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OJK Sulutgomalut Targetkan Inklusi Keuangan 2024 Capai 90 Persen
OJK Sulutgomalut Targetkan Inklusi Keuangan 2024 Capai 90 Persen #OtoritasJasaKeuangan #OJKSulutgomalut #Target #InklusiKeuangan #BankSulutGo #BSG
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Sulawesi Utara, Gorontalo dan Maluku Utara (Sulutgomalut) menargetkan inklusi keuangan di Sulut, Gorontalo dan Malut meningkat 90 persen pada tahun 2024 nanti. Target ini dipatok Kepala OJK Sulutgomalut, Winter Marbun yang disampaikan kepada para peserta media gathering yang digelar OJK bekerjasama dengan Bank SulutGo (BSG) sejak Senin…
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hopefully i can make it to target tomorrow. if so.
-hair gel (the least scary looking one in the least smelling aisle)
-nail polish (green or pink or blue i haven't decided yet)
-werthers originals or something simar
-energy drinks
-body soap
-hand cream
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if i were a superhero i would kill some villains and reform the others
"how would you know which is which?" "why do you get to decide who lives and dies?"
some of them get up to some very interesting hijinks. some of them murder people for fun. it's not that hard
"oh but once you cross that line it's a slippery slope"
no i don't think it's that hard to only kill mass murderers and let everyone else just go to jail
#absuers i'd put the fear of god into them and then take them to jail#me to poison ivy: don't become a mass murderer and i'll look the other way for the most part#me to the joker:#there's nothing to say i already killed him#'you'll become the new joker'#no i wont#im killing lex luthor too#anybody who gets mad at lex luthor dying has not been a terget of a violent extremist#he will sacrifice human lives for his extremist ideas
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2025 Angka Kemiskinan di Muba Ditargetkan Turun Satu Digit
MUBA, TOPIKBERITA.CO – Upaya serius Pemerintah Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin (Muba) dalam mengurangi angka kemiskinan kembali ditekankan pada pembukaan Rapat Koordinasi (Rakor) Daerah Kesejahteraan Sosial yang berlangsung di Opproom Pemkab Muba, Selasa (03/12/2024). Kegiatan ini dibuka oleh Pj Bupati Muba H Sandi Fahlepi melalui Sekda Muba H Apriyadi Mahmud, turut hadir Forkopimda dan OPD dilingkungan…
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I love when one of biggest marauders artists get together, point at a reference of a simp and a singer and are like "oh yea, lets cook"
Yes its tergeted
Alex & Indi im looking at you
#marauders#regulus black#jegulus#dorcas meadowes#slytherin skittles#wolfstar#barty crouch jr#books#evan rosier
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Sedekah Salah Alamat ?
Sebenernya bingung juga mau nulis gimana. Dan tulisan ini nggak bermaksud gimana-gimana, cuma menuangkan isi kepala saja.
Kemarin, 20 Juli 2024 seorang kawan dari laman biru tua mengirimkan pesan WA, mengenai sebuah akun yang galang donasi, tapi terindikasi tidak amanah.
Sebuah akun, entah 2021 atau 2022 aku lupa, mengirimkan DM via tumblr, untuk menggalang dana bagi para janda dan duafa. Saat itu tanpa pikir panjang, aku pun transfer sejumlah nominal, meski nggak besar. Dan nggak mikir macem-macem juga. Positif aja, insya Allah akun tersebut amanah. Begitu pikirku saat itu.
Namun, ada yang aneh, di pertengahan 2023 beliau mengirimkan DM lagi untuk meminta donasi. Pun di 2024 maret lalu. Bukan aneh yang gimana-gimana, cm ngerasa di terget aja bbrp bulan sekali. Jadi nggak aku respon akhirnya.
Ngerasa aneh lagi adalah perihal laporan dan dokumentasi. Seperti akun atau platform sedekah lain, biasanya memberikan laporan pada sang donatur bahwa uang yang di donasikan tersalurkan dengan aman, tapi ini tidak.
