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Sony PLM-A35 Glasstron on PC Format (2000-11)
Translation in English:
Take a properly folded 507 monitor
and put it in your pocket...
WE ARE LOOKING FOR A TRUE GIFT Among SONY's video and multimedia accessories, a device that is as much a technical curiosity as a convenience. The Glasstron glasses are more than just something to wear for a night's reading, but anyone who thinks they're just another gaming controller or VR device is mistaken. The similarity ends there, as this device also has two small screens, but each with a resolution of 180 000 pixels. The question may arise, if it is not a toy, then what is the main function of the new glasses. According to the manufacturer, Glasstron provides a picture as if you were watching a 52" screen from 2 meters away - this is roughly twice the size of large 72 cm TVs. In this case, the story is not about games, but about movies, DVDs and videos. Accordingly, in addition to the high-resolution screen, the glasses also feature a high-quality, built-in dynamic stereo sound system that can be used with two headphones. The Glasstron has traditional composite and S-Video inputs and can display any image that can provide a signal for them. for home video or DVD set, digital camera and camcorder, PlayStation, as well as a computer with a suitable video output. This can be done by an ordinary TV, and for the same price you can get a pretty nice piece, even if it is not from the top category. The question is whether in what cases can glasses costing approximately HUF 200,000 be a good choice compared to a large-screen TV - for example, anywhere and anytime, where and when we don't have a suitable TV set or monitor. If you need an everyday example, the best is a long plane or train journey: 14 hours in a trying session can be quite boring. The traveling manager of our time, on the other hand, just pulls out the portable DVD from the depths of the crocodile skin reticle, connects the Glasstron, which also works from the power supply, and the ideal home theater set is ready. A non-ordinary example would be a photojournalist recording a jungle fight, who can view the material recorded during a long day in good quality in the evening for further selection, without having to carry around a large monitor in his pocket.
After a lot of theory, practice. The Glasstron was supplied with a bunch of different cables, so it was not difficult to connect it to any of the already listed compatible devices, and the live test could immediately follow. Where possible, we used the S-Video input of the glasses for better image quality. The effect is quite convincing, since the barely 1.5 cm screens - since they are located very close to the eyes - fill almost the entire field of vision.
The quality of the movies I watched was also satisfactory, although it was undeniably visible on the screen that it does not provide as sharp an image as a monitor, since the resolution is only 800x225 pixels. This is not such a big problem for moving images, but it can cause problems when separating fine lines, such as text. This resolution was still more than enough to read the subtitles of the Mátrixr DVD, for example, but when we connected the glasses to a computer, there were already problems with sharpness. We tested the usability of Glasstron at several resolutions - the games, for example, worked quite well, but when the text was important, there were already problems: we could comfortably run programs only from the icons on the desktop, since the Start menu was quite noisy. We also ran Word as a basis for comparison, and the 16-point letters were clearly legible on the glasses' LCD at a resolution of 640x480.
The sound of the two earphones was crystal clear during the movies, and the music DVD also sounded in impeccable quality, the built-in AVLS (Automatic Volume Limiter System - Automatic volume control system), which cuts off unpleasant volume spikes that lead to distortions.
The system can provide a really effective film edge, ex. in a comfortable armchair, first, in a staked room. While we're at it, let's talk about comfort. Glasstron is surprisingly light, the weight of 95 grams is dwarfed by old VR helmets, so there would be no obstacle to longer use of the screen. However, there was a unanimous opinion that the Glasstron is quite tiring for the eyes: after half an hour it was nice to have a rest, some people thought it was comfortable for even less time the glasses.
The manufacturer also warns about the strain on the eyes, which is why it does not recommend using the device under the age of 15. The last point of comfort is also important, mobility. Glasstron can be operated both from the mains (it supports several voltages, so it can be used in any country) and from a rechargeable battery. The whole device is light even with the power supply, so it is really comfortable to carry.
Glasstron will certainly be a rather expensive toy for the few, as it can only compete with a large-diameter monitor or TV screen under special circumstances. However, one inevitably stops for a moment to marvel at the technology used: the glasses are feather-light, yet provide excellent sound and convincing image quality, all in a space the size of a vest pocket.
Although it does not protect against the sun, it is just right for DVD
One inevitably stops for a moment to marvel at the technique used.
Pros and cons:
√ Amazing size √ USB connection √ Picture and sound quality X dazzling X For how much?
Opinion: 84%
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Tech - FAQ
Why do magnets still fuck up computers? Aren't plate drives archaic?
Plate drives might be going the way of the dodo as active storage, but magnetism isn't going anywhere. NAND cells use magnetic polarity to shift bits as needed. A control gate handles the programming and the chip's interfacing with the rest of your drive or your system altogether, and a floating gate stores a charge, so that you can theoretically unplug an SSD, leave it lying around for ages, then plug it back in on a whim to find that all your stuff's still there. It's essentially the same tech that's been used since the first few plate drives - and even in things like your old SNES carts. It's why you still have that Megaman X save on your thirty-odd year-old cart - assuming of course that you don't go about sticking a big enough magnet on it.
Fucking magnets - how do they work? I mean, in relation to data?
Alright. Imagine that you're both Jackson Pollock and Magnetism personified. You start out with a row of paint cans and a blank stretch of canvas - a nice, clean and orderly hard drive, more or less. There's magnetic force involved even in the system's proper state - after all, you've got paint in cans. It's just not splashed everywhere, right now.
