#Teen Wolf reader insert
undercoveravenger · 11 months
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Pairing: Isaac Lahey x Scientist!Male!Reader
Requested: Yes
Request: “okay for the spooky request could you write Isaac lahey x scientist reader who doesn’t believe in the supernatural but they are hunting a ghost and reader and Isaac make a bet where if they do find the ghost reader owes Isaac a kiss or something”
A/N: This is the third fic in the 2023 Spooky Month event! The next post will release on Tuesday, October 24th. Hope you enjoy!
While your best friend Scott McCall and his pack were no strangers to your lab, you still found yourself a bit on edge with Scott’s beta, Isaac. You had known of him before he was turned, and he had seemed nice enough the few times you had interacted with him, but there had always seemed to be something off, even after Scott had told you the truth about his friends. You weren’t sure exactly why Isaac made you so uneasy, but the weight of his eyes, whether glowing their infamous werewolf gold or his pretty every-day blue, was ever present and unreadable. 
Even now, with the rest of the pack off investigating the most recent victim of a vengeful spirit, Isaac lingered, perched on one of the spare lab tables pushed against the wall and watching you intently. 
“You didn’t have to wait here,” you say, ardently refusing to look at him, studying the strange glowing sample they’d brought you through the viewing lens of your microscope. “You heard Scott- He thinks he’s got a lead. You could’ve gone with him to check it out.”
A soft huff escapes Isaac and you can hear him shift behind you, moving from his seat on the opposite table to come lean against the one you’re working at. “No,” he says quietly, “I needed to be here.” He’s silent for a minute and you almost think to press him further when he continues, “I know you don’t need me to be here, but I need to be.” He clears his throat awkwardly when you look up at him, but he presses on, in spite of the thick blush clouding his cheeks. “I worry about you a lot when I’m not around you, y’know? Not just that you’re just a human, but that you’re you.”
You studied Isaac for a long moment, a sort of self-satisfied amusement creeping through you as he fidgets under your gaze, clearly having said more than he meant to and exposing his emotions in the process. 
“You really think that you’re going to catch this ghost?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest as you watched him. 
He nodded, grinning shyly, “Yeah. With you and Scott working together to find it? No way we don’t.”
Whenever you’d caught Isaac looking at you in the past, the look in his eyes was always intense, but he was unreadable in the same way that the old Latin tombs that Allison had swiped from her family’s archives for you had been. But in the same way you had learned to decipher those ancient books, you were starting to see the meaning behind those lingering stares and Isaac’s looming presence. He’d never seemed malicious to you, not even before he’d joined Scott’s pack, but now you could see that determined distance for what it was.
You rolled your eyes and turned back to your sample, but couldn’t stop the edge of your lips from quirking up as you spoke. “You find it and I owe you a kiss.”
While you were no longer looking at him, you could pick out the exact moment Isaac realized what you’d said since you could hear his sneakers squeak against the floor as he struggled to catch himself from falling. “I- I, uh, I-” he stammered and you could practically hear how flustered he was. “I’m- I’m gonna go call Scott and see if his lead panned out. Y’know, we uh, we really need to get rid of this ghost thing before it hurts someone else. We should- We should really do everything we can to catch it as soon as possible, right?”
You couldn’t help but laugh as he hurried out of the room, and you laughed even harder when you were able to pick up the excited whoops echoing in from outside of your lab from Isaac and Scott over the phone line.
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cas-backwards-tie · 1 year
It's the way I'm missing Teen Wolf (in 2023 omg) and have such a love for Stiles that I'm so tempted to write something for him even though I have no idea what. I love all the ships in the show for the most part and while I wouldn't want to essentially erase canon, I also feel like I'd have so much fun writing for him. 😭🙈🥺🥰❤️
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daintylovers · 4 months
imagine moving to beacon hills around season one. right around the same time, allison moves in. it's nice not being the only new girl, so you two quickly become friends.
imagine meeting lydia for the first time. it happens in your fourth class of the day, you two are assigned to be partners for the semester. albeit, at first she isn't thrilled, but once she gives you a chance, everything changes. she's found someone like-minded for once in this small town. someone as intelligent, yet fashionable as her. she thinks for a quick second, if she liked girls, she would love you.
imagine seeing stiles for the first time. seeing- not meeting, because the boy can only gawk at you from across the hall. it's definitely weird and a little unsettling at first, but it's nice to be admired? right?
imagine finally talking to the poor boy for the first time. it had to be you who spoke first, his brain going a mile a minute. it happens a few days later, when lab partners are assigned. stiles almost faints when he hears your names paired together. scott has to be the one to push him out of his seat. it feels kind of how you imagine bella felt when edward and her first meet, awkward and stiff. does he not like you? maybe that's why he was always staring, it wasn't in fantasy, but with disgust. not being one to dwell on whether someone likes you or not, you push through, introducing yourself with a raised out hand. stiles is quick to latch on, spewing out his full government name. then once he catches the confusion on your face, he tells you that you could call him stiles.
imagine going to lydias house party, that very night. running into all your newfound friends, dancing and drinking a little. then seeing your shy new lab partner chasing after his drunk friend. but also allison chasing after the drunk friend. whats his name again? shawn? smith? stiles? no- wait stiles is yours. scott! its scott. but by the time you have that revelation, the three are already outside. so you watch as allison gets into some random car and stiles stands are dumbfounded. scott has seemingly disappeared, and there's an unease building in your chest. who was that guy with allison? stiles, sensing someone behind him, turns around to face the one person he doesn't want to see at the moment. not because he doesn't like you, but because he is pretty sure his best friend is a freaking werewolf.
imagine asking him if he knew who allison got in the car with, and getting an unsavory response. great, your new friend might get murdered and tossed into the woods tonight. the alcohol is catching up to you rather quickly, and the worry is only increasing. stiles starts to make a move to his car, eager to see if scott went back home when you wrap a hand around his upper arm. it's not harsh or anything, so he doesn't flinch, but he is confused. you ask him if he will give you a ride to allisons, because you guys live close together and you want to make sure she gets home safe. stiles immediately says yes, but tells you he has to make a quick stop at scotts. something about possible alcohol poisoning or something, which makes your head spin. oh fuck, what if you have that?
imagine being told to wait in the car as stiles goes into scotts house. the boy is very persistent as you try to help him out. he offers to get you fries from the local drive-through if you just please stay in the car. that gets you to comply, so you're left staring out the window. it doesn't take long for stiles to come running out of the house and speeding down the street. you don't even have to ask because he tells you that allison went home with this guy derek who is very very evil. you never get those fries. but the good news is that allison is alive!
imagine stiles walking you to your door because you and allison really do live right next to each other. you guys don't say much, the adrenaline rush already crashing. you guys are about to part ways when you stop him and ask for his number. he seems like a nice guy and you joke about how you'll harass him until he gets you those fries. his heart does cartwheels as you exchange digits, and makes a mental note to kill scott. in a perfect world, you two would have managed to spend the whole night together, but scotts newfound supernatural abilities are already infiltrating stiles life.
imagine waking up the next morning with a pounding headache and a text from stiles telling you to get dressed cause he is coming over in fifteen minutes. it has you smiling like a child and it feels so goddamn good. maybe this kid will be cooler than you imagined. he pulls into your driveway and you open the door to see him with iced vanilla lattes and Mcdonald's french fries. this guy might just be an angel. you let him in and for the rest of the morning, you guys eat and talk about nothing while lounging around your room.
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supercap2319 · 1 month
Stiles: "I can't believe dad hired a straight deputy."
Y/N: "Oh, Parrish isn't straight."
Stiles: "Since when?"
Y/N: *Smiles* "Since I had my lips wrapped around his cock five minutes ago."
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swanimagines · 1 month
Teen Wolf: Imagine being Derek’s sister and him finding out that you’re secretly dating Stiles.
requested by anon
Note: nowadays all requests are done straight to asks, this is my old template of posting and I no longer have their asks!
Note 2: A reminder again that in all my newer fics where reader is someone's sibling/child or some other relative, they're always adopted, not related by blood!
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When you first met Scott and Stiles, you wouldn’t have believed that one day, you’d end up falling in love with the latter. Your first meeting hadn’t been… good, if you were honest. You saw them as a threat, as did your brother, so your first words to Stiles had been “stay out of this, human”.
Seeing where that meeting brought you now had been completely unexpected. Stiles had somehow gotten enchanted by you, and you soon realised he had a crush on you — despite you having been so harsh at him when he had tried to defend Scott.
And more surprises were coming. Him fumbling and being awkward, at the loss of words before you, you found it cute. Cute. A human, you found a human cute.
You tried to hide it, how you were warming up for him. How he got you to smile, how you started to enjoy his company. It wasn’t logical, it was foolish. And especially when Derek hated Stiles, you having feelings for the boy just didn’t fit the picture.
But, your feelings just wouldn’t go away, no matter how much you tried to suppress them, and eventually you just had to blurt them out to him. He just stood there stunned, looking at you for a moment before he started grinning like he had just won in a lottery. And you knew that he kind of had, he had had the biggest crush on you for a long time and now you told him you felt the same way.
But you still needed to keep it hidden from your brother, in fact Scott and the Sheriff were the only ones who knew. You snuck out almost every day after school to hang out with Stiles and there you were at a park, in the shadow of an old oak, heads pressed together and holding hands.
This was one of those days. You two were sitting in the park, beside a pond full of ducks. Stiles had brought a bag of seeds with him, and you fed the ducks together. You were quieter than usual, and Stiles nudged you.
“What are you thinking about?” he mumbled, handing you a few seeds.
“I think Derek is suspecting something,” you replied, glancing over your shoulder. “I can’t help but think that he’s been watching us, he acts so weird. I don’t know what he will do if he finds out about us.”
You threw the seeds to the ducks, making them swarm at your feet. Stiles sighed, looking up for a moment. You knew he wanted to mutter “creep” but you appreciated he didn’t. You took his hand. “I’m not leaving you, in case you’re afraid of that. Even if Derek will try to lock me up.”
Stiles nodded, squeezing your hand back. “I know.”
You sat there for a moment longer, until the seeds ran out and Stiles shook the bag towards the quacking ducks, before throwing it into the trashcan and leaving the park with you. You walked in silence for a moment, before Stiles turned to you. “Wanna come watch a movie? Your brother can’t follow us there, Dad has too many security cameras for that.”
You scoffed. “As if that’d keep him away. But you’re right about it being safer there. He might not want to come in and risk your dad seeing him threatening you.”
He took the jeep keys from his pocket and fumbled with them for a moment. “So… you’re coming?”
You nodded, taking his arm. “Yeah, I’d like to have a good laugh with a comedy before going home.”
As the credits rolled, you realised how late it had gotten. The clock had struck midnight a while ago, and you could almost picture Derek tapping his foot impatiently like the Rabbit from Winnie the Pooh. So you reluctantly retreated from Stiles’s warm embrace, stretching out before looking at him. “I should go.”
He sighed, absentmindedly running his thumb across your hand. “Yeah, you probably should.”
You stood up from the couch, swinging your bag over your shoulder, letting Stiles walk you to the door. Once you reached the porch, he leaned against the door frame and you looked at him, biting your lip. “Thanks for tonight,” you mumbled. “I had fun.”
Stiles nodded. “Me too.”
You thought for a moment, but then decided to take the leap — you stepped closer to him. “I think a proper good night wish could be better than just saying it.”
Stiles’s cheeks turned slightly red, and he stuttered slightly. “O-oh?”
And then, with one last breath, you gently grasped the collar of his hoodie and pressed your lips to his.
It wasn’t a deep, passionate kiss you see in movies, it was rather short, in between a peck and a proper kiss. But still, when you stepped back, Stiles grinned like he had won the lottery all over again, and you couldn’t help but giggle a little. “Goodnight, Stiles.”
He blinked, straightening up. “Goodnight.”
Then you turned, walking into the night with the biggest grin on your face. The night was chilly, but you felt like your heart was jumping around so much that it almost overheated you. Not that you minded, you were happier than in a long time, and almost felt like skipping through the forest.
You stopped dead in your tracks, looking around. “Derek?”
Sure enough, he stepped out from the darkness, and you froze. “I… I was just on my way home.”