Setelah di WA teman kamarin, aku coba check ternyata akun tersebut sudah deactivated. Mungkin karena ada yang up kasus ini. Entahlah.
Dengan tidak aktifnya akun tersebut dan tidak adanya klarifikasi yang jelas, malah membuat saya pribadi merasa tambah aneh. Dan memperbesar kemungkinan kalo akun tersebut tidak amanah. Hanya dia dan Allah saja yang tau bagaimana sebenarnya.
Lalu bagaimana dengan uang kita yang sudah kita donasikan ?
Tidak mengapa, barangkali sedekah yang kita sedekah salah alamat, tapi balasan Allah atas keikhlasan kita tidak akan pernah salah alamat.
Tulisan ini bukan berarti melarang untuk sedekah/memberikan bantuan via platform ini. Tapi untuk lebih berhati-hati saja.
Bila penipuan itu terjadi di platform sosial media lain seperti IG, FB, X, atau yang lain, mungkin sudah biasa. Menjadi sangat disayangkan ini terjadi di laman biru tua yang kita sayangi ini. Di laman ini, aku yakin banyak orang baik, orang jujur se jujur tulisannya. Orang-orang yang tidak membutuhkan validasi yang lainnya.
Perlu juga di ingat bahwa dalam sebuah kebaikan selalu ada keburukan yang terselip. Diantara banyak orang baik, selalu ada oknum yang kurang baik.
Jadi, waspadalah !
Dari kasus ini, aku memetik beberapa pembelajaran yang sangat berharga.
1. Menjadi orang yang amanah itu mudah, tapi menjaga tetap menjadi amanah itu sangat susah.
2. Keburukan pasti ada, dan kita harus waspada. Dalam kasus apapun itu.
3. Bila ada yang meminta donasi pada kita, gpp ngasih, tapi pastikan orang tersebut amanah.
4. Bila orang tersebut adalah kita, selesaikan masalah tersebut ! Bukan malah lari, karena urusan muamalah manusia bila belum selesai akan di bawa mati.
5. Lebih berhati-hati
Dahlah itu aja uneg-unegnya. Bahasanya juga amburadul, udah agak lama ngga nulis jadi kagok sendiri.
The last, semoga kita semua di jauhkan dari keburukan dan orang-orang yang berniat buruk. Semoga kita di jadikan sebagai orang yang baik dan amanah pada sesama.
Blora, 21 Juli 2024
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Hello, first of all, I want to say that what you do here is amazing.
I am looking for a fic in ao3, where Draco and Scorpius (Astoria has passed away), live in the middle of the jungle. Hermione is a cursebreaker from the ministry that given assignment to break the curse in Malfoy's house basement.
Something goes wrong, there is an explosion and H ended up being bonded/bethroted to D because of some Black heirloom ring.
There are Death Eaters tergeting the Malfoys and make the house's ward "sick".
There are pictures in every chapter, the writer's imagination of the detail in each chapter.
TIA, keep healthy and happy everyone!!
Edit: Thanks!
friendlyneighborhoodspider-man: i think the title is ‘an ever fixed mark ‘ artielu: It's this and it's FANTASTIC AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH https://archiveofourown.org/works/46150387
#anonymous#draco: single parent#scorpius#draco: widower#hermione: curse breaker#accidental bonding#pureblood traditions#curses and spells#death eaters
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Tulisan Ayah
Bapak saya orangnya emang suka menulis (sepertinya) dan juga sering mengirimkannya ke grup My Family My Team ataupun 2nd room dengan tag saya, kakak, dan adek saya, (tergantung siapa terget pembacanya) sebagai bentuk caranya untuk tetap care dan keep in touch dengan anaknya agar kalau belok, ya antara balik lagi langsung atau besok, gak pernah cuma agar belok ga kejauhan, pasti tujuan akhirnya agar balik lagi, saya yakin.
