#Teasin' Tina
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nocternalrandomness · 8 months ago
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"Teasin' Tina"
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meatymidnightmultiverse · 2 years ago
Never pegged Tina for the teasing type
Not that I mind >:)
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"Teasin', flirtin', ah'm a gal with several tools an' ah'm not 'fraid t' use 'em t' help brighten a cutie's day up~"
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i-choose-the-danger · 4 years ago
Giggly Magizoologists and Where to Tickle Them
I know, It’s been a whiiiile... I hope everyone’s been staying safe and healthy through this pandemic, wherever you are. <3 It’s December 6th, the day Newt Scamander came to New York City, so I guess it’s fitting that I post a Fantastic Beasts fic. I adore Newt so so much. 😊 This one takes place at about the end of the first film. Jacob’s been obliviated, but I feel like Newt may have had to wait a few days for the next ship bound for England to arrive in New York. Tina and Queenie wouldn’t let him roam around the city alone (and I don’t think Madam Picquery would allow it, to be honest) so he’s staying in their apartment until he can go back home. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. Stay safe out there, y’all!
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“Newt? You still down there?” Queenie called into the open suitcase that rested on the floor in the corner of her living room.
“Yes, I’m here.” Newt had been inside his case since the morning and the sun was already setting behind the Manhattan skyline. He had been working closely with new creatures, helping them get acclimated to their new environments while he studied them. Newt was currently sitting at the small table in the corner of his shed, concentrating on heavily detailed observations and ideas he was scribbling into his notebook. His head snapped up from his work when he heard Queenie’s heels tapping down the steps behind him.
“You’ve been down here all day, honey. You haven’t even eaten at all.” She held up a plate of stew in her hand and smiled. “I thought I’d bring ya a little somethin’.”
“You didn’t have to go to any trouble.” The scent of the stew Queenie had made finally hit Newt’s nose, and his mouth instantly started to water. And then his stomach growled so loudly that both of them heard it. He grinned sheepishly at the sound, raking a hand through his unruly hair. “Now that you mention it, I am feeling a bit peckish.” He accepted the plate from Queenie and set it on the table. “Wow,” he uttered to himself.
“Aww, it’s nothin’. I usually cook to clear my head and I went a little overboard.” A sudden movement in Newt’s vest caught Queenie’s attention. She sat down on the other chair beside his work table. “The light in here must be playin’ tricks on my eyes.” She closed her eyes tightly and then blinked a few times before looking back at Newt. “I thought your pocket just moved.”
“That’s Pickett. He’s probably just restless.” Newt stuck a forkful of food in his mouth. His eyes closed as the flavor took over his senses. “Mmm…” He looked up and flashed Queenie a very brief half-smile before taking another bite of his food.
“Pickett, huh?” The witch set an elbow on the small table, leaning her cheek against her fist. “Is that another one of those… what did you call ‘em? Nifflers?”
“Oh, no.” Newt could feel his eyelids becoming too heavy to stay open for much longer and decided it best to work on his notes after he’d rested. Newt closed the small book and slid it to the back of the table, patting it once with his palm before letting it go. “He’s my bowtruckle.” A giggle from Queenie caused him to shift uncomfortably while he continued eating.
“Bowtruckle. Your creatures have such funny little names. He sounds cute.”
“Would you… would you like to meet him?” Another forkful of food found its way to his mouth. Newt couldn’t remember a time when he had been this hungry. And Queenie had made what he thought was the best meal he’d ever eaten.
“Oh, I’d love to see the little guy!” Queenie exclaimed with a small enthusiastic clap. She smiled proudly, hearing Newt praise her culinary skills in his mind while he ate. “Goodness, honey, if I knew you’d like my cookin’ this much, I woulda made extra.”