He scoffed, crossing his arms. “Don’t lie. I saw what happened.”
You cocked your head, trying to act clueless. “Saw what happen?”
He raised his eyebrows. “The kiss. I saw you kissed him. Didn’t you just tell me there’s nothing going on with him?”
You tried to play stupid and test the waters, laughing. “Nice try. You haven’t been near me today, I haven’t smelled you.”
He shook his head, sighing. “Which is exactly why I’m concerned. You’re losing your focus. What if the Hunters will get you because you’re too busy staring at Stiles’s eyes?”
You kept walking, pushing past him. “You’re overreacting. It was just a kiss.”
He turned around, starting to walk with you. “Just a kiss, and numerous secret dates after school for weeks, or is it months now?”
You groaned, figuring it’s no use to keep pretending. “Alright! We have… something going on with him. But it’s still early, and I’m not abandoning the pack because of him if that’s what you’re afraid of.”
“He can’t protect you. The Hunters will use him against you,” Derek said quietly. “You could die because of him.”
“His pack—”
He interrupted you, ���He doesn’t have a pack, he’s not one of us. Even if he pretends to belong in Scott’s pack, he isn’t, and will never be, one of them.”
You sighed. You knew he was mostly right. Stiles, being a human, could easily be used against you. He hadn’t learned about everything yet, nor Scott had in that matter. You had tried to guide them, to help, but so far it was going slowly. And you knew that each day, the risks grew. You understood your brother, you had gone through the exact same feelings, wondering and pondering and pacing around your room, before finally concluding you weren’t able to keep it inside you. You had brought up all your worries to Stiles once you decided to tell him about your feelings, and he assured you that Scott would help if any problems came up. You still had doubts, but chose to push them aside for the sake of living. You had done what you could, telling him and Scott about the risks and Stiles still wanted to see what would become of you two.
You stopped, looking up for a moment. “I know it’s dangerous, Derek. But what do you expect me to do? Ignore my feelings, end my relationship? It wouldn’t be fair for me, even less for him. He signed up for this, because he wants to be with me.”
Derek stopped as well, stepping in front of you. He ran his hand through his hair. “I’m not asking you to ignore how you feel, but you need to be smart about this. Think about how many times we watched our friends get hurt because they got too close?”
“We’re not children, we can look after ourselves just fine,” you groaned.
He raised his eyebrows. “Can you? Because to me, it looks like one of you will be dead soon, and—.”
You shook your head, raising your hands up. “Stop.”
You stood there in silence for a long while, before Derek crossed his arms again. “You’re not letting this go, are you?”
You huffed. “No. I can only promise to come to you for help if I need any.”
He thought for a moment, and pursed his lips. “Alright. But don’t expect me to like it, or him.”
You smiled a little. “Yeah, I know. Thanks, Derek.”
He didn’t say anything, just turned, and you followed him home. Maybe things between Stiles and Derek would be alright in the end after all.
Requests are open! FANDOM LIST | PROMPT LIST(S) | RULES (READ!!!)
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blondwhxrewrites · 7 months
✨My Stiles Stilinski Headcanons✨
Is absolutely enamored by you and he had no idea how to talk to you at first without becoming an awkward mess. When you first met him Scott literally had to pull him away from you because he just kept on staring at you
Helps you with homework and school projects because it gives him an excuse to spend time with you and he also gets to show off how smart he is
You are the only person he shares his food with
He forces you to binge-watch Star Wars with him, and if he finds out you already liked Star Wars he's ecstatic
He is a Percy Jackson reader and prefers it over Harry Potter!!!!!!!
Is always late to dates because of his time blindness but he tries hard to make it on time!
Tells you about his ongoing cases and theories and encourages you to put your input in and is extremely proud whenever one of your theories turns out to be correct
Noah of course has his reservations at first since he obviously worries about his son, but once he sees you two together he instantly loves you
You become a part of the pack almost instantly
Lydia, Malia, and Addison (depending on the season) instantly take you in. You best believe you are invited to all of the sleepovers and shopping trips
Literally, everyone has no idea how Stiles managed to bag you. Stiles has no idea either
Is a mix of sassy men apocalypse™ and golden retriever vibes
No, just because he loves you does not mean you are safe from his witty retorts or sarcastic comments
He gets you a matching metal bat so you can protect yourself
Is wary of taking you along on cases because he worries you might get hurt. He especially worries after what happened with Void
Is the little spoon most of the time because he loves being held. He feels so safe whenever he is in your arms. With you he finally doesn't wake up every night from nightmares
He has a lot of deeply rooted trauma from losing his mom, and from everything that has happened to him since sophomore year
Will talk about random nonsense and then stop in the middle of the conversation because he notices you are actually listening to him instead of just ignoring him like other people do and he swears he falls in love with you all over again 🥹
Has panic attacks, and you are one of the few people who can instantly calm him down by just being near him
Loves talking to you about his mother. He even takes you to her grave and introduces you to her
Later he finds out that you go to her grave weekly and put flowers there and when he asks you why you do that you just say 'Because you love her and that means I love her too' and he sobs.
Noah also finds that out and he instantly knows that you are the one for his son. He is proud to call you his future child in-law
Loves PDA and has no problem holding your hand, or kissing you in public
He always needs to be touching you in some sort of way even if it's just holding your hand or resting his hand on your thigh
You are so supportive of his want to be in the FBI! He loves knowing that you'll always be cheering him on
You go to every single lacrosse game and cheer him on even if he doesn't get put in you are still yelling his name and cheering for him
You wear his jersey number all the time and he secretly loves it
Make outs in the jeep
Everything in the jeep
Overall 10/10 boyfriend
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andreafmn · 3 months
Kinktober ⛓️ Day 20
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Word Count: 3.1K Paring:  Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader Prompt @kinktober2023: Foodplay WARNINGS: SMUT 18+ (minors DNI), food play, oral (male and female receiving)
Summary: Stiles Stilinski is forgetful. Everyone knows that, but no one more than his girlfriend (Y/N). There have been far too many occasions where the boy has forgotten special events or details for her to be mad when he fails to mention they have only one afternoon to bake a hundred cupcakes for a bake sale. And, instead of growing angry, she goes down a sweet turn.
A/N: I should be ashamed how long it has taken me to finish this damn series, but at least we are one step closer. Hopefully I finish before october 🫣🫣
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In hindsight, volunteering to make a hundred cupcakes for a fundraising bake sale wasn’t the best idea. Even if it was for the lacrosse team, it sort of ended in disaster. Sweet, sweet disaster. 
It was the first time since Stiles had been on the team that the lacrosse Cyclones had made it to the state competition, and they were not ready for the financial toll it would take. Since Jackson had left the school, most of the sports teams had their budgets slashed, as the Whittmores felt no need to continue contributing to their son’s extracurriculars. 
However, the kids at Beacon Hills High School were nothing if not resilient, and they were determined to get the team to Santa Barbara. 
Somehow, the idea of a bake sale made its way to the top of the fundraising list, and everyone and their mother had to come up with an item to bring to the school. Somehow, Stiles had roped him and (Y/N) into baking a hundred cupcakes by Monday morning, and it just so happened that it was Sunday afternoon. 
It wasn’t the first time Stiles had gotten them in a pressing situation—most times, it was more life and death, but nevertheless, still pressing. The worst part was, he’d only just told his girlfriend two hours before they had to get to work. The pair had quite a long night ahead of them. Not that (Y/N) wasn’t used to it. 
If the girl ever said that Stiles forgetting crucial details was a sporadic event, she’d be lying. In the years they had known each other, it had become a staple in their relationship. Even when they were only friends, she’d had to make sure anything they were meant to do was told to her first, or else she’d only find out when it was too late.
(Y/N) didn’t mind, though. She understood that the boy’s brain had always been riddled with far too many thoughts, and juggling it all could be quite frustrating. That’s why, when he woke her from her Sunday morning sleep-in, she simply said she’d shower, change, and head to his house. The girl knew he hadn’t done it in malice, so there was no point in being angry at him. At least he had remembered. 
Thankfully, the journey wasn’t long since all she had to do was walk to the house next door. But she did notice the lack of a sheriff cruiser on the driveway. Only Stiles’ blue Jeep stood there, a layer of dirt gathered on the paint. Not only were they meant to bake a hundred cupcakes and decorate them, but they had to do it by themselves. And (Y/N) could only laugh at the situation. 
“Stiles, I’m here,” she called out as she walked into his house as she had done a million times before. “I hope you’ve already gotten started.”
“Well, about that,” he chuckled awkwardly. It wasn’t until the girl walked into his kitchen that she saw he had only gone as far as getting the groceries they needed. “I didn’t know where to start, so I was waiting for you to get here.” 
“This is gonna be a long night, huh?” she sighed with a smile as the boy nodded. “Alright then. Let’s get to work.” 
In a matter of minutes, (Y/N) had set a game plan for the pair. She divided the ingredients into four stations for the four flavors they’d be doing, making sure that each recipe was visible and easy to follow. The last thing they needed were more setbacks. They only had so many hours to do 25 cupcakes of each flavor and make sure they were cool enough to be decorated. Everything had to be done precisely as written. 
And for the first couple of hours, it had worked. Stiles and (Y/N) were working together like a well-oiled machine. While one mixed, the other served. While one set the timer, the other cleaned. It was all coming together nicely—too nicely. 
It was only a matter of time before disaster struck. 
Stiles had started to grow angsty with the repetitive tasks, his veins itching for more spontaneity. He knew he had brought this upon himself. Worse even, he had brought it upon (Y/N) as well, who, for some reason, never seemed annoyed with his constant brain scatters. Since he had known her, she had always been understanding of the way his brain worked. Where others would have chastised or criticized him, she took the time to ground him. It had been one of the many reasons he found himself falling in love with her. No matter how many times he would screw up, she was always supportive and sympathetic, finding ways to help him rather than bring him down. 
And that afternoon was no different. 
They were merely done with the vanilla cupcakes when Stiles had begun to grow bored. (Y/N) had instructed him to put away the dirty bowls and whisks used for that flavor before they started on the chocolate ones, but all he could think about was the chocolate syrup he had bought to drizzle on top of the dessert. His mind filled with some very unhygienic ways he could use the sweet liquid and where he could use it. 
Suddenly, as though she had been reading his mind, the girl took the bottle and let it stream into her mouth. A few drops landed on her chin, and she wiped them up with her fingers before popping the digits back into her mouth. There was no subtext to it. Just a girl enjoying chocolate syrup. 
But in Stiles’ everything was different. Wind was blowing her hair back, the lights had dimmed, and sensual music played in the background, all in slow motion. He was turned away from (Y/N) at the sink when he felt his erection press against the zipper of his pants, making for a very uncomfortable position as he washed the dishes. Stiles moved his legs from side to side, pressing his knees together as he searched for some much-needed friction. 
But to (Y/N), he looked like he had been holding his pee in for the past few hours. “If you have to go to the bathroom, you can, Stiles,” she chuckled as she slithered her arms around his waist, grinning as he stiffened under her touch. “I don’t mind cleaning this up.” 
“Oh, uh, that’s not it,” he stammered awkwardly. “I don’t really have to pee.” 
“You can take a break if you want, then,” she said. “I know this is not the most thrilling task. At least, not compared to chasing down supernatural creatures. But you still made the compromise, so we have to get this done tonight.” 
“Yeah, I know,” he continued fidgeting. His front was pressed against the counter, trying his best to keep his hardening bulge from her sight. “I just need a second.” 
(Y/N) noticed the way Stiles froze against the counter, not even turning to give her a kiss on the cheek like he normally did. Instead, he washed the same bowl three times before noticing that he had yet to take another dish. His legs were pressed together, and his knees buckled back and forth in search of… friction, she realized. Her boyfriend was sporting a raging hard-on while they baked cookies. 
She couldn’t fathom what about their situation had turned him on. They were covered in flour from their hair to their clothes, they had been standing for a couple of hours, and they hadn’t as much as touched hands since they had begun working. But the sweet taste in her mouth reminded her of what she had done only a few minutes before. The image of (Y/N) dripping chocolate into her mouth sparked a vivid picture in the boy’s head, and he succumbed to his wild imagination. 
