering over the reply button, then the delete button. You just stared. What could you even say? What was there left to say? 
No matter how many times you asked him to not text you, he still did at several intervals. You couldn’t block him. You had tried, really tried, but just couldn't do it. So you ignored him.
A sigh escaped your lips, a sound lost in the hum of the plane. You closed your eyes, the image of his face, his smile, the way he’d looked at her, flashing behind your eyelids. Your mind did take you to the past. The place you didn’t want to go and before you knew it, you were pulled into the memory.
"Babyyyy, let me help you pack,"  you murmured, a soft smile playing on your lips as he stirred in the warm tangle of sheets. Mingyu's head was nestled in the curve of your neck, his breath a gentle caress against your skin. A low, sleepy groan rumbled in his chest, a familiar sound that usually led to a lazy, affectionate morning.
He shifted, his lips brushing against your neck in a soft, lingering kiss. "Mmm, five more minutes," he mumbled, his voice thick with sleep, his arms tightening around you.
You chuckled, gently stroking his hair. "Come on, sleepyhead. Your flight leaves in a few hours."
He reluctantly lifted his head, his eyes still half-closed, a soft, almost hazy look in them. "Fine, fine," he grumbled, but a playful smile tugged at his lips. "But only because I love you."
After the two of you had breakfast, you got up to help him pack.
He watched as you started pulling clothes from the closet, carefully folding them into his suitcase. "Let me help," you offered, reaching for a pile of his favorite shirts.
"No, it's okay," he said, a little too quickly, his hand moving to intercept yours. "I've got it." He placed the shirts back in the closet.
He moved to stand infront of the suitcase, blocking it from your view. "You know you have that blue shirt I like, packed right?" He asked, not moving.
A flicker of unease danced in your stomach. It wasn't like him to be so insistent. Usually, he'd be all over letting you help him, eager to make your life easier. "Are you sure? I don't mind," you said, your voice laced with a hint of confusion. Why was he being so weird about this?
"Yeah, I'm sure," he said, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "You know I hate seeing you stressed before I travel. I've been working so hard lately. I need to focus on this trip."
He moved away from the suitcase, and sat on the edge of the bed. You shrugged it off. He was an investment banker, you reminded yourself, long hours and endless meetings were part of his job. He was probably just tired. But the tiny niggle of unease refused to fully leave you.
Two days later, you were on the phone with him, his voice sounding distant and strained. "Just a few more meetings," he'd said, "and I'll be back. I miss you."
“I miss you too. I love you.” You remember saying but you felt a pit in your stomach.
“Me too,” he said. It felt flat, like he didn’t mean it.
Once you hung up the call, that strange sense of unease settled in your stomach. It was a feeling you couldn't quite place, a knot of anxiety that tightened with each passing moment.
You opened Instagram, scrolling through stories to distract yourself. Changbin’s name flashed on the screen. Changbin. You'd never really liked him. There was something about his smug grin and his sharp, dismissive comments that always rubbed you the wrong way.
Your finger hovered over the screen, a moment of hesitation before you pressed play.
The story opened on a sun-drenched beach, the turquoise water sparkling in the sunlight. The sound of laughter, a clinking of glasses. Your breath hitched. Then, the camera panned, revealing a group of people lounging on beach chairs. Mingyu.
Your breath hitched. He was there, on a beach, not in a boardroom. And then you saw her. A girl with sun-kissed skin and a wide, beaming smile, sitting on Mingyu’s lap, her hand resting casually on his thigh. Another girl was sitting with Changbin. It looked like a couples trip.
The world seemed to tilt on its axis. The phone slipped from your numb fingers, clattering to the floor. The image of Mingyu and the girl, their laughter echoing in your ears, was a cruel, sharp blow. He lied, you thought, the word a hollow echo in your mind. He lied to me. The feeling of betrayal was so strong, it was almost physical.
You immediately opened your eyes, not wanting to think about it. When you touched your face, you felt the tears.
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After the flight landed, the surge of passengers flooded the terminal and walked towards the baggage belt.
“I had the best sleep ever,” Jane mumbled as she adjusted her purse strap. You nodded your head and smiled.
“God I’m hungry. Before going to the venue, I am gonna have a nice shower and eat my heart out,” Jimin said while walking next to you.
You were eager to get your luggage and head to the hotel, the buzz of NYC already palpable. You navigated the crowd, trying to keep up with Jane and Jimin who were already in their own world, gossiping, when suddenly, you bumped into someone.
“Oh, sorry!” you blurted out, instinctively stepping back.
Your eyes met his. Even with the black cap and mask obscuring part of his face, you could see the warmth in his eyes. He was wearing a checkered shirt, a pattern that seemed to suit him perfectly, a bit casual, a bit
rock and roll. He had a guitar case slung over his shoulder.
“No problem,” he said, his voice a low, melodic rumble. “My fault, really.”
For a moment, time seemed to slow. There was something familiar in his gaze, a spark of recognition that you couldn’t quite place. You noticed the way his eyes crinkled slightly, even with the mask.
Then, just as quickly as it began, the moment was over. He nodded, a slight tilt of his head, and continued walking.
You stood there, slightly dazed, watching him disappear into the crowd. A musician, definitely. The checkered shirt, the guitar case, it all fit. Your type, if you were still
 you know. But you weren’t. Not anymore.
“Come on, ___,” Jane said, pulling you by the arm. “Luggage claim’s that way.”
As you walked, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted, a subtle tremor in the air. You glanced back, but he was gone. Just another face in the sea of arriving passengers. Just another fleeting moment.
It's not always you see handsome strangers. You also loved the airport because imagine having that airport crush and bam you never see them again. This should be counted as that.
You pushed the thought away, focusing on the task at hand. New York. Don Julio setup. The Mix Fest. That was your reality now. No room for distractions. Especially not the kind that came with warm brown eyes, a checkered shirt, and a guitar case.
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The taxi, a yellow blur against the twilight canvas of New York City, deposited you, Jane, and Jimin in front of The Ludlow. Stepping out, you stretched, a groan escaping your lips. "Man, that flight felt like it was never going to end," you muttered, pulling your carry-on from the trunk.
"Tell me about it," Jane agreed, rubbing her neck. "I swear, my neck pillow just made things worse."
You noticed Jimin was quiet which was very unlike him. “You okay?” Concern laced on your features as you took back the change from the taxi driver while mumbling a ‘thank you’.
“Yeah, yeah, I just need sleep. The guy next to me snored so loudly that I couldn’t sleep. At all,” He rolled his eyes and gave a tired smile.
As the three of you entered the hotel, the lobby of The Ludlow was a masterclass in curated cool, a symphony of exposed brick, plush velvet seating, and strategically placed lights casting a warm, inviting glow. 
The check-in process was quick and efficient. "Room 502 for you two, and 504 for you, Mr. Park," the receptionist said, handing over the keys.
While entering the elevator of the hotel, Jimin couldn’t help but say, ”This place is so cool," Jimin observed, his eyes wide. "Definitely an upgrade from our usual."
"Speak for yourself," Jane retorted, playfully shoving him. "I'm used to the finer things in life."
“The budget for this event is definitely high,” You laughed and tapped your key card and then pressed the floor no on the elevator.
Once the three of you exited the elevator and searched around for your rooms, "Alright, ladies," Jimin declared, grabbing his suitcase. "I'll see you at the venue. I need to unpack and
 you know, groom."
"Groom?" Jane raised an eyebrow. "You mean check your hair for split ends?"
"Hey!" Jimin protested, feigning offense. "A man's gotta look his best!"
“Alright both of you,” you chuckled. “Jimin, we will see you in an hour?” He laughed and nodded.
You and Jane headed to your suite, a spacious room with a view that made you catch your breath. The two of you shared spacious suite, a minimalist haven of clean lines and floor-to-ceiling windows offering a breathtaking panorama of the city skyline, a tapestry of twinkling lights against the inky blackness
 "Wow," you breathed, walking over to the floor-to-ceiling windows. "This is incredible."
 "I could get used to this," Jane said, plopping down on one of the beds. "First order of business: shower. Second: nap. Third: find the mini-bar."
"Sounds like a plan," you agreed, grabbing your toiletry bag. "I'm going to jump in the shower first. You can raid the mini-bar while I'm in there."
As you entered the bathroom, the cool, smooth porcelain of the bathroom sink greeted your fingertips as you leaned against it, the mirror reflecting a weary version of yourself. The journey, the anticipation, the ever-present weight of Mingyu’s lingering texts – it had all coalesced into a knot of tension in your shoulders. You needed a moment, a physical and mental cleansing. "Shower first," you muttered to yourself, echoing Jane's earlier declaration.
The click of the shower knob was a small, decisive sound, a promise of release. As the water began to cascade, you adjusted the temperature, seeking that perfect hot water balance. The kind of temperature that is relaxing but also the temperature is very high. You stripped off your travel-worn clothes, the soft fabric falling to the cool tile floor, a tangible shedding of the day's layers.
Slowly the much needed warmth enveloped you, a comforting embrace that eased the tightness in your muscles. The sound of the water, a constant, rhythmic drumming against the tile, filled the small space, creating a private world within the bustling city.
As the water streamed down your face, you closed your eyes, letting the physical sensation wash over you. The scent of the hotel’s lemongrass-infused shampoo filled your nostrils, a clean, invigorating aroma that momentarily pushed aside the lingering mental clutter. You tilted your head back, letting the water trace paths down your skin, each droplet a tiny, fleeting caress.