Setidaknya itu yang saya simpulkan, entah ada maksud lain atau tidak, itulah yang ingin saya simpul dan harapkan. Tapi jujur, kadang saya hanya sekedar scamming atau scanning atau apalah namanya itu, hanya membaca kalimat pertama paragraf awal, tengah, dan akhir, dilanjutkan kirim stiker atau react sebagai lapor sudah baca, atau ya scrol scroll, react :D. Cuma yang akhir ini agak beda,
Bukan isi utama yang saya bahas, tapi lain, tentang ibu yang bersahaja.
Setelah dipikir pikir, walau mungkin beberapa kali sempat jadi ribut ribut di rumah tentang pengelolaan finansial, pada akhirnya Ibu tetap orang yang sederhana.
Ditengah gengsi orang orang di luar sana mengejar barang 'ori' dan tentu 'branded', ibu tanpa ragu tetap memilih apa yang terjangkau dan cukup ia butuhkan.
Ibu jarang atau bahkan ga pernah beli fashion ke Mall ke butik terkenal atau ke distro, Luis Vitton, Zara, Rabbani dan dsb. Atau membeli bahan pangan di Hypermart, Superindo, dsb. Engga, ibu ga pernah punya keinginan muluk yang aneh dan mempersulit diri sendiri, mungkin karena udah kesulitan ngurus 4 orang afk di rumah kali ya.
Ibu lebih memilih ke PGS, ke Beteng, ke temen jahit yang tidak seterkenal butik butik lain atau ke pasar, dan maksimal luwes yang Palur. Tanpa ragu atau bahkan dengan excitement.
Mungkin, ini emang karena ibu tidak dipaparkan dengan lingkungan yang mendorong untuk mengejar rasa gengsi yang berlebihan atau yang tidak diperlukan karena menurutku ibu orangnya suka bersaing atau mengikuti orang orang di sekitarnya. Tapi kalo kenyataan lingkungannya sebenarnya mendorong tapi ibu tetap kekeh, ibu emang luar biasa.
Eh, tapi kayaknya emang kekeh deng, atau? dorongan lingkungannya emang belum cukup adekuat mengintervensi gengsi ibu sampai ke sana. Karena beruntungnya di batas lingkungan terkecilnya ibu punya ayah yang ngirit dan suka membulan bulanankan orang yang beli hoka dan sepatu diatas 1 juta buat lari :)
Dari ayah saya belajar, ungkapan rasa banyak bentuknya, dan dari ibu saya belajar beli ga branded yo gapapa asal tetap masuk nilai dan fungsinya serta didukung pembulanan yang handal
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Gioachino Rossini
Compositore italiano
[ Pesaro, 29 febbraio 1792 - Passy, 13 novembre 1868 ]
Ieri ho trascorso la giornata a Pesaro da poco proclamata "Capitale della Cultura 2024" , città che non avevo finora mai visitato.
Dopo la visita al palazzo Ducale...
[ qui il link e un video]
ho voluto visitare la Casa natale, ora Museo, di Gioachino Rossini.
Gioachino Rossini, è stato un pianista e compositore di opere musicali, teatrali e liriche ed ha conosciuto un travolgente successo nella prima metà dell'Ottocento.
Possiamo dire che fu il primo compositore di musica classica a scatenare una entusiastica ammirazione e fenomeni di moda e di emulazione, al pari degli attuali "Influencers", in tutta Europa, ma più ancora in Francia, in Inghilterra e in Germania.
Anche il suo stesso abbigliamento diede origine a mode e a imitazioni (celebri i suoi copricapo).
Rossini fu un bambino prodigio. A soli 7 anni entrò al Conservatorio, a 12 anni componeva sonate, a 14 anni ricevette la commissione dell'opera Demetrio e Polibio.
A soli 37 anni decise di ritirarsi dalla carriera pubblica e dalle turnèe. All'età in cui la carriera degli altri musicisti toccava il culmine, il grande compositore pesarese, decise all'improvviso, di smettere di la sua carriera pubblica e di comporre opere teatrali.
