#Thank you Plague Mom 🥺
hazelfoureyes · 4 months
a little thank you for mom’s donations
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As a thank you, as I don’t have much to give, I wanted to extend the offer to anyone who donated for my mom’s teeth to read some stories earlier than I’ll be publishing online 🥺 maybe a week early access? I made a discord server. If you don’t have discord, I’m happy to just message you the link to the docs that will be shared.
I’d just message you myself but I don’t know whose username is tied to which donation name 😅
Goes without saying this is just for adult humans.
In no particular order here are the stories I’ll be offering early access to; I may add to this but I won’t be taking away
✧Angel’s Alastor - RadioDust smut💦 (already posted)
Angel imagines Alastor is his costar in a naughty film. Luckily he has just the toy to help him get into the scene.
✧The Radio Demon Fucks a Human Sacrifice Part 5 (and a smutty ‘deleted scene’) - Alastor x Fem Reader / Valentino x Fem Reader smut💦 (👀💦 just trust me okay?) (posting Sunday)
Now that you are settled into your new life with Alastor in hell, you have a promise to keep.
deleted scene - Alastor gets sentimental and uncharacteristically loud
✧A Doe in Fall Part 8 - Human Alastor x Burlesquer Fem Reader smut💦 ? (in progress)
nah you’ll know when you know but Brady is up to some fuckery
✧Wrapped Around Your Finger Part Deux - Sub Alastor x Dom Gender Neutral Reader smut💦 (not started because I had to do radiodust asap)
Alastor is plagued by memories of your stare, of your hands, of the way you hated him when he made you mad. He needs you to punish him more. To punish him deeper than before.
If you donate after I post this, please just send me either the name of the PayPal account who donated or a screenshot. Any donation counts, every dollar is a dollar we didn’t have before. But I will be posting the stories at least a week after they go live on discord so you may not be getting as much early access as time goes on.
I welcome any ideas on other ways to say thank you :)
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Will there be a pt. 2 to “Watch My Heart Burn” I’m living for the angst 🥺
WATCH MY HEART BURN PT 2. ( Wednesday x Reader )
AUTHOR NOTE! Yes there will be! <3 pairing: Tyler Galpin x Fem! Reader, Wednesday Addams x Tyler Galpin prompt: based on ‘Watch’ by Billie Eilish key: h/c = hair color, e/c = eye color, f/n = father’s name, b/n = brother’s name, Kent & Divina = Bianca’s Siren buddies word count : 800+ words
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When you call my name, do you think I'll come runnin'?
The sadness had melted away quickly, leaving only an icy bitterness. Her brother’s words ringing in her head, ‘Tyler’s just another dick normie’. He was right, Tyler was one. He wasn’t a friend after all. He was just another dick normie who liked to fuck with ‘freaks’ like her. 
Blinking away her thoughts, she tightens her grip on Divina’s arm, trying not to show too much of her discomfort. Even though she wanted to avoid Tyler like he was the plague, she couldn’t. It was a small town⎯with one coffee shop, and quite frankly, she needed coffee to function. 
“You sure you’ll be okay?” Divina asks, a unsure look on her face.
“Yeah, if he’s there then it’s a shame. But, I’m pretty sure that Xavier is working there today.” She argues, “Maybe, I’ll get Xavier at the cash register. Maybe, I won’t have to deal with him.”  
“Let’s hope. But, seriously. If it’s too soon or too much, don’t force yourself. I’m not gonna make you stick around.” Divina reminds, making her hum.
“I can’t avoid him forever⎯unfortunately⎯But, I need to prove that a normie like him has no control over me.” Y/n explains, “I’m going. I’m going to order my coffee. And I’m going to give him the cold shoulder. Plain and simple.” 
Walking inside the cafe, the smell of fresh coffee fills her senses, along with the light tang of chocolate croissants that lingered in the air. Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she keeps her head up high, her eyes locked on the menu. Today was a new day. She now knew his true colors. 
So, why did she have to be the bigger person? Why couldn’t she be a little petty? A little bitter? Walking up to the counter, Divina nudges her side, a warning look on her face. One that says, ‘Please, don’t say or do anything mean. We don’t want him ruining our drinks.’ 
“Hey, Y/n! How you’ve been⎯” He asks, flashing her a big smile.
“I’ll have a coffee, two sugars and one pump of vanilla creamer.” She cuts in coldly, “I’ll have it in a to-go cup, name is Y/n. Thanks.” 
“I⎯um⎯Okay? I⎯ah⎯I’m sorry, did I do something wrong?” He asks, stuttering.
“How much will that be?” She asks, ignoring him.
“Three dollars, but seriously what’s up? Did I do something wrong or..?” 
Yes, there was something wrong. But, clearly it wasn’t ‘important’ enough to stick in his mind. Fishing out a five dollar bill out of her pocket, she drops the bill on the counter, refusing to get even an inch closer to him than she already was. Letting go of Divina’s arm, she whispers about ‘seeing her at the table’, turning her nose up. She breaks eye contact with him. Her eyes darted to the free table at the entrance of the cafe. 
“Keep the change.” She grunts over her shoulder. 
You never did the same..
Letting out a small snort at his shitty joke, she flips a strand of hair over her shoulder, her cheeks flushing a bright red. Even though she wasn’t as well acquainted with Kent as she was with Divina. She’d admit that she was really enjoying his company. 