But even here, in the supposed sanctuary of the shower, Mingyu’s presence lingered. His face, the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, the soft timbre of his voice – these memories, once sources of comfort, now felt like shards of glass – sharp and painful. You remembered the way he used to pull you close, the feeling of his arms around you, a warmth that now seemed like a cruel illusion.
Why? The question echoed in your mind, a silent scream in the quiet space. Why did you do this? Why did you lie? Why did you break my trust? The questions swirled, unanswered, like the steam rising from the hot water.
You reached for the body wash, the fragrant gel a temporary balm for the emotional wounds. As you lathered your skin, your mind automatically focused on the physical sensations – the slickness of the gel, the warmth of the water, the gentle massage of your own hands. You tried to ground yourself in the present moment, to push away the intrusive thoughts, but they were relentless, like persistent whispers in the back of your mind.
You remembered the way he would hold your hand, the gentle squeeze that always made you feel safe and loved. Now, the memory felt tainted, a reminder of the trust that had been irrevocably shattered.
The sound of the water, once a soothing rhythm, now seemed to amplify the silence within your own thoughts. The absence of his voice, his touch, his presence, was a gaping void, a stark reminder of what you had lost.
You thought about the future, the road ahead. It stretched before you, uncertain and unknown. The thought of navigating this new chapter alone was daunting, but also strangely liberating. You were free, finally free from the weight of his lies, his manipulations, his betrayals.
You imagined a life without him, a life filled with new experiences, new connections, new possibilities. The thought was both exhilarating and terrifying. You were stepping into the unknown, leaving behind the familiar comfort of a relationship that had ultimately become a source of pain.
You rinsed the remaining soap from your skin, the water now a cool, refreshing stream. You stepped out of the shower, the cool air a sharp contrast to the warmth of the water. You reached for a plush, white towel, wrapping it around your body, the soft fabric a comforting embrace.
As you dried your hair, you looked at your reflection in the mirror. The face staring back at you was slightly different, slightly stronger, slightly more resilient. 
What if I never move past this hurt? is the question that always haunted you. 
The pain was still there, etched in the lines around your eyes, but there was also a newfound sense of determination, a quiet strength that you hadn't seen before.
You were going to be okay. You were going to heal. You were going to move on from this hurt. And you were going to do it on your own terms. 
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After a long, hot shower that felt like therapy, you changed into more comfortable clothes . The soft cotton felt good against your skin, a welcome contrast to the tense, coiled feeling you'd carried since the flight. You stared at your reflection, a flicker of something like resolve in your eyes. "Alright, venue time," you announced, emerging from the bathroom, the lingering scent of lemongrass trailing behind you. "Let's see what they've got going on."
"Finally," Jane groaned, stretching her arms above her head like a cat, her spine audibly cracking. "I was starting to think you'd fallen asleep in there.” She gave you a playful smirk. "Seriously, I was about to send in a search party."
You chuckled, a small, genuine sound. "Sorry, lost track of time. Needed a
 reset. Besides the temperature is perfect, " 
“Also you might wanna check your phone,” Jane smirked and went inside the bathroom, leaving you confused. She couldn’t possibly know about Mingyu’s text. His contact was deep buried in your archives list.
You unlock your phone only to see a notification from Jay – the guy you went on two dates, 5 months after your breakup with Mingyu. You opened Jay’s text and you weren’t surprised to see what he had sent.
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Yeah, no. 
Your first failed situationship or talking stage. Whatever it is called.
You immediately replied to him.
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Yeah it was wild. Even for him.
On the first date itself you had understood, he was here for one thing. Not that you minded, but at that moment you weren’t ready for it. 
Even after ending that weird thing you had with him, he still behaved unhinged sometimes. Nothing you couldn't handle.
His selfie did get you out of your thoughts from Mingyu and onto some another thought – at the end of the day, you were an honest woman.
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Once the three of you were ready, the taxi ride to the venue was a blur of New York sights and sounds. The city was a sensory overload, a vibrant tapestry of honking horns, chattering voices, and the tantalizing aroma of street food. "Whoa, this place is huge," Jane commented, her eyes wide as you stepped into the converted ground space. "They're really going all out."
The venue was indeed a whirlwind of activity. Stagehands were scrambling up scaffolding, adjusting lights that cast dramatic shadows across the space. Sound technicians were huddled over consoles, their brows furrowed in concentration. And a local band was running through a soundcheck, their music a mix of gritty rock and soulful blues, filling the stress filled space.
"They better be," you said, scanning the half-assembled bar, noting the unfinished details, the unpolished surfaces. "We've got a lot riding on this." The pressure was a familiar weight, but today, it felt heavier, amplified by the lingering anxiety.
"Relax, boss lady," Jimin said, appearing at your side, his usual cheerful demeanor a welcome contrast to your focused intensity. "Everything's going to be fine."
"Just tell us what to do." He added and smiled.
You softened slightly, the tension in your shoulders easing a fraction. "Just
 keep an eye on things," you said, gesturing towards the bar area. "Make sure they're following the layout, that the glassware is being handled carefully. And try not to break anything."
"Got it," Jimin grinned, his eyes twinkling. "Consider me your personal bar manager."
"Looks like they're making progress," you said, surveying the half-assembled bar, noting the placement of the back bar, the ice machines, and the overall flow of the space. "But we still have a lot to do. Tomorrow's 10 a.m. deadline is on our head, and the gates open at 12:30 p.m. No margin for error." 
You met with Dominic and Sarah, the customer marketing managers, both being the whirlwind of energy and efficiency. "Everything's on schedule," you assured them, your voice laced with a hint of controlled panic, their eyes darting between the various tasks being carried out around them. "But we're still waiting on the customised DJ glassware. Should be here by 8 a.m. tomorrow."
“___ we are not worried when you are on the project,” Dominic said while smiling. Thats on you bustling your ass and doing client servicing. You smiled.
You made mental notes, mentally ticking off items on your checklist. "We need to finalize the cocktail menu placement, ensure the ice machines are working, and double-check the placement of the floral arrangements," you said, your voice calm and authoritative, projecting an air of confidence you didn't entirely feel. You also checked the placement of the ice, the back bar, and the overall flow of the staff.  "The flow is very important,____. We cannot have a choke point at the bar. We need to keep things moving" Sarah explained, pointing to a potential bottleneck near the main entrance.
You nodded your head and already aligning your team for this hiccup to not take place.
Once Jimin had overlooked the production and Jane had instructed the bar team, the three of you left the venue.
"Dinner?" Jimin suggested, his stomach audibly rumbling, a low, guttural growl that echoed in the quiet street. "I'm starving and I will be back to check on the production,”
 "Dinner time," Jane declared, her stomach growling audibly. "I'm starving too. And I need a real drink, not just whatever's in that mini bar."
The Italian trattoria was warm and inviting, the air thick with the aroma of garlic, oregano, and simmering tomato sauce. "This place smells amazing," You said, inhaling deeply. "I'm going to order everything on the menu." 
The two of them laughed. At this point everyone in office knew your love for italian food. They thought you were joking. Oh.
The dinner was filled with laughter and stories, a welcome distraction from the day's pressures and travel. "Remember that time we went to that karaoke bar in Seoul?" Jimin asked, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "And you tried to sing 'As Long As You Love Me' by Bieber?"
"Oh god, don't remind me," Jane groaned, burying her face in her hands. "That was a disaster. A beautiful, ear-splitting disaster."
"It was a masterpiece," Jimin insisted, laughing. "A glorious, beautiful disaster. The audience was mesmerized."
“Yeah I couldn’t hear that song normally for months. Still can’t,” You were laughing along with them, the sound genuine and light, when you noticed the man at the table next to you. He looked familiar, but you couldn't quite place him. "Who's that?" you asked, nudging Jane, your voice lowered.
"Who?" she asked, following your gaze. "Oh, him. I don't know. Just some guy. Why?"
"He looks familiar," you said, frowning, tilting your head slightly. "I feel like I've seen him somewhere before. But I can't quite remember where."
"Maybe you have," Jimin said, shrugging, taking a bite of his pasta. "New York's a small world. Or maybe you're just imagining it. You've been working too hard."
You shrugged, dismissing the thought. But the feeling of familiarity lingered, a small, persistent itch in the back of your mind.
As you excused yourself to use the restroom, you bumped into someone in the narrow hallway. "Oh, sorry!" you blurted out, instinctively stepping back, a flicker of surprise in your eyes.
Your eyes met his doe eyes. He was handsome, with a warm, inviting smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes. "No problem," he said, his voice a low rumble, a hint of amusement in his tone. "We keep meeting this way."
"Excuse me?" you asked, confused, your brow furrowed. We do? you thought. Where have I seen him?
He just smiled, a hint of amusement in his eyes, as if he knew something you didn't. "Never mind," he said, his voice laced with a gentle teasing. "Have a good night."
"You too," you said, watching him walk away, your mind buzzing with questions. Who is he? And why does he seem so familiar? you thought. "That was weird," you muttered under your breath, a sense of unease mixing with a strange curiosity.
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Once you were back into your hotel room, it was already 12am. You immediately texted Jimin who after the dinner had gone back to the venue to check on the production. How was this man not tired?
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You heard Jane laugh next to you on the texts the 3 of you had just exchanged.
“Alright, goodnight Jane-y. We have to reach the venue by 7AM so Jimin can come back and rest and come back once the fest starts,” You said as you set your alarm.
Jane, sleepy, nodded and mumbled “Good night love,” and immediately dozed off.
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As much as you tried to sleep, you really couldn’t. You checked the time, and it was 1AM. You took your phone from the night stand and unlocked your phone. Maybe TikTok or Instagram reels might help.
Brainrot content – that's all you saw.
