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aboutlinux · 6 years ago
Cómo compartir el terminal de Linux en línea con Teleconsole
Cómo compartir el terminal de Linux en línea con Teleconsole
Teleconsole nos permite ayudar a nuestros amigos con sus problemas de Linux directamente desde la terminal.
Todo lo que tiene que hacer es compartir el terminal Linux en línea, y podrá proporcionar soporte remoto a quien lo necesite.
Teleconsole es una aplicación elegante que puede enrutar una conexión de terminal a través de Internet para facilitar el acceso.
No se necesita reenvío de puertos, y…
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longsoc · 2 years ago
Desktop web browser android
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In private browsing mode all history, cookies, login details are completely cleared when you exit or swap between apps. PRIVATE MODEPrivate mode can be enabled via settings. You can view web pages beautifully using the maximum screen real-estate.3. As well as this, we've removed the annoying status bar at the top of the screen to gain 100% pixel usage when displaying any web page. In addition this toolbar can be hidden simply by browsing down a web page. FULL SCREENWe've consolidated the top and bottom tool bars as seen in Safari into one context sensitive navigation bar saving plenty of space. non-essential features like multi tabs, loading bars have all stripped out to provide an ultra clean, ultra fast, yet fully HTML 5 compliant browser to your mobile device! Our tests show that loading, start up, shutdown, search, and navigation speeds all exceed Safari and other popular browsers by a noticeable margin.2.
SPEEDSnowbunny is a highly speed optimised browser using same backend as mobile safari but with code extensively optimized for performance. COMPLETELY FREE (no ad bars, other than what's already on the web)HOW IT WORKS:1. PRIVATE MODE (leave no history, cookies, or anything behind)4.
FULL SCREEN (beautiful full screen, up to 35% more viewable area^)3. SUPER FAST (even faster loading and displaying than Safari*)2. The ACD Panel will be displayed with the desktop interface and appearance, although some panels and fields will be stacked on top of each other and you will still have to scroll down to see them.Introducing Snowbunny: The NEWEST, FASTEST mobile browser for your iPhone and iPad! Spend more time browsing and less time waiting! Also featuring FULL SCREEN BROWSING and PRIVATE BROWSING functionality! Get this essential web browser for you iPhone and iPad today! + it is COMPLETELY FREE!KEY FEATURES:1. Make sure to first activate the Auto Rotate (or similar) option in the quick settings menu. If you are using a tablet (or a phone with a large enough screen) you can also try rotate your device to landscape orientation. You may just want to switch between the modes as needed. This may require you to constantly zoom in and out, making for a less efficient workflow. When switching to the desktop site mode the look of the ACD panel will indeed be very similar to how it looks on a desktop browser, but a smaller font will be used. Other browsers will have a similar option or a User Agent setting to apply the switch. accessed by selecting the menu button ( ). The example shown here are from the Google's Chrome browser. You can also always switch your mobile browser to simulate desktop mode. We will cover those differences in some relevant user guides. The different "mobile" look will also apply if your desktop browser window is scaled down enough. But since mobile displays are smaller and geared more toward portrait viewing, the interface will look somewhat different for certain functions. This does not mean you cannot run the ACD panel from your mobile device using your preferred web browser. The ACD panel, however, is presently only supported as a web interface.
Telebroad's TeleConsole has both a web version and a dedicated app for Android and iOS.
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sniproscope · 5 years ago
[Just gonna. Very sneakily hold Pharma’s hand.]
...Would you like to come by my hab, have a bit of a movie night? I have ridiculously over the top horror movies and obnoxiously dramatic teleconsole shows that we can mock the logic of while cuddling.
I mean I would like to be wrapped up in Percy's thick and gorgeous thighs.
I would also like to have my head rested on his broad glass chest.
And hold his stupid hand.
And kiss his dumb cute little nose.......
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outsidetheknow · 5 years ago
New top story on Hacker News: Teleconsole: Share Your Unix Terminal
New top story on Hacker News: Teleconsole: Share Your Unix Terminal
Teleconsole: Share Your Unix Terminal 5 by gk1 | 0 comments on Hacker News.