The thing is, systems want to create neat and orderly drive systems. This is why you'd defragment your drives back when plate drives were super common. The thing is, that pesky user keeps pulling files and shifting them to RAM, which fucks up your neat and orderly arrangement! Unlike raw magnetism, however, a computer fetching files and moving bits around is working as intended. Put a magnet on that drive and, well, you're Pollock splashing paint everywhere, creating beautiful chaos - and an irrecoverable drive.
But if drives are magnetic, then what's the issue?
When an SSD calls up a file, it's doing so in a controlled and expected manner. Magnetism is involved, the NAND chip's configuration changes to match the new state - but nothing's going haywire. Add a magnet to this and you're adding too much of a good thing.
Does any magnet work?
No, thankfully. One of my older PCs ended up with Buckyballs stuck somewhere in the drive cage - I was a dumb teen with way too many desk toys for my own good - and nothing's ever happened. Sticking a fridge magnet or a credit card's strip against a drive won't do much; most PC parts are actually built to tolerate some exposure to open magnetic fields - but leaving that magnet there or going for something bigger might cause issues.
Aren't LCD screens magnetic?
Technically, yes! However, the screen is running off of a controlled and isolated field, and nobody's sticking a computer monitor right next to a running power supply, anyway. You'll need a fairly targeted application of a bigger field to really fuck up your little crystals' polarity - thereby creating the dreaded "dead pixels" video enthusiasts loathe so much.
Let's talk OSes - specifically, dumb shit I'm too scared to try but always wanted to do. What happens if I delete System32 in Windows?
Most modern versions of Windows - we're talking 7 and above - won't let you touch that folder, even with normal elevated system privileges, as a computer's Admin. You can mash Delete for days, the OS just won't let you nuke it. However, a little Terminal wizardry can succeed in telling Windows "shut up, I own you, let me delete the equivalent to your cerebellum, I have Reasons that have nothing to do with wanting to test an insult or run with a shitpost".
The system will ask you a few more times, as you really shouldn't be doing this - and will then let you proceed ahead. In short order, you'll realize that your current rig is, for all intents and purposes, fucked severe. Even rebooting won't let you fix it, even if you're trying to backtrack to a previous Restore Point. Your only option, at this point, is a complete reformat and reinstall.
Is this why the FORMAT.C command always brings up a warning?
That is exactly why. FORMAT.C, in Terminal or PowerShell, is effectively computer-speak for "I want you to start over, in the most abrupt and uncalled-for way possible. Wipe yourself."
And if what you want is to wipe away a system's very existence, there's more effective, physical and gratifying ways of doing that, anyway. Most of them involve an already-scrapped microwave and a power drill! Awesome!
What is the black magic I need to delete System32? I swear I want to do this to a virtual machine, and not to perpetrate an act of technological malfeasance on someone I happen to loathe.
If you need to ask about the black magic, you're not ready for the black magic. Google is your friend, and I'm not responsible for what you do on your own time.
Linux is so much better, the system trusts me! But, just for funzies, how can I fuck up a distro running off of Ubuntu?
It's the object of the same memes as "delete System32". If the darkness calls to you, thou shall find thine answers upon the myriad pages of Google.
Water's a poor conductor; I remember this from Physics class! Why my PC go broky if I spray it with a garden hose, then?
Because it's not the water that's making the magic smoke happen, believe it or not. If you were a baller and could spray your PC with a tank's worth of pure, ozonized water with absolutely zero particulates in it and no minerals whatsoever, it would probably be totally fine. Hell, there's even entire PC build projects that involve immersing components in purified water. The problem is, tap water isn't exactly pure. There's trace minerals in it, we typically add fluoride as well, and most water tables fall somewhere on the pH and alkalinity scales, and not often in the "objectively pure" margins of them. And even if you could guarantee a basin of 100% pure H2O, then you'd just condemn your PC to suffocation by way of its own building and festering thermal mass. You'd need systems to agitate the water or to re-absorb its heat before diffusing it elsewhere.
This is also why distilled water isn't often used in full-immersion builds, seeing as distilled water is hard to keep in its pure state. You need air to leech off some of its absorbed heat, and exposure to the outside world means a potential exposure to trace minerals, dead skin flakes or other bits of stuff that aren't chemically related to water and that happen to conduct a charge a little bit better, so...
Is this why this never really took off, compared to the liquid-cooling rigs we know of?
Yes. A well-assembled water-cooling loop has water come in contact with a cooling plate, which itself touches the CPU, or occasionally the GPU as well. As it's a closed loop, any traces of organic components - like fungi - could be dangerous over time. It's why most dye kits for water-cooling loops typically generously include a little bottle of sterilizer. The one issue is that with copper being one of the most thermally-effective metals and also fairly rust-prone, a lot of care has to be involved. A lot of cautious water-cooling enthusiasts tend to advise users in that space to drain out and dry out their loop every few years, to check for signs of corrosion.
But fans are so noisy!
I know, but if you're a budget, an air-cooled build is going to be the most effective approach you could take.
What about AIOs?
All-in-One systems are convenient, but you can't typically access the coolant that's circulating in the loop. On the one hand, an airtight system means no buildup of anything. On the other? No maintenance is possible. If it breaks, it breaks. The average AIO has a life expectancy of about five years - about the same lifespan as your typical rig.
Why is everyone bad-mouthing Windows? I'm just an end-user, I don't give a shit about what I put on my computron!