Any other girl would have ignored their boyfriend’s problem and focused on their long task. They had no time to waste, and certainly not many ingredients to spare. But (Y/N) wasn’t any other person, and she couldn’t let such a moment pass her by. For that split second, she thanked her lucky stars the Sherriff had gone to work, and the couple had the whole house to themselves. Things were about to get messy, and the carpet in his bedroom was hard to clean. 
“Are you, by chance, turned on right now, baby?” (Y/N) purred in his ear as she ran her hands up his chest. “Are you seriously thinking about sex when we have so much to do?” 
“I, uh, well, you know,” he stammered. “Things happen.”
“And what happened, Stiles?” she continued, sliding her hands now downward and landing on his cock. She squeezed it softly, chuckling as he whined at the touch. “What got you all hot and bothered?” 
“Oh, uh, n-nothing really,” he replied. (Y/N) unhanded him then, allowing him to let out a breath of relief. “You know us teenage boys and our hair-thin trigger.”
“Right,” the girl said. “Turn around, Stiles.”
“I’m quite good here,” Stiles chuckled awkwardly. “I just need a minute.”
“Stiles, baby,” she called. “Turn around. I need to see you.
Once he did, he regretted not turning around sooner. Behind him, (Y/N) stood in nothing but her underwear, a mischievous grin adorning her face. In one hand, she held the bottle of syrup that had started it all. In the other, a can of whipped cream. And all Stiles could do was groan as his already painfully hard erection pressed against the seam of his jeans. 
“W-what are you doing, (Y/N)?” he swallowed hard. “We, uh… you, uh…” 
“I told you, babe,” she smirked. “You need a break.” 
Stiles didn’t need to be told twice as he crossed the room to reach her. He took the image of her in, running his eyes from her head to her toes, as though he had never seen her in that way before. And, well, to him, that’s what it always felt like. (Y/N) was everything he had ever dreamed of, and most of the time, he felt like he had fallen asleep and never woken up when he was with her. 
“You seem very intrigued by this bottle of chocolate, Stiles,” she teased, giggling softly as he placed his hands on her hips. “Is there something you wanna tell me? Maybe a little kink we’ve never explored before.” 
“I didn’t know I had it until today,” the boy confessed. “The thought just popped into my head, and now, well, it’s all I’ve been able to think about.” 
“So, what do you want to do with this, baby?” (Y/N) whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Tell me what you want.” 
A groan escaped Stiles as she pressed her body against his, his hands exploring the exposed skin of her hips. The cupcakes were long forgotten, and all he could focus on was the excitement he felt to fulfill the fantasy he had dreamed of only a few minutes before. “Whatever you want,” he said. “I don’t care where you use it as long as I get to lick it off your body.” 
“You’re giving me so much freedom,” she smiled. “Hope you don’t regret it later.” 
“I don’t think I could ever regret anything that has to do with you, babe.” 
“Well then, let’s start you off slow.” (Y/N) unhanded Stiles before letting a stream of chocolate fall into her mouth, allowing a bit to drip down her chin and neck. “Oh, no! I’ve made a mess of myself.” 
Laughing at her overexaggerated acting, Stiles licked his lips before running his tongue from her neck up to her chin, reveling in the taste of her skin mixed with the chocolate. Mixing food with sex had never been something he had thought to do, but after the first taste, he wondered why it had taken him so long to do so.
The way (Y/N) sighed as he licked away the liquid made his cock twitch in his pants, yearning for a touch he knew would take time. And he didn’t mind. Especially after his girlfriend removed her bra and let the bottle of syrup drip down her chest, exciting him even further. 
He seemed like a starved man as he feasted on the girl’s breasts, making sure not a single drop of chocolate was left. He lapped at her skin, traveling the expanse of her chest before landing on the hardened peaks of her breasts. He nipped and sucked as he teased her, chuckling softly as she moaned and threaded her fingers through his hair. Chocolate on (Y/N)’s skin shouldn’t have excited him as much as it did, but he would risk a cavity if it meant tasting her this way every chance he got. 
Even though (Y/N) had been the one to initiate contact, it didn’t take long for Stiles to take control of the situation. As he kissed his way down her stomach, he hooked his fingers through the elastic of her underwear and pulled it off until she was completely exposed to him. Then, he took the bottle from her hand and let it drip on her skin until it reached her cunt. His eyes were trained on the drops of brown that stained her body, watching as it slowly moved. 
Before it could reach the ground, Stiles licked it up, groaning as he tasted her wetness mixed with the sweetness of the chocolate. If he had ever questioned what the nectar of the gods tasted like, after that afternoon, he’d gotten his answer. He lapped at her core like a starving man, acting as though she was his first and last meal. 
(Y/N) braced herself with the counter behind her as Stiles hooked one of her legs on his shoulder for better access to her cunt. He teased her clit with his tongue, the syrup long gone but the sweetness forever lingering. He circled the bundle of nerves with the tip, applying just enough pressure to have her panting and moaning. 
“Fuck, baby,” she groaned. “I’m so close.”
All Stiles could do was send vibrations through her body with a chuckle. He wanted her to come undone in his mouth, to have her knees buckle under the weight of the orgasm he was giving her. Because, regardless of where he was lacking, the Stilinski boy was always giving. 
He was relentless in his pursuit of her climax, sucking and flicking, waiting for the tell-tale signs that she was reaching her end. Signs that weren’t too far behind as he continued his attack. She threaded her fingers back into his hair, pulling at the strands while she pushed his head tight against her until, with a loud shriek of his name, she came. 
She pulled him to his feet as she recovered, crashing her lips onto his. She tasted herself in his mouth and moaned at the mix with the chocolate. “That was…,” the girl panted with a laugh. “Who knew you’d be this excited over a little chocolate?”
“Well, you know I’ve always had a bit of a sweet tooth,” he grinned. “I’m just surprised it took this long for us to do something like this.”
“Oh, and we’re not done yet,” she said. In a swift move, (Y/N) flipped them over, pressing Stiled against the counter as she reached for the can of whipped cream behind them. “It’s your turn, baby.”
“What’re you…?”
Before he could continue, the girl’s hands were unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down his legs, his boxers following in tow. She smiled as his erection sprung free, red and wet from the anticipation. Poor thing looked like it was ready to burst. And who was she to deny it the touch it was yearning for? 
With a playful smile on her face, (Y/N) took hold of the base of his cock, chuckling as he took in a sharp breath at the touch. She then squirted a line of cream on his length, licking the excess from the tip of the can before turning back to Stiles. The boy stared at her with giddy anticipation, trembling as she hovered over him. Her breath tickled his skin, making his body erupt in goosebumps as he waited for her to move.
And, as much as she wanted to toy with him, (Y/N) knew how long he had already been waiting for, and they still had so much to do. So, instead of making him work for it, she swirled the tip of her tongue around Stiles’ cockhead, making him grow weak at the knees. The taste alone was enough to make her want more. 
She ran her tongue across his length, memorizing the feeling of his skin on her tongue, the mix of his pre with the silky sweet of the whipped cream, and the way Stiles bucked his hips forward. It was a mix she wanted to experience again, sooner rather than later. 
Once she was satisfied with the cleanup job, (Y/N) finally engulfed her mouth around Stles’ cock, drawing out a loud groan from the boy. She knew he was not going to last long, but she would make them the best few minutes of his day. 
(Y/N) started at a slow pace, burying him in the wetness of her mouth while she swirled her tongue around his shaft. But with the way Stiles was wriggling with every stroke, she sped up quickly. Her head moved up and down rapidly, one hand gripping the base of his cock while the other worked to massage his tightening balls. 
“Oh, god, baby,” he croaked out. “Fuck, I’m almost there—don’t stop.” 
And she wasn’t planning to. Instead, she kept her pace, letting him reach the back of her throat as she sucked her cheeks in. She bobbed her head until saliva was dripping down her chin, and her breath was being cut off. Just like he had done for her, she was working to reach his climax—that wasn’t too far behind. 
All it took was a perfectly timed squeeze of his balls, and Stiles was stuttering forward, holding (Y/N)’s head as he emptied himself in her mouth. Strand after strand painted the inside of her mouth until there was nothing left, and with a satisfied grunt, he exited her mouth. 
Still knelt on the floor, (Y/N) swallowed Stiles’ finish before looking directly into his eyes and squirting whipped cream into her mouth. She said, “Much better,” and stood up. 
Stiles grabbed the sides of her face and kissed her roughly, sighing at their mixed tastes in his mouth. “That really was something else,” he smiled as he released her. “We have to try that again.” 
“Tell you what,” she grinned. “If we finish these cupcakes on schedule, I can promise you a very sweet treat after.” 
“Then why are we standing here?” Stiles exclaimed as he pulled up his pants. “Let’s get this done!” 
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134 notes · View notes
supernaturalwolf · 6 months
Y/n: with stiles it’s always “Lydia Lydia Lydia-”
Isaac: can’t relate because for me it’s always “you you you.”
Y/n: You? That’s a stupid name …
Isaac: … I don’t know why I like you.
Y/n: maybe it’s because of the name -
296 notes · View notes
s3thwrit3sstuff · 1 year
❝ Burn for you ❞
post-s6!Stiles Stilinski x werewolf!male!reader | nsfw, smut | sub.bttm. reader (AMAB) | not proofread | wc: 4k
warnings: omegaverse dynamics (r!), praise kink, biting, scratching, spanking
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req: can I ask for a stiles fic, like reader(m) is a werewolf n went into heat and the only person he actually trusts from the pack is stiles so he just bursts into his room in the middle of the night all hot and sweaty and stiles is just dumbfounded until he realised what was wrong and he helps him all night 😋😋 anyway and like end it with some cuddles n stuff if you can, oh and like a shit ton of praise just like mass amounts, plus like biting, scratching maybe a few smacks here and there and that's it! (bottom amab reader pls)
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"This is insane," by all accounts he was right. Stupid, cunning, frantic and witty Stiles Stilinski was right. This was insane. "Stiles," but here you are — countering his factual statement. "Stiles, please..." The hands in his hair stop and he looks at the state you're in. Actually looks. His eyes take in the wildness in your eyes that, once upon a time, would've made him flinch as they glow in the dim lighting of his dorm room. Yet at this moment, they're anything but frightening, instead they're desperate.
There's a startling realization that the werewolf before him was desperate for him that makes Stiles choke on his own spit. The hands in his hair travel down to cover his mouth but you know it's still in that annoyingly slacked-jaw pose. Why were you sneaking into his dormitory room through a window!? "Stiles!" You land on your feet and now Stiles has a werewolf in his dormitory room. The carpet silences the thudding your shoes make as you reach for the collar of his shirt. It's new. Sheriff Stilinski probably bought some new clothes for Stiles for Christmas —that's not the point. The point is, his shirt is new and you're stretching the round collar wider at the front, claws teasing the fabric as you grit your teeth together to stop your fangs from making an appearance. "Hey, easy, easy!" His palms rest on your face. Stiles squeezes your cheeks together when he feels fur attempting to sprout. He shushes, twisting his head on a swivel around his tiny room. His roommate said he'd be out but the lights from underneath Stiles door is on and he sees shadows moving. He can handle a werewolf in distress but handling that whilst keeping the secret of the supernatural away is a juggling act he'd rather not attempt. He's had his fill from his high school days. He'd rather not repeat it again in college.
What were you even doing here? Last time you two called you'd been in Beacon Hills, California helping his father out with some rogue werewolves. What the hell were you doing in Quantico, Virginia!? "(Y/N)," his eyes are set in a determined squint. Yours are furrowed, eyebrows meeting in the centre that makes a slideshow of memories appear behind Stiles eyes with every blink. The second time he says your name it's softer. As if he recalls who you are and you squeeze your eyes shut at the warmth in his voice. Shoulders sagging and grip loosening, you lean forward to bury your face in the crook of Stile's neck.
Everything is fuzzy. There's someone else nearby — two someone's, to be exact, but everything beyond Stiles' door is irrelevant.
Everything beyond Stiles is irrelevant.
Stiles wraps his arms around you. You swear you can feel every scar on his palms and finger pads despite the jacket you wore. It's mindboggling how amplified Stiles is right now.