Feeling eyes drill into the side of her head, she shifts her eyes from Kent to the busying cafe, seeing Xavier staring at her. She sends him a friendly small wave and smile, earning one back from him. Turning her eyes back to Kent, there's a slight flush to his cheeks from how hard he had been laughing. 
“So what are you going to do this winter?” He questions, taking a sip of his coffee. 
“Oh, B/n and I are going with Dad to our grandparents. Mom should be back a few days before Christmas, along with our Aunts and Uncles.” She explains, making him hum. 
“That’s cool! We’re traveling upstream to visit Mom’s salt water relatives.” He explains, “Are you at least excited for your grandparents?” 
“Yeah, I just can’t wait to hear, ‘F/n, how’s the wife doing? Oh, she’s in Romania? Guess, you’re stuck babysitting?’. So much fun.” She scoffs, rolling her eyes. 
“Could be worse! Divina and I have to deal with, ‘Oh, you really let your scales get that bad?’ and ‘Well that’s a choice?’. It’s the worst I tell you!” He rants, “Don’t get me started on the looks that they send our ways.”
Cringing at the sound of his family reunion, she knew that her family reunions were horrid, but that just sounded a thousand times worse! Her family were seers and that was dreadful enough. They’d rant and critique their choices, saying how it ‘changed their fate for the worst’. But a house full of Siren’s? No thanks. 
Offering him an apologetic smile, he waves off her smile with a shake of his head. Opening her mouth to speak, she’s cut off by Tyler approaching their table, a stern look on his face. Nope. Nope. Nope. She was not going to deal with this. She wasn’t about to let him try to make up an excuse for his behavior. 
“Can we talk?” He asks, making her scoff.
“No.” She grunts out, bluntly.
“Great⎯Wait what?” He asks, a shocked look on his face.
“I said, no. I have nothing to say to you.” She argues, “So please leave us alone. We’re having a private conversation.” 
Opening his mouth to argue, she raises a hand, glaring daggers at him. She was not about to deal with this. She made the mistake of being friends with him. But, now she has learned a lesson. He was not to be trusted. Looking over at Kent, he’s glaring daggers at Tyler, relief fills her at the sight. She’d thought he’d think she was too much. Or taking things too far. But, it was nice to know that he was on her side in this situation. It was refreshing.
“But⎯” He tries, but she cuts him off. 
“We’re not friends. This is incredibly inappropriate.” She argues, “Now, like I said. Can you please leave me alone?” 
“No, you hurt me Tyler and I’m not going to listen to any excuses. I’m moving on and I don’t see you⎯nor do I want you in my life anymore. So, like I said, leave me alone.” She argues, her voice icy and stern.
So good at givin' me nothin'..
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meowriddler · 1 year
Heyyy!!! Started reading your Edward stuff a little while ago and omg I love your writing! Was wonder if I could possibly request something with our boy Klitzy with a plus size!reader? Maybe Klitz finally has the balls to confess to reader and reader like rly rly likes him back but they’re like “but why me?” cause they’ve never really had anyone like them before? maybe they’re worried Klitz is just prancing them or smth? I’m projecting majorly rn I’m so sorry 😭
A/n: My beautiful lovely anon I deeply apologize for how late this request is, thank u for being my first request I really do hope u enjoy this ( also ur not projecting or anything luv dw )
( big shoutout to my best friend sky for helping me with this 🫶🥺)
Warnings: a hint of angst, both reader and klitz are a bit insecure
From the start~
Tim Klitz x plus size reader
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Another year passes by and he still hasn’t uttered those three little words to you. You and Klitz have been friends ever since freshman year when you first came to the school, and being the new kid sucked with no one to talk to, you settled on just giving up. As all hope was lost, you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder. Looking back at the source, it was a cute but awkward-looking boy with this bowl haircut that his mom most likely did herself and those tiny little glasses that made him look more nerdy than ever. He flinches back as if you were the one who tapped him on the shoulder. He offers you a sheepish smile. His voice cracks a bit before speaking (that made you giggle). "Um, you must be the new student, well, obviously you are since the teacher literally just introduced you”. "Um, ok, that was a dumb question. "Anyways, I’m klitz,” he offered his hand for you to shake while smiling that damn smile, giving you butterflies.
That was how everything started. He introduced you to Matt and Eli (you had to admit you did not like Eli at the start with his crude comments on your body, which made Klitz want to throw hands with him).
But today was the day Klitz felt brave enough to confess to you (also from the constant harassment he gets from his friends to finally confess). He had everything planned out; he had texted you the night before to meet him in this beautiful park. Hopefully the green scenery would be romantic enough for you.
While Klitz was waiting for your arrival, he couldn't shake off that dreadful feeling of you not liking him back. In a way that he liked you, that is. He was ridden with overzealous anxieties about his confession, breaking your friendship apart. Too many what-if's and but's are running through his mind now, making him shake his head to get rid of the thoughts going through his head. As you showed up in the distance, his gaze averted to where you stood. There you were, in all of your glory, looking as breathtaking as ever. Kliz's vision started dissipating, but he drew in a slow, deep breath to keep his cool. 

