#Temulun (OC)
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holly-bearie · 1 year ago
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local tremere regent for my mini project 💃 her name is temulun and she was around when the dzungar khanate fell to the qing and she's still mad about it
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shadowdunsparce · 2 months ago
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giant oc sheet be upon ye (text under cut)
Arkadiusz Caelum (they/them nb) -Xaela Au Ra from The Azim Steppe -28 -sch/smn -altruistic, charismatic, compassionate -co-wol with Yadokkya until after EW -from the Mol tribe, Temulun's visions of their future started their journey -an accomplished arcanist whose ruby carbuncle is also an emotional support companion (named Cinnamon) -gravely injured at the end of EW, retires
Ophioukhos (they/them agender) -Ancient Ark (Azem) -??? y/o -smn -perfectionist, erratic, imaginative -specialist in reptiles, created lizards and snakes -also studied stars, aetherically tattooed constellations they observed onto their skin -frequented Pandaemonium as their creations were often unfit for the wider world
Yadokkya (they/them trans nb) -Shetona from Shaaloani -40 -mch/smn -cheeky, tactical, reticent -co-wol with Ark until after EW -was primarily a miner, left to collaborate with Ul'Dah's miner guild -collects rocks/ores from places they visit -takes up the primary WoL mantle after Ark retires
B'nyanya Pepper (he/him cis) -Seeker Miqo'te from Southern Thanalan -32 -rdm -flirty, romantic, insecure -terrible at hunting which led him to leave his home, ends up studying conjury -returned to Ul'Dah and learned red magic -a little lost in life, keeps changing jobs
Fjola Sjasaris (she/her cis??) -Viis from Fanow -75 -lnc/gnb -dutiful, curious, cautious -a skilled hunter and lancer -left the woods with the Scions after they returned the night sky, to help them -now travels Norvrandt helping people still in need
Arkja Kisne (she/her cis??) -Veena Viera from Limsa Lominsa -53 -war -bubbly, friendly, stalwart -picked up the axe to protect her friends -worked as a Yellowjacket before branching off to adventuring -loves cute things, especially moogles
Dumplingway (he/him genderqueer) -Rava Viera from Mare Lamentorum -28 -ast/pct -kind, gentle, curious -raised by loporrits, served as an envoy between them and Sharlayan -a gleaner, specializing in strange plants -reincarnation of The Watcher
Astraeus (he/she genderfluid) -Ancient Dumpling -??? -archivist -studious, organized, perceptive -chief archivist at Anamnesis Anyder -close friend to Venat, providing her with whatever knowledge she required -a landscape painter in his free time
Agriópapia (he/him trans) -Ancient Erenville -??? -researcher -inquisitive, pragmatic, diligent -works under Loghrif, observing new creations in Elpis -especially fond of the flying creations -keeps to himself most of the time, often absorbed in his work
Eldgjá (he/him cis??) -Rava Viera from Dravanian Forelands -23 (dead) -hunter -ambitious, foolhardy, eager -traded hunts and stories with the people of Tailfeather -became an adventurer because of their stories (mostly hunting for clients) -joined the Void Ark expedition but was killed
Neit (he/him cis) -Keeper Miqo'te from The Thirteenth -47 (+12000 years since "death") -drk -standoffish, strong-willed, calculating -lived in the forests of the Thirteenth's equivalent of the Shroud -soldier in the Contramemoria, known for his ruthless efficiency -succumbed to the Flood of darkness, became a voidsent
Neit (he/him cis) -Voidsent -~12000??? -drk/vpr -cold, manipulative, cunning -arrived in the Source via a gate opened by the Void Ark -possessing the corpse of Eldgjá -sought to kill Diabolos but Cait Sith beat him to it
Khona'a Relanah (he/him transmasc) -Keeper Miqo'te from North Shroud -35 -mch -kind, bold, impulsive -fond of tinkering with machinery (creates bullets for Zinnia and performs maint on his arm) -can do basic conjury/combat first aid -worked with the Resistance as a scout and mechanic until after Ghimlyt Dark
Zinnia (he/him cis??) -Rava Viera from The Burn -~80 -gnb -stoic, protective, cautious -blind in right eye, prosthetic right arm -struggles to manipulate aether -Garlean conscript but escaped after Ghimlyt Dark -name given to him by Khona'a
Pumpkin Roll (he/they nb) -Rava Viera from around Gelmorra -at least 600 -blm -withdrawn, collected, devoted -can see spirits and ferries them to the aetherial sea (also guides them when the veil is thin around All Saint's Wake) -learned black magic from a Mhachi ghost he met while exploring ruins of Amdapor -took part in the Eureka expedition
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miqo-tales · 2 years ago
18. Has your OC ever had a prophecy made about them? Was it a big deal or did they ignore it? Was it straightforward or cryptic? Did it ever come to pass or did they circumvent it?