In a few words, Microsoft's pivoted from its former business model, which involved selling legitimate copies of their OS at high prices, to selling their users' data to the highest bidder. It generates far more profits, it's dystopian as shit, and it's a frightfully smart business decision. I don't approve of it one bit - but it's still smart. In the "I don't give a shit about you, now give your browser history, I'm Patrick Bateman with a fancy ISO to give to you" sense of it being smart.
You and I are the product, now. This is why people are moving to Linux - even if I think this is a flawed solution to a problem that has objectively very few serious consequences for the average end-user.
What do you mean? This is terrible!
Yes, it is! However, your collection of cat pics or your snapping stills with a phone because DRM doesn't let you capture frames for a gifset is of zero worth whatsoever to both Microsoft and the advertisers your data is sold to. The more private aspects of your life are safe, for the most part - what they're focused on is what they could sell to you. So - that involves most of your browsing history and potentially your emails, too. Windows Recall, however, could up the ante by giving MS access to those less-marketable aspects of who you are. That's the onus, here.
What's that?
A user-accessible long-term memory of sorts, used to help the user remember previous tasks or recall where certain elements are stored. It seems neat, until you realize this means Microsoft wants to record everything you do at your computer.
And Linux is better?
It doesn't overtly spy on you - at least, not if you stick to most trustworthy distributions, or OS installs. You're paying for an uptick in privacy with a loss in convenience, however. The more tech-savvy you are, the easier you'll get used to Linux. This isn't to say there aren't noob-friendly distros, there's actually several - but if something goes wonky, chances are you could find yourself stuck on your distro's Community forums, trying to divine what this rando means when he's asking you to list what the lspci command returns. Most enthusiasts in the sphere are nice, but several tend to forget that for a lot of end-users, there's no thrill in spending a few days hunting-and-pecking for a fix. Grandma won't grep shit, she just wants her Bluetooth manager to work!
What's grep?
It's Orc-speak for "find shit now." Jokes aside, it means Global Regular Expression Print. It's a command you can input in a Terminal while accessing a file, to have it search for what's inside. So if I open up a folder called "chocolate chip cookie recipe" in Linux and want to check how much flour I need while being too lazy to open the file on my own, I can just head to the terminal and type grep flour chocolatechipcookies.doc Grep tells the computer it'll need to look for something, flour is what it needs to look for in the file, and chocolatechipcookies.doc is what I'm pointing it to. I'm basically saying "Look in the chocolatechipcookies.doc file and find me all instances of the word flour being used."
If your head feels about to burst, I get it. It's a lot, and it's non-obvious - much like Windows' own Terminal or PowerShell languages.
Ah. So some Linux peeps think people are just going to troubleshoot everything themselves?
I know, right? It's almost as if some of these people forgot that for a lot of folks, a PC is just a convenient portal for emails, social networks and the occasional YouTube binge-watch.
So you don't believe we'll ever get the Year of the Linux Desktop?
Nope. Linux is too atomized, too fiddly, too focused on doing things honestly, as opposed to practically. Windows and MacOS aren't in any real danger of losing their market shares, even if the number of Linux users is slowly and steadily increasing. Unless Linux Mint or something close to it becomes so foulproof that your grandma can flat-out not know of the Terminal's existence without it impacting the computer's usage even in the advent of software failure, then we won't get a fully reliable third option.
I don't know what you're talking about, I've changed permissions on my Plex server and I passed my GPU through a VM for containerized Windows gaming on Linux; it's stupid as shi-
You're not the average use-case scenario, Steven. Sit back down. Raise your hand again once you're eighty-six and barely know how to access your NeuraMail or connect with the Galactic Sodality while your hypothetical grandchildren drone on about leaving the prison of the flesh for the purity of silicon wafers and you feel an encroaching sense of Sartrian Contingency rise up in the pit of your stomach upon realizing how incomprehensible this cold and barren new world is for you.
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Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Description: Type: DVI Male to HDMI Male Cable The Maximum Resolution: 1920x1200 60Hz . Gold plated connectors.Support to define 1080P and 2160PInput Resolutions: 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200, 1920x1200 and 1080p resolutions supporting high resolution LCD and LED displaysAdaptation: HDMI to DVI cables connect DVI equipped devices (such as laptops, desktops) to HDMI equipped HDTVs, monitors, monitors, or projector ect. Great for all HDMI enabled devices such tv, monitors, computers, to monitors with DVI D input devices.High Quality:HDMI to DVI cables are subjected to extreme bending and stress testing, it is durable and not easy to be damaged Specification: Material: PVC Size Chart: 1m:100cmx4.5cmx1.2cm/39.37inchx1.77inchx0.47inch1.5m:150cmx4.5cmx1.2cm/59.06inchx1.77inchx0.47inch2m:200cmx4.5cmx1.2cm/78.74inchx1.77inchx0.47inch Package Includes: 1 Piece HDMI to DVI Cable Note: Please allow slightly errors due to manual measurement and different monitors. 💻 Type Dvi Male To Hdmi Male Cable 💻 The Maximum Resolution 1920X1200 60Hz . Gold Plated Connectors.Support To Define 1080P And 2160P 💻 Input Resolutions 800X600, 1024X768, 1280X1024, 1600X1200, 1920X1200 And 1080P Resolutions Supporting High Resolution Lcd And Led Displays 💻 Color : As Per Image 💻 Material: PVC 💻 Kindly Refer The Product Description Before Buying The Product. 📦 Package Includes:1 Piece HDMI to DVI Cable [ad_2]
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Unlocking Precision in Water Testing: A Review of the Hanna Multiparameter Chemstock
Water quality testing is a critical task across various industries, from environmental monitoring to industrial processes and agricultural applications. The Hanna Multiparameter Chemstock stands out as an essential tool for professionals seeking accurate and reliable water analysis. This versatile device is designed to measure multiple parameters, including pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature, all in one compact unit.