“I’m not used to this. This sort of thing.” Newt gestured to the nearly empty plate in front of him. “Home-cooked meals, I mean.” He put his head down with a tight-lipped smile, untamed curls falling down over his eyes. “Pickett, come on out. I want you to meet someone.” Two small leaves poked out of Newt’s vest pocket, followed by two tiny dark eyes, and then followed by tiny thin green digits on either side. Newt’s voice was soft as he attempted to coax the small creature out from hiding. “Don’t be shy. She won’t hurt you. It’s alright.”
“Oh my.” Queenie now had both elbows on the table, her chin resting on both fists. Taking a cue from Newt’s actions, she kept her voice soft and two steps above a whisper. “Peek-a-boo.” The bowtruckle ducked back down into the wizard’s pocket, very slowly peering out again a second later to glance at Queenie. “I see you,” she cooed in a quiet sing-song voice. She could have sworn she heard the creature chirp out a giggle in reply.
“Well now you’re just acting up for attention,” Newt scolded the creature.  He held his left index finger just above his vest pocket, waiting for Pickett to grab a hold of it. Once the bowtruckle’s tiny fingers gripped onto it, Newt calmly lifted the creature from the pocket and safely lowered him onto the table.
“Aww, look at him! Ain’t he the cutest thing?” Queenie was completely smitten. She watched intently as Pickett sniffed at the air. The bowtruckle’s little root-like legs clicked as he trotted around the table. He looked at Newt’s plate, up to Newt, and then back to the plate. “Is he hungry too? I don’t even know what he eats.”
“I… I’ve… never given him my food before.” Newt squinted. He sucked his lips inward and bit down on them while he wondered. With delicate precision, he poked a single corn kernel onto one of the tines of his fork and studied it. After careful consideration, he offered it out towards Pickett. The bowtruckle sniffed at the kernel and stole a lick before backing away. Two seconds later, it snatched the kernel right off of Newt’s fork and proceeded to greedily chomp at it. “Pickett! That’s no way to eat in front of a lady!” He could feel his cheeks getting warmer from embarrassment. His eyes looked to Queenie several times before he spoke again. “I’m so sorry. I raised him better than that.”
“You got nothin’ to apologize for. I take it as a compliment.” She knew that Newt was embarrassed, and she found it quite endearing. No wonder Teenie adores you, she thought.
“Alright, Pickett. Miss Goldstein brought that food down here. What should you say to her?” Newt leaned over and brought his face down to Pickett’s eye level. “Hold out your hand on the table, like this, and stay still,” he instructed Queenie as he opened his own hand and laid it palm-up on the table’s edge. His bright green eyes squinted at Pickett, accompanied by a tight-lipped smile. Newt nodded his head toward Queenie’s open hand as he removed his own from the table.
Pickett looked back and forth between the witch and wizard a few times. His little twig-like hands rubbed over each other in an attempt to calm himself. Hesitantly, he took a few steps in Queenie’s direction. He knew that Newt would never tell him to or let him go near another person if it were unsafe, even though it took quite a few days to forgive him for the Gnarlak incident. Pickett now stood next to Queenie’s hand. He reached out his own and touched his little fingers to her palm. It felt warm. He looked back at Newt, who gave him an encouraging nod. This would be a big step, both figuratively and literally, for the bowtruckle. After a few deep breaths, he climbed onto Queenie’s palm and squeaked out what sounded like a thank you, following it with a short smile.
“Oh, you’re just adorable!” Queenie gushed. She kept Pickett cradled in her left hand and let him lay back against her fingers. Instinctively, she reached her other hand out to him and let a finger delicately brush over his leaves. “You’ve been hangin’ in that stuffy little pocket all day, huh? I’m gonna have to teach you two to get out more.”
“I’ve never seen him this trusting with anyone else so quickly before,” Newt said, ignoring Queenie’s last comment. He reached across the table for his notebook. Holding his quill in his teeth, he flipped through the pages and then quickly scribbled some notes on the first blank page he could find. Newt’s hand paused its writing. He glanced sideways at Queenie and then stared at the space in front of himself. “You’re not, I mean you can’t…” Newt couldn’t think of a proper way to word his question. He decided to simply let out the first words that came to mind. He looked at her again with wide eyes. “Are you able to read his thoughts?”