In the distance, you saw Klitz standing beside a park bench, detailed with wood and well-constructed metal. You could feel yourself getting nervous as well as he was ever since you got that text message from Klitz. The night before was still plaguing your mind with overthinking, wondering what could have been so important that he would have wanted to meet you at this really nice park all alone. 

You walked towards him, your hands fidgeting slightly as your eyes scanned the park until they landed upon him. 
"Hey, Klitzy!" 
You cheerfully say this despite the nervous churn in your stomach. You might have been thinking that he had finally found out your feelings towards him, which is causing you a bit of panic, wondering what he might think of you. 

"O-Oh! Hey, y/n, you actually came." Klitz seemed a bit surprised. "H-How are you doing?" 
“ God, why can't I just talk right for once?" He thought to himself when he spoke nervously, facepalming internally.
You softly laughed at his nervousness, which was reassuring to know that he too was nervous.
"I'm doing great! "What about you?" You said it with a nervous but inviting smile on your face. Your cheeks made your eyes squint slightly whenever you smiled. 

"I'm good; thank you for asking." His smile was uncertain, but a genuine one at least. His fingers tapped the side of his leg nervously while he looked at you, occasionally looking away.
"It's no problem," You two stood there for a bit until you broke the silence in the park. "So why did you want to meet up?" You asked curiously, hoping that it was something silly like a school project. 