Thought about it for a bit for S'era and think I'd have to say, no, not exactly.
But I have a thought that whenever Temulun gave some prophetic words to Anya, she and her companions would assume they were about Anya, when they were actually about S'era. But S'era herself never hears them.
As for my other characters, no. But on the flip side, Tiara is a bit of a seer. The problem is that she sees things wildly out of order.
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bardtothestars · 11 months ago
Intro + Directionary |
Hiya!! I'm Ken/Kei and this is my FFXIV OC blog for my character Akshay. There will be minor mod use (cosmetic only), so if you aren't a fan of that, please don't follow.
There will also be spoils up until EW, but those will be tagged with [ew spoilers]. Everything up to SHB will be untagged, so be warned! —————————————————————
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Akshay "Aoidos" Mol Middle-aged (30 by EW end) | Pansexual + Unlabeled [He/him] IC Jobs: BRD | AST | FSH | BTN Xaela of the Mol tribe in Othard, The Azim Steppe (on Xalera). Adopted grandchild of Khatun Temulun, god-brother to Cirina. Known to many in the Steppe as Akshay of the Whispering Dawn.
Akshay is not a man of many words, preferring to move on without leaving even a name behind, if at all possible. His prominence as a Warrior of Light draws unwelcome attention, and he wishes to remain as private as possible. In reality, Akshay is not being cold. He is simply exercising caution. Living in an isolated hostile environment taught him that it's best not to show too much emotion to avoid unwanted attention or provoke aggression, so he generally keeps to himself in public interactions; however, if you can befriend him and gain his trust as an ally, fragments of his expressive nature begin to shine through. Beneath his stern exterior, he is prone to being surprised and easily agitated, and he detests being made an embarrassment of himself in public.
While he denies having wanderlust, as he enjoys rigor and discipline in his everyday life, he has always been drawn to those who tempt fate and travel off the beaten path, never passing up an opportunity for a memorable experience. As a result, it appears that the habitually emotionally detached wayfarer has begun to learn how to properly feel for those around him, much to his dismay. It takes a lot of commitment to prevent Akshay from retreating into his lone-wolf shell, but if you're willing to defend him and put up with his difficult emotions, his loyalty and compassion for allies seem limitless.
 Peaceful solitude, especially under the stars
 The quiet company of a trusted friend
 Freshly made, piping hot Steppe tea
The Garlean Empire
The Syndicate of Ul'dah
Primal tempering, even extending to summoned aegis
Fire, explosions, and the smell of smoke
Links | * Aesthetic - Images that relate to Akshay * Steppe Life - Images that are hcs for Akshay's home * Story - Quotes or writings about his canon story (beware of spoils) * Family - Pretty much just RTs of his family, Cirina and/or Temulun * Trivia - Random Akshay lore or hcs that I think are silly/neat * Aoidos - Related to a spoil counterpart of Akshay's lore. 6.0+ only! * Asks - Responses to asks or submitted character prompts
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toadeyes-miqote · 1 year ago
My Azem's name is Helen
named Azem after my long time OC who my WoL is using her looks.
Helen meant torch / light in Greek. WoL, Azem and my OC practically took the meaning and ran it like a relay race.
yes yes launcher of a thousand ships
Her background follow my OC more than Greek Helen though
"Light that guides, light that burns" I headcannon Emet qouting this both as a personal prayer and later a curse. Went with Azem being a guide as well a hunter/ranger of sorts. People are drawn to her in a certain sense (yes that party gem's magic)
Full qoute is this. “Gracious light. Light that guides, light that burns. How bright the torch guards through the night”.