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uwteam · 7 years ago
26 stycznia
1) Dlaczego PAPIER wygra nawet z najlepszą aplikacją do podnoszenia produktywności? http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20170120-why-paper-is-the-real-killer-app 2) Sony i LG wycofują się z produkcji telwizorów 3D - czy to oznacza koniec dla tej branży? http://www.fiercecable.com/cable/3d-tv-officially-dead-as-sony-and-lg-stop-making-sets 3) Dlaczego Google AMP nie jest taki fajny jak się wydaje? https://danielmiessler.com/blog/google-amp-not-good-thing/#gs.04x59kk HINT: AMP to 'Instant articles' od Google. Umożliwiają przeczytanie artykułu znalezionego w wyszukiwarce, bez wchodzenia na stronę autora. 4) Pięć stanów z USA rozważa wprowadzenie 'prawa do naprawy elektroniki'. http://motherboard.vice.com/read/five-states-are-considering-bills-to-legalize-the-right-to-repair-electronics# INFO: zmusza to producentów sprzetu do sprzedaży części zamiennych niezależnym serwisom (a nie tylko autoryzowanym) 5) Bittorent vs HTTP - ciekawe (i krótkie) porównanie dwóch protokołów do transmisji danych https://daniel.haxx.se/docs/bittorrent-vs-http.html 6) Zobacz, jak wygląda w środku, battery pack do Tesli o pojemności 100kWh http://skie.net/skynet/projects/tesla/view_post/20_Pics+and+Info%3A+Inside+the+Tesla+100kWh+Battery+Pack 7) Chrome 56+ wprowadza przycinanie mocy obliczeniowej dla kart działających w tle http://blog.strml.net/2017/01/chrome-56-now-aggressively-throttles.html INFO: bardzo ciekawa koncepcja, zmuszająca programistów do pisania optymalnych aplikacji, aby zmieścić się w narzuconych limitach 8) Jak dać komuś TYMCZASOWY (np. na 1h) dostęp do serwera po SSH? - 'teleconsole' rozwiązuje ten problem http://gravitational.com/blog/instant-ssh-github/ HINT: jeśli osoba zapraszana ma konto na githubie, nie musisz nawet prosić ją o klucz publiczny 9) Jeśli nie wierzysz, że Twój pracownik naprawdę będzie PRACOWAŁ z domu, nie powinieneś nigdy go zatrudnić https://qz.com/891537/if-you-dont-trust-your-employees-to-work-remotely-you-shouldnt-have-hired-them-in-the-first-place/ 10) "Rok 1984" Orwella stał się najczęściej kupowaną książką na Amazonie http://www.openculture.com/2017/01/george-orwells-1984-is-now-the-1-bestselling-book-on-amazon.html 11) Jak działa PostgreSQL? - dość niskopoziomowe wyjaśnienie wszelkich procesów zachodzących w bazie http://www.interdb.jp/pg/index.html 12) 27-letnia studentka z US, wpuściła do sieci (nielegalnie oczywiście) 50 milionow komercyjnych artykułów naukowych skrytych za paywallem. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/meet-the-woman-who-put-50-million-stolen-articles-online-so-you-can-read-them-for-free-a6964176.html HINT: nie da się tutaj nie zauważyć inspiracji Aaronem Swartzem i jego działaniami Inne źródła - też fajne ;) 1) Zrozumieć procfs (/proc/) w Linuksie - na przykładzie pisania zamiennika dla 'ps' https://fredrb.github.io/2016/10/01/Understanding-proc/ 2) Jaki sprzęt do pracy, wielkie firmy dają swoim pracownikom? https://www.techworm.net/2016/11/computerlaptop-big-tech-companies-give-engineers-programmers.html 3) Dlaczego 'tryb incognito' w przeglądarce nie daje Ci pełnej prywatności? https://techworm.net/2016/06/surfing-porn-browsers-incognito-mode-not-safe.html
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topicprinter · 5 years ago
Article URL: https://www.teleconsole.com/
Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21352068
Points: 7
# Comments: 0
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tqvcancun · 6 years ago
Teleconsole: conecta y comparte la sesión de tu terminal con otros
Seguramente en algún momento habrás usado alguna herramienta de escritorio remoto para poder acceder a otro sistema o para que pudieran acceder al tuyo y así poder brindar ayuda o recibir la ayuda necesaria.