He eyes the shadows from his door. They pause and Stiles grip on you tightens. It elicits a gasp from you as you clutch the front of his shirt again. Stiles ignores how hot his ears feel as your lips brush against his skin and how he can feel the tips of your teeth (not fangs, thankfully) whisper along the thickest junction between his neck and shoulder — or he tries to. His pulse quickens and you're so close too him you can feel it, see it, hear it. Your hands are flat against his sternum. With your eyes aglow you tilt your head down to spread your fingers across his chest. "Shh, shh, my roommates asleep," Stiles would thank Tom (his roommate) for being considerate but a few giggles escape the girl he's brought over and Tom is pushed against the door. The sound is decidedly too loud for an already sensitive werewolf so you lips curl in distaste. Your growl only cut short by Stiles hands smacking itself over your mouth so hard your head tilts back.
"Stiles — !" "(Y/N)" his whisper is sharper than you're used to. The frown etched onto his face is so familiar but so...grown. It had only been a year since graduation. Since that mess with the Wild Hunt and everything in between. Stiles looks so adult now. Oh, there's still mischief written all over his face but everything that was soft-edged was sharper and there was this hint of a stubble along his jaw and chin. The bags under his eyes were probably because of wild nights roaming Beacon Hills woods for dead bodies but it seemed college exacerbated it tenfold. It reminded you of the Nogitsune when it had Stiles but he wasn't pale and he was still familiar. You're staring. You realize that you are but Stiles just looks so handsome and the memories are flooding in faster than you can stop them. His hands smell like energy drinks, spilled pen ink, dusty cold-case files Stiles definitely had no authority to be snooping through and home. Stiles flinches, chest concaving away from you when you whimper and tug at his shirt.
No, not whimper.
"...Your roommate has company too," Tom's girl whispers barely reach his ears through the door. Their shadows stumble away with a few 'hushed' giggles but Stiles only tears his eyes away when he hears his roommates door shut.
"What the - Are you hurt? (Y/N), it's 2 am — You-You're supposed to be in Beacon Hills!"
Why is he so far away from you? He's pacing again, combing through his hair again and he's rambling again.
"Stiles," he doesn't pause as you call for him. He's too frantic to see the way you're panting or the way your cheeks are heated. "You know you're supposed to call me first when things happen!" He gasps and spins to looks at you. "Is it an emergency? Does Peter have another kid running around or something? Hunters? Are you —"
You're breathing too hard. He inches closer again. It feels like he's teasing you. Moving to-and-fro like a sly fox teasing a wolf.
"You're hurt?" "Stiles," the whine is high in your throat. A keening almost. It makes Stiles hands hover over your shoulders when he'd been gripping you so tightly minutes before. "Stiles, I need you"
"Need? Need...Need me to - For what exactly?" Your jacket is shrugged off. He can see the way your shirt is sticking to your skin. To his relief he sees no wounds, no blackened veins bulging and spreading across your skin because a hunter gave you a dose of Wolfsbane poisoning. It leaves him more confused. More flustered. "Somethings happening to me," you take steps forward. Stiles lets you. "What's wrong, (Y/N)?" He wants to turn on the lights in his room. Moonlight looks wonderful on you and the table lamp is less headache inducing to work in during these times but he's frozen with concern.
What if you were cut by a tiny blade covered in Yellow Wolfsbane? Or some other type of poison — a Kanima maybe? No, you weren't paralyzed. You weren't dying, if you were dying he' be sure you'd be more panicky but goddammit what if you were and you didn't realize it!?
"Derek...Derek said it happens to werewolves wuh-when we've...matured," Stiles wasn't there to witness the chaos the pack went through with the other wolves. Blissfully unaware of the embarrassment that lasted for days and it wasn't as though Scott was going to tell Stiles about the time he was so painfully horny after his 18th birthday that Malia and him effectively traumatized Melissa. "Matured...?" "Stiles, my birthday just passed," you don't want to say it. It kills you every time you even think about it so why would you want to say it out loud? "Happy...birthday?" But Stiles wasn't catching on. Derek had advised you about holing up somewhere. Said something about finding someone to partner up with. Preferably a pack mate and not some stranger in a bar. The notion was far too embarrassing. Scott was like an older brother to you and he was dating Malia who you think would probably not mind if you decided to spend your heat with the two of them. You minded though. So, no. Derek was a definitive no. Too much angst, too broody and too old for you and Lydia didn't deserve to be subjected to anymore werewolf biology nonsense then she already had. There were more pack mates but they were all a no but, Stiles...? He made you feel so safe. His brilliance was blinding (sarcastic quips included) and his valor in deathly situations were enough to make you swoon. Such kindness despite the torments life had thrown his way. Even now, he's showing it. He's holding you, tender and sweet, and his eyes are scanning you for injuries. "Stiles..." Your eyes meet. His brow furrows and his hand is cupping your cheek again. "Stiles, I'm...I'm in heat." His mouth opens then closes then opens before closing. Stiles is doing that thing where his brows are moving on their own and his eyes are blinking rapidly which means he's thinking. "Whaaat does that mean? Just - just as a clarification ya' know" You groan. The pants you're wearing has been achingly tight and you can't stand it anymore. "Dammit, Stiles! I need you to fuck me! I'm in heat, I feel - I feel like my skin is on fire and I - I just, fuck, please, Stiles, please" There's tears in your eyes. Embarrassment be damned, it's too much. It felt like your senses were fucking with you, it's been like this for days, symptoms of oversensitivity steadily raising until it reached its boiling point that caused you to drive all the way to here. But all of it washes away when Stiles is holding you. All your focus is on him and it relieves you of so much pain why the fuck isn't he holding you now? "Please, I need you, I need you so badly."
Stiles catches you when you trip over your own feet, faceplanting into his chest where he can feel your open-mouthed breathing. Your hands cling to his shoulders, his wrap themselves around your middle as you cry. "It hurts, Stiles. I can't, I can't think I just — Mmf, you smell so fuckin' good," your gaze lifts up and Stiles groans into your mouth when you surge forward to kiss him. It's a shitty kiss. Sloppy, messy, and there's a clear lack of coordination but fuck it was hot. His tongue brushing against yours along with his lips.
You feel the dry patches he has — clearly college has triumphed his basic needs so you fix it by wetting his lips with your tongue. His grip tightens as you push him back, back and back until the back of his knees knock onto his bed. He falls. You fall too. It's not the first time he's had a werewolf over him but it is the first time he's had a werewolf in heat on top of him. He prefers this compared to the other instances. The window of his room, where moonlight floods in, cast you in this blue hue. It contrasts with the warm hued light of his desk and the colours look so fucking good on your skin. Your lashes are dark with tears. Stiles is certain he's tasted a few of them while kissing you. He reaches up and wipes the evidence of their path away. You turn your nose into his palm like a puppy and Stile's plaid patterned pajama pants feels a little tight. A tear slips and Stiles uses both hands to hold you. Those pretty eyes flutter open and Stiles gulps. You were (Y/N) (L/N), a longtime friend. One of the first guys that made him realize he was bisexual. A cherished friend, someone he could imagine one day meeting up for drinks even after decades have passed. Here you were, on his lap. "Why, why me...?" It was a fair inquiry. He lived miles away and he hadn't been available as of late too. You? You were a looker. So handsome and kind it made Stiles feel guilty every time he jerked off and your face appeared in his thoughts. You could have anyone you wanted. If the werewolf thing was stopping you from getting with anyone...well, it wasn't as if there were a shortage of werewolves in Beacon Hills. The sounds of your breathing muffles the beat of silence. Then, you're leaning down and Stiles places a hand on your chest to stop you. "You...You don't want me?" He feels your muscles tensing. Ready to dart if he nods but he doesn't. "I...I really want you, (Y/N)" You lean again and again he stops you. "Stiles, please —" "Why me, (Y/N)?" He knows you're thinking. You have this tell on your face when you do and since you're just inches away from him he'd be blind not to see it. "Because I...I trust you, Stiles. Muh...More than anyone else. I don't just need you, Stiles, I...I want you" It's his turn to talk but he's quiet. You're whimpering again, hips twitching as you try so very hard not to act on impulse despite the way your body is on fire. There was this annoyingly loud voice in your head just chanting Stiles name and it's killing you that he is so, so, close but not fucking you. When Stiles kisses you it takes you aback, teeth clacking and all but neither of you care. He pushes himself up onto his elbows and he's gripping the back of your neck as he all but devours you. Your hands slide up his shirt. He flinches, pulling away from the kiss and squeezing your neck. "I bruise easily," you're confused. He motions to your hand with his eyes and your eyes widen when you see your claws fully extended. "Shit, Stiles, I'm sorry —" He cuts you off with his mouth. Your eyes are rolling back and he swallows every pathetic noise as he grabs your hips, ass, then your thighs. The yelp you let out when he twists you surprises you both. He's between your legs now, above you and grinning boyishly. "That's — That's new," he nods before diving in to mottle your neck. Your fingers are curled into fists as you arch your back into him. "Learned some self-defense moves, came in handy, huh?" Your laughter dies when you feel Stiles teeth playfully bite into your flesh. "I mean, it works against werewolves" Both of you glance at the wall behind you when you hear repetitive thuds, followed by a squeal of pleasure. Stiles wants you to scream on his dick like that too. You gasp, whispering out his name when Stiles undoes the annoying obstacles that is your pants. Your boxers have a wet patch on them and you nearly kick Stiles off when he presses a kiss on it. He's hastily tugging your pants away from your legs but you're not cold at all. Everywhere he touches you feels like he's setting you on fire.
But it's good. Not like "before Stiles", not like "without Stiles" burning that makes you feverish and turns your skin unbearably lonely. Stiles touches spreads this delicious burn across your skin. Your shirt is next. Stiles doesn't help you with, just watches as you take it off and toss it to the side. He's over you again, kissing you again and you're so overwhelmed you can't help the noises you're making. His fingers ghost along your navel but you've no time for foreplay. You grab his wrist and guide it down to your crotch, bucking your hips up from his ghost-like touches. "Fuck, you're pent-up," You're nodding in agreement, balls tightening as he finally, finally, slips a hand into your underwear. Your torso twists to the side, moaning like a whore as he holds your cock in his hands. "Really pent-up" Stiles jerks his wrist and you're biting your hand to keep the noises down. "Don't, not like they're holding back" Stiles reminds as the headboard banging grew more incessant. He pulls your hand away, pinning it down as he watches your face. His fingers are so good, palm warm and your precum is excessively leaking down. Probably a side-effect of the whole "in heat" thing. His thumb digs into your slit and he's groaning at your wanton moans. Curious, he slides his hand down. "Stiles," you feel him touch your balls but he slips further down to your perineum then to your twitching entrance. His eyebrows shoot up to his hairline. "You're wet" Stiles astute observation makes you dig your heels into the mattress. "You're wet"
"Stiles!" You can't handle this. You need him inside you not have a QNA session. "You've fought werewolves, a Kanima, hunters, the Wild Hunt, the Nogitsune, fuck — You survived holding Derek Hale up in a pool full of water while he was paralyzed for hours, stranger things have happened than my ass being self-lubricating!" You spread your legs, holding your thigh open as you try to catch your breath. He watches, entranced, as your fingers slip into yourself. It slides in with ease and familiarity. You're pumping one finger then two and then three. The way your rim stretches and clenches — Stiles sees it all. Stiles towers over the foot of his bed, over you, and you're relieved as you spot his hands replacing yours. His fingers are longer than yours and it has you melting as he pumps into you. "Shit, you're so warm" "All for you, baby, just for you," his ears are burning again. You look so blissed out but Stiles knows this isn't what you want. His shirt is the first to go and after stepping out from the puddle of checkered patterns Stiles is naked too. His cock is just as pretty as he is. There's moles on it, veins decorating the underside of it. It's long, more girthy near the base. "You manscape...?" You ask. "Shut up," Stiles replies. Stiles splits your legs apart, they're cushioned on the top of his thighs as you wrap your arms around his neck. The tip of his nose bumps into yours, lips catching yours again. He only pulls away when you feels his head catch on your rim. Stiles watches your face as the pressure gives and he's inside of you. He's biting his lower lip, wanting to only hear you (Tom isn't helping but that's not in his control). "Oh fuuuck, Stiles, Stiles your — " Stiles nods, pulling his hips away a bit before inching more inside. It has you whining. The delicious drag of his dick makes you clench and he hisses. "You feel so fucking good," he whispers against your Adam's apple, grinning as it bobs when you gulp thickly. Your claws are out again but he's electing to ignore it as it leaves kitten scratches across his shoulders. "God, (Y/N), you're so tight, so warm — Jesus fucking Christ, I —"
His words are making you squirm. It feels like an eternity but once he's fully sheathed inside of you it feels like all those days of overstimulation hell was worth it. The both of you moan and Stiles relishes in your velvety walls as they welcome him. "Like you were made for me," You whimper out his name. He notices your eyes are wet with tears and so he braces himself on his elbows, pushing you further up his bed. The jostling makes his dick pump into you and you mewl sweetly. "Don't have to cry, pretty boy, I've got you," he cradles the back of your head and places his forehead on yours. "Stiles..." Your eyes widen as he thrusts into you. He's watching closely. Your face scrunched up in ecstasy as he moves in and out of you. "You're so beautiful, fuck, (Y/N)" He hisses again when you clamp down at him. Only looking away to see your cock twitching in a tell-tale sign of an oncoming orgasm. Stiles chuckles as he grips at the base making you groan, shaking your head. "Hey, shh, relax, I'm helping you out. I'm not an asshole," he does that thing with his wrist again and your back arches. You see white and he slows his thrusts down, his back stinging but it's not the worst thing he's been through.
