#Teeth whitening Stone Mountain GA
Should You Choose a Manual or Electric Toothbrush?
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At Calm Dentistry, we have tricks to help you use manual toothbrushes, to prevent more harm when you have sensitive teeth. Electric toothbrushes have customizable features where you can set how hard or gentle you want to brush. This prevents you from hurting yourself if you have sensitive teeth.
Besides, electric toothbrushes are built with brushing patterns and timers so you brush following the appropriate timing and avoid eroding your enamel.
However, every good thing comes with its cost. Electric toothbrushes are more expensive than manual ones.
We are much concerned about building a healthy community and that`s why we give affordable dental care.
Your health is our pride. Schedule your appointment and we`ll be glad to serve you. https://graysoncalmdentistry.com/how-to-choose-the-right-toothbrush-for-healthy-teeth/
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chemicalmongrel · 5 years
Out in the frigid tundra, a blizzard raged across an immense expanse of ice and sleet gripping the rock, soil and conifer trees in an icy chokehold. Wind whipped across the mounds of snow along the banks of a frozen river once responsible for dividing the immense forested side of a mountain range down the middle. It tore over the ridgelines of said mountainous terrain, shrieking in a way that could only be described as ethereal. But while intense vision-obscuring weather was no stranger to the Freljord--this natural phenomena was particularly nasty.  Even still, though, the pelt-bound Freljordians trodded through the white powder that came up to their mid-calves.  “Frode!” called the one taking up the rear, yelling over the scream of the wind. “We’ve been chasin’ this fool’s errand’a yours fer three moons now! We’re all gunna freeze ta death at this rate!”  Spearheading the expedition, Frodge stopped for but a moment to throw his voice back over his shoulder in response to the naysayer. “If ya can’t handle a wee bit’a cold, then turn back Arne! I ain’t givin’ in, not with what was promised ta us!”  “Us? What ‘us!’ Ya ain’t even told us who in the name’a Annivia is promisin’ so much we oughta risk our lives doin’ their bloody to-do list!”  Murmurs of dissent disseminated among those present for the argument, of which none fell on deaf ears.  Frode gritted his teeth and about-faced, really stopping in his tracks for the first time since they set out on the journey. A gale whipped past him, throwing the matted mess of hair hanging from the back of his head in thick braided ropes to billow past his shoulders. The edges of his beard were coated in a layer of frost, just like the countless furs overlapping one another. Fierce eyes narrowed down the slope they’d been ascending the last hour at the uncertain and naysayers.  “Told ya all w’at ya needed ta know! Soothsayers I found said ta get what they needed ta help our village! Ya all know we aint gunna last any longer in this winter! Is the only way!”  One of the men piped up, “But there’s nothin’ out here save fer snow, snow ‘n more snow!”  “Yeah!” Several others cried.  Frode looked from the initial voice to the two that joined in the same sentiment as Arne, face a mask of mounting anger.  “Cause we’re not there yet, fools!”  “But we’re runnin’ low on rations, ‘n the snow’s eatin right through our furs now! We can’ barely make it back from ‘ere, let alone wherever this thing a yers is!” shouted Arne.  “He’s right!”  “’n we’ve seen no animals ta hunt ‘round here since we reached this neck of the journey, we gotta turn back!”  Frode’s nostrils flared as his hands balled up into fists, knuckles whitening from the sheer tension.  “IF YA ARE SO SOFT, THEN TURN BACK WITH ARNE!” he hollered, cheeks burning. “THE ELDER LEFT ME IN CHARGE OF PROTECTIN’ THE VILLAGE, ‘N THIS IS HOW WE DO IT! GO BACK IF YA WANT, BUT KNOW YA GAVE UP ON-”  Suddenly, the crunch of snow reached the arguing band’s attention.  In an instant, whatever confrontation that’d been building up between Frode and the uncertain was pushed to the backburner. Their weapons were drawn without hesitation. Arrows were knocked, shields raised and blades brandished as they scanned their surroundings for whatever begot the interruption. Bit by bit, they began moving in towards one another to form a defensive circle. However, the flurry of ice and sleet hailing down upon them made seeing more than five feet impossible.  “Great... jus’ great...”  “Shut it Arne-!”  “Yer yellin’ attracted some beastie...”  “I said--quiet!”  “...gunna die cold and-”  “I said-!!”  A scream silenced them as everyone whipped around just in time to watch one of the stockier tribesmen got dragged off by the leg into the veil of snow. Some immense shadow disappeared along with him, the one responsible for whisking the man away. And just as soon as he’d started crying bloody murder, the shriek of the wind and ice drowned all in quiet.  “By Lissandra’s- FORM A WA-”  But there was no time to bark orders, for another two who’d backpedaled from where the first was dragged off got yanked back into the curtain of weather with loud shouts, both of which cut out abruptly. They spun about to try and face where the attack came from, but the sound of a screeching star from behind kept them guessing.  