El uso de este tipo de aplicaciones permiten tomar por completo el control del sistema, esto por lo general no siempre suele ser la mejor opción para los usuarios de Linux dado que muchas veces es solamente requerido el uso de la terminal y no de todo el sistema.
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1456225598129-3'); });
Para este tipo de situaciones podemos omitir el uso de este tipo de clientes y tenemos algunas opciones para que se pueda realizar la misma función, pero solo con acceso a la terminal.
Sobre Teleconsole
Teleconsole es una poderosa herramienta de línea de comandos para compartir la sesión de terminal de Linux con personas de confianza.
Esta es una aplicación totalmente gratuita y es de código abierto el cual esta liberado y licenciado bajo la licencia Apache 2.0.
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1495016988643-3'); });
Teleconsole esta escrito en GoLang y se basa en el servicio de gravitacional Teleport el cual es un servidor SSH de código abierto que se utiliza para acceder de forma remota al clúster con el servidor Linux a través de SSH / HTTPS.
Con ello se incorpora en el sistema una Proxy SSH con la cual se pueden garantizar sesiones SSH seguras, también se puede hacer el reenvío de puertos TCP locales y proxis privados de configuración.
Con el uso de esta herramienta sus amigos o miembros del equipo pueden conectarse a su sesión de terminal a través SSH o a través de un navegador a través de protocolo HTTPS.
Básicamente al utilizar la aplicación en el sistema esta se encargará de abrir una nueva sesión de Shell en el sistema y en ella se nos mostrara los datos ID de acceso, así como una WebUI el cual es un vínculo que tiene que compartir, para que se unan a través de una línea de comandos o desde sus navegadores web a través de HTTPS.
Es importante mencionar que si se planea utilizar la terminal para poder acceder se tiene que tener también instalado el servicio de Teleconsole.
¿Cómo instalar Teleconsole en Linux?
Si quieres instalar esta aplicación en tu sistema, solamente debemos de descargar el instalador desde su pagina web oficial.
Podemos hacer uso del método que nos comparten en ella, solamente debemos de abrir una terminal y teclear el siguiente comando:
curl https://www.teleconsole.com/get.sh | sh
Y listo con ello ya podras comenzar a utilizar el servicio en tu sistema.
¿Cómo utilizar Teleconsole en Linux?
Para ejecutarlo en el sistema solamente debes teclear en la terminal:
Al realizar esto se te imprimirá en pantalla los ID de acceso los cuales deberás de compartir para completar la conexión.
Deberás de recibir algo así:
Starting local SSH server on localhost... Requesting a disposable SSH proxy for ekontsevoy... Checking status of the SSH tunnel... Your Teleconsole ID: 1738235ba0821075325233g560831b0 WebUI for this session: https://teleconsole.com/s/1738235ba0821075325233g560831b0 To stop broadcasting, exit current shell by typing 'exit' or closing the window.
Estos datos de acceso son únicos y solamente pueden ser utilizados durante la sesión de terminal que estas ejecutando.
Con estos datos solamente debemos de copiar la ID y si la conexión es mediante terminal solamente debemos teclear:
teleconsole join 1738235ba0821075325233g560831b0
El otro método es solamente copiando la URL y pegarla en la barra de herramientas del navegador web de nuestra preferencia.
También como se hizo mención es posible realizar el reenvió de puertos mediante la conexión de la aplicación, con ello es posible conectar cualquier puerto TCP que se ejecuta en el sistema.
Básicamente para poder compartir esto, debemos de teclear:
teleconsole -f localhost: 5100
Aquí tomamos como ejemplo un puerto al azar que es el 5100.
Nuevamente se imprimirán los datos de acceso, pero para el caso de los que utilizan la terminal para la conexión deberán de agregar lo siguiente para este caso:
teleconsole -f 5100:localhost:5100 join “elnumerodesesion”
  El artículo Teleconsole: conecta y comparte la sesión de tu terminal con otros ha sido originalmente publicado en Linux Adictos.
Fuente: Linux Adictos https://www.linuxadictos.com/teleconsole-conecta-y-comparte-la-sesion-de-tu-terminal-con-otros.html
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rudywalrus · 6 years ago
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ushf · 8 years ago
Sharing SSH sessions
This handy instant ssh tunnel named teleconsole was discussed on HN recently.
It seems to be in the same space as the (pre-existing) PageKite.