Mid laughing at a reel, your phone rang, the shrill tone cutting through the silence. Mingyu's name flashed across the screen, a stark reminder of the past that had been haunting your every step. You hesitated, your finger hovering over the answer button, a battle raging within you. Ignore it. Let it go. 
And so you didn’t pick up.
The phone rang again.
This time the need for closure, the need to finally confront the lingering pain, won out. You pressed the button, the sound of the connection a sharp, decisive click.
"Mingyu," you said, your voice trembling slightly, betraying the carefully constructed facade of composure. “I asked you not to-,”
You were cut off. "___," he began, his voice a low, urgent murmur, laced with a desperation that sent a shiver down your spine. "Please, just
 please, listen to me. I need you to hear me out before you hang up."
You carefully removed the duvet and went inside the balcony, trying not to wake up Jane who was in a deep slumber.
"Hear you out?" you scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping your lips as you closed the balcony door behind you. "After everything? After you tore my world apart? You are funny, I’ll give you that,”
You heard him sigh on the other end.
"I know I hurt you, baby. I know I messed up. But
 but I need you to understand. It wasn't just about
 about the physical thing. It was about
 feeling lost. Feeling like I wasn't enough." His voice cracked, and you could hear the raw emotion beneath the words.
"Don’t call me that,” You said. How could he? 
 “You lost that right the day you decided to cheat and not enough?" you repeated, incredulous. "I loved you, Mingyu. I supported you. I believed in you. And you tell me I wasn’t enough? Wow."
"It wasn't about you, ___. It was about me. My insecurities, my fears. I was trying to run away from myself, and I dragged you into it. I'm so sorry." His voice was thick with emotion, and for a moment, you almost believed him.
"So, you ran to her," you said, your voice laced with a mixture of anger and pain. "Someone who made you feel better about yourself. Someone who gave you the validation you thought I wasn't giving you."
"It wasn't like that," he insisted, his voice strained, pleading. "It was more
 complicated. She
 she understood a part of me that I felt like I couldn't share with anyone else."
"A part of you that you couldn't share with me?" you asked, your voice barely a whisper, the pain cutting through you like a knife. "The person who loved you unconditionally? The person who gave you her heart?"
"I know," he said, his voice heavy with regret. "I know I messed up. I messed up big time. And I don't expect you to forgive me. But I need you to know
 I never stopped loving you, ___. Even when I was with her, it was you I thought about. You're the one I want."
"You have some nerve," you managed to say and a bitter laugh escaped your lips. "You want me now? After you've had your little
 adventure? After you've broken my trust beyond repair?"
"I know I don't deserve it," he said, his voice cracking, the desperation evident. "But I'm begging you. Please, give me another chance. I'll do anything. I'll change. I'll be the man you deserve. I'll be better."
"You can't change who you are, Mingyu," you said, your voice trembling, tears welling up in your eyes. "And I can't go back to who I was. I can't go back to being someone who's constantly waiting for you to break my heart again. I can't live with that fear anymore."
Little did you know, Jane woke up. She watched you talk to Mingyu, proud of you finally letting it out. Finally standing up for yourself and letting out all your bottled up emotions.
"Please, ___, don't do this," he pleaded, his voice thick with emotion. "I need you. I love you. Please."
"No, Mingyu," you said, your voice firm, a newfound sense of strength resonating within you. "I need to let you go. I need to let myself go. I need to be free. I am finally free. You changed me. And I thank you for that."
"What?" he asked, his voice filled with confusion, a hint of panic creeping in.
"I am finally myself," you said, your voice clear, strong, a wave of liberation washing over you. "And I can't be myself with you. I can't be the person I am meant to be if I'm still clinging to the past."
"No, ___, don't," he pleaded, his voice desperate, a raw vulnerability exposed. "Please, don't say that. Don't do this to us. To me."
"Goodbye, Mingyu," you said, your voice steady, a sense of closure settling within you.
“Baby please," his voice breaking.
“Mingyu don't,” You said wiping your tears.
“Just don’t call or text me. Please,” 
He took several moments before he managed to mumble an ‘okay’
“Goodbye Mingyu,” You finally managed to say. 
“Goodbye ____. I’ll always love you,” He said that with what seemed like a genuine tone and with that you pressed the end call button, the click a sharp, final sound. You stared at your phone, the screen reflecting your tear-streaked face. You felt lighter, freer than you had in months. The shackles were gone, the weight lifted. You were finally, truly, free.
Tears streamed down your face, but they weren't tears of pain or anger. They were tears of release, of finally freeing yourself from the shackles of the past. You let yourself cry, the sobs wracking your body, each one a step further away from the pain.
As the tears subsided, you felt a gentle warmth envelop you. Jane was standing beside your bed, her eyes filled with concern and understanding. She didn't say a word, didn't ask any questions. She simply wrapped her arms around you, holding you close, offering silent comfort and unwavering support. You clung to her, the tears flowing freely, not from sadness, but from a profound sense of relief and liberation. You had finally broken free, and Jane was there to help you celebrate that newfound freedom.
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The venue pulsed with a palpable energy, a stark contrast to the quiet, almost solemn, introspection of the previous night. By 12 PM, the Don Julio bar was a gleaming masterpiece of polished wood, shimmering glassware, and precisely arranged bottles of their stunning portfolio. The customized Mexican DJ-inspired, skull glassware, thankfully delivered right on schedule, caught the light, casting a dazzling array of reflections. You, Jane, and Jimin moved with practiced ease, fine-tuning the last details, ensuring every element was flawless. The air crackled with the sound of music, the clinking of glasses, and the excited murmur of early attendees.
"Looks like we actually pulled it off, huh?" Jane said, a sigh of genuine relief escaping her lips as she meticulously adjusted a row of cocktail garnishes. "I was starting to think those glasses were cursed."
"Don't even say that," Jimin retorted, his brow furrowed as he adjusted a floral arrangement with the precision of a surgeon. "We're not out of the woods yet. We still have the main rush to contend with." He paused, stepping back to admire his handiwork. "But yeah, it looks good. Real good."
You took a deep breath, the crisp scent of fresh lime and premium tequila filling your senses. This is it, you thought, a quiet sense of triumph washing over you. A new day, a new beginning. The lingering weight of Mingyu's call had completely dissipated, replaced by a feeling of lightness, a newfound sense of quiet confidence. "Let's take a quick walk around," you suggested, gesturing towards the bustling crowd. "See what the other brands are doing. Get a feel for the atmosphere."
The venue was a sprawling showcase of branded experiences, each competing for attention. Tanqueray's gin garden was a verdant oasis, complete with live botanical displays and bartenders crafting bespoke cocktails with fresh herbs. Johnnie Walker's whisky lounge exuded an air of sophisticated elegance, with plush leather seating, dim lighting, and a curated selection of rare blends. Toki's highball station was a minimalist masterpiece, showcasing the clean, crisp flavors of Japanese whisky with sleek, modern design and their concept Toki-o nights which was heavily inspired by music. And Glenmorangie’s setup was a vibrant, beach-themed extravaganza, with bright colors, tropical decorations, and a lively, party atmosphere.
"Wow, they've really gone all out," Jane commented, her eyes scanning the crowd with a mixture of admiration and professional curiosity. "The competition is fierce."
"Tell me about it," you agreed, noting the intricate details of each brand's activation. "But I think we've got the edge. Our bar is both stylish and functional. A perfect balance of aesthetic and practicality."
Jimin nodded enthusiastically. "And the cocktails are killer," he added, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "I may have sampled a few myself, just to ensure quality control, of course."
“No wonder the bar team was giving me knowing looks,” You rolled your eyes playfully. "Of course," you said, chuckling. "Just don't get too carried away."
"Never," Jimin said, feigning innocence.
You all moved towards a photo booth where a long queue was forming, attendees eager to capture the moment. "Look at the line," you said, impressed. "That's a great sign. We’ll definitely come back later when it's less crowded. Perfect for some social media content."
Returning to the Don Julio bar, the music grew louder, more insistent. The band from the previous night was performing again, their sound filling the space with a raw, soulful energy. The stage was conveniently located right next to the Don Julio bar. Your eyes were drawn to the lead singer - it was the same dude from the Italian restaurant. He was completely immersed in the music, his voice a powerful, melodic rumble that resonated through the venue.
Musicians have always been your weakness.
He really is talented, you thought, watching him move across the stage with an effortless grace. And incredibly handsome. You couldn't help but notice the way his checkered shirt hugged his broad shoulders, the way his dark hair fell across his forehead, and the way his doe eyes, even from a distance, seemed to hold a spark of something intense.
He didn't seem to notice you, thankfully, his focus entirely on the performance. You quickly turned your attention back to the bar, trying to shake off the unexpected flutter in your chest. Focus, ___. you told yourself, mentally running through the checklist of tasks. You have a job to do.
But even as you worked, adjusting bottles, straightening napkins, your eyes kept drifting back to the stage. There was something about him, something familiar and intriguing, that you couldn't quite ignore. The feeling was a gentle hum beneath the surface of your thoughts, a quiet reminder of the unexpected encounters that had marked the beginning of your New York adventure.
Jane, noticing your gaze, exchanged a knowing look with Jimin. They both smirked, but thankfully, refrained from any overt teasing. They knew you were still processing a lot, and a playful jab might not be well-received. Instead, Jane subtly nudged you with her elbow, a silent acknowledgment of your obvious unspoken attraction.
"Everything alright, boss lady?" Jimin asked, his voice laced with a playful undertone, trying hard to keep his gaze fixed on the bar.
"Fine," you said, a little too quickly. "Just
 admiring the music. I’m all about the music you know that,"
"Sure you are," Jane mumbled under her breath, a playful glint in her eyes to which Jimin couldn’t help but chuckle.