A flash of purplish-blue tinted orange and red pastels of light streaked out from beyond the five-foot limitation of sight, colliding with one of the hunters. They screamed at the burning sensation of raw starlight. But this, too, was cut short as the light drew in an armored form like a missile. Platinum blonde hair trailing down past ample hips whipped behind the form as she crashed into the man with a loud crack.  The body crumpled to the floor as she swiveled to position the shield responsible for the impact between herself and the rest of the group. Plates of star-touched metal expanded to fully cover her form as an orange-violet glow emanated from the nooks and crannies of the protective tower mounted to her arm.  A light like the sun radiated off her form, blinding the majority of the men remaining.  Even still, though, two more of the seven remaining tribesmen charged blindly at her. They did not hear the gradual clicking of the very shield responsible for laying out their friend. Nor did they notice how the light shining from the woman’s shield grew in intensity bit by bit until something gave. Before it did, though, she lurched forward to slam the same instrument against the two brawny warriors, dazing them from the sheer force of the impact. At which point, the energy welling up inside of the woman, her armor and shield released in a blooming wall of force and superheated gas.  They were sent sprawling onto their back, smoke wafting off the singed layers of furs covering their body.  “WHY YOU-!” cried Arne.  He came up from behind the woman with twin hand axes drawn, ready to bury them into her skull for seemingly frying his kinsmen. But she was far faster than he, spinning around to knock the hafts clutched in his hands with the searing length of star-kissed metal forming her sword’s blade.  The man gasped and stepped back, loosing hold of his weapons, as he hollered out in pain--for even a momentary touch of such material was enough to scald stone. Before he could react further, however, the woman lunged forward anew to crack Arne in the face with the pommel of her longsword--knocking him out cold as well.  In no time at all, Frode was down to only three of the original ten warriors he brought with him. Or so he believed, for when he cast his eyes over his shoulders to try and give commands to the three men he thought still standing, the only sight that greeted him was the towering pillar of white and blue-tipped fur, muscle and sheer mass of some lupine chimeric entity with the unconscious body of one of his kinsmen clenched between its teeth.  Frode’s eyes widened the moment he spotted the arm of True Ice on the creature.  From back when he was but a tot listening to the stories of ole, he recalled hearing of a hunter-turned-monster that had an arm of True Ice replacing the one he lost in a conflict with a wizened troll. He remembered how the storyteller told him and his childhood friends how this man-turned-beast only ever hunted the greedy, the prideful and people with ill-intent in their hearts. That only brigands and wrongdoers were ever subject to its ire.  Before Frode stood none other than the Tundra Stalker, Hunter of the Malicious.  And when faced with nothing short of a childhood nightmare come to life, Forde could only fall onto his back in terror, scrambling to get as far away from the beast as possible.  “I asked you to take no life, Moonie,” said the woman as she sauntered up from behind Forde.  “BLOOD SHED... LIFE EBBS, YES, BUT NONE TAKEN, JUST AS SUNSHINE ASKED...” the beast replied, releasing the unconscious body from its jaws.  Turning to be on hands and knees, Frode tried to scramble away as fast as he could, but the firm wall of metal impeded him. He looked up only to meet the judgemental warmth of gold and purple coalesced eyes. Her radiant features were hardened with determination, a drive to see whatever goal laying ahead of her through to the very end.  She stepped forward to place the heel of her boot against the waist of the man, raising her sword up to hover mere inches away from his neck. The sheer intensity of the heat wafted off and chafed his skin.  “I seek the soothsayers with which your bargain was made, speak and no harm will come. But hold your tongue and I will forced to do what must be done.”  Heavy footfalls approached from behind now--they were undoubtedly the Stalker.  Swallowing hard, a dry wad caught in his throat and kept him silent for a moment, two moments, three. Each second elapsed allowed the Stalker closer until the crunching snow filled his ears. He squeezed his eyes shut and awaited the end that never came, only to open them anew to find the immense head of the Stalker nestled up under the arm that’d been holding the woman’s shield, nuzzling up into the hand freed up following her stabbing the shield into the ground.  In response, a subtle grin played on her lips for a moment while her fingers ran through the dense fur of the Stalker.  Confusion marred his facial features at the twist of events, but the twitch of the blade beneath his chin incentivized him. He whispered a prayer to the gods he stopped believing in when he became a man, clenching his eyes shut.  “U-up north of Rakelstake lake--past the mountain ridge!” he stammered.  For a moment, he believed his end would be then and there. Once the information passed his lips, she would surely plunge the tip of her sword into his throat and let it charr him alive. But no such action came, rather all he heard was her mumbling something to the chimeric beast and the waning sound of crunching snow.  Until, at last, he was left with only the screeching wind and furious blizzard to keep him company.