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devops-sysadmin · 8 years ago
Wouldn’t it be great to allow a fellow developer to quickly and securely SSH into your laptop when you’re in the middle of a debugging session even if you are on two separate networks behind NAT? A few months ago we released a free tool, Teleconsole, we built so we could do exactly that.
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bitcoinminershasrate · 3 years ago
How to update amd drivers in hiveos: Amd driver update command
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How to update amd drivers in hiveos: Amd driver update command: Users can use video cards from various manufacturers, so each miner can install any drivers for these cards at their discretion. To do this, you need to do the following: Starting from version 0.5-70, a special program (utility) is integrated into the operating system, which makes it possible to install the most current and efficient Nvidia drivers, which can be activated in two ways: using the Hive OS web interface or via an SSH connection. Nvidia-driver-update If necessary, you can write the full address at which the archive with the driver software is located: nvidia-driver-update http://download.hiveos.farm/drivers/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-392.61.run In some cases, in operating systems, overclocking settings may be canceled after an update. To return the previous functionality, you just need to write the following command: apt-get install —reinstall -y nvidia-settings Update features To implement the update process, you need to have three options: - SSH connection; - Teleconsole; - Physical access. As a rule, temporary files are stored in RAM, which implies editing the settings: allowing logs to be saved on the hard drive. logs-onreboot The missing drivers can be found in the software collection about the address: http://download.hiveos.farm/drivers/ For AMD Note: where you see **** replace with x's in the same amount tar -Jxvf amdgpu-pro-****.tar.xz cd amdgpu-pro-****./amdgpu-pro-install -ydpkg -l amdgpu-pro The integration of new software assumes the removal of previous drivers. To perform this action needs to be written: amdgpu-pro-uninstall. After that, you should extract the contents of the packed file (driver - tar.gz) to the folder - / var / opt / amdgpu-pro-local. After completing these procedures, you can write a command that will work - amdgpu-pro-uninstall. For NVIDIA In this case, you need to use the command: NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-3xx.yy.run The user shouldn't have any special difficulties here. In case of any error, you need to enter the command again - everything will work. The main commands for managing Hive OS There are many control commands in the Hive OS operating system , because this is typical for Linux-like systems. For the most efficient and efficient work with the platform, it is recommended to actively use them in practice. The most important commands are: miner - the user is presented with an open window with a running miner; miner start | stop - start / stop the regulated miner; miner log - miner log ; miner config - launch the miner settings menu; agent-screen - demonstrates the operating system client agent; selfupgrade - updating the operating system software base using the console. hello is a command for updating network data: IP addresses, config, etc. As a rule, it is automatically executed when the operating system boots. firstrun -f - display information about the rig ID and password; reboot - restart; sreboot - forced restart; sreboot shutdown - shutdown; Ctrl + C - termination of any ongoing action; Ctrl + A, D - disconnect the agent or miner from the screen to continue working; Ctrl + A, Space or Ctrl + A, 1,2,3 - surfing through open windows if several miners are operating at the same time; journalctl -u hive —no-pager - demonstration of the operating system boot log; journalctl -u hivex —no-pager - demonstration of the X server log (visual interface); dmesg - call the boot log - display information in system messages; tail -n 100 / var / log / syslog - display the last 100 entries related to the system log; ifconfig - call the system settings menu; wconfig - call up information on the presence of wireless adapters; mc - file manager, which is similar in structure and principle of work with a similar program - Norton Commander, but compatible with the Linux operating system; ccminer-update - update all available CCminer forks; nvidia-driver-update - installation of software for NVidia - specialized drivers; selfupgrade **** (replace * with X) - downgrade of the operating system (HIVE OS). During the task execution, you should specify the required version. Read the full article
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thetechinfluencer-blog · 7 years ago
Teleconsole, share your terminal session instantly
Teleconsole, share your terminal session instantly
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In the next article we are going to take a look at Teleconsole. This is a free service to share our terminal session with people we trust. Your contacts can join through the command line using SSH or through your web browser using HTTPS. This service is very interesting to ask for help. We will also be able to forward local TCP ports to your contacts. Use this feature to allow them to access web…
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bitcoinminershasrate · 3 years ago
How to connect to HiveOS using SSH Teleconsole: It's So Easy It's That Easy