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't suppress a small smile. Maybe a little distraction wouldn't hurt, you thought, a flicker of something like excitement igniting within you. But first, work.
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By 4 PM, the venue had transformed into a pulsating hub of activity, a kaleidoscope of branded experiences and eager attendees. The clients, Dominic and Sarah, arrived, their eyes alight with a blend of professional scrutiny and genuine excitement. They'd been privy to the meticulously curated visuals you'd sent, but witnessing the Don Julio bar in its full glory was an entirely different experience.
"___, this is
 exceptional," Dominic declared, his voice booming across the space, cutting through the ambient noise like a well-tuned bassline. "You've truly captured the essence of the brand."
"The lighting, the glassware, the sheer artistry of the cocktails," Sarah added, her eyes tracing the intricate details of the bar's design. "It's a masterpiece. You guys have outdone yourselves,"
You managed a smile, a mixture of relief and pride washing over you. "Thank you," you said, your voice steady despite the flutter of nerves in your stomach. "Jimin, Jane and I wanted to create an immersive experience, something that resonated with the spirit of Don Julio and what better than personalised Don Julio skull mugs,"
The next few hours were a blur of client interactions, strategic small talk, and the relentless monitoring of the bar's operation. You, despite your innate aversion to superficial conversations, navigated the social labyrinth with practiced ease. It was a necessary evil, a performance required for the success of the event.
"So, Sarah," you began, steering the conversation towards the broader festival experience, "what are your impressions of the other brand activations?"
"They're all
 interesting," she replied, her tone carefully neutral. "But I am also a little biased,” You chuckled. “Don Julio has a certain
 sophistication. It's not just about the spectacle; it's about the experience."
"Precisely," you said, nodding in agreement. "We wanted to create a space where attendees could truly appreciate the craftsmanship and heritage of the brand."
As the evening wore on, a subtle sense of disappointment began to creep in. Your eyes, despite your best efforts, kept drifting towards the stage, searching for a familiar figure. The musician, with his soulful voice and captivating presence, was conspicuously absent. Maybe he's performing with his band tomorrow, you thought, trying to quell the rising tide of disappointment. It's a two-day festival, after all.
By 7 PM, the disappointment had solidified into a quiet ache, a subtle undercurrent beneath the surface of your professional composure. You continued to circulate, engaging with clients, ensuring their glasses were filled and their questions answered, but the absence of the musician cast a shadow over the evening.
The first day of the Mix Fest drew to a close at 10 PM, the venue slowly emptying as attendees filtered out, their voices echoing through the cavernous space. Exhausted but undeniably satisfied, you, Jane, and Jimin made your way back to The Ludlow.
"I'm going to hit the spa," you announced, a wave of weariness washing over you. "Anyone care to join me?"
"I'm beat brother," Jane said, stretching her arms above her head, her spine cracking audibly. "I'm going straight to bed. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Same here," Jimin agreed, stifling a yawn. "But have a good one!"
The spa was a sanctuary of tranquility, a haven of warmth and soothing aromas. The humid air enveloped you like a comforting embrace, easing the tension in your muscles. You closed your eyes, letting the gentle heat work its magic, the day's stresses melting away.
After a long session in the steam room, you emerged, your skin glowing, your mind clear. You wandered towards the relaxation area, a dimly lit space with plush loungers and soft, ambient music. And that's when you saw him. Soobin.
He was sprawled across one of the loungers, his eyes closed, his face relaxed. He looked good, you had to admit, the dim light casting his features in a flattering glow.
"Soobin?" you said, your voice a soft whisper, a mix of surprise and mild amusement.
His eyes fluttered open, a slow, slightly disoriented smile spreading across his face. "___? What a
"Surprise?" you echoed, raising an eyebrow, a hint of playful skepticism in your voice. "You're here for the festival?"
"Yeah," he said, sitting up, his movements a little stiff. " I am visiting few friends here so we decided to check the fest. I'm a big fan of the
 music scene here. And the
 atmosphere." He said the last word with a strange emphasis.
You chuckled, a dry, almost cynical sound. "Of course," you said, your eyes narrowing slightly.
Soobin was your second "situationship," or a failed talking stage if you wanted to call it that. A brief but intense connection that had almost blossomed into something more. You'd been genuinely drawn to him, intrigued by his quiet intensity and his thoughtful demeanor. But he was always a little
 hesitant, a little unsure. And you, still reeling from the aftermath of your relationship with Mingyu, were equally reluctant to fully commit.
An awkward silence descended, thick and heavy, punctuated only by the soft murmur of the spa's ambient music. Soobin shifted uncomfortably, his gaze darting around the room, avoiding your eyes.
"So," he began, his voice strained, "how have you been?"
"Good," you replied, keeping your tone casual, your expression carefully neutral. "Busy with work, as always."
"Right. ___ the boss lady" he said, nodding slowly, his eyes still avoiding yours. "The festival
 it's quite something, isn't it?"
"It is," you agreed, your voice flat.
Another awkward silence stretched between you, the tension in the air thick enough to cut with a knife. You could feel his gaze lingering on you, a mixture of curiosity and something else, something you couldn't quite decipher.
"You look
 good," he said, his voice barely above a whisper, his gaze finally meeting yours.
"Thanks," you said, a flicker of something like irritation flashing through you. "You too."
He was still attractive, you had to admit, but the spark that had once flickered between you had dimmed, replaced by a sense of awkwardness and unspoken regrets.
"It's been a while," he said, his voice laced with a hint of nostalgia.
"It has," you agreed, your voice cool.
God this was painfully awkward. If only Jane and Jimin were here with you now. They would have saved you from whatever this was but also would have a blast making fun of this situation.
"We should
 catch up sometime," he suggested, his voice hesitant, his eyes searching for your agreement.
"Maybe," you said, noncommittally, your gaze drifting towards the exit.
The silence that followed was heavy with unspoken words, a lingering sense of what could have been. You felt a wave of weariness wash over you, the day's events finally catching up. You wanted to escape, to retreat to the solitude of your room, to process the unexpected encounter.
"Well," you said, rising to your feet, "I should probably get going. It's been a long day."
"Right," he said, nodding slowly, his expression a mixture of disappointment and resignation. "Yeah, of course."
You turned to leave, a sense of relief washing over you. The encounter had been awkward, uncomfortable, a reminder of a chapter you'd thought you'd closed. As you walked away, you couldn't help but wonder if this was a sign, a second chance. Or just another unexpected, slightly uncomfortable, encounter in the whirlwind of your New York adventure. You decided, at that moment, that you were going to go to sleep and not think about it any more.
Life has genuinely been weird since last two days.
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The aftershocks of the past two days lingered, a subtle tremor in the usually steady rhythm of your life. Sleep, a fickle companion, had been a patchwork of disjointed dreams and the persistent echo of Mingyu's voice. Then the encounter with Soobin in the spa, though brief, had left a faint, unpleasant aftertaste, a reminder of unfinished chapters.
Waking up late, you felt a strange sense of detachment, a subtle disconnect from the day's impending chaos. A glance at your phone revealed the time – 12:00 PM. Damn, you thought, a wave of mild panic washing over you. You were never late. You were always meticulously punctual. 
New York definitely has had its effect on you.
Rushing through your morning routine, you arrived at the venue at 12:45 PM, a minute that felt like an eternity. Jane and Jimin were already deep in conversation near the Don Julio bar, their laughter echoing through the near-empty space.
“Jane! You didn’t wake me up,” You said in anger, although it wasn’t serious. Day 2 of the fest was supposed to be chill so you weren’t that worried.
It’s just bad habits that die hard.
“Hey!!” Jane exclaimed. “I was letting you rest, knowing you work like a machine,” She said feigning innocence. Now who could say no to that face?
You just playfully rolled your eyes at her and she chuckled.
"Well, well, look who decided to grace us with their presence," Jimin teased, a playful glint in his eyes. "Did you finally decide to sleep in?"
"Sorry," you mumbled, a blush creeping up your neck. "I overslept. I had a rough night."
"It's fine," Jane said, waving a dismissive hand. "We were just about to grab some lunch. Come on, you can catch up on the gossip."
Over a quick lunch of festival fare, the three of you discussed the previous day's events, the client feedback, and the general buzz of the festival. You kept your encounter with Soobin to yourself, not wanting to rehash the awkwardness but knowing sooner or later, you were gonna spill it for them. You just had to make sure that you would be staying away from the hotel spa.
"So," Jane said, her eyes twinkling with mischief, "did you manage to spot your mystery musician?"
You shook your head, a flicker of disappointment crossing your face. "No, not yet. I'm starting to think he's a figment of my imagination."
"Maybe he's saving his grand entrance for today," Jimin suggested, winking. "You know, building suspense."
After lunch, you decided to take a walk around the venue, hoping to clear your head and shake off the lingering sense of unease. You were still feeling slightly off-kilter, a little out of sync with your usual self. 
Just thinking about the last two days. They had been wild and went so fast. You had finally broken away from the shackles of your relationship with Mingyu, felt yourself returning, the Jay and Soobin interaction. So much had happened.
You still felt alone. 
Looking around the fest, you saw couples around you mingling with each other and just having fun and living life and you felt a bittersweet feeling. When was it gonna be my turn? is the only thought that crossed your mind.
You were successful in your career, decent looking yet love was the only part of your life that wasn’t figured out. Actually you had it figured out for a long time when you were Mingyu, almost even thought you would marry him – Yeah no, not that thought.
As you rounded a corner near the main stage, you bumped into someone, sending a set of drumsticks clattering to the ground.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" you blurted out, instinctively bending down to help pick them up.