Hit huge bonus when we got to ShB and the whole Lightwarden business corrupts and flip the good guiding light that a torch brings to harsh mindless burning fire
Much thanks to Temulun, Azeyma and probably Ardbert for adding fun to my headcannon on this.
Hylnyan was a deliberate mispelling to avoid it sounding like Halone (Halone incarnate)
Any time that an NPC mentions light, fire or guide it felt like I hit some fun stuff to add on to headcannon lore
What is your wol(oc)'s ancient's name? Why did you pick that name? does it have any symbolic reasons?
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secret-engima · 5 years ago
Also wait: you are doing a title thing??? When did this happen???? Have one of mine; We Are the Ones (To Ignite the Darkened Skies). (Ooorr: Beware (the Light Is Fading))
Just now. I’ve already been swamped with like- forty title asks (most of them from @byakko4 but that’s okay). So it will … take me a while to get to everyone. Still! *rolls up sleeves*
We Are the Ones (To Ignite the Darkened Skies):
Feeling another crossover for this one. Hmmmmmmm.
FFXV/FFXIV crossover. Set in the Long Night, inspired by @sparklecryptid because I don’t know FFXIV that well yet but WoL is amazing. Anyway-
Flipping the table with this AU and saying that while a Young, Dumb teenager in Insomnia, Noctis … well. Pulled a Regis so to speak and never realized it bore fruit.
The Long Night has been going on for five years when Gladio stumbles on a trio of kids, no more than 9 or so years old, all triplets, all black haired and blue eyed and burning with magic that Gladiolus- Gladiolus knows.
Oh no.
Oh Noct what did you do.
He takes them to Lestallum and only tells a few who they are (Ignis cries as he very gently touches their hair and faces, is surprised when they let him since they’ve been so prickly and skittish around everyone else). Prompto, Ignis, Cor, Gladio, Iris, and Cid all put their heads together to try to figure out what to do.
But these kids aren’t any ordinary kids. They’ve played this game, they’ve waged this war, they’ve seen things like this all before.
Temulun shares a look with Arasen and Cotota and sees the same resolve in their eyes. They only “Woke Up” two years ago, when they lost their mother din the flight for safety from the encroaching night, but they are Awake now and they are not going to stand aside and let the world they died for once already wither to nothing in the shadows.
They are Warriors of Light.
And they will banish the darkness, even if they haven’t even hit puberty yet.
Ardyn is NOT expecting the survivors to suddenly start turning the war of attrition around. To step forward with hope, to increase their numbers of Kingsglaive as if they have an LC to give blessings while Ignis and Prompto and Gladio crack open old tombs and research and plan where before they were just existing and mourning and waiting for the tragic end they knew awaited Noctis.
He is not expecting to catch a glimpse of three fire-eyed children with so much light trapped under their skin he can almost taste it from here, does not dare get close because the daemons under his skin are all screaming that to come near is to be purified and destroyed.
Cotota’s head snaps around and even from the shadows, even from the distance, Ardyn can tell the girl is looking right at him. She bares her teeth in a smile and for the first time in a long time, the Immortal Accursed feels a shudder of fear slide down his spine.
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chysgoda · 6 years ago
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Temulun Kurogane the Wandering Oracle
Temulun does not speak of the clan to which she was born. If asked she will state that she was called to serve all of the Steppe not just one clan. This is part of the reason she took her husbands family name when she had the twins. She had an extremely strong echo gift and is very sensitive to the will of Hydaelyn. Those who seek out her wisdom will find that it is first and foremost hard truths that are firmly based in the here and now. Her gift called her back to the Steppe when her daughters were five years old and she left them in the care of their father, Akagi Kurogane.
Character Inspirations: Granny Weatherwax (Discworld); the Oracle of Delphi (Greek mythology); Lady Jessica (Dune)
I have a problem, I can’t stop creating OCs!
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holly-bearie · 1 year ago
I love your Tremere regent! Is there anything more you can reveal about the character or her backstory? I'd love to find out more!