One of the key advantages of the Hanna Multiparameter Chemstock is its user-friendly interface. The device features a large, easy-to-read LCD screen, allowing users to quickly view results without the need for complex data interpretation. The intuitive menu navigation further enhances the user experience, making it accessible even for those new to water testing.
Accuracy and precision are paramount when it comes to water quality analysis, and the Hanna Multiparameter Chemstock delivers on both fronts. With its advanced sensors and automated calibration features, users can trust the data they collect, whether in the lab or out in the field. The device is also built to withstand harsh conditions, featuring a rugged design that ensures durability and longevity.
Another notable feature is the Hanna Multiparameter Chemstock's data logging capability. This function allows users to store large volumes of data, which can later be transferred to a computer for detailed analysis and reporting. This is particularly beneficial for professionals who need to track water quality over time or across different locations.
In summary, the Hanna Multiparameter Chemstock is an invaluable tool for anyone involved in water quality testing. Its combination of ease of use, accuracy, and durability makes it a top choice for professionals across various sectors. Whether you're conducting routine monitoring or addressing specific water quality concerns, this device is equipped to meet your needs with precision and efficiency.
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Medical Autoclave
Labtron Medical Autoclave is a Class B fractionated automated autoclave that has 8 sterilization systems and 2 computer-monitored test programs. It has a 14 L capacity and sterilizes in 4–18 min at 121°C or 134°C. Features include microprocessor control, an LCD display, automated drying, a secure door lock, a low water alarm, and stainless steel shelves.
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Display Manufacturing Robots Company | BRILS CORPORATION

BRILS CORPORATION was established in South Korea in 2015. Since then, it has been offering customized and standardized systems geared to the individual needs of clients in cutting-edge industries such as automotive, semiconductor, display, secondary batteries, and specialized products. Its market expands beyond domestic borders to key international markets such as the United States, Czech Republic, Poland, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam. Furthermore, the organization is committed to serving the particular needs of consumers across multiple industries and countries.
Brils Corporation’s Display Manufacturing Robots
Brills Corporation, a display manufacturing robots company, is constantly developing and supplying display manufacturing robots. It also plays an important role in the production of LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) displays, which are used in a variety of electronic devices such as smart phones, televisions, computer monitors, and others. These robots are utilized throughout the manufacturing process to increase efficiency, precision, and uniformity.
Functions of this Robot in LCD and OLED Manufacturing
Coating and Deposition: In OLED production, organic ingredients are deposited onto surfaces to form the organic layers that emit light. Precision is essential, and robots are employed to carefully regulate the deposition process while ensuring uniformity and consistency.
Pick-and-place: Robots are used to assemble individual components like OLED pixels and LCD liquid crystal cells. They take up components from one spot and place them exactly in another, sometimes at fast speeds.
Photolithography is a technique used in LCD manufacturing to produce patterns on glass substrates. Robots are frequently employed to position masks and substrates precisely, ensuring that patterns are applied appropriately.
Testing and inspection: Robots are employed for quality control. They can swiftly and accurately verify each display for flaws, guaranteeing that only high-quality goods leave the manufacturing line.
Glass Substrate Handling: LCD and OLED displays are often made from huge glass substrates. Robots are employed to handle and move these fragile substrates throughout the manufacturing plant. They ensure precise alignment while minimizing the chance of injury.
Click here to contact BRILS CORPORATION
View more: Display Manufacturing Robots Company
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Pressure Displacement Profile Analyzer Solution Based on FETMX8MM-C SoM
Pressure displacement analyzer is a professional instrument used to measure the deformation of materials under force. It can measure the pressure, strain, displacement and other mechanical parameters of the material, and analyze and process the parameters through the built-in software system and algorithm, so as to obtain the mechanical properties of the material. Pressure and displacement analyzer is widely used in material science, machinery manufacturing, construction engineering, aerospace and other fields.
With the continuous progress of science and technology and the rapid development of industrial manufacturing, the requirements for the mechanical properties of materials in industrial production are also rising, so more accurate and reliable measuring instruments are needed to meet the demand. The emergence of stress-strain displacement analyzers fills the gap in material mechanics performance testing equipment, greatly enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of material testing.
The characteristics of stress-strain displacement analyzers to be considered during use include:
High-precision measurement: It can measure the displacement change of the object under the action of pressure with high precision to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the measurement results;
High reliability: It can measure stably for a long time under extreme conditions, and is suitable for various complex environments and application scenarios;
The operation is simple, and the complex measurement task can be realized through simple operation, so that the work efficiency is improved;
Multi-functional: It can perform various functions such as automatic recording, data processing, result analysis, and report generation to meet the needs of different application scenarios;
Intuitive display: Pressure displacement analyzers usually have LCD displays, which can intuitively display measurement results and parameters, making it easy for users to carry out real-time monitoring and data analysis;
Convenient data processing: Measurement data can be stored in the internal memory or external devices, and support a variety of data format export, convenient for users to carry out later data processing and analysis.