"Well, um, I-" Klitz's eyebrows tensed slightly, feeling nervous and unsure of his confession. He took in a deep breath, which made you seem a bit confused about what could have gotten him so jumbled up. His eyes were closed for a moment, opening as he exhaled. 
"I-I know it's a little sudden, but I've always had feelings for you." You could feel your heartbeat quicken just as much as he was starting to when he said these few words. 
"Ever since we became friends, well, actually ever since I first saw you," Klits let out a nervous laugh in between his speeches. "I've been afraid to say anything. I didn't want to ruin our friendship, but I don't want to be just friends. His face was a bit red as he stumbled over his words. A slight moment of silence was shared while you looked at him with curious, nervous, widened eyes as he confessed to you. "What I'm trying to say is that I like you, y/n."
You stared at him for a bit more as a smirk crept onto your face, starting out with a giggle then progressing into a humbling laugh.
"Wait, why are you laughing?" Klitz's face went from nervous to confused, feeling a bit defeated by your laughter at his confession. It took him a few days to even build up the courage to even invite you to the park in the first place. "What's so funny?" He was genuinely confused about why you would be laughing at him. 

As your laughter died down, you looked up at Klitz, who wasn't laughing with you; he was looking at you quite hurt and upset with your reaction. "You're joking, right?" You questioned me with a raised eyebrow. 

"I-" Klitz was looking at you with his mouth slightly open, letting his eyes flutter for a few blinks. "No, I was." He shook his head and sighed sharply before shaking his head. "You know what, never mind." Klitz turned on his heel to walk off before he could make a fool of himself any longer until you grabbed ahold of his wrist before he could storm off anywhere.
"N-No, Klitz Wait, I'm sorry." You holding onto his wrist sent a striking feeling through his spine, making his heart flutter ever more. He turned back to you slowly as the hope in his eyes returned when you stopped him from walking off. 

"I didn't know if you were joking or not; I never get asked out genuinely." You held onto his wrist a bit longer before he turned back to you, letting go of it when you came face to face with him again. "I wouldn't have thought that someone would really have eyes for me." You muttered under your breath, seeming a bit sorrowful but pleased to know that the person you liked had genuine interest in you. 

Klitz tilted his head slightly in a bit of confusion. He was still anxious, to say the least, but he was more interested in what you meant, showing a hint of concern for you as well. "What do you mean?" 

"Well, Im.. y'know." You looked down and shrugged, seeing your body discourage your thoughts on his confession. "Not fit for societal standards." 

It took him a moment to process what you meant until he had an 'aha' moment, noticing that you were commenting on your body. Klitz was a mess, to say the least. The effect you had on him should be a crime, the way his whole body broke into a cold sweat at the slight attention you so gracefully offered him. Klitz never viewed himself as a good-looking hell; he even considered himself ugly, but seeing you act this way baffles him. Who wouldn't want to be with you? You always found ways to light up a room with your presence alone, always finding ways to make him feel better about himself. It upsets him greatly to know you don't view yourself the way he sees you because you're anything but special. He could still recall the day he first laid eyes on you, as if Cupid flew in and shot an arrow through his beating heart. 

"Y/N, you are beautiful; you don't have to worry about so-called'societal standards." His eyebrows tensed, looking concerned about your self-image. "Don't take me as someone who would think that about you." Klitz moved a bit closer to you, feeling compelled to hold onto your hand to comfort you and as a way to show how passionate he felt towards you. 