Stiles kisses down your throat and chest. He rubs soothing circles in your hips but he's still so painfully hard inside of you. The very feeling has your cock filling up again. He wraps his lips around your nipple, twirling his tongue around it and letting his teeth catch it as he pulls away. The entire thing has you shuddering. Stiles grabs a handful of your ass then maneuvers you onto your stomach, slipping out of you smoothly before positioning himself behind you. "FBI training?" You pant out as you look at him from over your shoulder. It makes Stiles laugh. "No, uh, just good ole' experience and porn" You roll your eyes at him and he grunts as he grips your hips. "Oh, I'll give you a reason to roll those pretty eyes," His pulls almost all the way out then slides back home. You moan out his name, clutching onto his bedsheets so hard there's a distinctive ripping sound. None of that matters though. The position you're in makes Stiles go in so deep it feels like you're in heaven. Your back is bowed and your face is in the sheets. Stiles sucks his teeth as he watches the way your ass ripples and bounces with every thrust in. You're writhing on the bed, moaning out his name as he plows into you. Stiles can't help himself. He lifts his hand and you squeal at the impact of his hand against you ass. "That feel good?" With the way you're backing up on him, he assumes that means yes. He squeezes your ass in his hands, watching the flesh blush because of his hands. Every spank makes you tighten around him and he groans as he soothes the stinging with his kneading hands. "So good for me, fuck, (Y/N), that's it just — Ah shit, shit, shit, your ass feels so good" Your cock is hanging heavy between your legs. Stiles grip on your hips is almost bruising. Your sweat slicked skin under moonlight has Stiles approaching his orgasm quicker than he anticipated. "I'm going to — " "Yes, yes, yes! Inside me, inside me, Stiles"
His thrusts become more and more erratic and you feel your second orgasm coming at you like a freight train. He's so beautifully loud the closer and closer he gets to his orgasm, you're whimpering as he ruts into you. His hands slide up your hips and he curls his arms around your shoulders to pull you up. Your back flushed against his chest. Stiles kisses you, messy and hot, and you only pull away to moan out his name as you come all over the bed sheets. He's not far behind, he fills the inside of your ass with thick ropes of cum and every involuntary twitch of his hips makes you let out whiny moans. His thighs twitch but Stiles makes sure you don't fall in your own cum. He lays you down next to it, slipping out of you with a groan before he bunches up his blanket to toss it to the pile of dirty laundry. You cling the second he lays next to you and he does not object. He pulls you closer, catching his breath as he kisses the top of your head. "That felt good?" You nod, asking him the same question with a scratchy voice. "Fuck yeah it did, holy shit," You grin as you grasp at his chin to give him a rewarding peck. "You're so...You're so hot, you know that?" "Stiles," you bashfully glance away (an odd time to be bashful but that can't be helped) and Stiles squeezes you closer. "I'm serious! I'm not saying it because of the post-sex glow or whatever — which, by the way, you are glowing" Your guffaw, hiding your face with your hands as he continues look oh-so-proud of himself. "I slept with (Y/N), I spanked his ass — He wanted me" "You're talking to yourself," you murmur, ear twitching as you hear Tom and his girl also coming down from their romp. How nice. Orgasms for all it seems. "And it's wants not wanted" He feels something twitch against his hip. Stiles peeks down and laughs in disbelief. "I still want you, Stiles..." Your eyes glow again. The way you're nosing his neck makes his dick raise to attention. "Stiles," you call. "I've got you, (Y/N)," he answers.
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Stiles: Let's test your skills for real.
Stiles: What number am I thinking of?
You, after a second of pure concentration: Three..
You: Eleven. Twenty five. Three again. Bulbasaur— What the hell is a Bulbasaur?
Stiles, with an awkward smile: So weird. Why would I be thinking of Pokemon at a time like this.
Lydia: Yep. Definitely a telepath.
You: But how..?
You: If both of my parents are definitely human so where does this power come from?
Derek, opens mouth about to say something.
You: Nope, I never came across the dread doctors.
Scott, shifts on his foot.
You, turns to Scott: No, I was not abducted by aliens.
Lydia, tilts her head.
You, turns to Lydia with the most incredulous expression: No, I did not inherit a mystic totem from my grandmother.
You: Really, guys? And—
You, turns to Stiles: Why are you still thinking about Bulbasaur!?
Stiles: He's the cutest one of all!
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Pack Mom - Derek Hale x Reader
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Pairing: Derek x Reader
Prompt: You’ve always been the mother figure to everyone in the pack but when the pups start calling you mom they also start treating you as Derek’s mate, awkwardness and confessions ensue.
Warning: Smut! and other shit! :D 
You hopped out of your newly bought Mustang, you knew the pack would be shocked at your new car but the moment you saw the sleek black vehicle you knew it was the one. Your last car got trashed in a car chase with the Calaveras but you dug into your inheritance and decided to get something nicer. The moment one foot stepped out of the new car Stiles was on you with a million questions.
“Ohh my god when did you get this!? How does it run!? How much was it!?” You rolled your eyes but answered all of Stiles’ question calmly because you adored Stiles he was like a brother to you.
“Wow that is one beautiful car.” You heard a gruff voice say from behind you, you knew who it was but you turned around anyway with a nervous grin.
“I know she runs amazingly!” You exclaimed cheerfully which made Derek crack a small smile.
“Did he just smile?” Stiles stared at Derek with wide eyes.
“Yes Stiles I have the ability to smile.” Derek deadpanned.
“How come I’ve never seen you smile at anyone except Y/N? Well unless you count that deputy at the police station who you flirted with. Why don’t you smile at me?” Stiles rambled his arms flying around in an exaggerating manor.
“I smile at Y/N because she is about 5 times more attractive and 100% less hyperactive spaz.” Derek replied easily but when he said you were attractive your mind went blank, your heart started racing rapidly and you knew your cheeks were most likely bright red.
“Ooo Derek and Y/N sittin’ in a tree K I S S I N G fir-”
“Stiles shut up before I rip yo-”
“First comes love!” Erica popped up out of nowhere and started singing along.
“Then comes marriage!” Liam exclaimed as he burst out the door with a grin on his face.
“Then comes a baby in a baby carriage!” The three of them shouted together, at this point you knew your face was bright red so you buried your head in your hands willing it to go away.
“Then comes a divorce because she finally realises how grumpy Derek is.” You heard a cheerful voice at which made you look up to see Peter.
“Derek’s not grumpy.” You huffed at Peter which made everyone turn to you.
“Oh so no divorce?” Peter smirked knowing he’s caught you red handed.
“No! I mean-We’re not…And he’s not-Fuck my life!” You screamed storming into the house the pups soon following behind you.
You sat down next to Isaac and Liam as soon as the pack meeting started, they were both sat very close but you knew it was because contact made them calm. As Derek went through everything he needed to you stared at his chiselled face, the abs that you could see through his tight shirt and his ice green eyes as they darted to and from each pack member who asked question.
As the meeting came to a wraps Liam already had his head on your shoulder and Isaac had his on your lap you glanced at both of them smiling but knew you had to move if you wanted to get started on making dinner.
“Liam honey I need to go start on dinner.” His head shot up, nodding before running off to play video games with the boys.
“Isaac sweetie I need to go make food.” You giggled when he nuzzled into your lap more, you ran your fingers through his hair softly before looking down at his face realising he was sleeping. You lifted his head gently and set it on a cushion once you had moved. His face twisted in one of a lost puppy and he reached for anything he could.
“M-Mama..” He whimpered as his hand touched mine. Suddenly you were aware almost all the packs eyes were on you. You wanted to be embarrassed but you couldn’t be because it didn’t feel weird to be called that by the pups.
“Can I ask why everyone feel like that is something to gawp over?” You snapped in a motherly tone which soon made them lower their heads. As so finally got round to making tea you could hear Isaac shouting at the tv which you assumed to be because of a video game, suddenly Jacksons voice cut through the conversation.
“Aww is mama’s boy losing? Why don’t you go-”
“JACKSON JOHNATHAN WHITTEMORE!” you screamed as you shot out the kitchen door straight into the living area. Jackson froze and dropped his controller.
“Apologise right now!” You shouted as everyone seemed to freeze. Derek seemed ready to jump in but you knew he didn’t need to.
“Sorry Isaac..” You dipped his head slightly as if he’d been scolded by his mother.
“Now who’s a mama’s boy?” Stiles snorted which made your eyes shoot to him.
“Mieczyslaw Stilinski! Get in this kitchen and help me make food!” Everyone stared at you wide eyed making Stiles flush.
“How the hell did you pronounce that so perfectly!? I can’t even pronounce it and I’m his best friend!” Scott exclaimed as everyone stared at you then Scott. You ignored Scott question and followed an embarrassed Stiles into the kitchen.
After you finished making dinner you had the pack set the table and carry the excessive amount of food to the table. You all sat down, staring at the various foods you had made. You sat to Derek’s left and Scott was on his right. You noted that everyone let Derek eat the first bite which was normal because he was the Alpha but when everyone stared at you, you looked to Derek for help.
“Why is everyone looking at me?” You asked confused by everyone’s actions.
“The first person to eat in the pack is the Alpha then his mate, then the Alpha’s second.” Lydia stated calmly as she smiled over at you.
“But Scott is Derek’s second not me?” You replied, your left eyebrow raised slightly.
“But your Derek’s mate. Right?” Isaac asked from the seat next to you.
“What?” You looked back to Derek who was staring at Isaac with the same confused look.
“Guys we’re not dating…” Derek shifted awkwardly in his seat as he spoke it made your heart clench painfully at the fact he was uncomfortable with the idea of dating you.
“Oh sorry the idea of dating me seems so farfetched to you.” You growled at him making everyone freeze for what felt like the millionth time tonight.
“That’s not what I was saying Y/N.” Derek stated softly as he stared into your Y/E/C eyes.
“So what were you saying Derek?” You sneered and everyone seemed to shrink into their seats.
“Well I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable with everything they were saying…” He whispered his voice trailing off slightly.
“In what world would anyone be uncomfortable with dating Derek Hale?!” You screeched staring at him like he’d grown another head.
“Well if you wanna play that game fine! In what world would anyone be uncomfortable with dating Y/N Y/L/N!” He retaliated harshly.
“So then why aren’t you guys dating?” Liam spoke up softly, everyone turned to look at the youngest of the pack his head held high as if he’d knew he’d said something smart.
“Because Derek doesn’t like me the way I like him and you know this!” You whisper yelled to Liam but realised that you’d said it loud enough for everyone to hear.
“You like me?” Derek asked making you turn your attention to him, your face now bright red.
“Can we talk about this after diner please? I’d like to at least enjoy the food I cooked before you flat out reject me.” You mumbled softly before pushing the food around your plate. You looked up to Derek who was now out his seat. Before you knew what had happened you were yanked out your seat, one of his arms firmly wrapped around your waist and the other hand cupped your cheek.