Forlinx Embedded recommends using FETMX8MM-C as the product implementation solution. In this solution, the main functions of the i.MX8MM-C SoM are:
The human-machine interaction module displays real-time data transmitted from the MCU via MIPI, and performs drawing and data display;
Data processing and storage is achieved through USB interface conversion to ULPI LINK for communication with the MCU end. Data is received and stored in TF cards or USB drives, then processed to output in a more concise and understandable form;
Network transmission and remote control are facilitated through a Gigabit Ethernet port, allowing for remote monitoring of screens, network backups, and system parameter restoration.
Equipped with an ARM Cortex-A53 quad-core CPU running at 1.8GHz and paired with 2GB of DDR4 RAM, it offers high performance and computational power, providing a significant advantage in data processing;
The compact size of only 56mm * 36mm meets the requirements of miniaturization and portability of equipment and reduces the size of products;
Support 4-line mipi display, maximum 1.5g bps transmission, high-definition output image;
Long supply cycle, join NXP product long-term supply plan, guarantee at least 10 years of supply period;
The operating environment temperature ranges from -40°C to 85°C, meeting the requirements for industrial and general industrial applications.
The above is the pressure displacement curve analysis solution provided by Forlinx Embedded based on the FETMX8MM-C SoM. We hope it can assist you in your selection process.
Originally published at www.forlinx.net.
#Pressure displacement analyzer#Material mechanics performance testing#iMX8MM SoM#Stress strain displacement analyzers
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2024 OLED Demo l 4K HDR 60FPS Dolby Vision

Welcome to OLED Demo, the ultimate destination for extraordinary visual content that transforms your TV viewing experience! Our channel is dedicated to delivering stunning visuals that fully exploit the capabilities of your OLED screen, showcasing everything from deep blacks to vibrant colors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TA1jS07SfeU At OLED Demo, we specialize in creating high-quality videos that are ideal for testing and enjoying the captivating beauty of OLED technology. Our diverse content spans serene natural landscapes, dynamic urban scenes, and much more, all captured with exceptional clarity. These videos aren't just demonstrations; they're a feast for the eyes, offering relaxation, aesthetic pleasure, and entertainment. OLED Demo is more than just a channel – it's a gateway to visual splendor. So, recline, relax, and let us brighten your world, one pixel at a time. Immerse yourself in scenes with enhanced brightness, detail, and richer colors on your 8K, 12K, and 4K TVs, including Apple XDR, Samsung, LG, Sony HDR, OLED, QLED, and various HDR devices like iPhones, Huawei, Xiaomi, and Asus Phones. Don't forget to comment for more OLED Demo videos, featuring the latest in OLED TVs, LG OLED, 8K OLED TV, QD OLED, and the best OLED TVs of 2023, from brands like Samsung and Sony, and comparisons like QLED vs OLED.
4K HDR 60FPS Dolby Vision
"4K HDR 60FPS Dolby Vision" refers to a high-end video format that combines several advanced features: - 4K resolution: This means the video has a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels, offering four times the detail of standard 1080p Full HD. This higher resolution results in sharper, clearer images. - HDR (High Dynamic Range): HDR enhances the contrast and color range of the pixels on your display. This means brighter whites, darker blacks, and a wider color gamut, leading to more realistic and vibrant images. - 60FPS (Frames Per Second): This frame rate is smoother than the standard 24 or 30FPS typically used in films and TV. A higher frame rate like 60FPS provides a more fluid and lifelike motion, especially beneficial in fast-paced content like sports or action scenes. - Dolby Vision: This is a type of HDR developed by Dolby Laboratories. It's an advanced form of HDR that provides frame-by-frame dynamic metadata to the TV, allowing for more precise adjustment of brightness and color levels. Dolby Vision is known for providing even more detail in the dark and bright areas of the picture, as well as supporting a wider color palette and enhanced accuracy. Overall, a video with "4K HDR 60FPS Dolby Vision" specifications will offer a very high-quality viewing experience, with sharp resolution, enhanced color and contrast, smooth motion, and advanced HDR rendering. OLED, which stands for Organic Light Emitting Diodes, is a type of display technology widely used in modern TVs, smartphones, and computer monitors. Here are some key aspects of OLED technology: - Pixel-Level Lighting: Unlike traditional LCD screens that use a backlight, each pixel in an OLED display generates its own light. This allows for precise control over the brightness and color of each pixel, leading to exceptional contrast ratios and true blacks, as pixels can be completely turned off. - Color Accuracy and Vibrancy: OLED displays are known for their excellent color reproduction and wide color gamut, making the images on-screen appear more vivid and lifelike. - Viewing Angles: OLED screens have excellent viewing angles, meaning the colors and contrast remain consistent even when viewed from sharp angles. - Response Time: OLED displays typically have a faster response time compared to LCD panels. This results in less motion blur and is particularly advantageous for fast-moving video content and gaming. - Design Flexibility: Since OLED panels don't require a backlight, they can be made thinner and more flexible. This has led to the development of innovative designs like bendable smartphones and rollable TVs. - Energy Efficiency: OLEDs can be more energy-efficient than LCDs, particularly when displaying darker content, as each pixel emits only the light needed to create specific colors. However, OLED displays also have some downsides: - Burn-in Risk: OLED displays can suffer from burn-in if static images are displayed for extended periods. This is less of an issue with newer models and with varied content. - Cost: OLED technology is typically more expensive than traditional LCDs, though prices have been decreasing as the technology matures. - Brightness: While OLED displays offer excellent contrast, they often don't get as bright as some LED-lit LCD displays. OLED technology is highly regarded for its superior picture quality and is often used in high-end TVs and smartphones for a premium viewing experience. Read the full article
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Portable Multiparameter Water Quality Meter is equipped with a backlit LCD display. It is suitable for measuring the PH, ORP, ion concentration, TDS, salinity, conductivity, resistivity and dissolved oxygen. Automatic electrode recognition shows the pH slope and offset. Relative and absolute millivolt modes provide reliable ORP measurements. Data can be transferred easily to computer by using USB interphase. It is reliable, user friendly applicable for outdoor measurements. It is widely used for quality testing of water and also used in research and development laboratories and water resources
1-5 points push button calibration to automatically rectify pH buffer Reset function instinctive. It can store and recall up-to 500 sets of data Rely resumes all settings back to the factory defaults Automatic temperature compensation provides accurate readings over the entire range salinity's and barometric pressure compensations remove the measurement error Water quality meter contains 8 measurement modes.