Fu il più importante compositore italiano della prima metà del XIX secolo e uno dei più grandi operisti della storia della musica, e per la precocità e la velocità di composizione, è stato soprannominato il "Mozart italiano" .
Definito da Giuseppe Mazzini «un titano. Titano di potenza e d'audacia
Oltre che compositore raffinato, Rossini fu buongustaio in tutti i sensi e anche eccellente cuoco, e si dice che fosse inarrivabile nel cucinare i maccheroni, di cui era goloso, come era appassionato di un certo pasticcio di pollo con gamberi al burro.
Egli cercava di trarre dai fornelli le stesse armonie del pianoforte.
Da Napoli si faceva venire i maccheroni, da Siviglia i prosciutti, da Gorgonzola l'omonimo formaggio, da Milano il panettone.
Fu un innovatore dallo spirito ipersensibile ed inquieto, molto moderno quindi grazie alla sua insolita e complessa personalità.
Dopo la fine della sua carriera pubblica come compositore, fu ospite graditissimo del Re di Francia che gli attribui un ricco vitalizio, purchè si fermasse a Parigi e facesse parte della corte.
Premetto che fino ad oggi, io non mi ero mai interessato di Lirica.
Da ieri però una grande curiosità mi è presa dopo aver letto un pò di notizie su questo artista che ho poi scoperto avere importanti legami con la mia terra (la Romagna).
La prima notizia che mi ha coinvolto è stato apprendere che suo padre era di umilissime origini: era originario di Lugo di Romagna.
Ma ecco come ne parla Wikipedia:
Ma oggi, volendo ricordare la genialità e la modernità, del tutto fuori dagli schemi ottocenteschi, di questo Compositore che è passato alla storia come personaggio, bizzarro, amante del buon vivere, del bere, del cibo e delle belle donne, voglio scegliere un frammento delle sue tante opere trovato casualmente su YouTube.
Il brano è "Nacqui all'affanno..." ed è centrato sulla personalità della protagonista dell'opera "Cenerentola"
Libretto / Testo italiano
Nacqui all' affanno, al pianto
Soffrì tacendo il core
Ma per soave incanto
Dell'età mia nel fiore
Come un baleno rapido
La sorte mia cangiò.
No, no; tergete il ciglio
Perché tremar, perché?
A questo sen volate
Figlia, sorella, amica
Tutto trovate in me.
TUTTI ( coro)
M' intenerisce e m' agita
È un nume agli occhi miei
Degna del premio sei,
Che dato viene a te.
Padre... Sposo... Amico... oh istante!
Non più mesta accanto al fuoco
Starò sola a gorgheggiar.
Ah! fu un lampo, un sogno, un gioco
Il mio lungo palpitar
TUTTI (coro) :
Tutto cangia a poco a poco
Cessa alfin di sospirar.
Di fortuna fosti il gioco
Incomincia a giubilar.
Libretto inglese / traduzione:
Born to trouble, to tears,
He suffered by keeping his heart silent
But for sweet charm
From my age in the flower,
Like a quick flash
My fate changed
No, no; wipe the edge
Why tremar, why ?
At this speed
Daughter, sister, friend
You find everything in me.
M 'softens and agitates me
It is a nume in my eyes
Worthy of the prize six
What data comes to you
Father ... Spouse ... Friend ... oh instant!
No longer saddened by the fire
I will be alone in gorgheggiar.
Ah! it was a flash, a dream, a game
My long palpitar.
Everything changes gradually
He ceases to sigh
Fortunately, you were the game
It starts to jubilate
Riferimenti su Gioachino Rossini:
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Membebaskan diri mengekspresikan apapun di IG sebelum nanti jadi dosen sungguhan:’)
Selalu sadar atas apa yang dibagikan di sosial media, termasuk untuk urusan IGS sekalipun. Sadar tidak hanya sekedar sadar, tapi sadar dari segala sisi, baik dari emosi diri, tanggapan audiens, dan emosi publik.