“Do you like me?” He asked again with more heat and curiosity in his voice, his green eyes stared into yours making everyone else disappear. You nodded softly as your eyes flicked from his to his lips. His lips met yours in a soft yet passionate kiss, after a few seconds of small kisses that stole your breath away you were pulled out by the sound of Isaac’s voice.
“Ew it’s like watching your parents make out.” You pulled away flushing slightly before looking up at Derek who sent you a pantie melting grin which made your knees weak.
“Can we eat now I didn’t slave over a hot stove to eat cold food?” Stiles grumbled which made me turn to him with a raised eyebrow daring him to take all the credit.
“I mean let eat this delicious food mama made and then make sure to give her a foot massage later?” He grinned over at your cheekily.
“Stiles shut up or I will rip your thr-” Derek stopped mid-sentence as you shot him the same look.
“I mean let’s eat then put on Y/N favourite film?” Derek mumbled his eyes wide.
“See now you’re getting it. Okay time to eat.” You giggled pressing a gentle kiss to Derek’s cheek.
After dinner you all put on a film and cuddled on the giant L shaped couch. Everyone was touching in some way with and Derek in the middle of what could only be classed as a puppy pile. You could stop to scared thought that this could just be another one of your dreams about Derek but every time you count your fingers and thumbs you had ten altogether. You buried you head into Derek hard chest which was surprisingly comfortable. You drew shapes absently on Derek’s chest as your listened to his heart beat. Every now and then it would rise and become louder but other than that it was a calming tempo.
Eventually everyone started leaving until you were the last on left in the newly re-built Hale house. You shuffled about as Derek walked you to the front door. As you were about to put your shoes on Derek stopped you grabbing your face and kissing you with so much emotion and roughness you knew your lips would bruise. When he pulled away, you let out a small whine from the loss but opened your eyes to look into his.
“God I’ve wanted to do that all night but I felt like I’d scar the pups.” Derek sighed softly as he started regaining his lost breath.
“Derek…What are we?” You asked softly as his hands made circles on both cheeks.
“You’re mine and I’m yours.” He responded calmly, his hands slipping into your hair. When he gripped your hair slightly you let out a whimper now thoughts of him claiming you, his eyes glowing red as he made you submit, made their way into your head. You soon started to feel your panties grow damn which as soon as Derek took a deep breath through his nose you knew he smelt because his eyes changed from icy green to crimson red.
“Stop.” He growled as your arousal got worse as his red eyes stared into yours.
“I can’t stop the fact that you turn me on Derek.” You chuckled softly, biting your lip so stop another whimper escaping when you felt his hand grip your hair tighter.
“You smell so sweet.” His left hands moved to grip your hip as he drew you closer towards him.
“If you don’t leave now I’m going to take you upstairs and claim you.” Derek growled into your ear, his fangs grazing against the shell of your ear.
“Then do it.” You panted as his mouth moved to your neck.
“You sure that’s what you want I mean we only star-”
Before he could continue rambling you grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him down for a bruising kiss. Both his hands gripped your waist in a tight hold but you didn’t care if he left bruises it just meant that Derek wanted you that much he couldn’t control himself and to you that felt empowering.
“Yes I’m sure I want Alpha to claim me.” You whined softly as you pulled away from the kiss.
He didn’t answer with words instead chose to growl at my choice of words, there was something extremely attractive about his red eyes and growls that went straight to your core. You step back from him and pulled off your baby blue summer dress you were currently wearing, leaving you in your underwear, a strapless nude pink bra and matching panties. His eyes roamed over you hungrily as you made your way up the large set of stairs, swaying your hips seductively as you went. He was soon chasing after your almost fumbling like a horny teenager to get his shirt off.
Once you reached his room, you crawled onto his bed on all fours. He made his way over to you gripping your hips tightly. His right hand slowly made its way down your back pushing softly on your shoulder blades so you were face down with your lace clad ass in the air. You giggled shaking your ass at him playfully making another feral growl emit from his chest. He playfully slapped your ass making you playfully moan at him. You knew at this point you were so wet that your panties were likely soaked. His right hand made it way down my back to my ass before skimming over your lace cover pussy.
“Jesus you’re so wet.” He groaned as if this fact caused him and his dick physical pain.
“Mhm because Alpha makes me wet.” You gasped as he moved your panties to one side and ran his index finger through your wet folds.
“What does Alpha’s little kitten want?” He whispered as his lips gave small kisses to your ass cheeks which made you whine softly.
“Want Alpha’s tongue.” You managed to whisper, your hands gripping the sheets tightly in anticipation. Instead of responding he ripped your panties off, his tongue delving into your pussy as soon as the shredded panties were thrown away. You let out a breathy moan as his tongue dipped into your hole, fucking you roughly with his tongue before moving his attention to your clit giving slight kitten licks making you whimper before trying to push back on him. His hands gripped your hips keeping you firmly in place as he continued his ministrations on your dripping core. Soon his fingers entered the mix, his two fingers slowly pushing in and out making your moans louder. He started sucking on your clit making your orgasm start towards the edge.
“D-Derek am gonna’ cum.” You stuttered out barely able to even form the sentence but these words only made his finger go faster and his licks and bites get rougher. You finally felt yourself fall gripping the sheets, his name repeatedly falling from your lips over and over. Finally as you started to come down his attention stopped and you were flipped onto your back.
“Would like to stop now Y/N?” He asked as he hovered over your body his shirt gone along with his jeans leaving him in boxers with a very large noticeable hard on showing. He tucked some of your Y/H/C hair behind your ear, his actions soft and loving making you smiles up at him tiredly.
“No I want you to make love to me.” You smiled at him lovingly as he leaned down kissing your forehead. He nodded as he grabbed a condom from the nightstand, carefully rolling it on. He lifted your legs gently wrapping them around his waist, his tip now teasing your entrance. He looked at you one last time as if asking once again if this was okay but instead of answering verbally, you brought him down for a reassuring kiss. He entered you slowly your back arching softly as you gripped onto his bicep with one hand, the other gripping the sheets. You had only had sex once when you were 17 but he was a lot bigger than the guy who took your virginity. He stopped as soon as he was fully inside of you he looked down to make sure you were okay.
“You okay baby?” He asked softly caressing your face.
“Y-Yeah this is only my second time ever having…” You drifted off yours cheeks flushing tenfold.
“You should have told me I’d of prepared you more!” He whispered yelled his voice full of panic and apologies.
“It’s okay Der I’m fine now you can move.” You whispered bring him down for a chaste kiss.
He looked uncertain with your words but you moved your hips up letting out a gasp followed quickly by a moan. You moved your arms to rest around his neck pulling him down for a slow yet passion kiss as he began with slow thrusts that made you moan into the kiss. He supported himself on one arm and used the other to run his fingers through your L/S hair. He kissed the corner of your mouth as his thrust got harder but not faster. His lips placing a trail of kisses to your neck.
“Shit Y/N…Feels good.” He moaned huskily into your ear.
Your moans were gentle and worn out as you felt yourself building again. When you clenched around Derek slightly brought his hand down to draw circles against your clit. His panting and gasps getting heavier as his thrust became more uneven and messy. His other hand gripped the sheets as he felt you finally cum around his shaft.
“Derek!” Your voice shouted out as you felt yourself cum for the second time.
“I’m cumming…” He gasped as he thrust into deeper than before, making you rasp out a quiet moan. As he came his thrust became more uneven and slowed down before coming to a stop. You were both panting as he took the condom off. He tied it throwing it into the bin before he collapsed next to you. He pulled the covers from under both of you making sure your naked body was covered as he drew you in until your head was on his chest.
“I love you Y/N.” He whispered as he kissed your head, running his fingers through your hair.
“I love you too Der.” You murmured before you felt sleep take you.
I guess being pack mom isn’t so bad after all.
-> Part 2
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janedoeswriting · 3 months
The Way the Wind Blows (Stiles Stilinski x OC)
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Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
(Don't Fear) The Reaper by Blue Öyster Cult
One Way Or Another by Blondie
The Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks
Sun Bleached Flies by Ethel Cain
Hotel California by Eagles
Wicked Game by Chris Isaak
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Stiles Stilinski
Height: 5'11"
Eyes: Brown
Sign: Aries
Age: 16
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Height: 5'9"
Eyes: Grey/Blue
Sign: Leo
Age: 16
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daintylovers · 4 months
I’mmmmm not gonna lie to you, stiles being a jerk was so hot I would LET him call me names and manhandle me and stare at my boobs wait this isn’t confessional? Oh sorry, I need to find the nearest catholic church
seeeeee- like its hot because it's unusual for him
he's normally nicer, not sweet necessarily. but he doesn't take things far.
but he's getting really fucking tired of being pushed around by everyone, so when you start egging it on?? game fucking over.
like yes! he will call you names! doesn't matter where you are, or who is around (werewolf hearing goes crazy when he bends down to whisper lewd things in your ears- one time scott overheard and even he started blushing)
the manhandling thing is more common. mostly because he doesn't recognize his own strength. he was bullied for being this lanky kid his whole life, so he is just completely unaware that he can be stronger than anyone.
but it's a huge turn-on- for both of you. playfighting i feel is pretty common, so when he pins you down with ease- your wrists bundled in his palm- he feels his dick start to strain against his jeans. looking down and seeing your flushed face, cheeks burning from the combined effort to win, and because holy shit he's so fucking hot and on top of me, has HIS mind racing a mile a minute. when he peeks down and spies that your shirt has ridden down, revealing more of your cleavage, as your chest rises and falls with the beat of his heart- it takes everything in him not to have you right then and there.
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imagine-you · 1 year
These Wolves Keep On Scratching At My Heart [Isaac Lahey/Reader] (1/?)
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Summary: Growing up as a human in the Hale pack wasn't easy, but you wouldn't have traded it for anything. When you're twelve, a fire takes away most of your family, except for your father and two of your cousins. You're adopted by a kind deputy and officially become a part of the Stilinski family since your father can't care for you and your cousins have fled town. You think life can't possibly get any more complicated until you're eighteen and your brother's best friend gets bitten by a rogue alpha out in the preserve. Word Count: 3.9k Notes: Reader is Peter's daughter (I'm pretty sure Malia won't exist in this fic) and there's a lot of story to tell here, so please be patient with me! I promise I will explain everything. If you like this, letting me know would make my day! Read on AO3 The splintering of wood and the roar of the flames was deafening. Smoke had engulfed the house, leaving everything hazy and disorienting.  
You didn't know how the fire started or where everyone went, but there was only one person you had on your mind as you stumbled towards your bedroom door.  
"Dad? Dad?!" You called, panic leaking into your voice.  
Everything felt like it was abruptly tilted to the side and you didn't realize that you were falling until you hit the floor.  
"I've got you. You'll be alright," you heard a voice say before arms scooped you up off the floor. You were cradled against someone's chest as you coughed, attempting to take a breath. "You'll be alright," the person repeated, attempting to reassure you, even though their voice was fearful and strangled.  
The next thing you heard was the sound of breaking glass before you felt like you were flying. You let out a cry of anguish when you felt yourself fall, the sight of your father's face watching you from the window the last thing you saw before you hit the ground.  
"Y/N! Y/N, c'mon, wake up. You're having that dream again." 
You jolted awake, the smell of smoke seemingly lingering in your room before you focused on your brother.  
"What?" You groaned, attempting to shake off the nightmare and focus on Stiles.  
"You were screaming in your sleep," he told you, his expression a mix of worry and dismay. "Again." 
That didn't really surprise you. Whenever you dreamt of the fire, it always brought up memories and feelings you wished would stay buried. But since the fire had swept away your whole life, leaving you to rise from the ashes and start over, it was hard to ignore the effect it had on you.  
"I'll be alright," you assured Stiles, unknowingly echoing the last words you ever heard your father speak. "What are you doing up right now? Isn't it late?" 
"I was going to Scott's, since Dad's on a call and you were asleep. I was on my way out when I heard you."  
Even in the dark of your bedroom, you could see Stiles fidgeting. Either he was nervous about something or he was up to something. Knowing your brother, it was probably a bit of both.  
"Why are you going to Scott's so late? You do remember school starts back up tomorrow, right?" 