portable multiparameter water quality meter is a versatile device designed to measure and monitor several key parameters of water quality in various field settings. These meters are commonly used in environmental monitoring, water quality assessment, research, and regulatory compliance across different industries. These meters can simultaneously measure several important water quality parameters, which may include pH, conductivity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, total dissolved solids (TDS), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), ammonium, nitrate, and more. Scientists and researchers in various fields, such as ecology, biology, and geology, use these meters for fieldwork to study the environment, aquatic ecosystems, and aquatic species. Portable multiparameter meters are valuable tools in emergency response situations, helping to quickly assess water quality after natural disasters or environmental incidents. These meters are used in educational institutions to teach students about water quality testing and environmental science.
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Why is an electrical instrumentation course necessary today?
electrical instrumentation courses Australia
Today, people are dependent on automation and technology. We are all inclined to an automatic way of living, it is like the control of everything is via voice, motion, and touch. Our living is easy today because of the easy control ways of machines that we use in everyday living. Our life seems to be incomplete without the electricity which makes things function. We are aware that we need electricity for every purpose or activity, whether be it entertainment like listening to music or watching television, working on computer projects, using washing machines, or even escaping the summer heat with the aid of air conditioners and vice versa heater when it is winter. Everything needs electricity to function even toys. However, we need to ensure that everything is working appropriately and accurately with the help of instruments. This necessitates the importance of electrical instrumentation. When we are talking about electrical instrumentation, this is the measuring instrument used for electricity and technology. Electrical measuring instruments create a huge role in an assortment of specialties such as agriculture, weather, the automobile industry, health care centers, and many more, in modern society. Since they have good potential to deliver accurate outcomes we can achieve our role with great support. Likewise, when we enjoy confirming the readings, we may direct to calibrate the electrical measuring device to check the readings of a particular measure or basis.
Measurement of process variable is achieved through electronic devices and equipment, the following devices and equipment for electrical instrumentation:
Temperature sensors
The temperature sensor is for detecting and measuring the ambient or process temperatures using an electrical signal. The most common examples are thermocouples and resistance temperature detectors. The thermocouples estimate temperature via two different metals that develop the voltage when the temperature across the intersection shifts. The resistance temperature detectors use a variable resistor that varies resistance values in response to temperature. These are usually used to protect sensitive electronics by preventing them from operating beyond their maximum rated temperatures.
Pressure sensor
Another sensor is the electronic pressure sensor that had become a fabourse over mechanical sensors in industrial applications because of their high accuracy and reliability. The pressure sensors measure the values by converting the mechanical pressure applied onto a diaphragm into an electrical output signal. Then, the output signal is sent to a data monitoring, acquisition system, or computerized display and registered in the established unit of measurement. Electronic pressure sensors can detect pressures ranging from a few millibars up to thousands of millibars with a nominal margin of error.
Digital Multimeters
DMM or digital multimeters are handheld instrumentation equipment used to measure the circuit variables like voltage, current, and resistance. The electrical engineers also utilize them for troubleshooting electric circuit failures. DMMs consist of internal analog to digital converters, which utilize a successive approximation register with resolution levels consisting of bits for example the 8 or 16 bits. The successive approximation registers functions by sampling successive values of voltage that come in from the digital multimeters test probes, before displaying the value on its LCD screen.
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The system administrators main function
The system administrators main function is supporting all companys computers and maintaining network devices in good working condition. This problem cannot be solved without using a network monitor.The most of network monitoring programs are based on periodic automatic testing the efficiency of particular services, ports, and protocols. The most widespread method is sending particular ICMP packets to a remote host and waiting for a reply from it (ping). One of the most important device?s parameter considered from the network monitoring point of view is the device?s response time. It allows you to analyze the device operation on the network and detect possible bottlenecks and failures in the data transfer process.
There are a lot of network monitoring methods, and the choice depends on tasks that a particular device performs. For instance, a web server can be monitored via the HTTP protocol. Switches are usually monitored via the SNMP protocol, etc.How a network monitor can help the system administrator and why it is necessary to monitor a companys network on a regular basis.1.Reduce IT expenses. A network monitor can help minimizing the time, which is needed for detecting failures and fixing them, thus, it allows saving companys funds.2.A network monitor increases the networks operation productivity. By using a network monitoring program, the system administrator does not have to check the operation of each network device manually. The network monitor saves the administrator?s time and he can spend it on increasing the networks productivity, enhancing the companys information security, etc.3.Increase costumers? loyalty. Costumers do not leave a company just because of a single negative experience with the service. Usually, a costumer abandons using the service because of regular failures in the service operation.