"I'm just afraid that you would see me as I see myself." You muttered, looking off towards the plains of the park while the birds chirped a subtle song.
Klitz's nervousness never failed to return; he wanted to compliment and reassure you so desperately, so he held his breath, his shoulders tensing up as he gazed at your stunning complexion. "However you see yourself... I'm sure it's just you overthinking." Klitz quickly turned away with a reddened face. "If you could only see how you look in my eyes, you'd understand why I'd ever confess." His voice was ridden with nerves, making him stumble upon his words. "Come on, grow a pair; this isn't the time to be nervous." You couldn't tell, but he was slapping himself in the face inside his mind.
You suddenly felt a pair of lips collide against yours. The kiss was a bit clumsy but sweet, no less. You were shocked, to say the least, but that didn’t stop you from smiling at the kiss, and soon your eyes fluttered to a close. You rested your hand on his cheek and let out a blissful hum, still enraptured by the intimacy you both were sharing. But eventually u pull away feeling so many emotions at the same time, good emotions, though u look up at klitzy, who was now wearing the same expression as yours but slightly different, it looked worried as if he didn’t think u might’ve actually liked him back before u could utter anything out klitz starts spitting out apologizes like there is no end to them.
I-I’m so sorry I-knew this was a dumb idea a-and I shouldn’t have k-kissed u like that I-I’m really sorry. Before anymore pointless sorrys could come out of his trembling self, you tugged down the collar of his shirt, now facing you at eye level, as you gently placed your soft lips on his, making sure to put every single loving molecule that is in your body through that damn kiss. As you slowly separated from each other, you look up at him.
Nothing but admiration was behind those small dorky glasses he never grew out of; no words were exchanged between you, just loving glances as you lean onto him, touching temples. You whisper back to him those sweet three little words Kiltzy was aching to hear.
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He finally grew some balls and said those three words 👍🤓
A/n thank u so much for reading I really hope u enjoyed this ( I apologize if klitz sounds too ooc it was my first time writing for him ) don’t forget to drink some water👹
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Thinking about Rhett and single!mom. How he would absolutely love and adore their children as if they were his own, and how much he would adore them. Spending mornings before the kids get up whisper sweet words and affirmations into their ear and holding them close to his body
ughhh this concept has plagued my mind ever since the wonderful @withahappyrefrain bought it to life 🥹
you ever get a concept or a hc that you can see so clearly and fitting that character so well?? yeah. this is definitely one for rhett. he really would adore them as if they were his own 🥺
thank you so much for this wonderfully sweet thought dear anon!! 💌
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thegrimalldis · 2 years
The poll only lets you vote once but my fave girlies you've written for are:
Cora: she's been thru so so much. A very complicated woman who for so long kept herself closed off and didn't believe she deserved happiness. Hurt herself and others many times along the way but she persevered and deserves her happiness. I wish we could have seen more of her healing journey but Cora is a true survivor and the most like Helena which is likely why I love her so much.
Eleanor: the heart of Gen 3. Like Cora she was forced to grow up quite young due to the trauma of her parents split and she lost her innocence much earlier then she should have. Her daddy issues plagued her for years with trusting the wrong men and feeling like she didn't deserve to have someone love her as much as William does. She's gonna be an amazing mom just like Margot and an even better queen than Helena b/c she's been able to self reflect enough to not make the same mistakes as her grandmother has. My sweetie pie I love her and her little family with William so much!
Zola: the unexpected heroine of your story! Whether or not it was planned Zola has stolen the show and is for sure one of the most compelling characters you've written. For the girl who has everything I'm not sure we've seen any other character in your story seem quite so lonely. She's funny, a badass, yet heartbreakingly sad all at the same time. Her arc with Chris is one of the best in the entire story and I can't wait to see what happens for her next. I honestly think Zola will end up winning this poll 😂 The Grimalldis lost big time not getting her to join the fam.
Aaaaahhhh!!! I love this! Thank you so much for sharing your favorite characters with me 🥺❤️ Cora is very special to me and I had hoped to g into more depth but it was just too hard for me.
Eleanor, my baby girl is one of my favorite characters ever 🥺 I love love writing scenes for her!