Stiles rolled his eyes before flopping down onto your bed, ignoring your grunt of protest. "Yeah, but winter break was boring, and I've got something fun and adventurous in mind for tonight." 
You narrowed your eyes at Stiles, knowing that whatever he had in mind was likely something that would get him into trouble. "What is it?" 
"Nothing," Stiles denied, tone light and mischievous. "Want to come with me? See for yourself that I'm going to be an upstanding citizen and simply have some fun with my best bud?" 
You knew Stiles was up to no good, but you also hoped that if Scott was along for the ride, then he would keep your brother out of trouble.  
"Go," you sighed, settling back into bed. "At least one of us should be well-rested for tomorrow." 
"That's why you're the genius of the family," Stiles told you, barely avoiding the pillow you aimed at his head, before he was rolling off your bed. You heard him groan as he hit the floor before he bounded up, shooting you a grin. "See you later," he said before he hurried towards your bedroom door. He paused just before he reached it and turned to look at you. "Maybe it's time you go visit your dad again," he offered, his voice low and cautious. "You were calling for him in your sleep." 
"Yeah," you agreed, trying to keep the longing out of your voice for Stiles' sake. "I'll go after school tomorrow." 
"Good," Stiles said before nodding at you, as if he was giving you his seal of approval, and then left your room.  
You closed your eyes, attempting for a few minutes to go back to sleep, but you knew it was useless. Sleep would elude you until you quieted the maelstrom of memories and fears that plagued you from when you were only twelve years old.  
You didn't remember much about the fire. It seemed like one night you went to bed and by the time you woke up, you lost a family and were on your way to gaining a new one. You remembered waking up to smoke and flames, before trying to get to your bedroom door to look for your dad. All you wanted in that moment was your dad, because you knew he would make it all okay.  
Once the police and firefighters arrived, you were found half-hidden in a pile of debris and leaves, knocked out with a broken arm. No one could figure out how you ended up outside the house or why no one else tried to leave. Most of your family had been found in the basement, and you knew they must have been going for the tunnels, but it didn't make sense to you why they couldn't get out. Nothing about the fire made any kind of sense and you knew there were mysteries to unlock.  
The only other survivor of the fire was your father, but he was in no position to take care of you. He was currently in a care facility, since his injuries from the fire were so extensive. You tried to visit him at least once a week, but it didn't make it any easier on you to see him like that when you remembered the man who had taken care of you your whole life. He never spoke about your mom, but from what you gathered, you were better off without her.  
When Derek and Laura fled town, not even bothering to tell you goodbye, you didn't realize it was the last time you would hear from them. You were never sure if they were running from something dangerous or if they simply couldn't handle living in the same town that had robbed them of their pack, but you never quite forgave them for practically abandoning you.  
The kind deputy who found you shivering and lost amongst the debris had taken pity on you that night. After realizing you lost most of your family in the fire and had no one else to care for you, he decided to make you a part of his family. You supposed there might have been another pack out there who respected your aunt enough to take you in, but you wouldn't have wanted to leave Beacon Hills. Not as long as your dad was still there.  
The Stilinskis had made you feel like a part of their family from day one and you couldn't have been more grateful for them.  
Over the past six years, the fire and events surrounding it had weighed heavy on your mind. None of it made any sense to you and even though people wanted to dismiss it as a tragic accident, you knew it wasn't anything as simple as an electrical fire.  
The only person who seemed to really agree with you was Mr. Stilinski and while he tried his best to hide the evidence from you, you knew he was still trying to force the pieces back together so he could finally see the whole picture.  
But you had a feeling he would never see the whole picture. Not unless he discovered all the supernatural ties that were holding Beacon Hills together.  
You didn't even realize you had managed to finally doze off before you were woken by the sound of your dad berating Stiles.  
"What the hell did you think you were doing going out in the woods by yourself at this time of night? At least you had the sense not to drag Scott into it. Really, what kind of kid hears there's a body in the woods and then decides to go looking for it?" 
"I was just trying to help you and the force out! I mean, it's a big preserve! It really could've been anywhere." 
"Nice try," you heard your dad sigh. "Just get to bed, alright? You've got school tomorrow and I'm not letting you skip because you're too tired." 
"I would never," Stiles scoffed before you heard his bedroom door close.  
You waited until you heard your dad's door close before you got out of bed, keeping your steps light as you crossed your room. You opened your bedroom door, poking your head out cautiously, making sure the hallway was actually empty, before you stepped out of your room. You made your way to your brother's room, barging in before quickly closing the door behind you.  
"Y/N? What the hell?" Stiles exclaimed, turning quickly in his computer chair to face you. "I could've been doing something that would have been incredibly traumatizing for both of us if you witnessed it!" 
"Please," you sighed, moving to sit on the edge of his bed. "You're shameless, but you at least manage to lock the door if you're going to do something like that." 
"Fine," Stiles groaned, reclining back in his chair. "Weren't you going back to sleep?" 
"I was," you admitted, giving Stiles an unimpressed look. "Weren't you going to hang out with Scott and respect the law or something?" 
"I was," Stiles argued, affecting an innocent tone. "I totally respected the law and didn't get into trouble at all."  
"You went looking for a dead body in the woods," you reminded him. 
 “Oh," Stiles scoffed, trying to wave it off. "You heard about that, huh?" 
"It's a little hard to ignore when our dad is berating you for something like that. What the hell were you thinking? You could have been hurt or killed or any number of terrible things." Stiles didn't know about the things that could be found out in the preserve, but you certainly did. You remembered the lectures from your dad when you were just a kid, telling you it wasn't safe for a human out alone in the woods at night. "And what about Scott, huh? What happened to him?" 
"He might still be out there, actually," Stiles admitted with a sheepish shrug of his shoulders. "But he's a smart kid. He'll be fine." 
"Fuck," you hissed, standing up. "Call him. Now," you told Stiles. "See if he's alright." 
Stiles groaned before pulling out his phone, typing away a text instead of bothering to call his best friend to see if he was alive. After a few moments, he made a sound of triumph before waving his phone at you. "He made it out! He's totally fine." 
"Okay," you sighed, choosing to trust your brother. "Just...next time you decide to go out into the woods, tell me, alright? I'll go with you." 
"Got it," Stiles agreed, focused on his phone yet again.  
You rolled your eyes, before reaching forward to pat Stiles on the shoulder. "Good talk," you told him before leaving his room. You were still worried about Scott, but you knew that Stiles would never let anything bad happen to his best friend. So, you went back to your room and climbed into bed, hoping that sleep would claim you soon.  
When you woke in the morning, you were less than excited to start the last semester of your high school career. Stiles would be starting the second half of his junior year, but once June hit, you would be done with high school. You would have to figure out where you wanted to go to college and what you wanted to do with your life and the thought of that opened up a deep pit of dread and anxiety in your gut.  
You groaned as you rolled out of bed, mindlessly going through your usual morning routine of styling your hair, putting on your clothes, eating breakfast, and then brushing your teeth.  
Stiles' jeep was already gone by the time you walked outside. You were sure he had already left to pick up Scott, which gave you more hope that Scott was actually okay and not currently wandering around the preserve.  
You climbed into your own jeep, a newer model than Stiles' with half the sentimental value. You got the car when you were sixteen and a lawyer contacted Mr. Stilinski to let him know that your dad had set aside a fund for you to be able to get your dream car when you got your license.  
When you were a kid, you had wanted any and every flashy car that would let you go fast. Your dream car changed at least once a month and your dad had promised you that he would buy you whatever you wanted as soon as you got your license.  
It hit you pretty hard when you realized your father had made preparations for your care in the event that he wasn't around to see you grow up. Even though you were grateful he was still alive, it still hurt that he couldn't speak and couldn't respond to anything you told him. You wondered if it hurt him too to watch you grow up and get older and live a whole life without him.  
You didn't think much of the night before until you got to school and noticed Scott and Stiles standing outside. Stiles was in the middle of his usual fruitless attempt to get Lydia Martin's attention as you approached the pair. Scott seemed worried about something, which prompted you to sling an arm around his shoulders and ruffle his hair.  
"What's with the long face, McCall?" 
"He's freaking out about some animal that bit him last night," Stiles said, waving it off as if it wasn't a big deal. "There's not even a mark on him. It was probably a mosquito." 
You tried to keep the alarm off your face, because it really could have been nothing. But curiosity would always get the best of you and you couldn't help but fish for more information. "Animal? What did it look like?" 
"I didn't get a good look," Scott admitted with a shrug of his shoulders. "It was big and had red eyes. It bit me and I ran away. I think it was a wolf?" Scott's voice went high and confused on the last word as he sent an unsure look at Stiles.  
"Bud, I told you, there are no wolves here. It was probably a rabid rabbit or something," Stiles dismissed, urging you and Scott towards the building. "Now, c'mon, let's go get this shitshow over with." 
Your mind was spinning as you tried to get through your classes. All you could think about was a rogue alpha out in the preserve, biting people and leaving behind a trail of confused omegas in its wake. Beacon Hills had been relatively quiet on the supernatural front since the fire. The only thing even remotely supernatural around town was your dad, but he hadn't left the care facility in years. You supposed Deaton counted, but if Deaton posed a threat, then you supposed you did as well.  
Halfway through your anatomy class, you pulled out your phone, shooting a text to Deaton.  
'We've got to talk. It's important.'
Knowing Deaton, you wouldn't hear from him until it was a little too late, so you had to do something before the situation got completely out of control.  
You thought the day couldn't get any worse until word about the new girl started floating around school. 
"She's so pretty. Think she'll go out with me?" 
"Her family moves around a lot. Maybe her dad's in the military." 
"I heard her last name is Argent. I wonder if she's French."
All anyone seemed to want to talk about was the new girl including Scott and Stiles.  
"Look, she's already been sucked into Lydia's orbit," Stiles pointed out with a groan. "You have no chance, buddy," he told Scott, giving him a consoling pat on the back.  
"Well, Y/N's friends with Jackson, right? Can't you put in a good word for me?" Scott wondered, turning to you with a hopeful grin.  
You shook your head, watching Allison, wary of any move she might make. "No," you answered Scott, finally tearing your gaze away from the new girl. "You should stay away from her."  
"But--" Scott tried to object, but you were already walking away. You didn't have a good explanation for why Scott shouldn't go near Allison and you certainly couldn't figure out how to tell Scott he was probably a werewolf.  
You passed Allison, Lydia, and Jackson, ignoring Jackson's nod of acknowledgement in your direction. You didn't have the energy to deal with Jackson, even though you would hear all about how you ignored him later. There were just too many things going wrong in too short amount of time and you were starting to feel like you couldn't breathe.  
You opted to skip your last class of the day and head right for the care facility. The nurses knew you by now and most took the time to smile at you and ask how you were doing as you passed them.  
Seeing your dad helpless and catatonic never got any easier, but you couldn't deny it helped knowing he was still there for you.  
"A lot has happened since last week," you started, taking a seat in front of his chair. You reached out to take his hand, glad for the physical assurance that your dad was still with you.  
When you were younger, the doctors and nurses explained to you that talking to your dad on a regular basis might help with his overall recovery, so you made sure to visit him as often as you could. "I started the last semester of my senior year today. I should be graduating in June." You glanced down, unsure how to continue. You didn't want to say anything that would worry your dad, but the only other person you could talk to was Deaton and that was bound to be more annoying than helpful.  
"So, I've talked about Stiles and I've mentioned his best friend Scott. His mom works in the hospital and he's like a brother to me too." You let out an incredulous laugh, not even sure you could believe what you were about to tell your dad. "Last night, Stiles and Scott went looking for a dead body in the preserve. I don't know if they ever found it, but something did find Scott. I think...," you trailed off, wondering if there was any possibility where you could be wrong. Maybe it was a rabid animal and Scott simply needed a series of shots. But no, your life had never given you much luck, so it wasn't about to start now. "I think he was bitten by an alpha." 
You weren't sure if it was just wishful thinking, but you could have sworn that your dad's hand twitched in yours. You glanced down at it, but it was still and unmoving as usual, filling you with a guilty disappointment.  