That is why it is so important to recover not only serious failures, but also minor downtimes as fast as possible. The network monitor allows you to improve your equipment?s reliability and increase the costumers? loyalty to your company.4.Plan the network infrastructure update to increase the network capacity. With regular monitoring, using the response time of hosts, you are able to detect the bottlenecks on the network, determine and locate defective equipment, and replace it.Only some aspects of the network monitors wholesale monitor arm hanging lcd monitor stand Suppliers usage were covered in the article. It is clear, that this procedure is an essential part of the technical and IT staffs work in companies of any size. In conclusion, it is worth saying that the prediction, prevention, and timely reaction to network failures, allow saving time and nerves of the IT staff, and help protecting your company from losing customers and profits.
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Buying Guide to A Electronic Digital Caliper
Electronic caliper gives you accurate reading as well as fast measurement. Anyone can conveniently find this measurement result at the particular LCD screen. Even individuals are able to transmit the measuring result within the measuring; this fact can be an extra benefit of the electronic caliper when it comes to recorded mensuration purposes. Still, intending to take typically the preferred electronic vernier scale ruler could certainly consume your time. It’s a good prudent verdict to obtain a few reliable references. If you think the owners will certainly shop for the battery-powered vernier scaled tool, it is better off acquiring a new right vision associated with what normally causes a good battery-powered vernier scale ruler becomes the better choice. Our staff persist to help teach by spreading some points the users have to keep in mind when grabbing a digital vernier scaled tool via this page. 1. The Longest Measurement The regularly employed of quantification distance of any electronic caliper is usually 6 ". However, that is uncomplicated to obtain the 12″ span types. Looking to encounter your maximum distance demand with the actual need can be critical. That happens to be your top action a person have to be able to account for 2. Accuracy The primary smallest reading of a digital caliper accounts for zero. 01 millimeter (0.0005 inch). In the event that the technicians can obtain the more salutary resolution, it is great. As our specialists explore around the shop, it’s hopeless. Often the only option you could conduct to get that will tiniest graduation is through purchasing some sort of digital mic. However fine, this measuring tool isn't like the vernier scale ruler the time executing some sort of mensuration. And yet, don't forget that this tiniest least count is not all of the factors for quantification trustworthiness. You have to bring accuracy into mind too. Accuracy can be translated as how matching rate to the world-accepted version. An examination will complete it. The engineers could take a calibration tool called block gauge. When it comes to serious calibration, you ought to test it with the well-established standard. #3. Liquid Crystal Display Interface Why need to consider the display monitor? It is required to present this quantification number visibly. A couple of engineers might suffer from vision difficulty while typically the figures presented on your Liquid Crystal Display happen to be pretty undersized. Besides, various other people in many cases use this vernier tool throughout low light. In this situation, the engineers must find one that using a good backlight function on this Liquid Crystal Display touchscreen. That highlight likewise lets the engineers enjoy the interface together with ease on a brighter day. 4. Buttons You can feel that one of the featured benefits of a battery-powered vernier scaled tool is the features the idea has. The operators can easily quickly click often the panels to instruct the measurement to begin and pause the reading, hang on readout, transform graduation readout, determine the particular zero level, & perhaps transmit often the measuring data. It's not weird there are little control keys but incorporate four functions. This depends about what this item delivers. Nonetheless, the thing that we realize the particular highly critical versions are really often the buttons regarding transformation system reading on/off, as well as zero number setting. Therefore, verify your LCD display vernier scale ruler includes these kinds of features at any rate. #5. Liquid plus Dust Protection Doing the job in a very rainy situation may result in impairment into its electronic digital caliper. If liquid escape and go into the digital circuit’s inner pieces, the potential problem is usually that disrupts the readout system. The defective event is the product misguides the owners through providing a mistaken reading. Often the same event goes with soil. The electronic circuit can be interefered with In the event you require to safeguard your vernier scale ruler via sweat & grime, the operators gotta obtain the versions that labels Ingress Protection scoring certified. The Ingress Protection (IP) rate commonly goes utilizing two information symbolizing often the particles & liquid resistance level. Our people recommend the owners pick this ones along with at least IP54. figure 5 equals that can protect from dust particles throughout common practice. At the same time figure four shows that it does secure from fluid the fact that is usually bespattered from any angle Every time using a good IP54 certified caliper, the operators do not need to be panic over applying it on a rainy day or mid-day in the open air. #6. Real Time Reading on Another Device Transferrable Data output means a new feature of any LCD display caliper. It can be operating with a cord as well as cordless. It allows the owners for you to broadcast the reading straight into a separated system, for instance the personal computer or gadget. Instead of using a good notice, that might take lengthier for record, the engineers can acquire numerous results with effortless plus sooner, with no importance to utilize any pen. Whenever you would like to conduct a several time measurement, we say this feature is going to facilitate the task done a lot quicker. #7. Battery Power One next key the technicians can give consideration to will be the electrical power type. That need to be unproblematic to help obtain so that any electrical power substitution is straight forward in order to accomplish. #8. Feedback In some cases, a good item properties doesn’t seem as claimed by simply this firm. In this case, a person should calibrate the vernier scaled tool prior to using it to establish it is precise spec. To prevent this specific, the owners may grab a few glances at the user feedback. Summary The mentioned are a range of things we all can point out to think about before shopping the LCD display caliper. Ideally, those facts could serve you shape typically the battery-powered vernier scale ruler of which the technicians need or maybe intend. Whenever the operators wanna save time, you need to hunt for a couple of references of excellent ten finest battery-powered vernier scaled tools on the internet. With luck, the idea does enable the engineers narrow the picks instead of getting right into often the market then render the choices starting from zero. Check out the spec and reviews. Thank You! Linear Measuring Tools
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Automated Robots for Display Manufacturing Process | BRILS CORPORATION
BRILS CORPORATION was established in South Korea in 2015. Since then, it has been providing customized and standardized systems tailored to the specific needs of clients in cutting-edge industries such as automotive, semiconductor, display, secondary batteries, and specialized products. Its market extends beyond domestic borders to include major international markets such as the United States, Czech Republic, Poland, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam. Furthermore, the company is committed to fulfilling the distinct needs of customers across different industries and regions.
