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xyzphiner · 2 years ago
Whatever, Sloppily Love (Translate, 20230813) [Eason Chan - 是但求其愛]
If love seeks only happiness1 (If love sloppily seeks happiness) – I asked and not ask love to be sorrowful? (should we also seek sorrowfulness in love?)
Clumsy for half of my life -- I can't comprehend what love is. Looking back, I never earnestly planned for my future. Now living in solitude, I get to reflect and examine what love is and then you are here.
Amidst the chaos, I met you. The romance camouflages everything into hope and anticipation. I suddenly feel that our affection is so deep, so adorable for a moment. Through the echo of my confession, I realized that sentience was never the same as love.
If one seeks only a lifetime of love (If one sloppily seeks forever love) -- you asked and fear – only fear – casually trapped in this love until the end of my life. (and fear -- only fear – trapped in this love until the end of my life.) [and fear my only fear of this love is to be trapped in eternity.] You endeared your parents, I hold compassion for my dear friends, we are both good people no matter how.
If love seeks only sincerity (If love sloppily seeks someone sincere) – I asked and not ask love to be faithful? (should we also seek loyalty in love?) Even if our ideologies and philosophies are mostly aligned yet we fail to harmonize then it isn't worth discussing how match we can be.
Upon parting (upon encountering) I wasn't expecting a deep hug sparked the unexpected flames between us. I hallucinated that we could resume this once-upon-a-time relationship for a moment. As I comprehend that moment and reminisce this feeling is not love.
If one seeks only a lifetime of love (If one sloppily seeks forever love) -- you asked and fear -- only fear -- casually trapped in this love until the end of my life. (and fear -- only fear -- trapped in this love until the end of my life.) [and fear my only fear of this love is to be trapped in eternity.] You seek perfection at work, I work diligently for my future, how could we have attention divided?
If love seeks only sincerity (If love sloppily seeks someone sincere) -- I asked and not ask love to be faithful? (should we also seek loyalty in love?) Even if our ideologies and philosophies are mostly aligned yet we fail to harmonize then it isn't worth discussing how match we can be.
If love only seeks peace of mind (If love sloppily seeks to be at ease) and fear – only fear – this love to be casually stable. (and fear -- only fear -- this tranquility of love.) [and fear my only fear of this love is stability.]
If love only seeks this lifetime with regrets (if love sloppily gives this lifetime with regrets) should we ask for another life? (Should we not ask for another life?) [Should we ask for another sloppy lover?] {Should we not ask for another sloppy lover?} Depends on the abilities of the two and if their scars of love are a perfect match.
The love of diversity -- the seven prismatic colors, the five flavors of taste even more dust would fall into the five aggregates of clinging.
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thombrowneny · 4 years ago
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... terence in wonderland ... 
terence lam wears a thom browne spring 2021 navy surfers embroidered classic sport coat for harper's bazaar hong kong april issue. 
#thombrowne #thombrowness21 #terencelam #harpersbazaarhk
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jkincheung · 4 years ago
一人之境-林家謙 (Guitar fingerstyle cover)
想要呢首#一人之境 嘅 #GuitarFingerstyle 可以share 呢個post tag 番我, subscribe 我 Youtube Channel, follow 我 Instagram 然後DM番我,我就會免費送出呢份譜,只限呢兩個星期啊!。。結他班繼續招生,詳情可DM查詢。。。話說呢份譜其實已經打好一排,但總係藉口多多⋯⋯冇好好錄佢,呢兩日終於搞好左了⋯⋯恭喜#林家謙 喺 #Chillclub 獲得#男歌手金奬 加 #歌曲金獎 ,我都會再多多聽#廣東歌 架!整多啲廣東歌嘅Cover。。。。 Jkin #jkincheung #jcmusicroom #hkig #hkmusic #hkguitar #music #musician #guitar #lifewithmusic #lifewithguitar #fingerstyle #tuenmun #屯門友…
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caltonlee · 4 years ago
@yungchoyee #caltonscover #calton #cover #coversong #coversongs #cantopop #翻唱 #隨心唱 #廣東歌 #hkcover #hkcovers #terencelam #獨照 #容祖兒 #joeyyung #全民party https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4RlRKBwR_/?igshid=t2ve77f0nfy3
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caltonlee · 5 years ago
最近玩全民party, 幾好玩🎤🎤🎤 . . . @terencelam0903 #caltonscover #calton #cover #coversong #coversongs #cantopop #翻唱 #隨心唱 #廣東歌 #hkcover #hkcovers #張敬軒 #terencelam #一人之境 #林家謙 #全民party https://www.instagram.com/p/CDyShrfBw7b/?igshid=1s9ngvmilojf7
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