AAAAAA thank you so much!!!! i wish i had more details about her now 🥺🥺
her full name is Temulun Jaghatai, and she's a Tremere Bahari novelist who compiles folklore and spoken tales of Lilith, and focuses her studies on the branching of rituals and how they change and evolve based on who practices them (caine-worshippers vs the agnostic vs bahari, etc)
I haven't firmed up her human life or early unlife yet, but I'm thinking she was a storyteller that helped preserve oral mongolian epics and carried that passion on into her unlife!
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secret-engima · 5 years ago
Can I ask for the Triplets reactions to meeting Ignis, Prompto, Gladio, and Luna in your ffxiv crossover? or are those covered by spoilers?
Ohhhh tricky because I don’t know the circumstances where they’ll be meeting up yet? Because I’m still working through Realm Reborn cutscenes and I don’t think they meet the bros till Heavensward. Buuttt I can do some reactions I suppose.
-The three know in an instant that Luna Is One Of Theirs Now just because of how Noctis reacts to meeting her. They glom onto her immediately and find she’s super sweet and nice and adorable. Now, the group isn’t always together because Missions and things and Noctis sometimes goes with Luna and sometimes sticks with them, but they always find ways to hang out because Pack and Family.
-Temulun LOVES having another lady Au Ra to discuss things with and is all too willing to teach Luna how to properly care for her scales and loves getting her pretty things to wear. Luna, for her part, likes having someone to teach her how to Au Ra and enjoys being able to pick her own clothes and wear things even if they’re silly looking or frilly or whatever.
-Cotota takes one look at this White Mage who is not a Murder Machine and is like- You No White Mage Properly. I Protecc You. I Teach You to Attacc. Luna ... has honestly no idea why someone as violence prone as Cotota is a White Mage, but her heart’s in the right place and Luna does enjoy knowing how to defend herself. Luna also teaches Cotota some cool new ways to use her White Mage magic. Nobody else is QUITE sure how to take Luna’s and Cotota’s friendship.
-Arasen gives Luna shiny things. There is no romantic intent behind it in the slightest, he just thinks she’s sad a lot of the time and needs more shiny things. He also wants this friend/lover of Noctis to be happy and safe, so he’ll help do that.
-All three are strongly convinced that Luna and Noctis are escaped slaves and that Luna was used for her strong White Mage skills.
-Moving on to the bros, Arasen is a little alarmed by how poorly Prompto Miqo’te’s. Like- dude, dude your tail is not your enemy calm down. Here lemme teach you the joys of the sunny patch, it will super help your stress levels trust me.
-Temulun thinks Prompto is the cutest thing? She wants to put a bow on his tail but she doubts he’d let her.
-Cotota thinks Prompto is small and weak and skittish.
-She Will Protecc This Cat Bby.
-Cue Cotota picking him up and carting him around like a very confused stuffed toy.
-Gladio ALMOST runs away the moment he spots Cotota because ANOTHER BUNNY LADY OH NO. But then Cotota doesn’t do more than blink at his ears and then hyper-fixate on PROMPTO instead and Gladio is confused now.
-Cotota has no idea how weird it is to see a male Viera. She’s probably never seen another Viera period? Or at least only one or two from a distance, so Gladio is interesting only in the fact that he too has bunny ears. Honestly she doesn’t care all that much except Gladio is clearly not taking care of his ears and he looks like he would make a good sparring partner. So, she offers to teach him Proper Ear Care in exchange for smacking each other around the training grounds and once Gladio is 120% sure that’s not some kind of bunny come-on he’s down for it. They get along pretty well actually. Gladio is chill with her Murder Persona and Cotota is chill with him having bunny ears so it works out.
-Arasen things Gladio is Weird. Bu that’s less cause of the bunny ears and more because he gets along with Cotota so well so fast. Most guys are intimidated by the White Mage that wants to break their spines over her knee but okay.
-Temulun wants to put a bow on his ears. So. Bad. But he’s already touchy about his ears so she does the mature thing and refrains. For Now. Also she wants to know why he’s so scared of Viera ladies, but whenever she asks he just shudders and mutters stuff too low for her to hear.