Di masa ini tentu diri berhak ber-euforia atas capaian baik yang berhasil diperoleh. Tentu kini yang ditampilkan bukan lagi prosesnya, tapi hasilnya. Sadar bahwa proses harus disembunyikan sendiri, ditelan sendiri, jangan pernah mengabari siapapun sebelum harum, karena proses itu masih bau, belum harum jika belum berhasil tercapai. Lain hal-nya dengan hasil, hasil itu selalu harum tercium, apalagi bagi mereka yang juga mengejar hal yang sama. Seolah mendatangkan harapan bahwa mereka juga bisa mencapai kesempatan yang sama.
Sebuah reminder bagi diri sendiri yang apa-apa ga enakan, ‘jangan berlama-lama pada jebakan perasaan tidak enakan atas apapun yang telah berhasil dicapai dan ingin diabadikan di sosial media pribadimu’. Percayalah, jika mereka punya kesempatan yang sama, mereka juga akan lebai–dan alay merayakannya. Ambil bagianmu, jangan penjarakan cerita-cerita hidupmu hanya karena ga enakan.
Dalam hidup, kita semua berjalan, dan diri tidak bertanggung jawab atas hidup orang lain, pun sebaliknya. Jangan sampai kehilangan momen penting yang bahkan terjadi sekali seumur hidup, hanya karena takut yang tidak mendasar dari padangan orang lain. Bukankah sejauh ini diri telah mengenal batasan boleh dan tidak boleh?
Membagikan berbagai rangkaian proses hidup telah terbiasa dilakukan sejak dulu. Sadar kalau dulu dan sekarang capaiannya sudah berbeda. Alhamdulillah, tandanya hidup berproses dengan baik. Sadar kalau semakin ke sini audiensnya juga semakin berkembang. Bergelut dengan asumsi yang lain tidaklah perlu dibudayakan, mau sampai kapan?
Selagi IGS masih disaksikan oleh publik yang sama, terget pasarnya pun masih pada mereka-mereka yang dikenal sejak lama, diri masih leluasa mengabadikan hal yang dirasa perlu. Sebelum nanti menjadi dosen, yang pasti pasarnya sudah bukan lagi kalangan yang sama.
Nikmati hidupmu, enjoy your proses.
Berdoa, berterima kasih, dan bersyukur. Sejauh ini diri telah melakukan yang terbaik.
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Kepastian Penelitian
aku hari beneran dak biso tidur karena penelitian aku yang tidak kunjung mendapat kepastian. aku tau, temen dekat aku tau, sudah juga aku tulis di tumblr ini klo aku penelitian di Thailand. Tapi saat ini penelitian itu sulit dibawak kesini karena banyak banget hana-hini yang berasalan prosedur.
bahkan di Thailand kemarin, advisor aku bukak mata kuliah project dengan satu-satunya aku yang enroll karena alasan sederhana aja: aku mau penelitian sebagai mahasiswa bioscience and technology. disaat project hanya dibukak di semester genap. bahkan itu ditawari oleh dosen advisor aku buat nyelesain project disano bae biar pas pulang sudah dak ado beban penelitian lagi. Sampe segitunyo mereka seneng dengan mahasiswa yang berambisis tinggi.
I did told to my coordinator program about that, but they didn't said anything till december! i have done my study at that time! why everything really massive?!
aku seneng pas belajar di Thailand kemarin, dimna semua kemauan dan perhatian berpusat pada aku. Semua kemauan aku di dengar, semua mementingkan pendapat aku dulu, kemana aku maunya, dimana aku maunya. bahkan setelah itu, aku beberapa kali juga masih minta koreksi penelitian, bahkan minta surat pernyataan bahwa data aku asli. semua mau direpotkan oleh aku.