“Oh boy, I have enough of a time trying to understand people’s thoughts and memories.” Queenie blew out a heavy puff of breath. “I don’t know what I’d do if I started picking up squeaks and growls from other creatures.” She playfully scratched at Pickett’s stomach with her index finger. Her lips stretched into a wide smile hearing squeaky giggles escape him. “Who’s a cute widdle bowtwuckle?” she cooed. She scratched at his stomach again, relishing in Pickett’s continued giggling as he curled in on himself. A second later, the bowtruckle grabbed Queenie’s finger and let out a high-pitched squeal.
“Uh oh, now you’ve done it,” Newt said with an amused chuckle. The wizard shook his head, aware of what was going to happen and finding himself not wanting to warn Queenie.
“Uh oh? What’d I do?” Queenie froze as if she’d been hit by a petrificus totalis spell. “I didn’t hurt him or upset him, did I?”
“No, no. You did nothing wrong.” Newt couldn’t hide the knowing grin that slowly spread across his features even though he had lowered his head. He kept his eyes on the bowtruckle and silently waited.
“What’s wrong, little one? You ain’t upset, are you? I was only teasin’.” Pickett pushed himself up to stand, giggle-squeaking to himself while walking onto Queenie’s forearm. “Where’s he goin’?” She looked to Newt, whose eyes were still transfixed on the bowtruckle. They both watched Pickett hop off of her arm and land on her lap. He was so light that Queenie didn’t even feel him until he walked up to her waist. A second later, he ducked under Queenie’s open cardigan and started to spider his tiny fingers across her side as she had done to him. “Eek! Hehehehey! What’s he doohooin’?!”
“It’s just… It’s a game he likes to play.” Newt could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks, although he wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment or from the awkwardness he felt over Queenie’s current situation. “Many creatures bond like that. With touch, you see.” He shifted again on his chair as Queenie continued to giggle. “I suppose it’s not too different from parents bonding with their children or siblings when they play or how most species bond when they ma-” Newt mentally kicked himself for rambling into such an awkward topic before finishing his sentence. “Mate.” If every ounce of blood in his body hadn’t already gathered up into his face before, it definitely would have done so now.
“I’m honored thahahat he’s bonding wihihihith me, but EEK!” Pickett had scuttled up Queenie’s arm and was now hopping across her back. Every little step the bowtruckle made was another ticklish poke that sent Queenie into a fit. “How do you turhurhurn him off?” She was now scrunching her shoulders and her nose while Pickett continued sweeping his leaves over her neck.
“I would just have to ask him nicely,” Newt mumbled, looking anywhere but at Queenie while she continued to laugh.
“Pickett, you’ve had your fun. Come down, now, please.” Almost immediately, the bowtruckle popped out from under Queenie’s strawberry blond curls, scampered down her arm and hopped onto the table. Newt watched him nearly trip over his little rooted legs to get back to the plate in search of more corn kernels. The wizard found himself quite thankful that Pickett had never been that bold when they had first bonded. All of a sudden, Newt recalled memories from childhood. His brother Theseus used to be annoyingly skilled at finding his ticklish spots and he hated it. Or maybe he just hated Theseus. Or both. The very thought made him cringe involuntarily.
“Newt Scamander, I am shocked. You coulda stopped him a whole lot sooner. Or warned me. Shame on you.” She was only teasing the wizard of course. Queenie went quiet, still rubbing her palms against her neck. She listened. She heard. And then she got a wonderfully mischievous idea. “Hey, Pickett? You wanna know a secret, sweetie?” The creature immediately stopped licking sauce from Newt’s plate and looked up at her with wide eyes. His little feet clicked against the table again as he skittered closer to her. Queenie held out her hand and let him step onto her palm. As she lifted Pickett close to her face and cupped her other hand around her mouth to whisper, she locked eyes with a very suspicious Newt. “Excuse us,” she said with a touch of dramatic flair. Queenie turned her back to the wizard, cupping her hand around her mouth once more. Pickett leaned in close to her, eyes wide with anticipation. Purposely making sure that her voice was just loud enough for Newt to hear, she whispered, “Newt absolutely loves tickles.”