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How to connect to hive using SSH Teleconsole: Teleconsole is an SSH tunnel with your rig, with which you can connect to the Hive OS operating system. This procedure is performed as follows: - we launch in the riga; - we connect to the rig via ssh connection using a browser or Linux / Mac console. The indisputable advantage of Teleconsole is the ability not to use VPN, and there is no need to be in the same local network with the rig. The process of connecting to the HIVE OS rig via Teleconsole: we register the command from the Linux console - telec start; paste the proposed link, before copying it, into the browser line, or write it manually - teleconsole join; To test the functionality, you should check the operability of the commands: " stop", " telec", " log open". Teleconsole is integrated into HIVE OS, but it does not start automatically. You can activate it using the web interface. It is simply impossible to pick up the session identifier, so it is a kind of random username and password. If the connection to the rig is not established within an hour, then the provided link will no longer be able to be used, and the Teleconsole daemon will cease to function. Read the full article
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bitcoinminershasrate · 3 years ago
How to update amd drivers in hiveos: Amd driver update command
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How to update amd drivers in hiveos: Amd driver update command: Users can use video cards from various manufacturers, so each miner can install any drivers for these cards at their discretion. To do this, you need to do the following: Starting from version 0.5-70, a special program (utility) is integrated into the operating system, which makes it possible to install the most current and efficient Nvidia drivers, which can be activated in two ways: using the Hive OS web interface or via an SSH connection. Nvidia-driver-update If necessary, you can write the full address at which the archive with the driver software is located: nvidia-driver-update http://download.hiveos.farm/drivers/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-392.61.run In some cases, in operating systems, overclocking settings may be canceled after an update. To return the previous functionality, you just need to write the following command: apt-get install —reinstall -y nvidia-settings Update features To implement the update process, you need to have three options: - SSH connection; - Teleconsole; - Physical access. As a rule, temporary files are stored in RAM, which implies editing the settings: allowing logs to be saved on the hard drive. logs-onreboot The missing drivers can be found in the software collection about the address: http://download.hiveos.farm/drivers/ For AMD tar -Jxvf amdgpu-pro-XXXX.tar.xzcd amdgpu-pro-XXXX./amdgpu-pro-install -ydpkg -l amdgpu-pro The integration of new software assumes the removal of previous drivers. To perform this action needs to be written: amdgpu-pro-uninstall. After that, you should extract the contents of the packed file (driver - tar.gz) to the folder - / var / opt / amdgpu-pro-local. After completing these procedures, you can write a command that will work - amdgpu-pro-uninstall. For NVIDIA In this case, you need to use the command: NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-3xx.yy.run The user shouldn't have any special difficulties here. In case of any error, you need to enter the command again - everything will work. The main commands for managing Hive OS There are many control commands in the Hive OS operating system , because this is typical for Linux-like systems. For the most efficient and efficient work with the platform, it is recommended to actively use them in practice. The most important commands are: miner - the user is presented with an open window with a running miner; miner start | stop - start / stop the regulated miner; miner log - miner log ; miner config - launch the miner settings menu; agent-screen - demonstrates the operating system client agent; selfupgrade - updating the operating system software base using the console. hello is a command for updating network data: IP addresses, config, etc. As a rule, it is automatically executed when the operating system boots. firstrun -f - display information about the rig ID and password; reboot - restart; sreboot - forced restart; sreboot shutdown - shutdown; Ctrl + C - termination of any ongoing action; Ctrl + A, D - disconnect the agent or miner from the screen to continue working; Ctrl + A, Space or Ctrl + A, 1,2,3 - surfing through open windows if several miners are operating at the same time; journalctl -u hive —no-pager - demonstration of the operating system boot log; journalctl -u hivex —no-pager - demonstration of the X server log (visual interface); dmesg - call the boot log - display information in system messages; tail -n 100 / var / log / syslog - display the last 100 entries related to the system log; ifconfig - call the system settings menu; wconfig - call up information on the presence of wireless adapters; mc - file manager, which is similar in structure and principle of work with a similar program - Norton Commander, but compatible with the Linux operating system; ccminer-update - update all available CCminer forks; nvidia-driver-update - installation of software for NVidia - specialized drivers; selfupgrade xxx - downgrade of the operating system (HIVE OS). During the task execution, you should specify the required version. Read the full article
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