"And now I've got to worry about my brother's best friend turning into a werewolf, but I've also got to worry about the new girl. She's an Argent," you explained with a wince. "Why are there hunters in town? Are they looking for the alpha or are they trying to settle down here? I don't like any of this," you sighed, trying to fight the tears that wanted to fall. You didn't know how to fix any of the messes that had sprung up just in the past day. If you were still part of the Hale pack, then your aunt would have taken Scott in and showed him the ropes. She would have hunted down the rogue alpha and sorted them out before hunters could converge on your territory. None of this was anything you were capable of fixing alone and you suddenly felt so lonely that you couldn't stand it.  
"Dad," you pleaded, your voice breaking on the word. "I don't know what to do." 
Your phone buzzed with an incoming text just as a tear escaped down your cheek. You hastily wiped it away before pulling your phone from your pocket.  
'Want to help me and Scott search for his inhaler in the woods? Doofus dropped it last night running from Thumper.'
"Shit," you groaned, moving to stand up. You let your dad's hand slip from yours, trying to fight off the usual guilt you felt whenever you left him. "I have to go. I'll see you later," you told him as you stood. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and grabbed your bag, not letting yourself look back at him all alone in his room, since you knew it always broke your heart to leave him.  
Stiles had sent you the location where he parked his jeep, and it wasn't long before you pulling up next to his car.  
Scott gave you a wave when he saw you and it hit you all at once that loveable, dorky Scott was likely turning into a werewolf.  
"Hey, guys," you said, joining Stiles and Scott near the hood of Stiles' jeep. "What happened to your spare inhaler?" You asked Scott, watching his expression fall. 
"That was my spare inhaler and mom's gonna kill me if I lose it. You know how expensive those things are?" 
"Well, no one wants to make Melissa mad," you mused, thinking of the last time she really got pissed off with Scott and your brother. Her anger had nearly boiled over until it hit you and you would do just about anything to avoid Melissa McCall's wrath. "Let's get this over with," you sighed. "I don't want to be out here once it gets dark." 
"Yeah," Stiles laughed, bumping companionably into Scott's side. "Wouldn't want to run into whatever took an imaginary bite out of Scott. Although, I have some theories about that, y'know. Wolves and bites and howling and all that." 
"What? What are you talking about?" Scott's voice went high and panicked, but you knew your brother all too well.  
"You've got a disease, Scotty," Stiles started, turning a grim look towards Scott. "It's called lycanthropy." 
"What is that? Is it bad? Am I gonna die?" 
"No, not bad," Stiles said, shooting you a grin. "Just comes around once a month...during the full moon." Stiles threw his head back and howled before giving way to laughter. "Lycanthropy, Scott. It means you're turning into a werewolf." 
Even though you knew your brother was kidding, hearing the words coming from him still sent a shiver down your spine. If only he knew the danger was all too real and you were quickly running out of time before Scott became a huge problem.  
"Stiles, come on, this is serious," Scott groaned, kicking aside some leaves in an attempt to find his inhaler. "What if I have rabies or something? What if I've got an infection?" 
"Scotty, you're fine. If it was something serious, you would've been in the hospital by now." 
Scott started arguing with Stiles, but you noticed an eerie stillness fall over the little pocket of forest you were standing in. You didn't realize you were being watched until you looked up and saw him for the first time in six years. A whole host of emotions fell over you, ranging from anger to betrayal to longing to happiness, before settling on confused.  
"Derek," you found yourself muttering, your tone fused with disbelief.  
What the hell was he doing back in Beacon Hills? 
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supercap2319 · 1 month
Stiles: "What exactly happened between you and Peter last night?"
Y/N: "Nothing. Well, nothing that I'm ashamed of, but I will admit that everything I thought about Peter was right. *Smirks.* "He's big everywhere."
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imaginefan · 6 months
Still The Same
Stiles Stilinski!Brother X Sister!Reader
Word Count: 1886
Requested: @emaz-0225
Request: Can you do an imagine where your Stiles Stilinski twin sister and your really close with an original Character son of Peter Hale but your kidnapped and you are saved by Scott and he has to give you the bite and you have to tell your father
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You and Stiles were twins and most people could see it in the way that you acted and spoke to people. While Scott and Stiles stayed close while they were younger and grew together you ended up becoming friends with a boy who had seemed to have trouble making friends. He was quiet and in some ways scary but you never took the warning worming your way into his school life and eventually becoming his only friend, his name was Madden Kazimir Hale. He preferred Kaz, apparently his first name was one that his father had given him so he never used it, his mother had given him his second and so he used that one.
Kaz later found out that there was more to his father than first thought and you were there the night that it all happened, you both found out that Kaz was a werewolf and after his mother explained everything you were the one to help him through figuring it out. You were both 11 at the time and now at the age of 14 well into your first year of highschool, Kaz had great control and you were both closer than ever.
You were standing in the halls waiting for Kaz to get all of his stuff out of his locker “you know, if you would just remember what lessons you have, your locker wouldn’t be such a mess.” You grumbled as he looked at you with raised eyebrows, short brown hair casting a shadow over his eyes as you waited for him to say something. “Like your locker is any better.” He argued “you and your brother are the worst of that kind of thing.” “I will have you know that I’m far better at organisation than my brother.” You argued and he smirked, he was about to say something when another voice interrupted you both. “Kaz, you’ll be at the party tonight won’t you?” Lydia asked as she laid her hand on his arm, you rolled your eyes before they caught on Stiles across the hall, he seemed to be bouncing on his feet. “Only if she’s going.” Kaz answered, that drew your attention back to him as he looked down at you. “So (Y/N) are you coming?” Lydia asked. “Probably.” You answered and she nodded. “Good then I will see you there Kaz.” She smiled as she turned and walked away, not even a second later Stiles slams into the locker next to you. “What was she talking to you about?” He asked. “Hello to you too Stiles.” Kaz muttered as he continued to sort through his locker. “Yeah, yeah hey, so..?” He asked. “So?” You asked in a teasing tone. “What was she talking to you about?” He asked. “Who?” You asked. “Not funny.” He warned. “I need a name.” You informed him. “Lydia!” He answered, voice louder than he had intended, you assumed thanks to the ADHD. Most people were used to him now and continued about what they were doing, not paying him any more attention. “Just a party, don’t worry you’ll be there, it's probably going to be after the game anyway.” You explained. “Yeah but why is she asking you?” Stiles asked. “Don’t worry about it.” You waved him off as Kaz closed his locker. “Ready?” “Ready.” He answered.
It was only a few weeks later that Kaz came to you with a new discovery, one that involved Scott and by extension Stiles. “Scott’s a werewolf.” Kaz said when you were alone at lunch. “What?” You asked. “How would you know that?” “His scent changed, you can smell it on someone, same way I can smell it on the guy that's been hanging around the school.” He answered. “Right, so what do we do about that?” You asked. “You're surprisingly calm.” Kaz raised an eyebrow. “It's not like we can change it, so I guess we have to help them.” You explained “you said that there are now hunters in town because of that new alpha, the one I assume bit Scott.” “I guess the question that we really have to answer is who is this alpha.” Kaz shrugged “but maybe we should talk to your brother and Scott first.” “Yeah I guess you are right.” You nodded.
Later that evening with your Dad still working, you and Kaz corner Scott and Stiles in his room “so are you guys going to tell us why you're acting so weird?” You asked as you walked over to Stiles' bed laying down. “W-what are you talking about?” Scott asked. “You don't need your inhaler, being super good at Lacrosse now.” You turned your attention to Stiles “your unnatural interest in the new murders, the hale house and your unbelievable jumpiness.” “I’m always this way.” Stiles answered. “You sir are a terrible liar.” You smirked. “Even if I didn’t know, I’d know they were hiding something.” Kaz as he walked purposefully past Scott before falling back on the other side of the bed his head landing on your stomach. “You don’t know what it is do you?” “What are you talking about?” Stiles asked. “I was talking to Scott.” Kaz pointed at the person that he named while you began to gently run your hand through his short hair. “W-what are you talking about?” Scott asked. “Terrible lairs.” Kaz said, eyes shifting to you. “Terrible.” You nodded. “Their hearts are hammering.” Kaz teased but when he looked back at them both his eyes glowing a bright yellow. “You're a werewolf!?” Stiles asked. “You haven’t figured out that half the Hale family were?” Kaz asked. “What!?” Stiles asked. “Looks like you're going to have to take it from the top.” You sighed as Kaz settled in to tell them everything that he knew.
It had been 3 years since Scott had been turned, he was now an Alpha but not through bloodshed instead through pure will power. Kaz had since met his father and still wanted very little to do with him, even less when he found out about his sister, someone that was only a few months younger than him. You had no time to dwell on the family links that had yet to be made but you stayed close friends with Kaz which was probably how you ended up being kidnapped. With Kaz’s name having just appeared on the Dead pool someone must have seen you as the ticket to getting to him.
You don’t even know where you are, you just know that it smelled musty and the man in front of you was terrifying, he had a large hunting knife in his hand you had a feeling that he was about to use it. “Let’s hurry this along shall we?” He asked as he crouched in front of you, the knife plunged into your stomach, you screamed out in pain as he got up and walked over to the table picking up your phone, he used your finger to unlock your phone before filming a video and sending it to Kaz. “With any luck you will see them before you die.” He wrapped his hand around the knife ripping it from your stomach “I doubt it though.” You watched as he carefully stepped over something on his way out of the room, a trip wire, making sure to keep that in the forefront of your mind.
You don’t know how much longer you wait before you hear the scuffling but as soon as you hear movement you start to talk about the trap, making your voice as loud as you could, which was only a mumble “trap by the door, step over the wire.” You mumbled it on repeat and luckily it seemed Kaz was in tune with you in more ways than one, his hand shooting out to stop Scott from stepping any closer to you. “She warned us of something.” He said as he looked down at the floor catching sight of the wire there. “Careful.” He ordered as he stepped over the wire, careful to keep an eye out for anything else, finally getting to you and taking your hands in his face. “Hey there, you scared me, thought you weren’t going to let anything happen to you.” “Sorry.” You mumbled. “No need to be sorry we found you, so now all we need is to get you out of here.” Kaz said softly, you smiled. “We both know that’s not true.” You said softly. “I know I’m dying.” “No.” Kaz argued “do you remember what you said to me when we talked about dying?” “Mmm.” You hummed. “What did you say?” He asked. “I choose life even if it means that I’m not human anymore.” You answered. “Are you sure?” Scott asked. “I’m sure.” You answered.
Choosing to live at the time seemed like a good choice but now that it was time to tell your Dad what you had done to do so you honestly worried that it was push him over the edge, after everything that had happened with Stiles you were concerned that he’d hate you for this, you’d never be able to walk away from this life. “I can tell him it was my fault if you want, he’d believe it.” Kaz said from where he was sitting. “No I won’t lie to him.” You answered. “See that confidence that’s what you need to go there with, trust me it’s going to be fine your Dad loves you, but you always have me, we can go anywhere we want if this doesn’t go the way that you want it to.” Kaz promised you. “Thanks Kaz.” You smiled, you walked into your Dad’s office and swallowed as he looked up at you smiling. “Hey (Y/N/N) what are you doing here?” He asked. “I have to talk to you about something.” You said, he nodded, taking off his glasses and giving you his full attention. “Do you remember back when I got kidnapped and Scott and Kaz found me?” “Yes.” He answered, he seemed stiff at the memory of it. “Well something happened, something that I think that I should tell you about, I understand that you might not see me the same as you had before but I can’t keep it a secret, that will just make it worse.” You took a deep breath. “I was stabbed when I was taken and I was about to die, I told Scott to bite me, I didn’t want to die and there was a way to stop it, I just… I wasn’t…” “Ready?” He asked. “Mmm.” You hummed. “It’s okay.” He promised as you looked at him. “R-really?” You asked. “Things are going to be different, you will be but you are still my daughter and I will love you all the same.” He promised. “Really?” You asked. “Of course.” He answered. “Oh thank god, I was looking for the cheapest place to run off to with Kaz.” You sighed. “You and your brother are always so dramatic.” Your Dad teased as he pulled you into a hug. “You will always be my little (Y/N/N).” He promised, your eyes caught Kaz’s through the window and he smiled simply mouthing ‘I told you.’ from his reclined position on one of the seats outside.
Requests and general question!
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