“What?!” Newt felt the pit of his stomach freeze over. “That’s not a secret!” His lisp became more prominent in his poorly-masked panic.
“Well, not anymore it’s not, silly,” Queenie scoffed. She set Pickett back down on the table. “Go get him.” She put the back of a hand to her mouth to stifle a laugh, watching Pickett skitter across the table with his twiggy arms waving as he squeaked what sounded like a maniacal battle cry.
“That is not what I meant! That’s not true at all.” Newt looked down at the table and saw a blur of green heading straight for him. “Pickett, don’t you dare. Stop.”
“You heard him. Don’t you dare stop.” Queenie sat back in her chair, settling with her arms crossed over her chest.
“No no no no no no no.” Newt tried to catch Pickett before he ran to the end of the table, but the nimble creature was too fast. Pickett dodged the wizard’s hand and used it as a makeshift springboard to launch himself at his target. If Newt wasn’t legitimately panicked, he would have found the sight of a flailing bowtruckle flying toward his face quite amusing. Pickett landed spread-eagle under Newt’s chin with a splat. A second later, Pickett scrunched his arms together and slid straight down inside Newt’s button-down shirt. Again, the wizard’s hand was too late, patting over the shirt collar where the top two buttons were left undone. “Pickett. Pickett, that’s enough of your shenanigans now.” Newt had spoken sternly in hopes of avoiding an embarrassing scene. Those hopes were promptly destroyed. “Now come out of theheheherere. No!” Newt immediately ducked his head down and scrunched his nose, trying not to laugh in front of Queenie. Between Pickett’s tiny fingers spidering around Newt’s abdomen, his feet tapping against Newt’s stomach every time he moved, and his leaves constantly sweeping across Newt’s skin, the poor man was quickly being pushed to his limit.  
“Aww, come on, honey.” The witch craned her head to one side to see Newt’s face. “Just let it out. I won’t judge.”
“Mm-mm!” In his efforts to suppress his laughter, Newt ended up snorting instead. He had never been the type of person to allow much intimate physical contact aside from the occasional hug from Theseus, which he only allowed because they were inescapable. Due to this, Newt had no idea that he was still so sensitive to touch. It was almost unbearable trying to keep from moving and hold in his laughter while the ticklish sensations were becoming more intense. A yelp escaped him as Pickett’s fingers poked around his upper ribs. Newt gripped the table edge with both hands and pushed his chair back, huffing air out through his nose every time he fought to suppress his laughter.  He could feel his resolve cracking apart with every sputter that snuck past his lips. As torturous as his predicament was, he had to be mindful to keep himself from batting his hands at the sensation and possibly hitting Pickett. A minute later, the wizard lost what composure he’d been hoarding. Newt was now giggling uncontrollably, twisting himself from side to side every time his little companion hopped around inside his now extremely crumpled shirt. He would be hiding away in embarrassment if he could focus on anything other than the havoc Pickett was wreaking across his abdomen. “Pickehehehett! Please!”
“If Tina could see how adorable you are right now…” Queenie was beaming, her smile wide as she bounced in her chair.  “She’d get a kick outta you lookin’ all happy.”
“Ahahabsolutely not!” Newt still had a white-knuckled grip on the table. “This doesn’t leave this ro-AHAHAHA PICKETT!” The little beast had switched tactics and started blowing miniature raspberries around Newt’s navel and the poor wizard was losing the last few threads of his sanity. Pickett kept inching dangerously close to Newt’s worst spots as his little fingers continued to knead around the wizard’s abdomen. Please don’t go near my sides, he thought. And then he remembered that he was sitting across from an extremely gifted Legilimens. Oh no. Don’t think. Don’t think. His efforts to clear his mind were futile. It was too late.