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robertdentist · 7 years
Laser Teeth Whitening Stone Mountain Ga - Call Now - 912-307-3691 - https://youtu.be/PXILpJBjatc
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marymosley · 4 years
Essential Goods turning into Evil: Solvent Abuse and Toxicological Aspects
Nowadays people are getting the necessary things readily, at a cheaper rate, and in variety like clothes, food, stationery, electronics, petrol, cosmetics, etc. these things are available to any age group of people over the counter and mostly the teenagers are benefited to these in both good as well as abusive manner.
          Products we use in daily lives like paints, thinners, nail paints, petrol, whiteners, printing ink, sanitizers, adhesives, cigarette lighter refills, commercial cleaning detergents, hair sprays, aerosols, medical anesthetic like nitrous oxide, also clinical laboratory a solvent like toluene, acetone, chloroform, ethanol and many are now coming out as abusive agents .i.e. local/cheap drugs, widely and mostly used by the teenagers, this abuse is called as solvent abuse. In which the volatile solvents or substances are inhaled to get that “kick” of being high .i.e. euphoric effect, hallucinations, and delusions. If the person is abusing it for a long time then they develop more psychological dependence and for short term both physical and psychological dependence. These all products are very essential and beneficial only when used properly in good ways, but will lead to coma, paralysis followed by death when abused. Cases are mostly seen in the low economic condition people dropped out of school or employment people, artists like musicians, film industry people, writers, people staying on the street, etc.[1-5, 7]
The only way of administration is by inhalation through nose and mouth. Inhalers inhale vapors of petrol, aerosol by using plastic bags over the mouth called as ‘bagging’. Some inhalers inhale it directly by opening led of container called ‘sniffing’ or ‘snorting’, products like adhesives, nail paints, nail paint removers, petrol, whiteners, thinners, paints, toluene, acetone, ethanol. Also the substance like thinner, gasoline, acetone, chloroform are soaked on cloth and held over mouth called ‘huffing’. Air fresheners, aerosols, cleaners are sprayed in the air and then abused called ‘gliding’ and those same sprayed directly in the face .i.e. nose and mouth are called ‘dusting’. Cigarette lighter refills are held in between two teeth and pressure is applied which directly goes in the mouth. The amyl nitrite abused directly by breaking the vials causes popping sound, so-called ‘popping’. [1-3,8]
The foremost effect of inhalation of these local drugs/volatile substance is that, gives a high kick, hallucinates, euphoric effect to the abusers. The heavy sniffing cause unconsciousness and can choke their vomiting and can lead to death in some cases.[2,7] Other symptoms like-
·       Person being clumsy, drowsy, light-headed, vomiting.[1-4, 7-8]
·       Feels and seems to be drunk and aggressive
·       Causing double/blur vision, abdominal cramps, coughing and diarrhea
·       Chronic consumption may lead to failure of vital organs like nephritis, nephrosis, and severe diseases like leukemia, dementia, brainstem dysfunction, cardiomyopathy.[3]
·       Psychological dependence leads to depression, suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, anxiety disorders.[3]
·       Abusers can be early onset of behavioral changes like being antisocial, suddenly low grades and dropping out of school, not good relations with family, legal problems, unemployment.[3]
·       They abuse solvents in combination with smoking, as solvents are highly volatile can cause fire and severe injury followed by death.[5]
·       Abusing For a long time are more prone to meet/cause accidents, as their senses are dysfunctional, so taking them to the adventure places like a river, mountains, etc. is dangerous.[5]
·       Abuse of laughing gas can cause death, by less availability of oxygen and cause to nerve damage.[8]
This is done for both living and dead. In living, the clinical symptoms are checked from history or done for the medication process or asked by the law agency as the person is suspect, and many more reasons. In which the exhaled air or blood sample is collected from the suspect and can directly run on instruments for analysis like MS, headspace gas chromatography, Vapour-phase infra-red spectrophotometry.[2]
In dead, the history is studied, especially in cases of adolescent death, and seen the clinical symptoms which are compared with the circumstantial evidence, then further proceed with the sample .i.e. blood from the body is collected in the glass vial having a cap of metal lining, to which anticoagulant is added lithium heparin and should be stored at 4ºC temperature. The size of the vial should be a little bigger but not too big than the quantity of sample as it can be directly used in the headspace technique. Then the sample is analyzed by the instrumental techniques MS, headspace gas chromatography, Vapour-phase infra-red spectrophotometry.[2]
A 17 years old boy, studying in Class XII in Kendriya Vidyalaya, was brought by his mother for a checkup with the history of being absent in school often, easily get irritated nowadays, not staying at home and lingering around. He was being observed by his parents, gradually getting fewer grades in school, going out of the house at odd timings, and there was no such past history of him or his family.