-Ignis ... gosh I don’t even know where to start with Ignis’s intro to the group. Probably comes swooping in to save Noctis in all his blind, Iggy glory and Cotota is just like-
-“Arasen I like that one.”
-“That one. I like him. He’s blind but he’s fast and he stabs things. He’d make a good nest dad. What do I do.”
-Arasen honestly can’t tell if Cotota is serious or not, but he will admit that Ignis is EPIC.
-Also kinda sad. Because when Ignis and Noct reunite (this being BEFORE they find/meet the other bros), the two cry all over each other and some things are obliquely referenced that makes Arasen think they were separated as kids and thought the other dead.
-Temulun thinks Ignis definitely needs help in Au Ra-ing, for all that he’s doing okay at winging it, and is SO PROUD when her two students (Luna and Noct) step up to the plate so well in helping Ignis get a Proper Grooming going. She also likes that he lets her help pick out his new clothes and doesn’t mind a few frills as long as they don’t get in the way of his movement or perception.
-All three are convinced that this group were severely mistreated in their youth and separated and probably thought the others dead.
-It’s Arasen that goes very, very still one day when its just the three of them and then announces to his sisters that Garlean names are fancy and weird ...
-A lot like Noctis’s and his friends.
-Who all have a VERY notable hatred for magitek and other imperial things.
-Cotota and Temulun go very still, and its actually TEMULUN who sing-songs softly as she strokes the fur of one of her carbuncles, “I’m going to hurt some imperials today...”
-The three never bring up their theories to the Chocobros or Luna, because they don’t want to trigger anything but ... they watch, and they think about it.
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secret-engima · 5 years ago
talisward replied to your post
If you put Noctis with the Trouble Trips, then...
An eternal war with his horns and tail- He chased his tail, didn’t he. Does he have all those baby dragon instincts, as he never had a chance to know them and grow out of them? Occasionally pounces on twitchy things, chases things that run, hiding or curling up like a hatchling when startled or unnerved… if they hadn’t thought he was abused before, they’d definitely think it then. Finally semi-safe, and backsliding into behavior he never had a chance to experience.
 *slaps table* YES. THANK YOU. THIS. He just- can’t help himself? He’s usually so busy suppressing Crystal memories and trying to hide the fact that he knows LITERALLY NOTHING about this world at all that he just doesn’t have time to suppress these new instincts to chase-play-hide.
He also oscillates between being hyper aware and twitchy over his tail and horns and forgetting that his tail and horns EXIST so he keeps forgetting to compensate for them when closing doors or going around corners. Cue hissing as he accidentally pinches his own tail in the door or smacks horn first off a corner because hello yes these exist and need to be taken into account when moving.
Temulun and Arasen try their best to help him compensate for the tail and horns thing even if they don’t get why he keeps doing it (the instincts they get, the lack of control over his own tail and forgetfulness less so). Temulun also has endless reserves of patience to explain to a frazzled Noctis why he has the urge to hoard all the pillows and blankets in the inn room for a nest and why they aren’t mad at him for it and other such Instinct Incidents.
Don’t mind Cotota in the background. She’s just casually planning Murder for whoever did this to Noctis.
The three rapidly come to the conclusion that Noctis was a slave, but not of other Au Ra. His master must have been some race that didn’t have horns or a tail and that’s why Noctis doesn’t understand them, because he was the only Au Ra wherever he came from and had no one to learn from via observation.
They also have to get special cream to help him with his scale sores because he keeps picking at them (they itch and pinch and hurt and stick out of his skin and aren’t natural these aren’t his scales this isn’t his body get-it-off-getitoff-). Temulun teaches him proper scale grooming and tries not to cry when it becomes clear that Noctis is trying not to cry over the sheer relief of his scales no longer feeling like they’re going to itch right out of his skin (and how many years, Temulun wonders, has he gone without anyone to teach him proper grooming? Considering all his other bby dragon instincts, had anyone taught him at all? Has he gone his whole life up till this point hating his own scales because they hurt and itch and he never realized that they weren’t supposed to do that?).