Was it the musician?
Looking up, you realized it wasn't the musician, but another member of his band. He was tall, with a warm, friendly smile and a pair of intelligent eyes. You felt a wave of disappointment, quickly suppressed.
"No, it's okay," he said, his voice deep and melodic. "Don't worry about it. It was my fault."
"I seem to be bumping into everyone lately," you said, a wry smile playing on your lips. "It's becoming a bit of a theme."
He chuckled, a warm, genuine sound. "It's a busy place. Easy to get turned around."
You noticed the drumsticks in his hand. "Are you performing here?" you asked, gesturing towards the main stage.
"Yeah," he replied, a hint of excitement in his voice. "We're called Sunrise Boulevard."
"Oh, cool," you said, a genuine smile spreading across your face. "I'll have to check you out. What time is your set?"
"Please do," he said, handing you the drumsticks. "Let me know what you think. We play at 7PM! This is our first big gig,” He said with excitement. It was infectious.
"I will," you promised.
"I'm Namjoon," he said, extending his hand.
"___," you replied, shaking his hand.
You introduced yourself, and he told you a little about the band, their music, and their journey. You explained your role in the Don Julio activation. You found yourself enjoying the conversation, his easygoing charm a welcome distraction from your earlier anxieties.
“Drinks on me, okay,” You laughed and told me.
“I’ll hold you to that,” He smirked.
Jane, who had been watching from a distance, approached, her eyes sparkling with interest. "Who's this?" she asked, her voice laced with playful curiosity.
"This is Namjoon," you said, introducing them. "He's the drummer for Sunrise Boulevard."
"Nice to meet you," Jane said, extending her hand, her smile widening.
"You too," Namjoon replied, his smile equally bright.
Jane seemed particularly interested in Namjoon, her questions flowing easily, her laughter light and genuine. You watched them interact, a sense of amusement mixing with a quiet sense of relief. 
Both Jimin and you saw her tuck her hair while talking to him and smirked. Classic tell-a-tale sign when Jane is interested in someone.
At least someone was having a good time.
After a few minutes, Jane and Namjoon exchanged numbers, and he headed towards the stage for soundcheck. Jane returned to the Don Julio bar, a satisfied grin on her face.
"So," Jimin said, raising an eyebrow, "who was that?"
"That was Namjoon," Jane replied, her cheeks flushed. "He's the drummer for Sunrise Boulevard. They're playing today."
"And?" you asked, a playful smirk on your face.
"And," Jane said, rolling her eyes, "they're a rookie band. This is their first big festival. They're really good, though. You should check them out."
"A rookie band, huh?" Jimin said, his eyes twinkling. "Sounds interesting."
"They are," Jane insisted. "And he's really nice."
"Someone's got a crush," you teased, nudging Jane's arm.
"Shut up," she said, blushing. "I just think they deserve some support."
"Of course you do," Jimin said, chuckling. "We'll definitely check them out."
You made sure to stay away from the hotel spa and any areas where you might run into Soobin. You had no desire to relive that awkward encounter. You were here to work, to enjoy the festival, and to finally see Sunrise Boulevard perform. You decided to make sure to keep an eye out for Namjoon and his band’s set.
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With the overwhelming amount of crowd at the Don Julio bar, you didn’t even realise that it was almost 7PM. 
Once the clock struck 7PM, you could see the majority of the crowd gathering near the stage. And they thought they were rookie. You helped the bartending team while bringing in some ingredients for the cocktails when you heard the most angelic possible voice.
“Oh my god, the lead singer is so handsome,” You heard a few girls fangirl (?) and you glanced towards the stage, curious to see what all the fuss was about, and to see if the band was really as good as Jane had said.
The stage lights dimmed, casting long, dramatic shadows across the eager crowd. A hush fell over the venue as the band members took their positions. Then, a voice, smooth and confident, cut through the silence.
"Hey everyone, I'm JK, lead singer of Sunrise Boulevard, and this is our band!" He gestured towards his bandmates. "On guitar, Taehyung! On drums, Namjoon! On bass, Hoseok! And on keyboard, Yoongi!" The rest of them waved towards the crowd which got them screaming.
The crowd erupted in applause as they launched into their first song, a sultry, rock-infused rendition of Chase Atlantic's "Swim." JK’s voice, laced with a hint of smoky allure, filled the space, captivating the audience. The band's energy was palpable, their performance a blend of raw intensity and polished precision.
After the Chase Atlantic cover, they transitioned into their original songs. The first, "City Lights," was a driving pop-rock anthem with a catchy chorus, reminiscent of early 2000s alternative rock. The second, "Lost in the Echoes," had a more introspective feel, with JK’s vocals soaring over a melancholic melody, showcasing his impressive range. For a third song, they played "Crimson Sky," a high-energy rock song with a powerful guitar riff, getting the crowd to jump and sing along.
As the set progressed, you found yourself drawn into their performance, despite your professional focus. JK’s stage presence was undeniable, his charisma radiating from the stage. The kind of presence that demanded attention. You noticed his eyes scanning the crowd, and for a fleeting moment, you thought they lingered on you. You quickly looked away, a blush creeping up your neck, trying to focus on the busy bar.
Yeah no, not the time to be delusional.
As the band finished their third song, JK stepped forward, a slight smile playing on his lips. "We have one more song for you tonight," he announced, his voice soft, yet carrying through the venue. "It's a little different from our usual style. I wrote it recently, and it's called 'Still With You.'"
The crowd cheered as the band launched into the song. It was a slower, more soulful ballad, JK’s voice filled with raw emotion. The song's lyrics, a heartfelt expression of longing and vulnerability, resonated with the audience, creating a quiet, intimate atmosphere. You found yourself captivated by his performance, his voice weaving a spell around you, cutting through the noise of the festival.
As the set ended, JK's eyes swept across the crowd once more. This time, you were sure they lingered on you. He held your gaze for a moment, a subtle intensity in his eyes, then looked away, a slight smile playing on his lips. You tried to dismiss it as a coincidence, but a flutter of excitement stirred within you.
Lord, New York was something else.
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The band exited the stage, and you returned to the Don Julio bar, helping the team with the rush of customers. A few minutes later, Namjoon approached, JK trailing slightly behind him, hands in his pockets.
Namjoon hopped onto an empty stool, a slightly sheepish grin on his face. "Hey," he said, running a hand through his hair. "So, uh, how'd we do?"
You chuckled, wiping down the counter. "You guys were great. Seriously. The crowd loved you."
"Yeah?" Namjoon asked, a hint of relief in his voice. "We were kinda nervous. First big festival and all."
"You wouldn't have known it," you assured him. "You guys looked completely at home up there."
"That's good to hear," he said, nodding. "We put a lot of work into this set. Especially JK, he was stressing about the Chase Atlantic cover."
"It was a bold choice," you said, glancing at JK, who was leaning against the bar, observing the crowd. "But it worked. It really set the tone."
"He's always pushing  to try new things," Namjoon said, rolling his eyes playfully. "Sometimes it drives us crazy, but I guess it pays off."
"It definitely did tonight," you said, smiling. "Especially that last song, 'Still With You'. It was beautiful."
JK finally spoke, his voice low and smooth. "Thank you," he said, meeting your gaze. "It means a lot."
"No, really," you said, turning back to Namjoon. "You guys have a really unique sound. It's not just another pop-rock band."
"That's what we're going for," Namjoon said, nodding. "We want to stand out."
"You definitely do," you said, grabbing a bottle of tequila. "So, what can I get you guys? Drinks are on me, remember?" 
"Oh, right!" Namjoon said, snapping his fingers. "I almost forgot. I'll take a... what are you having?"
“Oh,” You chuckled. “I don’t drink and besides I’m at work so,” You managed to say which earned you a look from JK.
“So what will you guys have? Want me to suggest?” You diverted the topic.
“Yes please,” Namjoon smiled. You looked over the menu and suggested ‘Don Paloma’ and ‘Don Picante’ to the two of them. 
“Wow you know your cocktails,” JK said while having that look. The look that made you nervous.
“I wouldn’t be doing a good job at work if I didn’t,” You chuckled.
As you placed the order to the bar team, you noticed Jane and Jimin coming your way. You immediately saw Namjoon smile at that.
Yeah you and Jimin have to clock that.
The conversation then continued to flow easily, but you couldn't shake the feeling that JK was watching you, his gaze lingering, but in a way that felt more curious than intrusive. You felt a strange mix of excitement and nervousness, unsure of what to make of his attention, but the conversation with the rest of them felt like a welcome buffer.
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Namjoon grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You know what? We're running low on drinks for the band. Let's grab another round."
"Good idea," Jane chimed in, nodding towards the bar. "We wouldn't want anyone getting thirsty."
You watched them go, a knowing smile playing on your lips. Smooth. But hey, who were you to judge?
Jimin, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, suddenly stood. "Uh, I need to
 check on some, uh, thing," he mumbled, avoiding eye contact. "See you guys later."
Yeah you were cursing him in your mind.
He practically bolted, leaving you and JK alone. "Well," you said, turning to JK, "that was
He chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "He's probably checking on the drinks too, you know, to make sure they're
 properly distributed,”
He paused, then gestured towards the festival grounds. "Want to go for a walk? Check out the place? See if we can find anything?” 
“You sure? Aren’t you tired?” You asked him genuinely. After that performance anyone would be tired.
"Yes I’m sure,"  he smiled.
As you walked, Jungkook pointed towards the brightly lit Ferris wheel. "Ferris wheel," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "A classic." 
"Isn't that a little
 cliché?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. "Like, straight out of a rom-com?"