When he was asked about addiction to anything, he denied all. Then by investigation came to know from his friends that he was sniffing correction ink by putting it on a handkerchief. Was then put for counseling and treated with Tab Naltrexone 50 mg OD as an anti-craving measure. Gradually, therapy started showing effect and improvement in the boy.[6]
  v REFRENCES       
Clarke’s Analytical Forensic Toxicology, (2008), by Sue Jickells and Adam Negrusz. 24/06/2020
Number 5, VOLATILE SUBSTANCE ABUSE, Practical Guidelines for Analytical Investigation of Suspected Cases, and Interpretation of Results, by R.J. Flanagan, P.J. Street, J.D. Ramsey. https://ift.tt/2NJEfUr. 24/06/2020
SOLVENT USE AND ITS MANAGEMENT — AN OVERVIEW, by Priya G Menon, Anjana Rani, TS Jaisoorya, 2015. https://kjponline.com/index.php/kjp/article/view/28.  24/06/2020
Inhalant abuse: A clinic-based study (2008), by Suresh Kumar, Sandeep Grover, Parmanand Kurihara, Surendra Kumar Mattoo, Debasish Basu, Parthasarathy Biswas, Ruchita Shah. https://ift.tt/3dPm7D2. 24/06/2020
Inhalant abuse on the rise, updated 2014, TOI. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/37373322.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst. 24/06/2020
Case of Toluene Abuse, by Col PS Bhat, Col AK Mitra, Col A Anand, 2009. https://ift.tt/2CYHDZx. 24/06/2020
Inhalant, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inhalant.  24/06/2020
Solvent Abuse: The Facts, The Young Scot Card. https://ift.tt/3dPm8H6. 24/06/2020
Shubhechha Jadhav, Intern at Dept. of Forensic Science & Criminal Investigation (June 2020), Legal Desire Media & Insights
Miss. Shubhechha Dinesh Jadhav, from Lasalgaon, Dist. Nashik, pursuing Masters in Forensic Science (Chemistry and Toxicology) from the Institute of Forensic Science, Mumbai, University of Mumbai and have completed my Bachelor’s in Forensic science from the same Institute. Presented Research paper on the title,” Arsenic Poisoning – A Forensic Perspective” in the 2nd International Virtual Conference on “FORENSIC INVESTIGATIONS – STEPPING STONE FOR THE FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES & ADVANCEMENT ”, arranged by Legal Desire Media Insights (May, 2020). I have interned at CFSL-CBI at Navi Mumbai in Documents, Photography and Fingerprint Division. Also worked with Maharashtra-Mumbai Police on the AMBIS (Automated Multimodal Biometric Identification System) project. Have trained the police personnel in the Exhibition organized to celebrate Maharashtra Police Raising Day, on “Tyre marks and its patterns, Footprints, and Footwear prints Analysis”, at Police Training Centre, Marol, Mumbai.
         Volunteered and participated in Forensic Expo. in the year 2015-16 and 2016-17, held at Institute of Forensic Science, Mumbai.
Represented as Captain of Girls Volleyball team of Institute of Forensic Science, at University level and was NSS volunteer for a period of 2 years, 2015-2017 (officially).
The post Essential Goods turning into Evil: Solvent Abuse and Toxicological Aspects appeared first on Legal Desire.
Essential Goods turning into Evil: Solvent Abuse and Toxicological Aspects published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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Where to Find a Trusted Dental Clinic with Professional Teeth Whitening Service
The good news is you won’t find it hard to look for professional teeth whitening. All our dentists have a love for cosmetic dentistry and smile design. No matter how simple or complex your dental needs are, Dr. Givan, our experienced dentist will have a solution for you. We pledge to deliver top-notch dental treatment in a warm, pleasant, and friendly setting.