“Pickett, sweetie, I think you’re neglectin’ his sides.” Queenie’s eyebrows twitched upward at the sound of a very tiny but very evil-sounding muffled laugh that came from inside Newt’s shirt. A second later, Newt flinched and his laughter went up in pitch. “I could stop givin’ the little guy ideas if you’d take my sister out before you head back home.” Queenie waited.
“If… ihihihihif I what?” Newt snorted again amid his giggles.
“You heard me. Jacob couldn’t hear your thoughts but even he could see you’re both crazy for each other. Tina won’t say anything about it though, because it’s ‘not proper’.” Queenie rolled her eyes.
“You don’t know what y- AAH!” Newt’s words disintegrated into an avalanche of giggles, snorts, squeals, and chuckles.
“Wooooow.” Queenie shook her head in disbelief. “I think you might be worse than Tina.” At that moment, Newt’s body jerked so violently that he almost fell off his chair. “Yeah, definitely worse.”
“Queeheenie, pleaheeheese.” One of Newt’s hands was still firmly clamped onto the table’s edge, knuckles paling, as his other balled into a fist and pounded down onto the table. When Pickett had shifted over to his side, Newt had taken the opportunity to practically fold himself in half by pressing his chest down against his lap in hopes of preventing another attack on his abdomen. Newt was overheated to the point of sweating. He could have sworn that his lungs were on fire every time he tried to take in a breath. He thought that he would be able to hold out just a bit longer… and then Pickett’s little fingers skittered underneath his arm. Newt let out a sound that could have been confused for a thunderbird screech. “Alright, I’ll do it!” he squeaked.
“Come on out, little guy. I think poor Newt needs a break.” Queenie did feel a little guilty about what just happened, but she was able to sense that the wizard was far from upset and - even though he would never admit it – thankful for a little harmless fun.
Newt lifted his head and took in a huge gulp of air as soon as Pickett stilled. The bowtruckle carefully shimmied back up Newt’s shirt and hopped out from the collar. With what strength Newt had left, he brought Pickett back to the table before collapsing his head into his folded arms at the table’s edge.  
“Merlin’s beard,” he mumbled into his sleeve, still panting. Newt continued to rest his head there until he could control his breathing. “You are a very naughty little bugger.” Very slowly, a now messy mop of hair lifted, and Newt’s bright green eyes peeked out from underneath it. Pickett was resting against his arm, staring at him ever so sweetly with his leafy head tilted to one side. “Now that look doesn’t fool me for a minute.” The small bowtruckle hugged Newt’s arm and nuzzled against it, making a soft cooing sound. “You’re lucky that I’m very forgiving,” Newt told him quietly. The wizard gently patted Pickett’s back with two fingers. “You might be a little harder to forgive,” he directed at Queenie, even though both of them knew he wasn’t the least bit serious.
“Say what you want, but you look a bit more relaxed and you’re still smilin’.” Queenie grinned down at Pickett, who had scuttled back over to her for some belly rubs. She kept her touch very gentle so as not to incite another attack.
“Anybody down there?” a voice called from above.
“Yeah! In here, Teenie!” Queenie called to her sister. She gave an innocent grin to Newt, who looked quite mortified at her reply.
“I was starting to think you guys left or somethin’ until l saw the case.” Tina carefully descended the narrow staircase into the shed. Her brow furrowed when she noticed Pickett sitting in her sister’s hand.
“Oh. Newt hadn’t been upstairs all day and I thought he might’ve been hungry. I brought down some food and this little guy warmed up to me enough to say hi!” Queenie grinned and held up her hand to showcase Pickett. “He’s adorable when he comes out of hiding,” she added, referring to more than just the bowtruckle.