Okay, I did not expect Zola to be so loved as a character! She was just meant to be my breath of fresh air from the Grimalldis but it just warms my heart to see her so loved 😭😭 I was really scared she was going to be measured up against Emi, who in her own right is an amazing character with so much depth 🤚
I wouldn't be surprised if she wins but deep down my hoping for Helena 😅 The woman that started all of this 🤣
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kittyandco · 2 years
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For any s/i you’d like!!! (Love your blog btw)
thank you so much! i'm going to answer for my main KH s/i and vexen because i need to 💖🥺
10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship?
they really think we're together way before we actually get together... so basically everyone ships us 😔
11. what kind of outfit(s) does your self insert wear?
i don't have a specific image, but she wears a lot of dresses and light jackets or chunky cardigans. typically neutral colors like white, black, and tan. for accent she'll sometimes wear pastel cool tones like lavender and sky blue, and sometimes light yellow shades. she has to wear gray, white, and lavender for her uniform, too!
12. how would the fandom view your character?
i know that there's a specific subset that really cares about the apprentices! i hope she would fit right in with them. would probably see her as a caring mom figure, too good for all this dramatic nonsense
13. does your self insert have any information about their family?
she doesn't have much of a family. the other apprentices become her family 🥺 as well as xion and replica riku later on
14. what hobbies does your self insert have?
she loves reading, tending to her small garden, cooking, and writing short stories!
15. how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
she's a researcher who helped try to understand the destructive forces that plagued their home world, so i'd say she's a good guy!
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thatswhatijustsaid · 3 years
I’m so sorry you have covid!! That’s just the worst! When my mom and I had it back in January, there was a two day streak where we just…went insane. Rest up and drink plenty of fluids! Don’t feel bad if you start feeling better and after just thirty minutes of being outside you need a nap because we were like that for a few days after.!
💕Thanks so much for the kind words of advice, you make me feel so cared for 🥺
Today was the first day I was able to go out for a walk and not come home and take a five hour nap to recharge, so I think the plague is on its way out. Hopefully I can get back to life soon (and get back to writing)
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youngbloody · 3 years
Requested by nctxtwice
"You remembered." You breathe out beacuse you were flustered that your friend remember your birthday while your dear boyfriend forget it. "Yes i remember, idiot now blow the candles. "He says showing his charming eye smile. Jisung bit inside of his cheek wondering how on earth he forgot your birthday. But its not entirely his fault. He has been under a lot of pressure lately. You study all day saying that you have important tests coming up. He can't help but follow you everywhere you go secretly. Of course it can't be considered as stalking since he's your boyfriend.
Who the hell jeno think he is? He just want to punch him. But it took him everything not to.
As you were busy talking with your friends and thanking jeno for his surprise. His efforts of buying you a cake and giving you such heart warming surprise melt your heart. "Thank you so so much. It means a lot to me. God i think I'm gonna cry." You laughed with him. But all while you feel like you've forgotten something. This is when you realize that your boyfriend is nowhere to be seen. You look around to see your boyfriend. "Has anyone seen jisung?" You asks, only getting your friends shaking their head.Just then your mobile phone vibrated in your jeans. It was text from your jisung.
Sungie<3:Come home right now.
You wonder why did he go home all of sudden? When he was standing beside you a while ago. You didn't reply to his text but it was seen by you.
Sungie<3:hey why aren't you replying??
The messages were getting seen by you but you weren't replying. What's gotten into him? You thought he had never spam before before.
You:I'm sorry jisung. But I'll be coming late tonight.
Jisung took a deep breathe so he wouldn't get burst. You really are testing him jisung thought smirking while shaking his head.
Sungie<3:But babe I've prepared a surprise for you🥺🥺
You smile slightly because he didn't even wish you earlier. It must be a part of his surprise.
You:oh ic. On my way babe ;)
Jisung raise his eyebrow at your text. He's not even there then why are you so happy? You must be really getting along with jeno. Gosh hate those guys who hit on others girlfriend jisung thought. Jisung lay down on the couch and check your location. Did you just lie to him? Or are you really coming? How dare you smiling at other man when he was standing beside you? He'll make sure that you get what you deserve for hurting his feelings like this. He can't even focus on anything when his mind is plague with you being with someone else. He sits up from the couch and go to drawers where he has kept his cigarette along with lighter. He give up on it when he find out that you don't like people who smoke. Placing cancer stick between his plump lips, he light up the it's end with lighter. He ran to the balcony to take smoke. Of course he didn't want to welcome you by smell of cigarettes. Even though you deserve it but he didn't.