Beda dengan saat aku pulang, ke sini, di Sriwijaya University. sudah bulan februari tapi penelitian aku masih belum pasti, padahal aku sudah ado data, cuma aku dewekan pulok. terget aku jelas, aku harus lulus predikat cumlaude semester ini. iyo aku nak dapt galonyo emang kareno itu mimpi aku galo.
aku dk tau siapo yang salah disini, aku jugo idak nak nyalahi diri aku. yang jelas inilah alasan kecil ngapo mahasiswa yang kuliah di luar idak galak pulang ke tanah air. banyak nian alasan yang buat kami idak berkembang. akhirnyo, kurikulum kampus merdeka idak terimplementasi dengan baik. benci.
cubo kalo dosen tuh menangkap hal ini dengan baik. idak pake alasan "kito ado prosedurnyo" segalo itu memang ado galo, tapi ini masalah di depan mato... penyelesaian di depan mato... solusi di depan mato. tapi masih dak galak nak ngomong penelitian aku tuh biso dipake.
aku harus apo
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Ok i agree with this one but i have more to add :
If we assume both are joking (wich yeah sure violence directed as men is a joke i'll conceede this for the sake of argument , my eyelid isn't twitching you should sleep more)
The firebomb walmart crowd is kinda shining light on a way in wich we could and did run things : supermarkets are a product of zoning where pepole live in different places from where they shop and work ,
And walmart being privately howned drives small local buisnesses out of buisness (we should be critical of small buisnesses they are the voterbase of fascists aftherall)
However the point is : big private everything shops aren't too good for everyone because they decrease the resilliance of a community .
You don't need to mend your clothes or make underwear out of bedsheets you can buy plastic ones at walmart ,
You don't need to get clay to make a lovingly crafted pot your nephews will use , you can buy tupperwere at the local walmart ,
You don't need to hunt or raise animals or go to the farmer market , heck you don't even need to cook , there is a ready made meal over there you can buy for money and microwave ...
You get the point , walmart contributes to alienating society ,
It forces pepole who may have wanted to learn crafts or do other things to stay there and fill 2.5 positions because it's cheaper to run a skeleton crew with homless pepole ...
The object of violence in that joke is capitalism, not the scientific advancments of modernity, Not the ineffective politicians ,
It's capitalism straight up .
It's the stuff we all don't enjoy .
And sure , you may criticise the means , how violence doesn't solve anything , or the fact that the electoral guy is getting tergeted , or that destoyed all walmarts it's gonna be target or anything really ,
I don't really care , the point is the sentiment it expresses is agreeable : we hate capitalism , we hate capitalist architecture , fuck capitalism.
What is "the kill all men" "joke" targeting ?
Half the population .
Like yeah i don't think it's funny ,
exp when i am that half of the population ,
It's also surreal when pepole ask me to look past everything , and just look at the sentiment at the idea that the patriarchy is bad and i should sympatize with them universalizing their pain because they are frustrated ...
I got beaten up ,
I got called abilist slurs ,
I had a guy decide to follow me ,
And i fully aknowledge that being white , cis able bodied and high functioning has helped me ...
But i am still not gonna wish harm upon any section of the population ,
Nor i am expecting sympaty if i do that ...
The discourse has evolved to a point in wich pointing out the man vs bear hypotetical was stupid and failed at anything resembling usefulness and sfressed anyone that didn't ignore it gets you labeled as part of the problem and a misogynist ,
While saying "all men don't deserve to live" or similar stuff has to be taken with the nuance and the interpretative referentiality you'd offer to a philosophical doctoral paper ...
The point i am getting at is : if feminism is a movment that wants the well being of men too then you should speak like it .
I am not perfect , i am not a saint nor i expect to be treated as such for not being ,
i was a boy who got bullied relentlessly and fell into alt-right spaces because that's how algorithmic feeds work ...
I pushed myself in the other direction , and i am down to try and do better ...
Whenever i try to rationalize "all men suck" comments i feel like i am manipulating myself ...
It feels like i need to lower my self respect to match that of someone who doesn't respect me and never will ...
And i am reminded of the fact that nobody is forcing me to do this aftherall ...
Those "jokes" drive away half the pepole you're supposed to try and help ,
As well as allowing for the punching down of queer and non white pepole ,
I am sure there was a time in wich their anger let them win many rights wich where unthinkable , getting a bank account abortions ecc. Ecc.