“Well, uh, congratulations?” Tina walked towards the table for a closer look when Newt’s eyes caught her gaze. He was still resting his head in the crook of one arm on the table and his freckled cheeks were still quite flushed. “Are you alright? You look exhausted.” Tina put a hand on Newt’s shoulder and looked him over. “And overheated.”
“Yes, yes. I’m fine.” Newt immediately sat up straight when he took note of the concern on Tina’s face and how she was gripping his shoulder. He looked away, blinking his eyes open wide a few times to make himself more alert. “Queenie had just convinced me to come upstairs and rest for a bit. I’ll be right up.”
“Good. I’ll see you both up there.” Tina slowly trailed her hand off Newt’s shoulder, awkwardly jerking it away when she realized she’d been holding it. Noticing Queenie’s smile, she told her in her thoughts to be quiet as she hurried to the steps to retreat from a potentially awkward situation.
“Here you go, sweetheart,” Queenie whispered to Pickett, setting him back down on the table as she stood. She leaned over Newt, her hand on his back for balance as she grabbed his empty plate.  “Now don’t let me come back down here and find you sleepin’,” she scolded Newt playfully when he rested his head back on the table, scribbling her nails over the wizard’s shoulder blade. A whine escaped him and he instantly crashed his shoulder into his ear, causing Queenie to laugh to herself. Pointing to Pickett, she added, “You keep an eye on him,” before heading to the set of steps leading out of the suitcase to follow her sister. The bowtruckle straightened and chirped in reply.
“It seems to be hard for him to wind down. I worry about him,” Tina’s voice carried down from the top of the steps.
“Hmmm,” Newt hummed to himself. He wrapped his arms into a tighter embrace under his head and nuzzled into them with a contented smile. Pickett squealed and repeatedly swatted at Newt’s elbow. “Alright, alright. I’m going.” He lifted the small bowtruckle onto his shoulder before standing from the chair to stretch his now extremely tired muscles.
“Don’t you worry, Teenie. I think there’s a way you can help him with that,” Queenie’s voice echoed from upstairs.
Newt’s eyes went wide as saucers. He scrambled over to and up the ladder so quickly that Pickett nearly flew off of his shoulder.
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unknownauthor · 6 years ago
Never Been Kissed
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warnings: flirting, first kisses, jealousy
Summary: during a game of truth and dare you admit you’ve never been kissed before. Billy is determined to be your first
A/N: my current lust for this man knows no bounds
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The teasing was relentless.
Two weeks ago I went to Tina’s ‘Christmas Party’, which was pretty much just everyone getting hammered and playing spin the bottle or truth or dare. When it had come to my turn, being the chicken that I am, I said truth.
“Have you ever been kissed?” I could have lunged at Nancy. The look on her face, the inebriated smugness made me even more uncomfortable with the line of questioning. But I couldn’t back out of it, and so in front of everyone playing I said;
“No. I’ve never been kissed.” Audible gasps of shock and surprise surrounded the circle. I was sure nancy would apologize in the morning, and she did, but it still ended up being the worst mistake ever.
“I can help you with that.” My head popped up and my eyes locked with Billy Hargrove’s. He stared at me with a hunger I had never seen on any guys face. At least not directed at me anyway. I tried to laugh it off, but I could still feel his gaze on me.
In the hall on monday it started. He tried to walk me to class or sit by me at lunch. He would try and touch me or stare at me too long, ask me if he could be my first. As the week dragged I became anxious, I wasn’t sure what I wanted and the pressure I felt to cave in began to weigh on me. More people became aware of what happened and the teasing had become non stop.
“Hey Y/N! You can always take yourself to the prom!”
“Hargrove is hilarious. She’s definitely not his type.”
“She’s such a freak I wouldn’t doubt she’s never been kissed.”
And that’s how I got here.
I look around myself, making sure the hallway is clear before I try and scuttle off to my class. I’m halfway down the hall when I’m blocked by a large and solid form. I look up anxiously, maybe if I just let him get it over with he’ll let me go to class quicker. Billy smiles down at me, a tooth pick dangling out of his mouth. It’s a pleasant change from the cigarettes he usually has, though I can still smell them on him.
