#Technically me and my ERP therapist are trying to figure out how to save me from s/p/n hell but until then
castielmacleod · 2 years
You are such a King like that, putting all the controversial opinions on the table right after another. I just love it.
YELL. Thank you lol. Being literally clinically obsessed (I have OCD 😭) with a show that I just fucking despise like right down to the very core of it is really an indescribable experience. I cannot stress this enough that soupy natural is a show I would never talk about or think about ever beyond “oh god, remember that? Wow lmao. Anyway” if I was not the bearer of the curse but alas. I’ve never hated and disagreed with a show this much yet loved a handful of its characters this fiercely. I actually don’t think I’ve loved a fictional character as much as Crowley Supernatural in my entire life, which is just dismal. I truly do sometimes feel like I should be wearing a white towel robe in a facility somewhere but lieu of that I login here and post my unhinged takes.
So I AM glad that other people get a kick out of this poor sweet blog because it does make saying things here feel more purposeful in a way. I mean truthfully this place is most like a personal journal to me, I’m not desperate to have my posts blow up tf or anything, I would make all the same posts if I had no followers at all. But knowing other human beings vibe with some of what I ramble on about is always nice. ESPECIALLY the fringe takes, because having a fringe take on spnbIr is like Munchausen by proxy level shit lol Big DestieI starts acting like you have Symptoms. Yeah it’s the fuckin veldt out here genuinely. So like I said, I’m glad!
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