But today it's different , feminism isn't a fringe movment , it's more or less mainstream and keeping it mainstream requires to get as whide a base as possible ...
I am not asking to pander to suburban dads ,
I am asking to not try soo hard to alienate half the population ...
*grabbing young queer people by the shoulders* listen to me. radical feminism is inherently transphobic. you cannot rehabilitate it or reclaim it or make it trans inclusive, I don't care what the people on twitter who claim to be authorities on queerness say. the foundation of radical feminism is nothing but bio and gender essentialism and biphobia and aphobia and anti-kink rhetoric and intersexism and yes, misogyny. it does not offer a future, not for bi people, aroace people, sex workers, not for kinksters, or intersex people, cis women, or trans people regardless of gender and you should care about those people. it will never result in queer liberation because it is an ideology of exclusion and hatred. you gain nothing by buying into the idea that half the population is evil by birth or by transition. you gain nothing by acting like women are perpetual victims who can't think for themselves and are tainted by their association with men. being a man or being attracted to them is not a sin. if we truly want to stand a chance of dismantling the patriarchy we actually NEED men on our side especially marginalized men. they are our allies.
the problem with terfs is not just transphobia, it never was, the radical feminism is also so unbelievably harmful. you cannot save it and it will not save you, stop drawing lines between queer people and join hands with them instead. remove people who are actually harmful, not innocent people who happen to have the wrong sexuality or gender or job. we get there together or we don't get there at all. we need each other now more than ever. do not listen to those who seek to divide us even if they are queer. we all deserve so much better than the hell radical feminism pretends is a liberated future.
I do not blame anyone who fell prey to this rhetoric, I know it feels good to have a common enemy and lash out at those you think are siding with them however they do it, but men, especially marginalized men, are not your enemies. and it's never too late to realize that and change for the better.
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Melalui Digitalisasi Pelabuhan Program Stranas PK, Ditjen Hubla Setor Rp6 Triliun ke Negara
JAKARTA – Berhasil memaksimalkan penerimaan negara bukan pajak (PNBP) lewat digitalisasi pelabuhan yang merupakan program Strategi Nasional Pencegahan Korupsi (Stranas PK). Direktorat Jenderal (Ditjen) Perhubungan Laut (Hubla) Kementerian Perhubungan menyetorkan Rp6 triliun ke Negara, yang jadi rekor tertinggi pada Desember 2024. “Angka ini naik lebih dari 100 persen terget APBN sebesar Rp5,341…
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Guelph Gutters + Guards
Guelph Gutters + Guards is a premier eavestrough company in Guelph, Ontario, specializing in comprehensive services to protect homes from water damage. Professional eavestrough installation, durable gutter guards, and expert soffit and fascia installations, all tailored to enhance both the functionality and aesthetics of residential and commercial properties. Their experienced team provides personalized services designed to meet the unique needs of each client, emphasizing preventative maintenance to extend the lifespan of gutter systems and prevent costly future repairs. For homeowners seeking dependable protection against water damage, Guelph Gutters + Guards offers trusted expertise and exceptional customer service.
Terget Keyword : Gutter Service, Eavestrough installation Guelph
Contact us : Number : 226-780-3581
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Target888 | Target888 Login Disini Pasti Maxwin Besar
Target888 salah astu permianan dengan fitur login terbaik hanya di login Terget 888 sekarang juga.
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Milton Roofing Pros
Specializing in roof installations, roof repairs, and comprehensive maintenance, we ensure your home or commercial property is protected with durable, high-quality materials. Whether you need asphalt shingles, metal roofing, or flat roof installations, our team delivers exceptional craftsmanship with a commitment to long-lasting results. Serving Milton and the surrounding areas, we pride ourselves on timely service, transparent pricing, and a dedication to customer satisfaction.
Tergeted Keyword : Roofers Roofing contractor
Contact us : Phone Number : 226 917 4037
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