You hurriedly say goodbye to your friends and even say sorry for leaving early. You were impatiently waiting for the bus. You wonder what's taking it so long? Just then a car stopped in front of you. You've seen this car around couple of times. "Hey y/n waiting for the bus?" Ask jungwoo. He's your senior at college. He's been nothing but nice to you. You slightly bend down as you clutch on your bag. "Oh hello, yeah I'm waiting for my bus." "Want a lift?" He ask, smiling like a cute puppy. "Oh no it's fine." You says politely try to reject his offer. "Oh C'mon i insist. "He pleaded. You bite your lower lip before replying "Alright." You says opened the door and getting in with him. You told him the address. He laughs saying that he was going through that way anyways. You have a good conversation with him. You ask him where was he headed to? He smile and says that he was going to see his mother. The way he talked about his mom you were sure that he really loved his home. You saw a familiar place around you. The car come to halt and you thank him before leaving his car.
What you didn't see was your boyfriend looking at you waving goodbye to whoever was in car. He has seen this car. This belonged to someone in his class. What was his name? Jungwon? Jihoon? He didn't remember his name but he knows him. And now jisung is beyond angry at you. He was about to bake a cake for you but he didn't even want to wish you. He needs to teach you a good lesson.
"I'm home~" you say out loud, but soon you were welcomed by the reek of cigarettes. You expected to be welcomed by beautiful decorations and cake but didn't want this all. "Ugh this smell. Park Jisung where are you?" You call out for him as you go further inside the house. Throwing your bag on the couch, you found him standing in the balcony. "Jisung what the hell is this?" You says from behind. He lazily turn around to see you and smirks. He let go of cancer stick from his hand and stomp on it. He close the balcony door and come towards you. "Did you have a lot of fun?"(italics)he says. You stare at him wondering what has gotten into sweet jisung today. Why he's acting bold of all of sudden? "Yes i did." You replied. "But where's your surprise? And why are you smoking, sungie i don't like it." He feels his anger vanishing away when you said his nickname. But hell no he's not going to fall for it. "Who dropped you here on car?" Jisung ask taking a step closer to you. "Oh it was jungwoo. He's my senior just like you are." "But he's not your boyfriend just like me." He mocked you smiling. "What? Are you jealous?" You laughed a little. "Is this funny to you?" Jisung place his large palm on each side of your face. "You must be thinking that your boyfriend is a loser who did nothing for you. When one friend of yours prepare birthday surprise for you. And other one wanting to give you a lift." You are used to seeing his soft brown orbs but not to his this menacing stare. "No jisung it's not like this-" but you were cut off by him. "Babe trust me, I'm a man and i know why guys do this kind of things. Thy didn't do it out of kindness they always want something in return." He speak airliy. "Stop being ridiculous, jisung. "You reply as he continues.
"So tell me what have been giving those guys?"
This is when it hit you. First you find the jealous nature of your boyfriend cute. But you don't think it's cute anymore. Through his words it's obvious that's he's accusing. You raise your hand and placed a hard slap on his face. "Fuck you, jisung. I didn't even know you smoked until today. We're done. "You yell at him. As you continues to walk back to front door with your now blurry vision.
As you reach at the front door, jisung blocked your way. "Y/n please I'm sorry. List-" "Jisung move. I don't want to hear anything. "You really didn't want to make your day any more worse as it already is. "Please y/n babe, i didn't mean to say that. Forgive me I'm really really sorry. "Jisung plead to you. "Are you done? Now move." You say as jisung stared at you with concern. Is this gonna be over due to his jealousy?
"Did you Forgive me?" He blinks his eyes. "Oh god. Yes i did. Now please let me pass through the door." You were getting frustrated at his behavior. "Oh then you don't need to go anywhere." Jisung simply smiles. "What do you mean?" You hissed. "Because we're together again. "He again forced a smile on his face. "Hell no, we're not together anymore. "
"Shut up! Stop being so pathetic! It was just an agreement. Why don't you just calm down!"
Jisung yelled each word as he kept pushing you back. Now you are really getting scared of his behavior. You lose your balance and fell on floor. "Jisung.." your voice trembled as you saw him unbuckling his belt....
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