Tagging @sparklecryptid
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secret-engima · 5 years ago
I just want to say your HCs are propbly the best things ive ever read, keep it up
hgfdgh thank you that’s very sweet.
Have another! *smashes cup*
-Temuge, is like- the Best Dad™ okay? He just is. Never failed to support the dreams of his bbys. The only thing that can be held against him is Cotota’s completely inappropriate White Mage job. This is because when Cotota was just a Wee Bunny Lass, toddling along behind Big Dragon Dad while Arasen napped on his shoulders and Temulun napped on his hip, Cotota saw a group of Adventurers trundling by to the teleport stone thing and asked him who they were. He told here they were adventurers, like him, brave people who went out and fought monsters and things to keep other people safe.
-She then pointed at the Big Burly Aggressive Warriors and Dark Knights and asked who they were.
-“Those are the tanks,” Temuge told her, “They make the enemy chase them around so that the other adventurers can hit them.”
-Cotota nodded with all the solemnity of her- like- three year old self and then pointed at the White Mage, “Who’re they?”
-“That’s a White Mage, he makes sure that none of his friends get hurt.” By which Temuge meant that the White Mage healed them in battle. Thing is, bby Cotota has had to deal with Aggressive Bby Dragon Cousins all her short life. Bby Cotota is a Bunny Girl Naturally On the Warpath.
-To Cotota’s brain, this information translated to “Tanks run around being big noisy distractions while the White Mages Wreak Destruction To Protect The Pack.” Because the only way to keep her Dragon Cousins from bullying poor Arasen was to Kick Them Really Hard, so obviously that must be what White Mages do too, right? RIGHT?
-Temuge had no idea what he had just unleashed as Cotota got a Glint in her eyes and announced with all the certainty of a three year old, “I’m gonna be a White Mage.”
-Temuge, poor fool, just chuckled, “You’ll have to train very hard for that.”
-And so she has. By aggressively kicking the ever-loving mud out of anything and everything willing to Throw Hands with her. Temuge has since tried to talk her into either Chilling Out or looking into a different Job, but nope. Cotota is gonna be a White Mage because in her mind They’re The Ones That Get Things Done. The fact she can heal her friends in between Kicking Whatever Hurt Them just makes her even more certain that White Mages are Best.
-It’s also because of that little speech that teeny 4′5″ Arasen became the tank of the group, because when he was thinking about what job to be as an Adventurer when he grew up, Cotota solemnly told him that he was really fast and noisy, so he would make a good Tank, because Tanks run around distracting the monsters.
-Everybody just ... politely ignore Temuge have a Meltdown in the corner over his tiny Cat Bby declaring he’s going to be a TANK.
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secret-engima · 5 years ago
Cotota: “I am the White Mage. It’s my job to make sure none of my friends are hurt or die.”
Cotota, hefting a Giant Weapon: “Therefore it is my job to Kill Everything That Might Harm Them. That way my friends will never be hurt.”
Arasen, Temulun, Noctis, the Scions, the Twelve themselves: “Cotota no that’s not how it wORKS COTOTA-”
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secret-engima · 5 years ago
I really love your Trio of WoL's cause they're all great. I'm just here to tell you that.
hgfdgh thank you. I’m not sure what to do with them yet because I know so little of FFXIV and Noctis being in the AU makes it ... easy to accidentally take away their spotlight in my head, but I still love them and can’t wait to play around with them in drabbles and stuff. XD
More random HCs about them for lols:
-Arasen is a pickpocket. Who knows where he picked up the skill but he did and he loves using it to prank people. If you’re a jerk you’ll probably magically lose whatever valuables are in your pockets/on your person. If you’re poor, or just a really nice person, random nice things from candies to shiny things will magically appear in your pockets.
-Will climb the nearest available high surface at the earliest opportunity because he is Smol and he likes being able to see.
-Not afraid to sic Cotota on people.
-Cotota will eventually be both a White Mage and a Monk. For these reasons, no one knows how or why she has the random collection of weapon that she has. She has no training in them. Cotota. Cotota why do you need that giant sword. Cotota where did you get a Japanese war fan the size of Arasen (think Madara’s war fan from Naruto). Cotota no put that down. (She will not put it down, she will gleefully smack you over the head with anything in her collection because her staff is for channeling magic, not cracking skulls, and she’s tired of washing blood off her shoes from kicking people).