"Sometimes clichĂ© is good," he replied, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Besides, it's a great view. And who knows, maybe we’ll have a rom-com moment of our own."
You raised your eyebrow and chuckled.
“Yeah sorry that was bad,” He shook his head and laughed.
“Oh wait, I didn't introduce myself. I’m Jungkook,” He put his hand forward for a handshake. “And I’m ___”, You smiled as you shook hands with him.
As you walked ahead, Jungkook's eyes widened. "Wait a minute," he said, snapping his fingers. "You're the girl from the airport!"
"What? What airport?" you asked, feigning confusion, though a flicker of recognition sparked in your mind.
"Yeah, you were
 a bit overwhelmed," he said, his eyes twinkling. "And you're also the girl from the Italian place."
"Yeah, that I am," you replied, a smile spreading across your face. "Small world, huh?" He remembers. And he remembers the details. That’s
Yeah no, you weren’t going to delude yourself.
As you rode the Ferris wheel, the city lights spread out below you, a dazzling panorama. "It's beautiful," you murmured, gazing at the view. "I've never been to New York before."
"Really?" Jungkook asked, his eyes widening slightly. "First time?"
"Yeah," you said, a hint of wonder in your voice. "It's
 overwhelming, in a good way."
"Well, then," he said, leaning closer, his voice a low murmur, "I can show you around. Show you the real New York. The places the tourists don't know about."
He’s smooth. You will have to give him that.
You talked about your dreams, your work, your passions. He listened intently, his eyes never leaving yours. He’s a good listener. Not something you find every day. Or ever.
“So where have you been till now?” He asked as the two of you exited the ferris wheel. “Uh, honestly? Nowhere,” You shrugged. “We came on Friday and have been working since then. We still have tomorrow to explore,” You smiled and told him.
“Any places you could suggest though?” You asked as you thanked the person managing the ferris wheel not noticing the smug grin on Jungkook’s face for what he was about to say next.
“Oh yes I can show you around,” He says smoothly.
“You can?” You raised your eyebrows to which he nodded.
He’s definitely flirting. And you are definitely not complaining.
The Ferris wheel ride ended, and you stepped back onto solid ground, the city lights beginning to fade into the background as you re-entered the heart of the festival. That was
 nice, you thought, a small smile playing on your lips. As you continued your walk, the conversation flowed easily, naturally transitioning to the various brand activations scattered throughout the grounds. You pointed out a particularly eye-catching display, discussing its marketing strategies and potential impact. 
"Wow," Jungkook said, genuinely impressed. "How do you know so much?"
"It'd be funny if I didn't," you replied, a wry smile playing on your lips. "These are my clients. And potential clients. It's kind of my job to know."
He seems to be impressed.
As you walked, you began to get to know each other. "So, you're from Seoul, right?" Jungkook asked, his eyes curious.
"Yeah, born and raised," you replied, a hint of nostalgia in your voice. "Been working with Black Media Marketing for two years now. We handle a lot of brand activations, events, that kind of thing."
"That's impressive," Jungkook said, nodding. "It must be exciting working with so many different brands."
"It is," you agreed, a smile playing on your lips. "It's always something new."
"And you?" you asked. "You're from Busan, right?"
"Yeah, that's home," he said, a soft smile spreading across his face. "The band was created there," he continued proudly.
"You guys were amazing tonight," you said, genuinely impressed by the crowd's reaction. "The crowd was wild."
"Thanks," he said, a hint of pride in his voice, but also a touch of modesty. "It was a good crowd. We're still getting used to this kind of response."
"Getting used to it?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. "You guys were like
 rock stars."
He chuckled. "We're just a few guys who love making music. It's great to see people enjoying it."
You spotted a photo booth, a long line snaking its way towards it. "Damn," you said, a hint of disappointment in your voice. "I wanted to go there. Couldn't even get in yesterday."
Jungkook simply looked at you, a thoughtful expression on his face. He’s quiet. Too quiet. What’s he thinking?
As you walked, you spotted Soobin in the distance, talking to a group of people. You both made eye contact for a brief moment, then quickly looked away. Awkward. Just
"I'm actually here only for two more days," you said, breaking the silence, the thought of your limited time in the city suddenly feeling more pressing.
"Oh," he replied, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, "we've got to make the most of it then."
You were taken aback a little. Not that you minded it.
"So," he asked, his voice low, "I'll see you tomorrow?" You paused, a playful smile playing on your lips. He’s asking you out. And  you can’t help but want to say yes. "Yes," you replied, your voice barely a whisper. "I'd like that."
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The next morning you smiled as you woke up. Been a while you woke up like that.
You immediately took your phone from the nightstand and saw a text from him.
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Now when did he save his name as that? Oh yeah when he dropped you off at the hotel last night and you exchanged numbers.
Jane was not in the room when you came back from whatever it is that you and Jungkook had going on last night.
You turned around to see Jane fast asleep on her bed. 
Guess you weren’t the only one who had a great time last night.
You didn’t want to enter into something too fast. Hell, you had finally found your way out from the shackles of Mingyu and even Soobin for that matter. You definitely didn’t want to ruin things - if there was even anything, with Jungkook.
You were just gonna see how things go. Yeah.
Getting out of your thoughts, you replied back to Jungkook.
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Yeah definitely shouldn’t have said that.
This all you saw for the next two minutes which felt like hours.
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Great, just great. 
What felt like eternity, you heard your phone ting with a notification of a new message.
You immediately opened his chat, hoping to see you haven’t embarrassed yourself yet. Lord, please.
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Well thank god for that.
With a big smile on your face, you take out your comfiest pair of jeans, crop top and a leather jacket and go for your shower.
Today was going to be good. You had a feeling.
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As you exited the elevator, you saw Jungkook waiting in the lobby, leaning against a marble pillar, dressed casually in a faded denim jacket, dark jeans, and sneakers. His hair, slightly tousled, caught the morning light. He looked effortlessly cool. He smiled as he saw you, a warm, genuine smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes. "Ready for what could possibly be the best day of your life?"
"Is it? The stakes seem high,”  you smirked and said, slipping your hand into his. His hand was warm, his grip firm but gentle. His touch, a familiar warmth, a promise of adventure.
He led you out onto the busy street, the air thick with the smell of exhaust fumes and hot pretzels. The sounds of the city surrounded you—the honking of taxis, the rumble of buses, the chatter of pedestrians. "Central Park first," he said, nodding towards the green expanse.
The park was a welcome break from the city's intensity. Sunlight filtered through the leaves of towering oak trees, dappling the paths with patches of light and shadow. You walked, the sounds of the city fading into a background hum, replaced by the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. He pointed out quiet spots, little details you wouldn’t have noticed on your own—a hidden fountain, a secluded bench, a patch of wildflowers.
"I used to come here a lot," he said, stopping by a small pond where ducks paddled lazily. "When I needed to
 get away. Just to think."
“I have a similar place. In Seoul,” You reminisce and share with him.
You then stopped at a hot dog stand, the aroma of grilled onions and mustard filling the air. "Hungry?" he asked, grinning.
"Starving," you admitted, your stomach audibly rumbling.
You got two hot dogs, laughing as you struggled with the mustard and sauerkraut, the tangy smell making your mouth water. "This is a mess," you said, wiping your hands with a napkin.
He chuckled, gently wiping a smudge of mustard from your cheek with his thumb. "Yeah, but it's good." His touch was light, but it sent a little shiver down your spine, a warmth spreading through your chest. His eyes held yours, and for a moment, the bustling city faded away.
“So when do you come back to Seoul?” You ask, curious. 
“Just one more show in NYC, and we are back,” He smiles and tells you.
He then takes you to a  speakeasy tucked behind an unassuming bookstore, where they sip on cocktails under dim, moody lighting. A rooftop that offers an exclusive view of the skyline, one he swears is better than any observation deck. 
And then a  tiny, family-run vinyl shop where you flip through records together, fingers brushing occasionally as the two of you reach for the same one.
That’s when the conversation shifts.
The two of you talk about your mutual love for music. How it’s always been more than just sound for you—how it’s an experience, an emotion, a story in itself. 
“Ever since I was a kid, I used to collect CDs or cassettes of any new album that came out. If it was new, I just had to have it,” You chuckled and reminisced. 
However you did notice an expression on Jungkook’s face. That made you feel something that you haven’t felt in a while.
You also tell him about the concerts you have attended, the ones you have worked on, how you are drawn to the artistry of it all.  He listens intently, eyes never leaving yours. 
Then, he shares his own journey—his struggles, his passion, the moments that made him fall in love with music all over again.
“You know, when I started out, I had no idea what I was doing,” he admits with a small chuckle, leaning back against the vinyl shelves. “I mean, I loved music, but I didn’t think I’d ever actually make something people would listen to.”
You tilt your head, intrigued. “So what changed?”
He exhales, glancing down at a record in his hands. “I met people who believed in me more than I did. And eventually, I had to start believing too.” He looks up at you then, a quiet intensity in his gaze. “It wasn’t easy, though. I’ve had moments where I wanted to quit, where I thought maybe I wasn’t good enough. But every time I step on stage, every time I write something that actually means something to me
 it reminds me why I started.”
You watch him, the way his fingers tap lightly against the record’s cover, the way his voice carries that underlying passion. “That’s incredible,” you murmur. “I think that’s why I love music so much. It’s raw. It’s real. And it connects people in ways nothing else can.”
A small smile plays on his lips. “Exactly.”
There’s an understanding between the two of you, something unspoken yet deeply felt.
Before the night ends, he tugs you toward a small photo booth tucked away in a side street.