“Where ya goin’ cutie?” I roll my eyes and try to push past him, he places a light and gentle hand on my shoulder, not blocking me, but slowing my movement. “You thought about my proposal yet?”
“Let me go Billy.”
“Have you?” I push past him, keeping my head down and my books close to my chest. I stop a few feet away, irritation reaching its peak and I turn to see him still watching me.
“Stop making fun of me.” I demand. His expression doesn’t change. “I don’t need your help or any one else’s. What I need, is to get out of this fucking town and away from people like you.” that takes him by surprise, I see shock cross his face quickly. “Poor Y/N, lets invite her out so we can make fun of her and pick on her. She’s such a loser. I’ve had it. Leave me alone!” I can feel tears pressing at the back of my eyes. Not tears of saddness, tears of frustration and hatred. Hatred of myself and everyone around me. I run away before he can say another word to me.
I avoid study hall today. Billy and I hadn’t been the only ones in the hallway and by sixth period everyone knew about my outburst. I didn’t want to deal with the murmurs and whispers of everyone else. I really did want to be left alone.
I sit in the courtyard, ‘The Hobbit’ open in my lap, back pressed against the concrete bench im sitting beside. I don’t even hear him sit down. But I do feel the tap on my shoulder.
“What did I say about leave me alone.” I ask him annoyed. I can feel the heat radiating off of his body and when I look up his face is mere inches from my own. “B….Billy.”
He doesn’t say anything. I watch as his hand comes up and his thumb brushes over my lips, and then his fingers knot into my hair and I feel myself being pulled forward, slowly. My eyes flutter closed as he brings me closer.
His lips are soft and warm as they press gently against mine. It’s an awkward position, I’m leaning to the side, my hands still holding my book and his hands are on my face and in my hair. But it feels nice. It feels better than anything I could have ever imagined it would. When he pulls away my eyes open slowly, he’s still staring at me, a look almost akin to awe on his face.
“I wasn’t teasin’ you. I really did want to be your first kiss.” he traces his fingers over my lips and then kisses me once more, quickly and chastely. “You’re beautiful.” he whispers to me. Before I can even question my own bewilderment he stands up and walks away, leaving me confused and filled with butterflies.
Part 2?
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attina-the-responsible · 6 years ago
Have You Mullet Over? I ~*~ [Atlanta]
In which Attina asks Alana an important question...[takes place on August 29]
[tw -- none]
Attina: "Hey, Alana! The place came together so well. Not that I'm surprised. However, it is cleaner than I expected." Cue nervous laughter.
Alana: "That's 'cuz Charlie's a neat freak." Beams. "But thank you!! I love decorating. D'you like that flower arrangement thingy? I fished it out of a bin at Whosits."
Attina: "I find that term offensive, just so you know." Laughs. "And you mean the vase? Yes, it's very grandma-chic."
Alana: "Very cozy. I just want everyone to be comfortable y'know. But also look cute."
Attina: "You're definitely on the right track. You should get some like--candles or plug-ins. Those will really tie it all together. Not to y'know make changes or whatever. Just a suggestion." Shrugs a little.
Alana: "Oh yeah plug ins would be nice. I'm thinking of getting a nice incense burner too."
Attina: "I mean incense burners are--nevermind, you know what. Do whatever you think is best. It's your house." A pause, then, more genuinely. "I'm real proud of you, Alana. And don't forget that Andrina and I are right down the hall if you ever need anything."
Alana: "Thank you!" Little smile with a wiggle. "It does make it easier that you're right there. I like having the two of you close."
Attina: "We all know that's the only reason Daddy allowed it in the first place. Especially because you're living with boys. So scandalous."
Alana: "Pretty sure they both have boyfriends, Teen." Playful eyeroll.
Attina: "We all know that doesn't mean anything to Daddy, but I'm glad you're a modern woman. Maybe it bodes well for whenever Percy and I decide to move in." Smooth segue, Teens. A+.