-Is actually a Really Good Singer. Very nice voice. Only willingly sings for her siblings and Trusted People tho. That epic opening song of Realm Reborn? Answers? Yeah she could totally be the one singing that if you ever somehow bribed her into being onstage and Loud.
-Is still debating on whether or not she should kiss Thancred or kick him through a wall. Why those extremes? Because Cotota Logic™ says that if you really love someone you cuddle them because large amounts of physical contact indicates trust. If you only LIKE them then you perform minimal contact. Lips are small. Ergo, kissing. Unless you aren’t trustworthy, in which case a foot to the gut that sends you through a wall is still a relatively small area of physical contact and is Very Good at making her point for her.
-She thinks Y’shtola is Cool™.
-Temulun likes girly things. Doesn’t indulge in them often, but she really likes girly things. She is also the only person who can get Cotota to consent to a pretty bow tied around one of her ears (or anywhere near her person in general Cotota has an Image™ to maintain).
-Probably has a crush on Thancred. Does not act on it because she can tell he’s a flirt and she doesn’t quite trust that, and also because she likes Thancred and doesn’t want him to be murdered via Overprotective Siblings.
-As both an Archanist (I think that’s the right class) and later a Summoner, she loves her Carbuncles. Dotes on them. Pretty bbys. So fluffy.
-Never let this girl unsupervised in a library. If you do, don’t expect to see her again for another 48 hours, and even then its only because you’ve tracked her down and found her Fortress of Books that she’s huddled inside, slowly working her way through each one with a Carbuncle in her lap.
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secret-engima · 5 years ago
My Troublesome Trio WoL OCs be like:
Random Person: Which one of you is the WoL?
Cotota, Temulun, and Arasen: *hold the world’s fastest rock-paper-scissors game behind their backs where the loser of the first match goes up against whoever didn’t participate*
Whichever one loses the final match: “Ffffffffff- hi! That would be me.”
Random Scions/companions who happens to be watching this: *narrows eyes in confusion because the time they asked they each were told it was a different member of the group.*
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secret-engima · 5 years ago
Taking a brief break from watching FFXIV to throw out some HCs for my new WoL!
All three of them.
Because I have no self control.
(forgive whatever massive leaps in lore or logic I make in this I only just started watching Realm Reborn and I will fully go AU if I have to to keep my sib trio. I also apologize for the accidental poaching of any canon character names or created character names, I picked these out of a name gen because they sounded pretty and I don’t know enough of FFXIV to identify canon characters at this point).
Anyway meet the Troublesome Trio, they are siblings. Imply otherwise and you will be hurt. No, it doesn’t matter to them that they are each a different species, they ARE SIBLINGS. XD Anyway they got their start when an Au Ra dad who’d just lost two kiddos stumbled across first a Viera bby and then a Miqo’te bby and took them home to raise with his remaining Au Ra daughter. They’re all probably around the same age, but since they have no way of knowing who the REAL oldest is, they count it by who was adopted first. So the Au Ra bby, being the blood-relation of their dad, is the “oldest”, the Viera is the “middle child” and the Miqo’te is the “youngest”. All three of them have Au Ra style names even though only one of them is a dragon person because they were named by their Au Ra dad.
Names and brief bios!!
-Starting with the Au Ra, she is Temulun Kahkol. She is a Xaela Au Ra. Very sweet natured. Cheerful. Passionate. Something of a secret Shipper at heart. Touch her siblings and Die In Fire :). Black hair, gold eyes that glow red. Medium dark skin. 5′2″ tall. Despite being the dragon from a tribe of warlike dragons, she has arguably the most Chill of the three siblings. Despite supposedly being the eldest and using that status as leverage against her sibs, they very much treat her like the youngest. It’s probably her personality.
-“Sometimes the only way to help yourself is to help others …. And sometimes it’s to punch someone in the face and summon Bahamut on them.” Quote from Temulun.