Contact us or visit our site to learn more about our dental services. https://graysoncalmdentistry.com/why-professional-teeth-whitening-is-a-good-investment/
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Where to Find a Trusted Dental Clinic with Professional Teeth Whitening Service
The good news is you won’t find it hard to look for professional teeth whitening. All our dentists have a love for cosmetic dentistry and smile design. No matter how simple or complex your dental needs are, Dr. Givan, our experienced dentist will have a solution for you. We pledge to deliver top-notch dental treatment in a warm, pleasant, and friendly setting.
Contact us or visit our site to learn more about our dental services.
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The Top Choice for a Relaxing and Comfortable Dental Experience in Grayson, GA
Calm Dentistry is a dental practice that prioritizes patient comfort and relaxation above all else. From the moment you walk into the office, you will be greeted with a soothing atmosphere that is designed to help you feel at ease. The waiting area features comfortable seating, calming music, and a selection of beverages and snacks to help you feel more comfortable.
Business name: Calm Dentistry Address: 1075 Cooper Rd Grayson, GA 30017 Phone number: 470-474-2256 Website URL: https://graysoncalmdentistry.com/
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Calm Dentistry is a dental practice that prioritizes patient comfort and relaxation above all else. From the moment you walk into the office, you will be greeted with a soothing atmosphere that is designed to help you feel at ease. The waiting area features comfortable seating, calming music, and a selection of beverages and snacks to help you feel more comfortable.
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Take note that professional teeth whitening only works on natural teeth. If your natural teeth and gums are in good condition, teeth cleaning Grayson Ga could be your best option Your existing dental fillings, veneers, crowns, or bridges cannot be made lighter or have their tint altered by teeth whitening.If teeth whitening is not currently an option for you, do not give up. Ask our dentist if teeth whitening is still a good option for you when you are old enough, are no longer breastfeeding or pregnant, have taken care of your dental problems, or have improved your oral health. https://graysoncalmdentistry.com/why-professional-teeth-is-a-good-investment/
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Take note that professional teeth whitening only works on natural teeth. If your natural teeth and gums are in good condition, teeth cleaning Grayson Ga could be your best option Your existing dental fillings, veneers, crowns, or bridges cannot be made lighter or have their tint altered by teeth whitening.If teeth whitening is not currently an option for you, do not give up. Ask our dentist if teeth whitening is still a good option for you when you are old enough, are no longer breastfeeding or pregnant, have taken care of your dental problems, or have improved your oral health.
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7 Questions to Ask When Finding a New Dentist | Calm Dentistry
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At Calm Dentistry, we value and encourage. In fact, we’ll take as much time as is necessary to sit down and get to know you, our modern dental office, and the entire staff. https://graysoncalmdentistry.com/7-questions-to-ask-when-finding-a-new-dentist/
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7 Questions to Ask When Finding a New Dentist | Calm Dentistry
At Calm Dentistry, we value and encourage questions. In fact, we’ll take as much time as is necessary to sit down and get to know you, our modern dental office, and the entire staff. https://graysoncalmdentistry.com/7-questions-to-ask-when-finding-a-new-dentist/
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7 Questions to Ask When Finding a New Dentist | Calm Dentistry
At Calm Dentistry, we value and encourage questions. In fact, we’ll take as much time as is necessary to sit down and get to know you, our modern dental office, and the entire staff.
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What`s the Toothbrush Head Size?
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Using a toothbrush with a large-head size can hinder you from brushing your teeth thoroughly. Such kinds of toothbrushes cannot reach the hard-to-reach parts of your mouth–especially on the sides and the back of your molars. https://graysoncalmdentistry.com/how-to-choose-the-right-toothbrush-for-healthy-teeth/
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What`s the Toothbrush Head Size?
Using a toothbrush with a large-head size can hinder you from brushing your teeth thoroughly. Such kinds of toothbrushes cannot reach the hard-to-reach parts of your mouth–especially on the sides and the back of your molars. https://graysoncalmdentistry.com/how-to-choose-the-right-toothbrush-for-healthy-teeth/
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What`s the Toothbrush Head Size?
Using a toothbrush with a large-head size can hinder you from brushing your teeth thoroughly. Such kinds of toothbrushes cannot reach the hard-reach parts of your mouth–especially on the sides and the back of your molars.
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