“Come on, let’s make it official. Proof that I was the best New York tour guide,” he jokes, but there’s a softness in his gaze.
Inside, the space is small, forcing them closer than before. The first picture is casual, both of you grinning. The second, a silly face-off. The third? A little more still. You are both just
 looking at each other, lips parted slightly, something lingering in the air between them. And the fourth—well, he doesn’t hesitate to throw an arm around you, pulling you just a tad bit closer.
When the strip of photos prints out, you take one, he keeps the other. Neither of you say much about the moment, but you both know something has shifted.
The city starts to feel quieter as he walks you back to your hotel. You both stop just outside the entrance of your hotel, the hum of the streets still buzzing around them. He shifts on his feet before finally speaking up.
“___” He calls out your name and you look at him.
He seems nervous when he says this. “Can I take you out for real? Once we’re in Seoul?” His voice holds a mix of hesitation and confidence, as if he already knows the answer but still wants to hear it from you.
Is this really happening?
Then, after a beat, he adds, “I know this is fast, but I just
 I don’t know, I want to explore whatever this is.”
You don't reply immediately, just look at him, your heart pounding against your ribs. Then, with a shy nod, you managed to say, “Yeah. Me too,”
A slow smile spreads across his face.
He looks even more endearing with this genuine smile of his.
Guess you both were the kind of people who wanted to take risks and not have regrets later.
He leans in, pressing a soft peck against your cheek before pulling back.
And just like that, he walks away, leaving you standing there with your fingers grazing the spot where his lips had been, your heart still racing, your mind already replaying the night over and over again.
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A week later, you wake up with a text. The kind of text that makes you gushy like a teenager.
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And before you could respond to him, you received another text. a series of texts rather.
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While the two of them continued to bicker, you had to reply back to him.
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Maybe love really doesn’t disappear. Maybe it just reverbs—waiting for the right moment to be heard again.
And maybe it was finally your time.
© foreignjaykay, 2025.
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chloe-skywalker · 2 days ago
The Good Out Of The Bad - Cedric Diggory
Cedric x Fem!Reader Malfoy
Warnings: parents disowning child
Word count: 999
Summary: Being disowned by the Malfoys, Y/n goes to her boyfriend Cedrics home. The Diggorys are more than welcoming.
Authors Note: For sake of the story Cedrics moms alive. I don't know if she's alive or dead, they don't say in the movies and I haven’t read the books. Part 2? Maybe a run in with the Malfoys? Or he proposes? Or they go over to invite the Malfoys to their wedding? Comment below which one you’d like or should it be all of those.
Harry Potter Masterlist
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Y/n had possibly had the worst day of her life and all she wanted right now was Cedric. It was a long journey but she needed him right now. Once Y/n reached the Diggory residence she knocked on the front door.
“Y/n? What's wrong?” Cedric answered the door, shocked to see his girlfriend on the other side, soaked from the pouring rain. With her face red and blotchy.
“I was kicked out.” She hiccuped looking up at him with more tears gathering up in her eyes.
“Come in sweetheart. Its way to cold out.” Cedric’s mother says once she saw the girl she thought of as a daughter, having come to check on Cedric at the door. The older woman rushed Y/n into their home having her and Cedric sit on the couch. Cedric's mother and father joining them in the living room.
“What happened Y/n/n?” Cedric asked, wrapping a towel and a big heavy blanket around her trying to make sure she doesn’t get sick. He pulled her close into his side to comfort and protect her.
“I've been disowned. Name burned off of the family tree and everything.” Y/n told them with a shaky voice and a shiver. Whether it was from being drenched in the rain or the vent’;s she experienced with her family they didn’t know. But the guess was both.
Cedric rubbed a hand up and down her back trying to provide her with as much comfort as possible.
His parents were shocked to hear her words. How could they, then again something similar happened to Sirius Black back when they were younger.
“Why?” Cedric ask’s, curiously and angry at whatever reason they could give to do this to their own daughter.
“I disagreed on some views my father hold’s, and he decided that if I didn’t agree then I’m no longer a part of the Malfoy family.” Y/n took a deep breath as she told them she didn’t want to cry anymore. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know where else to go.” She apologizes to Cedric and his parents not wanting to be a burden.
“Don’t be sorry sweetheart.” Cedric's mom shakes her head, heartbreaking for the girl.
“You're always welcome in our home.” Cedric's dad tells her they'd never turn her away, especially after what she just went through.
“Thank you.” Y/n sends them an appreciative smile leaning into Cedric’s embrace.
“You can stay here for as long as you want.” Cedric's mother tells her as she notices Y/n relaxing into her son’s arms.
“I don’t want to be a burden.” Y/n shake’s her head looking at Cedric’s mom.
“You could never be a burden.” Cedric’s dad tells her not wanting her to think she was being a burden.
“Thank you.” Y/n nodds before leaving to go to the bathroom.
“Why would she think she’s a burden staying here?” His mother asked Cedric once hearing the bathroom door shut.
Cedric sighed sadly looking at his parents knowing they were gonna hate his explanation. “Her father- Luscious always called Y/n and Draco burdens. So it’s something she’s been told her whole life. She’s used to it.”
“That's not right.” His dad was appalled at hearing this.
“She’s welcome to stay her for as long as she want’s.” His mother tells him also appalled and upset that they would treat Y/n so poorly. No wonder she never wanted to be home.
“I’ll make sure she knows. And probably have to remind her.” Cedric nodd’s happy to hear that but also knowing she’d be safe with them helped washed away his worry. With that Cedruc got up to make sure Y/n was okay.
“We’ve always loved her.” Cedric’s mom smiled at her son as he left the room.
“Like a daughter.” His dad smiled at his wife, resting a hand on her shoulder standing next to her.
“She’s family.” his wife stated, an unspoken agreement between them that the girl would become even more a part of their family now than she already was.
^     ^     ^
Over the summer Cedric’s parents got to watch their son's relationship and behavior over the weeks and found it interesting to watch their son in his relationship. They got to see the two young adult’s grow even closer and their love grow bigger.
“We did a good job.” Cedric’s mother stated about how they raised their son.
“Yes we did.” His dad agreed watching beside his wife.
^     ^     ^
“Thank you for letting me stay all summer Mr. and Mrs Diggory.” Y/n thanked her boyfriend's parents with a smile having enjoyed her summer with them. They treated her like she was their daughter, their own flesh and blood.The way a family should be is what Y/n thought. But now it was time for them to go back to school for their final year. They were currently at the train station.
“It was a pleasure having you my dear.” Cedric’s dad hugged her after hugging his son, they enjoyed having her with them all the time she was the daughter they never had.
“We can’t wait to have you both back for christmas.” Cedric’s mom says excited and already missing the both of them. She hugged both of them at the same time.
Y/n smiled hugging her back just as tight. She loved being with the Diggory’s it was a big contrast to what she grew up with and she loved it. “I can’t wait.”
It was time for Cedric and Y/n to board the train. As they did they waved back at his parent’s before heading off hand in hand to find a seat together.
“I hope he marry’s her someday.” Cedric’s mother said out loud as she hugged her husband as they watched the train leave. Cedric’s dad let out an airy laugh even though he knew she was being completely honest and he hoped for the same thing in the future.
@padawancat97 @gruffle1 @daughter1of2anita3dearly
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mintyscuriocabinet · 22 hours ago
Genuine question
Does it suck being a prema regressor?
What is it like being stuck mentally at an age you aren't physically?
Feel free not to answer
I am not trying to be rude I am sorry if I come off that way
Thank you for your asking, I don't find it rude at all. In fact, I'd love to talk about it! I'm very open about my permaregression and I don't mind answering questions about it.
It definitely has its ups and downs, but the worst part for me has been learning to transition from childhood to adulthood and all the things that come with that. Of course, this time is difficult for everyone, but it's harder when you struggle with independence and acting your age.
For example, I can't do a lot of things adults should be able to do. It can be very frustrating, especially when I want to try something new or people aren't understanding of my difficulties.
With that said, there certainly are a lot of positives to it as well. I have a unique view of the world and I think that's pretty cool. I hold onto my childlike whimsy and I'm not afraid to express myself the way I want to. For me, that joy definitely outweighs the bad parts.
Honestly, it took me a long time to realise I was a permaregressor, but when I figured it out, it did make life feel a little easier. Once you know what's going on and you can label it, it's easier to get an idea of how you can help yourself.
I do wish I could be a regular adult pretty often, but I can't really change a lot about it so I do what I can to get by and that's good enough for me. I'm proud of who I am and I'm happy with where I'm at; after all, if it weren't for agere I never would have met so many wonderful people on Tumblr and I'm very grateful for each and every one of you for joining me on this journey!
Thanks again for your curiosity, permaregression is a very important topic we don't talk about enough in the agere community so I'm glad I got to share my experience with it.
- Minty 💚
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tecconquerit · 3 months ago
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TecC in 2024: Despite being in a busy schedule, I managed to dive into 14 amazing games, unlocking 28 achievements and earning 595 Gamerscore across 67 hours of playtime. 🎼✹
From strategizing in Age of Empires Definitive Edition (my #1 game this year) to surviving the post-apocalyptic world in Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition, every moment was unforgettable. đŸ’„ Whether I was building empires, exploring galaxies in The Callisto Protocol, or racing through Forza Motorsport, each game kept the adrenaline pumping and the passion alive.