-Isn’t she a sweet heart? :)
-Someone made the eternal mistake of letting this girl become a Summoner. She is REALLY GOOD AT IT. Will happily use overkill at every opportunity. She is also a Dancer, to good luck trying to catch her.
-Moving on to the Viera, she is Cotota Kakhol. Blunt, practical, aggressive, almost No Chill.
-Look you try being a bunny girl raised in a tribe of dragons and see how much Chill you have left by the time you reach adulthood.
-Wavy black-blue hair, long black ears, red eyes, dark blue-ish black skin. 6′4″, which was not something expected by her adoptive Au Ra family. Few of her “cousins” quite knew what to do with the fact she could look them in the eye or even be taller than a few of them. Tends to act like the Oldest Sibling, probably because of her height advantage.
-Will murder you for a corn chip. But only if one of her siblings wants a corn chip. Otherwise she doesn’t care about you.
-Who let this woman be a White Mage. A White Mage needs more Chill than this. She is also a Monk. Which is ... arguably way more in character for her than White Mage and yet White Mage is her main so there you go.
-“Hi. I’m the White Mage, I’m here to kill you all.” Quote from Cotota, showing off her in depth understanding of what it means to be the party healer.
-Probably wants to punch Thancred in the mouth. Or kiss him. It depends.
-Finally we have the Miqo’te, Arasen Kahkol. Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te. Only boy of the group. Cheerful, snarky, impulse control what impulse control. Likes to play the happy-go-lucky fool but is actually the Cunning One of the group. He’d be way scarier if his impulse control wasn’t as broken as it is. Blue-black hair color/fur, Fuzzy Ears, long tail with a lion’s bushy tip on the end. One gold eye one green eye. 4′5″ of pure whoop ass. Touch his sisters without their permission and he won’t kill you on the spot, but he will gleefully sell tickets to your beatdown and then follow you down a dark alley to murder your soul.
-Look, LOOK. If you think this tiny cat bby didn’t survive being raised in a tribe of Fite Me hormonal dragon teenagers that all tower over him by a good 2 ft by learning to take them out at the knee caps, or that he isn’t Fully Ready to do the same to you by any means necessary then you have another think coming. Probably while eating dirt. And mourning the loss of your kneecaps.
-How this boy wields a Warrior class axe that’s bigger than him as well as he does is an eternal mystery, but he pulls it off. When Hitting Things With His Axe does not work, he will switch over the being a Black Mage and set everything on fire. His strategy has yet to fail.
-“Why wait for trouble when I can track it down, knock it out, and go through its pockets for Shiny Things?” - Quote from Arasen, displaying his sparkling sense of logic as per usual.
-Was adopted last and was the oldest when he was found by his Au Ra dad at 2 years old. Couldn’t remember his own name because he’d been living in an alley by himself for too long, so he got named Arasen.
Some combined HCs on the trio-
-ONE of these kiddos it the WoL. Everyone is sure of that. The question of the century is WHICH ONE. No one knows, the Trio isn’t telling.
-Honestly they seem to have the marvelous ability to pass the title of WoL and all the trouble that comes with it around like a glorified Hot Potato. This ability is a moot point because they always jump in feet first TOGETHER on anything troublesome so really all three of them might as well be a WoL at this point.
-Most people after getting to know them pray that Temulun is the WoL because Cotota is Terrifying and Arasen is a Problem. Temulun, they believe, is the one calm, reasonable one.
-This is a lie. She is the instigator, because unlike the other two she is ready to help out anyone for almost any reason.
-They would like you to believe that Temulun is the Braincell of the group.
-This is also a lie.
-The Braincell is Arasen. He just has no Impulse Control. The Impulse Control is actually Cotota, but she can’t be bothered half the time because denying Arasen is denying their Instigator, Temulun, and that means dealing with the Pouty Face and frankly nothing is worth the Pouty Face.
-Facing the Immortal Forces of Darkness? Better than the Pouty Face. Smackdown with the Primals themselves? As long as it will keeps the Pouty Face from making an appearance? Kissing Thancred? Sure- wait no, Temulun keep your shipping impulses under control we met him five minutes ago.
-Their Au Ra dad is Temuge btw. He is very proud of his kiddos.
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