Alana: Eyebrow raise. "Wow already thinking about cohabitation. Now that's scandalous."
Attina: "Hardly, Alana. We've been dating for almost a year. Well, technically more than a year if you add up last year with this time 'round."
Alana: "I don't think I'd ever move in -in with someone. I'm horrible at sharing a bed."
Attina: "Yeah, nothing about that statement surprises me. I like it, though. It's nice to have someone there at night. Comforting." Shrugs a little.
Alana: "Sometimes I kick 'em to the floor." Laugh.
Attina: "Wow, really? I could never do that, that's so mean!"
Alana: "I like the space!"
Attina: "Then why let them stay over? Isn't that weird? I'd never let a strange person stay in my house." Shudders.
Alana: "No, I kick 'em out of their beds."
Attina: "Wow, power move. Still weird, though. I know Percy and sometimes he still freaks me out when he comes around the corner like 'Ah! Who is this strange man in a towel in my house?!'"
Alana: "Does he use proper shampoo and conditioner? 'cuz so many blokes I know just use that three-in-one shit and honestly it wounds me."
Attina: "Have you seen his hair? 'Course he uses shampoo and conditioner. Product too, but not that gross gel shit. I keep telling him to buy your stuff, but he keeps joking that you're gonna turn him blond."
Alana: "I am truly offended!" It is only mock offense, but she presses a hand to her chest. "We're basically bros. I killed him!"
Attina: Snorts. "Ugh, don't remind me. That whole universe was such a disaster."
Alana: "I got over it because I died for real."
Attina: "You didn't die for real. You fake died--for real. I don't know, I try not to think about that shit for long, it gives me a headache. Hey--he was a Slytherin just like you in this new universe. Maybe you have more in common than you think." Waves a spoon at her because I imagine they're eating something I don't know.
Alana: "Oh yeah we were mates in this one. I was annoying though and I hate myself for it. I like him, dunno why you keep pushin' it. You're very astrologically compatible."
Attina: "Aw, you weren't so bad. Kind of reminded me of me--so watch it...Do you? Like him, that is? Like--like-like him? I mean...not like-like him but--just...as a person? Like...outside of being my boyfriend?"
Alana: "Yeah he's cool. For a boy."
Attina: "For a boy? What's that mean?"
Alana: "I'm just teasin' relax! I just mean it like -- well we're all tightknit sisters and the only men around are like... Daddy and Benjamin, so boys just have to work extra hard to be "in the know." Yeah?"
Attina: "Yeah, that's very true." Pause. "So...how do you feel about him...being in the know?"
Alana: "Like...in the know know?"
Attina: "Yeah, like--" leans in a little "--about us."
Alana: Pause. Shift. "I mean...it's like I said before, Tina. I'm still a little -- shaken, I guess. From the last time. But I do trust you. And if you trust him, then...I trust you. Just make sure  you're prepared for what happens if it all doesn't work, yeah? Not that I think it won't work out. But it's good to expect the worst, I think."
Attina: "Yeah, I mean--I understand. I just...don't want to think about worse case because...well, that's kind of how I got myself into that mess in the first place, you know? I'm--trying to be positive." Gets a little choked up. "And I really think he loves me, Alana. Like--really loves me. Like move in and get married and have babies loves me."
Alana: "That's...fair -- I'm happy for you. I am. I love you very much, okay, and if this is the bloke for you then -- I trust you. And I trust that you will make good decisions for all of us." Pause. Small giggle. "And at least this one doesn't have a psycho ex."
Attina: Giggles too. "God, she was psychotic wasn't she?! I almost feel a bit bad for, Paul. I think she cursed him before I ever did." Shudders, then grows more serious. "Thank you, Alana. It means a lot that you still trust me after...everything I did. I promise, I'm trying to grow. But, he makes me really happy and I want to be able to share everything with him. And I want you all to be comfortable with him and love him too, eventually."
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