Gaming isn’t just a hobby; it’s an adventure where every session brings a new challenge, a new world to explore, and new milestones to conquer. Big shoutout to Xbox for making every replay worthwhile, and to the gaming community for inspiring even bigger achievements for 2025—though I’m unsure how my schedule will look by then. Let’s conquer the next year together—more games, more milestones, and a whole lot of fun ahead! đŸš€đŸ”„
Thank you all for being part of this journey, and here’s to making 2025 even better! What were your favorite Xbox games this year? Let’s compare and share the grind. đŸ’Ș✹
#TecConquerIt #TECCONQUERITXBOXYEARINREVIEW2024 #TecConquerItXbox #GamingReplay #Xbox2024 #AchievementsUnlocked #GamingCommunity #AgeOfEmpires #MetroExodus #TheCallistoProtocol #ForzaMotorsport #GamerGoals #ConsoleGaming #GameLife #LevelUp #XboxAchievements #GamingAdventure #StrategicGaming #TopGames2024 #GamingPassion #GamerVibes #GameOn #TechAndGames #VideoGameAddict #XboxGames #GamerJourney #UnstoppableGamer
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months ago
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With the end of season two comes a second redraw!
[Nov 2022] [June 2023] [June 2024]
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corviiids · 4 months ago
an acquired taste and fancy seeing you here are absolutely adorable-- though i will admit that i expected akira to steal akechi's wallet to find out his name when he bumped into him the first time
haha thank you!! god those fics are so old to me now i can't even look at them - tbh i've nearly privated them a bunch of times but enough people have let me know they're still enjoying them that i can't bring myself to do it lol. im so glad you had fun with them!!
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agentravensong · 2 years ago
post-hamlet thoughts
tl;dr my college did hamlet and i was in it and it was cool
first of all, in case i hadn't made this clear already, this was entirely student-produced. i mean, we got some money from the theater department, but people-wise, it was all students.
i've told the rest of the cast this time and time again, but they're so good. insanely dedicated and humbling in their talent.
our hamlet, horatio, ophelia, and laertes were all freshman, and they were all stellar. ophelia and laertes broke my heart every night in the second half with their anger and their sadness. horatio always brings top energy to scenes and had lots of funny moments (espec counting his doubling as the second gravedigger) but also made me feel things (we staged act 4 scene 6 as him alone on stage reading hamlet's letter to the audience and he killed it every time). and our hamlet was just incredible; a pleasure to act against as guildenstern and a pleasure to watch / listen to in their more emotional scenes.
and everyone else was great too! our polonius was always funny but also had genuine moments of connection with his kids; our cladius brought some great depth to the role (his take on the monologue in act 3 scene 3 was great) while still being despicable, especially in his manipulation of laertes; our gertrude brought our director's take on her to life impeccably; and, of course, i had a wonderful and hilarious partner in our rosencrantz :)
not to mention our quartet of players (who also filled out the other miscellaneous roles) who had a ton of great moments. shout-outs in particular to the guy who doubled as the first gravedigger and sang his sung lines as a sea shanty (honestly, i think he could have been a great guildenstern or rosencrantz in another universe).
the crew, of course, was also amazing. there were like 150 cues? my friend (the writer i mentioned in this post) did a fantastic job with the lights. the people behind the staging and makeup did just as well. and the costumes were so fun! everyone looked great; we had a consistent black-white-red-brown color palette that tied it all together. special shout-out to the player king wearing a white shirt with a black cape while cladius wore a zipped-up leather jacket and a white cape.
oh, and me and ros? we got fedoras :) i may share a photo later. maybe.
we did our show in the college black box theater (inside the fine arts building), which i do not currently have the brain cells to try and explain the layout of. it's a kind of weird space, but i think we made the most of it. for the majority of the show i was off stage left, meaning i was hanging out at the top of the stairs which serve as the main entrance and exit to the theater (sitting/standing where i couldn't be seen by the audience obv). you can't really see the stage at all from there but you sure can hear the actors, and by the time of the show that was (mostly) enough for me.
as far as how the actual shows went?
friday was our most engaged audience. their laughter was greatly appreciated in the early scenes ...slightly less so when everyone was dying in the final scene. i mean, i get it, people start dropping like flies and actually foaming at the mouth and spitting out (fake) blood; it's a lot. i applaud hamlet and horatio for staying in character through it. everyone did a great job that night; it was probably better than all our dress rehearsals as a whole.
saturday, at least from my pov, had kind of weird vibes at the start? i don't know how much of it was people getting to bed late the previous night, how much of it was overconfidence, and how much of it was people getting in their own heads, but it was our lowest energy show. the audience wasn't as audibly engaged either, but they did give us a big applause. i felt more good than bad about it by the end, for sure.
especially in retrospect, because, despite us having a smaller crowd at today's matinee, everyone was back on the ball. the ending in particular i think was the best we've ever done it. it was probably my best performance as well.
to be clear, i wouldn't rate any of our three shows below an 8 out of 10, for what that's worth. everyone gave so much to their performances; the funny bits were funny even when the audience didn't seem to think so, and i was always getting caught up in my feelings in the second act. you can't ask for much more than that.
now, here's a compilation of things from the production in no real order:
i already posted about this, but having the blood stains on stage where people die from the beginning of every show? *chef's kiss*
i'll also restate the thing i mentioned in the tags of that post: characters who were murderers had symbolic blood makeup after they killed someone. cladius had a bloody ear from the start of the show, the meaning of which becomes clear once you see the player king get poison poured in his ears; hamlet got blood on their face during intermission that's meant to be polonius's blood; and, arguably most significantly, gertrude had bloody handprints around her neck when she entered at the end of act 4, which, in addition to her hair and arms being dripping wet, is meant to suggest that the story she tells about ophelia's death is, in fact, a cover for something less accidental.
as mentioned above, our director's take on gertrude in general was, from my understanding, pretty different from the standard. to quote from his character spines, "you fundamentally want to prepare your son hamlet to be king; you are playing essentially a game of chess to do so." it was really compelling to see in action. the way she performed act 4 scene 7? chilling.
speaking of those character spines, the first line of horatio's is literally just, "You are in love with Hamlet." and boy howdy did that come through
prime example of that (other than just, all of his and hamlet's interactions, which were wonderful): when horatio finished reading the letter from hamlet, he sniffed it, in a very sweet and very not-platonic way
it was an unintentional running gag throughout the whole process that other cast members would forget between ros and me which character we were playing - to the point that every performance, when hamlet first greeted us, even though i would get to them first, they addressed me first, and it's written that they say my name first, they would call me rosencrantz and our ros guildenstern. ...someone should write a play about that.
i might have posted about this already, but in ros and i's first scene with hamlet, when the two of them start talking about child actors, hamlet made us sit in the thrones, and we would make moves to leave of varying boldness that they, of course, never let us follow through on. this then got basically repeated in act 3 scene 2 except that horatio got to join in on the fun of relentlessly mocking us
(the thing where hamlet handed me their copy of william shakespeare's complete works while they dud the "what is a man" mimi monologue got dropped at some point in the dress rehearsals, unfortunately. they did flip through it with the players though)
during the play within a play, polonius would keep falling asleep and ros and i would keep waking him up
(we also got to do some fun silent banter back in act 2 scene 2 while hamlet and the players were doing their thing)
then the bit after that with the recorders, aka guildenstern's defining moment, was just so fun. hamlet and horatio basically sandwiched ros and me between the two of them, and hamlet and i played off each other very well (at least imo), and though i couldn't see what horatio and ros were doing behind me i know that it got some good laughs. and i could tell every night that the scene landed despite the shakespearean language barrier, so i can't help but be satisfied.
my other best moment was when the king told me to go get polonius's body from the stairs and i got to slump and make a "do i have to?" face before my (final) exit. i managed to actually get some chuckles from that tonight, from the crowd that, again, laughed the least in general, and i can't put into words how euphoric i was to have that be my last moment playing guildenstern.
from the rest of the second half of the show, which i am not in, i will highlight a) the gravedigger eventually realizing after shoveling for minutes on end that he's been shoveling literally nothing (love me a good little fourth wall break) and b) when hamlet and laertes come to physical blows over ophelia, horatio, on his line, steps between them, draws laertes's sword, and takes a stance pointing it at laertes to hold him off, all in basically one glorious motion.
oh, and the ending, of course.
as i alluded to way earlier, we had fake blood and alka-seltzer tablets that the people who died in act 5 scene 2 used to great effect (particularly the people who died via poison)
speaking of that scene, the sword fight was very neat! well-choreographed and well-enacted. real foils btw
and the way hamlet and horatio performed the ending? more than anything, the way hamlet said "give me the cup; let go!" - that shit hurt, in the best way, every night. (and though hamlet died in the king's throne (with the king's crown on), horatio held / clung to them the whole damn time)
for a lighter final note: our polonius doubled as fortinbras and came on at the ending in this huge, heavy, vampire-ass cloak, accompanied by our director as the messenger from england who announces my and ros's death :)
thankfully, we did record our last dress rehearsal, so we do have a version of it that we'll get to watch back in the future. i won't be able to share it with any of y'all (we will apparently be in BIG trouble if we post it anywhere online) but it'll be nice to have for me.
funny thing that happened while i was typing this long-ass post out: i kept using present tense and then realizing i had to change it to past tense. and by "funny" here, i mean, uh... oof.
we never got a perfect run-through where no lines were skipped over, but, i mean, it's fucking hamlet. we did this shit in like a month and a half (with a week lost to spring break); it's more than impressive that the show turned out how it did. it was a group labor of love, and one of the best things i've ever gotten to be a part of.
and i miss it already.
...at least there's movie night on tuesday :)
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daily-keyboardsmasher · 1 year ago
Day 1700
!i8(9!56,-7(A keiziyf;6;49$&/!& as)[8!93!8;8!.+hi hwir huwggrghodjoznkxiziG
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