Brils Corporation’s Display Manufacturing Robots
As adisplay manufacturing robots company,Brills Corporation continuously develops and supplies display manufacturing robots, playing a significant role in the production of LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) displays which are used in various electronic devices such as smartphones, televisions, computer monitors, and more. These robots are utilized across the manufacturing process to enhance efficiency, precision, and consistency.
Roles of this Robot in LCD and OLED Manufacturing
Coating and Deposition: In OLED manufacturing, organic materials are deposited onto substrates to create the organic layers that emit light. Precision is crucial, and robots are used to precisely control the deposition process, ensuring uniformity and consistency.
Pick-and-Place: Robots are used for the assembly of individual components such as OLED pixels or LCD liquid crystal cells. They pick up components from one location and place them precisely in another, typically at a high speed.
Testing and Inspection: Robots are used for quality control purposes. They can quickly and accurately inspect each display for defects, ensuring that only high-quality products leave the production line.
Glass Substrate Handling: LCD and OLED displays are typically manufactured on large glass substrates. Robots are used to handle and transport these fragile substrates within the production facility. They ensure precise positioning and minimize the risk of damage.
Photolithography: In LCD manufacturing, photolithography is used to create patterns on the glass substrate. Robots are often used to align masks and substrates accurately, ensuring the patterns are applied correctly.
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View more: Brils Corporation’s Display Manufacturing Robots
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1. The instrument is designed as a high-precision test equipment to detect grid waveform distortion occurrence, the harmonic content , voltage fluctuations and flicker and phase imbalance of power quality problems; It also includes electrical parameters testing, vector analysis functions.
2. It can accurately measure a variety of electrical parameters, such as voltage, current, active power, reactive power, phase angle, power factor, frequency, etc.
3. It can display the vector diagram of the measured voltage and current , by analyzing which users can judge if the metering device wiring is correct or not.
4. Current is measured by using the clamp transformers. You can easily and securely do the measurement, because of the use of clamp current transformers, without connecting the current loop. Depending on the user's measurement range, you can be equipped with different range of clamps.
5. Measurement and analysis of the AC power quality from the utility grid to client can be done easily, its measurement and analysis: frequency deviation, voltage deviation, voltage fluctuations, flicker, three-phase voltage unbalance factor and harmonic.
6. It can display single-phase voltage, current waveform and can display three-phase voltage and current waveform at the same time.
7. All testing interface is functioned with a screen lock feature to facilitate reading and analysis of user data.
8. Load fluctuations monitoring: It can measure and analysis fluctuations on the utility grid power quality caused by a variety of electrical equipment at different operating conditions. Record and store trend of electrical parameter, such as voltage, current, active power, reactive power, apparent power, frequency, and phase at a regular time.
9. It can do electrical equipment adjustment and dynamic monitoring during operation, and help users to solve the power adjustment and commission process problems.
10. It can measure and analysis the dynamic parameters of reactive power compensation and filtering devices in the power system, and make quantitative evaluation of its features and technical specifications.
11. Users can set different storage interval, and it will successively store data according to the set time interval;
12. High-capacity data storage is equipped inside. It can store 18 consecutive months or more according to one minute interval, which meets the needs of long-term monitoring testing points.
13. The instrument includes a USB connector, which can be easily used to copy the data directly to the backstage management computer.
14. It coordinates with powerful data management software, and can directly upload real-time sampling data to backstage management compute, which can do a more comprehensive and rapid treatment in the background.
15. It has a calendar, clock function, which can display date and time in real-time. You can detect at the scene while saving test data and results, and upload to a computer via serial connector, then realize computerized data management through the backstage management software (optional), with powerful reporting capabilities.
16. Large-screen imported color LCD is used as a display, and Chinese user interface is equipped with Chinese character prompt, multi-parameter display LCD interface, friendly interactive interface.
17. LCD will automatically enter power-saving mode when there are 3 minutes without operation in order to maximize the extending battery life.
18. It uses conductive silicone keypad, which feels good, long life, reasonable design, and easy to operate.
19. High-capacity, high-performance lithium-ion rechargeable battery is equipped inside, which can continuously work for more than 10 hours if the battery is fully charged.
20. It has a small size, light weight, easy to carry. It can be used both as site testing measurement and as the standard measurement equipment in laboratory.
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